The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution. Origins 1800’s England Began on farms after hundreds of years of no change Inventions made life easier and increased

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The Industrial Revolution


1800’s England Began on farms after hundreds of

years of no change Inventions made life easier and

increased productivity More food=better diet= ________ Because of inventions less farmers

were needed so people moved to cities

Contributing Factors

New Technology New sources of energy & materials allowed

people to change how work was done Cottage industry vs Factory System

Factory System Concentrates production in one place (materials,

machines, labor) Located near sources of power such as ________ Only 10% of English industry in 1850

The Factory System

Working Conditions: Rigid schedule 12-16 hour day Dangerous conditions Monotonous

Textile Factory Workers in England

Factory Workers at Home

Movement of Goods

Steam Engine Created by


Movement of goods

Bessemer Process:____________________ (give notes answer and also look up answer on the internet and provide some specifics on process)______________________________

_____________________________________ People now needed a way to move goods

Movement of Goods

Creation of canals Look up what a canal

is on internet: ____________________________________

Road surfaces made of crushed stone

Movement of Goods

George Stephenson Invented the first

__________________ powered locomotive

“The Rocket”

Later Locomotives

Movement of Goods

Robert Fulton First steam powered

ship engine “The Clermont” What did he do with

it? (internet) ______________________________________________________

American Inventors

Thomas Edison: Invented the _________ & _____________

The Wright Brothers: Flew the first airplane (1903)

American Inventors

Henry Ford: created a low cost car using the Assembly Line: __________________________ Beginning of mass production

American Inventors

• Eli Whitney: What did he do? __________________________________________________________________________________________

Which of Eli Whitney’s inventions is this? What did it do?___________________________________________________________________________

Spread of the Revolution

1850 Europe Northeast France, slower because _____________ Germany Northern Italy

1860s United States After Civil War

In Asia, ______________ was the first to industrialize.

Effects of Industrialization

Population explosion: tripled because of ____________________________________

Caused many problems in cities 1. Over population 2. Poor living

conditions 3. No _____________ Staffordshire, England


• People began to resist the machines that took their jobs – Smashed & burned machines

• People who opposed machines were called Luddites – Ned Ludd: destroyed machines in 1780s

• Why? _______________________________________

• Governments answered back– Forbid workers to organize or strike


• Labor Unions: Created to protect _______________________.– People would eventually win the right to organize – Unions would bargain for:

• Better wages• Working hours• Better working conditions

Effects of Protest

Factory Acts: No children under

_____________ & children could only work _______________

No women & children under 10 could work in mines

As wages increased, children no longer had to work: Why? __________________________________________________________________Worker housing in Manchester

Industrialization 1850

Industrialization & Economics

• Laissez-Faire economics– Government should not interfere with the free

operation of the economy – Free-market would produce more goods at a

lower cost – Define: Free Market: _______________________

(Use interent)

Financial Growth • New technology required investment of large

amounts of money– Stocks or shares of a company were sold to

acquire money • Each stockholder owned a small part of the company

Financial Growth

As business grew corporations were formed Corporation: a business owned by a number

of investors Formed monopolies: huge corporations that

controlled an entire industry IE: Standard Oil Company, John Rockefeller

Why are monopolies bad for capitalist economies?


• Condemned capitalism – believed it created a gap between the rich & poor

• Socialism: – Wanted to create a society for the benefit of all not

just the wealthy – No Laissez-Faire economics, they believed

government should be involved in ____________• In fact ________________ should control all business

activity in a given country, not ___________________• Definition: Socialism:

Marxism • 1848: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote the

Communist Manifesto• Communism: Classless society• Marxism:

– A form of socialism that sees class struggle as unavoidable – Revolution from the workers– History was a struggle between the “haves” and “have

nots” or proletariat – Goal: classless society. No owners/workers divide.

Everyone would be an owner and a worker.

HomeworkComplete on a separate sheet of papers

• 1. What caused people to leave agricultural life?• 2. Describe daily life of a factory worker. Was this life an

improvement over an agricultural lifestyle? • 3. Define: Labor Union• 4. What groups were aided by the factory acts? And how? • 5. What benefits does the middle class gain as a result of the

Industrial Revolution? • 6. What specific inventions came as a result of the industrial

Revolution? Pick the top three most important inventions and explain why.