The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter Tiziana Tambosso (Photonics Italy Chapter Chair) Pavia, May 21 st 2009

The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter · IEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics GFP – International Conference on Group IV Photonics IPRM

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Page 1: The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter · IEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics GFP – International Conference on Group IV Photonics IPRM

The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter

Tiziana Tambosso (Photonics Italy Chapter Chair)

Pavia, May 21st 2009

Page 2: The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter · IEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics GFP – International Conference on Group IV Photonics IPRM


A Brief History of the Photonics Society Photonics Italy Chapter HighlightsPhotonics Italy Chapter Best Practice


Page 3: The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter · IEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics GFP – International Conference on Group IV Photonics IPRM

The Photonics Society a brief history


1977 The Quantum Electronics Council (QEC) became the Quantum Electronics and Applications Society (QEAS)

1985 The name was changed in Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS). In that period, LEOS membership increased by more than 65 percent.

2007 LEOS Society celebrates is 30th Anniversary

30 March 2009 The name was changed in Photonics Society

Page 4: The IEEE-Photonics Society and the Photonics Italy Chapter · IEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics GFP – International Conference on Group IV Photonics IPRM

Facts about Photonics Society


Technology focus: photonics, lasers, optical devices, optical fibers, and associated lightwave technology and their applications in systems and subsystems in which quantum electronics devices are key elements.

~7,600 members in 160 countries, 76 Chapters.

Photonics Portal http://www.PhotonicsSociety.orgincludes tutorials and conference presentations

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Photonics Society Major Conferences


OFC/NFOEC – Optical Fiber Communications Conference/Nat. Fiber Optics Engineers Conf. - Cosponsored with IEEE ComSoc and OSACLEO/QELS – Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics & Laser Science - Cosponsored with OSA and APSCLEO Europe and CLEO Pacific RimLEOS Annual MeetingLEOS Summer and Winter TopicalsIEEE-LEOS Intern. Conf. on Optical MEMS and NanophotonicsGFP – International Conference on Group IV PhotonicsIPRM – International Conference on InP and Related MaterialsAVFOP – Avionics, Fiber Optics and Photonics Technology Conf.PVSC – IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf. - Cosponsored with IEEE ED SocietyWFOPC – Workshop on Fibers and Optical Passive Components

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Photonics Society Publications


Journal of Quantum ElectronicsPhotonics Technology LettersJournal of Selected Topics in QuantumElectronicsJournal of Lightwave TechnologiesPhotonics Journal (NEW)IEEE/OSA J-Optical Communications & Networking (NEW)Journal of Display Technology Photonics Newsletter

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Photonics Society Awards


Quantum ElectronicsEngineering AchievementWilliam StreiferAron KresselDistinguished ServiceDistinguished Lecturers (8)IEEE Photonics AwardJohn Tyndall Award (w/ OSA)Graduate Fellowships (12)Best JQE PaperStudent Paper Awards at LEOS Annual Mtg. and IPRM (6)Chapter Awards (5) (COTY, MInnovativeC, MImprovedC, LargestMembershipIncrease, SeniorMemberInitiative)Student Travel Grants (16)

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Benefits for membersKnowledge - Keep on the Cutting Edge of Technology

Free on-line access to all Society publications (PTL, JQE, JSTQE) and the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/DynWel.jsp)Society Newsletter - bimonthly plus on-line access.Society Membership Directory - free on-line access (http://www.ieee.org/leos/roster/) Low IEEE member rates on journals, conference registrations, books, videos, conference proceedings, standards and more.Subscription to IEEE Spectrum Magazine and The Institute.

Community - Networking with Technical Experts WorldwideOver 7,600 Society members and over 375,000 IEEE members in 160 countries around the world76 Society Chapters throughout the world.Attend top international Society-sponsored conferences and technical meetings at low member rates.

Profession - Advance Your Professional Success with the Prestige of Membership

Latest information on IEEE and Society career opportunities.Take advantage of opportunities to build leadership skillsTechnical and professional online courses

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Benefits for student and GOLD members

Reduced membership, journal subscription and conference fees.GOLD Program (Graduates of the Last Decade)Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship ProgramPhotonics Society Student Travel GrantsStudent ConcourseSociety Student Brach

FREE Microsoft Software is available to all IEEE Student Members including:Vista Business EditionVisual Studio Team SystemExpression Web DesignerProject 2007Visio 2007Windows Server 2003

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How do I join the Photonics Society?

IEEE + Society Membership Membership Prices Student Prices

Full Year(8/16 - 2/28)

Half Year(3/01 - 8/15)

Full Year(8/16 - 2/28)

Half Year(3/01 - 8/15)

Europe, Mid-East, Africa $167.00 $84.00 $38.00 $19.00



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Facts about Photonics Italy Chapter


Founded in 1997 by Prof. S.Donati (1° Chairman)Awards to the Italian Chapter: LEOS Most improved Chapter: 98-99, LEOS Most Innovative Chapter: 2002, COTY LEOS: 2001, COTY Region 8: 2002 and 2007, COTY LEOS: 2008Membership: 135 members (Lug 08) Organize and Technically Sponsor Workshops and ConferencesDistinguished Lecturers and National Conferences ProgrammeAwards IEEE Student Branch in Pavia University, formed on 2000

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COTY R8 2007


S. Donati (Italy Section Chair) receives the R8 COTY from the

hands of IEEE President Terman

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S. Pietralunga (LEOS IC Secretary) receives the LEOS COTY from the hands of LEOS President J. Marsh

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LEOS Newsletter (Feb09)


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Chapter Executive Committee


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The LEOS Italian Chapter web site content has been enriched with:

- a new menu “Job Opportunities”- a completely New Voting Procedure for

CEC Officers renewal and budget approval

- LEOS Society Events held in Italy were listed on the Chapter website in order to better publicize them among Italian members.

Chapter Website


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Lectures Programme


Adele Sassella (Universita' di Milano-Bicocca): "Microscopie a stilo: principi ed esempi applicativi", April 22, 2009 - Universita' di PaviaGiuseppe Gabetta (CESI Ricerche, Milano): "Celle solari all’Arseniuro di Gallio per uso spaziale e terrestre", April 08, 2009 - Università di PaviaRoberto Sabella (Manager Technology & Innovation ERICSSON ): "Nuove tecnologie verso una nuova generazione di Reti Ottiche", Dicember 15, 2008 - Sapienza Università di Roma Silvano Donati (Universita' di Pavia): "Coupling dynamics in semiconductor lasers and applications to self-mixing interferometry and chaotic cryptography", July 17, 2008 - Sapienza Univ. Roma Iam-Choon Khoo (Pennsylvania State University): "Nano-Dispersed Liquid Crystalline Structures for Tunable Sub-unity/negative Index Meta-Materials", June 10, 2008 - "Sapienza" Università di RomaLorenzo Pavesi (Universita' di Trento): "Silicon Photonics: Challenges and Future", May 27, 2008 - Università di Pavia Masaya Notomi (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan): "All-Optical Control of Photonics", January 18, 2008 - INOA-CNR Pozzuoli-Napoli

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Awards of the Chapter


Awards to support young students and researchers

- The Best PhD thesis Award continues to be appreciated by PhD graduating students, and one of them has been awarded by our Chapter in 2008. Two new awards were founded:

- Best LEOS Journal Paper Award recognizes distinguished papers published on LEOS Journals by young researchers in the field of Photonics/Optoelectronics.

- Distinguished Student Award recognizes distinguished students graduated cum laude with a Master thesis in the field of Photonics/Optoelectronics.

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Photonics Italy Chapter Best Practice


Organise International Workshops and Conferences

Develop a Cultural/Professional Program

Maintain good relationship with national industries

(promote active membership in Photonics IC ExCo)

Keep a good relationship with other Societies (AEIT,

SIOF, SPIE/OSA) and Universities

Maintain a good Web and E-mail contact with members

Promote student membership with prizes and awards