THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 4:05 PM Location: KV Library Activities will vary each day, but there will be physical challenges each day, so WEAR SNEAKERS and clothing you can MOVE in. You will earn points for each activity. You can earn points for attending Training Camp in your own Hunger Games themed costume ANY DAY or EVERY DAY. On Wednesday we will have a Fictional Food Party. You can earn additional points for contributing a Hunger Games themed party food (or rename a regular party snack with a themed name). You do not have to attend every day, but points are cumulative: it is to your advantage to participate as much as you can. Please sign up ONLY if you have permission to take the 4:15 bus home OR if your parent will be picking you up/you have permission to walk home. Please sign up ONLY if you really can attend. MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR! -- Training Camp Peacekeepers

THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

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Page 1: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp

Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

Activities will vary each day, but there will be physical challenges each

day, so WEAR SNEAKERS and clothing you can MOVE in.

You will earn points for each activity.

You can earn points for attending Training Camp in your own Hunger

Games –themed costume ANY DAY or EVERY DAY.

On Wednesday we will have a Fictional Food Party. You can earn

additional points for contributing a Hunger Games –themed party food

(or rename a regular party snack with a themed name).

You do not have to attend every day, but points are cumulative: it is to

your advantage to participate as much as you can.

Please sign up ONLY if you have permission to take the 4:15 bus home

OR if your parent will be picking you up/you have permission to walk


Please sign up ONLY if you really can attend.


-- Training Camp Peacekeepers

Page 2: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

Day 1: Training Centers

Tributes will be divided into three groupings, and the groups will rotate through three training center


Arena Survival: Mr. Iaia and BSA scouts will teach students basic first aid skills, including: insect and/or

venomous bite, sting, and wound treatment.

Plant Identification: Mr. Angney will teach students about edible and medicinal plants indigenous to

Pennsylvania. Students will match plant names/property cards to photos of the plants.

Training Course: Mrs. Quinn will time challenge students through an agility course. See attached plan.

The Training Center

For this activity, tributes will each complete a timed obstacle course. Tributes will

be given an opportunity before competition begins to practice each activity. When

the whistle sounds, each tribute will go through the course one at a time. Times

will be recorded. Points will be awarded to all participants, the fastest receiving 24

points (or however many tributes there are) and the slowest receiving 1 point.

Suggested Materials:

6 Traffic Cones

4 Small Hula Hoops

1 Large Hula Hoop

1 Soccer Ball

1 Soccer Net

1 Baseball/Wiffleball Bat

2 Jump Ropes

1 Stopwatch

Suggested Setup:

(Start Line marked by two cones) BEGIN TIMER

Distance of ~10 yards RUN TO HOOPS

Page 3: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

(4 Small Hula Hoops, Staggered) HOPSCOTCH THROUGH HOOPS

(2 Jump Ropes, placed 3 feet apart) JUMP THE DISTANCE




(1 Large Hula Hoop) HULA HOOP FOR 10 SECONDS

(1 Baseball/Wiffle Ball Bat) TRACKER JACKER ATTACK! SPIN AROUND 3x,



Read aloud this excerpt from The Hunger Games

(page 93) “The actual training rooms are below ground level of our building. With

these elevators, the ride is less than a minute. The doors open into an enormous

gymnasium filled with various weapons and obstacle courses…As soon as we join

the circle, the head trainer, a tall, athletic woman named Atala steps up and begins

to explain the training schedule. Experts in each skill will remain at their stations.

We will be free to travel from area to area as we choose, per our mentor's

instructions. Some of the stations teach survival skills, others fighting techniques.

We are forbidden to engage in any combative exercise with another tribute. There

are assistants on hand if we want to practice with a partner.”

Give tributes 15-20 minutes to try each station. Teachers should

provide assistance as needed

Blow the whistle to bring everyone together for evaluation

One at a time, have tributes go through the obstacle course

Award points to all participants, the fastest receiving 24 points (or

however many tributes there are) and the slowest receiving 1 point.

Page 4: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

Day 2:Tests of Combat and Wits

Target Practice Katniss Everdeen is an expert hunter. Her weapon of choice is the bow and arrow,

but she also uses other weapons that require great amounts of hand/eye coordination. In this activity, tributes will take target practice using a variety of projectiles, including a bow & arrow and rocket spears. Points will be awarded for

every “hit” arrow. For the rocket spears, points will be awarded to all participants, the tribute shooting the farthest receiving 24 points (or however many tributes

there are) and the closest receiving 1 point. Materials:

2 Junior Bow & Arrow Sets (with rubber suctions at end)

2 Bullseye Targets (included in above set)

4 Foam Finger Flyer Rockets

24 Cone Discs

Trivia Challenge sheets and pencils

Set Up:

Bow and Arrow: Hang the bullseye targets on trees and position the

shooting station (bow and arrows) a few yards back. (Do a test with

tributes to see how far they are able to shoot the arrows and adjust as

necessary to ensure that everyone has a chance to hit the targets)

Rocket Spears: Place two cones to designate the area from behind

which tributes should shoot the rocket spears. Each tribute will have 4

tries. Use the cone discs to mark the spot on the ground each

tribute's farthest travelling spear landed.

For each station, ensure that there is an area where tributes who are

not shooting must stay. Safety first! While tributes are waiting to

take their turns, they can complete the trivia challenge sheets.


Read the following excerpt from The Hunger Games:

Page 5: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

(page 100-101) “I walk to the archery station. Oh, the weapons! I've been itching to get my hands on them for days! Bows made of wood and plastic and metal and

materials I can't even name. Arrows with feathers cut in flawless uniform lines. I choose a bow, string it, and sling the matching quiver of arrows over my shoulder.

There's a shooting range, but it's much too limited. Standard bull's-eyes and human silhouettes. I walk to the center of the gymnasium and pick my first target. The dummy used for knife practice...I take my initial position and skewer the

dummy right through the heart. Then I sever the rope that holds the sandbag for boxing, and the bag splits open as it slams to the ground. Without pausing, I

shoulder-roll forward, come up on one knee, and send an arrow into one of the hanging lights high above the gymnasium floor. A shower of sparks bursts from the fixture. It's excellent shooting. I turn to the Gamemakers. A few are nodding

approval, but the majority of them are fixated on a roast pig that has just arrived at their banquet table. Suddenly I am furious, that with my life on the line, they don't

even have the decency to pay attention to me. That I'm being upstaged by a dead pig. My heart starts to pound and I can feel my face burning. Without thinking, I pull an arrow from my quiver and send it straight at the Gamemaker's table. I hear

shouts of alarm as people stumble back. The arrow skewers the apple in the pig's mouth and pins it to the wall behind it. Everyone stares at me in disbelief. "Thank

you for your consideration," I say. Then I give a slight bow and walk straight toward the exit without being dismissed.”

Break tributes up into small groups. A leader will cover each station for

safety, as one small group at a time takes turns at the stations.

After the group completes one activity, they will rotate to the next

activity, with a larger group working on trivia sheets.

Points are awarded as described in introduction.

Page 6: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

Day 3: Cornucopia Challenge & Fictional Foods Party

Following the final challenge activity, students will participate in a Hunger Games themed celebration.

Students have been awarded additional points for fictional food contributions and costumes.

Scorecards will be used to assign “tesserae” (raffle tickets for drawing) in the Reaping (draw two winners

of Regal movie ticket vouchers).

Cornucopia Competition Directions: Gather or make the items listed for the Cornucopia. Place them in the center of a large room. Divide the students into two teams, one team on each end of the room. At the word "GO!" one student from each team runs up and grabs any one item they choose from the cornucopia. They run back to slap the hand of another teammate, who runs to the cornucopia to grab another item. This continues until all items are claimed. Then, as a teacher reads the following scenarios, if a team has the specifically mentioned item that will help them survive, they hold it in the air to claim the points indicated in the script. The team with the most points wins! The Cornucopia: Water medicine hammer knife bread bow and arrow shoes blanket flashlight anti-venom shield sword rope crackers matches beef strips water container wire for traps slingshot sleeping bag book about edible plants a blue tarp fire starters, band-aids a sheet Day 1 in the Arena: You have been told to get water, but you didn’t fight your way into the cornucopia to get it. Luckily, you found a stream. Five points (each) for having a bottle of water and/or container to carry water it in. You had no idea the nights here would be so cold. Five points if you have a blanket, sleeping bag, sheet or tarp. Day 2 in the Arena: You didn't eat yesterday and now you are starving. Five points for having a book about edible plants, and 5 points for wire, because you can set a trap. Also five points for having a bow and arrow, hammer, slingshot, knife or sword. You have caught a rabbit stuck in the bushes, but you will not eat it raw. Five points for matches, or a fire starter, and five points for having a knife or sword to cut up the meat. You kick dirt on top of the fire when you are done cooking, but the smoke alerts the Career Pack, and now they are chasing you through the forest. Five points for having water, because you can make mud to camouflage yourself as you hide in the bushes.

Page 7: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

Unfortunately, the bushes have thorns, and you find yourself bleeding all over. Five points for Band-aids and/or medicine for your wounds. It seems as if your pursuers will never leave, and they are so close you can hear everything they say. Suddenly, all of them leave except one. If you just had a weapon, you could hit him easily. Five points for a hammer, slingshot, bow and arrow or sword. You hit him dead on. You decide to run before the group comes back and finds a lifeless body. You head out into a desert area, where rocks are as sharp as broken glass. Ten points for having a pair of shoes because you can run faster. Suddenly, a rattlesnake slithers out in front of you, and you can't stop running in time. You step squarely on it, and it turns and bites you… hard. Fifteen points for anti-venom, which you apply immediately. You know you have to get somewhere safe immediately, so you crawl into a shallow cave to wait while you hope the anti-venom works. Ten points for a sleeping bag or blanket to roll yourself up in, to prevent shock. Apparently you have been unconscious for quite a while, but when you wake up you feel better; just unbelievably hungry. You are not strong enough to walk on your own and certainly you can't hunt. But you need food fast. Five points (each) for having bread, crackers, beef strips, or a book about edible plants, because you aren't sure if the berries you collected earlier are safe to eat or not. Day 3 in the Arena: You fashion a crutch for yourself out of a tree limb with your tools. You're glad you still have your knife or sword (five points for either) to cut the extra branches off. Your foot is too swollen for your shoe, but you tear up the sheet (five points) and tie the strips over your foot to protect it as you move to a better cave. However, you are not the only one to choose this cave! You are shocked to discover there is a family of wolves here also, and the mother wolf is going to fiercely protect her pups. You grab your shield to fend off her attacks (five points) then grab your hammer, sword or knife (ten points for any of those). You are fast with a weapon, and the wolf is now lying, bleeding, at your feet. Quickly, you use your knife or sword (five points each) to cut the meat into strips. You use your fire starter or matches (ten points each) to build a fire out of the nearby brush, and you roast the meat to save for later. However, you know the smell of meat will attract more animals. You wrap the meat in a sheet (five points) and suspend it from a tree with part of your rope (five points) to keep it protected from carnivores. Your water bottle is dry so you must set off again in search of water. Your foot is not so swollen now, so you put on your shoes (5 points) to head back outside in search of water. As you go, the desert gives way to rolling hills and thorny brush. You are so glad you have shoes (5 points again!). Suddenly, you hear geese overhead, and you draw your bow and arrow (5 points) to try to shoot one down. An excellent shot, you have just added some food and juicy meat to

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your supply. You take the other part of your rope (5 points) and tie the goose to your waist so you can eat it later. Higher up you go into the hills, and the weather gets colder. You reach for your blanket ( 5 points) to put around your shoulders. It starts to rain. You use your shield to gather rainwater (5 points), then pour it into your empty container (5 points) while keeping your body dry by using the tarp (5 points) as a raincoat. You hear the sound of the Career pack again, and you know you have to hide, quick! But in climbing a tree, you scrape skin off your knees so you are bleeding heavily. Five points for medicine that will prevent an infection, and/or for band-aids that will keep the wound clean. Unfortunately, your blue tarp gives you away. (Deduct 15 points!) The group of vicious players has spotted you in the tree, but you are quicker than they are. You throw down your hammer (5 points) to knock one of them out. Your slingshot is no use, because you have no rocks, but your bow and arrow is a great weapon. You have only three arrows, but they all hit their mark and now you are safe. ( 15 points.) As night falls, you return to your cave. Your flashlight (5 points) helps you see that there are no animals in there anymore. You make a fire with your fire-starter or matches (five points for either) for warmth and cooking, and you roast the goose you shot earlier. After your supper, you add the meat to your sheet-bag (5 points), and go to sleep thankful that your goose has been cooked.

Page 9: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

The Hunger Games Trivia Challenge

1. What is Prim’s cat’s name? 2. Katniss, her family and Gale all live in a poor section of District 12 called the ___________? 3. How did Katniss’s father die? 4. What did Katniss learn from her father? 5. What is the name of the country? 6. What is the “Reaping”? 7. What is Katniss’s mother’s occupation? 8. Why was Katniss so surprised when they called Prim’s name at the reaping? 9. What memory does Katniss have of Peeta when they were younger? 10. What is “tesserae?” Why is it good and bad? 11. What does Katniss mean when she says to her mom, “don’t clock out again!” before she leaves for the Capitol? 12. How does Prim help the family? 13. Why does Peeta’s father come to see Katniss before she leaves the district for the Hunger Games? 14. What does Madge give to Katniss before she leaves? 15. The Capitol is in a place that was once called _______? 16. District 12 was once called ________ ? 17. What do Peeta and Katniss do that proves to Haymitch they might actually be good contenders in the Hunger Games? 18. What is the main function or industry for the following districts: #1, #3, #4, #11, #12, #13 (now destroyed)? 19. Katniss thought her opening ceremony costume would be _____________? 20. What is the name of the leader of the Capitol? 21. Who are the stylists for Katniss and Peeta?

Page 10: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

22. What is an “avox”? 23. Why is it so hard for Katniss to let Peeta become a friend? 24. What are Career Tributes? 25. Rue is from what which district? What is she good with? 26. Katniss is the last tribute to show her talents to the Gamemakers during the training. They are ignoring her because they are more interested in their food. What does Katniss do? 27. How does Katniss’s relationship with Gale develop? 28. What does Peeta say in his interview before the games start that stuns the audience? 29. What is Haymitch’s final advice for Katniss and Peeta when they first arrive at the Cornucopia? 30. Katniss meets Peeta on the roof the night before the games. What is his goal for the Hunger Games? 31. How long can the tributes stand on the metal circles when they first are in the Hunger Games and what happens if they don’t move within that time limit? 32. What does the Cornucopia look like and what is in it (name at least 3 items)? 33. What does Katniss get from the Cornucopia? 34. Who tries to kill Katniss first and what does she get from her? 35. Why are the cannons shot? 36. How does the wire help Katniss? 37. Where does Katniss find it is best to sleep? 38. Why do the Careers let Peeta into their gang? 39. At one point, Katniss is so dehydrated that she lies down to die. What stops her? 40. What is the first major catastrophe that the Gamemakers cause for Katniss? 41. Katniss gets hit by a fireball on her leg and is in great pain. She knows she should not show her pain. Why? 42. Katniss holed up high in a tree so the Careers cannot get to her. What does Rue warn her about? 43. Why are these wasps so dangerous?

Page 11: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

44. What does Katniss do with the “wasp” nest? 45. What does Katniss take from Glimmer after she has swollen up from the wasp stings and is dead? 46. Katniss originally thinks that Peeta is buddies with the Careers. What causes her to change her mind? 47. Who becomes a major ally of Katniss even before Peeta? 48. How do Rue and Katniss signal each other? 49. Why did the Careers let the boy from District 3 live? 50. What is Rue’s request of Katniss as she is dying? 51. Katniss makes a vow to Rue after she dies. What is it? 52. Katniss tried to find Peeta and followed the water going down the stream until she sees some blood on a boulder. How is Peeta hiding? 53. What is Peet’s injury when Katniss finds him and why is it going to be so bad? 54. Haymitch sends a pot of broth as a gift while Peeta and Katniss are in the cave. Why does he do this and what does it mean? 55. Katniss tells Peeta a story while they are in the cave. What is it about? 56.Claudius Templesmith offers a Feast backpack at the Cornucopia for each tribute with things they really need. Peeta threatens to follow Katniss if she goes. What bargain does Katniss make with Peeta for her not to go? 57. Why does Haymitch send a parachute to Katniss with a vial of sleeping syrup? 58. What important things does Katniss do before she leaves Peeta in the cave to get the Feast backpack? 3 things 59. Which ear is Katniss deaf in from the explosion? 60. What kind of wound does Clove give Katniss? 61. Why does Thresh pull Clove off of Katniss when she is about to slice up her face? 62. What weapon did Thresh use to kill Clove? 63. What did Thresh take before he left the Cornucopia for the Feast? 64. Haymitch said that one kiss between Katniss and Peeta equals what?

Page 12: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

65. Why doesn’t Katniss trust her mother? 66. When did Peeta’s crush for Katniss start? 67. What did Katniss’s mother love about her father? 68. Why do Katniss and Peeta stay in the cave so long when they are starving? 69. If a tribute wins the Hunger Games where do they live afterwards? 70. If you win the Hunger Games, what is one of your jobs in your district? 71. After Clove, who was the next tribute to die? 72. Why does Katniss believe she will never have children of her own? 73. What were the two good things about the four day rain storm? 74. Why do Peeta and Katniss have to split up while they are hunting? 75. How does Foxface die? 76. Why does Katniss think that Cato hates her so much to distraction? 77. How do the Gamemakers drive Peeta, Katniss, and Cato to the lake for the final show down? 78. The creatures that run after Cato, Katniss, and Peeta resemble ferocious wolves, but also part human. They are really what? 79. Why do Peeta and Katniss hear Cato moan at the bottom of the Cornucopia for hours? 80. Why doesn’t Katniss want Peeta to go to sleep while they are on the top of the Cornucopia? 81. What weapon does Katniss use to help Peeta’s leg bleed less, and what does she make with it? 82. How do Katniss and Peeta trick the Gamemakers so that both of them can live and be victors of the Hunger Games? 83. What warning does Haymitch give Katniss just before the Victor’s Ceremony? 84. What does Katniss learn about Peeta when they finally sit down to talk? 85. Why is Peeta upset with Katniss at the end of the story?

Page 13: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library

The Hunger Games Trivia Challenge Answers 1. What is Prim’s cat’s name? Buttercup 2. Katniss, her family and Gale all live in a poor section of District 12 called the ____? Seam 3. How did Katniss’s father die? In a mine explosion 4. What did Katniss learn from her father? How to hunt and use a bow and arrow 5. What is the name of the country? Panem 6. What is the “reaping”? The day 2 names are picked from each district to be in the Hunger Games. 7. What is Katniss’s mother’s occupation? She makes medicines from plants and herbs. 8. Why was Katniss so surprised when they called Prim’s name at the reaping? This was her first year and she only had her name in on one slip. 9. What memory does Katniss have of Peeta when they were younger? Peeta threw loaves of burnt bread out to her. 10. What is “tesserae”? Why is it good and bad? A year’s supply of grain and oil for one person. To get additional rations, the name of a family member of Tribute age is added to the reaping list again. 11. What does Katniss mean when she says to her mom, “don’t clock out again!” before she leaves for the Capitol? Don’t go getting all depressed again and abandon your children, namely Prim. 12. How does Prim help the family? She has a goat and sells milk and cheese 13. Why does Peeta’s father come to see Katniss before she leaves the district for the Hunger Games? He tells her that he will keep an eye on Prim and her mother and be sure they are eating. 14. What does Madge give to Katniss before she leaves? A gold circular pin of a bird, a mockingjay 15. The Capitol is in a place that was once called _______? The Rockies 16. District 12 was once called ________ ? Appalachia 17. What do Peeta and Katniss do that proves to Haymitch they might actually be good contenders in the Hunger Games? Peeta shatters Haymitch’s glass of liquor and Katniss throws a knife between his fingers. 18. What is the main function or industry for the following districts: #1, #3, #4, #11, #12, #13 (now destroyed)?

1= luxury items for the Capitol 3= factories to make autos, explosives, etc. 4= fishing 11= agriculture 12=coal mining 13= mining graphite (worth 5 points)

19. Katniss thought her opening ceremony costume would be ? Her body naked and covered with coal dust 20. What is the name of the leader of the Capitol? President Snow 21. Who are the stylists for Katniss and Peeta? Cinna and Portia 22. What is an “avox”? A person who commits a crime and the Capitol cuts his/her tongue out and makes him/her a slave 23. Why is it so hard for Katniss to let Peeta become a friend? She knows she may have to kill him. 24. What are Career Tributes? People trained as tributes in the wealthier districts 25. Rue is from what which district? What is she good with? District 11, slingshot 26. Katniss is the last tribute to show her talents to the Gamemakers during the training. They are ignoring her because they are more interested in their food. What does Katniss do? She shoots an arrow into the apple in the mouth of the roasted pig. Then she storms out of the room.

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27. How does Katniss’s relationship with Gale develop? They both go intp the forbidden woods and hunt. Also, they both lost their fathers in a mine explosion. 28. What does Peeta say in his interview before the games start that stuns the audience? The girl he wants is the girl that will be with him. 29. What is Haymitch’s final advice for Katniss and Peeta when they first arrive at the Cornucopia? Run and put as much distance between you and the others. Then find a source of water. 30. Katniss meets Peeta on the roof the night before the games. What is his goal for the Hunger Games? He does not want to change into a monster, to show the Capitol they don’t own him. 31. How long can the tributes stand on the metal circles when they first are in the Hunger Games and what happens if they don’t move within that time limit? 60 seconds and then a land mine blows 32. What does the Cornucopia look like and what is in it (name at least 3 items)? It is a giant golden horn about 20 ft. high, & has food, containers of water, plastic, weapons, medicine, firestarters, silver sheath and bow and arrows, tent. 33. What does Katniss get from the Cornucopia? A piece of plastic, bread, and a bright orange backpack with a sleeping bag, a pack of crackers, a pack of dried beef strips, a bottle of iodine, wooden matches, coil of wire, night-glasses, and a plastic water bottle. (5 points) 34. Who tries to kill Katniss first and what does she get from her? The girl from district 2, and gets her knife 35. Why are the cannons shot? To declare a tribute has died 36. How does the wire help Katniss? To make snares to catch rabbits and other animals 37. Where does Katniss find it is best to sleep? Up in a tree 38. Why do the Careers let Peeta into their gang? To lead them to Katniss 39. At one point, Katniss is so dehydrated that she lies down to die. What stops her? Her fingers dig into the earth and she realizes it is muddy. Mud means water is near! She crawls to the pond. 40. What is the first major catastrophe that the Gamemakers cause for Katniss? A huge, moving wall of fire and endless smoke 41. Katniss gets hit by a fireball on her leg and is in great pain. She knows she should not show her pain. Why? The sponsors are more likely to send gifts if they admire you. 42. Katniss holed up high in a tree so the Careers cannot get to her. What does Rue warn her about? The wasp nest further up in the tree 43. Why are these wasps so dangerous? They are made by the Capitol, muttations called “tracker jackers,” they track their victims, stings cause huge swelling, hallucinations and then death 44. What does Katniss do with the “tracker jacker” nest? Hits it to fall down on the Careers 45. What does Katniss take from Glimmer after she has swollen up from the wasp stings and is dead? The sheath of arrows and the bow 46. Katniss originally thinks that Peeta is buddies with the Careers. What causes her to change her mind? Peeta stays with Katniss until she recovers from the tracker jacker stings at his own risk. 47. Who becomes a major ally of Katniss even before Peeta? Rue 48. How do Rue and Katniss signal each other? With a special mockingjay call 49. Why did the Careers let the boy from District 3 live? He knew how to make and use explosives to protect their supplies. 50. What is Rue’s request of Katniss as she is dying? To hold her and sing to her 51. Katniss makes a vow to Rue after she dies. What is it? To win the Hunger Games to avenge Rue’s death. 52. Katniss tried to find Peeta and followed the water going down the stream until she sees some blood on a boulder. How is Peeta hiding? He camouflages himself lying in the mud and with leaves. 53. What is Peeta’s injury when Katniss finds him and why is it going to be so bad? He has a very deep cut in his thigh, and most likely an infection (blood poisoning) will set in.

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54. Haymitch sends a pot of broth as a gift while Peeta and Katniss are in the cave. Why does he do this and what does it mean? Katniss kissed Peeta, and she should continue the kissing and the romance. 55. Katniss tells Peeta a story while they are in the cave. What is it about? How Katniss got a goat for Prim 56. Claudius Templesmith offers a Feast backpack at the Cornucopia for each tribute with things they really need. Peeta threatens to follow Katniss if she goes. What bargain does Katniss make with Peeta for her not to go? Peeta has to drink all his water, eat all his soup, and wake Katniss up at the right times. 57. Why does Haymitch send a parachute to Katniss with a vial of sleeping syrup? To put Peeta asleep for a good length of time so Katniss can go to get the backpack at the feast. 58. What important things does Katniss do before she leaves Peeta in the cave to get the Feast backpack? 3 things a)she camouflages the opening to the cave, b) she gets all her weapons and clothes together, c) she kisses Peeta goodbye (3 points) 59. Which ear is Katniss deaf in from the explosion? Her left ear 60. What kind of wound does Clove give Katniss? A knife stab on her forehead 61. Why does Thresh pull Clove off of Katniss when she is about to slice up her face? He hears Clove bragging that she killed Rue from his district. Also, he owes one to Katniss for helping Rue. 62. What weapon did Thresh use to kill Clove? A large rock 63. What did Thresh take before he left the Cornucopia for the Feast? Cato’s and Clove’s backpacks 64. Haymitch said that one kiss between Katniss and Peeta equals what? A pot of broth 65. Why doesn’t Katniss trust her mother? Because when her father died in the mines, her mother became depressed and did not help or take care of Katniss and Prim. 66. When did Peeta’s crush for Katniss start? The first day of first grade when she knew how to sing the Valley Song 67. What did Katniss’s mother love about her father? His singing; even the birds would stop to listen 68. Why do Katniss and Peeta stay in the cave so long when they are starving? The endless hard rain 69. If a tribute wins the Hunger Games where do they live afterwards? In a beautiful home in their district built by the Capitol 70. If you win the Hunger Games, what is one of your jobs in your district? To be a mentor to the following tributes 71. After Clove, who was the next tribute to die? Thresh 72. Why does Katniss believe she will never have children of her own? She does not want her children to have their names put in the reaping and possibly die in the Hunger Games. 73. What were the two good things about the four day rain storm? It gave Katniss and Peeta time to heal and rest, and it washed away any evidence or trail of where their cave was. 74.Why do Peeta and Katniss have to split up while they are hunting? Peeta makes too much noise walking with his injured leg. 75. How does Foxface die? Peeta gathers berries and leaves them in a pile. Foxface eats them while he is away from the pile, neither knowing they are poisonous berries. 76. Why does Katniss think that Cato hates her so much to distraction? During the training she out-scored him 77. How do the Gamemakers drive Peeta, Katniss, and Cato to the lake for the final showdown? They drain the streams and the ponds. The lake is the only source of water. 78. The creatures that run after Cato, Katniss, and Peeta resemble ferocious wolves, but also part human. They are really what? Muttations of the tributes that have already died in this Hunger Games. 79. Why do Peeta and Katniss hear Cato moan at the bottom of the Cornucopia for hours? The muttations are slowly attacking and eating him.

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80. Why doesn’t Katniss want Peeta to go to sleep while they are on the top of the Cornucopia? His leg is wounded very badly, and she is afraid he will not wake up if he falls asleep. 81. What weapon does Katniss use to help Peeta’s leg bleed less, and what does she make with it? She uses her last arrow to make a tourniquet. 82. How do Katniss and Peeta trick the Gamemakers so that both of them can live and be victors of the Hunger Games? They pretend that they are both going to eat the poisonous berries at the same time. They know the Capitol needs at least one victor alive. 83. What warning does Haymitch give Katniss just before the Victor’s Ceremony? The Capitol is furious with Katniss and Peeta showing them up in the arena. The Capitol rulers are the joke of Panem. Katniss needs to make it look like she and Peeta are so madly in love, that they could not help their actions. (3 points) 84. What does Katniss learn about Peeta when they finally sit down to talk? His leg that was injured is an artificial one. 85. What is Peeta upset with Katniss at the end of the story? Peeta realizes that Katniss was being so affection and love to protect them, because Haymitch told her about the great anger of the Capitol.

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The Hunger Games Tribute Training Camp 2012

Tribute Scorecard

Tribute _______________________ District ___________

Training Activity Points Earned Peacekeeper Verification 3/19 Arena Survival

______ ______________

3/19 Plant Identification

______ ______________

3/19 Training Course

______ ______________

3/20 Bow & Arrow

______ ______________

3/20 Rocket Spears

______ ______________

3/20 Trivia Challenge

______ ______________

3/21 Cornucopia ______ ______________ 3/21 Costume ______ ______________ 3/21 Fictional Foods (Party)

______ ______________

______ Total Points

Page 18: THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp - Hatboro · THE HUNGER GAMES Tribute Training Camp Days: Monday 3/19, Tuesday 3/20, Wednesday 3/21 Time: 3:05 – 4:05 PM Location: KV Library