The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx

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  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    Chaos Gaeia Ertos Eros Chaos Gaia ?Eros C haos Gaia

    Chaos H Chaos Gaeia Chaos Gaea Eros Chaos Gaeia Eros Chaos Gaia Eros Choash Chaosk Khoans Khaos

    Choas Gaeia Eros Multiverses Univedr Universes

    The Creator Zeus of form beyond the Sun Creators and Creatoresses Relams Realms Sun Goid Zeuys Sun

    God Zeus YHWH , the Almighty God, God Zeus Sun Gods Apparition to His Gods and Goddesses

    Universes hybrid Son Nephew god ACETR444 son of Earth Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos Oceanos Cronus

    Rhea Zeus Hera Bathala Cupid dwarf moon god Chinese goddesses, Japanese goddesses, Super Saiyan

    Kaios Shenglongs Goku Gohan Goten, Superman and Superwoman gods and goddesses (Apparitions in

    dreams and dream visions).

    2010 anno domini Block 4 Lot 20 Westridge Residences, Salawag, Damsarinas, Cavite, Philippines

    The Lord Ace woke up and went outside his guardians house. The Lord Ace closed his eyes as God

    commanded him by instinct to view Him, then God suddenly appeared from the highest realms.

    The Creator God Zeus Sun God appeared to His Nephew Son of Earth ACETR444.

    The Creator God Zeus Sun God, God Himself, God of the Universes a giant Creator God, showed off his

    hand (God, He was wearing creation gems of red, blue, violet, orange, and green gems. He created a

    planet (using his index fingers finger tip, a cat (the largest, the most beautiful cat), and an angel Lucifer

    (a new holy son of the Creator , the Almighty God, God Zeus ) as bearer of sunlight.

  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    The Creator Sun God Zeus Zeus YHWHyHWH Creation Gens gems Gems Gems gems

  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    The Sun of Earth of the Solar System of Milky Way Galaxy Universes Multiverses

    I am Hypeiron Hyperion Sun son of Urtan Urnaus Uranus and GHa Gaeia Gaea Gaia Gea Gaea Gaia the


  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    A giant cat offspring of the Creator, the Almighty God Zeus was created 2010 anno domini through the

    Sun of Earth Zeus es star Sun body.

  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    Angel Lucifer Son of Sun God Zeus, the Almighty God, The Creator

    Earth daughter of Gaeia Gaea Gaia Gaea Gaia the


    Earth Olympuis Ooly Olympus Gaeia Gaea Gaia Gaea the Earth

  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    ACETR444 a divine infant baby offspring of God (Diyos), the Almighty Creator, of the Gods and

    Goddesses of the Universes Multiverses Star Solar Systems, of the God ACETR444 whom the Divine Godsand Goddesses used to born Ace, offspring of Mother Goddess God Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos Oceanos

    Cronus Rhea Hades Poseidon Zeus Hera Sphinx YHWH Allah I am who am, Chinese goddesses, Japanese

    goddesses, Shenglongs Kaios Super Saiyans Vegeta Goku Gohan Goten Vegeta Trunks (Ace as Goten),

    Superman Superwoman Kryptonian gods and goddesses, Captain Barbel Superman gods, Angel gods

    Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer, Angel statues Michael and Gabriel, Angel dwarf god king JOD HE VAU HE,

    angel god dwarf god princes Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer...etc.

    The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh

  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


  • 7/27/2019 The Highest Zeus ZEUS Jupiter is Higher than the Highest YHWH Yahweh.docx


    Zeus Jupiter Uranus Gaia Earth Milky Way Galaxy Hera Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos Oceanus Cronus Rhea

    Hades Poseidon Zeus Hera

    YHWH Yahweh Jesus Sabaoth Uranus Gaia Earth Milky Way Galaxy Hera Chaos Gaia Eros Ouranos

    Oceanus Cronus Rhea Hades Poseidon Zeus Hera