The Feast-march 03, 2013 Issue

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  • 7/29/2019 The Feast-march 03, 2013 Issue




    Have Fun and Be Blessedin the Happiest Place on Earth!


    A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY

    March 03, 2013


    Today, I eceive all of Godslove fo me. Today, I openmyself to the unbounded,limitless, overowingabundance of Godsunivese. Today, I openmyself to Gods blessings,healing, and miracles.Today, I open myself toGods Word so I wouldbecome moe like Jesusevey day. Today, I poclaimthat I am Gods beloved,

    I am Gods sevant, I amGods powerful champion.And because I am blessed,I am blessing the world. InJesus name. Amen.

    8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.First Feast Session,Plenary Hall

    9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Second Feast Session,Reception Hall

    10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Third Feast Session,Plenary Hall

    3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.Fourth Feast Session,Plenary Hall


    YOU need this teaching series onEmo.Face it: There is very little teaching in church

    about emotions.

    Were taught to pray. Read the Bible. And attend church.Oh yes, salvation, forgiveness, and all that great, wonderful stuff.

    Or how do you manage crushing on someone? Iwas just talking to a 45-year-old married guy who wasfalling head-over-heels for his business partners wife.This guy is a Eucharistic lay minister, sometimes a Massreader, and all-around nice guy. But there are morningswhen he wakes up like a high school kid who is crushingon a dimpled girl he saw in the college cafeteria. Everyday, he has this giddy feeling inside. His feet arent

    touching the ground.

    He asked me, Bo, what should I do?I know what youre going to tell me, Giveit upbut what do I do with these crazyfeelings I have for her?

    This month, well open the Pandora

    Box of Emotions. Youll learn how tohandle your feelings -- Gods way.

    Today, we examine your Rules ofHappiness. Many have made such aninsanely difcult set of Rules. No wonder,theyre happier so infrequently!

    Today, youll learn how to makeyour Rules of Happiness skewed towardsyour favor.

    Get lifted at the Feast today!

    May your dreams come true,


    cant. So every day,youre like a walkingzombie going to work.

    Or how do youhandle despair that youmay never get marriedand end up like your Lola

    Neneng living alone inher wheelchair, in a small,dinky room who noone visits?

    But how do you handle brewinganger towards your Boss who screamedat you for a mistake he thought youmade (but in reality was his mistake)?

    Or how do you handle naggingand constant frustration over rising

    bills, rising tuition fees, but also arising inner dissatisfaction in your job?You so want to resign but obviously


    See pages 4-7

  • 7/29/2019 The Feast-march 03, 2013 Issue



    ...o a ranche?

    Ae You a HunteEcepts fom Talk 4:Hunteror Rancherof the seiesHappy,Healthy, Holy MoneyBy Bo. BO SANCHEZ

    From experience, Ivefound out that there are only twonancial systems: You are either

    a Hunter or a Rancher. If yourea Hunter, youre following theHunters System. If youre aRancher, youre following theRanchers System.

    Ae You a Hunte?A Hunter goes out of his

    cave when hes hungry. Whentheres nothing to eat, he goes tothe forest, looks for a wild boar,kills it, brings the carcass back tothe cave, and eats the meat for afew days. He has to eat quickly

    because the meat spoils. Whenthe meat is gone, he goes out of

    his cave and looks for anotheranimal to hunt.Does this sound familiar?Many, in this Digital Age,

    are still Hunters. They couldbe employees orentrepreneurs. Theycould be a janitormaking P10,000 amonth or an NBA playerearning one milliondollars. It doesnt matter.

    Heres a fact: 60%of NBA players le for

    bankruptcy ve yearsafter retirement. Why?

    Because theyre Hunters.

    Ae You a ranche?Whats the biggest

    difference between aHunter and a Rancher?Hunters eat everythingthey capture. Ranchersdont. Ranchers keepsome animals to breedother animals.

    Unlike Hunterswho go hungryevery once in awhile,Ranchers will never behungry. Ranchers will

    always have food to eatbecause they grow theirown food.

    How do youbecome a Rancher inyour nances?

    The only way toget rid of a System is toacquire a new System.You can never beSystemless. Theres nosuch thing.

    If you want to get ridof your Hunters System,youve got to switch now to aRanchers System.

    Followthis 7-JarStrategy

    7-Jar StrategyImagine

    you have sevenjars in front of

    you. Everytime you receiveyour salary orcommission or

    prot, alwaysdivide yourmoney intothese seven jars.Ja 7:

    Emancipation Fund(20% o Moe)

    YourEmancipation Fund isfor your Retirement.

    Others call thisthe Freedom Fund.

    When doyou know if yourenancially free?Simple: If you stopworking today, willyour passive incomesupport your lifestylefor the rest of yourlife? If it can, youre

    nancially free.Can you live on the interest

    of your investments?I recommend putting 20%

    of yourmonthly income into yourEmancipation Fund. I encourage

    people to invest that 20% in paper

    assets, or business, or real estate.I love the stock market becauseyou can partly own giganticcompanies and earn whenthey earn.

    Each month, just keepadding to your EmancipationFund. And never withdraw fromit. Dont touch it. Ever! Untilyou stop working. The Biblesays,Precious treasure and oilare in a wise mans dwelling,

    but a foolish man devours it.(Proverbs 21:20)Jar 6: Emergency Fund

    How much should itbe? Make it reach about threeto six months of your salary.So you can pay for leakingroofs, car repairs, chippedteeth, and hospital tripswithout touching yourEmancipation Fund.

    Put your EmergencyFund in the Bankso you canwithdraw it anytime.

    NOTE: The older youget, the bigger your Emergency

    Fund is. For example, a 60-yearold person who is still working

    but who has fully invested in thestock market should have a bigEmergency Fund that can supporthim for an entire year.Ja 5: Eveyday Fund (70%O Less)

    This is your regularmonthly expense for food, water,electricity, phone, fuel

    I urge you to live simplyso that you can live withinthis range.

    If your income increases,your Everyday Fund should

    decrease. But this will happenif you stick to your standard oflivingor at least, increase itonly gradually.

    Today, my Everyday Fundis down to 10% of my income.How did I do that? If my incomewas growing at 50 kilometers anhour, my expenses were growingyes, but only at 10 kilometers.Jar 4: Empower Fund(5% to 10%)

    This is for short-termsavings for specic dreams.

    Perhaps youre savingfor the downpayment for a new

    house. Or your new car. Ora new laptop. Or the collegefund for your kids. Or a HolyLand pilgrimage.

    You can set aside a specicamount every month for thisspecial project.Ja 3: Enjoyment Fund (5%)

    God wants you to enjoy life.The Bible says:put their

    hope in God, who richly providesus with everything for ourenjoyment. (1 Timothy 6:17)

    The Enjoyment Fund isfor your wants. Theyre notnecessities. You can live without

    After six days Jesus took withhim Peter, James, and Johnthe brother of James, andled them up a high mountainby themselves. There he wastransgured before them. His face

    shone like the sun, and his clothesbecame as white as the light...

    Peter said to Jesus, Lord,

    it is good for us to be here. Ifyou wish, I will put up threesheltersone for you, one forMoses and one for Elijah.

    While he was still speaking,a bright cloud covered them, anda voice from the cloud said, Thisis my Son, whom I love; withhim I am well pleased. Listen tohim!--Luke 9:18-36

    Fr. Eric Santos said likePeter, we tell the Lord that wewant to be with Him but wefail to vigil with Him or we fallasleep spiritually.

    Fr. Eric said all mountainsare special for letting usexperience a different kind of

    peace. He said there will alwaysbe a kind of temptation for us toremain in the mountain for whatit gives us peace of mind and asa refuge.

    Peter did not want to leavethe mountain for he knew theywill face challenges, sufferings,and death if they do.

    The life of ease canhinder us from consideringthe challenging or disturbingdemands of Christ. Fr. Eric

    encourages us to face ourchallenges and sufferings for wewill only feel more strengthenedafter that.

    The Lord wants toreveal His glory to us, His

    beloved disciples. Do you seekhis presence with faith andreverence? Lord, keep mealways alert and awake to You, toYour word, Your action, and Yourdaily presence in my life. Let mesee Your glory.

    -- Regiele Anne CruzPhoto by Alex Uy Yco

    The Transguration

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    TODAYTalk 1: rulesChanging Your Rules of HappinessJohn 10:10The thief comes only in order to steal and kill anddestroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, andhave it in abundance.

    Psalms 81:2-4Start the music and beat the tambourines; playpleasant music on the harps and the lyres. Blow thetrumpet for the festival, when the moon is new andwhen the moon is full. This is the law in Israel, anorder from the God of Jacob.

    Luke 19:37-40When he came near the place where the road goesdown the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd ofdisciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voicesfor all the miracles they had seen: Blessed is the kingwho comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven

    and glory in the highest! Some of the Phariseesin the crowd said to Jesus, Teacher, rebuke yourdisciples! I tell you, he replied, if they keep quiet,

    the stones will cry out.

    Personal Reection and Group Discussion:

    What are your Rules of Happiness? Should yousubtract, add, and edit any of these Rules that arent

    working in your favor?

















    them. It could be eating in afavorite restaurant. Or watchinga movie. Or having a massage.Or going on a vacation.

    Why this Fund?

    There are two extremesyou want to avoid. First is theSpender. The impulsive buyer.The shopaholic.

    The other extreme istheMiser. The Scrooge. The

    penny pincher. The personwho hasnt bought a new shirtsince President Marcos declaredMartial Law.

    Note: I suggest you startdoing this when your nancesare no longer in crisis mode. Forexample, when all your majordebts have been paid.

    Ja 2: Education

    Fund (5%)Heres one of the mostimportant wealth principles:Grow your wealth bygrowing your self.

    But talent isnt enough.Read carefully: Its not yourabilities that will bring nancialabundance but your attitude.Specically, your attitude of

    being an eternal student.Be teachable. Be a student

    and work on your humility. TheBible says,Plans go wrong forlack of advice; many advisersbring success. (Proverbs 15:22)

    Invest in YouselfDo you want to earnmore money?

    Double your learning todouble your earning.

    The best investment,aside from Tithing, is investingin YOURSELF.

    Grow your self, growyour wealth.

    And nallyJa 1: Etenity Fund(10% o moe)

    This is your Tithe.Some people consider

    Tithe a loss. Nope. Tithing is

    your ultimate investment withthe greatest returns possible thatno other investment can match.

    No business, real estate, orstock market can match investing

    in Heaven.Why is it the

    ultimate investment?First of all, tithing is

    yourlongest-term investment.God will remember whateveryou give to Him, and He willreward you for all eternityevenafter you die, even after PlanetEarth dies, even every star ofthe universe explodes and dies.Your ROI will continue forall eternity.

    Second, tithing is yoursafestinvestment in the world;Why? When you tithe, youre

    shipping your money to anoffshore account, moving yourwealth from a highly volatile,unstable place called PlanetEarthto the most stable placethe Kingdom of Heavena

    place so rich, its roads are pavedin gold.

    The moment youreceive your salary, set aside10% of your income to God.Always make your tithe yourrst expense.

    And see how God willsupply your every need.

    Friend, God is your

    Business Partner.When you tithe, youredeclaring that everything youown really belongs to God.And that you want to continueyour Business Partnership withHim! The Bible says,Honor the

    LORD with your wealth and withthe best part of everything you

    produce. Then he will ll yourbarns with grain, and your vatswill overow with good wine.(Proverbs 3:9-10)

    Be a Rancher, not a Hunter.--With reporting by Ces Arcilla

    Photos by ELS

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    Photos by rAMEL rOBLES

    CAN love be good the secondtime aound?

    Some say Nope! Walangpangalawang gloria. In love, there is nosecond glory.

    Last February 16, we saw that love

    is great the second time around. That is,love fo you One Tue Love. And itsgreat not only the second time around--but again and again, and again. Did wesay again and again?

    The Feast PICC Couples Ministyproved that love is always better thesecond time around-- and again andagain-- during the Ministrys Valentine

    Barn Dance held at the CowboyGrill Timog, Quezon City, lastFebuay 16, 2013.

    Dressed in cowboy outts,complete with hats, scarves, and boots,the Couples Ministy membes danced

    to the beat of county music as theyrekindled their love with their spousesand, of course, with God.

    Five Connect Goupsparticipated in an exciting barndance competition.

    If you and your spouse wantto deepen your marriage and yourrelationship with God --and to jointhe fun Couples Ministry fellowships--come and join theLighten Up Couples

    Retreatto be held at the GoodShephed reteat Cente, Antipolo City,Mach 9-10, 2013.

    Sign up now at the CouplesMinisty table at the Plenay Hall lobby!

    Jesus said in Mak 10:9: Therefore what God has joined together, letno one separate.

    So, lighten up, couples and staytogether forever! Yee haw!




































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    TENING UP, from top: Feast PICCncil head Bro. Rolly Espaa and wifena gracing the Valenne night; andrdees receiving their cercates.


    Good News!YOUVE heard about the Good News -- as in

    our Salvation guaranteed by our Lord JesusChrist as the Holy Bible tells us.

    Now, hear this other Good News: FeastPICC has received big, big blessings in 2012and has big, big plans for 2013-- as discussedduring the Feast PICC Leaders Assemblylast Sunday.

    Our Feast Founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez,graced the assembly, extolling our leaders fortheir untiring service.

    Bro. Rolly Espaa, Feast PICC Council head,presented the Councils 2012 AccomplishmentReport which highlighted remarkable increases:four Sunday Feasts; 10,000 attendees;over 1,000 servants!

    Bro. Rolly also presented the Feast PICCCouncil 2013 Plan. He said the Model ofService for Feast PICC servants is the GoodSamaritan. In the Bible, the Good Samaritanhelped a wounded stranger. In the same manner,Bro. Rolly said, Feast PICC servants offertheir time, talent, and treasure to serve theFeast attendees.

    He said the Feast PICC is encouraginga Culture of Generosity among the ministries.The Dream is for each ministry to becomeself-supporting so that the funds used for theministry expenses may be used instead to

    build more Feasts.Bro. Rolly announced another Good

    News: our leaders will be given more in-depth courses on the Holy Bible every Sundayright in PICC.

    Dubbed The Great Adventure, the Biblecourses are being conducted by the Feast PICCFormation Ministry headed by Bro. AlbertZabala who hosted the Leaders Ministry.

    Yes, your leaders are undergoing intensivespiritual and skills formation to be able toserve you better and make the Feast the happierhappiest place for you!

    BIG BLESSINGS, from top: The graduates of last yearsBible Study; Bro. Bo lauding the leaders for their unringservice; Bro. Rolly Espaa reporng the Feast PICC 2012

    Accomplishments and 2013 Plans.-- Photos by ELS

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    Fo details call:Malou Montecillo, 09192524428

    Multimedia,Bowling and a CG


    BEING in a Connect Group* is one of the

    greatest blessings that we receive in the

    Feast. Not only do we get to spend time

    with friends to share our stories, blessings,and reections in the Feast. But we also

    meet people who share the same interests

    with us in sports, music, or anything we

    feel passionate about.

    An example is the Connect Group

    that James Joseph Bardos belongs to.

    James works as a video production/

    creative staff at Shepherds Voice Radio

    and TV Foundation. And his CG is a

    group of multimedia enthusiasts like him.

    My members are not actually

    experts but we all have an interest

    in multimedia, James shared. The

    group includes a website developer,

    online marketer, government

    employee, entrepreneur, and realestate marketer. They have 10

    regular members.

    The CG meets every Sunday after

    the second session and every Tuesday

    night. During their meetings, they share

    and reect on what they feel is Gods

    message for them on that day. Also, they

    share their blessings and pray for each

    members prayer requests.

    They also discussLove Someone

    Today, a pamphlet on discipleship by

    Bro. Bo Sanchez.

    And of course, they talk about

    multimedia, their common interest.

    The group also goes out to celebrate

    birthdays and Christmas or joins bowling

    fellowships of the Singles Ministry.

    They also go out for their phototrips

    James explains that in a phototrip, you go

    to a place and take pictures of landmarks

    and interesting sites that can only be

    found in that place. You can make adocumentation from that or create a

    travelogue for that, James adds.

    James describes his experience in

    joining a CG. He says, At rst, you think

    nothing unusual happens to you when

    you join a CG. No earth-shaking change

    at all. But as time goes by, the bond in

    the CG develops. You begin to feel your

    co-members accept you without condition

    and that they will always be there for you

    when you need help.

    The members assure each other

    of Gods steadfast love for them. Jamesshares to his CG members a Bible verse

    from Joshua 1:9: ...Be strong and

    courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be

    discouraged, for the LORD your God will

    be with you wherever you go.

    To those who are yet to sign up for

    a CG, James is telling you, Please join a

    Connect Group and experience what you

    dont experience by just being an attendee

    of the Feast.

    *In a recent meeting with the Feast PICC

    leaders, Bro. Bo Sanchez announced thatthe Feast Council of Elders decided to

    change the term Caring Group into

    Connect Group.

    Bro. Bo explained that Caring

    Group does not sit well with the people

    we hope to share this fantastic blessing--

    especially the men who are after

    connections -- just like James and his

    group connect with their shared passions

    for multimedia and sports.

    What are you passionate about?

    Get connected with people with the same

    interests. Join a CG!

    SHARING THE SAME INTERESTS, from le: John Paul and Angelo Merced; James playing bowling.

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    Editos Note:Have you a similar story how youhave received blessings from God? Share! and letthe world know miracles still do happen today to

    give hope especially to the lost. For details, [email protected], or call 09399044065.

    BEING single on Valentines can be a

    bummer whether one admits it or not. It hasbeen three years since my last relationshipand since then, Ive never looked atValentines Day the same way.

    This year, I knew February 14 was justgoing to be another day. And since work had

    been stressful, I didnt plan on going out ordoing anything special. But as always, Godhad a better plan in mind.

    Two nights before Valentines, I sawon Facebook a promotion of a Valentine fundraising event for Feast Bonifacio Global City(BGC) titled Seasons of Love supported byFeast PICC leaders and servants.

    Having no plans at all on February 14, Ithought of supporting the fund raising event.

    Something fruitful, I told myself.I bought tickets for my parents and me.

    I had no Valentine date, so my parents had nochoice but to accompany me. Ha-ha!

    February 14 came. I had lots ofmeetings and loads of work to do so I didntreally expect to feel the love in the air.

    That morning, my mother surprised mewith a Valentine gift-- a blouse. And a clientgave me a big box of chocolates. After thatdizzying work day, my mother picked me upfrom my ofce and together we went to seeSeasons of Love with my dad.

    The program included love songsand lovers sharing their love stories-- the

    That Perfect Date

    By KrISTINE ANNE MUTUCPhotos by AUDEE VILLArAZA usual stuff youd expect from a Valentines

    Day event.But that day, something unexpected

    happened to me. As I listened to onelove song, I closed my eyes, and then, Idistinctly heard a Voice telling me: I gave

    you a beautiful blouse this morning. Didyou like it? Oh, and I also delivered thatbig box of chocolates. I thought you mightwant some since work had been stressfullately. I hope you like it. And lastly, thank

    you for accepting my invitation to be withme tonight. I wanted you to be with themost loving people so you can feel my lovethrough them. Happy Valentines!

    Whoa!I knew then it was God who was

    speaking to me-- deep in my mind and in myheart. The thought of God trying to please

    me on that day of love was overwhelming.Throughout the day, He was telling me onething: I love you.

    But I was too busy to notice that. I wastoo busy thinking about work and too busythinking that I couldnt be happy becauseI was single. I was too busy being enviousof others who had dates when all this time Iwas receiving the greatest love the world hasever known.

    February 14, 2013, I must say was thebest Valentines Day Ive ever had. I was ona date with God Himself. That night, I wasreminded of a perfect loving God. I didntneed anyone else.

    LOVE SCENE, clockwise, from top: Bro. BoSanchez with wife Marowe; heart to heart;George Gabriel and Rissa Kawpeng telling lovestories; Mike Vias, Audee Villaraza, Migs Ramirezbelng out love songs; George in an inmatemoment with wife Dina; Krisne, happily single.

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    MARTHINA G. SALOMEAssistant Head

    LOST and FOUND

    If you lost o foundan item, pleaseappoach any ofthe ushers who willguide you to ourLost and Foundsection.

    BO SANCHEZFounder

    CYNTHIA U. SANTIAGOEditor-in-Chief

    BELLA ESTRELLAManaging Editor


    EDMUNDO SANTIAGOChief Photographer

    CRIS LEGASPIAssistant ChiefPhotographer








    CHICHI BARBAAssistant Head

    The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesusheld at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 5:45

    The FEASTholds ofce at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].


    Got One More Miracle? A mysterious,inexplicable experiencea miracle God hasallowed to happen to let you know He loves

    you? Share! Email your article with yourpicture to [email protected].

    No Camera,

    No ProblemBy CES ArCILLA

    Illustation by CANDICE MANAOG

    I SERVE both as writer and photographer for

    the Feast PICC Media Ministry.One Feast Sunday, I was to cover the

    second session scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m.,with Apple, a co-member.

    The night before, we agreed that Iwould be the writer and she would be the

    photographer. Sunday morning, we werein constant communication, excited toserve together.

    When Bro. Bo Sanchez was aboutto start his talk, I received a message fromApple. She said her camera was already low

    bat. And, she inadvertently left her batterycharger at home!

    Since we agreed I would be the writer, I

    didnt bother to bring a camera.No one else was covering the 9:30a.m. session because most of our other FeastMedia members were attending a meeting ofthe Ministry.

    Apple and I had cell phones withcamera, but we knew the quality of the

    photos from our cell phones wouldntbe good enough for the quality ourprinter requires.

    Apple dashed to the Feast MediaMinistry meeting to borrow a camera fromour photographers attending the meeting.

    But then, Bro. Bo had already startedhis talk. I stood on tenterhooks, worried sickthat Apple might not come back with thecamera we needed on time.

    I uttered desperately, Lord,please provide.

    Just then, I noticed Shay, myofcemate. She was sitting right next to meand she was holding a digital camera phone.A high tech one!

    Mustering enough courage, I asked

    Shay, May I borrow your phone?Gladly, Shay handed me her cameraphone, and I clicked away.

    A couple of minutes later, Apple wasback, waving a Pentax DSLR.

    I borrowed it from Bro. James, shegrinned from ear to ear.

    So we thought our problem was solved.But wait theres more.

    It so happened that Jamess camera wasset in black and white. Apple and I are Canonand Nikon users, so we didnt know how tonavigate a digital Pentax camera.

    Never mind, I told Apple.Lets just take photos. Better tohave black and white photos thannone at all.

    But Apple, mustering enough faith,relentlessly tinkered with the Pentax untilshe was able to crack the navigation anddiscovered how to transform the setting intofull color!

    I marveled at Apple for being such asmart techie. But then, I knew she got big

    help from the Lord who promptly answeredmy desperate call for help.After all, who knows more than anyone

    else about the Digital Age, but Jesus, theRock of Ages!

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