ELS Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become more like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. AT THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY February 10, 2013 4 FEASTS TODAY! 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. First Feast Session, Plenary Hall 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Second Feast Session, Reception Hall 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Third Feast Session, Plenary Hall 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Fourth Feast Session, Plenary Hall Have Fun and Be Blessed in the Happiest Place on Earth! IN THIS ISSUE HAPPY, HEALTHY, HOLY MONEY Changing Your Relationship With Wealth Talk 1: Happy Talk 2: Healthy Talk 3: Holy Big Day: Grow Your Self, Grow Your Wealth COOL youth gigs! See pages 4-5. Why Money Runs Away from Their Owners EVERY WEEK, I bring my wife Marowe on a special date night. On the days we’re exceedingly tired, we sometimes tell each other, “Let’s just watch a movie and eat popcorn.” So we check the movie schedule together. Obviously, she prefers the romantic lovey-dovey flicks while I push for comedies or action stuff. But since this isn’t a major decision but a minor one, I give in. (Groan.) But on the way, in the car, we get to talk. And our talking is so enriching, so refreshing, we end up dumping our movie plans because we want to keep talking. So we get into a restaurant, hold hands, and we just chat the night away. This scenario happens again and again, I wonder why we still bother to “plan” to watch a movie when we know we’ll give it up later. (We’ve NOT watched a movie—just the two us—for a very long time. But we’ve watched movies with the kids, mostly cartoons.) After 14 years of being together, we just like talking to one another. And that’s the reason our marriage is very strong. Hear me out: Any healthy relationship is built on regular communication. In the same way, do you want to have a healthy relationship with money? Then you need to build regular communication about it as well. A lot of people don’t like to think or talk or read or study about money. That’s why their money complains and files for divorce! Usually, money just runs away with some other guy. I strongly suggest you think about your money, read about your money, study about your money, and plan about your money. I’m not asking you to love money. That will destroy you. But I’m asking you to have a healthy relationship with money. When you do, you’ll experience a financial breakthrough in your life. That’s my prayer for you in this series! Have a terrific Feast today! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ Valentine Special Three Love Stories See pages 6-8

The Feast-february 10, 2013 Issue

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Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become more like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


February 10, 2013

4 FEASTS TODAY!8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. First Feast Session, Plenary Hall9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Second Feast Session, Reception Hall10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Third Feast Session, Plenary Hall3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Fourth Feast Session, Plenary HallHave Fun and Be Blessed

in the Happiest Place on Earth!


HAPPY, HEALTHY, HOLY MONEYChanging Your Relationship With WealthTalk 1: HappyTalk 2: HealthyTalk 3: Holy Big Day: Grow Your Self, Grow Your Wealth

COOL youth gigs! See pages 4-5.

Why Money Runs Away from Their Owners

EVERY WEEK, I bring my wife Marowe on a special date night.

On the days we’re exceedingly tired, we sometimes tell each other, “Let’s just watch a movie and eat popcorn.” So we check the movie schedule together. Obviously, she prefers the romantic lovey-dovey flicks while I push for comedies or action stuff. But since this isn’t a major decision but a minor one, I give in. (Groan.)

But on the way, in the car, we get to talk. And our talking is so enriching, so refreshing, we end up dumping our movie plans because we want to keep talking. So we get into a restaurant, hold hands, and we just chat the night away.

This scenario happens again and again, I wonder why we still bother to “plan” to watch a movie when we know we’ll give it up later. (We’ve NOT watched a movie—just the two us—for a very long time. But we’ve watched movies with the kids, mostly cartoons.)

After 14 years of being together, we just like talking to one another. And that’s the reason our marriage is very strong.

Hear me out: Any healthy relationship is built on regular communication.

In the same way, do you want to have a healthy relationship with money? Then you need to build regular communication about it as well.

A lot of people don’t like to think or talk or read or study about money. That’s why their money complains and files for divorce! Usually, money just runs away with some other guy.

I strongly suggest you think about your money, read about your money, study about your money, and plan about your money. I’m not asking you to love money. That will destroy you. But I’m asking you to have a healthy relationship with money.

When you do, you’ll experience a financial breakthrough in your life. That’s my prayer for you in this series!

Have a terrific Feast today!

May your dreams come true,


Valentine SpecialThree Love Stories

See pages 6-8


FR. FROILAN BRIONES, SSS, said last Sunday’s Gospel from Luke 4:21-30 is about prejudice and discrimination. In the Gospel, Jesus narrated two stories in the Old Testament where God helped the non-Jews and foreigners alike.

The first, about a famine in the time of Elijah. The prophet is sent by God to faraway Zarephath outside of Israel. There, he meets a widow and her son. Elijah asks the woman for food. All the widow has are little flour and oil for her and her child. Nevertheless, she makes a meal for Elijah. Then, she is rewarded with a jar of flour and a jug of oil that never runs out.

The other story is about lepers during the time of Elisha when there was still no cure for leprosy. Naaman, a foreigner stricken with the same disease, asks the prophet to heal him. Elisha instructs the man to wash himself in the river Jordan seven times. His leprosy miraculously disappears.

Fr. Briones said the Jews thought highly of themselves and looked down on all foreigners, so they got offended after hearing Jesus’ stories as they felt Jesus was challenging their beliefs. So they plotted to kill Jesus.

God’s grace is for all, Fr. Briones reminded us. He encouraged everyone to give love the Christian way as defined in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. Fr. Briones lamented the many divisions in our society. He said all these would be broken if we remember that we are all members of God’s family.

-- Cessna Papas

All Precious in God’s Eyes

HAPPY MONEY“WHO wants to become rich?” Bro. Bo Sanchez asked as soon as he went onstage, and the Feast attendees roared as they raised their hands. Bro. Bo then immediately warned the crowd that the new series, Happy, Healthy, Holy Money, will be about something that we won’t hear from other preachers because not all preachers talk about money.

But, Bro. Bo pointed out, we should talk about money because God wants us to have an abundant life as expressed in James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father...”

Bro. Bo explained that God doesn’t mind us becoming rich-- on one condition: that we will be rich on the inside before we become rich on the outside. If we are rich on the inside first, we can handle the money that will come in. Bro. Bo pointed out that money is a magnificent magnifier. If we are greedy and selfish, money will just magnify our greed and selfishness. But if we are good, money will magnify the good in us.

So how do we use money? Bro. Bo referred us to Psalms 35:27: “...Let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

Bro. Bo said God takes pleasure in our prosperity. But we are squeamish about becoming rich because we’ve often been told that money can’t buy happiness. So we’ve had bad relationship with money. He said, however, that there are three kinds of rich people:

The Filthy RichBo said that the filthy rich

are those who are greedy, selfish, and sometimes cruel people. The reason people can say that money can’t buy happiness is because of the filthy rich. Bro. Bo said they are like Gollum in the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings who, at first was normal but who became a monster when he desired to possess the ring that he heard would make him powerful. Similarly, if you become a filthy rich man, you don’t possess money but money possesses you.

The Guilty RichThe guilty rich are

the people who are usually abundantly blessed, good, church-going, and Bible-reading people-- rich people who are not comfortable with their wealth. An example is a woman who earns a lot of money but is still not happy. It turned out that when she was young, talks about money were shunned in their house because her parents thought gaining profit was bad. Bro. Bo said he advised the woman to read his books on wealth and attend the Feast regularly to slowly change her mindset on money.

Bro. Bo cited a survey among 150,000 persons to find out who are the happiest countries in the world. Survey results showed less fortunate countries, including the Philippines, were in the top 10 while rich countries like France, Germany, Japan, and America ranked among the lowest with Singapore, a rich first-world country, at the bottom of the list.

The survey, Bro. Bo pointed out, shows that money can’t really buy happiness. But, he said, desiring to be wealthy is not about buying happiness. God designed money to increase helpfulness-- as stated in 1 Timothy 5:8: “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

The Truly RichBro. Bo said the Truly

Rich is the person who uses his money to help others. He said it is our moral obligation to be financially stable, and even earn more, not for ourselves for we should not be thinking of just ourselves, but the people around us who need our help. He specifically addressed fathers who, he said, have two major tasks: to provide for their family and to teach their children, especially their sons, how to earn money.

Bro. Bo prophesied that if we will follow the teaching on being Truly Rich, in 10-20 years, we will be the richest good people in the Philippines. If we just continue our search for abundance to help people, we will become multi-millionaires.

-- Mark VillacortePhotos by ELS


Surprise!TERESA DUMADAG shared last Sunday at the Feast how God provided for her one time she suffered a financial crisis.

She said one day, she just didn’t have enough money-- not even for groceries for her family. She reviewed her budget over and over again but she just couldn’t solve her dilemma.

Mustering enough faith, she asked God to help her. Throughout the week, however, there seemed to be no solution to her problem. Undaunted, she

Come Monday, surprise! Someone bought the car she had been trying to sell for so long-- at a price that more than met her immediate needs.

Teresa thus shared two of God’s promises that have been fulfilled for her:

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

-- Hebrews 6:10And God is able to bless

you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

-- 2 Corinthians 9:8

remained faithful to God, giving her tithe at the Feast, even as she didn’t know how she would make both ends meet the following week.

2 THE FEAST February 10, 2013

Editor’s Note: Have you reflections on the Feast talks? Share! and let the world know God’s Words are true! For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.


Talk 2: Healthy MoneyAre You Financial Fit? Deuteronomy 29:9Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.

Joshua 1:8Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Personal Reflection and Group Sharing:Are you financially fit? How can you be more financially fit this year?


























Illustration by JANELLE IBAY

HAVE you ever felt so tired that you were able to sleep 14 hours straight in one day? How about missing the Feast weeks in a row because you just wanted to rest at home and sleep but you couldn’t feel the worm named “guilt” slowly consume you deep inside?

I have, and I am not proud of it.

I took up Accounting, took the exam to become a Certified Public Accountant, and while waiting for the results of the board exam, I worked in a call center. I passed the exam, and happily, I resigned from the call center and started working in a bank to practice my profession.

At the bank, there were times when we were working 19 hours a day, 7 days a week -- non-stop. I never wanted to complain but I think I am already at my limit for being too timid about my burden.

It really is true that it’s a “dog eat dog” world out there. Add some politicking among the players, and, if you’re timid like me, you’ll most likely end up at the bottom of the manpower hierarchy.

That was me when I attended the Feast Sunday when Bro. Bo Sanchez talked about Significance, the last talk of the series Guaranteed. I had hit rock bottom. Under the sea. In the Netherworld, if that is really possible.

That Sunday, I got out of work at 8 a.m. after our weekend 10-hour overtime work. I decided to attend the Feast just so I won’t succumb to depression. Then Bro. Bo talked about the main essence of being significant-- that is, “helping others achieve their dreams.”

And wham, I realized how I’d been simply working

for hours on end-- for what? I felt so worthless, tears just welled in my eyes. As I cried, I remembered all the words of encouragement that my colleagues and friends have told me. I also remembered my role as a member of the Feast PICC Media Ministry. At first, I applied to serve as a writer and photographer-- which I loved to do. Of late, however, the leaders discovered I am a CPA. So they appointed me to head the Ministry’s Finance Department.

Ah, at last! I realized the significance of my title as a certified accountant. I haven’t given much importance to it until now. And, because of my new responsibility, I now feel that what I am doing is significant. I am significant. Well, maybe not right now for the company that I work for, but for the God who made it possible for me to pass the CPA board exam.

I do remember making a pact with Him that when I pass the board exam, I would serve Him every which way I could.

Well, here I am, Lord. Use me for Your glory.

THE FEAST February 10, 2013 3



2013, here they come! The youth of Feast PICC and Feast Manila embraced new beginnings on their first gathering dubbed Sibol: Bagong Simula at the PICC Banquet Hall last January 20, 2013. The exciting gathering started with getiing-to-know you exercises, and then games galore-- sit-ups, jumping rope, hula-hoop, and Rubik’s Cube, testing their fitness and wit.

Keren Graine Mallari, central coordinator of Youth Ministries, said in her inspirational talk the gathering aims to encourage the youth to initiate change in their life. Keren shared that she was afraid of change, but she stressed the importance of being able to adapt to change. She shared three principles that she follows every time she decides to change her ways.

• The change should let you GLOW. Keren explained that the change should help you accept and love yourself.

• The change should let you GROW. Keren said she experienced changes that pushed her to grow. When she became more independent, she learned how to be responsible for everything that she does. Also, the experiences that pushed her to grow made her realize her worth.

YOUTH FOR THE LORD, from top left: Keren Mallari; Khel Pagaduan with the ladies, from left: Zhan Valcos, Abi Kalaw, Geline Parin, Niña Saquilabon, Jhovie Sangalang, Kate Peñascos; worship time with Jess Coralde leading worship; singers Gerd Nabuya, Gail Bernabe, and Eduard Comabig; guitarists Ryan Nacario and Bene Sanchez.

4 THE FEAST February 10, 2013

Go! HEY, boys and girls, don’t miss the super cool activities the Feast PICC Youth Ministry is holding in 2013.

Chai Santiago (above), representing the Youth Ministry in the recent Feast PICC Planning Conference held in Baguio City, presented the Ministry’s plans for a more dynamic Youth Ministry. Check these out:

• Training of more youth core servants!

• More Youth caring group heads!

• More CG members-- 70 to100 Feast per session

• Bigger and better youth camps, with 200 attendees per camp!

• Bigger and better teambuilding for the youth core servants!

• Consolidated database of all the attendees of the different youth gatherings!

• Admin Ministry within the core

• Sunday Prayer Meetings in PICC during 3rd Sundays.


• The change should let you GO. At a certain point of your life, you will need to move on, Keren said. And when you reach that point, you learn to let go. In doing so, you will become a better person.

Keren said change is difficult. But, she added, “A change for the better – a change that will help you glow, grow, and go will make you the best person God purposed you to be.”

The Youth Team gave each participant a pot of mongo seeds, instructing the teens to plant the seeds which, they said, symbolize an opportunity for the youth to grow and become a blessing to others. Grow the seeds, boys and girls. Grow in every aspect of your life, and go to where God wants you to be!

Know more about the Feast PICC Ministries ! log on to:

FLASHBACK! The boys and girls during Camp Kalye, one of the most exciting events of the Youth Ministry.

THE FEAST February 10, 2013 5


For details call: Malour Montecillo 09192524428


We found love in a hopeless placeWe found love in a hopeless place.

THESE lines from the song titled We Found Love, popularized by Rihanna last year, plays in my mind as I write this article. If I could have a chance to chat with Rihanna, I’ll say to her, “Hey Rihanna, you can find love-- not in a hopeless place, but in the happiest place on Earth!”

That’s exactly what happened to my friend Rhy Carpio, a member of the Radical Men Batch 3, the group of single men undergoing training for leadership in the Feast. Rhy found his true love-- Anne Arreza, a member of his Caring Group.

At first, Rhy and Anne met online-- through the Kerygma Forum, an online group sharing God’s Word. Then they attended the Feast PICC and eventually joined the Caring Group.

The two had so much fun in the CG, sharing their stories, jokes, blessings, struggles and dreams.

After a few months, they decided to have a serious talk and take their friendship to the next level. So their Facebook status is now changed from “single” to “in a relationship.”

Rhy also attends the Feast Manila and there, he recently shared about finding love in his Caring Group.

Rhy said he once read the book of Bro. Bo Sanchez How To Find Your One True Love. In the book, Bro. Bo presented

what he called the “non-negotiable characteristics” of your one true love, who must be:

• free from serious addictions• emotionally healthy• earning enough to start

a family• must be morally upright• must be spiritually commitment• must love his/her own family.Rhy wished he’d find such a

true love. Meanwhile, he concentrated

on following the Biblical mandate: Seek first the kingdom of God and everything shall be added unto you.

(Matthew 6:33).He joined a Caring Group and started

serving in the Feast. And, amazingly, everything indeed

has been added unto him. He has received financial blessings. And now, his one true love-- a woman with the non- negotiable characteristics Bro. Bo listed in his book.

Rhy and Anne recently celebrated their seventh monthsary and they vow to support and inspire each other for more months and years to come.

Now, to all those fabulous females and magnificent males out there who are single and want to find their One True Love, I say one way to find the One is not in the hopeless place but in the happiest place on Earth. That person might be a co-servant, a CG friend or that Feast

FEAST ROMANCE, from top: Rhy Carpio with girlfriend Anne Arreza; Rhy and Anne (left side) with their Caring Group.

attendee who smiled back at you. Who knows?

It makes me wonder, where’s my O.T.L?

6 THE FEAST February 10, 2013

Their Facebook status is now changed from “single” to “in a relationship.”


Thank You, Lord! I saw my former boss and his wife at the PICC lobby after so many years of not seeing them. It made me very glad to know that they have been regularly attending the Feast.

- BelleThank You, Lord, for my 50th birthday celebration on January 26. Thank You for all my family, friends, and co-church workers who attended. Thank You for the many years of life that You have given me, and for making me Your servant.

- Anna MarieThank You, Lord, for the successful and orderly first communion of Grade Four students at the Santa Clara de Montefalco Parish on January 26. Thank You, Lord, because we finished four schools in one day. Even though we were tired, we were very happy to share the Gospel to hundreds of children and see them receive You in Holy Communion. Thank You, Lord, for this grace.

- EmmaThank You, Lord. I passed my thesis defense!

- Sarah MarielleThank You, Lord, for the successfully transforming and joyful Leaders’ Assembly at the Villamor Gymnasium. Thank You for Your unconditional love and for all graces and blessings I received.

- JoelThank You, Lord, for the big package from the United States sent by our cousin. Thank You for blessing their family abundantly and for their thoughtfulness to us.

- Pastor and CeliaThank You, Lord, for healing me from dehydration, fever, and respiratory infection. I am now out of the hospital.

- LorieThank You, Lord, our contract as canteen concessionaire with our big client has been extended.

- PaulaThank You, Lord. For the first time, I was able to finish the entire procession of the Black Nazarene from early morning until its return to the church. Thank You, Lord, for the strength and the endurance.

- Jan Julius

Thank You, Lord!

Editor’s Note: Have you a similar story how you have received blessings from God? Share! and let the world know miracles still do happen today to give hope especially to the lost. For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.


I LOOKED at him… he looked at me…He’s the most gorgeous hunk ever,

and I wondered, did he find me beautiful too? Was he going to make the first move -- like say to me, “Hi!” And then tell me his name? Ask my name, get my address?

But we were in this jeepney, with half a dozen passengers, looking like zombies enduring the hot, humid, polluted air around us as the jeepney negotiated the heavy traffic.

I just came from school and I was on my way home. I took this jeepney and the moment I sat down, I noticed the guy sitting at my left side. Mestizo, chinito-- you know, like those Korean telenovela hunks. Haaay.

And yes, I caught him gazing at me. Not just once. Twice. No, must be thrice. I looked down, resisting the urge to gaze back at him, even as I wished, “God, do something. I wanna meet this guy!”

Whoa, would you believe, God really did something. The jeepney stopped to pick up a lady passenger. Old, shabby, carrying a dirty box. She sat at my right side. She was strangely quiet. She acted strange, really. Before I knew it, she was pulling my hair! I forgot about Mr. Hunk as I struggled with this mad woman!

In the next second, Mr. H valiantly put an arm around my shoulder, shielding me from the crazy woman, and pushing her away from me!

The jeepney driver, noticing the commotion, stepped on his brake and ordered the woman to get off. To my relief, the woman, talking to herself, quickly got off.

I was so shaken, I could hardly speak. Mr. H also sat quietly--- until after a few more blocks, he got off the jeepney.

Yup, I let the guy get away. Or should I say, he let me get away?

God answers our prayers, yes, giving us the blessing

we ask of Him. But sometimes, we fail to receive the blessing, to take advantage of the opportunities He opens for us. God does something for us. But we also must do something for us to make the most of His grace.

I will forever regret that I didn’t get to know more about Mr. H. I will have to live with my ifs and buts. But with deep faith, I pray God will give me a second blessing, a second chance to meet Mr. H again. Mr. H, if you are at the Feast, write me through The Feast bulletin!

THE FEAST February 10, 2013 7

I noticed him sitting at my left side. Mestizo, chinito-- you know, like those Korean telenovela hunks. Haaay.

BE RENEWED.A priest will hear

your confession at the second floor lobby,

Reception Hall side.




LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.

The Awesome Kids ministry takes care of your children while you attend the Feast. After the 10:45 Holy Mass,

bring the children to the Awesome Playroom,

2nd floor of the PICC main building.



BELLA ESTRELLA Managing Editor


EDMUNDO SANTIAGOChief Photographer

CRIS LEGASPIAssistant Chief Photographer








CHICHI BARBAAssistant Head

The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].


Got One More Miracle? A mysterious, inexplicable experience—a miracle God has allowed to happen to let you know He loves you? Share! Email your article with your picture to [email protected].


CALLING Feast attendees who have a passion for learning and teaching.

Come, join the Feast PICC Formation Ministry!

The Ministry is in charge of training seminars for the spiritual formation of

leaders and servants. For details, call or text

Albert S. Zabala at +639236128409. Send your name, email, and contact details.

My Beautiful Dream GirlBy JENNEL CHENG

IN the Feast, we are often told that God’s blessings are abundant. I have been attending the Feast for almost a year now and true enough, I’ve received abundant blessings from our loving God.

At first, I was just happy attending the Feast and serving the Lord. You see, I know sign language for the deaf. So I joined the Deaf Ministry, serving as interpreter during the Mass.

Deep in my heart, I had this ardent prayer: to find God’s suitable helpmate for me. I’d look for my Miss Right everywhere. I attended the Singles Advent Retreat, Singles Stream at the Kerygma Conference 2012, hoping that I would be able to spot my special someone among the many beautiful Feast attendees. I met some ladies, tried to woo them with the strategies that I knew worked before. But I failed. It came to a point when I almost gave up.

Then, it happened. Last February 3, I thought it was going to be my usual Sunday at the Feast. I sat in one of those seats reserved for the deaf attendees, waiting for my audience. Then, I noticed a beautiful young lady sat a few seats away from me.

She was so attractive, I couldn’t help gazing at her. Then, during the Offertory, she moved to the first row, taking the seat right in front of me. My heart thumped as I whispered to God, “Wow, Lord, this is an answered prayer.”

After the Mass I prayed she would not transfer to another seat, as I was planning

to make my move to get to know her. Another answered prayer: she remained in her seat-- throughout the talk of Bro. Bo Sanchez.

After the Feast, she stood up, quickly heading to the lobby. I followed to catch up with her, hoping I could introduce myself to her. But, woe, I couldn’t find her at the lobby.

So I headed to a meeting of a new Ministry I recently joined.

To my surprise, there she was. The pretty lady I was eyeing is a member of the Ministry!

Now I know how it feels to be surprised and much more by God who must be playing as my matchmaker.

My plan was to simply give her a piece of paper with my name on it and ask for her name. But God’s way is truly different. What happened was I came to talk to her, get her complete name. And now I am so happy that I will see her often as we belong to the same Ministry!

Yes, God’s way is better than our way. And His blessings are more than we can ever imagine. I am now fully convinced that the Feast is truly the Happiest Place on Earth!

8 THE FEAST February 10, 2013

I saw her sitting a few seats away from me. I prayed I would meet her. Then she sat right in front of me...