w 8 Rhodes waa is town Sas- dny. s ' . Mrs. JB. cherry, of Hamilton, was ia ton Baaday. Miss -Horn Fowdea is viaiting > Irieadsln Washiagtoa. I W. & Hsrris spent Sanday at hia , home near Tarboro. | J. N. Oowaa, of Conetoe, apeat Snndny night ia towa. Mias Flanagin, of Greenville, ia visiting Mrs. J. W. Watts. Mias Lola Btatoa is yery i!t at her home, Kelviu Grove. < KevG O Guthrie, ol Raleigh, came ia Wednesday evening. Mrs Marion cobb, of Mildred, is visiting her brother J P Simpson Mrs. E. M, Gordy, returned to her homo in Bobgood TOesdny morning, Mias Sop hie Shelburn, of Green- I vilie, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Craw- -1 ford. Kev. Mr. Wiagate 1 ireached ia the Episcopal charch Baaday morning 1 and night. Jesse Ta\lor,Express manager of tbe Southern Expresa co, epent Sunday iu town. Mrs. J. W. Smallwood, of Wash- ington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. a B. Biggs. Chas. Haasell retomed from Tar Boro Friday where be had been nttendiug school. L H. Harrison aad Mc. G Taylor left Tuesday morning for tbe Pau- Americno Ei|tosition. Mr. and lira. C. K. Alley, of Washington City, ore viaiting Mra. Alley's qiother, Mra. T. J. Latham. Mr. and lira. Jaaiea Andrews, of Robersonville, spent Bunday visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. crawfoid. Martia Carstarpben, of Tarboro, spent Sunday in town visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Car- starpben. Messrs L. B. Harrison, M<\ G. Taylor, and Hsnry Taylor, left tbe first ot the week for Pan-American Exposition. J. E. Greet, of Wiotervilie, was in town Inst Friday aud called at Tbe Enterprise office to renew bis Subscription. Miss Lnvenja Peel left Wednes- day morning for .Toronto, Canada, where she will apoad the summer visiting Miss Hstrie Adams. Among those who went to Ply-' mouth to attend tbe Barden-Ilaaaell weddiug Wednesday morning, were: Misses Ida Ilassell and Alys V. Lutx, Messrs. K. B. craw lord, A. ilassell, l>ennisS. Biggs,c. B. God win and W. H. Biggs. Mr J G Barshill, spent Suhday in our city. ' ?' Mrs M R Peal is the guest of Mrs Ettie Taylor. Miss Adah L UarJy left last week to visit Now Berne Mr Mayo Beeves spent Sunday at bis home near Hamilton. MISS Lola Jonee of Jameaville la tbe guest of Miss Neva Ilassell. Messrs. J. c. Roberaou and R. L. Smith spent Monday is Williams ton. Messrs R. L Smith A C> have bought oat the firm of S ti Taylor A Sons Mr J L Peal baa accepted a position as saleemaa with G D A J 0 Ribersoo Miss Sallie Grimes spent Tuesday night in Hveretts, at the home of Dr. R. J. Nelsea. ~ Mm L T Smallwood returned Sat nrday night )fe are glad to bays her back with qs again Mr. Guy Trippe left last week to visit New fork. East Prince ton Mass. and other points. Misses Sophie Motoo snd Annie Porvis left Wednesday to visit friends and relatives in Hamilton Mr calvin Smith spent Sunday near Statens He must hare heard god news 4s he came tpa* oil smiles. ? T H Grimes has moved tbe Pest Office in bu new bailding wo are all glad to have tha. post office 00 Main Street again Miss Mary Simmon Jonen 0 f Raleigh spent Sunday uight with Misses Sallisand Alice Grimes She left Monday morning for Washing tea to visit bar gnaad smthsr Mia RT Hodge% ~ Avoideccentricities Unote paper. Plain white unrated paper, of med- ium aint or delicate gray or very pale blue paper, may be used bv a lady, but anything startling or bix- nrre violates good " form.?June tadiss' Home .. j Subscribe for The Enterprise Ttfl-ifr * rfaill'.- ?. ? - . THE ENTERPRISE. FIDAT, Jon 14,1901. Head Read VnXii stamped on the the first-page of this paper your snbscription lies expired and you are requested to renew at once LOCAL NEWS Bsm Doors at Eli Gurgaaas. WANTED?Several loads of pine Wood The Enterprise. FOR SALE One Buckeye Mower aad Rake. Good as lie sr. Call oa Ell Gurgaaas. LOOT?A Saudi Silver Watch, Movements. Finder will phase leave it at this office and r«> can reward. tf The ladies or the Episcopal eharehwill five an icecream snp per at Msssnk Hall one night asst week \u25b2 surgical operation is not nscss \u25a0l7 to cure piles. OsWitt's Witch Haasl Bslvo ssres all that expeose aad never fails. Bswars of counter- fails. C- D. Garetsrphea. nu LAST KBXICAH BOLDiaa OF nut COtJBTY QtiRK: Baaday erening rapt Siuion Ferry Mod at his hoiae near Jsmesville Bo had baoa a sufferer ot paralysis for nearly two years and died at the tips old age of 77, capt Perry served opder Gen Taylor iu the Mexican wnr Be was the last survivor ol the Mexican Soldiers in Martin countv Bo ako served ia the civil war in the Seveuteeutli Regimeut N c Vol- nateers Be was a quiet aud good citiseo, for several years be bad been a member of tbe Primitive Baptist eh arch He loaves two sons eae living" ia Washington oouuty aad the other at the old homestead CITIZENS MEETING. The mettiag at the Court house last Monday night was called to enter by Mr W 0 Lamb aad Iter B K Masoa waa elected Chairman and A E Whitvore Secretary. Mr J W Aadeisoe stated to tbe assembly ?by the mooting bad lieeu called, aad, Mr w G Lamb then stated tbe proposition of Mr Jno D Biggs in regard to sailing tbe Academy prop «rty The iwoposition wu, that be woold take 914)00,(10 for building Sad|Boatents,onefoarUi cash,balance me, two, three and four years; and world subscribe pOO 00 of this him self The 91,000,00 was divided into IP "harts of S3O 00 each and these wees sold ia a short lime A great deal ol interest was mau itested throughout the meeting; eadi question presented was freely- sad fully diaeassed; aad a sense of harmony prevailed. Plot wileoa in u~«bort, hut clear address, slated tbe needs of the lowa in school muttera,add ths way toaaeet them at this time. ? > A committee was appointed to wait on Prof, wilaoo and ascertain tf ho coo Id cooaider a proposition to coadaet the Academy another year, hat na yet asthing can bs learned ia regard to thia [The sail meeting to eight (Tburs day) sifl bs toolatefor unto get the proceedings ia this iosae.]?Ed WEDDINGS Mr. J. w. Mayo, of Grimsalsnd and Miss Jesie Smlthwick, of qeaf were married ?edqes daT morning at the boms of the bride. Mr. Norman Gordon and Miss Battie Baaghtou were msrried in waahiagtoa Wednesday. Mr. W. G- Lamb, Jr. attended the wedding. Mr. Jan. L. Hassell and Miss Blanc's Bardea were married si plTgpMth Wetl'newlay morning aad left immediately for tbe Bad- AsMrtean Kxpositma. Mr. aad Mrs Esai Bar isaghs ssn ssartiod ia Etisabsth city Wsdassdar atoraiag aud loft i 1 l itslj for Norfolk, whore they task the O D Btearner to New York aad theaesto Paa American Ex mob; tmn. MMNAMM LUNG*! |<4 M t*r*H qgrmU, ««btn for peel wwh s«kr aer -siw lie jrntl \u25a0 nta lUMlriim Ma «? tspM okl caUbltehcd Huml. f»f? >\u25a0! position. liberal Hiinmism. Hem, brilliant liao. WiSr nAFFW PKSS, SCMiSMtI, McvßncSiOesa. NAMTM Mr. John olomsn, of Tarboro, waa - was here Saturday. j Miss MitUo ooffiehl aad her , friend.Miss Lewis were in town Uouday. t Misa Inra Gray aad Ruth Mat* then a returned from Bootlond Neck \u25a0 Saturday. Miasea Sallie aad Annn Salsbury t went to Botbel Monday aad 10 turned Tuesday. 1 Mioses Mary Baker, Lillie Sher- rod and VießarnhiU rotornod from t school last week. Henry Clark, of Scotland Neck , has come home for a few days* every one was glad to see him. 1 Mrs. Jenkins, of Edgeeooib, snd Mrs. Dieksou, of Farmville, who have been visiting Mrs. B. L. LoogJ r returned home Tuesday. '. The ice cream supper last Wed- nesdsy for beuefit of ths baas ball team was a success, tbe sum of ( twenty-eight dollais being realised. ( Mr. 8. D. Mattbew*,wbo makes a successor everything be handles, j, mnde his.tyrst shipment po- tstoe* this'aeek, and ihey werv fine ones. t The ladies of Ihe Missionary lliipt ot fiiiircii will hold au Ice ' sicaiu festival Wcduesday uight tor the benefit of 1 heir elinich. We wish tlieiu much kirix'sk. The ladies of the Epi.v: «p*l cbuioh have o(i«ued an ice cre.uu parlor ' next door to U. 11. dheriod's where every Saturday evening duiiugtbe Summer they will have the nicest r of cream for ssle. It is for a wort by , object, ami a cordial imitation is , extended to all who may visit our I- town on Saturdays. Dr. Justice who has located her* for tbe practice of medicine, went up in tbe Western part of the State i 'or bis family last week. He re~ turned ou Thursday night nccota* paiued by bis wtfo aud child. Dr. Justicolias made a fine impression | ou our iwople. CONOHO Play ball Williamston. ' emy for tbs last session came home last week. N. C. Ilines drove up te Hobgood Thursday. Peyton Anthony oTScjllaud Neck r spent Sunday iu town. Mias Susie Wbiteburst ia visit* ? iug some of her Botl.el friends. I Miss Addie crisp was here last ; wo'k viaitiug Hiaa Gattie council. . Miss Charity Ooiincil, who has ' lieeu attending Williamston Aoad Ben Cas|ier visited Gold Poiut Hamilton and Robersonville Tburs* day. | Mrs. Jno. L Illnes aud children 1 went op to Scotlaud Neck Satuiday and returned Monday. r Miss Snsie White, of Hobgood, was hero last Thursday and Friday : viaiting at Jno. L. nines.' Newberce Wbiteburst is home from Oak Ridge where be has bees attending tbe Oak Ridge luatituto. 1 Quite a large crowd attended the Young People'x Prayer Meeting Sunday night. We are glad to learn 1 thnt the oongn-gaii in is inctoasiiig. Dave M >ire w«-ut d iwn to Bethel Sunday, lit' att<- ide-t com\u25a0 ineiit-enient and ioiiiru"d Wed ier- <la v " Gordon Barnlnil was in our town ' a few days ayo, and Imhu liern went to Wilmington to keep iKMki lor a bote). Gordon saya he will nerve hia last term at Oak Ridge next session. Edward Cquqcil haa returned home froiq Chapel Hill. 1-alwaid aeems to like (Miapel Hill very 1 well. He says they use Kerosene oil and lamp black there instead of the paddle. News was reeeived here Saturday ; night that an engiue on Ibe Weldon and Kioaton Branch rood at Greeu ville, had been thrown from the track, the only one hnrt was Epgi c Smith, anU he not seriously. W. K. Hurst and bis little son, ] Willie, boarded the train for Ayden j Monday morning. Willie has im j proved very much for tbe past few j weeks, but yet be is very fee hie. j About three swaths ago the Daetor j said it was a very poor ebsaes for ] 1 him to live, and maay others aide j the remark that Willie wouM live to Jeave b,U I*4. Rqt" pts ah ways What tho Lord wishes a boat auch things. Willie has suffered a giant deal during Ms ttiasss, and we srs glad to hear of his reoovery^ Job Printing is oar specialty. ' ->\u25a0 KmM Dytpeatla Cmr# THE NOME BOLD CURE. An lapatlas Treatment by which rink- irds art Bsing Cured Daily in Splta of Tkaass'Tis V ) NOXIOUS DOSES. KG WFAKF.NIKC OK Till NERVES. A PI.FASANT ASD IOMTIVE CURE FOR THE Llyl'OK HABIT. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness A body filled with poison,and nerves.com- pletely shattered by periodical or constant useof intpxipting lienors, requires an an idotc capable ol neu- tralizing and eradicating thin poison and destroying the craving for in- toxicants. Suflciers may now cure themselves at home without pub- licity or los of busi nes* by this wonderful "IIO,ME GOLD CURE'' which has been perfect d after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most ob- stinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the mar- velous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober,industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUS- BANDS! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS 11 This remedy is in no a nostrum but is a specific for this dissasc only,and is so skill- fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly souble and plcasaat to the taste, so that it car. be given in a cup of tea or coflec without flic knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless rem- edy, and aa many more have been cured and mad- temperate men by Having the "CUKK" administered by loving friends and r.datives without their k ow'edgc in coffee or tea, and tnlieve tod.iy that they discontinued drinking on their own free will. DO NOT \V.\l P. Po not be deluded by apparent and mis- leading ' improvement.'" Drive out the dis ase at < tice and for all time The "HOME GOLD CI'RE" sold at t e extremely low price ot One Dollar, thui Placing within tlu reach of tverybod y a tu utment more effectual tha-.t o;htrs costing i»5 to 150. Full directions acorn-] pai y each package. Special advice by skilled physicians w hen request- ed without extra charge. Bent pre- paid to any part of the worll on re- ceipt ot One Dollar Address Dept C 491, EDWIN B. GILKS A Co, »3jo and 1331 Market S ie«.t, l'i it- adelphifc \u25a0 ?\u25a0 ?? \u25a0 All correspondence strict'y con- fidential WEDDING PRESENTS! I ! MI.VERWARK.CfTCI.ASS. CI/KKS, | ; JPINE CHINA WARE. . 1 ; The* arc Ike ?pprrcUted (IIU thai ! , ; CMUMKrvtee with a rich. Ree4eeee I ! , appearance. ! j As ifstl OMMitlv BMAJ BELL The Jeweler, i TARBORO, N. C. ! -.y~1 xJ-?mmm* 1 1 » = aa>iiM«Wiiii»iW>aiia<f Eczema, Baltrhenm, tetter, eha£ng, ivy poisoningaad all skin tortnre* art quickly corad by Da Witt's Witch Basel Bslvt. The certain pils care. 0. D, Caritarph an. MH lIfBIIW Why not give yourself a surprise to-day and come ; and select a becoming suit,hat or negligee shirt, neck* wear, fancy hose, collars, cuff*, etc.? You'll find at- trractive stykfr and reasonable prices hero and the > best of attention?it's the price that brings the people ? ?and satisfaction brings them back, tnat's the key* ; note of this business. The word value never had a more generous meaning than in the splendid line of MEN'S SUITS I at $lO ' Hats from 50c to $2.50 Fancy Hose ifc to 60c Negligee Shirts 50c to $1.50. Stop mid Tliink The best of Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnighings at SLADE. ANDERSON &CO.'S Agentn for America'* Lending Tailor*. 'Pliono 25. W. H. BIGGS, MERCHANT fnvitea you toaiil and inspect his 3f)priqg \ and -f §urr|merE: CIiOTHING 1901 Choice productions. Correct fit,* SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP. N'gS ß ' Drug Store. ???????????? QEO. W. NEWELL, Attorney-at-Law. W ILI.I AMSTOX, N. C. wherever services ?re desired. Bpeclnl Attention given to exam- ining end making title for purchaser* of Umber and Umber lauds." ______ JjR JOUN D. uioas, DEHTIBT, ' Honr. 9A. M. to 12 M : 2 P.M. to 6 P, M. « Office on Smithwick Street North of Main. ' . Wn.MAMSTON, N.C mm IS THE SKA SON FOR .PtrfMtliig , ?and cleaning up.?> I have 011 hand a largo sup- ply of the celebrated Is/ "F HAMMER" Krand Paint in all colors. If you wish to save money on Paint, call in and let me tell * you how to do it. 1 also have a nice assortment of MUKALO OR WALL FINISH in all the latest shades. Put up in 5 pound packages ?Ready For Use- JUST RECEIVED 2 CARLOADS of the celebrated Acme and Snow flake Klouru They give satisfaction. It EMKM BEN Tarn headquar- ters for anything usually kept In an up-to-date store of General Mercliandlise Yours to please, ELI \u2666 GCRGANES. "A few months ago, food which I at* for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I ttaed one bottle ol your Kodol Dyspep- aia Core and can now sat my break- fast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly dlgssted.Noth- inf equals Rodol dyspepsia Cure for \u25a0tomaoh troubles. H. 8. Pitts, Arling- ton, Tex- Kedol Dyspepsia Oars dU gists what JOB sat. ?.D .Oarstaxphen. '\u25a0?',4 uk ' - _ t _ ?. - T \u25a0; DENNIS SIMMONS, Pre*. T. W. TIICHMAK.Ccn. Managtr. JOUN D. DICCS.Scc. ft Trot THE > DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. ? * - > . " / r " . T ' ... . f- J-i.-.-u i '; 4 ... MANUFACTURERS OP FRRUA DRIED NOLLTH CAROLINA PINE LUMBER AND DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES. WILLIAMSTON N.C. and Correspondent Solicited. ? ' - *" - ? ' : 3 COUNTYAND CITY DEPOSITORY. >CAPITAL $ 5,000,.00 BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY, t J. G. GODARD, CASHIER. Raport ot thj condition of the Bank at the cloia of Business, April H th, 1901: RKSOI'RCKS. I I.IAUIU'rIHS. , I.oann «ND dltcoiinti JN.ATT^ 1 , Capital Stock FC.000.00 \u25a0 Overdraft. T Undivided Prolilj $747« i United ttntcfl Bond* tvw CM Certificate* of Dcpoffit* J-1.t00.00 Furniture and Ftaturea Dapo.lt* subject to check J17.9a5.1a T Due from llank* P'.lA' 14 «?? Cart Item. IW.II' TOT A I« * # J. 7HS Silver Coin,lncluding all minor'coiii C'y 14.57 A.71 TOT AI, 1 $»5.775-L3 I I, J. G. Go.lard Cash'er of Bank of Martin County, do soleinly swtjAr (ora(Hrni) (hat the abovj statement is true, to the best ofjny knowle<f;e : and belief. , J. G. GODARD, Caslner State of North Carolina -County of Martin. 'Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of May 1901* W. E. SrUBBS N. P. ' Wheeler Martin. Dennis 3. Uigga MARTIN & BIGGS, iroi'M of ? ; FURNITURE, C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 'PHONES:?Office :J3; Factory 4G.. \ 1 - LADIES. * ..'i ' * .i " - . A man is known by the eompauy ho keeps. ' 4* ' ' A woman's figure is shown by she, wears. ' _ ' .. . STRAIGHT FRONT- for bsiiuty, Empirefor case." "7" m , \u25a0 * _J Call and see our line. We also have a nice line of Gent's Straw Hats, N S PEEL & CO « I am now i*4»ii«ly to Hupitly tl»o trade with 1 CULTIVATORS 1" 1 WEED FLUBS v . \ GAHTS AND WAGONS ' \ MADE - TO - ORDEBL V- ff. WegjLAgP ROBERTA I WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE THE EQUAL OF ROBERTS' CHILLTONICFORCHILLS.FEVERS, Night Sweats and Grippe, and mamili; IB a " rms of Malaria. iSIUUUiiUS DON'T WAIT TO DIEI SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED I None genuine unless WOODERFUL CURES MIKE ROBERTS' TOKIC FMOUS I Red Cross is on label TRY IT. #NO CURE NO PAY. 9 25c. PER BOTLLE. Don't TAKE a Sub.titute ?»>»»> DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. WCCMW For tale T>y'? Eli Gurganua and Blade, Anderson & Co. ? \u25a0 , ; -? \u25a0 ? '? v- / ,:v \u25a0 wma r , 1 . 1 V \u25a0 » * ' I SEND US YOUR Job Printing. S 0 * '. * * . *\u25a0

The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-06-14 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1901-06-14/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Bo ako served ia the civil war in the Seveuteeutli Regimeut

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Page 1: The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-06-14 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1901-06-14/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Bo ako served ia the civil war in the Seveuteeutli Regimeut

w 8 Rhodes waa is town Sas-dny.

s '

. Mrs. JB. cherry, of Hamilton,was ia ton Baaday.

Miss -Horn Fowdea is viaiting> Irieadsln Washiagtoa.

I W. & Hsrris spent Sanday at hia, home near Tarboro.

| J. N. Oowaa, of Conetoe, apeatSnndny night ia towa.

Mias Flanagin, of Greenville, iavisiting Mrs. J. W. Watts.

Mias Lola Btatoa is yery i!t at

her home, Kelviu Grove. <

KevG O Guthrie, ol Raleigh,came ia Wednesday evening.

Mrs Marion cobb, of Mildred, isvisiting her brother J P Simpson

Mrs. E. M, Gordy, returned to herhomo in Bobgood TOesdny morning,

Mias Sop hie Shelburn, ofGreen-

I vilie, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Craw--1 ford.

Kev. Mr. Wiagate 1ireached ia theEpiscopal charch Baaday morning

1 and night.

Jesse Ta\lor,Express manager oftbe Southern Expresa co, epentSunday iu town.

Mrs. J. W. Smallwood, of Wash-ington, is visiting her daughter,Mrs. a B. Biggs.

Chas. Haasell retomed from TarBoro Friday where be hadbeen nttendiug school.

L H. Harrison aad Mc. G Taylorleft Tuesday morning for tbe Pau-Americno Ei|tosition.

Mr. and lira. C. K. Alley, ofWashington City, ore viaiting Mra.Alley's qiother, Mra. T. J. Latham.

Mr. and lira. Jaaiea Andrews, ofRobersonville, spent Bunday visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. W. H. crawfoid.

Martia Carstarpben, of Tarboro,spent Sunday in town visiting hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Car-starpben.

Messrs L. B. Harrison, M<\ G.Taylor, and Hsnry Taylor, left tbefirst ot the week for Pan-AmericanExposition.

J. E. Greet, of Wiotervilie, wasin town Inst Friday aud called atTbe Enterprise office to renew bisSubscription.

Miss Lnvenja Peel left Wednes-day morning for .Toronto, Canada,where she will apoad the summervisiting Miss Hstrie Adams.

Among those who went to Ply-'mouth to attend tbe Barden-Ilaaaellweddiug Wednesday morning, were:Misses Ida Ilassell and Alys V.Lutx, Messrs. K. B. craw lord, A.ilassell, l>ennisS. Biggs,c. B. Godwin and W. H. Biggs.

Mr J G Barshill, spent Suhday inour city. '


Mrs M R Peal is the guest ofMrs Ettie Taylor.Miss Adah L UarJy left last week

to visit Now BerneMr Mayo Beeves spent Sunday

at bis home near Hamilton.MISS Lola Jonee of Jameaville la

tbe guest ofMiss Neva Ilassell.Messrs. J. c. Roberaou and R.

L. Smith spent Monday is Williamston.

Messrs R. L Smith A C> havebought oat the firm of S ti TaylorA SonsMrJ L Peal baa accepted a positionas saleemaa with G D A J 0Ribersoo

Miss Sallie Grimes spent Tuesdaynight in Hveretts, at the home ofDr. R. J. Nelsea.


Mm L T Smallwood returned Satnrday night )fe are glad to baysher back with qs again

Mr. Guy Trippe left last week tovisit New fork. East Prince tonMass. and other points.

Misses Sophie Motoo snd AnniePorvis left Wednesday to visitfriends and relatives in Hamilton

Mr calvin Smith spent Sundaynear Statens He must hare heardgod news 4s he came tpa* oilsmiles.? T H Grimes has moved tbe PestOffice in bu new bailding wo areall glad to have tha. post office 00Main Street again

Miss Mary Simmon Jonen 0 fRaleigh spent Sunday uight withMisses Sallisand Alice Grimes Sheleft Monday morning for Washingtea to visit bar gnaad smthsr MiaRT Hodge%

~ Avoideccentricities Unote paper.Plain white unrated paper, of med-ium aint or delicate gray or verypale blue paper, may be used bv alady, but anything startling or bix-nrre violates good " form.?Junetadiss' Home .. jSubscribe for The Enterprise

Ttfl-ifr * rfaill'.- ?. ? - .


FIDAT, Jon 14,1901.

Head Read

VnXiistamped on thethe first-page of this

paper your snbscription liesexpired and you are requestedto renew at once

LOCAL NEWSBsm Doors at Eli Gurgaaas.

WANTED?Several loads of pineWood The Enterprise.

FOR SALE One BuckeyeMower aad Rake. Good as lie sr.Call oa Ell Gurgaaas.

LOOT?A Saudi Silver Watch,Movements. Finder will

phase leave it at this office and r«>can reward. tf

The ladies or the Episcopaleharehwill fivean icecream snpper at Msssnk Hall one night asstweek

\u25b2 surgical operation is not nscss\u25a0l7 to cure piles. OsWitt's WitchHaasl Bslvo ssres all that expeoseaad never fails. Bswars of counter-fails. C- D. Garetsrphea.


nut COtJBTY QtiRK:

Baaday erening rapt Siuion FerryMod at his hoiae near JsmesvilleBo had baoa a sufferer ot paralysisfor nearly two years and died at

the tips old age of 77, capt Perryserved opder Gen Taylor iu theMexican wnr

Be was the last survivor ol theMexican Soldiers in Martin countvBo ako served ia the civil war inthe Seveuteeutli Regimeut N c Vol-nateers Be was a quiet aud goodcitiseo, for several years be badbeen a member of tbe PrimitiveBaptist eh arch He loaves two sonseae living" ia Washington oouutyaad theother at the old homestead

CITIZENS MEETING.The mettiag at the Court house

last Monday night was called toenter by Mr W 0 Lamb aad Iter B KMasoa waa elected Chairman andA E Whitvore Secretary. Mr J W

Aadeisoe stated to tbe assembly?by the mooting bad lieeu called,aad, Mr w G Lamb then stated tbeproposition of Mr Jno D Biggs inregard to sailing tbe Academy prop«rty The iwoposition wu, that bewoold take 914)00,(10 for buildingSad|Boatents,onefoarUi cash,balanceme, two, three and four years; andworld subscribe pOO 00 of this himself

The 91,000,00 was divided intoIP "harts of S3O 00 each and thesewees sold ia a short lime

A great deal ol interest was mauitested throughout the meeting;eadi question presented was freely-sad fullydiaeassed; aad a sense ofharmony prevailed.

Plot wileoa in u~«bort, hut clearaddress, slated tbe needs of thelowa in school muttera,add ths waytoaaeet them at this time. ? >

A committee was appointed to

wait on Prof, wilaoo and ascertain

tf ho cooId cooaider a proposition tocoadaet the Academy another year,hat na yet asthing can bs learnedia regard to thia

[The sail meeting to eight (Tbursday) sifl bs toolatefor unto get theproceedings ia this iosae.]?Ed

WEDDINGSMr. J. w. Mayo, of Grimsalsnd

and Miss Jesie Smlthwick, of qeaf

were married ?edqesdaT morning at the boms of thebride.

Mr. Norman Gordon and MissBattie Baaghtou were msrried inwaahiagtoa Wednesday. Mr. W. G-Lamb, Jr. attended the wedding.

Mr. Jan. L. Hassell and Miss

Blanc's Bardea were married si

plTgpMth Wetl'newlay morningaad left immediately for tbe Bad-AsMrtean Kxpositma.Mr. aad Mrs Esai Barisaghs ssn ssartiod ia Etisabsthcity Wsdassdar atoraiag aud lofti 1 l itslj for Norfolk, whore theytask the O D Btearner to New Yorkaad theaesto Paa American Ex mob;



M t*r*H qgrmU, ««btn forpeel wwh s«kr aer -siwlie jrntl \u25a0 nta lUMlriim Ma «?

tspM okl caUbltehcd

Huml. f»f? >\u25a0! position. liberalHiinmism. Hem, brilliant liao. WiSr

nAFFW PKSS,SCMiSMtI, McvßncSiOesa.

NAMTMMr. John olomsn, of Tarboro, waa

- was here Saturday. jMiss MitUo ooffiehl aad her

, friend.Miss Lewis were in townUouday.

t Misa Inra Gray aad Ruth Mat*then a returned from Bootlond Neck

\u25a0 Saturday.

Miasea Sallie aad Annn Salsburyt went to Botbel Monday aad 10

turned Tuesday.1 Mioses Mary Baker, Lillie Sher-

rod and VießarnhiU rotornod fromt school last week.

Henry Clark, of Scotland Neck, has come home for a few days*

every one was glad to see him.

1 Mrs. Jenkins, of Edgeeooib, sndMrs. Dieksou, of Farmville, whohave been visiting Mrs. B. L. LoogJ

r returned home Tuesday.'. The ice cream supper last Wed-

nesdsy for beuefit ofths baas ballteam was a success, tbe sum of

( twenty-eight dollais being realised.

( Mr. 8. D. Mattbew*,wbo makes asuccessor everything be handles,

j, mnde his.tyrst shipment po-tstoe* this'aeek, and ihey werv fineones.


The ladies of Ihe Missionarylliiptot fiiiircii will hold au Ice

' sicaiu festival Wcduesday uight torthe benefit of 1 heir elinich. Wewish tlieiu much kirix'sk.

The ladies ofthe Epi.v: «p*l cbuiohhave o(i«ued an ice cre.uu parlor

' next door to U. 11. dheriod's whereevery Saturday evening duiiugtbeSummer they will have the nicest

r of cream for ssle. It is for a wort by, object, ami a cordial imitation is, extended to all who may visit our

I- town on Saturdays.Dr. Justice who has located her*

for tbe practice of medicine, wentup in tbe Western part of the State

i 'or bis family last week. He re~turned ou Thursday night nccota*

paiued by bis wtfo aud child. Dr.Justicolias made a fine impression

| ou our iwople.

CONOHOPlay ball Williamston.

' emy for tbs last session came homelast week.

N. C. Ilines drove up te HobgoodThursday.

Peyton Anthony oTScjllaud Neckr spent Sunday iu town.

Mias Susie Wbiteburst ia visit*? iug some of her Botl.el friends.

I Miss Addie crisp was here last; wo'k viaitiug Hiaa Gattie council. .

Miss Charity Ooiincil, who has' lieeu attending Williamston Aoad

Ben Cas|ier visited Gold PoiutHamilton and Robersonville Tburs*day.

| Mrs. Jno. L Illnes aud children1 went op to Scotlaud Neck Satuidayand returned Monday.r Miss Snsie White, of Hobgood,was hero last Thursday and Friday

: viaiting at Jno. L. nines.'Newberce Wbiteburst is home

from Oak Ridge where be has beesattending tbe Oak Ridge luatituto.

1 Quite a large crowd attended theYoung People'x Prayer MeetingSunday night. We are glad to learn

1 thnt the oongn-gaii in is inctoasiiig.

Dave M >ire w«-ut d iwn to BethelSunday, lit' att<- ide-t u« com\u25a0

ineiit-enient and ioiiiru"d Wed ier-

<la v"

Gordon Barnlnil was in our town' a few days ayo, and Imhu liern wentto Wilmington to keep iKMki lor abote). Gordon saya he will nervehia last term at Oak Ridge nextsession.

Edward Cquqcil haa returnedhome froiq Chapel Hill. 1-alwaidaeems to like (Miapel Hill very

1 well. He says they use Keroseneoil and lamp black there instead ofthe paddle.

News was reeeived here Saturday; night that an engiue on Ibe Weldonand Kioaton Branch rood at Greeuville, had been thrown from thetrack, the only one hnrt was Epgi c

Smith, anU he not seriously.W. K. Hurst and bis little son, ]

Willie, boarded the train for Ayden jMonday morning. Willie has im jproved very much for tbe past few jweeks, but yet be is very fee hie. jAbout three swaths ago the Daetor jsaid it was a very poor ebsaes for ]

1 him to live, and maay others aide jthe remark that Willie wouMlive to Jeave b,U I*4. Rqt" pts ahways What tho Lord wishes aboatauch things. Willie has suffered agiant deal during Ms ttiasss, andwe srs glad to hear ofhis reoovery^

Job Printing is oar specialty.' ->\u25a0

KmM Dytpeatla Cmr#


An lapatlas Treatment by which rink-irds art Bsing Cured Daily in





It is now generally known and

understood that Drunkenness is adisease and not weakness A bodyfilled with poison,and nerves.com-pletely shattered by periodical orconstant useof intpxipting lienors,requires an an idotc capable ol neu-

tralizing and eradicating thin poisonand destroying the craving for in-toxicants. Suflciers may now curethemselves at home without pub-licity or los of busi nes*

by this wonderful "IIO,ME GOLDCURE'' which has been perfect dafter many years of close study andtreatment of inebriates. The faithfuluse according to directions of thiswonderful discovery is positivelyguaranteed to cure the most ob-stinate case, no matter how hard adrinker. Our records show the mar-velous transformation of thousandsof Drunkards into sober,industriousand upright men.


a nostrum but is a specificfor this dissasc only,and is so skill-fully devised and prepared that it isthoroughly souble and plcasaat tothe taste, so that it car. be given ina cup of tea or coflec without flicknowledge of the person taking it.Thousands of Drunkards have curedthemselves with this priceless rem-edy, and aa many more have beencured and mad- temperate men byHaving the "CUKK" administeredby loving friends and r.dativeswithout their k ow'edgc in coffeeor tea, and tnlieve tod.iy that theydiscontinued drinking on their ownfree will.DO NOT \V.\l P. Po notbe deluded by apparent and mis-leading ' improvement.'" Drive outthe dis ase at < tice and for all time

The "HOME GOLD CI'RE" i» soldat t e extremely low price ot OneDollar, thui Placing within tlu

reach of tverybod y a tu utmentmore effectual tha-.t o;htrs costing

i»5 to 150. Full directions acorn-]pai y each package. Special adviceby skilled physicians w hen request-ed without extra charge. Bent pre-paid to any part of the worll on re-

ceipt ot One Dollar Address Dept

C491, EDWIN B. GILKS A Co,»3jo and 1331 Market S ie«.t, l'i it-adelphifc \u25a0 ?\u25a0?? \u25a0

Allcorrespondence strict'y con-fidential


JPINE CHINAWARE. . 1 ;The* arc Ike ?pprrcUted (IIU thai ! ,

; CMUMKrvtee with a rich. Ree4eeee I !, appearance.

! j

As ifstl OMMitlvBMAJ

BELL The Jeweler, iTARBORO, N. C. !

-.y~1 xJ-?mmm* 1 1 » =


Eczema, Baltrhenm, tetter, eha£ng,ivy poisoningaad all skin tortnre*art quickly corad by DaWitt's WitchBasel Bslvt. The certain pils care.0. D, Caritarph an.

MH lIfBIIWWhy not give yourself a surprise to-day and come

; and select a becoming suit,hat or negligee shirt, neck*wear, fancy hose, collars, cuff*, etc.? You'll find at-trractive stykfr and reasonable prices hero and the

> best of attention?it's the price that brings the people? ?and satisfaction brings them back, tnat's the key*

; note of this business. The word value never had amore generous meaning than in the splendid line of


' Hats from 50c to $2.50 Fancy Hose ifc to 60cNegligee Shirts 50c to $1.50.

Stop mid TliinkThe best of Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnighings at

SLADE. ANDERSON &CO.'SAgentn for America'* Lending Tailor*. 'Pliono 25.


fnvitea you toaiiland inspect his

3f)priqg \ and -f §urr|merE:CIiOTHING

1901Choice productions.


N'gS ß' Drug Store.



Attorney-at-Law.W ILI.IAMSTOX, N. C.

wherever services?re desired.

Bpeclnl Attention given to exam-ining end making titlefor purchaser*of Umber and Umber lauds."______

JjR JOUN D. uioas,

DEHTIBT,' Honr. 9A. M. to 12 M : 2 P.M.

to 6 P, M.« Office on Smithwick Street Northof Main.



.PtrfMtliig,?and cleaning up.?>

I have 011 hand a largo sup-ply of the celebrated Is/

"F HAMMER"Krand Paint in all colors.

Ifyou wish to save money onPaint, call in and let me tell

* you how to do it.1 also have a nice assortment ofMUKALO OR WALL FINISH

in all the latest shades. Putup in 5 pound packages

?Ready For Use-


2 CARLOADSof the celebrated

Acme and Snow flakeKlouru

They give satisfaction.ItEMKMBEN Tarn headquar-ters for anything usually keptIn an up-to-date store of


Yours to please,

ELI \u2666 GCRGANES."Afew months ago, food which I

at* for breakfast would not remainon my stomach for half an hour. Ittaed one bottle ol your Kodol Dyspep-aia Core and can now sat my break-fast and other meals with a relish andmy food is thoroughly dlgssted.Noth-infequals Rodol dyspepsia Cure for\u25a0tomaoh troubles. H. 8. Pitts, Arling-ton, Tex- Kedol Dyspepsia Oars dUgists what JOB sat. ?.D .Oarstaxphen.

'\u25a0?',4 uk




t _?.

- T \u25a0;

DENNIS SIMMONS, Pre*. T. W. TIICHMAK.Ccn. Managtr. JOUN D. DICCS.Scc. ftTrot




> . " / r

" . T ' .... f- J-i.-.-u i '; 4 ...




and Correspondent Solicited.? ' - *"

- ? ' : 3



Raport ot thj condition of the Bank at the cloia of Business, AprilH th, 1901:


I.oann «ND dltcoiinti JN.ATT^1 , Capital Stock FC.000.00\u25a0 Overdraft. T Undivided Prolilj $747« i

United ttntcfl Bond* tvw CM Certificate* of Dcpoffit* J-1.t00.00Furniture and Ftaturea Dapo.lt* subject to check J17.9a5.1a

T Due from llank* P'.lA' 14 «??

Cart Item. IW.II' TOTAI« * # J. 7HSSilver Coin,lncluding all minor'coiii C'y 14.57 A.71TOT AI, 1 $»5.775-L3

I I, J. G. Go.lard Cash'er of Bank of Martin County, do soleinly swtjAr(ora(Hrni) (hat the abovj statement is true, to the best ofjny knowle<f;e

: and belief. , J. G. GODARD, CaslnerState of North Carolina -County of Martin.

'Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of May 1901*W. E. SrUBBS N. P.

' Wheeler Martin. Dennis 3. Uigga

MARTIN & BIGGS,iroi'M of ?



'PHONES:?Office :J3; Factory 4G..

\ 1- LADIES.

* ..'i '

* .i" -


A man is known by the eompauy ho keeps.

' 4* ' '

A woman's figure is shown by she,

wears. ' _

'.. .


for bsiiuty, Empirefor case." "7" m , \u25a0* _J Call and see our line.

We also have a nice line of Gent's Straw Hats,


Iam now i*4»ii«ly to

Hupitly tl»o trade with







mamili; IB a " f° rms of Malaria.


None genuine unless WOODERFUL CURES MIKE ROBERTS' TOKIC FMOUS IRed Cross is on label TRY IT. #NO CURE NO PAY. 9 25c. PER BOTLLE.Don't TAKE a Sub.titute ?»>»»> DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. WCCMW

For tale T>y'? Eli Gurganua and Blade, Anderson & Co. ? \u25a0 ,

; -? \u25a0 ? '? v- / ,:v\u25a0 wma r , 1 . 1 V \u25a0 »

* '

ISEND US YOUR Job Printing.

S 0 * '. **

. *\u25a0