AFTEMTTW RECEPTION. Another of the season's, very pleasant social feature* was the Aftermath Reception at Kim Grove the home » f Air. Walter flat-sell, «.st Iriday evening. A few select friends received from the ?.li>sis Hassell most plea unique cards of invitation to attend this delightful reception which .was one of the most enjoyable sociaUTdcca- siona of the season. Card playin and literary conundrnms with other innocent amusements entertained the guests until the a nouueement was made that refreshments would be St rved i«» the dining rooms, whence all repaired to find thj beaatifully decorated tables, which was lighted with candles, contaiend in ornamented 1 ancient candle stands, laden with a most choice selection of good things mo»t pleasing to appetite, nit was a de- lightful occasion and a most en joyable evening. The visiting guests present wer : M.sses Pattic Skinner, of Greenville, I'au ina Small > ood, of Wa lung- ton and Mr. J. F. Astin, of Norfolk. The most aoutiiititf, hi aliUg ai.d autixpeiie. application ever devised is Dowitt's Witch Il.tsei Salye. it relieves at onco nnd cures piles, sore.",er»';ma and tn diseases. Ht- ware of oouuterieits. C. D. Carat ar phen & Co. Jan. list. '9Ol. The student body had a rare lit- eTa y treat last Thursday night in the form of a lecture by'Pr. J. Wil- liam Jone-', who was a chaplain in Lee's Army and a personal friend of Ihit iatreped commander. Dr. Jones' subject was * Lee the Sol dier." It was the more inte:eating and authoritative as com 111* I'rcra who knew hi n (or years, aud one who had ample opportunity lost dy his solifietly lfci s Last Sunday night Dr. Jones spok» at the Mi* sionary I'aptist Church in the vil- lage on 'The Christian Character or Stonewall Jackson." Quit- n number of the ? tudents heard him The election of chief Marshall for commencement iQOi was hel l this evening at 4:45 in Guffard Hall Mr Ivey Lewis, son effur. I cwis of Ralcigh was elected: Thic rfliee is always filled by the Junior Clash with a member of that cla s. Again Mr. S. J, Eveiett. a Martin County hoy. has been honor-d with the confidence which the Philan- thropic Society has repos» d in him as a debater.. 'I his timy h" was elected with Mr \u25a0 &llengt*r Ply- mouth, represent that - t icry at commencement i "the I le c o ciety ( j -4> t(v * r The lawcla s wiil * ml ilnt 5 men up to the- nprem o uit in | February. Quite a number w< re af fected by the two-year provis'on re cently passed by the Supreme court On account of this and the ten- dency cf ihe age to b rfeii the college course and make it as far as possible elective, it has been, dei ided that a course in law maybe takeriby the underg aduatc next year, co ting to <-ard his fjra uaton "?ince the fall of '99 two buildings the Carr and the Alumni, have been erected on the campuj Ihe former is o:cupied' now, the latter is not quita finishe I yet Through the beneficence of u friend 'to the University building with all the modern impnWcthcntj will be erected scion. The foun datiou is being hud now juU to the Raat of the New East. Thi* stiuclurf.wil bcknown aa 'The A n Smith bu'ikri.i , The base ball players are begin- niuj to don tt-eii uniforms. ??Pot'' ?"» avea has beer cle ted captain 01. the team an i no doubt - ili develop j a strung \arsitv. Mr; Tom Worth, j the m inager lias arranged ai> | eel lent schedule of games with some of the be tteiuis in the coun- try. Messrs. C#rr, Ilolt, Graves, Donnelly, Graham, Wilcox, Old ham, and Battle of last years team have returned and will again play. G avy will probably make short. . A Martin [Th« abpve artiple wa? Received tpo late for publication lest week.] WANTED.?; cord of flood hard WO(KJ' \IW lalHrrpT'W, Too most Dot forget that I am selling S* cheap, ii not chea|»er than any other firm in townr Eli Gnrgann*. . Y.MI « jiijjei j.«*t wiia' ,\oa H-.ni at THE BNTfi&PRISB. 10-.-> i>. ?XJL»I- - JANUARY 31, 1901 N EWS ????? ' * Read tlie new ads in lliia issue. Subscribe to TUB ENTERPRISK Dr. U. 8. ilsasell, of Jatuesville, VH in town Holiday. Mis* Lela Simpson in visiting her sister Mrs. Coltb, ID Mildred. Everybody in looking for bargain* and si e finding them at Gurganq*.' After being thoroughly renovated % tbo '!Ply moutb" is [tack on her reg> alar ran. ' The steamer u Lticv" belonging to the N. ft 8. was at not wharf Mon- day nifcltf Mrs. J. It. Cherry was baptised at the Mi««ionaiy Baptist Church Baoday night. Mia* Pattie Skinner, one of Green- ville's very charming young l"dy. ia visiting Miss Aunn Crawlord \u25b2 flue stock of goods, low prices and accomwoduttug cleiks, can al- ways be found at Eli Uiuganus.' Mrs, -DJ.tunt who va< re- ported sick in last week's is*oe' is very much better aud Able to be up. tllssea Li sale and Mittio Quarter Man returned frojn Grcovnille Fri- day after n very pleasant visit of evsrsl weeks. Three runaway teams in one dav ia a pretty good*recutd for a town of Williamston's site That is the record ol Tuesday. There are bargains and birgatns at Onrganns' looking for purchaser. We know yon won't let them phsr Some of the New Yoik holders of January cotton got a hold on it Monday aud for a while it sold as higb a*l2J cents there. After a hull storm Baturday night and rain Sundny the wind blew almost n gale Sunday night leaving cold weather in its wake* Si'cb little j ills SK Dt Witt's Lit tie Early ltiser* are very easily tak. en, and they are wouderfully effec- tive in cleansing the liter aud bow- els. C. D. Caratarphen ft Co. Leave yonr orders at The Enter- prise office for Engraved Visiting Cards, Wedding Invitations, Etc, also for Neat and Strictly First- CI MS Office ond Business Station- 1 ery. Mrs. J. L. EwcH was summoned to the lieilstde of her niece, Mrs Jordan at Jamesnille, Inst Friday, finding her belter MM Kwell re- turned to the city Saturday on the ' 'freight. Mr. 8. N. Yaircll one of our ni<*i popular and pro-p< I I iners was seen on our-ntu-eLs Tuesday. Mr. Tarrell'o kind thonglitfathess of ns ' dming the lrc.it s. BSOII last year ha- ' Dot been I'D, «<>l ten. ' A j The merited i epnlntion forenrmg ( piles, sores and skm diseases ac- quired by DeWittV Hazel Salve hit* ( led to the making of worthless eonu- { terfeits. Be sure yon get only 1)P- Witt's Salve. C. D. Carstai phcti. Tb« Bank of Mai tin County wih tnske application to the present *** \ slon of tbo General Assembly for s ] shsrter of incorporation. Books are BOW open at the bank to receive *ut- j seriptiona to Its stock. Those wishing - to subscribe are requested to do so at ( ®ac# - X-r | W ben threatened by pneninonla , or any other lung tionble, prompt , relief is necessary, as it ia danger- owe to delay. We would Hint , O** Mlnu'e Cough Oure !»e taken , 8S soon as Indications ol having taken cold are nr.tioeL It cures | quickly and it* early nw prt»Tpnt , ropumptinn. O- W. Carstntph* n. ' List Saturday night tetween U , sod 12 o'clock- wo heard thf leimtt { Of A pistol. Upon investigation we , fonad that colored ivoj Hip) been , ienslng n tramp, aud the latter shot store. The tramp rta the steeaer Plymouth, sleeping the iroa hearth ialbe boiler J\£lfMfare going to diet'm the rfnan- twsrsbl* troth with which onr fjjrsiwonlqoe business ad of Whit- ft Newell. Besd it carefully PlWif joe wont t$ leaves aour es- ?mte in good shape, and to keep < loaf vow to <,}lie»:eb. and j f io*ec», 6 aOil H y mi onpi v prop- L BIG FlftE IN PLVMOUTH ; TUESDAY NIGHT. ; BANK, P. 0. AND Til REIT . SPTOES BiniNRD. 1 Wo arc tumble to get p»«r- ticulas lor this y FARMEIE. (C6rT«poii<lc-iicf IiThe Knterpri* ) W. f!.T. U Aeeting at the Preaby. terlan church n«xt Friday night. Dr. (Inmes nnd daughter, Miaa Maine, of Bethel, were in town Monday. r Miss Emma Craft who has been viaitiugin Washington county has returned to Iter home. -We are glad to that Mr S. 11. Ellisou In able to bt< out alter n severe attack of Irt grippe. There will be services st'thrFimt Prcshyterinn Church uext Sunday. Dr. Johnston is the able pastor Mr. B. H. Woodclf, Grand Secre- tary of the I. 0- 0. present at the North State Lodge last Wed uesdny want. Panneleaeentsto Be the centre of attiaction for tho "knights ol the gUp," as there have been a great many of them iu *to\vi the past week. ?' » An alarm of Are, sounded fiom the North Stat Mill proved to be p -liartit blaze in the stocU lumber hli'ed, wJiieh was ex- tiuguisheil without causing much damage. Mr. C. It. Speight, who hag been 111 Uijri) several da/s rettiriud to lleitfad b'st.Jliursdii.V taking with hiui his julcrestiiig l.uullv. J'hcy wiil be sadly iuisse<l by their nianv (heads. ? , Mr L. Jackson, pastor of tba Methnd'at cbuieh, pre'iched t wo ser- mons the fourth SuudAl; which were very uiiicli enjoyed, ."although ths crowd was enisHsr than usual ow ing to the incleuicjicy of the weather. HAXTON (CotTcupomienor la "Ohc Kntcrprlic.) Mr. Gus Floyd is qirila . ick. * - Ml<M Mary l»f»i»y, of Scot la 11 ! Neck, is vimting her brother, J. II Anthony. Tli" Misses frfuNang'iton, of liv- cretts, reie here Uundxy visiting Lina Alll ire ns. Mr, Leu Ham 11 w 11 0 is dramming loi the pan's fapiOfy was home for a lew iln.vs last week. Edward and Don MalthcWs were +>'>-ti 1 hlittg a hoi-e rtai iirduy nnd tell, disl<H i»tiog ili-- l,ofi arm of Don The 111 tie lellow is donig well. ttev. Mi. R'»se,o| B tlwl,pieaehed two ii m'- seni.ons j.t Oaplut Chiueli nnd had {{oid congregations a< Ui>lh sevu'eiH Di'. 11. 1. t'laik who turn m slic- OHsxfnlly practiced -medicine in iI a uiiitoti lor several years, has d< - cided lo locate in scolland Neck. Ihe whole community renrets his departure. Ilamlllou's lpss will iiKlecd bo B<Hitlend Neck's gam. \ _1 - AMHERST. * % (Curreipoadcufcc lo The Kutcrpi Ur.) \u25a0 Mr. J. L. Coltrain, of Windsor, spei.t Sunday with his folks near AmherstT^-^ Mr, S. W. Manning left Wedncs- <lay lor Kim where will make his future homO"- \u25a0 Mr. Elmer R<d»eJ(son and wife spent Saturtfay night with his wife's siater, Mr« II T Rgbetson. Mr J A. Robcraor. lus accc;.ted a r4Hrtilion, willi theOrttidcaf, slon Immbcr Cp. M»ce onia i.hui;ch. , > Mr. W. H. Daniel nnd W.fc. Har- dison, contractors for the Denn s ci umoniTLumber Co , las bought some line horses and roulej. They have decided to run their logging with mules and horses- I feel it a great to our county to have a Bank and Frint- tng after many years being without cither, and the peoplo of our county £ liquid be proud of these marks of progress, wetrsptod -a position at Dardens teaohlng school, I cannot- represent Amherst anf longer as correspondent. My best wishes will alwa'y be v -fth the people of Am-1 he »L TT 'l"That ou- people are , - . iu havAg I'pe fcntcqLU- visit thei homes I think 1 a great benefit to our FOR SALE Chattel Mortgage Doz 10c, Deed Trust " 3ffe Short Form Lie f n Bond 1 10<: Trustee's ?ale " 10c State Warrants " 10c Protest Blanks " 5c Timber Deeds " 30c Optiqn Banks " 30c Notary Public Blinks " 6c Justice Peace " " 5c Cuslt to accompany all orders. THE ENTERPRISE. 0 rie Cent A Word. No advertisement luknn f'>r lc** than 15 <n>nt* uti insarthMi. Uitalr must nccruiip tti.v order. Discount Oil lOUR CmitVftH*. , FORBALB?One Buckeye mower unci r*ke, good as new, Apply to Eli Gurganui. FOR SALE. ? A fine large safe; will weigh 1,800 or li.OOO lh«. Will *?11 cheap. Apply to ELI GURGANUS. Turner'* N. C. Almanac free for a .1 montliM Kiiliftci iption. Horn lus ?2f> ctx hI otic®. Stamps taken for ainonnts lea* than 11.00. THE ENTBRPRIBK "?"?; r WANl'BD?Fsmilien to work in a cotion jniU and loom tb« IktsinPM. (lood wafte* paid after learning. Write [o Hi? Editor pf thU pnper if" you hire a trtmily wi«bilig raent. WANTED. ?800 iicw subscribe!* by Juiio lat, 1901. Look for our many oflVra iu this issue. Surely some of tliem will please ,vou. * THE ENTERPRISE, A Deep'M|st«nf. It is a mystery why women en- dure Backache. Headache. Nervous- neea, Sleeplessness, Fainting an l Dizzy Sptll9 vil en thousands have proved that Elec- tric Mitters would quickly cure such troubles, 1 suffered for years with kidney troubles w ites Mra. Thebc Chertey, of Petcia n, la. and a lame back pained me so I co ild not dress myself, but Kb ctric Di tters wfco'ly cured me and, although 7j years old. I now am able to do all m housework- It overcomes Consti- pation, improves Appetit*, give per- fect health. Only f>oc at N. S. Peel A Co. - . r pr List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Williamson, N, C, which If not called for In 30 days wi|l fowardedto" the Dead Leltei Ofliee at Washington D. O. Jnn'y lat, 10(11: Quo. Battler, William j. W. Green, J. 11. Hons- ton, Jtiß "8. Lwy,. Bteubfir Loyd ? Dr. 8. 0. Loyd, M. H. Robertson, W. 11. Rodgeraon, D. 8. Signof, Capt,, Tlllery, Haven Bell, Old Niolf WU {rsim**, Whiskey Co? W Ji Bland, Mrs. Lacy Hamilton, Mr#, Helen Rotter -ot|, Mr*. Nora Macklm, Mrs Sarah B. White, Mlas Annie Joins! : and Hiss Roroaer Husse. J.M. BITTKR SON, F.A I I 1 ' « You are Going to Die! I iK)t ilelny the mutter of pro- vi'ling far those who shall be cpenllcnt upon I u - To-Morrow May be Too Late You can not make a mistake if you will promptly insure your life with WHITMORE & NEWELL7I * j Representing the best and most reliable I - ure tire mjumecc * j II . COMPANIES . Every desirable form of Poliey is written by f . Special attention is given to insuring proper- |j -ty agiiiist Fire, Lightning, Etc. Don't insure until vou diamine our policies and get our ? ;| rates. I 0 j Agency (or American Bonding: & Trust Co. WHITMORE & NEWELL, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. fn D. BIG DiiNTIST, s f Hours, 0 A. M, M : *3, P. M- r- ;. to 81*, M. Office on "mithwick Street North of Main. , s W JLUAMSTON, N.C. IjJEO. W. NKWELI, At orn3y-.it-Law Wii.LtMtaToy, N . ( 1 . radices wherever service? are desired. Hpeclul attention given to exam- ining and iiinkingtitlefor piwehiieers of timber I innb.n lands. . 'TJONES TA YLOR.C.E. HA.SSELL O. Allkind a of Sin t>cyliitpadotie. Clothing, Overcoats MADE - TO - ORDER Skilled Tailors and the Cholceat I1a« teriala Employed to Produce the Effe ct a . Now is the Time jo order your Winter Clot'iing and Overcoats. Don't wait until it snows and freezes, but leave your order with Wnrre i H. Biggs sV At Biggs' Drug it re " \u25a0 -i' \u25a0.., 4 fc. , - V I:j v<J Don't l'^oi'jpot to see tlio line of M & CAPS *- J f Bailimorc Gost, i-eiiitMnl).'!'th.it it isgrtting coldf-nd von Jtitist have * ' OVERCOATS, . BOOTS, SHOES it and Borne nice Winter Suits. You will also need some heavier underwear. All ', - ' these you can _ at the jrigbt price. i apt Dentil® Simmons, T. W. Tilgliman, John J). I President. Oencrnl Jlanuner, Wnolilncton, Nq ? *Tr»a» ?y/wm \u25a0 Tj-lii BEiWIS 'SIMMO/ls' LQIISER ©&, I V. t> ? MANUPACT UREB«OF OKI ED NORTH CAROLINA PINK LUMBER 'N - .\u25a0&\u25a0 AND DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND OYPRESB 8HIXOLB& WILLIAMSTON N.C, I tSTOrdera and Correspondence Solicited. - = 90untv and city depository.* >\u25a0 . capltal 1 5 , ooo,o« . BANK OF M ARTIN COUNTY, J. G. GODARI), Cashiii. I3t^ P | or Hhe C° ndition 0t th ' Bank at the clo3e °f Bujiness. Dee , RESOURCES, and discounts (other than demand loans ) «< » 0O x. United States Bonds on hand 5' 39,f Turuturc nfld Fixtures Due from Bank an J Bankers 57J.0" Cash Items ' r4 '°S 4 * # s Cash 011 Laud .... * "? ; -Jt3 . 96 116.50 total . . /I X \u2666*6,716.56 . : liabilities. ! \u25a0 ? \u25a0 ?Capital "filocYpatdi n SB Undivided profits, less current txpenses and taxes paid Utrot Time certificate of deposit 5 Deposit; subject to check 1 »3J e «* * >9«o 11.of TOTAL *\u25a0 I. JL O. (io.lar.l: Cashier of Bonk of Martin County, do'solemly s'wmv (or affirm J that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. , r rnn . wr, J 1 ? « . \u25a0 J. G. GODARD, Cashier Mate ot Noith Carolina?CouHtyof Martin * Sworn to and sjihsc ibed before me. this 2Stli d y of Dec. A H 9CO * W- K. STUBBS, N. P. . , . ? " ... f ?' riai 1 ?g? Wheeler riartln. ' '' Dennl* S. Blfgft riartin & Biggs, -- . TZ "T r *" ~~~ 1 > * * Manufacturers of \u25a0 - ' , ' '. . -V FURNITURE, - WILLI AMSTON. N. C. CORREJPONUENCE SOLICITED. "PHONES: Office 33 ; l-'actory 46. AITLE PIES s AND APPLE JACKS \u25a0 -vrj " Wo have ©»i hand a large supply of BlO&Ya ©ABIIDL3i3A We are selling then at 8 cents per m .pound. In 1 00/ pounds lots or more, we "..r . 1 .... . - will give some low prices. '.s " » Phone 39. ? ; ?* ?- -*. . « ' J , "* [ " N. S. PEEL & COr;' ; lJ % How's This? V f '?» . * \u25a0 vv :-'l| \u25a0 \u25a0 Do You Want NEW Gustomers? Well Get 'em For You. And Then We'll Tell You HOW to Keep *em, Adilress W. A. E

The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-01-31 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1901-01-31/ed-1/...Dot been I'D,«l ten. ' A j The merited iepnlntion forenrmg (piles,

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AFTEMTTW RECEPTION.Another of the season's, very

pleasant social feature* was theAftermath Reception at Kim Grovethe home » f Air. Walter flat-sell,«.st Iriday evening. A few selectfriends received from the ?.li>sisHassell most plea uniquecards of invitation to attend thisdelightful reception which .was oneofthe most enjoyable sociaUTdcca-siona ofthe season. Card playinand literary conundrnms with otherinnocent amusements entertainedthe guests until the a nouueementwas made that refreshments wouldbe St rved i«» the dining rooms,whence all repaired to find thj

beaatifully decorated tables, whichwas lighted with candles, contaiendin ornamented 1 ancient candlestands, laden with a most choiceselection of good things mo»tpleasing to appetite, nit was a de-lightful occasion and a most enjoyable evening.

The visiting guests present wer :

M.sses Pattic Skinner, of Greenville,I'au ina Small > ood, of Wa lung-ton and Mr. J. F. Astin, of Norfolk.

The most aoutiiititf, hi aliUg ai.dautixpeiie. application ever devisedis Dowitt's Witch Il.tsei Salye. itrelieves at onco nnd cures piles,sore.",er»';ma and tn diseases. Ht-ware of oouuterieits. C. D. Carat arphen & Co.

Jan. list. '9Ol.The student body had a rare lit-

eTa y treat last Thursday night inthe form of a lecture by'Pr. J. Wil-liam Jone-', who was a chaplain inLee's Army and a personal friendof Ihit iatreped commander. Dr.Jones' subject was * Lee the Soldier." It was the more inte:eatingand authoritative as com 111* I'rcrawho knew hi n (or years, aud onewho had ample opportunity lost dyhis solifietly q« lfci s Last Sundaynight Dr. Jones spok» at the Mi*sionary I'aptist Church in the vil-lage on 'The Christian Characteror Stonewall Jackson." Quit- nnumber of the ? tudents heard him

The election of chief Marshallfor commencement iQOi was hel lthis evening at 4:45 in Guffard HallMr Ivey Lewis, son effur. I cwisof Ralcigh was elected: Thic rflieeis always filled by the Junior Clashwith a member of that cla s.

Again Mr. S. J, Eveiett. a MartinCounty hoy. has been honor-d withthe confidence which the Philan-thropic Society has repos» d in himas a debater.. 'I his timy h" waselected with Mr \u25a0 &llengt*r Ply-mouth, t« represent that - t icry at

commencement i "the I le c ociety ( j-4> t(v

* rThe lawcla s wiil * ml ilnt 5

men up to the- nprem o uit in

| February. Quite a number w< re affected by the two-year provis'on recently passed by the Supreme courtOn account of this and the ten-dency cf ihe age to b rfeii thecollege course and make it as faras possible elective, it has been,dei ided that a course in law maybetakeriby the underg aduatc nextyear, co ting to <-ard his fjrauaton

"?ince the fall of '99 twobuildings the Carr and the Alumni,have been erected on the campujIhe former is o:cupied' now, the

latter is not quita finishe I yetThrough the beneficence of u friend'to the University buildingwith all the modern impnWcthcntjwill be erected scion. The foundatiou is being hud now juU to theRaat of the New East. Thi*stiuclurf.wil bcknown aa 'The A nSmith bu'ikri.i ,

The base ball players are begin-niuj to don tt-eii uniforms. ??Pot''?"» avea has beer cle ted captain 01.the team an i no doubt - ili develop

ja strung \arsitv. Mr; Tom Worth,jthe m inager lias arranged ai> e»

| eel lent schedule of games withsome of the be tteiuis in the coun-try. Messrs. C#rr, Ilolt, Graves,

Donnelly, Graham, Wilcox, Oldham, and Battle of last years teamhave returned and will again play.G avy will probably make short. .

A Martin[Th« abpve artiple wa? Received

tpo late forpublication lest week.]

WANTED.?; cord of flood hardWO(KJ' \IW lalHrrpT'W,

Too most Dot forget that I am

selling S* cheap, ii not chea|»er thanany other firm in townr

Eli Gnrgann*.

. Y.MI « jiijjei j.«*t wiia' ,\oa H-.ni at

THE BNTfi&PRISB.10-.-> i>. ?XJL»I-

-JANUARY 31, 1901

N EWS????? ' *

Read tlie new ads in lliia issue.

Subscribe to TUB ENTERPRISKDr. U. 8. ilsasell, of Jatuesville,

VH in town Holiday.

Mis*Lela Simpson in visiting hersister Mrs. Coltb, ID Mildred.

Everybody in looking forbargain*and si e finding them at Gurganq*.'

After being thoroughly renovated% tbo '!Plymoutb" is [tack on her reg>

alar ran. '

The steamer uLticv" belonging tothe N. ft 8. was at not wharf Mon-day nifcltf

Mrs. J. It. Cherry was baptisedat the Mi««ionaiy Baptist ChurchBaoday night.

Mia*Pattie Skinner, one of Green-ville's very charming young l"dy.ia visiting Miss Aunn Crawlord

\u25b2 flue stock of goods, low pricesand accomwoduttug cleiks, can al-ways be found at Eli Uiuganus.'

Mrs, -DJ.tunt who va< re-ported sick in last week's is*oe' is

very much better aud Able to be up.

tllssea Li sale and Mittio QuarterMan returned frojn Grcovnille Fri-day after n very pleasant visit ofevsrsl weeks.

Three runaway teams in one davia a pretty good*recutd for a town

of Williamston's site That is therecord ol Tuesday.

There are bargains and birgatnsat Onrganns' looking for purchaser.We know yon won't let them phsr

Some of the New Yoik holders ofJanuary cotton got a hold on itMonday aud for a while it sold ashigb a*l2J cents there.

After a hull storm Baturdaynight and rain Sundny the windblew almost n gale Sunday nightleaving cold weather in its wake*

Si'cb little j ills SK Dt Witt's Littie Early ltiser* are very easily tak.

en, and they are wouderfully effec-tive in cleansing the liter aud bow-els. C. D. Caratarphen ft Co.

Leave yonr orders at The Enter-prise office for Engraved VisitingCards, Wedding Invitations, Etc,also for Neat and Strictly First-CIMS Office ond Business Station- 1ery.

Mrs. J. L. EwcH was summonedto the lieilstde of her niece, MrsJordan at Jamesnille, Inst Friday,finding her belter MM Kwell re-turned to the city Saturday on the '

'freight.Mr. 8. N. Yaircll one of our ni<*i

popular and pro-p< I I iners wasseen on our-ntu-eLs Tuesday. Mr.Tarrell'o kind thonglitfathess of ns 'dming the lrc.it s. BSOII last year ha- 'Dot been I'D,«<>l ten. ' A j

The merited i epnlntion forenrmg (piles, sores and skm diseases ac-quired by DeWittV Hazel Salve hit* (led to the making of worthless eonu- {terfeits. Be sure yon get only 1)P-

Witt's Salve. C. D. Carstai phcti.

Tb« Bank of Mai tin County wihtnske application to the present *** \slon of tbo General Assembly for s ]shsrter of incorporation. Books are

BOW open at the bank to receive *ut- jseriptiona to Its stock. Those wishing -to subscribe are requested to do so at (®ac# - X-r |

W ben threatened by pneninonla ,or any other lung tionble, prompt ,relief is necessary, as it ia danger-owe to delay. We would Hint ,O** Mlnu'e Cough Oure !»e taken ,8S soon as Indications ol having

taken cold are nr.tioeL It cures |quickly and it* early nw prt»Tpnt ,

ropumptinn. O- W. Carstntph* n. '

List Saturday night tetween U ,sod 12 o'clock- wo heard thf leimtt {Of A pistol. Upon investigation we ,fonad that colored ivoj Hip) been ,ienslng n tramp, aud the latter shot

store. The tramprta the steeaer Plymouth, sleeping,« the iroa hearth ialbe boiler

J\£lfMfare going to diet'm the rfnan-

twsrsbl* troth with which onr

fjjrsiwonlqoe business ad of Whit-ft Newell. Besd it carefully

PlWif joe wont t$ leaves aour es-?mte in good shape, and to keep

< loaf vow to <,}lie»:eb. and jfio*ec», 6 aOil H y mi onpi v"« prop- L



1 Wo arc tumble to get p»«r-ticulas lor this y

FARMEIE.(C6rT«poii<lc-iicf IiThe Knterpri* )

W. f!.T. U Aeeting at the Preaby.terlan church n«xt Friday night.

Dr. (Inmes nnd daughter, MiaaMaine, of Bethel, were in townMonday. r

Miss Emma Craft who has beenviaitiugin Washington county hasreturned to Iter home.

-We are glad to that Mr S.

11. Ellisou In able to bt< out alter nsevere attack of Irt grippe.

There will be services st'thrFimtPrcshyterinn Church uext Sunday.Dr. Johnston is the able pastor

Mr. B. H. Woodclf, Grand Secre-tary ofthe I. 0- 0. present

at the North State Lodge last Weduesdny want.

Panneleaeentsto Be the centre

of attiaction for tho "knights ol thegUp," as there have been a great

many of them iu *to\vi the past

week. ?'»

An alarm of Are, sounded fiomthe North Stat Millproved to be p -liartit blaze in thestocU lumber hli'ed, wJiieh was ex-tiuguisheil without causing muchdamage.

Mr. C. It. Speight, who hag been111 Uijri) several da/s rettiriud tolleitfad b'st.Jliursdii.V taking withhiui his julcrestiiig l.uullv. J'hcywiil be sadly iuisse<l by their nianv

(heads. ? ,

Mr L. Jackson, pastor of tbaMethnd'at cbuieh, pre'iched t wo ser-mons the fourth SuudAl; which werevery uiiicli enjoyed, ."although thscrowd was enisHsr than usual owing to the incleuicjicy of theweather.

HAXTON(CotTcupomienor la "Ohc Kntcrprlic.)

Mr. Gus Floyd is qirila . ick. * -

Ml<M Mary l»f»i»y, of Scot la 11 !

Neck, is vimting her brother, J. IIAnthony.

Tli" Misses frfuNang'iton, of liv-cretts, reie here Uundxy visiting

Lina Alllire ns.

Mr, Leu Ham 11 w 110 is drammingloi the pan's fapiOfy was home fora lew iln.vs last week.

Edward and Don MalthcWs were+>'>-ti 1 hlittg a hoi-e rtai iirduy nndtell, disl<H i»tiog ili-- l,ofi arm of DonThe 111 tie lellow is donig well.

ttev. Mi. R'»se,o| B tlwl,pieaehedtwo ii m'- seni.ons j.t

Oaplut Chiueli nnd had{{oid congregations a< Ui>lh sevu'eiH

Di'. 11. 1. t'laik who turn m slic-OHsxfnlly practiced -medicine iniIa uiiitoti lor several years, has d< -

cided lo locate in scolland Neck.Ihe whole community renrets hisdeparture. Ilamlllou's lpss williiKlecd bo B<Hitlend Neck's gam.

\ _1 -


(Curreipoadcufcc lo The Kutcrpi Ur.)

\u25a0 Mr. J. L. Coltrain, of Windsor,spei.t Sunday with his folks nearAmherstT^-^

Mr, S. W. Manning left Wedncs-<lay lor Kim where h« willmake his future homO"-

\u25a0 Mr. Elmer R<d»eJ(son and wifespent Saturtfay night with his wife'ssiater, Mr« II T Rgbetson.

Mr J A. Robcraor. lus accc;.tedar4Hrtilion, willi theOrttidcaf,slon Immbcr Cp. M»ce oniai.hui;ch. , >

Mr. W. H. Daniel nnd W.fc. Har-dison, contractors for the Denn sci umoniTLumber Co , las boughtsome line horses and roulej. Theyhave decided to run their loggingwith mules and horses-

I feel it a great to ourcounty to have a Bank and Frint-tng after many years beingwithout cither, and the peoplo ofour county £ liquid be proud of thesemarks of progress,

wetrsptod -a position atDardens teaohlng school, I cannot-represent Amherst anf longer ascorrespondent. My best wishes willalwa'y be v -fth the people of Am-1he »L TT 'l"That ou- people are

, - . iu havAgI'pe fcntcqLU- visit thei homesI think 1 a great benefit to our

FOR SALEChattel Mortgage Doz 10c,Deed Trust " 3ffeShort Form Lie f n Bond 1 10<:Trustee's ?ale " 10cState Warrants " 10cProtest Blanks " 5cTimber Deeds " 30cOptiqn Banks " 30cNotary Public Blinks " 6cJustice Peace " " 5c

Cuslt to accompany all orders.


0 rie Cent A Word.No advertisement luknn f'>r lc**

than 15 <n>nt* uti insarthMi. Uitalrmust nccruiip tti.v order. DiscountOil lOUR CmitVftH*.

, FORBALB?One Buckeye mowerunci r*ke, good as new, Apply to EliGurganui.

FOR SALE. ? A fine large safe;will weigh 1,800 or li.OOO lh«. Will

*?11 cheap. Apply toELI GURGANUS.

Turner'* N. C. Almanac free fora .1 montliM Kiiliftci iption. Hornlus?2f> ctx hI otic®. Stamps taken for

ainonnts lea* than 11.00.THE ENTBRPRIBK

"?"?; rWANl'BD?Fsmilien to work in

a cotion jniU and loom tb« IktsinPM.(lood wafte* paid after learning. Write[o Hi? Editor pf thU pnper if" youhire a trtmily wi«biligraent.

WANTED.?800 iicw subscribe!*by Juiio lat, 1901. Look for ourmany oflVra iu this issue. Surelysome of tliem will please ,vou. *


A Deep'M|st«nf.

It is a mystery why women en-

dure Backache. Headache. Nervous-neea, Sleeplessness,Fainting an l Dizzy Sptll9 vil enthousands have proved that Elec-tric Mitters would quickly cure suchtroubles, 1 suffered for years withkidney troubles w ites Mra. ThebcChertey, of Petcia n, la. and a lameback pained me so I co ild not dress

myself, but Kb ctric Di tters wfco'ly

cured me and, although 7j yearsold. I now am able to do all m

housework- It overcomes Consti-pation, improves Appetit*, give per-fect health. Only f>oc at N. S. PeelA Co.

- . r pr

List of letters remaining in thePost Office at Williamson, N, C,

which If not called for In 30 days

wi|l fowardedto" the Dead LelteiOfliee at Washington D. O. Jnn'y

lat, 10(11: Quo. Battler, Williamj. W. Green, J. 11. Hons-

ton, Jtiß "8. Lwy,. Bteubfir Loyd

? Dr. 8. 0. Loyd, M. H. Robertson, W.11. Rodgeraon, D. 8. Signof, Capt,,

Tlllery, Haven Bell, Old Niolf WU{rsim**, Whiskey Co? W Ji Bland,Mrs. Lacy Hamilton, Mr#, HelenRotter -ot|, Mr*. Nora Macklm, MrsSarah B. White, Mlas Annie Joins! :and Hiss Roroaer Husse.


I 1'


You are Going to Die!I iK)t ilelny the mutter of pro-

vi'ling far those who shall be cpenllcnt upon

I y°u -

To-Morrow May be Too LateYou can not make a mistake if you will

promptly insure your life with

WHITMORE & NEWELL7I * jRepresenting the best and most reliable I

- ure tire mjumecc * jII . COMPANIES .

Every desirable form of Poliey is written by u« f.

Special attention is given to insuring proper-

|j -ty agiiiist Fire, Lightning, Etc. Don't insureuntil vou diamine our policies and get our

? ;| rates.I 0 j

Agency (or American Bonding: & Trust Co.



DiiNTIST,s f

Hours, 0 A. M, M : *3, P. M- r-;. to 81*, M.

Office on "mithwick Street Northof Main. , s



At orn3y-.it-LawWii.LtMtaToy, N . ( 1 .

radices wherever service?are desired.

Hpeclul attention given to exam-ining and iiinkingtitlefor piwehiieersof timber I innb.n lands.

j£ .


Allkind a of Sin t>cyliitpadotie.



Skilled Tailors and the Cholceat I1a«

teriala Employed to Produce

the Effe ct a .

Now is the Timejoorder your Winter Clot'iing and

Overcoats. Don't wait until it

snows and freezes, but leave yourorder with

Wnrre i H. Biggs sVAt Biggs' Drug it re

" \u25a0 -i' \u25a0.., 4fc. , - V I:j

v<JDon't l'^oi'jpot

to see tlio line of

M& CAPS*- J f

Bailimorc Gost,

i-eiiitMnl).'!'th.it it isgrtting

coldf-nd von Jtitist have* '




and Borne nice Winter Suits.You will also need some

heavier underwear. All', -


these you can _at the jrigbt



Dentil® Simmons, T. W. Tilgliman, John J). IPresident. Oencrnl Jlanuner, Wnolilncton, Nq ? *Tr»a»


\u25a0 Tj-lii BEiWIS 'SIMMO/ls' LQIISER ©&, IV.

t> ?



WILLIAMSTON N.C, ItSTOrdera and Correspondence Solicited.


90untv and city depository.* >\u25a0 . capltal 1 5 , ooo,o« .BANK OF M ARTIN COUNTY,

J. G. GODARI), Cashiii.


orL°Hhe C°ndition 0t th ' Bank at the clo3e °f Bujiness. Dee

, RESOURCES,and discounts (other than demand loans ) «< » 0O x.

United States Bonds on hand5'39,f

Turuturc nfld FixturesDue from Bank an J Bankers 57J.0"Cash Items

' r4 '°S 4 *#sCash 011 Laud ....

* "?; -Jt3

.96 116.50

total . . /IX \u2666*6,716.56. : liabilities. ! \u25a0?

\u25a0?Capital "filocYpatdin SBUndivided profits, less current txpenses and taxes paid UtrotTime certificate of deposit 5

Deposit; subject to check 1 »3J e «*

* >9«o 11.ofTOTAL *\u25a0I. JL O. (io.lar.l: Cashier of Bonk of Martin County, do'solemly s'wmv(or affirm J that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledgeand belief. , r rnn . wr, J 1



. \u25a0 J. G. GODARD, CashierMate ot Noith Carolina?CouHtyof Martin *

Sworn to and sjihsc ibed before me. this 2Stli d y of Dec. A H9CO * W- K. STUBBS, N. P.

. , . ? " ... f ?'

riai 1 ?g?

Wheeler riartln.' ''

Dennl* S. Blfgft

riartin & Biggs,--. TZ "T r*" ~~~

1 > *


Manufacturers of\u25a0 - ' , ' '. . -V




APPLE JACKS\u25a0 -vrj


Wo have ©»i hand a large supply ofBlO&Ya ©ABIIDL3i3A

We are selling then at 8 cents perm .pound. In 1 00/pounds lots or more, we"..r .




will give some low prices.

'.s "


Phone 39. ?

;?* ?- -*. . « ' J , "*


N. S. PEEL & COr;'; lJ

% How's This?V f '?» . *

\u25a0 vv:-'l|\u25a0 \u25a0

Do You Want NEW Gustomers?

Well Get 'em For You.

And ThenWe'll Tell You HOW to Keep *em,

Adilress W. A. E