fIjOOA YKAB. VOL. 111. SCHLEY'S OBJECTION fte ftrtiflgs af It Cnrt kfvt IMBtfw tortWn \ntstipki CWNSa TO FILE A STATEMENT IHW) "f ? ' -|M| 111 WM DcdvallM that Ikbi Cawiri. Wshlagtob. Spertai Admiral Schley was ha coasultatoa Mosday with Us rsssril. Hot laador Rajaor u4 Mr. M. A. Tmcw. also Ges Fdix Aom. of Hattlasorf. and Coifmwu Schlrm of Mary laad Aft-r the coafenace Atalrml grklqr iiM Mr. Teafce la \u25a0*»» the follow!ac «itca«at "We hart beea la consultation as 10 what farther *n>* shall be iikra. Nothtag degaite has beea determined ?pos so far as civil or crimiaal srtiia of say kind agatast Msciay aad His msio.a la Mscsnci Matter's rials that the ladings cf the coart are a via dlcatica for himself aad hia book Is ab- \u25a0otately sparious. There are m \r*t ttaa half adores ~IBSISB<« n ib* hook la which. ev*B If he were to itc- reft the findings of the coart ss« la corporate them la the volaase aad chsage It to salt tbs flndings. the book woold at 111 he rriaslaal libel Mr. Teagns during the afteraooa piutßUd the following letter to Secre- tary Lost "Washißgloa. Dor. II "Sr: I bare tbe boaor to mos: re spectfally reqaest that yoa withheld yoor approval from the Dadlagi of the coart of rereatly held a; the aavy yard la this city of Wasbisgt >a of which Admiral George Dewer wis presldeat. until sach time aa I may have aa rapportuaity to tie a atatemest af obieetloas thereto, aad 1 therefore regaest that yoa do aot dissolve the coart uatll action shall have beea tak- ea ea sach objertloaa "Very reapectfally W 8. FCHL*Y Rear Admiral f S. * * bad. r Rayaer. Counsel for the Ap- plicant Before Said Court of faquir?. "To Ih» Hoa. Secretary of the Xk; * Mr. Teague asked the Secretao to lad irate his probable artloa n the premises. The Secretary replied that the nqatat voald he paat*4 aa l hi* artioa ia the iadlaga aad the diasoin tloa of the mart withheld until th> oh- lalhai were received aad be ha* hat aa opportaalty to roaaider theai. He stated that be woo id roaamaakate with Admiral Schley in writiag am. asked how loag a time roaatH dea.rt.l to prraeat their objections. Mr. T-igue replied that they would he ready for prwaeatatlcn by Thursday or Friday of this week "We trill except to the findings of the mart." aaid Mr Teague. "aad make a demand that the majority opinion be disapproved by the Secretary aa con- trary to the evldeace and the pertinent facts ia the rase, which the court haa act cocsMejpd nrr acted upon." While Mr. Teague would aot aay that aach artioa would be taken he pCntei out the fact that they coaM appeal from the Secretary's action to tha President of tha I'uited State*. ?wri ixiwtg iip *<l «! JWI (rkmvMgrd. ii a f.xail letter. tl»e rereipt of the request from Admiral IHil«r fcr permission to tie a Mil ol objection*. The Sscretsry's responv ni brief and It granted the request aad allowed aatil Friday next la which to rabMit the bill. Admiral Schley haa been tellerod from fwrther duty la cowaectlon with the Cbart cf Inqu'ry. Admiral Oewey. prr«ldeat cf the court, waa asked for a statement as to the extent to which he endorsed th» fladiags of the auijor My. "I hare not a word to say." he replied, "mot a word.** iitf Capital Conicrcacc. Now York. Spec lal-Brought togeth- er by the good nfflcea of the Natiaual Civil Federation, leading reprenents- tlves of labor snd cgpltsl met here Monday to dlsrnas plana to Minimize wage and industrial disputes. Aiding them with couasei were several prom- inent students of economics and leading flgnrea in the religions world and the opening session was notable for a number of striking expressions and comments upon th* proMeaa faced by tho roaferee*. Ncfrs Class Day Orator. Cambridge. Muss. Special-?The senior riaaa at Harvard haa chosen R. C. Brace. of ladiaaapolU. aa class dar orator. Brnce Is one of the few col- ored men is the college The tfsacsck Sails Far MaaUa. The traasport Hancock sailed at noon Monday from San Frnacinco fur MaaQa. Sctk Low Takes the Oftk. N'e« York. Special.?Seth Low took the oath of office aa Mayor of New York la tkc Supreme Court Monday. Mr. harm will uinaf oflrt at aooa oa Jaaaary 1. Mayor-elm L«ow announ- ced the folio*.br appointments: Cam- \u25a0iauoner of water »«Pt>'r. gM aad electricity. J. HaspOen Doeghcrty. la- 4«pfniirnt Democrat aad ClUsnas* Un- ioa. of Brooklyn: bridge i ummtoaliia er , Gustay Undeatial. ladepeadeat Hhii ial aad German-Am-rican Mc- Cona Cnion; ttwil aerrlet ronamia* oa. Will la Qffßea. Alexando r T. Mam. W. A. Perine aad Cornelias Vaaderirß Bepabilcan*. aad W. X. Dyknsaa. Theo- dore Banta aad Xelsoa A. Sp-soer. H ? dependent Dcaomti OkstKht KwilH Washington. Special ?As a rasaK af the aegotiationa that haw* ton la \u25a0nereis between Secretary Hay aid Mr. Bra. the Danish atinister. tM last otstaclea of aabataace to the pre- paration of the treaty of milti whereby the l otted Mate* will be rove mnttied of the llaalah Wart Indian Islands have been removed. The decMKM of the Bapi nai Court |a the iasalar caaea has made castor the prevention of the treat* oa asda fKter *anr is w ?- THE ENTERPRISE. SimniBHMUTCK. Mr? Task. (fMbL-Wara weath- er aad rate. Mbsid by high wla«s. base rnsMH la fcartel dance all over New Tack State. Oa Mtanitf tbe saosra la the aortbera sr.Unaa tbawed rapidly. ceasing tbe rtras I aad creeks to rise aad tbe valleys were iaaadated Heavy ralas followed durtag tbe Bight, ann?salnl by wiads of great velocity. Tialaa were Mocked for a*ay ban laadaUdea were fregweat aad ta tbe low lsada aad halldlags la very great. Flew were aad boildtags Is very groat. Flew Hvea ao far. base heea reported aa teat, la aad araoad Mew Task city tbe wlada reached a i slat My of U afla aa Vr*. bat heyaad aiaa acildiata aa great itsasp la npmlsd aa Car ta pfuptilf oa laad or So sMpHai Cora lag te- ports that tbe CWasag aad Csalstee valleya bare bad tbe Mascot good alare lU9 £baday Tbe village ct Paiated Foot has bees aader water all day aad the water is two feet deep la aaoot of tbe hoasca Tbe Brie. Larkawaaaa aad Mew Ttwk Ceaual roads all aaMered frosa waaboau aad laad slides At Ithaca tbe dsmage Is estlamted at «2»MM. Tbe goad was tbe Moat illsoilinas sipstltai id siace Its 7 Tbe aear-hy creeks berame rag- tag torrents by aldslght. A dweiUag boast waa swept away aad tsaUy M trace of it cwwld be fooad. Tbe ptiwer aad lightlag plant was washed oat aad two trolley liae cars were swal- lowed apia the good. AU atrest tar tragc la easpeaded aad tbe city Is la darkaeas. !.saber yards aai build lags s agreed laatsarly aad tbe wreckage. Mocklag tbe cbaaaol cf Ma Mile cheek, tarasd the stream from Its toaiae sad tbe whole lever part of the city waa overgo wed. MUea of the Taller aad Larkawaaaa Railroad tracks were washed away aad BO traiaa issthfd Ithaca. Several bridges were washed away, ferry ?eld. at Coraell I'alversltr was taraed lato a lake aad the I'alversltjr power plaas were abaadoaed. Tbe lower goor of the city hospital was overflowed, aad ao beat or light waa available la the lastitutioa. Reports of destractloa of bridges aad bantiag of dasM aloag all streams la this »1- rlaity coatlaaes to ma* la. HaaJatoa. Ph. Special.?Oreat havoc was wroaght la tha Lehigh regtoa by Satarday's atom Joha Bunas* a miner, of Oneida, near her*, waa saahiid from a bridge aad d row aad. Over V* mine males were drowsed la the varioaa col. lenes la th<a rtciaity aad the Majority of the mlaea at* tooled, ft ia aot likely that they will resume operations until after the Brat of the new year. Railroad track* aad bridges were wash ed away aad trains stalled Tha ??ana- age la this section is estimated at 13M.- 00*. Greatest Hm4 State iMi. Allentown, Pa. flparisl.?The il-mi destructive flood Ii the Lehigh Valley \u25a0tare Hit started Snadtj moraine at 1 o'clock, following a twodnys" rain, which melted the mow la the moun- tain*. canning the Lehigh river to be come a ragtag locraL The traction company's power houses are flooded with aeren feet of water, which pot out flres under the boilers So trolley rata hare mi si ace morning aad Allen'own is la dnrknem at Bight. Damage at Bet bis him Bethlehem. Pa.. Special.?ln six bocrs Sunday morning the Lehigh river over- flower the canal and the adjoining rail rond tracks on both aides. Both th* Lehigh Valley aad Jetwey Central Kail- roads were forced to «a*p*nd trnlflc. Not since lMt ha* the bach water from the firer wrought saeh serious damage. The canal haak bnn*ea any the dam age to the canal will reach SM.M* while 2M private residences in the dis trict suffer to the extent of nearly i*. WO. Both the electric aad traction companies are withoot power aad th* churcbeu were compelled to suspemd sei rices Nates sf Pragress- And*rson Cotton Mills of MonUcello. Ark . held a stockholders' meeting re- cently. aad elected ,T- H - Matthews, president: W. M. Anderson, vice presi- dent: J. O. Wiiiiamaoa. secretary. -sJ R W. Flan, treasurer Tbe company haa about completed ita aheetiag aad oaaaburg mill. Mala baildlag la itilli feet, containing MM spied les. Bowling Green. S. C, Knitting Mill Co.. reported incorporated recently, has let coo tract for the manufactnte of brick for 1U building aad for erection of «id building. Tbe equipment of aaachiaery to he installed will employ about thirty operatives, produciag knit underwear. Com puny'a capital! ration is SIS.MfI. Robert M. Dulls Is secie- tary / Ns Pardon AHewed. London. By Cable.?The Home Olct baa notiffed inaaari for Mine Joaepi.ine East wick. of Philadelphia, ander aen- teace of stx moaths imprisonment for forging a railroad cotilote. that the petltkm for her pardon oa the groond of insanity coald aot be granted So mama to given The actio* of the Heme Mka was take* la spite of great pressors brwagbt to bear la Mies gast wick's behalf by the oMciaM or the AidM»s»lMg here. Pknadalphto. Special?A storm vklii for as'mttj aad immllitam has aot has «i?H»l ia this ssctioa :nr 25 rati visited eaatara aad ceaWal Peno- Syivaaia Satarday aight caasiag almost aapreeedeated damage aad resaltiag ia the )aaa of at toast tear hamaa It*** The havoc la the coal region* la aacr \u25a0oh aad ths loss to rsllrned aad mta- IM nimwlm via ibm IB Milltm of do Uara. True to Omraeivt*. Omr Neighbor*, Our Comntrg mmtl Omr GoH WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY. DKCEMHKI. 30,1901. ON TWELVE COUNTS Mmnk ScMcy CsavicM % Cwt «f lifiy. IIWtIIY feffttT BY KIEV. \u25a0a|artly RafwtFMfTwKtCiMl* *!\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0» ScMry. Bat him Hb Cmmdmct. Waahiagtoa. Spe*-iaL?The mamt prw- loagsd. iaterestiag aad Impartaat as- tral trtaaasl ever held ta this coaairy came to a close I'll day ha v lag la opea ?bott Of aae week, wbea Secretary Long was haaded the fladlag of (he coart af lagalry which eram-aed iato the coadact of Raar Admiral Schley dartag the lhallapi campaiga For arvea weeks the coart heard testiamay aad for fally a saoath It drlibeea'cd spoa tbe mass af evidtare. gaally rear hi ag tbe coarlastoa aaaaaaced Friday. The reaalt was a eomri fSe sar- prlae aad It Is pro habit that aa proph- esy baa approached the truth iastead at one report there are twa. Both aie slgasd hp Bssigs Uaaap.?prraidrat. aad by Sam. S. Leasly. as lodge adtra- cate. This la a form to he reragslred la all courts of lagalry. the slgaatares of the other memheis aot beiag acces- sary bat It la espialaed that Admiral Dewey aigaed tbe atrsad report, a mi- . eerily report, ta express hta gasii*<a- tioa of. or dlssiat from the news -i- --pressed by the coert. <omprlsiag aesi-le himself Admirals Beabam aad Ram any. ia the Bnt repast. It Is said at the Jfavy Depart meal that there will he ao further prareedtags la this celebrated rase ea the Depart meats iaitlai:r.. Secretary Loag aad Jodge Advocate L<rmly poaitlvety darliae to dterea* tbe ?ads ia aay phase. Tbe Secretary re- ceived the reports at 5 o'clock Friday eveaiag aad he has aot yet acted spoa them. It Is probable that be will simply append his sigaatar* with tbe v. rd \u25a0?Approved" to the whole record Ybe court itself rerom meads BO farther ' proceediags. owiag to the laps* of Use. ' After reviewiag the caadact uf & airy during the whole cam pal ga the toart (Itea the followtag "OPINION "Commod..r- Schley, ia command if the lyiag aqtadroa. should hare pro- ceeded with the at?al dispatch «* Cieafuecns and ahoaM have aalaiala- ad a close blockade of that port ."He ahoaM hare \u25a0\u25a0deavorcd aa Hay 13. at Cieafuegoa. to otaa.a iafo'ir »- lioa. rtfirdilii the Spaatsh »n by communicating with the laaargeVs at the plan designated la the atao- raadunt ddit red to him at Mi i a. of that date. "He ahoutd bare promptly obeyed Cienfuegos to SaatUgo de Cuba with all diapatcb. and shoaM hare disposed of his vescsls with a riew of laliriaft- lug the enemy la lay attempt t > .osa the Bylag squadron "He Should not hare delayed the aquadron for the Eagle. "He should aot hare made th» retro- grade turn westward with bis aquad- ron "He" should bare promptly owH Ihe Nsvy Depurtmeaf* orders of )ljr "He should hare endeavored to ap- lure or destroy the Spanish v»ws. 1* at anchor near the estrasce of <Ua:isga harbor on May 3 an I M "He did aot do his ataamt with the force under his command, to cjy.gr* or destroy the Colo® aad other vessel* of the enemy which he attarkei oa May SI. "By commencing the engagement oa Jul> 3 with the port Nlt«y. aad turn- ing tb<» Brooklyn aroiod with port helm. Commodore SrWrj caused her lo lose distance aad poattioa with the Spanish Teasels, especially with the Vlscaya and Colon. The turn of the Brooklyn to lar- board was made to avoid getting her ialo dangerous pai ci'r tj th- Span- ish vesr Is. The tarn was made *o- ward tfc ? Texas snd ' «w»J that vessel to stop aad to back her engines to avoid possible collision "Adtr.iral Schl'.y did iajnstic.> to Lieutenant Commander A. C Hodgson la publishing only a porrtoa of the cor- respondence which passed between them "Commodore Schley s road act in toss* flow with the events of the Saa- tlago campaign prior to June I. IM. was characterized by a vacillation, di- lator! aesa aad lack of enterprise "Hla official reports regarding the coal supply and the coaling facilities of the flying squadron were inner urate and misleading. "His conduct during the battle July S waa eelf-possensed and he en- couraged. la his own person, bis sus- ord taste officer* aad men to flght conr- ageou> T' OKOBOB DCTTV. "Admiral V. 8. X President. "RAM C. IJEMLEV. "Judge Advocate General C. 3. X.. Jadge Advocate." "la the opinion of the aaderugn«d the in \u25a0ear" from Key West to Ck«- faegoe waa made by the flylag sgaad- roa with all poaslble dispet'h Com- modore Schley havlag la view the im- portance of arriving off r»eafae«os with aa mach roe I aa poa*iMe la the ahlp'a bankers. "The blockade of Cieafeego* «» ef- fective. "Cotnmodore Schley. >a perm-.' OK the steamer Adala to eater the port of Cienfnesoa expected to obta.a intor- mation concerning the Spanish aqoad- roa from her dXa she rami ca« "The passage from Claafaegos to a point ahoat 22 mUea aoath of Baatiago was made with aa mark dispatch aa waa possible while Keepiaj the iqaad- ron a unit The blockade of Santiago araa ef- fective. "Commodore Schley *as the aea:or officer of oaf effaadron off Satliffs whoa the SpsaUb sqsaJrnn attempted to escape oa the auwnlag of Jnly M, lm 'He was in ahas4s«e .oamaaf t-.-l Is en;:tie Ito t*>* rredi: d-w- fo sack ~W. -«\u25a0 for Ike rtetWT »WO» rtaelte* »\u25a0 »*? dc * streetioa of the Spsslsh ships "OrO.JOE DIVET ' Admiral V * K PresMsat. SAM IJEMI.Y. "Jadgs Advocate Qeaeral. I'. & N ledge Advocate." R GXX>MMBOkAtIOM "la view of the length at time which baa ilapsed siace the auarrears of the acsats of tbs Saatlaaa campaiga. tbe mart rsooormsads no fwrtber procesd- lags be had la the pjamiaw. ? OBORdB DMWRY. "Admiral V. & N.. Prealdeai "SAM 1 JBMI.T. "Judge Advocate Qeaeral. t*. S Jsdgs Advocate" TIEATY IS IATIFII#. Tbs Seaata CoaMnas tbe Itay- Paaacefote Caaal Agraeairat. THE HOUSE.' Eighth Day The session of the House wss brief aad devoid of lateresL Nothisg will be doas aaw uatll after tbe holidays. Xiath Day- Chalnaaa Payae. of the ways aad mesas committee, aad Mr. Rhhsrdsoa. of Teanessee. the faaklag Democrat of the committee, were *a- gaged la preparing the aiajoiity sad minority reports, respectively, oa the Philippine tsrlg bill. Mr Psyae's report will not be of an coada.-sl to an explsaatloa of the sew bill. Tbe need of reveaae lor the is- laad*. In-,suae of the extensive work of development and the establishment of schools, is set forth. Tb- minority report promises to be gaite esleaslre. taking ap the geaeral sabjects of roloalal policy. imperisli«m and protection. T*nth l>sy?The House held s ses- sion of but thirty minutta duration No Importsst legislation was rstere.l up oa. Eleventh l»ajr.? At the close of the session the 1 ommittee desigasted by the two houses of Congress appelate-I to inrlte Se. retary Hay to deliver an address In hoaor of the memory of the lat» President MrKlnley. tailed uptio B:netary and secured his coaseat to perforin this service. No time for the ceremony was llxed. The Hou»e adjourned without a>. ompllshing any- thing SENATE. r Eigbth Day:? For twenty minute* the Senate was occupied with roatla- Susie ess and then went into execativr session to consider Ihc treaty. Ninth Hay?ln the Senate Mr. Al *m favorably reported «hr <->murrrnt res- olution adopted by the llouae pr<i\ld- lai for a holiday receaa from Dn« ber 19 to January «. 1902. and It was a*rood |o. Mr. Iloar introduced a resolution, dlidllai lh> committee ou printing to ? onsldar the expediency of protH- IBK frea distribution of the Congress- ional Record to librarlea througho.it the (ouati * Mr. Mason, from the' commit!** on manufacturer*. submitted a favorable report on a bill relating to the adulter- ation of food produrta anil addreasrl (he Senate. briefly < ritictsiag eertata produrta which had come under (he observation of the committee TM* Senate at I P m went Into ex- ecutive senaton and at I 40 adjourned antll Monday. Tenth I>av. ?The da; waa spent iu discussion of the Hay-Pouacefote treaty. The Senate adjourned at I S" p m Eleventh IMy.-The Senate ratlfi'l the HayPauncefote canal treaty by the decisive vote of 72 to *. The rote waa reached a few minutes lief ore J o'clock, after almost Ave hour*' dis- cussion Iwhlnd cloned doors There were no sensational incidents daring the entire time. The debate waa con lined not r-xclualvely to a discussion of the merits of the agreement, bat the policy of its provision- Th.r prin- cipal speech was made by Senator Teller la opposition to the treaty and he was followed' In rapid anccesal.m by 12 or 15 other Senators, who »pu*« briefly either for or against the mo- tion to ratify The vote on the rxtM- eation of the treaty was as follows Yeas; Akiricb, Allison. Bard. Hate. Berry. Beverldge. Burn ham Barrowi. Barton. Carmack. Clapp. Clark, of HoaUna: Clark, of Wyoming: Chv. Cockrell. Cullom. Deboe. Deltrlch. IMl- llngham. ftolllver. Dubois. Fairbanks. Poraker. Poster, of Lroulalaaa: Fnater. at Washington. Prye. Galllnger Gam ble. Gibson llansbrongh. Harris llaw- ley. Heltfeld. Hoar. Joaes of Ar- kaasan; Keaa. K earns. Kittredge. Lodge. M< Comas. McCamber. Mr ISnery. McLaurln. of Mississippi. Mc- l-aurlo of South Carolina: MeMMlan. Martin. Mason. Mitchell. Money. Mor- gaa. Nelaoa. Pearoae. Perklas. .'Utt of Connecticut: Piatt, of New Tort; Pritrbard. Proctor. Qaarles. Scott. Simmons. Simon. Spooner. Tsllaf-'rr». Turner. Vest. Warren. Wellington. Wetmore ? 72. Nays: Bar-on. Blackburn Cnlbersoa. Mallory. Teller. Tillman?ti Bailer paired with Depew ao l El kiiu: Rawlins paired with Hanna snd Mewrll. Thoae who did not Tote and for mhoni no pairs were aaaojaced at* Daniel. Jones of Nevada: Pat- terhon and Quay Alabama Sinks a Tax- Norfolk. Va.. Special.?Aa the Bay Liae steamer Alabama waa patting at from the Seaboard Air Line terminal station, on the Portsmouth side of the harbor, be ran down the tug Alliance. atrlkiD* that vessel just abaft the star board bow acd (tore In a large hole The tog begair to settle at once Cap tain Bofeasaon; cf the Alabama. Sss- ?red bis life boats and by quick work reacted Captain Miller and all eight of the Alliance's «rew just as that c.-aft sank. The Alabama was uninjured iiifttrln^N"*- Trenton. N. J.. Special.?Articlea of incorporation of the Southern Securi- ties Company, capital SIOO,OOO. w»re \u25a0led hern Thursday. The company ia authorized to purchase, hold. aail. «a- ehange aad deal in stocks, obligations or securities of any corporation. go»- arament or municipality. The iacorpor- atorsare: C. K. Smith, John R. Turner. B B Hewklaa. E. 8. Mogogia aad W. \u25a0Wi Boad. all of But Orange SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL LASOW WOULD. The BMlMers' strike ai Ba Chester. H, T-. has heew twttM Tea ihgswsd raplatn of V riuour A COL. at Chicago. «>D receive tilcber wage* after Jaaaary 1. Cnaa* rlVal's Male Kiupl..? airat Agewry la Ave mooiU* foand work far 30M woasea sal HW asea. Oar ra> a red fltrtlaa. A Sheet-Steel MM. Addltloaai impetaa willbaglvea the larriaslag iad est rial Impmlaai a of Camberlaad. ltd aad Ma vldaKy by tbe egalpaMat of the steel sheet mill which has besa degaltely saaowa. 11 durlag the week. The aew plaal sill be established by tbe Mary laad SbeH * Steel Oa, last lacorporated coder New Jersey laws with capital af tlMl- oae. aad tbe mllis aaaaal capacity will be '.aae toaa of sheet steal. The CraciMe Steel Co.'s ptaat la Camberlaad has beea part based at tti.SSt. aad will be i modeled aad Improved with andera mai hlamj to cossprioe the aew plaat. Howard H. Dickey Is presldeat sad amasgcr: Harry K. Weber, secretary, aad A. F. Basmgartea of Plttsbarg. Pa.,ls lice presldeat sad porrbasiag sgeat. The araterKhlp of the »lr*rnf l-o- ramiiUvf Flremia is now nearly fI.OIW la the Tailed States aad Canada. Tader the aew Industrial Arbitra- tiaa law u? Australia a <-ourt cre- ated haviag reatrtaUe powers to en farce Its decrees, evea to creating a standard wage. The aaioa scale »«*« ia (he job print lax sflkea ia New York Oly will he Oil a week after Jaaaary I. and If It is areemry Typographical I'aiuu Xa. ?; willstrike rsfnn* ibis scale. Fifty three milkmea of Bridgeport. Ceaa. have fm a< d a ttafcuJt and joined the federation of Lalwr The union will pass un i|nnilow- raised betweea the nikani aad dealers as well as Hiaaari is «ak| wtie ihr best or- ganised raaauV Ikr world from a labor slaadpoia -Statistics show that T*T per reat. of ike workiagmen aad 3.7 per real of ibe working women mt thai ?oantry atv member* of trades Aoordiag to a dlspau b from Now York, the Norfolk * West era Railroad Co. has mate srraagr meats to caa- trol the laterests sf tbe Pocaboatas Coal A Coke Co, aad will parrhase the propsrty of the compaay for Itt.- ?os.ssa. payißg this amoaat la t per ceat boads of the Norfolk A Wasters system The Pocaboatas Coal Css. te- preseats a ram blBat ioa of mlalag pro- perties la West Vlrgiaia. receatly re- ferred to la the Maaafaaiarera' Re- cord. It Is aadervtood that the Kor- folh g Westera will coadact its 07T- attoas through a subsidiary orgaalia- tloa. Tbe property is estlamted to coataia about >*#.*** seres of ctml Is ad To l atargc Plaat. A dispatch from Psrher Ya states that the Parksrsbarg Inia A Steel Co. has coatracted for the erertioa of aa importee! to its large steel mill, aow Bearing rass pletloa The addlttoo Is to be a f jrge mill to larolre tbe expeadltare of about liaO.SO# Messrs. Wm. B Scalfe A SOBS of Pittsbarg Pa. hare coatract to maaafactare aad erect strwctorsl frame btlUdlag for the plaal TcmtMe Note*. Mr. < if-orgr H. Ilia* U Charlotte. X. C . has kw« fKirt rktirata «t tk( hoard at Romvon of Ike Southern CoClm ftpinners" Aunrialkx la plan of Mr 11. A: Tompfcins. who haa or opled that pniltM Mace the ur(ul xaliow of ihr association. Mr. Illaa haa km MmIIM with It aa mu» tary. and has rendered Tillable aer- Tlee aa such to the association and the tnillr industries {TMnllr of tte South. A similarity of titles < aused aa er- ror la our m-eat mentl"n of the row solidatioa of two knitting mils at rhattaaooga. Tean. It was the Oroee Hosiery Mills of Tea*, and the Richmond llaalerr Mills of RoasrlDe. Ca. two utiles from fhattaaooga tand not the Richasnwd Spiaaing Co. of Chattaaoogal. that consolidated. The piaata will be «if tlaued under the Richmond title. The rowrt haa rati the sale of the eottoa mill property of~the «lre*t Falla Manufacturing Co at Rorhiag- hana. !* C.. to I». L Oore. recently reported aa hariag bid 537.24S for the property. Mr. (lore Is of Wllmla<toa. X. C.. aad It la said that he 'ntrn-ls to eipend aliout S4O *OO for laprm iag the plant, aad Is to thea put It ia operation. The spindles an natter turn aad the looms 1)4. .a. Atlanta lfU-i Kalttlag Mills has de elded to doable the capacity of its piaat by dapllcatlag the preaeat equip meat of machinery Thla action waa tahea at a meeting of stockholders during the paat week. The mill now has ifteea kalttlag marhlaes. thin sewiag machines, etc. la operation, and fin da its capacity Inadequate to deaaadi for the product It la announced that a contract has bcea defialtely closed securing for lo- rat ion at Huntsvllle Ala . the cotttn mill recently mentioned as proposed This will be the tenth n>;il In the city, and farad for a site has beea pa'-haa ed. Parti«nlars will be announced soon l.avonia i(ja.l Cotton Mills will doable. It is reported. Us plant of 2100 spindles, which just began oper at ions some weeks ago. The preaent building won Id s'commodate the rn r Endeavors will be made for the erection of a cotton factory at 1* Porte. Texaa. and O. E Keppl- will lead the movement. Messrs D. C. Oiddings. Jr . K. A. Schareaberg and F. W. Wood ot I rea bam. Texas, will orsaalze a company for the erection of a rottoa "alii Claytoa IN. C.» Cottoa Mill has de- tided upon aa increase of capital from IIM.IM to SI2«.<M«. This coaapany Is operating s«ro spindles oa earn Messrs 1. Irwin Bitntr and II- J. frosson of Hagerstown. Md.. who leased the Valley Hotaery Mills at Mechaa Irabu rg, Pa~ will reMve their machinery to Hagerstown. there to enlarge the plant A building will bs erected and machinery added to la crease capacity dally to 600 do«e» pairs of hosiery Lace goods and hae hosiery will be nsanufactured. William J. Magee of New Ib-rij. U, has addreaaed the Chamber of roauaerce at El Paao. Texas relative to eatabliahiag a kaltUag Mill at El Paao. A SIS.M* Plant to work both cotton and woolen yarns is coatem plated. Dwight Manufacturing Co. of tlatar ci- City has loatsctd the of a one story brick ciuthrwms isfeiK feet'aad a clotb-storuge room JiJ'.W feet. It la stated that a cottoa turer of Pruaala is loa/errtag with iae W. T. Weaker Power Co. of Ashe ville. N. C, relative to the estabinn cent at a mill to be supplied with powar from that cowpenya plant sow building- ' ' ' John Mulhollaad aad others of Kanaaa City. Mo. coa teas plate greet- ing a cotloa factory ia their city. It is stated that coUow-growers of Okie homa Territory will be naaowg thoae interested. and that cotloa tow thai mmqi in! iTfIBTW KiartalH.n threatens all striking workinguit-u ia id. Petersburg. who hi?«forth niay be exiled to Siberia. Ia Ibe case of these offenders Ibe liov- ernmrai will am allow qu> «f front f2 lo £? a moaih ordinarily siven to avert draib In hunger At a meeting be|>l at Kan Jaau I'orto Btco ibe Federat ion l.ibrv. haviag Members, approved Ibe «onstitulion mf the Aatrfcaa Federation of Labor, and rrrelved l*midrni «;«ni|"-t»" di- ploma This Is the ftrst labor organ tra lion of Ibr r*laad lo »la ib- AHK-n.an Federation of i-abot aixl mark- lb* hrginninf of an <-Ht-nded laoveuxrut there. Ball Against Anarchists Washiagtoa. Sprt ial Chairman Ray of the Hutu*- loaaitlf* on jadi tary h»« apr-HBtcd the »|>» ill i üßm.r.v to draft aa anti-altar* by m'Jfeiir u follows Kay of New York: Jenkins, of Wis. .>nf>in «Kerslr?et. of Indiana: IJttl*-n< !d. of J|ain» Repnbliians. anil of T'Vas; Elliott, of South Carolina Smith, of Keatat ky: Kka- iag of Oeargia. U»nofral» The spe- < ia! (smaltHr will ik*t after the holi- days and in th» mrant.m«- the thair- ain will latroJiK> a measure which will be Ibe haais of ? >aimlttee action Picadlag la Boaiae Case Waiblngton Spe< ial.--Tbe #rst trg>- I meats of connsel werr- If zun Wednes- day afternoon in the trial of Mrs llo- aine. iharg -.l with the killing of Cen- aus Clerk Ayrea. Assistant Distrii t At- torney Taggart opened tor the gr>v»-rn- meal The entire morning session was devoted lo tfcr snbtnisaloa of the pra7- "ara for the government and the if- fewaSn f«»II >«-l Assistant |listrl«.t At- torney Taggan The argumenU prob- ably wUI be flnislird Thursday and tile cape may go lo the jury late ia the af- teraooa. A Hsasy Shortage Wilson. N. C.. SperlaL?B. L Po»*ll manacer of the brokeragf business ol Mnrpby A Company of Sew York, bit disappeared from Wilson St'i.WW sh-nt IP MfiftimiH He left a nolf ajinj kr would rdSnit Mistid# an I BliW II In Rocky Mount. It is «uppuM-«l iie U la \«« York. Wiiwalau lo» bearily on hi* deil Hr < laims in hi* note that be !«t the womt on L'nion Pa« ifle and (oiloß Ar.MrtaS IM IB *IH\u25a0\u25a0 A winy has last km ftiimtd at Pkonii for U* aal«na pwrpoaa mt \u25a0toriag It la (rtilcW (Mm la U(k attitudes, tor nmn «C Irrtota. The laveators e'alm that tk* arhaaaa will MOC oaly solve the water pnlla. but will trad to greatly nian tk* sammer temperature la the axM rw- (kMui They declare that while. hll» tof ore. oaly heat has krai pHhni by sleclricity. they, hy a ilajla me- na. reverse the artho* aai auaa the opposite results. iirtalag la- wli ' A LEX. H SMITH. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Main Street WII.I.IAttSTO*. X. C. GEO. W. NEWELL, Attoraey-at-Law. WIL1.1 AMSTOX, K. C. Ij- ri wlifTf tr im inlc f x inrclMCn at ItaArt iW <' J * m a V H B » H v \u25a0 L \u25a0 \u25a0?J i s»MM(ir.«Vi*chKtSlW Sctemtnc jibokm.* 4- anrntH ?"*?? Uoasar- vUM "t mn \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*> I fMT: r.?rMKIL WiHJii' lilii ! \u25a0BBSSg.-r^igig* Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This pn-parat ion contain* all of Ike di(r«~>tant* and digentf all kiada of f<xxl It (fives instant relief and neweg t fails to cure. It allows ywi toeat aO the fond you want. The iwrt aensitlwa stomachs can take it. ByiUibenacy thousands of dyspeptics have beta cured after everything else failed It Is unequalled for all&tooiarb 1 irwibfca baft 4m jm |Md riepunluoir by E.C. TlhII - Mil' cMUiuIHllanlkrift: do I Bmnif | ; |RJkI H_\u25a0 \u25a0|H \u25a0\u25a0; I ' m»Mt to« jam! m iiw»: mkm pt ' ! CwiajwK \u25a0»?. WWWeßfc , ;;, PMEcraa M MM. for hw niaiutio* sad rfrtct. MM M MIEITIKE~U2£ : ?C.A.SMOWS.CO. : 1 Paten! Utim WASHINGTON.O C. ; rOBERK we challenge the world J TO PRODUCE THE EQUAL OF ROBERTS' CHILLTomc FOR CHILLS,FEVERS. Night Sweats and Grippe, and Mil _ SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED! NZeowu.iaeuMes, «00MFiL CURES MIE ROBERTS' TOiiC FUO6S! Red Cross is on label TRY IT. ?NO CURE NO PAY ? 25c. PER BOTLLE. Do«' t take a Substtute \u25a0\u25a0»»»» DELIGHTFUL TO TAK^. Sold by ELI GURGANUS and SLADE, ANDER3OX & CO ' X. . \u25a0 \ . OCtNK SIMMONS, hn T W TII.'.K V * X.C- B. WMrr. )< 'HX l> * Tw*»- the , DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. KILN DRIED NOR Til CAROLINA I'IXE LI'MHER. DENNIS SIMMONS' ItIt AND CYI'UESS SHINGLES ? * WILLIAMSTON, N. C. fyQrderp and Correspondence Solicited Wheeler Martin. Dennis S !>'££* MARTIN & BIGGS, Maiiufaetiireo of FURNITURE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Goubsposdkkck Solicited TBQN 88: Office 33; y*otory 46, . ? ' -ns » ? I . - -J Siseu Coras f Cim NO. I.t.

The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-12-20 [p ] · 2014. 1. 6. · fIjOOA YKAB. VOL. 111. SCHLEY'S OBJECTION l» fte ftrtiflgs af ItCnrt kfvt IMBtfwtortWn \ntstipki CWNSa TO FILE

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Page 1: The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-12-20 [p ] · 2014. 1. 6. · fIjOOA YKAB. VOL. 111. SCHLEY'S OBJECTION l» fte ftrtiflgs af ItCnrt kfvt IMBtfwtortWn \ntstipki CWNSa TO FILE


VOL. 111.

SCHLEY'S OBJECTIONl» fte ftrtiflgs af ItCnrt kfvtIMBtfwtortWn \ntstipki


IHW) "f ? ' -|M| 111 WM

DcdvallM that Ikbi Cawiri.

Wshlagtob. Spertai Admiral Schley

was ha coasultatoa Mosday with Usrsssril. Hot laador Rajaor u4 Mr.M. A. Tmcw. also Ges Fdix Aom.of Hattlasorf. and Coifmwu Schlrmof Marylaad Aft-r the coafenaceAtalrml grklqr iiM Mr. Teafce la\u25a0*»» the follow!ac «itca«at

"We hart beea la consultation as 10what farther *n>* shall be iikra.Nothtag degaite has beea determined?pos so far as civil or crimiaal srtiiaof say kind agatast Msciay aad Hismsio.a la Mscsnci Matter's rialsthat the ladings cf the coart are a viadlcatica for himself aad hia book Is ab-\u25a0otately sparious. There are m \r*tttaa half adores ~IBSISB<« n ib*hook la which. ev*B If he were to itc-

reft the findings of the coart ss« lacorporate them la the volaase aadchsage It to salt tbs flndings. the bookwoold at 111 he rriaslaal libel

Mr. Teagns during the afteraooapiutßUd the following letter to Secre-tary Lost

"Washißgloa. Dor. II"Sr: I bare tbe boaor to mos: re

spectfally reqaest that yoa withheldyoor approval from the Dadlagi of thecoart of rereatly held a; theaavy yard la this city of Wasbisgt >aof which Admiral George Dewer wispresldeat. until sach time aa I mayhave aa rapportuaity to tie a atatemestaf obieetloas thereto, aad 1 thereforeregaest that yoa do aot dissolve thecoart uatll action shall have beea tak-ea ea sach objertloaa

"Very reapectfallyW 8. FCHL*Y

Rear Admiral f S. **bad. r Rayaer. Counsel for the Ap-

plicant Before Said Court of faquir?."To Ih» Hoa. Secretary of the Xk;


Mr. Teague asked the Secretao tolad irate his probable artloa n thepremises. The Secretary replied thatthe nqatat voald he paat*4 aa l hi*artioa ia the iadlaga aad the diasointloa of the mart withheld until th> oh-lalhai were received aad be ha* hat

aa opportaalty to roaaider theai. Hestated that be wooid roaamaakatewith Admiral Schley in writiag am.asked how loag a time roaatH dea.rt.lto prraeat their objections. Mr. T-iguereplied that they would he ready forprwaeatatlcn by Thursday or Friday ofthis week

"We trillexcept to the findings of themart." aaid Mr Teague. "aad make a

demand that the majority opinion bedisapproved by the Secretary aa con-trary to the evldeace and the pertinentfacts ia the rase, which the court haaact cocsMejpd nrr acted upon."

While Mr. Teague would aot aay thataach artioa would be taken he pCnteiout the fact that they coaM appealfrom the Secretary's action to thaPresident of tha I'uited State*.?wri ixiwtg iip *<l «! JWI(rkmvMgrd. ii a f.xail letter. tl»erereipt of the request from AdmiralIHil«r fcr permission to tie a Mil olobjection*. The Sscretsry's responvni brief and It granted the request

aad allowed aatil Friday next la whichto rabMit the bill.

Admiral Schley haa been tellerodfrom fwrther duty la cowaectlon withthe Cbart cf Inqu'ry. Admiral Oewey.prr«ldeat cf the court, waa asked fora statement as to the extent to whichhe endorsed th» fladiags of the auijorMy. "I hare not a word to say." hereplied, "mot a word.**

iitf Capital Conicrcacc.

Now York. Spec lal-Brought togeth-

er by the good nfflcea of the NatiaualCivil Federation, leading reprenents-

tlves of labor snd cgpltsl met hereMonday to dlsrnas plana to Minimizewage and industrial disputes. Aiding

them with couasei were several prom-inent students of economics andleading flgnrea in the religions worldand the opening session was notablefor a number of striking expressionsand comments upon th* proMeaa facedby tho roaferee*.

Ncfrs Class Day Orator.Cambridge. Muss. Special-?The

senior riaaa at Harvard haa chosen R.C. Brace. of ladiaaapolU. aa class darorator. Brnce Is one of the few col-ored men is the college

The tfsacsck Sails Far MaaUa.

The traasport Hancock sailed at

noon Monday from San Frnacinco furMaaQa.

Sctk Low Takes the Oftk.N'e« York. Special.?Seth Low took

the oath of office aa Mayor of NewYork la tkc Supreme Court Monday.

Mr. harm will uinaf oflrt at aooa oaJaaaary 1. Mayor-elm L«ow announ-

ced the folio*.br appointments: Cam-\u25a0iauoner of water »«Pt>'r. gM aadelectricity. J. HaspOen Doeghcrty. la-4«pfniirnt Democrat aad ClUsnas* Un-ioa. of Brooklyn: bridge i ummtoaliiaer , Gustay Undeatial. ladepeadeatHhii ial aad German-Am-rican Mc-Cona Cnion; ttwil aerrlet ronamia* oa.Will la Qffßea. Alexando r T. Mam. W.

A. Perine aad Cornelias VaaderirßBepabilcan*. aad W. X. Dyknsaa. Theo-dore Banta aad Xelsoa A. Sp-soer. H ?

dependent Dcaomti

OkstKht KwilHWashington. Special ?As a rasaK

af the aegotiationa that haw* ton la\u25a0nereis between Secretary Hay aidMr. Bra. the Danish atinister. tMlast otstaclea of aabataace to the pre-

paration of the treaty of miltiwhereby the l otted Mate* will berove mnttied of the llaalah WartIndian Islands have been removed.The decMKM of the Bapi nai Court|a the iasalar caaea has made castorthe prevention of the treat* oa asdafKter *anr is w?-


Mr? Task. (fMbL-Wara weath-er aad rate. Mbsid by high wla«s.base rnsMH la fcartel dance all

over New Tack State. Oa Mtanitftbe saosra la the aortbera sr.Unaatbawed rapidly. ceasing tbe rtras

I aad creeks to rise aad tbe valleys

were iaaadated Heavy ralas followeddurtag tbe Bight, ann?salnl by

wiads of great velocity. Tialaa wereMocked for a*ay ban laadaUdeawere fregweat aad ta tbe low lsadaaad halldlags la very great. Flew were

aad boildtags Is very groat. Flew Hveaao far. base heea reported aa teat, laaad araoad Mew Task city tbe wladareached a islat My of U afla aa Vr*.bat heyaad aiaa acildiata aa greatitsasp la npmlsd aa Car ta pfuptilf

oa laad or So sMpHai Cora lag te-ports that tbe CWasag aad Csalsteevalleya bare bad tbe Mascot good

alare lU9 £baday Tbe village ct

Paiated Foot has bees aader water

all day aad the water is two feetdeep la aaoot of tbe hoasca Tbe Brie.Larkawaaaa aad Mew Ttwk Ceaualroads all aaMered frosa waaboau aadlaad slides At Ithaca tbe dsmage Isestlamted at «2»MM. Tbe goad was

tbe Moat illsoilinas sipstltai id siaceIts 7 Tbe aear-hy creeks berame rag-tag torrents by aldslght. A dweiUag

boast waa swept away aad tsaUy M

trace of it cwwld be fooad. Tbe ptiwer

aad lightlag plant was washed oat

aad two trolley liae cars were swal-lowed apia the good. AU atrest tartragc la easpeaded aad tbe city Is ladarkaeas. !.saber yards aai buildlags sagreed laatsarly aad tbewreckage. Mocklag tbe cbaaaol cfMa Mile cheek, tarasd the stream

from Its toaiae sad tbe whole leverpart of the city waa overgo wed. MUeaof the Taller aad LarkawaaaaRailroad tracks were washed away

aad BO traiaa issthfd Ithaca. Severalbridges were washed away, ferry

?eld. at Coraell I'alversltr wastaraed lato a lake aad the I'alversltjr

power plaas were abaadoaed. Tbelower goor of the city hospital wasoverflowed, aad ao beat or light waa

available la the lastitutioa. Reportsof destractloa of bridges aad bantiagof dasM aloag all streams la this »1-rlaity coatlaaes to ma* la.

HaaJatoa. Ph. Special.?Oreat havocwas wroaght la tha Lehigh regtoa by

Satarday's atom Joha Bunas* a miner,of Oneida, near her*, waa saahiid froma bridge aad drow aad. Over V* mine

males were drowsed la the varioaa col.lenes la th<a rtciaity aad the Majorityof the mlaea at* tooled, ft ia aotlikely that they will resume operationsuntil after the Brat of the new year.

Railroad track* aad bridges were washed away aad trains stalled Tha ??ana-age la this section is estimated at 13M.-00*.

Greatest Hm4 State iMi.Allentown, Pa. flparisl.?The il-mi

destructive flood Ii the Lehigh Valley\u25a0tare Hit started Snadtj moraine at1 o'clock, following a twodnys" rain,which melted the mow la the moun-

tain*. canning the Lehigh river to become a ragtag locraL The tractioncompany's power houses are floodedwith aeren feet of water, which pot outflres under the boilers So trolley ratahare mi si ace morning aad Allen'ownis la dnrknem at Bight.

Damage at Bet bis himBethlehem. Pa.. Special.?ln six bocrs

Sunday morning the Lehigh river over-flower the canal and the adjoining railrond tracks on both aides. Both th*Lehigh Valley aad Jetwey Central Kail-roads were forced to «a*p*nd trnlflc.Not since lMt ha* the bach water fromthe firer wrought saeh serious damage.The canal haak bnn*ea any the damage to the canal will reach SM.M*while 2M private residences in the district suffer to the extent of nearly i*.WO. Both the electric aad tractioncompanies are withoot power aad th*churcbeu were compelled to suspemdsei rices

Nates sf Pragress-And*rson Cotton Mills of MonUcello.

Ark . held a stockholders' meeting re-cently. aad elected ,T- H- Matthews,president: W. M. Anderson, vice presi-

dent: J. O. Wiiiiamaoa. secretary. -sJR W. Flan, treasurer Tbe companyhaa about completed ita aheetiag aadoaaaburg mill. Mala baildlag la itillifeet, containing MM spied les.

Bowling Green. S. C, Knitting MillCo.. reported incorporated recently, haslet coo tract for the manufactnte ofbrick for 1U building aad for erectionof «id building. Tbe equipment ofaaachiaery to he installed will employ

about thirty operatives, produciag knitunderwear. Com puny'a capital!rationis SIS.MfI. Robert M. Dulls Is secie-

tary /

Ns Pardon AHewed.London. By Cable.?The Home Olct

baa notiffed inaaari for Mine Joaepi.ine

East wick. of Philadelphia, ander aen-

teace of stx moaths imprisonment for

forging a railroad cotilote. that thepetltkm for her pardon oa the groond

of insanity coald aot be granted So

mama to given The actio* of the

Heme Mka was take* la spite ofgreat

pressors brwagbt to bear la Mies gast

wick's behalf by the oMciaM or theAidM»s»lMg here.

Pknadalphto. Special?A storm vkliifor as'mttj aad immllitam hasaot has «i?H»l ia this ssctioa :nr 25rati visited eaatara aad ceaWal Peno-Syivaaia Satarday aight caasiag almost

aapreeedeated damage aad resaltiag iathe )aaa of at toast tear hamaa It***

The havoc la the coal region* la aacr\u25a0oh aad ths loss to rsllrned aad mta-

IM nimwlm via ibm IB Milltmof do Uara.

True to Omraeivt*. Omr Neighbor*, Our Comntrg mmtl Omr GoH


ON TWELVE COUNTSMmnk ScMcy CsavicM % Cwt

«f lifiy.


\u25a0a|artly RafwtFMfTwKtCiMl**!\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0» ScMry. Bat him HbCmmdmct.

Waahiagtoa. Spe*-iaL?The mamt prw-loagsd. iaterestiag aad Impartaat as-tral trtaaasl ever held ta this coaairycame to a close I'llday hav lag la opea

?bott Of aae week, wbea SecretaryLong was haaded the fladlag of (he

coart af lagalry which eram-aed iatothe coadact of Raar Admiral Schleydartag the lhallapi campaiga Forarvea weeks the coart heard testiamayaad for fally a saoath It drlibeea'cdspoa tbe mass af evidtare. gaallyrear hiag tbe coarlastoa aaaaaacedFriday. The reaalt was a eomri fSe sar-prlae aad It Is pro habit that aa proph-esy baa approached the truth iasteadat one report there are twa. Both aieslgasd hp Bssigs Uaaap.?prraidrat.aad by Sam. S. Leasly. as lodge adtra-cate. This la a form to he reragslred

la all courts of lagalry. the slgaataresof the other memheis aot beiag acces-sary bat It la espialaed that AdmiralDewey aigaed tbe atrsad report, a mi-

. eerily report, ta express hta gasii*<a-

tioa of. or dlssiat from the news -i-

--pressed by the coert. <omprlsiag aesi-lehimself Admirals Beabam aad Ramany. ia the Bnt repast. It Is said at theJfavy Depart meal that there will he aofurther prareedtags la this celebratedrase ea the Depart meats iaitlai:r..Secretary Loag aad Jodge AdvocateL<rmly poaitlvety darliae to dterea* tbe?ads ia aay phase. Tbe Secretary re-ceived the reports at 5 o'clock Fridayeveaiag aad he has aot yet acted spoathem. It Is probable that be will simplyappend his sigaatar* with tbe v. rd\u25a0?Approved" to the whole record Ybecourt itself rerom meads BO farther '

proceediags. owiag to the laps* ofUse. '

After reviewiag the caadact uf &airy

during the whole cam palga the toart(Itea the followtag

"OPINION"Commod..r- Schley, ia command if

the lyiag aqtadroa. should hare pro-

ceeded with the at?al dispatch «*

Cieafuecns and ahoaM have aalaiala-

ad a close blockade of that port."He ahoaM hare \u25a0\u25a0deavorcd aa Hay

13. at Cieafuegoa. to otaa.a iafo'ir »-

lioa. rtfirdilii the Spaatsh »nby communicating with the laaargeVsat the plan designated la the atao-

raadunt ddit red to him at Mii a.

of that date."He ahoutd bare promptly obeyed

Cienfuegos to SaatUgo de Cuba withall diapatcb. and shoaM hare disposedof his vescsls with a riew of laliriaft-lug the enemy la lay attempt t > .osathe Bylag squadron

"He Should not hare delayed theaquadron for the Eagle.

"He should aot hare made th» retro-grade turn westward with bis aquad-

ron"He" should bare promptly owH

Ihe Nsvy Depurtmeaf* orders of )ljr

"He should hare endeavored to ap-

lure or destroy the Spanish v»ws. 1* atanchor near the estrasce of <Ua:isga

harbor on May 3 an I M

"He did aot do his ataamt with theforce under his command, to cjy.gr*or destroy the Colo® aad other vessel*of the enemy which he attarkei oa May

SI."By commencing the engagement oa

Jul> 3 with the port Nlt«y. aad turn-ing tb<» Brooklyn aroiod with porthelm. Commodore SrWrj caused her lo

lose distance aad poattioa with theSpanish Teasels, especially with theVlscaya and Colon.

The turn of the Brooklyn to lar-

board was made to avoid getting her

ialo dangerous pai ci'r tj th- Span-ish vesr Is. The tarn was made *o-

ward tfc ? Texas snd ' «w»J that vesselto stop aad to back her engines to

avoid possible collision

"Adtr.iral Schl'.y did iajnstic.> to

Lieutenant Commander A. C Hodgson

la publishing only a porrtoa of the cor-

respondence which passed between

them"Commodore Schley s road act in

toss* flow with the events of the Saa-tlago campaign prior to June I. IM.was characterized by a vacillation, di-lator! aesa aad lack of enterprise

"Hla official reports regarding the

coal supply and the coaling facilitiesof the flying squadron were innerurate

and misleading."His conduct during the battle

July S waa eelf-possensed and he en-couraged. la his own person, bis sus-

ord taste officer*aad men to flght conr-ageou> T' OKOBOB DCTTV.

"Admiral V. 8. X President."RAM C. IJEMLEV.

"Judge Advocate General C. 3. X..Jadge Advocate.""la the opinion of the aaderugn«d

the in \u25a0ear" from Key West to Ck«-faegoe waa made by the flylag sgaad-roa with all poaslble dispet'h Com-modore Schley havlag la view the im-portance of arriving off r»eafae«oswith aa mach roe I aa poa*iMe la theahlp'a bankers.

"The blockade of Cieafeego* «» ef-fective.

"Cotnmodore Schley. >a perm-.' OKthe steamer Adala to eater the port ofCienfnesoa expected to obta.a intor-mation concerning the Spanish aqoad-roa from her dXa she rami ca«

"The passage from Claafaegos to apoint ahoat 22 mUea aoath of Baatiago

was made with aa mark dispatch aa

waa possible while Keepiaj the iqaad-ron a unit

The blockade of Santiago araa ef-fective.

"Commodore Schley *as the aea:orofficer of oaf effaadron off Satliffswhoa the SpsaUb sqsaJrnn attemptedto escape oa the auwnlag of Jnly M,lm 'He was in ahas4s«e .oamaaf t-.-lIs en;:tie Ito t*>* rredi: d-w- fo sack

~W. -«\u25a0 for IkertetWT »WO» rtaelte* »\u25a0 »*? dc *

streetioa of the Spsslsh ships"OrO.JOE DIVET

' Admiral V *K PresMsat.SAM IJEMI.Y.

"Jadgs Advocate Qeaeral. I'. & Nledge Advocate."

R GXX>MMBOkAtIOM"la view of the length at time which

baa ilapsed siace the auarrears of theacsats of tbs Saatlaaa campaiga. tbemart rsooormsads no fwrtber procesd-

lags be had la the pjamiaw.? OBORdB DMWRY.

"Admiral V. & N.. Prealdeai"SAM 1JBMI.T.

"Judge Advocate Qeaeral. t*. SJsdgs Advocate"


Tbs Seaata CoaMnas tbe Itay-Paaacefote Caaal Agraeairat.

THE HOUSE.'Eighth Day The session of the

House wss brief aad devoid of lateresLNothisg will be doas aaw uatll aftertbe holidays.

Xiath Day- Chalnaaa Payae. of theways aad mesas committee, aad Mr.Rhhsrdsoa. of Teanessee. the faaklag

Democrat of the committee, were *a-

gaged la preparing the aiajoiity sadminority reports, respectively, oa thePhilippine tsrlg bill.

Mr Psyae's report will not be of an

coada.-sl to an explsaatloa of the sewbill. Tbe need of reveaae lor the is-laad*. In-,suae of the extensive work ofdevelopment and the establishment ofschools, is set forth.

Tb- minority report promises to begaite esleaslre. taking ap the geaeral

sabjects of roloalal policy. imperisli«m

and protection.T*nth l>sy?The House held s ses-

sion of but thirtyminutta duration NoImportsst legislation was rstere.l upoa.

Eleventh l»ajr.? At the close of the

session the 1 ommittee desigasted by

the two houses of Congress appelate-Ito inrlte Se. retary Hay to deliver an

address In hoaor of the memory of the

lat» President MrKlnley. tailed uptio

B:netary and secured his coaseat toperforin this service. No time for theceremony was llxed. The Hou»eadjourned without a>. ompllshing any-thing

SENATE. rEigbth Day:? For twenty minute*

the Senate was occupied with roatla-Susie ess and then went into execativrsession to consider Ihctreaty.

Ninth Hay?ln the Senate Mr. Al*m

favorably reported «hr <->murrrnt res-

olution adopted by the llouae pr<i\ld-

lai for a holiday receaa from Dn«ber 19 to January «. 1902. and It was

a*rood |o.

Mr. Iloar introduced a resolution,dlidllai lh> committee ou printing to? onsldar the expediency of protH-IBK frea distribution of the Congress-ional Record to librarlea througho.it

the (ouati *

Mr. Mason, from the' commit!** on

manufacturer*. submitted a favorablereport on a bill relating to the adulter-ation of food produrta anil addreasrl(he Senate. briefly < ritictsiag eertataprodurta which had come under (he

observation of the committeeTM* Senate at I P m went Into ex-

ecutive senaton and at I 40 adjourned

antll Monday.Tenth I>av.?The da; waa spent iu

discussion of the Hay-Pouacefotetreaty. The Senate adjourned at I S"p m

Eleventh IMy.-The Senate ratlfi'lthe HayPauncefote canal treaty by

the decisive vote of 72 to *. The rotewaa reached a few minutes liefore J

o'clock, after almost Ave hour*' dis-

cussion Iwhlnd cloned doors Therewere no sensational incidents daring

the entire time. The debate waa conlined not r-xclualvely to a discussionof the merits of the agreement, batthe policy of its provision- Th.r prin-cipal speech was made by Senator

Teller la opposition to the treaty andhe was followed' In rapid anccesal.mby 12 or 15 other Senators, who »pu*«briefly either for or against the mo-tion to ratify The vote on the rxtM-eation of the treaty was as follows

Yeas; Akiricb, Allison. Bard. Hate.Berry. Beverldge. Burn ham Barrowi.Barton. Carmack. Clapp. Clark, ofHoaUna: Clark, of Wyoming: Chv.Cockrell. Cullom. Deboe. Deltrlch. IMl-llngham. ftolllver. Dubois. Fairbanks.Poraker. Poster, of Lroulalaaa: Fnater.at Washington. Prye. Galllnger Gamble. Gibson llansbrongh. Harris llaw-ley. Heltfeld. Hoar. Joaes of Ar-kaasan; Keaa. Kearns. Kittredge.Lodge. M< Comas. McCamber. MrISnery. McLaurln. of Mississippi. Mc-l-aurlo of South Carolina: MeMMlan.Martin. Mason. Mitchell. Money. Mor-gaa. Nelaoa. Pearoae. Perklas. .'Uttof Connecticut: Piatt, of New Tort;Pritrbard. Proctor. Qaarles. Scott.Simmons. Simon. Spooner. Tsllaf-'rr».Turner. Vest. Warren. Wellington.Wetmore ? 72.

Nays: Bar-on. Blackburn Cnlbersoa.Mallory. Teller. Tillman?ti

Bailer paired with Depew ao l Elkiiu: Rawlins paired with Hanna snd

Mewrll. Thoae who did not Tote and

for mhoni no pairs were aaaojaced

at* Daniel. Jones of Nevada: Pat-terhon and Quay

Alabama Sinks a Tax-Norfolk. Va.. Special.?Aa the Bay

Liae steamer Alabama waa patting atfrom the Seaboard Air Line terminalstation, on the Portsmouth side of theharbor, be ran down the tug Alliance.atrlkiD* that vessel just abaft the star

board bow acd (tore In a large holeThe tog begair to settle at once Cap

tain Bofeasaon; cf the Alabama. Sss-?red bis life boats and by quick workreacted Captain Miller and all eight ofthe Alliance's «rew just as that c.-aftsank. The Alabama was uninjured

iiifttrln^N"*-Trenton. N. J.. Special.?Articlea of

incorporation of the Southern Securi-ties Company, capital SIOO,OOO. w»re

\u25a0led hern Thursday. The company ia

authorized to purchase, hold. aail. «a-

ehange aad deal in stocks, obligations

or securities of any corporation. go»-arament or municipality. The iacorpor-

atorsare: C. K. Smith, John R. Turner.B B Hewklaa. E. 8. Mogogia aad W.

\u25a0Wi Boad. all of But Orange


The BMlMers' strike ai Ba Chester. H,T-. has heew twttM

Tea ihgswsd raplatn of Vriuour

A COL. at Chicago. «>D receive tilcberwage* after Jaaaary 1.

Cnaa* rlVal's Male Kiupl..? airatAgewry la Ave mooiU* foand workfar 30M woasea sal HW asea.

Oar ra> a red fltrtlaa.

A Sheet-Steel MM.Addltloaai impetaa willbaglvea the

larriaslag iad est rial Impmlaai a ofCamberlaad. ltd aad Ma vldaKy bytbe egalpaMat of the steel sheet millwhich has besa degaltely saaowa. 11durlag the week. The aew plaal sill beestablished by tbe Marylaad SbeH *

Steel Oa, last lacorporated coderNew Jersey laws with capital af tlMl-oae. aad tbe mllis aaaaal capacity

will be '.aae toaa of sheet steal. TheCraciMe Steel Co.'s ptaat laCamberlaad has beea part based attti.SSt. aad will be imodeled aadImproved with andera mai hlamj tocossprioe the aew plaat. Howard H.Dickey Is presldeat sad amasgcr:Harry K. Weber, secretary, aad A. F.Basmgartea of Plttsbarg. Pa.,ls licepresldeat sad porrbasiag sgeat.

The araterKhlp of the »lr*rnf l-o-ramiiUvf Flremia is now nearly fI.OIWla the Tailed States aad Canada.

Tader the aew Industrial Arbitra-tiaa law u? Australia a <-ourt i« cre-ated haviag reatrtaUe powers to en

farce Its decrees, evea to creating astandard wage.

The aaioa scale »«*« ia (he jobprint lax sflkea ia New York Oly willhe Oil a week after Jaaaary I. and IfIt is areemry Typographical I'aiuuXa. ?; willstrike t« rsfnn* ibis scale.

Fifty three milkmea of Bridgeport.Ceaa. have fm a< d a ttafcuJt and joined

the federation of Lalwr The union

will pass un i|nnilow- raised betweeathe nikani aad dealers as well as

Hiaaari is «ak| wtie ihr best or-ganised raaauV Ikr world from alabor slaadpoia -Statistics show thatT*T per reat. of ike workiagmen aad3.7 per real of ibe working womenmt thai ?oantry atv member* of trades

Aoordiag to a dlspau b from NowYork, the Norfolk *West era RailroadCo. has mate srraagr meats to caa-trol the laterests sf tbe PocaboatasCoal A Coke Co, aad will parrhasethe propsrty of the compaay for Itt.-?os.ssa. payißg this amoaat la t perceat boads of the Norfolk A Wasterssystem The Pocaboatas Coal Css. te-preseats a ram blBat ioa of mlalag pro-perties la West Vlrgiaia. receatly re-ferred to la the Maaafaaiarera' Re-cord. It Is aadervtood that the Kor-folh g Westera will coadact its 07T-attoas through a subsidiary orgaalia-tloa. Tbe property is estlamted tocoataia about >*#.*** seres of ctmlIs ad

To l atargc Plaat.A dispatch from Psrher

Ya states that the Parksrsbarg IniaA Steel Co. has coatracted for theerertioa of aa importee! toits large steel mill, aow Bearing rasspletloa The addlttoo Is to be a f jrgemill to larolre tbe expeadltare ofabout liaO.SO# Messrs. Wm. BScalfe A SOBS of Pittsbarg Pa. harecoatract to maaafactare aad erectstrwctorsl frame btlUdlag for theplaal

TcmtMe Note*.Mr. < if-orgr H. Ilia* U Charlotte. X.

C . has kw« fKirt rktirata «t tk(

hoard at Romvon of Ike Southern

CoClm ftpinners" Aunrialkx la planof Mr 11. A: Tompfcins. who haa oropled that pniltM Mace the ur(ulxaliow of ihr association. Mr. Illaa

haa km MmIIM with It aa mu»tary. and has rendered Tillable aer-Tlee aa such to the association andthe tnillr industries {TMnllrof tteSouth.

A similarity of titles < aused aa er-ror la our m-eat mentl"n of the rowsolidatioa of two knitting mils atrhattaaooga. Tean. It was the

Oroee Hosiery Mills ofTea*, and the Richmond llaalerrMills of RoasrlDe. Ca. two utiles fromfhattaaooga tand not the RichasnwdSpiaaing Co. of Chattaaoogal. that

consolidated. The piaata will be «iftlaued under the Richmond title.

The rowrt haa rati the sale ofthe eottoa mill property of~the «lre*tFalla Manufacturing Co at Rorhiag-hana. !* C.. to I». L Oore. recentlyreported aa hariag bid 537.24S for the

property. Mr. (lore Is of Wllmla<toa.X. C.. aad It la said that he 'ntrn-lsto eipend aliout S4O *OO for laprm iagthe plant, aad Is to thea put It iaoperation. The spindles an natterturn aad the looms 1)4. .a.

Atlanta lfU-i Kalttlag Mills has deelded to doable the capacity of its

piaat by dapllcatlag the preaeat equipmeat of machinery Thla action waatahea at a meeting of stockholdersduring the paat week. The mill now

has ifteea kalttlag marhlaes. thinsewiag machines, etc. la operation,and finda its capacity Inadequate todeaaadi for the product

It la announced that a contract hasbcea defialtely closed securing for lo-rat ion at Huntsvllle Ala .

the cotttnmill recently mentioned as proposedThis will be the tenth n>;il In the city,

and farad for a site has beea pa'-haa

ed. Parti«nlars will be announcedsoon

l.avonia i(ja.l Cotton Mills willdoable. It is reported. Us plant of

2100 spindles, which just began oper

at ions some weeks ago. The preaent

building wonId s'commodate the rnrEndeavors will be made for the

erection of a cotton factory at 1*Porte. Texaa. and O. E Keppl- willlead the movement.

Messrs D. C. Oiddings. Jr . K. A.Schareaberg and F. W. Wood ot I reabam. Texas, will orsaalze a company

for the erection of a rottoa "aliiClaytoa IN. C.» Cottoa Mill has de-

tided upon aa increase of capital from

IIM.IM to SI2«.<M«. This coaapany

Is operating s«ro spindles oa earn

Messrs 1. Irwin Bitntr and II- J.frosson of Hagerstown. Md.. who

leased the Valley Hotaery Mills at

Mechaa Irabu rg, Pa~ will reMve theirmachinery to Hagerstown. there toenlarge the plant A building will bserected and machinery added to la

crease capacity dally to 600 do«e»pairs of hosiery Lace goods and haehosiery will be nsanufactured.

William J. Magee of New Ib-rij.

U, has addreaaed the Chamber of

roauaerce at El Paao. Texas relativeto eatabliahiag a kaltUag Mill at ElPaao. A SIS.M* Plant to work bothcotton and woolen yarns is coatemplated.

Dwight Manufacturing Co. of tlatarci- City has loatsctd theof a one story brick ciuthrwms isfeiKfeet'aad a clotb-storuge room JiJ'.Wfeet.

It la stated that a cottoa

turer of Pruaala is loa/errtag withiae W. T. Weaker Power Co. of Asheville. N. C, relative to the estabinncent at a mill to be supplied withpowar from that cowpenya plant sow

building- ' ' '

John Mulhollaad aad others ofKanaaa City. Mo. coateas plate greet-

ing a cotloa factory ia their city. Itis stated that coUow-growers of Okiehoma Territory will be naaowg thoaeinterested. and that cotloa tow thaimmqi in! iTfIBTW

KiartalH.n threatens all strikingworkinguit-u ia id. Petersburg. whohi?«forth niay be exiled to Siberia.Ia Ibe case of these offenders Ibe liov-ernmrai will am allow qu> «f front

f2 lo £? a moaih ordinarily siven to

avert draib In hunger

At a meeting be|>l at Kan Jaau I'orto

Btco ibe Federat ion l.ibrv. haviagMembers, approved Ibe «onstitulionmf the Aatrfcaa Federation of Labor,

and rrrelved l*midrni «;«ni|"-t»" di-ploma This Is the ftrst labor organ tra

lion of Ibr r*laad lo »la ib- AHK-n.anFederation of i-abot aixl mark- lb*hrginninf of an <-Ht-nded laoveuxrutthere.

Ball Against Anarchists

Washiagtoa. Sprt ial Chairman Ray

of the Hutu*- loaaitlf* on jadi tary

h»« apr-HBtcd the »|>» illi üßm.r.v

to draft aa anti-altar* by m'Jfeiir ufollows Kay of New York: Jenkins,of Wis. .>nf>in «Kerslr?et. of Indiana:IJttl*-n< !d. of J|ain» Repnbliians. anil

of T'Vas; Elliott, of SouthCarolina Smith, of Keatat ky: Kka-iag of Oeargia. U»nofral» The spe-< ia! (smaltHr will ik*t after the holi-

days and in th» mrant.m«- the thair-ain will latroJiK> a measure whichwill be Ibe haais of ? >aimlttee action

Picadlag la Boaiae CaseWaiblngton Spe< ial.--Tbe #rst trg>-

I meats of connsel werr- If zun Wednes-day afternoon in the trial of Mrs llo-aine. iharg -.l with the killing of Cen-aus Clerk Ayrea. Assistant Distrii t At-

torney Taggart opened tor the gr>v»-rn-

meal The entire morning session was

devoted lo tfcr snbtnisaloa of the pra7-"ara for the government and the if-

fewaSn f«»II >«-l Assistant |listrl«.t At-

torney Taggan The argumenU prob-ably wUI be flnislird Thursday and tilecape may go lo the jury late ia the af-teraooa.

A Hsasy Shortage

Wilson. N. C.. SperlaL?B. L Po»*llmanacer of the brokeragf business ol

Mnrpby A Company of Sew York, bit

disappeared from Wilson St'i.WW sh-nt

IP MfiftimiH He left a nolf ajinj

kr would rdSnit Mistid# an I BliWII In Rocky Mount. It is «uppuM-«l iie U

la \«« York. Wiiwalau lo» bearily

on hi* deil Hr < laims in hi* note thatbe !«t the womt on L'nion Pa« ifle

and (oiloß

Ar.MrtaS IM IB *IH\u25a0\u25a0

A winy has last km ftiimtd at

Pkonii for U* aal«na pwrpoaa mt

\u25a0toriag It la (rtilcW (Mm la U(kattitudes, tor nmn «C Irrtota.The laveators e'alm that tk* arhaaaawill MOC oaly solve the water pnlla.but will trad to greatly nian tk*sammer temperature la the axM rw-(kMui They declare that while. hll»tof ore. oaly heat has krai pHhniby sleclricity. they, hy a ilajla me-na. reverse the artho* aai auaathe opposite results. iirtalag la-

wli '



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Wheeler Martin. Dennis S !>'££*

MARTIN & BIGGS,Maiiufaetiireo of


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TBQN 88: Office 33; y*otory 46,. ? ' -ns ?»

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NO. I.t.