THE ENTERPRISE. Fwlmhkd Every Tncnan.n Williams ton, N. G. - ALFRED E. WHITMORE, Editor aud Publisher. Entered ntthc Post OfTicc at Williameton, N. C , as Second Class Mail Maltcr. SUBSCRIPTION, $1 a year, Thuwway, Januaiiv 31, 1901. If there is an marked across "- tRU paragraph it minns-that your \u25a0nbacription expires with this issue And that you aro respectfully re- quested to .renew at once or your \u25a0ame will be dropped. i \u25a0 .\u25a0in, 1 i. On la*t Tlmrsd.iy, Edward Til was proclaimed King of Great Sritian ami In-litud. WHmmmmMKmaxgz*--- m 2. ... . j . Queen \ictoria will he hur- od on Saturday, Fehritauy 2nd. The interment will bo at Wind- sor by the side of her 'The prepnratioiiH lor theftmer- ?l indicate tho greateifpageßß'f ever known to tlio world. Love your children and they Will love you in ppite of ill your ?hortcotnings; ke>;> faith with and tfrf>y will keep Jaith with you; tre;il them courteoiißly and tliey will he V " courteous: maintain high i< 1 <?: i].- end they will follow theni;mttko them the ceut're o-l your life and they will" make you ih«.- centre of their lives.?Caroline Leslie Field, in the February Ladies Homo Journal. Tho Enterprise h glad to gee that tho County Commission- ers have adopted the suggeel- ions made and so earnestly ad* vocatcd by it, by letting the cotnract for two iron bridge:? which are now being construct- ed, one over Sweeten Water Creek, near town, and the other over Deep 111 in (.'reek it Goose Nest Township. TLtis we deeraifi wise expenditure of the County's funds and we .heartily congratulate our ex- cellent Board upon those Bfepa. \u25b2 newspaper whose columns overflow with ads ol business men lias morn Influence in atiriicting at- tention ami building ii|> a eity or a town than any other agency that can lie employed. Kx. ? * » (Co'tcor I Stainlntxl.^ The Raleigh correspondent of the 21st to tho Chorlotto Obser- ver, says: "Nipvspaper people will be interested in this bit of int"i - mation. One ot the rural mail carriers mo that when he began his route last August only one fiirtjier to<jk a daily paper; now 40 are subscribers. Then only ten took weetly papers: now 100 take them. The-fset i* t?mt a mnit ..in the country off a railroad, five miles from here, ivos out of the world. Now ho is in touch with the! procession." Right here is a pointer on the subject ofpopular education. Get! the people to read and you have much of the problem solved. A non reading people can hardly be edu- cated. A reading people are un- consciously being educated all tlio- while. Apatron sometime ago told ? the writer that his county paper wm worth more than all thcTfchool-! iog his children gets and that lie has two brothers that grew upj without learning to read after be began to take the pajH.T they qoon lt-arned to read it. Several others whom we have tried to get as readers have told us that they would gladly have a pa- ir per but the post office is five miles away and no passing except for tbe mail, therefore no paper is takcu aad the intellectual growth in tbe fimitljr is nothing. Good mailt facilities will bring to the doors ol' our people the winsome hand! Msldeo ot the great educational j WASHINGTON LETTER- , (Prom our iT*ul*r Corr«)*>ndc:u».) \u25a0v Washington, Jan. "28th, 1|)01. Extrsrlsession talklias been given n boom by no less apersongo than the President himself. In a short mesfil'ge transmitting the report of the Philipine Commission to Con- gress, the President recommends speedy It gislation for the Philip- pines. The recommendation.doe* not specify the Spoonor bill, al- though the report, of the Philip- pine commission does, but that is the only important Philhpine' measure pending, and it has been demonstrated that the sentiment of the Senate was adverse toit,a»d Senator Spooner has himself said on tho floor -of the Senate that he TO)light it would be best to-sotvd .1 Congressional committee to the Phillipincs before legislating de- finitely lor a form ot civil govern- ment for til's islands, As tl ere is little probability that the Ppooner bill can be pussed and no time to perfect u new measure, the idea is prevalent that the President in- tends his recommendation as a hint of his intention to call nu ex- tra session <d t ,'ougrr*#, soon after the expiration of this session. The idea has been strengthened by 10* marks of the President about tho jdstness of immediate action by Congress upon the work of the Constitutional Convention of Cu- ba, ns soon as the work i* complet- ed, which will in the near fu- ture, but probaMy , not, in time to be acted upor. by tlii* Con grew. Congressional hunters after Army Commissions, under the new law, have received notice from the President, that'.these Citntnisslonn will, an far possible, bo given to the men anil ollieers \ylio have seen service HI tile PliiHipir.< s u:i vol- unteers. Some ot the hunters are disposed to regard this as merely '(inexpedient' on the part (d llie I'i'ciiidetit ti Iwcn pfi'Sufe on him lot*'these pjaeis,jii.d to think that the "as far as, possible' 1 will let in' ;r lot of outsiders whoso Vpull" cannot be jguored. Time will soon- lolT, as l th'.>so appointments. will have to heijuiekly made. The Oleonnirgarine bill bis been reported to the Senate., and its friends will endeavor td get it through, but lack of time makes their-.success doubtful. When you are sick" yojiwnnt the doctor that is tho most rfurcessfuL and when you employ an attorney you waul the most successful in the line for which you need him. Tliero is no doudt that C. A. Suow Co., of V\ nshiugton, are the most successful Patent Solicitors in the world, ibinyg 1900, they ob Joijipd 14'J7 allowances of U. S. patents, munv of which had beeu previously rejected. Senator Towne, who will vacate 4hs seat as soon as.henator Clap p.. who was last week elected to suc- ceed tho lafc Senator Davis, of" Minn, arrived in Washington said goodbye in a set speech, giving his views on tho(important political qustions of the day. Mr. To wye is a fine spceker end his remarks were attentively listened to by those who disapproved them as well as by tho.iC who indorsed them. Representative II C. Smith, of Mich., has inl tod need a bill, pro- yfcling for .1 National Freight Coatniis.--ion, ot twelve hieiuboiif, ">?1)0 shall hold .iflioi ''ir life, the ilu'y of which sh <lll> 'to supervise fegnlato and c)»s;|'j railroad freight, and to fix the division of- 1 aivs between', connectiug j railroads and transportation Inn s, j Tho bill was iiUrrtucod more to ho discussed than with any ex-- peclatiou tint it will be'tic ted upon by this Congress. The Senate Committee on Terri- tories has practically decided that I there will not be tiiue to act oh the bill for the admission of Arizona j to statehood nt this session. Senator Depew has ho doubt of | the construction of ttie Nicaragua Canal by thisgovernmeut. In his speech in favor of the Ship Subsidy bill, he said: "With the construe- tion of tho Nicaragua Canal, which will be completed' in the next few I years tbe-neemtiiy- <*f *«-AvixUwy Fleet and a Merchant Marine will become stilt greater." The brewers won their fight in the Senate Fin n n<* Committee,! and the amended Revenue R«l tic- 1 ?kn Bill, rept»Hed tv thefeniiifj by unanimous vote ot that Com- a barrel I, whioh was the figure dcmunded -by the brewers of the HUttsb Commit'te, nnd refused by that Committee, and defeated when offered as an amendment on the fl >oy of the Honse. The claim is made for tbe brewer* that they have positive assurance* that the Senate will stand by them and com* pel the House to accept the rate fixed for the tax on beer. Owing to the pressure of appro- priation bills,the Ship Subsidy bill is not making much progress in \u25ba the Senate. Senator Frye, who i* in charge of the bill, is not sinking to antagonize, the Appropriation bills. On the contrary, lie express* ly says that ho is willing to" .have his bill set aside whenever there is an appropriation bill ready the Senate, lie still maintains tlmt jhe bill will pass, while the opponents of the bill say tliat it has no chauc, whatever, ot being voted on at this session. It is admitted even by Mr Frye, that that the opponents of the bill'Cau keep it from a vote if they realey wish to do so- Senator l'ettifrew, who ii oneol its most active opponents says tliyi e will b<uno neceessity to filibuster against a vote: that the regular appropriation bills and other legislation to which it must give way will opoorato to prevent its dcing disposed of, Brought Good Fortune. A smalt Item in bis own paper late.y brought ainnzing good for- tune to Kditor Chris Reitter. of the Saginaw Midi. Post and Zeitunjf. tie and his family had the Of ppe in jt*, worst for n Their doctor did them no good Then he read that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- suinpti n Coughs and Colds was a ?piarra (a d cirro for finflrppr and til! throat and lung troubles; tried it nndnmys: Three buttles cured tlflr whole tami'y. No other medicine! oireurth equals it. Only joe and $i at N. S. Peel 4 Co. It 6rldl«s The Globe. The fame of ucklcn'a Ami- a "alve as Ihe best in tliej woild ex tends Yound the earth; Its the one pcrf.ct healer of Cut i,Corn Lurns Bruises. Sores. Seald ; toils, L'lceri Felons \ches, Pain - and all skin eiuplions. Nnly infallible Pit » cure Only 3.V a box at N S, Peel A Co I IT??? Send us your JOB J? ? . - * r ' .WORK. |. v V I rejOYAL ,1" Tailoring is the standard of excellence - TO-DAY?NEXT YEAR ALWAYS ' * ' . Quality ever improving Purse-pleasing prices ? E ROYAL. TAILORS Chicago, U. SA. I Jir«rt Fir Marck Curl. - Altha meeting of ths Goontf Com- mifsioners, Monday, January 7th, the following list of jitrors was drawn for term of Superior Court: FIBBT WEEK Nam* Township 11. T. Stalling*, JamssvilU ! J. H. Rsddick, Williams ' W. Henry D*ni#l, " Jno. 0. Corey, Griffin* J. A. Lille* - Plenny Peel, ' w W. B. Tics, B it. Hsriison, V*" " Gphrsim I'eel, " N'S. Peel Williamtton F. K. Hodgei . 'J W. r. Cullifer " Stanley Peel y Bear Giase E 0. Roebuck Ht (J. Bailey ltsubin S. Hogsrsen J. 0. liarnhill Cross Roads Nolia Bullock " J. R. Uobuck ' Robersonville A. E Gray , 14 J. 11. Jr., < ?' 8 G. Audrey's " B. A. Hotiss J so. R. Purvis " J. B. lUwla " V. R. T*> lor l'oplsr Point \u25a0Jr-ETWbiiley P. J. Itokuok " U. W. Andrews 44 John D. Cherry . 44 L. U. Ange ? » 44 It. U. Ssliibnry Hsmißou E. Edmotidson 14 Liilis K. Uarrell Goons Nest .I.T.Thomas W. K. Hurst '? SECOND WEEK , J.O. tl'irdau JamnHviile John E Moori Williams Abraiu Hopkins 41 11. T. Itoberm'U Giiffint- AJ| J. R'lboison A lot ij Robouon " \V. J. 11 idltTy-" ?r=fl<»«r flr«s« . Jsite Miz«ll 44 ' Joel Benin it Williumaion L- B. Wynn Crqm ltosds JohnAVynn " McG. Wynne 44 B. F. W.v nn 44 G. W. Moore Poplar Point I). C. jonos Hsmilton Sherrod SaUbury 14 Z. M. Whitehurst Goose Nest ( Joho 11. Bryan Quality and not quality niakefr De Witt's Little liaily Risers *uct» valuable little liver pills. 0. D. Car- i starpken & 00. i \u25a0 NOTICK Notice ia hereby given that ap« plic.illoiis will be made to the pres- i'iit - esaioii of the Qeiiernl Assembly for ft dinner for tlis"Bunk of Mar- tin County" with power to do gen oral banking business at Wllllum> stoti, N. C. Jan. 15ih, 1900 Wheeler Marfhi, Atty J ,,,, i' Hie [ucoporators. Martin County, Superior Court, rt -C. Bpu : U et al» \u25a0 vs. J. H. Waters ti nls The above entitled action has been brought for tfeepurp' sr of sell- ing for divis on the Ne son Waters farm in said county an t summons has lieen duly issued there n for all the defendants returnable en the i>t day of F> bruary i<»o', at Wd lams- to i. N. C., before tlie undersigi e«l. a' which "time awl place the defend- ants. J II Waters and II C. Wat rs :\r required to app ar and aw set i ? idi nuir t.i the c p'«int FL siiiv uiy««t Doc. <v J -A H Clerk Jiup' lior \ ouit._ t'ti;**vr;;?n|l f ii l il l <' U<" «I«W It rutft lunmii! oltlldc 'li fi»m iifOHp iind lii!i>' rioubte'', r>i »tn\u25a0»* >'il' a\' 't'lci.vit1 -' i?«»»»» tm'.si* r. i III.U i! »i-,tr.Wo ktiO.*"' of n< s 'liiiM r:i:i: in give mviaiit t'sUof Om M.unu Cough Ouie. It can al>" In relied npou in grip|H> '<nd all throat mid lung troubles of adults feasant to take. C. D> Carstarpken oosAii; My MrJlctil Dhecrc.T ? »> .nl4oftwopW> V.. do two pc tjij- j. - . (TCafcflj<o. ich ll go:i ? 'nv hiJJgj : \u25a0 . . 1., .... IV.' I I iUli.l . >\rrtt jr laogia , 1.l 'itlej <t lijft't fit r-, J v fc-.« "?fUW r - ' - V . 11 m 1 ,, ?r .. . ?\u25a0 / k* , KO.'IQiS J Notice is hereby given lhat an application will he made to the i ext General Assembly'of 901 iy t!>c Commissioners of the town of Wil- liamston. ,N. C. to amend tl:e char- ter and enlarge the coporate limity of said town. Dene by resolotio:. ' of said Board at a regular meeting on tbeiSth day of Dec. (900. B. F. GODWIN Secretary. | l'upsin preparations often tail to 1 relieve indigestion because the? can 1 digest only alhuminouMfoodx. There ' is ou* preparation that digests ull ' classes of fond, mid tliut is Kndol ' Dyspepsia Qnre.lt cures tlio worit 1 i-nxes of indigestion mid gives in- 1 Ktiint relief,-for it digests shut you ' eat. G. D. Curatarpheii fc Co. , 1 NOTICE n-! By virtue ot a decree of the Su- ' peri j court of Martin County in a ' special proceeding therehi inreAlunzo il.wsell, admr Harriet ' J. Harrison 1 ecd gain t A»a Ed- ' mondson and wife Mary ct als 1 ' shall expose to public sale before ' the Court house'd or i the town VVilliamslon, N. C. n Monday the | 4th day of February the following re ?!estate, to wit: A certain tract oflaud in uritlin s to > nship, county aforesai andsiiown us lot No. m the division of t!ie lawis of the lute Robert Lanier among his heirs b ing the same lot assigned to said Harriet J. Uar. sou, dec J, u Jjoi ing the ands of Kader Lilley and others. Containing 44 acre more or less, \u25a0for deri ate de cripi.ion as to b'Min darits reference in,< be,hid to the public jregistery of M.trtin county, terms.<f sale: CASH. I -is January <st 90 , : ALONZO.ilA*i;i.l, 41 Adm ranM Commi>sior,er " ' r " n \u25a0 WANTED.?A good live rrprts. efltntiVe nt every 11/I 1 / O in the cou:i ly. Apply to THE ENTKItritIBK 11 .\u25a0 Blow To Atost. The old idea that the bedy some- timrs n eda*V powerful drastic pur-' gativepill ' as been exploded; jor Dr. King's New Life Till?, which are nerf rtly harmless, gc tly stimulate liver aifd bowels.to expel p isonous matter cleanse the system and ab. solu'ely cursConstipat'on and Sick Headache. isc at N. jS Peel & Co. V'dl, tb«s is tougli! Qbituuy eoltimu short lihll nn inch, mid I've got go out nnd kill n man to till- il up! exehiimed 'lip western editoi putting on I.n ooiif. ?; Does the i Baby Thrive! <' If not, something must be I ' | wrong with its food. If the * ! | mother's milk doesn't now-1 <1 ish it, she needs SCOTT'S v | LMULSION. It supplies the 1 4 ekroentf 9? fat required for J i the baby. If baby is not < k nourahed by Its artificial I I food, tlvin it requires T 1 Scstf s Emulsion | 4 flaif a tcaspoonful three > I or four Urxs a day in tts ? ' 5 botils wiM have the desired »\ ' i ftf i, ft <Nem» te> hive t f i mortal effect upon bibiei 1 j ; aij A J ty-ccnt « I bottle v/iil prove tits trull, f { i of Qiir MtvHivtih j j 1 » SAattJd Ao Ukeu *n tuntmcr as T if v< 'I ms r Uter. ' > §,*. r.n« o<s T J , > f*COTr 8c Chauii«u. >iw Yort.. 1! .ucaTiucKsif} V«t Ger.wji* RcfOfdy, I , -AD9^|l t, . ~\u25a0' ( I ?. mmd ' When you want Turner's North Carotin;* Almai-ac. i'o ; ' fail to gvi itut ilu« office,.' . ? * 1 . \u25a0 - Persons «lio »i'.OW 11f#111 itttii tre-HHon can not to live !\u25a0»?> tiec;in-<e ibfrv <\nmot ear the )IH > required ttrnuitrish lite >«idy an (lie products or the nudigesfc.l fjo- t' ev do eat poison lU© hlo il. It nupoitaut to euro itirfigrslioti « soon us ihjMililo, and tli* beat m<l oil of doing this i* to oho the |»> partition known in K »d>l l)vsp<-| win Cure. Il what you en «U(I resioies all tin*digestive oneni to iW-iffCt health. C. I). o.»r*tar;ilie. & Co. OTiOE I y *utu?'«>f nn ord jr < f th* ?u perior '\u25a0 of Martin county: I w!T~ ?til -t tii - courtlt'outc in'.V iiiamsto. on M n lay Pe!» a.try 4th yol tin following hnitl' Atlj lnig iir ck Bos tun on 'he Norths Wilche <' reek on the I'.a> ; John IV rre on the ~outh: and Wolf fit branch >n he West. \u25a0; Contaii.ntg flvehundr |,l & : cs more or less,part tin iwn is the ' ..m '?nry land an i a part known a the Muff land I'c. in-i <>f sa cor halt c.i : !>a!- ' IV' -> ' n r . ncc in 11 nv-rjih- wi h 6 njf: cent inteiest on ilefctre pay ment If ra dty t : ale, Hie ret tin d until whofe^o/ purchase mon -y is paid. J rill (liyft t VV? iKI LKR M.VRI.I N. < oro.i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eai. It. artificially dißc-ts the food and aid# j Nature la Buuutfiliwnug aud rctoo* I structiug t hfl exhausted dues-live or*; guns. It Istlie latest discOTereddigesle tot end tonic. No other preparation cau approach It la efllcloucy. It In* Biautly rollevesand.permanently cures Dyspepsia, ludisestion, Heartburn, Fiatulenco, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Blcic Headache, Oastralgta Cramps and all other results uf Imperfect digest ion Pnportd by C. C OsWiTT ACO., Cfticoge- -0 H.CAMr.VEPIIB.V t CO K ' BO YEARS* «x»«mgHC» H W 1 1 1 I J M TRADE MARKS CoevmuH?*Ac. * AnroM sending * akalrh and description msy eatekly nsi-ertalil nur opinion frse *bather an Invention i>lwblblTwMMMfc Communi?. tlmuiat.rictlyc»iiUdautlnl. Itundliookon PalcuU ««M.l fro#, tflitrtt uenrr tor .ncurinii pateius. r«i'<nt« taken tfir-miih Muim k Co. receive tpteUU tv* icr, wliKoutt iamu. Initio Scientific American. A handsomelr IHnat rated *«kli. I<rmt etr>- vt uny raarl !«?* BM>ntb», »L ±l<>M t>y all wauwlm. hySifettsSwJflf* A. C. L ?«WNTIC COASV-MXiHt«, i ..or.ssU RC««otL». ' TKAIK'.i COIKG SCITH. DATBU 1 . ! S l .** >?1 - . a, . Ip'II T»rtK>ro iftuj 6 oo _ ? Rocky Sit.... I * iooil 637 srit 11 mvz WiU>.| ...I 15J ro 40 710 5 *?( 141 ..... 11 Ml ........ ? r.hwC/i'iljle.j 4ia r. K10rr..,-. ,jo ....... ..._ . i;jMi , ur j I .-| ... 7ss ._ \u25a0iiJrftf:*-- ???? H as* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 m. \u25a0?\u25a0.;£ is 1 iwfests- u A.V.f P. U, 1 -,v. rbrfiie; 9 - >t » 7 u! !#*? I'uyrttevillc 14 Isi . .... 9 Ijtave Srlma .... i so, !. ~ « Wltm ajy . .. it 13' , . \u25a0 AM. . IP. M. A. H. L". W.imr.rtoa- ~.. 700 »JS I,*. it 12 1 >iu k jo 11 M .l>4 i.iro J 4so ,| 9j711 it ___, ,-.T. ... r M |A. MP. If. p. M. IiSW Wi'm ijt 331 13 13 1045 1 it A*. K'xSty M' | }j» » luj 11 «?' il ijj Ijj 4'lfn "A-lnro « Wf4~T* "*»j. . | J ... ?ut ! 3 ...... u 451......... Ar.V. U'j 1 « j 1 . » IP. M A. A. P. M 1 va ikij Dlvliki Mai 11 Mac~'i'rain leave* WU- I'ayctl vUle uoi p. ra . ltaV , l-ayilt vilt'- u>3 p.m., arrive* San- r ml 1 4\ p. ni.. I'.rt'iriii-iKIcavci Hanford 3 oj p. «a,atii.c r«j,ttevilK- 4 JO p. in., leave Faycttc- ? vilß- ' 3) p. ni j nrrivr*ft UwtagUm y 15 W'WF !!? .u t" . ill*'lrattcV?Train leavca bennetta- -1 vllit >os a ill M 1110:3 903 a. m , Red Springs ' <j m 3. i''. . rarkto i 1041 a. m., Hope Mills 1033 a. iu.. a, rt* 1 avettevllle 11 to. Krturning l .nTttc .111-- l iS P im. Hope Mill*jwp. m., M \u25a0 a 4*. p. Maxun 6 i6p. in , arrivet Ben- iit?i9\i lv 7 15 p. 111 . t,.i nun at tuyetleviUe with train Np. 78, at willi Caißlfna Central Railroad, at Red with l'- KcJ Srwi !i£» an J Ikiwrnore rail- Ia V ..I Ka iToitl wltn the S .ilxaul Air Une and I-'mi.l'- -iiii Half withthe Durham aad .CJmri ?" Kaih-.i-i, ' I tin iVtllntKl Neck Ilranch Road leaves WIMOI ;,s P . ll»liJ'a*4 1711.111.. arrive* Soot- I tin,, 1 , i- iu., I'.ieeiivflfc «$7 p. m., Kte* I Nlmt - , m Ritimai U It-avea Klnston 7Joa.m j <? We "? x:n in;, ilia al Halifu* 11 its. < , 'i in,, btiiy.cKtptttaadty,! ! 'r.«lii., »u 1 .li I.mtrtii Branch leave Washing. It-.';« 3 . in , «ii.l Ito ra., nrri'e rarm:ic 9»? a. m.. »i»> p. in , iitaruinijleave I'arin-lr 19 33 «.« [l 1 aitiSfri ji Mfc,4Uiivt . s ti«liy. 1 Visin Ua «... TlitH-.ru N. C., daily except'Snn- «'ay s 111., Hun'ny 4"3 P- , srriveaiPly- -1:1,mill - t>, in., 610 p. II . Returning, ;»r«a I'lvinuuih'utiyeitti'i* Sumiay, 7jp a. m, ,aud S l'n.Uy ,iooa. in., ar-ive* Yathoro 10 10 a.. II oo*. US. Tjnl.i n-.< Mliilatij N. C. Branch leave* Golds- liir,esmpt siu.''.iv. soo a."*,ni., arriving m-.lUifieCi <? 10 a. 111., Retui niiiK leave* SmilhSeid 7 un a.iii, nui>, ts<.o | ''slxiro >3 a. m. Train* on t.aslnUle HrniKti leave kotky Mount at ViOA. in , 340 p. iu.. airivj Na*hvllle laas a. <ll., 40. p. ni.. Spiiftf; hope 11 on a. in., 4 >3 p. a., K| turniuK litvc S|.« i:ik Hope 11 »a. m.,4 wp.n*. Nt.i: VfiP- 11 '3 a. »S p. in., ai rive at Rocky M.-tnil 1a tor iu.,Ai<.p in .daily except Sunday. liatn on Cliutvn luanch Rare* Waruv lor CKatodaily, exieft Sunday, 1140 a. m.,aiKl4 h p. tii.. XvtumiiigHa-.ea Clinton 643 a. m., and a ;.o p. m: fialu ya. 7S rootca el-jae connection nt Weldoa l->r all p inls Ninth dally, all nil via Richmond. H. M. KMERSOK. Gen I IHuuengcr Agent. I. R. KKNI.V, l.rs'l Manager. Y. M. KM hJtAON, Traffic Manager. S*SSSSS»SSWVSSI»»%WS*SS»SSUISS H anvthing you invent or improve 1 also get : CUVtAT.T? COPYrKHT or MIMR JifnOTfCTHN. Send model, (Vetch, or photo. \u25a01 for froo examination and advios. BOOK ON PATENTS SttJWBT \ St.A.BNOW&CO. PtuntLtwyan. Washington. DC. >»»ssss»ss%iMti.s»swssa*swaaal \u25a0tf I ADPCQT Farfll *mptement.% T LAIIULU I HOUSG in the South Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Plows and Castings, Pumps and Well Fixtures. ENGINES, SAW HILLS. THRESHERS, (HINDERS, MOWERS , FENCING, WINE. Writ* tor CaialofM vi uk Itr Ipcctal L«w PllM THE IMPUMEHT tme^T ILLINOIS' I®! lii ACADEMY. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 SHUXU TERM BsaitiS | JAN'Y 14 -1901. M Your girls, and boys shall recaive the very best 1

The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-01-31 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1901-01-31/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE ENTERPRISE. Fwlmhkd Every Tncnan.n Williams ton, N. G.-ALFRED

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Page 1: The Enterprise (Williamston, N.C.) 1901-01-31 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073995/1901-01-31/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · THE ENTERPRISE. Fwlmhkd Every Tncnan.n Williams ton, N. G.-ALFRED


Fwlmhkd Every Tncnan.n

Williams ton, N. G.


Editor aud Publisher.

Entered ntthc Post OfTicc at

Williameton, N. C , as SecondClass Mail Maltcr.

SUBSCRIPTION, $1 a year,

Thuwway, Januaiiv 31, 1901.

If there is an marked across"- tRU paragraph it minns-that your

\u25a0nbacription expires with this issue

And that you aro respectfully re-

quested to .renew at once or your

\u25a0ame willbe dropped.i


.\u25a0in, 1 i.

On la*t Tlmrsd.iy, EdwardTilwas proclaimed King of

Great Sritian ami In-litud.WHmmmmMKmaxgz*--- m 2. ... . j

. Queen \ictoria will he hur-od on Saturday, Fehritauy 2nd.The interment will bo at Wind-sor by the side ofher

'The prepnratioiiH lor theftmer-?l indicate tho greateifpageßß'fever known to tlio world.

Love your children and theyWill love you in ppite of illyour ?hortcotnings; ke>;> faithwith and tfrf>y willkeepJaith with you; tre;il themcourteoiißly and tliey will he

V "

courteous: maintain high i< 1<?: i].-end they willfollow theni;mttkothem the ceut're o-l your lifeand they will" make you ih«.-centre of their lives.?CarolineLeslie Field, in the FebruaryLadies Homo Journal.

Tho Enterprise h glad to gee

that tho County Commission-ers have adopted the suggeel-ions made and so earnestly ad*vocatcd by it, by letting thecotnract for two iron bridge:?which are now being construct-ed, one over Sweeten WaterCreek, near town, and theother over Deep 111 in (.'reek it

Goose Nest Township. TLtiswe deeraifi wise expenditure ofthe County's funds and we

.heartily congratulate our ex-cellent Board upon those Bfepa.

\u25b2 newspaper whose columnsoverflow with ads ol business menlias morn Influence in atiriicting at-tention ami building ii|> a eity or atown than any other agency thatcan lie employed. Kx.


* » (Co'tcor I Stainlntxl.^

The Raleigh correspondent ofthe 21st to tho Chorlotto Obser-ver, says: "Nipvspaper people willbe interested in this bit of int"i -

mation. One ot the rural mailcarriers mo that whenhe began his route last Augustonly one fiirtjier to<jk a daily paper;now 40 are subscribers. Then onlyten took weetly papers: now 100take them. The-fset i* t?mt a mnit

..in the country offa railroad, fivemiles from here, ivos out of theworld. Now ho is in touch with the!procession."

Right here is a pointer on thesubject ofpopular education. Get!the people to read and you havemuch of the problem solved. A nonreading people can hardly be edu-cated. Areading people are un-consciously being educated all tlio-while. Apatron sometime ago told ?the writer that his county paperwm worth more than all thcTfchool-!iog his children gets and that liehas two brothers that grew upjwithout learning to read after bebegan to take the pajH.T they qoonlt-arned to read it.

Several others whom we havetried to get as readers have told us

that they would gladly have a pa-ir per but the post office is five miles

away and no passing except for tbemail, therefore no paper is takcuaad the intellectual growth in tbefimitljr is nothing. Good mailtfacilities willbring to the doors ol'our people the winsome hand!Msldeo ot the great educational j


(Prom our iT*ul*rCorr«)*>ndc:u».)

\u25a0v Washington, Jan. "28th, 1|)01.Extrsrlsession talklias been given

n boom by no less apersongo thanthe President himself. In a shortmesfil'ge transmitting the report of

the Philipine Commission to Con-gress, the President recommendsspeedy It gislation for the Philip-pines. The recommendation.doe*not specify the Spoonor bill, al-though the report, of the Philip-pine commission does, but that isthe only important Philhpine'measure pending, and it has beendemonstrated that the sentimentof the Senate was adverse toit,a»dSenator Spooner has himself saidon tho floor-of the Senate that heTO)light it would be best to-sotvd .1

Congressional committee to the

Phillipincs before legislating de-finitely lor a form ot civil govern-ment for til's islands, As tl ere islittle probability that the Ppoonerbill can be pussed and no time to

perfect u new measure, the idea isprevalent that the President in-

tends his recommendation as a

hint of his intention to call nu ex-

tra session <d t ,'ougrr*#, soon afterthe expiration of this session. The

idea has been strengthened by 10*

marks of the President about tho

jdstness of immediate action byCongress upon the work of the

Constitutional Convention of Cu-ba, ns soon as the work i* complet-ed, which will in the near fu-

ture, but probaMy , not, in timeto be acted upor. by tlii*Con grew.

Congressional hunters afterArmy Commissions, under the newlaw, have received notice from the

President, that'.these Citntnisslonn

will, an far a« possible, bo given to

the men anil ollieers \ylio have seen

service HI tile PliiHipir.< s u:i vol-

unteers. Some ot the hunters are

disposed to regard this as merely'(inexpedient' on the part (d llieI'i'ciiidetit ti Iwcn pfi'Sufe on himlot*'these pjaeis,jii.d to think thatthe "as far as, possible' 1 willlet in';r lot of outsiders whoso Vpull"cannot be jguored. Time will soon-

lolT, as l th'.>so appointments. willhave to heijuiekly made.

The Oleonnirgarine bill bisbeen reported to the Senate., andits friends will endeavor td get itthrough, but lack of time makestheir-.success doubtful.

When you are sick" yojiwnnt thedoctor that is tho most rfurcessfuLand when you employ an attorneyyou waul the most successful inthe line for which you need him.Tliero is no doudt that C. A. Suow

Co., of V\ nshiugton, are themost successful Patent Solicitors inthe world, ibinyg 1900, they ob

Joijipd 14'J7 allowances of U. S.patents, munv of which had beeupreviously rejected.

Senator Towne, who will vacate

4hs seat as soon as.henator Clap p..who was last week elected to suc-ceed tho lafc Senator Davis, of"Minn, arrived in Washington saidgoodbye in a set speech, giving hisviews on tho(important politicalqustions of the day. Mr. To wye isa fine spceker end his remarks were

attentively listened to by thosewho disapproved them as well asby tho.iC who indorsed them.

Representative II C. Smith, ofMich., has inl tod need a bill, pro-yfcling for .1 National FreightCoatniis.--ion, ot twelve hieiuboiif,

">?1)0 shall hold .iflioi ''ir life, theilu'y of which sh <lll> 'to supervisefegnlato and c)»s;|'j railroadfreight, and to fix the division of-

1 aivs between', connectiugj railroads and transportation Inn s,

j Tho bill was iiUrrtucod more toho discussed than with any ex--peclatiou tint it will be'tic ted uponby this Congress.

The Senate Committee on Terri-tories has practically decided that

I there will not be tiiue to act oh thebill for the admission of Arizona

j to statehood nt this session.Senator Depew has ho doubt of|

the construction of ttie NicaraguaCanal by thisgovernmeut. In hisspeech in favor ofthe Ship Subsidybill, he said: "With the construe-tion of tho Nicaragua Canal, whichwill be completed' in the next few

I years tbe-neemtiiy- <*f *«-AvixUwyFleet and a Merchant Marine willbecome stilt greater."

The brewers won their fight inthe Senate Fin n n<* Committee,!and the amended Revenue R«ltic- 1?kn Bill, rept»Hed tv thefeniiifjby unanimous vote ot that Com-

a barrel I, whioh was the figuredcmunded -by the brewers of theHUttsb Commit'te, nnd refused bythat Committee, and defeatedwhen offered as an amendment on

the fl >oy of the Honse. The claimis made for tbe brewer* that theyhave positive assurance* that theSenate willstand by them and com*

pel the House to accept the ratefixed for the tax on beer. ?«

Owing to the pressure of appro-priation bills,the Ship Subsidy billis not making much progress in

\u25ba the Senate. Senator Frye, who i* incharge of the bill, is not sinking to

antagonize, the Appropriationbills. On the contrary, lie express*

ly says that ho is willing to" .havehis bill set aside whenever there isan appropriation bill ready theSenate, lie still maintains tlmt jhebill will pass, while the opponentsof the bill say tliat it has no

chauc, whatever, ot being votedon at this session. It is admittedeven by Mr Frye, that that theopponents of the bill'Cau keep itfrom a vote if they realey wish todo so- Senator l'ettifrew, who iioneol its most active opponentssays tliyie will b<uno neceessity to

filibuster against a vote: that theregular appropriation bills andother legislation to which it mustgive way will opoorato to preventits dcing disposed of,

Brought Good Fortune.A smalt Item in bis own paper

late.y brought ainnzing good for-tune to Kditor Chris Reitter. of theSaginaw Midi. Post and Zeitunjf.tie and his family had the Of ppein jt*,worst for n Their doctor didthem no good Then he read that

Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-suinpti n Coughs and Colds was a?piarra (a d cirro for finflrppr and

til! throat and lung troubles; tried itnndnmys: Three buttles cured tlflrwhole tami'y. No other medicine!oireurth equals it. Only joe and

$i at N. S. Peel 4 Co.

It 6rldl«s The Globe.The fame of ucklcn'a Ami- a

"alve as Ihe best in tliej woild extends Yound the earth; Its the onepcrf.ct healer ofCut i,Corn Lurns

Bruises. Sores. Seald ; toils, L'lceriFelons \ches, Pain - and all skineiuplions. Nnly infallible Pit » cureOnly 3.V a box at N S, Peel A Co

I IT???

Send us


JOBJ? ? . - * r '

.WORK.|. v VI

rejOYAL,1" Tailoring

is the standardof excellence -


' * ' .

Quality ever improvingPurse-pleasing prices


Chicago, U. SA. I

Jir«rt Fir Marck Curl. -

Altha meeting of ths Goontf Com-mifsioners, Monday, January 7th, thefollowing list of jitrors was drawn

for term of Superior Court:


Nam* Township

11. T. Stalling*, JamssvilU !J. H. Rsddick, Williams 'W. Henry D*ni#l, "

Jno. 0. Corey, Griffin*J. A. Lille* -

Plenny Peel, ' w

W. B. Tics,B it. Hsriison, V*" "

Gphrsim I'eel,"

N'S. Peel WilliamttonF. K. Hodgei .


W. r. Cullifer"

Stanley Peel y Bear GiaseE 0. Roebuck

Ht (J. Baileyltsubin S. HogsrsenJ. 0. liarnhill Cross RoadsNolia Bullock


J. R. Uobuck ' RobersonvilleA. E Gray , 14

J. 11. Jr., <


8 G. Audrey's "

B. A. HotissJ so. R. Purvis


J. B. lUwla "

V. R. T*> lor l'oplsr Point\u25a0Jr-ETWbiileyP. J. Itokuok "

U. W. Andrews 44

John D. Cherry . 44

L. U. Ange ? » 44

It. U. Ssliibnry HsmißouE. Edmotidson 14

Liilis K. Uarrell Goons Nest.I.T.ThomasW. K. Hurst



J.O. tl'irdau JamnHviileJohn E Moori WilliamsAbraiu Hopkins 41

11. T. Itoberm'U Giiffint-AJ| J. R'lboisonAlotij Robouon


\V. J. 11 idltTy-" ?r=fl<»«r flr«s«. Jsite Miz«ll 44

' Joel Benin it WilliumaionL- B. Wynn Crqm ltosdsJohnAVynn "

McG. Wynne 44

B. F. W.v nn 44

G. W. Moore Poplar PointI). C. jonos HsmiltonSherrod SaUbury 14

Z. M. Whitehurst Goose Nest(

Joho 11. Bryan

Quality and not quality niakefrDe Witt's Little liaily Risers *uct»

valuable little liver pills. 0. D. Car-

i starpken & 00.i \u25a0

NOTICKNotice ia hereby given that ap«

plic.illoiis will be made to the pres-i'iit - esaioii of the Qeiiernl Assembly

for ft dinner for tlis"Bunk of Mar-tin County" with power to do gen

oral banking business at Wllllum>stoti, N. C. Jan. 15ih, 1900

Wheeler Marfhi, AttyJ,,,,i' Hie [ucoporators.

Martin County, Superior Court,

rt -C. Bpu :U et al» \u25a0vs.

J. H. Waters ti nlsThe above entitled action has

been brought for tfeepurp' sr of sell-ing for divis on the Ne son Watersfarm in said county an t summonshas lieen duly issued there n for allthe defendants returnable en the i>t

day of F> bruary i<»o', at Wd lams-

to i. N. C., before tlie undersigi e«l.a' which "time awl place the defend-ants. J II Waters and II C. Wat rs:\r required to app ar and aw set

i ? idi nuir t.i the c p'«intFL siiiv uiy««t Doc. <v

J -A H

Clerk Jiup' lior \ ouit._

t'ti;**vr;;?n|l f iil il l <' U<" «I«W It

rutft lunmii! oltlldc 'lifi»m iifOHp iind

lii!i>' rioubte'', r>i »tn\u25a0»* >'il'a\' 't'lci.vit1-' i?«»»»» tm'.si* r. i

III.Ui! »i-,tr.Wo ktiO.*"' of n< s 'liiiMr« r:i:i: in give mviaiit t'sUof

Om M.unu Cough Ouie. It can al>"In relied npou in grip|H> '<nd allthroat mid lung troubles of adultsfeasant to take. C. D> Carstarpken

oosAii;My MrJlctil Dhecrc.T ? »>

.nl4oftwopW> V..do two pc tjij-j. - .(TCafcflj<o.ich llgo:i ?

'nv hiJJgj : \u25a0 . . 1., ....

IV.' I IiUli.l .

>\rrtt jrlaogia, 1.l

'itlej <t lijft'tfit r-, J v fc-.«"?fUW r -


- V

. 11 m 1 ,, ?r .. . ?\u25a0

/ k* ,

KO.'IQiS JNotice is hereby given lhat an

application will he made to the i ext

General Assembly'of 901 i y t!>c

Commissioners of the town of Wil-

liamston. ,N. C. to amend tl:e char-ter and enlarge the coporate limityof said town. Dene by resolotio:. 'of said Board at a regular meetingon tbeiSth day of Dec. (900.

B. F. GODWIN Secretary. |l'upsin preparations often tail to 1

relieve indigestion because the? can 1digest only alhuminouMfoodx. There 'is ou* preparation that digests ull 'classes of fond, mid tliut is Kndol 'Dyspepsia Qnre.lt cures tlio worit 1i-nxes of indigestion mid gives in- 1Ktiint relief,-for it digests shut you 'eat. G. D. Curatarpheii fc Co. , 1

NOTICE n-!By virtue ot a decree of the Su- '

peri jcourt of Martin County in a 'special proceeding therehiinreAlunzo il.wsell, admr Harriet '

J. Harrison 1 ecd gain t A»a Ed- 'mondson and wife Mary ct als 1 'shall expose to public sale before 'the Court house'd or i the townVVilliamslon, N. C. n Monday the |4th day of February the followingre ?!estate, to wit: A certain tractoflaud in uritlin s to > nship, countyaforesai andsiiown us lot No.m the division of t!ie lawis of thelute Robert Lanier among his heirsb ing the same lot assigned to saidHarriet J. Uar. sou, dec J, u Jjoi ingthe ands ofKader Lilley and others.Containing 44 acre more or less,

\u25a0for deri ate de cripi.ion as to b'Mindarits reference in,< be,hid tothe public jregistery of M.trtincounty, terms.<f sale: CASH.I -is January <st 90 ,


41 Adm ranM Commi>sior,er" 'r " n \u25a0

WANTED.?A good live rrprts.efltntiVe nt every 11/I 1 / O in the cou:ily. Apply to

THE ENTKItritIBK1 1 .\u25a0

Blow To Atost.The old idea that the bedy some-

timrs n eda*V powerful drastic pur-'gativepill ' as been exploded; jorDr. King's New Life Till?, which arenerf rtly harmless, gc tly stimulateliver aifd bowels.to expel p isonous

matter cleanse the system and ab.solu'ely cursConstipat'on and SickHeadache. isc at N. jS Peel & Co.

V'dl, tb«s is tougli! Qbituuyeoltimu short lihll nn inch, mid I'vegot go out nnd kill n man to till- ilup! exehiimed 'lip western editoiputting on I.n ooiif.

?; Does the iBaby Thrive!

<' Ifnot, something must be I' | wrong with its food. If the *

! | mother's milk doesn't now-1<1 ish it, she needs SCOTT'S v

| LMULSION. It supplies the 14 ekroentf 9? fat required for Ji the baby. If baby is not <

k nourahed by Its artificial II food, tlvin it requires T

1 Scstf s Emulsion |4 flaif a tcaspoonful three >

I or four Urxs a day in tts ? '5 botils wiM have the desired »\

' i ftf i, ft <Nem» te> hive t fi mortal effect upon bibiei 1 j; aij A J ty-ccnt « I

bottle v/iil prove tits trull,f {i of Qiir MtvHivtih j j1 » SAattJd Ao Ukeu *n tuntmcr as Tif v< 'I ms r Uter.' > §,*. r.n« $« o<s T J, > f*COTr 8c Chauii«u. >iw Yort.. 1!

.ucaTiucKsif}V«t Ger.wji* RcfOfdy, I

, -AD9^|lt, . ~\u25a0' ( I

?. mmd'

When you want Turner'sNorth Carotin;* Almai-ac. i'o ; '

fail to gvi itut ilu« office,.'

. ? * 1 . \u25a0 -

Persons «lio »i'.OW 11f#111 itttii

tre-HHon can not to live !\u25a0»?>tiec;in-<e ibfrv <\nmot ear the )IH >

required ttrnuitrish lite >«idy an(lie products or the nudigesfc.l fjo-

t' ev do eat poison lU© hlo il. Itnupoitaut to euro itirfigrslioti «

soon us ihjMililo,and tli* beat m<loil of doing this i* to oho the |»>

partition known in K »d>l l)vsp<-|win Cure. Il what you en«U(I resioies all tin*digestive onenito iW-iffCt health. C. I). o.»r*tar;ilie.& Co.

OTiOE Iy *utu?'«>f nn ord jr < f th* ?u

perior '\u25a0 of Martin county: I w!T~

?til -t tii - courtlt'outc in'.V iiiamsto.on M n lay Pe!» a.try 4th yol tinfollowing hnitl' Atlj lnig iir ck Bos

tun on 'he Norths Wilche <' reek onthe I'.a> ; John IV rre on the ~outh:and Wolf fit branch >n he West. \u25a0;

Contaii.ntg flvehundr |,l & : cs moreor less,part tin iwn is the ' ..m '?nryland an i a part known a the Muffland

I'c. in-i <>f sa cor halt c.i : !>a!-' IV' -> ' n r

. ncc in 11 nv-rjih- wi h 6 njf: cent

inteiest on ilefctre pay ment If ra

dty t : ale, Hie ret tin d until

whofe^o/ purchase mon -y is paid.

Jrill (liyftt VV? iKI LKR M.VRI.IN. < oro.i

KodolDyspepsia Cure

Digests what you eai.It. artificially dißc-ts the food and aid# j

Nature la Buuutfiliwnug aud rctoo* Istructiug t hfl exhausted dues-live or*;guns. ItIstlie latest discOTereddigesletot end tonic. No other preparationcau approach It la efllcloucy. It In*Biautly rollevesand.permanently curesDyspepsia, ludisestion, Heartburn,Fiatulenco, Sour Stomach, Nausea,Blcic Headache, Oastralgta Cramps andall other results uf Imperfect digest ion

Pnportd by C. C OsWiTT ACO., Cfticoge-


BO YEARS*«x»«mgHC»

H W 1 1 1 I J M


CoevmuH?*Ac. *

AnroM sending *akalrh and description msyeatekly nsi-ertalil nur opinion frse *bather anInvention i>lwblblTwMMMfc Communi?.tlmuiat.rictlyc»iiUdautlnl. Itundliookon PalcuU««M.l fro#, tflitrtt uenrr tor .ncurinii pateius.

r«i'<nt« taken tfir-miih Muim k Co. receivetpteUU tv*icr, wliKoutt iamu. Initio

Scientific American.A handsomelr IHnat rated *«kli. I<rmt etr>-

vt unyraarl !«?* BM>ntb», »L ±l<>M t>y all wauwlm.hySifettsSwJflf*


i ..or.ssU RC««otL».'


DATBU 1 . ! Sl .** >?1 - . a, .

Ip'IIT»rtK>ro iftuj 6 oo


? Rocky Sit.... I * iooil 637 srit 11mvz WiU>.| ...I 15J ro 40 710 5 *?( 141

..... 11 Ml ........?r.hwC/i'iljle.j 4ia

r. K10rr..,-. ,jo ....... ..._

. i;jMi,ur j I .-| ... 7ss ._

\u25a0iiJrftf:*-- ???? H as*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 m. \u25a0?\u25a0.;£ is1 iwfests-


A.V.f P. U, 1-,v. rbrfiie; 9 ->t » 7 u!!#*? I'uyrttevillc 14 Isi . .... 9Ijtave Srlma .... i so, !. ~ «

Wltm ajy . .. it 13',

. \u25a0 AM. . IP. M. A. H.L". W.imr.rtoa- ~.. 700 »JSI,*.it 12 1 >iu k jo 11 M

C« .l>4 i.iro J 4so ,| 9j711 it


...r M |A. MP. If. p. M.

IiSW Wi'm ijt 331 13 13 1045 1 itA*.K'xSty M' | }j» » luj 11 «?' il ijj Ijj

4'lfn "A-lnro « <«Wf4~T* "*»j.. | J ...

?ut ! 3 ...... u 451.........Ar.V. U'j 1 « j 1 . »IP. M A. A. P. M

1 va ikijDlvlikiMai11 Mac~'i'rain leave* WU-I'ayctl vUle uoi p.

ra . ltaV,.« l-ayilt vilt'- u>3 p.m., arrive* San-

r ml 1 4\ p. ni.. I'.rt'iriii-iKIcavci Hanford 3 oj p.«a,atii.c r«j,ttevilK- 4 JO p. in., leave Faycttc-

? vilß- ' 3) p. ni j nrrivr*ft UwtagUm y 15 W'WF!!? .u t" . ill*'lrattcV?Train leavca bennetta-

-1 vllit >os a ill M 1110:3 903 a. m , Red Springs' <j m 3. i''. . rarkto i 1041 a. m., Hope Mills 1033 a.

iu.. a, rt* 1 avettevllle 11 to. Krturningl .nTttc .111-- l iS P im. Hope Mill*jwp. m., M

\u25a0 a 4*. p. Maxun 6 i6p. in , arrivet Ben-iit?i9\i lv 7 15 p. 111 .

t,.i nun at tuyetleviUe with train Np. 78, atwilli Caißlfna Central Railroad, at Red

k» with l'- KcJ Srwi!i£» an J Ikiwrnore rail-I a V ..I Ka iToitl wltn the S .ilxaul Air Une and

I-'mi.l'--iiiiHalf withthe Durham aad

.CJmri ?" Kaih-.i-i, '

I tin iVtllntKlNeck Ilranch Road leavesWIMOI ;,s P . ll»liJ'a*4 1711.111.. arrive* Soot-

I tin,, 1 , i- iu., I'.ieeiivflfc «$7 p. m., Kte*I Nlmt ?»

-, m Ritimai U It-avea Klnston 7Joa.mj <? We "? x:n in;, ilia al Halifu* 11 its.

< , 'i in,, btiiy.cKtptttaadty,!! 'r.«lii., »u 1.liI.mtrtii Branch leave Washing.

It-.';« 3 .in

,«ii.l Ito ra., nrri'e rarm:ic 9»?

a. m.. »i»> p. in , iitaruinijleave I'arin-lr 19 33 «.«[l 1 aitiSfri ji Mfc,4Uiivt

. s ti«liy.1 Visin Ua «... TlitH-.ru N. C., daily except'Snn-«'ay s 111., Hun'ny 4"3 P- , srriveaiPly--1:1,mill - t>, in., 610 p. II. Returning, ;»r«aI'lvinuuih'utiyeitti'i* Sumiay, 7jp a. m, ,audS l'n.Uy ,iooa. in., ar-ive* Yathoro 10 10 a..II oo*. US.

Tjnl.i n-.< MliilatijN. C. Branch leave* Golds-liir,esmpt siu.''.iv. soo a."*,ni., arriving

m-.lUifieCi <? 10 a. 111., Retui niiiK leave* SmilhSeid7 un a.iii, nui>,ts<.o | ''slxiro >3 a. m.

Train* on t.aslnUle HrniKti leave kotky Mount

at ViOA. in , 340 p. iu..airivj Na*hvllle laas a.<ll., 40. p. ni.. Spiiftf; hope 11 on a. in., 4 >3 p. a.,K| turniuK litvc S|.« i:ik Hope 11 »a. m.,4 wp.n*.Nt.i: VfiP- 11 '3 a. »S p. in., ai rive at RockyM.-tnil 1a tor iu.,Ai<.p in .daily except Sunday.

liatn on Cliutvn luanch Rare* Waruv lorCKatodaily, exieft Sunday, 1140 a. m.,aiKl4 hp. tii.. XvtumiiigHa-.ea Clinton 643 a. m., anda ;.o p. m:

fialu ya. 7S rootca el-jae connection ntWeldoal->r all p inls Ninth dally, all nilvia Richmond.

H. M. KMERSOK.Gen I IHuuengcr Agent.I. R. KKNI.V, l.rs'l Manager.Y. M. KM hJtAON, Traffic Manager.


Hanvthing you invent or improve 1 also get

: CUVtAT.T? COPYrKHT or MIMRJifnOTfCTHN. Send model, (Vetch, orphoto.

\u25a01 for froo examination and advios.BOOK ON PATENTS SttJWBT\ St.A.BNOW&CO.

PtuntLtwyan. Washington. DC.>»»ssss»ss%iMti.s»swssa*swaaal

\u25a0tfI ADPCQT Farfll *mptement.%


Buggies, Harness, Saddles,Plows and Castings,Pumps and Well Fixtures.








JAN'Y 14 -1901.M

Your girls, and boys shall recaive the very best 1