The Desire for Leadership

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  • 8/3/2019 The Desire for Leadership


    The Class War Battlefield

    The Desire for Leadership and Structure

    You know whenever Pharaoh wanted to prolong the period of slavery in Egypt; he had a favorite, favorite

    formula for doing that. What was that? He kept the slaves fighting among themselves.Martin Luther King

    Jr.,Ive been to the Mountaintop (I See the Promised Land)

    When they found out that this black steam roller was going to come down on the capital. . .they called in these

    national Negro Leaders that you respect and told them, Call it off. . .And old Tom said, Boss I cant stop it

    cause I didnt start it. . . .They said Im not even in it, much less at the head of it. They said These Negrosare doing things on their own. Theyre running ahead of us. And that ole shrewd fox, he said, Well if you all

    arent in it, then Ill put you in it. Ill put you at the head of it. Ill endorse it, Ill welcome it. Ill help it, Ill join

    it.Malcolm X, The House Negro and Field Negro

    The media is clamoring for it; the Institutional Left is crying fowl about it; Corporate Conservatism uses it as a

    weapon to vaccinate their consumers against its practitioners and many more people, mainly the participants,

    ignore its non existence. What Im talking about of course is the supposedly leaderless structure and lack of acohesive message of the Occupy Wall Street Encampment and their mirror sites sprouting up across this county

    (excusing the world for this moment). After hearing so much fuss about these two single points, I began to

    wonder why it was so important. After excusing the press for its retrogressive fascination with the hippiequalities of OWS; I noticed there was a deliberate echoing of the same questions, now always in words but

    definitely in context. This reminded me of the near lock-step media march that occurred during the last greatsocial uprising, the 1960s and 1970s. During this time period, institutional forces utilized the media to debase,

    disgrace and dismantle agitator groups using carefully choreographed strategic moves meant to expose their

    leaders and discredit their group in the public eyes. Through my knowledge of this time period and my

    subsequent reading of Robert Greenes, The 48 Laws of Power; I came to see the demand for a leadership

    structure as a tactical move, employed by the courtier class, aimed at achieving two ends.

    The first is the institutionalization of the stress being vented by the occupation; this move would deflate its

    populous energy and draw the people within the higher echelonsthe organizers, into the political process by

    promising gradual structural reform. Simultaneously an attempt would be made to corrupt their morality by

    exposing them to the high life, promising them prestigious positions within the same institutions they were

    revolting against. If they agreedand because the consequences of not agreeing include jail time, imageassassination, actual assassination, exile and a host of other problems, most people do agree their loyalty to

    these institutions would be tested immediately because theyd be called upon to corral their followers into the

    stock pens known as D.C conventional wisdom which, if I may take a moment to speak out of context, states

    {about said system} that the general public has electoral power granted to it by the corporations who provide

    the media spots and campaign dollars to the politicians, any problem with the system denotes a severe sickness

    of Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism or Unpatriotic Fever. Sound familiar? But I digress. . .This first process

    would serve the purpose of isolating the Sheppards from theirflocks; setting both up for the second end, a two

    hit death blow; hit onethe fomenting of turbulence within the upper ranks by planting false information or

    over blown statements in the corporate media or creating jealousy within the group by offering more lucrative

    positions to some and not to others; hit twothe complete co-option of the methods used to release the stress;

    turning them towards the reinstatement of the norm, lulling the public to sleep with piece meal structuralchanges wrapped in loop hole ravaged policies meant to leave the current structure unchanged.

    This plan was used successfully against the Black Panther Party, Dr. Kings SCLC, the Anti-War Movement,

    Environmental Groups, Conscious Music Stars and various other agitator groups. Readers who are interested in

    understanding these tactics should read the Church Committee Reportand the 42nd

    Lawof Robert GreenesBook, its title hints at my analysis; Strike the Sheppard and the Sheep will Scatter.

    Too close I want to summarize the above information into two quick points. [1] A leadership structure gives the

    enemies of such movements pressure points to manipulate, exploit and ultimately deconstruct its participants.

  • 8/3/2019 The Desire for Leadership


    [2] Anyone directly involved with gathering people for this movement should make it a priority to understand

    their tactics and be ready to counter them.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reach you today.