17 The Death of Jesus Christ Jesus suffered the most painful humiliating torture and death ever devised by m ankind and He did it willingly. He surrendered Himself willingly . Many mocked Him and some spat on Him and cursed Him. Just about all of His friends denied knowing Him. Before He was nailed to the cross, He was beaten to within an inch of His life with instruments of torture , which literally ripped the skin of f His back. He was then subjected to wearing a crown of thorns , which was forcibly p ushed into His scalp. He then carried His own cross through jeering mobs on the streets of Jerusalem. Jesus knows pain. He knows our pain. Offensive Play Call: Discovering the Death of Jesus 1. In Gethsemane, Jesus wrestles with His eminent suffering and death. How would you describe the extent of His suffering? Matthew 26:36-46, 2 Corinthians 5:21_______________________________ 2. In addition to the physical torture how else did Jesus suffer? What was His reaction? Matthew 27:27-37 _________________________________________________ Crossing the Goal Playbook for Disciples Part 1: Your Personal Relationship with God Skill Level 2: Knowing the Person of Jesus Christ Game Plan 4: The Death of Jesus Christ

The Death of Jesus Christ - Crossing the Goal...! 17! The Death of Jesus Christ Jesus suffered the most painful humiliating torture and death ever devised by mankind and He did it

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    The Death of Jesus Christ Jesus suffered the most painful humiliating torture and death ever devised by mankind and He did it willingly. He surrendered Himself willingly. Many mocked Him and some spat on Him and cursed Him. Just about all of His friends denied knowing Him. Before He was nailed to the cross, He was beaten to within an inch of His life with instruments of torture, which literally ripped the skin off His back. He was then subjected to wearing a crown of thorns, which was forcibly pushed into His scalp. He then carried His own cross through jeering mobs on the streets of Jerusalem. Jesus knows pain. He knows our pain. Offensive Play Call: Discovering the Death of Jesus

    1. In Gethsemane, Jesus wrestles with His eminent suffering and death. How would you describe the extent of His suffering?

    Matthew 26:36-46, 2 Corinthians 5:21_______________________________ 2. In addition to the physical torture how else did Jesus suffer? What was His reaction?

    Matthew 27:27-37 _________________________________________________

    Crossing the Goal Playbook for Disciples Part 1: Your Personal Relationship with God

    Skill Level 2: Knowing the Person of Jesus Christ Game Plan 4: The Death of Jesus Christ

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    3. Why did it seem as though God abandoned Jesus? Matthew 27:45-54 _________________________________________________ 4. Why did Jesus have to die for you? From who does the gift of His

    death come?

    Matthew 27:45-54 __________________________________________________

    Your Game Plan

    Watch Video: Your Personal Relationship with God— Forgiveness

    5. Jesus knew the time for His passion was near but He still moved forward. How can you do this in your life (family and work)?

    Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:17-19__________________________________

    6. How did Jesus relate to those who crucified Him? What is He showing you about the extent of forgiveness toward others in your life?

    Luke 23:24________________________________________________________ Summary

    CCC 614 The sacrifice of Christ is unique; it completes and surpasses all other sacrifices. First, it is a gift from God the Father himself, for the Father handed his Son over to sinners in order to reconcile us with himself. At the same time it is the offering of the Son of God made man, who in freedom and love offered his life to his Father through the Holy Spirit in reparation for our disobedience. Executing Your Game Plan

    Fast one day this week and focus on the sacrifice of Jesus. (Matthew 9:15)

    Crossing the Goal Playbook for Disciples Part 1: Your Personal Relationship with God

    Skill Level 2: Knowing the Person of Jesus Christ Game Plan 4: The Death of Jesus Christ