The Creed Every question you see in this powerpoint needs to be written and answered in your notes for a stamp

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to hold an opinion : thinkthink consider to be true or honest to accept the word or evidence of to hold as an opinion : supposesuppose Source:

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The Creed Every question you see in this powerpoint needs to be written and answered in your notes for a stamp Think about what you are sayingxBOcB7y0IxBOcB7y0I to hold an opinion : thinkthink consider to be true or honest to accept the word or evidence of to hold as an opinion : supposesuppose Source: Secondhand Lions: Think about this Creed?gIZE&feature=relatedgIZE&feature=related Objectives(write these) Present 2 paragraphs of the FFA Creed memorized, to an audience. Explain how the FFA creed relates to your life. Utilize proper speaking skills: Volume, speed, posture, emphasis and eye contact. Old FashionedOut Dated? What year was this? What was happening? Why did he write these words? Can you relate to any of it? Paragraph 1: Discuss.. How does it relate to class? How does it apply to you? Why do you believe them?ggvcggvc In your notes.. write the full sentence. I _______ in the future of ___________, with a faith born not of _____ but of deeds ___________ won by the present and past ___________of ______________; in the promise of better days through better ____, even as the better ______ we now enjoy have come to us from the _________ of former years. In sentence form 1. What do you believe is the future of agriculture and why? 2. What does it mean to live life by the motto "with a faith born not of words but of deeds"? 3. Who are some of the past and present generations of agriculturists that have made and are making a difference in your life? How so? What do you like about this speaker?Gvk4Gvk4 Speak Out Everyone is to stand in front of the class and tell a story. You must speak for 30 seconds to 1 minute. It can be a real story or a fairy tale. You may not read from a paper. You must speak loud enough so that we can hear you. You will be called randomly You have five minutes to brainstorm what you will speak about. Best birthday ever Your pets The story of goldilocks and the three bears So you have to stand up in front of the class and give a speech Tips for calming nerves What advice can you offer each other? Discuss Being a Respectful Audience Discuss Loudly and clearly Enunciate meaning? Articulate meaning? Know how to pronounce your words Speak Slowly Try these with a partner at your table: 1. Repeat, as quickly as possible, "Red leather, yellow leather." 2. Repeat, as quickly as possible, "Toy boat." 3. Say, "I slit the sheet. The sheet I slit. And on the slitted sheet I sit. CAREFUL Getting rid of negative mannerisms Do You ? Gripping or leaning on the lectern ? Finger tapping ? Lip biting or licking ? Toying with coins or jewelry ? Frowning ? Adjusting hair or clothing ? Head wagging ? Rocking back and fortheature=related Dr. Ralph C. Smeadly, the founder of Toastmasters International, wrote, "The speaker who stands and talks at ease is the one who can be heard without weariness. If his posture and gestures are so graceful and unobtrusive, that no one notices them, he may be counted as truly successful. Control your Posture Gestures Body movement Facial expressions Eye contactg 98.1 KBUL: 30 seconds no ums or uhs Topics: Your dream car Your first pet The best present you have ever gotten Your family Your room Recap your favorite movie or book Speed, Pauses and Smoothness Pausinguse the punctuation to show you where to pause. Pausing can also be used to emphasize or be dramatic Speed, Pauses and Smoothness Smoothness There should be cadenceor rhythm Not choppy W5qIW5qI Creed presentation Jack and Jill are lying on the floor inside the house, dead. They died from lack of water. There is shattered glass next to them. How did they die? Why don't lobsters share? A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What must you add to it to make it weigh 12 pounds? Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, Even a river can't fill it up. What is it? Clara Clatter was born on December 27 th, yet her birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible? He has married many women but has never married. Who is he? If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch? If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What is it? You can't keep this until you have given it. Take off my skin, I won't cry, but you will. What am I? Jack and Jill are goldfish. They're shellfish. Holes A kitchen strainer She lives in the Southern Hemisphere. A priest None. Roosters don't lay eggs. A secret A promise An onion Paragraph 5 _ _______ that ________ ___________ can and will ____ ____ to the best __________ of our ________ ____ and that I can _____ an _________ in my home and _________ which will _____ _____ for my ____ in that _________ task.