The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    T Y



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell





    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    Is i lv e r V r- O P h . l us , ^ N y ^ » D e 9 t , * \ £ ^ * f

    My ra

    i no r ?

    r i o d I I si l ve r ^ ^ 5 v oo W 0< v * * £ ~ £ ?



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    A B L S x i

    D 1

    S O F L YC I A IN G N E R . . . . 17


    O FT H C IT I S 2 5




    ls ( t r ueLeagueand pseudo -

    r a, R hod iapo l is ,S i dyma ,T l os ,Tr e -

    (pseudo-League ,P haselis


    - L ea gue

    E S O F T H C I TI S 9 9



    , P h e l l u s ,P ina r a ,T l os , Tre -

    R O F TH D I S T R IC T S Il l




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    r g / a c c e s s

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    S O F T H D I S T R IC TS 1 8 5





    Y MI N T 23 5



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    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

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    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    dualsfor theirhelpinthis study,

    LycianLeaguecoinsintheir carebut

    andrecordingcoinsofthe fourhoards


    sofreelyofferedinthe numismatic



    lin,Hans-DietrichSchult ;Berne,Balas


    est,KatalinBiro-Sey;Cambridge,Fit -


    chke;Dresden,P .Arnold;Glasgow,

    .A.vanderVi n;Hannover,Margildis





    s l o , J anNordbe;O fo rd ,Ca the ri n e E . K in g

    a r i s ,Geo rgesLeRi de r, M on i u e M a in-



    Vienna,HelmutJungwirthand Wolf-

    c he s Museum ,P . C o l e st i n Ra p f (A b t e i z u

    b( I n s t i tu t fu rAn t ikeNu mis ma tik ; Wi n t er-

    d Ya l e , JohnP .Bu rn ha m. To the l i s t o f t h e se

    beadded HansvonAulockwho,before

    edcastsofand furtherinformation


    ybutformerlyresidentinA thens,

    arecordofthe Athensmaterial.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    r g / a c c e s s

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    avein manycasesnotonlysent




    in uiries.RichardAshtonhassupplied

    1977Hoard.Inparticular,I shouldlike

    , O fo rd ,Pa r i s , a nd Ber l i n f or t he i rk ind

    kcasts attheircabinets.Andto my




    ntryhavesharedwithme recordsoftheir

    nsiderationsofsecurity haveledmany

    shmustberespected,butit mustalsobe

    se privatecollectionstothisstudy

    haveprovideduni ueandsignificant

    eague'scoinage:inP eriodI,thefinest

    of i s sue1 ( l a ; i nP e r i o d I I, t he d r a c hm of

    hP inaraandthedrachmof Cyaneae(55.1

    riodIII,theonly knowndoubleunitof


    furtherdie linkedwiththefollowingissue;

    u p on d iu s184aand th e uni u eh a l f uni t



    e centraltotheunderstandingofthe

    he Lycia1977Hoard,theyarethe

    70 Hoard,andtheMarmaris1976


    I amindebtedtoq uiteafew

    rs.Itis solelythroughtheirhelp,given


    cordof theseimportanthoardshas



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

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    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell




    gesteddatingofthe silverofP eriodII.

    rican NumismaticSocietyhassuffered

    aiveq uestionsaboutmattersRoman.

    cellentresultsIthankthe Society's

    e.Finally,thestudyinits presentform

    eful readinggiventhemanuscript's

    ofCopenhagen,andtheentire manu-




    seriousblunders.Anyerrorsoffact or




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell






    e de Be lg i ue .

    u eum.

    ge(ifpublishedinSNGLewis or

    bi s h ed inMcClean o r S N GFi t ) .





    nt e n ,Penn ingenenG e s ne-


    Heller,Bristol,E ngland

    M . J . P r i c e .






    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell




    a l e.

    vatecollections,in theUnitedStates,

    ece,orSwit erland.






    u b l ished inScho l t en .





    edin thecataloguearelistedbelow.

    here ifcitedmorethantwice.In general,

    ebeditions.P tolemy'sGeographyiscited

    d C .T.F is che r, vo l . 1 , p t. 2 ( a r i s , 190 1 .





    ieMineureau point

    i s , 1853 .Thesec ti o non Ly c ia ,

    853, pp.85-98.

    Uni ue.

    , B e it r dgezu rd l t e r e nMi in -




    ycia,P amphylia,and



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    of t h eRomanE m pi r e i n th e B r i t ish


    theRomanRepubticin the

    1910 .

    RomanAsiaMinor, inAnE conomic

    d.T. Frank(Baltimore,

    i demonna i e s g r ec ues ( a r i s


    A M UGS5(Ber l i n, 19 72 .


    o g y.


    R o b inson , Co in s f rom Lyci aand P a mp hy l i a,



    E .Levy, Tre so rhel l e n is t i u e t r ouve

    96 5 , pp .503 -66.


    de n u misma t i ue g r e c u e ( a r i s , 1 95 1 .

    ofD iscoveriesinLycia(London,

    mtoAuctoritas(Cambridge,1946 .

    c i or u mCommuni ( a r i s , 1898 .

    de r a t S t at e s (O f o r d , 196 8 .

    M i i n p rdgungd e s Go rdi a n I I Iun d

    u b i ngen ,1974 .


    g re c u e s ( a r is , 1 94 6 - .

    i s to r i aNumorum,1s t ed . (O fo rd ,18 87 ,



    1 .


    NewYork,1973 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

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    e pr i n t ed .,Ch i cago , 19 75 .

    r, Zur griechischenundr6mischen

    r o v inc i a lmun en , S NR1 3

    d Ge neva (1908 , pp .21 -26 .


    R Suppt.13(Munich,1973 ,

    R.Jameson:Monnaiesgrec ues

    93 .


    eE asternRomanP rovinces,

    . O fo rd ,1937 .

    KteinasiatischeMiin en,vol.2(Vien-

    E rwerbungenan t i k er M i i n en in d e nJahren


    0 .

    Moneta ionediAugustoV. Z ecche



    mpson(London,1923 .

    detacottectionde Luynes,vol.3

    l e s e tmonnai e sd e Ly c ie , H e t t en i ca1 0

    i n As i aMino r ( r i ncet o n , 19 50 .

    No/ i i a /i a r i i E vXXo yr Ar / i r x q lov I I .

    o u r na t i n t e rna t i ona t d ' ar c h io to g i e nu-

    1 7 7- 268 .


    1929 .


    n th e O fo rdC ol l ec t ion s , NC1 940,

    to n demida i t t es an t i ue s , g r ec u e s e t

    Miscellanea, NC1903,pp.400-402.

    nnaiesgrec ues(Amsterdamand



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    eleghegreche,P roblemiericerche



    G 1 964,pp .65 -76 .

    holmandJ.Z ahle, TheCoinageofKuprlli,


    u e s in d i t e s s ur d e s t t r a -


    d Toronto,1906 ,

    d el l emedag l i e an ti c heg rech e de l

    ence,1828 .

    electae,ed.W.D itten-

    Ancient World(Liverpool


    rt,1894-1963 .

    ailles,voi.2( aris,1763 .

    c he M un kunde . IV.Lyci a ,


    o n nai e she l l n i s t i ue s . I . U ne mon nai ed e

    R N1977,pp .7 -3 4.

    icaescien eaffini.

    d'istru ioneclassica.


    , 19 6 2 .

    n sammlungd e s S ti f l e sScho l t en in Wi e n ,

    1 9 20 .

    a p h i cumGraecum.


    korfor SNGCopforcoins


    62 .



    5 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

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    ClassicalandE astern

    g e, A be rdeen (Lon do n , 19 36 .

    mGraecorum.Fit williamMuseum.






    n,1949 .


    n,1964 .Thefewcoins

    chtrage4(Berlin,1968 .



    herland, TheSymbolismoftheE arlyAes


    ed.E .Kalinka(Vienna:

    920—44 .

    nnaiesgrec uesetromaines

    erLykier(Stuttgart,1887 .


    M i n eu re ,2nded . ( a r i s , 196 2 .

    nlairedelacollectionWaddington( aris,


    . Wa lche rdeMo l the i n ( a r i s


    ollection:GreekCoins,vol.3,pt. 2

    ma t i k .

    n cl u deF L(F i ed P r i ceL i s t .

    r t s , Minneapo l i s,M in neso t a .

    ,St.P etersburg,Florida.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    o i ns andAn t i u i t i es , L td . ( s ucce s sor s t o D . J .

    na .

    omischeundby antinische





    delphia,P ennsylvania.



    k ab ine t t ,Cologn e.



    c h er Nach f .,Mun i ch.

    M i i n enundMed a i l l enA . G . , Base l .



    m M ai n .








    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    T A BL S

    D rachmsandP linthophoric

    o f Lyc ianP e r io d I I (Si l ve r o f t he

    er o f t heC i t i es Se r i es 1 - 3 . . . . 34

    er o f t heC i t i es S e r i es1 -3b yRegi on 35

    o p ho r i cDrachmGr oup E an do f

    heC i t i es Se r i es 285

    er o f theC i t i es S e r i es 3and o f P e r io d


    rachmsby Series118

    s t r i ctS i l ve rDen omina t i ons . . . . 119

    drachmSeries6and Augustus-Head

    iioftheSecondHalf oftheFirst


    s 3 2

    criptionalE videnceforCities

    ,P eriodsII-V39

    a nd f o rRhodianP l in th op hor i c D rach m


    es 1 64


    r o n es187

    2 2 4

    ypesandObverseLinks.. .249



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell




    e,andthroughit theinternalhistory,

    e ander.1Thiswasinevitable.P re-

    plesofAsia, theLyciansseemalways

    f nationalunity,whichkeptthemfree


    calperiods.E venundertheP ersian

    ouldnotresist,the Lyciansretainedsome

    astscoinedin theirownnamesthrough-

    rthcenturies.D uringthistime,al-


    urishedinLycia, whosearchitecture,


    rthefall ofthelastdynast,ca.

    vestruckvirtuallynocoins.2Butin the

    cesspeakof aformalLycianLeagueof

    yHelleni ed,andwhichstrucka large

    verand inbron e.Mostofthiscoinage

    tire two-centuryspanfrom167b.c,

    sbeenanaly ingwithconsiderablesuccessthe

    sical times.SeeMorkholmandMerkholm-Zahle,

    olm, TheCoinHoardfromP odalia, JVC1971,

    Z ahle, TheCoinagesoftheLycianD ynasts

    , Ac t aArchaeo tog i c a 47 (19 76 , pp .4 7 - 90 .

    od wasminimal.D r.Merkholmtellsmehesuspectsthat

    mporarywiththe dynasts'mayhavecontinuedfor

    w;A.D .H.Bivarhassuggestedthatcertain small

    tionswerestruckin LyciaunderP ersianruleinthe later

    f C y rus theYounge r, N C 19 6 1, pp . 12 4 -27 ; an dso me

    eaguecitiesmay possiblyantedatetheLeaguecoinage



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    absorbedinto theRomanE mpire.

    e uentlycitedasevidenceforthe mem-


    nlittle studied,presumablybecause

    ek,and theirgovernmentwasnot


    eni edbythetime theLeaguesprang


    catedfederation,atthe endofthe

    ies controlledthreevoteseachinthe

    ordingtosi e,controlledtwoorone.

    gue'sinstitutionsisnot, andcannotbe,



    withherneighbors— andamongthese

    ed Rome.

    onhasbeenpaidtothe LycianLea-

    arlyinthis centurye aminedcertain

    Claudius,5but thelastworktosurvey

    sa wholeappearedoverhalfacentury

    htheLycianLeagueand itshistoryareTreuberand

    dchieflywithLycianhistory,with whichitdeals

    ncentratesontheLeagueand itsinstitutions.E .A.

    uebrieflyinhis HistoryofFederalGovernmentin

    nand NewYork,1893 .Renewedattentionhasbeen

    odecadesbyMoretti,by J.A.O.Larson,GFS and

    amesoninarevisedarticle onLyciainR Suppl.13.

    onvenientsummaryofLycian geographyandhis-

    fsources(ancient andmodernliterary,inscriptions,

    citieswhichstruckunderGordian.Andof course

    scussedinMagieandin Jones.

    i s a lone in r ecog n i i n g t hat t h e l a rg es t Lyc i anL e a gue

    d,aresestertii.Claudius'sLycianstrikingsare nottrue

    rAY; theyweremostprobablystruckimmediately

    s e e Appendi 3 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    ndHistoria Numorum,whichareinevitably

    ccurateaswellase tremelyimprecise

    nominationsinuse,nouseful treat-

    agee ists.


    ciaTracheia,separatedby theP am-

    hichis Lycia.NortheastofLycialies


    d i a andP hrygi a ; t o th e wes t , againac r o ssa

    outhwest,somefiftymiles away,the

    t el y 8 0mi l esea s t t o we st , an d4 0 nor t h to

    0s uaremiles.Amountainousland,

    t u n derand j u s t ov er1 0 , 000 fe e t— a nd th is

    Thereare fewplains:oneinthe north

    epartin Lycianaffairseitherinclassi-

    eague;one aroundTelmessusinthe



    workofroadsunderthe RomanE mpire,

    r e me lyd i f fi cu l t:A l e a nde r a vo i d e d t he




    y b yseao rby the r i ver swh ich f lo w to th e

    mportant,westto east,werethe


    oftheLycianLeagueli ewithineasy

    serivers.Telmessus,a ma orcity,is

    rncoast.P atara,Lycia'schiefport,

    oins(London,1907 ,pp.151-68,precededonlyby

    e r, Be l t ragez u rMQn k un de Lyc i en s, pp .9 3 -1 22 ,

    n de r, Be it rOgezu ra l t e r e nMOn k un de (Be r l in , 18 51 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    esoutherncoast,nearthemouthof the

    at riverisXanthus,Lycia'slargest

    heriver'stributariestothe northlie

    yanda.Withinanareanomorethan 10

    southerncoastareCandyba,P hellus,


    gae,aroundasmallcoastalplain; up

    sthroughthisplain,is Arycanda.And

    ehighSolymaMountainsfromthe rest




    anthecurrent population,butthisis

    otesthatin manyinstancesAsianareas


    ,however,whateveritsabsolutesi e,

    munities.P linystatesthatwhileLycia

    eitcontainedbut 36.9Strabo,speaking

    sharedthe voteinthefederalassem-


    te.Andwhat,in anycase,isthedefi-

    me orvillage?Itis clearthatspec-

    cities isidle.Wecanbe sureonly

    atteredin manysmallcommunities


    yimportantproduct,but ancient

    fish,sponges,cattle,andgoats— butno

    a l t hatwou lde p l a i n t he r a th er s u r p r i si ng

    altimes,orinthe periodoftheLycian

    hisstudyhasbeen thatthesurviving

    mpleindeedoftheoriginal output.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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    r g / a c c e s s

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    p l o r er s i nLyc i a i nc lu ded th e E ng l i sh men


    aterinthecentury threeAustrian



    c h an , andR .Hebe rde yand E .Ka l in ka .u

    wn.Archaeologicale cavations

    ldWar,12and thearearemainsoneof

    ninAsiaMinor.E speciallynowthat



    esettledbyGreeksin heroicand

    emainfreeof Greekcoloni ation.13

    eeknamesdoes notcontradictthis

    knownthatthesewerenot thecities'

    ample,wascalledArnainthe Lycian

    meoftheL ycianswasadoptedonly

    o wi n gAle ander ' s co n ue s t , as i n t he i ro w n

    rmilai.P haselisontheeasterncoast

    Reisenimsi1diue.ittichenKleinasien1: Reisenin

    8 4 ;E .P e t e r son a ndF.v on Lu s c han , Re i sen im s i 1 d -

    nLykien,Mityas,undKibyratis(Vienna,1889 ;

    erichtUberz weiReisenimsUdivesttichenKleinasien,

    en45(Vienna,1896 .Fortheseandothertravelers'

    ntheworkscited inn.3.Recentworksdealing


    donandNewYork,1978 ,asplendidsurveywhich

    onofthepresent study.

    inXanthus,J.Borchhardtin MyraandLimyra,C.

    S.BulucinP atara.M.Mellink'se cavationsinthe

    timesand arebeyondtheareaofthe Lycian

    orydowntothearrivalof AntiochusIIIcontains


    can befoundinTreuber,Magic,andJones.



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    n,butinearlytimes thiscoast,separated

    maMountains,wasnotLycianbutP am-


    limits,asshownbythec haracteristic

    owertombsandby inscriptionsinthe

    thewesterncoast oftheGulfof Tel-




    fcities,governedLyciaat thistime.

    certaintimes asleadersofthewhole

    ngP ericles,whointhefirst halfofthe

    yciae cepttheeastcoast.But the

    eeofautonomy,sincein thefourth

    thenamesofseveralofthe larger


    desperatebut unsuccessfulresistanceof

    Ly c i apas sed in to th e P e r s i anE m pi re , bu t

    ortheLycianprincescoined intheir

    oinherwesternneighborsinthe Ionian

    shewasatleastbrieflya memberof

    b u t e l is t s fo r446b .c . a s s es s th eAv i o i

    te n t al e nt s .

    dabove,j oinedintheRevoltofthe

    62 b.c.,Lyciawasplacedunderthe

    osehousecontinuedto controlLycia


    citieswithwhich Ale anderdealt,and


    afelltoAntigonus.The P tolemies,


    the 270sandremainedE gyptian

    tury.P apyrishowthattheLycian



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    a r i e t yof spec i fi c t a e s , an d a wel l -

    usgivesavividpictureof P tolemaic

    ntof240b.c.recordsseveralactsof one

    p e r hapsanephewo fP t o l e my I I I u po n

    mtheE gyptianking.P tolemysonof

    ufferingfromthewars —i.e. theSyrian


    d u e onava ri e tyo fg ra i n s , i n o rd e r t o

    t h e t a f a rmer s . Th e Eg yp t i an s no n e the l es s

    onomically;andthelargenumberofL y-


    heperiodof E gyptiancontrol.

    entury undertheineffective

    7b.c.AntiochusIII ofSyriatookpossession




    tof Agatharchidesmaybelong,




    turned theirhopestoMithradates,

    dedbythe abolitionoftheirdebts. 17


    ofP ontus,forAgatharchideswrotein


    datesdid enactj ustsuchapolicy.



    dividualcities,but Antiochus'spossessionofP atarais

    where.Specificcities aregiveninJerome,Comm.

    s f r ag .46 inF. J a cob y,D ieF r a g men ted e rg r ie c h i sc hen

    1 9 29 ,p .1224 ; t h i s a ndJ ero meo nDan ie l 11 .1 7 - 19

    Livy,implythatAntiochuswoncontrolover allLycia.

    KalinkainTAM,pp. 288-89,andMagie,pp.1384-85,



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    ntreferstothetime ofAntiochusIII.

    southerncoastofAsia Minor,winning

    romSyriato Sardesundertwogenerals.

    hradates,itistohim thatthefragment

    btsin thiscasemightwellrefer to

    a p p ear sa f e inany cas e to d i s r ega r d t he

    travagance ,althoughitis perhapsdoubt-

    tedate wereabletocollecttheir revenues

    thatAntiochus'sarmypassedvery near

    otbe suretowhichruler,Antiochus III

    efers,for itwouldbevaluabletoknow




    helibertyof severalCariancities.Hethen

    h itishardlyworthwhile torecordin

    eworld. 18Aninscriptionrecords

    ustoLeto,Apollo,and Artemis.19This


    ng,butit mayhavebeenakindof

    icationthatLycia's relationshipto

    han sub ection.

    emstoshowthatthe Lycianswere

    nin 190ami edRomanandRhodian

    P atarawithitsimportantharbor,

    ng t h e t roopso f th ek ing wh o mthey h a dasag a rr i so n,

    he battlewenton, largernumbers

    ... thewholepopulationwaspouring

    d L ivysays t h e Ly c ia ns , no t t heSyr i an

    ivenbackintothe city;theRomans,how-

    ledoff.ALycian contingentoflight-

    chus'sarmy atMagnesia.21



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    isalsoimpliedbythe reportthat

    ia atApamea,didnotpleadduress,as


    ofthekinshipbetweenIlium andLycia,

    e v a .22P o lyb iu s r e por t s t h a t t he I l i a n sw ere


    s,whohadtakenthewinningsidein the

    awardedCariasouth oftheMaeander

    e s su s ,wh ichwas g i ven to E um e ne s .2 8

    ling, andRhodesapparentlyhadto


    threewars theyhadtowagethere.


    tshehad neverintendedtheLycians

    s,butallies. Thispleasedneitherside.At

    keofattemptingto mediateinthe

    heensuing negotiations,andin167






    owerlimitmuststill hold,butthe



    ofsomesortis oftenassumedinclassi-

    e Av io ix a l c fv v r e X el ^ ] e n t ry in the

    y37.56and 38.39.


    that itisnot worthrelating''theLycians'struggles



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    eof thecommonreversetype,the



    ot known.Inanycase,anyearlyLeague

    ot ofcities;andit wouldhavecome

    henthecountrywasmadesub ectto


    wasbasednotonlyon theobviousfact

    utalsoonthe BMC'sdatingofthe





    after167.2 ButHillalso,unfortunately,

    ue commencedonlyuponthewith-

    eadinHistoria Numorumhasfollowed

    bothof thecoinageandoftheL eague

    uehaslongbeensuspectedby its

    r,q uitepossiblyinthelate third

    ofanearlierdatefor theRhodianplintho-

    ting.TheRhodiancoinswillbe dis-

    he evidenceforalatethird-century


    probablyin itsclosingyearswhen


    e168,orat times166,insteadof167,but 167b.c.

    ate.ThattheLyciansilvercoins imitatedthe

    isstatednotin BMCLyciabutinBMCCaria,p.cvi;

    r t i s t he r eda t ed to ca . 16 7 ( pp. c i an d2 52 .P e rhaps



    rary( RepresentationandD emocracyinHellenistic

    4 5, p p .72 f . .

    s te a d o f167b . c , b u t s ee ab ov e,n .2 6 .



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    ning, 9butJ.A. O.Larsenfirstpresented


    bedatedbetween188and181, isa

    l cov, and tha t i n t he1 80s b . c . t he r ew e re

    hleticvictorsidentifiedbya formof

    s t a te s :Av iogdn o r dy mv,Av i os i b i d


    oinstoafter 167wasarbitrary.30

    earlierLeague,organi edandeffective,

    48G.E .Beanpublishedalong

    northernend oftheXanthusBiver.31The

    agorasof Ara a,whohadalong and

    oagetes,tyrantof Bubon,j ustnorthof


    heBubonians,andwentasAra a's


    whichiswhatinterestsus here,wentto

    orderto seekitsaid.In thishewas

    ntlyregardingthedisputeasa mere

    id appointOrthagorasasitsown


    rantssei edXanthus,killedmanyof

    v es u pasdespot s . Th i s t im e , i t sm a or c i t y



    wasinvolvedina war,whoseoutcomeis


    dAra aina territorialdisputewithan



    dmissiontotheLeagueof asmall

    g er e s , pp.15 f .

    e e a bove ,n .26 .

    omLycla, JHS1948,pp.46-56.



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    ervedasenvoyto thefirsttwoofthe

    d b y theLyci ans i nh on o r o f ' d / M t 6 e a

    thedateofthis highlyinteresting

    nspointtoca. 180b.c.,whichnowseems

    nforthedatingis theuseofpraenomina


    Another reasonistheestablishment

    e a i n t

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    hc he t ends thewo rk on th is su b ec t by

    partofMoretti'slucidworkon theGreek

    hnics. ThesimpleAv iog,used

    romthemid-fourthto themid-third

    i ogand, e . g . I J ardg w , i s f ou nd f ir s t

    t ur y ( s eebelow , wh i l e mo s t e am p l es


    earsinthefirst halfofthesecondcentu-

    deralethnicbythetimethe predominant

    he easthadmademembershipinthe

    ss.Morettiobservesthatitisnot without


    these ethnicsforthestartof the

    este ampleofthefederalethnicfound

    us,datedto spring206-spring205:

    toanumberof foreigners,amongthem

    o vo g Av ioga ndSdvdo v. *

    preceding167b.c.that thefollowing

    ned.TheysurelyantedatetheL eague's

    everthee actdateofthe silver's

    mablyearlierthanthe Rhodianplintho-

    mitated.As willbeseenbelow,the


    dhereasa convenientandhistorically

    m f o r theLyc ianL e a gu e ' s b r on e s o f

    0 ; t he Mi l e tusdec ree i s Mi l e t I I I ,D as D e l phi n i on (Be r l i n, 1 915 ,

    t ti , p . 215 ,n .36 .P e r hapsb e c au se o f th e h i gh i nt e r es t

    sclear evidenceofMoretti'sfortheLeague'-e is-

    enignoredbyJones andLarsenintheirsubse uent

    restillincontrolin 206-205b.cisshownbyTAM 263,

    anruleinLycia:the inscriptionrecordsthededication

    ofP tolemyV,whoaccededlatein 205(orperhaps



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    le anderLycianLeagueandits

    c a . 200b . c . -a . d . 43. App ro i ma tel y1 ,825

    ndare catalogued.Coinsareconsidered

    g s i nc ludee i t he r1 AY KI QN, o r AY,

    o rMA, theabb r e vi a t i on so f t h e L eagu e ' s



    O AZHAIrep l ac ingAYKIQN , a rea l s o i n-

    nortwentyLycian citiesstruckLeague


    mousissuesarenot treatedhere.

    mint isusedinthe senseofthe

    ythelocationatwhich acoinwas

    e r i od ha sbe en used to deno t e the f ive

    scoinage,alternatelybron eandsilver.


    V, a n d IVandV.

    tbetweenthebron eandsilverissues.


    d i n t he s i l ve r i ssue so fA p pe nd i 3 , ob ver se

    reindicatedby lowercaseRoman

    othe rightindicatereversedieidentities.


    n eco inages ,h a vese r i e sde no t ed by

    C .The reand i n t heb ro n e i s s ue s


    dfor illustration.


    onlye ceptionstothisrule areissues

    4,in whichasignificantnumberof



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    G N R

    eriodI,diesare notnumbered.The

    reepairsof dies,andthediesof issues3

    certainty.Relativediea esofthefew

    kethoseofallLycian Leagueissues,

    /orf \.InissueH, however,com-

    hichasignificantnumberofa esare

    Greekminuscules(a, p,y merely

    coinsontheplatesand tofacilitate

    N e i t he r t he se l et t e r s nor t h e s e u en c e of

    ulardies,andonlya representative



    n e e rgue,N (p r e se rv edo n l y on l a .

    .,bowandq uiver.


    rved inoutstretchedr.




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    ing;to r.,cithara.

    sfacing;to l.,bowandq uiver.


    s 2 . 86= Rh odes , p . 31 , f i g. 4= BMC

    Re cent e sac u i s i t io nsd uCab in e tdes

    , 2 2; O fo rd3 . 62 , pu rc ha s e da tK es t ep

    o i ns Lyc i a , pp .37 a nd 4 1-4 2 , 3 4.

    K e s t ep= Co in s Lyc i a , p p . 3 7

    38 , 4 ;p \Pa r i s1 .4 1= Wad din g t on

    g;to r.,cithara(presentonmany


    26 = Wadd ing t on3 009 ;y.O fo rd


    d o n 1 .69= BMCp .3 8,1 ;New Yor k




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    eagueissuesinbearingonly thesimple

    furthercityor districtidentification.

    s s ue 1canno t, pe rh aps f o r t una t e ly,b e e ua -

    tspositionand thefactthatit isamono-

    ouldindicate areferencetoanin-


    alsoalone amongLeagueissuesinbearing


    o b in son longago i n1 914 re c og ni e d t h a t

    andthat theywereamongtheearliest

    mesi eandweight(averageweights

    ppeartobenot contemporarybutsucces-

    ethelater,withits inanimatereverse

    s i mp le r i ne ecu t io n t h a n t he f a c in gh ead

    crossedbowand q uiveroflatersmall

    ownspecimensofissue 1is3.53;

    5.Theseagreetolerablywell witha

    ctively,oftheweightof thesmallest

    ues3and4;and issues1and2 maythen


    1and2,bears twoanimatetypes,and

    pleheadratherthanabust, anda

    arsonissue4. Accordingly,issues1-3

    theLycianLeague'sfirstperiod ofcoin-


    nnectionswiththe XanthusValley,

    mablyof theLeague,andthisis

    coinage,possiblymintedin oneor

    n c i t ie so fXan thus a nd Pa t a r a . And, o l -

    -2 .

    o d I I I and theha lfu n i t so fSer i e s AofP e r i odV.



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    bablythe areaofLyciamosttravelled

    uringthe lasttwocenturiesandthus

    morecoinprovenancesthanother areas,it

    nprovenancesofP eriodIcoinsare in

    se ofcertainsmallbron esofP ata-

    ier orlaterthanthe Leaguecoinsisnot

    e2is poorlypreserved,itsreverse

    elythatfound onLyciancoinsthrough-

    l ater:Apollo(sometimesradiate ,

    ,cladina longgown,holdingabranch

    h i s e t ended r i gh thand a ndab ow(an dso me-

    weredlefthand.This mostprobablyisthe

    esofvariouscitiesin themid-first

    doubtthatshownonthelate first-

    c t s o fCragusandMas i c ytu s , 8 o nb o t h t he

    from,probably,a.d.43,40andon theIm-


    coins showthatastatuewasportrayed,


    Butin anycasetheconsistenticono-


    erenownedApolloP atroosatP atara,

    G o r di anwh ichma ke e t en s ive a nd v i rt ua l ly

    A p o l lo' s cu l t ando rac l e a tPa t a r a wer e wid e ly

    nditis strangethattheApolloonGor-

    r o n eco in so fPe r io d I I I ( 63aand 71 a .

    eco ino lSe ri e sFo fP e r i o dV (2 22 8 . S e r i es E a l so s ho w s

    c h mfromAppend i 3 ' so bve r s e d i eC2 .4 ; and E ,ab ro n e


    B M CMyra14 -17 a nd1 9 ( th e l a t te r a h om on o iaco in

    P a t e r a ; and Gordi an 193 -22 1 , 230 - 31 , an d 25 3 ( a l l

    a t a r a , and29 7 -98 (R hod i apo l i s , t he o n l yo the r two c o in s i n

    hisreversetype .



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    y,beenidentifiedasthe actualApollo

    rlier coins,underClaudiusandunderthe


    nLeague'srecords werekeptat

    erehasbeen suggestedastheactual

    mtoconfirmthis. Thecoins'Apollois

    eepithetunderwhichhe wasknowntothe

    merousinscriptionsof theLeaguerefer


    P atara.43


    shedfromCorinth,arrivedat Lycia

    hefirsttaskassignedhimbythe king


    forthterriblefire.44 Inlatertimesthe

    d i d en t i f i edwi thab u r ni ng j e to fna t ur a l ga s

    ympusonthe easterncoast;thisweak


    eenmadeinthethird centuryb.c.,4


    e earthalsoinotherplaces inthis

    a k es .

    thicalcreatureandnota gasflame,

    that themythisconnected.Strabo

    A p ol loP a t roos , s eeR I I , c o l . 6 3 ( We rn i ck e .G .F. H i l l

    fClaudius'scoins withthefiguresshownonthe Masi-

    lsof Gordian,butmadenosuggestionasto thepro-

    C 1 903,p .402 .E ven von A u l ock in h is r e cen tG or d i a n


    'srecordsatP atara,seethecommentaryonthatcity

    n1 0 6 .OnApol lo P a t ro dsan dh i s c u l t, s eeTAM 4 20=

    R 7 39 , IIB ,XI I IC , an dXVI I .

    C h i ma i r a2 (Ruge .S t r abo speakso f t he l oca li t yc a l led

    P linymentionsoneonthesoutherncoast (NH5.131

    ,andsaysthatthe latterisoneof twonearbyplaces



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    hatthesceneofthe mythwasthe


    o d I were s truck ,Lyc i ahad beco meq u i t e

    echimeraofthe coinsmaywellbeunder-




    wasHelios, typerhodienetcarien. 47



    imitatedcertaincoins ofSelgewhich

    thestyleofthe LycianandSelgean

    eofSelgeshowingthehair andbeardin

    paratelocks,whiletheLycian heads'

    and longandflowing.AndHeracles,

    Lyciancoins oftheclassicalperiod,

    either Lyciaorthechimera,while

    ruckmore thanacenturyanda half

    coinageofthedynastP ericleswasthe





    doubleunitsand units,respectively are

    i m a tewe ight so f t he tw osma l lb ro n e deno mi -

    f n o t t heon lyLyc i a nb ro n ep r i o r t o the


    9: BMCSelge35.ThiscoinshowsHeracles'sheadto r.;


    nd163-64.Thesi esarethoseofthe Leagueissues

    average2.03(14specimenslocated comparedtoissue

    18(12specimenslocated comparedtoissue

    d i s sue4 ' t 1 . 07 (15 spec i me n s .SeeTabl e 8 .O th e re t r e mely

    struckin LyciabeforetheLeaguecoinagearementioned



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    aypossiblyhaveservedas theartistic




    atefifthcenturyonward,thereis but


    ted.51Itsappearanceonissue1 would

    Lycians'tieswith Greeceandwiththe

    emostprobabletimeforthe commence-

    theLycians' alliancewithAntiochusand

    me.Itis worthnotingthatTelmessus,

    s notaformalmemberoftheLycian

    alsoissuedbron esunderAntiochus's

    i eofissue1, withfacingHelios

    don theomphalosonthereverse,ason

    ethe LycianadoptionoftheRhodian

    rseheadinprofileandreversetype in

    atof mostoftheLeaguecoinage,especial-

    n thesilverdrachmsofthefollowing

    dateofthis style'sintroduction,firstat

    efoundinthe commentaryonP eriodII.

    kholm-Zahle,p. 92.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell



    hichhavein thepastbeenerroneous-

    ftheseis aseriesofpseudo-Rhodian



    fferingcombinationsofletters and



    t o Lyc iaandseeme dan a lo g ous t o t h e t rue

    K HANorK TA. 56 Th e e r r o r o f


    ethatXanthuswasbrieflya memberof

    Caunus, plausiblepoliticallyalthough


    oftheseries, byW.Sheridanin1972.68

    pedthe argumentsofA.Akarca,who

    ecoins toMylasa.Akarca'sreasons

    veeverbeenreportedfrom Caunus(or

    w h i l e the s i kn own pr ov enances a r ea l l

    that anidenticalheadofHelioswith

    onsilvercoins,probablyofthe Augustan


    e D rachms , A NSMN 18 (1 97 2 ,p p . 5 - 15, e s pe ci a l l y




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell



    publishedasilver drachmofanother

    hadac uiredinLycia.Thecoin was

    ndhesuggestedthatit hadbeenstruck

    ngtheperiod ofRhodiansupremacy.80


    n,81anda thirde amplehassince

    mnos.82Thebeastofthe countermarkis

    thatofissue1, withthelionhead

    and Robinsonisundoubtedlyright,

    sappliedin Lycia.Itisless certain,

    struckin Lycia.

    nown,seemtohave beencounter-

    esduringthe periodoftheLeague.

    thophoricseriesbears astampwitha

    Y, j ustasonthe Leaguesilverof



    LeaguesilverinP eriodII(Cyaneae

    e s g re c uesdeMy la sa ( a r i s , 1959 , pp .9 7 - 98 ( p r oven a nces

    hethnic .L.Robertagreeswithher attributionin

    s mo n nai e s , He l l en i ca11 -1 2 ( 19 60 ,p .5 3 ,n .1 , a nd ha s

    ilityofSheridan'sattribution,in Rhodes, p.32,

    argumentforMylasa,whichwill notstand:that

    ations(AM/AY,p.58,12 canbereadas MYAA.

    placementofthelettersandfrom theimprobability


    nAkarca's12(not inSheridan'scompilation and

    M and152 (wi th TI / A M . Neve rt he l es s , t hecoin s

    Lyc i a , pp .37a nd 4 1- 42 ,33 (no t i l l u st r a t ed ; com me n t a ry

    aR h odes203 .

    i t is h MuseumAc u i s i ti on s fo r t he Ye a r s 1 93 3 - 193 4 , NC

    i s he dano the r e amp le i n Rh o de s , p . 30 .

    ds , p . 17 , f i g. 1 , a nd p . 3 3 , fi g . 5 = B M C Ca r i a ,Rho des

    ibedinMionnet,Suppl.7,p.10, 36.AN:P late1,J.




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    hellusfrom butone andmayhave

    theLeaguewiththis counterstamped

    ver,however,thatstruck bythe

    seformatechoesthatof theplintho-


    nonesalaureateheadof Apollofacing

    theRhodianrosein ashallowincuse

    te'snamewrittenoutin full,and,to

    t h e s ua re , t he two le t te r s P O. Th e

    ithacithara,alsoin ashallowincuse

    alethnicAYKIQ N,and,inthesamel oca-

    hefirst twolettersoftheparticular

    ncoinswith thisformatwereknownin


  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    r a chmsandP l i n t hop ho r icD rac hm

    P e r i od I I (S i l ver o f t h e C i t ie s Se r i es1s


    aredrawnfromthe ANScollectionandBMCCaria,




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    ns.88GroupsA-D ,showninFigure2,are



    rachms.67Theweightofthe Lycian


    eryslightlyr educedfromthatofthe



    fromthe Mugla1965Hoard,forin-

    m e r angeas thoseof P e r i o d I sSe r i e s l .8 8

    tohaveconsistedofsome200 Lycian

    nLycia.8 Oneaccountgavethefind


    t asnearmodernKemeronthe eastern

    notherKemerinwesternLycia .The

    nofthehoard (133coins,ofwhichwell

    citiesofOlympusand P haselis confirms

    ghtlyoverahundredof theRhodian-

    ckbythecities wereknownbeforethe

    asappro imatelydoubledthenumber



    ntedout(privatecommunication thattheoldstyle


    styledidrachmsand tetradrachms;andthateven

    ewhatheavierthantheold styledrachms,theystill

    rdintermsofthosedidrachmsand tetradrachms.

    lberpragungdeskarischenStratonikeia, JNG1967,pp.7-9

    ordian,pp.34,37,47,and 52;itis no.96inCoin



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    ofthecities, withAYKIQ Nandcity

    caseofmostof thecoinsofOlympusand

    OAIHAIreplacingAYKIQ N.Fourteen

    havestruckLeaguesilver wererepresented,


    ruckbythedistricts ofCragusand

    velyrarecity issueswiththedistrict

    e p la c ingAYKIQN on reve r se .


    2, above .Indeed,withveryfew

    lyknowne amplesofLeaguecoinsissued

    Q Nonreverseareof Rhodianweight.

    ,onthe otherhand,mostofwhich

    civicpieceswiththe sameformatare


    ebetweenthetwogroupsof kithare-

    tharephoroiwithAYKIQ Nonreverse:

    sP eriodII.Theothergroup isthe

    ndMasicytus,withwhichare tobe


    rdsandthe usualplacementoftheethnic

    tbeen understoodascomprisingtwo

    eentherulein mostformertreatments

    e BMC'scataloguecallsthedistricts'—


    hermints'coins. E lsewhereinthe


    In thed rachmsh e incl ud e s a ll t h ek i t ha r e -


    and q uiverastypes.71Instill another

    hesesmallercoinsashalf drachmsor

    ies2and3, incontrasttoSeries 1ofRhodianweight.

    headpiecesareindeedthe halfdenominationsofthedistrict

    ntothe heaviercivicdrachms.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    themin thecatalogueasq uarterdrachms,


    rcifullyinshorter form,73andthesetwo


    woclassesofkitharephoroiis0. Merk-


    er oneshemidrachms.74


    E uropeithasbeenpossibleto collecta

    pro imately200coins.Thecoins

    peinseparatelots,twoof about50coins

    ndtheremainderapparentlyafewat a

    eriodIIdrachms,thenumberof their



    sion;thisisthe orderemployedinthe


    nforeach mintineachof thethree

    i o d I I, bo thbe fo reand a ft e r t h e a pp e a ran c e

    av e t he samefo rmat , w i thAYK IQN a n d

    OAYMTTHorOAZ HAI,however,

    ns ofOlympusandP haselis.Suchcoins



    eries1; theircoinsofSeries2 and3areall

    C r ag us15 ,Mas i cy tu s 24 .

    sinSNGvAutockis nearlyperfect;herecogni esthat

    8and4365 aretobeclassedwith thedistrictissues,

    eavycoin,withonlyMfor mintidentification

    n ofMyra.Still,Morkholmseemstobethe first

    atthekitharephoroifallintotwo distinctgroups.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell





    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell




    bversedie Identities;dottedbracketstotheright

    nitialsof onecityhavebeencutover thoseof

    thus. Pseudo-League coinsarethosewithout

    ndefinitenumbersofnewdiesresult fromspecific

    castorphotographicrecordcouldbe obtained,

    tknown.D ietotalsareof coursereducedby

    mberofcoinsintrade since1970areq uite

    hoardbutarenot hereorinthe cataloguecalled




    ducedfrom Series1;andSeries3 is

    3 .

    acharea(west,south,andeast within

    nSeries2and 3.TheKemerHoardhas

    nsknownof Series1,andaddeda few

    nownofSeries2.Itcontainedno coinsof


    dityof thedivisionofP eriodIIinto

    n weightsisanewphenomenonfor


    thecitiesanddynastsofthewest using




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    o f t heC i t i e s Se r i es1 -3




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    o f t heC i t i e s Se r i es1 -3 ,b yReg io n■




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    efirst silvercoinsknownofAnti-

    dedthe secondknowndrachmof

    obtainedofthis pieceandithas un-

    hethirddrachmof P hellus;andthe

    houghoneof thesemayinsteadbeof

    guecoinsare known .Theonlyother

    alsoherepublishedforthe firsttime.

    rueLeaguecoins ofOlympusand

    e g en dsAYKIQ N OAan d AY KI Q NOA,

    rkingsofOAYMTTHandOAZ HAI.

    selishasbeenforsomeyearsin aprivate

    oneofOlympusin theCopenhagen

    pin1955, butinvain,forthe coinhas


    tsalsoappearedin thehoard,and

    hetwoeasterncitiesof Olympusand

    heunderstandingofthesecities' emissions.

    l LeagueP eriodIIcoinageis pitifully

    a po l i s , i nPe r io d I Id o t h e c o in s e cee d

    ahandfulofothercities dotheyeven

    dII,leavingasidethe fivehoardcoins

    reknown311 coinsfrom201dies,a

    .Clearlythe knownmaterialrepresents


    beregardedas tentative.

    h e m a orLyc i an s a nc t ua r i e s, t heL e too n

    mmerof1975a depositunderthecella

    s.Thehoardisthefirst containing

    eenfoundunder controlledconditions,

    ppl.7,p. 17,69.Overlooked,fore ample,byJones:

    Olympus,thoughof federaltype,neverbearthename

    0 2 , andbyvon Aulock ,wh o i s a t l e a st aw are o f the M i o nne t


    Mineure,p. 113;Warren,p.42 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    er coinagetogetherwiththeLeague's.

    tedareaunderthecella floor,ormore

    re thefloorhadbeen,forthe blockshad




    n esandabout50silver coins.

    tharephoroiofthe Leaguewithreverse

    blycitycoinsof P eriodII;eightRhodian

    hophoroi;41Rhodiantriobols(the only

    ;andatleast onepseudo-Rhodian

    rroneouslycalleda hemidrachm .

    edarethree smallonesofXanthusas

    .7 8

    coins areincludedinthe present



    nLeague,P eriodsII-V.

    LycianLeagueisStrabo.I nthemidst



    rvariouscities totheircongress

    v e r c i ty theyhavese l e c ted .E a c h o f

    votes,themedium-si edtwo,



    AuLe tdondeXan tho s : l e s deu t em ple sd e L t o ,

    bliged toM.MellinkandH.Met gerforhavingput

    owasdirectlyresponsibleforthe e cavationofthe

    d.I ammuchindebtedtoM.Le Royforhislong

    o n t he sub ec to f t heh oa r d , w hic hh e e p e c t sw il l b e

    . 7 7 ,p .324 ,n . 1 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    a nt h u s ,Pa t a r a ,P in a r a ,O lym p us,



    a r l i er t heyused tod e c id e abo u t


    esettledbythe Romans

    ratesareelectedfromthecities in

    ntofLycia,Strabosays ofP haselis:

    .. butithasno partinthecommon

    a t i on to i ts e l f . 80 T he f tor u i t o fS t ra bo ' s


    formationthatattheveryend ofthe

    ostimportantcitieswereXanthus,P inara,

    Myrainthesouth,andOlympusin the


    recapitali edinTable2, whichgivesa

    sof evidenceforthenineteenLycian


    ties mintedthesilverdrachmsof

    s us a ndArycanda , i ta l i c i e d a r ekn ow n

    ecities strikingthecivicbron esof

    o t ye tknown ins i l v er.D r a c hmsof

    chmsofseveralother citiesareknown



    ms ofP eriodIIandcolumn2 thecivic

    um n s3and4g iv e si l ve r and b r on es t r uc k

    enamesofthe cities,althoughthebulk

    riodswas,ofcourse,in thenamesof

    lissues bearingcityinitials.Many

    autonomouscoinages,someq uitepossibly

    s;thesearenotincludedin thisstudy.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    ptionalE vidence




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    softhe mintingcitiesinthe three


    edon theearlierworkofArtemidorus;

    ury a.d.;andP tolemy,83fromthemiddle

    tolemyorperhapsabitearlier wasan

    e n namedOpra mo a s : a l ong in sc r ip t i o n f rom

    s thecitieswhichbenefitedfromhis


    ownincolumn8 forallthecities


    citieshonoringthe LyciarchJasonof

    dunder Claudiusina.d.43(see

    o mi ti an ,Nerva , andTr a a n i n t h e b r ie f

    ngsbearno indicationofmint.Lycia's

    tedand rathersurprisingoutburstof

    nderthe youngGordianIIIandhis wife

    uckthiscoinage;thefourteenthat cor-



    n,citybycity,with allthesebitsof evi-

    ilationandstudyof thecoinageof

    udesforeachof theirmintingcitiesan


    guecities,theinscriptions havebeen

    whichincludestheinscriptions fromthe



    n di 1 .

    d I GR704( Ja son .

    onalcitiesstruckunder Gordian:Arneae,P odalia,




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    neachissue.Individualdies are

    ediscussionby issuenumberfollowed

    thethirdobversedieof issue8.

    asterisks.Whenmorethan one



    uebyanx .

    bversedie areshownbylower-case


    the plates.Bracketstotheright

    r e n ot g iven, a s theg reat ma o r i t y a re f f ,


    nis fromtheKemer1970Hoard.

    esttoeast,and commentaryoneach


    ehind shoulder,usually,bow

    nitials toeithersideof cithara;all

    inscriptionsvaryonthe pseudo-

    5and47-49 .


    1 0a .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    2 1 ( Nov.16 ,1908 3 66 8


    4 272 ,2 .80= Su p er io r ( O c t. 14 ,

    G Fi t 5051= G lend i n i ng (Fe b .

    k e t t 3012= Nav il l e 5 ( J un e

    3 ( May15 ,1905 4 24 4

    1 9 67 131 ,2 .75= Weber7 308

    G 4 476

    = Kuns ts am m.2 0

    G 4 475

    t c l ea rwhichc i t y 's c o i n swer e s t ruck

    e'sslight deterioration(spreading

    theCadyandacoin showsthatXan-



    einLycia;fromit cometheNereidmonu-

    turedtombsnowinthe BritishMuseum.

    c.,says thatXanthuswas,besidesone



    ngthatbut 15ofthe316 coinsof

    asthese15arestruck from15reverseand

    yles,itis clearthatthesurvivingma-

    nal si eofXanthus'sLeaguecoinage.




    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    d,one travelinggroupofdies,is not

    likelybythefactthatthe Sidymareverse

    oupof dieswouldpresumablyhave


    sunlikelythatthe mintworkmen


    ngatP inaraandCadyanda—especially

    eredE somuchmoreeasilythanwould

    llthe coinsofthefourcities were


    teonlythatthe homecity'sre uired

    afterallwhatonewoulde pect.

    oughP ataraandTlosinthe west

    esefourdie linkedcitiesofXanthus,

    adid.(TheonlyotherP eriodIImint

    he insignificantTrebendae. What-



    e u donne , Mon n a i e sg rec u e s r ecem ment

    M e da i l l es , RN 19 0 2, p .8 1 , 71

    o t c l ea rwhichc i t y 's c o i n sw ere s t ru ck

    otrecut.Althougha Z could

    andtheI istiltedsomewhat,thereisno

    runder theI,and,withthe cithara

    space wouldhardlyhavebeenlarge

    eliablyreportedtohavebeenin the

    wasmadeofit,andits diesare

    lopeofMt. Cragus,westofthe

    ninemiles northwestofXanthus.

    antimesarenote tensive.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    d,firstpublishedin 1902,istheonly



    entedinP eriodIIaremissing from

    e s o fP e r iod I II .T heab se nc e o f two ,

    ablysignificantandwillbe discussed

    esofSidymaorof Rhodiapolishaveyet


    r e v.d i e

    7 3 0 0

    N G 4380 , ca l l edP a t a r a

    n o t c l ea rwh ichc i t y' s c o i n sw er e s t ruck

    ehasclear remainsofanAunder the\.

    eundertheTT,and thiswasprobably

    o n t a l s tr okea rev i s i b lea t t h e b o t tom

    ern slopesofMt.Cragus,perhaps14

    hus.P inara'sruinsfromtheperiodof



    helargestcities inLycia.

    ncitiesmade contributionstothe

    otheir votesintheassemblydoesnot

    oinageat thetimeStrabowasdescrib-

    enturyb.c. ,oratany othertime.

    nthus,Tlos,P atara,andMyra did


    agewase tremelyscant(oneobverse

    eudo-Leaguecoinage(withoutAYKIQ N




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    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    oinageofP haselis—whichStrabo

    aguememberattheendofthe second

    s k nownofP in a r a, t he s i t h o f S t r abo ' s

    wayto theimportanceofthecity.

    cutXanthianone;oneoftheir two

    anda;andthecoins probablywereeven

    Strabowouldchange P inarato

    wouldagreefarbetter withthee -

    rranted.Alonginscriptionof81 b.c.,

    hereorgani ationofAsia,specifiessi


    iancitiesare Xanthus,P atara,P inara,

    hthe substitutionofLimyraforOlym-


    eintopiracy,8 andLimyrahad



    dIIcoinage.Butforpresent purposes,

    trabo'saccuracyin includingP inara


    its Leagueobligationsincoinother

    Rhodianplinthophoroi.Hereis a


    i t s er vea sacau ti on .


    v e r Xan thus

    sslight deterioration(spreading

    theCadyandacoin showsthatXan-



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

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    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    d i e b reaka toneo f t he l ower l ea veso f t he

    atesthatthedie wasusedfirstfor

    clearremainsofan z .under

    ycity isperhapsstretchingthings



    wellas theriverandthesea beyond

    evenoreight milesfromtheriver,no


    yabout30milesfromXanthusas the


    um,agora,gymnasium(? ,theater,

    smallbutmagnificenttown. 90Ithad,

    eratureuntilL.Robertresurrected it

    ny.Thefoolish Ascandiandalis,Amelas,

    storedtoitsoriginal Cadyanda,Lissa

    an o s cop ium. 91


    withmintinitials KAhavelongbeen

    hethertheirmintwas Calynda,inthe


    mesaremaddeninglysimilar—but at


    vethesmallbron estoCadyanda;they



    ncyofCaunus,afterwhichdateit placed


    es,onthe groundsthatCadyandalay

    ngonP liny,NH5.101.


    ng t o n3035 , and H e a d (t f N9 , p . 69 5 .



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    67b.c.was Attalid;buttheydonot

    gorasinscription showingthat

    an activeLeaguememberintheearly

    sotentativelyassignstheKA bron esto

    ofthe threetostrikeImperialsunder

    responsibleforthe KAcoinsmight

    b r on e ,o r q uad rup l eu n i t, a tA th e ns , 7

    eotherelevencoinsof thisraredenomi-

    wns,asare nineofthetwelveidenti-

    n i t s o fP e r io d I II .

    shedfirmly linktheKAcity, which

    ies oftheXanthusValley.Itmay be

    ewhatcloser,inair miles,toXanthusthan



    of riversandthesea,past otheractive

    elyhaveusedinpreferenceto themore


    n easyreachofothers.Theinscriptions

    tionofciti ensofnineothercom-

    a,Tarsus,andLaodiceia arenon-

    thesefivearepreciselythefive other

    ,Tlos,Sidyma,P inara,andCadyanda.

    astoccur intheXanthusinscriptions.


    s s u e9 , fol l owing ; a nd theKAb ro n eso f


    arintheXanthianinscriptionsTAM 307,330,and335.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell



    eaguecoinage.Its fabric,thickand

    is unusuallyplacedtotheright,yet

    allyoncoins ofmintsthroughoutLycia

    olis anddoesnothelpto attributethecoin.


    uitecorrectasusual,that thereisa


    iscrownsymbolofthe othersouthern


    P reciselythissortofdifferentiation

    heAchaeanL eaguecoinsofMessene




    Arycandatookcare todistinguish

    n s, u s ingAYorA > in s t ead o f a s im ple AP .1 M

    andyba,ifindeeditstruck issue9,would


    Candybastruckissue 9,theevidence

    mtowarranttheratherdrastic stepof

    hmsto twoseparatemints.IfCadyanda

    iking wasprobablydoneathome.

    ariancein styleandfabricfromCadyan-



    rebendae,Myra,Olympus,andP haselis.

    Hoard,ANSNNM159(NewYork,1968 ,pp.31-37.

    ,andOlympus;the branchatOlympusandP haselis.



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    a ls o i s sue13 .

    L 1971 ,no.5 G 74 7 , 2. 41 (Kemer

    = Kuns ts amm.1 9

    G 4 4 63

    on 1 2 .3a .

    e so n 1580

    ; VonAulock2.83 = S NG4 46 2

    ng ( F eb .21,1961 24 81 , 2. 81 = S N G

    n e 2 3,1924 15 88= Web er7 30 3

    a ls o i s sue11 .


    dmintinitialsfoundonlyonsome later

    n d 3 .

    aguecities,Tloslay northofXanthus,

    stofthe XanthusRiver.FromTlos'slofty

    tand thecentralLycianmountainsto

    gthe mostimportantLyciancities;


    as independentofthatofXanthusandthe


    n ag e , i n s i l ve r andb ron e , i nhe r ow n nam e .


    a ( s eea lso i s su e 1 9 .

    e, p . 503 ,1


    p . 503 ,2

    G 4 3 81



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  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell


    g t on 3135

    1 3 6

    ( seea l so i s sue1 4 .

    G 113

    9 1 = ( ? Weber72 88 ,2 .52 , no t i l lu s -

    G 4 3 79

    2 128 ,2 .72

    = CoinsandAn ti u i t i es ( F L

    me r


    its havingthecurlinghairof issue

    ecauseitshead issmallerthanthose

    sreverseissimilar tothatofthe coin

    rg es t c i t i es ,P a t a ra l aya t t h e mou t ho f t he

    rncoast.P atara'sport,todaysiltedup,

    smentionedrepeatedlyinLivy's account

    Rome.P ataraistheoneLycian city

    besiegedbyMithradatesVI in88b.c,

    o havecapitulatedtoBrutusin42 b.c.

    madeita naturalcenterofLycian

    bothbyseaand bytheimportant

    was,in practicalterms,thegeo-

    deed considersP atarathecapitalof



    C r e a t i v e C o m m o n s A t t r i b u t i o n - N

    o n C o m m e r c i a l - S h a r e A l i k e / h t t p : / / w w w . h

    a t h i t r u s t . o

    r g / a c c e s s

    _ u s e # c c - b

    y - n c - s a - 4 . 0

  • 8/9/2019 The coinage of the Lycian League / by Hyla A. Troxell



    edthatthefederalassemblymetin which-


    o f Pa t a r aa s c a p u t ge n t i s ; 1 0 4More t t i

    lyusedinageneralsense,as theLatin

    p o us des igna t i ono f / i t rgdn ohg tov Av -

    ptionsofthe Romanperiodtoseveral