The choice of the The choice of the Passive and Active Passive and Active Construction in Construction in Literary English Literary English Done by Done by Vira Zakernychna Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13 EPh group 13

The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

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Main tasks 1. To submit the theme in the next way: to give the nominalization for active and passive voiceto give the nominalization for active and passive voice to tell about the formation of the active and passive constructions in English languageto tell about the formation of the active and passive constructions in English language to compare them and show the sphere of their usageto compare them and show the sphere of their usage to mention the peculiarities of usage and translation the passive constructionsto mention the peculiarities of usage and translation the passive constructions 2. To make the conclusion 3. To give a short test for checking the attention of the audience

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Page 1: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

The choice of the The choice of the Passive and Active Passive and Active

Construction in Construction in Literary EnglishLiterary English

Done byDone byVira ZakernychnaVira Zakernychna

EPh group 13EPh group 13

Page 2: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

The aimThe aim of this presentation of this presentation is to tell what voices of the is to tell what voices of the verb there are in English verb there are in English language and to show the language and to show the

cases of choosing the active cases of choosing the active and passive constructions in and passive constructions in

literary English.literary English. UrgencyUrgency of the explored of the explored

theme is to avoid difficulties theme is to avoid difficulties with mentioned structures with mentioned structures

perception reading the perception reading the literary text translations.literary text translations.

Page 3: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

Main tasksMain tasks1. To submit the theme in the next way:1. To submit the theme in the next way:• to give the nominalization for active and to give the nominalization for active and

passive voicepassive voice• to tell about the formation of the active to tell about the formation of the active

and passive constructions in English and passive constructions in English languagelanguage

• to compare them and show the sphere of to compare them and show the sphere of their usagetheir usage

• to mention the peculiarities of usage and to mention the peculiarities of usage and translation the passive constructionstranslation the passive constructions

2. To make the conclusion2. To make the conclusion3. To give a short test for checking the 3. To give a short test for checking the

attention of the audience attention of the audience

Page 4: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

VoiceVoice is the form of the verb which showsis the form of the verb which showsthe relation between the action and its the relation between the action and its subject, subject, indicating whether the action is performed indicating whether the action is performed by the by the subject or passes on to it. subject or passes on to it. Accordingly there are two voices in Accordingly there are two voices in English: the English: the activeactive and the and the passivepassive. . The The Active voiceActive voice shows that the action is shows that the action is performed by its subject, that the subject is performed by its subject, that the subject is the doer of the action.the doer of the action. The The passive voicepassive voice shows that the subject shows that the subject is acted upon, that it is the recipient of the is acted upon, that it is the recipient of the action:action: ActiveActiveShe She hatedhated narrow, narrow,deprived life. (p. 546)deprived life. (p. 546)

PassivePassiveThe minister The minister waswasmurderedmurdered..

Page 5: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

When We Use Active and When We Use Active and Passive? Passive? ActiveActive

• Is lIs less awkward andess awkward andclearly states clearly states

relationshiprelationshipbetween subject andbetween subject andaactionctionBessieBessie had closedhad closed the thenursery-door upon me…nursery-door upon me…• It It is shorter and is shorter and

moremoreddirectirectHe He drewdrew the heavy the heavycurtains. (curtains. (notnot The The

heavy curtains were heavy curtains were drew by him.)drew by him.)

PassivePassive• The agent (doer) of The agent (doer) of

thetheaction is unimportantaction is unimportantYour hand Your hand will be X-will be X-

rayedrayed..• The agent is commonThe agent is commonknowledge, andknowledge, andmentioning it would bementioning it would beredundantredundantThe rubbish The rubbish hasn’t beenhasn’t beencollectedcollected..• The agent is unknownThe agent is unknownI I am toldam told she has left she has leftMoscow.Moscow.

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• The writer desires The writer desires toto

control focus of control focus of sentencesentence

He He finishedfinished the book. the book.

• To avoid an awkward To avoid an awkward or ungrammatical or ungrammatical sentencesentence

When he arrived home (When he arrived home (aadetective arrested detective arrested

himhim) he) hewas arrested.was arrested.• When the subject of When the subject of

thetheverb would be ‘people’verb would be ‘people’He He is suspectedis suspected of of

receivingreceivingstolen goods (stolen goods (PeoplePeoplesuspect suspect him…)him…)

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The Formation of the The Formation of the Passive voicePassive voice

to be + Participle IIto be + Participle II The passive voice is an analytical form in Modern English:The passive voice is an analytical form in Modern English:it is formed by means of a corresponding tense of theit is formed by means of a corresponding tense of theauxiliary verb to be and the past participle of the given auxiliary verb to be and the past participle of the given

verb.verb.He He was arrestedwas arrested . . When the agent is mentioned, it is preceded byWhen the agent is mentioned, it is preceded by by by ::This picture This picture was paintedwas painted by by Duffy.Duffy. When we are dealing with materials used, not with When we are dealing with materials used, not with

agents, we useagents, we use withwith::The room The room was filledwas filled withwith smoke. smoke. When a verb+preposition+object combination is put When a verb+preposition+object combination is put

intointothe passive the preposition will remain immediately after the passive the preposition will remain immediately after

thetheverb:verb: He must be written He must be written toto..

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Tense Forms Used in the Tense Forms Used in the Passive Passive PresentPresent PastPast FutureFuture

IndefiniteIndefinite The best The best gifts gifts areare never never wrappedwrapped. . (p.384)(p.384)

She […] drew She […] drew out the card out the card where these where these words words were were printedprinted......(p.548)(p.548)

The letter The letter will be will be writtenwritten tomorrow.tomorrow.


The letter The letter is being is being writtenwritten now.now.

The letters The letters was being was being writtenwritten at 5 at 5 o’clock.o’clock.


PerfectPerfect The letter The letter hadhad already already been been writtenwritten..

The letter The letter had had been writtenbeen written by 5 o’clock.by 5 o’clock.

The letter The letter will have will have beenbeen written written by 5 o’clock.by 5 o’clock.

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There are two more passive forms which are There are two more passive forms which are notnot

used so often:used so often:Future in-the-past indefiniteFuture in-the-past indefiniteHe hoped she He hoped she would be delightedwould be delighted…(p.548)…(p.548)Future in-the-past perfectFuture in-the-past perfectShe was one of those lovely, charming young women She was one of those lovely, charming young women

whowhoshould have been bornshould have been born into a rich family.(p.546) into a rich family.(p.546) Infinitive constructions after the passive verbs Infinitive constructions after the passive verbs

arearepossible in sentences of the typepossible in sentences of the type PeoplePeople

consider/know/think/believe/ suppose/say consider/know/think/believe/ suppose/say etc.etc.HeHe said to be… said to be… jealous for her. (=jealous for her. (=People said he People said he

waswasjealous for her.jealous for her.))

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Verbs Used in the Passive VoiceVerbs Used in the Passive Voice Transitive verbs: Transitive verbs: to write – to be writtento write – to be writtento take - to be takento take - to be taken……theythey were joinedwere joined by the sister…by the sister… Intransitive (objective) verbs:Intransitive (objective) verbs:to look (at…) – to be looked at to look (at…) – to be looked at to rely (on…) – to be relied onto rely (on…) – to be relied onto laugh (at…) – to be laughed atto laugh (at…) – to be laughed atThe doctor The doctor was sent forwas sent for.. Phraseological units (verb+adverb), Phraseological units (verb+adverb),

(verb+noun):(verb+noun):to do away (with…) – to be done away withto do away (with…) – to be done away withto look up (to…) – to be looked up toto look up (to…) – to be looked up to

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to loose sight (of…) – to be lost sight ofto loose sight (of…) – to be lost sight ofHe He hashas always always been looked up tobeen looked up to as a high as a highauthority… authority… Modal verbs:Modal verbs: can/could, may/might, can/could, may/might,

must/havemust/haveto, should/would, needn’tto, should/would, needn’t + + be done/have beenbe done/have beendone also are possible to use in passive done also are possible to use in passive

constructionsconstructionsIt It mustmust be donebe done.. A few active verbs ( A few active verbs ( to clean, to wash, to to clean, to wash, to

showshow))are sometimes used with the passive meaning:are sometimes used with the passive meaning:This surface This surface cleanscleans easily. (= easily. (=is cleanedis cleaned easily) easily)This clothes This clothes washwash well. (= well. (= are washedare washed well) well)

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The verbThe verb to getto get is sometimes used inis sometimes used inModernModern English as an auxiliary of the English as an auxiliary of the

passive:passive:He He got throwngot thrown against the tree. against the tree.He He got struckgot struck by a stone. by a stone. But when the participle II indicates But when the participle II indicates

the statethe stateInIn which the subject is, serving as awhich the subject is, serving as apredicative, thepredicative, the verb to be is a link-verb to be is a link-

verb andverb andthey both form thethey both form the nominal predicatenominal predicate

(not the(not thepassive voice!)passive voice!)

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Ways of translating the Ways of translating the Passive Passive

Voice into UkrainianVoice into Ukrainian1. 1. By the By the verb verb бути бути + predicative+ predicative. In the . In the

Present thePresent theverbverb бутибути is not usedis not used..2. 2. By By verbs in –verbs in –сяся3. 3. By means of By means of indefinite-personal indefinite-personal

constructionsconstructions. The last way of . The last way of translating is possible only if the doer translating is possible only if the doer of the action is not mentioned.of the action is not mentioned.

HousesHouses are builtare built of stone.of stone. Будинки Будинки будують(ся) з каменю.будують(ся) з каменю.

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ConclusionConclusion In dependence of the situation in In dependence of the situation in which the action goes on there are two which the action goes on there are two types of constructions in Literary types of constructions in Literary English to express this actionEnglish to express this action - active - active and passive. and passive. The The Active voiceActive voice shows that the action shows that the action is performed by its subject, that the is performed by its subject, that the subject is the doer of the action. It subject is the doer of the action. It is is shorter and moreshorter and more d directirect. It is also . It is also lless ess awkward andawkward and clearly states relationshipclearly states relationship between subject andbetween subject and a actionction.. The The passive voicepassive voice shows that the shows that the subject is acted subject is acted upon, that it is the upon, that it is the recipient of the action. This voice has a recipient of the action. This voice has a lot of peculiarities of usage.lot of peculiarities of usage.

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TestTestThink you understand active and Think you understand active and

passive constructions?passive constructions?1. In an active construction,1. In an active construction, • the subject is concrete.the subject is concrete.• the direct object is active.the direct object is active.• the subject is the doer of the action.the subject is the doer of the action.• the agent is expressed by the indirect the agent is expressed by the indirect

object.object.2. In a passive construction,2. In a passive construction,• the subject is usually plural.the subject is usually plural.• the subject is the receiver of the action.the subject is the receiver of the action.• the subject is indefinite.the subject is indefinite.• the subject is understood.the subject is understood.

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3. Select the sentences that are active.3. Select the sentences that are active.• The olives were eaten by the hungry patrons.The olives were eaten by the hungry patrons.• John opened the can.John opened the can.• The date was set for the wedding.The date was set for the wedding.• He lost the bet.He lost the bet.4. Select the sentences that are passive.4. Select the sentences that are passive.• The cat caught the mouse.The cat caught the mouse.• The window was shattered by the bullet.The window was shattered by the bullet.• A letter is written whenever there is a A letter is written whenever there is a

problem.problem.• Sam bought a sports car.Sam bought a sports car.Decide whether the sentences are written in Decide whether the sentences are written in

Active or PassiveActive or Passive 1. The museum may be visited by crowd this 1. The museum may be visited by crowd this

weekend.weekend.2. Has this house been sold yet?2. Has this house been sold yet?

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3. Susan has not been understood3. Susan has not been understood ..4. Lots of houses were destroyed by the 4. Lots of houses were destroyed by the

earthquake.earthquake.5. She is reading an e-mail. 5. She is reading an e-mail. Which voice should be used in next situations?Which voice should be used in next situations?1. 1. The agent (doer) of the action is unimportant. The agent (doer) of the action is unimportant. 2. L2. Less awkward and clearly states relationship ess awkward and clearly states relationship

between subject and action. between subject and action. 3. 3. The writer desires to control focus of The writer desires to control focus of

sentence. sentence. 4. 4. The agent is common knowledge, and The agent is common knowledge, and

mentioning it would be redundant. mentioning it would be redundant. 5. 5. It It is shorter and more direct. is shorter and more direct. 6. 6. The agent is unknown. The agent is unknown.

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LiteratureLiterature• Алєксєєва І. О. Курс теоретичної граматики Алєксєєва І. О. Курс теоретичної граматики

сучасної англійської мови: навчальний сучасної англійської мови: навчальний посібник. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2007. посібник. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2007. – – [p.123-128][p.123-128]

• Дроздова Т. Ю., Берестова А. И., Маилова В. Дроздова Т. Ю., Берестова А. И., Маилова В. Г. Г. English Grammar: Reference and PracticeEnglish Grammar: Reference and Practice. . СПб: ООО Издательство “Химера”, 2000СПб: ООО Издательство “Химера”, 2000. - . - [p.102-105][p.102-105]

• Паращук В. Ю., Грицюк Л. Ф. Практикум з Паращук В. Ю., Грицюк Л. Ф. Практикум з граматики англійської мови: Навчальний граматики англійської мови: Навчальний посібник для студентів іноземних мов,спец. посібник для студентів іноземних мов,спец. “англійська мова”. – Вінниця: Нова книга, “англійська мова”. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 20022002

[p.99-100][p.99-100]• Crystal Stairs. – Macmillan/McGraw – Hill Crystal Stairs. – Macmillan/McGraw – Hill

School Publishing Company, 1991 [examples School Publishing Company, 1991 [examples were taken from this book]were taken from this book]

Page 19: The choice of the Passive and Active Construction in Literary English Done by Vira Zakernychna EPh group 13

• M. A. Ganshina, N. M. Vasilevskaya. M. A. Ganshina, N. M. Vasilevskaya. English GrammarEnglish Grammar . – Ninth edition revised, . – Ninth edition revised, -Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, -Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1964 [p.187-198]1964 [p.187-198]

• Larsen – Freeman Diane, Marianne Celse- Larsen – Freeman Diane, Marianne Celse- Murica. The Grammar Book: an ESL/ EFL Murica. The Grammar Book: an ESL/ EFL Teacher’s Course. Heinle & Heinle Teacher’s Course. Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Boston, 1983 [p. 221-234]Publishers. Boston, 1983 [p. 221-234]

• Thomson A. J., Martinet A. V. A Practical Thomson A. J., Martinet A. V. A Practical English Grammar. – Fourth Edition, - English Grammar. – Fourth Edition, - Oxford University Press, 1999 [p. 263-268]Oxford University Press, 1999 [p. 263-268]

• http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handoutshttp://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/passivevoice.html/passivevoice.html

• http://legacy.lclark.edu/~writing/handouts/http://legacy.lclark.edu/~writing/handouts/Active%20Voice.pdfActive%20Voice.pdf