/ & aao. ...ra: I For the Rrmovnl mid Fernianeiil Cure or all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of thnee Complaint* which are canned by an impaired weakened or uulieulth) condition of the NKRVOUS SYSTRM. Tliia beantifiil and convenient application of the myateriooa power* of GALVANISM and A1AUNKTISM, ha* been pronounced by diitingnuhed pliyticiau*, both in Kurope and the I'nited State*. to be the wtl caluaLU mtdicinal ditcocery wf thr Jige. Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT and MAGNETIC FLUID, is used with the most perfect end certain success in all cases of GKRERAI. DEBILITY, Stiwogtaening the weakened body, giving tone to the virion organs, and invigorating the entire sys'em. Also in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS end PALSY, DtsrcrslA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACl'TE and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAFNESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART? ArOPLEXY, NEURALGIA PAINS in the SIDE and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATUIIE of the SPINK., HIP COMPLAINT. DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFICIENCY OF NERVOUS end PHYSICAL ENERGY, and ell NERVOUS DI8EASES, which complaint! arise from one sinple cause.namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. (K7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicines creese the disease. for they weaken the vital energies of the already prostrated system'; while nnrfer the strengthening, life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as applied by thia beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhsnsted patient and weakated sufferer is restored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor. The grestpeculiarity and excellence of Or. Christie'a Galvanic Curative*, consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by atrt ward in place ol me uatiai moae m physicking Dm patient, till exbauated Nature sink* hopelessly under the tnflicteon They ttrenqtken the whole system. equalize the circulation of lit Hood, promote tit orerelious, and never do tie tlitHeit iujurj under any eircumitance*. Since their introduction in the United State*, only three yeeri since more than 60,000 Persons including ell tgei, clean* and condition*, among which were a large number of ladie*. who are peculiarly inbject to Nerr on* Complaints, hare been SWTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CUBED, when all hope of relief had been given up, and every thing else been tried in Tain ! To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, tuppoce the cese of a person adllcted with that bane of civilization, DY8PKP8IA, or any other Chronic or Natron* Disorder. ordinary eases, attmwlani* are taken which, bv their action on the nervda and muscle* of the stomach, afford temporary relied hot which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, after the action thus excited has ceased. Now compere Due with the edect resulting from the application o< the GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic suflerer, even in the woree symptosa* of an attack, and simply tie the Belt around **. ' . " ti-:* .. i- . bk.V* period the insensible perspiratiun will act on the positive element of die Belt fbaicby causing a Galvanic circulatioo which will paw on to the negative, and thence back again to the positive, thus keeping op a continuous Galvanic cuculabor throughout the system. Thus the aaost severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE D18EA8E OB YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most Undoubted Character, From all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient to AU every column in this paper! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, Which oowchlvivaiy proves that "Truth la stranger than Fiction." RREUIATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSIA. Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, tf distinguished attninmeuts and esaltad reputation :. , 8idkkt, Naw Jersey, July 13, IMS. Da. A. JLCitatt is.Dear Sir: You wish to know of ma what has bean the i knit in my ownmse, of the application of mr on vivir v.n t i vn arni irv iL n.. follow*: For about twenty yeer* I had boon suffering from Dyspepsia. Every year the symptom* became wont, nor could I obtain pomanant relief from any course of mad teal treatment whatever. About /sunus years since, in consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge of my pee. toral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Rbeuasatiaic, which tor year after year, caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: in the winter of 'to and '46, in consequanoe of preaching a gnat deal in my own end various other ehurahae in this region. I was attacked by the Brouchitii, which eoan became so severe as to require an immediate suspension of my pastoral imbora My ntrvtui spriest was set* % tkoT9*gklj mrttfUd, and as my Bronchitis became wont, so * * also did my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection.thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other through the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole pharmacopesia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reach and recuperate my Narvoua System ; every thing that I had triad for this purpose bed completely foiled. At lest I was tod by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though with an very sanguine hope* of their efficiency,) I determined to try the aflbct of the application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, ISM. Te kv suit sstorishmkwt, in two davs mt Dtstevsla had sent; in eioht davs 1 was wasled t* SllliSI MT VASTOSea LABOBS , HOS ISATX 1 SIBCB OMITTED a ssncLB saavicc en sececnr er tmc BaoncaiTie, Ann mt RmKUMATIC AFFBCTIOn MA* rkftbelt CBASKD to teocblt ME. Such is the wonderful aod hafcmf gtouhs of the experiment I hare recommended the BELT and FLUID to many who have boon likswiss sufferiag tram Neuralgic affection* They hare tried them, witm hattx besults, i believe, in ktbet I an, dear air, eery respectfully yours, « EGBERT W. LANDIB. * Tic Dolorem aad Nemalgia. . -Tteee dreadftil and agonizing complaint* are immediately relieved by the application of the Galvanic Bu t, Nvcelacb and Fluid. Tbe Belt diffntet the Electricity through the system; the Necklace ha* a local effect, and the Fluid acta directly upon tbe affected nervea In theae diitreeaing eviction* the application NEVER FAILS. FIT8 AND CONVUL8ION8. Thee* alarming ami terrible complaints are alwaya caasej ?y a derangement of the h'trrti tne Bi:lt, Bsscklrti and u'id will care nearly every caae. no matter how young or aid tbe patient, or how confirmed the complaint. Numerous tnd astonishing proofs in in possession of the proprietor. SMany hundred 'y'rtificales from ell parts of the conntffb moat extraordinary cliaractar can be given, if required. Q&- No trouble or inconvenience attend* the u*e of DB. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC ARTICLES, end tliey may be worn by the most feeble end delictte with perfect ease and safety. In many case* the sensation attending their use is highly plcaiaiii and agreeable. They can be sent to any pert of tbe country. . Prices: The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollara, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollara, The Gslesnln Rrsrnlsts rtna Tlnllsr Tlsnh. Th# Magnetic Fluid, On* Dollar. 0(f- The article) are accompanied by full and plain dir*o> tioni PatnphleU with full particular) may ba had of th* authorized Agent PARTICULAR CAUTION. to- Bewail of Counter/till and ll'nrt/il, it Imitations D. O. MORBHEAD, M. D., GENERAL AGENT E'Mt THK I'NITKD STATE*, 133 Brnadwny, flew York. For sale in Camden bv the aujtohized Agents JAMES R. McKAIN. F. L. ZEMP. In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. InColumbia by BOATRIGHT & MIOT. w.'hTh workman, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oamden, 0. C. (Office immedialrly in rear nf the Court House.) WILL ATTEND THE COURTS OP Darlington nntl Sumter Districts. Business entrusted to him will meet with prompt cartful attention. July aft. Negro Shoes. We have now on naqd, a large supply of Black and Russctt Pegged Brogan* and Stitch-down Shoes, Of our otrn manufacture which we call recommend as faithfully made and of the best material. Band and Harness leather Blar* and Russett Upp r leather Calf Sl-ins, Kip Skins Buffed Kip lor saddle covers, &c. And for sale bv Oct. 4. C ' W. ANDERSON & CO. Ladies Gloves. VTOW receiving Ladies Glovea, of every depoription and J> qimlitv. E. NY. BONNE Y' Sept. 17. 74 If Victims of Dyspepsia, Look H9re DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. This Medicine is offered to the public generally from a foil conviction that it is superior to any other now in use, for the cure of Dvspepsiu. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility. Bodily weakness. &c. Prepared o llv bv the proprietors, fi. W.'ALLEN. M D-, Philadelphia.and J. A. & W. L. CLEVELAND, No. 207 King Street, Charleston, S. f. None Centime unless signed by Dr. O. W. ALLEN, and ennntereigned by J. A. <fc W. L. CLEVELAND The bottles having the words "Allen's Dyspeptic .Medicine Phila.. blown on the glass. Sole agent for Camden, Z.J. DkHAY, Sept 20, 1850. 75 ly HOME TESTIMONY. MR. Z. J. DeIIAY.Dear Sir.I feel it a duty which f owe to society »t large, and those who suffer \vi h Dyspepsia in particular, to add my testimony to the virtue of Allen's Compound, not for the sake of aeeini* my name in print, but for Truth's sake. I procured a bottle of you last June, which relieved me fo much that I waa induced to try eecon I, which completed what the first began .my appetite, which before was insatiable, became natural and regular, and I now enjoy better health than I had done for three years previous to using that invaluable n edicine. You are perlectly at liberty to make whatever use of this you please. Respectfully yours, Z MARSHALL. Chesterfield, H, l'., Dec. 10, 1650. 98 20,000 PAIRS OF BOOT AND SHOES. rFX) BK li AD at the New Shoe Store, and will JL be eold lower than any ever before offered in this market.having paid the cash lor eveiy article, and selected from the best and largest man. fuacturers in the United Slates, we flatter our. selves that no one can fail to be pleaded in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, pa follows. Jlen'a fme Calf stitched Boots " " " Pump Boots . " 44 Waterproof do cork soles 44 " 44 do stitched aid qnilted soles 200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from $4 50 to $6 01) 2 M) " ' " and Kip pegged Boots, from 82 to $5 00 Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes $2 to 84 00 " * a kJ i loth Congress Boots $3 to $4 50 " " " Jerrev Ties, 83 to ?3 50 44 44 44 pegged Bootees. 8' to 82 00 44 Kip " 44 75c to 81 00 Youth's Kip pegged Bootees. 50c to75c Calf " 44 75c to 81 00 44 44 Boots assorted 44 Kip 44 44 | Ladle*' Department. Fine f>ilk Gaiters, black and colored '* satin " " ** " lasting " " " " ' *' welts and black " " Half (jailers, welts and black " ' " " colored and black Welt " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy " " without 'i'ips, for cttrns " Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and Morocco I'ump " Kid and Enameled Excelsiors Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskiu* Taylor Ties. Pump Fine Kid Slipper*, with Rosettes Fine Morrocco >lippers and l ies Fine Ties nnd Buskins, Welts Fine Morocco do do Kid extra wide Slip* and Ties Goat Buskins and Tie*. Welts Goat Boots Mis*:;*' black and colored Gaiters 4 Ll..« anil KsfKt <«/tlris*ul I Inl f Hft ilppfl " black, blue and Drouxu Bootees " black and colored Slipper** " Goat Booteea, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes Children's Shoes and Boots, assorted Together with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, too numerous to mention. also Fine TRAVELING TRUNKS. CARPET RAGS, VALICES, HATS and CAPS. All of which will positively be sold lower titan the lowest for cash. {tTrCall and see for yonreelves, at the NEW SHOE STORE of WORKMAN & BOONE. Sept. 20. J :S. B. KERSHAW, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN, S. C. Will attend the « ourtu of Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield, Darlington and IiSncaater Districts. Phalon's Chemical Hair Invigorator, T^V)R preventing BALDNESS, and to retore the X? Hair that has fallen off or become thin, and to cure effectually, Scurf or Dandruff. For sale by Z. J. DtHA Y. July 2. 52 tf c. «athMn; BANK A GEN T. Ax his oi.n standoppo siTR Davis's Hotel Faint fc Varnish Brashes; Sash Tool6 Feather Dusters &c &c. THE mbscriher has just received from Philadelphia a full and select assortment of the alwve articles, which he invites the attention <*f the Painters and others. Z. J. DeHAV. FAKE REDUCED TO g20 FKOiV Charleston to New York. The. Great Mail Route from Charleston, S. CLEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens at. daily at 3, p. rn. after the arrival of the South, ern cars, via Wilmington and Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelrtkia atiX ta Matu VavrLr auu u' new m wi 11. The public is respectfully informed that the steamers of this Sine, from Ch -rlesion to Wi]. minglon, are in first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced command* era, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby seeurin«ri>o:h safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been in operation will be continued on and after the first of Oct. 1-49, as 8 permanent arrangement from Charleston to New York. Passengers availing themselves there of will have the option to continue without delay through the route or otherwise, tostop at any immediate points, renewing their seats on the line to suit their convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during business hours. Baggage will be ticketed on board the sterner to Weldon, an likewise on the change of cars at the intermediate points from thence to New York* Through Tickets can alone be had of E- WIN SLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For other informatio inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, at the American Hotel. May 9, 84 tf AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. The envy of all Pill manufacturers, Because they are safer, better and more efficacious than nny others : and because the public will take no others if they can obtain them. 500(000 B^xes liave been sold nnnunllv for the last five years. YOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE, can always take them with equal safetv. without fear. IF PILLS BE NECESSARY for purgingnnd cleansing the Stomach and Bowels, and purifying the Blood and fluids of the body, take no others .for no other pills produce those combined effects, of contain# A'nniaporilla in tliern rl. * ll«r« no nana 1 JDtii} uniiii au« 1110 ««o unuuif and pursue ynnr usual occupation whilst taking tlicm without fear of takinerohl.during all kinds of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are tvngered that more genuine certificates (from phvsi cian*. Clergymen, Members of Congress and respectable citizens) can be procuced of their efficacy than any other. Forty Pills in a Box!! and sold at twenty-five cents a box. with directions and much wholesome advice accompanying each box, 'I hey no taste or unpleasant rtnell, Free from dust or powder of any kind. Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, Produce nosickneaa, vomiting or bad feelings, Ti.ey arc good at all times, And adapted to most diseases common to mankind. Noone having once taken them will be willing afterwards to take any oilier*, because thev always do good, and if they do not then no others will. Dr. N. B. LEIDY Propriety ana Mannlacturer, is a regular Druggist. Chemist and Physician, of fifteen years experience ill Philadelphia ; Graduate of the Uni verxitv of Pennsylvania; Memlter of different Medical Institutions of Philadelphia, New fork, Boston, Baltimore &c., and associate and corresponding memlter of several Medical Institutions of London and Paris.hence the reason of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and their being recommended in the practice of most respectable physicians throughout the United Stales. {Or Principal Depot, I)r. Leidy's Dispensary, No. 114 N>rth Fourth st", Ptiiladeaphia.and sold wholesale and retail at McKAlN'S Drug Store. Cantden ; TOLAND Sc CURTIS, Columbia; Mll.k ER &. BOSSAKD. Sumterville ; Dr. MA I. LOW Oberaw; PR4TT&JAMES. Newberry ; RUFF & RF.EDY.Cheslerville ; J. L. YO-NGUE, Winsboro; H. H. WEST, IJnionville ; I)r. P. M.. COHEN and CLEVELAND, Charleptnn; and by most Druggists & Storekeepers in the United States. Aug. 20,1850. GO 12m FEMALE FILLS, For Females only, Invaluable to young, married and tingle* DK. LEIDl'S Restorative and Monthly Pills. Price 25 cts. a Box. Accompanied with a small pamphlet, con* taining full directions, useful hints, informa tion and advice t < lemalcs from youth or puberty to old age. Nature will be much assisted by their use, in anticipation of certain periods, or where there is irregularity, suppression or absence of the natural changes, and will relieve the suffering, pain and distress common to many at those periods. There are other times, also, when the married and single will find them useful .. -i .l _ .r aioiueri* no nui iniM.ihi* uic «iiiiii»b v>i »uui daughters; when afflicted with Head-ache, Dizziness, Fainting. Loss of Appetite, Sickness of the Stomach, Pains in the Sides or Breasts, Pains alotig the Br.ck, Spine or across the Loins, Hysterical or Nervous feeling, Depression or laiwuess ol the Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise and society, Palpitation of Heart, Bleeding at the nose &c- Too often are medicines given them for Liver complaints, D spepsia, Consumption, &.C., when lie real cause is not suspected; and through imroper medicines and treatment their constituions are destroyed; and their constitutions are de stmved, and they become miserable during life. Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore and elsewhere know the efficacy of those Pills, and many could be referred to, hut delicacy and respect to the sex forbids it. Sold whob sale and retail at Dr. Leidy's Dispeusarv, No 114 North Fourth Street, Plnlada.. also by J. R. .IfcKain, Camden; Toland Curtis, Columbia; Black & Khny, Orangeburg; Dr. P. M. Cohen and Dr. J. A. Cleaveland, Charleston; and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. / ug. '20 66 ly A Complete Stock of HOSIER V J.m GLOVES. CONTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace Mitts, Long and Half Long do.; a beautitul article of Glasse Silk Gloves, all colors, to match Dret-ses; misses' and childrei's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do., all s>zes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; tnerinc Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, burkskin and cashmere Gloves, in fact, every thing desirable in the above depart' mem'a. at JAMES WILSON'S. Fancy Articles. COLOGNE, I .avender, Florida, Honey and Ro«e Water, Jenny Lind, Omnibus. Portrait. Parisian. N^mph. U intlenr .inH Pnlm Snrn l.nhin'a Rrtrnrt rowiniiin*«1 nf Je.nnv I.ind, Jorky Club, Bromnet de aniline, Hedyonmia, Migoionette, We«i End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hair Glos* ; Queen of Flower* Hair Oil; Hauel'i and Round'* Eau l.ustrnlc ; Hear'* Oil. Philnromb", Ox Marrow Pomade, for the growth and Beauty of the Hair; Phalonn Chemical Hair Invigorator&c &c. Just received at Z. J. DeHAY'S. NEW FALLGOODS. M. DRUCKER & CO. ARE now just opening their large and new pup* ply of seasonable Good?, consistitig' in part of Cloths. cassiroeres, sattinels, vesting*, linens Plain and figured alpacca, mouselin de Laines, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses A LSI) A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very beet and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be lound in the town The above Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and will he sold as always, at the very lowest prices. Oct. 29. Superior Jlmturd, IN quarter and half pound boxes; White Mustard See I; Ginger; Black and Red Peperdt Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; loevs; Cinnamon, For sale by Z. J. DeHAY. A Kepeer of the Poor Boose WANTED. APPLICATIONS will be received for a Keeper for the Poor House until the first Saturday in January next, on which day an election will be held for that office. Applications must be left with the Secretary. g3F*A Negro Man, of good character is also wanted fbr tho Poor House, for whom good wages will be paid. W. E. HUGH SON, Sec'y. Dee. 19. 0b ft The Great Cough Remedy. Far the Cere ef COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION The annals of medical science, affording as they do ample j>ro«>! <.f the power and value of many medical agents, have furnished no examples to compare with the salutary effects produced by "AYFR'.S CLERRY PECTORAL." The remarkable cures or ttie disease of the Lungs which have been realized by Us use, altested as they are by many prominent, professors and physicians in this and foreign lands, should encourrge the afflicted to persevere with t e strong as I..» , l,. urill relieve and ultimately cure lliem. We prettf tit to the public unsolicited testimonials from some of the first men in our countrv, upon whose judgement and experience implicit contidcnce may be placed. Dr PERKINS, President Vl. Medical College, one of the most Icatned and intelligent physicians in the country, considers it a 'composition of rare excellence for the cure of that formidable disease, Consumption." Norwich, April 26, 1846. Dr. J. C. Ayer.Dear !Sir :.Agreeable to ihe request of your agent, we will cheerfully state what we have known »1 the effects of'your CHEIU KY PECTORAL and they have hern astonishing indeed. Mrs. Betsey Streeler had been afflicted with a severe and relentless cough, which reduced her very low ; so low that little In.pe could be entertained of her recovery. Numerous remedies had been irieu wiumut eneci, uetore ilie cnerry Pectoral. And that has cured lie . Genrge Watkinson Esq., had to our knowledge been ailiir.ied with asthma, lor eleven years, and grown yearly worse, until the Cherry Pectoral has now removed the disease and lie is us free from any of its symp toms as we are. The Rev. Mark Dane had been so severely attacked with the titonclntie, as 'o disable him from his duties, and nothing had afforded liiiu relief until I (Mr. Tliorniag ) carried him a bottle of your Pectoral, which cured linn at once, and he now officiates as usual in this place. These are three of the cases in winch we havf kdown it successful, but never tail. W< have great pleasure in certifying ,o these facts ; and aie respected sir, your humble servants. KER. I) TJIORMNG. HON. J. BATTLES. Among the distinguished authorities wlm have given their names to recommend "Cherry Hector a!," as the best remedy that is known f«»r the A: lections of the lungs, are "London Laurel," "fa. nadia Journal ol Medical Science," "iloMou Medical and Surg'cal Journal," "Charleston (S. S) Med cal Review," "New Jeisev ,1/edical Report. er,'# Prof. Webster, Harvard College, Prof, Bart. lett, Transnlvania University ol Mccicine. President Perkins, Vermont Medical College, Ur. Valentine .l/ntt. New York City, l'arker t levelamJ, Dowdon College, Prof. ButiertieM, VVil lough by College, Ohio, Pi of. Braithwaiie, Leeds (Eng.) Medical School, Sir Richard Kane, Queen's College, Ireland, Prof. Rosenbautn, l.eipsic. The public have but to know the virtues and astonishing success of the "Cherry Pectoral," in curing diseases ol the lungs, when they will I'eel secure from these dangers, whenever this reined) can be obtained. Prepared by J. 0. AYER, Chimist, Lowell Mass and so d in Camden at McKAlN'S Drug Store ami by Drngi-ts generally throughout the Unite States Iter. U>, 97 3m Memphis Institute. Iflumt.iL DEPAKTittUIKT. Tllli regular course of Lectures in this Inslit'.te wil. comiiieuce on lhe First of November, and < outinue until tlie last of February The Anatomical department will he opened and ready to receive students by tin-First ol October The Medical Departu ent will be under thedirecion of the following rivL/r Laauiw: J. CONQUEST CROSS. M I). Professor of the In. slilutex »f Medicine* und Medical Jurisprudence. W. IURU POWELL. M. 1).. Prfessor of Cerebral Physiology. Medical Geology and Mineralogy. K. S. NEWTON. M. I).. Professor of Surgery II. J. III.'LCE, M I)., Professor of Tltoory and Practice of Medicine. * J. A. WILSON. M. I', Professor of Obstetrics and Disease* nf Women and Children. J. KING. M. U., Professor of Materia Medicia, and therapeutic*. Z, FREEMAN. M. D.. Professor of Anatomv. J MILTON SANDERS, A. M., M, D.t Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. CLIMQUK LECITRIiRS. MEDICINE-PROF. II J. 1ILLCE SUKGERV.PROF. R.'S. NEWTON. Z- FREEMAN, M D., Anatomical Demonstrator. The lees lor a lull course of lectured amount to 8105. Eeach Professor's Ticket, §15. ,1/atriculator's 85. Demonstrator's Foe 810. Graduation, $20. Those desiring further iuforinalitin wil please address their letters (popt paid) to the Dean; and students arriving in the city will please call on liiut i-< :-l 1 l-.-l at iub uuuimerciai uoici. U. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of the Faculty LAW DEPARTIQENT. HON. K. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory on Practice of Law NOIL V. D. BARRY, Professor of Commercial Jurisprudence- Terms.8>0 per Session. All communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Esq. Memphis, Tenn., March letoU. The Faculties, lor intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare fav< rahle with the most distinguished in our coun try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country.all of them are able lecturers and the best of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent ol our popmation, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of oui situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that ant other city has moke. A common error exists in the mindsofmany students relative to the place of studying medicine; those who intend practicing among the diseases ol the West and South should certainly educate themselves ata school whose faculty are practically acquainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this sell! ol, we feel it our duty to state, tliaf the Trustees and faculty form a unit in action which augurs well for its future success; and that the peculiar internal organization which connects them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING. President of the Metpphia Institute. July IT, 1S50. 18 ; ly \' ' # V \f ^ « jr; KCff % Staple and Fancy Goods. ^ THE subscribers are now opening a complete ^ assortment of Staple aud Fancy Goods, purchaied willi much care, which they will dispose of _ on tlicir usual liLeral terms, .They cuiissist iu p; it, as foi.ows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Duttil lilaiikets SuperK4 to 14-4 L<iub'x Wool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negrn Liiispyp, very heavy and stout Plaid L n»' y-; Wool Cloth lor women's wear i rot lis aud Cassimeres. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Caxsimeres Sattinets, assorted colors ft Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vesting* Fancy Cnssimerea Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and laucy striped Muslin* Furniture aud cambric Dimity L* n i : rurniiuie r rin^j cuuuii cam unco (Jolured iind black cambrics Silks aud Faiicy Articles. E'egant plain and water'd black silks " plain, figured and w aler'd colored silk» 44 Clieua figured dress silks. very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Inserting!? and Edgings Linen-cambric Handkerchiefs Ribbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super black and meredian black Alpachas Striped and cross-harM colored A!pachas DOMESTICS, 3-4, 7-8 and 5-5 bleached and orown Shirtings 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings While and unbleached Drills &lriped and plaid colored Homespuns Bed Tick's Aprou checks; coll on Ozoaburgs LINEXS. Super an assorted Irish Linens M Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths * Damask Diaper; Damark Napkins " Bird-eye aud Russia Diapers ' also Dundet and Gunny Bagging Bale Rope and Twice; Iron; Salt "Sugar, Cuftee, Molasses Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Sctcvv P ates, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hues, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks With a complete assoruueut of Hardware and r> . t """"-'J Willi inaiiv other hrlicle^ too tedinun to enumerate. II. LEVY 4r SON. ' ^ 8ept. 17* 7-1 Hot DRY GOODS. THE Kub*crihe.ni Imve received tbcir WIN PER SUPPLY. confining in part, of FANCY DRESSES.Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded labradnre. for Evening Dmec*. t'aclunere Merinea und Mowaeiin de Inin, plain and printed; black and hut1 oy Silk., Puris and Englb-h Print*, French and Scutch Cinghant*. MOl'U.NING DRESSES.Royal Tonr. Satin Royal, Satin de Cliene, cm. de Rhine. French Poplin. Botnhaain Mnwsclin de l^iin, Alpucca, CinglmnM, French and Eagli.-h Print.*. TRl.MMINtiS.Of every variety, to rait the above. SUNDRIES. Black and fi»o-y Hiebit, CaHnnere and woolen ShawN, worked Mutdin nod I .are Capet and Col*' turn Infnm'n unrtnl llntHm and llalin. IJnrn Cambric H'dkf*.. Mn*lin, Trimming*, In great variety.) Thread ijire. Cap Uilihnn*. (dove* am! Milt* of all Kind*, tloae, (n large a*snrtmetit.) long and *hort aleere Merino Teat*. Marseille* lied and Crib Quill*. Table, Piano and Toilet. Covers. 6-4 ami 16-4 L)nnui*k Table Cover*. Datrauk mad colored toy lie*. Netted Tidies, 6-4 to 12-4 Linen Shreda|b J-.S to Pillow 6-4Ca>e Linen. 5-4 to 12-4 bleached and iruwn Cotton Slieetiug. Furniture Cliint* and UiOMiy, Curtain Dimitr. Furniture fringe. India Rubber Sheeting rreiie'ii Bed Hlnnket*. 6 4 to 14-4 Floor Clotli. Scotch Carpeting. A large assortment of bleached and brown Good*. C. teck«. Ticking, Lineey*, &c. &c. FLANNELS.Genuine. Rodger*. Real Wc]»h, Saionjr, Shaker'* all \\«*>l and *ilk warp, all wool and Doaaec, > White. Red ami fellow, of every description. For Men's Wear. Bln< k. brown, blue, green, olive and drab Cloth; fancy and black CHwumere*. *ilk and Caclimere Veating*, buffitlo « loth, for (hooting C<mt*; Glove*, of every variety; Cravat*; Pocket Handkerchief*; Half Hose. Under Shirta and Drawer*; ready made Shirt* and Collar*; SuspenI dear Hat*- Cap*. &c- Ac. * , A large a*aortmenl of Good* for Boy'* and Servanta wear Georgia Plains, Cordova do. BlaakeU, McDOWALL & COOPER. Oct. 29. 85 If ' y, ITam* VATI AaaJM * 11CW fttU UWUD. TIII'j subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving Ins Fall supply of Groceries, Domestics, Ac. Consisting in part, of the following articles, vjy. . . Brown, crushed, loaf and clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Coffee v* Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 2 and 3 Mackarel Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes ** PowderrShot, Lt ad, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and cotriirnou^Tobacco Bagging, Ro>c and Twine. Men and bov's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Hames, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips also Crockery, Glass and Hardware Collins* best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks IVavrA rintli. Bleached and brown Horee^puns Bed, Negro and Ridiug BLANKETS ALSO. A few cases of man and boys Hat*, and Caps With all other articles usually foundlh a well rapplied Grocery and Hardware etors^all of which, will be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 U Kr*Tlie Sumter Banner and True Southron will eOff for three month*. 7 Rock Salt. For pale by H. LEVY & SON. Distinguished Arrivals !! I TAKE pleasure in announcing the safe arrivals of a splendid variety ot Fall and Winter Goods. Amongst which are, the newest styles of Front*. l/HBIIIUtjrcn an** A*»wi«ocw4ii»vr*» »» niOU UU VHtNVM^. Alpaccas, Mohairs, Cameieons,Coburgs, Drap Lyons, changeable Parramattas, sol id color d Me rinoes, and Mouseelines, and a lot of Mtin striped v Dress Goods, at 20 cents per yard. Oct* 1. JAMBS WILSON. JSffJ-teelL--*, ie ami Window^Hasa; all of which are wanranN ed of the beat quality, and will.be sold tower t^an at any eetabhsnment in the pfroe, Thoee vrha, buy for cash'wlH -find it werjr'itmah to Mr adTtn* A .. * .1

The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1851 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042796/1851-01-10/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as

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Page 1: The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1851 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042796/1851-01-10/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as


aao. ...ra:

IFor the Rrmovnl mid Fernianeiil Cure or all

NERVOUS DISEASES,And of thnee Complaint* which are canned by an impaired

weakened or uulieulth) condition of the

NKRVOUS SYSTRM.Tliia beantifiil and convenient application of the myateriooa

power* of GALVANISM and A1AUNKTISM, ha* been pronouncedby diitingnuhed pliyticiau*, both in Kurope and theI'nited State*. to be the wtl caluaLU mtdicinal ditcocery wfthr Jige.


MAGNETIC FLUID,is used with the most perfect end certain success in all


Stiwogtaening the weakened body, giving tone to the virion


from one sinple cause.namely,A Derangement of the Nervous System.

(K7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medicinescreese the disease. for they weaken the vital energies of the

already prostrated system'; while nnrfer the strengthening,life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as applied bythia beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhsnsted patientand weakated sufferer is restored to former health, strength,elasticity and vigor.The grestpeculiarity and excellence of

Or. Christie'a Galvanic Curative*,consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by atrt

ward in place ol me uatiai moae m

physicking Dm patient, till exbauated Nature sink* hopelesslyunder the tnflicteon

They ttrenqtken the whole system. equalize the circulation oflitHood, promote tit orerelious, and never do tie tlitHeit iujurjunder any eircumitance*. Since their introduction in theUnited State*, only three yeeri since more than

60,000 Personsincluding ell tgei, clean* and condition*, among which were

a large number of ladie*. who are peculiarly inbject to Nerron* Complaints, hare been

SWTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CUBED,when all hope of relief had been given up, and every thingelse been tried in Tain !

Toillustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, tuppocethe cese of a person adllcted with that bane of civilization,DY8PKP8IA, or any other Chronic or Natron* Disorder. I»ordinary eases, attmwlani* are taken which, bv their action on

the nervda and muscle* of the stomach, afford temporary reliedhot which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injuredfaculties, after the action thus excited has ceased. Now compereDue with the edect resulting from the application o< theGALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic suflerer, even in theworee symptosa* of an attack, and simply tie the Belt around**. ' . " ti-:* .. i- . bk.V*

period the insensible perspiratiun will act on the positiveelement of die Belt fbaicby causing a Galvanic circulatioowhich will paw on to the negative, and thence back again tothe positive, thus keeping op a continuous Galvanic cuculaborthroughout the system. Thus the aaost severe cases ofDYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED A FEW DAYSIS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THED18EA8E OB YEARS.

CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALSOf the most Undoubted Character,

From all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient to AUevery column in this paper!

AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE,Which oowchlvivaiy proves that

"Truth la stranger than Fiction."


of New Jersey, tf distinguished attninmeuts and esaltadreputation :. ,

8idkkt, Naw Jersey, July 13, IMS.Da. A. JLCitatt is.Dear Sir: You wish to know of ma

what has bean the i knit in my ownmse, of the application ofmr on vivir v.n t ivn arni irv iL n..

follow*:For about twenty yeer* I had boon suffering from Dyspepsia.Every year the symptom* became wont, nor could I

obtain pomanant relief from any course of madteal treatmentwhatever. About /sunus years since, in consequence offrequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge of my pee.toral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Rbeuasatiaic,which tor year after year, caused me indescribableanguish. Farther: in the winter of 'to and '46, in consequanoeof preaching a gnat deal in my own end various otherehurahae in this region. I was attacked by the Brouchitii,which eoan became so severe as to require an immediate suspensionof my pastoral imbora My ntrvtui spriest was set*


tkoT9*gklj mrttfUd, and as my Bronchitis became wont, so*

* also did my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection.thus evincingthat these disorders were connected with each other throughthe medium of the Nervous System. In the whole pharmacopesiathere seemed to be no remedial agent which couldreach and recuperate my Narvoua System ; every thing that Ihad triad for this purpose bed completely foiled. At lest Iwas tod by my friends to examine your inventions, and (thoughwith an very sanguine hope* of their efficiency,) I determinedto try the aflbct of the application of the GALVANIC BELTAND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This wasin June, ISM. Te kv suit sstorishmkwt, in two davs mtDtstevsla had sent; in eioht davs 1 was wasled t*SllliSI MT VASTOSea LABOBS , HOS ISATX 1 SIBCB OMITTED

a ssncLB saavicc en sececnr er tmc BaoncaiTie, Ann mtRmKUMATIC AFFBCTIOn MA* rkftbelt CBASKD to teocblt ME.Such is the wonderful aod hafcmf gtouhs of the experiment

I hare recommended the BELT and FLUID to many whohave boon likswiss sufferiag tram Neuralgic affection* Theyhare tried them, witm hattx besults, i believe, in ktbet

I an, dear air, eery respectfully yours,« EGBERT W. LANDIB.

*Tic Dolorem aad Nemalgia.. -Tteee dreadftil and agonizing complaint* are immediately

relieved by the application of the Galvanic Bu t, Nvcelacband Fluid. Tbe Belt diffntet the Electricity through thesystem; the Necklace ha* a local effect, and the Fluid actadirectly upon tbe affected nervea In theae diitreeaingeviction* the application NEVER FAILS.

FIT8 AND CONVUL8ION8.Thee* alarming ami terrible complaints are alwaya caasej

?y a derangement of the h'trrti tne Bi:lt, Bsscklrti andu'id will care nearly every caae. no matter how young or

aid tbe patient, or how confirmed the complaint. Numeroustnd astonishing proofs in in possession of the proprietor.

SMany hundred 'y'rtificales from ell parts of the conntffbmoat extraordinary cliaractar can be given, if required.

Q&- No trouble or inconvenience attend* the u*e of DB.CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC ARTICLES, end tliey maybe worn by the most feeble end delictte with perfect ease andsafety. In many case* the sensation attending their use ishighly plcaiaiii and agreeable. They can be sent to any pertof tbe country.

. Prices:The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollara,The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollara,The Gslesnln Rrsrnlsts rtna Tlnllsr Tlsnh.Th# Magnetic Fluid, On* Dollar.

0(f- The article) are accompanied by full and plain dir*o>tioni PatnphleU with full particular) may ba had of th*authorized Agent

PARTICULAR CAUTION.to- Bewail of Counter/till and ll'nrt/il, it Imitations


133 Brnadwny, flew York.

For sale in Camden bv the aujtohized AgentsJAMES R. McKAIN.

F. L. ZEMP.In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN.

InColumbia by BOATRIGHT & MIOT.

w.'hTh workman,ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oamden, 0. C.

(Office immedialrly in rear nf the Court House.)WILL ATTEND THE COURTS OP

Darlington nntl Sumter Districts.Business entrusted to him will meet with promptcartful attention. July aft.

Negro Shoes.We have now on naqd, a large supply of

Black and Russctt Pegged Brogan*and Stitch-down Shoes,

Of our otrn manufacture which we call recommendas faithfully made and of the best material.

Band and Harness leatherBlar* and Russett Upp r leatherCalf Sl-ins, Kip SkinsBuffed Kip lor saddle covers, &c.

And for sale bvOct. 4. C


Ladies Gloves.VTOW receiving Ladies Glovea, of every depoription andJ> qimlitv. E. NY. BONNEY'

Sept. 17. 74If

Victims of Dyspepsia, Look H9reDR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND.

This Medicine is offered to the public generally from a

foil conviction that it is superior to any other now in use,for the cure of Dvspepsiu. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility.Bodily weakness. &c.

Prepared o llv bv the proprietors, fi. W.'ALLEN. M D-,Philadelphia.and J. A. & W. L. CLEVELAND, No. 207King Street, Charleston, S. f.None Centime unless signed by Dr. O. W. ALLEN, and

ennntereigned by J. A. <fc W. L. CLEVELAND Thebottles having the words "Allen's Dyspeptic .MedicinePhila.. blown on the glass.Sole agent for Camden, Z.J. DkHAY,Sept 20, 1850. 75ly


MR. Z. J. DeIIAY.Dear Sir.I feel it a dutywhich f owe to society »t large, and those

who suffer \vi h Dyspepsia in particular, to add mytestimony to the virtue of Allen's Compound, notfor the sake of aeeini* my name in print, but forTruth's sake. I procured a bottle of you last June,which relieved me fo much that I waa induced to

try eecon I, which completed what the first began.my appetite, which before was insatiable, becamenatural and regular, and I now enjoy betterhealth than I had done for three years previous to

using that invaluable n edicine. You are perlectlyat liberty to make whatever use of this you please.

Respectfully yours, Z MARSHALL.Chesterfield, H, l'., Dec. 10, 1650. 98

20,000 PAIRS OF

BOOT AND SHOES.rFX) BK li AD at the New Shoe Store, and willJL be eold lower than any ever before offeredin this market.having paid the cash lor eveiy article,and selected from the best and largest man.

fuacturers in the United Slates, we flatter our.

selves that no one can fail to be pleaded in quantity,quality and price. The stock consists in part,pa follows.Jlen'a fme Calf stitched Boots" " " Pump Boots ." 44 Waterproof do cork soles

44"44 do stitched aid qnilted soles200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from $4 50 to $6 01)2 M) " ' " and Kip pegged Boots, from 82 to $5 00Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes $2 to 84 00

" * a kJ i loth Congress Boots $3 to $4 50" " " Jerrev Ties, 83 to ?3 5044 44 44 pegged Bootees. 8' to 82 00

44 Kip " 44 75c to 81 00Youth's Kip pegged Bootees. 50c to75c

Calf " 44 75c to 81 0044 44 Boots assorted44 Kip 44 44

| Ladle*' Department.Fine f>ilk Gaiters, black and colored

'* satin " " **

" lasting " ""

" ' *' welts and black" " Half (jailers, welts and black" ' " " colored and black

Welt " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy" " without 'i'ips, for cttrns

" Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and MoroccoI'ump "

Kid and Enameled ExcelsiorsKid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskiu*Taylor Ties. PumpFine Kid Slipper*, with RosettesFine Morrocco >lippers and l iesFine Ties nnd Buskins, WeltsFine Morocco do doKid extra wide Slip* and TiesGoat Buskins and Tie*. WeltsGoat BootsMis*:;*' black and colored Gaiters

4 Ll..« anil KsfKt <«/tlris*ul I Inl f Hft ilppfl" black, blue and Drouxu Bootees" black and colored Slipper**" Goat Booteea, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes

Children's Shoes and Boots, assortedTogether with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies'

and Children's Shoes, too numerous to mention.also

Fine TRAVELING TRUNKS. CARPET RAGS,VALICES, HATS and CAPS. All of which will positivelybe sold lower titan the lowest for cash.

{tTrCall and see for yonreelves, at the NEW SHOESTORE of


J :S. B. KERSHAW,Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity,

CAMDEN, S. C.Will attend the « ourtu of Kershaw, Sumter,

Fairfield, Darlington and IiSncaater Districts.

Phalon's Chemical Hair Invigorator,T^V)R preventing BALDNESS, and to retore theX? Hair that has fallen off or become thin, andto cure effectually, Scurf or Dandruff. Forsale by Z. J. DtHA Y.

July 2. 52tf

c. «athMn;BANK A GEN T.

Ax his oi.n standoppo siTR Davis's Hotel

Faint fc Varnish Brashes; Sash Tool6Feather Dusters &c &c.

THE mbscriher has just received from Philadelphia afull and select assortment of the alwve articles, t«

which he invites the attention <*f the Painters and others.Z. J. DeHAV.

FAKE REDUCED TO g20 FKOiVCharleston to New York.

The. Great Mail Route from Charleston, S. CLEAVINGthe wharf at the foot of Laurens at.

daily at 3, p. rn. after the arrival of the South,ern cars, via Wilmington and Weldon, Petersburg,Richmond, to Washington, Baltimore, PhiladelrtkiaatiX ta Matu VavrLr

auu u' new m wi 11.

The public is respectfully informed that thesteamers of this Sine, from Ch -rlesion to Wi].minglon, are in first rate condition, and are navigatedby well known and experienced command*era, and the Railroads are in fine order, therebyseeurin«ri>o:h safety and despatch. A THROUGHTICKET having already been in operation willbe continued on and after the first of Oct. 1-49,as 8 permanent arrangement from Charleston toNew York. Passengers availing themselves thereof will have the option to continue without delaythrough the route or otherwise, tostop at any immediatepoints, renewing their seats on the line tosuit their convenience. By this route travellersmay reach New York on the third day during businesshours. Baggage will be ticketed on boardthe sterner to Weldon, an likewise on the changeof cars at the intermediate points from thence toNew York* Through Tickets can alone be hadof E- WIN SLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and

Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of theCompany, foot of Laurens street, to whom pleaseapply. For other informatio inquire of

L. C. DUNCAN,at the American Hotel.

May 9, 84tf

AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS.The envy of all Pill manufacturers,

Because they are safer, better and more efficacious thannny others : and because the public will take no othersif they can obtain them.

500(000 B^xesliave been sold nnnunllv for the last five years.

YOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE,can always take them with equal safetv. without fear.

IF PILLS BE NECESSARYfor purgingnnd cleansing the Stomach and Bowels, andpurifying the Blood and fluids of the body, take no others.for no other pills produce those combined effects, of contain#A'nniaporilla in tliern

rl. * ll«r« no nana 1JDtii} uniiii au« 1110 ««o unuuif

and pursue ynnr usual occupation whilst taking tlicmwithout fear of takinerohl.during all kinds of weather.

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARSare tvngered that more genuine certificates (from phvsician*. Clergymen, Members of Congress and respectablecitizens) can be procuced of their efficacy than any other.

Forty Pills in a Box!!and sold at twenty-five cents a box. with directionsand much wholesome advice accompanying each box,

'I hey no taste or unpleasant rtnell,Free from dust orpowder of any kind.Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels,Produce nosickneaa, vomiting or bad feelings,Ti.ey arc good at all times,And adapted to most diseases common to mankind.

Noone having once taken them will be willing afterwardsto take any oilier*, because thev always do good, and iftheydo not then no others will.Dr. N. B. LEIDY Propriety ana Mannlacturer,is a regular Druggist. Chemist and Physician, of fifteenyears experience ill Philadelphia ; Graduate of the Univerxitv of Pennsylvania; Memlter of different Medical Institutionsof Philadelphia, New fork, Boston, Baltimore&c., and associate and corresponding memlter of severalMedical Institutions of London and Paris.hence the reasonof the greater confidence placed in his pills, and their

being recommended in the practice of most respectablephysicians throughout the United Stales.{Or Principal Depot, I)r. Leidy's Dispensary, No. 114

N>rth Fourth st", Ptiiladeaphia.and sold wholesale andretail at McKAlN'S Drug Store. Cantden ; TOLAND ScCURTIS, Columbia; Mll.k ER &. BOSSAKD. Sumterville; Dr. MA I.LOW Oberaw; PR4TT&JAMES. Newberry; RUFF & RF.EDY.Cheslerville ; J. L. YO-NGUE,Winsboro; H. H. WEST, IJnionville ; I)r. P. M.. COHENand CLEVELAND, Charleptnn; and by most Druggists& Storekeepers in the United States.

Aug. 20,1850. GO12m

FEMALE FILLS,For Females only,

Invaluable to young, married and tingle*DK. LEIDl'S

Restorative and Monthly Pills.Price 25 cts. a Box.

Accompanied with a small pamphlet, con*

taining full directions, useful hints, information and advice t < lemalcs from youth or pubertyto old age.

Nature will be much assisted by their use, inanticipation of certain periods, or where there isirregularity, suppression or absence of the naturalchanges, and will relieve the suffering, pain anddistress common to many at those periods. Thereare other times, also, when the married and singlewill find them useful

..-i .l _ .raioiueri* no nui iniM.ihi* uic «iiiiii»b v>i »uui

daughters; when afflicted with Head-ache, Dizziness,Fainting. Loss of Appetite, Sickness of theStomach, Pains in the Sides or Breasts, Pains alotigthe Br.ck, Spine or across the Loins, Hystericalor Nervous feeling, Depression or laiwuess olthe Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise andsociety, Palpitation of Heart, Bleeding at the nose

&c- Too often are medicines given them for Livercomplaints, D spepsia, Consumption, &.C., whenlie real cause is not suspected; and through imropermedicines and treatment their constituionsare destroyed; and their constitutions are destmved, and they become miserable during life.Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New

York, Boston, Baltimore and elsewhere know theefficacy of those Pills, and many could be referredto, hut delicacy and respect to the sex forbids it.

Sold whob sale and retail at Dr. Leidy's Dispeusarv,No 114 North Fourth Street, Plnlada..also by J. R. .IfcKain, Camden; Toland Curtis,Columbia; Black & Khny, Orangeburg; Dr. P. M.Cohen and Dr. J. A. Cleaveland, Charleston; andby Druggists and Storekeepers generally.

/ ug. '20 66lyA Complete Stock of

HOSIERVJ.m GLOVES.CONTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace

Mitts, Long and Half Long do.; a beautitularticle of Glasse Silk Gloves, all colors, to matchDret-ses; misses' and childrei's Gloves all sizes.

Hosiery.Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton

Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do.,all s>zes.

Ladies' Merino and silk VestsMen's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; tnerincShirts and Drawers; boy's do.Men's kid, silk, burkskin and cashmere Gloves,

in fact, every thing desirable in the above depart'mem'a. at JAMES WILSON'S.

Fancy Articles.

COLOGNE, I .avender, Florida, Honey and Ro«e Water,Jenny Lind, Omnibus. Portrait. Parisian. N^mph.

U intlenr .inH Pnlm Snrn l.nhin'a Rrtrnrt rowiniiin*«1 nfJe.nnv I.ind, Jorky Club, Bromnet de aniline, Hedyonmia,Migoionette, We«i End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind HairGlos* ; Queen of Flower* Hair Oil; Hauel'i and Round'*Eau l.ustrnlc ; Hear'* Oil. Philnromb", Ox Marrow Pomade,for the growth and Beauty of the Hair; PhalonnChemical Hair Invigorator&c &c. Just received at

Z. J. DeHAY'S.


ARE now just opening their large and new pup*ply of seasonable Good?, consistitig' in part of

Cloths. cassiroeres, sattinels, vesting*, linensPlain and figured alpacca, mouselin de Laines,Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses


A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very beetand cheapest bleached and brown Muslin

to be lound in the townThe above Goods have been selected with the

greatest care, and will he sold as always, at thevery lowest prices. Oct. 29.

Superior Jlmturd,

IN quarter and half pound boxes; White MustardSee I; Ginger; Black and Red PeperdtSpice; Nutmegs; Mace; loevs; Cinnamon,For sale by Z. J. DeHAY.

A Kepeer ofthe Poor BooseWANTED.

APPLICATIONS will be received for a Keeperfor the Poor House until the first Saturday in

January next, on which day an election will beheld for that office. Applications must be leftwith the Secretary.g3F*A Negro Man, of good character is also

wanted fbr tho Poor House, for whom good wageswill be paid.

W. E. HUGHSON, Sec'y.Dee. 19. 0bft

The Great Cough Remedy.

Far the Cere ef


do ample j>ro«>! <.f the power and value of manymedical agents, have furnished no examples tocompare with the salutary effects produced by"AYFR'.S CLERRY PECTORAL."The remarkable cures or ttie disease of the

Lungs which have been realized by Us use, altestedas they are by many prominent, professors andphysicians in this and foreign lands, should encourrgethe afflicted to persevere with t e strong as

I..» , l,. urill

relieve and ultimately cure lliem.We prettf tit to the public unsolicited testimonialsfrom some of the first men in our countrv, uponwhose judgement and experience implicit contidcncemay be placed.Dr PERKINS, President Vl. Medical College,

one of the most Icatned and intelligent physiciansin the country, considers it a 'composition of rareexcellence for the cure of that formidable disease,Consumption."

Norwich, April 26, 1846.Dr. J. C. Ayer.Dear !Sir :.Agreeable to ihe

request of your agent, we will cheerfully statewhat we have known »1 the effects of'your CHEIUKY PECTORAL and they have hern astonishingindeed. Mrs. Betsey Streeler had been afflictedwith a severe and relentless cough, which reducedher very low ; so low that little In.pe could be entertainedof her recovery. Numerous remedieshad been irieu wiumut eneci, uetore ilie cnerryPectoral. And that has cured lie . Genrge WatkinsonEsq., had to our knowledge been ailiir.iedwith asthma, lor eleven years, and grown yearlyworse, until the CherryPectoral has now removedthe disease and lie is us free from any of its symptoms as we are. The Rev. Mark Dane had beenso severely attacked with the titonclntie, as 'o disablehim from his duties, and nothing had affordedliiiu relief until I (Mr. Tliorniag ) carried him a

bottle of your Pectoral, which cured linn at once,and he now officiates as usual in this place.These are three of the cases in winch we havf

kdown it successful, but never tail. W< havegreat pleasure in certifying ,o these facts ; and aie

respected sir, your humble servants.KER. I) TJIORMNG.HON. J. BATTLES.

Among the distinguished authorities wlm havegiven their names to recommend "Cherry Hectora!," as the best remedy that is known f«»r the A:lections of the lungs, are "London Laurel," "fa.nadia Journal ol Medical Science," "iloMou Medicaland Surg'cal Journal," "Charleston (S. S)Med cal Review," "New Jeisev ,1/edical Report.er,'# Prof. Webster, Harvard College, Prof, Bart.lett, Transnlvania University ol Mccicine. PresidentPerkins, Vermont Medical College, Ur. Valentine.l/ntt. New York City, l'arker t levelamJ,Dowdon College, Prof. ButiertieM, VVilloughbyCollege, Ohio, Pi of. Braithwaiie, Leeds (Eng.)Medical School, Sir Richard Kane, Queen's College,Ireland, Prof. Rosenbautn, l.eipsic.

The public have but to know the virtues and astonishingsuccess of the "Cherry Pectoral," in

curing diseases ol the lungs, when they will I'eelsecure from these dangers, whenever this reined)can be obtained.

Prepared by J. 0. AYER, Chimist, Lowell Massand so d in Camden at McKAlN'S Drug Store amiby Drngi-ts generally throughout the Unite States

Iter. U>, 973m

Memphis Institute.Iflumt.iL DEPAKTittUIKT.

Tllli regular course of Lectures in this Inslit'.tewil. comiiieuce on lhe First of November,and < outinue until tlie last of FebruaryThe Anatomical department will he opened andready to receive students by tin-First ol OctoberThe Medical Departu ent will be under thedirecionof the following

rivL/r Laauiw:J. CONQUEST CROSS. M I). Professor of the In.

slilutex »f Medicine* und Medical Jurisprudence.W. IURU POWELL. M. 1).. Prfessor of Cerebral

Physiology. Medical Geology and Mineralogy.K. S. NEWTON. M. I).. Professor of SurgeryII. J. III.'LCE, M I)., Professor of Tltoory and Practice

of Medicine. *J. A. WILSON. M. I', Professor of Obstetrics and Disease*nf Women and Children.J. KING. M. U., Professor of Materia Medicia, and

therapeutic*.Z, FREEMAN. M. D.. Professor of Anatomv.J MILTON SANDERS, A. M., M, D.t Professor of

Chemistry and Pharmacy.CLIMQUK LECITRIiRS.

MEDICINE-PROF. II J. 1ILLCESUKGERV.PROF. R.'S. NEWTON.Z- FREEMAN, M D., Anatomical Demonstrator.The lees lor a lull course of lectured amount to

8105.Eeach Professor's Ticket, §15. ,1/atriculator's

85. Demonstrator's Foe 810. Graduation, $20.Those desiring further iuforinalitin wil please

address their letters (popt paid) to the Dean; andstudents arriving in the city will please call on liiut

i-< :-l 1 l-.-lat iub uuuimerciai uoici.

U. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of the FacultyLAW DEPARTIQENT.

HON. K. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory on Practiceof LawNOIL V. D. BARRY, Professor of Commercial Jurisprudence-Terms.8>0 per Session.All communications pertaining to this departmentmust be addressed to

E. W. M. KING, Esq.Memphis, Tenn., March letoU.The Faculties, lor intellectual abilities, moral

worth and professional acquirements, will comparefav< rahle with the most distinguished in our coun

try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomalyin this or any other country.all of them are ablelecturers and the best of teachers.Those who will contemplate our geographical

position, and the extent ol our popmation, can haveno doubt as to the eligibility of oui situation for an

enterprise of the kind. As to health, includingall seasons of the year, we deny that ant othercity has moke.A common error exists in the mindsofmany

students relative to the place of studying medicine;those who intend practicing among the diseases olthe West and South should certainly educatethemselves ata school whose faculty are practicallyacquainted with those diseases.That the public may be satisfied of the permanencyof this sell! ol, we feel it our duty to state,

tliaf the Trustees and faculty form a unit in actionwhich augurs well for its future success; and thatthe peculiar internal organization which connectsthem, cannot be interrupted.

E. W. M. KING.President of the Metpphia Institute.

July IT, 1S50. 18 ;ly

\' '

# V\f

^« jr;

KCff %Staple and Fancy Goods. ^THE subscribers are now opening a complete ^

assortment of Staple aud Fancy Goods, purchaiedwilli much care, which they will dispose of_

on tlicir usual liLeral terms, .They cuiissist iup; it, as foi.ows:

WOOLENS.Heavy London Duttil lilaiiketsSuperK4 to 14-4 L<iub'x Wool Bed BlanketsHeavy all-wool Negro ClothsNegrn Liiispyp, very heavy and stoutPlaid L n»' y-; Wool Cloth lor women's wear

i rot lis aud Cassimeres.Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green

French ClothsSuperfine Doe-skin black CaxsimeresSattinets, assorted colors ft

Kentucky Jeans, do doElegant Fashionable Vesting*Fancy CnssimereaRed white and yellow Flannels

COTTON GOODS.PRINTS, of every descriptionFurniture Calicoes, very handsomeGinghams; Cross-bar'd and laucy striped Muslin*Furniture aud cambric DimityL* n i :rurniiuie r rin^j cuuuii camunco

(Jolured iind black cambricsSilks aud Faiicy Articles.

E'egant plain and water'd black silks" plain, figured and w aler'd colored silk»44 Clieua figured dress silks. very rich

Belts; elegant lace capesMuslin worked collars and sleevesVery handsome Inserting!? and EdgingsLinen-cambric HandkerchiefsRibbed silk Stockings; raw silk StockingsFrench merino, black and assorted colorsSuper black and meredian black AlpachasStriped and cross-harM colored A!pachas

DOMESTICS,3-4, 7-8 and 5-5 bleached and orown Shirtings12-4 bleached and unbleached SheetingsWhile and unbleached Drills&lriped and plaid colored HomespunsBed Tick's Aprou checks; coll on Ozoaburgs

LINEXS.Super an assorted Irish Linens

M Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths* Damask Diaper; Damark Napkins" Bird-eye aud Russia Diapers '

alsoDundet and Gunny BaggingBale Rope and Twice; Iron; Salt"Sugar, Cuftee, Molasses

Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. HammersSctcvv P ates, Trace-chains, Collins' AxesHues, Spades, Shovels, Manure ForksWith a complete assoruueut of Hardware and

r> . t""""-'J

Willi inaiiv other hrlicle^ too tedinun to enumerate.II. LEVY 4r SON. '

^8ept. 17* 7-1Hot

DRY GOODS.THE Kub*crihe.ni Imve received tbcir WIN PER SUPPLY.confining in part, ofFANCY DRESSES.Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocadedlabradnre. for Evening Dmec*. t'aclunere Merinea

und Mowaeiin de Inin, plain and printed; black and hut1oy Silk., Puris and Englb-h Print*, French and ScutchCinghant*.MOl'U.NING DRESSES.Royal Tonr. Satin Royal,

Satin de Cliene, cm. de Rhine. French Poplin. BotnhaainMnwsclin de l^iin, Alpucca, CinglmnM, French and Eagli.-hPrint.*.TRl.MMINtiS.Of every variety, to rait the above.SUNDRIES.Black and fi»o-y Hiebit, CaHnnere and

woolen ShawN, worked Mutdin nod I .are Capet and Col*'turn Infnm'n unrtnl llntHm and llalin. IJnrn CambricH'dkf*.. Mn*lin, Trimming*, In great variety.) Threadijire. Cap Uilihnn*. (dove* am! Milt* of all Kind*, tloae,(n large a*snrtmetit.) long and *hort aleere Merino Teat*.Marseille* lied and Crib Quill*. Table, Piano and Toilet.Covers. 6-4 ami 16-4 L)nnui*k Table Cover*. Datrauk madcolored toy lie*. Netted Tidies, 6-4 to 12-4 Linen Shreda|bJ-.S to Pillow 6-4Ca>e Linen. 5-4 to 12-4 bleached andiruwn Cotton Slieetiug. Furniture Cliint* and UiOMiy,Curtain Dimitr. Furniture fringe. India Rubber Sheetingrreiie'ii Bed Hlnnket*. 6 4 to 14-4 Floor Clotli. ScotchCarpeting. A large assortment of bleached and brownGood*. C. teck«. Ticking, Lineey*, &c. &c.FLANNELS.Genuine. Rodger*. Real Wc]»h, Saionjr,

Shaker'* all \\«*>l and *ilk warp, all wool and Doaaec, >White. Red ami fellow, of every description.

For Men's Wear.Bln< k. brown, blue, green, olive and drab Cloth; fancy

and black CHwumere*. *ilk and Caclimere Veating*, buffitlo« loth, for (hooting C<mt*; Glove*, of every variety;Cravat*; Pocket Handkerchief*; Half Hose. Under Shirtaand Drawer*; ready made Shirt* and Collar*; SuspenIdear Hat*- Cap*. &c- Ac. *


A large a*aortmenl of Good* for Boy'* and Servantawear Georgia Plains, Cordova do. BlaakeU,

McDOWALL & COOPER.Oct. 29. 85If



ITam* VATI AaaJM *

11CW fttU UWUD.

TIII'j subscriber respectfully informs bis friendsand the public generally, that he is now receivingIns Fall supply of

Groceries, Domestics, Ac.Consisting in part, of the following articles, vjy. .


Brown, crushed, loafand clarified SugarsNew Orleans and Muscovado MolassesRio and Java Coffee v*

Rice, Cheese, Bacon and LardNo. 2 and 3 MackarelCorn, Flour, Oats, SaltSwedes Iron of all sizes **

PowderrShot, Lt ad, Soaps, Starch, CandlesFine and cotriirnou^Tobacco

Bagging, Ro>c and Twine.Men and bov's Wagon SaddlesRiding and Waggon BridlesHames, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips


Crockery, Glass and HardwareCollins* best Axes, Nails, assorted sizePocket Knives, Knives and Forks

IVavrA rintli.

Bleached and brown Horee^punsBed, Negro and Ridiug BLANKETS

ALSO.A few cases ofman and boys Hat*,and CapsWith all other articles usually foundlh a well rappliedGrocery and Hardware etors^all of which,

will be sold exceedingly low for cash.B. W. CHAMBERS.

Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70UKr*Tlie Sumter Banner and True Southron will eOfffor three month*. 7

Rock Salt.For pale by H. LEVY & SON.

Distinguished Arrivals !!I TAKE pleasure in announcing the safe arrivals

of a splendid variety ot

Fall and Winter Goods.Amongst which are, the newest styles of Front*.l/HBIIIUtjrcn an** A*»wi«ocw4ii»vr*» »» niOU UU VHtNVM^.Alpaccas, Mohairs, Cameieons,Coburgs, DrapLyons, changeable Parramattas, sol id color d Merinoes, and Mouseelines, and a lot of Mtin striped vDress Goods, at 20 cents per yard.Oct* 1. JAMBS WILSON.

JSffJ-teelL--*, iee,ami Window^Hasa; all ofwhich are wanranNed of the beat quality, and will.be sold tower t^anat any eetabhsnment in the pfroe, Thoee vrha,buy for cash'wlH -find it werjr'itmah to Mr adTtn*

A .. * .1