liiVCTLISA .' C .IK ® JB.r S BEOS < j FKV1E auUicrlbers ore aoir receiving aaupvly of' Ji. English <>ar<ten Seeds, ofthe growth of 1333,' whiah'tuey can recommend witi. great confidence' to ihctr friend? and cuitoaji-f^ v ocjag frcih- 'and-1 genuine. * * . - ~ < - ^linohgjiriuch are tj>e following Early Outcli Cabbage. ''Garden Crcs^. . Iaiv Udua do Giant Aapiragreev>--| Latg« tiariy York do Curled Parsley, ' * SugttfT-oaf do Wuile S'llid t'cirry,- j l.xrg* Dnitobdad,. do v Large tjlabe A riteh >ke; Mountain . .. do Long O.-augc Carrot, Greta Glazed do Khrly Oi.tngd Uorff da Early Owfled Savoy, Sutn-tier BuehSqaaah Colvrart O? Collard*, Crook decked do (,'urk'd Scolcli K&ll* ftcd Clorcr StSsdr Early Cauliflower, Long ..White Oehra,.^v L*l£ do Short ,do Early VVhitc BrocoIi, June ^ P^aa, " Turpi-* tifl fcvijF viruii-ju ftvM "Bnai»k»f. do- -iUHjf iQaittea <#!<** p&t Early Soring Turtfip* Eafly Dww* .-Marrowltyj Lo&Vtlt Ouich'^ "* Urge ' * ^ t* Kirly do da* *-*" Dsrtirf I'roTtficI VclMnr Malfee* d»- . v .' r s do . i Vfafa XacTolk» do O.vca Impcri^. Abcnkeft, or Scotch do Jioyil DarfC^. Prolific do \eIJotr Hato Majp* do 'Carry - Speckled BcaOIa* I.IWC r^andil* aptrtabh e *'.\foha«ck * *"' "do . ** ^ 1'nrtVf di> - \ -do - Unrarf Trwldic, wbil# da i jv \2claad >~do While Kidney,d* I.ooff- Bicxl Boet, , Katl/.Choi*do, foOT-turnip " do ' J'-nc Liiy Pole * darYcBoi^Sufar do Pate * " Kngtilti tciiow # du . . j- Ssrljr Jlmjtn ^"COio'I. >"naieJ» Su£V Co J tva ^ «p { Wjutsllx . ^ I liarpc^indaor- ""' ,«la S-velliej^Sujar ParMip, J Vtreioi* Ifommonr' da" ef Oaetuifj « d®v {JSiriy While TttMOi^ra Scarlet Raduh, ^-j Corn, t* r bsorlct i&ort lop do. . j fjini da Long Salmoad do Sojij*. do v WUite To«'P Ptoilli'az Ooinris I R*d do £{J Mow "do * "I llbck Winter 4<r* '{ E+rtf rCibbtgo Ur»d Ccrifd S»*«fK '4 . . LeUucc £<*»* "Cocnmber,*' W^Ilc Carlo* do * Karlr da * '&> - .Jer. Sjd»dy - afr- ^Vcfdhljic., ffjrdy -Toiler da l>utch rdo Pcooeferan, or Carted j Mjgauip lJ«»num do Cwu, * * . r H iKt**ds Seed FidrCanUkrpoalfrlon 1 Largr Tooiatoe# r - ' Nutmeg ' cdo .v ] fcoodtaj FUjr Leek. (irrritCttaia do B uootlt Ortn^p do Pin-* Apjil© do R-d Ootda. fcnitii .do . lYlnic - do Set f*!itrd*'\VahT0W<ln ftr>ad O^fSag* Catraoe Pfjiper/. S*M BaH Toau|Loc«SiiajHfd do -- Ph.^e - .r IWl v _ . » do S:*«t Majorum Pdfpl£ Rgg Phut ^ * oo LrfWhdec Nuiturtiam Pol Mmjold Tryd TaJtJRfcotr»*fc * 4?atntj* TH<? above ca'-alo joa complete* the a«aoorocu*. «jf jweed for Uu>oluoate, a general Jrtock of |, wJiieh *il! al-jr«r«"be fc*ot on hand and void it ihr o<jaJ pnftea. - TOVSG Jk MKAtV - FRf&iif o'vMMN <9i5t50« ; ' «#,;* -id ,-. u*o '/iii «J* 'H *. A to i< FOil S.\i,£ by l\ rhoRXtON. ji «CA4*A «#« tAe fvi!otciag. \ £i{t; i urk-C/VUB^OC lci> do i do U*tcj» - d'l >iifljr W hit/* iuuui do Ho SjjvImT ilo d-v i^u;t <i lW ] do do | iM<xbu»hSQDA^I ; Bnsa lt<*w do «Ji» crook mtl do I l^lo UitflU f ?in Cruok. neck CmSu*, 4' Give* Gitxpd do <.Loo? Green Cucumber, l-JUtfc tku. davof <io I'.ufy do J] KaiJjr Loua. C»uii,5<wr«»r( l4r»c*fjr tl»?rkiftkK . "j ,J"- da I (Mr £** f White Brocoli, -< Gt"vnt or I' Srotrtt K*lcj iSr* &tad tv<u*r McJoo ] TUiixip;! *= 11 lieu tt&fa. or ' '* WjHtfrCrtracl, 1 Yctxnr ila«u do <' ffor owrrvtaf) Lorf* A'drfolk Ifeld do I^rsr Mark Mrloo ' Lite Plil Duich do C««lrlopv do AWrdmn tt teoteh do ftuUn*.* . do 4 ;YcHo« ikUJtfc do. v<^ruhl« Ojmtcr, (efc4o#hi(kd} *' * XiotoftiOft, - * .' i Rod a/jd Vijuw Otuooj | Large ifcji &pftr« While Lqgjisii j4oTUrd;, Ckjpane do Brown' do " floood soaoth T i«ston I^ijw fUmdem Spioi^r* <*«#dra Cnfect, * | IV»4ftd v .V - 4* iVtfmrntam. f PrfcfclT. * ^ ,Jjfc Ctilled rattiert Afar Z-iljaJ do Jjolid Colcry, -*<.u " 1 \YBiW M*T*. . KvfybloMt Ttu Cwt IU« Clover do jrOow 4-> i dp j W»»»Uf Marrowfat PEAS LM2 hl-oil d-i Ear. y Jttttr do Mangle iVorlpfl or a CbuWao do " F-ailr Scarcity -do Sugar 'do i, Swelling I'anuip, j Bishop#prolific dpftrfdo Owrrawjr do ; Early Alohawa Bc*na, Or* lgr Carrol, i <Jo Ouoa dwarf do, Scarlet RADISH,' ' do whitr Eidoty do Short top do do j do domrf^ do S^iojou ' . .do ; SupotiorVbtte polo do Mffiiu winter do Vnrwfjttod-Cfiuibrrry do I White for nip <i" I«-na * > da j Largn Cabbage tls»d '' Bidy Ta»c«<w Cora In ^vJLfiTTUCE. .do Sogax ^ 1 Magntua iloamii . do do Guides Sioux do. . (AtfMcrkioJJ ' ALSO,- " J rsmphtrtf on (ftrrffsta*, -Cabttblrdb/llW ssbneribrr, to answer tor Cam* tlorv and the adjacent country, near tbr rim latalodd-o , * ^ -v » iCTTbo xbare Seed* am w arranged Rh oaid qnv r*nv IW-tSrtt *thcrwi*r,-after * ftir Trial, other* j will bo E»reif in U»c»r place N* #V. ill. " I The Indian's Panacea, " 7I0R the ctiro of ilhriiiu.lisrn 5*crofula nr 1 Kiss's T'.ri!.Goiit, SciaUri, or llip-Gotft. in-' vsmfftt\Unoom Salt Rhcnm. Syphilitic ond M^r.: cnxnl diaea®*** paftwttlaily iiJccr* "»n«J paiulot af- Qictio.w oflbc tKM*#. Ulcerated Thrift anJ S<m-! tnls; I'lccTi of Ptffy & aertptkm, f/wf *oirV«j add Internal Ab#cctw*; Fi*tuUi*v 1'iUe, Scald- j itftxi, tJcur«ojrf Hrlc*, Cbrpftic, Sore Hvo»; ETjo w! liar!i*. Dtarfa**. and pyrry farn'ty orcuBM^vmu, Atfeetfon, Chronic Catarrh/ 1 lemhrfoe, j»roceet!ir|f Trout an'irnd humor*. In' the «Slrnn»rli and Djrapeaan, pro-ceding from- vitiation; Afh-et Um L»vcr, Chronm Intluuaiixipf t/u».K.»liMy«. a»d jptxxai debility, rau#»<<! by a torpid ttrtion'n/ the #oa#»t#of the -lain. ft fs in jrrf? * rl r effi cariort* | l*f rttfWYhtWjjtbofe (v>rwtit«itioM5 tr.xeii Iutt l**»n ! fci'Aen down t»v iiijtMhcinu* treatment. or ju ventir! Jrrrgulariuea. In geocal Vrui«, it is recumwn- j ded to *£> * li«ra«e< which aiNe* from Iftrtmi-! gcd in "n0 Ttuauoa 01 mc imm >r*.ni what ] cvprnt.ttr or kind. So'tjp of th* f fomplalnl* m.iv f/vjmrr « w tm8m£ viaUnt apj>J:rati'»m. w'r«icl» m»» cirtimsUWCC* of Ib^ caae will dicUtr, but I t a ?; >l tcnvdr or l^itrifatlor, to Trior*, thr n.*r, for I*. will grwralK be fnmJ »ofii<Vni. i Tn I'siC Public., j Hot: trie it w, tiwt modern Phriicians.in fH*ir j JC'O *».' - -»,« T-. i , abiticm^ excel n^Uetr 'iito5«Ioii; Caoxpl 4D(fl thu vast-field* of ttunoo by "the a d OtJatwi uj, ;#i»U seek wul ne yro medial fgenlr, in ahoi l la fx* Frive «a perxccticmju the.practice «»MOf of a*t a!oar,.overlook *od neglect., u betcuia their Knojct thcTicfi and bonuteonB ttorft* of medicine",' whicu the afojighty ha*4*tiSNft u> «pnng out ot the J lauh in err./ ci<me? -VaU how touch fUur%upoiti fie, liut jrtule ike American fhj nemnixrkj tbr! trign coauLic> tor tnany ol ki*4u»»i cojprtv.u and nc«f«&rj oftlel.-r j». rpciuaf!)'dii«^irf|; i* ihey aw thuoietttf!) of iliiiuoti vr Kil^""her tc nuniuwtsd in, tun oara cMuty with on oni^oajl ptoimuun. :'rT-- -* -.\f.eW. zue im-'mm*x/ . *.»Uu- ovciuuuncraj, jgL esli.uaU-d iqr, coritt&rUftg 4br ttue.irdt ptach<?e%rUi t»od.-rr ; pc,» mw$ ltilumrjiijaiudi^lelj iioder cur-oivii -otn ltcrvai+eej iac lnAstk juneiicc with ibe V(luteA j^bf) mXutCitco,tuu outJinoan v.iu-ard1 of rojtealid Igbtftlico w hcftinaJifle de^ojisd. en-' f^ctf niQiag xixiife Indism b^-Weans of fict watpfc -remedies i>v$e; dis cffccW tftr wast rapid ami Umnduag cows, after the -woou: Matt >* ca <4 tie caRiauK) piicUcA', directed .u Uic oioal fcjuuiuj iaaoa'*r.li4.« Jailed.- And uho liu net U.c n f a)rprirft*d *t b^ioidtag Ute couipoi aure i-*.«e' and iachny with Orhif Mbe Indian ftf« tinacM" of any doem»tMXid «i the almost total absence of chronic dtv eqojiwoag Ibcn^fWho hao e rei, lieard of an Indian 4'ilii 4 fcunilituUuakrokert and nfvned It ill-' rraiuient^ And cau a dgobt **iSt>Aii»t-u»u naj.py exemption of the* nar^go trom -moat ol Uk lib Taen iae i?e*h o: e'tetiucilatxsPuih if |o, t^ctuotgrJ owing lo.liic up?t g£nul and cab remedies tjhicli he erapla/a. Tnr* astonishing <fi8cieucc ito vuccesaj ) a &»rex*mpl<trahuft of the ift6nilfr sogerftftiiy -of tiii. aiiiioie and wfp means of cure which G>d jAs croaU'd [or.Ot^ ucitvjh of hi* elu*iien, over! those frhicii lite prulc ind the 4rt of man have is rtnitb » ' v- T \ , Frr>i» *lo«jf rcjridente aracmjf*a portion t>f the hiiobituib of Liu* country., nod sn inuauk' tcfiMiiai^* with litemethods of cores or foittc most successful pra^Uoncra, ihc pp»pricta of the l* Tuc b'oi^n i I'asaila, ' acquired * iuiptrledje ofsome'of Iheir mini powerful and (aVdrabtr remote*. From these he selected such M were most cthcacsouaaud appropriate, sod a/icx variant experiments to .test their principles sou trength he hp* 'combined litem in the form lirrr presented, is ihs moss perfect and heoctrcisl for the purpose fot whtCb it mrvcoturueudcd. v«hc prvjporlorofi^rs ibiaprcpfcrabpti la Abo public, with ihc coasctooiocsa thai he rs plscihjj with in ihfres^fl.i remedy capable of reltcvrog mad/ ot his alRicled frffro -bvuxgi, jfrko ere sdffr inj tin-j Qef umj various curort**- ana ihjmhww vuw|nMUM to wtijch il m jipphcsWe. To ^yCh u will prove 6f kxioilcaiW»Tc value.*» liw mean*, cod in ounj caaet tlWn?y tSrj.nj ef n4*vitir tbeif cUiFcfiu^y axui, mrt.mn# liwm mice more to Vwltii *»d napping**, Tbnu* not offered-ojt x comcran vcno-iiy.lhat may jwucaaoC" Le equaJlr good with many oliwfir m>« in tue, bat as one winch u capable <u lifr in i«ur.>xuv.iic cues, when all Uv asosl rented** k»l. Thus it ha* djfle rvjy-atrdl}-; end thi« iaiho. rrpsUUo.i it uaa obtained » hewver »t ham beta introdugrd V ? * * " " . Il iji ooly about tiroc |oar*_ »mcr lbi> prrparaUdb <rv fir*; prv«en.kKJ to the "public but that hdn^|KKC ;<tr Intte. fRUM bu.idrrd» of person* imghl fra fbartd, why would aoleomly declare thai Ihyj beared thai UwiX litre* wan -taxed bj il, and coax* *aA*r llieyjh^d tried'inanj perh.vpk alTthc cmiiMOq mwdj-a m vain."" "Wherever. K li Itnntrm H U rnpnlfrco<m«^ into use, and ihta lifjrdv the ntutfl '*ubstaaUai and eoa?i*ciBjf proof *f it* turrit*. - The r.Um» of the Panacea* i* most consptcnm* n dlor l«tl! taud.ng' and otuUnitr nyphihLe ami ien:«l««isuV-c&m* winch hare dctidrd a!) other Hj*c«i«r». ui*l parjicabrly m iW c**a» wijrm < noitat; lu« I*-4p M ^r»ihi; I|d u t"C*tt*c dm- J rect os pii^C m t'le bvurc, nude*, uicrcur;.*] oi-J rTTt, tfcraojjf Vat of the di^t aiiv* a:^xn*, «Vc rh«*w> a c-»«np]r!^ly rowaurc* «ad iq iU ruril ffJUirlj eradicates 15e daK*w «4>«i tlx r&rcU o ttfffuijr iru v«le« l,<o co«*uta:.>n, and .cue ii;~ al »ufld «mJ well. la ill»-auUiut:tfc- «n>J ;a olcfralrtl *urr ti*r>al, lis bipp^ cff> cti ate oat kras fspanrnl. g»*m-aiaiavt iruuaedtatr.reltrt T*icu ia proper ilofN, Fiit^isui** * FASACAA ' >pc rates a* an alternative, &ud dcUrjjrnl; a dia/ paoprtrc, diarrftc and hxAlitO, «u unlipistuvMlic J iml iaofljno, and in proper cum to vomocwu: i u>d etnuK'Tvjflojpid' Cwratl^ e*p«r*M-d, <i in-, t»«n *12 tfe eccnrtioadajui.ejcHtiap* g>wi tr» to tbe'ttoiiucb, end rjuitc« action in Ihr (lead* «n * parx*cmlxt manner Pfpoi ihcoc t>unctpk>» it* tpirMlbn Ai/Tfr* undent-**?: - . k k ffci* m^ibdno b«*r been joond hi/Uiv Urfoi tn tunjr <ii»r«*r*Bi<i iton* fcjn-miird, *<ui ii,' «* lrr«m used ViCh suCcr** m a V"luil fart pvttftr7 bjf those who are vtfbteci to COtnftlarnl* of the ebes», and whose cbaetitaUaru re;m«r now flfor. Sach person* viOdnvtH'to uust Ivoecii^n bouk* tn small 4«*c*. Whrrrrrr l<h«t JnnLju considered Dcoewarj, (ho J'vucra. Ul&<*q iu a *6*11dose J" will *n»Wr xtf iU pUrpo«es, * ia ithicR iMolimis, *V l**t .-xprtt**, nfld a fk* | mart- «srr«ab)c msi»cr, (ha a the common diet, dnak, - . . .. » - V * ' TJjf folic*ttinj ccrttScdr*} »m of- hnftdtrds similar which mlirhl be pn»-1tfred, «(- jirra to show the eflect of Tift leou*** f*i*cri, ift'lbe-emriDot rwmi;.:*inu thosem msnliOKVtf; *J»d alio to tX> biuit m Um moot «sli*iactor; tuauQcr Ms superior!-. ly over mr »i > vp n lumhivu OF HJliiU^ATtHM. I Ciu*U *<>», Not. 15, WSl. During the hat winter artd spring. I »u» afflicted with a rrjr aewrr tnd dislrewung Kbsotailtsm occasioned by exposure in bed .wcathrr I now Uir great pknaure in juung, Uistwx bottle* of Ova Indian i (Wd«, tei^orrd me to perfect; h«^Ui. and I confidently recmnaM-nd il to all *un- iUrty ^ miJ? F£RG 'JSON, Kb***. . . Cnjuii.mio*, 'March ^7, lt£fit ! nraa wtx*t! about thrCo rears irode with a di«troatjug Rheumatism oio*od by taking a' serci* cpbj wbilr under tbr mdacar* of ntctcury, mud winch hu duab«ii w Jrym buauwaa nearly, ever since Du/'ng lhi* period ! lutr be* u a . aUcJit in tfic Marina Hospital tn thif C:tr. upward* of f«»tir month* Benrijr', and the **#.o length of timr-in Hie DiMiimore Jlusmtal, and fried almost crcry rrrafcdy» iitii iutlr orocliu On -the February no at that lime scarcely ab!<* to more about Upon f ctMomeocKj*the u* ofTbe Ifidiaa'# Panacea. la oacsoaUt I fbumJ injTteir'entirelj cured fxort\he pain, and art now bapji} ~t0 *tat» tfcai 1 l«-fJ mrwli p»»f|Vt*Ujr well. 1 AVM TUCKKa, n Marl*.*. ci,HI: POU 6civonn/)i;a IU.CKK» . Ntw Vourn, 8ep* 10. 1*3©' Tin* miy certify, that in Up-&H ol'IeVS, J *3* curd tvitj* a %^fo])lng in ifijr beck and fare, which aftrnvard# liberated cndbceajne Wfe pl»»«tljr ulrem 10 rt» ntfclc AfUr lr\ing orrcral l'hy«K-un* to no oHrnnUje. I wrcntto riiilailrljihia. and placed inrcclt umk-r ti»e care of l)r» I'hywc and ih.sch, when, after repeated »altT«:mu 10 no cdlci, 1 « »,» ptonr>ntiCcd totally incurable. Afterward* | look tiyenty of tlsrim * Panacea and c<jfh» buttle* df P.pttrr * Cillittlicn, with no material bcticdl Ue*parir.^ Ol hie, tvhmh had oat? Ufoini' o-hurthen t<r njo. I returned to ftiy parent* ru Now Yor> in l""i». imkI myorlf up to a Ifngeriri^ «) atji licn/injjof tb<* j;rvat nocrrw* ai 1 r*t l>i>ia* « »'asuutr a, .ji eajr/. Mnu!jr4o my uwn.l vu» prrluid^d to try it. a Ia«t tr»«r: T««>»*y i*t» at, »Uipriwr iv It »Alf«f*otjm», I » t :iul nn rapidly focor^rinj. n»i«i taking « vci» U»f ulrcr* b**';'' a ao<l bc<-.*fOrpcrt t!_. rii ,u thi> cour:tr.oi two ucpl.'i*. nn«l , «;i? r »-> ,-vi r . iucc< 1 u».va< tL Ktatf 'vfti apd w!*!t il jiohhubrii for'J** V" -«»V' l*,a,ir who fcr^trofloiin^ un«W u*l -rotulow at. jyjihflififc aflVcltion«, that ih«-y m»v i»Bou" what has rurrd <>rtc who u.1b auHi rril eT*ry t/vuif batdoalh. and who coo*i3crs hi* lifr wvilbv titf rjwrc strup. WM. HIMIA.V. To<rtiboT** W^dtcioe may he bad *t tviujuf »cKr>-or,DS i L>Rt. a STORK, CAMDKS, $ C | ; " - "'3X0 .. COMPL.llyTS: l^ft'S'fWDV wr.l-'T'iM.F. MKOICt*« jlr cd b/TBhjrittici! an41jai»-<nd Synthesis of «*rirai pr-rx.matc rpjf Ixblo p.-mckiiea, »W universaiJy uc- \ r.Tjo«-t*dgi-d to have totaiiy cclipu-a tlx* pre ten-' ^jons" ofevcrj other rvj&dij, and a»irpcrceih»d the I »etT*ciy'' of efeiy oth#r" modi' of treatment, rwherr-irer the; abotfc disease art? fotwet *t» rxsatj I weH ea in. the enlargement of the Spleen and | in JaumdUn I Ajmmg the trrnplonia of sprpsia and LircrcotnpUlnt*, are FlttulencV, iwurneiw or burnijl j in the stomach meTancbbly trratibilrty,' disagreeable taste in Jtr mntiih] gncabirrrgutarrtj-. of appctitr.' ~ Inch is.sometimes voracious, add «at other Uutcs girally d«^5cient, * thirst, fetid bfeafji, nausea, tfvUt nrsa of the stomach, Uc'nTe nictation*, palpi!*;tionr, drowsiness, trtecalaniy of the bowels, protsarc cnahe stomach atlcrmeai»,>vain in the head, dizzioesaor vertigo;, coafusnoq of mind,-attended With of mrntorj, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, chlUness", axTrctiio of sight and hearing paid nod nrakoeas in tha?r back,-laltgour, disftarbod sleep, eoid feet and bands, tremor, nacajo- nrwgf4j\ the throat, chough pain rp tnr side or hrcaat, Sm. ThVw raedeeines bare brea fttrod SO effectual in rem nring ihc complaint* ft r which "they arc rfnnti- l Sieniicd. that n)iva*niau« fremirntli biVtllB a'l'J baostcd oil ibotr skill, U? little or do purpose. DR.PETUUH Anti Bill roan Viiis. "*n»r»p pill* ere eorafknfcd enfirrly pf regttaRemattrt, eini when lakcji-orcanJinjf to tbc direction* wbtcbacrompeny'iliejia, fiic hiffiily- bcnqiicial iaj the cut? ind ptcTituwti of aU lTilioaj comp!*jnU Tbey eel c»|xoi»!ly appotr-tbe livrr, wfirn in tnrptd condition, earf rmjf off *' lerge quantity of j bile, lbma*b ll»c utduracc U»e mciwrnl tuncUoo, vb*cb jt «uu*rcd to rrmaio in tbe .*y*lcin,j would pfsduec rUbcr Jaundice,, X.i rex Complaint,; Eiiltou* jV?»»r Forcir and Agpc, or some other £i<ttot« noddy aiffictiea 4a oil cats of Gwpor of tbaWcU, they act likojcinrttfr v i A*ana>iu dy*peptiqqnd d.ntifvr pHl ihry arc inraxrtblr. Manr persons who were *ubjecl lo t'io- i tent attack* nf tick hcad^'lie bare bern poriccllr cntrd ut a fow weeks hy tbe»c twr.' Th»>*e who arc subject to thef distressing contphuil. *ca-»K_kr.ctp» j by labia? a pertain or two of tbf in a lew days pre- j rawls to embarking on board tbe vessel, will bis el-i trirxt (m^tiin lo iwiw u Trmilei ran air litem at ali periods, wiiii«ot ntcoiTinjf-anj n»k. * Pwfc-'0« | IfMtjjf Ip «<>r to a acu4 nrr.-\ climate, abouid b? all racaQ*'Ui&r aoutr of tbe^c pill* 4?i>h tbatn. Ti.*ir ] *?rl£»c* will rnnaio uoi<upam-d.f«<: jVtfn id smx cli- I uwtr." Jio Sunilj »hn«itd he with«>nrifti-»r pilu, a\ portion of tlfcvo, taken ooeniiiMil/, w*uhi br the ' inca-a of ptwrrnlinjr uinch utb riog from «cknf*a Itu trma Df^jiocl o( kH*pm's»upa regular pfo'aUic j action nf the tocnacb nt*d hotvcla, tturf aufiVnng to , be &b*yhrd and mingled withjtbr blood; ona*kimi- i hrii-J fl'jol*. that ma»t diaraw* are prnldcpd Dr.' l'. ircfa confident llurt. mi perron who *iw» tbr«c piiUa fair trial, will trrr aAcr frcl willing to be , without them . Tftrjr mh'ain no porticlb of Morrorr, or an? inpmheut that dno< not act lu bar>ooav wiUi Iw-atm and npji.iK' diKar Dr. I? uubr* H tiuticiil«dr uodrratond thai n:JJ» pcwwu ^ mJfprndrnt >f Tfinr pnijjinr prtr«v, ih,-> *nr IhiIIi |i>mr and de* iaIrOent. acting upon ihe* w*crrl ng r»fUl rsh;! ol junction*; .ihn* ^rmjlhrning <hr t»»tirnt. wtuic .thcjr rrnjovr «*l#alijirjiwna Mrchcinr* which pq»«f*a tl" other, rxerpting cathartic q*'*lilira. dr. bilitafr thr patient. and liteir repeatird u»e lay* lb* 1outifiali«>?i ot a long Catalogue of Chronic dura* «e* , Dr. P. bzvipff Jwi educated under iho tnnrt riftinent Aotrrfcan and European tmdiral pmfet or*. and practiced hi< prflfruKih many jrrtua in the tfbuth tTU» :r durzhra <*f the »no»t «.J»«:ma»e character pre rati, cooud-r* iunucJf writ qualified to judjjr no Ujc nature ql dwaaca incident lo rrarm c lunate* * " IVMrdindiold br Jo^phPnuth Pfteri, M. D. at La 4«atiluu>rr for civ cure of dwtioalr d»' aa*r*,by carizj ol r^rubW rwiHirt, No. 121 Liberty ittxl. Near Yrrh, inventor and aole pn>,-nw»r, Mar it b»>* r.miitn* 10 pill*, price 50 centa The abort* valuable Medir.tw** mar be obtained at ih* IJni? Su it, .i YOl'.NG At M'KAJ.Y C«miVn, Mi) 7, l"T/> Iioa*c of EtitcrfainiBcut. ': jgjfijhl. j rosaaw . . 1 /IinE Subscriber inform® hi® friend® and tlio public generally, lhal he has .taken the house formerly occupied by Mr Mrni. At>)al, M * House of Entertainment tttiii is prepared to-accommodate all who may fa*or h»ui with, a tall, in the best manner. Ills (able will be at all limes furnished with the 1 «*si:he up country market can afford. Ills bar with the choicest liquors, hU stables with the most wholes one provision, attended bv faithful osth rs, and { from his constant attention, and tinrcmil* i ling exertions to please, he hopes lu merit ja share of public patronage. A. I). JOHNSON. "Lancaster March J The Charleston Mercury, Columbia I Telescope, Cheraw (iructte. and Coir. lotlc Journal triil publish the above four times anil send their accounts to this ot! lice for payment. j ~ r A R PEN TEE'S Fluid £1 tract *nrwaparH!;i. Extract Ructiu, xtrn lap, ; ihufrruul, r»yr..,» l.m n>.' i, llmlcr' Ai«)>iirsiaii ApcfKui, 'ItIpi o? C"Iui ' ituti!i*r'> t orn PIo a, il ,j< n luminal Iiair Dye, Ftc'ichi >{f l.fpir.l, to remote iron moulds anil nk oi*> «roin linen. Dcrting's Ci incut, for ' * .i --i...., x, - . i.... 1WIHIMJJ l»r«TK«M iss , (inn*, wi-, i'»»inn Wairr Proof Yantt?h. AI.m>.Sal ACratus, If»nghs««, (.itim Ambic.Gum Srncgnl, Arron Root, Caron Jtijubn Parti*, T«lu Lozenge*, Soda tlo. Lujuoricu and Opium do. prp|>cr- mint do. Khobar!* do. Metal lironzci*, mid a variety nf Surgical Instrument*, ju»t n ccivwl 1 and for sale by I r YOUNG & M'KAiN. March 12, 1830. | BR. S. PM.55# ' , 1 ; ARTIFICIAL NIPPLE. -x ' L « THE Subscribers hare just purchase J a supply of ihe aborc instrument, which has bccirsuccussfully 'usetl for the last two or three years for thai distressing comI'luinJ, soie or- excoriated nipples; or> where the nipple i* entirely wauling ;-or j where the child* inoulh is so- sore thai it cannot nurse on the natural nipple..-The artificial, nippifi is recommended bv the highest ine.iical authorities oil lite subject. rin this country. Dr~ iJcwecs *ot rmla'dclphia, and l)r. JSrtvall of Washington City, as the certificates annexed. willi at:nu»l; to uhich the medical.(acuity of this plaoe, gircMheir entire concurrence, having witnessed its successful application. Dr. Liyak Pratt, dear ^nf4: - " 4 * As I feel ilr*a matter of much public importance; to possess a means of lessening the terrible, stiff' ring fronr sore nipples I hare much plorwtire in being able, 1 ^ *«' ulvidltt t»ntf 'nfTite Cairn fkn IV f *"<11 -1»»V OilAWjU f VM villi «»'! »u*i preventing -and cure of this malady, i* belief adapted to the pnrposc than any 1 haw; hertoforescen. In two or three instances, ! have known them to be used. r. ucK satisfaction has been expressed , audi hare no Invitation to* believe, it wWI generally succeed. 1 am »< well persnaded of thi*, at this nioinont, that, I cannot-forbear to express » wish, that oflrCrty, lit rough the vaaotts Apothecaries, may be supplied with them. * * ' ' 1 am, yours, «fcc. * M. P. DEAVEF.S, Ml D. Philadelphia, Jan. 13lh, IbS-L ' Washington City, February 4lh, 1834. Having cfamined Dn Prcifs newlv invented nipple shields, and witnessed its practical applications among my palicpts, I take great pleasure in recommending'it as decidedly superior to a y thing previously known. it.constitutes a perfect remedy for that distrcs>ing malady, sore nipples, a disease which so frequently nffiirt* nnriiinr tvnmPn. THOMAS SKWAM* M.- D. Prof. Annl. &. *Phyiuofn«*y, Columbus College. D. C. The Instrument is accompanied with printed directions fur its application, and preservation..It con be packed up in a sniaH <fb(Tip«*.s nrtd sent t«' any part of the country by Stage.price £5.Address YOUNG-'& McRALN. . C imdhn. S.* C." medicine7. i THE Subscribers hare jnst received and are now peniug a lull assortment of MeJi-; cities trot 11 the Norm, uhiui can be recnm* i mended witii ^re.n confidence, as far as regards ihcir purity nod genuineness, baring bee > purchased fr« »m one ol ihu oldest and inmt respectable bouses in Philadelphia. Ph)&iciaus, Planters and others, are requested to cdl, previous to laving in their summer supplies, and nxmtiii o the qoduy of those now ottered lor sale; winch we feel confident in u arramiug and giving satisfaction to pur/ h ta/ira Among ihov: laidy received ami now opening. aru die following: A'cobol, Sub Carb. Soda, Ca»W Oil, Rhubarb Root, Florence, do. C«la*arm flarh, GulileSoap, Lobelia Herb, Borax, do in Powder. 'LnAtjr Opium, Slippery El»o ; aik, Ompfcor, . do. in 1'andcr, CaioAcI, Eng. Bole Armenia, Cinnamon, Oroand. Mtwiard, CloTri, Powd. Cinnamon, Orrii Boot, And Lemon liropa, Cnior, Floyd* \V iter. Chloride of Soda, K. lri.1 Ink, F!ak«- Manna, Carpenter'# Sarrapauila fitiot Myrrh, * Kst itttchu, I'owd (lum Arabic, 44 Pink Root, j Carb. Iron, Compd. Cub. & SarsaSulph Quinine, parilla, 44 Morphia, Toltu Bvljam, Acetate, uo. K«*.>»«», Sor.ilN, (icnutne i;ear# Oil, (not ( ..I- < i i I IUV. VUMWy I luiin u j Tamarinds, Naples Soap, Batlrri Mignrtia, Mu»kS>*p, Citric Acid, Msec. SnutF, Tartaric, do lioir Powder. Ac. A great variety of articles too nnmero«« tn mention. in addition to the above, a full assortment o.' which will always be kept on hand. YOUNG A M KAlN j TKACHIiR WANTED. | THE Teacher in the Camden Academy j being about to resign hi* charge on occoun* of treble health, a gentleman of moral charnrier and classical attainments is wanted .11 hi* successor This i ttitutimi hiring hern ©ndntvor by the legislature is under the fo*te« inj care and pntr« nageof u ! rg> ami re#[ nr. table society and coiw amis tin; imi-iencc of the |»i:Hlir 'i iie pi<«-o i im u nbent rcalires for \i* Inb r hundred do!- A| h. .»n> in may bo made In the chair-j r < either «»f tbo tnulrrsignrd rom.uit-1 t< e, |.\ t.ic I9ih Max next. N application need be made »vith« ul ample and naiisfnc-j lory reference* (as to capability A: moral; «tanding) aco >iupa* ying iho same, and noiip nor<l apply but a classical scholar and no TltOK ITOIILY ACQUAIXTKH wi'll ihoj (irri-k »n L> n Languages, and capnblcj of instructing in (lie various branches ol an Kngli«h education. j ABRAHAM nrLEOy.M. D ( ^ J Kev Kin>Alil> nm.i-irf. 5 liENKY P. IIA I FIELD, f j \\>1 REYNOLDS, M. D. = April 10-12 -if. o | lAWRUAH^ For sale at tins Office. j TWE-irARCiEfcT LOTTERIES ever drtoven in the V States^ TO 'D3A.VT IH JTT2T3, The liberal patronage afforded by his patroiis has induced Sylvester to na^e arrang with the Managers lb dratra series of Schemes in June.snrfmsshig all that have hitherto been offered.the capitals varying from « 100 THOUSAND to Tiicnty-flve tfaoiwaad. | Full particulars ore referred toas.under-* i and a supply can only be ensured by-imI mcdiat^-ip^tjcalion to the pet son of bis mothe* Fortune, .-M 8. J. S*LVESTFJ1,430 Broadway, N. Y #100.000 the moKt brilliant scheme containing only 7140.tickets.36 number Combination Lottery. 'By authority of Congress,' " ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY For Internal Improvement Ih the Distric Columbiai. - ^ Class ; To he drawn in th-City of Washington, I). C. in June. 1836. £*_/ : D. S. Gregory & Co. '[Sqcci YaioH <5c M'Inivrc] Managers,Mglpj Drawing superintended by a Cotnid$(M4ap bv the Corporation. THE SCHEME # Iff formed on the ternary combination of 36. numbers, making 7140 rickets, from which Tivc Ballots will bo drawn at the lime an<I place advertised for the Drawing making 10 prize* each oaring three of the drawn numbers on; 310 prizes each baring two of the drawn numbers on; 2325 each having otic, only, of the drawn number* on; and also 44&» ticket* having none of the drawn numbers on being blanks. I prize of 100,000 100,00 1 " 25,000 25,0000 1 " 10.000 10.000. 1 7.500 7,600 1 " 5.000 5.000 1 * 4,000 4.000 1 " 2.930 2,930 2 " 2.000 . 2,000 it M 1 rwm ftoolri 21 « 500 . 153)00 31 44 300 - 03)00 31 " 24)0 6200 31 lOOt 3J«> 31 M 90 2.799 31 " 80 2,480 31 " <0 2.170 Jtt " 00 5.580 105 " 50 23.280 455 " 40 13,60fr 465 " 30 13,960 930 « 25 23.250 . 2615 prize* } 1195 ticket- t amount*# to 8 2S3.COO 7140 blank*. ) Ticket* 50 ilolfnr*. No shares, 12in a pack. VIRGINIA STATE Class No. 3. For the benefit of the town of Wheeling, To be drawn at Alexandria, Saturday June 4. 1530. SCHEME. *25,000; 9,000; 5.00th 3,500; 10 of 2000; 10 of 15,00: 10 of 100(h 10 of oOO; 20 «»< 400. Ate. Ticke's nly 10 Dollars. . Certificate of a Package .of 22 whole v Tickets will cost only 120. Halves and Qu triers in proportion. Virgmia state Lottery, CMSSNO.3 Endowing tli * Lcenhurg Academy and for oth»?c purposes, To be drawn at Alexand Ya. Saturday, June 11 1S3G, CAPITALS, Th 3 n/ii //i/)}i0/in// D/1//0 -m. it it 30,000; 8,000; 4.000; 3.000; 2,500106T 1-2 100 of 1.000: 10 of 500 20 of 300 84 of - 200; dec, TickrU onl}' 10 DOLLARS. Certificate .<f a package of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme miy be had for $130.Shares in proportion. Darwing to be received at CHARLESTON, June, 3d. Virginia S*n»e Lottery, L'LASo No. 9. For lh<* benefit of ;** t't\erthu:g Ucoevolent Mec'.nic iuti >a, ra,°ot) dollars, -O.(ivK) DOLLARS, i 0.090 UOMiBii, SCHEME. 1 priw or 50,OW, I I of 2,000, I of 20.000,) 1 of 1.610, 1 " ol* 10.0110, J 5 oflyuOO, I « of 5,000, J 50 of 1.000, 1 " of 4,000, I 100 of MX), 1 " c*" .1.000. (ft| of 250, 1 " of 2.750. j 01 of 150, 1 " of 2 510, » 01 «f 100, &r.' *har<*» mi proportion. To be lia J of I Ik* M.^ir No. Broad St. Charleston. S. i\ YATK8 & Ml XTY RE. ~jT ST RECEiVEm IX FX( EU.KXT OP.DLR, From JV. York and Philadelphia, A ri'LL SUPPLY OF DP.TTGG & HSniClNSS, French & English Fhctnicals, Together with a Urge and various assortment of Cupping and Em mala Instruments of superior quality, deserving the attention ot families as well as practitioners of Medicine Dee 1*2- tl Jf. REYNOLDS.

The Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1836-06 ...€¦ · liiVCTLISA.' C.IK®JB.rSBEOS < j FKV1EauUicrlbersore aoirreceivingaaupvly of' Ji. English ar

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  • liiVCTLISA.' C .IK®JB.r SBEOS < j

    FKV1E auUicrlbers ore aoir receiving aaupvly of'Ji. English are followingEarly Outcli Cabbage. ''Garden Crcs^. .Iaiv Udua do Giant Aapiragreev>--|Latg« tiariy York do Curled Parsley,

    ' * SugttfT-oaf do Wuile S'llid t'cirry,- jl.xrg* Dnitobdad,. do v Large tjlabe A riteh >ke;Mountain . .. do Long O.-augc Carrot,Greta Glazed do Khrly Oi.tngd UorffdaEarly Owfled Savoy, Sutn-tier BuehSqaaahColvrart O? Collard*, Crook decked do(,'urk'd Scolcli K&ll* ftcd Clorcr StSsdrEarly Cauliflower, Long ..White Oehra,.^vL*l£ do Short ,doEarly VVhitc BrocoIi, June ^ P^aa," Turpi-* tifl fcvijF viruii-ju

    ftvM "Bnai»k»f. do- -iUHjfiQaittea - \ -do - Unrarf Trwldic, wbil# da iN« jv \2claad >~do WhileKidney,d*I.ooff- Bicxl Boet, , Katl/.Choi*do,foOT-turnip

    " do ' J'-nc Liiy Pole * darYcBoi^Sufardo Pate * "Kngtilti tciiow # du . . j- Ssrljr Jlmjtn ^"COio'I.>"naieJ» Su£V Co J tva ^ «p {Wjutsllx . ^ I liarpc^indaor-

    ""' ,«laS-velliej^Sujar ParMip, J Vtreioi* Ifommonr' da"

    ef Oaetuifj « d®v {JSiriy While TttMOi^raScarlet Raduh, ^-j Corn, t* r

    bsorlct i&ort lop do. . j fjini daLong Salmoad do Sojij*. do vWUite To«'P Ptoilli'az Ooinris IR*d do £{J Mow "do

    * "Illbck Winter 4