Judgo llaskill to Eo Itoro. * >T iitlij© AK'ok h . Ua^kill, olOolntn- |>i h, wilt delivof 'tho address a* liie closing exeteises of the t'fcnjdeu Grade 1 school on Wednesday, .J .me 4t.b, at 1 1 o'clock. The Gilt Edge Glo»e. Of course you nolo the new adver¬ tisement of the G It Kd<<o Store to day. They uro cflering snino big ioilimcnmnts in several lines of pood a. Head it and avail yourself r.f some of them. . ....TV- « -?» Another Finn to Movo \?p Town Messrs. Whil alter «fc gurnet, have purchased the old "IlosenbergiT" Mo'o on upper Main street near D K ill», between the stores of Mr J. II UufSi* and C. M Ooleman. At an euvly date Hie wurk of remodeling i' will bo oommencod and il i* expected that tlio nCw store will bo ready f«.r oceupaaney about Sept. 1st J t i:» lo be arranged in au ap to date style. To bo Moat Mugroflcont. We were shown a few days ag<. iho plana of tho store now belufi erected by Messrs. M. Uautn A Co., nnd the i'ront in to be a most mag nifleent one which will eompare fa¬ vorably with the handsomest, ones to be foulnd in any city. Hut from the rapid progress being made on the work of building the store it will not be lon«» now before the pub lie will nave the pleaeure of seeing and judging for themselves. Look out for it. Ativortiead Inciters. The following in a lint of let to? p rooiaiuing unQflflled for in tlio Cam den post oftlec for 1 1 to week ending May 1 1 : II I) Clarke, YY'm Dusablon, AT i . C Urn nee arper, ICdgo Dary, Zn Perkins, Meurietla William?, Klla Smjy», Henry I'arrey, 10 v a Kellj, .IiuWc Nelson, Julia iiurnos, Carry! lirody. Parties calling for theso let'ersi will please state what week they were advertised. G. G. Alexanimsk, 1*. M. "WE GOT EM " We have the County rights ami Agency for the Dollar deep well force pump, nau'd are prepared to put them down, or drop them in your well. This is beyond a doubt the flneni pump on eai tlrt -x and «. everybody should have ffnc.N We expect n dozen in about a week, and now is the time for you to.comd and giv? us youi order and contract. Don't forget that wo arc con¬ tractors for plumbing and also any kind of metal work. Look out for "The Antl-Mor- phcus'Wiext we» k. /' JENKINS JiKOS. Money to Loan FarmiTB and Mor- chante If you buy supplies for farming puipopcs on credit or you fire mer chandising buying goods on th'rty llftye time, borrow a few hundred Jo! lars Hnd pay cash for what you pur¬ chase and save money. You can bor i£>w money on live years time if you Jiave real estate in or noar town on which are (substantial., buildings. For information write J. T. Patrick, Pineblnff, N. 0., who ban control of much capital from the North that is seeking Southern investment. Mr/ Patrick has no doubt brought to the South more people, manufacturing enterprises and capital than nny other Southern man, and ho has the eon fidence of r lie capitalist"* North. Ho is Chief Industrial Agent of the Sea- board Air Line Railway. MEMORIAL DAY IN CAMDKN. The Memorial eeiviees at the cemetery on Friday afternoon last were attended by a large crowd of all ages from all over the county. At 6 p. m. the procession, consist¬ ing of tho Kershaw Guard*, under the command of Capt. S. C. Zenip, the miniaterp, orator and otllocrs of Camp Richard Klikland, veteran*, ladica of tho Memorial association, Daughters of the Confederacy, Sons! of Confederate^V£t«ftiii8 and school children, formed at the ccmetery gates and marched to the stand, which was tastefully decorated with Confederate flags and floworp, Af- ter!a short but earnest prayer by the Rev. W. B. Gordon, Mr. W. I). Tranlhsm of the Camden bar intro duced the orator of the day, Mr. Jas. "Caleb- Clarke, a prominent lawyer of, Atlanta, aud a Camdenite by birth. lflFihs Clarke's address waft as pleasing in its form and delivery as was the earnestness «nd deep feeling with which hej .poke, and the speaker succeeded I adnt||ably in expressing in a liroit- of irell chosen words the lliat the occasion , . _rth. ** At the close of the address, Mml C. J. Shannon, Jr, p resign C oFlhe local chapter of the Daughters of Ihs Ganrftde^soy, as¬ sisted by some of its members, dcc- orjted each of the veterans present with s red Silk badge, in Ilea of the soatbsrn croee of honor, ss the croeaea ordand-M aot irrltsd. A heosdlellon by the Rev. ' W. W. Mills, foflowod bf tba eftstomsry "I***, nrtrt ltlOfci BVshswQttardS federate PERSONAL .V . t Mr Ki! .'II i.i v' ui K :l,it Week i ' y* ' ^ Hough ii in Charleston for U fe w Uft\ S. v ,'>IV ^ » . '?. '-iojilu;; is n»terrr,ne :!n- nioct san Oounoil which i* in sexton in ueorye! >\vn. My, A. M. Kvhauln'n. t <. fluent f'-t ||>U JVMltli* ril Kxpre!»« C'o., W:is !!| den Tuesday of thi» week, M ihfios. May Shi vet and !I, )0(| Wilis- ii uu. of Pdiu kshury. was in (.'tiihueii this i^i-k, ilu'gintto: Mls, \v. \\ m.,i0;)i.. A h in.vl in.,' ,.t tiio law iiSAOriiit iui) ot Uo-homli Carolina ( VI I »-..«>, Mr lv (». in- V:\*ti o! our wji wit* elected ( i k! I'i, I. H, A lexander is in ( * t n r ¦ Iim week iiuitf.-n ! ,i,v,. upon the i),-nt .l . »"oei«iioi) and vi.-iiin«/ iho exposition. ( apt. Jhs I \ illi'pi^iiu returned from ( iriDimi College WothtesHay , where lie has hot' j i u.sitint; his daughter, Mj>. ! irman. Mr. (\ I'. Uossigmd, proprietor of the (.jiiu.i. n r«fWt an, I ('-.fliti l\rt>>ry w r* in tins ritv Ihiitsday on bi: mucks. < < oi^ctown Outlook. Messrs, I-.. (!, \'on Tresekow, l\ Yon I t'.-ckow, K(il»t. .Mrt ii iu'ui, J, hn N ettle# K«hiie .McCrt ij-ht and ('apt. Ii. Y). Hal. t».tll left hlM 1 U ON <hty tor tiio exposition Mr Arthur J Sowel! lias j/ono to Dar¬ lington, whori* hit will repreHi nt the l.'|U.taMe him Assurance Society at that place. Mr. Sowed is a clover yoiln^' man, ami Mvnisii him sucecsfl. Mine Sadie JhcoIisou loft for At¬ lanta yesterday on a visit. Dr.'V\ S. Brittou of Sniithville wiih in llit* city Wcdnefidriy. Mr.\nd Mrs, 10. E. Mandeville went Nor tli last Wednesday, Dr. W, .1, Dunn ami wife are in Charleston, visiting liar exposition. Mrs. A. S. White liaa gone to Charleston to vifcit l ho exposition. Mr. «J. .1. Hemphill, of ('heater, was initio city a few days this week. Mr. ami Mrs. .1. S. Hliatno went to Charleston 1'uet.day to visit the exposit ion. Mr. L. M. Vaughan went to At¬ lanta Wednesday to at lend r, busi¬ ness college. Mrs. ,J. M, Jennings ami little daughter* Kfchee.cn, are in the city, at the Workman House. Mepsrs. Grover Blackweil, F. W Veto and J. II. Smith went to the exposition yesterday. Mrs. A. \Y. Laaarua of JSishop- ville, spent Tuesday and Wednes¬ day of last week in the city. Mrs. II. Ii. Jordan left for Savan- hnh Wednesday, where, she will visit relatives and friends 'or a few weeks. Dr. A. Weinberg went to Char¬ leston Tuesday to attend the Deu l h1 Association and the exposition. Mis. Weiulu ig i* \ iBiliitg in Man¬ ning. Mrs. K. II Haiim left W«dnesd»y for Atlanta and from there will fi o to Nashevilie, Tenu., where she will retuain about, a month, on a visit to M'd J. W. tStieu. Mr. Caleb Claiko returned to At¬ lanta Wednesday, accompanied by Misses Mary DeM.ut83me and Flora Kennedy. The latter will remain in Atlanta some time. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS. Five converts were baptiecd at the factory pond lust Sunday afternoon. Mrs IC M Mando\iMe has bought Mih. Haulwarc's residence in Kirk- wood . Naiuro lias beeu kind to 113 this wc<k in sprinkling and lighting our struts. It boettib tlifit we arc having n, re- turu lof winter. Fires were eoruforta- blcjlbis morning. /Lumber luncheon placed on the ground preparatory to building Mayor McOreight's new residence on byttleton street. '( The identical- clesk on which Thorn as Jefferson wrot e the Declaration of Independence is on exhibition in the government department of tlio Char leston exposition. Mr. Shaw, father of ,'AXr. Ah*x flbaw former superintendent of the county chain gangly-riled on Wed¬ nesday evening last. Tfis death occurred at hie home near iicthnne. Rev. Mr. Ferris, wb<» called on Sunday morning last to preach the funeral of Mrs. Alex Kir by in oon- a< queneo of which there was no preaching in the Baptist church here Sunday morning. Jlev. W, H. Gordon preached a highly interesting sermr.n last Snn-» day morning. But Mr. Gordon never preaches any other kind. To hear Mr. Gordon is always ft treat, and his cultured congregation never fails to make tlio visitor glad of having gone to lhe.l>pieoopal church. The Booth Carolina Telephone company has commenced work upon its line from Columbia to Ifartsville via Camden again af er a delay of several months. The work has pro¬ cessed as fir Camden. A force of hands have been working on this line several days this week in Oam- dcn. Rain leaked through the roof of the Auditor's office la9t Wednesday night> wetting many of the recent returns so that thej^ had to be- tak¬ en out and dried yesterday. This is a if vcible demonstration of the need of a new coart house in which the county offices could be proper¬ ly kept. * Rer. Monroe Boykifi went to Ashe- ville on Tuesday. of last week to vith hi* daughter and also to attend the Southern Baptist convention whieb wss in session there. He returned on Wednesday last and expressed himself as being highly pleased with bis trip, with the exception of iwtt or tttMW days in disposition while tberccTuncIo Monroe Is one of w cvost higblv esteemed citisoar, and km manj »«.***. ¦Vi-'.y-:/ V - ' f ¦ friends who rs#rst iMftllh is faOiog kits Hois*.- Wuutod. W VNTKI). -A jron'io horao for iii* Itc i «!uri« \ sum juc r W .J P. Wi:rKs. ( OW8 \V tltllod, VI W'T]!!1 Pons !\>r fl 11 o t pus* It mm' n<-ir town with «;oo<l water. I ys to cftll for I'iHv4 Hi ' OH per tnnn'Ji. I>r<>j> m> ?>. r f .| « r I'i'ono 11!. Vl'" \V 1 W » rKS. I "* ¦*" A Sudiit Ji Oortth. MissCurrio R ul^cra, <h\ntrhter of Mr, r, overwrr on Ttautn $ {.Iniit.itiop, in NV of, f Watereo «lioiJ very f txhJor.ly lnat TnesiUy morning at lO.ftO o'clock. It. is said that (he vonnf* la.lv erckoil breakfast that, mominf* upual ami soon afterwards <lie«l. She waa about 22 vowrH of nrc, find wan buried in t ho CarmU'ii ( Ymctcry. | UKAli ESTATE TTt ANSTEtl Tl.o following transfers of ?vh! en. Into were recorded in tho Auditor'n oQleqilnring the pnvt woek : lleath, Springs A Co, b> Stephens A Heath, 10 acres, fl50. Adam Kirk land to John W Truesdoll, I.T acres in \o 0, £ ISO, S I. (iardncr to K K l'dneknion, 50 acres in No '7 , ?> 100 A Nov man to 0 S Nicholson, G20 acres in No (, $.*>riO 1! (' Mcl.endon to. J J and A O Bradly, <7 >! ere* in No 8 , $1. T A Me.Mai.un to John I Bowers 2-r>0 acres in N'o 1 I, $1,000 (' \Y II vat t to Sn rah IT Hyatt, two lots at Jjiicknow, J I-' Popeland to I, T (ir» gory, 10 neres in No 7. 1 150. W L Black mon to J II Futridge, 840 ac.i ck in Xo 7, fx^O. T Team to bank of Cnnul«*n, I lot in < 'amden, 1- -< 1 .i/ /iv Mi l. in to IJonth thinking A NT crcantiie ('o, 1'5 sores in No, f 1 "0 W I* Barfield to 1 loath Banking A Mer¬ cantile Co, 105 acres in No !?KW. John (\ir.bv to Julia K Kerr 100x700 foot in Kirkwood 91. Henry K Iterrv to Luther T Bcvry, IS Korea in No r>. JiV iO Josephine lv Cnreton to llcnrv Sr.vnue (!2 H 10 acres in N'o 1, .1 O Hay to W O Hay, 1 lot in Kirk- \voo«l, .f.\ Sarah R Bonbvaro to Naomi Man* devilie 115x254 teel in Kirkwood, *2^*0. TO V Trnesdel to I< T Gregory, JJiracroH in No ?.(>, f 150, Deaths. Our community was grieved on Satur¬ day morning last, to loam that Mrs. Kirhy, widow of Mr J. Alex Kirhy, was (lend. » ! r r death occurred in uamden after an illness of about one week. Mrs. K irhy w«? a moat excellent lady and left two little children- Tho funeral w«r luld iio.ii the residence on Sunday worn- J itig. tho fc"rvi<'( b heing onducted by Rev. ' r 1 V \ " Jaluz Kerrh\ Mrs Kjrbv w;ip a Bister of 51 rs. it. JjOwia. Scarcely had the sorKOwiug relatives returned from Mrn. Kirby's burial be¬ fore they realized that- Alexandria, the little eighteen months old dwghtofof Mr*. Kirhy was critically ill, and on 'Tuesday afternoon she died. It is n singular faot that when Mr. Kirhy died about two ycni a ago one of his little boys was ill and d'ed while the burial oeivices of Mr. Kirhy were la ing cpnduftted.* The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community. McKay, the littlo cbilJ of Mr. and Mrs. T. 1{. Thorne, died on Monday niphl lapt The llLtleoao had been rick forborne time an«l w puld have been nine months old had it lived until the 16th of thiy month. The burial was at McLain's Branch church. CAMDEN POLO TEAM BEATEN. Philadelphia Logger, NefcNY(Trtc. May 18. . The country club of WeHtchestefr-tyumphed over the Cam¬ den, S. C., pololt>am today, on the field of the former, in yfie struggle for the oountry club cup»-N Thfc fin al wore was 16 to 14, and the result was in abeynucc until the hell was rung \ /-> Mr. Snlinond cd the vUmtjg team met with a painful ncckient durmg the second jieiiod, While racinft-flt full speed nftor tho sphere the pony stumbled and fell, pinning his rider under him. Mr. Sulmond was pullod out with a sprdncd wrist, A Mar a delay of some L'O minutes the injured rider was enabled tq rOfiamo play. Purjag the last period and n half the tcntna scetawed for the lead . At the close of the third period two tallies by Mr Sulmond for Camden put the tomb- em quartette in tho van. after tho tenniB had stood 11 all. Commencing the fourth and final period tho game, MeHsrt. Collier u»d Heeckman, for the country club, did fine work, counting four gonl». Although Camden tcored in the fiual minutes of play, the time left was too ihort for them to rally tuffioient- ly to even make a deadheat, and they suffered defeat in their metropolitan de- but. Favored at the outset by n handicap of eight goals, the Camdon font- did such effective work nt to hold their more ex- pericnued opponent* down ti> two yoals in tho oponihg period. * Toward tho end of tho third period Mr. Fabnond got his mates out ot defeat's y.jy for the time being by pmqifching two jrouls in eflVctive fashion. This was the only time at thi* stage, however, th %t thuy were in <h« lf«d , th<* country club expert* tallied frequently enough to win out by the margin started. Tho country club players were so speed¬ ily mounted that they frequently overrode th* ball, aud their team work outshone that of tho southern four. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. Sonth Carolina.Kenhaw County. Kx-Parte Tamnue A. Watt#, et- aL£> In the mailer of the estate of Alexandm- C , Wjlfs, deceased. APPLICATION FOR HOMESTEAD. Petition having been made to me by| Taimnio A. Watts, tho wijjowof Alexander C. Watts, to have set aside to her and her children,* homestead in the real and per- *>nU property of th*esUte of said Alex¬ ander C. Watts, decaaaed, situated in said County and State, notfcw is hereby given that proceedings *ilibe.had 1a my office ta Camden, Sr 4}. tm Monday, June Prh. IttM. atK o'clock M , to have said Bdme- tiead set aaldc tp tbs said Tauuata A. Watia, aod chi Jdro»>. - . -* j Otrws node* mf ImmmI iU M Urif Iftk ANNOUiMCENU£NTs> i'oii .M ia ri'ij. To "h* \ . ..< i h of Koi Hf- t ^ « n\ >i . vi' » <»< troll! C" .> Vt Mom .. loUiitv, i uTi-iij oil or niysoil »-i ii iMiiiti 'aw (>>r t (iiuil.t Mi.tttor! 1 1 a v in# intuit vi am o\i'i t mi .> mul ii i )ioi oii^'li k u ' i flit' i hit " ii Ull.lllor, feci Killl>'tOil fl'.H' Cull nil till1 01' ! I till* Mills! I.' I loll Of tllt> |li'«|lll' I \\ 'Ii .t't|,| Hi*' Iv.iti : of 11,0 IVlilfi : nl lc I 1 1 III.i I.e. Ittl.'tlH'Cl III !»> Ml I ill 1! t i'.!( \\ . Ii. Mr* K it llf. I li -iii s a'liit'iiitr** mysv" it i-.uiiliii ii «»nifo o/*.'\ii>'i'or of Koriiliaw fount) hm ley I* 1 mn r> !i« ¦<¦ on, aint r»!u*< 'iii1 i , I \ ' scltil I i«.'vt:.|s. V Ii. .. I > i. . I of IMIK (;>» !. v. I I ilu. i: o. f«tl <1 Willi olio Ii Ill ;I<i'!iIH ii in! lio»»k*kt >\ <. \ l< liilIDH oYft ;t Ollitlliui.ll* p>'l !<>«! of w « !.l i <i\ .- » <. 1 1 S IS It * II I) it ill 1.1 It 11 1 1 I III N \ i I'. t'o 1. 1 \v in it* I || In lit' i In lllil ll, !.»' tt - t I n .t i !i >rt iiiflily itii-un »i> if i iii oi . K«*»p .flfiiliv , \\ . A. >'< V- To tfio i»; lno<*raii>' \ otct* of KcrMiitx c,in * '.IJlfl |t|i> Mlllt'll.lHoll III f I !. I|> H lil lo.'l i i*t : y |it t*n ..i m,v ii. i i> .i - .i in .tl.iic I n> I - 1 1 1 1 » of ft. ill. IV Alltllloi. I. tVll.j! fo'Cinl liit* a< i|llltlll1ltllf 0 of Hit* people ii 'i .., e.l . iHillel know it'tltfc o' IW1 J>rOpO:!\ 111*' tli lit- 1 i*ii * liK'Allf let, of 1 1|«* I inilits I ,o lit* |'l t'|l|tl\*<l lO <ll»Villllj;i' ill'" * 1 1 .i'M if lilt* III, t'. slii'U <1 I no i"' 1* honor mo ti^am I v i n i nt lilt* III lilt |kO.Sll|«l||, I >. 111 1 1 1 0 11 1 1 .*1 1 I. I.l ti i.irhtti tfo I Ii,* tin 1 1«*!« i o i lit* r.fhi of in \ ill* i » without ttisi . iiitiiiHiriii, '. mill. hi)' iiiv 1 It llioli past In voi < a *1 s .ii, ii inn Ho ir |i.i|ioi I v'f llllti On.Ct'lU ill H|f fill 11 ,*, I 1 I tint II. V - I 1 ,tl ili.'l,* II i- i t's.i !| of Jiio pilluiu y oiot'i inn. Kt!>|u*.»ifiii!.., i\ i . viavi:. I lion l*y Million noto i:iy«oH a <-:i it . I 1 to foi t'«>n uiy A Hill tor, Miiijtri to i ii** tloniot miio n, iii.'tiy. I, A. tirht>|i \ Tin* f i li-iiiU of Miij. K. K. Sill lioroli.v iiiiiioiiiit i* Im- ri'iini* >t< ii otniilitliiio lor ilu* oiih o of .\n«li or l>. JxOfSllilW Mill I \ Mioji*,! *.> Mn* I it'll;, :;i*lt- {.I llii.tr>. III- kliotv It'ilyt ol I III' olllt'i* oiiiiii* ii, v liUiiiiliou I, im lor Hio (io.nl ion. Mtuiy l iuin;... FDli TUKASI! Iti:i5. Mr. KillMr »)'ltn>io aiiiikiihoo iIh* iiitnic of \ir, . I.. Ilouuli for r.o-olt*, i ion i*> iiir o'I'i ,* u| Trou«iii or t>l l({i .**li. \v t ninny winch in- im ..i < «'|*iiil>iy iHlcil to c (to t it! lit* sullsfiioi ton ol 1 i* tvntilo petiplo. Many Krtei.ils. srrr. of Kia:<!ATh)\. Killtor (UironU'lo: \\'o !).<. frloii H t»f ni !: lii iloo, tjiko |>li'UHiiro In twiiintiiiciiitr Ii I III foi lit* |...siMon n| t'ouulv Gilpin mi viitloni of Krtnr'M. n for K I* I'hll It W I OtllllV ill lilt' t lllllllt^,' ll«*IIHII'l ni Ii* [iitimiiy. Mr. Unit i*i a io;it lu*r tviio Iiiih ki\i*h jioi foot *>ul Ntnol lull to tin* pillions (>f his m lin>! a ltd wo fool fttl ls!lt*i| flim in lito oilloti I* ir tvltii Ii tvi' ali until! 'O ft i lit. In* w I iiilciitl lii ll»** tin! 'OS ti nmlioiit upon I' in* tv.iii tl'»* -itnio chio i.ivi ui Ui. ioi,. '.Cufti'iii Kff iaw. 'I ¦» tht"* \'oti f 1 *i v w .'oi. « v : A*i Kl!i«l rt'liioiiiliiitnoo i»f, it lid tliaiiks for yot.tr lii'iirrt Miippurt <*l iiiv r:i:id|iUov Itir Ul'* ollit i* of Mtp!. ol hilitcuii 'ii in tii»*flii»,i oampaii!!', I .'.tr im m. liouiit t* injf(!»-il a i-itinliilalo f«n lli-it t !:,'-'*. It t-loolo'l t | *X- 1 1 ift* my iiojti t iloxin in Itfiotii nt ttu Stll'iol.-l ol lilt* t til'ti* fir.'llty. IJi-spft i fully, I,'. 1'. OJkiM. M AC I >TK A l lV Mr. I ill tor : . IMon^o aniiotiin*<* tin* niinu* i I Mr. A- \S'i*.s( us h i*ji I i 1 1 jt t o f"i lltf < ffit*(. cf Maoist) nto iii ti|iju*f I >u fl a 1 o town* hip Mr \Wt< i;. n ^oo<l nuin itml we fit) entisfu* 1 that lu» will j'ivc nil in* sati.-t'iftioti to tlu» pooplo. 1 rii niS*. 1 lit i t l>v ani^unot* nvyflolf a pjinillilatn fur tin* ollico <>( Mitii!f<lra«y at ltftliunt*. HiiO'aio Township, suhjuct to tho rules of tin* Deiiii.crntii! primary. lU*»pi't'lfnilv Hubniittfil, li. W.\l TKK Coi*»:i AMI. Ll-XilSLATUUl';. Mi. l-'lllprj.- irifiitU t*f 1 "ii . ifl ii t*. I. ,,ii.u«i.. 'ir., tirnno to I tut o lus tiiiiii" I io for« tint iit'it ioi tio vn'crs oi Korjtliatv count'.' f *r rev loot ion lo ilio l,< u Ik'hIuio. t':ipi. If.oiniMls ImK liiinto an ablo it jxl.t.ntor i:ml no i>Vttor nmti onn in* f'Mitnl in KciKhitw ooi)n(v roprvw.nt tlio ruriiicit '»f (»ur , tniii»y. Wo tpfrulorp tmnil. iirtlo it :iu «tiiij* i:l to Hut rutC9 ol llif U *m«o.ra io party. )1ih Kiiomtrt. AVv. tin1 many Iriotuls of M I,. Slnit'; ; ^i fiii |i I cttsn ii* in iiiHitiiiiu iii^ him t >r Vt'-oloct ion to tho I legislature in the coming tleioocjalic primarv. Air. Smith ia too well known to tin- people of Kershaw County 1 1 tu-od any more ie^oi\>- iv.enthition thin hi} uprv(«;e jn UiC la!'.:,'!* fo, tho l,if;; [\\ n yf:\iH. Many Voters. 8KNATK. tlavinp ln f)t rPipieslM I o Ktsi ml forrr otrotion, aii'l il!i:nk tiijf tlic- l>t*iii"fi at It: vnlciH of Kt-rslmtv (!tnnity for oonliil'.Miot! ami mipjiort In tin* punt-, I loTcoy nniiounoc Mint I am n e.tn,\iiVttu us tin* I lomoornlir primaries tor tiio ollico of m iiator from U'jrBiittW t'ouiity. .1. T. HAY. SI-PI'JI^VISOU. . I hcr< by nnm^inno myHolf a camlM itc \r t'ounty Hvpcrvisor, Ktiliject to the tuIoh of tins Democratic pi Imarlcs. ^(cspootfiillv, S n.VlIKLPS. Wanted. 1 iw cmniiswh fur a fust selling 'u \ oity. A'Hu>* win- rc?< i cr.ot . N»vWtv Co., vut.«Mi 1'iro*, N >*< \ . -«a0^ . ¦*** Fino Cow for S ilo. 1 lino m lie It cow to. s»i;lo v !ion|v Id 1 1 u ;i !t s. No money n<|«iiuil un (i: rim' h is n ictjl* J, Aj i-Iv ai r m- Chroni olUi'o or lo t lu> un¬ it i ! \V 1 1 I'm i i 'k C\t r |n * » i ' > 1 1 « > 1 . ¦Vol ! r iii.'. i oi hi ...i < i>.a ( v m i >i:.\, . . s. < . Catering to M».* Com >nc remt unit Or urfof Orui'c/. Mr. an*! Mrs >< ?<.'/ iinm'U , ! ' r<> )> ri r i <> r *Dr, &?ncst i/jrasinaioHi w °14 It | N u" Ul » I vl I I Vs 0^ I I i I , Ca />t (ten, iS. C'. ( ) li ;'i» 5 n 1 » :i i»1: of t'>iin<1on IhiiMinr 1{i >; l 'III ). ill si t'il. (S I ', t- \\ i ! KfKidciifv.) Notice of Application fur Discharge. h'otu'o i* luTcUy uiwu ili.ti >>m) month from (l4i« her* of, on .Momlny, .hint: -oil. I'.'D'J. nt 12 o'clock M . I will >i | > } >1 v l tlx- .lii'liM' of 1'rohMt of K or.-.ili.iw (Vm South <A.irolina tor l.iiirr* lliymis.mo \ im Kxtvutor «>f tin* estftlo "f Simon \\'« lit', ihvi astsl. I>.\ VII) Wnl.V 1 Mit' i'. I'.n).'. I xt'ciitor. Notu o i- hereby jrivt'n that om* month from (Into hm cof, oi>-Mriiii)iiv Mnv HM h S'.'o'.f, at 1 J . .*« loci; M., wo will :t | ; ly t tin* .1 ndj'o ol I'rohato of Km>ha w t'onniy. South ( Virolim, for I 1 1 «. i - I hsun-i^ot y KxtVUlorti of tlii' o.stulc \il It. .1. Hatch!!', tlroi'Mscd. W. II I! A IV1. II T, ». I; \Ti 1.1 1- i\ lixecutore A i.ril IS, \V0v'. to Li i\I:iKo \our ai at (lnisonliointor^ l;uniituro Sforo (or I co (iro lidiistf hi ivnr of (-tore) <li*> uuinhMXtl" pounds yi u will \\ n t c.u'lT dav and tliO I into <)!' ,l ty you will w ;uu il . The Delivery Wagon [will lio on scljetlulo I i i » *«*. Ticket** 50o per hundred )l»s, (dr. por hundred in 100 His and ovor. Terms Cash, inspect lull y, f£erjnoval |^©ticea Wo beg to notify our friends Mint we will move our stock this week to tbc Opera House SI ore for 4he pur¬ pose ol havi\ig erected a New and Modern business home on the spot now occupied by our old one. We expect- to have in our temporsvy^ Quarters a convenient arrange* meiit of our usual Big Line of General ^Merchandise, and a specially choice line of SPRING NOVELTIES TO WHICH WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION "Remember our new location for the present . TIIK OPERA HOUSE STORE. Respectfully, M. Eaum'and Company. Wanted You TO REMEMBER that when you go to most stores for Stoves, Nails, Grins, Revolvers and everything e Hardware lino, you have to bluff them n little, because this is nccessary to get the right prico, tut not so at our store, C'amden, S. G. Ask for anything in this line and the PRICE IS RIGHT REMEMBER ALSO, that we carry a complete line of Fresh .Groceries, also Harness, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, etc, all prices to &H^the short crops. y Attractive goods at attractve prices . that's the kind you want . we have all these . tor what we savo "yon, helps us both. 'V Mail orders tilled tame day as received, find have our * person^ljjjitention, * ^ tS f\ ' \ J in 1 ) 1 i K' 5 i fl i a u DUglJ W u fipOFu if / CAN BE FOUND ALMOST ANYHIiKG IN THE LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CENTS' . FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, SHOES, SO., THAT IS NEED¬ ED FOR SO IV! ME II USE, AND WE EAII- , MESTLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRON¬ AGE, FEELING [CONFIDENT THAT WE CAN PLEASE YOU. IS illtiSK COIliK IS oa ill' ()(ij{ SI'ffil,TI!sS, There is no plaeo in th<* c i < 3* that can hIiow you a be tier or more complete line, and with our Miperb.ussortmont, wc are prepared to pletise even (he inoHt fastidoous. Realizing that low prices are by no means ah objectionable feature, we have tried to place them "Rock Bottom," antfT though times are hard and money is scarce, there is no reason why you should not supply your wants if )0u trade at at the (Jilt Edge Sdore. NOTIONS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Are two other departments in which we defy competition. Call and see for yourself, and} 011 will be convinced that the assortment is all that could he desired, and the pi ices are such ai will make you amilo. If you have not. provided yourself witli a strRW hat, see our extensive line before you buy. Al¬ most any style, shape or quality of hat can he seen bore, and they are going fast, which is evidence that they are the most approved styles, and the prices are just what they ought to be. We are showing also a nine line of summer shoes for children, ladies and gentlemen, and if you would lipo to got the very best wear, &c., for the money, give ua a call TIIE BAY STATE SHOES ~ / Are too welt' known to the people of this community for , it to be necessaay for us to say more than that the Gilt Edge Store IS AGENT FOR THEM. They give the best wear; most comfort and altogether, perfect satisfaction. . * -a Remember that we are "Headquarters" for anything in our V line and take great pleasure in leading in low prices * ' A Follow the crowd and you will favor us with your presence ; very* soon, which visit we shall strive to make very profitable to y°«, ' . v . - .' :<a S ' . >;. \ KcHpcctfully, v I | . P. 1. TU.LEPiaCli.lWr.

The Camden Chronicle (Camden, S.C.). 1902-05-16 [p ]

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Page 1: The Camden Chronicle (Camden, S.C.). 1902-05-16 [p ]

Judgo llaskill to Eo Itoro.

* >T iitlij© AK'ok h . Ua^kill, olOolntn-|>i h, wilt delivof 'tho address a* liieclosing exeteises of the t'fcnjdeuGrade 1 school on Wednesday, .J .me4t.b, at 1 1 o'clock.

The Gilt Edge Glo»e.

Of course you nolo the new adver¬tisement of the G It Kd<<o Store to

day. They uro cflering snino bigioilimcnmnts in several lines of

pood a. Head it and avail yourself r.fsome of them.

. ....TV- « -?»

Another Finn to Movo \?p Town

Messrs. Whil alter «fc gurnet, havepurchased the old "IlosenbergiT"Mo'o on upper Main street near DK ill», between the stores of Mr J. IIUufSi* and C. M Ooleman. At an

euvly date Hie wurk of remodeling i'will bo oommencod and il i* expectedthat tlio nCw store will bo ready f«.r

oceupaaney about Sept. 1st J t i:» lobe arranged in au ap todate style.

To bo Moat Mugroflcont.We were shown a few days ag<.

iho plana of tho store now belufierected by Messrs. M. Uautn A Co.,nnd the i'ront in to be a most magnifleent one which will eompare fa¬vorably with the handsomest, ones

to be foulnd in any city. Hut fromthe rapid progress being made on

the work of building the store itwill not be lon«» now before the publie will nave the pleaeure of seeingand judging for themselves. Lookout for it.

Ativortiead Inciters.

The following in a lint of let to? p

rooiaiuing unQflflled for in tlio Camden post oftlec for 1 1 to week endingMay 1 1 :

II I) Clarke, YY'm Dusablon, AT i .

C Urn nee arper, ICdgo Dary, ZnPerkins, Meurietla William?, Klla

Smjy», Henry I'arrey, 10 va Kellj,.IiuWc Nelson, Julia iiurnos, Carry!lirody.

Parties calling for theso let'ersiwill please state what week they were

advertised.G. G. Alexanimsk, 1*. M.


We have the County rights ami

Agency for the Dollar deep wellforce pump, nau'd are prepared to

put them down, or drop them in

your well.This is beyond a doubt the flneni

pump on eai tlrt -x and «. everybodyshould have ffnc.N We expect n

dozen in about a week, and now isthe time for you to.comd and giv?us youi order and contract.

Don't forget that wo arc con¬

tractors for plumbing and also anykind of metal work.Look out for "The Antl-Mor-

phcus'Wiext we» k./' JENKINS JiKOS.

Money to Loan FarmiTB and Mor-chante

If you buy supplies for farmingpuipopcs on credit or you fire mer

chandising buying goods on th'rtyllftye time, borrow a few hundred Jo!lars Hnd pay cash for what you pur¬chase and save money. You can bor

i£>w money on live years time if youJiave real estate in or noar town on

which are (substantial., buildings.For information write J. T. Patrick,Pineblnff, N. 0., who ban control ofmuch capital from the North that is

seeking Southern investment. Mr/Patrick has no doubt brought to theSouth more people, manufacturingenterprises and capital than nny otherSouthern man, and ho has the eon

fidence of r lie capitalist"* North. Hois Chief Industrial Agent of the Sea-board Air Line Railway.


The Memorial eeiviees at thecemetery on Friday afternoon lastwere attended by a large crowd ofall ages from all over the county.At 6 p. m. the procession, consist¬ing of tho Kershaw Guard*, underthe command of Capt. S. C. Zenip,the miniaterp, orator and otllocrs of

Camp Richard Klikland, veteran*,ladica of tho Memorial association,Daughters of the Confederacy, Sons!of Confederate^V£t«ftiii8 and schoolchildren, formed at the ccmeterygates and marched to the stand,which was tastefully decorated withConfederate flags and floworp, Af-ter!a short but earnest prayer bythe Rev. W. B. Gordon, Mr. W. I).Tranlhsm of the Camden bar introduced the orator of the day, Mr.Jas. "Caleb- Clarke, a prominent

lawyer of, Atlanta, aud a

Camdenite by birth. lflFihs Clarke'saddress waft as pleasing in its formand delivery as was the earnestness«nd deep feeling with which hej.poke, and the speaker succeeded Iadnt||ably in expressing in a liroit-

of irell chosen words thelliat the occasion

,. _rth. ** At the close of theaddress, Mml C. J. Shannon, Jr,presignC oFlhe local chapter of the

Daughters of Ihs Ganrftde^soy, as¬

sisted by some of its members, dcc-orjted each of the veterans presentwith s red Silk badge, in Ilea of thesoatbsrn croee of honor, ss thecroeaea ordand-M aot irrltsd. Aheosdlellon by the Rev. ' W. W.Mills, foflowod bf tba eftstomsry"I***, nrtrt ltlOfci BVshswQttardSfederate

PERSONAL.V . t Mr Ki! .'II i.i v' ui K :l,it


i ' y* ' ^ Hough ii in Charleston forU fe w Uft\ S.

v,'>IV ^ » . '?. '-iojilu;; is n»terrr,ne :!n-nioct san Oounoil which i* in sexton inueorye! >\vn.

My, A. M. Kvhauln'n. t <. fluent f'-t||>U JVMltli* ril Kxpre!»« C'o., W:is !!|den Tuesday of thi» week,M ihfios. May Shi vet and !I, )0(| Wilis-

ii uu. of Pdiu kshury. was in (.'tiihueii thisi^i-k, ilu'gintto: Mls, \v. \\ m.,i0;)i..A h in.vl in.,' ,.t tiio law iiSAOriiit iui) ot

Uo-homli Carolina ( VI I »-..«>, Mr lv (».in- V:\*ti o! our l« wji wit* elected ( 1« i k!

I'i, I. H, A lexander is in ( * t n r¦ Iim week iiuitf.-n ! ,i,v,. upon the i),-nt .l

. »"oei«iioi) and vi.-iiin«/ iho exposition.( apt. Jhs I \ illi'pi^iiu returned from

( iriDimi College WothtesHay , where liehas hot' j i u.sitint; his daughter, Mj>.! irman.Mr. (\ I'. Uossigmd, proprietor of the

(.jiiu.i. n r«fWt an, I ('-.fliti l\rt>>ry w r*in tins ritv Ihiitsday on bi: mucks.< < oi^ctown Outlook.

Messrs, I-.. (!, \'on Tresekow, l\ YonI t'.-ckow, K(il»t. .Mrt ii iu'ui, J, hn N ettle#K«hiie .McCrt ij-ht and ('apt. Ii. Y). Hal.t».tll left hlM 1 U ON<hty tor tiio expositionMr Arthur J Sowel! lias j/ono to Dar¬

lington, whori* hit will repreHi nt thel.'|U.taMe him Assurance Society at thatplace. Mr. Sowed is a clover yoiln^'man, ami Mvnisii him sucecsfl.

Mine Sadie JhcoIisou loft for At¬lanta yesterday on a visit.

Dr.'V\ S. Brittou of Sniithvillewiih in llit* city Wcdnefidriy.Mr.\nd Mrs, 10. E. Mandeville

went Nor tli last Wednesday,Dr. W, .1, Dunn ami wife are in

Charleston, visiting liar exposition.Mrs. A. S. White liaa gone to

Charleston to vifcit l ho exposition.Mr. «J. .1. Hemphill, of ('heater,

was initio city a few days thisweek.

Mr. ami Mrs. .1. S. Hliatno wentto Charleston 1'uet.day to visit theexposit ion.

Mr. L. M. Vaughan went to At¬lanta Wednesday to at lend r, busi¬ness college.

Mrs. ,J. M, Jennings ami littledaughter* Kfchee.cn, are in the city,at the Workman House.Mepsrs. Grover Blackweil, F. W

Veto and J. II. Smith went to the

exposition yesterday.Mrs. A. \Y. Laaarua of JSishop-

ville, spent Tuesday and Wednes¬day of last week in the city.

Mrs. II. Ii. Jordan left for Savan-hnh Wednesday, where, she willvisit relatives and friends 'or a fewweeks.

Dr. A. Weinberg went to Char¬leston Tuesday to attend the Deul h1 Association and the exposition.Mis. Weiulu ig i* \ iBiliitg in Man¬ning.

Mrs. K. II Haiim left W«dnesd»yfor Atlanta and from there will fio

to Nashevilie, Tenu., where she willretuain about, a month, on a visit toM'd J. W. tStieu.Mr. Caleb Claiko returned to At¬

lanta Wednesday, accompanied byMisses Mary DeM.ut83me and FloraKennedy. The latter will remainin Atlanta some time.


Five converts were baptiecd at thefactory pond lust Sunday afternoon.Mrs IC M Mando\iMe has bought

Mih. Haulwarc's residence in Kirk-wood .

Naiuro lias beeu kind to 113 thiswc<k in sprinkling and lighting our

struts.It boettib tlifit we arc having n, re-

turu lof winter. Fires were eoruforta-blcjlbis morning./Lumber luncheon placed on the

ground preparatory to buildingMayor McOreight's new residenceon byttleton street. '(The identical- clesk on which Thorn

as Jefferson wrot e the Declaration ofIndependence is on exhibition in thegovernment department of tlio Charleston exposition.

Mr. Shaw, father of ,'AXr. Ah*xflbaw former superintendent of the

county chain gangly-riled on Wed¬nesday evening last. Tfis deathoccurred at hie home near iicthnne.

Rev. Mr. Ferris, wb<» called on

Sunday morning last to preach thefuneral of Mrs. Alex Kirby in oon-

a< queneo of which there was no

preaching in the Baptist churchhere Sunday morning.

Jlev. W, H. Gordon preached a

highly interesting sermr.n last Snn-»

day morning. But Mr. Gordon never

preaches any other kind. To hearMr. Gordon is always ft treat, andhis cultured congregation never failsto make tlio visitor glad of havinggone to lhe.l>pieoopal church.The Booth Carolina Telephone

company has commenced work uponits line from Columbia to Ifartsvillevia Camden again af er a delay ofseveral months. The work has pro¬cessed as fir n« Camden. A forceof hands have been working on thisline several days this week in Oam-dcn.

Rain leaked through the roof ofthe Auditor's office la9t Wednesdaynight>wetting many of the recent

returns so that thej^ had to be- tak¬en out and dried yesterday. Thisis a if vcible demonstration of theneed of a new coart house in whichthe county offices could be proper¬ly kept. *

Rer. Monroe Boykifi went to Ashe-ville on Tuesday. of last week to vithhi* daughter and also to attend the

Southern Baptist convention whiebwss in session there. He returnedon Wednesday last and expressedhimself as being highly pleasedwith bis trip, with the exceptionof iwtt or tttMW days indispositionwhile tberccTuncIo Monroe Is one

ofw cvost higblv esteemed citisoar,and k« km manj»«.***.

¦Vi-'.y-:/ V -'

f ¦ friends who rs#rstiMftllh is faOiog kits

Hois*.- Wuutod.W VNTKI).-A jron'io horao for

iii* Itc i «!uri« \ sum juc r

W .J P. Wi:rKs.

( OW8 \V tltllod,VI W'T]!!1 Pons !\>r fl 11 o t pus*It mm' n<-ir town with «;oo<l water.

I ys to cftll for I'iHv4Hi ' OH per tnnn'Ji. I>r<>j> m> ?>.r f .| « r I'i'ono 11!.

Vl'" \V 1 W » rKS.

I"* ¦*"

A Sudiit Ji Oortth.

MissCurrio R ul^cra, <h\ntrhter ofMr, r, overwrr on Ttautn $

{.Iniit.itiop, in NV of, f Watereo «lioiJvery f txhJor.ly lnat TnesiUy morningat lO.ftO o'clock. It. is said that (hevonnf* la.lv erckoil breakfast that,mominf* n« upual ami soon afterwards<lie«l. She waa about 22 vowrH ofnrc, find wan buried in t ho CarmU'ii( Ymctcry.


Tl.o following transfers of ?vh! en.

Into were recorded in tho Auditor'noQleqilnring the pnvt woek :

lleath, Springs A Co, b> Stephens AHeath, 10 acres, fl50.Adam Kirk land to John W Truesdoll,

I.T acres in \o 0, £ ISO,S I. (iardncr to K K l'dneknion, 50

acres in No '7 , ?> 100A Nov man to 0 S Nicholson, G20

acres in No (, $.*>riO1! (' Mcl.endon to.J J and A O Bradly,

<7 >! ere* in No 8 , $1.T A Me.Mai.un to John I Bowers 2-r>0

acres in N'o 1 I, $1,000(' \Y II vat t to Sn rah IT Hyatt, two

lots at Jjiicknow,J I-' Popeland to I, T (ir» gory, 10 neres

in No 7. 1 150.W L Black mon to J II Futridge, 840

ac.i ck in Xo 7, fx^O.T l» Team to bank of Cnnul«*n, I lot in

< 'amden, 1- -<

1 .i/ /iv Mi l. in i» to IJonth thinking ANT crcantiie ('o, 1'5 sores in No, f 1 "0W I* Barfield to 1 loath Banking A Mer¬

cantile Co, 105 acres in No !?KW.John (\ir.bv to Julia K Kerr 100x700

foot in Kirkwood 91.Henry K Iterrv to Luther T Bcvry, IS

Korea in No r>. JiV iOJosephine lv Cnreton to llcnrv Sr.vnue

(!2 H 10 acres in N'o 1,.1 O Hay to W O Hay, 1 lot in Kirk-

\voo«l, .f.\Sarah R Bonbvaro to Naomi Man*

devilie 115x254 teel in Kirkwood, *2^*0.TO V Trnesdel to I< T Gregory, JJiracroH

in No ?.(>, f 150,Deaths.

Our community was grieved on Satur¬day morning last, to loam that Mrs.

Kirhy, widow of Mr J. Alex Kirhy, was

(lend. » ! r r death occurred in uamdenafter an illness of about one week. Mrs.K irhy w«? a moat excellent lady and lefttwo little children- Tho funeral w«r

luld iio.ii the residence on Sunday worn- Jitig. tho fc"rvi<'( b heing onducted by Rev. '

r 1 V \ "

Jaluz Kerrh\ Mrs Kjrbv w;ip a Bisterof 51 rs. it. JjOwia.Scarcely had the sorKOwiug relatives

returned from Mrn. Kirby's burial be¬fore they realized that- Alexandria, thelittle eighteen months old dwghtofofMr*. Kirhy was critically ill, and on

'Tuesday afternoon she died.It is n singular faot that when Mr.

Kirhy died about two ycni a ago one ofhis little boys was ill and d'ed while theburial oeivices of Mr. Kirhy were la ingcpnduftted.*The bereaved ones have the sympathy

of the entire community.

McKay, the littlo cbilJ of Mr. and Mrs.T. 1{. Thorne, died on Monday niphl laptThe llLtleoao had been rick forbornetime an«l w puld have been nine monthsold had it lived until the 16th of thiymonth. The burial was at McLain'sBranch church.


Philadelphia Logger,NefcNY(Trtc. May 18..The country club

of WeHtchestefr-tyumphed over the Cam¬den, S. C., pololt>am today, on the field ofthe former, in yfie struggle for the oountryclub cup»-N Thfc fin al wore was 16 to 14,and the result was in abeynucc until thehell was rung \ /->

Mr. Snlinond cd the vUmtjg team metwith a painful ncckient durmg the secondjieiiod, While racinft-flt full speed nftortho sphere the pony stumbled andfell, pinning his rider under him. Mr.Sulmond was pullod out with a sprdncdwrist, A Mar a delay of some L'O minutesthe injured rider was enabled tq rOfiamoplay.Purjag the last period and n half the

tcntna scetawed for the lead . At theclose of the third period two tallies byMr Sulmond for Camden put the tomb-em quartette in tho van. after tho tenniBhad stood 11 all. Commencing thefourth and final period tho game,MeHsrt. Collier u»d Heeckman, for thecountry club, did fine work, countingfour gonl». Although Camden tcored inthe fiual minutes of play, the time leftwas too ihort for them to rally tuffioient-ly to even make a deadheat, and theysuffered defeat in their metropolitan de-but.Favored at the outset by n handicap

of eight goals, the Camdon font- did sucheffective work nt to hold their more ex-

pericnued opponent* down ti> two yoalsin tho oponihg period. *

Toward tho end of tho third periodMr. Fabnond got his mates out ot defeat'sy.jy for the time being by pmqifching two

jrouls in eflVctive fashion. This was theonly time at thi* stage, however, th %t

thuy were in <h« lf«d , n« th<* countryclub expert* tallied frequently enough towin out by the margin started.Tho country club players were so speed¬

ily mounted that they frequently overrodeth* ball, aud their team work outshonethat of tho southern four.

HOMESTEAD NOTICE.Sonth Carolina.Kenhaw County.Kx-Parte Tamnue A. Watt#, et- aL£>

In the mailer of the estate of Alexandm- C, Wjlfs, deceased.

APPLICATION FOR HOMESTEAD.Petition having been made to me by|

Taimnio A. Watts, tho wijjowof AlexanderC. Watts, to have set aside to her and herchildren,* homestead in the real and per-*>nU property of th*esUte of said Alex¬ander C. Watts, decaaaed, situated in saidCounty and State, notfcw is hereby giventhat proceedings *ilibe.had 1a my officeta Camden, Sr 4}. tm Monday, June Prh.IttM. atK o'clock M , to have said Bdme-tiead set aaldc tp tbs said Tauuata A.Watia, aod chiJdro»>. - . -* jOtrws node* mf ImmmI iUM Urif Iftk

ANNOUiMCENU£NTs>i'oii .M ia ri'ij.

To "h* \ . ..< i h of Koi Hf- t ^ « n\ >i . vi' »

<»< troll! C" .> Vt Mom ..

loUiitv, i uTi-iij oil or niysoil »-i ii iMiiiti 'aw (>>rt (iiuil.t Mi.tttor! 1 1 a v in# intuit vi am o\i'i t mi .>

mul ii i )ioi oii^'li k u ' i flit' i hit " ?» ii

Ull.lllor, feci Killl>'tOil fl'.H' Cull nil till1 01' ! I

till* Mills! I.' I loll Of tllt> |li'«|lll' I \\ 'Ii .t't|,|Hi*' Iv.iti : of 11,0 IVlilfi : nl lc I 1 1 III.i I.e.

Ittl.'tlH'Cl III !»> Ml I ill 1! t i'.!(\\ . Ii. Mr* K it llf.

I li -iii s a'liit'iiitr** mysv" it i-.uiiliii ii«»nifo o/*.'\ii>'i'or of Koriiliaw fount) hmley I* 1mn r> !i« ¦<¦ on, aint r»!u*< 'iii1 i ,

I \ ' scltil I i«.'vt:.|s. V Ii. .. I > i.

. I of IMIK (;>» !. v. I I ilu. i: o.

f«tl <1 Willi olio Ii Ill ;I<i'!iIH ii in! lio»»k*kt >\ <. \

l< liilIDH oYft ;t Ollitlliui.ll* p>'l !<>«! of w « !.l i <i\ .-

» <. 1 1 S IS It * II I) it ill 1. 1 It 11 1 1 I III N \

i I'. t'o t» 1. 1 \v in it* I || In lit' i In lllil ll, !.»' t t -

t I n .t i !i >rt iiiflily itii-un »i> if i iii oi .

K«*»p .flfiiliv , \\ . A. >'< V-

To tfio i»; lno<*raii>' \ otct* of KcrMiitx c,in *

'.IJlfl |t|i> Mlllt'll.lHoll III f I !. I|> H lil lo.'li i*t : y |it t*n ..i m,v ii. i i> .i - .i in .tl.iic

I n> I - 1 1 1 1 » of ft. ill. IV Alltllloi. I. tVll.j!fo'Cinl liit* a< i|llltlll1ltllf0 of Hit* people ii 'i.., e.l . iHillel know it'tltfc o' IW1 J>rOpO:!\111*' tli lit- 1 i*ii * liK'Allf let, of 1 1|«* I inilits I ,o lit*|'l t'|l|tl\*<l lO <ll»Villllj;i' ill'" * 1 1 .i'M if lilt* III, t'.

slii'U <1 I no i"' |» 1* honor mo ti^am I v i n i ntlilt* III lilt |kO.Sll|«l||, I >. 111 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 .*1 1 I. I.l

ti i.irhtti tfo I Ii,* tin 1 1«*!« i o i lit* r.fhi of in \ ill* i »

without ttisi . iiitiiiHiriii, '. mill. hi)' iiiv 1It llioli past In voi < a *1 s .ii, ii inn Ho ir |i.i|ioiI v'f llllti On.Ct'lU ill H|f fill 11 ,*, I 1 I tint II. V - I 1 ,tl

ili.'l,* II i- i t's.i !| of Jiio pilluiu y oiot'i inn.Kt!>|u*.»ifiii!.., i\ i . viavi:.

I lion l*y Million noto i:iy«oH a <-:i it . I 1 to foit'«>n uiy A Hill tor, Miiijtri to i ii** tloniot miio n,iii.'tiy. I, A. tirht>|i \

Tin* f i li-iiiU of Miij. K. K. Sill lioroli.v iiiiiioiiiit i*

Im- ri'iini* >t< ii otniilitliiio lor ilu* oiih o of .\n«li orl>. JxOfSllilW Mill I \ Mioji*,! *.> Mn* I it'll;, :;i*lt-{.I llii.tr>. III- kliotv It'ilyt ol I III' olllt'i* oiiiiii* ii, v

liUiiiiliou I,im lor Hio (io.nl ion. Mtuiy l iuin;...

FDli TUKASI! Iti:i5.Mr. KillMr »)'ltn>io aiiiikiihoo iIh* iiitnic of \ir,. I.. Ilouuli for r.o-olt*, i ion i*> iiir o'I'i ,* u|

Trou«iii or t>l l({i .**li. \v t ninny winch in- im..i < «'|*iiil>iy iHlcil to c (to t it! lit* sullsfiioi ton ol 1 i*tvntilo petiplo. Many Krtei.ils.

srrr. of Kia:<!ATh)\.Killtor (UironU'lo: \\'o !).<. frloii H t»f ni !:

lii iloo, tjiko |>li'UHiiro In twiiintiiiciiitr Ii I III foi lit*|...siMon n| t'ouulv Gilpin mi viitloni of Krtnr'M. nfor K I* I'hll ItW I OtllllV ill lilt' t lllllllt^,' ll«*IIHII'l ni Ii*[iitimiiy. Mr. Unit i*i a io;it lu*r tviio Iiiih ki\i*hjioi foot *>ul Ntnol lull to tin* pillions (>f his m lin>!a ltd wo fool fttl ls!lt*i| flim in lito oilloti I* ir tvltii Iitvi' ali until! 'O ft i lit. In* w I iiilciitl lii ll»** tin! 'OSti nmlioiit upon I' in* tv.iii tl'»* -itnio chio i.ivi uiUi. ioi,. '.Cufti'iii Kff iaw.

'I ¦» tht"* \'oti f 1 *i v w .'oi. « v : A*i .» Kl!i«lrt'liioiiiliiitnoo i»f, it lid tliaiiks for yot.tr lii'iirrtMiippurt <*l iiiv r:i:id|iUov Itir Ul'* ollit i* of Mtp!.ol hilitcuii 'ii in tii»*flii»,i oampaii!!', I .'.tr im m.liouiit t* injf(!»-il a i-itinliilalo f«n lli-it t !:,'-'*. Itt-loolo'l t | *X- 1 1 ift* my iiojti t iloxin in Itfiotii nt ttuStll'iol.-l ol lilt* t til'ti* fir.'llty.

IJi-spft i fully, I,'. 1'. OJkiM.

M AC I >TK A l lVMr. I ill tor :. IMon^o aniiotiin*<* tin*

niinu* i I Mr. A- \S'i*.s( us h i*ji n« I i 1 1 jt to f"illtf < ffit*(. cf Maoist) nto iii ti|iju*f I >u fl a 1 otown* hip Mr \Wt< i;. n ^oo<l nuin itmlwe fit) entisfu* 1 that lu» will j'ivc nil in*sati.-t'iftioti to tlu» pooplo. 1 rii niS*.

1 lit i t l>v ani^unot* nvyflolf a pjinillilatnfur tin* ollico <>( Mitii!f<lra«y at ltftliunt*.HiiO'aio Township, suhjuct to tho rules oftin* Deiiii.crntii! primary.lU*»pi't'lfnilv Hubniittfil,

li. W.\l TKK Coi*»:i AMI.

Ll-XilSLATUUl';.Mi. l-'lllprj.- irifiitU t*f 1 "ii . ifl ii t*.

I. ,,ii.u«i.. 'ir., tirnno to I tut o lus tiiiiii" I io for«tint iit'it ioi tio vn'crs oi Korjtliatv count'.' f *rrev loot ion lo ilio l,< u Ik'hIuio. t':ipi. If.oiniMlsImK liiinto an ablo it jxl.t.ntor i:ml no i>Vttor nmtionn in* f'Mitnl in KciKhitw ooi)n(v roprvw.nttlio ruriiicit '»f (»ur , tniii»y. Wo tpfrulorp tmnil.iirtlo it :iu «tiiij* i:l to Hut rutC9 ol llif U *m«o.ra ioparty. )1ih Kiiomtrt.

AVv. tin1 many Iriotuls of M I,.Slnit'; ; ^i fiii |i I cttsn ii* in iiiHitiiiiu iii^him t >r Vt'-oloct ion to tho I legislature inthe coming tleioocjalic primarv. Air.Smith ia too well known to tin- people ofKershaw County 1 1 tu-od any more ie^oi\>-iv.enthition thin hi} uprv(«;e jn UiCla!'.:,'!* fo, tho l,if;; [\\ n yf:\iH.

Many Voters.

8KNATK.tlavinp ln f)t rPipieslM I o Ktsi ml forrr otrotion,

aii'l il!i:nk tiijf tlic- l>t*iii"fi at It: vnlciH of Kt-rslmtv(!tnnity for oonliil'.Miot! ami mipjiort In tin* punt-, IloTcoy nniiounoc Mint I am n e.tn,\iiVttu us tin*I lomoornlir primaries tor tiio ollico of m iiatorfrom U'jrBiittW t'ouiity. .1. T. HAY.


I hcr< by nnm^inno myHolf a camlM itc \rt'ounty Hvpcrvisor, Ktiliject to the tuIoh of tinsDemocratic pi Imarlcs. ^(cspootfiillv, S


Wanted.1 iw cmniiswh fur a fust selling

'u \ oity. A'Hu>* win- rc?< i cr.ot. N»vWtv Co., vut.«Mi1'iro*, N >*< \

.-«a0^ . ¦***

Fino Cow for S ilo.

1 lino m lie It cow to. s»i;lo v !ion|vId 1 1 u ;i !t s. No money n<|«iiuil un

(i: rim' h is n ictjl* J, Aj i-Iv ai

r m- Chroni olUi'o or lo t lu> un¬

it i ! \V 1 1 I'm i i 'k

C\t r |n * » i ' > 1 1 « > 1 . ¦Vol ! r iii.'.i oi hi ...i < i>.a

( v m i >i:.\, . . s. < .

Catering to M».* Com >ncremt unitOrurfof Orui'c/.

Mr. an*! Mrs >< ?<.'/ iinm'U ,

! ' r<> )> ri r i <> r

*Dr, &?ncst i/jrasinaioHiw

°14 It | N u" Ul » I vl I I Vs 0^ I I i I ,

Ca />t (ten, iS. C'.( ) li ;'i» 5 n 1 » :i i»1: of t'>iin<1on IhiiMinr

1{i >; l 'III ). ill si t'il. (S I ', t- \\ i !KfKidciifv.)

Notice of Application furDischarge.

h'otu'o i* luTcUy uiwu ili.ti >>m) monthfrom (l4i« her* of, on .Momlny, .hint: -oil.I'.'D'J. nt 12 o'clock M . I will >i | > } >1 v ltlx- .lii'liM' of 1'rohMt of K or.-.ili.iw (VmSouth <A.irolina tor l.iiirr* lliymis.mo \

im Kxtvutor «>f tin* estftlo "f Simon\\'« lit', ihvi astsl.

I>.\ VII) Wnl.V 1Mit' i'. I'.n).'. I xt'ciitor.

Notu o i- hereby jrivt'n that om* monthfrom (Into hm cof, oi>-Mriiii)iiv Mnv HM hS'.'o'.f, at 1 J . .*« loci; M., wo will :t | ; ly ttin* .1 ndj'o ol I'rohato of Km>ha w

t'onniy. South ( Virolim, for I 1 1 «. i -

I hsun-i^ot y a« KxtVUlorti of tlii' o.stulc \ilIt. .1. Hatch!!', tlroi'Mscd.

W. II I! A IV1. II T,». I; \Ti 1.1 1- i\

lixecutoreA i.ril IS, \V0v'.


i\I:iKo \our ai

at (lnisonliointor^ l;uniituroSforo (or I co (iro lidiistf hiivnr of (-tore) <li*> uuinhMXtl"pounds yi u will \\ :» n t c.u'lTdav and tliO I into <)!' ,l ty youwill w ;uu il .

The Delivery Wagon[will lio on scljetlulo I i i » *«*.

Ticket** 50o per hundred )l»s,(dr. por hundred in 100 Hisand ovor.

Terms Cash,inspect lull y,

f£erjnoval |^©ticeaWo beg to notify our friends Mint we will move our

stock this week to tbc Opera House SI ore for 4he pur¬pose ol havi\ig erected a New and Modern business homeon the spot now occupied by our old one. We expect- tohave in our temporsvy^ Quarters a convenient arrange*meiit of our usual Big Line of General ^Merchandise,and a specially choice line of


"Remember our new location for the present.TIIK OPERAHOUSE STORE. Respectfully,

M. Eaum'and Company.

Wanted YouTO REMEMBER that when you go to most stores

for Stoves, Nails, Grins, Revolvers and everythinge Hardware lino, you have to bluff them n

little, because this is nccessary to get the right prico,tut not so at our store, C'amden, S. G. Ask for

anything in this line and the

PRICE IS RIGHTREMEMBER ALSO, that we carry a complete line

of Fresh .Groceries, also Harness, Dry Goods,Shoes, Hats, etc, all prices to &H^the short crops.

y Attractive goods at attractve prices.that's the kind

you want.we have all these.tor what we savo

"yon, helps us both. 'VMail orders tilled tame day as received, find have our

* person^ljjjitention,*


tSf\ ' \ J in 1) 1 i K' 5 i fl i a


u fipOFu if/








IS illtiSK COIliK IS oa ill' ()(ij{ SI'ffil,TI!sS,

There is no plaeo in th<* c i < 3* that can hIiow you a betieror more complete line, and with our Miperb.ussortmont, wc are

prepared to pletise even (he inoHt fastidoous.Realizing that low prices are by no means ah objectionable

feature, we have tried to place them "Rock Bottom," antfTthough times are hard and money is scarce, there is no reason

why you should not supply your wants if )0u trade at at the(Jilt Edge Sdore.


Are two other departments in which we defy competition.Call and see for yourself, and} 011 will be convinced that theassortment is all that could he desired, and the pi ices are suchai will make you amilo. If you have not. provided yourselfwitli a strRW hat, see our extensive line before you buy. Al¬most any style, shape or quality of hat can he seen bore, andthey are going fast, which is evidence that they are the most

approved styles, and the prices are just what they ought to be.We are showing also a nine line of summer shoes for children,ladies and gentlemen, and if you would lipo to got the verybest wear, &c., for the money, give ua a call


Are too welt' known to the people of this community for ,

it to be necessaay for us to say more than that the Gilt EdgeStore IS AGENT FOR THEM. They give the best wear; most

comfort and altogether, perfect satisfaction. .* -a

Remember that we are "Headquarters" for anything in our Vline and take great pleasure in leading in low prices *



Follow the crowd and you will favor us with your presence ;

very* soon, which visit we shall strive to make very profitableto y°«,



. - .' :<aS '

. >;.\ KcHpcctfully, v I |


P. 1. TU.LEPiaCli.lWr.