The Best of Spanish Fiction

The Best of Spanish Fiction. Tribute to Julio Medem and one of the best SERIES of national fiction Medem is on the best Spanish writer and film directors

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The Best of Spanish Fiction

Tribute to Julio Medem and one of the best SERIES of national fiction

Medem is on the best Spanish writer and film directors of the decade, also recognized as a experienced film critic shows some of his best movies this month.

La Republica, recorded in 2011 is one of the best series of the Hispanic fiction, got important audience records in its premier.

You can not loose it…



Fernando Bauluz, Ricardo Franco (1998)Drama | RomanceCast: Ariadna Gil, Fele Martínez, Elena Anaya

Andrés is a young photographer whose life is completely sorted out. He has a steady job and is about to marry his longtime girlfriend, Alicia. That is until a woman named Isabel and her mate rob him on the street. But something about this mysterious woman will change everything. Isabel is a tormented woman with a mental disorder, nevertheless, Andrés can't help his attraction for her. Will this woman be his condemnation or will he be her salvation instead ?

Valladolid International Film Festiva: Espiga de Plata Best Actress

VACAS SPECIAL :Julio Medem (1996)Drama. Romance. Cast: Silke, Nancho Novo, Carmelo Gómez, Emma Suárez, Karra Elejalde, Txema Blasco, Ane Sánchez, Juan José Suárez

Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an "earthy" taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a "ghost" of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the diseased townspeople?

Cannes Film Festival: Best Picture Nomination

LA ARDILLA ROJA SPECIAL :Julio Medem (1993)Drama. Romance. Comedy Cast: Carmelo Gómez, Nancho Novo, Emma Suárez, Karra Elejalde, María Barranco, Cristina Marcos, Elena Irureta, Ana Gracia, Mónica Molina

Lisa suffers a motorcycle accident and loses her memory. Jota is a musician, desperate after separating from his girlfriend. When he meets Lisa he takes advantage of the situation and reinvents her life according to his desiresde un coche rojo

Cannes Film Festival : Youthfull Award

VACAS SPECIAL :Julio Medem (1992)Drama. Romance. Cast:, Carmelo Gómez, Emma Suárez, Ana Torrent, Karra Elejalde, Miguel Ángel García, Pilar Bardem,

A film set in the Basque region, beginning in the Carlist war of 1875 and ending during the Spanish Civil war of 1936. The film portrays how one single act of cowardice shapes the life of the next three generations of two families and fuels the intense rivalry which will span the next sixty-one

Goya Best Director. 4 nominations Montreal Film Festival : Best Opera Prima Award Tokyo International Film Festival: Gold Award


Spain, end of the 40´s. Julia suffers a deep depression because of the imprisonment of his boyfriend, an out-standing anti system painter. The only daughter of a wealthy family, is an educated woman, who has been educated in Switzerland and England, has graduated in Philosophy and wants to be a writer. Her discouragement is such that decides to move away from Madrid and to be going to spend a season to the small Asturian village of Cerralbos.

Drama Casting: Lydia Bosch, Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Juan Diego, Ana Fernández, Iñaki Miramón, Manuel Lozano, Fernando Guillén

5 Goya AwardsSilver Bear. Berlin Film Festival

UNA PALABRA TUYA BY ANGELES GONZALEZ SINDE (2008)Drama Cast: Ramiro Alonso, Malena Alterio, Catalina Batista

The tragedy of usual lives, relationship bordering on friendship and love, loneliness, family ties and moral obligations - the movie manages to cover so much problems in such short timing. And the soundtrack, perfectly matches the action on the screen and sets just the right tone and mood to every scene.

Screen play based in the novel of Elvira Lindo, a Spanish journalist and writer. she received the Biblioteca Breve (Tiny Library) Award for this novel.

Goya Awards: 4 nomination including Best Script Adaptation

LA REPUBLICA BY JORDI FRADES (2011)Drama/RomanceCasting: Verónica Sánchez, Alejo Sauras, Lucía Jiménez, Álex Angulo, Marta Belaustegui, Fernando Cayo, Úrsula Corberó,…….

Series of TV (2011-Now-On). Spring of 1931. The proclamation in Madrid of the 2nd Republic uses as backdrop of histories of impossible loves and very determined by the circumstances of the epoch. The events centers on the prestigious family De la Torre, owner of an estate in the field, where he passed the most nice moments of his life. A fascinating time replete with plots that develop in a key period in the history of Spain, and that includes, the first period of two years of the new Government, from 1931 up to the winter of 1933, when the conservative parties defeat the republican government.

RAMON Y CAJAL BY JOSE MARIA FORQUE (1982)Drama/BiopicCasting: Adolfo Marsillach, Verónica Forqué, Fernando Fernán-Gómez, Encarna Paso, Fernando Valverde

TV series of nine episodes, about the life of Ramon y Cajal, a Spanish pathologist, histologist, neuroscientist, and Nobel laureate. His original pioneering investigations of the microscopic structure of the brain have led his being designated by many, as the father of modern neuroscience. His medical artistry was legendary.