THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND 03/01/13 Lisa: Well, hello! Welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series, this is Lisa Garr. I love this platform. I love being with you guys on this level because I get to deliver information to you that is so powerful, that is so strong, that is so truthful which is a huge thing for me that maybe, you might not get it in another area, and this is my mission. This is my passion… is to give you the best, most vetted out information that I can find and get it into your hands so that you can do something with it. So today, we’re talking about our bodies. We’ve been talking about health for a while on the Aware Show, but today, since every single person listening has a different body, different composition; not every single supplement, diet, plan, everything out there works for every single body since we’re all so different. So, would you like to know how to select the right supplements for you or the right program for you or, how to create an intuitive dialog with your body and really learn how to listen to what it wants. Joining me to help us with this conversation is to help us really understand how to take our power back over our health and really to create that dialog with our body is Caroline Sutherland. She is an incredible medical intuitive and she noticed her gifts of being able to see into the body of a person and really, intuitively hear what it wants at a very early age and she’s going to share her story with us. Welcome to the show, Caroline! Thank you for being with me. Caroline: Oh, Lisa, always great! Thank you so much! Lisa: We had such a good time when we were in Colorado together. We hung out! *laughter* Caroline: We sure did! *laughter* It was awesome! Lisa: We did. I loved that because I’ve known about you and your work for such a long time but when Caroline was on my Gaiam show, the Gaiam TV show, and just from the minute you got in the car with us to travel to the studio, you were just…. so much information flows through your body. Was it always like that for you, even as a child? Caroline: I can’t really remember but since this has all started, and this is my 30th year in the business, we’re celebrating that this year.

THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

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Page 1: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just




Lisa: Well, hello! Welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series, this is Lisa Garr. I love this platform. I love being with you guys on this level because I get to deliver information to you that is so powerful, that is so strong, that is so truthful – which is a huge thing for me – that maybe, you might not get it in another area, and this is my mission. This is my passion… is to give you the best, most vetted out information that I can find and get it into your hands so that you can do something with it. So today, we’re talking about our bodies. We’ve been talking about health for a while on the Aware Show, but today, since every single person listening has a different body, different composition; not every single supplement, diet, plan, everything out there works for every single body since we’re all so different. So, would you like to know how to select the right supplements for you – or the right program for you – or, how to create an intuitive dialog with your body and really learn how to listen to what it wants. Joining me to help us with this conversation is to help us really understand how to take our power back over our health and really to create that dialog with our body is Caroline Sutherland. She is an incredible medical intuitive and she noticed her gifts of being able to see into the body of a person and really, intuitively hear what it wants at a very early age and she’s going to share her story with us. Welcome to the show, Caroline! Thank you for being with me.

Caroline: Oh, Lisa, always great! Thank you so much!

Lisa: We had such a good time when we were in Colorado together. We hung out! *laughter*

Caroline: We sure did! *laughter* It was awesome!

Lisa: We did. I loved that because I’ve known about you and your work for such a long time but when Caroline was on my Gaiam show, the Gaiam TV show, and just from the minute you got in the car with us to travel to the studio, you were just…. so much information flows through your body. Was it always like that for you, even as a child?

Caroline: I can’t really remember but since this has all started, and this is my 30th year in the business, we’re celebrating that this year.

Page 2: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Lisa: Wow, 30th!

Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just don’t want to miss anything, so it’s a little bit like a steam train, it just goes boom-boom-boom-boom-boom, so… that’s kind of how it goes.

Lisa: *laughter* So, it spreads into you, and you just have this desire to get it to the person, right?

Caroline: Yes, very much so.

Lisa: I’ve experienced that with you. Did you ever use these gifts on yourself or growing up, did you work on healing your own body?

Caroline: Oh, I don’t think I had an intuitive bone in my body until I reached the age of 39, and that’s when I was diagnosed with the early warning signs of multiple sclerosis, and I went to see a special doctor in an alternative environmental medical clinic, and all of my symptoms, my MS type symptoms and everything else cleared up, I lost weight, I wasn’t tired anymore, I could think clearly. All of that cleared up within one month and my background, and I think you know this, is in fashion and interior design. So, I left all that behind and went straight into alternative medicine with myself as kind of the banner waver, and started to read and write and research and ended up being a physician’s assistant, and able to test people for all their allergies and sensitivities on subtle energy equipment from Europe, and in the process became very psychic then, and that was in 1983 and ’84, and so, no, I would say absolutely not and I think the precursor to me being intuitive really is a process of meditation. One of the wonderful gifts that we’re giving away today is a full body scan meditation where people literally will be able to tune into each organ and see whether or not there’s an issue or a concern. So, meditation for me was the kind of a baseline, and to help me to become receptive to inner guidance about various clients and patients in a clinical setting.

Lisa: Wow, that is amazing. To be able to do those body scans on yourself really means that you are in tune. Now, I also know from your past that you were raised in a family of medical doctors, right?

Caroline: Yes. My dad was a doctor and so was my grandfather, and my aunt was a social worker, my mother was a dietician. So, I was very steeped in conventional western medicine. I have a great deal of respect and I really encourage people to understand that healing takes many forms and many different facets, and something that is important for people to have is always to have access to conventional western medicine because sometimes that is needed, and it depends a lot on a person’s philosophy, their line of thinking, and if they believe that conventional western medicine will have a part in their

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healing program. They need to have access to that and not to just throw the baby out with the bath water… but of course I’m extremely alternative and do as much as I can on that side of things, but I have my annual checkup, I do all the things that I need to do, and in fact from my last checkup, last year, my doctor basically said “Get out of here, you’re the healthiest person I’ve seen!”

Lisa: *laughter*

Caroline: …and next week, go figure, in exactly a week, I’m going to be 69 years of age.

Lisa: Oh my goodness! You have more energy than I have... I mean, you really… and you make such great choices, too, with your body, you really do. You intuit everything that you eat, down to the supplements, and I see you constantly checking in, checking in, checking in… of what your body wants... You know so clearly, “My body needs this now.” You put things in your purse that your body needs, you know that it’s going to need it. It’s really cool to watch you work, to watch you live. It’s neat. So, in the fact that I brought up the family of medical doctors and what you do now, which is medical intuition, it makes you perfectly credible to be able to blend those two worlds and to impart the information from your gifts that you bring down, and also your history of growing up and being raised in a medical family to understand what people really do need in order to heal. So how is it that you teach us how to do this on our own?

Caroline: Well, first of all, the body has a wisdom and it has an incredible capacity to repair. So, it doesn’t matter what the age of the person is. They can be in their 30s and 40s but yes, they can be in the 50s, 60s and beyond, and in fact, Louise Hay, I took Louise Hay on as a client when she was 73 years of age, and literally in a matter of weeks her body turned around and she was extremely pleased about some of the suggestions that I gave her.

Lisa: Wow!

Caroline: So, from my perspective, with about 150,000 people under my belt that I’ve done readings for or helped in teleseminar settings or in big groups and individual readings, I see that every day... and that’s what gives me the knowledge that the body has this capacity.

Lisa: Wow, 150,000!

Caroline: That’s a lot… and counting! It’s got to be easily up 155,000 or 160.|

Lisa: Wow!

Page 4: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Caroline: A lot, a lot of people over 30 years, you can imagine… but, the first thing is that people recognize right away, I am not well. So, what does that mean? Oh! I don’t have the energy that I want. I’m not thinking clearly the way I want to. I’m gaining weight and I don’t want to gain weight. My joints are stiff and I don’t want them to be stiff. So, these are the conversations that we have. My first book, The Body "Knows": How to Tune Into Your Body and Improve Your Health, gives everyone the guidelines of what to look for. In my view, Lisa, and I’m sure it’s in yours, yourself, simply because you’ve been involved in this for so long and that’s part of the package that people will get, is The Body “Knows”, they’ll get that as a download… but the first part is, literally, recognizing that there’s only certain areas that you have to go into to make that correction. You know, it looks as if the body is this mysterious multifaceted piece of machinery that is so very, very complex with thousands of processes. Yes, but in my view, there’s only seven places that you need to go in and correct; and one of them of course is hormones and we’re going to talk about that…

Lisa: Yes?

Caroline: …but, it’s so cool because it’s not overwhelming. It’s like, “Okay, so where are we going? …and what are the seven places?” Well, we’ve got digestion is a problem, nervous system is a problem, hormones are a problem, Candida yeast is a huge problem, food allergies are a problem. So, we go in and we correct in those areas. Like for example, someone will say “I can’t see very well, I’m having problems with my eyes.” Do you think we’re going to go in and start working with eyes? No, we’re not. Where are we going to go? We’re going to go to the digestive system, namely the liver. If you want to support the eyes you have to go in and do work on the liver, and that helps the eyes. So, you don’t go piecemeal. “Oh my hair is falling out so let me rub my scalp and put some oil into it.” No, not at all. You go straight to digestion, and then of course for hair loss, it’s going to have a component related to thyroid. It’s so exciting, what I love to do is distill it down, make it super simple, and then people get it. It’s just so rewarding.

Lisa: It’s so amazing, you just pretty much asked the 15 or so questions that just came in, exactly!

Caroline: *laughter*

Lisa: That’s just amazing… oh, my God! Okay, well let’s go after some of the questions that are coming in because I just want to dive right in, and I invite the listeners, by the way, go on your own to the website, which is theawareshow.com/sutherland. On that website, you’re going to see exactly what Caroline is talking about right now with the book The Body “Knows”, it’s a .pdf, so you get to read through it, get a full understanding of it, and we’re going to get into what the conversation is that we’re starting here with the hormones, and this is such a powerful conversation, you’re not going to get this from…

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I’ve been going through this myself from a regular doctor. Let’s just dive right in, OK. Hormones: How directly linked are they to your thyroid?

Caroline: Well, first of all that is an area that you have to piece together. So, let’s start with thyroid, and then we’ll get to the female hormones and if there’s questions around male hormones and after all most women or many women are connected to men so it’s nice to know what’s going on with the guys, so let’s talk thyroid. So the first thing is, the thyroid will be out of balance and by the way, for the clients that I see, and that’s a lot, 90% of them have thyroid imbalances. Mostly subclinical low thyroid. So if you suspect your thyroid is low, and there’s different factors and we can look at those suspected kind of symptoms, but if you suspect your thyroid is low you go to the doctor and say “You know what, I’m tired, I’m poopy, I’m draggy, my hair is falling out, my nails are breaking, I’ve got ridges in my nails, I’m constipated and there’s various other things going on namely weight gain, and I think I’m dealing with low thyroid.” So everyone goes and gets their thyroid tested which is via the blood, and sure enough it comes back normal. But it’s going to come back at the bottom end of the normal range. It’s normal, but it’s at the low end, and so that’s called subclinical. The medical doctor cannot prescribe anything for thyroid. He/she cannot prescribe out of the box because there’s no test to back it up. She/he may agree with you that it could be low but they can’t do anything. So, you have to start working on it yourself. Now there’s a link between subclinical low thyroid and the amount of sugar and starch that people are eating. So if they have a high starch, high sugar diet, that will affect thyroid function. If they’re drinking coffee, black tea, taking a lot of chocolate, anything that’s stimulatory, that stresses the adrenals, then it’s going to tax that thyroid. For example, if adrenals are taxed, thyroid is affected. Now who’s adrenals are not taxed? We’re driving around, we’re doing a million things, we’ve got things coming in from iPads and iPods and iPhones, we’ve got stuff on the news that we’re linked into, all kinds of stress known and unknown will affect thyroid function. So it taxes the adrenals, makes those adrenals weak so that all the person needs is more coffee and more sugar to get revved up so they can do what they need to do, and then of course that affects thyroid function. So for me, what I like to do for thyroid function for people is reduce the amount of starch and sugar in the diet, just take a look at it and say “You know what, you are a contributing factor to my thyroid being low.” So that’s the first part. Second part is “Hmm. I’m under a lot of stress. A daily meditation and you’ve got it in the download. A full body scan, every single day, that will help. Two, you can do adrenal support. And I very much like something called ADHS, which is Adrenal Hypersensitivity Support. So I like that very well, ADHS, it’s on my website, you need an access code to get into the supplement part of my site and that access code is Life123, so just think of life and happiness and it’s Life123, and then you support thyroid. You can

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support adrenals and thyroid at the same thing, but remember there are factors involved in thyroid support, and one of them is reducing the starch and sugar load, and I very much like a glandular for thyroid support, so that’s a glandular that’s going to come from an animal, an animal glandular, and that’s thytrophin. Thytrophin supports thyroid function and a lot of times, Lisa, and I’m sure you’re probably aware of this too, people are already doing thyroid support. They’re already taking a porcine glandular like armour thyroid or desiccated thyroid, but it’s not working. Why is it not working? Because they’ve got this high starch high sugar diet and they’re knocking out their adrenals with caffeine along the line, so that thyroid, even though it is supported, cannot function properly. So, that’s that part.

Lisa: Okay, now I also want to mention to our listeners to watch your email after this, because there’s going to be specials on these particular supplements which is really cool because we’re going to work that out, but for now, getting the basics of everything is at theawareshow.com/sutherland, and you’ll be able to correctly diagnose what’s going on in your body as Caroline teaches in terms of with your own medical intuition, with your own intuition, and these supplements. Now I have taken a lot of…

Caroline: Why don’t we use the word assess, because you know only a doctor is allowed to diagnose. Just to have that little piece of clarity there, so go ahead…

Lisa: Oh, thank you very much, yes. I appreciate that. Yes, for me, I... When you sat in the back of the car with me, you were like, “Well, you need a B complex, you’re looking at the…” Gosh, the ADD tincture was absolutely phenomenal for me, and for my daughter!

Caroline: Isn’t that incredible?

Lisa: For my daughter, who is ten, so great to help her focus. Is it homeopathic? What are you supplements made of?

Caroline: Yes! Well, all the supplements are different, but the drops are all homeopathically prepared, so they contain, for example, one drop of the substance that we want to use to correct memory, and to one million drops of distilled water. So they’re very dilute, but they actually do contain material, and of course as you can imagine with ADD and focus and ADHD there’s a lot going on with chemical sensitivities and dye, food dye sensitivities. Believe it or not, and you know homeopathy is like cures like, so there’s a little teensy micro dose of those actual dyes, and of those actual elements that the person is sensitive to, vis-a-vis chemicals. And so it’s quite fascinating, why would you give a person more of what they’re already allergic to? But that’s homeopathy. Like cures like.

Page 7: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Lisa: Ah, so that’s what this is, and also, you use your intuitive skills and what you’ve practiced for almost 30 years now, did you say?

Caroline: 30 years on the button, this is the year that I got started with all of that, yes.

Lisa: To formulate these particular supplements and drops and so forth, which I think is even better, because people come to you with this, yes, burnt out adrenals, low thyroid condition, and as you’ve mentioned – tired, hair falling out, nails rigid, constipated, weight gain – and they just go for the more and more stimulants, and nothing is working. It’s like, half the people that are emailing me right now are trying to figure this out because it’s something that I have personally gone through for a long time, but I haven’t been able to find a balanced endocrinologist that actually knows also about alternative medicine. That, for me, is... Why does that not exist? *laughter*

Caroline: Well, just for one thought, when people are coming with all these things, namely fatigue and weight gain and foggy thinking, part of what we’re offering today is a Spring detox program, and so everyone who orders today, or on the call, will be able to be on that detox program, and that’s a seven day monitored program where people are given specific foods, lots of foods, and obviously no no-nos for a seven day period, and it’s quite remarkable what will happen in seven days. The lights turn on, they lose a few pounds, they’ve got energy back and their pain backs off. It’s really remarkable for seven days, but Lisa, the reason why the medical profession has not leapt onto all of this – and some of them are gingerly going there and cautiously going there and definitely going there – but the medical profession as a whole is not going to leap there because these doctors, male and female, have invested thousands and thousands of dollars, hours and hours and years and years of time to get that credential that they hang on the wall. If they practice outside of their scope of practice they will be shut down… That’s the reason. You have to weigh this. You look at the average doctor, he’s probably got several cars, a boat, a cottage, three kids on college, and he’s dealing with a lot on the financial side. If he starts doing alternative and leaps on the band wagon, unless he strategizes about how to do it, he can lose his license, and that’s what it is. So we have to have a lot of respect for it, for where the medical profession is, and we don’t want to downgrade that because they are our allies and we need them, but there are lots of alternative practitioners, some good, some bad, I have a lot of questions for them, especially when it comes to hormone balancing and let’s give everyone some more guidelines. Let’s jump in and let me tell you what the biggest issue with hormone balancing that I see now today, let’s talk about that biggest issue and that is experts who are medical doctors or naturopathic physicians who are prescribing bioidentical which is plant based hormones, they’re prescribing them for their patients and they’re mixing

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them. They’re mixing all these hormones together in one pump, in one tube, in one delivery method, and there’s a specific way that hormones need to be delivered, and I can tell you what that is if you want me to jump into that now…

Lisa: Wow, wow.

Caroline: But that’s one of the biggest issues that I see. So for all the women that are listening, if your hormones are all mixed together, you write down a word: Wrong. Underline it and put it in bold, because that is incorrect.

Lisa: Why?

Caroline: So now as part of what we’re doing, with Lisa, is you’ll get the download for 4 CDs called The Body Knows About Hormones, which will set everybody straight about what to do when that hits. Now when is this gonna hit? You’ve got to watch it. Now for example, I have a lot of clients who come to me and they’re anxious. They’re very, very anxious, and they’re overwhelmed, and they can break down, and they can start weeping, and they start blaming themselves and thinking they’ve got to head off to a psychiatrist. This is a sign of hormone imbalance, and the primary hormone for women is Progesterone. Progesterone will actually start to drop even in mid 20s, and who knows, even earlier. It generally kicks in once you start getting into perimenopause, which is in the middle of menopause and you’re starting to experience symptoms. Let’s say, if you have hot flashes, your sleep is not great, but a really big indicator is long and heavy periods and depression, or postpartum depression. Those are all signs along with the anxiety and weepiness of low progesterone. Easy to fix. Write that down!

Lisa: Okay, and then that should be separated out from…

Caroline: Oh, everything’s going to be separate, so we’re going to talk about when and where.

Lisa: Okay.

Caroline: So here’s what. First one is progesterone, that’s always used at night, it’s always used in a specific manner, so if the woman is having regular periods and she suspects her progesterone is low because she’s got long and heavy periods. Now that can happen in your 20s and 30s, right? That’s a sign of low progesterone, and by the way, women that cannot A) conceive and B) carry a baby to full term and miscarry? That’s a sign of low progesterone. Literally, Lisa, with the women that come to me, and the men too, I could cry that people have been out there in the wilderness without help, when help is so darn easy.

Lisa: Oh, that is my biggest passion as well.

Page 9: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Caroline: Yeah! It’s like, oh man, what can we do to just say “You know what? Let’s gather this all up and let’s help the people, because it’s not difficult.” So progesterone is used at night for a perimenopausal woman. It’s going to be day 12 to 26 if she’s having normal cycles, day 12 to 26 at night and then you stop at day 26, and then for someone who’s starting to have changes, let’s say intermittent periods, now they’re getting a lot of hot flashes and things are very much changing and they’re kind of on the tag end of the perimenopausal scale. They’ll want to use progesterone cream day 7 to 26 and then stop. Then for us gals that are post menopause, we haven’t had a period in over a year, that’s a sign of post menopause, that’s every night. You apply the cream, I like it for the first three weeks on the inner thigh area and then rotate around to different sites. In other words, on the inside of the arm, on the upper arm, and you rotate around on the sites. Now, I do have bioidentical compounded plant based progesterone cream on my website again.

Lisa: You do? Wow!

Caroline: I sure do, with the access code Life123. So, that’s a way of handling that. Now that’s progesterone. Key points to remember: Never mix hormones and always use progesterone at night. OK, so there’s that. So, there’s that. Now then, let’s get into estrogen.

Lisa: Wait, wait, hold on… hold the phone… hot flashes! This is so helpful and please let me know, by the way, my listeners, if this is helping you because this is so up for so many women, and men who know if your women are turning into people that you have no idea who they are any longer, it’s because their hormones have completely tricked them.

Caroline: That’s right. So, the hot flashes are fluctuating estrogen levels. Remember, that woman is not reproductive any longer, okay? So, you’re having fluctuating and declining estrogen levels, and that’s an important hormones. You’ve got a lack of progesterone, not enough progesterone. So, that’s hot flashes. The progesterone in cream form will usually do the job, but you know what will also do the job for hot flashes right on top of that? …are progesterone drops, those are homeopathically prepared progesterone drops and, by the way, for women with a post cancer history, they can use the drops. The ones that I would recommend would be progesterone drops, or they could use hormone combination drops, and a drop that I absolutely love, made from raspberry cane, is called Rubus idaeus, which is the Latin name for raspberry cane, and those three can be used for hormone imbalances for women post cancer, or for women who are concerned about using creams and pills that are very strongly hormonally related,

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however, the word on that is for a woman with post cancer there’s no concern about using progesterone if she is monitored by a medical doctor, and I do have some very good references of doctors that work right across the country with people. So there’s not, apparently, according to my medical resources, a concern about doing bioidentical hormone balancing after a cancer history, if the woman is monitored by an MD who specializes in such things. So that’s hot flashes… fluctuating declining estrogen levels and not enough progesterone.

Lisa: Okay, so the way to fix that is progesterone drops…

Caroline: …and progesterone cream.

Lisa: …and progesterone cream, okay great, and… I love this because for those that set that New Year's resolution to lose weight in the beginning of the year, there is no possible hope unless you get this part under control. You’ve got to get the thyroid under control and the hormones under control in order for that New Year’s resolution to even work, so I don’t want you to beat yourself up if you’ve let go of that goal of it didn’t happen for you because there are root causes to this. This is such an empowering conversation, I want you to give yourselves a break and also get back into your power when it comes to this, because this is, again, information that is so… It’s just not widely known enough, that’s why we have Caroline on the show. Okay so, hormone balancing, hot flashes, and then, did we cover enough about the thyroid in that?

Caroline: Well there’s more, I think we’re in pretty good shape on thyroid because it’s dietarily linked together and of course needing some thyroid support and then adrenal support, so I think we’re in good shape there, but to continue with female hormones, the issue with estrogen is that estrogen will decline as we progress in age, but my philosophy about healthy aging, some people call it anti aging, fair enough, healthy aging, is that my whole raison d'etre is we want women, and men too, but women, to continue to flower and to flourish and to blossom and to be radiant throughout their life. It’s not a matter of the flower comes up and she blossoms and then she declines, uh-uh. Are you kidding me?

Lisa: Thank you!

Caroline: The flower comes out of the seed, comes out of the ground, there she is, she’s flourishing, mid 20s/30s. She doesn’t decline because as hormones decline they have to be replenished in conservative ways, very conservative, and then that woman will flower and be beautiful and be radiant, and will age well throughout her life until the day her candle flame goes out. That’s my philosophy, and underscoring all of this of course is balanced hormones.

Page 11: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Lisa: Beautiful, that’s beautiful!

Caroline: Yeah! You betcha. Estrogen is a major factor. It governs memory, it governs bone density, it’s very involved in libido, it’s very involved in vibrancy and energy and get up and go, and there’s just a whole lot related to estrogen. And so in that case, if warranted by saliva testing or blood testing or both, the best kind of estrogen to use is either biest or triest, biest is two estrogens, triest is three, and it’s a topical application always in the morning. I don’t like an estrogen patch because that means estrogen is delivered around the clock. In my opinion? Wrong, wrong, wrong. You don’t want that. You want the estrogen to be a topical application in the morning, and it wanes out through the day. So a patch, in my opinion, is not what I like. So estrogen is important, it’s only used where warranted, very conservatively, and then the third hormone for women and DHEA – I guess we should mention DHEA – is testosterone. A lot of women don’t have libido, they can’t orgasm efficiently or well, reliably, and so that’s related to testosterone. We think of testosterone being a male hormone, it’s a hormone for men and women but it’s just in different amounts. So it’s usually one to two mg of testosterone gel applied perivaginally to the labial area in the morning, and it helps with libido, it helps with energy, it helps with balance, it helps with memory, and bone density. Testosterone is a very important hormone, and a lot of women are lacking that, so that will show up of course in testing. It has to be done conservatively and that is applied in the morning as well. So never, never use mixed hormone applications and I don’t like pills. You can use a progesterone pill at night and some doctors do prescribe that and I don’t think there’s any danger in it, but estrogen shouldn’t be used in pill form because it’s called first-pass and it goes through the liver and you don’t want that. Testosterone, you want it, definitely, in the labial area because you want those orgasms and you want that libido and you’re going to get it once you start using a little bit of testosterone.

Lisa: …the cream. So, now, can you take… someone’s asking if you can put the progesterone and the testosterone cream together, because that is commonly…

Caroline: Absolutely not. Progesterone is always at night, testosterone is always in the morning, we’ve got to get it. Estrogen and testosterone are always AM or morning applications, and progesterone is always night. It can be a pill, it can be a cream, but it’s always used at night. Don’t mix them up or you won’t sleep, that’s another huge issue I’ve got. Women coming to me every day of the week. “I can’t sleep.” Talk to me about your hormones. “Oh yes, I’ve been on hormones for five years.” What’s the application? “Oh, they’re all mixed together.” Well, there’s your problem right there.

Page 12: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Lisa: Wow, that is such a huge thing, and many people are… Someone is saying if you don’t want to go on the bioidenticals… If you use these bioidentical hormones, does that basically take the place of your body ever hoping to produce these hormones on your own? Can you correct the hormone?

Caroline: Well, you’ve got to be realistic. Think of a plant. Comes out of the ground. It flowers, it has green leaves, it has a window where it flourishes and then the life cycle takes it down. Unless you are God Him or Herself and you wave a magic wand, I haven’t seen it yet of a woman who is able to recoup her full hormone balance with breathing or saying a prayer.

Lisa: What about by fixing thyroid?

Caroline: No, that doesn’t fix the other hormones. Thyroid is separate, that’s why we had to cover it separately. Thyroid needs to be balanced in and of itself, and each and every hormone needs to be balanced in and of itself via testing but there is one hormone that will affect all hormones and thyroid and that’s adrenals. If adrenals are taxed, all hormones are affected, yes.

Lisa: Okay, all right. So, this is getting the big, big picture here. That’s what the whole point of this special offer is, is to get the big picture of your body. It’s full of education here which is amazing. If you go to theawareshow.com/sutherland, you’ll get this idea of what it needs you... In order to even take any of these supplements you have to go through this seven-day detox and get your body to a place where it can actually absorb and take and be adaptable to these different types of things that Caroline is talking about. Then, all about the hormones, what we’re talking about now, there are four .mp3s that you will hear all of this in hours and hours worth of information, which is very helpful, because we’re only able to scratch the surface in an hour, and then… Oh, I love the full body relaxation and this body scanning and the meditation, because anyone who has ever suffered from hormone imbalances knows what it’s like. It’s so disturbing, and it’s distracting, to burn from the inside out with the hot flashes. You say that they’re not necessary, right? That you don’t actually have to have those hot flashes?

Caroline: Well, if you use the progesterone, that will nip them (usually) in the bud. You just have to remember what it’s related to, it’s a fluctuating declining estrogen and not enough progesterone. But, and this is kind of interesting, this is a little side note: In alternative medical circles there is a belief that hot flashes are actually cancer protective, because (the listeners may or may not know this) cancer cells do not like a warm body, which is why thyroid balancing is so important. You want to bring your body temperature back up to 98.6, and I have it on good authority from doctors who work with cancer patients, all of their cancer patients have a low body temperature. So, cancer cells don’t like a warm body. Get your body temperature up, and if it’s down and it’s real low,

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there’s lots of things you can do to bring it back up but that’s very, very interesting, and when you look at the overall picture of this subclinical low thyroid with 90% of the people that I see, you can see there’s a link between low thyroid/low body temperature and cancer statistics. There has to be a link there.

Lisa: Oh my goodness, well that’s interesting. So they’re there to protect us but only for a short period of time?

Caroline: So, if you have hot flashes, you thank them very much, go ahead and get your progesterone too. *laughter* …but you say thank you! It’s just in alternative circles there is a theory that the hot flashes are nature’s way of protecting that body against cancer. Now remember, cancer is an age related disease. Hot flashes come when hormones are declining. As hormones decline, there is more and more age related disease, cancer being the big one.

Lisa: Wow. So, now... I think this is really interesting, for anyone who’s listening, especially the men, and their wives are going through this, that is incredibly helpful to know that there’s a way out of this hormonal cascade, and this, it’s just helping the body adapt. How can a male raise his body temperature?

Caroline: Okay. Well he will follow the same guidelines for thyroid, and a way to find this out is by taking your temperature every morning, first thing in the morning before you put your feet on the floor. You want a very calibrated thermometer that gives you the increments, so you can see, 94.5, 98.6, whatever the thing is. You want it to be in a calibrated manner so you can see exactly what your body temperature is. So for men and women, take your temperature every morning for ten straight days before you put your feet on the floor, and for men, here’s the interesting hormone related issue. Their big issue is declining testosterone; and by the way, and you’ll see this on television all the time, ads for AndroGel. AndroGel is a synthetic testosterone. Uh-uh. You don’t want to use that, because... Well, it’s kind of complicated, but it increases estrogen. So as the men progress in age, they become more estrogenized. Their estrogen is raised and their testosterone is lowered. So, they become wider around the waist, they become moody and grouchy… a little bit like women that can become, you know, moody and kind of bitchy. So the guys get moody and grouchy and I have something wonderful for that, and those are drops called hormone combination drops that literally, within hours, nips that moodiness and grouchiness in the bud with your guy.

Lisa: Wow, wow!

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Caroline: Oh yeah, works instantaneously. So, here’s what. With your significant other, you’re going to encourage them to do a low carbohydrate diet. Take their starches and their sugars down, and I have something for that, for people that crave starch and sugar, I have some wonderful drops called Appatrol, and those are appetite suppressant drops that block the desire for the sugars.

Lisa: Right, high and low sugar levels.

Caroline: You bet. So, you’re going to get this estrogen dominance. That’s what’s around the waist, and what that is, is it’s excess estrogen; and what does that do for the guy? Enlarges the prostate. Remember, estrogen is proliferative. Estrogen is growth promoting, and so anything that’s enlarging, or anything like a cyst or a lump or a prostate that’s enlarged, it is usually estrogen fueled. So that man, as he progresses in age, because his testosterone is low, which is natural, as he ages that’s natural. What happens is, he’s going to have more estrogen. He’s going to be more estrogenized which is going to change his personality, he’s going to be mean and kind of nasty and not fun to have around, and he’s going to have excess body fat and he’s possibly going to have an enlarged prostate. It’s kind of cool how it all links together, and how easy it is to correct, and yes, for that man, he will need bioidentical testosterone that is prescribed by a medical doctor who does bioidentical hormone balancing, and I have a very good reference for that, I have a male doctor who works with my clients right across the U.S. who does a very good job, and he gets these men to smooth out. You know what’s really interesting? When the men have low testosterone, they are craving. And this is where all of this inappropriate Internet activity comes in. Wanting to view pornography, and the chase, chase, chase... In other words, it’s like a thirst to settle down, and like one of my medical doctor colleagues says, “Caroline, testosterone for the man is exactly like progesterone is for the woman.” So progesterone calms a woman down, helps her to be mellow, helps her to sleep, and so men, when they use bioidentical testosterone, it calms them down, they become mellow, they’re really agreeable, fun to have around… But all of this crazy activity, with this Internet stuff, and craving this and craving that, and all this craving to be satisfied is really related to low testosterone, don’t you find that interesting?

Lisa: Huh. So, it’s an attempt to stimulate the body to produce the testosterone. That’s very interesting, yeah.

Caroline: It’s just an attempt to calm down and get settled down, yeah, yeah.

Lisa: The effect of that is of course calming, all right. So, tell me a little bit about… That’s fascinating, with all that you’re explaining... I mean, making so much sense to people as they’re emailing in, and they’re getting it, and they’re saying “Yes, this is me, this is me.” Now, how does the detox program help with something like this? Why is that an important base for anything that you’re going to take?

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Caroline: Well, what I think is really wonderful, and I do three detox programs per year, one in the Spring that we’ve got coming up April 10th and it’s all part of what we’re talking about today, I do one in September and I do one right after the holidays, usually the first week of January. So what happens when you do a detox program, is it’s kind of like lifting a layer right off of the body. You can actually see what is there, what’s behind that layer, and so I love that, for a seven day detox program. We take away all the no-nos, and people think “Oh man, my coffee and my chocolate and all my whipping cream and everything…” But the body loves it, because it just dives right into repair mode and people have more energy, they have more mental clarity. So there’s so much to a detox program, and they begin to lose some weight, and why is that important hormonally? Because it involves a major hormone that you’ve talked about on your show, and that’s insulin. There are two master hormones. One is insulin, and the other is cholesterol, which is why people who do a low fat diet, they may lose weight, but they mix up their hormones. Fat in the diet is very important for men and women. The other one is insulin. When the person does a detox program, it helps to start that weight loss, and they of course understand, because this detox program is monitored, it’s seven days of a monitored detox program, they understand the need to eat consistently. Usually every three/three and a half hours, and they’re given specific foods that will keep their blood sugars balanced. And because those blood sugars are balanced they’re starting to balance out insulin levels, which of course is one of the master hormones in the hormone cascade.

Lisa: Okay, all right. So now, questions coming in about different ways to balance hormones. So, what about Chinese medicine, like Dong Quai and so forth, to help balance hormones?

Caroline: I think it’s fabulous, and I think people can do extremely well on that, up until a certain point, and I find a lot of that goes down very well, and that’s what I did of course for years, I call it a hank of hair, a piece of bone, and two sticks. You know, a bit of this, a bit of that, and a hope and a prayer, right? But finally, the gate comes down. There’s an English expression, it’s called the portcullis, and that’s the gate that comes down in front of the castle. That portcullis, that gate will come down at a certain age, and then you kind of fan out and scan, you kind of look around and do that sort of meditation thing. Should I investigate bioidentical hormones? And you need to be very well researched, that’s why we’re offering that four hormone CD set download, because you need to have the pieces in order to make informed decisions. You want to use a practitioner who is very conservative, who knows their subject, but they’re conservative. They’re not willy-nilly slapping on patches and 200mg of estrogen here and there, they’re being very conservative. And you want to have the right practitioner, so there’s this certain point

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where the gate may close, and you have to look for signs. Memory loss, big one. What is that? That’s estrogen. Can you use that from Dong Quai and slippery elm bark and some other herbs? Maybe not. Maybe some people can, probably 2 or 3% of the population might be able to.

Lisa: So, okay.

Caroline: But, interesting, we don’t have this as one of the downloads but it’s on my website, and it’s The Body Knows How to Stay Young, and that’s an important book about healthy aging. And one of my researchers, and she might be a great guest for you to have, Lisa, on The Aware Show, her name is Roberta Brinton, and she’s a researcher from USC, she’s a PhD researcher, and her research is in memory decline cognition in post menopausal women, and she says, according to her research, that 70% of women are estrogen dependent. They depend on estrogen for their memory. And she links it to Alzheimer’s, and her research shows that 70% of Alzheimer’s patients are women. So what does that tell you? That tells you that those women who have dementia and Alzheimer’s are estrogen dependent, and this has been missed.

Lisa: Interesting, that’s very interesting.

Caroline: Yep, it’s a big deal.

Lisa: I think that’s huge, especially where it’s linked to Alzheimer’s. The brain must need estrogen, in both men and women, in order to operate. I mean, if that study is correct.

Caroline: Well you probably wouldn’t use estrogen for a man, because if he’s estrogenized, which means he’s got excess body fat, he may not need more estrogen, but memory in men is linked into testosterone. That’s where the testosterone piece comes in for the men, and it’s an estrogen piece for women. Now, does that mean that every woman who can’t think clearly is deficient in estrogen? The answer to that is no. It just means mostly that she’s toxic, and when you go on the detox program, which starts April the 10th, most people’s memories will improve, because once you detoxify the body, of course the brain detoxifies as well. By the way, there’s lots of food on it. This is not about Chinese herbs and horrible tasting sticks and mushrooms all boiled up on the back of the stove. This is proper food that you can get at your local store, and you’re going to love it and the great recipes and how to help yourself. So that’s not anything, it’s not one of these weird and wooly fast things where people are going to be in misery, no, not that at all. But, the issue…

Lisa: Tell me how you really feel, right? *laughter*

Page 17: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Caroline: Yeah, right! So it’s a testosterone issue, but if you’re detoxified, in men I mean, the memory is going to come up. So the person has to be detoxified, and then, if the memory is still poor... “Oh, okay, this most likely is going to be the fact that I’m deficient in estrogen,” and remember, 70% of women are estrogen dependent, and I’m one of them! If I don’t use estrogen, which I’ve used now for 9 years, I am not functioning as well as I could and should.

Lisa: Well. you definitely have a lot of energy, which is admirable at your, you know, your capacity. You travel all over the country and you talk all day long, and so… I’m going to direct people back to the website, because Caroline is giving so much information which is great, but we are only scratching the surface. On the offer in the entire offer we have here, it’s theawareshow.com/sutherland. This is your ticket on how to level the body out. How to intuit what’s going on, to assess what’s going on in your body, and once you start to do that you’ll realize, if you’re in this flux position, that the energy is low, that the thinking is clouded, that you’re pushing to get through your day and reaching for the sugars and the caffeines or whatnot, and there are solutions here. There are solutions. One, is in knowledge… learning about the hormones, which we’ve talked about here. The adrenals, the hormones, it’s all linked together, men and women. Very important conversation. Also, how to assess the body, and then if you look at the bottom of the special offer, there is a free gift which is wonderful, Caroline’s favorite recipes, and these are all sorts of different types of things that you can do to keep your blood sugars balanced, and we also... One of the things I have is that tincture on a blood sugar balancing, because I’ve been diagnosed with hypoglycemia and blah blah blah, and that’s of course in my family, so that’s fine. This is really super helpful for me. There are so many things that you have intuited and brought to us in the last several years, in 30 years, I should say, of your experience, and these are the things, the supplements and the programs that you have, are created because these are the things that people ask you, and come to you the most for, because there’s not a quick solution to any of these. This takes dedication, it takes discipline, and it takes knowledge, in my opinion, and I’m sure that you’ve experienced the same thing in your career with people asking usages, right?

Caroline: Oh absolutely, and I was just going to say, we were talking about this off air before we came on, I was just going to say that I’d like to offer something else to people, and I can just send this over to Cliff, and it’s the instructions on how to use a pendulum, and people can start to tune into their own body if they understand how to use a pendulum, and I’m happy to send that also as a free bonus gift if we have time to figure that out for people.

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Lisa: Awesome! Yes, oh yes, and then I want to mention to our listeners, definitely watch your email because we’re going to be doing a discount for these supplements that we’re talking about in Caroline’s website. So I want to make that available to everyone. I’m going to wait for that and then go and order a bunch of things because there’s a few more supplements on there that I did not know about, and makes a lot of sense for what I’m going through now, because I ordered those a while ago. The ADD one really worked for my child. We’re not even touching on that conversation right now, but how do you come up with what to put in these remedies? I mean, was this new?

Caroline: Well, just so you know, all the drops except for one, the one that’s my exclusive formula is the Appatrol, that’s the appetite suppressant drop, and it’s a combination of existing formulas that I have had mixed together specially for me, but all the other drops are made in a lab in Utah, and they are the drops that all the doctors who specialize in environmental medicine right across the country use in their clinics; and because I am a clinical nutritionist, I have access to those drops. Those, all of the drops are not my exclusive formulas, but the Appatrol drops, they’re the ones that are.

Lisa: And that’s one of your biggest sellers, is the Appatrol drops, right?

Caroline: Oh, I tell you, they go out the door by the dozens on a weekly basis, yeah.

Lisa: That’s understandable, because blood sugar balancing is a huge topic. It’s absolutely a huge topic, yeah.

Caroline: But that’s not difficult to balance, as long as people realize they should be eating a little modicum of protein every three hours, they’ll have very good blood sugar handling, and then also something that supports the pancreas, and I like something called Beta-TCP, and I use it with every meal, it’s a little tablet, and it really helps with blood sugar handling so that you don’t get these dips, you know? Up and down, up and down, and these sugar cravings, and feeling like you’re getting hypoglycemic like you mentioned.

Lisa: Ahh, Beta-TCP.

Caroline: Beta-TCP, oh yeah, you’ll love that.

Lisa: TCP… What is that?

Caroline: It’s an herbal material, it’s actually a food and it helps to balance blood sugars.

Lisa: Fascinating, okay. So we’ve talked about balancing hormones, we’ve talked about blood sugar, we’ve talked about balancing thyroid... And this all of course goes into the weight loss/management conversation, this isn’t a diet by any means. This is a lifestyle

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shift change, understanding. Someone’s asking about the relationship between hormones and blood pressure. Good question. Is there one?

Caroline: Well, blood pressure is really related to things that your body doesn’t want. It’s usually related to caffeine intake, and it’s very much related to high starch high sugar diet, and also pressure in your own life. But you know one of the things we didn’t discuss which is related to weight gain and does affect hormones? That’s Candida yeast, and you and I have talked about Candida yeast before, and Candida yeast is something that I see and sense and smell in almost every person that I work with. That’s a huge cornerstone for health, is to get that Candida yeast cleared up. It’s very big.

Lisa: Wow, do a lot of people that you speak with have Candida yeast in their bodies?

Caroline: Well everyone has it in their body because it naturally occurs in the colon in normal balance with all the other beneficial and not so beneficial bacteria, but for me, I smell it, because it’s in an overgrowth state in so many people, and of course it’s fed on starch and fed on sugar, and that’s why people have cravings, because they’re feeding that yeast in the gut. By the way, that Candida yeast is a precursor for all the major diseases. From cancer, to lupus, to AIDs, to MS, to Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue. Every single major label disease has Candida yeast in back of their symptom profile, so it’s a precursor to all those big label diseases, and it’s so easy to correct. That’s what I love. So, the dietary considerations are doing a low carb diet, not a lot of starch and keep the sugars low, and using something specific for Candida yeast, and I have a number of supplements on my website that I like, there’s about five big ones that I like, that depend on the person’s makeup, depending on their fragility, their sensitivity and the amount of body fat they have. I choose certain ones that work well, but I would say across the board, for most people unless they’re fragile and don’t tolerate herbs well, one that I like very much is called Fc-Cidal, and that’s a professional formula, works very well, it’s herbal, and has one of my faves in there, Pau d’Arco is a bark of a tree, and it’s in there, and that’s a very potent antifungal, anti Candida specific herb, yeah.

Lisa: Wow! You have so much information, I love talking to you. People will listen to this replay and get their pens out and realize “Okay, I’m going to write this down, this down, this down. If there’s anything…

Caroline: Well, you know I have my own radio show too, and it doesn’t conflict with your time, but it’s Monday morning at 8:00 Pacific, and then I have a teleconference every Monday night where people can get free advice, and spot readings, and we always have a lot of fun.

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Lisa: Oh God, that’s right, I forgot about… We were going to do readings on this show! We already have a hand up, if you…

Caroline: Well, we’ve sort of been doing it a little bit!

Lisa: We have been, that’s true. You have been intuiting the audience a lot. Is it okay if we take a phone call or two?

Caroline: Sure! Let’s give it a try. You know I need the person’s first name, where they’re calling in from, their age and their specific question.

Lisa: Okay, so on the phones here if you press *2 to raise your hand then you’ll be able to ask a question directly to Caroline Sutherland, and I’m going to call on you. I know this particular person from Compton, CA, that’s where the phone is registered on, and is it… Tamika?

Caller: Yes.

Lisa: Hi! Okay, great. Could you give your first and your last name.

Caroline: Well the last name I don’t need, just the first name is fine, and just her age. Tamika, your age.

Caller: I’m 39.

Caroline: Yes, and your specific question?

Caller: I have these two lumps on my right calf and I don’t know… I just would like to know if you have any supplements that could help me get rid of them.

Caller: Okay, grab your pen. It’s nothing to do with supplements, lumps on calves are all related to milk products. So get rid of the milk products, anything that’s made from cow’s milk, just get that out of the diet completely, and once you’ve done that for about four months you can go back and have milk products from a cow, you can have them once in a while, and then make sure you’re not drinking any coffee at all. So, caffeine and milk products, they’re the ones responsible for those lumps, okay?

Lisa: Beautiful.

Caller: Okay, thank you!

Caroline: You’re all set!

Lisa: Rapid-fire coaching here!

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Caroline: It comes in right away. As soon as I hear her voice, boom, it’s right there.

Lisa: Great. Okay, Seattle, WA. My caller here, is it Tanka?

Caller: Oh, that’s me!

Lisa: Hi! What is your name, sweetie?

Caller: Oh, my name is Arti.

Caroline: Arti, great, how old are you now, Arti?

Caller: I am 46.

Caroline: 46, and your question is?

Caller: Actually, I carry this fat around my lower abdomen that kind of just folds over my…

Caroline: Okay, great, hang on to your pen and tell me, are you a vegetarian?

Caller: Yes.

Caroline: That’s the problem right there. So, will you eat any fish? Will you eat any eggs?

Caller: I take fish oil to…

Caroline: Just say yes or no, just say I will or I won’t.

Caller: I won’t.

Caroline: Okay, so you won’t do eggs, right?

Caller: I can do eggs.

Caroline: Okay, good. Hallelujah, raise the flag and let’s dance a jig. So write this down, you will take eggs, you will do nuts, you will do seeds, and you will do hemp, and you will do beans. You will not do soy, because it suppresses thyroid function, and that excess body fat is related to subclinical low thyroid. Now you have to keep your starches and your sugars way down. So, you’ve got to take that roti down to roti every few days. You’ve got to keep the carbs low, and you use those protein sources and your vegetables, and keep your starches low, and that should solve the problem and you’ll

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start to turn that around, but it is, in my view, related to the high starch high sugar diet that comes with a vegetarian diet, and that means your fruit should be very low as well. One piece of fruit every second day, and for thyroid support I would use kelp, which is a herbal supplement that you can get. It’s made from seaweed and you’ll use two kelp tablets or capsules with your breakfast, and that will help you with the thyroid. Did you get that Arti?

Caller: Yes I did.

Caroline: Good, you’re all set, bless your heart. Thank you!

Lisa: Beautiful, thank you. Thank you so much!

Caller: Thank you!

Caroline: I got it right away. Vegetarianism, that’s the problem, is it’s too much starch, too much sugar, the people get tired, they get wide around the waist and they can’t understand it, it’s because of the high starch diet.

Lisa: But you can’t tell who is in a traditional Hindi tradition…

Caroline: Yes, I understand that. But I was just checking to see, what could she do? She says she’ll do eggs, so praise God, she’s got eggs, nuts, seeds and hemp, and she’s got beans, so she should be fine.

Lisa: Great, all right; and what about lentils, do they have a good source of protein?

Caroline: Well, that’s the same thing as beans; and she could use, say, goat cheese. Not cow, because the cow is going to make her gain weight and puff up, but she could use goat or sheep products in terms of cheese or yogurt.

Lisa: All right, great. Okay. We’re going to Inglewood, CA, and I’m calling you by the city and state that your phone is registered in. Inglewood, CA, and I think it’s Barnes, or Michael?

Caller: It’s Sandra.

Lisa: Sandra! There we go. *laughter* I found ya! I’ve got to perfect this system one day. All right, your first name, Sandra, age, and specific question.

Caller: 55.

Caroline: 55, and question. Good, nice to meet you Sandra, thank you.

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Caller: Nice to meet you also. Post menopausal bleeding, polycystic ovaries and fibroids.

Caroline: So you’ve got a polycystic ovarian syndrome, is that correct?

Caller: That’s correct.

Caroline: That’s related to too much estrogen. Remember, estrogen is proliferative. Estrogen promotes growth, so a cyst on your ovaries is related to too much estrogen, all right? So you’ve got post menopausal bleeding now, is that correct?

Caller: Yes.

Caroline: All right, so you should see a medical doctor, that’s not something for an alternative practitioner, that’s for a medical doctor. Is your medical doctor suggesting that you have a hysterectomy? Are they suggesting that?

Caller: Yes, yes, that’s a yes.

Caroline: All right, now listen to this, and everyone focus in really clearly on this. When you have a hysterectomy, unless there’s a presence of cancer or a disease, so if a hysterectomy is done, it’s usually done for heavy bleeding, which of course, as you know now, is low progesterone, and it’s usually done if there are uterine fibroids. If they take your uterus, you will never have a pelvic orgasm again. If orgasms are important to you, you won’t have a pelvic orgasm, and a pelvic orgasm is what settles the woman down. It helps her to feel nurtured and to feel calm, and that will usually last her a few days, but once you lose your uterus, you won’t have that. You’ll have a vaginal orgasm, you can have a clitoral orgasm, but it’s not the same, so you have to really understand. Now, if there are fibroids, that’s from too much estrogen, and so estrogen is proliferative, and it causes growths. So, with the heavy bleeding, that’s more than likely low progesterone, and I can give you a reference off air, and I don’t know how we’re going to do this, because if my inbox... Not sure how we’re going to handle 2,000 emails, but, it’s all related to not enough progesterone. If it was up to me, I’d go to your medical doctor, or where you are in California, to a doctor that specializes in bioidentical hormone balancing, and my suggestion for you would be 200mg of progesterone at bedtime, that would stop that bleeding, and then you address the fibroid issue. You have to address it to take down the estrogen. So you have to do as much as you can in terms of detoxification, you can take something that I like very well called Cruciferous Complete, that’s on my website that helps to detoxify estrogen out of the body, and you can use little drops to help with detoxifying estrogen, but it’s a multi-pronged approach, and what

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you’re experiencing in my opinion, is related to low progesterone, but you really think and think hard about having that uterus removed. Does that help you, Sandra?

Caller: Yes, thank you so much, thank you.

Lisa: Wow, a huge amount of information. Listen to the replay. Thank you very much.

Caller: Thank you!

Lisa: You are so good at this, I just have to... Amazing. All right, I’m just going to take a few more calls here, we have from Lansing, MI, do you have a question for Caroline Sutherland?

Caller: Yes, I do.

Lisa: Great, what is your…

Caroline: I need your name and your age.

Caller: My name is Janet and I’m 53.

Caroline: Sure Janet, and what’s your question?

Caller: Since I am now post menopausal, and I have this 20 pounds that I cannot get rid of that I’ve gained in the last year and a half, since I have been (post) menopausal.

Caroline: Mm-hmm, I understand. So it’s all related to hormone decline, and what happens, and this would be general for everybody, when they start to gain weight, and it can be so frustrating, one day you’re a pant size ten, and it seems like the next week you go up to size twelve, it’s all related to declining hormones and poor carbohydrate metabolism. So my suggestion for you, and by the way, 53 is very young, so you count your blessings there, you’re just a young Spring gal. So, that’s great to know about. You reduce your carbohydrates. That’s get your starches and sugars way down, because you know with hormone decline, you don’t have the same carbohydrate burning metabolism. So you’ve got to reduce your carbs to between 30 and 60 grams a day, and just, for example, one rice cake is 13 grams of carbohydrate. So if your daily allotment is between 30 and 60, it’s not very much carb that’s going to raise that up. So you keep your carbohydrates low, and for you the things that I would suggest would be the progesterone cream at night, and the progesterone drops, and something that I like very, very well, and it’s called Symplex F (F for female); and that’s a glandular that helps to tonify the female endocrine system. So what’s happening, when we get into our late 40s or even mid 40s, and beyond, is that the master endocrine glands in the head, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary, and thyroid even at the base of the neck, those

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glands don’t signal the way they did when we were younger. So, Symplex F helps to rekindle that signaling, and helps things to get back on track again.

Lisa: Wow.

Caroline: So for you, you do a low carb diet and balance those hormones and things should start to go a whole lot better.

Lisa: Wow, well thank you.

Caller: Great, thank you very much.

Lisa: I really appreciate, by the way, and thanks for you call by the way, Janet, is you have given a voice, really Caroline, to the whole conversation of bioidentical hormones. I thought that they were terrifying, suppressed the adrenals and everything else. It was a misnomer on my part. I trust you, and I know if you talk about this then it must be okay. It must be okay!

Caroline: Well, I’ve been using them for nine years, and I think I’d be probably... I don’t know what shape I’d be in.

Lisa: Well, so many people…

Caroline: I don’t think you knew this, but I went through a huge, huge emotional upheaval with my husband who was a registered nurse with three college degrees, behaving in an entirely inappropriate manner on the Internet, actually engaged in illicit activities on the Internet. So of course, my marriage ended abruptly, and so if I wasn’t on balanced hormones, if I wasn’t on a good supplemental program and a good dietary program, I would have literally collapsed in a heap somewhere and I’d probably be down in a dark corner right now crying and weeping in the dark; but, I weathered that storm. Unbelievably, as a lot of women do weather these storms, because I was balanced hormonally, and because I had that nutritional support, so… It’s really pretty incredible.

Lisa: Oh, my God. Honey, I saw you shortly after that, and you weren’t ready to talk about it at the time, oh my…

Caroline: Oh, it was huge. I wrote a book about it, it’s called Direct Hit! How Facebook Destroyed My Marriage and How I Healed, and you might want to let people know about it because it’s an incredible book and a very inspirational story about how I survived and healed through an upheaval of epic proportions, believe me, epic.

Page 26: THE AWARE LIFE TELESEMINAR CAROLINE SUTHERLAND · Lisa: Wow, 30th! Caroline: Yeah, it comes to me very quickly because there’s so much information that I need to impart and I just

Lisa: You are so frickin’ brave, I love you. Good for you!

Caroline: *laughter* And I’m still laughing out the other side, yeah. It was pretty amazing.

Lisa: You know what? You give a voice to so many women who shove that conversation in the closet. Good for you!

Caroline: Yeah, you betcha.

Lisa: Wow! Yeah, I’m sure that’s going to... what’s it called again, the book?

Caroline: Direct Hit! How Facebook Destroyed My Marriage and How I Healed.

Lisa: Mmmm… Well, and I love also that you give a conversation to men on how to heal that hormone imbalance as well, so that they don’t need to go to that level. So... God, good for you. You need to get that out more as well.

Caroline: I’d love to! So maybe we can have a little chat about that.

Lisa: Yeah! Oh, that would be a great call, too. Well, you have just a wonderful fountain of information, you’re here to heal people, this is your mission, this is your God given gift, and I’m sorry that you had to go through pain in order to get to that place of healing so many people, but that’s mostly what we have to do in order to go through our hero’s journey to get out the other side of it, but thank you, and thank you for all that you’re sharing with us in terms of our health and bringing attention to our health. Thank you. Thank you so much for giving our hormones a voice! *laughter*

Caroline: Yes, absolutely. Well I love to do it, and as you know it’s just second nature, it just sort of rolls off the tongue, and just whatever we can do to uplift the people and give them some ideas and some help.

Lisa: Absolutely, and so I’m encouraging my listeners to continue your education, and what you have learned and take it to another level. Go to the website which is theawareshow.com/sutherland, and you will get the detox program on there and everything that the body knows about hormones on there as well, which we just talked about and covered, but this is four hours worth of it which is amazing, especially if you have teenagers that are going to go through any type of change on that end, or on the other end if you’re going through those changes I can tell by the callers that were calling in, so many people are confused by their hormones because it’s a very... It sneaks up on you, it’s a slow change and you all of a sudden are different and you don’t understand how or why. So, this is how to understand that, and also, watch your email, because we’re going to be giving you a discount code in order to get into the supplements, the

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many supplements that we talked about on this show. Go back and listen to the replay because Caroline gave a ton of information on the show about everything! Thyroid, hormone, weight loss, all sorts of imbalances. So, how to get them back into balance and how to take this to the next level. So thank you so much for listening, thank you so much for being a part of this community and really being committed to your health; and, for us being able to shed the light on different... and Caroline is so brave in being able to shed the light on so many different issues that come along with our bodies and hormones, and our behavior… and I really appreciate her candidness and ability to help people. So, thank you so much, I appreciate you Caroline, thank you so much.

Caroline: Oh! It’s always wonderful, Lisa, thank you so much again and I just know the program of course is worldwide, and so many people look to you for great information so I’m just thrilled to be part of it.

Lisa: Yay!

Caroline: *laughter*

Lisa: *laughter* All right, thank you so much and thank you to my entire team at The Aware Show, you guys are phenomenal, couldn’t do any of this without you, because you make it seamless… and until next time, I invite you all to STAY AWARE.

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