The American Colonies Emerge

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The American Colonies Emerge. Chapter 2 Notes. Post Columbus. After Columbus’ successful voyages, Spanish Conquistadors looked to subdue the native people and establish colonies for Spain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The American Colonies Emerge


Chapter 2 Notes

Page 2: The American Colonies Emerge

Post Columbus After Columbus’

successful voyages, Spanish Conquistadors looked to subdue the native people and establish colonies for Spain

The ultimate Spanish goal was to extract as much gold as possible to send back to Spain, but they also grew some crops such as sugar cane

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The Aztec Empire The Aztecs were located

in the American mainland and made up of over a million subjects

Not only did they have the largest society in the world at that time, but they also built the worlds largest and most sophisticated city- Tenochtitlan

Montezuma - was the Aztec emperor

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The Spanish conquer the Aztecs Hearing of vast amounts of

gold possessed by the most powerful tribe in the land, Hernan Cortes and 600 other conquistadors set out to find the gold and defeat the tribe. The Spanish were ultimately successful for 3 reasons

1. Disease wiped out a majority of the Aztecs

2. Montezuma thought the Spanish were gods, therefore submitted to their authority

3. Spanish had superior weapons

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Spanish Empire in the America’s The Spanish renamed

Tenochtitlan Mexico City and it became the center of their American colony.

In 1513 Ponce De Leon led an expedition to explore the north

He called the new land he found La Florida

St. Augustine established in 1565 as an

outpost against pirates. (oldest city in the U.S.)

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Exploration of the West In 1540 Fransisco

Coronado led a Spanish expedition looking for Gold to the north west of Mexico City (southwest U.S.)

Later in the 1500’s and early 1600’s many catholic priest followed Coronado and set up missions communities in “New Mexico”

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People of the Spanish Colonies Most of the Spanish people who came to the America’s were

men Their goals for coming were to obtain wealth, then travel back

to Spain with their new wealth and social status and live comfortably

Very few Spanish (or any European) women came to the America’s so it was common for Peninsular’s and Mestizo’s to marry Native women (both terms defined on following page)

Peninsular– White people of Spanish heritage born in Spain Creole– White people of Spanish heritage born in the

America’s Mestizo– People of mixed Spanish and native heritage Mulatto - people of mixed Spanish (European) and African


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Spanish Social Ladder

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The Race for North America

Because the lack of Gold in the region, the Spanish didn’t have much desire to explore the north region any further.

As a result, French and English sent expeditions to explore North America.

English explorers – John Cabot (1497) Henry Hudson (1610)

French Cartier(1534) Verranzano (1524), La Salle(1679) Joilet and Marquette(1672)

** The English defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, thus opening the door for English and French colonization in the North America

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Jamestown and the Southern Colonies

In 1587 The Virginia Company sent an expedition, led by john Smith, to found a colony in the America’s

The Roanoke colony failed and John Smith was one of the only survivors.

In 1607, the first English Colony was established in Jamestown (Virginia)

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Life at Jamestown The first English colony In America struggled to survive from the first landing along

the James River. Life was very harsh and within months less than 40 of the original 150 colonists

were still living. Why did the colony almost fail?

Location was horrible Swampy area, with lots of humidity led to disease(malaria) Lack of descent drinking water also led to disease.

Lack of food Skills of colonists

Most colonist were businessmen, very few were farmers or builders Most lacked wilderness survival skills

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John Smith an tobacco saves the colony

Captain John Smith saved the colony from dying out by trading with the local Powhatan natives and adopting their farming techniques.

Over time colonists experimented growing tobacco Tobacco came to be referred as “Brown Gold” and was extremely

successful – **Tobacco not only saved Virginia, but also encouraged the

settlement of other colonies.

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Demand for tobacco causes labor shortage

Tobacco growers needed people to work the fields.

Indentured Servants – A person usually of lower social status, bound themselves to work for a company / planter in return for passage to America

Term of labor was usually 4 to 7 years African Slaves were also imported to

meet the demand and later led to the huge trading of slaves known as the Atlantic Slave trade.

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People of the English Colonies The main goal of the

English was land and growing cash crops.

Unlike the Spanish colonies, most English colonists were permanent settlers

Most English colonists were lower class looking to acquire land in order to raise their social status.

English colonists did not intermarry with natives and brought wives and single English Women with them.

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Conflicts in the colonies As more colonists arrived, They moved on to new

land, which angered the nearby Powhatan tribes Natives started attacking English settlements The King takes over the colony (Royal Charter) and

sends troops and supplies to protect colonists.

Native population in Virginia gradually declines while English in Va. Steadily increases In 1644 there are 10,000 English colonists in Va.

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Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon’s Rebellion – Nathaniel Bacon

leads a “army” of poor, landless, settlers and marched to Jamestown to confront leaders about grievances from the lower classes.

Reflected social problems between English colonists < wealthy planters, indentured servants and newly freed servants.>

The main issues were protection from Natives, and taxes

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Images of colonial Virginia & Bacons rebellion

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Puritans and New England Puritans – Separatists' of the

Church of England who felt that the church was too much like the Catholic church and wanted to purify it.

Pilgrims – a group of puritans who came to America in 1620, to escape persecution and set up a Puritan colony

These Pilgrims set up the second permanent English colony at Plymouth Rock in 1620.

John Winthrop and other Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay colony and landed in Boston in 1630.

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Two Dissenters Roger Williams spoke out against colonists taking native land without

purchasing it and the Mass. Colony punishing colonists for religious beliefs. Because of this he was banished from Mass. He fled South and established a new colony called Providence, which

later became the larger colony of Rhode Island. Williams guaranteed true religious freedoms and separation of

church and state. Anne Hutchison was also banished from Mass. And fled to Dutch

controlled New York colony.

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Puritan Conflicts with Natives

Just as in Virginia, land was also the center of the conflicts between Puritans and Natives.

Pequot War Pequot nation started fighting

against colonists continued expansion onto their lands

Colonists, in turn, allied with rival tribes of the Pequot.

In 1637 Colonists and native allies surrounded a Pequot fort on Mystic River and set it on fire

Colonists shot men, women, and children ad they tried to escape or surrender. (500 - 600 total)

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Puritan Conflicts with Natives

King Phillips War –Tired of submitting to Puritans and their laws

Metacom (King Phillip) – a chief of the Wampanoag , organized a rebellion against Mass. Puritans

For over a year Metacom used hit and run tactics to kill almost 10 % of the English population in New England, although he was eventually killed and lost the war.

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Middle Colonies In 1621 Dutch founded their first

American colony in what is today New York.

New Netherlands was the name of the colony and New Amsterdam became the capital of the colony.

James, duke of York, received permission from the King to drive the Dutch out. (He later became King James 2)

After he was successful he renamed it New York

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William Penn & Pennsylvania

William Penn received a grant of land north of Virginia from the King Penn wanted his colony to be

a place for Quakers and their beliefs

Quaker - A religious group persecuted for their beliefs in England. Services without ministers -

people could speak freely Opposed war and didn’t

serve in the military Dressed plainly and didn’t

humble themselves to rich Peaceable relations with natives

for over 50 years b/c of mutual respect Penn set up a court to settle


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Other Colonies Maryland

1632 The King granted Lord Baltimore land for a colony. He named it after the queen (Henrietta Maria) strong Catholic presence,

but also was famous for its religious toleration.

Delaware Southern 3 counties of Pennsylvania that created their own colony

North and South Carolina In 1663 King Charles II gave land south of Virginia to several influential

people. This land became

Georgia In 1732 James Oglethorpe received a charter to establish a colony for

debtors to work off debt. The Colony was name after King George

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Original 13 Colnies Southern

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

New England Massachusetts,

Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire

Middle New York,

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland

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Day 1 Opener

Genius in 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”

Thomas Edison In-Class Schedule

Notes Slides 1 -8 Native Map Test Spanish Exploration Map Introduce Brochure Project Malinche Reading(??)

Homework Section 1 & 2 Vocab

Page 27: The American Colonies Emerge

Day 2 Opener

Presidential Trivia -What is the most common first name for U.S. presidents? (Hint: not John)

In-Class Schedule Vocab quiz (section 1 & 2) Notes Sl 9 -17 John Smith Reading Land Perspectives Worksheet Brochure Project

Homework Section 3 & 4 Vocab

Page 28: The American Colonies Emerge

Day 3 Opener

In what ways did the European invasion alter the lives of Natives living on the East coast of North America?

In-Class Schedule Notes 18 -21 John Winthrop Reading Brochure Project Climates reading P. 60 & 61

Homework Finish Brochures

Page 29: The American Colonies Emerge

Day 4 Opener

Personal Reflection – Why are goals important? List 5 short term goals and 5 long term goals.

In-Class Schedule Notes Sl. 22 – 25 Colonial Timeline Present Brochures


Page 30: The American Colonies Emerge

Day 5 Opener

City Trivia - What city has the most avg. rainfall in the U.S.? 2ND Most?

In-Class Schedule Ch. 2 Test Ch. 3 Intro Start Last of the Mohicans movie

Homework None – Enjoy your weekend!!