ul. Herberta 39, 05-501 Piaseczno, [email protected] www. alfanectar .eu www. alfanectar .eu THE ALFA AKTIV DIET SUPPLEMENT IS RECOMMENDED TO YOU IF: you are concerned about your health and the proper function of your circulatory system, you are exposed to harmful environmental factors, e.g. if you live in a large town or city, smo- ke or if you are an elderly person, if you are exposed to free-radical stress, if you keep a diet low in vitamin C from natural sources, polyphenols, iodine, selenium, if you need to support your body’s natural capa- city to control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, if you are going through a period of increased psychophysical activity, if you have recently received chemotherapy and radiotherapy, if you are suffering from the next day syndrome. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: : Adults: 2 portions (2x20 ml) per day; children over 3 years old: 10 ml per day. Drink the content of the bottle immediately after opening it and follow with a glass of water. CONTRAINDICATIONS: : Oversensitivity to any of the ingredients of the product. Suplement diety Dietary supplement Suplement diety Dietary supplement ulotka-ENG.indd 1 ulotka-ENG.indd 1 2013-09-24 14:34:40 2013-09-24 14:34:40

THE ALFA AKTIV DIET SUPPLEMENT Suplement diety Dietary … · 2014-07-14 · Dietary supplement Suplement diety ... Iodine: • supports the production of thyroid hormones, • helps

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Page 1: THE ALFA AKTIV DIET SUPPLEMENT Suplement diety Dietary … · 2014-07-14 · Dietary supplement Suplement diety ... Iodine: • supports the production of thyroid hormones, • helps

ul. Herberta 39, 05-501 Piaseczno, [email protected]



• you are concerned about your health and the proper function of your circulatory system,

• you are exposed to harmful environmental factors, e.g. if you live in a large town or city, smo-ke or if you are an elderly person,

• if you are exposed to free-radical stress, • if you keep a diet low in vitamin C from natural

sources, polyphenols, iodine, selenium, • if you need to support your body’s natural capa-

city to control your cholesterol and triglyceride levels,

• if you are going through a period of increased psychophysical activity,

• if you have recently received chemotherapy and radiotherapy,

• if you are suff ering from the next day syndrome.

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: : Adults: 2 portions (2x20 ml) per day; children over 3 years old: 10 ml per day. Drink the content of the bottle immediately after opening it and follow with

a glass of water.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: :Oversensitivity to any of the ingredients

of the product.

Suplement dietyDietary supplement

Suplement dietyDietary supplement

ulotka-ENG.indd 1ulotka-ENG.indd 1 2013-09-24 14:34:402013-09-24 14:34:40

Page 2: THE ALFA AKTIV DIET SUPPLEMENT Suplement diety Dietary … · 2014-07-14 · Dietary supplement Suplement diety ... Iodine: • supports the production of thyroid hormones, • helps

tissue and cartilaginous tissue. Ascorbic acid is also ne-cessary for noradrenaline synthesis. Vitamin C must be supplied externally because the human body cannot provide it through the synthesis of other ingredients.

VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) It is necessary for the synthesis of hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, testo-sterone, cortisone, thyroxine and insulin. It is essential for the proper function of the brain and the peripheral nervous system.

Functions: • helps to reduce blood pressure, • alleviates severe headache, • reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels, • helps to keep your skin in good condition.

SELENIUM is a chemical element that supports:• natural immunological processes • the body’s immunity, • the body’s detoxifi cation processes (removing

excess heavy metals, such as cadmium and and mecury, from the body),

• protection of the body against tumour cells,• the activity of thyroid hormones and the proper

growth of bones and cartilage,• the proper function of the liver,• the property functioning of the circulatory system,• the proper condition of eyesight, skin and hair,• helps burn excess fat,• aff ects the growth process,• improves mental performance

IODINE is one of the factors increasing the body’s energy. Iodine:• supports the production of thyroid hormones, • helps to keep your hair, skin, teeth and nails heal-

thy, • helps to burn excess fat,

ALFA AKTIV SUPLEMENT DIETY is a diet supple-ment based on a unique ionisation formula deve-loped by scientists to ensure long-lasting eff ec-tiveness of natural ingredients. The supplement is made using top-quality fruit concentrates of blackcurrant and chokeberry, with the addition of honey. The product is rich in vitamin C and poly-phenols, iodine, selenium, amber acid.

Research shows that:

CHOKEBERRY is an excellent source of many valu-able active substances (anthocyanes), vitamins (C, B2, B6, PP, P, E, carotene (provitamin A), microelements (molybdenum, manganese, copper, boron, iodine, cobalt, calcium)) as well as fi bre and pectins.

BLACKCURRANT is a source of B vitamins, provita-min A, biotin and folic acid, as well as many mineral salts, particularly potassium, iron, calcium, magne-sium, plus rare microelements such as manganese, boron and iodine. Blackcurrants also contain valu-able organic acids, pectins, essential oils, tannins and lutein, which is anti-tumour carotenoid.

HONEY contains mainly fructose, glucose and water. It also contains other sugars and trace enzymes, mi-nerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, mangane-se, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins (B1, B2,B5,B6), antioxidants and aminoacids. VITAMIN C plays a major role in the proper functio-ning of the human immunity system. It is part of one of the main systems responsible for wiping out free radicals. In other words, the vitamin has antioxidant properties, which means that it protects your cells against the harmful and damaging activity of free ra-dicals. Vitamin C is essential for the production of col-lagen, which is the basic ingredient of skin, connective

• protects the body against radioactive materials, • supports your growth process, • improves mental fi tness.

ANTHOCYANES, POLYPHENOLS AND BIOFLAVONOIDS These are responsible mainly for regulating the absorption process by increasing capillary power. Together with vitamin C, they help:• to keep the body’s connective tissue in proper

condition,• to increase the body’s immunity to infections,• to strengthen the body’s capillary walls, thus

preventing small petechiae on the skin.

AMBER ACID Research shows that amber acid has biostimulation properties, as it stimulates the nervous system, re-gulates the function of kidneys and intestines, and has anti-infl ammatory and antitoxic properties. It   strengthens the body’s vital force, improves the body’s immunity, and slows down the aging process through its antioxidant properties. Used after injuries (swelling) and long-lasting illness, it helps the body to regain its energy, as well as physical and intellectual fi tness. Am-ber acid research in recent decades has revealed that the acid helps to increase the human body’s immunity to patho-genic factors, improve energetic proces-ses and maintain the proper acid balance. Amber acid also acts as an inhibitor that slows down or completely eliminates the loss of potassium ions. It also has antioxidant properties. Amber acid has one more property: it accelerates the neutrali-sation of alcohol in blood.


ulotka-ENG.indd 2ulotka-ENG.indd 2 2013-09-24 14:34:442013-09-24 14:34:44