THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded

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Page 1: THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded
Page 2: THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded

THE RED SWAN Descriptive and Illustrative.

"Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ? Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded by the msgic arrow."



Warwick, N. Y.


Page 3: THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded

Scene an the Dn'ue to Veman.


T is of course, impossible in the confines of a simple booklet to I glve an adequate idea of any resort place, with its surroundings and environments ; but it shall be our aim simply to pre-suppose the many questions that naturally arise when the subject of summer vacation comes up, and to answer them a s best we may in cold type and illustrations.

W e shall in every case avoid exaggeration, as it 2s a pleasure to us to have our guests say, " It is much beyond our errpecta- tions " and " the half has not been told." W e shall be pleased to answer any and all questions that may arise which we have not mentioned here, and wculd suggest, that, a s it is only a short trip from the city, if you contemplate spending the summer or even a part of it in this vicinity, you come to Warari.ck and inspect the house and its ~urroundings and make your choice, as we feel confident we can please you.

There are only seventy-one guests rooms and twelve private bath? and, a s several are already engaged, the earlier you can attend to the matter the better selection you will have.

Page 4: THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded

RED SWAN INN. HIS new and elegant hotel, acccommodating over one hundred T guests, will open the first season June Ist, 1903. under the

management of Mr. C. M. Bartlett, formerly, for nine years, proprietor of the Kiamesha Lake House.

Not excelled by any in New York State ; the house is a strictly up-to-date hotel, with all modern conveniences; It is located in Warwick, Orange County, New York, one of the most delightful spots anywhere to be found, on an elevation just a t the edge of the village, hence it has the advantage of being both in town and in the country. It is only five minutes' walk from the depot and the accompanying cuts taken from the hotel windows give but a glimpse of the beautiful scenery surrounding the house in every direction.

The rooms are all good, and the diagrams will show the size and location of each. They are well and comforQbly furnished, (we have the famous Ostermoor Elastic Felt Mattresses) airy, light and thoroughly ventilated, and every room has a good closet, most of them unusually large. The house is beautifully lighted by electricity, has private and public baths, steam heat and hydraulic passenger elevator.

The verandas are a feature, extending as they do entirely across the front of the house (over 200 feet) and over half-way across the rear, while at the north end Is a porch seventy feet long by thirty-four feet wide capable of comfortably seating one hundred " , .

7 .

and fifty persons. The entire first floor is given up to the large assembly hall

(56x75 feet) which includes also the office, private office and parlor; the spacious dining room, with its side and ends almost entirely of glass ; and the kitchen which is large in size and perfect in arrangement, always open for inspection by our guests.

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There are two grand stairways leading up from this hall, be- sides the elevator. The house is surrounded by a beautiful lawn about 150 x 600 feet in front, while to the rear it merges into the golf grounds. practkally making one vast lawn of over forty acres in extent. At the north end of the parlor is an elevated platform in a bow window, so arranged that it can be used from either side, opening out on Ihe large porch or on the parbr and assembly hall which are easily thrown into one. This platform is used for entertainments, theatrical or otherwlse, and at all other times for our fine orchestra.

The view from the hotel looking up and down the Warwick Valley, extends for miles in either direction, and the elevation is such that every breeze is felt and cool nights assured. There are indeed few evenings when you will not need a wrap while sitting on our large porch or verandas.

All our water is filtered and comes from the purest of springs up in the mountains about one and a half miles distant and an ample supply is always assured. The drainage is perfect.

On the Greenwow' Lake Drwe.

Page 6: THE - Albert Wisner Public Library...THE RED SW AN Descriptive and Illustrative. "Can it be thesun descending O'er the level plain of water ?Or the Red Swan floaffng, flying, Wwnded

Oakland Avenue near the Hotel.


Warwick, the Queen Village of the Empire State," is situ- ated in the southern portion of Orange County, sixty-three miles northwest of New York City and twenty-eight miles west of Newburgh. The village is situated a t the eastern end of the beautiful Warwick Valley and from it an endless variety of choice and romantic drives may be had, and while the general scenery is of a quiet pastoral kind, yet the view to the eastward reveals Mt. Peter, from the crest of which we look down upon Greenwood Lake some seven miles from the village, while far to the northward Mt. Adam and Mt. Eve push up their cone shaped

But a few miles to the westward the valley is lost in the New Jersey hills, and the Blue Mountains of the Vernon Valley contributes a peaceful scene from the west verandas of the hotel. Situated in the very heart of the dairy industry, one perforce finds his environments to be those choicest of all farms, dairy farms, abounding with great herds of HoLtines " and Dutch Belt " cattle.

Truly thls is the spot for lovers of horses and driving, for the roads are varied and choice aAd this year will be inaugurated the new State and County highway, twelve miles long, reaching to Goshen, the County Seat, much of it mecadamed and with no grade greater than six per cent. Warwick has every advantage that the Berkshires claim. Charming scenery, fine drives, crisp atmosphere, heaIth-giving environments and is only one hour and fifty minutes from the Greater New York.

The Indian names, such as Wawayanda, Mistuckey, etc., are all about us and bring back vividly to our minds that here once was spoken the most beautiful language of the Algonquin tongue. Is it any wonder then, that in this land of Indian legendary, the projectors sought to immortalize Longfellow by erecting the RED SWAN INN made famous by Schoolcraft and woven into that beautiful Indian Edda by Longfellow when he created

Hiawatha." Truly, to the westward the sun goes down in all its firey

glory, and " Over it the star of Evening

Melts and trembles through the purple, Hangs suspended in the twilight."


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Great care has been taken to provide every possible amuse- ment for our guests. In the basement, two floors bebw the office, is the amusement hall. A large room 32 x 100 feet in size, coo- tainlng a fine bowling alley, billiard and pool tables, ping pong, shuffle-board and other games. Northwest of the house, about two hundred feet, are the fine tennis and croquet grounds with three large trees in line between them where a hundred people can sit in the shade and watch the games. Here also is the golf grounds, the best in this part of the state, while about three and one-half biles from the hotel is Wickham Lake, a beautiful shevt of water about half a mile wide by over a mile in length.

A stage will run from the hotel, pleasant days, forenoon and afternoon and the cost for the round trip will be only twenty-five cents. The hotel will maintain there a boat house with plenty of fine boats for both rowing and fishing, which is excellent in this lake. At the boat home can be obtained fishing tackle and bait, also candy, cigars, soft drinks, etc.

Pliorn~ni=~~.--Bring alang p u r camera, chemicals, and full outfit for developing, if you choose, as we have one of the finest dark-rooms in the state, with running water, washing-trough, and all conveniences for the free use of guests.

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~ h e i e are five denominations represented in our village, all within five to ten minutes' wak of the hotel, a s follows :

Calvary Baptist, Pastor. Rev. D. W. Sheppard. Christ-Episcopal, Pastor, Rev. William M. Pickslay. Methodist-Episcopal, Pastor, Rev. Elmer E. Count. Reformed, Pastor, Rev. Taber Knox. St. Stephens' Catholic, Pastor, Rev. P. J. Minogue.

There is probably no section of this country where one can find such a variety of choice drives as we have around Warwick; a s one lady remarked, <* I can drive nearly every pleasant day all summer and take a new route each time, and such lovely drives as I have never seen before." While some of these roads are hilly, there are a number that are so nearly Ievel that bicycling is a great pleasure to those who love this sport. W e have plenty of first-class accommodations for any number of wheels.

Thmugh the Furest.

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*I ' .. -\-- '- i.%! SCENES AND DRIVES. The country surrounding Wawick is unsurpassed for the

beauty and grandeur of its scenery, hence the driving is one of the chief attractions of this section. The roads, almost perfect in themselves, wind through the valleys and among the. mountains in emry dimetion, with every fen miles a beautiful lake, many of them daep and clear as crystal.

These lakes as well as the Little streams flowing into or from them, are filled wtth many of the choicest varieties of fish includ- ing trout, bass a d pickerel. Among the most popular of the drives are Greenwwd Lake, six miles ; Tuxedo, eleven miles ; Wawayanda L a b , seven miles; Goshen, twelve miles; Pine' Island, seven m l k ; Vernon, eight miles, Cedar Cliff I!& twelve miles ; Wlekham Lake, three and a half miles.

Wawayanda Lake. 97

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They Mil also rm the large new RED SWAN INN wapnette to Widcham L&e, twice daily on pleasant days ; twenty-five cents for the round trip. The Van Ness staMes have just been enlarged so they now haw a capacity of fifty horses. This stable will also be in first-class condition for summer bwsf- nesa both boardhg and livery. We shall hang In the hstel-offffise a frarnad cad giving a11 the principal drives ar~und Warwick. Giving also the distance and the cod for any style of vehicle with or without a .drEv@r. We have telephone cmnection with both stables.

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