CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected] Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014 Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill Last week students in Year 3 and Year 5 received their National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) reports. NAPLAN assesses aspects of literacy including reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar and writing, as well as numeracy. The results are shown in skill bands which indicate levels of achievement. The report shows the national average and the school’s average and will allow you to see how your child’s performance compares with that of others who completed the NAPLAN tests. NAPLAN tests provide schools with valuable information on the literacy and numeracy skills of children that are essential for ongoing learning. The NAPLAN results assist teachers in your child’s school to better assess each student’s performance and to take action to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. During the school holidays there will be further improvements to playground areas and fencing to enclose the area designated for bikes. My thanks to the Creative and Performing Arts Team (and in particular Ms Booth and Ms Galea) for the Crawford Art Show (the “Crawi-balds). There were a number of impressive artworks on display and the winning pieces will be framed and displayed in the library gallery. I look forward to attending the Blacktown Music Festival this evening and congratulate Ms Haller for preparing the Dance group for this event. The recent wet weather has delayed progress on our garden project, however, Mrs Taylor and our student leaders were hard at work preparing garden beds and planting throughout this week. I congratulate Ms Matthews on the success of the Father’s Day Breakfast. The breakfast was well supported and the feedback was extremely positive. Term 3 is a busy term with our sporting teams with a number of knock-out competitions being conducted. My thanks to Ms Alipate for her commitment to ensuring our Rugby League players were provided with the opportunity to participate. A number of staff have officiated at District and Regional Athletics carnivals to ensure these events are conducted. My thanks to Mrs Evans, Ms Still, Ms Parkinson and Mrs Dybac who have varied their programs to ensure strong support is provided to our athletes. The Stage 3 Camp was a wonderful experience for our students. All reports have been positive about the participation and behaviour of our students. My thanks to Ms Alipate, Miss Booth, Mrs Williams and Ms Parkinson. Miss Pratt is leaving Crawford at the end of Term 3. We wish Samantha all the best in her career and thank her for the contribution she has made to teaching and learning at Crawford Public School. Enjoy a relaxing holiday and I look forward to seeing all students in Term 4. Greg O’Neill Principal TUESDAY 7 OCTOBER, 2014

Term 3 Week 9, 2014 · Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected] Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014 Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill Last week students in Year

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Page 1: Term 3 Week 9, 2014 · Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014 Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill Last week students in Year


Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners

Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected]

Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014

Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill

Last week students in Year 3 and Year 5 received their National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) reports. NAPLAN assesses aspects of literacy including reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar and writing, as well as numeracy. The results are shown in skill bands which indicate levels of achievement. The report shows the national average and the school’s average and will allow you to see how your child’s performance compares with that of others who completed the NAPLAN tests. NAPLAN tests provide schools with valuable information on the literacy and numeracy skills of children that are essential for ongoing learning. The NAPLAN results assist teachers in your child’s school to better assess each student’s performance and to take action to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. During the school holidays there will be further improvements to playground areas and fencing to enclose the area designated for bikes. My thanks to the Creative and Performing Arts Team (and in particular Ms Booth and Ms Galea) for the Crawford Art Show (the “Crawi-balds). There were a number of impressive artworks on display and the winning pieces will be framed and displayed in the library gallery. I look forward to attending the Blacktown Music Festival this evening and congratulate Ms Haller for preparing the Dance group for this event. The recent wet weather has delayed progress on our garden project, however, Mrs Taylor and our student leaders were hard at work preparing garden

beds and planting throughout this week. I congratulate Ms Matthews on the success of the Father’s Day Breakfast. The breakfast was well supported and the feedback was extremely positive. Term 3 is a busy term with our sporting teams with a number of knock-out competitions being conducted. My thanks to Ms Alipate for her commitment to ensuring our Rugby League players were provided with the opportunity to participate. A number of staff have officiated at District and Regional Athletics carnivals to ensure these events are conducted. My thanks to Mrs Evans, Ms Still, Ms Parkinson and Mrs Dybac who have varied their programs to ensure strong support is provided to our athletes. The Stage 3 Camp was a wonderful experience for our students. All reports have been positive about the participation and behaviour of our students. My thanks to Ms Alipate, Miss Booth, Mrs Williams and Ms Parkinson. Miss Pratt is leaving Crawford at the end of Term 3. We wish Samantha all the best in her career and thank her for the contribution she has made to teaching and learning at Crawford Public School. Enjoy a relaxing holiday and I look forward to seeing all students in Term 4. Greg O’Neill Principal



Page 2: Term 3 Week 9, 2014 · Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014 Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill Last week students in Year

Deputy Principal’s Report - Mrs. D. Taylor

Students have been clearly reminded of Crawford Public School’s expectations (outlined below) and what interventions and consequences can be expected if they are unable to comply. We will be holding the celebrations for staying in the green in Week 10. Notes will be sent home on Friday 12 September for those who will be attending. It is so pleasing to see the number of students attending these events is continually growing. Students are reminded daily of the expectations.

Be Safe Stay in bounds Walk indoors and on concrete areas Play fairly Keep hands and feet to yourself Use equipment appropriately Be Respectful Listen to others Follow teacher’s instructions Treat everyone fairly Speak politely Be a Learner Do your best Always have a go Stay on task Come to school prepared Well done to all our students on their efforts in NAPLAN. All Years 3 and 5 students received their results last Friday. If you wish to discuss these, please contact the office to make an appointment with the classroom teachers. Just a reminder that if you have not returned your child’s red Permission to Publish note, Yellow Student Information Card or any absence notes required, please sign and return to school with your child. Also can you please make sure if you change your contact details, please let the office know asap. Student Leadership for 2015 As a school throughout 2014, we have built a positive leadership program for all student leaders. These opportunities will continue for students to display leadership within and outside the school in 2015. These will include: Captains and Prefects School Representative Council Peer Support Other Representative Opportunities

As we approach Term 4, we are beginning the preparation for Presentation Day. Can I please ask if you have been collecting certificates and your child is ready to claim their 10 point medallion, please bring your certificates to Mrs Taylor in the office. Merit Certificates (1 point) Awarded by the classroom teacher in the weekly assembly. AP’s Award (2 points) Selected by the classroom teacher and awarded by an Assistant Principal to one member of the presiding class at the weekly assembly. DP’s Award (2 points) Nominated by the classroom teacher; selected and awarded to the selected student(s) by the Deputy Principal on a twice-a-term basis. Principal’s Award (3 points) Nominated by the classroom teacher and awarded to the selected student(s) by the Principal on a twice -a-term basis. Ten Point Medallion Awarded to qualified students at major school assemblies. Qualification is brought about by accumulation of 10 points worth of awards as indicated by the point value in brackets next to each award. Attendance Thankyou to all our parents who are assuring their child/ren are at school on time and ready to learn. Can I please ask all parents to remember that if your child is absent from school, they are required to provide a note outlining the date or dates of the absences and a satisfactory explanation for their child being absent. The Education Act 1990 requires your child to attend school each day that instruction is provided unless prevented from doing so by sickness or other good reason. Uniform Hats, Hats, Hats All students are required to have a hat to play in the playground as part of the school’s sun safe protocols. Students without hats are asked to play in shaded areas. Please make sure your child’s name is on their hat and all other school property. Mrs Taylor Deputy Principal

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Wow the end of Term 3 has arrived already. Our Kinder students are not so tiny anymore and will be in Year 1 be-fore we know it!

Thank you to Miss Galea and KG who did an amazing job of leading our K-2 assembly and performing an outstand-ing dance. KM will be leading the assembly on 12 September at 10:00am in the hall. We would love to see you there!

We have been very busy and have some exciting events happening over the last few days of school.

The PBL reward day will be on Monday of Week 10 to say a big ‘thank you’ to all of the students who have been safe, respectful learners this term. Last term we had a jumping castle in Area D, who knows what it will be this term!

Kindergarten are counting down the sleeps until Thursday 18 September when we will be hopping on a bus to visit Golden Ridge Farm for our excursion. Please bring your child to the hall no later than 9:00Am. We need to leave on time so that we can get the most out of our day at the farm. Please pack the following items into your child’s ordi-nary school bag:

A hat

A drink bottle with water

Fruit, recess and lunch

A jumper – please label with your child’s name.

We have been very artistic creating artworks for the annual ‘Crawi-bald Art Exhibition’ that was held on Tuesday 9 September. Here are some photos of the Kindergarten ‘Outback Landscape’ artworks displayed in the hall as part of the display. We loved viewing the beautiful landscape artworks that each CPS student created.

Elyse Meadows

Rel. Assistant Supervisor – ES1.

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National Literacy & Numeracy Week

Poem in a Pocket Last week, all classes K-6 participated in ‘Poem in a Pocket’. The students wrote poems based on a theme. Some of the poems were selected for entry on the NLNW website. Here are a couple of poems written by our students:

Write On- Board of Studies

Leading up to Literacy and Numeracy Week, students participated in the Write On writing competition. One entry from each stage was selected to be submitted online. These winners were announced at the K-2 and 3-6 assemblies last week. Congratulations again to:

Fun times Respect each other Is always there for you Everyone needs one Never makes you feel sad Don’t give up on each other Sharing and caring     By Desmond - Kindergarten

Friends are the best Really, really special I like playing with my friends Every lunch and recess Nice smiles all the time Dancing and singing Sometimes we argue but we are still friends   By Monaro - Year 1

 Wizard of Oz 

Toto Dorothy’s dog 

The cute, brave, little dog Helps Dorothy when she needs it 

Best friends   

By Jade - Year 5

 Wizard of Oz 

Tinman Broken hearted 

He is steel and rusty He has no heart but has feelings 


By Jeal - Year 6

Kindergarten Ethan

Stage 1 Amy

Stage 2 Hannah

Stage 3 David

Support Unit Taylor

Page 5: Term 3 Week 9, 2014 · Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Term 3 Week 9 11 September, 2014 Principal’s Report - Greg O’Neill Last week students in Year


Stage 1 have been very busy participating in Literacy and Numeracy Week and the Board of Studies Write On writing competition. We had many great poems and writing entries from our students and I would like to congratulate them for their efforts.

Miss Buttigieg has been organising Swim Scheme again this year for the Year 2 students. Swim Scheme will take place in Term 4 (Weeks 9 and 10) Through the Swim Scheme program, students learn important water safety skills. Feedback from students, parents and teachers about this program has been very posi-tive over the years and we encourage students to participate in this program. To ensure your child has a place, please return your child’s permission slip and deposit as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about Swim Scheme, please contact Miss Buttigieg.

Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded the last ‘Star Student’ awards for Term 3 for being safe, respectful learners.

2A Maddison

2B Keira

2E Duc

2V Paris

1A Jor-El

1D Manaia

1M Kodi

Miss Allen is busily preparing the reward session in Week 10 for all of the students who have received these awards throughout the term.

News from the Classroom – 1D

1D has been learning about transport this term and we’ve been inspired by our visit to the Sydney Powerhouse Museum. We represented the information we learnt about different forms of transport in Visual Arts.

When lunch comes home ... again Almost nine out of 10 Australian parents say children's resistance is a major obstacle in their efforts to provide a healthy diet, and in many cas-es school lunches are one of the battlegrounds. But it's a battle families can do without and there are some simple steps to help avoid it. Find out more: http://bit.ly/K7IoJD

September homework planner

Kids and families run more smoothly when there's a plan. The September 2014 homework and study calendar includes key dates, school holidays and the number of each week in the term. You can print it out this month’s calendar here: http://bit.ly/1pkC3fK

Cyberbullying - prevention tips for parents The statistics around cyberbullying are sketchy, mainly because it often goes unreported. What we do know is that the likelihood of children being bullied online or over the phone increases as they get older and use technology more frequently. Find out more: http://bit.ly/xHLLDH

How much screen time? ‘Screen time' used to mean how many hours you spent watching TV and playing on the computer. However, with the growing number of digital devices on offer today, the question of what screen time means now is far more complex. Find out more: http://bit.ly/QFlqyz

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The term is nearly finished and holidays will be upon us very soon. This term has been quite busy with many extra curricula activities added to the students experiences. More recently we had the Crawford Art Show and this was very successful for those students who created works of art and had the whole school view them. We have had junior rugby league players attending various carnivals throughout this term with a variety of successes. Our students have been involved in assemblies and other school creative activities that have been terrific experiences for those involved.

Next term will be another busy term for Stage 2 and we hope that all the students achieve success in a variety of aspects to their learning. We continue to ask parents and caregivers to support us in providing a place of learning that respects each person as an individual who has skills, understandings and beliefs that vary from our own. Working together is something that Stage 2 will be focusing on in Term 3.

At this time we as a stage would like to thank Miss Pratt, who is leaving us this week. Miss Pratt has provided care, compassion and a detailed teaching and learning program for those students in her class. Her involvement in several committees and as one of the staff leading the debating team has been greatly appreciated. We as a stage are going to miss you and wish you all the best for your future. We welcome Mrs Collier who will take over 3-4P as of this Friday.

This is just a reminder for all those students in Stage 2 to remember the schools rules and expectations while either in the classroom or outside of it. Remembering our code of behaviour is extremely important in making a day at Crawford successful. We all like to be treated fairly and with respect, please listen to and adhere to what the staff are asking you to do and you shall be rewarded for being a safe, respectful learner.

For those parents who wish to discuss aspects of the Year 3 NAPLAN test results which were given out last week, please make an appointment to see your child's classroom teacher through the office. All appointments for any other reason or issue also need to be made through the office.

This term we have had a lot of students who have been away from school for some reason or another. Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have either provided the class teacher with a note explaining the absence or contacted the school office. Stage 2 teachers may send home a letter or contact you in regards to any outstanding leave from school. It is important to report the reasons why your child is away as this is a requirement from the Department of Education and Communities.

The staff of Stage 2 wish all families a safe and relaxing September break at the end of next week. If you are travelling at all, please arrive safely to your destination and return to us at the beginning of next term refreshed and relaxed in order to begin the last term of 2014.

Mr Lowing

Assistant Principal Stage 2

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WOW! What a busy yet amazing few weeks we have had in Stage 3.

Last week we had the privilege of taking 73 Stage 3 students to Yarramundi for Camp. They were all very well behaved and appeared to have enjoyed their time and did not want to leave. We watched our students step outside their comfort zones and climb higher on the rock wall, drop further on the giant swing and were determined to master the skills to hit some part of the target in archery. It was pretty awesome to see the confidence of our students build throughout the three days. Thank you to Mrs Williams, Miss Booth and Miss Parkinson for joining me in supervising these students through the duration of camp.

While the students were at camp, the remaining students were engaged in exciting teaching and learning programs set by Ms Arnall and Ms Still. I have heard many positive reports about the exciting activities that these students participated in and the overall high level of expected behaviour. This is so pleasing to hear, thank you Ms Arnall and Ms Still for providing these students with engaging and exciting experiences in our absence.

To end the busy week, Stage 3 completed their initial peer support training sessions. The classes were split into seven groups and were paired up with students who they will be working with next term to conduct the Peer Support Program on “Resilience” across the school as a part of our Personal Development/Health lessons for Term 4. During this time, the students learnt the importance of leading a group, effective communication and how to run a session. Their behaviour was exemplary during this time and for that I congratulate them. They finished a VERY busy week off with a party and all of the students enjoyed letting their hair down, consuming party food and listening to music. We sincerely thank our parents and caregivers for sending in the food and drinks needed for this party to be successful.



“Camp was very fun, we did so many different activities. My favourite activity was the giant swing, after you pull the purple rope your heart stops. YMCA is so good that I want to go again next year!” Star 5/6E

“By far the most exciting activity was the giant swing, closely followed by the cave maze! I hope all students in Stage 3 2015 start saving so they don’t miss out next year!” Carlo 5/6R

“At camp, I went on the giant swing, I went Kayaking, played ga-ga ball, I made damper and I had fun.” Clair 5/6B

“YMCA was the best camp ever, the $220 was worth it. My favourite activity was the giant swing, it was scary and fun at the same time. I screamed so loud.” Liam 5/6A

“On Monday 1 September some of the Stage 3 students went to camp and stayed there until the 3 September. My favourite activity was the giant swing because we had to work as a team and everyone in the group achieved their goal.” Jazmyn 5/6A.

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8:30am - 9:15am 2:55pm - 3:30pm

During these times, the electronic gate is unlocked for entry and exit of the school. All that is required is to push or pull the gate open.

Outside of these times the gate will be locked. Entry and Exit of the school will be by pushing the button located on the gate and waiting for a response from the school office.

Unless you require to sign your child out for an early pass from the front office, the gate will remain closed until 2:55pm.


Our school contributions for 2014 are now overdue.

$20.00 per student or

$35 per family

Teachers are collecting money in the classrooms or the contributions can be given directly to the office.

These funds are collected from all families and form a vital part of our school budget. In order to provide for the quality and variety of opportuni-ties at Crawford we need families to continue to support the Contribution Scheme.

We thank our families for their support.


“While the other people went to camp, the people who stayed at school played kickball, built spaghetti and marshmallow towers, looked up the Guinness Book of Records, drew on the concrete and made John-ny cakes. It was really fun, we got split into two classes, some in 5/6R and 5/6A” Brent 5/6R

“We got to draw the show bags and act them out and then we made a building with marshmallows and spaghetti and we made Johnny cakes.” Jaiden 5/6B


“While Peer Support training was running we did activities about friendship, empathy and relationship building. The most joyful activity was the party and making new friends. The best activity was when we had to dress people up as a pirate using newspaper and masking tape.” Madeline 5/6R

“Year 5 and 6 did their peer support training on the 4 & 5 September. In those two days we learnt how to use teamwork properly and how to use different types of language.” Jared 5/6E

“I learnt that team work is important to get things done, I know what co-facilitation is and communication helps to get things done. I learnt how to agree to the group agreement and I learnt about empathy and verbal and non-verbal communication” Harrison 5/6B

We really enjoyed our time as you have read. Next term is going to be as busy as we prepare for High School and Leadership opportunities for 2015.

If you have any questions regarding anything involving Stage 3, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Leigh Alipate Assistant Principal (Stage 3)

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The Uniform Shop is open for business Thursday mornings from 8:30am-9:30am in the Crawford Community Cottage. The uniform shop will be closed the last week of Term 3 and will re-open first Thursday of Term 4.


The school’s front office will be attended Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 3:15pm only.


The end of a fantastic term is fast approaching with students achieving amazing results in all key learning areas for Term 3.

The students in the support classes have been very busy throughout Term 3. Over the past couple of weeks they have created artworks for the ‘Crawi-bold’ Art Exhibition. K-6N made landscape artworks based on the Australian outback and K-6J and 3-6M made rainforests using different art mediums. These artworks were displayed for the whole school to view and each student was given the opportunity to vote for their favourite artwork from each stage. Our students also have been enthusiastically engaged in studying famous artist and their artworks. They have made interpretations of Claude Monet’s ‘Water’ painting and Andy Warhol’s ‘Marilyn Monroe’ pop art.

K-6N have been learning how to play new games, including cricket, hockey and tennis. These games have helped them learn how to take turns, follow instructions and to play fairly. They have also enjoyed participating in Kindergarten dance and have learnt to use their bodies to create different shapes.

Just a friendly reminder, that the Kindergarten excursion to Golden Ridge Animal Farm is next Thursday the 18 September.

We hope that you have a safe, relaxing holiday and get ready for an exciting Term 4.


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Congratulations to the following students who received their PBL badges during assemblies for being a safe, respectful learner. KG Ethan and Lyrix (White) 3/4L Abbey (Maroon) 3/4P Marion, Maia, Akuien and Jacob (Green) Pooja, Hale, Courtney-Lee (Maroon) Byron (Bronze) 3/4T Amelia (Silver) 5/6A Issa (White) Kamoe (Green), Brodee (Maroon) 5/6E Sarah (Green), Hayley (Bronze) Tiana (Silver) K-6J David (Bronze)


The school premises is a Non Smoking Area

Thank you for your cooperation.


A big congratulations to all our students for participating in National Literacy and Numeracy Week! The students all had a fantastic time writing poetry, creating stories, building and measuring their snail trails with coins and learning about water in the Reach for the Stars activities.

We raised an amazing amount for our snail trail with many of our trails measuring longer than 20 metres! In total we raised $1042 which is an impressive amount of spare change! We will be using this money to buy new resources for Literacy and Numeracy. Well done everyone, every 5 cent coin made a difference!

Thankyou to all our parents and members of the community who attended our parent Information session about the new English and Mathematics curriculum documents. It was great to listen to your feedback and ideas about English and Maths at Crawford. A great week was had by all!

Deb Still Vanessa Stone

Reading Tips by Mem Fox

Spend at least ten wildly happy minutes every single day reading aloud.

Read at least three stories a day: it may be the same story three times. Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read.

Read aloud with animation. Listen to your own voice and don’t be dull, or flat, or boring. Hang loose and be loud, have fun and laugh a lot.

Read with joy and enjoyment: real enjoyment for yourself and great joy for the listeners.

Read the stories that the kids love, over and over and over again, and always read in the same ‘tune’ for each book: i.e. with the same intonations on each page, each time.

Let children hear lots of language by talking to them constantly about the pictures, or anything else connected to the book; or sing any old song that you can remember; or say nursery rhymes in a bouncy way; or be noisy together doing clapping games.

Look for rhyme, rhythm or repetition in books for young children, and make sure the books are really short.

Play games with the things that you and the child can see on the page, such as letting kids finish rhymes, and finding the letters that start the child’s name and yours, remembering that it’s never work, it’s always a fabulous game.

Never ever teach reading, or get tense around books.

Please read aloud every day, mums and dads, because you just love being with your child, not because it’s the right thing to do.

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Nirimba Education Precinct

Eastern Road, Quakers Hill


FOR TERM 4, 2014

Duration: 8 weeks – 7 October to 27 November

Attendance: Monday to Thursday and/or online


Please phone for more information:

Myrna Seeruthun – 9208 7064

Building T1, Block C, Level 1, Room 15


This course will cost between $870 and $1040 from 2015

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Special Swimming Scheme

The Department of Education and Communities organises Special “Learn to Swim” classes for NSW

Public School students. We have been allocated 60 places for the 1 December—12 December (Term 4, Weeks 9 and 10) at Emerton Leisure Centre.

This is an excellent opportunity for students who are not proficient swimmers to gain competence and confidence with swimming. Our school is giving priority to non-swimmers in Years 2 students only. Notes have been distributed and additional notes are available from the office.

Please return your note and payments to your classroom teacher ASAP. Places will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Miss Buttigieg Swimming Scheme Coordinator.



Kindercare Learning Centre located in Doonside is a privately owned centre offering  

a variety of services including Long Day, Before & After School Care  

and Vacation Care for ages 0‐12 years.  

Full Government subsidy and eligibility offered. 

Our centre is open 7am to 6pm all year round. 


Our Before School Care operates from 7.00am – 8.45am.  


Our After School Care operates from 3.00pm to 6.00pm. 

For further enquiries, please contact Jackie De Abreu on  

(02) 9622 8214 or visit our website www.kindercare.com.au