CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected] Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018 Principals Report – Richard Ford Wow, how fast is this term going. 5 and a half weeks until the end of the year. A fortnight ago our stage 3 students went on an excursion to Western Sydney University for the first foot forward initiative. The students were exposed to what university is all about and the opportunities going to university can lead to. The uni were impressed with the skills our students showed in using different technologies and said that we were by far one of the best schools they had ever had attend the program. Swim school has come to an end. The students were great in the pool really concentrating on what they were learning and many students skills considerably developed over the 2 week program. Stage 2 went to the Joan Sutherland Centre last Friday to watch the adaption of the story of the Gruffalo s child. The students loved the experience something that many would not normally do. They could see how writing can be used to influence an audience and how to change a written story to a play to be performed. Thank you to Mr Bailey who drove up bottles of cold water to the students who were walking back from the station in the heat. Congratulations to Henry and Aarjav who were the recipients of the Principal and Deputy Principal s awards for stage 1. Next Wednesday is Pedlars Day. This is our main fundraiser for our Year 6 farewell. The Stage 3 students have been working hard to get their stalls and games organised for the students to have fun. Tokens cost 50c and will be on sale in the mornings leading up to Wednesday. Again the issues of jumpers in the school during really hot days is continuing. If it is really necessary for your child to wear a jumper on these days the jumper needs to be a green jumper. Currently the back gate and back playground are closed. Remediation work was due to start on Wednesday but due to the weather and some outside factors this was not able to start. We will keep you posted through Facebook and the School App when the playground work is finished. Next Tuesday morning is a Technology Course for parents. If you are interested in learning some of the things our students do and how to learn some of the new technologies for yourself please return the expression of interest form to Mrs Dybac. Grandparents Day will be held on Tuesday 27 th November. More information will go home closer to the date.

Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners

Phone: 9621 7233, Email: [email protected]

Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018

Principal’s Report – Richard Ford

Wow, how fast is this term going. 5 and a half weeks until the end of the year.

A fortnight ago our stage 3 students went on an excursion to Western Sydney University for the first foot forward

initiative. The students were exposed to what university is all about and the opportunities going to university can lead

to. The uni were impressed with the skills our students showed in using different technologies and said that we were by

far one of the best schools they had ever had attend the program.

Swim school has come to an end. The students were great in the pool really concentrating on what they were learning

and many students skills considerably developed over the 2 week program.

Stage 2 went to the Joan Sutherland Centre last Friday to watch the adaption of the story of the Gruffalo’s child. The

students loved the experience something that many would not normally do. They could see how writing can be used to

influence an audience and how to change a written story to a play to be performed. Thank you to Mr Bailey who drove

up bottles of cold water to the students who were walking back from the station in the heat.

Congratulations to Henry and Aarjav who were the recipients of the Principal and Deputy Principal’s awards for stage 1.

Next Wednesday is Pedlar’s Day. This is our main fundraiser for our Year 6 farewell. The Stage 3 students have been

working hard to get their stalls and games organised for the students to have fun. Tokens cost 50c and will be on sale in

the mornings leading up to Wednesday.

Again the issues of jumpers in the school during really hot days is continuing. If it is really necessary for your child to

wear a jumper on these days the jumper needs to be a green jumper.

Currently the back gate and back playground are closed. Remediation work was due to start on Wednesday but due to

the weather and some outside factors this was not able to start. We will keep you posted through Facebook and the

School App when the playground work is finished.

Next Tuesday morning is a Technology Course for parents. If you are interested in learning some of the things our

students do and how to learn some of the new technologies for yourself please return the expression of interest form to

Mrs Dybac.

Grandparent’s Day will be held on Tuesday 27th November. More information will go home closer to the date.

Page 2: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Congratulations to the following students who received there PBL badge during our last assembly for being a safe, respectful learner.

Year K-2 Students

KB Brody White 1F Valeliano Green

1L Caitlin Green 2N Gi Green

1L Mayda Green 2T Sittie Maroon

1L Aria Green 2T Cooper Maroon

1F Olivia Green

Year 3-6 Students

5/6S Nick White 5/6S Melzerane Bronze

5/6S Victor White 5/6S Marcellus Silver

3/4T Ali Green 3/4T Desmond Silver

5/6S David Maroon 4W Mercy P Silver

3/4T Maricos Maroon 4W Samir Silver

3/6J Ertan Maroon 4W Jessica Silver

4W Yuvraj Maroon 4W Latisha Silver

5/6S Emmanuel Maroon 4W Mercy P Silver

5/6M Yasa Bronze 4W Pranav Silver

5/6M Taylor Bronze 4W Sierra Silver

4W Heath Bronze 5/6W Tamara Silver

4W Himani Bronze 5/6W Tristan Silver

4W Reem Bronze 5/6S Jameson Silver

4W Jayden Bronze 5/6M Emily Gold

4W Nagahiriwa Bronze 5/6M Latu Gold

4W Umuesi Bronze 5/6M Joshua Gold

5/6W Prakash Bronze 5/6S Bree Platinum

Page 3: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Term 4 Events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 4 Swim School

Swim School

Swim School

Swim School

Sports in Schools

Swim School

PSSA Finals

2019 Kindy Cubs

Week 5


Course for


Circle of Security

Pedlars Day Sports in Schools 2019 Kindy Cubs

Week 6

Circle of Security

Year 5 Leadership


Year 5 Leadership

Speeches Sports in Schools 2019 Kindy Cubs

Week 7 Book Fair


Day/Donut Day

Circle of Security

Book Fair

Book Fair Sports in Schools 2019 Kindy Cubs


PBL Lesson

Weeks 5 & 6

~ Following Instructions ~

2019 Student School Travel

If you wish to apply for your child’s Student Opal

Card, applications are open now for 2019.

Online applications can be submitted for school

aged students via the following website:


Page 4: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Keeping up with Kindergarten!!!

Can you believe we are nearly half way through this term? That means our Kindergar-

ten journey is sadly coming to an end, but we still have lots of learning to achieve be-

fore we journey to Year One.

Kindergarten students are loving reading funny monster stories, as well as writing all

about these monsters. They have developed a colossal vocabulary and are beginning

to use lots of adjectives to make their writing stronger.

In mathematics, Kindergarten students are strengthening their subtraction skills and are

learning the fastest ways to add collections of items. They are also working really hard

to find as many number combinations they can using dice and dominoes.

Kindy students had an amazing time at the Athletics Carnival last week and also expe-

rienced their first Halloween disco at CPS! We are also super busy rehearsing for our

Kindergarten Assembly item and we may be making a surprise appearance at the

Grandparents Day performance… Watch this space….

Keep Learning and Keep Challenging Yourselves!

Page 5: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Our Crawford Cubs Transition to School program has begun. We had many

excited children visit out library and participate in many different activities

such as playing with playdough, drawing, building, and many many more.

After this our Cubs listened to some amazing stories and sung some lovely

songs with Helen from Rhyme Time. Later our Cubs went outside and did

lots more fun activities, such as playing with a parachute, crawling through

tunnels and using hula hoops.

We cant wait to see our Cubs again this Friday for some more fun and


Page 6: Term 4 Week 4, 9 November, 2018...CRAWFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL Quality education in an innovative and caring environment. Safe Respectful Learners Phone: 9621 7233, Email: crawford-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

PSSA Semi - Finals

This Friday we have 3 teams involved in the Mt Druitt PSSA semi-finals competition.

Senior Cricket

Junior AFL

Junior League Tag (Mrs Gardiners') team.

All players will need to see their coaches by Thursday this week to confirm their availability for

the semi-finals.

The semi-finals are played during the middle session of Friday. We wish all players involved all

the best as they strive to make the grand final next week.

Carnival Book Fairs

On the 26th, 27th and 28th of November this term. All money raised from this book fair shall be

used to purchase new resources for the 2019 school year for class sets of books that assist in

delivering reading programs across the school and also updating our information text collection

in the library. Please support our book fair which will be held in the old computer room at the

back of the library. Parents, grandparents and carers might be able to purchase a few early

festive gifts as we come to the end of the school year.

Students will be sent home a flyer for your fridge next week to remind families of this special

event at our school.

Library Book returns

Thank you to all those families who are returning overdue library books. We have recovered

some 40 missing books to date. Please keep looking for any books hiding in your homes over the

next few weeks and drop them off into the white box at the entrance of the school library please.

Some parents have even paid money at the school office as books that their children have lost

need to be replaced. Any lost book is just a $5 fee at the school office. Most of the books lost/

misplaced are indeed are more expensive than that to replace. If parents/carers wish to pay this

very low fee your most welcome to assist us in this matter.

Recreation Raffle

In week 1 I mentioned at the assembly that I was holding a raffle. I still am holding this raffle,

however have changed where the funds raised are going. I have spoken to Mr Walsh and have

offered that all money raised assists in purchasing the year 6 gift for the school for the end of the

year. Mr Walsh on behalf of Stage 3 has happily accepted this offer. The raffle will begin on

Pedlars Day in week 5 and then run until week 8. Tickets are only 50 cents each or 3 tickets for

$1. Tickets will be purchased from a Stage 3 stall on the day and then be sold at the school office

and also the school canteen. Hope that all our families can support this recreation raffle. Prizes

include; bikes, art supplies, lunch boxes, headphones, toys and games.

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8:30am - 9:15am 2:55pm - 3:30pm

During these times, the electronic gate is unlocked for entry and exit of the school. All that is required is to push or pull the gate open.

Outside of these times the gate will be locked. Entry and Exit of the school will be by pushing the button located on the gate and waiting for a response from the school office.

Unless you require to sign your child out

for an early pass from the front office, the

gate will remain closed until 2:55pm.


Our school contributions for 2018 are now due.

$20.00 per student or

$35 per family

Teachers are collecting money in the classrooms or the contributions can be given directly to the

office. These funds are collected from all families and form a vital part of our school budget. In order to

provide for the quality and variety of opportunities at Crawford we need families to continue to

support the Contribution Scheme.

We thank our families for their support.


For the safety of students and staff, the school gate near the car park is locked between the hours of 9.15am to 2.55pm. The back gate (Asche Street) is locked between the hours of 9.15am to 2.55pm. The gate will be promptly closed for the day at 3:15pm. ENTRY to the school dur ing school hours is via the main pedestrian gates located at the pedestrian crossing. The gate will be shut but not locked.


The school’s front office is open

Monday - Friday

8:30am - 3:15pm



The Uniform Shop will be open for business every Thursday

morning from 8:30am - 9:30am in the Crawford

Community Cottage.


The school premises is a Non Smoking Area

Thank you for your cooperation.