TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013

TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

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Page 1: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013

Page 2: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

Apologies have been received from: Zvonimir Stanić and Andrijana Prskalo Maček (CARNet) Baiba Kaškina and Katrina Sataki (IMCS UL / SigmaNet) Jan Węglarz and Stanisław Starzak (PSNC) Erwin Bleumink (SURFnet) Karel Vietsch (TERENA Secretariat)

Proxies: Artur Binczewski: PSNC with proxy Nino Ćosić: CARNet with proxy Raimundas Tuminauskas: IMCS UL / SigmaNet with proxy

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1. Welcome and Apologies

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2. Approval of Agenda 3. Minutes of the 39th meeting

› The GA is asked to approve the agenda –


› The GA is asked to approve the minutes of the 39th GA meeting (Maastricht, 6-7 June 2013) – GA(13)016r1

Page 4: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

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4b. Changes in Membership

› The GA is asked to admit FCT I.P. as National

Member of TERENA for Portugal, replacing FCCN.

› The GA is asked to admit Coriant GmbH as Associate Member of TERENA, replacing Nokia Siemens Networks.

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4c. Changes in Representative

Roumen Trifonov has succeeded Krassimir Simonski as the Representative of BREN.

Stelios Sartzetakis has succeeded Panayotis Tsanakas as the Representative of GRNET, Yiannis Mitsos has succeeded Tryfon Chiotis as the Substitute Representative.

Mehmet Surav has succeeded Serkan Orçan as the Substitute Representative of ULAKBIM.

Bertrand Houde has succeeded Hamish Lee as the Representative of Tata Telecommunications.

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4d. Outstanding membership fees


Organisation Country debt 2012 debt 2013 total debt

BREN BG 4,498.11 8,095.26 12,593.37

MARNET MK 2,708.39 2,708.39

MREN ME 335.76 335.76

CISCO 2,513.50 2,513.50

Tata 2,513.50 2,513.50

Huawei 2,513.50 2,513.50

Alcatel-Lucent 2,513.50 2,513.50

4,498.11 21,193.41 25,691.53

Note that BREN has paid its 2011 debt - is therefore still a member of TERENA

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4e. Appointment of Auditors

› The GA is asked to appoint Baker Tilly Berk as auditors for the 2013 and 2014 TERENA accounts.

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Community Satisfaction Survey 2013

TERENA General Assembly October 2013 John Dyer Business & Technology Strategist TERENA [email protected] www.terena.org

Page 9: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

More interaction between task forces 50% TF technical meetings have been physically co-located Remote participation by video TF day at GN3+ Symposium

Greater involvement of user groups in work of TERENA

Active outreach with existing and new user groups ESA; EBI/ELIXIR; CERN; SKA; . . . . .

Best Practice & sharing experience on Clouds TF-STORAGE; TF-MSP; input to GN3+ SA7 Filesender & TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive

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Responding to CSS 2012

Page 10: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

Coverage & adoption of eduroam should be broadened eduroam use growth rate 300% per annum eduroam available in 66 territories world-wide

More security training TRANSITS I & TRANSITS II During last 12 months 4 TRANSITS run by TERENA

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Responding to CSS 2012

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2013 CSS Responses

Membership Sector 2012 2013 NREN Members 36 31 Commercial Associate Members 5 4 User Group Associate Members 1 3

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Survey panel 2010/11 Mass Community Survey 2012, 2013 – Limited to GA representatives


Information is valuable to ensure we are addressing members priorities Survey Season Saturation

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Relevance & Quality of Taskforces

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Page 13: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

Community Services at TERENA

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Page 14: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

TERENA Publications

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Collaboration with External Groups

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Aspects of TERENA

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New Activities

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Active embrace & inclusion of users (AP 2.3, 2.5) Training (activity plan – section 2.4)

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Keeping Members Informed

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97% rated TERENA excellent or above average 10% reported that they noticed a great deal of improvement in the last 12 months



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Overall Experience with TERENA last 3 years

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95% reported TERENA very satisfied or somewhat satisfied Nobody who responded reported dissatisfaction




Page 20: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

6a. Activity plan 2014 › Priorities for 2014 in line with strategic objectives

defined in last year’s document. › Increased focus on engaging with international

user groups, research infrastructures and “data consumers”

› Respond to upcoming AAI call in Horizon2020 › Discuss contribution to the User Forum being

established by various EIROFORUM participants › Work on requirements of international user groups

› Continue relationship with European Union and

other stakeholders › Continue high-quality contributions to GN3plus

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Page 21: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

6b. Projected outlook 2013

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(k€) 2013 budget 2013 outlook


Contributions 1078 1085

Earmarked contributions 1880 2011

Interest received 60 35

Late payment charges and other income 1 10

TOTAL 3028 3140


Personnel costs 1802 1658

Other administrative costs 389 369

Travel/meetings 274 267

Minor projects funding 50 50

Membership subscriptions 4 4

Contracted services 599 731

Financial expenses 22 20

Bad debts written off 0 0

Project results previous years 5 -87

TOTAL 3145 3012

RESULT -117 128

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6c. Contribution categories of National Members

› The GA is asked to decide that IMCS UL SigmaNet (Latvia) and LITNET (Lithuania) shall pay 1 unit as their membership fee for 2014, with 10 votes in the General Assembly.

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6d. Membership fees 2014

› Fee has stood at € 5,027 since 2008. › This has caused an erosion of fee income in real terms

› The TEC proposes to return to the practice of 2008 and

earlier years and to adjust the fee for inflation – that means an adjustment of 2.8%

› The GA is asked to set the membership fee unit for 2014 at € 5,168.

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6d. Budget proposal 2014

› Based on fairly conservative assumptions, but secretariat staff currently working at full capacity.

› Need for a temporary increase in the manpower of the Secretariat for 2014 and 2015 to support increased focus on international user groups, research infrastructures and “data consumers”. Expected Horizon2020 funding projects compensates this small increase.

› Budget shows modest deficit in 2014 and positive results in following years.

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6d. Budget proposal 2014

(k€) 2013 budget 2013 outlook 2014 budget proposal


Membership fees 1078 1085 1121

Earmarked contributions 1880 2011 2306

Interest received 60 35 50

Other income and late payment charges 1 10 2

TOTAL 3028 3140 3479


Personnel costs 1802 1658 1836

Other administrative costs 389 369 393

Travel/meetings 274 267 307

Minor projects funding 50 50 50

Membership subscriptions 4 4 4

Contracted services 599 731 868

Financial expenses 22 20 22

Bad debts written off 0 0 0

Project results previous years 5 -87 21

TOTAL 3145 3012 3501

RESULT -117 128 -22

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6e. Financial prognosis 2014 - 2016

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(k€) 2014 budget


prognosis 2015

prognosis 2016


Membership fees 1121 1121 1121

Earmarked contributions 2306 2436 2154

Interest 50 50 50

Other income and late payment charges 2 2 2

TOTAL 3479 3609 3327


Personnel costs 1836 1909 1844

Other administrative costs 393 386 394

Travel/meetings 307 295 228

Minor projects funding 50 50 50

Membership subscriptions 4 4 4

Contracted services 868 904 762

Financial expenses 22 22 22

Bad debts written off 0 0 0

Project results previous years 21 -5 -4

TOTAL 3501 3565 3300

RESULT -22 44 27

Page 27: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

How many € do I get for every € of membership fees?

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Return on Investment

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7. Technical Programme

(Refer to slide set and presentation by Valter Nordh)

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8. Conferences and Workshops

(Refer to slide set and presentation by Helmut Sverenyák)

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9. TF-CPR update for GA October 2013

(Bert van Pinxteren / Erwin Bleumink)

Page 31: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

TF-CPR after TNC2013

› Met in Rome, back-to-back with GÉANT PR Network, 24-26 September – hosted by GARR

› Ex-participants emailed / Skyped - 10 year anniversary

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TF-CPR 10 year anniversary

› Survey about value of participation in TF meetings, mailing list, online activities

› Article published in GÉANT Connect magazine › News published on PeaR Community News › Team-building workshop › Exchange of branded ‘gadgets’ (with explanation of target

audience, event, campaign message etc.)

› New Terms of Reference approved › Includes three new work items (started work in Rome):

› Collect links to NREN videos to re-use as possible › ‘Cookbooks’ / checklists / best practices on range of topics › Liaise with Global PR Network initiative

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Other ongoing topics

› NREN updates & anniversaries › Measuring & Monitoring

› theme day in Rome – possible training being identified › Marketing and communications strategy

› TERENA Task Force session at GÉANT Symposium – ideas to feed into…

› joint meeting with TF-MSP in February 2014 › hosted by ACOnet, back-to-back with TF-MSP and TF-CPR

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current & future

TERENA General Assembly October 2013 John Dyer Business & Technology Strategist TERENA [email protected] www.terena.org

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September 2013 Meeting

› Actively collaborating with: STORAGE, GN3+SA7 › Explored from a business perspective: TCD

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› Increasingly Important to Monitor & Manage › Security Auditing of Sites › Accreditation › ISO 27000 family of standard - ISMS

Cloud Perspectives

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TF-MSP 2014

› Re-charter › Martin Bech, DeIC has agreed to be the new chair › Sincere thanks to Walter van Dijk, SURFnet

› 2014 potential focus topics

› Joint Procurement › Security; Penetration Testing; ISO 27001 & CSO’s › Adoption of Service Maps by NRENs › Greening of NREN services & E-Waste (NA3T3) › Vendor Management in depth › CRM module repository

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10. Secretariat matters Karel Vietsch Secretary General

Valentino Cavalli Acting Secretary General

John Dyer Business and Technology Strategist

Michael Nowlan CTO 18/39

Licia Florio Project Development Officer

Péter Szegedi Project Development Officer

Brook Schofield Project Development Officer

Nicole Harris Project Development Officer

Dick Visser Senior System Engineer

Christian Gijtenbeek Senior Software Engineer

Mohamed Dahhouch IT Support Engineer 32/39

Bert van Pinxteren Chief Administrative Officer

Laura Durnford Senior Communications Officer 36/39

Wilma Overdevest Financial Administrator 28/39

Gyöngyi Horváth Conference and Workshop Organiser

Cora Van den Bossche Communications Officer

Jim Buddin Training Coordinator

Magda Haver Project Management Assistant 25/39

Nadia Sluer Project Management Assistant

Hanna Cherigui Secretary

Mirko Ampt Assistant Bookkeeper 12/39

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11. Liaisons

› Bart van Caenegem, DG Connect, Unit A1-Photonics:

› EU funding for procurement of innovative Software Defined Optical Networking technologies

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12. NREN Support for Campus Tools

› Moderator: Agathoclis Stylianou

› Short presentations: Victor Reijs (HEAnet), Valter Nordh (SUNET).

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13. Update on Status of CEF


TERENA General Assembly October 2013 John Dyer Business & Technology Strategist TERENA [email protected] www.terena.org

Page 41: TERENA General Assembly Meeting Geneva, 21-22 October 2013 · Minutes of the 39th meeting › The GA is asked to approve the agenda – GA(13)019 › The GA is asked to approve the

Community relationship with CEF

CEF announced Oct 2011 Community Position

DANTE & TERENA collaborate TERENA to be contact point

EC commissions Readiness Study Contract awarded CapGemini, Deloitte, Tech4i2

Consultation with Community TNC BoF, GA, online workshops Surveys Interview with some NRENs

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Preliminary/Interim Report

Due: August 2013 Delayed as EC delayed Study conference Internal private draft seen October Made some critical comments regarding solutions DRAFT is being revised by contractors

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My understanding of new draft

› GÉANT & NRENs an example of BEST PRACTICE

› Potential scenarios to be explored:

› sTESTA as the backbone for a pan-European network infrastructure (centralized scenario)

› GÉANT as the backbone for a pan-European network infrastructure (federated scenario)

› The use of the internet to connect the closed user-

group networks in every member state to a pan-European network infrastructure.

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Funding Expectation: February 2013

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Funding Expectation: October 2013


No additional funding for CEF Investigation on the use of structural funds

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What next?

› Study Conference

› Readiness Study report to be delivered to EC by the end of 2013

Community email discussion list: [email protected] Deloitte LinkedIn discussion: DG CONNECT NIPS Study

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Wednesday 13 November 2013 9.00-17.00 CET Albert Borschette Conference Centre (CCAB),

room AB-02, Rue Froissart 36, Bruxelles.

Email registration: [email protected]

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14. Brussels Group

› Presentation by Pierre Bruyère, Bob Day

› Discussion

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15. Next meetings

› GA 41: 23-24 May 2014, Dublin, Ireland

› GA 42: Berlin, Germany, 6-7 October 2014