Teen Depresion

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  • 8/13/2019 Teen Depresion


    Pop Bianca

    Asistenta sociala III


    een depression and suicideA man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Depression is not just sadness. It is a diagnosable illness with specific symptoms. In order to be

    diagnosed with depression, the individual must have symptoms for at least two weeks.

    Children and adolescents sometimes dont have the language to label their own emotions. They

    may have been depressed for so long, they dont realize that what they are experiencing is

    depression. They dont understand that its possible to feel differently.Adolescent depression is

    a disorder that affects teenagers. It leads to sadness, discouragement, and a loss of self-worth and

    interest in their usual activities.

    Depression can change the way teenagers see themselves, their lives, and the people aroundthem. Teenagers who are depressed usually see everything more negatively. They can't imagine

    that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way.

    Teenage depression isnt just bad moods and occasional melancholyits a serious problem that

    impacts every aspect of a teens life. Teen depression can lead to problems at home and school,

    drug abuse, self-loathing, even violence or suicide.

    Teen depression is eating out teenagers like a dragon. The reasons for depression are many, but

    the result has unanimously ended in depression and attempted suicides. Adolescent girls are

    twice as likely as boys to experience depression. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cutthemselves, while boys are traditionally more successful in their suicide attempts because they

    utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys

    almost four times more successful in committing suicide. A family history of depression also

    puts teenagers at greater risk. According to rough statistics, it is said that about 28% of teenage

    kids have been driven into depression, of which 17% are found to be girls and 11% are boys.

    Suicide is the third most common cause of death amongst adolescents between 15-24 years of

    age. It is estimated that over half of all teens suffering from depression will attempt suicide atleast once, and of those teens, roughly 7 percent will succeed on the first try. Teenagers are

    especially vulnerable to the threat of suicide, because in addition to increased stress from school,work and peers, teens are also dealing with hormonal fluctuations that can complicate even the

    most normal situations.

    Suicide Risk Factors

    Certain characteristics are associated with increased suicide risk. These include:

  • 8/13/2019 Teen Depresion
