Team Amazing March 2015 News CHANGING LIVES DAY IN AND DAY OUT!

Team Amazing March Newsletter 2015

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Page 1: Team Amazing March Newsletter 2015

Team Amazing March 2015 News


Page 2: Team Amazing March Newsletter 2015

Page 3-4...Note from Lisa Kaye Fuller Page 5…Shout OutsPage 6-...Playback CallsPage 7…Cathie Peterson: Expos & Events Page 8...What’s NewPage 9... Elaine Simonsen: BlitzingPage 10…DOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS: Diamond Bonuses & Ruby Bonus Page 11... Shout OutsPage 12-13…Lisa Fuller: Tip of the Month Page 14 …Sandy Durre: Book of the Month Page 15-16 …Shout OutsPage 17…Lisa’s Training VideosPage 18…Jodi Buschur: Getting Your Mind Right Page 19…Shout Outs!Page 19-20…Tawnia Owens: Social MediaPage 21…Elizabeth Houlihan: A Monday AahaPage 22…Shout OutsPage 23…Kelli Stricker: Product Fun Facts Page 24-25…Angela Jockett: Becoming All You Were Created To BePage 26: Dorene Johnson: Back To BasicsPage 27-28… Shout Outs!Page 29… March aka Mark MadnessPage 30… ENERGY – Dr. Don Training VideoPage 31… Team Photos �


Table of Contents

Page 3: Team Amazing March Newsletter 2015

Note From Lisa Fuller


Let’s hear it from Ambassador

Diamond, Lisa Fuller!



Please see next page for this months


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I am so excited about the biggest month of this business! March is FINALLY here! For those of you that are coming into your first March ever you are in for some crazy surprises and for those of you that have

experienced March before get ready because it's going to blow you away! I cannot wait to see where everyone ends up at the end and how many game

changing, life changing promotions happen on TEAM AMAZING!

OKAY, let's get into the March newsletter! This newsletter is so awesome this month with tons of tips and tricks to help you grow your business and

make the best out of March! Make sure you read through it with a fine tooth comb because there messy just be something you learn from one of our amazing leaders that will help you take your business to a WHOLE

NOTHA LEVEL! I want to thank the entire leadership council for taking the time out of our busiest season to help everyone succeed no matter

who's team they are on! This group is truly OTOM and we are BETTER TOGETHER!

** A special shout out to Triple Diamond Sandy Durre for putting this month's masterpiece together! Everyone on our team appreciates you!

MY WISH for every single one of you this month is to work this ad hard as you can and at the end you will be able to say you have it your all! No

regrets because you tried your best! I cannot wait to see where this month takes this team!

Thank you all from both Barry and myself for letting us be part of your journey's! ENJOY THIS MONTH'S NEWSLETTER! WE LOVE YOU


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SHOUT OUTI would like to give a huge shout out this month to an amazing up and coming leader and my friend Kellie Drewelow! This amazing lady is stepping up her game and leading by example! She is always posting so many awesome encouraging things on Facebook and truly works this business with her heart! Barry and i had the pleasure of meeting kellie for the first time at conference and she isn't just beautiful on the outside, her soul is one of a kind! Thank you kellie for working hard and never giving up! Barry and i appreciate you and are so proud to have you on Team Amazing! We can't wait to watch you over the next years reach your dreams! You are a blessing! ♡ lisa&Barry

I'd like to give a monthly shout out to Justin Campos. This amazing man inspires me and I know others daily with his amazing posts and positive attitude! I'm so honored he jumped back in and let me just say it's on fire like never before! Justin and his wife Lizzy are going to be a powerhouse couple in this business so keep your eyes on them! Justin, barry and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us and giving this thing another go! We think you and Lizzy are amazing people that deserve the best in life and I know that you are going to help change thousands of lives on this amazing journey! It is only the beginning and the best years of your life are right ahead! We are so blessed to have you as part of our journey! Thank you! ♡ lisa&Barry

I'd like to give a monthly shout out to one of the best, most adorable, kind hearted, couples I know. ...Jeff and Ginny Wolf. If you haven't met them yet you are truly missing out! Jeff and Ginny just love life! They inspire others to want to strive for more and work this business every day. Barry and i adore them so much and couldn't be more thank that God Put us together on this crazy wrap journey! Jeff and ginny, you have already helped change the course of so many lives and continue to inspire people on your team and sidelines daily! The impact you are going to have in this business is mind boggling to me and I cannot wait to see the legacy you create for your family! We love you and we are honored to not just have you as business partners but a couple we consider some of our best friends! We love you♡♡♡ lisa&Barry

Id like to give a monthly shout out to an amazing lady Lisa Ab! I'm so glad I did this tiny booth that I was sure nothing would come out of! Boy was I wrong! Sometimes some of the best things come from things we don't think will produce anything and Lisa being there that day in my opinion was fate! Lisa is such a kind, loving person who has some big goals and is willing to stick with this even if it's not happening over night! She is pushing herself out of her comfort zone and I have no doubt that amazing things are going to be put in her path. Lisa, thank you for being part of this journey with Barry and i! Even though it is only the beginning I can already tell that you are someone that is going to see huge success in this business because you get it and see the big picture! I have no doubt that the best things in life are coming your way it is only a matter of time and hard work! I can't wait to watch your journey unfold! ♡♡♡ LISA&BARRY

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Cathie Peterson Triple Diamond

Expos and EventsFun! Fun! Fun!

While you are working expos and events it is so important to make sure you are having fun! If you are standing behind your table not

talking to people as they come by, you are really not promoting your business.

You need to show people what this crazy wrap business is about and that is FUN!

Stand out in front of the table, talk to those walking by, smile and enjoy the opportunity you've been given!

I love working events where the chatter around the room is how much fun those Crazy Wrappers are having.

It tells me that we are doing something right because we are being noticed by those around us.

Cut loose and enjoy the experience, it will be contagious and you will find so many more people who want to join your team!

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New ENERGY Drink to be released by 3.5.15Tune in on February 5 at 3pm ET, via Livestream on the It Works!

YouTube channel, and join Dr. Don VerHulst as he covers:

• Phytonutrients and polyphenols• The power of Energy’s ingredients

• The proprietary blend and crystalline fructose that make Energy sounique!

New It Works AppAndroid: getitworksandroidapp.com

Apple: getitworksiosapp.com

New W-9 information needed for anyone who joined as of 1.1.15

**Can be found in Settings**

New 100 Day Social Media Training & It Works Training Vidoes


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Elaine SimonsenDouble Diamond


Do you Blitz with intention or by accident? Think about how you are dressing for the day. Is there “It Works” gear in your wardrobe or any lime green colors or accents. Could be as simple as a hair accessory or a belt, pair

of earrings, a hat, a necklace, shoes……etc. When I first started I thought to myself, “I don’t like Lime Green color” but, after feeling how different my health was changing I wanted EVERYTHING

to be Lime Green because I wanted people to ASK ME about the color to start a conversation. That took the pressure off of me or feeling I was invading their space with my questions of “have you tried this crazy wrap thing?”

Never miss an opportunity to wear your business, you never know what will catch the attention of someone watching you. I have been known to wear a lime green with a red shirt because of RED Fridays and still asked about the green belt because it stood out like a Christmas tree. But, it opened the door

for conversation and no obligation. Now look through your closet. What are you wearing today? Is it about your

blitz opportunity or blending into the background? Stand out and be amazing!-Elaine Simonsen

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Mark did it again!!! Not only can you earn an amazing bonus

but you can earn a DOUBLE BONUS!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!!

Mark doubled all of the bonuses!!! Each and everyone

one of you have until March 31st to earn one of these , what are you doing to take your busines


How would you like to EARN a $500 Bonus within the 1st two month in the business?!

Follow the STEPS TO SUCCESS and GO RUBY within your 1st two full calendar months and get a $500 BONUS from It Works!!!

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Rebecca Elwood has been in the business for just over a year and going to conference really put a fire in her belly. She is blitzing daily and making those connections that are so important. She is getting people on the prospecting call and is so excited about this business and what it's going to do for her family. Love, Mandy Cady aka Sis

Trisha Eckman has truly worked her business from day one with "no excuses" She signed 26 loyal customers her first month in the business and hit Diamond last month after only 10 months in the business. She stays connected with her customers as well as distributors. She is leading her team by example and she won't be at diamond for long!! Last month she signed 7 distributors and over 20 loyal customers. When she sets a goal nothing will keep her from reaching it. Love Mandy Cady

I would like to give a Huge shout out to Korin Zwahlen!! We found each other on a social media app, she saw what It Works! could do for her and her family, and joined in October. We are states away from each other and she is in a new area, but that hasn't slowed her down. She earned her $120 in free product, has been signing customers, and has a few potential distributors thinking about joining her. Korin saw the vision and went full force. Not only is she going to change her life, but many many people who don't even know it yet. Korin, you are a ROCKSTAR!!!! Not many people would be able to do what you're doing with no help right there with you. Keep up the good work and your dreams will become reality!! Love Angela Jockett

I must say that my entire team is doing an AH-MAZING job!!! So may people working so hard at their business and I am just so excited to be apart of it all. So my shout outs go to Coco Tice, Angie Russell, Sarah Cull, Jessica Boswell, Megan Hammond, Patty Smith, Heather Clontz, Amber Schmidt, and our newest addition Brittney Young. I love you girls and so glad to get to work with each and every one of you! You make me so proud and keep up the GREAT work!!! #DREAMTEAM Love, Leslie Jump

I would love to give a huge shout out to my newest & first rockstar distributor Nikki Sommers!!! Nikki got 3 loyal customers in her first 3 days! She is on fire! I am so proud of her hard work and enthusiasm. She did all this before she even had her launch party & received her kit. Nikki printed out a blitz card and had it laminated to hang from her purse, since she had not received her kit. She is headed to the top! Keep up the awesome job Nikki!! - Christina Henshaw

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Ambassador Diamond Lisa Kaye


TIP OF THE MONTHToday's tip I want to share something with all of you and for those of you that know me you know that you can always expect me to be honest even if it isn't something you want to hear! So here it goes because it has been laying very heavy on my heart to share.

If you have just signed up in the month of February and you are reading this right now the fact is that statistically half of you will quit by month 3! Statistically by month 6 only a quarter of you will still be in this business. Statistically, at the one year mark only a small handful of you will still be here. I do not write this post to scare anyone or put a damper on anything, I share this with you because I do not want you to be a "Statistic"! I know what waits on the other side and It is so amazing and anyone of you reading this will get there as long as you DON't QUIT!

So WHY do people quit? People quit because someone in their family or a good friend tells them that they are crazy and that they will never make money! People quit because they find out you actually have to work and put effort in and it isn't a get rich quick scam. People quit when they miss a bonus or do not see a big paycheck quick enough. People quit because they run into someone that said they tried the wrap and it didn't work. People quit because none of their friends or family members showed up to their first party! People quit because they didn't get their 4 loyal customers in 30 days. The fact of the matter is, in this life we live people are quitters! They quit diets when they do not see results fast enough. They quit exercising for the same reason. They quit on their relationships when they get hard. In fact most people that set a new years resolution have already quit and failed. It is just what people do....THEY QUIT!

I am going to give it to you straight! In the past 4 years and especially during my first year people told me NO, they told me I was crazy, They told me that our products didn't work, heck my own mother and sister wouldn't even be a customer for me and all my friends shot me down except for one. I actually had to beg someone on my last day to get my 4 loyal customers to sign up and i told them I would buy the product off of them. My first check was only $68 and I was so disappointed because I felt like I was working my butt off and got paid almost nothing. My first party no one showed. My second party no one signed up. My first year I only ended up signing 1 person I actually knew before starting the business. I missed bonuses. I thought about quitting......BUT I DIDN'T! And guess what? 4 years later almost every single person that told me I was crazy including my mother and sister are now part of this business with me! 4 years later I make more in one month then I did in Two years of waiting tables 60 hours a week. My family is living a life that we didn't believe people like us could ever have.

So why am I sharing this with you? Because I do not want you to be a statistic! The fact is that it takes time to grow a business. The fact is that all the things I mentioned above at one point or another will probably happen to you! The fact is your going to put alot of work in at the very beginning and feel like you are not seeing the money you deserve BUT if you work at it in a very short period of time those paychecks are going to double and triple every single month! My first paycheck was only $68 like I said previously but my second paycheck was $600....Can you imagine if I would have quit that first month because it wasn't enough money to even pay my auto-ship? I would have never seen that paycheck grow! Unless someone wins the lottery or got an inheritance there is not a person on this planet that has money that didn't start at the bottom to get to an amazing income! You have to be willing to do what most people won't do to have what most people never will!

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This business isn't hard in fact it is probably the most fun and easiest business you will ever do but it still takes hard work, commitment, Drive, stepping out of your comfort zone, and getting use to rejection. You will hear me talk alot about being on the 3-5 year plan! I say that because I do not know how fast or slow you will grow everyone has different circumstances, but I do know that If you come in and work this like a REAL business that within 3-5 years you will not be in the same spot you are today! How do I know this? Because I have see it in my own business! The people that come in and stick with it always end up making money! Do you like where you are at in your life right now? If the answer is NO then what exactly are you doing to change where you are at? If the next 5 years of your life is going to go by no matter what you do why wouldn't you plug away at this and see where it takes you! I know that If i wouldn't have taken a chance on this business I would still be waiting tables, never seeing my kids, living less then paycheck to paycheck. Four years has gone by for me now since signing with IT Works and look where we are! We know where you will be in 5 years if you don't do anything about your situation but we do not know where you will be in 5 years if you stick with this even if it is slow moving and that is exciting to think about all the amazing possibilities that lie ahead for you and your family! Worse case you come in and give it a really good try and nothing happens and you are no worse off then you are now but at least you tried and you won't wonder your entire life what could have happened if you stuck it out!

I can promise you this, you are going to make some of the best friends that you will consider family and you will make money that is going to make a difference in your families life! We have amazing products that people want and need! We have a company that is one of the fastest growing companies in the world with a product that no one else in the world has! We know that there is money to be made because 1000's of lives have already changed financially and that is a fact! You do not have to be a statistic! This business works and it will work for you if you give it a fair shot and work it! All those people around you once you start making money will want to join you but you have to stick with it long enough for that to happen. People are watching and waiting to see what you do and if you stick with it! There is no risk involved all you have to do is get on a couple products and let them change your life then share. You never have to spend more then 80bv to get a paycheck and you do not have to carry stock or spend a bunch of money! This is a once in a life time opportunity so do not pass it by! Do you know that if you started any other business it takes 5-7 years before you would see one dime of profit and your over head every month to run it would be thousand's! The best part about this business is you can earn even if it is just a little from the very first month!

So that is the end of my long rant and I truly hope that if you take what I have said and think about it on those days where you want to give up! You deserve amazing things and so does your family! You can live the life of your dreams with this business you just have to believe and work it!

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Triple Diamond Sandy Durre


7-figure entrepreneur mommies, Denise Walsh & Kami Dempsey teach you how to start living the life of your dreams with your own direct sales business.

Whether you're still thinking about starting your own business or wanting to get back into it after an unsuccessful prior attempt, these millionaire moms will

teach you how to identify your own unique, God-given talents to build a business that provides a legacy of freedom and wealth for your family for years

to come.

If you want to stop trading your time for money and want to start spending more time with the people you love, this book is for you. It doesn't matter if you have any experience in sales, what education you've had, or how old you are--if you're willing to spend a couple hours reading this book and you can commit to

doing the exercises within, we know you will be successful with your own business. If you're ready to start creating a residual income that will serve you for

a lifetime, we're ready to show you how!

Retire Your Husband: A Mom's Guide to Making Millions with Network Marketing

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SHOUT OUT TO....Id like to give a huge shout out to Justin McMaster! A single dad of 1 daughter

He has one daughter and a redneck ditch digger as he puts it. He is into excavation/construction. Justin is working this business as a single man and blowing it up! He double promoted to Ruby in February and I have no doubt that he may just double promote this month and be our teams very first single

make Diamond! Barry and I had the awesome pleasure of meeting and getting to know Justin on our trip to Boise Idaho and his love for the products and the

company are contagious! Justin, barry and I are so excited to see all of the amazing things this opportunity is going to do to change your life! You are a

trend setter and are paving the way for so many other single men to come! We thank you for your leadership and above all a new friendship! You going all

the way! ♡ Barry&Lisa

I just want to give a HUGE shout out to Miss Samantha Davis! She joined with It Works about six months ago and right off the bat she started signing people left and right. She jumped in with a bang and I couldn’t be more PROUD of her and her accomplishments! She and I have been doing weekly meetings with our team

and she already has 2 GIRLS GOING RUBY! I mean that’s huge! She is such a Rockstar and a great leader! I am so blessed that she came into my life and joined my team. She is recently pregnant and she is hoping to be a stay at home mom by

the time her little one arrives. I know you can do it girl! Keep reaching for the stars darling and all your dreams will come true! Love You, Brittany Walker

Ashley Fletcher joined our team a little over a month ago and is already a ROCKSTAR! She’s built an unstoppable team already, all while working full time as a

teacher! She has all her distributors in line to promote to Ruby and get that Ruby bonus! Way to go Ashley, Keep it up!

Love, Samantha Davis

I met Matt Herrig at a town Festival this past summer. He was the cop on duty who was curious enough to come see what this crazy wrap vendor table

was all about! He asked tons of questions and I knew quickly that his personality would be a very successful in this business. He is super funny and has an amazing love for people! He finally tried the wrap weeks later

and joined the team but never told anyone he was in the business! Now that he has had great results he can not keep his mouth closed about

how great the products are and how this is a huge opportunity to everyone!He is quickly becoming a leader of his team and I am excited to see where his

Journey will take him. Find this talented man on Facebook!Proud of you Matt! -Dorene Johnson

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February has been a great month so far and my team has been on fire!!!! I wish I could do shout-outs to everyone, as I know we all do what we can, when we can!! Since I can't do that, here are some of the highlights from this month: *Linda Meldrum, Amber Hubble and Jim Miller for all getting their 4 loyals

within their first 30 days!! Whoop, Whoop!!!! *Carrie Miller for rocking it out with one dt and 8 loyals this month!!! BOOM

Baby!!!*Traci Uskilith for signing 3 dt's this month!!! *Jeff Gendron for getting 3 loyals this month!

Let's bring this momentum into March, as March is still within our busiest season. We have a new Product Launching and many reaching for bonuses!!! We have so many to people to reach out to yet...that don't even know about

us....go sign all those leaving for Spring Break!!!! Xoxoxo -Gypsia Flath

Amber came into this business needing change in her life. I thought this girl was going to have a panic attack the night I enrolled her. She was scared to death! She has only been in since February 2nd, and completed her steps to success in just 3

weeks! Simply Amazing! Our friendship is growing so much because of this business. and I'm so blessed to have her. I know this opportunity is changing her

life! She is going to give her boys the life they deserve! Can't wait for all of the adventures to come! - Nicole Withrow

Emily has been rocking this business since day 1. She just joined in February, and completed her steps to success in her first month!

She has so much energy and excitement about this business. She is an amazing mom, giving her boys the best life possible. I am so happy

to have her on my team and so happy our friendship is growing becauseof It Works! The Sky is the limit Emily! - Nicole Withrow

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Now easy to find in ONE location!!!

www.lisakayefuller.comClick on the tab: Training Videos!

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Getting Your Mind Right

Jodi BuschurTriple Diamond

Promise Yourself….To be so strong that nothing

can disturb your peace of mind.To talk health, happiness, and prosperity

to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feelthat there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everythingand make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of othersas you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the pastand press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all timesand give every living creature you a meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourselfthat you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,not in loud words but great deeds.

To live in Faith that the whole world is on your sideso long as you are true to the best that is in you!

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It is really important when you start your new IT WORKS business to have a plan! How do I work this business? How do I get people interested? How do I stay fired up?? Here are some tips to help you in

your new journey with our amazing IT WORKS family!!1. Be intentional ~ Get up everyday and get ready. Are you wearing your IT WORKS gear?? Do you

look like an IT WORKS Distributor?? Start your day with some IT WORKS products! We have so many ESSENTIAL supplements that EVERYONE SHOULD BE TAKING! Especially if you are an it works distributor! Are you a product of the products?? How can you rightfully ask people to take interest in something you are sharing, if you aren't taking them yourselves?? Make a 6 list. These are 6 items that you want to complete for your business before the end of the day. Example: Call my top 5 friends and

share this crazy wrap business with them. Post to fb at least 3 times today. Get on our team call and take notes. Find one person to host a party for me. Read a chapter of my self improvement book. Blitz at

least 10 people and get a minimum of 2 of them to follow me on facebook. When you have a plan and you are READY for your day, it will make a huge impact in your business.

2. Make a 100's list! This is an ONGOING list that you will continually be adding and removing peoplefrom. I have been in this business for almost 3 years and I STILL have a FULL 100's list!! I went through my "warm market" the first few months of my business. How is it possible to have SO MANY people in

my pipeline?? I am constantly adding new people to my facebook. I go to networking events to meet new people. I try to go to as many opportunities to meet new people that I am invited to. Example:

birthday parties, bbqs, get togethers, lunch dates, one on ones, etc. There is a memory jogger in your esuite to help you along the way. You can not be successful in this business if you are not out there

growing your network. You can not just limit yourself to your friends and family.

3.Party, Party, Party.... oh, did I mention PARTY??? It is vital that have as many parties as possible. Youneed to launch your business in your first 7-10 business days. Then you should have a follow up party 3-5 days later for those who couldn't make it to your launch. You need to contact everyone you know

and ask them for a "favor". Find as many people as you can that will be willing to host a party for you. If you don't like the "favor" approach, then get excited about what you have your HOT LITTLE HANDS

ON!! Tell people that you have hit the jackpot, and so many people have already been in love with their results and "you just have to try it yourself and it's only $25!" If they say they have "no money" then tell them "NO PROBLEM" I bet there are 3 of your friends that would LOVE to try this "sexy sticker" and

you will wrap them for free!!!

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4. Stay plugged in!! If you are not reading these news letters, getting on team calls, checking your teampage, getting to trainings, and having regular conversations with your upline then you WILL fizzle

out!! YOU NEED to surround yourself with like minded people and the best way to do that is through these various outlets. I promise you this... TOP EARNERS of the company EAT, BREATH, DREAM,

SWEAT, DRINK, LIVE IT WORKS!! It has become so much a part of our daily lives there is no way to separate the two. That is because we stay connected. We find all avenues to plug into our business and

look for any opportunity to grow and be inspired.

5. Be consistent. It would surprise you to know how many people will WATCH YOU for awhile tobefore they ever contact you. Have you heard the saying "you reap what you sow"? Some will watch you for awhile to see how serious and committed you are. Some will watch you out of curiosity. Some will

watch to see if you fall on your face. Sounds harsh but it's true. The best thing you can do for your business is always be consistent. Post consistently. Blitz consistently. Follow up consistently. Get the

picture?? I still have people who join my team that have been watching me since I started! Crazy right?? Sometimes it's just about timing. Maybe someone lost there 9-5 that has been following you and now

feel that is a perfect opportunity to stay home and make money. YOU NEVER KNOW!

6. BE EXCITED!! If you don't LOVE this business people will see right through you. Believe inyourself! Truly know that you have your hands on a gold mine and you just need to MINE IT!! People will see your excitement and they will want to join. Take people on an adventure!! Post pics of all the

fun things you are doing with your business so people will KNOW how much fun they could be having too!! Never complain on facebook. Live positively and people will want to be part of your team.

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Triple Diamond

Elizabeth Houlihan

A Monday Aaa Haaa...

Monday's are a gift.... On very cold morning in 2012 my kiddos had a snow day but I had to scrape off the freezing rain and heavy snow from my car, than drive white knuckled to Bryan Ohio for a full day work..Arriving late and very tense, I went into my office only to be followed by my boss to inform me that more staff were having their hours cut... And that I needed to take a portion of my (very small) marketing budget to help improve the morale of the entire staff off 175 people. I remember thinking not so kind thoughts.. And thinking a few not so lady like words. I remember that cold Monday morning and that I prayed, right there at my desk, to find myself , that I felt drained and lost in my career. I went home that night and started journaling. This process if simply documenting, in writing about what I desired in life and career began a somewhat painful process of self reflection... Ouch !

So today on this Very cold and snowy Monday morning I an intentionally focused, I have a fixed point to guide me. I am facing forward and so thankful! Today just about 800 days later I am surrounded by amazingly talented and passionate individuals who help people get healthy, look amazing and improve their quality of life.... And I am adding MORE talented people every day! They are even blessed with mindblowing bonuses.... Some in excess of $20,000. What a difference a prayer makes... When the door was opened for me I recognized who opened it for me and walked through it and have never looked back.

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Way to ROCK Stephanie Elfrink -- She is ready for the RUBY!!! She got her first 4 Loyal Customers and earned her $120 Credit in her first 10 days!!! Super pumped for your journey Steph!!! - Kelly Stricker

So proud of Jen Paulin - She has NEVER given up and is proof that everyone has their own journey and their own pace with this business!!! She is motivated and rocking!!! Added two new distributors to her business in February and focusing on HER JOURNEY!!!! Proud of you Jen!! - Kelly Stricker

Tera Battistoni is so inspiring!!! She is staying busy with her business, focused on her goals, working a Full Time J.O.B. AND about to have a baby Very Very Soon!!!! Congrats Tera!!! - Kelly Stricker

Brianna Buschur, Diamond Words can't express how proud I am for this Shout Out! My

daughter Brianna couldn't wait to sign up as an It Works DT for her 18th birthday! She started out slow, but has always had a vision to be

successful in this business. When she started college full time she made it her goal to pay cash and take out no loans. IWs has allowed

her to do just that! She has ran into so many obstacles, but she always finds positive in every situation! Brianna has missed the GOOD

bonus a couple times so at conference when Mark announced Double GOOD she looked at me with tears and said "Mom, now I know why I didn't promote before this. It was because God had a bigger plan for

me!"We couldn't be more proud of her!!! Congrats on your $20,000

bonus! We love you baby girl! It's your time to Shine Bright Like a Diamond!! Love, Mom (Jodi Buschur, Triple Diamond)

I want to give a huge shout out to Shane and Glynis Henderson and their daughter Kendra Henderson! God has truly blessed me with putting this family in my life! In the three short weeks that they have been on my team, they have set up nine separate business opportunity meetings for me bringing some of the most amazing people into my life! Every single person at the meetings have signed up as LCs or DTs! This family has a spirit about them like no other and a network of the most beautiful friends and family members I have ever met! They have seen the potential with our products and company and they realize what a Blessing It Works is! Take a look at them because you will see them at the top! Love you guys! Jodi Buschur, Triple Diamond

I would like to give a huge shout out to Falesha Maroney. She has been in this business for just a few months and rocking it! We have known each other for several years and she has been one of the most sincere friends I have ever had. She was there for me during one of the hardesttimes of my life, and I'm so happy to have her on this journey with me. Falesha hasno warm market at all. She has worked her whole business by meeting strangers.Everyone can learn something from Falesha, I know I have! This journey is making our friendship even stronger!

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Double Diamond

Product Fun Facts


Did you know that the It Works Hair-Skin-Nails supplement is LOADED with 5000mcg of Biotin per 2 tablet serving? What does this amazing "Biotin" do???

Biotin, or vitamin H is part of the complex B vitamins. Along with helping the body metabolize fats and carbohydrates, biotin has been linked to improved hair health and maintaining proper function of the nervous

system. And here are 5 amazing things that this B Complex Vitamin is fabulous for...1. Strengthen hair and nails

Though there’s minimal research to support the effects of biotin on hair growth, there’s research to support a deficiency will cause hair loss. Similarly, the vitamin also helps thicken nail cuticles and prevents breakage.

2. Improve the health of your skinA biotin deficiency can lead to a variety of skin problems including rashes, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and overall itchiness. B vitamins play a key role in the function of the nervous system and do affect hormone function, which

suggests why depleting biotin levels can in turn play a significant role in skin health.3. Aid in weight loss

Biotin plays a pivotal role in supporting metabolic function and works as a co-enzyme to help break down food, particularly carbohydrates. This reaction is further accelerated when biotin is paired with chromium. Your resting

metabolic rate is elevated and food breaks down faster when consuming biotin, which is why there’s a link to biotin and accelerating weight loss.

4. Lower cholesterolBiotin has shown to play a role in lowering cholesterol.

5. Regulate blood sugarBiotin intake has been associated with helping to fight and preventing diabetes, particularly type 2...Pairing Biotin

with Chromium has been show to have an even greater effect.Now, Wrap-Stars -- we ARE NOT DOCTORS and CANNOT make medical claims... However when YOU know

more about the ingredients in our fabulous products, YOU are more educated and can possibly make greater decisions when recommending products to your customers :-)

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by: Double Diamond Angela Jockett


In the last newsletter we covered that our fears, weaknesses, past mistakes, regrets, background, and the trials we face do not have to keep us from being fruitful and becoming the person we were created to be. Now let's focus on getting rid of these limiting beliefs and start working on the things that are going to help us become that person God created us to be.

First thing we need to do is let go of everything bad that has happened to us in the past. How do we do that? Simple, write everything down that you feel has had a negative impact on your life, all the mistakes and all the things done to you

in your life. Now I want you to crumble it up and flush it down the toilet and tell God your giving these things over to him and your not going to think about them or worry about them. You're not going to try and figure out why they

happened you're just going to believe they happened for a reason and now your letting them go. Ask for forgiveness for the things you feel you did wrong and ask God to give you knowledge, wisdom, and strength to become the person He created you to be. I also want you to remember that some of the things that have happened to you may be a blessing to

others. Your mess may bless someone else.

Ok now that we have gotten rid of the past now it's time to start renewing our mind. This is not going to be easy but very important. Our thoughts become things and they affect our life in so many ways. It says in Proverbs 23:7 For as he

thinks in his heart, so is he. So we need to be very careful of our thought life. Renewing our minds doesn't happen over night. It takes 21 days to create a habit so this will take some WILL power and consistency. I have been doing this for

almost 8 years and I'm still a work in progress. I still make mistakes but I know now that this life is a journey and we are growing each day, and each day I am forgiven for my mistakes. I can tell you though from personal experience that renewing our mind does so many amazing things for us. It allows us to know who we are in God's eyes, it gives us

strength, it allows us to see we are forgiven, and that we are given grace and mercy each day, and that we no longer have to live in the eyes of others. To start renewing your mind the best thing to start with is Proverbs and Psalms. Both of

these scriptures teach us the ways of life and how we are supposed to live. I would read one verse each day. Don't overwhelm yourself with to much because then it becomes hard to remember and learn from what you just read. The

goal isn't just to read it the goal is to memorize these verses so that you can get it into your being so you can start believing it.

Another way to renew your mind is through daily positive affirmations. These are positive statements that describe a desired situation, which are often repeated, until they get impressed on the subconscious mind. This process, pushes the

subconscious mind to take action and to strive to make the positive statement come true. Most people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently, create

undesirable situations. Words work at both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.

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Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying. It attracts corresponding events and situations into your life. So why not choose only positive statements, in order to get positive reults?

Write down some things that are positive about yourself or that you would like to see in yourself and repeat these affirmations daily. I remember when I first started doing conference calls I was so scared and nervous. I started praying that I could do "All things through Christ who strengthens me," Proverbs 4:13, and I also told myself I was a leader and I

can do this. I repeated that over and over and over until I started to believe it and believe it or not conference calls became very easy for me. So take some time each day to repeat these positive affirmations over yourself until you start to believe


One last things that I think is really important to becoming the person God created you to be is knowing who you are in Christ. Not who society says or thinks you are but who God says you are. You need to know who you are in Christ so that you can live your life as God intended and fulfil your destiny. The more you agree with God about your identity in Christ,

the more your behaviour will begin to reflect your God given identity.The best way to renew your mind and experience inner transformation is by knowing, thinking and speaking who you are

in Christ. Here is a list of verses that will tell you who Christ thinks you are. Repeat these out loud daily.

I am loved 1John 3:3I am accepted Ephesians 1:6

I am a child of God John 1:12I am Jesus' friend John 15:14

I am a joint heir with Jesus, sharing His inheritance with Him Romans 8:17I am united with God and one spirit with Him 1Corinthians 6:17

I am a temple of God. His spirit and his life live in me 1 Corinthians 6:19I am a member of Christ's body. 1 Corinthians 12:27

I am a Saint Ephesians 1:1I am redeemed and forgiven Colossians 1:14I am complete in Jesus Christ Colossians 2:10

I am free from condemnation Romans 8:1I am a new creation because I am in Christ 2Corinthians 5:17

I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved Colossians 3:12I am established, anointed, and sealed by God 2Corinthians 1:21

I do not have a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind 2Timothy 1:7I am God's co-worker 2Corinthians 6:1

I am seated in heavenly places with Christ Eph 2:6I have direct access to God Ephesians 2:18

I am chosen to bear fruit John 15:16I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house 1 Peter 2:5

I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I share His nature 2 Peter 1:4I can always know the presence of God because He never leaves me Hebrews 13:5

God works in me to help me do the things He wants me to do Philippians 2:13I can ask God for wisdom and He will give me what I need James 1:5

I encourage you to learn to see yourself as God sees you. The last thing that I do daily is pray. I thank Him for all the things im grateful for, I thank Him for second chances, I

thank Him for my life. I then ask Him for his wisdom and knowledge, I ask Him to strengthen me and guide me, and I ask Him to show me the areas that I need to work on. I consult Him about everything.

So there you have it. This is what I have done over the last 4 1/2 years to try and become the person I was created to be. Granted I'm not there yet and not sure if I ever fully will be by the time my life is over but I feel really great about how far

I've come and in the end that's what matters. This life is a journey and I take it one day at a time. I am however more confident, passionate about life, and feel like I can take on anything life tries to throw at me. Not to mention it has helped

me grow my business tremendously. I really hope this helps you guys!

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by: Triple Diamond, Dorene JohnsonWhat is the most popular way to promote your It Works Business? It is called BLITZING!

Look in your New business kit and find your blitz cards which is a coupon too , label them and go anywhere and everywhere and pass them out to people BUT keep it simple!

Don’t know how to BLITZ?

This is how it’s done:Smile and talk to people during your normal day routine when you are out running errands or shopping. I keep it super simple and ask people if they have heard of this crazy wrap thing. I

hand them my card and say This is what it is…….and keep quiet and wait for the person to say something…then I turn the card over and say…This is what is does…Keep quiet again.

Most people stare at the card because most people have never heard of this product or they are in disbelief that there is a product that can do what the picture shows them. As soon as someone asks

me how does it work or what is in it? I just say I don’t know but I do know that when I put this wrap on myself it really works!

I grab my phone and start flipping thru my before and after pictures of real people. At this point I just simply ask the person if they would like to try the product for 25 $ or host a wrap with 4

friends who pay the 25$ and they can try the wrap for free. I always add EVERYONE is trying this crazy wrap!

Here are a few easy ways to blitz:- Create a scavenger hunt and ask people to help you get points for handing out your blitz

card. - Find another Distributor that can show you how it’s done.

- Wear your blitz card on a lanyard around your neck and put in big bold letters ASK ME in the space where your information goes.

- Walk into a business and tell them it is customer appreciation day and leave coupons for all their workers.


You can buy more blitz cards from the IT WORKS store. You can find the store site on the front page of your Website in the Right bottom corner in a flip show advertisement.

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Holly Leasure- Holly has a true OTOM spirit as one of the new Distributors on my team is in her area and even with her super busy schedule she still took time to work with Joticia!

Thank you Sister!! - Cathie Peterson

Leslie Jump- Like the song says..."This girl is on Fiiiiire!" I am so stinking proud of Leslie and her leadership of her team!

She will soon be Ruby and Emerald will be right behind! Leslie- you are a Rockstar!

-Cathie Peterson

Katie Cogar- Katie has been very consistent in her business and is working so hard for her first promotion this month! Way to

work as a team to make it happen! - Cathie Peterson

Dana Hitzfield- this girl has got the fire in her belly! She set a goal and is very close to reaching RUBY this month!!

- Cathie Peterson

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I would like to shoutout to Courtney Sifuentes!! she has stepped up and encouraged when everyone else left! she's stuck with it and has breathed new life into each and everyone of us

on her team!!!! - Crissy Miller

Team kudos!!! Congratulations to Valynda Dupree the number to double diamond in the company to gather loyal customers last month! That is like off

the hook amazing congratulations Valynda!! You are an amazing example to your team… Elizabeth Houlihan

Congratulations to husband-and-wife!! Congratulations to TJ for getting your very first promotion. And a big shout out and

congratulations to Beth for getting a double promotion in the month of February!! She hit Executive and Ruby in the month of

February!!!! Beth has been on this team and on her it works journey for 9

months through going to nursing school and planning her wedding she is never once given up and has always pushed forward seeing the

bigger picture and the bigger dream. I am so proud of you. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bolding!!!!! Love, Sandy Durre

Congratulations Megan Dillon!!!! You did it girl!!! She went from being a customer for two years to finally joining my amazing and she has not stopped since she started!!! I am so proud of you!!! - Sandy Durre

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So tell us.. What happen to your business during MARK MADNESS in 2014?

Diamond Tina Aumsbaugh : Made it to diamond and got the $10,000 bonus,..this March I'm on way to double diamond and a $30,000 bonus!!!! This company is

such a huge blessing!

Diamond Gypsia Munoz Flath:Last March 28th I promoted to Diamond, 10 months after signing.

I received the $10,000 GOOD bonus!

Triple Diamond Sandy Durre:I can't even begin to explain what this month can do for your

business. Not only does your volume jump, but your team starts promoting left and right! Watching their lives change before your eyes is the most rewarding things you can see happen.

Triple Diamond Jodi Buschur:March Madness last year was my biggest month in the history of my business! My team was on fire and it was a record breaking

month for promotions!! After sitting at double diamond for a year and a half I promoted to Triple Diamond last March! I look

forward to this March being just as epic! It's the biggest Thrill month of it works!!!!

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Did you miss Dr. Don's ENERGY training session?

Don't worry ~ Watch Hereclick for video

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