T&DSG Brochure 2011

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  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    6tH annUaL cOnFerence and eXHIBItIOn

    .t - . m

    Silv Spo so s

    Hos U ili i s Hos r ul o O is bySpo so

    gol Spo so s

    e u b , u f t upp tf u t f futu -p f p t m

    42 I us y exp Sp s

    15 L i Solu io P ovi s24 Qu li y dis ussio s

    20 I io l U ili i s20 cou i s r p s

    k ev t h t :

    dis ov i si h s b s p i om l ii io l u ili i s

    U s h l s i us y s l vo you - ilo you o xp i byhoosi om h 3- o p o

    g i f s -h xp i s vi h i ivh olo y ou bl s ssio s

    U iqu wo shop o usi o how o p op lyo f u h wo

    U ov solu io s om h 15 i io li us y p ovi s show si u i -

    h olo i s p o u s

    17 - 18 J u 2012i t c t t h t

    B , T

    M opoliel i i y au ho i y

    P ovi i lel i i y au ho i y

    B o z Spo so s

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011



    2 www. - si . om

    ou t ut t t u t t

    m u t T&dsm t g a

    el i i y g i au ho i yo th il (egat) is v y p ou

    o b o o th Hos U ili i s ot&d Sm g i s asi i B o . this o willp ovi impo oppo u i y o i us y u ili i si asi o sh h l s h olo y, b s p i s impl m io o sm i s h olo y ow h o wo i h u u . co i o h lob l w miph om o , h m i obj iv sh ll b h liz ioo ou vi o m o h wi h up i li bili y,

    f i y qu li y o l i i y.

    Su P m si iwgov oe t t g t

    aut t f T (egaT), T

    as o o hos u ili i s, Pea is pl s ow l om ll h i io l pow u ili i s

    i us i s o B o o t&d Smg i s asi . W hop h o will

    b i h ui ul su ss v lu bl xp i o llp i ip s. Wish you pl s s y oo im ith il .

    n o s k m l s

    gov oP v e t t aut t (Pea),T

    as hos u ili y o t smissio & dis ibu ioSm g i s asi , Mea is loo i o w ow l omi h asi i io l powu ili y i us y o B o i J u y 2012.

    W hop h ou h his i us y pl o m o x h hl s xp i s p oj pl s l o sm i s

    v lopm s pl i f i li bl powsys ms.

    a ho Si s wgov oM t p t e t t aut t (Mea),T

    th e y r ul o y commissioo th il h v o f m h i

    o f i l o s m o t smissio & dis ibu io Smg i s asi s Hos r ul o ou h io lpow i us y s hol s o pl y iv ol it smissio & dis ibu io Sm g i s asi i B o

    his omi nov mb . W hop h ou h his pl o mul o s, u ili i s solu io p ovi s wo o h

    o iv sm i s v lopm i h ou y io .

    d . di L v si ich i me r u t c mm (erc),T

    asean ut t v tm t up u tp t mSou h s asi u ili i s h v bu millio s o oll s i h i t&d op io ssu li bl , s u f i supply, whil l yi h ou io s o up oo pow sys m.

    t n sio l B h (tnB) is sp i USd80m o 230 p oj s, whi hi lu h o s u io o subs io s bl -l yi i P his y . th

    mou i lu s fv impo p oj s whi h os USd18m o m i is ibu iosubs io s, bl s, swi h pl m wo s i h o h- s is i oisl . all h 230 p oj s, im h i h xibili y o is ibu io supply o pow o us om s, s h ul o ompl io i o o wo y s.n x y , tnB will sp o h USd67m o 120 simil p oj s.

    P ovi i l el i i y au ho i y (Pea) will i v s USd13b o i s sm - isys m o io wi i lli pow wo ov h x 15 y s. th

    Pea sm i p oj is im mo isi i s pow - smissio sys m byployi i o m io ommu i io s h olo y o suppo h is ibu il i i y o hous hol s.

    I s l h u ili i s i h io iv ly s ivi o mo pow sWh h i sp if pl s movi o w ? How h y hi v his? Whhu l s mi h h y how b s h y ov om h m?

    T m & d t but sm t g a will h lp i sw i hosqu s io s. I is ll- omp ssi v o m you s l wi h h l s i us

    owl v lopm s, o sou o w h olo y o wo wih i us y s hol s.

    I loo o w o w l omi you i B o !

    Z co lhoP oj Mc ev t Pt lt

    T&D Asia is a convergence of smart ideas andconcepts.

    Philip dV d s ll , H n wo cus om a ss & r l io s,n t g c p t f T P pp

    A well organized event, well attended by utilities inAsia region.

    d . Ir. Z h ul F izi Hussi , g l M (t&d),Tnd r , M

    T&D/Smart grids Asia was a very well organizedconference, with an excellent venue choice, goodquality catering and helpful staff always seeking tomaximize the experience of delegates, speakers

    and exhibitors.Mi u l B o,ge e , au t

    w t tt t u t ft 2010 f ...

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011



    3www. - si . om

    7 B t f att T m & d t butsm t g a

    1 g i xt v t pp tu t h io s l sombi o xhibi io , wi h ov 150 p opl om h i us y

    3S v im by l i o xp s om 15 xhibi o s m jus if

    isio s o h l s h olo y, solu io s p o u s o you busi ss

    5r iv lob l i si h s om i io l xp s u s h lv lu o , b s o v xp i s i o h

    io s

    7L v h w l h o xp i , s y o op o v lopm s is ov

    h i om o iz wi h ov 20 u l t&d, sm m i sm i s v s wo l wi , i lu i M i asi M i eu op ,

    h l s m i v i asi eu op sp iv ly.


    g h sh, w p i l i si h s wi h x h - , 2y p o mm ov i h b h p h o h t&d v lu h i

    4L w i s x h xp i s wi h u ili y x u iv s

    i ly i volv i pl i f i & li bl pow sys ms h ou hu ili y iv p s io s

    6H v ll you qu s io s sw by i p i is ussio s ssio s

    mb i o h o , wi h sm ll oupsf -m x ut v

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011



    4 www. - si . om

    sp t but t au t : G g O t , st t g adv o fo ut l t i f t e t p l m t G m McCl , e g g l d, sm t n two k -

    n wo au om io ,sP au t

    c : Tho Hj t o , M g of s t m r l b l t Pl g

    T t h J m McGh , ut l t M k t M g, ru c m r d C ol f ld, V c P d t, a -P c c r g o,

    ru c m

    c : Ch l Zho , s o e g - CePri

    st t g c p t f c L Ch g , V c P d t - B j g K do g el ct c

    Pow co ol Sys m,st t g c p t f c

    h k : Ch Ch g, e g , a t M g m t

    clP P h k lt

    P pp : D o d do D l C z, s . M g & T m L d - n two k

    ass Pl i , dis ibu io ,M e t c mp

    it : M co Tozz , T ch c l adv o ,T mp

    g m : r m z yo , CeO, o s t m

    J p : H o o K w m , D cto - a r p t t v ,

    n e i u t T d v pm to z t

    M u: C lv Ho, M g , s t m D p tch C t , Pow d

    n wo s disp h d p mc mp e t M u

    k : J g Moo jo g, s o r ch - KePri k e t P c p t Ch G Ch l, G l D cto of Lsis Vina,lsis

    U t k m: st v M ll , Glob l L d sm t G d & Mob l t ,s m

    i : V cto s to , s o M g , D t b t o s t m

    J v -B li,PT Pln (P ) ig t r d o oko, a t t M g fo T&D

    P o u m , J v B li,PT Pln (P )

    M : r h am r l , s o e g (eMs), s t m

    Op io s d p , t smissio divisio T n B P mj t s gh, r g o l s l D cto ,ru s ut ahm d sh h z , e g ,T n B Ch sh , H d r ch & D v lopm t

    s e B

    a d M o , V c P d t & H d of e g gt h olo y, aSean clus , s m

    T : D k L v , Ch m ,e r u t c mm Vo voot Po vo t, D p t Gov o & Ch m

    o Mea Sm g i Wo i g oupM t p t e t t aut t

    s ch a w p ch , a t t Gov oM t p t e t t aut t

    D k Boo t , D cto , r l & T l m t cSys m divisio ,M t p t e t t aut t

    K th p sp t po g, Ch f, P ot ct o & Co t olSys m d si S io ,M t p t e t t aut t

    W ch tpho T ch w tt t, a t t Gov o -t smissio Sys m M i & H o Sm g icommi ,e t t g t aut t f T

    T t po s gp tch, H d, T ch c l s ct o , s t m Pl gdivisio , e t t g t aut t f T

    Th P t g , D p t Gov o ,e t t g t aut t f T

    sopo L tpo p kd wo g, e ge t t g t aut t f T

    P t s g o j , Ch f of Comm c t o D pt,Sys m Pl i ,

    e t t g t aut t f T W tch P mj po g,e t t g t aut t

    f T W ch Ko k l, D p t Gov o & Ch m of Pea

    Sm g i commi ,P v e t t aut t

    P t K o , M g of s b t t o d T m oLi P oj O f 2,P v e t t aut t

    n tt v t i t b m g, e g L v l 9P v e t t aut t

    Wo g th d s w , M g g D ctoP i t t

    Usa: scott H b , VP, sm t G d st t g

    s e t e c s mmo , L d sm t G d a ch t ct

    n t i t tut f st f T J ff L d, VP of B D v lopm t,e

    i : a bh B , H d - T ch olog & s t m

    n t d P l m t P m t Moh t , F llow, C t fo D t b t d

    g io , d lis el i i y Solu io s divisio T e r u i t tut

    V t m: Ph L V h, D p t D cto of T ch c l D p tm t

    n t P T m c p t

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    ov vcommu i io s i s u u is wh s sm i wi hou ommu i io s youh v umb i . this wo shop will o us o how o p op ly o f u h wo ( u y wi h rStP, VLan s p io i i s, mul i s ss s, .)

    w p f m t2 hou s u o i l + 1 hou h s-o mo. tu o i l will o sis o p s io s u i h h s-o

    mo h wo shop l will o liv o h vi s mo s o f u io ools.

    yo wo k hop l d :

    M j g jU ili y M Mru c m, sp


    5www. - si . om

    a t

    T ch olog wo k hop:iec 61850 c t v t p

    P -c f w p - M , 16 J u 2012 (T m : 2pm-5pm)

    r f t tt p tt f t



    day one - Tu , 17 J u 2012 day Two - w , 18 J u 2012

    SeSSIOn 1keynoTe

    Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

    sessiOn 9oPTiMising

    neTwork oPeraTions

    SeSSIOn 10coMMUnicaTionsinFrasTUcTUre &


    SeSSIOn 11renewaBle


    Technologies,sTraTegies &


    Morning coFFee Break

    Track 1 Track 2 Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

    SeSSIOn 2 asseT ManageMenT i

    SeSSIOn 3disTriBUTion ManageMenT i

    SeSSIOn 12Technology knowledge sharing



    Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 1 Track 2 Track 3

    SeSSIOn 5 asseT

    ManageMenT i i

    SeSSIOn 6disTriBUTion

    ManageMenT ii

    SeSSIOn 7sUBsTaTion

    aUToMaTion &inTegraTion

    SeSSIOn 13oPeraTing &

    Managing FUTUreneTworks

    SeSSIOn 14T&d r&d


    SeSSIOn 15sMarT grids -FroM PiloT To


    aFTernoon coFFe e Break

    SeSSIOn 8Technology knowledge sharing

    SeSSIOn 16day 2 closing Plenary

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    6 www. - si . om

    agenda Day One, TuesDay, 17 January 2012

    sessiOn 1: KeynOTe sessiOn


    09.15 Smart grid and regulation : Direk Lavansiri, Chairman, Energy Regulatory Commission, Thailand


    10.30 Morning co ee break Morning co ee break

    track 1 track 2

    sessiOn 2: asseT ManaGeMenT i

    10.55 Chairpersons opening remarksThor Hjartarson, Manager o System Reliability Planning,Toronto Hydro, Canada

    11.00 Integration o assets or robust asset management andstreamlining o various processesArunabha Basu, Head - Technology & Systems, North Delhi Power Limited, India

    11.25 Grid modernization tools at Toronto HydroThor Hjartarson, Manager o System Reliability Planning,Toronto Hydro, Canada

    11.50 PEA Line Patrolling with Application o GIS and PDA Nuttavut Intarabamrung, Engineer Level 9, Provincial Electricity

    Authority, Thailand 12.15 Lunch - sponsored by Orga Systems

    sessiOn 3: DisTriBuTiOn ManaGeMenT iChairpersons opening remarksGraeme McClure, Senior Engineer Protection & Control, SP Ausnet,Australia

    Lessons learnt rom Outage Management System implementation atCompahnia de Electricidade de MacauCalvin Ho, Manager, System Dispatch Centre, Power and NetworksDispatch Department, Companhia de Electricidade de Macau, Macau

    Development o an intelligent distribution automation system inSemarang Distribution Control Centre as the oundation o the Java-Bali smart grid systemIgnatius Rendroyoko, Assistant Manager or T & D Procurement, Java Bali PT PLN (Persero), Indonesia

    Developing and implementing sel -healing distribution networksGraeme McClure, Engineering lead, Smart Networks - Network

    Automation, SP Ausnet, Australia

    Lunch - sponsored by Orga Systems

    sessiOn 5: asseT ManaGeMenT ii

    13.55 Chairpersons opening remarks Thor Hjartarson, Manager o System Reliability Planning,

    Toronto Hydro, Canada

    14.00 Critical Success actors or an e ective asset managementsystem - The CLP Experience

    Chris Cheung, Engineer, Asset Management, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong

    14.25 Substation asset management: An assessment onetwork per ormance or new substation projectsDiosdado Dela Cruz, Sr. Manager & Team Leader - Network Asset Planning, Distribution, Manila Electric Company,Philippines

    14.50 Innovative asset management technology: Partial dischargemonitoring systems in a smart grid environmentMarco Tozzi, Technical Advisor, Techimp, Italy

    15.15 A ternoon co ee break


    17.00 End o Day 1

    sessiOn 6: DisTriBuTiOn ManaGeMenT iiChairpersons opening remarksGraeme McClure, Senior Engineer Protection & Control, SP Ausnet,Australia

    The application and development o distribution automation: Lessonslearnt rom distribution automation projects completed in Hangzhou,Xiamen, Beijing & YinchuanCharles Zhou, Senior Engineer - CEPRI, State Grid Corporation o China, ChinaLin Changnian, Vice President - Beijing Kedong Electric Power Control

    System, State Grid Corporation o China, ChinaNIST Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Program

    Eric Simmon, Lead Smart Grid Architect, National Institute o Standards o Technology, USA

    Panel Discussion

    A ternoon co ee break

    sessiOn 8: TeCHnOLOGy KnOWLeDGe sHarinG ( s ils o h x p )

    Keynote Utility Thought Leaders Roundtablethis s ssio will u ho s i - p h is ussio o

    h u ili i s t&d s us, s i s pl s movi o w ou ili i s i his io . Wh h ll s h y i ? Wh

    ssis o h y qui i ms o i s u u , It, ih ul o s.

    Welcome Address rom Host UtilitiesVoravoot Pornvoranunt, Deputy Governor & Chairman o MEASmart Working Group, Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand

    Moderator: Rudi Carols eld, Vice President, Asia-Pacifc Region,RuggedCom, CanadaPanelists: Surachai Asawaprecha, Assistant Governor, MetropolitanElectricity Authority, Thailand Wichitphon Taechawattananant, Assistant Governor - Transmission SystemMaintenance & Head o Smart Grid Committee, Electricity GeneratingAuthority o Thailand, Thailand

    Weerachai Koykul, Deputy Governor & Chairman o PEA Smart Grid Committee, Provincial Electricity Authority

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    Technologyknowledge sharingsessionsd y 1 & 2d l s will h v h oppo u i y o s v s h blo h i hoi o is uss i - p h, o hou , sp if h m si h i i s f l . numb o p i ip s will b limi o m ximum o 15 p bl .

    th is ussio will b mo by sp i lis i h f l whow ll llow d l g t to: d t f th ch ll g p t c p t f c h xp c w th xp t th ld v l t po bl ol t o fo m l t comm d t o , d d f t ct o po t

    T bl th m fo th o cl d :

    day 1T b 1: au om io o is ibu io s io s s l -h li

    p bili i sHo t d b : s m

    T b 2: Subs io u om io , ss & s u i yHo t d b : ru c m

    T b 3: d v lopi ommu i io s pl o sm i sHo t d b :ge e

    day 2T b 1: n wo Op io s

    Ho t d b : s e t

    T b 2: commu i io s i s u uHo t d b :c amp

    T b 3: Ou & is ibu io m mHo t d b :o

    Phan Le Vinh, Deputy Director o Technical Department, National Power Transmission Corporation, VietnamWeerachai Koykul, Deputy Governor & Chairman o PEA Smart Grid Committee, Provincial Electricity Authority Victor Sitorus, Senior Manager, Distribution System Java-Bali, PT PLN (Persero), Indonesia

    Morning co ee break

    I you woul li o hos bl , pl s oZ f c , z f@ v t . , +65 6590 3974

    sessiOn 7: suBsTaTiOn auTOMaTiOn & inTeGraTiOn

    Chairpersons opening remarksJe Lund, VP o Business Development, Echelon, USA

    t he smart substation pilot concept in MEADirek Boonyatas, Director, Relay & Telemetric System Division,Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand Knathip Spuntupong, Chie , Protection & Control System Design Section,Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Thailand

    First practical experience with IEEE 1588 high precision timesynchronization in a high voltage substation with IEC 61850 processbus: State Grid Corporation O China Dalv SubstationJim McGhee, Utility Market Manager, RuggedCom, Canada

    Advanced substation automation systems based on digital controltechnologyChae Gyu Cheal, General Director o LSIS VINA, LSIS, Korea

    A ternoon co ee break

    7www. - si . om


    track 3

    Thana Putarungsri , Deputy Governor, Electricity GeneratingAuthority o Thailand, Thailand

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    8 www. - si . om


    track 1

    track 1

    track 2

    track 2

    sessiOn 9: OPTiMisinG neTWOrK OPeraTiOns

    08.55 Chairpersons opening remarks Greg Oaten, Strategy Advisor or Utilities, In otech Enterprises

    Limited, Australia

    09.00 TNBs state-o -the-art SCADA/EMS system at the NationalLoad Dispatch CentreRusihan Amri Rusli, Senior Engineer (EMS), System OperationsDept, Transmission Division, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

    09.25 From custom utility technology to cost e fciencyRamez Younan, CEO, Orga Systems, Germany

    09.50 Balancing supply & demand or optimal network operationsScott Henneberry, VP, Smart Grid Strategy, Schneider Electric,


    10.15 Morning co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    sessiOn 13: OPeraTinG & ManaGinG FuTurenetWOrkS

    13.55 Chairpersons opening remarks Anand Menon, Vice President & Head o Engineering

    Technology, ASEAN Cluster, Siemens, Malaysia

    14.00 Intelligent De ense Scheme The Stability, Reliability andSecurity Enhancement in Thailand Power GridWitchaya Pimjaipong, Electricity Generating Authority o Thailand, Thailand

    14.25 Power Implementation: Plugin hybrid electric vehicle to grid(V2G)Greg Oaten, Strategy Advisor or Utilities, In otech EnterprisesLimited, Australia

    14.50 Smart grid technologies - Implementation potential inASEANAnand Menon, Vice President & Head o EngineeringTechnology,ASEAN Cluster, Siemens, Malaysia

    15.15 A ternoon co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    sessiOn 10: COMMuniCaTiOns inFrasTuCTure & seCuriTy

    Chairpersons opening remarksRudi Carols eld, Vice President, Asia-Pacifc Region, RuggedCom,Canada

    NDPLs approach to communications and network securityArunabha Basu, Head (Tech & Sys.), North Delhi Power Limited, India

    Future trend o ICT in rastructure or network operationPatana Sangsriroujana, Chie o Communications Dept, System Planning,Electricity Generating Authority o Thailand, Thailand Sopon Lertpornpakdeewong, Engineer, Electricity Generating Authority o Thailand, Thailand

    Securing Remote Access- Lessons rom North American ElectricReliability Corporation Critical In rastructure Protection program

    Paramjeet Singh, Regional Sales Director, RuggedSolutions, Malaysia

    Morning co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    sessiOn 14: T&D r&D innOVaTiOns

    Chairpersons opening remarksScott Henneberry, VP, Smart Grid Strategy, Schneider Electric, USA

    Update on phase 1 o TNBs Transmission Operation & MaintenanceAnalysing System (TOMAS)Ahmad Shahrizan, Engineer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

    Next generation cost-e ective design o transmission lines based onactual projectsPasuta Kunsorn, Manager o Substation and Transmission Line Project O fce 2, Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand Wongsathid Seewanna , Managing Director, Powergrid International,Thailand

    The uture o low voltage distribution automationJe Lund, VP o Business Development, Echelon, USA

    A ternoon co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    Day TWO, WeDnesDay, 18 January 2012

    sessiOn 12: TeCHnOLOGy KnOWLeDGe sHarinG ( s ils o h p vious p )11.00

    sessiOn 16: CLOsinG PLenary

    16.00 Presentations on Knowledge Sharing discussions Moderators or each o the tables during the Technology Knowledge Sharing Sessions will provide a 5 minute summary o the key discussion points

    16.30 Summary, Recommendations & Action Points

    16.45 End o con erence

    12.30 Lunch - sponsored by RuggedCom Lunch - sponsored by RuggedCom

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    9www. - si . om


    T v & stB o b s sm ll i po ommu i yo h w s b o h ch o Ph y riv som 200 y s

    o. to y, whil h i y is up o sp wi h mo im s,h u lo y o i s illus ious p s s ill p v ils. B i s

    zzli mpl s, sp ul p l s, wo l - mous o im o olou ul chi ow , h o h s mous pl s h s

    i i ui s o y o ll. Sou h s asi s mos x i i i y is lso h numb O

    vou i s i io o s o h co n s 2010 vpoll. F om h sp li u o h g P l i hl y o xo i mpl s, o h x i i i h li x p ioshoppi , B o h s i ll.

    V u :t smissio & dis ibu io Sm g i s asi will b h l hI co i l Ho l i B o , th il

    T i t c t th t973 Plo ch t ro dB o , 10330th il

    cl io ev s P L h s o i h ollowi omp i ivoom s o h o l s om 16-18 J u y

    2012. G d D l x s gl : THB 5100++G d D l x Do bl : THB 5600++ * th bov s i lusiv o I io l Bu B* r s subj o 10% s vi h ppli bl

    ov m x* complim y us o i ss is i lu o o

    ompu p oom. a i io l ss is h tHB 642/ ompu / y

    h t b u t m tVisi www. - si . om li o V u t v l.

    track 3

    track 3

    sessiOn 11: reneWaBLe ene rGy: inTeGraTiOntecHnOLOgIeS, StrategIeS & StOrageChairpersons opening remarksSteve Mullins, Global Lead Smart Grid & eMobility, Siemens, UK

    Bridging renewable energy technologies with rationale nationalpolicies or a smarter grid in ThailandTitiporn Sangpetch, Head, Technical Section, System Planning Division,Electricity Generating Authority o Thailand, Thailand

    Smart grid initiatives in expanding the transmission system andmicro grid concept or realising rural isolated grid systemsChen Shiun, Head Research & Development, Sarawak Energy Berhad,Malaysia

    Indias frst Smart mini-grid: An intelligent electricity distributionnetwork based on renewable energyParimita Mohanty, Fellow, Centre or Distributed Generation, Decentralised Electricity Solutions Division, The Energy and Resources Institute, India

    Morning co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    sessiOn 15: sMarT GriDs - FrOM PiLOT TO PraCTiCe

    Chairpersons opening remarks

    Latest updates, key results and uture plans rom Koreas Jeju IslandprojectJang Moonjong, Senior Reseacher - KEPRI, Korea Electric Power Corporation, Korea

    Overview and detailed insights o Japans key smart grid projectsHironori Kawamura, Director - Asian Representative, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan

    Smart grid evolution or Vietnam power transmission network Phan Le Vinh, Deputy Director o Technical Department, National Power Transmission Corporation, Vietnam

    A ternoon co ee break - sponsored by GE Energy

    Lunch - sponsored by RuggedCom

  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    10 www. - si . om



    attendee PrOFILeS BaSed On 2010 cOnFerence

    n th iln Vi mn US/cn Si pon Philippi sn M l ysin aus li /nZn eu opn Mi l e s

    n I in chi /

    Ho kon I o sin J p /kon r s o asin U i

    ki omn a i

    n U ili i sn V o sn r ul o y bo y/

    gov mn r s h I s i u /

    U iv si yn co suln P ss

    g p p J b p

    14 15 16 17











    C o f f e

    e A r e a

    C o f f e

    e A r e a






    Available booth

    Coffee Area


    O v e r 4 0 % B O O K E D !

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    ss m m , mobil wo o m m m m mppli io s wi h h p bili i s o O l s i us y-l i p is ppli io s,busi ss i lli ools, mi l w b s h olo i s. a i io lly, O lU ili i s h lps u ili i s p p o sm m i sm i i i i iv s h h

    f i y p ovi i i l i lli m i s h h lp iv mo -i o my w us isio s o o sum s busi ss s. Fo mo i o m io ,

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    Satec h s b p ov solu io s-o i lob l li h s h, v lopm m u u i o ym g m t t m c 1987. saTeC xpo t to ov60 ou i s wo l wi h ou hou eu op , no h

    so th am c d th F e t. O p od ct cl d : d g t l g d pow m t ;pow qu li y m su m i s um s i ompli wi h i io l s s su h

    en50160 d ieee1159; d dv c d g m g m t t m . saTeC'x siv li o pow mo i o i quipm u iqu so w p s h o

    b by i io l if io o v i y h i ompli wi h su h s s ansi, Ce, uL, d m mo . O q l t t m isO9001:2008 c t d. Ous om b s is p s by iv s oup o i us i s, i lu i p ol um,

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  • 7/28/2019 T&DSG Brochure 2011


    Terms and CondiTionsClarion holds the right to alter the programme without prior notice or to cancel with ull re und. Righto participation reserved.

    P t: Please note that your booking is con rmed only when we have received payment. Paymentshould be made to Clarion Events Pte Ltd. Once ull payment has been received, urther joininginstructions and any new details will be sent to you prior to the event. The invoice or your registration

    ee will be sent to you via e-mail. I you have asked or a credit card payment, your card will be chargedautomatically. Bank trans er payments should be made within two weeks. Entry to the event can bere used i payment has not been received by the time the event commences. Payment can be made bycredit card or bank trans er.

    C c ll t P l c :Cancellations made within 48 hours o receipt o the completed registrationorm will be eligible or a ull re und. Cancellations received in writing more than two months prior to

    the start o the event will be re unded less a 50% cancellation ee. Cancellations received in writingless than two months be ore the start date o the event will receive no re und and registrants will beliable or payment o 100% o the invoiced amount. A substitute delegate can be named at any timebe ore the event starts or a con erence voucher valid or one year will be o ered or the same value touse towards any other event organised by Clarion Events No ees will be applied or this.

    F c m j :In case o orce majeure Clarion is relieved o all obligations. Force majeure includesany circumstances beyond the will o the Clarion, that impedes permanent or temporary compliancewith the obligations, such as acts o god including war, danger o war, government regulations,

    revolts, strikes, transportation di culties, re or severe disturbances a ecting the con erenceorganisation or its suppliers.

    daTa ProTeCTionThe in ormation you provide will be held on a database and may be made available to externalcompanies or marketing purposes. I you do not wish your details to be used or this purpose, or i youwish to change your mailing details, please contact Clarion at in [email protected]

    abouT synergySynergy, a Clarion Events company, established in 1999, is dedicated to developing and organizinghigh quality international con erences and ocusing on the gas, water and electricity utility industrydevelopments worldwide.

    From Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Paris to Cairo, Melbourne and Shanghai our Synergy teamhas nearly our decades o experience in developing highly targeted energy related con erences &exhibition. In response to the growing energy and water utility industry developments in the Asia-Paci c Region and the increasing demand or targeted, utility driven events, Synergy opened an o cein Singapore in 2009 to better serve the Asian utility industry.

    Transmission & Distribution Smart Grids Asia is just one o Synergys fagship events in the Asian

    region. Synergy have built a reputation based on the high quality con erence programmes, the utilityand government based presentations with many networking opportunities provided by the targetedexhibitions.

    Synergy Asia-Paci c distinguishes itsel by its high quality, long term commitment, exclusive ocus onthe utility industry and its close co-operation with the industry illustrated by host utility partnershipsand strong programme committee involvement.

    For more in ormation, please call +65 6590 3970,Email: in [email protected] or ax +65 6223 9196

    abouT CLarionClarion Events can trace its roots back to 1947. In more recent times the rm has grown substantiallyand rapidly into the largest independent event organiser in the UK and subsequently become a trulyglobal business.

    From just 70 employees in one o ce in 2004, there are now over 350 people working directly orClarion Events rom 13 o ces in nine di erent countries: UK (London Earls Court Exhibition Centre,London Hatton Garden, Cheltenham and Birmingham NEC); Germany (Biele eld); The Netherlands(Maarsen); South A rica (Cape Town); USA (Connecticut and Reno); Brazil (Sao Paulo); UAE (Dubai);Singapore.

    Clarion Events organises over 150 exhibitions, con erences and seated events annually across theglobe. More than 12,000 companies trust us with their custom each year and over 700,000 peoplegive their valuable time to visit our events. This success has come rom identi ying high-value, nicheaudiences in di cult-to-reach markets and then building them into market-leading products.

    4 Easy Ways to REgistER

    Web e: www.td-asia.comtel : +65 6590 3970F x: +65 6223 9196Em l: [email protected]

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