TIMP FORMA FORMARE EXEMPLU UTILIZARE MENȚIUNI Preze nt Simpl u Aff . Neg . Int . S + vb + (s, es – pers. III, sg) S + don't/doesn't + vb Do/Does + S + vb I always go to school in time. He doesn't work every day. Do you like pizza? - In autumn, it rains very much. - She likes ice cream better than cakes. - If it rains, we will stay at home. -We will finish the work before he comes. -acțiuni obișnuite, care se întâmplă în mod regulat, dar nu neapărat în momentul vorbirii; -adevăruri sau realități general acceptate; -exprimă opinii, preferințe; all the time, always, every day (week, month, year, etc), most of the time, often, usually, sometimes, rarely; -În acțiuni viitoare, când este precedat de if, when, until as soon as, before, after. Prezen t Contin uu Aff . Neg . Int . S + to be + vb- ING S + to be + not + vb-ING To be + S + vb- ING ! Timpurile continuue sunt forme care aparțin registrului oral, limbii vorbite și sunt rar folosite în registrul scris! I am going to school now. He is not working now. Are you loving pizza? - He is writing a new book. -More and more perople from Mexic are learning English. -Are you doing anything interesting these days? -My sister is always wearing my clothes! -Your English is improving! - Why are you eating my ice cream? -acțiune care se află în plină desfășurare în momentul vorbirii; -acțiune care este în desfășurare în prezent, dar nu se întâmplă exact în momentul vorbirii -tendință sau acțiune care a debutat recent. -acțiuni dintr-un prezent mai lung, dar temporar. -acțiuni de lungă durată sau obiceiuri -pentru situații care se schimbă; -pentru a te plânge de o situație temporară now, in this moment; - numai verbele dinamice au formă continuuă; - vb statice (de percepție,senzațieactivit. mentală, relație, posesie: believe, realise, think, suppose, understand,see know, hate, love understand,own mean,need, hear) ! - vb to like -fără formă continuuă


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Prezent SimpluAff.Neg.Int.S + vb + (s, es pers. III, sg)S + don't/doesn't + vb Do/Does + S + vbI always go to school in time.He doesn't work every day.Do you like pizza?

- In autumn, it rains very much.

- She likes ice cream better than cakes.- If it rains, we will stay at home.-We will finish the work before he comes.-aciuni obinuite, care se ntmpl n mod regulat, dar nu neaprat n momentul vorbirii;-adevruri sau realiti general acceptate;-exprim opinii, preferine;all the time, always, every day (week, month, year, etc), most of the time, often, usually, sometimes, rarely;-n aciuni viitoare, cnd este precedat de if, when, until as soon as, before, after.

PrezentContinuuAff.Neg.Int.S + to be + vb-INGS + to be + not + vb-INGTo be + S + vb-ING

! Timpurile continuue sunt forme care aparin registrului oral, limbii vorbite i sunt rar folosite n registrul scris!I am going to school now.He is not working now.Are you loving pizza?- He is writing a new book.-More and more perople from Mexic are learning English.-Are you doing anything interesting these days?-My sister is always wearing my clothes!-Your English is improving!- Why are you eating my ice cream?-aciune care se afl n plin desfurare n momentul vorbirii;-aciune care este n desfurare n prezent, dar nu se ntmpl exact n momentul vorbirii-tendin sau aciune care a debutat recent.-aciuni dintr-un prezent mai lung, dar temporar.-aciuni de lung durat sau obiceiuri-pentru situaii care se schimb;-pentru a te plnge de o situaie temporarnow, in this moment; - numai verbele dinamice au form continuu;- vb statice (de percepie,senzaieactivit. mental, relaie, posesie: believe, realise, think, suppose, understand,see know, hate, love understand,own mean,need, hear)! - vb to like -fr form continuu



Int.S + have/has +vb (ed, forma a III-a)S + haven't/hasn't + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)Have/has + S + vb (ed sau forma a III-a)People have poluted the planet.

I haven't done my homework yet.My parents have just arrived.

- aciune petrecut i ncheiat ntr-un moment din trecut ce nu poate fi precizat; cu rezultate ce se vd n prezent;- aciune care s-a ncheiat recent;- aciune trecut, parte a unui proces nencheiat nc;- cu adverbe de frecven: always, sometimes, often, etc;- just, yet- la interogativ se folosete adverbul already pentru a sublinia uimirea;

Prezent Perfect ContinuuAff.


Int.S + have/has + been + verb-INGS + haven't/hasn't +been + vb-INGHave/has + S + been + vb-INGThe boys have been playing football since noon.I haven't been gone for long.

Have you been working until now?- aciune care a nceput n tecut i continu n prezent;- cu prepoziii temporale since, for, until


Trecutul simpluAff.Neg.IntS + vb (ed, forma a III-a)S + didn't+ vbDid + S + vb?IvisitedLondon 10 years ago.Wewentto the Black See every year.Wherewouldyoustayif youwentto Bucharest?Tomwould helpme with my homework if hehadtime.He promised me that we would go to Italywhenhehadtime.-actiunea e in trecut; timpul e definit cu exactitate- o actiune care era o obistuinta in trecut (acum nu mai e) -n fraze ce implica utilizarea lui "Present Conditional (Unreal)"-n fraze ce implic utilizarea lui "Future-in-the-Past"(cnd aciunile viitoare fata de actiunea trecuta sunt simultane) (whenarat simultaneitatea)(last week, last month, last year, that day, that week, that year, in 1990, on Thursday, 10 years ago)

Trecutul Continuu Aff.Neg.Int.S + was/were +vb-ING

S + wasn't/waren't + vb-ING

Was/were + S + vb-ING?While my brother was listening the radio, I was reading a book;When the teacher explained, he wasn't paying attention.Were you sleeping at this time, yesterday?- They were playing, talking and laughing during the class.-aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment din trecut;-aciune care se desfoar concomitent cu o alt aciune;-pt a descrie o scen din trecut.-cu while-this time yesterday, -Monday at this hour, etc

Trecutul PerfectSimpluAff.


Int.S + had + vb (ed, forma a III-a)S + hadn't + vb (ed, forma a III-a)Had + S + vb (ed, a III-a form)?I had come home before my mother arrived from office.She hadn't finished her work before midnight.Had you gone to the airport?- aciune care s-a petrecut nantea unei alte aciuni din trecut.- before

Trecutul PerfectContinuuAff.


Int.S + had + been + vb-ING

S + hadn't + been + vb-ING

Had + S + been + vb-ING?I had been writing a letter for 20 minutes.She hadn't been gone more than half an hour.Had you been learning all night?- aciune care s-a desfurat continuu pe o perioad de timp i s-a ncheiat naintea unui alt timp.- since, for.- all day (night, year, etc)


Viitorul simpluAff.Neg.Int.Will/ shall + infinitivS+will not(won't)+vbWill+S+vb?

He will be here at 7 o'clock.Computer technology will influence our future. Will he come next week? I'llfinish this report tomorrow. I'llteach you tomorrow.

Preziceri ale actiunilor viitoare sau interogatii despre viitor. - Decizii care tocmai s-au luat si care urmeaza a fi realizate.- A face promisiuni.- A invita pe cineva la un eveniment, actiune.To be about to ...- A fi pe punctul sa ...He is about to jump. -El e pe punctul sa sara.To be going to A avea de gand sa ...

Viitorul ContinuuAff.


Int.S + shall/will + be + vb-ING

S + shall not/will not + be + vb-INGShall/will + S + be + vb-INGI shall be flying at this hour tomorrow.He will not be living here next year.Will they be reading books this time in the week-end?-aciune viitoare n plin desfurare ntr-un moment din viitor;

Viitorul PerfectSimpluAff.


Int.S + shall/will + have + vb (ed. forma a III-a)S + shall not/will not + have + vb (ed, forma a III-a)Shall/will + S + have + vb (ed, forma a III-a)I shall have finished the exam by this time next Wednesday.He will not have gone to work by the time you arrive home.Will you have gained the money by February?-I think I will have finished my homework by 7 o'clock.

-pt. a sublinia o aciune care care va fi terminat ntr-un moment al viitorului;-by- dup think, hope, expect, pt. a exprima ntmplri din viitor care nu sunt prea sigure

Viitorul Perfect ContinuuAff.


Int.S + shall/will + have + been + vb-INGS + shall not/will not + have + been + vb-INGShall/will + S + have + been + vb-INGI shall already have been turning old when you will be 20.

Will you have been starting the course when I will finish my classes?!! n engleza modern forma shall este f. puin utilizat!! Cea mai des folosit n engleza vorbit i scris este forma prescurtat 'll !- already