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T - McPherson College Archivearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ac1896.pdf · annual catalogue. officers and students mcpherson college i 1896-97. with announcements

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~:=~r.·;::~,. .\ . .Deoember ~to J&noarr ~ .


Fe l..ruaryt,Tu....,lar, Pebruart l ii, Bn.t<u;:dar,

A urn ~. Tua.day, •

May~,Suodnr. (

laby!!(I, Moodar. •

JWia l , Wcd::le6dur, Joue!!.Tiior.di!)',

Jll.De 1. Fridat Afwoooo,

J u:wl, f'rid &r F.venln~r,

F11! I Tenn iJ.ecine

•·irwt Wi:~h•r Ttrm U(ll'lua

\'neatlon &«l11d Wlot~r Tflon Declo•

Bib:aTermBet:ioa Jllble Term P..uda , ,

8pt"lt~J-Ttrm Ora;ioa



Mllllicu.l Commeneeme11t

.,, Ua:l:n~\E~:1:i1: Lit MIIr)'Comtmmeement

June 7, Tce.dar. Summer N;;mnal Term l~io• 1 Bommer Normal Ttrm Continue~~ Sill Weel:a.


ELO:t:R JACOU W!T.uong, Pres ident,

H. J. HAR NLV', Vice President,

F. A. VANDIAN'1 Treasurer , NOAU Ku~s, - -

D . P .. HilremsoN~t·~·y ,



E LDER Tnos. WtN~Y1 l ELJ>Eit w,_. _ J?nNsoN,


'1-Jcf'lf't! r son, Kans;,s

' "

I..on(,''tnon t , Colo.

Be\lei ille, Kansas BOoth, l{an sa.':'

Wichita, Kansas

I l '

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• .,__ Dool.tf ._.,_., ht ,..,_. O#e-·

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.• Faculty and lnstructora.

c. E . AR TOLD, A. M.. P tt t'.SlOt!.ST ,




H. J . HA.¥'LY, S. B., A. M., NA'I'dttAL 8Cft:.SCt!8.

H. PRANCES DAVIDSON, A.M. , Y.!'iUJ,18p ANU l'fmA{J(IOl ',

A . c. WIEAND, A. 's ., Par.sc•rAL N~KlfAL DkrAttTltENT,


S. B..~~~~~.':.! ·.:~. c.;:,~s"'.:~.~.;·"'•·· MBS. A&IANDA FAHNESTOCK,


F. G. MUIR, DJH.r.ct'Oft Or X U8 1CAL D.EPARTM:ZNT ,

B.S. HAUGH, V~ .III U810. •

l~Efiiv EiCHHQLTZ, 011JTA..a.




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M cPH ERSON COLLEnE. 3 ------- - - ----- -

Ceneral Information.


T he in s titution is conducted unde r th e auspices o f the Ger man Ba pti s t Brethre n (D u nk e r) c hurc h , but a ll oth or d e nomin ations are mnd e we lcome. Its aim is to pro,, ide a thorough, C h ris t ian education . 'This implies s uc h intellect ual , moral, and r e ligious t ra ining us s ha ll harmo n ious ly de\velo p th e e ntire be ing . It advocates p lai n ness or ch ess, simpl ic ity i n the hu.bit s of liie ~and dis(:ouragcs caste, t hus maki ng it a home fo r d c h o.n d poo r u.lik c. •


T he colleg e is loca ted on College Place, n beau tiful s ite in the -easte rn par t or t h o c i ty of McPhe r son , K an sas. Th is c ity may be

, r eached by a n y or t h o four leadi ng r a ilways or t ho \ Vcst : Rock I s land , Santn. :1!-,e, Missouri Pacific, a n d Onio n Pacifi c. All <..'Oming on the .Snnta }.,e o r Rock I s llUld r ailroad con , by notify ing t ho cond uctor, .stop at College Place w ith in two blocks of the campus .


. A con veni e nt b uild ing , forty l oot wide, on e hundred feet long, .and four s tortcs hig h , Is used as o. dormitory . I t is equipped for both ladles and g e ntlem e n . Each s tude nt's room is well lighted , carpeted , .and furnished with spring-bod , mattress, chairs ; table, and whatever i s necossary for convenience and comfort. Bath rooms, hot and cold water , and s team beat are p rovided for all students rooming in tbEJ donnitory. Well prepared food is in abundance and variety for alL -who come. The main building, nine ty -four by o ne hundred an~ MBve nteen feet. is sut8oie ntly far advanced for chapel and r ecitation. purpoeos,and efforts are being made to complete this building as fast. as the means can be oolleoted . ·


The college Is open to o.ll peraO'""os of good moral cho.raoter who­"JD&y wish to avail themselves df i~ 'J,riviieges, and who are sutHcient. Jy far advanced io prosecute suqoOssfully the studies of the course

!::ae:'~u(!~ ~~~~·d-· !~~;::~~::dsr:~:~~:n ~~:g v:,r-1~= branc hes they wish to pur sue. Those who present Jcertificates oC

good standing may be admitted without furthe r examination.

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A good collection of books, pampble~, etc., bas already been se­r..l <iurcd to which additions are continually" being made. :rbe.friends o( \.. edticJ.tion are especially soli~ited to rua~Et_ further. co~trJ_butJons. The

Reading Room contains 1 variOus magazmfs and potlO<ltca.ls, and the reading of good books is encouraged.


The college is supplied with apparatus for present purposes nod additions will be made 8S th e growth or th e institution demands.

. n(PORTS.

A term card is issued for each student, giving tho standing in ~ each branch pursued and the deportment during the term. These

=~d:cn;r:~~~!0r!~~-~~~~~~rsruu:;:~~:\:;:::~q;:~:~:;\~':: l"ial of the do,1rco of hi& fidelity and scholarly'nttainments.


The Co) lege Li t.~rary So9icty work has r ecently been reorganized, with very satisfactoa·y r~sul'(s. During the past year a larger per­mmt3ge ot the stUdents cngag;}d in li tcrtlTY work thnn during any p:-:-ceding ye'lr in the history of t.be C;)llege. ,

The Elite L~tcrary Sx::iety consists o! beginnbrs nod of those having ho.d little litero.ry experience. The Irv ing Memorial Literary Society is ·composed or th e more advanced und more ex pe ri need literary workers. Students ooter either the one or the otbea·, accord­ing to their prcviou!:l training nnd ability. E..lch of these societies bas made c:>:nmendabl~ progress,. and our literary work -s in a... p omising condition. Tru~e literary bStJ of a high o,·dm· is cultivated.

Training of this kind is by means less valuable than the regu-. lar class woi·k in th e Coll e . 1!!1eh student .will be assigned to onCe of' these literary societies exce~t.' in such cases as the faculty may think J>l'Opet' tq designate other literary work lnstt!'ll.d. '• ' '


It iS ~he ' aiin 6f"tlic lr\stitution nol. Only to cultivate the intoUoot, but to instHf'"' principles of morality and the truths of 'i-eli~ion. The public cxercia~s or ca.ch day ure opened with re ligious worshiJ) wf.ich all students 0.1'3 r equired to attend n.s wo11 as.ull thqir class oxcrclses nna ono c hurch and Sunday school $21'\!iCG in .thG cb.a.p~ l or at· Some p~uce whea:e t.heir parents may di recL . . Religious serv ice$ .u.re held in th e ch3pcl bot.h morning and .evening on cach-Lotd:s J)ay .. ·A gen.:..

: ••• J . • I


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crnl prayer-meeting is he ld each Thurs day even ing nnd a. student 's prayer -meeting each Sunday evening. The students rooming in the d ormitory are divided int:l sectio ns, each section condu cting its own evening services before r etiring.


General ~rod conduc t, su~h as becomes true me1~ and women, is -expected o ( all . E ·1ery s~udent is e ncouragad in th o formr.tion of c haracter or th J hig h 33t ty p;,. T~1 3 institu ~ion places students upon their bonot·, und kindly , yet H1·mly in s is ts 011 conduct worthy of l hcir positiou .

Tho insti tutio n is not a Reformatory. A ne.;;ligc.nt 0 1· immo1·a.l student will bO kindly a dmoni s hed , und uffectionu.to per!4:>nal e ndcuv· or will be employed in his hohalf, but if this fu.ils1 ho cu.nnot r emain ~onnectcd with th e school. "

Pt·ompt ness and fide lity in ail college du ties a a·e insisted on ns a. JJ OCessar y discipline und preparation for u s uccessfu l life. Disloyo.l stud ents and those whoBO pres e nce a1~d influence, in th o judgme nt of the faculty, a1·c detl'im~n tal to the hig1tost iutercsts of t he institution , m ay be d ismissed from it at nuy time.

Stude.nts from abroad rooming iu privu.te houses a1·c s ubjl!ct to -the same g eneral r egulat ions llS those in .t ho d01·mitory .

No lady or gentlem.3n will be allowed to en ter the territory of -the opposite sex, e xce pt by special permission.

Students will be he ld r esponsible for misconduct in the ir· rooms und damage dono to school props r t.y .

All members o r the Brethre n oa· German Buptist c hurc h llre ex. pec tod to conlorm to the g one1·o.l order of tho BrOthe rhood and should bring with them u. certificate of membcr s pip. • .

' Students should bring with them, besides text-books, n Bible or T estame nt, Brethren 's Hymn-book or Gospel Hymns, towels, a

· l blanket or two, and should have th eir ·garme nts marked with full

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Collegiaie and Academic Departments.

~ I AN~NGUAO~. •

No equiva!e nt for v.~.lin or Gre:!k has yet been found in the cu r ­riculum of coll egiate ins truction. The c~icf object of o. cla.ss iL"'o.. course s hould b~ culture, which these anc ient lang uages so well alford . In the study or Latin the r easoning powe r s a r e exer c ised y

.'-"' the judgment is s trengthened, a nd the mind as a whole is trai ned to concentration of effor t. Both \itero.l o.nd free translations are r e­quired a fter the fi rst principle'Shf t he la ng uage are unde r stood, and

J tress is laid on Latin Prou Cumpo8ilion. The study of the Greek Language leads to the hig hest ;in t.eJ1ootua r

development. and is indispensable to those who wis h to mak e 8'criti­cal study of the Ne w Testameut. An cient E tyrpology, a nd Syn~x a re carefully taug ht at t.he beginn ing of tho course, after whic h the student is made acquainted with the idioms o! t he lo.nguo.ge.


German is re~ uired in a\1 the courses two year s , during which time the stude nt Is enabled not only to rood the works Of the best aut.hors fluently , but also to s peak th e l.;ylguage ·and to become fam iliar with some ot the best German literature.


This department includes,. Orih(igl-apt{y ; Word-Anulys is; G ram­. mar; Composition work, in all its phases; the Foundation and Princ i­p~s of Rhetoric; and u systematic s urvey of the whole fi eld of :J!ing lis h Literature. I

Far too fe w, ·even among ~lr6Jars, ·know how helpful and fasci­nating it is to a nalyze and ~e the \tis to ry of. words.

Our cour3e in Granuna.r is Unus ually thorough and practical The object in studying Grammar is threefold ,-to aflord me ntal disci­pline, to help in unlocking the meaning- of sentences, and to aid in: acquiring correct use of our language.

The fundame ntal princ iples of R.Mloric are studied in the Aca­demic Course, und iti the Collegiate--courses this work is continued more thoroughly. I

In 't he Academic Course, one year is de voted to 1a general study of the Author.s and the Literature of tM Englillh Lan,..ua.ge ; while. throughout ·the Collegiate Cours8s, the study is more particular. minute, c ritical, and philosophical.

. 1


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In this study of our best English Literature the aims are,-to guide the student. in the c hoica of books; to t rain him in f'r.ue and s killful lite rary interpretation ; to purify and cultivate his literary t3ste; to make him acq uainted with m~ter-minds ; to put him in pos· session of t he greatest tho ughts expressed in the bes t language; nod, fi nally, to enable the stude nt to make the most or his own power s of thought a.nd gifts of expression .

As an aid to this Englis h work , and in connection with it, there is a thorough and systematic course in Composition, Letter-Writing, Pllnctuation , so arrnnged as pot to i.nterfore with oth er work.

EWCUTION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE. Both tho educatio nal o.nd the practical vnlue of Eloc.rtion hnve

1\!wo.ys been too lightly esteemed . If rig h tly taught a.ccot"ding to the psychological laws of develop·

ment, Elocutio n is of inestimable value in actualizing and e nriching ' the mind 's whole store of knowledge; whi le , pmc t icnlly , th oro cnn bo no time nor circ umstances of lifo wher e it may not be turned to a~count.

Tho body , the vo ice, the entire mind- in fnct , the whole be ing is put under direct and s ys tematic training. The a im is to g ive per· feet hoolth and freedom to all the orgu.ns, nod to put them in touch with the mind- ready to respond to its fain test call .

Two terms, instruction is free; special classes will be fo•med ns . called for ; and p•ivate lessons will be g ive n at ~O. cents each.

IIATHEIIATIC8, The object of the course in Mo.thematlcs is twofold : 1st, ru- traifl·

the mind to habits of logical and independent thought; 2nd , to furnish it wil.h practical knowledge and at. the sn~e time give it nn increase.­of powe r.

Arithnu.tic, both mental and written , is taught as a foundation. lo for the mathematical cou rs e , fo• the requirements of the tenc he r1 and

for practical life. . .Aif~Wra is intended ·to e nable the studen't to r eason by means of

letters. Tho r eol s ubjectmo.tter of ~gehra, however , is tho equation and the sl.ude nt. is occupied chie8y in loorning the methods -of tro.n~·

:::fna:~~:~':~:!a:l::.of u~g it as an instrument for investi·

Geomdrr is studied as o branch of practical logl o, and abundant exercise is given in the or iginal demonstration of theorems ond solu­tion of problems. Two terms o.re devoted to this study In the Pr6-paratory department. .

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Trioo,1ometry i,s taught with r efe r ence t.o it.s practicnl applications to Ast•·ooomy, Survey ing and Navigat~on and "abundant pract ice is

( given t.o the studopt. in solving problernt, and in actual fi eld work . The st~dy ol Gene~! Geometry an<J Calcu\us extends through ·

outt Jumor year. NA TURAL SCIENCE.

There was o. time when the Natural Sciences found but a meager plooc io the College Curriculum. Slowly but s urely the courses in Sclonce have been extended and elaborated until to-day they occupy a plo.ce second to none. In "bf,ePherson College the Natural Sciences are given that. prominence w'hk:h the age demands.

~ The end of all scientific study should be through' Analysis to reach Synthesis. In order that the student may properly analyze, th e power o,! observation must be developed. To this end th~ork is made practical , the Jaboruto'ry method being used whenever pos· sible. Tbe student iR furnishCd with materials and apparntus and put to work from the first. ,

P IIJ16iptl. Two courses are ol!ered in Physics. 1st. A preparn· tory and Normal course of~ weeks. ·Appleton's School Physics is used as a ten, Supplemented by lectures and -experiments. The student is required to ma.st.er thoroughly Uie elementary principles of th is science. A foe of a dollar per ·term' is char ged fo r the use of apparatus. 2nd. A Collegiate cours~ of forty weeks. D.es. Chanel 's Elcments ·of Physic!! ·18 used in cooneet.ion with lectures and Inborn· tory practice. ~

~ur~~7~r:~:sw:pc::;s::a::~i:rr:~~d ~:r,~~c:~!:~~. 1:1~ ~ Classicul Collegiate students. n,msen 's Briefer Course Is used as a text. Recitations three tim~eek. Lo.boratory work four hoUrs

/ a ,.eek. I.abo~tory fc 11.00 plus bre,ke.ge per t.enn. 2nd. A course of 20 weeks in qualitative analysis consisting a lmOSt en tirely of laboratory practice. Open to college students 811ld special students p repar ing for the study of med icine. FeeSZ.~per term and br eakage.

liotanv. Twenty weeks, consis ting of laborator y pr,aetlce, • lectures, r~tatlons and analys is and proper mount ingof fifty species of plants. The s tudent Is r equired to s tudy not about pl i:mts but plants. · I

Biolofr. F t?r \y weeks open 'to Coll"&-late and fourth year NOrmal -•wde~~te. The ftrsV iwet~~ty ·"itieks are deYoted t:o th e' moi-pbology of "'Plaots, t.be laeHweat.J <weeb-fo-ib& inbl-pboiOgy ot animal's. kectta­'ions ~md lectures t wice a week. I.aboratory (p~tr&· ·U.: ~ Ilouts a

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week. This cou rse is especially valuable to medicnl students. 1.-'ce flO cents a. term.

Physiologg. Two cou rses are offer ed. 1st. E lementary course upc n to Academic andsub·Norma.l studcnts. Twenty weeks. Martin's lluman Body is used as a text s upplemented by dissections, micro­s .:opic dem:mst.ratio!ls, an d lectures, e3pe~inlly on Hyg ie no, the last five or six wee ks bei ng de,•oted to this subject exdusively. 2nd . Advanced course. Twenty weeks open to Normal and Collegiate students. 1\brt.m 's B' .lffi:l:l B:):ly, Ad van~~d Co :..n·3c is used as a t2xt, suppleme nted by lcctura:;~ and laborutory prac tice four hours a week. Fee 50 cents n term.

P htJBICal GeograpllJ.' , Twenty weeks. This is one of the most in ter esting nod p ro fit.nbl o courses open to Academic tl11d Normal students. The study is pr~edcd by a few lessons in E lementary Physics to enublo the student 'more readily to undursiand the physi·

1 cal pheno!llena which necessar ily be!ong to this subject. Zoologg. Twenty weeks. Paektu·d's Briefer Cou rse is used as a

t.c xt, supj>lnnnt .:d by lo"Jt.ut•,n and laboratory practice four ho urs a W e k. Tho o bject Of thin OOUI'SO is to g ive a gonenl l ldcp. O( t he st1·ucturo and c lassiflcu.:Oion o! the enti r e Animal Kingdom. The course is open to Academic and Normal students.

Oeologu. Twenty weeks, op on to third year Academic and Normal students. Tho subject is preceded by o. fe w lessons in Cr ys· t allography, Miner nlogy and Pott·o!o_gy. Ample fo.oil ities are at hand to make tho study both interesting nod profitable.

A.9tronom 1J. T en weeks, open to Normal and Collegiate students. Young 's Astronomy .is used as a tex t s uppl emen t.ed by observations of the princ ipal Cons tolla.tions and S tu.rs, and mu.ki ug of a stu.r catn· Iogue a nd st.:l.r maps. •

Normal Department. I


. It Is the ulm of this d epartm nt to offer e ve r y induceme nt, to afford every opportunity to teacher s to thoroughly qualify themselves for th e best s ucces8 ·In i.beir noble calling-to make teaching not a mercenary bus iness but the noblest profession . ·

It is our fixed purpose and strongest motive to maintain . the highest ·standard, to at'l'ord the rorest.advanto.ges, and to ibspi re sue~ noble and wholesome e nthusiasm o.s s hall most cer blinly ond md!it

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, I -- < 'r ~ ~·




fully accomplish ·~this aim. We purpose to meet com}X'tition , not bg cheaptni710 oi'r goods, but by superior advantages.


\_ W e are convinced }hat th~re is no' A school' in the state that <·an honestly offer greater inducement.s t::> ambitious, htu·d -working, deud­in-e3rnest t~hers, than ~1cPberson , C.QUege. Foz· all teachers who. have a rigbt:lous ambition to do bigh-,Irade work , our Normal courses. are provided.

We are confident that our fa~ilities for instructing, training, and ins piring teachers r~r the be~ work and tho highest possible attain­ments in the pro!ession of takhing, are not surpnssed in the state and seldom equaled. Wh'lt school, fo r instan6e, h~ so many courses so

;:e~:;~:;:~:; a':~~~:nr~:uult~;d a~~t~~~:~~r~~t::n.~~~~1:;:~~i~; attention, or such inspiration? Th e. glowing enthusiasm and inspira· tion of ou r normal s tudents th is year was remark~ble indeed.


The advantages afford~ for next year a r e still greater. Firs~ o[ all is the r e vise4 arrangem~nt of the Stale Normal Course. The n the addition of two other courses, leJ.ding to degrees, and specially do­signed tO fit for pr.incipuls hips and s:.tp~rintendencios. c.

Added to this js the .Summer Norii•O-l 7'erm of s ix weeks, pur­posely to accomodate those w ho teach d uring the winter, e nabli ng them to r eview any common school branches desired und to t ; ke the professional wor k necess::..ry for state certifi cate and life diploma,


Without doubt this is the owing de_partment of McPherson College. HeretOfore we hav one very littl e to advertise or push this department;' yetdt b rown more rapidly than any othe r . and in order to meet the demand we must enlarge oUr work he r e.

Our Normu.l course has been r ev ised and r~Arranged and two others o.dded, in' order mor e fully to mcCt the actual needs of teachers in the public schools of every grade.


TM Fir•t Three Y ear• ' work bas bee n arranged, as far as I pos­sible, paralle l wltb the Academic course. So that whoeve r . bas.

' finished an academic cour se of equa l scope and thoroughness can take up t~e disti nctively professional work and -so complete tb& oourse the more readily. 1


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Tlu Slate Nor1nat Courat~ as here tabulated has been approve d by the State Boord of Education, -and graduates who pass o. ftno.l ex­amination in the five following branches : His~ry of Education, Philo­sophy of Education, School Laws, Methods Or Teaching, o.nd School Manageme nt, receive a certificate valid in any public schools of the. state for three y('.ars. A fter teaching successfully at least two 'years of these three, a life-car tificate is iss ued, superseding all other certifi­cates and examino.tions.

Th-, nqui,·enumttJ for adnu$aion to this course are tho same as those for a second grade county certificate.

B esides the " Sto.tc Normal Course, " we are prepared to offer two othercourses t.:>t.c:wher s des igned to ftt them for the higbest positions in the best city schools, and at the same time to enable the1A to (:om­plete the Freshman and Sophomore yeo.rs or tho College course.

The Normal Scientijk courM includes a year 's work in English 'Vld hair a year in Ma.thcmo.tics, more than tho '·State Normu.l course." It can readily bo completed in one year by gruduo.tcs of the A.rodcmic course. Those who finis h this course and have taught successfu lly at least two years, r eceive the degree Rachdo,. of Scien­tific D~tictJ (B. S. D .).

We offer also a P08l-Gradui'Ite Nrorm.al couru, to lhoso who hnv& completed the Normal Sc6~ntijlc, und confer the degr ee, M. S. D.

It will repay you to examine very carefully the to.bulat.od courses of study.


T he subjects of study in Normal courses arc us ually clnssified as Academic noel PrvjeaiJional. The Prof~8ional include Psychology,. Schoo\ :U.1.ws, History o.nd Philosophy of Education, Methods, and Management, School Supervision, School H ygiene, etc., e tc. The. Academic subjects include o.ll common school branches, plus u.s muc b. lllnguage, Literature, History, Science, and Mathematiesns is taught

I. in any High School. Tbeso subjects arc taught not only with a yiew to muster ing the

facts, but with special re ference to methods of teaching. T~e Professional subjects, first tudiecl, are those most funda­

mental and essential to every teacher and e'very school. P sychology is studied with special reference to discovering those fundamental laws of mental activity and growt.h which arethedeterminantsofall rntlonal methods ol teaching, school rno.nagement, school laws, principles and solen~ ot education , nod which are the true interpreters · of the history oi education.

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It is the busiitess of the Philosophy of Educatio;1 to d iSCO\'Ct' and Ior .nulntc the esseutiul nature, elementS, form, scope, limits, and the

r..1 .. -elations or tho science of Education. i \_ The History,;/ Education shows th~effort.s?f all ages and nations

t.? npp_rehend and cat't')'l out. these principles nnnounc.1d in the P hilos-ophy. .

In :\lelluxh of Teaching and in SchooJ.: Mnnngement we seek to Jearn the practical application of the knowledge thus gained ft·om P nycbo!ogy, Philosophy , History and experience, to untangle the dif-ficulties of the scbool .. room. ·

H furthe r eVidence or o~r~uJ:.erior advantag-es Is demanded, r .:!ud t he subjoined testimonial s:

At.vA, 0. T. , May 11. 1A!l7 . 'With much plemsure l say that. McPherson College, as a HChool of

nnd for the peo,te or the west, is in the lend. Its pure, felt spirituality , the unBSsuming manner" of ifs able in ­

structors, coupled with their thoroughness and Cnthus lnsm Jeh•es to

~::"r~~~~~s a confidence a¥ model traini~g alwayoJ sought but sci-Counting myKelf one of the fortunate , I sho.ll always feel indebted

for its inl!ucnce. Respectfully , 1

C. L. H01.1.r.ll

MCPUEH.80N 1 K.AN8A81 .Mny 11 , 1897. I have been a student in McPherson College for several yoors

nd have finished the Normal course. I can testify that for emciency and thoroughness. in al\ depurt­

ments, tba instit.ution ranks SCQOI'(d to none. The true p~ofessional_)ntpiration which 1 have received in the

Normal department is alOne worth ' tbe cost of my schooling. I fool that it is a great privilege to commen<\,.the high Christian

cbarncter .of the institution In all de partments. · Yours truly,

G. M. LA UV ER .

MoPn:zaeoN, KANSAs, April 27, -1~7. Wit.h pleasure and attsfootion I look back upon the time spent

in the Normal Department of McPherson COllege. How .our faces were shining, when there waa 'tevealed to us new

pedagogical truth . How my heart was glowing 'Then the full slgnlft-

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l' :an ~ · or m'l:J.'s d ~3~iny wa'j disclosad. H o·N my e m3tion :; w ;:,re nr·ou~d by " inte nsifying" my conceptions o f th e true, benutiful , and good! H ow often I was impelled to secretly form a resolution to ~r·asp more forcibly the le ve r o f education to rai se man to a higher , nobler. o.nd purer ntmosphero. ,

The impulse and inspiration that I received under )'our ins truc­t ion can ne ve r be repaid with ~ney. Therefore I conscientiously recomme nd your professional de~tment to anyone des ir ing to pre-pu re (o1• Wat•bing P . F. DUEJ\KSF.!'I.


Lo.)k at the picture facing the title page. Those you ng men h:n·c fo'On the first rank o f teachers of McPheJ·son county.

0. J •• UOLU'.ll

Has uttended McPh erson College from t ime to ti me s ince its first te 1·m . He ha.<:J completed the COmmercinl nnd ormu\ Courses; has l~d s ix years experience in teaching; two years as principal of Rox­bury schools nod two te r·ms 88 Normal instructor and h; booked for another t. ~rm. Born in 8 log-c3bin , raised in o. sod-s hanty, p1·osent home b dug-out; "' Wn me, b\g injun! " t he " White Bouse" is ull t!l:1t's left.

(" . J. 8 111 RK

Is a. McPherson couuty boy. • He has graduated from the Gnl vu. public sohoJls, and in the Comme r c iul , Academic, and Normu.l Course.•• of McPherson College, h~ taught. two yenr s , and is but t.w<Jnt)'I-OnC ye':l-rs of ngo. His present home is in ~1c.Pberson , a nd his ambition is to be o. field scie ntist. Few young me n have lL'i much pluck and s2nse as h ~.

R . W. 0 PQ\\' V.Ih>

Hai ls fro=n Canton, l(ansas. He has utt.e'ncled besides this" 'School~ S:11ina Norrnrt.l Un ive rsi"Y nnd K~nsas Stnt.e Uni vers ity , nnd has had

\, IlLy m9:lth~ oxp~rience n~ t3uchor. This is what he snys or McPher ­IOil Coltega: " I r egard Mc.Pha r fio n College a s oxcelled by none, uncl C':j uulle~ by few institutions, for· ge'!erul c ul 't.ut·e." And t\S ror thol'ough -go!ng- wo:-k , we ca.n S!l.y u.1 muc h for Mt•. Powe1·s.

JOl i N W . COONS,

\Vho B'l to Hizo is a co:upro:niso betwee n high Ho lle rn nud hcu.vy [J\\J ,•er ~ Is another C .:mll.:tn b~y. H e holds his third flr3t grnde county c~rtificat<J , nud h!ls been princ ip:~.l of the Canton scholls !1·om whic h he g•·~:~.ted several ye:li'S af:.'O.

) I

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J. K . R£1 S U

H(),~ b:Ld t. ::m ye3rs ex perie nce in te~ching, during three of .,·hicb ,.J )le was priJ?-CiJ>:ll ~t Dighton and lorn~~ - He has completed a Com­\... m erciulo.nd a Norm::t.l Course,.and bke'l specia! work in music. He

bas att~mdecJ, fi •te diJerent scboals for higher education, and rcgm·ds :McPherson d>t:ege us the best of all.

ft. K . 01-:f!. ~U:HT, '

Thut's the editor und publishe r or the Moundridge Journal, and -principal of th e Mou ndridg/scbools. Hus been from o~ean to ocean.

~~;~~~:n ~;;~~~;,and h!ls. rrturned to us w take his <logree from

. r. t'. DUEilK8t;!'f ,


___.-- ": Who was born of German parents in the So~th of Russia crossed -the coniinent. ot Europe npd the stormy Atlant.ic to find a. 'home in sunny Kansas. He has at\ended the German Normal, Snlina Nonnal Univers ity and h!ls completed the Commercial , Ac::..demic and Normal Courses in McPherson College. This work was so satis footory to bim~lf anjl ~he College tha~ he bas now become principul of our Ger· <..

man Department where he bas given the ~est of satisfaction. 0. )I, LAUVER1

L!u!t but not le<ut, bas been oonnected with McPherson College '&S student and teacher for more than three years. He baa also bad "three years experience In teaching public school. His capacity lor doing bard merital work is almost unparo.lled in the hlstory~>ol Me· .Pherson College.

There's not a man in Our Normal Class but bas a liberal allow· ce of brains and common sense, a clean reoot'd, an enviable roputa·

"tlon, and a aure prospect of sucpeu, nnd we give them our hoorty recommendation' for ~be ~t"'"pofJitions.

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600K-KEEPINO. ln this department the science of acoounts Is trent.ed in a logical

manner. The student Is thoroughly drilled in the correct o.nd prnc· tiro! uae of all the various books usod in b\lslness.

Transactions and books are varied in accordance with the busl· ness in which the student Is· engaged. This fully prepares him to enter successfully upon .the work of the business deparbnent, or to take a poeUion as assistant book-keeper or bill cler k.

•ul/11£18 DEPAilT.E/IIT. The students are themselves obliged to make the transactions,

keep the boob,.--an.d-do atl t·he 'work In tb·O lluslnew Practice. The methods used In this work are entirely praot.lcal, and of the

same nature as the duties actually performed by a book-keeper, or business manager In a business house. We furnish the st.udent.a from ta,OOO to t6,000 In College Currency, wit.h which to engage ID buslntaa.

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~An the work of the business practice is di rected daily by the in4

spector. The &1.udent is s upplied with all k inds of commetl' ial blanks, of the same form and styles as t.hose used in first c lass houses. bl

( Among those" of the sets ,designed to illustrate practicnl book-keeping nrc l st, Beta\}. This is especio.11y ddapted for the us•• or grocers, shop keepers, etc.

2nd, Retail Coal Busi{ICSS. This illus trates a system of book-{ / keeping especially adapted to the rctnil cool business, and in most

respects, to any business where a Weigh Book is required . 3rd, Produce Commission Business. The books r equired in a.

produce commission house, {iffer, in form and number, from those in a commission businessl<.fevoted to the handling or manufncturl'd

~ ~ products, where sale~ nrc made to jobbing t rade. Tben we have the Installment House and State Agencies1 !oint

Stock Companies, etc. { We teach every form of u.coount from that of a two column Day·

book to a eiz~en column Exerci11e-book. '


Students in this institution learn to :draw correctly every kind of paper which (bey huvo occasion to use in business.

BANK/NO. f/U1 ltA11011~t COU£111 .AIIIt,

Our system or banking is the one most generally used by all lend­ing Eastern bunkers.


Those who complete the prescribed course in a satisfactory mnn­ner are awa1;d,e~ an elegnnt di~ made by our penman.

To ~',the possessor of ~1ploma from an Institution of such emi­nent stundfng as McPh&r~n College is not only an unquestioned en­dorsemept, but, a token of honor which every yoq.ng lady and •gentle-man shou ld J>trive to obtain. / p


The eSsential points' in a b~Siness let.ter are subject matter, ex­presSion and mechanical appearOnce.

Th6 Obj .:IC( df lnsiructlon in thi s branch is, tO familiari ze the student with good English forms of ex pression uud with languuge pccu \i.u.r to business transactions. . . ,

________________________ \

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The young man who is about to e ngngc in business s hould con­sider carefuUy what is necessary to success.

Pres. Garfield said: " Moo succeed because they deserve success. Their res ults are worked out,; they do not come to hand ready made.. Poet-s may bo born; but success is made."

We labor to equip our students thoroughly for the battle of lifo by spending sufficient t ime to explain the laws and c ustoms theY are <·crtain to face in after years.

COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. The first element of a business education is the }lbility tQ cnl <?u­

late. ~he best compendium of commer cial arithmetic now before tho public is the principal text book we use on the subject. ltf;;ntains

~r~fc~\~~io~:sh~=~~fv~;;r;h:~::~~· r'J~:~d ~"S~t~:· ~~~~e;: c~~~~~~~~ sion. Brokerage, Discount, l/.>ss 'and Gain, Percentage, etc.

r The latest and best me thods of computing interest are u,.scd, tQ p re pare the s t udent as an expert calculator.

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cia! training. An easy, legible, rapid business band , always hair commercial value. He who possesses a good business bandwriti•g always r eceives the preference, provided be is equal to his competi· tors in other r es poets. About one bus iness m9n in a dozen writes a passable band. Very few teach ers of our country l"u·ecompet.ent pen· men. Hence the door stands ajar .for remunerative employment to those who will make themselves masters of tho beautiful art. We impart instructions in the best sys~ms, and guarantee improvement for every faithful effort. Come t.o McPherson College and.make your· s elf oooomplisbed-a s pecialist.

This department has all th e advantages or experience and skill und is directed by one of th e bes t penme n in the west. f

We have many times during tho past few years had ·occasion to comment faYorably upon the pan work of Mr. S. B. Fuhnestock , Prin·

1 cipal of the Commercial and P.mmanship Department of McPperson College, McPherson, Kan. Mr. l!Uhnestock is equally clever at

1script, lett~ring, and designing, and is an ornament r.o the penman's proression.-Penma•l'• Arl Journal, New York.

I ent.er~in B ve ry high regard for you nod your work . It is a pleasu re to examine such bcautirul work ns that which runS from your skillful pen. Your tust.e and touch are alike exquisite.

Your penmanship is tine.

H. w. F I. ICKI:rri'OKK, Phila.

\ VlLLI.A)IS & Roo~R81 Rochester , N. Y .

Cor.UllllllS, Omo. lt gives me pleasure to state that I r egard Mr. S. B. Fahnes~k·

<>no ol the ablest. teaohers of penmanshiJ) und thecommQrcial brane~1es In the profe,?Sion. Moreover he is a perfect gentleman in every re·

.<ipect. C. P . ZANzsa, President Zane r lan Collega.

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Every you ng lady 0 1" sre nt.lenmn d esi ring to prepnre for S UCCQS&­

ful business, s ho uld lenrn s ho rthand. It will pay, fo r i t. will be found useful in many ways , even though o nly hutr t ho speed necessary for \'C1·bat.im r e porting be at.t.~in ed .

One of the pl"inci pal advantages of purs uing this s tudy in our school is that or conne cting it with othe1· studies, wh en d esired. To ull those , therefore, who wish to hkeup other studies, in connoct.ion with s ho rthand , s p ecial combinatio n rates are mudo, as will be seen by re rer c nc;e to terms. 1

The system us ed is the E clectic. Ma ny or tho systems now used 1

by rep01·ters n •·e good; but as it is nccnssnry to clccicJ,.e-upon somo text-book to study , we r ecomme nd t h e Eclectic, o n accopnt. o r it.s sim.­plic ity , bre,•ity und gene r a l udvantage

1 over the more complex .



because or its g r eat similarity to longhand writing.

IT 18 EAl~Y p READ

bQcnuse, unlike mnny oth er populur sys.tcms, th e vowels are freely used, thus giving to eooh word the voc!ll e lement to make it. more ll)gible. The first Iotte r of each word is written, so that the I"'Older -eo.n at once tell what it. is, while, in other systems, words are.., written that, &.H a rule, it is impossible t.o tell whe the r the first Wier is o. vowel or o. oonsono.n t.

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The weeks and months, required '\S'y the students of other sys· r-.1 tems -to master 'ihese arbitrary characters, are all saved to the \... ~iudent of Eclect iC" shorthand.' .

This department iS under the control of an experienced teacher, and every advantage is•offered to all 'flhO ~nter .

~Classes will be formed only at the beginning of each term. The rates herein given apply only to students who enter classes. Extra charge for private instructiOn.


As no stenographer 's education is considered complete. without a ' ~ knowledge of typewriting, it is taught in connec'tion with t~ shoa·t.

hand , each studen t being d iven at least two hours practice per da..,·. Students in this depa.M:nent are taught correct fingering, tom:h,

and t.he prdper care or the mn.cbi,.ne.


The ca'fl for assistance is Business and Professional offices is for a combination or Book. keeping and Shorthand. One who understands these two branches will not only secure employment more readily, but will command a better salary.

Musical Department .

. . / j This Depart.ment is~blished ror the purpose o! affording

superior advantages for pursu ing the study of music in its different branches. It. aims to produce in telligent musiciatf's of liberal culture in the various depart.mt!nts or musical aCtivity. The course has bceu planned with reference to Securing that symmetrical development or the m',lsica.l..faculties which is essential in the true mus ician , whet.hcr teacher or virtuoso. 1


These include Piano-Forte, Violin , Guitar, Mandolin , Organ, Voice Oult!JrC, Harmony, Literature, History , Analysis. and Chorus Drill. 1


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. I



The objects of Piano study are, (1) To cultivate musicnl discrimi ­nation ; (2) To afford an inUlligent and true interpret.otion of the works .of the great composers in all styles and schools.

To accomplish these results, such exercises, etudu, and pieces will be given as will meet the needs of each individual pupil. In the use of exercises and dudu ·the measur e of value will be, not. their QIIOAtitJI , but their power to correct, improve, and estnblish tho mechanical a.od mental habits of the pupil .


N~ It~ f«<<reeb be mentioned thatoub ae!ectloo1 are made f rom the •ubJoln­edll.r.of•to dlu.

PreparalOTJI Departm.mt. Urbach's, Wagner 's, Do.mm 's and Kobler 's piano schools; Hen\ D.nd Czcrny's technical studies; etudes

' by Lreschhorn , Bertini , Gurlitt, Heller, Czerny and others; sonatinas by Clementi, Kuhlau , Reinecke; easier sonatas of Haydu , Mozart, aud others.

A cademi<: nepa.rtm.ent. Technical studies by Mertkc, Mason and others; etudes by Czerny, Heller, L<echhorn, Cramer, J ensen; Lebert and Stark ; Part n ; Boob 's preludes and inven tions; sonutas; by Mozart, Haydu, Clementi and Beethoven; casim· compos itions of Chopin, Mendelssohn , Schumann , Schubert., Liszt und others.

Collegiat-e Department. Tausig's technical, stud ies; M<>Hcbolcs, Heller 's and Chopin 's studies; Czarny's school ohirtuosity; Kulluk 's octave studies; Beethoven 's great sonutas; selections •from the works of Weber, Mendelssohn , Chopin , Schumann , Liszt, Rubinstein , Grieg, Tausig, Brahms and others.


This course of study includes technical stud ies and exerci'sos from the best recognized methods of leading schools. In enc b grade such solos o.nd pieces are g iven as .. w ill rehd ily develope musical taste, style and expression. l


No one Is a musician who is not acquainted with the science of Harmony and Musical Form. The puq)()Se of thi s course is to give the s tudent a thorough knowledge or tho rules and laws which govern a composition; in short bow to compose a piece of music.

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The chorus wol'lk in this c lass will 'lhclude c hurch music b\' the best classical and modern composers. Oratorio music from Ha.ndC'I

( Mendelssohn and Others, blYO s tandard cboruscJoO,of the Italian, f:1• r : man and French op~ra.


One of the most important ad,,anta~es ·or thiH department is the Monthly Rehearsal. at which !!lludents perform s u ph pieces as may be ass igned by their teacher, fo r tl)e purpose or g iving them self 001111'01 and case in public appoaruncc. l


" Certificates n.re gi ven to/students who have completed thC'courS<' os specified in the Academic Department, and have passed successful examination. This includes one year's study of Hnrmony, and &Iusical Histo'ry . " l Diplomas are- awarded to those who have completed th e full Col ­legiate Cour-se.

Candidates for graduation must. pass a -satisfactory examination In Piano, Harmony, History, and Musical Analysho.

The· time for graduation -cannot be flxed in advance. This will depend entirely on t he pre vious knowledge and the capacity of the pupil. Proficiency is t.h e c riterion and this can bo secur ed on ly by vuriabte m~ns adapted in oooh case to tho individual. Result.s' thu\ follow [rom a syst.em:.tic training, direzt3d with r eferanc3 ·to ind i­. vidual necessities are the only test.. Every case must stand upon its own merits, and when the honors of the institution are awar ded , it. nny bs Msumed w!th safety thg,t t y ~e deserve(l.


Piano, Organ, Mandolin , GuitarJ per term . , . Voice Culture, per term .. , ............. r. Harmony (private lessons) Harmonr Clali& Lessons Advanced Chorus Class Rent of Pi&no, per term

810.00 10.00 10.00

11!00 2.00

.......... ta.OO to ~.00


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Bible Department.


The design of this d epartment is to afford fac ilities for a syste­matic study of the Bible. It a ims to meet the requirements of minis­ters, Sunday School workers, and others, who desire a more extended <:ourse oC Biblical instruction tlmn that given in the regular College ('Qurses.

The principul subjects studied arc Bible Geography, Bible His­to ry , Sunday School Work , Homiletics, Church History, Introduction to the Books of the Bible, Principles of Int.erpretu.tion , Exeg"es is of

~~~c~:s~~1~~~ri!:~~e::~~:~~~~tianity , DoctrinesofChJistianity,

Three courses of study arc offered : 1. A Sunday School Normal course of one year, especially

ndupted to the needs of Sundo.y School workers. 2. An English Bible course of two years, including the s ubjects

ment.ioncd ubove, with the exception of H ebre w and Greek. H de- ' si red Nt!w Testament Greek may be taken in this course u.s a subs ti­tute for some other subject.

3. An Advanced Bible course or three yeu.t·s, the same as the English course· wfth the addition·· Of liebt·ew and New Testament Greek, and interpretation on the basis of the original text. To pur· sue this course DlOGt a.dvaniageously , ouc s hould have, us a prepara­tion, the amount of c lassical training represented by the degree A. B.

To those who ca.nnot take one of the regulnr Bible courses , o~­j)()rLunity is g iven for a limited amount. of Dible study in connec t.ion with other courses.

A Bible Normul Institute is hold each .foor, which all interested in Bible study arc invited to attend. There is no charge Cor tuition ..

The Institute for the coming year w~ll be hold in.February, 1898. Arrangements have been made kl make this session of more than or­-dinary interest and profit. A special fentut'c will be o. series of lectures on the Lands of the Bible, by " Elder D. L Miller, editor of -the Gospel Messenger , who has traveled extens ively in Oriental, countries and has recently completed n klur around the world . Make your p lans to att.ond this specinl term of Bible study. More detailed -announcements will be made in 'due time.

Short terms of Bible study are also held in locul churches under the d irection of tb is department.

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--- ,',J.I



~-------------------------An important featurQ of the Bible Department is• tbc work of Tbe

~~~;n~~:~~l U~~:~ay E~:c!:t't~:S:~ 0==~~e~:a?~:'~::~'·:l~~ These lessons cover the entire Bible, in a general way, every s.c ven t years, and thus mh.ke a valuable ·cou rse of Bib,le s tudy. Any one passing sa,tisfa.ctory exllti'Dina.tions on the entire course, will reeci ,·e a neat Diploma. Credit may be given on this course for work done in Bible Normal Institutes and for other equivalent B ible study, nod thus the time required to complete the course, correspondingly shortened. Write for furthe r information.

Cerma Department.

----- ~ In addition to the German which belongs to the Acad~ic and College departments, the ~llege sustains a special German Depa•t­ment for th& benefit or our Germl\n speak ing patrons. This depart­ment embraces German Bible Studies and German Literature.

i_ For this department we have secured t he services of Mr. P . P. Duerksen, p. t.ca.cher of ten .years experience-. in German and English schools. Mr. Duerksen has nttended sever \' schools and iB a grud· uate in the Comm€r c.io.l Academic, and Norma1 Courses in McPherson College, having received the degree Bcu:ll.eWr of .::cientific Didactics.

The ins truction in Academic and College German will al so be given by Mr. Duerksen, who bas superior methods in teaching the Gennan language. Those desiring conversational German wilt flnd unusual advantages offered here.

We believe it. will be hnrd to find o.nothel' school offering "uch advantages in both English and Geri'IU\n :lS are offered in McPherson College. Our German frie_nds will ~pptecio.te the following statement: McPherson College susto.ins tjle'"German language by o. special Ger­mo.n Department and offer ij..-b"lgh g rade work in oth.~r branches, such as will be credited i'9 the State Normal and State Univers1ty, and every grade earned will be so much toward a State Cert;iflcate, which may be gotten upon the completion of ou; Normal CourSe.


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Tuition, per Term (10 weeks) in advance.... $10 00 Tu ition, per week . 1 10 Tu ition, Two Terms (20 weeks) in ndvance . . 19 00 Tu ition, Three Terms (30 .weeks) in advance.. 28 00 Tu ition, per Year (39 weeks) in advance ............ _ 36 00 T uit:on, Single Study, per Week . 6()

Tuition, Stenography alon e, per Weak .. .... .. . _ . . . . 75 Tuition , Stenography with other Studies, per Term .. 5 00 Tuition, Typewriting, per Te rm 4 00 Library and Reading Room Ji'ee, per Te rm ....... _ ..... . . _ . . 25 Board, in advance for the Y ea1·, per week $1.60, (39 weeks) . G4 00 Boord, Three Te rms , (30 weeks) . . . ................ _I 49 M Boord , Two Terms, (20 week,.s) .. 34 00 Boord , One Te rm, (10 weeks)' .......... 17 60 Boord, Less t han a Term; por Week . . 2 00 B oord , Less than a Week per M'eal. . :15 Fuel, Fall or Spring Term . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Fue l, Winter Te rms, Each . . .... , • , .. . . , , .. .. • . . 4 50 Fue l, pe r Year In advance. . . . . . . . . • .. . . 10 00 Fue l, per W eek, Fall or Spring . 15 Fue l, per Week, Winter T e rms .............. , . . 50 Furnis hed Rooms pe r Wook . . ... -10 to 50 Board, tu ition, furni s hed room and fu el per year in advance.$126 tol130 Graduation }..,ee, Preparatory and Normal. 2 50 Graduation Fee, College . . . . . 5 00 Graduation Fee, Conunercial inc luding Pen made Diploma.. 3 00 Special Examination, }..,ee ...... ~.. . . 1 00 Private Lessons, each . . . . . . . ...... ~- 50 Summe r Normal (6 weeks) . . . . . 7 50

A ll expenses ur e due and payable one term in advauce. Studcuts paying n. term or more in advance and ha\'ing to quit school before

~:m~:n:nSS:~ ~~~k~.~ ~:~~~~r i~~1s ~~:~~rfe~~t a~d~h!~:~~:c:' ~~~i be refun~!d , But students whose P2nduct is such as to require their

dism~:~~l"n':rt~~,:11ab1=.ton~~=rft~~ ~Lc~~~~es, are expected W b6:u·d in dormitory, unless by special arrangeme nt.

• Text books o.nd statloner.y o.re kept on sule at the college office.

~~~df~nr~h=~~~~~r~~i~nwj~r~~~~.n uny teM~~~:O~~eCo~,i1 ~ave. 1\lcPhei"SOil, Kansas.

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- ... \ ~ 1 \

McPHERSON COLLEGE. \ .?i/,J,· ~·~--------~----~-----===~~-----



-IN THE!...

C~llegiate Department.

T his department embraces three courses-the Classical , the Lo.tin·Scie ntific, and the Scientific, each r equiring four years or s tudy.

1 The d egr ee, A. B. will fc confe rred upon those completing any

one of the college courses. • Stude nts from other institu tions bringiug Slltisfactot·y testi·

rnonials will receive e redi for work done. """"\


/ Un i .. toitJAll•b•• Fall T&nn Rhtori~ 10 ,.,eeb. O.Amlcliio OoAmicltio

a :o1on

Un iYOflhyAIIOb<o Rhoto<ic

o ........



~:!:::~tJAlcob•o w., He•odotllo

t. i")' Bioloay

Adv. Phyoioloay

Un lu,.ltJ AIIobto Rhetatlc Germ on Adv . Phyololoay

Trlconomol<y Td&onomot<y T•:&onometry 'Third TPrm l"oo!O of Amodu Poo10 of Amulco Poeh of Ame<lco 10 week• !.1'7 1.1..., Getman

Homof'olllodotGru• Blolol)" Ad v. Chomlur~

T<icon:::',;:::s.,,. Ttl~ot<y ond Ttlconomol<yond veylna / - .. ~~•yin& S..fYeyln1

Fourth Te rm Pooh of Am .. ico Pooto of Amorico Pooto of A~l~o 1 weeki Ho•oco (Odoo) Ho•oco {Odoo) G.,mon L1rl~o

Homof'olllod Bloloo Adv. Chomlll<y E .. .o,,o ondO.ol io nodu<ln"i:theyut.



YlctotionPoou GertnonSIIhtRudlna

ChomiU<y Ylctodon Pooto YictotlonPooto GermonSI&htRud- L•tln

'"' Phyololonond Bloloay Hnlono

UnlvoroityAlcob,. Ah•t¥c Klnd••c•rt• n Ad v. Ph~ololoiJ

Un•vo•o:lyAl1ob<o Ahoto<lc Ethlco AO-.. Phyo1illlon

Trlaonomet<y Pootooi Americo Hlotoryol Ed.,cot•on Philoo.. of Educo t;,n

Tria onomotry•nd s.,,...,. ,,.

Poelo oiAmttlc• Hlotoryol Education

• S~hool L.,.•

Enl'lloh Llto•t tu•• t.o tln Bioton


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c~o .,.;,,'Y

Second Term Vietorion Pooto Ena!ioh Litorotuto

Victorian Paolo Latin

tO•e.tl" S<:hlllor Bloloay Ploto(Apotou) Blotou PodoroJY

Enatloh Hloto<y Third T e rm Mlno<olou

tO week' ~'"''" Lyrico Sopkoc:lu

En~ltk Hioto<y Mi .. oroloc/

Got"'"" LytOco Hor.co

Enrliok Hitto<y Mino<olou Latin

E"r!lok History Lotln PocloiOJ')' Biolon BioiOJY

Fourth Term Go'"'"" LyrH:o Go'"''" Lprico Etoa! itk Hittof)' Lotin EniliohHittO<J Blolon Pod•IOCY

II WM!IIt Ena!ioh Hitto<y En11!ok Hloto<y BloloJY Minoroloo Mlnoroln Minoro loay

OtotlonoondTkoooo durl"llko yoot


0 Toc itu• 18th C>ntu<y Lltoruuro F a ll T e nu Phptloloo ond H11iono tOweello F'ronch

~.::~1 Goomotty

Biotou Moc honlco

Horoco(Epiotlot ondSotitu) El ioo buhon Lltoroturo S«ODd T erm Pkyoioton ond HJii""" Gonor~l Goomol<y 10 ..-eello F'ro,ck F'ro,.c\

Bloloo P'loyol:o

Third T enn Cole""" IO-k• F'ronck

lat:c'~::~· LJt OfOtuto Gonorol Goomo lf)' Hltto<y of At1


ElloobotkanLito roturo Gonorol Goomotf)' Mocha nlcal O.owi"l Phpolco


F'ro,.ch Hloto<y Phroico

J~""""' Four\ h Tt!l m Colc.,luo 0 we.ko F'tonch


Eotlr En11loh Litoroturo Eouy En1 ll1h Litoraturo Colc.,luo Colc.,luo F'rtnclf Ph Wooop hy oiEducotion

Pkyolco Phpoico T hu .. ondO<OdOno dut ln rthoyoot.


Fall Te rm E•LdoncotofChflotio nl~ E•ldon~oo ol Ck<!Uionity E•idoncoo ol Ckrittiod!p

IOweeko A,..;oS.oo" MIJioS.oon ,.,,, .. s..o ..

O.Oton GooiOl/ GooiOIJ


8eeo11dTarm A"IIOS.oon An&loS.oon AnrtoSooon

IOweek. Et hlco Etkico Etklco

Gootory Goolort Goolon

Lo&le Lotlc ~"' Lo1lc

T b irdTe r m Aovo .. o my Aotronomy JO weello Poti!LcoiEconomp Polltlco.l Eco,onir Political Econo my

Hloto<yof Enatl ohL•"IJ""II" Hno<y ol EntJIIohLonauaa:o HioiOIJ.ol En1llo h Lo nau•;o•

NU.,,.I Thooto1

r Nuurol ThoolollY Natural Thooto.-, F CMtrUt TC!tm P'lolll)oopt.r of H;o lo<y P'hllaoo;>h)' ol Hio to ry Plo~ooophr of Hloto<y

llweelt:• Eloo:tJo.o Eloctlu Lit•oturo oltho80t.la LhlfOII>fOOi tho &;t.lo Llt•roturooltho B•t.lo

Ru ia ... a,Tk-oafWIOutio,.durinltho r oor

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Academic and Normal Departments.

~ The three courses of study in the Academic Department. are in­. • tended to prepare student.J for the corresponding courses in the Col·

legiate Department, or fo r practical life. The Normal Course is for _J those preparing to teach, or who wish to,obtain Life ~tijlcalt• or

State DiplomCUJ. (

Pall Term lOweeka

-"-· HI1"-•Arithmetlc f:Jocuth~

HllhorGromMat L.tifl

HlahorAoithmotic Kecood T- llocuti )" 10 week&. Hlah.,Gtamm>r

"'" EtM)'I


H lzh.,Arith..,otic I!Joc .. tion I Hl1hatG<o~-r

''"" .J Hl&~:v'-tlc

~ ....... .. l.otifl E .. ayo

HlahorAritllmatic llocutlofl Hl11h•r Grammar u. s. Hluo.,..

Hl1h•r NithMotic I:IDc"t\oooo HitJ.h.,G<am'"'' o. ... Geo, ... , .. , Eouyo


OoH IPorArillomobc Elo.cvdon Hl1horGra"'"'•' u . S.Hittory


EJ.ocutlon Hl&ll•r GtoMmor O.oc. Gtot-rophy


~.~ ...... 'n11m Tf'nl:'l En(lloh L•"IJ""I' 10-ka Lolifl

:!~~:~ Lon111110 r ~::~:~ Lo~111110 ~=:~: L•n111110

Pllfolui!Ho$••Phr Latl • Boo~·~Hplfll Boo~-hopln1 l"hrtical Go"Cr•phr Phytlcol Gooa•ophr Phrolcol GeolrophJ

~.~ ...... PO<Ut.bTerm Rhotodc ._ .. ~.~ ......


• Orthot"Phr Romo .. HrtiO'J' Rc1111" HlotOf)l Dtowl"lf

IEiomo.,to ol Compooltl~., durt.,1 tho , .. , , • Ponmo.,ohlpdu""llhor•••,ondVocol Mutlco .. ot••m FREE.


Allobto Rhetoric Orth .. rophr o ..... r~ ,

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C. oar Fall T erm Goonorol Hittot)l IO weeb A11obro


"'••b•• s.-d1'.-m c. ... 10 •••k• O.n..,oiHittory


Geomotry Third Term Phrolc•

c. •••

O.omatty Foorth Tel m Pt.yolco Il-k• At>aboolo



c •••• O.notolHittOf)' Alltbro Ploytio!OC)'

Gonaro!H it!Ot)'

"'••~><· f"hytioiOIJ

Gt"ottl HlotOt)' Al1obra O.owln1


"''"' A11obro Alcobro Garmon L.tti"

Gan ..... Hiu...., Gt"orol Hlttory Gt ... rol Hiotory Phrololou

Gao malty Phyolco c. ••• B~t•"J


Gaomttoy Pt.r-L:o• Garmon BGtanr

Gaomatty Gaomott)' """olct Phytlct eo~ . .. , aou .. , Cicoto Germo"



a ...... ~., Pt.rolco Sotor>y

L.oltor Wrilln1 and Punctuo~lon durin1 ~lot rur.



AmorlconUtorttuteAmoricttoUtaruvro Amotlcon L.htroturt II'•B T enn A .. abuio l t weaQ Ocaro


~O.II_LI•o~vte s-d Turu Anobttlt IOweeb VIr,;!

Tblrd Tenn 10 •Nk•

O...kHitiOt)' a. ....... Vlt,;l G<aakSaloctlono a. ....... Botany

Poychol"fl' Porchololr Zoolop Zoolop

ZooiOQ Cho"'l..,. CJal!li""-f' L.ati" ....,

Etol'hhUtautwra l<biaHiotorr

""' a. ....... ZooiOIJ

vtr1 11 Ga ....... Biblo Hiotorr Poli~lco l Economy

En .. lohL.ltoranuo BibloHiotooy ,....,., Chomltll)' •

E;;1llthL.i tototura ltoli~lcoiEc"""'"'' BibloHlotooy Gooloo

En1HohUtoro1 Poycl>olop Zookto ' c ........ ~., or L.otirl

E"cliohL.itarat .. ro PolitlcaiEco,.omr HlotorroiAtt L.ul,. orG"Io..,

Gtrmo.. a........ o-~ ao ........... , L.otin or o .. ~o.,. Fourth Term Do Sato.-:h•t• Do Sanooctwto B<blo Hlotorr Mantltmont I wMU Boblo Hlttorr O"lolr Mothodo

S.unr Goolol)' En1Hth Lllo•oturo Enclllll L.horo .. ro

Adun.cadCompOoition d~trlnl lho yotr .


:JIID Ttrtf. ID Wff/tl .tiD fUtf. ID Wlf/tl ~TH flftf. I Wlf/CI



Hiotorr oiEd .. cotionHiotorrol Educotlo" Pt.i!ooophrof Ed. $41!oaiL.ow T<ll onom•ll)' Trpomatoyand

s ...... , ....

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~· {

CbQholm, Maud



Collegiate Department.


FRESHMAN. Gernert. U. K.

, Hollern, C. L.

~~ro.- :.odMia

THIRD YEAR. Traoer.J. H.

SECOND YEAR. Maat.a..-n.&.lt. l'eck. Laura ):lolanu. Ki tehfl\1 ju•debaker, J . K,



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Cooo•.J. W. Dl>fot"k~a.P.II'. Oe aert. R. K.

AUea. H . C. Kaoe, l' . .l .

f1ald,.eii, C. R. Celd•ell,E"• IJtMXlebeUer,O. J .

Abel, Gertrude 1Joa~~e.JI , A116tle Clla•ao, Naonla Ouer lu.en,J, K. Uoroer,Emma



Normal Department.

FOURTH YEAR. Hollem,r .. L. Laa~r.O. M . Po.,.e111,H.W,

THIRD YEAR. K_.,., E U . M~~<te.-..on, 1?. K.

SECOND YEAR. Hall , Mollie H I!Cillethoro, ll attle Harter.W . L.

I:Jh i•e r .C. E.


IIoiJ.ommer. J , C.

U:!!l,?·t!u Uet.tenwalter , Sadie l'oole. Allee

Rel·h J . K. t h lrk ,C. J .

Shrrtr . Dora l!hlrll r,J. o .

Uc:OI-. Lu'o Po .. e,..,J, H. ltolhrock 011-.,f

J>"ooie,LiiHII O Pool!', W. J . Van Oeu.en. W. H. Welu,Jo.le

Commercial Department.

lluk Elmer etude blo.~l"r. J. P. ::lmith . J. W.

Cerman Department.


"'" "'& J. ltarQI•. Anna C. Kane, P. A.

Schroo<ler. U. J. Sciunldt., J . E­\l'ede i,C'artie


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Collegiate Department.


Ou.U.fiiOil,C.P • •

FRESHMAN. Oeratrt,H. K.

• Hol~.t:. L.. Uute aoa.Modeoa Lau ,0. 11.





mme, lto;Na

t:::i·,~· b~h~~~~'~e.l Mlller, M. J .

~ffi:·.~~'k )oi11Ju,J.8. lloomaw,Cot'a Ne'-oo,tltella SU..Oa.Owea Nel.on,l!lecta ~:':~~j_C.A . Yanluatr., II.J. Pfa tr,Ciara

Yoder, E . E.


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Coooo1, J.W. lJu.corlr.M!o.P.P. (ie. oert.R.K .

AI~. H . C. Kaaa, P. A.

Cald• c ll, C. R. (.:lidwell. E..a U<><Xiolbeller,O.J.

Abal , Oert....W. Hoooeli.ADilie (JIIoaau. Naonle J>oerhen,J.K. Uoroar, Emma

JJeclr,.r, Mit)' Doerklot!a. J , K. Duerhe11.Ano11. n .


Normal Department.

FOURTH YEAR. Rollem,<:. 1... La11•er.O. II . Powe ... , K. W.

THIRD YEAR. Kl.lii'J', E Jl . Mn•terOK>n, ~. K.

SECOND YEAR. lta ii , Moll le ll<!elretborn, lllu i,J H 1rter. W. L .

tJLol n1 )',C. E.

Fi.RST YEA R. llotr110mmer. J. C.

~~J~z!na · Ud.teowalter, Sadie l'oole.AIIce

Ral• h J. K. ~hl r lr , C. J.

Shutr. Dora dhl rlr )',J . B.

McOio-.Lo'a Po•a .... J . H. Rothrock 011.,

Poole, J.IIIIIIa l'oolf', W. J . Van Deuacm. W. H. Welh, J ot-ho

Commercial Depa rtme nt.

- -z~

Carman Departme nt.


J."rant• J , ll ~&rmi'. Annn O. KIU>e, P. A.


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n...-m ..... w. u. Coo;~;~. Bra:rton t.:Ol t.o rn. ­Eb:r. K. U.



Eotrtloen, H . M: HumJihtfiJ",­Haau,Fr-~ ...

~·. I E.

)l Zaudl: TanAle ·

Ml 'kl r. RarrUon M:ra .... .John t'eek, Louora ~alta, l ola 8etla,l...1aln

, 8impa<JQ,·fto""rla 8ol aAaa, AIUOJaM.tto 8olaaaa, Ml~ba l • Wlaa.,G.W. Wlc .. Jaad,Trac~a:r

Ubnadea. HJ.-am ~ba,., talome ~aa•eiJ' P.lla Sna.,eiJ'.J, R. Sna•el:r. I.C. t!hlrk:r, J 8. Shirk,, "'nt.·& 81 Hhlrky,8allle I .. hlrk, Emma



Shorthand and Typewriting .

• Tnha...,n, Mnt. AnD:> Lyon Jo'ro~nll Hhl1'el r . C. ~. Studebaker,J . Jr.

~a o and Organ. ,

u~~~1:.u.k '-nld p

-Jaaalnaa.t.:la~ J ohntona, LJ"dln J~c~ aon, Mrrt a Klmll>fOI.Ruaa Kan•.I'­Knn•, l"cra Knn-. 0-..:e lo:llth,.o-man.lda Licltttn .. ra'tO!I', Sadie "'"'' n Elh"J ,...lla•eh,.ue.Orral Kot,.h,l..lllian Nub, RUoel

Wedel, ,C.rrlo


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\ '

'Eiehbdt•, lle nr r IU1111h, U. S.



J enn!o.,.,Oiare Matcl._u.,,Orra\1

Cuitar and M'andolin.

Paeb,Lola 1:5-..:l.uad, f'.

~=!;,lt.& 9herki)'.Na~ tkoat. lil a¥

Jnbo .li:rnm11 ..

Summary and Observations.

ENROLLMENT. College.. . . . . .. . .. . ......... ... ..... . ... . .... . Academic .. .. . .... . . . .. . ... . ...... . .. . ... . ....• .. . • . . Normal .......... . ... . .... . . .. ............. . .. . .. , . . . . , .... . Commercial . . . . . . . . ... . . ....... . .. , . , .. , . . .. . . .•• . • .. . , .. . . German (Speclnl) ..... . ... . . .. .. , ..• • ... , . , . .. , .. , .. . . , .. , .. . Bible . . . . . . . .. .....• . .. . ......... .. .. , . •... . •... •. . ... •.. ...

~~::~h:0ng ~:a~:~~~~.t~~~- :: ::::: ::::: ::: :::: ~ :::: Harmony ...... .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .............. .. ...•... , . . ... . Guitar and Mandolin .... . . . .. . .. . ....... . .. ...... . . . , ... , . . .


12 1~3 as •o 40 69 12 46 6


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Blacksmith • and • Wagon • Making, t 1

Eas! Euclid Slreel, J(cPherson, ·Kansas, s'J ~!i:~~ ~~,th~~ao~~ ~~~ro~~ree. s~oO:es~~~~ .:~dpr~c!g~:! )ow-st. Carriage painting and trimming dona in firat-class style. All work guaranteed 88tisfact ry.

B. p, McOU,J.. Pre&ldeut.. r J . L. K•ttr• Bel:re~ry.

~ TH;E ALLIANCE EXCJIANOE GO., Vr,he New Departmen1 Store are L' aders in LowPrices

, all along the line.

H gbest. market price for BoLter and EggR.

H·. L SLOSSON, Manager.

RASK. FALl!\. & CO.,

Steam Fitters and Sanitary Plumbers. DH\enbl---._

· Wind Mills\ P8mps. Pipe, Tanks. ~ose, Iron, and Brass FiUiogs, Water Su':/' iM and En~ne ~mmingS, Buggies und Carriages, Har·

~~~~~~g 0~ .. ~~=~~~tbe•f!~:!t !{f~~~~!k i~o~~;:~~nd Bored

Ear Clot~lng, Furnls~lng Gond1, Hats and Caps,

We Solicit

'V our Patronage, Call oo the .Reliable One Prioo We have got the~~~ and we in·

~- ;;iio~sE j v;~ '~~~~~·~~~~~~t-· Tbe Dn~rcl•t..

M.cPberaon, Kansas. McPherson, Kansas.


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K~:ti~~~ 8F~~~erfi'~~1ib~~ ~;~ -,~~W~~a~~ ~~c~ AU kinds of M1t~!i'A:.t Instruments and musical merchandise. Agent for Harward G uitars and Mandolins.


F . A., VANlMAN , Co,•bler.'-




Oepoel~ln tbla !Mnl<areabllulu telrl&ff!. VaurbUIIDr.u.olic ited.

McPh e rson, Kansas



Always up to date. Special rates to Studeut.a ond Teachers. Ca ll and seu us.

Mal?h srsof] .

W. A. SELLERS Oealerla

Bicycle and Suppllas,Stom lnd Tinware, Plumblnc,

Aud a ll kind• o f .

Tin and Sheet Iron Work. # Dlcr cle Kepabloa a l!peci"' lt r .

, !08 South lllah1 8 t,_t , .~ ... ~ .•. ,. ...

- f K21ll.S21S.

·~ P'.

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A. G. Sol)fber~ Mercantile Com:punE, . . For Dry Goods. Boot. and Shoes, B ata and Cape~, aU kinds or GrocerieS and Quat nswa.re. I..

M al?hsr-son.

MCPHERSON !:.J::.::.:;w MILL Co .. DOOAI( IAIH, 81.iHOI1 STAIR wpRK, ltTC.,---

~ , \ ---DO Al..L 1(),01 01' ICROLL IAWIHO.

\.., Aad Retail Det.len Ia \

LUMBER, - COAL - AND - STONE. Office and Yards on Colle«e Place Addition. Orders from a distance for

Plaining Mill Work will J1'cei'fe promp~ attent.icn. 8A.MUKL MILLIItR, Du• ln-• M ... nau:er.



Watch and Jewelry Repairing Promptly Done.

[ln!on '!Jiock, Ji!'rson, Kansas.


Carrits the Largesl and.:ynosl Complele Slock of 'Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Glass and QueenSH1are, Groceries, Elc. E'l'ery arlicle guaranlted eraclly wllal we represent illo be. Slriclly Ont Price.

McPherson :" Mercantile Cpmpany.

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J. W. MARTIN'S Wm.Oiter11Uid.. O . .i, Okerlund,

:i: e~:tsoff~r ~b! money. $6.60 all Wool Worat.ed a re immense. A fine line of young Meu'a Pantis at. very low prioea.

McPherson. - Kansas.


PHOTOCRAPHS Jiladebr lbe

Allen Studio E:a:cel in fioi .;b and durability. Your money back if you a·e die· satisfied. Old Farrell Gallery, South Main St.., ~iePhereou, Kana.

lpeclal Rates to ltudeola.

Lar.son Brothers Broom Factory.

ManufacturerfJ o f all kinds of Brooms and Brushes, at. reu&On· able prices and all work first claaa . •


Look Box 100'.&, Mcl'be_,.., K--.

Interior work a apecialt.y. Family oeroupe, made in your own parlors. All work guaranteed. Offi~:e over Poetoffioe.

New Harnes~ Shop, By W. Cethin, ,

Jlc1>htrson, Kansas. A full and complete line of aad(Ues and bam668 always

~: :::! n~~~~ tcaRr~:d examine our 'work, stock and prioe8.

Lawson's Shoe Store Carries n rull and com· plete line oi up to date Shoes at the lowe• \ possi­ble prices. Call and in1<~t our stock berore buymg.

Lawson's Shoe Store. Uploa Hotel Hulklllllf, lhPht...,.o. Ku.

J . E . . GUSTAFSON, J-(_ ~ealer m W o.tch68 Clocks,

~~\V~~~i~!:cl~~~n~Te'!!~t~~ a Specialty aL reo80nablo rates. All work warranted.

lAtdoor .autb or P01c.otHre,

Johnstown, Kansas. MaPl]srso11. Kans21s,

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JOHN KERN, Dtakr in. Drv'Coods, CarJHis, S!lou.

Cloab. HolioJU, Btl

The One Price House, Mc.Pberaon, K11ot1a~.

PALACE DRUG STOfJ W. B. PBELP~ ---- (. , BIXBY 4 UND8AY, Organ "'fnd t R Jr


Bu~ Si~ )hiA 8Lreet.

McPhenon, r Kao!Ws.

L. H. BUTLER, Dealer in Second Hund Furniture, Clc..t.hing, Boota tihOOft, Queenawa re and Stov81l.

AIM> Gulf. /York and all JCinrh o{ liMIUd/Q R~ptliring,

208 I. Meta .Street. llcPiersoa, 111111.

oo ro-..

ncPherson Feed Store, \Por 'all kinds of Flour



MoPhenoon, Konsas. V 0"11111 Scellelj's Drw Stll'l. /

Tourney Lumber Co. Wm. Houchen's .j . Laundry. I

We do fin1t class work at. rea80n· able pr ieee Clothes mondio~ Free, providing not too bad.

Yaos,-One Blnck Norlb of Court 115 S, Mill St., MCI'ilriOC. lpl. Bouse, McPlle1"80o1 Kansas. Pbo•• No. 1o8.

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Allen , H . C. Heae,P. A.

Celth•ell,C.R. Caldwel l, En UIXMI1heller,O. J .

PlokH, MU7 Daeri!N.n, J . K. DuerluloD.,ADIII R.


Normal Department.

FOURTH YEAR. Bollem,C. L. LaaYer.O. M. Power~, ILW.

THIRD YEAR. K-J,E H . ManentHI,E'. K.

SECOND YEAR. Hall, Hollie lleehtborn, llattle Uart.er.W. L.

IShhe'J, C.E.

FIRST YEAR· llolflomrner. J.C.

~:!!!,~. Uct.teowalter, S.dle l'oole.AIIoe

Rel•h J.l\. !.hlrii:,C.J.


&~~he:;~·b',·,., f

Poole, Lillian l'oolfl. W. J. Yen 0.11H1:1. W. ll. WeiM.Jo.le

Commercial Department.

Cerman "Department.


Yreota J, Henn•.Anna C. Ke~~e, P. A.

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Rnwm~n. W. H. Co<lp, HrartOII "Oolbon. ­Ebr. E. u.

All lolw>a,Ethftl Alii-. &lith &ll,l .nftlo ........... , lloro~. Hr.na lllll<f'r.l4n.F. Ul<>rklunci.,J - hn Oulllno lAura Corl 'e. lhll,. c~.Lnula l kler&.ao J .K. EdwudJO. Almrnta .,.,.,.,u.\aJ-Ie Hemperler U.rr7 ll ec~~ a,.rer.M .. ~



.... ( /. A, ,, o.

l _t,.n , H . B. )had.llraee

ZuK&ek 'I'ILD.ale

Bible Department.

Ml'ler . Harrban lfJ-John l'eefi,Laura ~eh&, l ola Seita.!Jieit• Slml*)n,RobPtta Soi&MO, Aatolael.tl' Solaou.MIIeboll W'-,0. W, Wle. l&lld,Tnooer

" . Stu-de ker. J . E. Shl•,.lr.C. K. BhPffr. D<va Sukl<ler.EIIIe !brpllt.J.O, TroMt,. , U 8. Toacer. J Jl . Trt~eer. Urhtan Vulman . Ehub!Mb Veaattl, V. " ' IM,Jolon ,. Wlrmo~. Joba Whmo ... Amanda Yoder,J . J,

I Shorthand and Typewriting.

lt~~~1:."'d: ~·m Jennln'II'.Uiare .J Juhno•on. L rdho .J t~e iiiOt>.at,·"• Klmon11l. Rt"'a Kun•, l lwiHA Kno~. Ynrn

l ....,lr,J..ouora PoUoolt, EQ!ma Pl111f,Ciarot ltelah, J . K • Swanlofln.flnuhla Slmon•nn, Ma rJ'

;J:~~~f.,·,~ HI~J. fln)·der. C.rrlfl s .. anH>n, lll' thlo <'~lalfor<l,lhdp fll>rln~~:borft,Ot>ot'• t"l.fl1'ePooa.Am~nd• ~laPI!a,\ntolnell .. Trae.a)', l'lenrr


• ' ...

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Ei~hh<'lt&. Heii'J Ha,.,h. U. S.



J Mininp. OiaNI ••td,.tte,Orralt

Cuitar and Mandolin.


t1:~~:·~t.:. ileltbH.hr. M"'E. H. J nt>M,t:hulle Johuoa. M. l:t. Jobnaon.Della Joh<~-.-LI~htr. w. W, Laa~aner, Neule Uw, J.u. t.ocu. F•T NalliM.i;rL­)lurrarAIIot i'erlr.lna.Sadle

Wbit.e, Raobel

Summary and Observations.

College .. . Academic .. Normnl ....


Colwnercinl .. • .•..•..... , •..•....• o •••• , ••••••• , •• • •• , ••••••

Gcrmo.n (S!>e<:io.l} .Bible ... . .. ~ . .... ... ........ • • • .. o ••••• o ••••

Shortbo.nd and Typewriting .. .. ............. . .... , ... . , .. , . :Piano and Organ. . . . ......... . ... . • . .. , ... , . Hnrmony ............. . .......................... ... .... . Guitar and Mo.ndolin .. .. . ... ... . . . .. ... . .

12 103 38 eo 40 69 12 46 • 46

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- '',~J. \ i 'f "~



Bl~cksmith - and - Wagon - Makiqg, Easl Euclid Slretl, Jt(cPiurson, KansaS,

{. ~\!~~~ !:'th~~ao~~ ~~~o~~~M. s}l~ou~~~rka o:~dpr~~~;: low-st. l'arriage painting and trimming dooe in fi111t-cla68 style. All work gueraoteed aatisfaeL ry.

B.I'.Jo01L ... P""'idj>:Dt.

---- JfHE ALLIANCE~ EXCHANGE CO., The New Department Stor.e are Leade~ in Low Pric;;,

all along t~e line.

H ghMt market. price for Bolter aod Eggs. /

H. L. SLOSSON, Manager.


Steam Fitters and San itary Plumbers. I

For Clotblng, Furnishing Good!, We Solicit

Hats and Caps, J You r Patronage, Call on the _Reliable One Price We have got. the gf'Oda ond we in-

J • ;;;;~S£ I vite y~~ t~~a~a~~g;t;~:,ri~. 1'bt Oroullt,

MePberso~ Kansas. M c Pherson, Kansas

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~:;;ti::~; ~~~;lerQ·~~~~ib~:;~ ~;~ \~:~le~u~~ ~~c~ All kinds of Musical Instrume nts and musicu l merchandise. Ag(>nt. for Harward Guitars and Mandolins.

M a l?l]srso11. Kansas.

u. P" . J<. UNB. Pre•ldent-




M cPherson. K ansas


~TIHIIE FJ[OT®IG , AJll'llllE.R:li!\~~ ESTABLISHED 1881.

Always up to dnte. Specia l rates to Studont.s and Toochers. Call and seo us.

W. A. SELLERS n ... .leT in

Bicycle and Supplles,SioveHnd Tinware, Plumbing, · ,

A11dall kind• of

Tin and Sheet I ron Work. Dlerele Kepalrln• a 8JMOCillllr.

208 South Malo 8t...et.

Mol*••••fiN· MIIIN/111111·

Page 51: T - McPherson College Archivearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ac1896.pdf · annual catalogue. officers and students mcpherson college i 1896-97. with announcements



A. GS: Sol)lber~ Mercantile Com:panE, ' .

For Dry Goode. Boots and SboefJ, Bats and Caps, all { · kinds of Groceries and QuOt nswa re. .

Cor n•r or Main ond Kan-• Av•nu•,

• M aPhsrson. . - - . K2HJS21S .

.!!!J;PijERSON PLANJiG M ILL . CO., ' M&DUfiiC'C-Pren Df II

ODOR., toUH , aLINOS, tTAIR WORK, I:TC., ----- ? -...___00 ALL KINDS OF SCROLL 8AWINQ,

LUI'f1BER, - C'o';:r ":"''f. No - STONE. Office and Yards on Co)le~ Place Addition. Orders from a distance for

Plaining Mill Work will r r ceive prompt attention. BAMUK IJ M I LLER, Bu•ln••• l'l.ll.One~~:•r,



Watch and J ewelry Repai r~ Promptly Done .

Union ~lock, JlcPjJ.trson, Kansas.

"THE MERC./5\N TILE" Carries lhe Cargesl and most Complele Stock of 'Dry Goods, Slwes, Notions, Class and Queensware, Groceries, Etc. Every arTicle guaranteed exaclly

r whal we represent illo 'be. Slriclly One Price .

.,.cPherson. : Mercantile Company;

Page 52: T - McPherson College Archivearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ac1896.pdf · annual catalogue. officers and students mcpherson college i 1896-97. with announcements


.J. W. MARTIN'S :i~ e~:~t~n=rro, ~b! money. $6.50 all Wool Wonted are immense. A fine line of yOung Men's Panta at very low prioes.

M c Pherson, - KanSas.

A. SELLERS, 8 U«Meer to Selle,.. & Wrlaht,

· General Har4ware, Hto,-. Tlnwan~, Enamelo!(l WaN!. llaolud aDd Smoott. Win~. Oar<teo HOM, Wa~n .

n:;o~= fi:~,~~\!~'"1' Oi~~~~~::!o~_._ Tin Fruit Cans and Glass Jars. ~~~:: ~~".~l~t:. ~~~~~. 'ro:!\': the bMt:

_,, 00' - f Of'fiCI', ~PHEIISON , KANa .....


Allen Studio Excel in tioi .;h and durability. Your money back ir you B'e dill· oatlsfiod. Old Forrell Gallery, South Muin St.., ~lcPherson, Kens.

lpedal Rates to Students.

Wm.Oke ri'IU>d. G. A. Okerhmd,


Lock Bo• toaJ. KcPb-a, Kana.

Interior work a epeoialty. Family ..: roupe made in yoar own parlors. All work guaranteed. Office over Postoffioo. ·

New Harness Shop, By w! Cet hin,

;J(cf:>Jzerson, Kansas. A full and complete line of saddle& and hnm088 always on baud. Work to Order, on short. notice. Call and examine ou r work, stock and prices. ·

Lawson's Shoe Store Carriee a full and com­plete line or up to date Shoes at t he lowe•t. posai· ble prices. Call and iu!i~t our stock beCore buyiDg.

, Lawson 's S ho'e St ore. Unloo Hot~ l Duildlna,lfcPhe""•n, Ku.

Larson Brothers Broom J . . E. OUST AFSON, Factory. 4

Mnnufucturers o r all kinds or BrooDls and Brushes, at. reason­able Jlrices aud aU work lirat clltBll.

Dealer Ill Wutch08, Clocks,

~f~~~!~~~lt~rc~~~~n~?e'!!~1~~ n Specialty at reasonable rates. All work wnrruuted.

bt door touth or l'ostomu,

Johnstown, Kansas, Mal?l]srsof1. Kansas.

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Eye comfort. It vou uani Ouod Reliable OOQds at Your e,-- mu DOt be In 11 eoodltloa to 1Ate~1/ ltM1iblt Pricu, Buv of

~Uo~:l-ao~itJ'. l nm&nJ'CMM

\U!~~:.~.~. ~t~:r:: ·~~;~~,.O::~I:'I::~~ter:: J 0 H N K E 8 N, !!;;:,~:?t :.!~":~~~~~me t o Ufe f11c.1 f or 1\.

Our KtttJ Gold Filltd Promtl art lkoler in .Drv Goods, Car~ls, Sllou, .erri«ablt. Tllev cannol be told from Cloaks, Kolio!U, Klc. ulidgold.

J. E. GUSTAFSON, J[WELER, The One Price House, ...../ l•tduor~~CX~ t~ofPMtoffice. Mc!'herK>n.{ McPbe~o, Kunsas.

J>A:LACE DRUG ST(i)RE w. ~- PHELPS~ BIXBY 4 UNDSAY, O r;-"ai'Xand t -...._.

DRuGs, MEDICINEs. PAINT "?. ~ea~~~~e l Repairer OtLS, GL..ASS1 TOILET ARTICLES

B111~ )lido Wain Street.

McPherson, Kansus.

L.- H. BUTLER, Denter in Second Hand Fumiture, Clc.thing, Boots :;hOOf', Quee011wll re and St.ovee.


.'llso Gun IYor~ and all Kinds of llm6rdlaRtpairing ...

208 I. IIIII Strut. YcPlerm, Kans1s,

oo ro-..

n f Pherson Feed Store, }'or all I kinds of Flour

nod J!eed. El. E.· GREJSS,

McPherson: K11nsas. / O II S II ld' O Sl ~ ---'~p_os_e __ co~~--'--rK ___ or_e. __

Pbone No. 19,

Tourney Lumber Cm

Yuos,- Ooe Block North of Court Bouse, Mf'Pbersoo, Kansas.

Wm. Houchen's Laundry.

We do first clnse work at reason· abje prieee Clotbee mending Free, providing no1 too bad.

115 s. 11111 st .. lfcPiersot• Km. PboDI No. 108.

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r- ·

I E. J. Husbcmcl,

Physician and Surgeon.


((:ra<.lunt4) Pbll ... Ootl ll\l College)


c. J. SUNDAHL, IG.H.Matchette, M.D. SHOEIVIAKER, On·wE- N. W. corucr ~lai n arid

Repairting eatty I ~:~I18~1,A\Ft:~t~·st~~~9a~~ D

.Build ing. Pho ne Nu. 70. one.

1 •• 1 ..... Onor Soul.h or i\l nlt.bl"'•JI'uru\ t ure Store HESIU!'.SC£ -•1 19 .Sottth \ Vulnut St. Qppodte Uuion Uotel, McPI>enoon, Kan-. 1 Pbo nl", No. lf1.

A. Ebaugh,

Shoemaker. !

Dr. C. E. Neibarger, The Popular and wide nwukt: up to dute De ntist,

Repairing Neatly Done. ! f'\.cP~erso'l. 1 K~'l..sas1 On Euclid s, rcet, East or 1 Odd Fellows Block. 1 South ~t otn St..

cHARLEs wH EELER, I New ~eorl Millin~ Co. \\holoW!le n.nd Hetall Doalcrlm

T1NWARE1 STOVES, FARllt l)tl' LE· V L'-:TS, FAllll A.:OD II'RINO

'ff'400!(S1 BUOOU:8, ETC , r:TO.

Cor11er Maitl St. and Kansas At:e,

Page 55: T - McPherson College Archivearchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ac1896.pdf · annual catalogue. officers and students mcpherson college i 1896-97. with announcements


I -


( John ~~ .. :~~.obs.";:: i C M'Phersoij Foundry , I

and Machine Shop. {t~~~~reh :~. Rfu~~t\1~!~~: ~=~·.7:.th•':o::d :~:.~c~~·u~.: I ~W·~~~~~unr.•11tocd 0tt!o;i\~~;1ti!: lht.hlne work.

1 faction. Prices to suit. tbu limN (

iigbal Cu b pilce F~id for Old lror:·

J, A, HUlTQVIST & SO~S 1 ' J.Ztra tz,Pro~ietor CUSTOrl TA lLO~ j Park Livery Feed.

' and Sale Stables, McPh~rson , - KansO:s. Jl[cPJztrson, Kansas.

"'""""'" "'"r"-' ""'""'' nwk. 1-------1. C. See!y, Express,


Hauls Bag~:!~, Pianos,

~~a~~!?.~~=:~ld c~ qoortl're at EsnuK~N's MEAT llin~trr. ,

T~epbone 11 RcsUence numb r~.



~{cPhtTton, -

Dealer in Farm Machin­ery and Implements.

Oflice in Odrt Fellows Building.

Mrs. franc es Mammei'1 M', 0. ~· L. Me Court, lia.ouf•ctureraudOt.'fJcrln

Spociul alt.cntion given to OU­stetricR, nod diseu~WS of women and C"hi!drf'n ,

Consultation - FR.EE.

._, '