hereby establish this memory book. QUADRANGLE At McPherson ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/y1976t.pdf · THE QUADRANGLE At McPherson College. McPherson, Kansas

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hereby establish this memory book.


At McPherson College.

McPherson, Kansas. Volume W

of 1976

Table Of Contents Foreword

Our Life



Our Admin istrators 32

Our Organitations 56

Our Sports 78





96 116




1n a "orld of conformll} onl} grouped by plan. but "ngled out IndiVidually



a moment on the hurrocd pace of man­kond to chat "nh a frocnd, to pat a dog. to luo~ at a no .. cr, to remember.

\\ e Ded1cated uur,cl\c, in man~ \\u~' '" 1ha1 "nh each ne" da\\n. our "mb<>l of freedom "•'' ,lliJ there

ltfe '' on!) a mca,urcmcnt of umc :-;o da) j, the ,arne Ye,terda~ j, a lc"on learned, toda) "a ,ingle 'tep tn time, and tomorro" ou' ad•enture.

LIFE .. •

In The Beginning rearrangon ~ r c " .:hcdulc for the fift1e1h 11mc uppcrcla~~men 1\U)S ched•ng oul fre,hm.tn !!.11' tr)­•ng to explam to )Our parent> that three te\1 boob DO cost S60 "ondenng tf \Our mom >aid hJ "'a'h ~our clothes m hot, "arm. or cold "ater

mtnl rruu·dur~

2 \ pu.nu; l'i tRJO)td b) ne._., t.IUdenlll> and out"nt.atu)n atrour leader' 1 \run (t.anu: llf \OIIt)b.tll "C'RJO~cd b) frc,hman .and lrJn,fcr totudcnh Jl JUrt ·of or~cnu.tton

Ozark Tradition Spreads To Kansas

The "'cl kno"n 01ark tradition spread to the 1-.an­'as !'lams "hen \1cl'her,on College ho,ted Sadte II a" l.m' "'eel. on October I. ~- and ~ The acll• n~ ga•·c campus "omen the chance to ·catch a man· for three da)s tf the~ l'ished

Sadie I lawktn' \\eel. began "'nh a ·oogratch Dm­ner. served by the cafeteria rer,onncl dressed 10 l.i'l Abner and D~is) \>lac costumes Mock shotgun "'ed­dmgs Interrupted the dtnner several times. and ha)­stacks and other htllbill) scenery completed the atmo­sphere. A contest for the faculty took place on the campus lawn and Prof Richard Zergcr "as a"arded fiN pri1c 'Ptgskin Caren> and 'The Adventures of Bull.,.,hip Grtffin' "ere sho"'n in Brown Audnorium. The "'cek cultimatcd "'th a L.ake>tdc Park ptcnic and hayrack rtde.

(her; I! .. Are q .,;ommon :.ppo~rcl dunn,: ' dn: II "l.n .. Vto..:do. Jhc ll<J~JQtC'hchara.,;tc I (H~ c BullrTlOI.hoC r'l nr \cd b) Ur

l d.lt'ld I cn~c 3 \ shotgun •~ often fou d 10 be qu tc cff«t. u: lhe h r 4 \~oUft@: under the mOu(rKe ~an ~o~n1.n fouhcr \t ~C' \\ Lll,IC'\ ~t~o\"C \ anccnt •~ (orced lo nu r~ '\llcr«" It lm n S l)unn@: the ~~~lo.h Danner J nc \ braght nd. lkna~ I~ lien .. J!rutJ..up on .~e Ood 0 P..mr.J)I ~ the t.::h.!• ctcr ( \1 tf) n 'Jm l'r, /~;r ~;r 1 lhcnotonuur.char~ f l\1l~clk:1c ~J'k>flta\cdb\Cu:r

•ld llolm3n


·-:d r

During The Week

There \re Things To Do ... 'IOU lc'l .11 s 4'- \\Jkln~ up dl

X I" "h~n )Our eta" "il' at X 00 \\dldang ''The JU'l dot~ll nuthlng, be


\nd People To Sec:

On C .1m pus And Off

I cor ... 1\ \t

II ~

New System For Convos

A nc" ')'tcm for the '"hcduhng ,,(the 1976 Convo­cauon Sene; "a' dc,clopcd thl' )Car 'o longer could ;tudcnt; m1" a favorite ('') cl.1" bcc.1u'c of a convo Classc; "ere 'hortcncd to 4~ m1nutc' and all como; "ere •chcdulcd .ll 9 30 \ \1

Student Council Prc,idcnt Stc\c Burkholder "3' mtcre;ted in gelling more mvohcmcnt from the col­lege communi!) Th1' mcludcd facuh) lecture; and ;tudent-facuh) debJte

I )

'Good Times Roll' As Queen Jan Reigns

ul ct the (,uocl Tan" .. ' RoJI"' '"·" 1 IC l)"' llmlH:· com1ng theme "hli<· I an Shro.:k, a JUnl<lr, m.IJ<>nng 1n Spcc1,1l l·duc.llltln. rei~ned ·" Queen

1 he \\cckcnd mdudcd C\~Jtcmcnt .tnd man~ 'ur· prl'tc~. bcg1nn1ng \\ 11h tht: ,tnnoum:cmcnt ol J)rc,u.icnt (;a len Sndl\ re"gn.lliOll The tradll11111al par.tdc do\\ n \ l am .111d I ud1d \\,1, highlighted "hen the Pub· llcation llo.ll bcg.1n t<l rc.llh MIWI.e the c1gar th.u ""' a11ached t<l the front ol ( ath\ llamm', c.1r lmmcdi· atch follo\\lng the p.trade, the HJllhng Bulldog' tonk on the South\\c,tcrn \ loundbudder' and l<hl b\ .1

... ~..:ore uf 9. •., \n unc\pcCted uppcarunce dunng the 1 rl\13 Bo"l

h1ghtcncd the C\Cilemcnl of the \\Cckcnd, nlong "nh the prc,encc of \h,.., Jan.1 Salman,, the rc1gmng \h"

KJn'a' "The \1 atchmalcr." presented b\ the l'la\er' Club.

and the llllmeconung dance, fcatunng the "Out B.1cl Band .. pro\ldcd enterta111mcnt \I"' .1 'tcak-fn .1nd "( a'mo" mght "~' enjo\cd

Saturday Freedom


sleeping till noon ~mng to d footb.1'

gomg ,hopping

forgetting au home" or~-gamc l!a.rmng e\lra mon·

gnmg home

I \\ 11l ( outee bu) h1s '\ 1urd \ mllrnang mun'-htcs (r m B b \1\.t\cllip 111 01.11d. I np • \1.uk. \ crd1 v.1nlh up to throv. a bot~eb3al t dun._ t. nl ' \t l>otiOU ll II~ \II '•&hi P..1rh on S nurd:.ty \pnl "~4 tlc:Ril CRJO\o 5V.Imffilnf! IR the p.KJI Jt the \ \1 ( \ 4 "''c:- S~holl .. pend an en •) blc s turd.l\ m rn n~ n bel! ~ Prof~ or l11hn UIJrdcn pend"' me on S • urd ) l t lc bo\ s.hopp1ng 6 ~arc'1 Rrub! lcr and r n kC~~CK th out ~,.lt rs at 1dc• l n do"'nto"n \td,hcrson

• ~cnt \\ agoner (a th~ \ r '4: rcht"). or the R n • ho L ~ked h moot nd too;. h s -.lolhC's •h lc an a mated G len R ~cr tr \In~

thcH hopoll •)hod<'Obchndthc '• ""' dt(cmc (from sec It • I hn Run ) 2 Tom S.l\ldle diKUUC1 the: VlfiUCS r nurtur lnl onh one nee at a Umc ( rom The \ t. tch­llkl~cr b) lhornton \\1dcr) l \ t .~e J.tobC'ru and \bn Rtth srudcr d ~ e.w \\here II \C \II 1 he I ghtn•n£ Rugs Gone an the one aC1 pia\ b\ the same name 4 Sheree II· lman prcrares f 1r ··1 or l>tstm­guLo;.htd S.:ni(C •h•lc \ t . } lk1h ...,nJdcr lu(1h on trrom the one act piJ) b\ 1hc !.arne namej ~ I ~~r~ 'eb"n (.u the mau.h rushes to hcfp a' \nne I n\mJn Ia~ \ t tss "''-•lion) \llt~o~roh """' ' to the Ooor 1n a drUtl~t'ft ltUJ'Of (ffllm "'Sec lin~ 1 he~ Run'")

.. J ....... , ,,

Drama Productions Depict Bicentennial Theme Drama pn>ducllon' th" )eM oncluded plav> honor­

ing the Bicentennial .. The \1atchmaker," pla}ed b} Ga}le Broberg. Jr."' Doll\ l evt, and Ken Frantz. fr. a. Horace Vandergelder. "·t' pre,entcd during Home­coming. "I thought ot "ould be good to u'e an Amen­can author ''nee thts ''a lloccntennoal ve.~r," >atd \Irs. !\arlene T}lcr, drama ''"''tant

"liang' Q,cr T h) llc:.td," plJ>ed b) I e' Dell. ,r, a' a pla)IHtght. .and Philip Gardner, fr, Brad Sn)der. fr. Debbte St >n~. fr, Cher}l freed, 'oph. nd Galen Ro)er fr '"ordonar)" people. "3' one o( three one-

act pl.t)' pre,cnted on I ebru.lr) "Where ll.tve \II the I t~hnong Bug' Gone'!' '

pla)Cd b> \1aq Beth Sn)dcr .ond \like Robert,, and "for D"llngut,hcd Service," plavcd b\ Sheree Hol­man. Sherr) I ock1Hx>d and \nn \1a,nn "ere the oth­er t\0-o one-act pla)s \nne I· mm.tn, (,a\ lc Bn1berg. and Debbtc Stong "ere the student dtrcctor'

''Sec lh1>~ Thev Run," a corned) pla)L-d b) \nne f·ro,r.lan. Kent \\agoncr, Dc>nna \1olkr. l on 'chon, and \1,ke Robert' "as pre>ented 10 \larch during the Regtonal Youth Conference


Site For Shack Changes Twice

Sh<lrtl) alter the compleuon of the nc" \be Shack durtng the 'ummer of 197~,11 ""' d~>eovered th.llthc Shae~ ""' 1n VIola lion of a ne" Cll) ordmancc It "'a' bUilt four feet t<'kl dmc to the 'trcet

,\ppc.tl' b) .tdmm"trator' to the Cit) Comnli\IOn 10 "31Vt the ordtnam.:e "ere rcfu,cd The Shack""' then mmcd back 10 cmnpl\ "llh the ,tandard' llo•.-o\cr the Shack had to be mo\ed a gam to alto\\ room for the ne" Industrial \rts butldmg The final re,lln~ place "as on the lot north of I rantl Hall and ea't ol the greenhou•e

Bruce Clar). JUntor, and L.arr) Brubaker, JUntor. ro-manager' of the Shack held 'cveral fund ra"'"i! proJ«Is 10 "htch mtere,tcd ,tudenb partictpated throu8hout the )Car


Deck The Halls


Student Council, Jr. Class Feature 'Live Entertainment'

dance hroughout the )Car ''Outbac~ Band" performed for •< H •C· com•ng dance on O.:tobcr 25. 197' \t the ( hn,t=' Formal on De­cember 12. "T1de" "as the sound m "h1ch Mudent' danced "Poll Count\ Pork and Bean Band" performed at the \ .1lcntme' dance on hbruan I i. ~Ahilc ~tudcnh ''do~sc:~docd .. hl lhcsr bluc·ir.l..;" 'ound. The Jumor~Sc:mor Prom. spon,orcd b\ the .JunH>r ( Ia.". katurcd .. I he I· •ccpt1on,;• "h1k ,tudenh came prcp.~rcd for the '0\ d.tnce ''" \pnl 1, a' leather J.tdch and bobb1e ,ock> "ere .t common "~ht

e \ lent cs

m n1 • the Jr


Sunday: Rest And Preparation draggtng .,.ti ~ 60 lv'-IHU'Io.ll Starung ( ~&: fC,C3 .- r f

th3t', due al 8 00 on \londa\ ullung about last mghl• C>enh mtrror, mmor on the "all

RllorMU <• m Kh her han on "\und.s) C\cn ng to be read\ fur \Iondo) 2 ( utd., "a u fmd I me n 'und3\ afternoon to do • rn.c rth pro,J«t or cl.t '

In lhe Dot tour •tan T \ loun1e ~o1th) tlunn find cmbr 1d on .a blou~ rei \ nJ 4 l>ontd H ;i.IUC fmd 1 ~rd I() bcr:m a ne~ 'IACd.



The Last Days recetvong ~ noll« from the ltbrar~ that ~ou ha'e

'O 00.>1.. over·due rumbling through 'tack' and ,tach of book' tr~tng to ltnd tho'e 50 particular b.>Oh

getting hooked on \ tv.trln from sta~tng up fllr three ntghh tr}tng to fin"h that >em,,tcr term p.tper

crammtng for ftnal' part)ing '"th fncnd' for the la't umc packtng '·')tog goodb~c plop, plop, fin , f111 uh "hat a relief 11 i''

I \rnl !ohO.,..trs bnnJ! \1:n Oo"'e" but i1 noodcd f'trlmuno;. J C.lOCCIIoJ.IIonor CIUI

dour 'rnnll I 1'"1! uu•vttlt'lo 2 luhn ._,nell. Jdl Ou<~\ J.m June,_ and Hob I r.alt\ i!UC •• bh.u:~r.h' ~.:on~o.cn tn the \ l dur.nt! Spnnf! I ling: "''"'""' \ ( .lth\ I IJmm "'ho~o~.~ hl," -.ad "he .. 10 ~c the end uf ...Ja,>Oeo; J n lie Jason lhHd <. n .. t (,Jcn.:r~o.c R.aldntr and D vtd 'i!"'~o."'Omt:r p;artt~•r.Jic m the T1t'o'1;.t Ro-.~.1 dunn,-: :"tpung flan~ \ R•\:\cftr\ •n 1hc \ll , ... hool.s l).l\ r;.rade on \i..1\ fJ 1MciUdt John\\ JOMC'r (,cnc fhrrcu, 1>-an s .... an~. < onn1c J•.>nCS- lcrr\ I nnt'lo f am ...... field and [).l\C Bur~:es,.. (t \i1~C' f>l\') bc,tns 10 p3('~ h~ C.U IO

return hOme' ror the "ummcr

76 Graduate 1n '76 SC\cnl\ "' sc~Jol"i gr d d nn~ < •

CI!!hth commencement c>e , cs on \fa) .B 1 he commencement ~ddrc•' .-as gt•cn b) Congrc"·

man Ctarner I Shmcr lie told the •cnwr' that gr,Iduating "as a begin" ng not an end. Ju,t a' \mer· 1ca "bcgmnmg .1 ncv. ccnlUr) th" •car, the graduates arc bcgm"'ng mto a nc" a'pccl of thc1r life.


~ Regardlc» of the ccntur\, man h.l\ al"a" looked to .tblc lcadc" fur knu_; ledge The accomph,h· menh of \kPhcr-.Jn College 'tu· dent\ dunng thc1r .:allege career and hfeumc "ill renect on the kno,.ledge gl\en to them b~ thc•r adm•n•~tralor'

• •

President Galen Snell Resigns After Four Years Of Service

Pre>tdent Galen R Snell, \l.ho h1\ been the prestdent >ince 1972 announced hiS tntentton to restgn a' of Sept I, 1976. to the trustee'> dunng their fall meeting.

"I came as president "tth t"'o prtm.lr) goals," Dr Snell 'tatcd in hts letter of re>~gnatton "The fir>t "as to achieve financtal 'tabtltty tn order to give "1cPher-on College strength to face the future

"Second, I came to e~tablish ,1 value ba'e on "htch the college could be continued I have spoken of and attempted to live that type of life which I thtnk a Christian college ~hould be."

On the day his resignation wa' made public and after >even years of serving l\.1cPherson College, Dr Snell 'aid. "m~ work i' done. I've accomplished "hat I came to do."

In the latter 1960\ Dr Snell "as employed by the college as psychology professor and Dean of Students. Pnor to that he "a' teaching and counseling .It Scottsdale Communit} in \n7ona.

''I came as president agatnst all the emotton in\ldc me for the administra· ttve tasks I came bccau'e I under-tood the "tuation. had tho-e qualtties needed to establish confidence. and felt tt a call of God," Snell stated .

"I have "'orked hard "ith all at the college to bring ne"' life here. That life ha' come. I do not have the emotional de>tre to carr} the college through the ne't ~tep. necessar} for intended grO\\th.''

Dr. Snell explained that he had informed the tru,tee' upon hi' 'electton that he "tshed on I) to be a 'short term· pre>tdent "I knc" I could not be pre"dent more than four or five }ea'-... he 'atd llts final deci"on to resign ""'made in the summer of 1975.

Dunng hts term as McPherson\ tenth pre>tdent, Dr Snell attempted to >trengthen the prtmar) reason for ih c'istencc relating the intellectual part of human bcongs to the sptritual

Dr Paul W Hoffman. Dean of ;tudent' and Profe;sor of Psychology at Manchester College. 'iorth Manche,ter. lndtanna "ill succeed Dr Snell as the eleventh preSident of \1c Pher\On College.


Minority Counselor Works To Unify In order 10 meet the needs and umf} the mtnorit} 'tudenh on campus, Ro)

Harden "orked part-tome as the fiN monorot) counselor He 'a" needs on the area of tutoroal rrograms and financoal a""tance, und felt that ten\lon on campus "'a' caused b\ a lac~ of socoal outlch

Though he made 'omc progre" on the area of financoal a"ostance, pro.,dong schola"hop,, he felt h" "ork "'a' hondered b} the f.oct that people dodn't realize he "as pMt of the admono,tration There "ere ,olso limitations in "-Orktng part­lime.

" I have not b) un} stretch of the imagtnatoon .tccomplishcd all that I ""ntcd to." R<l) said "There " still some d~>satosf.octoon •nd dis,entoon am<lng the minoritoes, and both the college and the students must adJust."

I l lcan o( Student' ~~~~~ Ci\Joenng :! l>•rcctor o( ()c,.c!Clpmcnt Clc:rald Hoi· m•n J ~i.nofl1) ( oun~oe1or Ro\ tb.rdcn 4 lkan or 1\~adcml\; \fralr\ ~1crhn han11 ipcnds '"7S summer tn Cahfl)rma on 1 (arm ~ \ •«·rro•dcnt leland l cnBc:l b \uc-.:s21c llu·ector of Dc\-dopmcnt Po~ul

\\a~toner 1 01rector of lsn.1.nctal \ids


Activities Director Promotes Social Life

,, fir,! ,\<!1\I!IC\ Dlrc<tor, \lr o,.·ar \ forgan at­tempted to 'elect a \'anCt) of actl\llics to meet the 'anous needs of the student bod~ To find out 'tudents mtercM> O"ar talked to 'tudents. and also >erwd the function of ad\lsor to Soc•.ll Committee. To fit the mood of the \tudcnts .• lcll\'llles "ere dances. or lo"­ke} entertainment 'uch "' film' or pina night.

Dunng the )car, (hear attempted to establish more harmon) among the different 'ocial group,,

8~Jwnn~ \ta~g~r ()(an Reuwld~ , Publac•n \u unt ~t.Jn \d3m\

\C1n1tan l>•rc:ctor (har \1 rr.otn .a Rcr.l\lr.ar (. orannc H u,:hbanks "' Collqe 'urJC ~a) 8Jchus.

Rt:"crcnd P .aut \t 1llcr {am pus \1 mstcr O&r«tor of \dm1n1ons Joe J~hn~ton

1.. Ounn,: P•n..J 'Jht a nc• acta\ II) ntabh!iohc-d b) 0"'- r \lor pn G.an \ ancd und \1 IC' and Ch.uln \f, llt 1.1-.c .sd,:lntaJc of the frC'c (ood

New Program Trains Students In Early Childhood Education

Earl} Childhood l·ducauon. a l\Hrfour ~e.1r program. "a' launched th1> year Th" program \\Ould qualify "udcnh to become tr •• oned .ndc,, tc.och· cr> directors or ""istant dorectors in da) care center>. Student' obw.-c at ! lope S<:hool. and the \ 1cPherson Communi!) Da) C.trc Center Student> m.ty al'o be placed \\ooth E•perience Ba,cd fducallon durong thcor Scnoor )Car

"We're sort of dc,clopong a second campu,." 'aod Dr [ ugenc (.or per. \ occ Pre>tdcnt of Conunuong Education. 'peakong of .on adult evcnong degree progr.tm no" beong developed in Hutchl\on \1.oJor' ondude Bu\1· nc" and lndu,tnal Art' The course' are offered on!) to 'tudenh \\tlh an ,\wx:oate of Art' Ceruficate and supplement the lf utchi,on (<>mmunll) College.

Courses on Contonuing Education lead to credit for re·certoficauon .

And Sc1ences

I ( It, ... 6 I Jua.uon D•rcdor f usenc Carrer 2 Prt,f6SOr "'f I duca1aon and Plo)Cholog' Or l>J)lC1n Rolhrcxk 3 \UIMilnl Prof~MJr In Ph\,h.;al r ducatl()0 and lfQd RJ..,kctball (lt;!Ch J1m 8.1ue~· fcld 4 Onedor of Men\ \thlca~~:.. \rt Ra) S l>•rc:ctur of \\omen\ \lhlctll."!! Or Otms ( orpod. f, 1\u..li;IJIC' Profcuor ol I du~.-:atu.m \1on· roc Huazhban\.§

1 [)r Al\1-n "1lltmo,. lndu\triJI '\rt"' 2 \U.t!I.IJnt Profc\M)r an lndu,tnal (Jcnc H1l1 l h:1ng a '".alr.c (l)f .. H"mc I conomu.:"' bale ulc h I un fodlc' 4 lib ()eli. D.ar~ I £.nll', John \\ ag:,mcr and Cath) ltamm all do thcu part 1n rcbulld1ni! a motor \ Profnsor of ltomr I ~,;l.)ftQmac-i '\i~<:hoiS b {'()fb1rucuon v.prkcrs v.or-. hard on then('..., lnd1.1Una1 o\rh bluldtf\1 so that 11 "'II be com­plelcd b) Scplember, I Q"h

Rare Gift Adds New Building, Program To Campus

Made possoble b) a goft from '>1r "Smoke~" llollu< of antoquc cars valued at $236.226 a S I 5 mol lion trust, a nc" buoldong "a' added to the campus this )Car and a ne" program. Restoration Technolog}. \\<as begun Restoratoon TechnoiOg) os part of the Industrial Arts Department, and the skills aquired there have a "'de range of appl11:atoon.

"Restoration Tcchnolog) "ill be parallel to. and "ill use the same tcchnolog) that "a I read) avaol.tble in the total lndustroal ,\ rts program .. explamed Dr ,\1\ln \\ ollcm,, profe"or of lndustroal \rts "The program "'a' one part of the larger department of Industrial l'du~ation ...

Restoration Technolog) "a t"ll-)ear program leading to an A"s<><:oate of Art> Certificate. f our-) ear degree programs arc also available 10 lndus­troal Education


Division Of Humanities

Writing Course Brings Students 'Close ToN ature'

C ombmang m·naturc c~pcnence' ""h the kcepmg of d

JOUrnal, Profcs,or Bob Green Introduced a nc" compo"tton cour'c that "ould fulfill general academtc rcqutrcmcnl> fhc da" andudcd lecture,. d"cu"ion period, and field trtp' to •ariou' area<. Among the numerou' field trip' were ex· cursion' to the \~ tldltfe Ci.tmc Re•crve and the J..:anopolt' I ake .trc.t \\ htle on the nJturc-outtng,, 'tudcnh "ere en· cour,tgcd to be ·'"arc of thctr 'urroundtntt' .tnd to "me about thetr cxpcncncc,, onl) after objective. comprchen"'c rene" ton

"\!uch of th" cour'e ha~ to do "ith de.cnptton. and to dcscnbe, one mu't ob,crvc \Cr) c':lrefull~,'' Profes"" Green e>platncd

1 \UoOCJatC' Profawr 1n (&('tm;Jn and I n1u uo \\Uit 2 \UOC>aiC' fJrofruor 1ft I nazi ~h ~ b (,rccn J Profe1~ \tnhon) "'tephan' ~pg.n1 ... h ol Dr ().;~lc Culkhmath J'hdowph) and RcllfiOn S \~gtc Pr~>fowr an I ngh h "'pcC'c;h and The; ~ l nJ

) odcr b \)$1\tant Profcuor 1n I n&1&\h and J""rnalt,.m. Ou;adran~IC' .and !\pc"tator \d\1\.Cf 'orm;a I U(io.C'r 1 IIC';ad of 1-'n~lu.h lkp:utmcnt l>r ll.ulc\ '-,tumr


Home Economics, Art Merge; Change Major Under

New Program lntcnor Dc,ign, a ne" cour~e

offcnng thh ~c.1r. '' .tn ntcrdl,t.:i· plmar) maJOr 'ombmong \rt ond Home [·conom"' Suppor11ng course' "'ere from the l·conomic. and lndu,tnal .\rh Department\

Student\ "ere govcn qudio, 10

\rnold Hall and were allo,.ed 10

redecllrate them a' the plca,cd \rt maJors "ere gl\en fir>t choocc

of rooms. and I ntenor Oe\lgn ma· )Or> receoved the rema10der of the room~

.. This course lead' to a number of facet\ 10 lntcnor Decorating •· saod 1\,frs. Connie 's~<hoJ,. In structor 10 Home l'conomoc> f\1 though lntenor [)c,ogn nl.IJO" do not have profe"wn.ol >t.IIU\ the) would be 4ualified for bu\lnc"

h\OOatc l,rofclo~ \t ,., \nn Rllb nwn \fl , '" lol.ant Pro(n~ or \1u3oiC and Rand IJitC\.10f l..arn "\ltd

\ l'tant f'rofC' ~r of \1u\IC Janel c Rom•n,cr ~bo-A,. "Jth) lt11nn the corrC' '<'3\o t p \ .a poantCu:.H pu:cc of mu c on the ptano 4 lntcnor l>cl.lg.n maJOr '.tlh. ( Oftcl lun'" 4 pcturcon t~c "'.l)l1n he_. a ttudao n \r I hit ~ Ron \den \\sl\t.Jnt ProrU$01' '" \1u1.1c l h r 1>uec1or b f .. o~ul \ 'ollcnbcrgcr \ soc tc J,r fll:'w>r of \lu.l>lC 1 he nand "\tr nr: lrntrumcnb ~hew." l>.a'c { lau\Cn lhc \lmplc t«hmquc bchand "rtllnJ: a pt«c ot m~1~,;

Divi-.ion Of NJtural Sciences

Memorial Fund Establishes Improved Animal Lab In order to tmpro'e l a bra tor~

facohtic' for 'tudcnh. a mcmonal fund "-3' c,t.tbl"hcd tn honor of Dr Donna Sooby

Th" mvolve' nc" cqu1pment and the remodeling ol a room 10

ll.trnle). Th" proje<t 'hould be


completed b) nc\l )Car

The lab "ill be u'cd b\ vanou' d~>iplinc,, and "'II mclude a M>il and forage te,ung l.lb, and an .1n1· mal room It '"II ·""' include a b1ology Ia b.

The lab "ill be u'cd by both


- . .. . , -.

'tudent' and communit~ mem· bcr'

Profe"or John J..:rehbicl "a' on h" ,,tbbaucal th" year \1ath cour'c' "ere taken at Central College.

... ....

The b)OUt for chc remodehnJt of the ananul laborator\o \uutanl Professor 1n Ph),K'<II "-h: cna Rae-bud ./crJt:r Dr V. cslc\ lXCount) C hem tr)

.& l 'J'Cn~ntang on the ran.tancc of clcccrt~. I) an r.artOU\ v.1rn arc Jess ( unnac._ "'nd \m\ IIerman IIi Profcs.sor of \gncultuul ~JCnccs \ (red l>ucro• 6 Dr Gllrord l~rnbcrr) 810IOJ ""•cnca 7 Profnsor of B.olcgaal '\..:acncu l>r John Rurkholckr


Division Of Social Sciences

I n Bur-

den 2 \U(k:lJIC' rrofa.r.or tn I c ttofer l llr RJ., mond I lor) Profn~r of H ~1on o~nd I 11h~.a1 , ... ,cnce £;1\'n o~lec.:turc u,tng 1r :"1'11f\3tcn Cl<' .a \~$1"Unt Profc\\Ct m 't•XI s ... en~e' iNn

RomtnJcr ~ Rc1.•de1 hts dut\ U\ lk<tn nf \c.ulemu,; \fla•r' llr I cl.tnd 1 tnttcl ln\lrU~I ... h!,IOf\ and rolttt\.J.I S\:ICR4..~ ciJ\.\C\ h ~tudcnt' 'Ill ho \lltHcd \\. .bhln~hlM D l tm:lude \1r' I p.ll. 1).1\td PctcriOn, JC', ( unmd. ()an h1ncs, .. nd R~l1cr ( ar,...,cll tnot r•ctured ltn­d.s Pf.l\.jlf.IJ'h) 7 ,.,..,,,,,nt Pro(c~\Or '" Rc~auoral S...:u~n~.:c' f r.tn~.:es \ t oort'

American Politics Class Tours Washington D.C.

Eight studcnh from the \ mcnc.ln PolitiC' cia", taught b\ Dr Ra)mond ll<>r).t<lurcd <lUr nation's capnol '" \ pril. The s tudents !<lu red other American hernage cities such as Philadelphl.t and :>..e" Y<lrk

"It "a' one of the m<Jrc producuvc umcs \\CVC had there:· -a1d Dr nor~ "\\ c got to sec all the animab in one place ..

Students sa" J><>hllclans 'uch as J..:cnncd), Humphre), Flliot Richard"'"· "'"'ngcr, and others

First Year For Audio-Visual Major

\n mtcrdl\~lphnar~ maJor that prc,ented v.mou' aspcch of '"ual commumcat10n' "a' added to the currkulum th" }ear "We feel that one bcnctit of the program " that "c'rc not limned to one profe"or," ,,tid \ 1r. llcrb .Johnson, Director of the \1edia Center.

The ne" program ".!' .tn out-tanding 'u.:ce'' th" }e.tr, and enrollment '' expected to double next )C.tr

for i\ud•o-visual maJor' Although A \ maJor' ma) go 1nto educational or

profe"ional telc•·"•on, the) are not hmned to JU't that Related course' 10 photograph), JOurnah,m, ,pcech, and other area' ,upport the maJor.

Jam Joo« •atchcs the monitor and 1hc H1)mccomtnl Jame 01ro.:tor of the \1cdta { a'l1cr Herbert Johnson Rcfcrcncr L1branan and Calaklgucr tarohne lf.unlc\

.& Ro•cna Ol~n. Labrauan ~ Flla F rant7 ( lcn ... -al \uast~nl

Suun &chic fmch the hbrar~ a QUICl rlacc to stud\ .. San<h \lc"<:.ndC"r, 01rc~tor of I e3rn1n1 Skills< enter heirs IMI\ I c"'t\ •11h hts "ludtco;


Saga Food Service: A Definite Improvement

Saga Food Sen I<C th1s \car rcpla<cd Slater\ m Prcpanng food for \i<Phcr"'" College Student> The ne" director, \ 1r I ou k.cll) .• mempted to "make mcah more cnJO)ablc" lou pro'lded special services known as "monoton) brcakc"" \\h1ch included do-ll­your-self sundae's and tacos. ;md "Drive- Inn "-He"

Students "ere allo\\cd unl1m1ted seconds c<ecpt on steak n1ght Steak "·" ser.cd l\<ICC month!)

The maJOnl) of the studcnh hkcd the ne" food sen 1<c, and most thought I! "a' un C\<cllcnt lmpro,·e­ment O\er last \Car

\1 \1"1 ''\S.( l ll.Jn llomcr \kr· r1n c,l~rr~). \t,).e \\ ookJndge Bctrurd ( lwu-. lcrf\ Tobia,. ~"b' I C'l~nd. Crar) \ ancal. J D "f'l~o.hcr. l>clbcn ~math. ('>C!:.tl· cd) \hrcrn P .• ~er C o~rol leland B,IJ c Beeler, \hr\ "-lln•c«,, I lh.t G.lSs lkrlha (,o~llo"'a\ and Tcnnac \\ lhOtm\ l <.iCt1UlB read\ IO pour COrh:fC'tC ror f~C' \he ~lu.d. as ()Qn \hs.on 1 I dl13 Cr.Jb wOrH lurd to l..cer the.., l dan 4 1-\.tU~ lOft \1 ano~,cr \\ anona (j\)tjfrc\ < I 001> ~I R \ I([ PI RSOS. S. ll Jeanne lan~lC', \dma S,J\:OJofs}.~ \dl \h.· (. ll\ l)rU\IIIa l>un~n. \nna Kred, \1a tdd.1 \lo~llcnu., \1arlc ~hr p: \\ hm · \1 brc .. ht. (),,n tr...ell\ and Lou tr...dh b I oud Scnu~c: ~~ 1na~cr I uu ~ell) 1 (,all \1illtr hk\lrd fur 01 n,liCtkll()\.. 1n lhl:



Duties Continue Through The Year

The dutie> of the different 'ecrctane> emplo)ed at \1cPher-on College conunue throughout the ~car. Fall term lead> to Spring term and Sprong term lead' to the Summer term. The >ccrctaroc> "ork hard to keep their paper "ork routme effictent.

Dcbb•e \\ ;sgoncr t amru~ Operator Sc: ... rct.lr\ to the l>can ol Student\ ( md\ 1\.\»ehn ~uct.H\ to the l>c:an of \~o..1dcmH.: \ffa1r' Bctt\ Han.:hc~~h SccrciJr't 10 the: PrcMdcnt \lma Bruce Jo..:Jrlcnc ,l'tlcr \dm•niOft) Sc<:rctar) or ·\lumn• ;.1nd Publl~lt\ \nn.a \t.u: Hull Jo Stubb't , \dmlhlon'

Rcghtr.;ar\ Sc:crci:H\ \''I!'"'"' SundJhl t ontanutng I duauon Sl!crctJ.f\ s . .un .. Plcnert

10 Sccrctar) to the OarC\:tor \l( [k .. ctopmcnl Be ... ._ .. Hurr

Bu~ancs' OfiKc ( IC'r~ J.lid.JC' Shor \ ... counu. P.J~ablc (led. l>on hcdnc.kwn (hid' \ccounta.nl ThclmJ !'\hccu ~a:rcun- to the Ru~~no \tanaJ:er \hr,:arct Reese PJ)roll (fer~

b Students •etc able to r«c.t'o'C con\O ucd 1 ,.hale: ' tan{!: I he: \t..,Phcuon \h'C'um 7 \ t~tuHcd bro .. n bear ~ onh one of the nun\ " ldhfc osnamals. prncocd •I the mus.cum X \h S \I I >ell. IT\:In.JI,t'r of the \h P!\cnon \luscum

The McPherson Museum: A Ph1ce To Learn Of Pa'>t In '76

Ounng our nauon·, B~eentennoal )e.tr, the \ 1< Phcr,on \lu,cum pro· vtded an excellent "a> lor ,lUdenl\ t<> ktrn ol \kPhcr,on College> hcrnagc

The museum b.:gan '" I S90 1n a ro<>m 1n Sh.trp 11.111 Stuffed un mal, "ere donated b) the T;l\adcrm~ c.:tt'' \'more a terns "'ere collected 11 v.,h

mu\ed IOlO the fourth Jloor Of ll.trnk) 11.111 ( >ntrabuuon' "ere made b> Dr \ lohkr. Dr '•~hunger, and the

Strau'e fa mil) •n \ 1oundndgc, I\ an'·'' Bccau'e I he collcdlon "a' t>.:,om· n' '"large. the c.lllege m01ed the mu<cum to the \amman Home

The \!amman Home "as olfic•all\ named the \ kPhcr,on \J u,eum 1n 19M and i'JO•ntl> o"ncd b) the ell\ and the college

Con'o credit "a' offered b) the mu cum th" \Car, "'that s1Udcnb could learn of \kPh<r,on (.oilci;c'' past



We "ere able to enJO) the nght> that "ere brought about b) our ance;tor> determanauon for Iibert) lndl\idual freedom' ga'c U\ the nght to read the paper, attend organ11auonal mccung,, vote, and ex pre" pu bite


Freedom Of Religion I ( \\ VIC<

2 \n,..c I (ll p!.tH the au tar n lhc- QUICI 'oJOn'l durtnf: j TU~) Babic ilud\ meeting ) Jean 8ur~.:h:ard. Robm Ito.: and \n' c I \ SCIIOJ;Cihcr to ~tud) lhc R&b!c: 4 ~ut'n Hrubaler, lru. M. and ~IC\C Hurl-holder mecl for \oren


Freedom Of Speech "'-en f 1n tl \ 1u•

~rc<~"-~ about bJb\ carra.a~n and v.omc:n 2 PI \' I R~ Cllll ~•r<n '-'hopple l No ) odcr ( hrn.t) '\ oung (,,tlcn Ro\cr tr\cnt \\ a,:oncr, '- tnJ. '~~nru:ttc ~hcrcc= U<llman and Jan ~hrCI\:~

I Sherr\ l od.•ood ruttenlh \lliill1~ for curt.t•n tunc .! \1 Pft l\ ~I 0\H G \ R.u..~ Ro"" \1clc Rober~<. ...:tnt\\ a goner Rod 'chrc. (jo~Jen Ro\er. R.mde Short. \l•ddlc Ro""

()CIU!ot' l.cv.ahllen ( hn,l\ 't oune J.tn ~hr01.:l. In l>cll. Dcbb•c 'ilrontt. \nne I r"man ~arlene T\lcr. hont Ro,., '-hcret I 01.:l.v.ood, Dunna \1 llcr and Ocn4

tSoC' \ldltr


I \llriiiR'O' <OIII!ol <O"IRT CHOIR Bul R.,. R rb "\v.~rtt.. I net Rrumb.::luJh J hn \\ aconcr, l>•.anc \\a son ~en I rant7 Man Bc.h "\n)d~ ~1m ~~~. P u I u'l CJcnc R rrc•• \hn CJrO'oc l>.u rei f flOl. (. ch3 StO\Cr Uavc ( laauen Rrcncb "\Jnger I 1m ~ rte d I u \nn ~en, lcrr)' s .. htc.. \nne i rt m:an Pc~g} <•o.JU£!hnour I ront Ro" Ron \den ( O•re.;:IOr) ( onnac Jonc. llou& Rrchm. \ureha Sm•lh Ste-oC' ( ulmcr ~o~th\ llunn ()o~"c I ranu '\hcrn I (M..l~~oood. t\cnt \\ .sj!:oncr. \nn \1 wn. \rl<m t , .. hburn. f,:11 ~Jcllm. \lien Rcbm;.1n, fldcn H 1\-MCS, Dun s~ n.. ( hn.,t\ 'nung. Rod \1uorc lkbb1c Stun~ 2 I he< htlu f'O'C!!. vHth < on!r!rc1sman Ci.lfncr I ShrJ\Cf on the llou!tc "lcp-. ot the (_.1p•tol bua1d.n(l:

I <IOSPII Sl'\fif RS Jctr\ S...l'll<k, llcbbic I liM, PCI.tl:) <1ark. £ba)nc J.u.:'l wn, 1m 7ool ·\Han Rcbm.an Seated P.au1a I usl ~ath)' Uunn 2. \11 '-S I 'It Ll n CIIOIR 8><• R""

Ron \den. \\ nlq ~ours«:) Dan Rc\oolds Ci.dcn Snell, P.aul \\ agoncr Rev \\ ;a)M ( hnst. I ctand I engel, Ra)• rnond I lory hont R..,... Ruth Snell. Ooris Coppxk. Paut \it11er 1 arr} ~1l1C'I. \1uhn f ranlt, B.Jb Cir«n ) C IIOIR I '-Sl \181 I I eft To Roght

Rtcnd.a S.anscr. P~Q) Googhnour 1\rnt \\agoncr. S1c"c f ulmer. Oon Sv.Jnl, \ht) (jfO\C', 8Jrb s .. lnk, John \\ agoncr, Ron \den -\nne l rL'rn:.n, DJvc ( b .uuc:n. \1Jr) Beth Sn\dt'r


The Pep 8.1nd rl.lh ... lin Lod. mt mer dur ntt a ( tball g me R nd d1rC'ctor Larr') "c:trcl conduct~ the ( on.,;crt K nd

J 8R ''~ [ 'SI \tOll "en f r nl7 (jcnt R..urc I. hn \\ a;:oncr f) \C I ranlr and T 1m s.:ofield


Freedom Of The Press

I lean HIJ ~ltJ.nJ maln rr~hnl ror 4;Upc!lk.I!S ror lhc ftomc I co­flam~.~ .ulc ' 110\11 I< <l'0\11( ~ < I l R "-arcn \\ cd, lpn s, .r \ng1c I o' "hav.'1 "h.ulc' I ttJcl flcrbcst. Jca Bur~ rd ' I)

( orrdl, JJnc \ bn1h1 'u n Rxhlc \ u;k1 ( hr l\ l uc;\ Fnd C\ < urol I ce I .n.._c \t blc " ngcr l>orcnc l.arl) ( oon1c '' hols

Freedon1 Of Assembly

I \\R.,In CIIIIRII\OIR" J•ne \ bnght ( or na Uc n.. \t \o Ur c \t ~c \\ ou!c) lkbb1c ll'kb ...,hcrry l oc .. •ood Steve I u mer 2 Jl 'lOR \ \R'-In <"IllER If \lit R!-. I \nd \lhe t n (ben h gu\OP "·~~~ ~ b n. \ n \\ J:fhll'

I \\0\11 VS \Till Ill( \'S()( I\ I lOS So3nrlon~ t>cnos.c (.fCC\ .In,(. d1a StO\t'f, \nn I obbJn "'~:atcd. ( aroh'l ...,mtth. :-,.~nd\ L o..hb.tut!h. J.tnu.;t (. orde-11. ( rnd't \ nd-u~er ~ \t ( ll B Stand'"¥· StcH· Hur~b~11dc:r l>.tft1C1 Jonc:,., J>e,tc:r l ca!:h. I n .. IIC'rm.an. \nn l obNn l1o.3 ( •.1 ~·II ( ooch \rt R.&\ P.&m \kdlord. \t1\r.C' \fm,uum. lknN" ( r«l.tn (,curd \hfo. Jeanne SulltnlroJ\ Stt\C ( amcron, ""tC"t' tlerm.1n "x-atcd. 'roll RobtnloOI'I. I rtd1c 'A 1bon. hfi .. R.sdcr S nd't I ~hb3u~h. ;o.,hdl41 Thom~n. hn1cc ( ordtll ( 01'11\J ll<.1n \11.._, Halle). lo..cnl


I ~()( I \1 (0\l \II Til I 8 l R • R n \I ""' lUnde '>hort Rod ( oolc Chc r \I 1>1 nc: '.:"comer I \nd.J \lhcrton \I n R 1:c~ CMug Rrchm I ron1 R :.-. < n \h. son 2 PI'(,J'()'(,l[\\1 P c\\ 1)"1n.,.,frl Chr C erl \ \1 Jn1Bru Jc:rr1l


Freedom To Petition The Government 'TLDE'T COL 'CI

'i~ohn;.uthm.an ~ at 'un th '1 \<Lms. SIC\ot liur,.hoJdtr Pr

Students Discuss Problems With Trustees I or J' n,an~ \c.1r .. a' JOH'Inc .,;.10 remember 'tu­

dent'. facu1t\ and trustees h,l\c debated problem' concer '"~ \1 phcrson (nllege Th" )ear "J' no C\·

ccpt n Stua "" and facult\ met "oth the college tru,t. , d CU>< problem' 'uch as open dorm,, the \udoo-\lsUal program, '•" and old maJor,, and man)

other otcm' of tmponancc to student>

These 'c"oon' Jrc 'ct up c'pcCiall) for factng the,e problem' a' "ell ·" JU't makong the tru,tce' a"are that the'e problems .ore,, concern The tru,tcc- gcner· all) ,ho" a undcNandong that the problem' arc om­ponant to the ''udent' dnd then the problem' are d"cu"ed and the ,tudcnt g"cn an an'"cr

Thr<>ughuut t h~ h~>tnr\ of m.wktnd, spurt' has been the grc.tt harmon11cr of the hum.tn f•culttcs \1 an has found that compet,tton h the con,cr· \31M ot mora ment.tl, .tnd ph\<Kal h~ahh


Jackson, Team 1st In KCAC fhc \fcPhcrson ( rc"' (ountr~ team e'!dcd the sc.tson ".th d fi"t place lin"h t'lthc

1\t \C conference meet Dc"a)nc Jackson. JUniOr. placed I st. I redd~ \\ thon. fresh· m"n· "•" second \l~rt 7<~,ala. freshman. fim,hed tn ft(th pos.tton, lind D.ne Burge'"· sophomore. "a' ,J,th

Coach \rt Ra) "'" \er) plea,cd '"·h hts team's performance thts )CM l ie felt that at the ~gtnntng of the 'ca-on \lac "as one oft he "c.tl.cr tcar.s m the conference. but that the1r detcrnunatton and dedtcatton made them conference ( hampturs

l"'u runners placed at the D"tr~<:t 10 meet. \\tth la<kson cmmng tn mnth. and /,1\ala plactng 40th The team .tho to<>k fourth place h''"''" tl the \li<>uun \.tile) ,\m,llcur ,\thlcllc l mon meet, ,1nd frnm there, lk\\ nne rcprc•ented \kPher"m ( ollcge at the ~a !luna I \teet "here he turned tn ,tn Ouht,tndtng !2nd pl.~ee fint-h





Women 1st In ACCK Th" ~car' "'omen·, tenni' 'ea,on ended "ith a 7 I

total meet re.:ord ""h the team plac10g ht 10 the ACCK. and 'ccond an the 1-..C \C \II indiVidual' had "'nnang record,, "llh \nn Lobban go10g undefeated 10 \Ingle' conference pia) Coach Dom Coppacl. "a' plea,cd "llh her team·, \Cason record and anticapate> .a e'en bcllcr team next \Car "ith all team member'


Singles Record

I i'a Ga,kall 9-6

2. t-.arcn Burkholder ! 2-3

3 Ann I obban 13-~

4 Cind) \nd,agcr 10-5 ~ I <lrt 'cltcn !0-5

6 Sam Cordell !1-4


Karen Burkholder Cand~ \nd>ager 9-6

2 l."a Ga,kill Ann I obban 12-3

Sam Cordell I ori '-el1en 9-6

1\nn I (lbban returr,., a lu~ 110llc) to her \.lrtf'l>ncnt 2 l\Jrcn Burkholder u'c' J I'AO h.tndcd ""•lc to return a \t:r.,c l l11r..1 (,a\\.111 .. c;r'c' to her onhcr,,H\ m 01 11ar..~t\ m.u~;h · 4 191~ \\<omen 's tcnms 1c.1m B..:.nom R,1V~ I lUI (,,h\.111. SJm ( llrdcll, Tor R<'..., ~arcn 8urkh~l1dcr, ( md\ \n-...gcr, \nn l obban 'vt p1~.:turcd SJnd\ !-,tubb~.l m· dl <•ariJnd

Volleyball Eludes Women lne~perience plagued the young Bulldog Volleyballers thts past season as

they "ere able to record only four matches on the plus side of their score­books. Although the books 11.on·t sho-.. it. the girls played with a great determination and poise throughout each conte>t and gained "hat "ill be very valuable e~perience for ne~t year.

Volleyball is a ne" varsity sport at McPherson College and the girls appeared to face more e~perienced teams dunng thetr matches.

1 Deb Stephens scu up a teammate for a !i.ptkc 3ohot 2. Pam \1edford prcpar~ to dcfcn~c a 'hot b) a lr\ \\ L pla)er 3. 1975 \\'omens Vollc~ball team· Bottom Ro..., : Sheila Thompson. JUnior; Sam Cordell. M>phomore; Pam \.1edford. JUnior. Top Ro..., Deb Stephens. fre~hman; Linda Pfalzeraf. \Ophomore; Jeanne Sullentrop. Junior; Dems.c CrC\an?t. \Ophomore. '\ut pictured Ctnd) Smith. frc:)h· man; Carol~n Sm•th. frc .. hman: Ceha StO\er, \<)phomorc and Sand) Stubb)'. JUnior



R(l .. One lt.uo1d Rl)SC ~tC\c Burt.ho dcr StC'\"C \ t~KI!nt. "db.rd St~plcton. l .arn (ulbcr l>ou,: l .;1,urht J,>hn Ro~dcr Gerard \hJo. S..:)(t RobinWlfl Ro ... T-.o Rte~ \h.l.arcn Stcn Cameron. \t.u .. c.oodh.tn.(aic:) Jo~~ookt, l>.tmd J~. Stc~c J u 1\ \00. f.rn. Iierman RO\Io lhrcc Robert hrP \tontc ~pan~Jcr l\cnt \h;[)c.v.cll. \l.u~ \pptl I rn. l .al rMr Glenn "tud.) \lllurl Rav. loor lknms l oton. S1mm) \\allace Rurl~tcphcn s~l~\ tOOAc:, \1td.~ Rcn~rt. \I1Lc lc,ght RO'* la\C \hkc Ore.,.. , \l1~c l'*lft@! 8i>bb\ CHO'OO \hrk \crd1 John \d~ms 1 rul "'-obt.a Ro• s~, (rnch Don Ronunter < oa~h '~bn ~.dm.tns < ooch c.Jcnn \ndcrson.l o.JCh J1m lbucrifeld. \1 S •mm1~

trtmer I urn Sherer mo~nagc \ [)c\\ ,... Br I ' I mm•n l nfi td

Bulldogs Show Vast Improvement The \1cphcr,on Bulldog,, pla\tng ""h " lol of

><>ung t<~lcnt, came through the 'ea,on \\ith htgh ex· rcctat i•>n' for nC\t )Car The Dog> gained valuable C\pcriencc. but lini>hed the "'"'on "ith u 2· 7-1 rc· cord . The McPhcr,on offen\C ,ho"cd the mo't im· pr<>vcmcnt thl\ )C.Ir. fini,hmg 'ith in the conference 10

P·"''"ll .tnd 6th 10 runnmg Sorhumurc fullb.tck \h>nte Spangler ru,hcd for 'i04

)ard,, and Denni' Colon ended up ""h l09 )ard,, to tor the Bulldog ru,hcr' Jum<>r Scou Robin'"" had 410 )Urd, \\orth of rcccrt10ns. "ith man) of them conun!', from I rc<hman Quarterback \l1kc l"tng, "hu led the 1e.1m '" pa,smg Ste\c Cumcrun ""' ~nd tn the cunfcrcncc tn punllng. a><raging Jl>.l )ard' per


Sorh,>murc htc Herman earned Honorable \ len liOn \II Conference for the Bulldog offcn'e

The Dcfcn'c ftni,hed 2nd tn the Conference tn Total dcfen'e fur the 'CCilnd ) car tn 3 ro" S" arming tech· ntquc' .tnd aggre"''c ria\ he Ired to earn the Bulldog' th" honur

Steve Aurkholdcr, SeniOr Safct). e<~rned unammou' ·\ II Conference 'tatu,, .dong \\ith Junior cornerback .l.tck R.tdcr. Gcrr~ \hgo, tackle. c..rncd Honorable \1ention

.luntor end Ste\e Jack,on led the team tn Quarter• back'·'"'' "1th 12, Sentor \ lark Goodhart. lineback· cr, had 5 fumble rcco,enc,, Jumor Ca-C} Ja\\ur,kt b),,.; ked J ktd,, and Juntor Stc,·c Iierman. and (ilenn Stud). both tnterccrtcd 2 pa""·

Offense Shows Promise

I 1 nc lltrman. OHtn_'\1\C Juoard. rt~o.CI\ed I loner able· \1cnt•on \II (onfcrcn'e dC"opHc bc1n' InJured much of the ~e.uon 2 \I lturt, ~u.tnerba~."l hotndi off to IXnnl\ < olon •ho follo-.s the bkk:~ms: of Oamcl Jono ruard and \1-:.ntc ~ron1ler ruUb.tc lo. ' ~t('\lc llerm3n aucmpL" .s field 1001 as \1J.n. (joodhart stadu:s the botll 4 \I flurl f.Jlcs to \1..>ntc 'po~n~ler I hen dr~ bad to pau •~ the offcns1vc lmc ..t'h up to bhx ..


Coaches And Players Work Together

Coachc' "ho arc .1blc to commumcatc "tth the1r player' arc necc"1t1e' of the game of football . The coachc,· ""dom a' "ell a' their pcN1nahue,, deter­mine "'hcthcr the team "10~ nr lo,c~. JUst as much .t\ the pla)Cr,· 'k1lb and talcnh The ,ca,on record. ho"· c"cr. doc,n·t ,tl"a~\ dctcrmtnc ho" 'uccc,,ful d 1cam h." been. The gro"lh, de\Ciopmcnt und maturll\ of the )OUng men rla\lnf, the 'J'Orl I' jU\l 3\ lnlJ'OrlJnl In

dctcrminang the 'uccc'' uf ,, team

I II\: d '"" h l),,n Rommgcr d1~u\!oa a r;t'' paucrn ...,,,h Jumor ~rht end ~'-\'It Robsnwn 2 ( I).Kh S.1lm.tn' C\f'l.un'i u blud,,ng ""'gnmcnl 1tl I rc,hnun \h\.c Ore"' durm@ a pr.l~.;l•ce K~ ton J' \\ lll.trd Staplcwn and l.lrf\ (;slbcn ,,,.,_~._ on l ( \lil~o.h (,Jcnn \ndcrwn and Sensor ..... ,fct\ StC\e Burl>.. holder pultlt' o'er a dcfcn~1\C '111U3ttOn dunn~ il p.: me ( ooch H.tucr\ficld huddl~ llollh tn~ ddcn t\t bou.~ filth I >A C. Bruce l e"a len and l.arr) lahmcr

Bulldog Defense Tough


'~ -~· ..

I lkh~n~•\.: end Stc\e Jad .... ;n t.l~o.~tc: Cu:tr) \!1~0. ~.orncrbotd. JJ<"._ RadJr and dc:fcn .... \c end 1-\cnt \h:(),>~tll ~"'.Hm •n for the ~II ;u the pposms ball~. rncr ha!io "'IO"'Mrc to go ~ \II ,,.-ont~. .. r.:n<.:c ~:ornc:rbad. JJll. H. dJr 'hO\\s~:ona:nt allon a' he a•alh the "nap of the ball 1 (a~" Ja"•,n'-• dta'll) hiHIUh.k.nru 115 hr a s 'lcquartcrbacl and fullb.Jd, alm~t b<f'-"rc ttlc: pia) 'cts .. tartcd Bultdo~ c.crr" \ •Jo "l10\t"\ to help lOLK) and to plu' lbc: hole .$ \II ( onfercn~o.c sdn:t1on C .ern \hl!!o and ..a n mou.\ \ ( onfcrcncc ..,. fct) "tC\C Bur,_ holder rrcparc 10 meet the foe



Bulldogs Win Early, But Lose Late

1q1c; Bllli>OC, H\~"'118\ll l T R Coach Joe J hntson <.ar It \\n P decn Jcrr~ (lutlt\ () 1c 'u bern Jamn(,f'O\t.\ \ndrc• fka,c~. ~b Hurh m. \\,Ill cc 'oun,:blood I rr.., Sherer. Jlead (oa h J m R..t crsfted

I h~ 1'17' Jla,lo.ctb.tll '""'on 'tartcd \<llh high hope' lor the \1q,herson Bulldog,, Coach Bauc~ficld',

troop' h.td a lot nf good t.tlcnt .tnd ~'<ere c\pccted l<l do "ell. I hd Dog' \\On thetr ftr-t outtng of the ,e,m>n, h.tndhng the B.trtb\llle. Okla. roundballcr' b) ,, one J'<>llll n1.1rgm The Bulldog' conunued 10 pia) g<l<l<l b.tll, c.trntng .tl.l<>Ul a )00 average Then came the ~.une "''h the I .tb<>r BlueJa)'· It ha' been '"'d that "hen tl r.tin' 11 J'<)Ur,, and thl' j, cxactl) "hat h.tp· pcned to th<· \1cphcr"'" Bulldog, The D<>g' "ere ,e,erl) trounced b\ T .tbor .tnd Coach Bauer,fteld "a' f<>rccd l<> su,pcnd Starter Jamc' Gro'c'. and '"th nt.tn t arl II til T hesc l"o pla,er' "ere both \en unportanl cogs tn the Bulldogs "heel. and the) "ere sorcl) mtsscd I he [)"g rebounded I rom the apparent

'etbad \\llh a great \ldOr) o•cr St \1Jr)' of the Pl.un,, '"onng more than ,, hundred ('<)tnt' tn the effort ·1 ht' 'uccc'Ss \\,h nm enJO)ed long The Bull· dt'!o!' JU>t could nut get on the "tnntng track and \\ere hurt b.tdl\ b) l.tck ol c\pcrtencc and depth. hen the ouht.tndtng pl.t) ol ) nungbluod .tnd Durham couldn't put \l,K b.tck nn the" tnntng tr.tclo.. Then roundb.tiJcr, \\ "' P.tdgctt .tnd I ern Outlc) dectdcd to call tl 4Uih lur pcr,nnal re.""n' and ( mch llauer>lteld wa' lorccd tu Ur.tY.. c\cn deeper tnlo ht!j, rc,cnc ... llo\\C\Cr \\llh e3Ch g.tmc the )<>ung 1nd tnc,pcncnccd pla~er' "ere unpro\lng and the' ended 1he 'ea,on '-'ith a con\lnc­tng \J<:t<1r) u\Cr l ~bor \tcPhcr>on College then re· ccl\c'tl sttll o~nothcr blo" \\tth Coach Baucr>ficld an· nounung h" rcstgn311un il> llcad Ba,ketball (ooch

Durhan1 All

J\ f!Ood loo\. at the IJIJIIdogJ 1onc ddcnie' aJt tn\t I nrrad a!> \\n P.ad~clt p.•mh the ball B.,b r>urham C\Wcn the man com1ns acrou the lane and \hn l>ucrkwn and \\alla~o.c '\ nungblou~ c \'Cr ur underneath :! Bob ()urham \II tr.,.( \( p1 k " rms up before 01 1 me B<lb ~hot a hot 'cy,; from the fie d th~ ~n dnd a\lcraecd lb pomu and 10 rcbounch per ron tat 1 I r~hman \ ndrcv. B \IC--s. lc..tp for the Jumrb II V.. al a~.;c '\ oungblood mO\e<ro m for l'lc c rom 4 l>urmf! Jum r \ .u~ll) ct J&m Stac •b t cd or a foul .u. \ndre .. fk:s..,cn and JcrT\ ...,m\. look at t 'tC r n d bch


Women Tie For 2nd In Conference Play 1 he \\ •men' ba>kctb.ll tc~m ended up" th a >e~

ond place fin"h'" the KC \ C for the >econd )Car 10 u ro" The roundballer> "ere e\trcmel) compellti\C throughout the entorc>ea,on and onl) after a lo" on the final game of the 'ea>on dod \luc have to >ettlc ford >hare of >ccond place

I I~J'i \'"urnc:n' UJ,._eab.lll,l R. Jana .. ( o1dtll. lc nne Sullc:ntn,r. I. nctle JlJid· ncr.< 1mh \n\Jtzcr l>.:m\c l rtcv '"'· l1\01 (J..a,l-111, P.1m \lcdh111i '·>• pu.:turcd ( cha "'ihi\-C'f, ">.tnd't "tubb\ 2 J•nctle R;ldncr leo~«h the Hutld~ ra .. t br~aio. • S.1nd' 'itubb\ P.-m \kdrord l>cnL\C' < ret"\ n!ii. and < cha "'o'er r~,uo~ up 1o heir

Jeanne Sulk ... rup •.. d C td\ \ od,~gcr \\ere buth ,efc.tcd for the honor of rcprc>cnung \lac on the \II· Conference teaOl Jeanne had h~ 'tcah for the >ca,on and J\<raged 1' I pomts per g.ome Cond) a'cragcd I'\ 3 l"'inh per conte" lor the Dog>. and "a' onllmt· daung on defen>c.


1 tmd" \nsa,:cr ""on \II< u terence- horh)f~ lhh \Car f->r the \ld•hcr'ill1 Bulldogs ( lnd\ rtncd ... lhc cmtcr f'J"'IIU)I1 nd d m c:d pb~ ill the pos111on t and) •n \Cr) 61~curatc from a he dd :and her de cnsc- and rebound­"~ m.1de her a \oliU3blc uct t the lcam

.. JeAnne :-,uUcntrur w.a" \oC' cdtd 1 the \ ll on!crcncc Wiuad th"' )C r tt•no.ard Jeanne .a nJtur.al athlete c uld be '" untcd on tog \C OC U all ILIDC\

' J.tnl' ( ordc:ll. Fuard for 1hc ~('men tc 1m " "'the floor IC' d..:r l l..rc .. c I~X'l .. •nsLdC'h.)herbL~f!Curlcmh•pnof"ur'-ln~lhc~ll n~ol~c 1 th.,;b.t let 4 r>cn• .. l" < rcC\a~ and l md\ \n ~cr come •o meet the b.! I \\ uh bu1~ w.l'lmcn rla\mg m~hk iH•lund ~t bonio..~;"t HC' • the Hulldo~"' coni :oiled the rcboundiOJ!l un both t'nth •ll th(' court


Men Finish Strong In Conference Meet Thb ~car's tra~k t\!'.tm frm~hcd tr,1 c." 'c..:ond 10

the -.>nfcrencc meet as "ell a' 1n the \t ( li: meet held at \kPherson It "11' a tc~m of \eteran' \\ith people hkc F·nc IIerman, ~nd fred \\ li'on leadmg the '-'U}

for the flulldugs

llcrm.>n """the l>»cus for the ,econd )car in 3 '""

"'th ,, to" of l 'o' l>.l\e ( .tnt\\Cll fm"hed 'econd nght behmd f ric \\llh .> tn" of ~~~· t'.tnt"ell also fin"hed 'ecund >n the 'hotput tn the lc.tguc "'th ller-

m.tn co. ng 10 fou th n the .1 no e\en l redd\ \\II­"'" broke ht' o\\n record >n the ~~0 )d d.t,h "llh a ttme of ~X 0 fred also \\On the ~~0 '"'d at the confer­ence. Dan SJuJ,bcrr\ 'ct ,1 ne" htghjump record "tth " leap of 1>'1>" The te.•m c\Celled 1n the f1eld C\Cnh and lung d~>tancc r.tcc' th~> )C.tr.

f red \\ ''"'"· h1c IIerman. and De\\a}ne Jack,on nil quahf1cd f<>r the n.tt>un.>l meet

0..&-.c C 1ntv.ell bc~uL' h1, thro"' an the ~ohotrut 111 the ICJIUC meet " ()cv.J)nc Ja(\r.'ioOn ~.rn-.~ .. llc finhh hnc dunntt the mile racC" ~~ 8dh;.m) J f red \\ tbon ~orne§ ,JUt or the block' tn

the .uo )d d "" 4 Hruad JUmper SIC:\C' I h::rTnJn 'trC:h.-hl:, for d1U.ance


Women Tracksters Place 1st In KCAC \\om~n\ track th1' )Car m the J.;C \C ,.,, all

\1cPher-on The "omen·, team dommatcd the enure conference ·1 h" \C r'' team mclud~d man\ ouhtand· lng 10d1\Jdu.t1 pt.:rf ~rman'"""~· a~ "ell.~, a gn .. -dt 1cam c1 on lean Su ·nth'fle ~cl a n.:v. rc~ord m the ~:o )d d.tsh "oth 11 •~ ''' 'o.' ,c,ond, Jane II Baldner set n nc" ~~() Hl da'h record '" a umc of n I 1 'ec on<h Th~ rela) team of Sull~ntn>p, Baldn~r. She1la lhnmp,on, and (onna Dean 'ct.t nc" ~~0 )d rda) record 10 '0 I> '~cnnd>


Sl {\ \1iiCi ho.,.~ t\cellcnt forTI s she .,a\n thc ~hOl rut " (I)Jiftl l>c~n .tnd SbetL.I Th m~n bur')t rrom the bi~.K.u n ·~ 100 d dJ.\h } Jiinc li 1ldnc uctc~ (1)1' I n e m rc !!he com~ .around the turn n • e .a.lo 'd d.nh


The'· '' ~roup "' brol.~ the \1cdlc\ rcla) umc m I '4 In t 1c field c'cnl\ for th~ "omen·, team thi, \C 1r Sulk rop br •kc the long JUmp record "llh a lc.1p of "'X Stac) \hie' brol.c the old 'hot put record "1th '"'' •ll ~K' I " Deb Stephen' 'et ne" record' 1n b.lth th~ d"cu' and J'c'in "ith thro"' of 14K'tl', and 127T' Ba,~d on thc'c ouhtanding per· form.tnce' dunng the ~e.tr, Suelkntrop. \Iii~' ami Stcph~n' qu.thfied for the 'atJonal, Sullcntrop pl.t<:ed e1ghth .tnd Stephen' placed fourth m the n:t· uon

Golf Team Places 1st At Conference Meet

\t the bqunnong of the ,c.l\on, Coach Paul \1ollcr ,tatcd th3t the RulJd,,g Golfe" \\ere JU't \tJrttng to pla\ up to thcor rotentoal That prcdictt<>n became \Cr) true a' the Bulldog' '"'n the conference th" ~c.or The ltnkmen 'hot 'trong .tll ,c.o,on. dnd \\Cre u'uall\ in the top four.

I 1 he lq'"tt C.nJf 1cam I R C o.sch PJul \tiller I \.,n ~n,lcr Btlb \\hHc <.rc~ Jranu Rrucc ( br\ '1d. lhn bcr•\ 2 I )nn ~euler ih<No!. conccnfralton as he J'l'iU.: ten Icc nr o J (,rtf! f r:tnu ~m ~ lhrou1h h~ follo'A up ~ \o:.~\\h1c "'"f'thec "nCr "'hO\Iot. the force of h 1 '"''"I \ ' ''' ILenbcrn a vel'\ con''' nt pe-r former (l)r ahc 1c.am lht' \ar 'A :~Sa rncd.J 1§.1 at the ..,_( \( mcc

< 11r) pracuco. tu~ fol ,.

Soccer Team Enjoys Successful Year

Soccer at \lcPhcN>n lollcge " a lottie ~"'"' n 'port The tc,tm doc'n t recctve much recogntuon or 'upport from the 'chool de,plle ha\lng a \Cr\

g<'lOd )Car SC\Cn J'Cllplc llO th" )CJf\ ,quad had nC\Cr pla\cd organtJCd S<><:Ccr before •nd the~ 'ttl! ltnt,hcd -1-~ for the season mcludtng a 10-1 vJCtor) mer thctr cro'' to»n ri,ak Central ( ollcgc

tQ"75 "lxccr tc.a.m "!Jnd•nl!. \ en Redman John R.:M ( hud. (u crt Rro~ c U. ag me R dcr \ .1n \anc t\ntthng: Ru~ llunt l>oo~: \ btn Reuben l.ur on lu ~ ,, rt n1

\ 1 .. ()wl \ "'ilcYC lllmeron C tC.l 1 Od.11\J.r.a

I "'iiC'\oC ( tmcron U..C\ I ht'.tlhhnl tor l" the ball 0 a le.JmnlJIC' ~ (,rant Od.t\..Ha .and \!len \ .tnctl battle' J.n 'IPf'lO""f pi Hr for poue!'f.\IOR of the ball • 1 RcuMn ( Olrrllln prCf\HCS 10 put u l.tkc on o~n opponent mo\c"\ the ball dl'""" the hcki

N etman Finish 2nd In Conference Meet

Th" )Car< •c.:ond pia.:~ frm'h .11 the 1\t \ C conlcr<"11Cc meet detcrmrncd a farr­h ,uccC1>,fu sc.t\on for the \fcPhcr,an College tcnnr' team ( ratg Holman, frc,h­man from \kPhcrson. "on the I'" I 'Ingle' rn .:onference pia). and Stc•c Burkholder "on the #l srn~lc' trtle The t'-'O then ,ombrncd Ill "1n second pl.tce rn #I con­ference doubles ucuon The tc.tm ·" a "hole.:ombincd l<>p<»t u ll-7 rccMd for the )e.Jr

I SIC\'C Rurlholda and ( r F Hofman 1 ~c 11 brc l JunnJ!: ~.:onfc:rrn'--c double~ a~;ttun The: pour ~A lin thn. m.III.:h '4hh.h CNblcd them to ria\; In the ftnab, 2 \ t.ut) \\.ard br.tcn hmt\t'l( h• rctur11 d S.Cf\C dur tn(l: ~.onfcrc:nr.:c actton 1 lh•u' Hn:hm return' .1 \'ollc\ ,.l!atn\1 01 confcrcn~,.-e ('rf"'ncnt dunntt the 1\( \( mcc• 4 '' "1mmt\ ihO'-"' contenlrMIIun ·'"he rrcrarc .. lO

""< ~ W.tl._ l>!lll rt' chn ht~h tn the: Dlt to K'I'\C loan opp>nc:nt dunna conference a tton

• • •

lndl\ odu.oht) the c'tJr.1ctcr ul qua lotte' th.tt mJkc ~ person h m\clf not .. omcon~ chc There \\CfC nc,cr ~n\ J'COplc \\ ho h\cd tn .on\ prc\IOU' tome Or rlacc \\ItO "ere the sane a' \\C .ore \\I \R~ Til l S l L­()1 '\ TS 0 1 l't'n

Faculty Selects 12 For 4 Who's Who'

1 \H;:I\~,; ~Cn ~Jf\ \\CfC 'l.U.~h:J b\ 8i.JOII01'lr~IOP" for mdu,1on 1~ til~ 1'17' '~"'on ol "\\ ho', \\ ho \mon~ Studcnh 1n \mcn•a~ C•>llcgc' and L nl\cr,lllc,."

rhc ... tudcnh \\Cflo!' t.:h~cn un the ba\b of their a..:k dcmll: and C\tr.l curru.::ul.1r .t~.:hlc' e-rncnt' Rcprc,t:nt­ing ~llmthl C\cr~ dcpJ.rllncnt and :u:tl\ll~ un .:ampu'. th~ l"chc ·"'"'de~' daun c1ghl d1ffcrcnt OMJor' and 'c"cn dlflcrcnt hum!.! 't~ll~~,

l.~eult) .md \dmm"lratu" "llh t\\O ~car' tenure arc .tll<l\\cd l•> Hllc 'icnlllr' ,elected 1ndudc: I \ 1ck\ Chr"t). ~. Stc<e llur~hnldcr. 1 lkm'w I C\\allcn. 4 <ia•lc and R1d. l>nll, '. R<><l '\chcr. 1\ (hri,t• \ •>ung, 7 John \\ ag<>ncr .tnd Stc• c I ulmer, X (a tin lbmm: (not ptcturcdl l>ebb1e Swlc .tnd R.tnde Shortc.



"'' '.101{ (I '"' 01 I H I H." ..,tt\C ll.llmcr I' 1dcn1 ...,tC\t \ nee • \ ~.:c P d ' 1 P "t dl (, 't (loU 'HCTtt 1\ Trt: I'('

J.a~M' \1 nftO\teh t h 1 \1 ' c c.at

( ..... rc- \pp: [)oil ( uric:• Iii

'" Rn.hard l>oll \\.;~meg;, ~' fl"hlf\

Herbert Dubu' \h. Pheaon ""' f 1.1lOOfniCS

Sh ron l nOio Rod> l ord Ldutallon

I)..Juzlau I a ugh I <~can 1de ( .t

Ph)'•~.tl I duat <IJf) r raru1

a~trtce 'cb




"IC\C I" me \\ ~

T n1 (,r \C

lnonvcl \Jr culture

\I> <II I<) \r"rh h~x: < olo 11\IN\ thC"rmc II mm \I lOR \ (' (

I rc I" I nl!u g

<. c I mb..:rt \ um~ < 1.1 I nl.'lrn''" .\ R \

fk l\4:1~ lien l nti, '() I liZh'h

H \ 1 C"l,

\I Phc I-• P \Chol I\

'und~ t O!ohbJu~h 1 , nd1)n I ntr nd I'""""' \ II \





'ttcphcn 0 ~mtth

Md'hcnon ~ I du~.: t n



Underclassmen ' ·'

Jt 'lOR< I ''"OttHIN"\ l1hnf~ de Pr de l...,uc< St: c n liar ld R~ \ li,;C: Pn.: d\;

fld n I ( hlum'>) \t~J1unon h.\

OnuJ '- 1a !l.t"n I lmrcn ' b

J~cf£\ ( i r~ ...,_ n Dtcr: < ltr

Hru""C C. n l t bool \lo

Rd (()(i..c l l ubhoc~ . fc,

Jcrd~n (.,~,.,nc

\I .. Phcncn h.t. l>c t n (odd gt n

11.11 (II\ "' "'\ c< m 1

l tn<h t ,rrc \blcnc 1\

~cnn't ( tt n \I Phcnon ...

l>crt~(rCC\ Tl

"\t lii•IOn 1\~ t hn~h~rher ( tl\ crt

\\cfhburi! 1.1

\11~ D.\'\ I I ' \n m ' ( (

( oun1 lh: n \btl~o:n~ "''

l>d1\ D~~oh \h l•hc:rwn "'\

\11h Drc-... It rr h.. O~lot

I r • J'Jul I' n ..

Be \c;r !.1 \111 • ., I ...,,n,

" '

I{ d ('\ ~-~ 11 ..

(.,l!r) ltr~ta~.m

\I..Phtr~"'" "'" \rlon I '\hhurn

I .J\\f~R\:C' "' " lm1l 'tm11,r

tl lll,b&Jro "'' lh1lxrt I r)

l •rt.m 1 J n.1 I ldn

\1,1'h~;r n "'"




( hchl I reed \\ l.,;hll "'

l un I ndlc\ \t \t rr \ II

l)(b (, ur l f ft,,cr I

ltnd <.~ r nd ( Of'IC'I (olio)





< nn c J nn k n ~~.e \

() lftlC \ I 0(1.

' nd rr ng_~ ()~ \l. llum hlne->

\ldvrrn ~ Sll<.~ron ~ern,

\11f1~n ~

lo...urt .,_tn~ \I .. Phcrs~ n ~o...~

lk\lcr lc H rd t I) ~

Kru"c Lc.,. en ( ••<~<> 'u

\ n I obb41n \t,.Phcr~n lo...

'herr\ I oc~•ood Hr ~h1on \ ol

\\1 m lu"e ...,. n c\ 1o'1o

l'.1u I u~._ k'IX~\ J' rd lo

( 1th) I ~n('h \\ dltn~l n ""

I t•rna \IIOJtU I a~C\diC' In,!

I Ul\ \ I'• .,qo \I r n1

P.t~nlt ( ''' I' nAm;s \nn \h\On

'hclbHtllc \I

'01'110\IOKI ll "' Dill! I R'

<he \i1lh:r \ld'hcrwn ~\

()(ni~C \t 1llcr 1 \ aJh:} ( CMI('T t....

l)l)nna \1111 r 1 \\ ''"h ta ~

'' I \Ill r \\ h ~1on "-\





1!. b '"' (}uc:ncmo "'"

1\..ucn ''-'htr \nn3 Ill

I> a d '~>"'--omCt" R,.;Hord Ill

l> nc '"' me R X\\ I ord t

\h.~~ Rcmharl lo~o~o nd "

'h01ron Rnn hh \1;~dnJ I

Jc.tn R•~hard' lk\ \1 tnCit

\td ... c Rdbcrl 1\;afb,a,(t,\ "' "

l\c(lo.'l' R btnwn \t Phcr n It\

, .. olt Robin n II tn\loood h.

Ttn R lOCh Qu ntcr It\

\t n Rogcn ( 1Ulhrtc \t •nn

1), nu:l '.1u/oibcrr\

' tt"' ( cnh•r "'"" l••m S.ndiC' I

(, IJcn ( ul l 1nn Sonier

\t hhn t.. Jcrn ' h~t k

loa•rcnce h.



Underclassmen .


1111~11\1\, (.l ,,, 0111 CIKS lr 1 II ~~;4,;~ llou¥ Hr~h J•r de 1 \\ tc: J rn n \ c:Pr dc:1 \ben/ \';,a 1 r(' urc:r




1\.arcn Bruba~tr contemrlat~ on "'hc:thcr •he: ,hould t.ta.nd an the lon~ 1nc for lunch

U nderclassmcn

Rcbc.:ca Stcv.ut R1npv.ood. Q,. ~

Ocbu \nn Stona '\t'l"cn\ . l.t

Cello~ StO\cr \tanhattan. ""

Glenn Stuck) \fcPhcr~on, lo,;-,.

Jean ~ucllentrop < ohuch ~'

lJ 'd SY.:.Jin

\I,Phcrwn. ~ HJrbaroa """ n~

1\Jpl.u \t.:nt llc:bbae s~~ouzcr

\\telllt.l "'

sn ron """•lltr \\ chal.l, ~'

K<Jnn•e 1 hom 1

"-<~n'a' (II\. \t<J '-'hc•l.t J I h~mpson ~and~<& "'-~

c •. a\le l nruh C •OCSJCI lr\,

\l.1n \ .. nell 'a>rtlln ~·

RLilh \nn \ .;~n RodeJ \1<Jnrco, 1.1

\hrk \ erd1 I 'c: .. ,or\. ' '

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Robert \1 \\ h•tc \t~Phcr n ~

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\bert /.1\' .:~ I Rod.' lord ( olo

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\\1 \\1 I Ul\11 s lllll 'I llll (f.. I 'I.

\' D S \\ "< ,s \( ((Jl 'Is

I ulll I \Our college lin,tncwl needs ut \1cl'hcr~·>n State IIJnk

\kPheN>n ( <>Uill} \

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\lcPIII RSO,, 1..: \ '" \S

Index \d.mh \brk 'I> 0 l \dams. Sian 31> \den, Ron ~s. 1>2 1>1 \Ibm, Dou~ '14, 103 \lbrccht, \\ h111 ~3

\lbnght, IJnc II, '' 6 , n. 103

\hgo, Crc<ard 70, 73, ~'\, 103 \lm,trum, \l1kc 7'. 9S \ndor-.Jn, <•lcnn 84 \nd ... tgcr, ( 1 nth .a 7 '· XO, X~.

w. 10, \thcrtun, I ~ nd.t 7 2. 74, I en \tkon,on, Donn~ .tn I 11.1 \"'ntundun. luliu' l!l1 \~er,, S.trah 71. IOJ Bachus. K.t\ '~> ll.rldner, Crl~n.t..:c 2K. I 0 J Baldner, l.tnell ~s. 92, '10, 103 BJid"tn fern 103 B.tll I\Jih1 77 liJrchcsl. 1. Bell) ~4 llmcll. (rene I 19, Q , 1>2, 65 B.1ucr.feld, Prof lorn ' 1 • b

Beam, l>Jnl 70. "6, 103 llcalloc, D.l\ld 27. 69, Q

lka•crs, \ndre11 S6, 7 Bc,l.er, Brlhe ~2 BhKhor, Bruce 103 Bode, Su,an ~. <1, f>7, f>K, 103 Btw.cn, I uann h~. IOl lim• man. P.mo 12, M• 70, 'II>,

129 llu1er. \nthon} 1' Brehm, Duugla' 1>2, 74 "'· 101,

II' Broberg. (i.lllc \ lh, IOJ Brub,ol.cr. 1\.tren 66, 101, 114,

19, <'1, 74 llrub.tkcr, 1 llrr\ 101 Bru<c, \lm.o q Brumbaugh, .l.onct 1>2, 74, IOJ Bucher, Susoe 101 Burden, Prof J,>hn I 11, 48 Burgess, !lave 2'1, 7'1 101 '10 Burl., loan 101 Burkholder, 1\arcn I b. f>o, 0


Burkholder Dr John 4 7 Burchard, lean S'l, 1>~. I>Q, Ill' Burkholder, Stephen h. <, 70.

84, K5, 9<, 97, "1, 7'. "b

Burr. Bed} < < Canfield, l·mmoll 101 C.tnt,.cll, Da<c 90. 'll Luper, Dr I ugenc 18 Carnon, Ruben 1>'1, '14, 103 Car,on, \l110 n'l, 98 Cam<cll, Roger 49, 101 Carter. D"oght 71, 'Ill Chlum,kl, lldon l 104 Chr""· \ rck) 1>~. '17 Claa"cn, lhvod 45, 62, 1>1 104 Clark, Jeff 'l Clark. Pegg} 10, '\ 1>3 70. 104 Clan, Bruce 4. 9, 6h, '11. 104 Clou,e, Bernard '' Ccxkrocl, Jerel1n 104 C odongton, Delton oil. '10. 1114 (oil on,, Sue 2, 70, I 04 (ol<>n, Denno' X.1, 1114 ( ookc, Rock 74, I 04, I OIJ Copp.x:k. Dr Duro' 19, t> 1 Cooper, Jc" 1~ Cordell, IJn~> n7, 80, Sf 71 s

X9, 90, 104 Corrcl, ( ond1 69 104 ( orrcl, Sail) 4 ~ 1>~. 70, 2~. I 0~ Cotlon. li:enn1 Ill>, 104 Coulee \\, "'n 18 Co•crt, Chmwphcr 74 104 lrcc111n, Dcn,,c 71, 8S, ,,l 104 Cm, Damcl 10' Cro,t. D.11c I 0'. _;:,

C r"'· Re1 \\ 3) nc t>J ( ullert, C hud 94 Cunnock, lu.tn I 0' Cunnod., .lc" 47, 4'1, Ill~

DJguc, Jenell Ill' Darn, \lol.e 2~. Ill' De,,;, Coron.t 70. 72, 71, ~4. 110,

92. 10< De Cour'c), Dr \\ c'le1 41>, h 1 Dell. [ c\hc 40. 6 I, 70, 'lll, 'I~ Dell. S \1 '7 Dodd,, Deb) 1>b 1>7, t.::'l, lflS Doll, Galle \ 10, '17 '1'1 Doll, Ro:k 10. 71>. 9<, 97, 99 Donner, Pcrr1 1 O'i Drc.-, \Joke S4, 10< Dubu,, llerbert R 'l'l Ducrk,cn, \lall 7, IO' Duncan, Dru"la '1 Durham Bob 2, ~(•, 7 Dutr\1.-, Prof \lfrcd 47 l'arh, Dllrcnc 9, h , 10< b,.;n, Dale 2X. 79, 10<

I nno,, Tern 2'l, 10' I no,, lhr) I 40. 1>3, I o< I nos, Debboe I b, 2-t. I>J, 7: 90,

IO' I nos. Sharon 10 '1, '1'1 I mman, \nne 1>. 61. 1>2 61 21,

10' I Her Tern \ 74. 10' 1 •ans. P.IUia 11, oO, 105 hmg, \lokc 105 f ,,ught Douglas 10. 99 I ergu,on, t her) I 6o. 72, 10< lonkk, Jeanne < 1 f "~burn. \rlon 6:, 1>9, Ill' 11.1nung, Tom 7'1, 105 lion, flu bert 105 llur), l.uu I 05 I lor), Dr R.11 mcmd 4S, n.1 I"'· \ngda <9, f>X. 105 I r.tlc1, B·•b 2X, 1 O< I rantz D.t\ld B 60, 1>2, 64. 11'.


I r.tntl, D.1"nc Jc '0' I ran11, lila 'I I rant/, (rar) 30, 'l~ f rant1, Greg '13 J rant7 "en 67 6'. 1>9, h2, 10' I rantz Dr \lcrhn 1', 63 "7 I rcdrochon, [) n 'f> I reed Chen! 11> lOt> I ndlc1, l UC) 40, ox. lOti I ulmer Ste•e 62, 63, 6'1, 70,

'17, llS, 100 Crallo\\3), Bcrth.t <;: Ciallup, Deb 106 (iJrland, I onda n9, 'O. "h. I 06 (,a,koll, I "·' 7 J, XO, XS, 106

( '·'"· I rlhan 'l Clolbert, I .trr) \\ X4, I 06 (rodfre), \1ernn 'i2 Crodfrc1, \\'onuna '.1 ("xrong, \ 1olt 14, 7' (wm". Rhond.t 21>. 101> Cillld"nuh, Dr lhlc 4 J Cloodnch, I c'le1 I O(, Croughnour, Pegg1 1>2, hl <•recn. Pror Bob 42, 61 Crrane, \l.ru 60, 106 Gn,.bach, 'Orman 106 Crrolc>. James f> CrrtliC, \lor) Ill.;:<, 112 1>3 72

106 Crro1e, Tom 100 ( rrove,, Bobb1 I On lblc, Joe 9, ~1

Jlalk\, M1kc 70 7l 100 II amm. l dthar ,c '~. 40 66

0 77, 97 100 II mm. J n ce 9. 10 ll rn ). ( rolmc 0 II rden Ro} 34 107 IIJtchcr. \\ \erl) 10 II \ cs He en t-~ '00 llcndr\ R1ch I~ I krbsl I t!·el 68. 1>9. 70 100 IIerman. \m\ tr, 47 70 lkrm n, I ne 6, I, 7l llc•man Stc'e 7l 7r, 81, 9' 1 1111, < arl ~o. 8h IIIII l'rof (rene II, 40 I loch. Rohl''l I> 12, '\9 I 07 llulcr. Prof I mrna .JK, 1>6 77 ll<>ffcrt. Tom I, 71 100 II ogle (oar) 107 Holman, ( r g 9S Hl7 Ill llolr:'.ln. Jc•r\ II. 14 Ito! ;ln. Sheree 'I ~1. 60 'O.


HOO\cr \1 "' lh 107 Hottle Rrun 10 15 76 107 II om Robm 70

Ho' '· Ron 0 7 II ughbanl> Dr l onnne 11' II ughbanh, r•rof \1 mroc W llull. \nna \1 e ~~ llunn Kath) 7. '6 olol o2 trl

10' llunl. Russ 95. 100 Hurt. \I 83 10 l~cnbc:rr), Dr ( 11lh>rd .17 lkenbcrr) '\ 1C~ 41 lkcnbcrr). I ran h. I 07 J.tck•on. De"•')"C hJ N. ')j

107 J."~son, Stc•c 67, ~~. lOX Jacob,, John f) Ox. 12 lannon. \\a ter h4 lOX, Ill JJ"or,k•. Case) 8~ 108 lo~n,on , lo\le 71> lOX Johnson, llcrb 50 lohn<ton. J,>e P. to 86 Iones, (on me 29. b2, 10

J<Jne,, l>.tmel \ 49 71. l 10 Jone-s. J1m ~ 50, 100 Jones. \\ •lit am 90, I 0 Kell) Don '\3 ll:ell), I ou 53 Kern>. Sharon I 0 Kcs,Jer, l )nn lJJ J...mg. J...url 10~

J...mzcl. Stephen l 100 KIt tel Prof l.arr\ 4-l 61. 6 '\ 1\ cllm l'.ll nua 62. "0 I Ox J...ob1alk \ erOOICJ 7 ~ I OS J...ob1a frank OS J...ochn. < md• <o~ 1\or. c.:ck \IJr) '2 J...ra • D.1\ld 100 J...rehb1el. <lenc\a 69 100 l\rehb1el. John 22. 108 lambc:rt. Gale 11, 90, 100 I at1mcr, l.drr) Sol 108 I each. De\lcr 7l, lJO Ins I engel. Dr I eland Ill, 15, 4~.

nl I ~" all~n. Bruce X~ I OS I e",!llcn. Dcn"'c II. II• 117, It)(),

61 I C\\ "· Rl \ 31. ~ l 00 I <>bb.m. \ .nn on, "0. 71. So,

108. lll'l I ><:k•HJOd. Sbern l>l 72. 108 I o-;hbaugh. Sand} M> oQ 71

7(1, ~0. 100

I o"e \\ 1lha.-, '"· '0' I u•l.. P.u:la '-1 61, 62 96. 108 l)nch,lath~ lOs \l.m~;us, Lorna I 08 \IJr•nm och. Jame, 31 99 \I r11n1. I u, 9-1 lOs \la•on \nn 62, "-1 lOs \1,t<on. D~an 11. <l. 101 \Jt,on. Ron 24, "J 10' \I a'tcr,on. Rae \ nn n Q 70

lOs \k(ann l harlottc l. "4. "". t>'l,

!On. lOX \kt IUie\. Sal he n, I to. 70, I m, \IcC O), \al ~1 \kDO\\ell. Kent "I X~, lOX \1c 1\clhp. Robert I X, 71, In~ \1d aren, R~ek IIJQ \kQu1tt) Da\ld Q4, 109 \Iedford. Pamela 1>7. 7l, ~1. ~s.

90, 109 \l•lc'. Stac\ 90. 92 \hiler, Chen 70 IOQ \Iilier, De"''" 16, 71. 61 109 \hiler. Donna 61. 109 \1 fer. Gatl <J, 109 \Iller, Rc' PJul J", t>l, '13 \Iller, Sherr) "6 \ltncs, ( md~ 6. t.b. 109

"'""''· \IJrc 14 \loffitt. BHbara R 107, 10<1

\1olfclt, (b_trlc 24 \h>ffilt , \lun I P, 109 \loore Prof I ranee> 49 \loore Rod 10, 109. 6~ \lorgan, (hear 16 74 \lo"" Ruth \ 101 '\eher. J... ren 110 '\eher. Rodne) 61 •P. 101 '\c•ll. llob h9 110 '\cltcn I r 21 '\c"comer, ll ><d 28 n6, b9

7b 110 '\e,.comcr l>1arc 24. 74, IIU '\c"comer, Stephen t>9 110 '\e,.com~r <r n 1. 71. 101 ~c,\tnn , ()('lr\l 1 '< tchob. Prul < on me 41. I> • 7" Oh<>k.ra. < orant In 74 IJ-1. I n 01"'"· Ro,.cna '\() Outln, lcrr) \h

l'adgelt, \\ e' 2 so. \7 I'Jnag1de,, I Ul\3 I h. I 6, II 0 Pana~;1des, I 1d1a 16 7, 101 Parker, ld 75 P uerson. c;er 9. 101 Pe<ko\cr, Roger 6, I 77, I~

110 Penner. Sara 6. 109. 110 Peterson I> \ld 49 70. 101 Peuu l'am II, 16. 110 Pf.rl1gr f. I mda I

Plenert Santa '' l'ortcr, 1\a) \nn 4. 70 110 Porter, Randel I I] 2~. I 01 Qua\, lcll 2S. 77. 1 '0 R.1der, lohn 11, 70 x<. 94. 104.

Ill R lnl,CI, llJrb1r.1 2' Ill

R.'"''"}· J...ath' 4, 1 "· ~n. "I>, Ill

R.l\, Prof \rt 1Q, 71 Rcbm;>n, \lien t\2, t. 1, 71, ~4

Ill Redd, \nna < 3 Reed. Joe x Rcc,c, \1 rgaret ~6 Re~nhart, \11cke) Ill Re' noJd,, lkan 11>, tr 1 Re\ nold>, Sharon I • I R 1Ch3rd,. leanne Ill Ro,hardson, Dale Q

Robert,, \hkc 20, ~I. 74. Ill Rob•n>on Be,~\ 2<, 110, Ill Rob•n,on. Dtck 101 Rob•n"'"· ~o;,Jc 1


Rose. John 94 Rothrock Dr 0d)ton JR Ro}e , DJicne II Ro)cr, (,,,len 20 II. 160 Ro\c• Roxanc Ill Salm.tns, '\)len 84 Sam~•s \I Q\ 101 Sanger. llr<·mb h' 111 70 ItO.

Ill Sange \l.tbcl 6 '> c be n. Damel Sf> 111 •

lol Saville I om '0 II

S )lcr I '"" 6. b 111 Schtd.. Jerr\ 6 ~ 61 '4 109

II Schn uhm n Pa" 21 f.9 f.

II ~-holz. \hce 2 19 67 101 '9 s,hra~;, \I ric q s,hrocl Jan 4, I b. 17. 69

Ill. 60. b' 7o Schl'tndt, llr d I I s, fteld. T1m 19 I 62 b5 Sc tt, Clarence 16 sh ff•tall. I om 112 SharkC\, Sh'"" IJ 117, fl8 112 Sheet , IIJOIC1 R 101 Shceh. I helm .• ~~~

Sherer, I .trn Sh, Ill I QO Sh<~r, l oll kll' Sf> Short R10dc II. <J, 70. 101 hi.

74, 7(, !)hu IS, JO\Ce ~~~

Stfnl I }On b, bQ 112 74 ~'"~ I ern 87 II ' Slater, Rtck 69, ~, 12 '>lauj;htcr Debra o, II' Slaughter Tom 6, 101 Slo n i)e,.l\ne \ 2~ 77 112 smuh \ure' 6 1 112 Smtth l arol\ n 7'. 111 smuh ( tnd\ 111 Smuh. l>md 111 Smtth. Delbert ~2 Smuh \1 ke 2. 111

Smuh. Stephen I> 71> I 0' Smuh. T1 Ill Snell, Or <• len J ll f>J !'>nell, John h 2R !'>nell, Ruth 63 Sn\dcr, Brad fl Sn\dcr \IJr) Beth 2 111 'O

62. 63 ScocoJo,k\ \ elma H sollenburger, l'rol P.1ul \ 4S Spangler. Mor.t} 1. 11 J Stahl, lllhJr I 3 :Stapkton. \\ 1lbrd 84 I 1 Stcmmell R d"ll R 71 Ill Stefi.Jn\, Prof Ton) 42 Stephen,, l>eb I, •Ill Sic,ens, ltm 79, 7 '10, 11 Slc\\,Jrl llunna Ill Si<" art, Rebecc.1 114 Sltnnellc '10 1•0 7 71• S1org, Debra 6 1>'. 114 Sio>cr. Ccha tJ 13. 6h, b~ ,1

88, 114 Strothman R nd\ I O' Slr.Jup, I orna l 10~

Stubb\, Jo ~~ Stubb\, sand\ R Stuck) llrad 0 Stutl.) Gardell 71 SluCk), C.lenn 114 Stump, Dr II rle\ 4 1 Sue' cntrop Jean 7, I I S 7l

8 • 'I 'lO Sul1 n. lshm el 41>

Sundahl, \ "8'"' ~s S"aln. Da\ld IS S.-ank Barbar.t 11, 16 o'l 1•2

o] II~

S.,,,~k. Don.t d \ 29, toll II 'i h2. h 1

S"'tllcr, l>cbbte II S S"' 111er, Sharon I"· I ~ Ta) or. 1\ rlcne 102 Thomas. Bo.Jnmc 2, t• II 'i Thompson Shc1l I 7 J ~I 9 '.

, I 'i

Tobt s, Jcrr\ 52 Tnmmell. 1\cnt 10' Tucker Prof ~or-n 43 66 T\lcr, Kar cnc S4 61 \ 1n \"cit Dr J ~ 6 42 \ anc•l \ n 6, 17, I\ 24 94 \a nul, (,af\ 37 ~2

\an Roc bel Ruth II~ \crdt \I rk 18, I~

\ mcen1 Steven I 98 10' \\ agoner, \nn 72. I h \\ g<lncr, Bruce 69, '14 \\ agoncr 1Jebb1e '4 \\ agoner. John 29, 40. 70. 97

102. 1>2. 63. b' "' \\ agoner Kent ~0. 60 b I 61,

h2 \\ goner, Paul 35 63 \\ alkcr, ( hff I~ \\ , rd Karen 6s \\ ard. \lam 'lS, II' \\ h1pplc, ll.arcn II'. nO \\ htlJcrc Sue II' \\ hllc, Paul R Jr :I' \\ hlle, Robert <l1, II'

\\ ""'· Pc1cr I ' \\ tllcnh. Dr \h in 40 \\ tllctn,, \lauldn q \\ alham!\. T cnn1c "2 \\ lll<lU!Jhb~. \I err) I 11, M•.

102 \\,(,on DtJnc h'l II~. ~~. 74 \\,( ,on. I red 70, 1'1. 7l 90. Q(

\\ 1lson, Kc\ln II' \\ 1rth. < ath\ II' \\ II ht m [) \IU 6(J II .; \\ood, Douglas 11. 67, n'l, IJ'i

I~. 119 \\ ooldndgc \f1kc '2 \\ oole), \like 10. II ~Q 7'

102 Y Jan k1pulos. I arr) 10' Yoder, L na 43 t>O Y ossa, l \ n1h1a 2h, II 'i Young, t hn,t\ n9, '17. 101. <•0.

61 1>2. '6, 77 Y uungblnod. \\ .JIIJ.:c C Sn, ~ 7


'/a> 1 ,1, \(bert 7'l 90, 111 II' l•cglcr. l><>n t. II ' '/ergcr, Dr R~eholfd II. 4t>, 71 '/ook, ll.un h'l o:! 61, II;; Zunkcl, ( uolec to!\, II 'i

\h:Phcr-on ( ollegc Student' .10d I ·"ult)

\ \C.lrlxlOk ''a 'tun ~lr one )C:.tr. f'lot.lrtra~mg ::&n ac~uratc u.:count df the: IJic .tnd actt\ltlC" uf a p.trttc:ular

gn>up of pcork on a pJriKuiJr campu,. IIO\•e,er. no b<x1l. "u>mplcte "llh•>ul acknn"'ledgcmcnh to"'

contnbutors \1an\ long and 'trcnuous hour' ha\e been pultnlo thh 1'176 ()l \IJR \ '-Cd I ~nd I fcclth.tl

ccndm people ~hould be rccogm1cd

I "ould c•pcc:~lh I kc to thank m\ a'"'tJnt cdnor, Stele J.,.kson and \hcc Scholl PJllo fl,J,.man and

Doug\\ ood for he! pong me" llh the 'mall )Cl necc..,,ar~ detaol, of doong a \c:lrb<>Ok \ 'pee olth~nks goc.• to

"aren Brubaker for the color photograph) and to Da•c \\ llhoam for the •l"nt' photogr•ph), Jnd to Stuco

Jnd m\ bu•tnc" manager. f..:cn I rant/ for makmg tho, pubhc.u on financoa'} possoblc I "Ould ul,o lokc to

thank the C\·cdotor, (.ond\ \Iones. for gl\tng me the ~onfidcncc to do lhts mcmon bock I hope IOU cnJO)

)OUr SlOr)


Deb) Dodd,,

l d tor


Mac College Founded On American Freedom ~1 ) countr) li, or thee \\\eel lo~nd or Iibert)

I •>71• the '00th borthd.J\ ol the l ,,ted S!.ll~' 111

\m~r·ca \ na11"n lh 11 h ' b<·~n rochh blc"~d b\ CH>d, fm Ill' a ~auntr) \\her\,; c -.:h ~Itt/en'' fr~·c lrc:c..· lu h.JJCC h1\ pmum free tn l"n propcrt\. &~nd •na1nl\. rrcc to assc-nblc t•>gcthcr to 1\0f>hlf' (Hid 111 "hatc•cr

nncr he chooses It " 1> lor th~c rurpuscs that \rnenca \\ 'r undcd But "h t d.IC, the Btcentennl.ol

mean to \lcl'hcr on < ullcge •

1971! r rh the M9th btrthd ' f \kPhcrson tol·

lege llm•c,cr the•e sQ \c 1rs of c\1 tcncc .ould not

ha\c been pos>l c af \mcnca h d not been a frc.:


l und "here lll) father"> dted Lund of the pilgrim' pride

In PIQ, 1~0 Brethren nugr.atcd to \mcnca to c,.

C.lflC rdtgutus pcrsc~...utron n ( u.:rm.tn\ The~ t,;,tnh: an

'c:ar'h of rchgi\")U' lrt.'ClhHn and lnr the npportunlt\ 10

o"n land llm•~•cr, the Brethren h.ad tu otrugglc 111

... Uf\1\C u~ the nc" em~ronmt:nt But thc'c c.hllu.:uh1c'

dod n11t c\trngu"h the" dcepl\ r<JOied rehgonus de• o­

lton. for the Bret~re C\f' andcd "C>t" ud .1nd 'ell led

rn t~c far g Jreas of the <ore !l Plam>

In IS 7 ntthe \nnual < onfcrcncc at Otta,.a. J..:on·

""'· ll ".1> dccufcd tll "'tabh>h .t Hrct hren t ollegc 11

\lcl'herson. 11.3"'"' The wntract "a' let fvr th~

b~ dmgs of lohnestod, IIJII. the fam stepto"ard the

dc•clopmcntof "bt h no" \ I<Phcr,.Jn (lllkge

Durng the last s4 \e rs there ha\e been mall\

changes and rcorsantl.lliOn> of the { olle~c But some

f'CCb hJ\C not changed It t• stoll.an anstnutoon ol

hagh tdeal, and commnmcnt h>" trd ots (_ hrl\llan \JI

I<"> .. s \\C the •tudcnts ol 197h h.nc lc.1rncd

From every mountainside let freedom ring!

But "hat about our tomorrow' \\Ill the stu· dents of 1977 h:l\c the 'arne pnv:tcge, as "e the >tudenh of 1976 ha•c had1 Would we be wtlling to take PatriCk Henr) '. stand on '"Gtve me Lt· bert) or g~Ye me death'''

Our recorded past reveals that we mu't face up to our foe, m order for us to remain free But histor) will repeat it>elf :-.o matter how many vtctories "e accompl~<h, there "'II alwa)s be another problem to solve. However. if "e keep one thing in mmd as we JOUrne} through hfe the future "'II not look so dim. The problem born ahc:~d is the ans,.er to the one behmd