Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962

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  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


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  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


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    Generol Advonloges of Fluorescent Lighting.Development of Fluorescenl LighlingSylvonio Lomp Progress, 1938-1962.Specific Advonloges of Sylvonio Fluorescent Lighting.Sylvonio's Scientific Mqnufqcluring Methods.Ropid Stort Lomp: 9000-Hour Lifeline . . . Ropid Storl-Preheoi 48// Medium Bi-Pin. . . VHO (Very High Oulput) Powertube. . . VHO Powerbeom. " . High OulputLomps . . . High Output Slreet Lighting Lomps . . . Circline Lomps 8,9,10,11Sixty Lomp ond 24-Lomp Coddy-Pocks 9PreheotLomps (Reflector, Miniofure, Colors) ..... ll"slimline" lnslonl Stort Lomps. . . . 1224-Lomp Coddy-Pock for Slimline 8/ Lomps ..... 12lnslonl Slort Bi-Pin Lomps.. .. .. t2lnslonl Stort Directionol Refleclor Lomps. ........ 12FluorescenllompSlorlers ........13Toble of Lomps ond Pqrls. .. . . . . 14Fluorescenl Bollosts. . ... 14GermicidolLomps. ......I5Blocklightlomps. . ....15Cold Coihode Fluorescenl Tubing. t5Gro-Lux Lomps . . . Stimulote Plont Growth.Sylvonio's 7 Shodes of Fluorescent "White". . . . 16YourTolol Costof Lighiing (Coslof Power,Moinlenonce, Lomps) ........ 17The Group Relomping Plon Gives You Betler Lighl, Bigger Sovings . .... t8Averoge Service Life ln Hours . . . . l8TypicolGroup Relomping SovingsAnolysis ...... 18Money-BockGuqrqnlee .........18Answers lo Questions on Fluorescent Lighting l9


    Sylvonio Distribution Ceniers (Soles ond Service Directory) Bock Cover

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962



    MORE IIGHT PER WATT OF POWERToday'sstandard 100-wattfluorescentunit (two 4}-watt lamps and ballast) providesmore than three times thelight of a 100-watt incandescent bulb. The fluorescent iamp not only produces more light per watt, but main-tains its brightness longer and lasts on atr averc,ge nine times as long as an incandescent lamp of the samewattage.LIGHT THAT's COOI AND COMFORTABTEThe fluorescent lamp is rated more efficient as a light producer because ir converrs electricity into more aisibleligbt and lets radiant heat than does the incandescent lamp. The resulting "cool" lighr is more comfortable towork under. It also reduces the refrigeration load in air conditioning.LESS GLARE AND IESS HARSH SHADOWSFluorescent lamps are more free from troublesome glarenecessary.


    there is less loss of light because less shielding is

    For decorative purposes, fluorescent lamps offer a variety of color tints ro choose from, all with a high levei oflight output - ted, pink, gold, green and blue. Fluorescent lamps for general illumination come in seven shadesof ''white" light to suit every requirement.LIGHT AT IOWER COSTBecause it offers high output, high quaiity of illumination, Iong lamp life, and maintains its brightness for suchlong periods, fluorescenr is generally recognized today as not only rhe best light, but also the leasc expensive,all costs considered.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Argon Gos ond MercurY VoPor

    , Contocl Pins/ts Electrode Gloss TubeSpoce lnside Tube Filled with

    trodes with the alternations of the current.3. These electrons collide with the atoms ofmercury vapor and argon gas which fill thelamp tube, producing int,isible ultravioletrays.4. The ultraviolet rays excite the fluorescentpowders which coat the inside of the tubeand are transformed into visible light.

    standard lamps -- a complete fixture containing two 40-wattlamps. From 1941 ro l94J Sylvania developments in industriallighting proved enormously valuable to the war effo:r'. In 1947Sylvania incteaqed lamp life with an improved cathode caatingirrcluding zirconium oxide that tripled the exisqing rated life oflamps.Although Sylvania fluorescent akeady is rhe finest in the field-- Sylvania's aim is always to make it better. That takes re-search - and more research. And Sylvania's record is an out-scanding one. In its research laboratories, scientists are con-stantly at work on problems in chemistry. physics, metallurgy,elgttlicitt;,electronics and optics - searching fo{ the continuedimprovemeots,which make Sylvania fluorescent bettet taday -and berrer l;:ilL tonorrcw.

    * First wilh o Budget Reduction Progrom for lorge users of fluoresconllomps, bosed on Sylvonio's over-oll uniformily of lomp performonce.* Firsl with published rotings oi 40/6 of qvercge lomp life. These rot'ings ore used os overqge light outPUt volues lhroughout lcmp life'* First to use zirconium oxide qs on ingredienl in the eleclrode coalingsof fluorescenl lcmps, which exlends lhe performonce of the lomps.* First lo inlroduce new processing cnd cooling lechniques whichstobilize light outpul, resulling in improved lumen mointenonce.* First to inlroduce Pqnelescenl@-ponels of light withoul bulbs, lubesor llxlures.* First lo introduce Hqlolight@, the distinclive frqme of sofl fluorescenllight oround lhe picture screen in TV sels.* First wilh the VHO Ropid Stort Lsmp using lhe combinolion of speciclgos ond pressure control cenler, mcking possible more wolls Perfool of lomp length ond new levels of lighting intensily ot high

    effi ciency.* First with VHO Powerbeom operlure lcmp.* First wirh Lifeline Coddy-Pock for eosier, quicker mointenonce

    A Flaorese?lt Latwp Produces LightAt each end of the lamp is an electrode,of an oxide-coated tungsten fila-

    When heated by a current, the filamenta cloud of electrons around eachAhigh voltage electrical surge then estab-an arc stream of electrons whichand forth between the two elec-

    Fluoteseent lighting,is defiai'tely an Electronic Age, deYqloPiment. Like the X-ray, television and radar, the fluorescent lampactually,15 a61:electronic devlcq. But, though simple in qdnclpl1,ir require$'$reai care in rnanufaclure and took yearf of relearchto develop.ln 1934, Sylvania was experimenting with the first low-pressurefuoiescent lamps; one of which is illusrated above. Sylvaniapioneered in developing a method for applying the fluorescentcoating to the lamp tube. And Sylvania was, lmong the first toiniroduce the standard fl,uoreseCnl lamF in 193-8.From then on, Sylvania has been a leader in the 6eld in improvemlna I *hich havi iu'cludCd,fiitures and wiringcircuits as well as the lamPs themselves. In 1939 Sylvania intro-duced the frsr ready'to'plug-in fluoiescent iadustrial unit using

    Significant"Fil Rsrs" in Fluorescent U Syluanta* First in the industry with overoge life roling of Z5OO hours for slond'ord PREHEAT lomps in populor sizes, oPeroling on 3.hour burning

    cyc le s.* Fit.t wilh lhe WARM WHITE fluorescenl lcmp color lhot blends oc-ceplobly wilh incqndescent lighting'* First wilh processing techniques lhqt radicolly reduced eorly lomp

    fqilure cnd discoloralion.* First wilh o complele slqndqrd fluorescent rrpackcge of light" includ-ing lomps, occessories ond fixlure in one funclionol "Plug-in" unit.* First wilh o full-yeqr guorqnlee on lhe complele fluorescenl "Pock-age of light"'* Flrst with lhe 8-foot,75-wott,lYz" diomelet slimline lomp - o poce-retler for lhe industry.* with o complete line of single-pin, inslqnl-slarl lomps in thefull ronge of lomp lengths ond diometers.* First with lhe now slqndord proctice of using silicone cooling on in-rlonl slart lomps, for dependable performonce under exheme oil-ditionr.* First wilh Lifeline 9000-hour fluorescenl lomp

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962



    FOR 40 WATT WHITE LAMPSr938 1962


    lncreosed Lile in Thousonds of Hours

    45 50 55 60YEARlncreosed Lumen Efficiencylnitiol ond Moinroined




    i z.soooq 2.04IF 1.50= 1.00


    'j .tIr)-\ {IUMEN TI oureuu Il" -'-{l _ .r--\r-


  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962



    TUMEN EFFICIENCY UP I50%IThen the first \Zhite fluorescent lamps reached the marketin 1938, their rated light o'r;tput was 30 lumens per watt'In less than a decade, Sylvania had doubled light output to60 lumens per watt. In t962, through the development ofthe new stabilized phosphor coatings, acrual lumen outputfor Sylvania fluorescent iamps is in excess of 80 lumens perwatt, the higtrest ever achieved commercially in standardlamps. And these extra lumens, you know, are just as im-portant economicalllt as more miles per gallon, more BTUin fuel and more miles in tires.NOW 9OOO HOURS OF HIGHEST SUSTAINED LIFESylvania's nevr Lifeline Lamps not only give 90O0 hours ofrated average life - 1500 more hours than previous fluores-cent life ratings - they not only deliver higher sustainedlight output than competitive lamps, but they actually useless electricity. Yet they cost you exactly the same as otherfluorescents.And with thrs 207o extra life, you get extra light, too -4 million extra lumen hours of it in the case of 4O wattlamps. And not just highet initial. ligbt ourpa, but thehigbett sxttrdined, light output of any 4}-watt fluorescent onthe market.And Sylvania now offers the money-saving benefits ofLIFELINE in a broad range of rypes ' ' ' including 40 watt'Preheat-Rapid Start, High Output and Slimline'MAINTENANCE COSTS FURTHER REDUCEDIn addition to the labor savings gained by L/5 longer lifebetween replacements, maintenance exPense is still further

    reduced by the ingenious new Cad,dy-packs. . . which makeSylvania's Group Relamping Plan, based on Lifeline lamps,even more economical. \7hat's more, Sylvania's,ed' Perf ormance Policy backs the Lifeline lamps witha money-back guarantee.BRIGHTNESS MAINTAINED TONGERITith Sylvania fluorescents you can count on greater lightoutput not only when the lamp is new but throughout itsrated life. That's because of the superioriry of Sylvania'sphosphor coatings. These phosphors must meet tests forpurity that ate bigber than U. S. Pharmacopoeia Standards.Phosphor particles must vary in size - but within strictlyheld maximum and minimum limits. And finaIly, they gothrough an exclusive "homogenizing" process. This blendsthe particle sizes for even distribution - insures best coat-ing adhesion and maximum uniformity and brightness.That's why Sylvania fluorescents don't show the irregularityin coating thickness found in ordinary lamps srhySylvania lamps give you more uniform light and greaterbrightness than are produced by any other coating processused in the industry.LAMP COLORS RIGIDTY STANDARDIZEDKeeping lamp colors always the same is an extremely trickyproblem. To obtain the various tones of light in fluorescentlamps, fluorescent crystals must be blended to strict for-mulas. Only by the most tigid controls and constant check-ing is it possible to assure color constancy - always thesame for each color the full length of each lamp. Sylvanialamp colors are as uniform and standardized as scientificmanufacturing can make them.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    tolplats{'a::) r''.' I

    far,:'f*Il',, relaiid;,: ;;,:;,';;,:';:;.:; .l';,,;'1;

    4 Reasons Why Sylaania Can Offi, This

    i.l::i "i,r:::l .a j, j':ri l i'liinOCfC:ftll

    Ptotecting dn)tone u,ho makes a parcbase of SylaaniaFluorescent l-amps, the certificate states tliat il tbdlamps donot prouide better perforvrlance. tban any"atber brand. offla|)|s$;;,g7sr2py,.byeii6;tly':| i$t,:,,tt:;'iity.i:,irxt-qt be rgl,rttn:ed .

    IICERIIFIED PERFORIUIAIICE POLICY''I. QUATITY CONTROT INSURESUNIFORM PERFORMANCE AND VATUESylvania's over-all progtam of Quality Control extends throughout everyphase of lamp manufacture. It is through Quality Control's rigidly main-tained standards that Sylvania can manufacture milliou of lamps - eachwith the same individual accuracy. Quality Control is the reason whyevery Sylvania lamp you use will be uniform in color and appearance andgive consistent performance and lighting value.2. EXACT QUANTITIES OF THE PUREST MATERIATSIt is a basic requirement in maintaining Sylvania's exceptional lightingstandards that all materials used in Sylvania lamp making be of the high-est purity. Complicared scientific instruments are used to detect minuteimpurities, and to measure microscopic dimensions. The argon gas,tungsten for carhode filaments, phosphor crystals, glass, plasrics and metalsused in making fluorescent lamps, musr meet even higher standards ofpurity than do drugs and medical supplies.3. PRECISION PROCESSINGEvery factor in every phase of the manufacturing process must be rigidlycontrolled. For instance, in the rooms where fluorescent coatings arc ap-plied, temperature and humidity must remain constant to prevent defectsof brightness and color. To keep air-borne impurities from already purematerials, even the {actoty air is washed clean - at the rate of 100,000cubic feet per minute. In all operations, remperature, timing, and measure-ments must be constantly checked and the closest tolerances held.4. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION AND TESTINGBoth individual and scientific sample inspection of "runs" are made arevery step of lamp manufacture. In fact, Sylvania uses almost the sameamount of electric power in testing lamps as it does in acrually makingthem. And before final packing, euery lamp must pass a frnal checkout.If it is below par, it is auromatically rejected and scrapped.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Syluania RAPTD gfARl* LarnPs' Combine advantages of fast lightingeconomical operation.. Fuli operation in one or two seconds.' Simplified maintenance - because starters are eliminatedcompletely in a rapid start circuit.. Ballasts are smaller . . . less expensive . . . quieter.WITH tlFEtlNE LAMPS - Sylvqniq Reseorch AgoinCufs Your Lighfing Costs. First O-Wott Fluorescentwith gOOO-Hour Roted Averoge Life.. 4 million lumen hours of extra light. One-fifth more lamp life' 3/a less elecuic Power' Lower maintenance costsSyivania Lifeline lamps offer an outstanding bargain inlight. First, you get 9000 hours of rated average life -compared to the previous 7500 hour iife rating. And withthis extra life, 4 million extra lumen hours of light- More

    YOU SAVE _ WITHLifeline's 40 watt 9000-hourt life provides almost 4 yearsof lighting service-burning 50 hours per week. A 20%longer period before you have to buy new lamps. Thatmeans both a 207o return on your initial lamp investmentand' a 20/o reduction in the labor cost of lamp repiacement.You can place a definite dollar value on the Lifeline's longer

    YOU SAVE-WITH 3%Sylvania Lifeline fluorescents not only deliver higher sts-tained light output than competitive 40 watt lamps - butthey actually consume approximately 1.2 watts less elec-tricity.Over the Lifeline's 9000 hours of rated average life - thislower power consumption results in still further lighting


    *Reqaire no ttarter, ". filament continuously heatetl d' operat'ion, at low oohage'

    hours of more light and more hours of sustained light.Lifeline Lamps not only have higher i'nitial li'ght otttput(rated after 100 hours of burning) - but, even more im-portant, they have the h'igbest sustained' l'igbt oatpat of any4}-watt fluorescent lamps available today.2O"/" TONGER LIFE

    life. Assume a labor cost of $1.00 (including overhead) forthe 20 minutes it takes to individuaily replace one lamp -plus a lamp cost of $Q Gt 357o dtscowt) and you get$i.85. Multiply this by L/5th to find the actual value of theLifeline's 1./5th extra life - and you get 37 ( per lamp -of Extra Value Worth $37 per 100 lampsTOWER POWER COSTeconomy. In fact, it can amount to an actual wattage savingof 37o per lamp - or 10.8 KWH less power consumedover 9000 hours of burning. Based on an average industriairate of 1.1( per kilowatt 16111 - this gives you a wattagesaving of 16( pet lamp - or . . .Extra Value \7orth $16 Per 100 lamPs

    Sylvania's Lifeline a single lamp serves all instaliations re-gardless of type of circuit or ballast type (determined bydate of fixme). Lifeline iamps are available in 7 shades ofwhite, six colored lamps . . . blue, cool green, gold, green,pink and red.

    I-ifetine R.apid Start - Prebeat 48" Mediurn Bi-Pin Lamp (+SO *a)Exceilent all-purpose sources for general labor indoor light-ing of offices, stores, schools and public buildings, the RapidStart circuit cuts maintenance costs by eliminating starters.All Sylvania 40 watt lamps are "Universal" iamps - servingequally in either Preheat or Rapid Start fixtures. \(ith

    MEDIUM BI.PIN LIFEIINE REFLECTOR TAMPSSylvania's Reflector Lamps - which direct 6OVo more light vance by position of lampholders. Available in \fhite, Cooldownward - are avallable in the Rapid Start-Preheat series, tilZhite, \7arm \7hite, Deluxe Cool \7hite and Deluxewith medium bi-pin base. Direction of iight is fixed in ad- \rarm \flhite'

    I Syluania's 9000 hour aLl circuit rating lor co,nsumer-s' operating conditiotts - but ,on lab-oratory,ontrolil'd-ripid rrafi c;, 12,000 htrurs uill be obtaiied on a 3 hoar,cyc/e. S1'luania belieaesj2,000 hlouii to be less tban'real',ist,ic t'or att fi.eltl cond,itions, i-ilst uottld be anrcalistic to ratettti tn*pt )itb) zz,SoO bours uthich ian be obtained. tthen Syluania Iamps are burned continuousll'.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Neu 60-Lamp Caddy-Packs SauingMaintenance Time and TroubleAnother industry 6rst - designed to save maintenance time and labor. Fewer carronsto open with Caddy-pack - sixty, 4O-watt Lifeline lamps to the carton instead ofthe standard 24. And much faster than hacking open staples, is Caddy-pack's efficienttear-strip around the middle. This divides Caddy-pack neatly in half - the upperhalf providing the bin to hold used. lamps taken down from fixtures for replacement.Caddy-pack li.ftt easily too, with slotted hand-holds on both halves. And ingeniousfiber-cells in its top and base hold bare lamps safely and securely - eliminating thecardboard "trays" between rows of lamps used in standard 24-lamp packs. Fewercartons and less packing material make a much smaller disposal problem too.Caddy-pack is avaiiable for immediate delivery in ail 4O-watt Lifeline lamps.

    36' Mediu?n Bi-Pin Rapid Start - Preheat Lifeline Lamps30 watt, 36" "Universal" lamps arc available in Cool \7hite,N(hite, \Zarm NThite, Deluxe Cool \7hite, Deluxe \7arm, White and Natural.HO (High Output) Lifeline Lamps (soo ma)Providing more than 70 lumens per watt, Sylvania's High-Output LIFELINE lamps give substantiaily more usablelight than ordinary rapid start fluorescent lamps at no in-crease in lamp ot fixrure size. And they provide 9000 hoursof rated ayetage life. Excellent low-temperature perform-ance - with proper ballast, lamps will start at temperaturesright down to -20"F.New LIFELINE lamps give 20/o ionger life at no extracost . 1500 more hours than previous fluorescent liferatings. And there's this added benefit: ]n 1951, Sylvania's8'Cool \7hite H.O. Lamps delivered from 400 to 500 moreMean Lumens than High Output Lamps offered by com-petitors. HO LIFELINE Lamps - in 48tt and 72" lengths

    Especially designed for street lighdng and other outdoorapplications, this lamp is suitable for cold weather operationand provides a iow brightness source for more comfortable

    i:':t::rsr$ i j:nr,:i; r:i;irr ::. j{. j::i:9r

    - come in Cool \7hite, Daylight and 'White (48" alsoavallable in \farm \fhite) . and in 96" length.Other HO Types: In addition to the Lifeline series 800 malamps are availabie in 84,64,60, 42, 36 and 24 inch lengths.These types are rated at lJ00 hours life and are widelyused in sign lighting

    8 FOOT, 24-IAMP CADDY-PACK8 Foot Lifeline HO lamps are avallable in a circular "zip" and "flip" Caddy-Pack .n,,,1containing 24 lamps instead of the conventional 12 iamp standard package for ,-,. i8'lamps. Lamps are packed horizontally, fitting snugly into sturdyfibre cells. The case has an ingenious tear-srip opening device, per-mitting the top section to be flipped over and used as a disposalunit for burned out lamps, with the bottom section designed rchoid new lamps, ready to be installed. Available in the 96" HighOutput Cool \7hite, \7hite and Varm \fhite Lamps.




    night vision. It ptoduces approximately 6600 initial lumensafter 100 hours operation and is available in Standard CoolVhite 100-watt T-12, 72" long, with Mogul Bi-Pin base.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    *FwNow - for outdoor floodlighting street lighting . . .industrial high bay or 1ow bay lighting . . . and for commer-cial applications . . . Sylvania's new VHO Powertubes boostlight output per foot enormously. For instance, they pro-duce more than rwice the light output of prior 4-foot lamps. . . permit using fewer and more compact fixtures.

    up To 21/2 TTMES 'UORE UGHT PER FOOTContinuing research and engineering know-how have ena- VHO Powertubes more than double the light output petbled Sylvania ro creare the most powerful, versatile and foot over conventional lamps, using the same size fixtureseconomical line of very high intensiry lamps. These unique . . . yet cost less to buy . . . less to maintain.

    FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USEVHO Powercubes are especially ideal as indoor lighting for Powertubes give 2/2 times more light from a single fixturecritical manufacturing jobs where higher ievels of uniform . . a feature of utmost importance where ceiling space isillumination are required. Now with VHO Powertubes limited and plant maintenance costly or hazardous.diffused lighting is practical and economical for medium Also VHO Powertubes provide excellent outdoor lightingand high-bay industrial lighting and many commercial for service stations, highways, airport runways, outdoor ad-applications requiring very high intensity output. VHO vertising, building facades, and parking lots.

    Syluania VHO POVERTUBES Offer 7 Big Aduantagesto Giue You the Most for Your Lighting Dollar1. Smootb Round' Surlace - Sylvania Powertubes are the light output of conventional lamps.

    VHO (Very Higb Outpat) Pouertube (tSoo *n)VHO Cool NThite, \farm \fhite, Daylight and NaturalLamps with Recessed Doubie Contact bases are available in110 watt T-72 48",215 wattT-12 96t'and 160 wattT-1.272" lengths. Deluxe Cool \7hite also available in the T-1248" length.

    easier to maintain . . . have no grooves or indentations .to 5. Uniform Ligbt Distribution- 1q6 6ys15ize fixturescatch and hold light-dimming dust and dirt . . are easily are needed. Fits any standard fixrure designed for high in-cleaned' rensity lighting. This cuts initial installation and replace-2. Li.gbter in Weigbt - These Powerrubes weigh less -.n. .or,r.than half as much as other larger diameter high intensirylamps . . . are easier to handle and store. 6' Better Optional Control - Precise control of light dis-3. Smaller in Size- Uses lr/2" diameter T-12 tube which tribution makes Powertubes adaptable to many applications'provides'most efficient radiation within the tube . . . insures 7. Guaranteed. Peak Performance - Syivania's uniquebetter air circulation. 'Certified Performance Policy" guarantees money back on4. Louter Cost -Powerrubes cost less than competitive a try-out purchase if Sylvania lamps do not outperform anylamps . . . cost less to maintain . . . yet give more than double other brand previously used.

    Offt, 4 Exclusiue Featuresl. Special Built-in Pressure ControiCenters - They act as "cool spots"at each end of the iamp to allowhigher current loadings.2. Unique Ribbon Base - It isinside-weided insures positive contact, eliminates cor-

    rosion. This means longer, trouble-free operation and re-duced replacement costs.3. Rapid Reliable Starting - dn s)

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    vHo PoWERTUBE (REFTECTOR 135")The VHO Reflector Powerrube has an internal white reflec-tor coating berween fluorescent phosphor and glass . . . atechnique so successful in other rypes of smooth T-12 lamps(and not possible in odd-shape lamps). This lamp providesexceptionally high foot-candie levels . . . directs the light ina desired direction and controls its distribution. In instanceswhere great brightness is needed, Powertube reflector lampsVHO POWERBEAM (I5OO MA)The VHO Powerbeam gives four times the brightness ofthe Standard Powettube. It is designed with a window inthe tube a narrow apernrre running the length of thelamp . for use with specifically designed equipment roproduce very narrow beam distribution in such applicationsas low mounted highway floodiighting, edge-lighting signsand billboards . . . and indusrial inspection work. Available

    provide foot-candle levels up to ISVo greater than standardPowertube lamps. Available in Cool S7hite in 1OO-watt T-1248", 750-watt T-72 72" and 200-watt T-I2 95".These VHO Reflector Powertubes are ideal for a wide vari-ety of uses . . . wherever controlled brighrness and uniformdistribution are required, either vertically or horizontally.

    in 100-watt T-12 48" Cool \7hitelamp with 30" or 60o aperture.Pictured here is a cross-secrion ofthe Powerbeam. The lamp isshown in a fixture specially designed for the purpose. Al-though light is accurately restricted in the vertical plane,it is widely distributed in the horizontal plane, allowingflexibiliry in applications of varying luminaire spacings.SYTVANIA CIRCTINE RAPID START I.AMPS

    For decorative, commercial use and certain types of industrial bench inspec-tion. In 8", 12" and 15" sizes all lamps are available in five shades of white- \7hite, Cool Sfhite, \Varm \7hite, Deluxe \7arm \7hite, and Daylight.

    r Use of srarter means a more inexpensive ballast can bemployed.o In general the most economical ro operare of all fluorescent lamps due to long lamp life, high lumen output anlow-cost ballast.o All standard 40-watt lamps are now LIFELINE 900Hour Rapid Start-Preheat. (See Page 8.)xIn preheat lamps, tbe catbodes nrust be momentarilltprebeated, before the lamp utill light. Thi: requires theuse of a "startel' sutitcb tahich operates only d,uringtbe $arting peri,od,.


    20w T-12

    MINIATURE=E' *4W T-5'- E-6W T-5

    -s iw i-s

    Syluania Standard Start PREHEAT* LampsCommonly used for commercial andindustrial lighting in the 14-watt to90-watt sizes. Most sizes available inthe 7 shades of "\7hite" light, de-scribed in detail on page 16.Use of starter increases lamp life because a lower opencircuit voltage can be used.Standard "bi-pin" based connection, as shown in insertin illustration above, allows current to flow through thecathodes for preheating.

    PREHEAT REFLECTOR IAMPSUsed in factories, offices, stores, schools, homes, to controlthe light and send more light in a single direction than con-ventional fluorescent lamps. They can be used in manyexisting fixtures. Available in 15-watt T-8 Cool \7hite andGreen, 18" in length; 2}-watt T-12 Cool \7hite, 24" inlength, and 90-watt T-17 Cool \Zhite, 50" in length.MINIATURE PREHEAT TAMPSIn 4,6,8 and 13-watt sizes only. Primarily used as indicatorlamps on panel boards and machines and as inspection lightson benches and machines. Also built into business machinesand appliances of all types to light dials, gauges, and key-boards. In addition, they are often used in miniature elec-tric signs, displays and small niches.COLORED PREHEAT IAMPSFive striking colors for use in decorative, special efiect, ordramatic lighting - red, pink, green, gold, blue. Availablein I4-watt to 40-watt sizes only.

    11 I3W T-5


  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Sylaania "gtrlllllilE" Instant Start*o Instant starting without delay. Simple wiring circuit be-

    cause no stamer is oeeded.o Rugged single-pin base, for quick insertion in push-pull

    sockets. Easier and more convenient to handle and installthan standard start.

    o Low installation and maintenance costs. In the longer8-foot lengths they are the most efficient lamps available.

    They will light a given area with just half the number offixtures and lamps required fot customary 4-foot fixtures.

    NOW INLatest addition to the line are Sylvania's LIFELINE Slim-line lamps . . . giving 20/o longer life at no extra cost.9000 hours of rated avenge life... 1500 more hours thanprevious fluorescent life ratings.The T-I2 48", 72" and 9A' Slimline LIFELINE Lampscome in Daylight, \7hite, Cool \Zhite, \farm \(hite, Nat-ural, \Varm \Zhite Deluxe and Cool \7hite Deluxe colors'In addition Deluxe Warm \Zhite lamps are available in72" and96" and Deluxe Cool IThite lamps in 72" Iength'The 96" Slimline Cool \(hite, I7hite and Natural lamps

    *No rrdtrter need.ed,, because f'lanaent preheating ot heatingd,uring operation it no, necetsa'ry d'ue to tbe me of bigheraohage ballasts.

    NEW TIFELINEare available in the handy 24-1amp Caddy-pack . . . withother colors to follow. ( See details on the 8' 24-lamp Caddy-pack on page 9)OTHER SLlMtlNE TYPES: 7500 Hour Slimline Lamps areavailable in the standard white colors not included inLifeline 96",72" and 48" lamps, and in most shades ofwhite in 84", 64", 50t', 42", 36t',24' iengths, in the popu-Iar T-12, lL/2't diameter. Also 42" and 64" lengths in 3/q"diameter T-6 - andJ2" ar'd 96" in l" diameter T-8 lamps'Most shades of white available in all popular sizes'


    Special electrodes, which take higher open circuit voltage,start lamp without preheating. Special exterior coatingmakes these lamps operate under most high-humidiry con-ditions. Bi-pin construction makes them look like RapidStart Lamps but they are not interchangeable and must beused with a special ballast. Do not use with Rapid Stattballast.Available in 40-watt T-12 48" medium Bi-Pin, in 4 shadesof white - and in 4}-watt T-17 60", in 3 shades of white'


    Here's a directional fluotescent light source - with an in-ternal white reflector coating between fluorescent phosphorand glass - that directs 607o more light downward'Dust and dirt on lamps and poor ceiling reflectance quali-ties are no longer problems with these lamps' As a result,cleaning and maintenance costs can be cut way down -especially in hard-to-get-at installations.Available in 48",72" and 96" T-12 Cool \7hite single pin,Instant Start types. 72" and 9' T-12 also available inS7arm \fhite and Deluxe Cool \7hite. The 96" Cool \fhiteis a Lifeline 9000 hour lamP.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    SYLYANIA STARTERS in four specialized epes(For use taith Standard Start Preheat Lamps only)

    Electricol TeslingLoborqlory

    ETt CERTIFIEDUnderwriters' LdbordtoryUt A,PPROVED Cqnqdion StondqrdsAssociolionC.S.A. APPROVED

    Every Sylvania Starter has a Ceramic condenser, the best Glo-Bottle or best bi-metal contactin material and design. Sylvania Startets are the only starters backed up by the three assur-ances of highest quality shown above, plus Sylvania's own Fluorescent Starter CertifiedPerformance Policy.In addition, Sylvania's exclusive Ceramic Condensers - "the condensers that last a life-time" - are now standard equipment in all starters. Ceramic Condensers are impervious totemperature change. They cannot expand or contract and no part of them will melt ordisintegrate.The American Standards Association specifications for fluorescent lamp starters require6000 cycles or starcs with a good lamp. Sylaania Fluoretcent Starters average 20,000 cycles orz% to 3 times the A.S.A. requiremenrs.Thi: policy guarantees monel back if your Sllaania Fluorescent Starters do not prouide nmpktelysatisfactorl teraice for a full tz-montb period fron date of purcharc.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Sylaania fueffiPS and PeffiWS W'ffi&Y #B 'F'{frffiffi"eti*F*3iaSTANDARD START PREHEAT LAMPs

    Lomp Size4-Wor T'56-Wolr T-58-Wctt T-5I3-Wott T-5

    '14-Wolt T-12.l 5-Wori T-8orlS-Wstt T-122O-Wott T-12


    (Monuol< FS.2tcop-zo(coP-2o< FS-2(,r,r-z toct{ coP-20J FS-2iRobot COP FS2-NA( M-2 (DC)







    lomp Size22-Woit {circline}30-Wsrt T-B32-Wott (circline)40-Wolt T-l?

    90-Wot T-lZ


    Jcor-soI Fs-4FS-l 2( coP-40) nobot coe rsl-ruli FS-4{ rsa-rc( coP-6, coP-64 Robot COP FS6-NA) rs-c. rs-olI Robor coP FS-64-NA

    StaferSockets LompholdersMedium MediumMedium MediumMedium MediumMedium Medium

    Mogul Mogul

    FB",4.i#ffi ffi Sfi ff ruT ffi e t ;i +rr$i: i,unless controlled. The ballast is the control device whichlimits the current to the proper operating value.The ballast musr be designed for the specific size and typeof lamp used, as well as for the voltage and frequency of theelectrical system. It is necessary to use the correct rype ofballast for gach lamp to prevent filament damage, whichmay cause burnout.





    LAMP TYPEPreheat (Bipin)Instant Starr(Single Pin or Bipin)Rapid Stan (Bipin)Preheat (Bipin)

    Instant Start(Single Pin or Bipin)Rapid Start (Bipin)

    Preheat (Bipin)

    Instant Start(Single Pin or Bipin)Rapid Start (Bipin)




    All fluorescent lamps require ballasts. Sylvania does notmanufacture ballasts, but all types needed for use withfluorescent lamps made by Sylvania are avaiiable from othermanufacturers.The use of a ballast is necessary because any fluorescentlamp is fundamentally an electrical discharge source and itscurrent would rise to a value which would destroy the lamp,



    I.AMP PERFORMANCE1\ormal rated ltte.Won't start. Filament is short-circuited inside lamp base.Starter will keep trying until failure or disconnected.Normal rared life.May start. Very short life because primary current flowsthrough one filament, causing eariy darkening and earlyfailure.Normal rated life.May start. Very short life because ltigh ptimary currentflows through one filament designed for low heatingcufrent.Not recommended. Might start with best groundingand high line voltage bui doubtful and unreliibl. und.".6eld condidons.'Won't start. Short-circuited filamenr across heater wind-ing will overheat ballast and could cause burnout.Normal rated life.


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    SYTVANIA GERMICIDAT LAMPSFor use wherever germ and mold-killing action may be desirable.These lamps produce ultraviolet radiation ar.2537A - the stand-ard of getmicidal effectiveness adopted by the American MedicalAssociation. In five rypes, with the 15 and 30-watt sizes availablein a special type of glass which produces practically no ozone.The -watt sizes require special fixtures - other sizes operatewith standard.fluorescent fixrures.

    SYTVANIA BLACKTIGHT TAMPSBL and. BLB Series. These fluorescent lamps produce the nearultaviolet radiations necessary for exciting luminescence. Forspecial inspection and photo-reproduction processes, for signlighting, theater displays, as well as scientific, mineralogy andhobby applications, etc. The Blacklight Blue series has dark blueglass which acts as a filter to absorb unwanted visible light. In theeconomical Blacklight clear glass series the fixture itself is pro-vided with a permanent filter. Operate with standard ballasts andstarters and in the same circuits as equivalent waftage sizes offluorescent lamps. 4O-waft lamps available in Rapid Start-Fre-heat rype only.

    SYTVANIA "CO[D CATHODE''FTUORESCENT TUBINGFor Signs and Custom-Design Ligbting

    "Cold cathode" differs from the usual "hot cathode" rype offluorescent lighting in its use of a higher electrical voltage and itslonger life. The resulting light output is somewhat lower than forhot cathode types because operaring currents are limited by elec-trode design. No starting switches are necessary and only oneconnection is made to each end of the tube.Sylvania cold cathode fluorescent sign tubing features high sur-face brightness, easier bending, controlled manufacture of exclu-sive "3-C" phosphors.. In 2 colors,2 diameters,S-foot lengths for lighting installations.

    Colors match standard fluorescent lamp colors.. In 12 colors, p diameters, 4 and S-foot lengths for sign tubing.Colors conform to National Electric Sign Association standards.. In many colors and diameters with bright Halophosphate coat-irg.. Triple Etched - colors are etched at both ends and center ofevery tube for easy identification.

    NEW ENERGY SOURCE FORSTIMULATING PTANT GROWTHThis recent Sylvania development produces radiant energy athigh efficiency for the many vital growth processes controlled bylight.\fill accelerate the gemination of most seeds . . . produce stock-ier seedlings . . . reduce susceptibility to damping-off infection. . . q/ill stimulate the rooting of cuttings and produce fibrous rootsystems.GRO-LUX't lamps are electrically and physicaily the same asstandard fluorescent lamps and can be used in any standard fluo-rescent circuit.*TratLemark


  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    Sylaania's 7 S*geffig$ SF FE W@KffiSHruT ooWg {lTE'oAaailable in wost lantps Jor General Lightfug Purposes

    To give exactly the shade of iight required for many differentuses, Sylvania offers most fluorescent lamps for general light-ing in seven shades of "white" light. The selection of theproper shade depends ofl a number of factors. For exampie,where will the light be used . . . for what purpose wiil it beused . . . what effect is desired from the use of it.If the light is to be used in industry, for instance, and its effecton colors does not matter - a shade should be chosen whichdelivers maximum light output. In a deparrment store, theshade most fratterir.g to women's complexions will result inthe purchase of more apparel. In markets, the shades which


    DETUXEcoor wHt?E






    make foods look most appetizing should be chosen. Or it maybe desirable to select the shades wirich most nearly resembleeirher natural daylight or the familiar incandescent lighting ofthe horne.Certain shades of fluorescent "white" are otten chosen for theirpsychological effect. In general the cool tones produce a moreei{cienr "working" atmosphere, the u'artn tones a more relax-ing "social" atmosphere. Depending on the shade of "white"chosen, the iamp will vary somewhat in the amount of light itdelivers, since some'colors are higher in their lighr efficiencythan others.

    &ffi&*-q.dsdf stuqB:wffi

    MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF SYIVANIA,'5 7 SHADES OF FTUORESCENT "WHITE"Often selected for of6ces, factories and commercial areas where a psy-chologically cool working atmosphere is desirable. Gives a natural out-door lighting effect. 'Ihe most popular of all Suorescent lamP colors.For the same general applicadons as "Cool {hite," but containing mo{sred and therefore mora fattering to the appearance of people and mer-chandise. Generally chosen for all-purpose good color rendition-Foi use wherever a warm soiial atmosphere is desirable. Close to incan'descent in color, it is suggested wherever a mixfure of fluorescent andincandescent is contemplated. In stores, it cufs down returns on salesof merchandise for use in homes lighted with incandescent. Its beigetint gives a bright warm aPpeararlce to reds and yelloli's, brings out theyellow in greea, adds a warm tone to'blue. : : ,Similar to "Warm White" and for, the sarne general uses' but with theaddition of a red element vhich makes it more flarteting to people andmost objects displayed under il Generally recommended for home arsocial environmeotl applicatioas and for commeicial use where, flatteringeffectsonpeop1eandmerchan,dise.ateconsideredimportant.For general lighdng purposes in ofices, schools, stores', homes or nrarmsocial atmosphere. Chiefly for use where either a cool working atmos-phere is oot oirical er a warm social atmosphere is desired. Emphasizesyellows,yellow-greens,andorangeli'']'For use in industry and work areas whete one prefers the blue colorassociated with the "north lighti' of actual daylight' Makeq blues andgreens bright and clear, tends to tone doryn teds, oranges and yeltows'Newest in the line of fluoresceat wbite colors. Specifically:desigaed'forstore lighting. A popular choice for meat counter display. lfhereDeluxe Cool White radiates most of lts light energy in the orangerggion, Natural White does so in the red tegion, offering mote redradiation than any othff white fluorescenr lamP oda;1. 1q ltlntns v'ividcolor to weari ng apparel . . . addsla warm glow to cuslomers' complex-ion . , . enriches colsrs of paclcaged 'products '' ' . makes meat lookfresher, more appealing.

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    rOTAl COST OF UGHTTNGuitb EXTRA HGHIING YA1UEruorth more than the cost of your lamps

    Your Total Cost of Lighting (TCL) is reduced to the low-est possible terms when you use Sylvania's new Lifelinefluorescents. They give you longer li{e . . greater,longer-lasting light output and lower power con-sumption than any other fluorescent lamp on the markettoday.Lifeline lamps and their labor-saving new Caddy-pack

    Since this is acrually your lowest cost item - you can gainvery little but stand to lose a lot - by buying lamps on thebasis of more favorable discounts or special price cuts. SuchCOST OF MAINTENANCE TABOR . . .20%

    make even greater economies possible when used withSylvania's money-saving Group Relamping Plan. And sup-porting their combined advantages is Sylvania's uniqueCertified Perfotmance Policy.For every 100 lamps you buy- this extra lighting value isworth more than the cost of the lamps themselves. This iswhy Sylvania's Lifeline program gives you louest TCL.

    cosT oF rAMPs...lo%

    This cost is usually fixed bytablished local pay standards.cient new Iamp that gives

    either union conttact or es-But by buying Sylvania's effi-superior life - and using

    savings are quickly offset if cheaper larnps cost you morefor maintenance and power consumption and deiiver lesslight.

    Sylvania's new labor-saving Caddy-pack - you can lowermaintenance labor costs appreciably - especialiy duringGroup Relamping.COST OF POWER ; . .7O%

    Your fixed power cost, running upwards of l0% -elnerges as far and away tl-re major cost of your TCL.That's why lanzp perf c.rrmance is the clue to your best iampbuy. Obviously the lamp which gives you the most light. stays the brightest, longest requires the fewestsingle iamp replacements . . will make the most effi'cient tse of the power it consumes. And, since Lifelinelamps consume even less power, these new Sylvania lampsare more than ever the greatest lighting value available. cosT 0F

    ELECTRICITYAPPROXIMATELY70%Based on rate per KWHHours of rated life xLamp-plus-ballast wattagein kilowatts

    MAINTEI{41{CEAPPROXIMATETYZoV"Labor cost forlamp cleaning andreplacement atend of rated life.

    APPR0XTMATELY 10%Based on List Price

    Th i s typical .^ru, 6"red.,:rin, th_e l' *idelyl 'u,sed.4_0,vatr,:laa1p.;is repreientatiye of the,srnalXr;elarive,eost pf,tlie,1fi;rr,lrp,;',,';,::.r;;,'::::'1

  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962


    rHE GNOUP RELAMPTilG PIAHGiues You Better Ligbt Than Euer , , . At Bigger Sauings

    Sylvania's new Lifeline lamp and Caddy-pack (Pages 8, 9)mwbiply the benefits you get from group relamping - theeficient modern method of replacing all lamps at. once -at some specific time before they fail. Keeping aging lampsin service and replacing them one-at-a-time until they fail

    - 1s5ul1s in poor lighting - wasted electriciry - and costlyduplication of maintenance time and iabor.By group relamping yo:u Mre - and you get more li.ght f oryout inoney because you use lamps only during their mostefficient span of light output.

    ,:l,l{,qr[i,nd d:,,':,,, ,ni ri,di 'ii':..,,r':lr,l.oidirlie.i-dr.l.:ibo:',*is:oo,

    'i,lr.,'rr N*rnbiXi.r ..i.r, Of ..'ir.i,i.:i'r.i.' . er$P5'



    Lifeline Lamps Mean You Group Relarcp Less OftenNaturally you'd expect far longer service from Sylvania'sLifeiine lamps with their 9000-hour rated average iife andgteater, longer-lasting light output. But when you look atthe figures below, you may be surprised at how tnucb more

    service they give you than other 40 watt lamps.Fluorescent lamp life is greatly affected by starting fre-quency. The longer the duty cycle, the longer lamp life.

    A MONEY.BACK GUARANTEESylvania's unique - in - the - industryCertified Performance Policy guar-antees the performance not only ofLifeiine lamps - but all otherSylvania fluorescents too. Andthis guarantee is stated in thebroadest terms. Lifeline lamPsmust in your oPin'ion Providebetter performance than anyother brand fluorescentlamps you've ever used -or the lamps may be re-turned for full refund.


    perSta rt



    Conii nuo us

    7 500-Hou rLamps75009400

    1 12001200012500i300013s0018/00

    Life I I ne


    1 1400722001280013400i380019100

    7500-H ou rLamps640080009600

    10200106001 11001 15001 5900

    i>'4o-./2& ,##"{$ypical' Group Saui'ngs Analysis Per 100 Lamps85"/" OF RATED HFEOR 40 WATT FLUORESCENTS AT

    ::0ilf.AT.A;Ut$1: ttmP;,,RI?.tA1(Iltl$1T,1';,,, .,.A. LABOR COST', :,,:.r:,'tlo-rlit' r; Bql9.:,,rt,t.,:r:,, ::,Xl: l lr,,lrln_illiillhg'r r',,ii r',,i:' i.Xpei.r:liirlrpl,.;'.i',,,.:,]:,',r:::t .,li:];:]i,:{){,,:'r'i.;.ii:,,,.,,

    20 (h tu.| X $3.00 X l0o : $loo.oo,B;.'1,,1aX1p| . COSI : , ,, 'I ,,,',,, ,,,,,,,' ,Nel PriceNumber of X petLompr Lomploo x $.s5TOTAT'ONE-AT-A.TIME'' COSI(Add a & B) ,']1s100$ S5roo




  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962



    WHY DO PREI{EAT IAIIIIPS RSQUIR*..A ''O--The preheat lamp operates on a,lo-eirvoiragd rhao ts q-quired to start the lamp. A starrer isiused to rpermir pfq-heating of rhe cathodes sufficienlly to.stait the,flow'ofelectrons. The starser switCh rhen-opens'ian-d a voltagesurge establishes the arc necessary for the llamp to emirlighr.',' .'WHY DOES A FTUORESCENT IAMP REQUIR ABAttAST?

    A fluoresceo lamp is fundamen@ll;r aa electrical $aseousdischarge source. Ifthe current ofsueh a soutiiwerc aptregulated, it would rapidlyr iis; to i valai rwhich woulddestroy the lamp. The ballasr is a contfol device whichlimits the cuffeni to the proper operatlng value.WHY DO RAPID START I.AMPS REQUIRE NN' '-'.STARTERS?Both filaments of a Rapid Start larnp Cri independenrlyheated all the time the lamp is in operation on,a Rapid,Stan ballast. This conrinuous heatiag keeps rhC filarnents,.active elecffonically. S{hen the lampi are startedl'r}3,rfil:ii;"ments heat quickly for abour 1 second. Thtn rhe avail,able voltage strikes the arc: 'Rapid Start lamps'also give good resultsrwhen ured in'preheat circuits with staa{ers and are ,recommcndedl forsuch service. Their life and light'outpul ,rarings are rhesame in either type of circuit. .......:..CAN FTUORESCENT IIGHTING BE IvIEASURED tlKEINCANDE5CTNT LIGHT]N C?Yes. There are two types of lighr meters wtrich iao beused. One type requires a cottection {actor in order tomeasure fluorescent. The other meas*res any rype'oflighdng - incandesce{rr, mercury vapor, o fluorescent- regardless of color composition. .'wr{AT AFFECTS THE rlFt OF FLUORISCENT rnMpSrThe electrodes of a prehear fluorescent lamp take a rnuchmore severe shock during the srarting period than durihgthe actual lighting period. Therefore, the tongeqithelight-ing period, the rnore ecoaomically rhe Buoresceng, lampswill operate and the longef they ,las1. Not only too.,frequenr starting, bur also Jow voltage, timedstarters, cold remperatures and 'faulry ballasts will allshorten lamp life. Under normal conditions, a fluoresce4tlamp lasts much longer than:an incandeseent,:







    WHATi CAUSES LAMP DARKENING?ii i..'....'. iAg a larnp ages; general dartening,ploag qhe inrire le

    : of 1he rube occurs',a$ a normal condltloni . due ito,,mestleakiog.' Heavy.bt66L*,r;ng at thC en{s af $ertube.accui frorn material given off by. the elac*odts:and.'cates that ihe end of lamp life is near; i ,i'rr' l: , tii il,WHAT CAUSES LAMPS TO FTASH ON AND OFF

    ,[s1: s]dEr larnps,l ffaihing shows.they,,are ,nearing the.,of their.use, Flashingrrin niweq lam.p;s, ma1',,be.iauqedinFrapeil.*iring:.with the-1sad5 f,fcrlssaios,Sid:l,.So iha,,sta*er,soikei of onelamp is eonnected to the,,l*mph, of the othet. :Defective starters I or ball*ste;.', o*, rioltlOw,'temp' -- uris;'or defectlve }amps' also : nuayl,a6gfor flashing.,:HSlItIr,DO r$t*6pgg ;vot?AGErcoNolTloNs,',AFFECT' flUORSSCEl.lT i t{lllp, t,,'''::', ::,'..:''','"1,:1.,:1,,r;.,Althongh,fluoreiiinr, lamps are nor as sensitive,:io vagg,va{iaaions,t9, rsiandesceng lamps, i they,,,must beerated :*ithin . he,,,sqltage' range'speii6ed,on,. the,,ba, foi:$rnpei Feif-oryqnce Low voltage decleases lighi,,p"*t'.and.11,4 i,.ir&-;.,*akCq st*:tin$ unceriein;:and,,,cau,,*iEss yb:,lblackeai&,,.Hlg , vOItaSe,nlio:,,-shonea$,, l,'lifet,;csuies'lsevere ,blackening.,a*d, '.rnay,iio,ved1ati'tha,,l*s.t ,a6 '.ct;se ii to;&il. i.', r, "i"DO STARTERS BURN OUT?A fluoiiliCnt'lqak *,ili,ourlait'iivCral,fluorisient la

    iasr longl ai it'operate , undet normal''aonditina.q: ., llOWi:,DOT YOU,,FIGURE THE TOTAI'WATTAGE OFTUORE$CENTI 1,IGHT|NG SYSTEITilS? i' i' ri:'r'Larnps opetatingl oa, their proper electiiial,,characteri,eonsume theiir,rated, -attagel'{ iwo:lamp,'ballasr,about,one {burth the rrattage of the,t*o.,la4psf ii qonq,TtQ 4o:vai-i,iarnps with ttreii tworlamp bella;tqill us'$etherr abaut ,100' *atts, A single tampriballast',;illabout,r'o*e third :thi nurnbei of waits; asi,,'the' ldmconuols..,.DOXS' TE'$f'N'-UNE AFFECT iFT,UORESCENT TAOPERATIONS?Flnor;sci*i l@s give bqqt perforniance,iwheo,temFeute,.ig'betrxrebn,,6$,and 90 degrees F. At Eitheri. eh $et iemperaiures; Jlght'output wifl decrease' Sylvhas,,a, ;qpec dly,, deslgncd, low ternpe{eture:.,iarnp forundei r So,' degie,ei' ip.' 6-t5.rwisi itts ad?itable' tb :enrthe lamp so it cun build up its own envelope of,r:vary rlow temperarures.. Foi, *i-e. under h,te$rPe&tqreS,: vqnrilaqion around the laurp, mai be nesa.3y to: keep terypqrature at' i moderate' level:rri',,'',:



  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Fluorescent Lighting Guide Book 1962





    listrict Sales 0ffices(T0 0BTATN SALES ANI)ECHNICAL INF(}RMATION)

    LocationDistribution Centers


    MAINTAINED IN THESE CITIES2l l5 Sylvon Rd,, 5. WPoplor 6-3633 ATLANTA IO, GA 2l15 Sylvon Rd.,5. WPoplor 6-3633601 Boiley AvenueTA 5.5000 BUFFATO 6, N. Y. 60I Boiley AvenueTA 5-5000Kingsmore Bldg.'1416 E. Moreheqd 5tEdison 3-9885

    CHARI.OTTE, N, C. 2I l5 Sylvon Rd., 5. W., Allonto 10, Gs.Poplor 6-36332001 No. Cornell AvenueMelrose Pork, lll.Fillmore 5-0100

    cHlcAco, ltt.(Melrose Pork) 200I No, Cornell AvenueMelrose Pork" lll.Fillmore 5-0100Kroger Bldg. Room 2222'1014 Vine Street PqrkwoY I -21 l4 ctNctNNATt 2, OH O 4848 West l3Oth Streel Clevelond 35, OhioCleo:wqter 2-05004848 Wesl l30th StreetCleorwoter 2-0500 ctEvEtAND 35, oHlo 4848 West 'l30th SrreetClearwoter 2-05O0'100 Fordy(e StreetRiverside l-4836 DAII.AS 2, TIXAS

    '100 Fordyce StreetRiverside'l-4836

    333 Wesl l st Sl.eelEoldwin 3-6227 DAYTON 2. OHIO 484& West leorh 5r., Clevelond 35, OhioCleorwoter ?-05004700 E. 48th AveFLorido 5-2303 DENVER 16, COtO. 4700 E. 48th Ave.FLorido 5-23037800 lntervole AvenueWebsrer 3-8765 DETROIT 38, MICH. 7800 lntervole AvenueWebsrer 3-8765600 Old County RoodPioneer 7-5370 GARDEN CITY, t. I., N. Y. 1000 Huyler Streef,, N. JChickering 4-8820450 Funslon RoodDrexel l-3773 KANSAS CITY I5, KANSAS 450 Funston RoodDrexel l-37736505 Eosr Goyhorl StreetRoymond 3-5371 ros ANGEtES 54, CAtlF. 6505 Eost Goyhort StreetRoymond 3-53713655 Eosl llh Avenue, Hioleoh, FloridoOxtord, 6-1971 -2 MIAMI, FI.ORIDA(Hioleoh) 3655 Eost I llh Avenue, Hioleah, FloridoOxlord 6-I971 -2851 6 Wesl Copilol DriveHOpkins 3-7300.01 -02

    MttWAUKEE 22, WISCONSIN 2001 N. Cornell Ave., Melrose Pk., lllfillmore 5-010022ll Eost Hennepin AvenueFEderol 2-6583 MINNEAPOIIS T3, MINN. 2?ll Eo5r Hennepin AvenuoFEderol 2-65834700 Porkside Ave,Greenwood 7-5000 PHITADETPHIA 3I. PENNA. 4700 Pqrkside AveGreenwood 7-5000300 Mt. lebonon Blvd.lehish l-4974 PITTsBURGH 34, PENNA 4848 Werr l3oth Sr., Clevelond 35, OhioCleorwoter 2-05005010 Kemper AvenueMohowk 4-8974 5T. rOUrS 39, MlSSoUR| 5010 Kemper AvenveMohowk 4-89747l lorinq AvenuePloneer 4-5600 5AI.EM, MA55. 60 Boston SlreelPloneer 5-4500428 South Moin StreetEmpire 4-6144 SAIT LAKE CITY I. UTAH 47OO E.48rh Ave., Denvor'16, ColFlorido 5-23O3ISll Adrion RoodBurlingome, Colif.OXford 7-350C

    sAN FRANCISCO, CAIIF(Burlingome) lSll Adrion RoodBurlingome, Colif.OXford 7-35003466 E- Mqrginol WoyMoin 2-6888

    SEATTTE 4, WASHINGTON 3466 E. Morginol WoYMoin 2-6888

    1000 Huyler 5treerAtlos 8-9484 'ETEREORO, NEW JERSEY '1000 Huylet SlretAtlds 8-9484Shirley Highwoy & Edsoll RoodSpringfield, Vo., Fleetwood 4-3100 WASHINGTON. D.C(5pringfield, Vo") Shirlev HighwqY & Edsoll RoodSpringfield, Vo., Fleetwood 4-3100

    SYTVANIA LIGI{T NG PRODUTS60 Boston Street . Solem . MossochuseitsSIA