Surviving the Cramped Quarters of Cary Quad

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Surviving the Cramped Quarters of Cary Quad

Living in Cary Quad isn't as bad as everyone says. I'm sure many of you have heard the horror stories of the tiny living space. You may have heard the phrase "Cary Closets". I'll start by saying, it's true. Yes the rooms are very small, but that doesn't mean you can't live a fairly comfortable lifestyle. Plus the smaller rooms, cause Cary to have close knit community. Contrary to popular belief, Cary is a great place to live.

Page 2: Surviving the Cramped Quarters of Cary Quad

Lofted beds

Having a loft is very benecial while living in Cary. It is not required, but I would denitely recommend it. It opens up a ton of oor space. Without a loft you won't be able to have a sitting area or much room to walk around at all. It allows for desks and dressers to be placed under the beds thus maxi-mizing living space. The only down side is having to get used to the fact that there is one foot in between your bed and the ceiling. Just don't plan on doing anything other than sleeping up there, because it is quite impossible. After you hit your head on the ceiling a few times you begin to learn real After you hit your head on the ceiling a few times you begin to learn real quick. The loft comes with a ladder that is needed. The beds are too high for someone to be able to climb up.

Page 3: Surviving the Cramped Quarters of Cary Quad

Box fan in the window

If you didn't know, Cary south doesn't have any air conditioning. This means that in August when school starts and in the spring when the year is about to end, it can be very hot. It isn't very long because Indi-ana's fall and spring are normally cooler. A large box fan will do the job. Open up your window and put a fan on the windowsill. This will keep the air circulating in your room, making it much more bearable. Sleeping still won't be the most comfortable thing, but I'm sure you can manage. can manage.

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Triple stacked appliances

Stacking is essential to living in Cary Quad. With the very small room space, how you lay out your furniture is very important. Stack your dressers if possible. Put your microwave on top of your refrigerator. These things will save you lots of oor space, making the room all the more functional. When I rst lived in Cary we didn't have a good room layout, and it was awful. After we planned out a space for ev-erything and did some rearranging; it was like a whole different room. room.

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Oraganizational crates

Keep your room organized. The rooms are already small; if you ll it with clutter it will feel even smaller. Every week take some time to throw out trash, and organize your belongings. This will help to ensure that your room doesn't become completely trashed. Last semester my roommate and I didn't clean very much and our room felt very small. The entire oor was covered in clothes and books. By taking a tiny bit of time to clean, it can go a long way to making the space feel more liv-able.

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Ford Dining Hall

As they say in real estate "Location, Location, Location", Cary Quad is denitely in a good spot on campus. Ford Dining Court is right across the street. With one of the best dining courts on campus less than a two minute walk, getting food is rather convenient. Also ford has an on-the-go option, so if you're are in a rush it is very useful. Cary maybe old, but it sure has a great location.

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Engineering fountain

Not only is Cary very close to Ford, it is very close to the entire engineering mall. With many of your classes being close to the dorm it can save you a lot of time. You won't need to take busses to get to your classes. Plus you can sleep in those extra few min-utes each day knowing class is just a short walk away. Trust me being close to many things is much better than having a slightly larger dorm room.

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The Quad

Overall, Cary is a very nice place to live, so make the best of it. You won't want to spend too much time in your room, because you will miss a lot of the college experience. Since your room is small you will want to get out and meet people. In the quad there is plenty of room to hang out with friends. On nice days you can be sure to see people playing Frisbee or tossing a football. In the basement you can watch movies and play cards. As you can see Cary isn’t so bad after all. If you follow this advice your life in Cary Quad will be both pleasant and enjoyable.