4/3/2014 Worship Services Sunday, April 6, 2014 "What's in a Story?" Betsy Tabor, Intern Minister 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM The ancestors of our stone church, 150 years ago, seem quaint and old-fashioned to us. In so many respects, our way of life looks vastly different from theirs. But our stories connect us across the sweep of time. When we read between the lines of materials they left us, what made these people tick can inform our own spiritual understandings. Music: 9:15 Mary Gould; 11:00 Choir. Please click here to volunteer to help with the 9:15 AM Service Please click here to volunteer to help with the 11:00 AM Service Sunday, April 13, 2014 "Our Tall Man: Manute Bol and The War of Visions" With guest speaker, documentary filmmaker Matthew Kohn 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Sudan was always a land of conflict, but when civil war broke out, NBA star and Sudan native Manute Bol used his celebrity to bring attention to the attacks on civilians that were killing women, children and old men. Documentary film director Matthew Kohn presents his insights into this inspiring “hero without a gun” and into the ongoing fight for democracy in this war-torn region of Africa. Music: 9:15 am: Barbara Bennett; 11:00 am: Choir; At 12:15 pm, Matthew Kohn will present excerpts of the documentary "Our Tall Man: Manute Bol and The War of Visions", which is a work in progress. The screening will take place in Community Hall. (Please feel free to bring a bag lunch.) Please click here to volunteer to help with the 9:15 AM Service Please click here to volunteer to help with the 11:00 AM Service

Sunday, April 6, 2014uureading.org/attachments/article/2313/nlprint2014-04-03.pdf · 4/3/2014  · 4/3/2014 3 Family Passover Seder – Friday, April 18, 6:30 PM On Friday, April

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Worship Services

Sunday, April 6, 2014

"What's in a Story?"

Betsy Tabor, Intern Minister

9:15 AM and 11:00 AM

The ancestors of our stone church, 150 years ago, seem quaint and old-fashioned to us.

In so many respects, our way of life looks vastly different from theirs. But our stories

connect us across the sweep of time. When we read between the lines of materials they

left us, what made these people tick can inform our own spiritual understandings.

Music: 9:15 Mary Gould; 11:00 Choir.

Please click here to volunteer to help with the 9:15 AM Service

Please click here to volunteer to help with the 11:00 AM Service

Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Our Tall Man: Manute Bol and The War of Visions"

With guest speaker, documentary filmmaker Matthew Kohn

9:15 AM and 11:00 AM

Sudan was always a land of conflict, but when civil war broke out, NBA star and Sudan

native Manute Bol used his celebrity to bring attention to the attacks on civilians that

were killing women, children and old men. Documentary film director Matthew Kohn

presents his insights into this inspiring “hero without a gun” and into the ongoing fight

for democracy in this war-torn region of Africa.

Music: 9:15 am: Barbara Bennett; 11:00 am: Choir;

At 12:15 pm, Matthew Kohn will present excerpts of the documentary "Our Tall Man:

Manute Bol and The War of Visions", which is a work in progress. The screening will take

place in Community Hall. (Please feel free to bring a bag lunch.)

Please click here to volunteer to help with the 9:15 AM Service

Please click here to volunteer to help with the 11:00 AM Service

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Green Sanctuary Film/Lunch - What if We Change? Leading

with Agriculture - April 6, 2014

John D. Lieu, May 15, 2013

Sunday, April 6 12:30 p.m.

Community Hall

This 23 minute film, What if We Change, Leading With Agriculture, with an upbeat new

slant, will be hosted by our Green Sanctuary Team. Lunch and film will be followed by

discussion based on our 7th UU principle, Respect for the Interdependent Web of all

Existence of which We are a Part.

Discussing human impact on climate change is often about industrial emissions.

However, our agricultural processes also create huge amounts of greenhouse gasses.

Changing our methods can create part of the solution. All over the world, people are

discovering climate smart agriculture.

Ideas for adapting your gardening methods to lighten your footprint will also be


Deadlines Articles for the newsletter should be submitted to [email protected] as soon as they are ready

for publication. Submissions should be either plain text or basic rich text (such as what an email client

might provide); submissions must not be copied-and-pasted from word processing programs, such as

Microsoft Word, since those programs generally inject excessive formatting mark-up.

Submissions will be published online as soon as possible after submission.

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Family Passover Seder – Friday, April 18, 6:30 PM

On Friday, April 18 at 6:30 PM, we will gather at UUCR for a family Passover Seder.

Whether Passover is a valued part of your family’s cultural tradition or this is a new

experience for you, you are warmly invited to join us! We will sing traditional songs, read

from the Unitarian Universalist Haggadah about the Passover story, eat traditional

foods, answer important questions about Passover (for instance, why is this night more

important than other nights?), and the children will hunt for the afikomen – the hidden

matzo – and all will get a prize for participating!

The cost is $10/adult ($5 for children over 4 and under 13), plus a dish to serve 8-10

from these choices: Matzo Ball soup, Tzimmes (a vegetable dish), Kugel, Green Salad

with dressing, or Sponge Cake with Strawberries (recipes provided). Turkey will be our

main course, and we’ll provide all the traditional Seder Plate offerings, matzo, and more.

And if you don’t cook, there are other options – see Deb Weiner.

Sign up today: Sign-up sheets are in the Atrium; or you can call (781-944-0494) or email

([email protected]) if you wish to participate: Include your name, number in your

party, and what dish you are contributing to the meal. You will pay as you enter

Fellowship Hall on the night of the Seder. Deadline for signing up is April 15 (Tuesday at

5 PM). Questions: See Deb Weiner, Interim Director of Faith Development, or

email [email protected].

Worship Services

Sundays 9:15 and 11:00 AM (except over the summer and on special events, when services are offered at

10:00 AM)

Nursery care, playschool and all children's Faith Development during 9:15 service only.

Our full service schedule can be found on our Upcoming Services page.

Please consider volunteering to help out at a worship service on our Worship Volunteer Signup page.

Please click here to view a full list of happenings coming up at the church in April.

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Spirituality Drop-in Groups

Since this past January, Melissa Martin, our Member Services and Volunteer Coordinator,

began hosting a Spiritual Connections Drop-in Group that is open to all. There is a

monthly Sunday session after second service, as well as a monthly evening session. The

sessions will run 60 - 90 minutes long.

These drop-in groups will give an opportunity for anyone to explore the monthly topic,

nurture their individual spiritual development and build a deeper connection to our

UUCR community. Whether you are new to UUCR or a long-time member looking to

make new acquaintances, you are warmly invited to attend this drop-in group once, or

for as many times time that it is offered.

No registration is necessary. No commitment is required.

Each session will be as unique as the individuals who attend, and it is the goal to utilize

this time together to reflect and connect on a deeper level. The drop-in sessions will be

structured as follows:

Welcome, settling in and chalice lighting

Brief introductions and sharing what brought us here

Opening Reading

Topic discussion and activity

Closing words, take home connections, preview of the following month’s topic and extinguishing the


In short, each monthly session we give us opportunity to make time for togetherness

around the monthly spirituality topic, reflect on thought-provoking questions, share our

personal stories and connect on a deeper level with ourselves and those around us.

Why consider a Spiritual Connections Drop-in Group session?

To give yourself the gift of thoughtful reflection.

To share deeply from your life experience and to listen receptively to the experiences of others.

To connect your religious values with your life.

To create meaningful connections with others in the congregation

To experience community.

To engage in a shared ministry - nurturing and caring for other members.

To create a caring and indeed beloved community.

Sunday Afternoons at 12:30 pm Weeknight Evenings at 7:00 pm - Future dates include:

Sunday, May 18th & Tuesday, May 20th

Sunday, June 1st & Monday, June 2nd

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Director of Faith Development's Messages

In the Interim – April 1, 2014

Thoughts from the Interim Director of Faith Development

Deb Weiner

Last week, Ben and I traveled to New Orleans to visit our daughter, Abby,

who is a sophomore studying sociology at Tulane University. We’ve been

to New Orleans a number of times, but this was our first trip back since

that hot August week in 2012 when – our Prius loaded up like we were the Joads

migrating through Oklahoma – we drove Abby down to Louisiana to start her studies in

the Big Easy.

This year was easier, and we had a great visit, which included meeting her suite-mates

and her boyfriend, watching her Ultimate Frisbee team practice, and driving out into

bayou country to – quite literally – the end of the road, where we stood looking at the

Gulf of Mexico and the small shacks around us. We were in another part of the world,

for sure. We also got to see our friend, Rev. Tyronne Edwards (a community organizer

and pastor who – with the help of UUs and other faith communities – rebuilt his town of

Phoenix after it was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina), visited a Creole plantation, toured

the remarkable World War II museum, and ate more than our share of fine Gulf seafood.

It was a wonderful trip. And one of the gifts of the trip was seeing Abby, in her element,

doing what she loves to do: studying things that really interest her; soaking in the

unique culture of this area. And I know that it might never have happened, were it not

for our friends.

Four years ago, I had been laid off from my longtime job. The economy had crashed. My

husband is self-employed. Money was very tight. Abby, at the time a junior in high

school, wanted to have an adventure that would combine a service trip and an

experience living somewhere that was different from suburban Boston. One of the

places she was interested in was New Orleans, doing restoration work and studying the

culture. And we did not have the money to make that happen. But a friend had come

into a little money when her father died, and she and her spouse -- parents of great kids

as well – approached Ben and me. They wanted us to have some of this money, so that

Abby could go to New Orleans and follow her dream. Part of the agreement was that

their names would not be revealed…it would be an anonymous gift.

We cried together, hugged, and accepted the gift. It was enough money to make the

difference – combined with what we could put together, Abby went on the trip. She fell

in love with the city, and came home talking about going to college there. And the rest,

as they say, is history.

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It is not often that you can look at part of your life and know, for a fact, that something

wouldn’t have happened, if not for something else. Life mostly evolves…one thing leads

to another, and we don’t usually spend a lot of time wondering how it got to be a

certain way…it just is. But in the case of Abby being in New Orleans, being at Tulane,

thriving, we know that it all started with this one thing: a gift from our friends.

The take-away, for me, is a reminder that we rarely know, at the time, what will make a

difference for others. It could be the hug at social hour, the note you took the time to

write, and yes, the faith development class you helped teach that a child remembered

years later, with gratitude. You never know…but these acts, small and insignificant as

they might seem, can make all the difference. May we bless one another with such

kindnesses, and in so doing, pay it forward for someone else.

In faith,


Adult Enrichment

Second Principle Seminar on Wednesday, April 9, 2014: What does it

mean to “Affirm and Promote Justice Equity and Compassion in

Human Relations?

Two sessions: 9:30 to 11:00 AM, and 7:00 to 8:30 PM, in Loring Room 103

What does it mean to “Affirm and Promote Justice Equity and Compassion in Human

Relations? What do these terms mean to us? What does the second principle call us to

do? What can I do in my daily life to help promote justice, equity and compassion?

If you would like to explore these issues, please join us as we present the second our UU

Seven Principle series. The guided discussions will take place Wednesday, February 9,

2014 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM. A second guided discussion for people who cannot

make the morning group will be from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Jenna Doucette and Kristine

Blum will facilitate the discussion.

If you plan to attend, please register. You can register by calling the church office (781-

944-0494); by emailing the church office by clicking here; by signing up on Sunday at

coffee hour; or by registering online for Our Second Principle by clicking one of the links


Click here to register for Our Second Principle - Morning Session

Click here to register for Our Second Principle - Evening Session

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Body Mapping/Pilates - Saturday, April 5

Saturday, April 5, 10:00-11:00 AM

Community Hall

Healthy Spine

Learn how to uncover your spine’s amazing mobility, flexibility and support in this Body

Mapping Pilates Workshop. This special introductory workshop will help you understand

the spine’s design and then integrate the knowledge into core strengthening Pilates

exercises. You will discover how the spine enhances the movements of everyday

activities and athletic performance, as you learn to move with greater freedom and ease.

Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable, close fitting exercise clothing. Bring

water, and a yoga mat.

Myra Green is a STOTT certified Pilates instructor and Barre teacher. She loves how the art

and practice of this exercise generates the possibility of a stronger core, increased mobility

and flexibility, and improved postural alignment. For over ten years, she has seen clients

develop a more positive attitude, more graceful movement and strength.

Vanessa Mulvey brings over a decade of experience assisting people of all backgrounds in

finding fluidity and ease for wellness and improved performance. She is a licensed Andover

Educator who utilizes Body Mapping along with experience in Feldenkrais, flying trapeze

and physical fitness to guide clients in refining movement to overcome movement related

pain and limitation.

Did you ever wonder how the church website works?

The links below are to a three-part series that explains in plain language how the church

website works.

Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3

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Mandala Workshop - Saturday, April 26

10:00 AM - 12:00 noon

Loring House

with Maureen Crowley

Creating mandalas is an ancient, spiritual ritual used for healing and self-expression. The

mandala symbolizes the universe.

Join us in a playful and relaxed atmosphere to create artwork that symbolizes your

relationship to the universe. Come play with shapes, patterns and colors and let your

creative spirit shine!

Materials will be provided.

Click here to register for Mandala Workshop

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Absolute Beginner Yoga Series with Jennifer Polverari

Thursdays May 1, 8, 15 and 22

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Community Hall

Members and Friends of UUCR, please join UUCR Member and Yoga Instructor, Jennifer

Polverari, for her free Yoga series for the Absolute, Total Beginner! The 90 minute class

will meet once a week for 4 consecutive weeks on Thursdays in May. Classes will meet in

the quiet warmth of Community Hall, with a maximum 12 beginner students.

This four (4) session workshop will introduce students to:

basic poses that energize, relax, and strengthen

the names of poses that are typically used in most yoga studios

connecting breath with movement

where to find other yoga classes in the area that might be a good match with goals,

ability, and experience


Participants should be able to attend all 4 weeks

Participants must be able to lie/sit on the floor (on a yoga mat) and be able to get

up and down without assistance

Participants should bring a yoga mat, towel and water to each class. Yoga mats can

be purchased for *as low as $5 at stores like Five Below and TJ Maxx. Obtaining a

yoga mat should not prevent participation, so please let Melissa know if you need

help in acquiring one to borrow or purchase.

All participants will also be required to sign a release form.

To Register:

Please contact Melissa Martin, Member Services and Volunteer Coordinator, by April 27

to register.

Click here to register for Absolute Beginner Yoga online.

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The Pledge Drive is off to a Great Start!

On Commitment Sunday, Rev. Tim told a Scout story about camping out in the woods.

Late into the night, the boys talked, adding logs to the blazing campfire…

We too are adding logs to our fire! So far, 76 friends and members have pledged

$225,513 to the church. Thank you! Over 60% of the pledges are increases over last

year—thank you! Eleven pledges are new this year—thank you!

Our goal is $440,000-$480,000 depending on whether we raise enough to add a Youth

Director, fund important property maintenance and repairs, give our hardworking staff a

cost of living increase and fund other important priorities.

So, let's put another log on the fire! May your pledge reflect all that this wonderful

church means to you.



Let’s make it a blaze!

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UUCR Governing Board March 2014 Meeting Headlines

Leadership News

1. The Board receives request to hire a youth program coordinator from Deb Weiner,

interim Director of Faith Development.

2. The Board takes first look at next year's budget and considers new investments in

staffing, property, and programs, possibly including the youth program coordinator

and additional property improvements.

3. For the first time, seltzer did not explode or spill (GB personal best- really and truly)!

4. The Board votes to recommend that the Church develop policy regarding CORI/SORI

background checks.

Second Offering Thanks

Social Action

Many, many thanks to all who donated to the Second Offering on February 23.

Together, members of the congregation raised $1672.35 to provide meals for the

guests at Bread and Roses soup kitchen in Lawrence. This is enough to cook pasta

primavera with chicken (and garlic bread) for the first-Saturday-of-the-month meal for

almost a year, for the roughly 150 men, women, and children who find community and a

warm dinner at Bread and Roses five nights a week.

Pans of pasta primavera and loaves of garlic bread are prepared in the church kitchen by

6 to 8 UUCR volunteers the Friday nigh before the first Saturday of each month. The

cooking is easy and the fellowship great!

If you'd like to shop, cook on a Friday evening, or deliver the meal on a Saturday

afternoon, please contact Jamie Maughan at [email protected]. The next

cooking date is April 4.

OWL Facilitator Training - April 13, 2014

OWL Facilitator Training - Grades 7 to 12, presented by the Mass Bay and Clara Barton

Districts, Offered by Jesse Jaeger and Jane Detwiler

Friday, April 11, 2014, 6:00pm - Sunday, April 13, 2014, 3:00pm, The Walker Center,

Newton, MA.

Training program for those interested in teaching OWL. For more details about this

program visit http://www.cbd-mbd-uua.org/

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The two Sudans, Reconciliation, Unity and The Future - Sunday, April

13 - 12:30 PM

Social Action

Sunday, April 13 - 12:30 PM

Community Hall

Sudan, and the world's newest nation, South Sudan, have been built on multiple

divisions of religious practice, linguistic, ethnic and regional differences. They are both at

war with themselves. Under the conditions that currently exist, civil society, civil servants,

religious institutions, political parties, journalists and even traditional nondiscriminatory

policing activities are nearly impossible. After a brief period of hope, both northern and

southern Sudanese face the possibility that the impulse toward democracy will be

crushed again. Is there something that Americans can do?

OUR TALL MAN investigates the extraordinary life of Manute Bol, the first basketball

player from any foreign country to join the NBA. Sudan was always a land of conflict, but

when civil war broke out, Manute used his celebrity to bring attention to the attacks on

civilians that were killing women, children and old men. Manute showed no fear as he

landed in hostile conflict zones, provided funds for peaceful refugees as well as rebel

fighters. The importance of Manute's death a year before Independence is seen through

the tens of thousands of Americans and Sudanese who knew him. Loved by both

Christians and Muslims, he died as a founding father of South Sudan.

This screening will include excerpts of the documentary "Our Tall Man: Manute Bol and

The War of Visions", which is a work in progress. The screening will take place in

Community Hall, and will be hosted by the director of the documentary, Matthew Kohn.

Please feel free to bring a bag lunch.

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March’s “Make a Difference Sunday” brought out the crafter in all!

Social Action

March’s “Make a Difference Sunday” brought out the crafter in all! Kids, youth and

adults snipped and kibitzed and, at the end of the day, made some 200 flowers! Our

blooms will festoon the UUCR convertible that rides in the North Shore Pride Parade in


The parade, an event celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender culture and

pride, takes place in Salem on Saturday, June 21. Mark your calendar!

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Update from the Nominating Committee

Leadership News

The Nominating Committee is charged with identifying candidates for open positions on

the Governing Board prior to the annual meeting in May. However, any member may

run for any open office. The President and Vice Presidents are elected for one-year

terms, and will usually do two or more years in that position. This year, Jane Jolkovski is

running for President, while David Oakes is a candidate to serve another year as Vice

President for Finance and Matt Wilson is a candidate for another term as Vice President

for Planning. Open positions this year are for the Vice President for Programs, Treasurer,

and the 3 at-large positions on the Governing Board. The Treasurer is a non-voting

member of the Governing Board.

At-large terms are for two years, and Nancy Nienhuis and Eric Gaffen have both finished

their first year and will continue next year. We have two, 2-year and one, 1-year vacant

at-large positions (the one year term is due to a mid-term resignation).

The current members of the Nominating Committee are Dru Wood-Beckwith (Chair),

Fran Sansalone, and Andy Furst. If you have any questions about the process or would

like to suggest a candidate (maybe yourself!), please contact Dru

at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

An invitation to a Traditional Passover Seder - April 19, 6:30PM

Our Renters

All are welcome. Rabbi Bart Pearlman will hold a traditional Passover Seder at the

Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading's Fellowship Hall, on Saturday, April 19, from

6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Doors will open at 6:00 PM.

In addition to the Seder service a full Passover meal is included: Soup, salad, roast

chicken, several side dishes, and desserts. The cost of the meal once determined will be

in the range of 23 to 26 dollars. Children are half price.

For information and to RSVP, please contact Lou Damelinat 781-272-4755 or

at [email protected] by the deadline of Wednesday, April 16th. All are welcome

to share in this festive holiday.

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Ferry Beach Weekend 2014 Information and Registration


May 30 - June 1, 2014

Saco, Maine

Join your UUCR community for a weekend at the beach! Every year we are together at

Ferry Beach in Maine and this year the dates are Friday May 30th - Sunday June 1st.This

is a relaxing and fun weekend enjoying the beach with a talent show, games, a

preprandial, campfires, and other activities. Ferry Beach has dormitory style

accommodations and we are together for delicious meals prepared for us.

Registration has begun and this year we are pleased to be offering an option to go up

for the day on Saturday. Registration forms can be downloaded using the links

below, and you can look for a Ferry Beach table during coffee hour most

Sundays. Interested in learning more? Please reach out to Debbie Vince

[email protected], and we have a list of ambassadors ready to answer

questions and tell you about it!

Please find below links to general information, Ferry Beach infomration, as well separate

registration forms for folks who wish to spend the full weekend and for Saturday-only

day-trippers. There are a limited number of rooms so do not hesitate to find out more

or get your registration completed!

Please click here for general information.

Please click here to visit FerryBeach.org, which has some wonderful pictures and lots of

additional information to give you a sense of what it looks like.

Please click here for the weekend registration form.

Please click here for the Saturday-only Day-tripper registration form.

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Unique Healing Strategies for Fibromyalgia Workshop - April 5

Our Renters

Loring House

Saturday, April 5


This workshop is for sufferers who feel stuck in their recovery, practitioners who wish to

learn more about the treatments and techniques that work best for their Fibromyalgia

patients and the people who wish to better support their loved ones in their healing

journey. The workshop offers discussion/demonstration of techniques/treatments that

can actually improve Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Topics Include: Integrative approaches, essential testing, viral loads, Fibromyalgia food

planning, supplementation, the best medications with fewest side effects, why

detoxification and gut health are crucial to recovery, the importance of your pH and

pain, exercises/stretches that help not harm, trigger point techniques you can use on

yourself at home, increasing your neurotransmitter levels, self-help tools for pain relief

and much more.

The class is limited to 12 participants. Cost - $45, essential handouts included. Prepay to

hold your spot as attendance is limited. Go tohttp://meetup.com/fibromyalgia-301 to

sign up. If you wish to prepay using check or cash call Betsy at 623-251-7547 or email

me at [email protected].

RSVP Betsy Timmerman at 623-251-7547 or [email protected].

Website: http://eastwestpainsolutions.com

Betsy is a Certified Bonnie Prudden Myotherapist/Exercise Therapist, Certified Therapeutic Lifestyle

Consultant, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist and Fibromyalgia Educator. Betsy

has certificates of achievement in treating Fibromyalgia and related pain syndromes from the

National Fibromyalgia Association, University of San Diego Medical School, Omega Institute,

Foundation for Care Management and Metagenics Corporation.

Betsy teaches Fibromyalgia Recovery and No More Back Pain classes at Paradise Valley

Community College and Mesa Community College in Arizona.

Betsy has suffered from Fibromyalgia since childhood. She teaches her patients how to use a

successful, transferable protocol she uses to manage her Fibromyalgia symptoms. This protocol is

customized for each individual’s symptoms and results in a significant reduction in pain and other

Fibromyalgia symptoms over time.

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Please Meet our Committee on Ministry

More News

Our 2013-2014 UUCR Committee on Ministry (COM) (pictured left to right):

Stephen Langlois, Steve Rose, Beverly Everett, Ann Fisher, Lorraine Dennis, chair.

The Committee on Ministry (COM) is available to you if you have feedback regarding the

ministries of the church and assists the minister, Governing Board and congregation in

facilitating communication and managing conflicts. We are here for you. Please contact

one of us if you would like to talk.

To contact the Committee on Ministry click here. To contact any member of the

Committee on Ministry, click their name below.

To contact Steve Rose click here.

To contact Stephen Langlois click here.

To contact Beverly Everett click here.

To contact Ann Fisher click here.

To contact Lorraine Dennis click here.

Our Governing Board for 2013 2014

Leadership News

Please contact any Governing Board member if you would like to talk.

Tracy Sopchak, Governing Board President

Jane Jolkovski, Vice-President for Programs

Chad DaGraca, Treasurer

David Oakes, Vice President for Finance

Matt Wilson, Vice President for Planning

Christine Lusk, At Large Member

Robbie Kohn, At Large Member

Eric Gaffen, At Large Member

Nancy Nienhuis, At Large Member

Theo Noell, Clerk

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Thursday, April 3


Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Saturday, April 5


Adult Enrichment: Body

Mapping/Pilates (CH)

Sunday, April 6


Worship Service (Sanctuary)


Worship Service (Sanctuary)


Green Sanctuary Film/Lunch (CH)


Chalice Circle (Lor-101)

Monday, April 7


Buddhist Meditation (FH)


Governing Board (Lor-101)


Property Comm. (Lor-103)

Tuesday, April 8


Worship Arts Comm. (Lor-101)

Wednesday, April 9


UU Principles (Lor-103)


Liberal Ladie s (Atrium)


UU Principles (Lor-103)

Thursday, April 10


Personnel Comm. (Lor-103)


Chalice Circle (Loring- 205)


Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

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Ivy Chord Coffee House Concerts

Susan Werner - January 24, 2015

Ivy Chord Concerts News

"Susan Werner, a clever songwriter and an engaging performer, brings literacy and wit

back to popular song."

- The New Yorker

"Always an impressive songwriter, Werner continues to compose sharp, funny,

compassionate lyrics, a gift rare enough to set her apart..."

- The Washington Post

Saturday, January 24, 2015

8:00 pm


$25 general admission

$22 students/seniors

Click here to find out more about Susan Werner.

Click here to buy tickets online for Susan Werner

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Tom Rush - April 25, 2015

Ivy Chord Concerts News

“As vital and engaging as ever, Tom is still

doing what audiences love him for: writing

and playing …passionately,

tenderly…knitting together the musical

traditions and talents of our times." (The

New York Times).

Celebrating 50 years of touring in 2013,

Tom has been thrilling audiences here and

abroad. He helped shape the folk revival in

the '60s and the renaissance of the '80s and

'90s, his music having left its stamp on

generations of artists.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

8:00 pm


$35 general admission

$33 students/seniors

Click here to find out more about Tom


Click here to buy tickets online for Tom Rush

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Support our church by purchasing items from Amazon.com by clicking on the image below.

(Only items put into your cart soon after clicking on the image above, and purchased soon thereafter, will

support the church.)

We've arranged a selection of UU- and UUCR-related Amazon.com items HERE.