Sun Micr osystems, Inc. 901 S an A ntonio Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA 650 960-13 00 fax 650 969-9131 http://www.sun.com/blueprints Securing the Sun Fire™ Midframe System Controller Upd ate d fo r SCapp 5. 13, So la ris 8 (2/02), a nd Solaris 9  A le x N oorde rgra a f a nd T on y M. Be ns on ,  Ent erp rise Ser ver Pr odu cts Su n Bl ue Pr ints™ On Line - J une , 20 02 Part No .: 816-4940 -10 Revision 01, 6/ 3/ 02 Edition: June 2002

Sun System Controller

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  • 8/6/2019 Sun System Controller


    Sun Microsystems, Inc.901 San A ntonio Road

    Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA650 960-1300 fax 650 969-9131


    Securing the

    Sun Fire Midframe

    System Controller

    Updated for SCapp 5.13, Solaris 8 (2/02),

    and Solaris 9

    A lex Noordergraaf andTonyM. Benson,

    Enterprise Server Products

    Sun BluePrints OnLine - June, 2002

    Part No .: 816-4940-10

    Revision 01, 6/ 3/ 02

    Edition: June 2002

  • 8/6/2019 Sun System Controller


    0 June 2002

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    Securing the Sun Fire MidframeSystem Controller

    This article provid es recomm end ations on h ow to securely dep loy the Sun Firemidframe system controller (SC). These recomm end ations app ly to environments

    where security is a concern, particularly environments where the uptime

    requirements of the SC and / or the information on the Sun Fire server is critical to

    the organization.

    Many issues are involved in securing the Sun Fire SC. The most significant is its use

    of insecure a dm inistrative p rotocols. In add ition, it is sensitive to som e typ es of

    network-based attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

    The recomm enda tions in this article includ e building a separa te and private SC

    network, to w hich the insecure protocols required to m anage an SC are restricted. A

    midframe service p rocessor (MSP) is the secure gatew ay into the p rivate SC

    network. A d etailed, sup ported , and secured MSP configuration is described.

    This article contains the following topics:

    s About the Authors on page 57

    s Updates on p age 2

    s Background Information on page 2

    s Securing th e System Controller on p age 13

    s Building a Secure MSP on page 28

    s Backing Up, Restoring, and Upd ating the SC on p age 45

    s Resetting a Platform Adm inistrators Lost Password on page 53

    s Verifying H arden ing Results on page 56


    Related Resources on page 58

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    2 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    UpdatesThis Sun BluePrints OnLine article is updated for the Solaris 8 (2/ 02) Operating

    Environment, version 5.13.0 of the SC application, and version 23 of the SC Real

    Time Operating System (RTOS). The recommendations in this article should apply to

    all SC app lication 5.13 releases.

    The main chang es are in the SC:

    s The peek an d poke comman ds available in th e interactive SC power on self test

    (SCPOST) facility can now be disabled by a write-protect jumper on the SC board.

    s The Telnet service can be disabled. If it is enabled, then a session idle timeout can

    be set.

    s The showplatform an d showdomain comman ds n ow indicate the syslogfacility.

    s BugId 4417940, which affected the operation ofsetkeyswitch secure mode,

    was fixed.

    s Network ports 68, 111, and 1024 are disabled on the SC.

    s Sup port for SC failover is introdu ced.

    s Sup port for Simple N etwork Time Protocol (SNTP) is introduced to the SC.

    Backgrou nd InformationThe following sections provide helpful information for u nd erstanding the SC, MSP,

    hard ware an d software requiremen ts, and other top ics. This section contains the

    following topics:

    s Assumptions and Limitations on page 3

    s Obtaining Support on page 5

    s System Controller (SC) on page 5

    s Midframe Service Processor (MSP) on page 10

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    Background Information 3

    Assum ptions and Limitations

    In this article, our recomm end ations are based on several assum ptions and

    limitations as to w hat can be d one to secure a Sun Fire system controller (SC) using

    a midframe service processor (MSP) configuration.

    Our recommen da tions assume a platform based on Solaris 8 Operating Environmen t

    (2/ 02), version 5.13.0 of the SC app lication, and version 23 of the SC Real Time

    Operating System (RTOS).

    Solaris Operating Environment (Solaris OE) hard ening can be interpreted in man y

    ways. For purposes of developing a hardened MSP configuration, we address

    hard ening all possible Solaris OE options. That is, anyth ing that can be h arden ed is

    hardened. When there are good reasons for leaving services and daemons as they

    are, we d o not harden or modify them.

    Note Be aw are that hard ening Solaris OE configurations to the level described in

    this article may not be ap prop riate for your en vironment. For some environments,

    you m ay w ant to perform fewer hard ening operations than recommend ed. The

    configuration remains sup ported in these cases; how ever, add itional hard ening

    beyond what is recommended in this article is not supported.

    The recommend ed Solaris OE cluster is End User. While it wou ld be p ossible to

    install the MSP w ith significantly fewer Solaris OE p ackages, it is not a su pp orted

    configuration. Only Solaris OE hard ening tasks described in this article are

    sup ported configurations for the MSP.

    Note Stand ard security rules app ly to hardening Sun Fire SCs and MSPs: Thatwhich is not specifically permitted is denied.

    When a dd ressing security of the MSPs, we focus on MSP fun ctionality inherent in or

    required by MSP servers. We do n ot ad dress security for non-MSP servers run ning

    Solaris 8 OE. For recommendations on generic Solaris OE security configuration,

    refer to other sources such as the security-related Sun BluePrints OnLine articles.

    In this article, we omit ad ditional software that you can install on the MSP, such as

    SunSM Remote Services Event Monitoring, Sun Remote Services N et Conn ect, and

    Sun Management Center software.

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    4 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Qualified Software Versions

    The configuration discussed in this article has the following software installed.

    System Controller

    s SC app lication v ersion 5.13.0

    s SC Real Time O per ating System (RTOS) version 23

    Midframe Service Processor

    s Solaris 8 OE (2/ 02) installed with the End User Cluster

    s Latest Security and Recommended Patch Cluster from SUNSOLVESM ONLINE

    Web sites OpenSSH

    s Solaris Security Toolkit version 0.3.6

    s FixModes software

    s MD5 software

    Note The use of Solaris 9 OE and its bundled version of Solaris Secure Shell is

    sup ported for use on the MSP.

    Minimum MSP System RequirementsWe cannot m ake specific recommend ations of the hard ware requ irements because

    they dep end extensively on the num ber of SCs supp orted by an MSP, in ad dition to

    the software being ru n on the MSP. For examp le, if the MSP is runn ing only the

    software d escribed in this article for several SCs, then a system such as the N etra

    T1 server wou ld be recommen ded . Alternatively, if the MSP is runn ing ad ditional

    monitoring and man agement software for several hund red SCs, then a significantly

    larger server would be recommended.

    The minimum hard ware an d software recommen ded for an MSP is as follows:

    s Sun4U architecture

    s 8-GByte d isk

    s 128-MByte RAM

    s CD-ROM d rive

    s SunSwift card or, ideally, a Sun Quad FastEthernet card

    s Solaris 8 O E

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    6 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Because only one p assword , belonging to th e platform ad ministrator, is needed to

    control the machine, it is critical that insecure protocols required to man age the SC

    be limited to a private and highly-secured n etwork; referred to as th e private SCnetwork throug hou t the rest of this documen t. To limit these protocols to one

    network segment, a gateway system is needed to provide an access and control

    point. This gateway system should have at least two netw ork interfaces. One

    interface connects to the private SC network , and the other to the gen eral access

    intranet or man agement network.

    This gateway system, referred to as th e m idframe service processor (MSP), is a

    server on which encrypted and strongly-authenticated management services (for

    example, SSH, IPsec, and SNMPv2usec) can be installed. Administrators log into the

    MSP using the en crypted p rotocols. The insecure and n on-encrypted p rotocols

    should only be used on the p rivate SC network. If the p rivate SC network is built on

    physically separate network devices (for example, no VLANs) there is little exposure

    to network sniffing or oth er network -based attacks. The recommen dations for the

    placement are built on top of the recommend ations mad e in the Sun BluePrints

    OnLine article titled Building Secure N -Tier Environments .

    Domain an d SC Isolation an d Comm un ication

    The Sun Fire midframe h ardw are architecture w as d esigned to enforce strict

    separation between domains and limited communication between the domains and

    SC. However, there must exist a comm un ication path betw een each dom ain and the

    SC so that the SC can provid e a virtu al console for each dom ain, access to the

    Open Boot Prom (OBP), and a mechan ism for services and daem ons to

    commu nicate from the SC to the domains an d d omains to the SC. This

    commu nication p ath w as carefully constru cted to enforce the separation of doma ins

    and SC, and to ensure that information cannot be leaked between domains or from

    one dom ain to another through the SC. The following p aragrap hs provide ad ditional

    information on how this communication path was designed and implemented to

    provide separation between the domains and SC.

    The SP communicates with a domain and the domain with the SC via reading and

    writing to the static random access memories (SRAM) located on the Inpu t/ Outpu t

    (I/ O) and CPU board s.

    The I/ O board SRAM is accessible to CPUs in the dom ain throu gh a PCI interface.

    Access to the SRAM on the CPU boards is p rovided by a local interface on those

    boards. It is not possible for a dom ain to u se either of these mechanisms to access

    SRAM located on hardware in other domains. The SC is able to access all SRAMs in

    the Sun Fire midframe chassis over a separate hard ware p ath called the console bus.

    An en tire SRAM is not d edicated to this commu nication chan nel. The SC specifies

    which SRAM and location within that SRAM is to be used during domain startup.

    Specifically, the SP provides this information to domain during its power on self test

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    Background Information 7

    (POST) sequence. POST then passes this information to the OpenBoot Prom (OBP)

    which then passes it on to Solaris OE. In this way the SC is able to define the SRAM

    to be used and the portion thereof.

    Before passing SRAM information to OBP, the SC is responsible for initializing the

    data stru ctures to be used. Different d ata structures are used for the portions of

    SRAM used to communicate between the SP and POST, the SP on OBP, and the SP

    and Solaris. These different m emory structures are referred to as m ailboxes. These

    mailboxes provide a bi-directional commun ication path between th e different

    components on the domain and SP.

    By imp lementing inter-chassis comm un ications, strict sep aration is m aintained

    between d omains on a Sun Fire midframe. In add ition, commu nication to the SP is

    strictly limited and does not provide a general purpose connection that could be

    used to either comp romise the SP or leak information throu gh the SP to another



    System controller failover is described in the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Platform

    Administration Manual and the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller

    Command Reference Manual.

    The configuration and operation of the SC for failover is not within the scope of this

    article. However, if the SC is configured for failover, then we recomm end that y ou

    use SNTP for synchronization of the system clocks. Refer to Use the SNTP Default

    Configuration on p age 20.

    Terminal Server Usage

    We strongly recomm end that you use a term inal server that sup ports the u se of SSH

    to encrypt sessions. This recomm end ation is made because th e terminal server is not

    on the p rivate SC network , but on th e general pu rpose intranet. If Telnet is used to

    access the terminal server, then all passw ords are pa ssed over the gen eral purp ose

    network, in clear text. This insecure transmission d efeats ma ny of the security

    measu res designed into the architecture. Terminal servers sup porting SSH a re

    available from Cisco Systems, Perle, and oth er vend ors.

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    Background Information 9

    Access to Engineering M ode is protected by a password. These passwords are only

    good for a period of time. Passwords are gen erated internally by Sun on an as

    needed basis, and as such are not generally available.

    Note Improper use ofEngineering Mode can damage hardware, override or change

    any aspect of SC behavior, and lead to breaches of platform security.

    Service Mod e

    The platform adm inistration sh ell can be operated in a special restricted m ode

    known as Service Mode. This mod e was introdu ced w ith version 5.13.0 of the SC

    application. Service Mode is for use b y Sun service staff, and is not sup ported for use

    under any other circumstance.

    Access to Service Mode is protected by a password. It does not share the same

    password as Engineering Mode, but the passw ord m anagem ent is similar. The

    passw ord is only good for a period of time. Passwords are generated internally by

    Sun on an as needed basis, and as such are not generally available.

    Note Improper use ofService Mode can dam age hardw are, override or change

    aspects of SC behavior, and lead to breaches of platform security.

    Write-Protect Jumper

    The SC contains several erasable p rogramm able read only m emories (EPROMs)

    one of w hich contains the RTOS image. This EPROM is associated with a w rite-

    protect jump er (labeled J1303). The jum per h as tw o positions, write-protect and

    write-enable. The factory setting for this jump er is th e w rite-enable p osition. The

    jum per is bridged in the w rite-enable position.

    In the wr ite-enable position, the RTOS image can be u pd ated u sing the

    flashupdate command.

    Some organ izations may h ave security policies that require a high d egree of

    protection against the risk of improp er access to the RTOS. Where su ch a

    requirement exists, you can use the w rite-protect jum per to p rovide p rotection.

    In the w rite-protect position, the following features are d isabled:

    s flashupdate

    s Control-A and Control-X comman ds

    s peek an d poke comman ds in interactive SCPOST mod e

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    10 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Be aw are of the following special considerations for u sing the write-protect jum per:

    s To change the p osition of the write-protect jum per, the SC mu st be remov ed from

    the chassis. Only trained p ersonnel are allowed to perform this procedu re.

    s When u pd ates are required for the RTOS, it is necessary to pow er dow n an d

    remove the SC to change the jumper configuration both before and after the RTOS


    s During a n RTOS upd ate, while the EPROM is not w rite-protected, app ropriate

    measures must be taken to avoid unauthorized access to the console serial port.

    s It is recommended that the platform be configured with a redundant SC, using

    the SC failover feature to avoid Sun Fire frame d own time.

    For instru ctions and add itional information, refer to the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800

    Platform A dministration Manual and the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System

    Controller Command Reference Manual.

    Midframe Service Processor (MSP)

    A mid frame service processor (MSP) is a separate comp onent th at you can use to

    provide services to th e Sun Fire SC. In ad dition to oth er services, these services

    includ e the following:

    s encrypted access point (for SSH, IPsec, or alternative)

    s SYSLOG server

    s flash u pd ate services

    s dumpconfig an d restoreconfig services

    s secure choke point separating SC netw ork traffic from genera l pur pose intranetnetwork traffic

    We recommend that you configure the SC to use an external MSP server. For an

    example of the n etwork top ology of an SC and an MSP server, refer to FIGURE 1 on

    page 29.

    An SC can function withou t an external server such as the MSP, however, some SC

    functionality an d monitoring capabilities are not available. These includ e flash

    up dates to th e SC EPROMs, SYSLOG message logging, and configuration backup

    through dumpconfig. These functions are critical to the ongoing m aintenance and

    man agement of a Sun Fire platform.

    Because the MSP is used as a secure access mechanism between gen eral pur pose

    networks an d p rivate SC networks, the MSP should n ot be used for any other tasks.For examp le, an MSP should not be given ad ditional tasks as a general pu rpose N FS


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    Background Information 11

    Note The MSP shou ld be d edicated to the task of isolating a nd protecting th e SCs

    from malicious network and user access.

    The most secure MSP has the least software installed an d the fewest services and

    adm inistrator accoun ts. The m ore secure the MSP, the better the protection provided

    for the Sun Fire SC.

    This recommendation does not mean that you cannot install additional software on

    the MSP. How ever, any a dd itional software shou ld be restricted to that wh ich is

    required to monitor and/ or manage the MSP. The MSP is a critical system because it

    controls access and the flow of information to and from the SC. The MSP should be

    man aged ba sed on th e requirements of the organization. For examp le, in an

    enterprise where enterpr ise backup software is used to backup system s, it would be

    appropriate and prudent to install the required software on the MSP. Conversely, it is

    not a good practice to use the MSP as a general purp ose web server. Evaluate thepotential security impact of add itional software to ensu re that th e overall security of

    the MSP is not ad versely affected.

    Mapp ing to Mu ltiple SCs

    Depending on the architecture of an environment, it may be desirable to support

    several SCs from one MSP. This configuration is recommended, from a security

    persp ective, as long as all the systems (MSP and SCs) are within one administrative


    An administrative domain is a group of systems that are managed by the same or

    cooperating organizations, perform similar functions, and operate at similar security

    levels. For example, an ad ministrative domain m ay includ e all the da tabase servers

    in a d ata center. In this situation, one MSP, or a p air of MSPs, wou ld be a pp ropriate

    to man age as man y of the Sun Fire database servers as need ed. This administrative

    dom ain mu st not includ e the Internet-accessible web servers that access the d atabase

    servers. Because the web servers are exposed to a significantly greater risk of misuse,

    they are in a different administrative domain and should be managed by a separate


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    12 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Fault Toleran ce

    The MSP topology d escribed in th is article places the MSP as a single po int of failurefor accessing the SC over Telnet connections, storing SYSLOG files, and other

    functions of the MSP. Single points of failure ad versely affect uptime and shou ld be

    avoided wh erever possible. Several options are av ailable to m itigate some of the


    The simplest op tion is use IP mu ltipath ing (IPMP). This option p rovides link-level

    redu nd ancy for failures in the network cables, network sw itch p ort failures, or a

    failure of the Q FE card port. This option does not p rotect against more significant

    hard ware failures on the MSP.

    Additional redundancy can be obtained by having a cold spare available to replace

    the MSP if a serious failure occurs. This spare system w ould be fully configured as

    the MSP, or msp01 in this article; how ever, it would not be p owered on. This

    configuration m inimizes most of the dow ntime associated with fixing the p rimarysystem, because a replacement system is already configured and available; it just

    needs to be powered on when the failed system is powered off.

    The most fault resistant configuration wou ld be to cluster two MSPs. The clustering

    software could then automatically fail over the MSP services from one MSP server to

    the oth er in th e even t of a failure. To not lose access to log files, SYSLOG output, and

    other d ata files on the MSP, the two systems w ould have to sha re a disk su bsystem.

    Obviously, wh ile this system provides the h ighest availability, it is also the most

    complicated. Add ressing h ow th is type of a configuration could imp act the security

    postu re of the SC is beyond the scope of this article.

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    Securing the System Controller 13

    Securing the System ControllerWhen the p latform an d d omains of the SC are configured , make sure to configure

    them securely. Some of the tasks are performed by the platform ad ministrator, wh ile

    others are performed by the appropriate domain administrator.

    This article focuses on the SC configuration chan ges required to secure the SC.

    Normal administrative issues are addressed only when they are impacted by a

    security modification. For full details on configuring the SC, refer to the system

    controller publications listed in Related Resources on page 58.

    Note Implement the security m odifications imm ediately after the Sun Fire RTOS

    and SC app lication has been flashed w ith the latest firmwa re upd ates and b efore anySun Fire dom ains are configured or installed.

    Always u se the most recent u pd ates available from SUNSOLVE ONLINE Web site.

    Securing th e SC consists of performing th e following tasks:

    s Configuring Platform Adm inistrator Settings on p age 14

    s Rebooting th e SC to Imp lement Settings on page 24

    s Configuring Domain Ad ministrator Settings on p age 25

    Caution We recommend that you disable the SC failover mechanism before

    hard ening the SCs. Re-enable failover only after you h arden and test the entire


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    14 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Configuring Platform Ad ministrator Settings

    Most of the platform ad ministrator setting configurations are performed through the

    setupplatform comman d. You can ru n this comman d either in an interactive

    mod e wh ere it asks specific questions or a non -interactive mode by specifying the

    configuration m odification requ ired. For the pu rposes of this article, we ru n th e

    command in non-interactive mode by using the -p option.

    To secure the SC, perform the following tasks:

    s Configure N etwork Settings on page 14

    s Configure th e Platform Loghost on p age 15

    s Define Platform Password on p age 16

    s Define Domain Passw ord on page 17

    s Choose Method for Managing Networked Devices on page 18

    s Use the SNTP Default Configura tion on p age 20

    s Define H ardw are Access Control Lists (ACLs) on page 21

    s Configure Telnet on page 23

    Configure Network Settings

    The first task in setting u p a n SC is to enable networking. This task d efines wh ether

    the system u ses dyna mic or static IP add resses, wh at its hostname is, its IP address,

    DNS server, and other n etwork information.

    In this secured topology, we u se static IP ad dresses. Dynam ic host configuration

    protocol (DHCP) is certainly an option and a DHCP server could be set u p an dpopulated with the appropriate MAC and hostname information for the SCs on the

    MSP. However, the effort required to set up and man age the DH CP server is

    app ropriate only if there are man y SCs to configure.

    If you use DH CP, configure the DH CP server to p rovide services only for the private

    SC network and no other network segments.

    All networ k traffic to the SC is routed throu gh th e MSP. Because IP forwar ding is not

    enabled on the MSP, all the packets mu st be p roxied th rough the MSP. As an

    add itional security measure, this practice allows u s to not sp ecify a default router on

    the SC.

    For network-based nam e resolution, the SC requires a DN S server. In this secured

    environmen t, this requirement is not n ecessary, because th e only system the SCcommunicates with is the MSP. Consequently, no DNS server information is entered

    wh ile configuring the SC.

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    Securing the System Controller 15

    We used the following comman d to en ter the changes on the SC:

    Configure the Platform Loghost

    The next task in configuring the SC is to configure the p latform loghost to w hich all

    SYSLOG messages are forward ed. The SC has no local disk, so it cannot store these

    messages locally. They mu st be forward ed to a central location for storage,

    reconciliation, and review (for u nu sual activity). If DNS is not being u sed, you mu st

    take care to define the loghost through the IP add resses. In our examp le, DNS is not

    being used, so we enter the IP address.

    In add ition to specifying the n ame/ IP add ress of the loghost, the facility level

    included in the SYSLOG messages can be sp ecified. The SYSLOG protocol provides

    eight user-defined facility levels: local0 through local7, in ad dition to the 18

    system-defined facilities. However, only the user-defined facility levels can be used

    wh ile custom izing the SCs SYSLOG behavior.

    All SC generated SYSLOG messages come from the sam e IP add ressthat of the SC.

    The different SYSLOG facilities mu st be used to d istingu ish between m essages

    originated from the platform an d each d omain. For examp le, the platform wou ld use

    th e SYSLOG facility local0, wh ile domain-a would u se the SYSLOG facility

    local1, and so on.

    sc0:SC> setupplatform -p network

    Network Configuration


    Is the system controller on a network? [yes]: yes

    Use DHCP or static network settings? [dhcp]: static

    Hostname [unknown]: ds7-sc0

    IP Address []:

    Netmask []:

    Gateway []:

    DNS Domain [none]: none

    Primary DNS Server []:

    Secondary DNS Server []:

    Rebooting the SC is required for changes in network settings to

    take effect.

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    16 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    The MSP is fun ctioning a s the SYSLOG server, so we en ter its IP add ress in the

    following manner with the corresponding SYSLOG facility level (local0) for the


    Details on how to configure the SYSLOG service on the MSP are provided in

    Configuring the MSP SYSLOG on page 43.

    Use the showplatform comman d to d isplay the loghost and log facility for the


    Define Platform Password

    The next task is to set the p latform p assword . The only restrictions on SC platform

    and domain passwords are the character set supported by ASCII and the terminal

    emu lator in use. The SC uses the MD5 software to generate a h ash of the p assword

    entered. Correspon dingly, all characters entered are significant.

    A minimum passw ord length of 16 characters is recomm end ed to prom ote the use of

    pass-phrases instead of passwords. Passwords should be comprised of at least

    lowercase, up percase, numeric, and p un ctuation mark s. Given th e capabilities of

    current systems to either bru te-force access or guess encrypted passw ords, an eight

    character length string is no longer secure.

    The following command sets the platform shell password:

    ds7-sc0:SC> setupplatform -p loghost



    Loghost [ ]:

    Log Facility [local0]: local0

    ds7-sc0:SC> showplatform -p loghost

    Loghost for Platform:

    Log Facility for Platform: local0


    Enter new password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnter new password again: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    18 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    If a passw ord w as defined for either a p latform or d omain shell, the pa ssword

    comman d requ ires its entry before allowing a new p assword to be entered. The only

    exception to this is that the platform administrator can change a domain passwordwithou t know ing the old p assword with th e release of 5.13 as follows:

    Choose Method for Managing N etworked Devices

    Simple Netw ork Managem ent Protocol (SNMP) is comm only used to monitor and

    man age netw orked d evices and systems. Early versions of SNMP, such as SNMPv1

    and SNMPv2, suffer from security issues because they d ont ad dress issues such as

    auth entication, data integrity checks, and encryption. Upd ated versions of the

    protocol are proposed, su ch as SNMPv2usec and SNMPv3, yet are not fully

    app roved by the IETF, the organization that controls these standard s. For more

    information, refer to Related Resources on page 58.

    While the full specification of SNMPv2usec d oes ad dress m any of the limitations ofthe SNMPv1 and v2 protocols, certain comp onents of SNMPv2usec (such as

    encryption for privacy) are optional an d not requ ired for SNMPv2usec comp atibility.

    The Sun Fire SC only supp orts the u se of SNMPv1. Due to th is limitation, we m ake

    the following recomm end ations for choosing a meth od of monitoring and m anaging

    networked devices.

    ds7-sc0:SC> console d

    Enter Password:

    Connected to Domain D

    Domain Shell for Domain D

    ds76-sc0:D> disc

    Connection closed.

    ds7-sc0:SC>password -d d

    Enter new password:

    Enter new password again:

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    Securing the System Controller 19

    Using Sun Management Center Software

    You can use Sun Man agement Center 3.0 (Sun MC) software to man age an dmaintain your Sun Fire midframe systems. To u se Sun MC 3.0 securely, we

    recommend , in ad dition to u sing SNMPv2usec capabilities, that you isolate all of its

    management traffic to a physically isolated and dedicated management network.

    This recommendation is based on the network segmentation recommendations

    presented in the Sun BluePrints OnLine article titled Building Secure N -Tier


    Sun MC requires platform agen t software to m anage th e Sun Fire midframe SC. We

    recommend that you install the software on either the Sun MC server or a separate

    server. Do not connect the system to the public intranet. Limit access to the platform

    agent software by not installing it on the MSP.

    If isolating the Sun MC server to a completely separate and isolated n etwork is not

    possible, then install the p latform agent software on a separa te system. This serverrequires at least two network interfaces. One connects to the pr ivate SC network and

    the other connects to a private man agement n etwork, connecting it to the Sun MC


    Regardless of where the p latform agent software is installed, the en tire network from

    the SC to the Sun MC server mu st be a physically separated and ded icated n etwork.

    Hard en and secure all add itional servers, including th e Sun MC server.

    Disabling SM N P

    The alternative is to disable SNMP on the SC and n ot use an y SNMP-based

    man agemen t prod ucts. This option provid es protection against all possible SNMP-

    based attacks. It should be n oted, how ever, that d isabling these services on the SC

    prevents SNMP-based man agement tools from mana ging the SunFire SC.

    Disable the SNMP d aemon on the SC as follows:

    ds7-sc0:SC> setupplatform -p snmp



    Platform Description [Serengeti-24 P1.2]:

    Platform Contact [ppb]:

    Platform Location []:

    Enable SNMP Agent? [yes]: no

    May 16 20:59:36 ds7-sc0 Chassis-Port.SC: Stopping SNMP agent.

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    20 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Use the SNTP Default Configura tion

    The default SC configuration for SNTP is off, and we recommend that youconfigure it to on, so that you can u se SNTP.

    Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), described in RFC 2030, is an adaptation of

    the Network Time Protocol (NTP), described in RFC 1305, and is used to

    synchronize comp uter clocks. SNTP d oes not change the N TP specification; rather it

    clarifies certain design features of NTP to allow operation in a simple, stateless

    remote-procedure call (RPC) mod e. SNTP clients su ch as th e Sun Fire mid frame SC

    can interoperate with existing NTP or SNTP clients and servers. SNTP is intended to

    be used only at the extremities of the time synchronization su bnet.

    A full description of how to architect and imp lement a time synchronization su bnet

    is out of the scope of this document. We recommend that you understand the

    concepts described in the following Sun BluePrints OnLine articles:

    s Using NTP to control and Synchronize System Clocks - Part I: Introduction to NTP

    s Using NTP to control and Synchronize System Clocks - Part II: Basic NTP

    Admin istration and A rchitecture

    s Using NTP to Control and Synchronize System Clocks - Part III: NTP Monitoring and


    If configured for SNTP, the SC sends a request to a designated SNTP or NTP unicast

    server and expects a reply from th at server. The SC does n ot implemen t the op tional

    authentication method specified in RFC 1305. The SC neither accepts remote

    adm inistration comm and s via SNTP, nor d oes it accept an y broad cast traffic.

    Because the SC SNTP client uses port 123 UDP w ithout a uthen tication, it is not

    difficult to spoof the designated NTP or SNTP server; therefore, the SC is vulnerable

    to a port 123 DoS attack.

    The use of RPC-based SNTP introdu ces another reason w hy th e SCs mu st be isolated

    to a ph ysically separate n etwork. We recomm end that the MSP be used as the SNTP

    server for the SC. How ever, it is imp ortant th at the MSP be configured to secure its

    NTP traffic as described in the previously mentioned Sun BluePrints OnLine articles.

    The configuration an d operation of the SC for failover is not w ithin the scope of this

    article. If you want to configure the SC for failover, then we recommend that you use

    SNTP for synchron ization of the system clocks. For d etails, refer to the Sun Fire 6800/

    4810/4800/3800 Platform Administration Manual and the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800

    System Controller Command Reference Manual.

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    Securing the System Controller 21

    Define H ard ware Access Control Lists (ACLs)

    This task app lies and is imp ortant only if the Sun Fire server has mu ltiple dom ainsand their resources are restricted in som e way. Only when these conditions are

    present should ACLs be implemented.

    By d efault, all hardw are present in the system is accessible to all dom ains. In ou r

    example, a Sun Fire 6800 server is divided into three dom ainswhere each dom ain

    has one CPU and I/ O board.

    Use the platform ad ministrator shell to assign the d ifferent CPU and I/ O boards into

    the app ropriate domains.

    Note ACLs only limit hardw are assignm ents mad e while using the domain shells.

    Hardware assignments made while using the platform shell supersede all ACL


    The capability of the platform shell to assign an d reassign hard ware comp onents is

    not restricted by ACLs. We recommend that the p latform ad ministrator account be

    used initially only to assign hard ware compon ents to the approp riate domain. After

    hardware components are assigned to each domain, the administrators should log

    into the app ropriate dom ain shell account to manage the hardware assigned to that

    dom ain. The remaind er of this section provides a sam ple implementa tion of our


    First, we use the following command to determine which boards are present:

    ds7-sc0:SC> showboard

    Slot Pwr Component Type State Status

    ---- -- ------------- ---- -----

    SB0 On CPU Board Available Passed

    SB2 On CPU Board Available Passed

    SB3 On CPU Board Available Passed

    IB6 On PCI I/O Board Available Passed

    IB7 On PCI I/O Board Available Passed

    IB8 On PCI I/O Board Available Passed

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    22 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    We view the curren t set of ACLs defined on the system w ith the following


    We assign the resources to the appropriate domains with the following commands:

    We use th e showboard command to produ ce the following outpu t:

    ds7-sc0:SC> showplatform -p acl

    ACL for Domain A: SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8

    ACL for Domain B: SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8

    ACL for Domain C: SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8

    ACL for Domain D: SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8

    ds7-sc0:SC> addboard -d a SB0 IB6

    ds7-sc0:SC> addboard -d b SB2 IB8

    ds7-sc0:SC> addboard -d c SB3 IB7

    ds7-sc0:SC> showboard

    Slot Pwr Component Type State Status Domain

    ---- -- ------------- ---- ----- ------

    /N0/SB0 On CPU Board Assigned Passed A

    /N0/SB2 On CPU Board Assigned Passed B

    /N0/SB3 On CPU Board Assigned Passed C

    /N0/IB6 On PCI I/O Board Assigned Passed A

    /N0/IB7 On PCI I/O Board Assigned Passed C/N0/IB8 On PCI I/O Board Assigned Passed B

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    Securing the System Controller 23

    As a final verification, we check th e ou tpu t from setupplatform an d

    showplatform commands, which appears as follows for our example:

    Now three domains, a through c, are defined on ou r Sun Fire server; each with on e

    CPU and I/ O board.

    Note Although a platform ad ministrator can assign hardw are into specific

    dom ains, it is up to d omain ad ministrators to use those resources approp riately and

    determine whether those resources are configured into a running domain.

    Hardware already assigned to a running domain is not removed if its ACL is

    mod ified to restrict it from being u sed in that d omain. Therefore, it is importan t toassign hard ware into d omains as soon as it is available in the chassis and before

    domain administrators assign it.

    Configure Telnet

    The Telnet service on th e SC is enabled by d efault. You can define the session idle

    timeout p eriod that app lies to all Telnet connections to th e SC. The default is no

    session idle timeout period. The Telnet configuration does not affect the operation of

    the p latform console.

    Based on th e configuration in this article, we recommend that Telnet timeouts be

    enabled to a value app ropriate for your organization. This pra ctice allows Telnetsessions to be established from the MSP. Refer to the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800

    System Controller Command Reference Manual for details on how to configure Telnet


    ds7-sc0:SC> setupplatform -p acl



    ACL for domain A [ SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8 ]: sb0 ib6

    ACL for domain B [ SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8 ]: sb2 ib8

    ACL for domain C [ SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8 ]: sb3 ib7

    ACL for domain D [ SB0 SB2 SB3 IB6 IB7 IB8 ]:

    ds7-sc0:SC> showplatform -p acl

    ACL for Domain A: SB0 IB6

    ACL for Domain B: SB2 IB8ACL for Domain C: SB3 IB7

    ACL for Domain D:

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    24 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    If the SC is on a general purp ose network, then we recommen d tha t you d isable the

    Telnet service and restrict access to SSH-enabled terminal server access.

    To disable the Telnet service, use the setupplatform -p security command as


    For add itional instru ctions, refer to the Su n Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 S ystem Controller

    Command Reference Manual.

    Rebooting the SC to Implement Settings

    If needed , reboot the SC to implement y our configuration settings. The SC has to be

    rebooted only if a console message similar to the following is displayed:

    To reboot the SC, enter the following comman d from the p latform sh ell:

    Note The SC can be rebooted while domains are up and running.

    After rebooting the SC, use the showplatform command to validate that all the

    mod ifications are implemented .

    ds7-sc0:SC> settupplatform -p security

    Security Options ---------------- Enable telnet servers? [yes]: no

    Idle connection timeout (in minutes; 0 means no timeout) [0]:


    Rebooting the SC is required for changes in network settings to

    take effect.

    ds7-sc0:SC> reboot -y

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    Securing the System Controller 25

    Configuring Domain Administrator Settings

    After all of the platform shell configuration m odifications are m ade, imp lement the

    dom ain-specific configuration m odifications. Most of the recomm end ed changes are

    performed using the platform shell.

    Only a few dom ain-specific changes require u sing dom ain shells. These

    modifications are as follows:

    s Setting the Loghost and facility for each domain

    s Setting the SNMP information

    Each of these mu st be d efined ind ividually for each d omain. The following sam ples

    show th ese changes for domain-a.

    Define a Loghost

    You m ust d efine a Loghost for each of the d oma ins ind ividu ally. The configura tion is

    similar to th at in the Configure th e Platform Loghost on p age 15. In ad dition, we

    recommend that you use a facility un ique to the frame. By having sep arate

    definitions of Loghost for each dom ain and platform shell, you can use sep arate

    SYSLOG servers to collect information. In this secured network environmen t, only

    one system collects and p arses the SYSLOG datathe MSP. The facility option helps

    differentiate SYSLOG messages coming from the four different dom ains and platform


    Before using th e setupdomain comman d to d efine the Loghost for each dom ain, log

    into the appropriate domain shell.

    We perform the following to set our example domain-a shell Loghost to be th e MSP:

    In our example, the Loghost d efinition d efines a facility oflocal1. Previously, the

    platform shell used local0. This examp le is specific to domain-a. Correspond ingly,

    domain-b uses local2, domain-c uses local3, and domain-d uses local4.

    ds7-sc0:A> setupdomain -p loghost



    Loghost [ ]:

    Log Facility for Domain A: local1

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    26 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Note The dom ain shell definition of Loghost has no effect on w here the SYSLOG

    messages generated by a Solaris OE image running on that domain are forwarded.Define the Solaris OE SYSLOG server in the /etc/syslog.conf configuration file

    of the Solaris OE.

    For information abou t how to configure the SYSLOG service on the MSP, refer to

    Configuring the MSP SYSLOG on p age 43.

    Use the showdomain comman d to d isplay the Loghost and Log Facility for the


    Configure Domain SNMP Information

    Each d omain h as un ique SNMP configurations that m ust be configured separately.

    Some of the d omain SNMP information can be th e same (for examp le, dom ain

    contact and trap host); however, the public and private community strings must be

    different for each d omain. Different p ublic and p rivate commu nity strings are

    required so that each d omain can be accessed separately. The tw o commu nity strings

    provide the mechanism by which individual domains are accessed.

    In our secured configuration, the SNMP d aemon w as disabled in the p latform sh ell.

    Correspond ingly, it is unnecessary to set the pu blic and p rivate commun ity strings,

    because we are n ot using SNMP.

    If SNMP management or monitoring is used, then non-default SNMP community

    strings mu st be selected.

    Configure Domain setkeyswitch

    The setkeyswitch comman d provides fun ctionality similar to the p hysical key

    setting on the Sun Enterpr ise server line. When a Sun Enterprise server is

    functioning, th e keyswitch shou ld be in the secure setting. With a Sun Fire server,

    there is no ph ysical key to turn , so this fun ctionality is provided with the

    setkeyswitch command from the platform and domain shells.

    The recommended setkeyswitch setting for a running domain is secure. This

    setting is very similar to th e setkeyswitch on position, with a few ad ditional

    restrictions. Most importantly, in the secure setting, the ability to flash u pd ate the

    ds7-sc0:A> showdomain -p loghost

    Loghost for Domain A:

    Log Facility for Domain A: local1

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    Securing the System Controller 27

    CPU/ Memory and I/ O boards is disabled. Flash up dating these board s should on ly

    be don e by an ad ministrator wh o has d omain shell access on the SC. If the

    adm inistrator has dom ain shell access, then using setkeyswitch to change fromsecure to on is straightforward. Administrators without domain and/ or platform

    access cannot perform this command.

    We use the following comm and to set our examp le domain-a into secure mode:

    You can d isable two other Sun Fire domain features by u sing the setkeyswitch

    secure option. When a domain is running in secure mod e, it ignores break an d

    reset commands from the SC. This practice is not only an excellent precaution from

    a security persp ective, it also ensu res that an accidently issued break or reset

    comman d d oes not halt a running d omain.

    Restricting SC OS Access

    Some organ izations have security p olicies that requ ire a high d egree of protection

    against the risk of improp er access to the RTOS. Where such a requ irement exists,

    you can use the w rite-protect jum per to p rovide p rotection. For more information

    about the jump er, refer to Write-Protect Jump er on page 9.

    Although th e jum per p rovides a higher degree of protection, be advised tha t using it

    requires add itional m aintenance effort. When u pd ates are required for the RTOS, a

    qualified, trained p erson mu st power d own th e system and remov e the SC to chan ge

    the jump er configuration both b efore and after the RTOS up date.

    In configurations w ith a single SC, this task results in platform d own time. For this

    reason, we recommend that the platform be configured with a redundant SC, using

    the SC failover feature to a void Sun Fire frame d own time.

    For more details about configuring the SC failover feature, refer to the Sun Fire 6800/

    4810/4800/3800 Platform Administration Manual and the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800

    System Controller Command Reference Manual.

    During an RTOS up date, wh ile the EPROM is not w rite-protected, app ropriate

    measures must be taken to avoid unauthorized access to the console serial port.

    ds7-sc0:A> setkeyswitch secure

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    28 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Build ing a Secure MSPThe MSP (midframe service processor) is the gatew ay between general pu rpose

    internal networks a nd the p rivate SC network . As such, it controls access between

    these netw orks. To effectively protect it against u nau thorized access, harden it and

    implement encrypted access mechanisms.

    Hard ening is critical to the security of the SC because the d efault configuration of

    Solaris OE does not provide the requ ired p rotection for the MSP.

    The recommended Solaris OE installation for the MSP is the End User Cluster rather

    than the Developer, Entire Distribution, or OEM Installation Clusters. Using the End

    User Cluster significantly red uces the nu mber of Solaris OE p ackages installed on

    the MSP.

    Hard ening the MSP consists of performing the following tasks:

    s Configuring Netw ork Topology on page 29

    s Installing Ap ache Web Server on page 30

    s Add ing Security Software on page 34

    s Installing Down loaded Software and Implementing Mod ifications on p age 40

    s Configuring the MSP SYSLOG on p age 43

    In our example, we use th e Solaris Security Toolkit software and the FixModes

    software to secure the MSP. The Solaris Security Toolkit implements

    recommend ations ma de in the Sun BluePrints On Line security articles. These

    recommend ations are docum ented in th e following articles:s Solaris Operating Environment Security: Updated for the Solaris 8 Operating


    s Solaris O perating Environment N etwork Settings for Security: U pdated for S olaris 8

    Operating Environment

    s The Solaris Security Toolkit - Installation, Configuration, and Usage Guide: Updated for

    version 0.3

    Note You can bu ild the MSP either through an interactive CD-ROM-based or

    Solaris JumpStart installation. The Solaris Security Toolkit software can be used in

    either type of installation. Refer to the Sun BluePrints OnLine article The Solaris

    Security Toolkit - Quick Start: Updated for Version 0.3 .

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    Building a Secure MSP 29

    Configuring Network Topology

    Configure the SC on a p rivate SC network, u sing the MSP as a non-routing gatew ay

    to provide a secure access mechanism between general purpose networks and the

    private SC network.

    In this section, we show a samp le network top ology containing one Sun Fire 6800

    server, two SCs, and one MSP. You can extrap olate othe r architectures from t his

    samp le design. The systems in th is topology are as follows:

    s msp01

    s sc0

    s sc1

    s domain-a

    s domain-b

    s domain-c

    s domain-ds nts01

    FIGURE 1 shows a logical diagram and does not include all of the components

    required to make this samp le environment function. Specifically, the netw ork

    switches required are not addressed. We recommend that you use separate network

    switches for the private SC network instead of VLANs on a larger switch. Whichever

    switch you use for the private SC network, we recommend that the switch be

    managed and monitored the same w ay as other switches in the environment.

    FIGURE 1 Sample Network Topology Configuration

    The network d iagram illustrates the sep arate network s we u se to isolate the SC from

    general network traffic. The general network ( 24) is not routed to the

    private SC network ( 24), because IP Forwarding is disabled on the


    domain-a domain-b domain-c domain-d



    nts01(Serial Connections)

    192.168.100/24Private SC



    General Purpose Network (

    .20 .21 .22 .23






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    30 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Two access mechan isms are ava ilable to connect to th e SC in this netw ork


    s An administrator can SSH to the MSP (msp01 in the diagram), then Telnet from it

    to the SC.

    s An ad ministrator can use th e serial connection accessible from the netw ork

    terminal server (nts01 in the diagram ) as an alternative access mechanism to th e

    SC. In this topology, even when the MSP is not available the SC is accessible

    through the network terminal server.

    Installing Apache Web Server

    In the configuration documented in this article, the MSP uses the Apache Web Server

    to perform Solaris Web Start Flash up dates of the SC EPROMs and to prov ide

    restoreconfig with a tran sport m echanism to restore SC backups created w ithdumpconfig.

    Other w eb servers can be u sed on the MSP, instead of the Ap ache Web server.

    How ever, only the recommend ed Ap ache configuration is described in this article.

    The Apache d istribution a vailable in Solaris 8 OE is not installed w ith the End User

    Cluster, therefore, it ma y be n ecessary to m anu ally install the three requ ired Ap ache

    packages. If Apache is already installed on your MSP, some of the following step s

    may not be necessary.

    w To Install the Apache Web Server

    1. Obtain the required packages f rom any Solaris 8 OE 2 of 2 CD-ROM, dated 4/01,

    in the f ollow ing di rectory:

    The three requ ired Solaris 8 OE Apache Web Server packages are as follows:



    system SUNWapchd Apache Web Server Documentation

    system SUNWapchr Apache Web Server (root)

    system SUNWapchu Apache Web Server (usr)

  • 8/6/2019 Sun System Controller


    Building a Secure MSP 31

    2. Create a tar file containing these three packages in the follow ing m anner:

    3. Move the tar file to the MSP, extract it, and install it using the following


    4. Answer Yes to all the questions asked.

    5. After the installation i s completed, use the pkginfo | grep Apache command

    to verify that all three required Apache Web Server packages are p resen t.In the next steps, youll create an ap prop riate user and group ID for Apache to run

    as .

    6. Create a new g roup by adding the fol lowi ng line to the /etc/group file:

    The example uses a group ID of 15 for mspstaff. If this group ID is already used in

    your en vironment, select a group ID that is not being used .

    7. Create a user account for the Apache daemon.

    The following examp le uses msphttp:

    8. For all administrators who need access to files shared by Apache, add their user

    IDs to the end of the mspstaff entry in the /etc/group file.

    Before starting the Ap ache da emon, you mu st configure it. Only a few steps a re

    required to do that.

    9. Create an httpd.conf file using the following command:

    # tar -cvf /tmp/apache-pkgs.tar SUNWapchd SUNWapchr SUNWapchu

    # tar -xf apache-pkgs.tar

    #pkgadd -d . SUNWapchd SUNWapchr SUNWapchu


    # /usr/sbin/useradd -m -g mspstaff msphttp

    11 blocks



    # cp httpd.conf-example httpd.conf

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    32 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    10. Open the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file in an editor and se arch for the

    following line:

    11. Add the follow ing line i mmediately after it.

    Where the IP add ress is the IP ad dress of the MSP on the pr ivate SC network :

    This step configures the Ap ache Web Server to respond only to connection requests

    from the private SC network and not to the general purpose network. This

    configuration is importan t because other systems m ust n ot be able to access the

    information that is m ade available over HTTP to the SC.

    A few other Ap ache configuration mod ifications are still required. The Apa che Web

    Server mu st be told w hat nam e to use. Because the nam e of the MSP on the p rivate

    SC networ k may not be resolvable, this configuration u ses the IP add ress of that


    12. Search for the follow ing lin e in the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file:

    13. Add the follow ing line i mmediately after it.

    Where the IP add ress is the IP ad dress of the MSP on the pr ivate SC network :

    The Apache Web Server mu st be told w hat d irectory structure to m ake available.

    This directory is called the DocumentRoot and should be the top-most directory of

    wh ere the Flash archives and backup files are kept.

    14. Search for the follow ing lin e in the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file:



    #ServerName new.host.name


    DocumentRoot "/var/apache/htdocs"

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    34 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    20. Start the Apache Web Server with the following command:

    The Apache Web server is now ready to function as a restoreconfig server and

    can be used as a flashupdate server.

    Ad ding Security Software

    The next stage in harden ing an MSP requires dow nloading an d installing ad ditional

    software security packages. This section covers the following tasks:

    s Install Solaris Security Toolkit Software on p age 34

    s Download Recommended Patch Cluster Software on page 35

    s Down load FixModes Software on page 37

    s Down load Op enSSH Software on p age 38

    s Download the MD5 Software on page 39

    Note Of the software described in this section, the Solaris Security Toolkit,

    Recomm end ed and Security Patch Cluster, FixModes, and MD5 software are

    required. Instead of Op enSSH, you can substitute a commercial version of SSH,

    available from a variety of vend ors. You mu st install an SSH prod uct on the MSP.

    Install Solaris Security Toolkit Software

    The Solaris Security Toolkit software must be downloaded first, then installed on the

    MSP. Later, youll use the Solaris Security Toolkit software to automate installing

    other security software and implementing the Solaris OE mod ifications for

    hard ening th e MSP.

    The prima ry fun ction of the Solaris Security Toolkit software is to au tomate a nd

    simplify bu ilding secured Solaris OE systems based on the recomm end ations

    contained in this and other security-related Sun BluePrints OnLine articles.

    Note The following instructions use filenames th at are correct on ly for version0.3.6 and later of the Solaris Security Toolkit software.

    # /etc/init.d/apache start

    httpd starting.

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    Building a Secure MSP 35

    w To Dow nload Solaris Secu rity Toolkit Softw are

    1. Dow nload the latest version o f the source file.

    At the time of this pu blication, the version is SUNWjass-0.3.6.pkg.Z. The source

    file is located at:


    2. Extract the s ource file into a di rectory on the se rver using the uncompress

    command :

    3. Install the Solaris Security Toolkit software onto the server using the pkgadd


    Executing this comman d creates the SUNWjass subd irectory in /opt. This

    subd irectory contains a ll Solaris Secur ity Toolkit directories an d a ssociated files. The

    script make-pkgincluded in Solaris Security Toolkit software releases since

    version 0.3allows ad ministrators to create custom packages u sing a d ifferent

    installation directory.

    Down load Recomm end ed Patch Cluster Software

    Patches are regularly released by Sun to p rovide Solaris OE fixes for performance,

    stability, functionality, and security. It is critical to the security of a system that the

    most up-to-date patch is installed. To ensure that the latest Solaris OE Recommended

    and Security Patch Cluster is installed on the MSP, this section describes how to

    dow nload th e latest patch cluster.

    Down loading th e latest patch cluster does not requ ire a SUNSOLVE ONLINE

    program su pport contract.

    Note Apply standard best practices to all patch installations. Before installing any

    patches, evaluate and test them on non-production systems or during scheduled

    maintenance wind ows.

    # uncompress SUNWjass-0.3.6.pkg.Z

    #pkgadd -d SUNWjass-0.3.6.pkg SUNWjass

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    36 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    w To Dow nload Recomm end ed Patch Cluster Softw are

    1. Do wn load the latest patch from the S UN SOLVE ONLINE Web si te at:


    2. Click on the Patches link at the top of the left navigation bar.

    3. Select the appropriate Solaris OE version in the Recommended Solaris Patch

    Clusters box.

    In our example, we select Solaris 8 OE.

    4. Sele ct the best do wn load op tion, eithe r HTTP or FTP, wi th the associated radio

    button, then click Go.

    A Save As dialog box is displayed in you r browser w indow.

    5. Save the file locally.

    6. Move the file securely to the MSP w ith the scp command, or ftp if scp is not


    The scp command used should be similar to the following:

    7. Move the file to the /opt/SUNWjass/Patches directory and uncompress it as


    Later, using the Solaris Security Toolkit software, youll install the patch after

    downloading all the other security packages.

    Note If you d o not place the Recommended and Security Patches software into the/opt/SUNWjass/Patches directory, a warning m essage displays wh en you

    execute the Solaris Security Toolkit software.

    % scp 8_Recommended.zip msp01:/var/tmp

    # cd /opt/SUNWjass/Patches

    #mv /var/tmp/8_Recommended.zip .# unzip 8_Recommended.zip

    Archive: 8_Recommended.zip

    creating: 8_Recommended/

    inflating: 8_Recommended/CLUSTER_README

    inflating: 8_Recommended/copyright

    inflating: 8_Recommended/install_cluster

    [. . .]

  • 8/6/2019 Sun System Controller


    Building a Secure MSP 37

    Download FixModes Software

    FixModes is a software p ackage that tightens the d efault Solaris OE directory andfile p ermissions. Tightening these p ermissions can significantly imp rove ov erall

    security of the MSP. More restrictive permissions make it even more difficult for

    malicious u sers to gain privileges on a system.

    w To Download FixModes Software

    1. Dow nload the FixModes pre-compiled bi naries f rom:


    The FixModes software is distributed as a p recompiled and compressed tar file

    formatted for systems based on SPARC. The file name is FixModes.tar.Z.

    2. Once downloaded, move the file securely to the MSP with the scp command, or

    ftp if scp is no t available.

    The scp command used should be similar to the following

    3. Save the file, FixModes.tar.Z, in the Solaris Security Toolkit Packages

    directory in /opt/SUNWjass/Packages.

    The following comm and s perform these tasks:

    Caution Leave the file in its comp ressed state.

    Later, using the Solaris Security Toolkit software, youll install the FixModes

    software after dow nloading all the other security packages.

    % scp FxiModes.tar.Z msp01:/var/tmp

    # cd /opt/SUNWjass/Packages

    #mv /var/tmp/FxiModes.tar.Z .

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    Building a Secure MSP 39

    Caution Do not comp ile OpenSSH on the MSP and d o not install the comp ilers on

    the SC. Use a separate Solaris OE systemrunning the sam e Solaris OE version,architecture, and mode (for example, Solaris 8 OE, Sun4U, and 64 bit)to compile

    Open SSH. If you implement a comm ercial version of SSH, then no comp iling is


    Download the MD5 Software

    The MD5 software validates MD5 digital fingerprints on the MSP. Validating the

    integrity of Solaris OE binaries provid es a robu st mechan ism to d etect system

    binaries that are altered or trojaned (hidden inside something that appears safe) by

    un auth orized u sers. By mod ifying system binaries, attackers provide them selves

    with back-door access onto a system; they hide their presence and cause systems tooperate in un stable m anners.

    w To Inst all the MD5 Softw are (Intel an d SPARC)

    1. Download the MD5 binaries from the following web site:


    The MD5 program s are distributed as a comp ressed tar file.

    2. Move the file md5.tar.Z securely to the MSP with the scp command, or ftp if

    scp is n ot available.

    The scp command used should be similar to the following:

    3. Copy the file, md5.tar.Z, to the So laris Security Toolk it Packages directory in


    Caution Do not un compress the tar archive.

    After the MD5 software is saved to the /opt/SUNWjass/Packages directory, the

    execution of the Solaris Security Toolkit installs the software.

    After the MD5 binaries are installed, you can use th em to verify the integrity of

    executables on the system through the Solaris Fingerp rint Database. More

    information on the Solaris Fingerprint Databa se is available in the Sun BluePrints

    OnLine article titled The S olaris Fingerprint Database - A Security Tool for S olaris

    Software and Files.

    % scp md5.tar.Z msp01:/var/tmp

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    40 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    4. (Optional) Download and install Solaris Fingerprint Database Companion and

    Solaris Fingerprint D atabase Si dekick sof tware from the S UN SOLVE ONLINE

    Web site at:


    We strongly recomm end that you install these optional tools and u se them w ith the

    MD5 software. These tools simplify the process of validating system binaries against

    the d atabase of MD5 checksum s. Use these tools frequently to v alidate the integrity

    of the Solaris OE binaries and files on the cluster n odes.

    These tools are described in the The Solaris Fingerprint Database - A Security Tool for

    Solaris Software and Files article.

    Installing Downloaded Software and

    Implementing Mod ifications

    The Solaris Security Toolkit version 0.3.6 and later provides a driver

    (sunfire_mf_msp-secure.driver) for autom ating the installation of security

    software and Solaris OE modifications. The d river performs the following tasks:

    s Installs an d executes th e FixModes software to tighten file system perm ission

    s Installs the MD5 software

    s Installs the Recommend ed an d Security Patch Cluster software

    s Implements almost 100 Solaris OE security modifications

    Note The actions p erformed by each of the scripts is described in the SunBluePrints OnLine article The Solaris Security Toolkit - Internals: Updated for Version

    0.3. The hardening described is performed in standalone mode, not JumpStart

    mod e, because the MSP w as bu ilt u sing an interactive Solaris OE installation. For

    details on the differences between stan dalone m ode an d Jump Start mod e, refer to

    the Solaris Security Toolkit documentation.

    Note During th e installation and mod ifications implemented in this section, all

    non-encrypted access mechanisms to the MSP such as Telnet, RSH, and FTPare

    disabled. The hard ening steps do not d isable console serial access over SC serial


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    42 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    w To Und o a Solaris Secu rity Toolkit Run

    Each Solaris Security Toolkit run creates a run directory in /var/opt/SUNWjass/

    run. The nam es of these directories are based on th e date an d time the ru n is

    initiated. In ad dition to d isplaying the ou tpu t to the console, the Solaris Security

    Toolkit software creates a log file in th e /var/opt/SUNWjass/run directory.

    Caution Do not m odify the contents of the /var/opt/SUNWjass/run directories

    un der an y circumstances. Modifying the files can corrup t the contents and cause

    un expected errors w hen you use Solaris Security Toolkit software features such as


    The files stored in the /var/opt/SUNWjass/run directory track mod ifications

    performed on the system and enable the jass-execute und o feature.

    q To undo a run or series of runs, use the jass-execute -u command.

    For example, on a system wh ere two sep arate Solaris Security Toolkit run s are

    performed, you could un do them by using the following command and options:

    Refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit docu men tation for d etails on the capabilities and

    options ava ilable in the jass-execute command.



    # ./jass-execute -u

    Please select from one of these backups to restore to

    1. September 25, 2001 at 06:28:12 (/var/opt/SUNWjass/run/


    2. April 10, 2002 at 19:04:36 (/var/opt/SUNWjass/run/


    3. Restore from all of them

    Choice? 3

    ./jass-execute: NOTICE: Restoring to previous run



    undo.driver: Driver started.



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    Building a Secure MSP 43

    Configuring the MSP SYSLOG

    The MSP is configured to function as the SYSLOG repository for all SYSLOG traffic

    generated by the SC. The beha vior of the SYSLOG daemon is controlled through the

    file /etc/syslog.conf; in this file, selectors and actions are specified.

    Each SYSLOG selector specifies the facility (for example, kern, daemon, auth, and

    user) and level at which a m essage is logged. Five levels ranging from most serious

    (emerg) to least serious (debug) are available. The facility groups log messages

    together by su bsystem. For instance, all kernel messages are group ed togeth er

    through the facility kern. Some of the facilities available include:

    s kern

    s daemon

    s auth

    s mail

    s local0-7

    For a complete listing ofSYSLOG facilities, refer to the syslogd(1m) man page.

    Also, it is possible to substitute a wildcard (*) for the facility name in the

    syslog.conf file. This approach is particularly useful w hen all messages (for

    example, *.debug), or all messages at one level or higher, must be logged (for

    example, *.kern).

    Each SYSLOG message includ es a level. This level specifies the type of message being

    generated. The m ost critical level is emerg, which is only used on messages of

    particular imp ortance. Correspond ingly, the log level debug indicates that a message

    contains debug ging information and may n ot be particularly imp ortant. Some of the

    levels available in the syslog.conf include:

    s emerg

    s crit

    s err

    s notice

    s debug

    For a complete listing ofSYSLOG levels, refer to the syslogd(1m) man page.

    Although you can use a w ildcard to define a facility, you cannot u se it to define a

    level. Hen ce, the entry *.debug is acceptable; however, the correspond ing entry of

    auth.* is incorrect and cannot be used .

    In the MSP configura tion, we recommend for the secured configuration that a ll

    SYSLOG messages be stored both in the /var/adm/messages file and in a sepa rate

    file containing only Sun Fire Midframe SYSLOG traffic.

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    44 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Note It is not recommend ed that the SYSLOG traffic be forw ard ed from t he MSP to

    another SYSLOG server. If this were d one, then a SYSLOG message after beingforwarded from the MSP wou ld identify itself as having been g enerated on the MSP

    and not the SC, as wou ld actually be the case.

    The recommended syslog.conf should be similar to the following:

    This configuration logs all incoming messages to /var/adm/messages, all SC

    messages to /var/adm/sc-messages-, and displays a ll critical kernel

    messages on th e console.

    If an automated log parsing tool such as logcheck or swatch is used, it may be

    app ropriate to generate one file containing the SYSLOG messages from the p latform

    and all the dom ains. If this consolidated file is required, then add the following lines

    to those listed previously:

    This configuration logs all incoming SYSLOG messages to /var/adm/sc-messages

    for reconciliation by an a utom ated tool.

    This configuration is relatively generic and sh ould only be considered a starting

    point for configuring the SYSLOG daemon on the MSP for an organization.

    Note It is critical the two colum ns be sep arated b y tabs and not sp aces. If spaces

    are used in an entry, the SYSLOG daem on w ill ignore that entry.

    *.debug /var/adm/messages

    local0.debug /var/adm/sc-messages-platform

    local1.debug /var/adm/sc-messages-domain-a

    local2.debug /var/adm/sc-messages-domain-b

    local3.debug /var/adm/sc-messages-domain-c

    local4.debug /var/adm/sc-messages-domain-d

    kern.crit console

    local0.debug /var/adm/sc-messages

    local1.debug /var/adm/sc-messages

    local2.debug /var/adm/sc-messages

    local3.debug /var/adm/sc-messages

    local4.debug /var/adm/sc-messages

  • 8/6/2019 Sun System Controller


    Backing Up, Restoring, and Updating the SC 45

    Backing Up , Restoring, and Updatingthe SC

    This section provides information an d recommend ations for securely backing up

    and restoring th e SC. In this section, the MSP is used as the dumpconfig,

    restoreconfig an d flashupdate server.

    Backing Up and Restoring Configurations

    The dumpconfig comman d u ses the FTP protocol to save the current p latform an d

    dom ain configura tions to the MSP server. The restoreconfig command uses

    either the FTP or HTTP protocol to restore a p reviously saved configuration to th e

    SC from the M SP server.

    For comp lete descriptions and usage of the dumpconfig an d restoreconfig

    commands, refer to the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Platform Administration Manual

    and the Su n Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 S ystem Controller Comm and R eference Manu al.

    All stored platform and domain configuration information is included in the dump

    file. This information includ es the MD5 hash of the p latform an d d omain

    administrator passwords, the OBP password, and the SNMP community strings.

    The dump file is not encrypted. Hence the MD5 hash of the platform and domain

    administrator passwords and the non-encrypted OBP password and SNMP

    community strings are transmitted in clear text during the dumpconfig operation.For this reason, the d um p files are saved on the MSP, thus ensu ring that th e insecure

    transmission of information is restricted to the private SC network, thu s minimizing

    exposure to network snooping.

    When a restoreconfig operation is carried ou t, the entire saved configuration is

    restored. This includes the platform administrator and domain administrator

    passw ords. It is essential to ensure that the pa ssword s are known before this

    operation is carried out. Refer to Con figuring Platform Adm inistrator Settings on

    page 14 and Con figuring Dom ain Adm inistrator Settings on p age 25.

    The Apache Web Server on the MSP is configured such th at the /msp directory is

    mad e available to the SC. All backup a nd restore operations to the MSP must be

    contained in this d irectory. Because the backup files created du ring a dumpconfig

    are not d ifferentiated by n ame or d ate, it is important th at separate d irectories becreated for each backup for version control and tracking. The recomm end ed solution

    is to create a directory for each dumpconfig using the year, month, day, and hou r.

    For example: the dumpconfig performed on July 16th, 2001 at 7 p.m. would be

    stored in a directory called 2001071619.

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    46 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    Backing Up Platform and Domain Configurations

    Although the MSP is configured to resp ond to HTTP, it does not norm ally respon dto FTP because the FTP service is d isabled du ring MSP setup. To perform a

    dumpconfig, the FTP service need s to be enabled on the MSP.

    After saving configurations, disable the FTP service again on the MSP. The MSP is

    configured su ch that a user ID and p assword are required for this operation, and the

    user ID should be used only for dumpconfig an d restoreconfig operations.

    w To Back Up Configurations on the MSP

    1. To enable the FTP service on the MSP, log in to the MSP using Se cure She ll, then

    su to root.

    2. Edit the file /etc/inetd.conf, and uncomment the following FTP entry:

    3. Send the inetd daemon a SIGHUP signal wi th the followi ng commands:

    4. Create a directory w ith the appropriate time and date stamp on the MS P.

    Before the actual dumpconfig comman d can be run , a directory on the MSP must becreated w ith the app ropriate time and d ate stamp. Based on th e example (July 16th,

    2001 at 7 p.m. would be stored in a directory called 2001071619), the following

    directory would be created:

    5. At the SC, dump the configuration using FTP with a user name and password.

    #ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd -l

    #ps -ef | grep inetd

    root 221 1 0 Jun 08 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s -t

    # kill -HUP 221

    #mkdir /msp/2001071619

    # chown msphttp:mspstaff /msp/2001071619

    # chmod 770 /msp/2001071619

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    Backing Up, Restoring, and Updating the SC 47

    Note The following example assumes a user name blueprints and password

    t00lk1t on the MSP.

    The command and results should be similar to the following:

    6. When the dump is complete, conclude the process b y disabling the FTP entry in

    the /etc/inetd.conf by commenting out the following line in the /etc/


    7. Send the inetd daemon a SIGHUP signal in the follow ing manner:

    8. Confirm that the FTP service is disabled by executing the following commands:

    ds7-sc0:SC> dumpconfig -f ftp://blueprints:[email protected]/msp/2001071619

    Created: ftp://blueprints:[email protected]/msp/2001071619/ds7-sc0.nvci

    Created: ftp://blueprints:[email protected]/msp/2001071619/ds7-sc0.tod

    ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd -l

    # ps -ef | grep inetd

    root 221 1 0 Jun 08 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd -s -t

    # kill -HUP 221

    # ftp localhostftp: connect: Connection refused

    ftp> quit

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    50 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe System Controller June 2002

    4. Unpack the files containing the patch and place them in a subdirectory under the

    Apache Web S erver document root d irectory /msp as follows:

    5. Follow the instructions in the Install.info file.

    In our example, sc-app, SB0, SB2, IB7, and IB9 are to be updated from version

    5.11.6 to 5.11.7. The RTOS will be u pd ated from re lease 17 to 17B. No t all sy stem

    boards are powered up , so the all option cannot be used.

    # cd /msp

    # unzip 111346-02.zip

    Archive: 111346-02.zip

    creating: 111346-02/

    inflating: 111346-02/Install.info

    inflating: 111346-02/VERSION.INFO

    inflating: 111346-02/copyright

    inflating: 111346-02/sgcpu.flash

    inflating: 111346-02/sgpci.flash

    inflating: 111346-02/sgrtos.flash

    inflating: 111346-02/sgsc.flash

    inflating: 111346-02/README.111346-02

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    52 Securing the Sun Fire Midframe