Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust

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  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    liITth Annual GreenspaceArt & Adventure Auction

    he 17th Annual Greenspace Art and Adventure Auction is takinq placeday,Augmst20th from 2:00p.m. o the Vets'HalI inia. And if you haven't been to a Greenspace auction in the'past fewyears, you don't know what you're missing!( l roonqnano hac hoon hnct ina

    the CentralCoast'spremierArt Auction for seventeenyears. The best art on theCentralCoast s alwaysoffered to our gR-lests:from sculptures to glassart - frorn icrnrolrrz tgpaintings. And theGreenspace auction is alsoknown for serving delicioushors d'oeuwes donated by thefinest restaurants in our area andwine from our exceilent local wineriesto all who attend.In the past few years, Greenspace has added a new dimension to our ArtAuction, which is now known as the Art and Adventure Auction. Our gmestsArt & Adventure Auction [Cont'd on Page4]

    Guests at thls year's Auction willhave a chance to bld on twoincredible cruises. A LindbladExpedition for two for 10 daysand 9 nights to the ecologicallyrich Galapagos slands and a 10night and 11 day "Gold Rushcruise on Cruise West throughthe Inland Passage rom Seattleto Juneau. For the warm waterand beach mlnded bidder, therewill be a vacation in beautifulCabo San Lucas at a POSH imeshare for 7 nights and B days forup to 6 people. For those whowant the sophistication of then i f i z th o ro i c r 7 n ia h t Q Ar . ' n +a "v rL y , L l rs rs rD o / ru v l tu u u d y DL q yon San Francisco'sUnion Squareat the famed Club Donatello.Locally, lunch, dinner and break-fast for 4 at a private residenceon Red Mountain. These are usta few of the adventures that arewaitino to he hid nn at ther rncnminn Ar rn t inn


    Greenspace Goes toWashington D.G.on Behalf ofWIID

    InFederation'd\69th Annual Meeting inour nation's Oapital. The theme ofthe annual meeting was "Changingthe Forecast for Wildlife". TheGreenspace mission, in part, is pro-tecting the ecosystems of San LuisObispo County and to that extentGreenspace is an Associate Boardmember of California's Planninq and

    Nlaior Fish Passage and Strea.mCrossing Evaluation CompleteGreenspace recently finalized afirst ever inventory of culverts andother stream crossings assessing adultand juvenile fish passage at 75 county,city and privately-maintained roadcrossings located within anadromous

    stream reaches in San Luis ObispoCounty. A stream crossing is definedas any human-made structure. Ateam from the California ConservationCorps (Corps) was contracted to con-duct this landmark inventory. Corpsstaff Stacey Smith, Devin Best,Soledad Gomez Lopez, and BrendanBanerdt was sparkplugs in this effortand were trained and equippedthrough a California Department ofGreenspace Goes to D.C. [Cont'don Page 3] Maior Elsh Passage {Cont'don Page4l

  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    BrG STreIjlrS!Goncerning the Greenspace Creekside Reserve

    It has been a very fortunate yearfor Greenspace and the residents ofCambria and for visitors alike.Thanks to a San Luis Obispo Countyfamily that wishes to remain anony-mous Greenspace was given$225,000 o eliminate the mortgageon our 1..7acre property located onhistoric Center Street in Cambria'seast village. It goes without saylngthat the generosity of this familywrll leave a legacy of recreation,education, and open space forgenerations to come.

    Greenspace has had the verygood fortune to have the support ofmany individuals in keeping ourmonthly payment obligation timely. Many individuaisand families made cash donations and pledoed

    YOU AN ELP YBECOMINGMEMBERODAYand eceivesubscription0 heGreenspacensider

    O NewMember O MembershipenewalCContributing-$50 sponsoring-$100OSustaining-$500O Benefactor-$1,000

    monthly payments to this end.Greenspace is forever thankful fothis support as weil The supporwe have from the many individuato make this project fly was, in pthe reason this family decided todonate such a large sum of moneto this particular project.

    The focus is now on Greenwooand Associates who Greenspacehas hired to complete a RestoratiPlan for the Chinese structure tharemains on the property. Thanksdonations from many Cambriansthe funds to complete this plan asecure and Greenwood is nearingcompletion of the plan which wilbe gnven o the County as part of our Minor UsPermit that allows us to continue wrth the restotion of the property and open it for public use.

    $225,000 n donationselimated the mortgage onourr 1.7 acre property locatedat the historic Genter Steet!

    In the meantime, Greenspace President, WayAttoe has written a grant submitted by the CCSto obtain funds to implement the Restoration Pby Greenwood. We anticipate learning whethewe are successful with this reouest of funds in very near future.

    Many things will begin to take piace on thipropefiy in the near future and if all goes well wexpect to have it open for you to enjoy in 2006We will keep you posted.

    C Family-$3oC Patron-$250Encloseds my$ donation1 0% ax-deductible )

    AddressCity/State/ZipPAYMENT O Chect nclosed Q VisaCardSignatureSendourax-deductibleonationso:GREENSPACE,.0.Box 505,Cambria,A 3428

    rHANK YOU!Greenspace would like to thank Craig Loudand the staff at Loud Design for their invaluabassistance in the creation of the Watershed.

    o M/C

  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    GREENSPACEGREENHOUSE GREEN-THUMBSMay the "forest be with you"

    Photographs RichardHawleyThe greenhouse is excelient care thanks to Liam Kingsmill, ArIa Stevens, Noel Schmidt,Ken Dunn, Jim Brownell, and Marge SewelL. May the "forest be with you".

    Greonspac Goes to D.C, icont'd from Page 1)Conservation Leagnre PCL)whose mission is pro-tecting California's environment through legislativeand administrative action. PCL s an affiliate of theNational Wildlife Federation and eachyear affiliatemembers send two representatives o the NWFAnnual meeting. Forty-eight stateswere representedat the meeting.NWF conducts businessfrom the grassrootsup.This means that the affiliate members set policyand direction for the NWF staff. The diversemem-bership of NWF (sportsmenand women, huntingand fishing organizations,conservation groups,watershed organizations,corporate interests,eco-tourism organizations,birders, and environmentalgroups)all agree on key issuesaffecting our nationsand the world's wildlife. This year climate changewas on each and every person'sagenda and therewas no disagreement on the fact that climatechange due to human activity is real, t is happen-ing now, and it is adversely affecting wildlife andthe ecosystems hat support all life in generai.Solutionsexist to reverseglobal warming. TheClimate Stewardship Act (CSA), or instance, hassupport from both sides of the senate aisle. In anutshell the CSAwould require the nation's indus-trial facilities to reduce their emissions of carbon

    dioxide and other greenhouse gases to 2000levelsby 2010. The CSA offers many incentives for meeting this modest goal. Tax incentives and researchand development incentives are built in to the CSAto ease the transition to cleaner, more efficientenergiy, ransportation, and emission standards.The current administration has a iargely voluntaryapproach to climate change. The message thatcame out of the annual meeting was voluntarymethods have not worked and it is time to act decisively. Remember, most of the world's industrialcountries have reacted dramatically to climatechange and signed agireements to limit emissionsand to reverse overall carbon dioxide release.The challenge to society to accommodategrowing human population as it relates to climatechange is an understated crisis. It affects wildlifeand the habitats they require. It is challenging fooand fiber production. It creates substantial issuewith medicines, ecosystem stability, spirituatity,recreation, a source of income and jobs, and muchmore. The overwhelming scientific evidence thatclimate change is caused by human activity andthe need for immediate federal and state action toreverse this trend was the prevailing take homemessage from the annual meeting.

  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Art & Adventure Auction [Cont'd rom Page 1]are provided with the opportunity to bid not only onsome of the best art produced on the Central Coast bysome of the best artists around, but also the chance tobid on some unbelievable adventures.The 17th Annual Greenspace Art and AdventureAuction will have the best art available on the CentralCoast and the adventure that you have always dreamedto take. Additionally, when you attend the auction, youwill be supporting an organization that has acquired,managed and protected open space in Cambria for over17 years; has been in the forefront of efforts to addressthreats to Cambria's native Monterey pine forest; andhas spoken out on key local environmental issues.Please join us for a delightful aJternoon at the CambriaVeteran's Memorial Buiiding between the hours of 2 p.m.and 6 p.m. on Saturday, Augmst 20,2005. Tickets are $Bin advance (call the office at 927-2866)or $t0 at the door.

    Maior Fish Passage lCont'd from Page 1lFish and Game SalmonidRestoration Grantawarded to Greenspaceto conduct the fieldwork. The California 'r'Coastal Conservancyprovided additional fundsfor this project that werecritical in its success.While Greenspacemanaged the contract theCaliforniaConservationCornsprovided the expertise in gathering data, conductingthe assessments, and analyzing the informationusing sophisticated computer modeling. The Corpsmembers were trained by Ross Taylor and Associatesand Love and Associates on site data gathering andsoftware modeling.Others including the SLO Land Conservancy andCorps personnel helped with the preliminary siteassessments and Fish and Game specialist finalizedthe site rankings.The 75 sites assessed ncorporated 246 squaremiles of watershed. Among the streams surveyedwere Santa Rosa Creek and San Simeon Creek to thenorth, parts of the Salinas Rjver to the east, and southto Arrovo Grande Creek.

    The information wiII give decision makersand planners detailed information on county,city and privateiy ornrned nfrastructure thathas been ranked for successful fish passage.The information can be used to direct limitedroad funds to areas that have the potential tofail due to culvert age, damage or other issuesthat threaten infrastructure that, if failed, wouldcause environmental damage to water quality,fisheries, and potentially human life.The sites ranked the highest priority for bar-riers that impede fish migration up and downstream were Coon Creek near Montana de Oroand Ferrasci Road Crosstng located on SantaRosa Creek. If you would like to read the SanLuis Obispo County Stream Crossing Inventoryand Fish PassageEvaluation or view a CD ofthe report please contact the Greenspace officeor visit the

  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    ffTTSNTION VHGgTAM&KT"&VKRS!Pocahontas Park and Organic GardenGarden Space Available

    Teresa "Tree" Lees, San Luis Obispo County "MasterGardener" and Greenspace Garden lVlaster, has garden plotsavailable immediately for individuals or families wishing togrow organic vegetabies or flowers at the GreenspaceCommunity Garden. Each space is $50 for the year. Theonly items you need are a desire to grow quality produceand seed. Please call Teresa at927-5922 for inJormation.Greenspace was awarded a grant from LEAF in 1994 tostart Cambria's first organic garden and Teresa has beenGarden Master of the Pocahontas Community Garden formost of those years. Past Greenspace Board member AllenPeters and his family donated the property that this loveiyopen space and garden resrde.Teresa has a bio that rs quite impressive. Not only doesshe hold a Master Gardener credential but she is a creden-tialed teacher in math and biologry. She has a BA from UC Davis and a Masters of Education degree from CalPoly. She curently is the Educational Coordinator for the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden. She is startingher own gardening business called "Gardening Guidance" where she will work with you at your home site todetermine some of the best gardening techniques and plant materials that are suited for your personal spaceand style. You can call to set up a one-hour free consultation aL 927-5922.

    MARK YOUR CATENDARS!Goastal Gleanup 2005Saturday, September 17' 2OOS9:00 am at the Santa RosaParking area onMoonstone Beach Drive

    Please join Greenspace-the Cambria Land Trustin cleaning Moonstone Beach and areas of SantaRosa Creek during the California Coastal Cleanupat 9:00 AM Saturday September 17th at the SantaRosa Parking area on Vloonstone Beach Drwe.Claude Albanese and Richard Hawley wiII be atthe Greenspace table located at the Santa RosaParking area wrth sign-in information, gloves,trash bags, and forms for logging in trash itemsthat are collected during the 2 hour clean-up. Formore information call Greenspace aI927-2866 orclaude At927-3269.

    Join your friends & neighborsat a Musical Benefit forGreenspacefeaturing the a cappella qeintetSir($Ioff-; 2005at theGreenspaceCreeksideReserveWatch for details in ?he Cambrian

    [Way4p Attoe, Laura


  • 8/3/2019 Summer 2005 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    rolelsrurLupvolred er0q00u^r.luPAnquvlprurrlcs00Nfisuasseryuolcr^uuno 0)lleuMolglruMOrBrpuosfuularceg'e10;agtuaq3rajnseo,t'SO]PBr.llPc

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    'l\/ranrznf rznrr ranoivg6| the FireWise pamphlet sent to Cambrians a few months ago inviting you tov r q r r ) | v r ) v q r v v \attend a field demonstration on how to identify native plants and eliminate invasive plants whileproviding a FireWise defensible space around your property. The workshop was a success thanks, inpart to Mike Rice (Cambria Forest Yard and Garden), Cambria Fire Chief Robert Putney, Ben Parker ofthe California Department of Forestry, and the San Luis Obispo County Community FireSafe Councii.Tlrirfrr nannlo ;-cluding two vegetation management businesses attended the field demonstrationactivity on April 16th. The two hour workshop provided detail information on identifying Cambria'sforest plant community and how to rid properties of unwanted vegetation while keeping beneficialplants that provide habitat for birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals.You now have a choice of hirinq a trained veqetation worker that has a certificate that he or shecompleted the 2005 workshop. Ask to see their certificate as proof ofcompletion of the two hour workshop from the contractor and each ofhis or her workers"

    Thanks to California Releaf, Greenspace wiil be presenting anotherworkshop in the spring of 2006 to further this educational effort inprotecting property from fire and enhancing the plant and wildlifecommunity that many value.We have asked the CCSD to ensure that anyvegetation removal contracts negotiated willrequire that applicants be certified in native piantidentification. The matter is under advisement.We willlet vou know the results.

    Protecting Native Plants and Being FireWise

