Spring 1997 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust

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  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1997 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    ffiThe Cambria Land Tiust

    Carnbria's Environrrrental Nernrsletter Vol . , No .4 . Spr ing1997

    GreenspaceelpsStrawberry anyon Greenspaccwarded10,000GranNeighbors reateGommunitypenSpaceIn a move that could serve as a model for other CambriaWffi',--,'",'",'.deductible-- needed o purchase$100,000evelopableparcel.py joining forcesas an association, eighborswill find itnexpensive o fund acquisitionofnearbyvacantthat can s'ette aspocket puri.s, community gardens,


    Greenspaceedicatesth GambriaPocket ark, heSterling orest ServicesDistrict office, thi: VeteransMemorial BuildinGreenspace, he Cambria Land Trust has dedicatedapocketpark in the Topof theWorld areaofHill, bringing io four the number of pocketparksascreatedduring the pasttwo years. -The riew park has been nailed fhe Sterhhg Forest, nof thedonors, ongtimevillage residentsWalterandt is ocatedon Pineridge, odgeHill,betweenand Ellis.According to the Sterlings'wishes,he new park will besawildlife corridor andwill serve sawildemessbetween the

    neigh-and adiacintagricuituralA temporary siqnThe Sterliiocurrentlylplans [oa permanentmarker and sign later this year.Greenspacewill be allowed to install donoi-dedicatedbenchesand picnic tables,but no otherstrucfures.Greenspace'sund-a-BenchProgram

    for "GommunityBenefitRecyclingGreates nnualncomeor Parks,Open pace cquisitioYouthCenterProgramsThe California Department of Conservation haawardedGreenspaceg-rant f nearly$10,000o mplemenan innovative recyclingprggram hatwitl potentiall!-ratse tens of thousands of

    neighborhoods to preserveadjacentopen space,Greenspacehas placed a 3.8-acreStrawberryCanyonparcel ntoescrow n orderto create a community forestPreserve.GreenspaceExecutive DirectorRickHawley andCentury 21. gentDori Watsonwere nstrumental norganizing neighboring propertyowners,who formedanassociationwith Greenspace nd pledgedthedonation of funds - all 100% ax

    dollars for open .spaceacquisitionn Cimbna.Greenspace ill admin-ister the collection ofdiscardedmetal,glassandplasticbeveragec-ontainerswith Californif RedemptionValue CRV), sing hefundsgenerated or acquisitionofmore open space,neiqh-borhooil pafks and TorCambria Youth CenterPrograms.The srant will pav forfour lodked, z0o^gil lonrecvclins bins iarhichGre'enspa"ceill install nearthe CairnbriaCommunityandanother'asvet*o"tiJffiili1ot::::tR

    Surueyhowspreadf DeadlyiseasThreatenso Kill85% f Cambria'soresResultso bePresentedt Gambria'sst Annualorest air,ArborDay, pril19,Pinedoradorounds,am o 5 pmGreenspace ill present he esultsof tscomprehensisurvey of the infesta^tionf Cambria's orest bv pine pitc

    Canker at Cambria's First Annual Cambria'Forest FaSaturday,April19, at the PinedoradoFairGrounds.Thebneilay event,wiII be held from 8 a.m. o 5 p.m.is co-hostedby Greenspace,San Luis Obispo CountPlanningDepartmentand heCambriaForestM'anagemeCommrtteeGreenspaceExecutiveDirector Richard Hawlev anlocalbiolofist Linda Warren Seekwill presentresilts oGreenspace'swo-part Pine Pitch Cank^er urvey, whicwas conducted as-t all by a cadreof trained communifvolunteers.Thespreadof the nsect-bomdisease n both the urbaand rural segments f Cambria'sMonterey Pines orestwil

    ln whichQreertspacecorewinningoneqorparks,op'paceand4outh rogram

    continued seeSTERLINGage2 continued seeFOREST AIRpage

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1997 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    continuedrom page1donors of $1,000 o dedicateabenctr,whichisplaceda Greenspace pocket park, to a loved one or hiend.has six benches in place and a seventh inWith the addition of The SterlingForest,Greenspace aspocket parks in Cambria, aswell as hefirst and only organic community garden. (See oxfor park locaiionE)

    WalterSterling:SubstantialaxBenefitsorDonationf land for Parks, penSpaceAt the end of 1996,when Walter and Katie Sterlineour buildable lots to Greenspaceor a pockeia very nice ax dedriction.Walter Sterlingwanis to stress his benefit or otherof Cambriaproperty whose financialportfoliosa substanti^alix #rite-off."Thereare plenty of vacant ots, filled with trees. hatdonated oGreenspaceohelppreservehebeautyNeu)tai n*i,ilto* g?fu mov-edereo enjoy'" 'eNew tax laws allow donorsof vacant land to take a fulI taxdeduct ion for the donatedparce l ' s cur ren t appra isedinarket value. rather^ han theoriginal purchase price.-For example, 6 lot that waspurchased ye-ars go for $1000,which is appraisedat a currentmarket value of $10,000,wouldyield a $10,000 ax write-off forthe donor.Greenspacecan provide additional information aboutdonafions of land, artwork and other items.always advisable for potential donors to review thewith their accountaht or tax advisor.For more information on tax deductible donations ofartwork or other items to Greenspace, contact Rickat927-4964.

    RECYCIING continued from page 1also und educationalmaterials o promote recyclingandsomeYouthCenterPrograms.Cy".di Butterfield,"a director of Greenspace,wasresponsibleor securing he grant monev." ThFGl"enspaceboaid e'ieloped hisfrojectto generatrunos or rtscolTunurutypro jec ts (such aspurchasing forestedIand, pocket parks andripariin habifut) and to

    donorsof aacantandto take full taxdeductionfor thedonatedarcel'scurrentappraisedmarket alue, atherthan heoriginalurchaserice.

    lm*fffimheprojectwillbeahuge Money or more projectsike th:"':i;';"",ttakerong,:::['f;';ii#i::i,,":;!i:fforpeopletorealizeho* recyclingprogram.gratifying it will be tosee hesimpleactof droppins off emptvbeveraee ontainertranslatesnto Youth^Cent"er ctiirifiesand"communitvparkland,"he said.Thegoalof theGreenspacerosram s to make t easfor peofile to donate beveragbc6ntainerscollected dbusihesiesand in homesfor flndine community benefiprograms, ccordingo Butterfield. -. Shebased hegrlnt's concepton setting up systems ohandle recyclabes"as ommunilv qenerate?cbnimod tiesthatwill directlvbenefitCambrih."...TheGreensl5aceeverage ontainerRecyclingProgramwill beginearly summeroI this year.Greenspaceocket arks

    . TheStcrfrrgForuet: alf aCre ocketpark, LodgeHilL onPineridge,between Bradfoid and,Ellis. Ddnated bva t i e a i d W a l t e r S t e r l i h e . i ' ' i ; . ' ' ' : .o PocahrntarPirk: Ovdrsized lot near northwestntersectionof Burton Drive and Wilton,.adiacent toighwav One.Donatedbv theAllen Pefeis amilv. Sitef Green'space rganicCoinmriniff Gaiden-one,bench.. Dor*lEStrcstPil|t**' Wooded itit wittr benCh,i odgeill, on Dorking, between Emerson and Sandown.Donated o GreerispacebyNeal and DiaheGreen threeL '

    . ttTtm$trcotHr**: Wooded ot, acrossrornPqcahantasark and Communitv Gafderr,,, odee riHiIL neatintersectibn'of 'Burton DrivE ana. ;Wilton,o Hiehway One Pqlghiied by G.reerupacet#obgnchgs. , , . . . , . , . . , . , . , , . . . . ,** Thesewoparkswiltbe enamav ad;* io U,l CrJ*p*adopt*ParkProgram(seestorynextpage).

    FORESTAIR continuedrom page1be chartedonblowups of aerialphotoeraphs bv GreenspaceThe survey was funded bv Geensiac^e, erints frorir theCahfomi_aDepartment of Forestry (Of) arid the CalifomiaNative Plant Societv.Pine Pitch Canker threatens to kill 85 percent ofCambria's Monterey Pine forest in the next decide. Thereis no known cure nilr preventive.Scheduled on the program is a separate seminar onhazardous tree insurarice cilaims.The Forest Fair will feature live music, food and a"Forest Health" exhibit of art created by local granunarschool students, with T-Shirts to be sold io raise funds forthe Cambria Forest Management Committee.For further information about the Forest Fair, contactRob Trask at927-5520or Jeremy Lowney at781-5704.

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1997 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    GreensDace-ntroducesNew Landrusts ike reenspac.,- nFp!'a'Park Pidgram spearheadingpenpacecquisiti{amea Gambria ark or a Friendor LovedOne StateFundsHaveEvaporatedYoucannameaCambriapark in honorof a ovedone ^^^l^r$*ing decline.n state frrniirrg for purchaseor friend under ane.CambriaLand ilX;:tt"^ sponsoredby Greenspace, op.ensPacehas prompted an ,rnp."""f,"ntel gro;ih o.Initiarly,he;ar9{yoparkocationsvalabr"", l"#5"H:t:fftulf:tJSfftnf',.hlfffilft#,?adoptioni'and"naming" tojrolors wht contribute 5000 randowrie'rs nd p"bli. ug";;i;r"i. i"t aside precioutheGreenspacedoft-a-Park rogrim.Au aonationslT*,ltj tle t.lb+c g;;d:iilt"';;-i";d;;ir-;illy;e100%axdeductible. seeking graits rrofir inai;lf";;;.o*pu.,r"s anBoth parksare locatedon I-odgeHill. One is on foundatioirs,aswellasfromgorurn*"rrtagencies,oetwe-en merson "Js;ilo;;. Tti;,"d; in the ormof matching rafrts.s acrossrom Greenspace'socahantasarkand Annualerpenditures or landacquisitionsby thecariroinia.p'ii'.ntorparksndRecreaIeaz ts$ar.6MrLLroNparliis u*"a, l; | 995 E $ t.B MTLLIONhortcomrriemorativemessager;rr\ ih; donors.Formore nformationon tXeGreenspace dopt_a_parkall (805)927-4964. -rTHE GREENSPAGE W|SH LIST: I'lfftrfffi #l;;iiu; ;r.ffiffffHHffi

    .. . ,,D0ratlond,tofohey,,fii*CiCilbomif ,u,.ri1 ,,

    TSfl $n BF, 'qE'Hg!fErEcontinuedrompagepreserves_orwhatever residentsdesire in theirawley observed.of the Strawbei.ryCanyon Associationmemberslots in the neighborfiood,6thers wn home, ;;;;;:havebeen rom 9100 o 910,000o purchase lieOthershaveagreed o pay $20amontir or -oi" fo.six years o pay off the 6alince.needsa little more than$15,000o completeDly,Uuu-downayment. f theAssociation ollectsmoreth.ut,he payoff period will be shortened.said this acquisition can serveas a model forgro.upsof Cambrians o takecontrol of openspacein their neighborhoods.He u.ia"a'tiiuitands eady o"helpoth"i grorrp,of *i;i$;;;buy uirg 9,uili or'op",.,pace.scommitted to assistingprivdte propertvn doing what governmentcanfi6t d" .-. ;h|hitop.en .pa.cend parkswithout the expendi-ot taxpayer unds,"Hawley said.as beenvery sriccessfuln securinggrantis ofterravaiiablefor openspaceun"a"purte added. I

    D Family$25 D Contributing$50 D Sponsorine 100o Patron250 o Sustainingd'sdd- ; bil;i;.t.I,$iAb"0[NewMember D Renewal

    nO t .u"J,.b:::i a,memberat this time. Enclosed s myp_oonahon. l,leasesendnewsletters.NameAddressCity/State/ZipPhone

    GIFT iIETBENSHIPSI'd like to give a $_ Gift Membershipto:NameAddressCity/State/Zip0 Please send acknowledgment to the recipientO I wantmy gift memberJhip, U.""."vilf*L, bll me next year to renew this gift membership

    PAYTENTD CheckEnclosed D Chargemy VISA or MCCard#Signature Exp.DateI'DIIKEMORE]{FORMATIONlT:O Deferred iving lGiftsthatkeep ngiving,,E ConservationltateprannrngD TarAdvantages,onservatii'nptionsor LandownersSend_to:GREEPostOffice Bo1_1,505_.amfria, CA gg+ZS

    3L _ _ _ _s!p-r2Z+gSEjg}dq:gg-sru:_ _ _ j

  • 8/3/2019 Spring 1997 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    PitchGanker:he ncurable iseaseEndangeringambria'sorestCambria's amousMontereypine Forest soneof onlythreenativestandsexisting n thi:UnitedStates, ll of whicfihavebecomenfectedwitfian incurabledisease aueapinePitchCanker.Thesestately treesonceblanketed most of the westoast. The three remaininspini'p'itah llJ:fi1'#;fffi#:r"[lTf:Caitcdr,haslb;den'' M;il;-p"ninsuta, in AnofAnked,,AS,AiC,lOf. , NuevoStateReserve long heNOi'h,An iili, San,Mateo oast, nJ n,ryoiit..(eiilrac:iiae'"H?3; nativeorestsank',ffee,ABeA,Sesit,,Onfl.i, ' among the rarest forestihr witiihDl4,t;bh,,"':,,,,,t,',,,'cosydtems on earth.,gJtni;,',,diti"Uh|$l' Altogether, these threer,fi$l:#W,'"tst%Ff''3:"i":Tidl,?ifftkAlEa:St:,,;.:;':,;;,, : ' : : : : ' , ' I n t h e l a s t d e c a d e , C a m b r i actedwithth";ixi;lfffi h11::l1#;.ffi*:disease native^ to ihe American southeast.

    Greenspace,Th e Cambria Land Trust 1.997ON RECYCLED PAPER

    Land TlustPostOffice Box 1505Cambria, CA93428Telephone: 805-9274964FAX 805-927-5102

    There s no cure.The Cambriastandmay be the worst ooJ hethreestands,according o expertr;Sun Luis ObisCounty.prleshavealready_beEnevistatedby pitchcankparticularly in Baywoodpark and Los Oso"s'where eanddying treeshavebecome maiorproblem.PitchCankerhasbeenrankedsondofNorthAmericamost destructivetree diseases, n a par with Dutch eldiseasewhich has wiped out whole'forests in the EaAlthough it doesnot klitlevery tree t infects, t disfiguimostand overcomes oung pinesparticularly fast. "Despite heir infection, henativ6stands h(e Cambriaare considered he best hope for combatiing pine pitc:?"ryr Plantgeneticistsestimate hat up to f"SpercentMontereypinesare resistant o the fungus and^ ould bused o regrowdevastated tands.Conservationistsrgue or Iistingthe reesasa ederagtdulgqT"4 species, hich couldcoifer federalprotectioThe United Nations declared the Monterey pine anendangered peciesn 1996.A state Pine Pitch Canker Task Force, in whicGreenspace as taken a lead role since ts inception.harecommended numberofmeasureso check hdspreadopitchcanker.Plantpathologistsworking with the isk forc:gll" b;1thope sto dentify a resistanfstrainof MontereI'mes; .Gree-nspacelans to launch a conununitv_widreplantingeffort once his is accomplished.Formorenformationn PinepitchCinker,call927-4964.COVER:ORIGINAL CARTOON BYART VA N RHYN @ 19eZ
