Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust

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  • 8/3/2019 Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Cambria's Environmental Newsletter Vol. I , No. 3 . Fall 1996

    Dedicatedo theconseraationf Cambria's reek,forestnndopenspnce.Greenspace'sommunity Garden

    Altematives to Proposed Hearst

    a ResoundingSuccessI,ess than a year after GreenspaceestablishedCambria'sirstCommunityGarden, hisnovelexperimentin "bio-intensivegardening" has beenso successfult'sbeennecessaryoestablish waiting list to accommodatefuture participants.Funds o establish he garden were provided in theform of a grant awarded o Greenspace y the Land EthicAction Foundation(LEAF) n1994. The site, ocated atWilton andNewtory next to the ntersectionof HighwayOneand BurtonDrive, was donatedby Greenspace icePresident Allen Peters and family. The site has beendubbed PocahontasPark, after- he famous nativeAmericanprincesswho is a distant relative of Peters.The GreenspaceCommunity Garden has 14participants learning the cutting-edge technique of"doubledig,"bio ntensivegardeningunder heguidanceSeeCARDEN page2

    8th Annual Greenspace rtAuction Offers Hundreds ofTreasuresor Art BuversOne of the iargestart auctionson thJCentral CoasttakesplaceSat.,Sept.28asvolunteers rom GreenspaceTheCambriaLand Trust hold their annual ftrndraiser ohelp conserveCambria's ragile environment.For the eighth consecutive year, Greenspace willauction several hundred works of art donated by thearea's eading artists,ists, galleries and collectors,with allbenefitconservation fforts n Cambria.roceeds oing o benefitconservation fforts n Cambria.The Auction runs from 2 p.m. to 6 p.*. at the CambriaVeteransMemorial Building.More than 300works of art,including original oil paintings

    and watercolors, lithographs,sculpture, ine-artphotography,antiques,ewelry,art glass, hinaand crystal will be auctionedduring the four hour event.The auction will be dividedinto three sections:silent,blindand live. Bidding for the silentsectiorLwhich consistsmostly ofitems valued at $75or less,willbe open until 5:45p.m. Largerpieceswill be auctioned ive orby sealed id Olind) throughoutthe tour hour event.SeeAUCTION page 2

    Greenspace cceptsGrant to FindResortDevelopment

    Greenspace directors have voted to accept a $1000grant fromthe Land Ethics Action Foundation'(LEAF) tobe used to explore altematives to the proposed resortdevelopment by the Hearst Corporation on San SimeonPoint.Hearst has announced that it's proposed plans for agolf course on the point would criatri what'they havedalled "the next Pebble Beach."

    The directors agreed toorsanize an effort to edicate areareJidents on the history, geologyand ecology of the poihtl

    AccordingthetheSanLuisObispo'CountyPlanning For the eighthCommissionlecommentions,HearSt'sprop6sedresor"t auction severa-l urwould include800hoteVmotel units,golf course, t east area's eading artisthree restaurants,_an nknown gyptity of commercial/ proceedsgoirigtoberetail facilitiesand accessory uildings. ?he Auction rirns frIn accepting he LEAF grant it was agreed he funds VeteransMemorialwill be usetl o cultivate community interest n forming aseparategroup. This groupwould bd__redponsibjle for ,,::,,, , :i , ,,i,,,:, : ,i , ;:,: ,:; ,,ABf"",:iT",f'f;:[i,"lt#:,? w;i;u;44,(;,5"ail;1,,,1.,,,i:i,ride;i,Hishw'av One; also to explore StrtChot,highlanddivid,lngitheafeaS,and devi:lopoih"r options'with diained:;,byr.differbnt tiVers or ri-vertheHearstorp. sVStenrS.2.:,the'hretiaineaU*.,a,iiverIn additiono Greenspace,'6ii'ii+ei,':sfiiernli',i.':ilruliai:ituininethoseopposinehe.propbsed poini ttfetifuiaCtion;opinibn;,,,etc1.1Hi;f"fe"Jff.il".1,#ii:,i,{W;ri;fiilrrv"f+W,"biir|biffir,I1,,.;:CoastAdvisoryCouncil(NcAc), ::r:i::i ':i:irr' : i::::: :: :' ': :: :ECOSLOand-TheSierraClub.

    WATCH OLIR GARDEN GROW - Rick Hawley checksoutcrops n Greenspace'sommunity Gardenon LodgeHill.

    Watershed s publishedbyThe CambriaLand tust

  • 8/3/2019 Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    GARDEN cont'd rom page1of Garden Master Dearura Van Ness.\A/hile the bio intensive method has its complexities,whichthe gardenmembers mustleamanduse, itbasicallyinvolves use of a compostpile for turning all greenwast'efrom the site into ^a rich, growth-p"ronioting soilamendment.If you have a green thumb or would like to developone/ we urge you to place your name on the list of peopl-ewho are *aiting their tirrn to participate in the biointensive garden experience.AUCTION cont'd rom page1Many non-art items have beendonated to the auctionagain this year, including wines, gourmet appetizers,cdrtificates-forservices, diiners,lodEing and t*b round-trip tickets on American Eagle/Amelicln Airlines, soodfof travel anywhere within t-he ontinental United St"ates.Paymenl for items purchased at the auction can bemade by cash, check, MasterCard and VISA. Entries arestill being sought for the auctiory officials said. For furtherinformat'ion c6tl Rick Hawley at 805-927 4964.

    Greenspace's ommunity GardenYieldsFirst "Market Crops"Cambria'sCommunity Garden s growing, literallyand figuratively! Under tlie suidance6f Gard6nMasterDeanriaVan Ni:ss, he gardei, which canaccorrunodateas many as 14 separlte farmers, currently has fullparticipltion and a waiting list. Mdnyofthegardenpardcipantsarebuyingthevarious"market-crops"-prodricedat the garden.A?ditionally,arrangements avebeenmade o sbllone of theqarden''s"marketcropsi' affie of omamentalgrain n th6 form ofdecorativewreathS,-locallyhrouqh ITeart'sEase.We'reanticipatinea ine irst h-arvesthis nextseason.Beonthe ook-outforGreenspacevegetablestyourlocalmarket next season. nconie cropl help suiport thegarden'soverheadexpensesi.e.s-eed,nsurairie, tools,upkeep, tc.) PleaseontactVanNesat927 612orRichardHawleyat 927-4964tochedulea tour of thegarden or to arrang-eto haveyour nameplacedon the ist or Spring opening-s.Bettery-et,ust stof by and take a look. '

    Cambria Gothic- In which farmers earn the biointensiveapproachogrowingveggies iginalcartoonbyArtVanRhyn.Greenspace eceivesCashDonation FromArea Realtor

    Patrick McGibney, owner of Green Earth RealW inLos Osos, has donated $400 o Greenspace o be useh toat-quiremore open space n Cambria.-

    . 'McGibney's firm-has a policy of donating 2O.percentof j ts earnings from real estate t ransact ions tot:nvironmentalbrganizations that are chosen by each oftheir clients.This isithe irm's first donation to Grdenspace,which was made at the request of Green Earth's clientsSteve and Susie Ball of Park Hill, Cambria.In a letter of thanks to McGibney, Greenspacelirecutive Director Richard Hawley wrot6: ". . . thank youfor your continued commitmeirt to the non-prbfitr-urservationcommunity. Greenspace sproud to bepartui this community and-associatedwith a businesslikeGreen Earth Realty."

    Greenspace upportsProposedSantaRosaCreekTrailCurrently in the planning stages,Cambria's Parks,Recreationand Open SpaceCo"mmi5sion PROS)proposesa multi-use trail-follolwing the creek from MoonbtoneBeach to East Village. Sudh a trail would serve as analternative to pedest-riantraffic along Main St., which isdangerous drie to increasing autoirobile congestion.Grednspace has been involied with PROS since itsinception and we're pleased that the Commission hasdeci?led o obtain grant money to finance and acquisitioryconstruction and maintenance of the trail.

    page 2

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    GreenspaceCompleting SurveyofPinePitch Canker InfestationInitinl ReportsShowDiseasesWidespreadhrougltoutCambriaA cadre of Greenspace olunteers,some50 strong,arecompleting he inal segmentof a ownwide survev5fthe Pine?itche anker nfes-tationhat hreatens he utureof Cambria'sMonterevpinetrees.To finance hesurvey, Greenspaceeceivedauniquegrantof fundsprovidedbv theCaliforniaDepartmeniofForestry CDF)and TheCahfomia Native PlantSocietv,a privdte Fouhdation, supplemented with additionlaimoney trom ureenspace.Thisgrantmoney sbeing used osurveyandmap heCambria5tandof MbntereyPines, otby 1o[.Eachsu'rveyvolunteer receivedsix hoursof intensiire raininq undeirtheguidanceof forestryexperts romGreenspace"andheCDF.Completlngasurvey,. .r., ,r .rr, .,..:::::,:::..,,,:.f Cambrid'srurilstand

  • 8/3/2019 Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Six "Fund-a-Benches"LrstalledonLodgeHill, More to Come!Creenspace'spopular "Fund-a-Bench"program isproviding Cambria residentswithbenchesplaced n ourneighborhoodpocket parks for use by walkers, hikersand thosewho just want a quiet spot to contemplate he

    beautyof a natural setting.So far Greenspacedirectors and volunteers haveinstalled six benches hroughout the Lodge HilI area.Those who commission the benches,which feature acorunemorative plaque,pay $L000o Greenspace hichin turn uses he funds for the upkeepof the pocketparksand benches.Two Greenspace ocket parks are ocatedat Wiltonand Newton, near the Highway One/Burton Dr.intersection.One sthe siteof theGreenspace ommunityGarden,and the other s across hestre6t.A third pockdtpark is locatedon Dorking St. on LodgeHill.The"Fund-a-Bench"program sa houghtfulway forCambrianso express heir feelings or lovedones, swellas heir love of Cambria's natural beauty.Benchnumber sevenhas ustbeenc6mmissioned yThe CentralCoast Orchid S5cietywhich hasselectedaIovely site next to a large Coast Redwood tree inGreenspace's ocahontas ark/CommunityGarden.Thiswill be a fine addition to this increasingly popularcommunity resource.For detailsaboutcommissioningabench, ontactoneof heBoardmembersof GreenspacerExecutiveDirectorRick Hawley at 927 49 4.GreenspaceHostsNew ZealandForestryGroup Visit to CambriaTripMade o Assessrnpactof PinePitch

    Canker n Cambrin'sorestGreenspace osted epresentatives isiting Cambriafrom TheNew ZealandForestryhrdustry n lateAugust.\A/hile ouring Cambria and the Central CoastwithGreenspaceExecutiveDirector Rick Hawley, membersof the delegation reportedly were appalled at thewidespread nfestationof Pine PitchCanker n Cambriaand elsewhere n California.MontereyPine reesare he numberone cashcrop nNew Zealand,where the treesare grown for lumberandpulp, producing billions of dollars n annualrevenue orthe countrv.So coricemed are the New Zealanders about thepossibilityof spreading he disease o their own forests,that they discarded heir field clothingbefore eturninghome.PinePitch Canker,which is native to the AmericanSoutheast, ffectsconifers ike Monterey Pines,DouglasFir andothers.There s no known cure. t isestimatedhatas much as 85percent of Cambria's orestwill succumbto the disease. Seerelated story on the GreenspaceCambria-widesurveyofPinePitchCanker nfestationonPage3.)

    FUND-A-BENCH-- Volunteers, rom left, Rick Hawley, BobMcDonald and ]ohn Zinke, install a bench at one -of theGreenspace ocket-parkson Lodge Hill. Spaces provided inthe centerof the bench for placementof a commemorativeplaquehonoring a friend or l,ovedone of the bench'ssponsor.Six suchbenchesare currently in place,with a seventh o beinstalled this Fall.FacingThreats o the Future ofCarnbria'sForestGreenspace asbecomea majorplayer n protectingMontereypines n Cambria,and throughout the staleofCalifomia.ExecutiveDirector Richard Hawley, with directir-nfrom the Greenspaceboard of directors, has beenintrumental in developingan Action Plan and researchpriorities for Pine Pitch Canker.This plan is being usedthroughout the the state as a guide in combating this

    foreign disease hat is threatening the future of ourMontereypine orests swt:ll:;1i;'j*##,ffi;111,,,'""'ff"d5*,],.Sitl'itl',,,,1'i,,,,,;. ' , ,,,,,,,,:r,,,,,,,,,:,.,..,..'..,:f,oresfliSloiE'of obispo has' signed at't;,;;;i,i'ilyi.lln . . 1?::,tJ:?il"'E1"1';i. iihatttC thids", ,,, , PitchCanker askForcehat:, :ut.it , :t:!iti :,,::::.ui , ::::,::: t : :: :1t.,,,0,.,.|,i-,,lMimi,[i;,....,.'.iiiiiiiri.iiree_nspaceelp.ed stablish.::.iiiiiiiEi.riiiiiilr,r:lllfit:i:iin;.,I,ri:rnl.;'*iiiiii::::::i:i:tii:i GfelenSpaCe iS Ufging the.,...pihe,..iiftn.ii. Co.rr,ty 'to adoit "the':,: ';fu,'pjii6|;, ',t:U:,,. ' Lecomlnlndationsn the1liiiiiiii,fili4iiil.liifii,i.liZriiii$i,liiiZ,ii,,,r,,,,,,.,r,r,ounty'sGeneralPlanthatcr:::r::r:::"fo r development of anenforceable ree ordinance that will better protectCambria's hreatenedMonterey pine forest.TheCambria orest s one of only threenativestandsof Monterey pine trees n the world- theother two arein theCarmel/MontereyPeninsulaareaand Ano Nuevoin SantaCruz County,-where nfestationby Pine PitchCanker s alreadywidespreadGreenspace ontinues to take the lead in forestryissueson the localsceneas well as he state evel.See tory onnextpage istingupcoming symposiumsand workshops dealing with the Cambria forest and itsfufure.


  • 8/3/2019 Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust



    Tavlor Coffman's wonderful new book, TheCambfia Forest, illustrated by Cambrian Lynn Rathbun,has received glowing reviews from around the UnitedStates.Coffman disilaims being an "advocate or anactivist" or even a "nature write"r in the usual sense."His well-honed prose convevs a clear messaqenonetheless: "our native pine foiest is a rarity, and riemust act to protect and pieserve it." The dreided PinePi t ch Canker , as he r igh t ly no tes , "poses anunprecedented threat.- Here are ust a few excerpts of what reviewers havehad to say:Los Angeles Times Book Review: "Coffmandescribes a-particular small pine forest as part ofsylvan archipelago hat stretchesalong the Cenfral andNorthern Catifoinia coast. This fond-natural historywill enhance the enjoyment of visitors to this populargetaway spot."* Tho Southern CaliforniaGardener: "This beautifullyp r o d u c e d a n d e l e g a n t l y

    i l lus t ra ted book t i kes apotentially dry subject- theMonterei ' pine fbrests ofCambria,'a seaside town onthe Central California coast-and deve lops i t in to acaptivating accountof naturalhistorv." -Cdlifornia Native PlantSociety Journal, Fremontia:"A delightfully written storyof the hiitoric development ofthe forest of Monterey pinesand i ts ecoloqv locited atCambria.one olthree locationsalong the Cali fornia coastwheie a population of thisclosed-conepine persists."The New Yorker : " Ahandsome production. . . Thetrees remind me of the hiehlyfire-adapted closed-coneditchpines of the New lersev-Pinebarrens." - TohnMcPfieeSanta Barbara News-Press Book Review: "Sincethe coast from Morro Bay to Monterey has resistedleaps of growth and vast developments,-much of whatCoffman writes about remains intact."New Times Book Review: "Delves into the botanicalhistory of pines as well as the geological andclimat6logicil history of California's eentril Coast. .a tremendous amount of research."The Cambrian Book Review: "Lynn Rathbun'swispy pen-and-ink line drawrngs . . . do a good iob ofcaptriring the counterpoint of Etrength arid fragilitythit svmbolizes these rees." Kathe fanner.T6e Cambria Forest: Reflections on Its Native Pines& Its Eventful Past, s available from Coastal HeritagePress,Box 1415,Cambria, CA93428. $12 (plus $2 perorder for tax shipping). Signed or inscribed copiesupon request.

    ffi#t:i:li:::I::::::j::ii::tiqijf::1:1:iffit$.fii hlhYttfidoi :

    '| "tr"lrrl*r*rbrixlilest

    Meet Author TaylorCoffman at the AnnualGreenspaceArtAuctiorySat., Sept. 28, at theCambriaVetsHall, 2p.m.to 6p.m.He'llsigncopiesof his new book "TheCambriaForest."

    Think About the Future:NameGreenspaces Benefici ryofYour RetirementPlansW h o w i l l r e c e i v e a s s e t s e m a i n i n g n y o u rret irementplans after your l i fet ime?Ret irement lan assets ef t to individualsotherthanyour spouse re axedmore heavi ly han most

    other assets.First, hey are subject to estate tax.Then,unl ikemostotherassets,hey are alsosubjectto income axwhen distr ibutedo your heirs.Heirsmay be left with less han 3ooh of plan assets.Both estate and income taxes are avoided if achar itysuch as Creenspace s named benef ic iary.Preserv ing ambr ia 'senv i ronmentwou ld be awonderful egacy o your heirs.For fu r ther in fo rmat ion ,p lease contac t R ickHawley,Execut ive irectorof Creenspace. ecauseany tax laws are complex, you should alwaysconsultwith your accountantor tax advisor.

    Pine ForestWatch:UpcomingSymposiumsand WorkshopsYou and Your Forest: Helping the RelationshipSurvive.CambriaPinesLodge,S^at.,Sept21,9:30 .m. b4 p.m. Co-sponsoredby Greenspac-e, niversity ofCalifomia,Cimbria ForeslManageirrentCommitteeandtheCalifomiaDepartmentofForestryandFireProtection.MonterevPiire Forest:A Forestat Risk.Svmposiumin Carmel, 6ct. 11,co-sponsored y Greedspdce ndnumerousenvironmentalgroups.Greenspace xecutiveDirector Rick Hawlev is aTeatdred peak'er.Greenspaceisarranging or achdrteredbus to takeCambrians o theevent.California ForestPestControl Symposium.Nov. 14in Sacramento.Rick Hawley will'ma'lce presentationcalled PracticalManagemeritor UrbanizedForest."Natural Cycles oftambria's Forest. Two-sessionclass ponsored y Greenspacend conductedby localBiolosist Linda Warren Seek.Tentativelyscheduled orTanua-ryr February1997.Fee s$30per studenUf classhas m

  • 8/3/2019 Fall 1996 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Flowering Current Rlbes Clutingsum Toyon HeteromelesArbutifoliaS\:,..-'"--->};\ ). ll

    :*If you careaboutCarrrbria'suture,read his. .Rhammus alifornica

    @ CopyrightCreenspace, he Cambria LandTrust 1996Printed on Recycled Paper

    PostOfficeBox1505Cambria, A 93428TelephoneBO5-92749 4

    Monterey Pine Pinus Radlata

    Sketchesof native f lora by Lynn Rathbun

    U.S.Bulk RateP A IDPermit o.37Cambria,CA93nBNon-ProfitOrganization

    TheCambriaLand Trust