1 By Sarah K Major www.child1st.com Sue’s Flute

Sue’s Flute

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By Sarah K Major


Sue’s Flute


Sue’s FluteBEFORE YOU READ: (All SnapWords® resources are available at child1st.com) SOUND SPELLINGS: Write the target sound spelling on your whiteboard. We are still working with the sound OO, but today we will be spelling it with U-E, UI, and UE. The dash in the middle of U-E shows that a consonant goes in the space. Sound spelling words in this story are SUE, FLUTE, CRUISE, JUNE, FRUIT, SUPER, BRUISE, USE, GLUE, and REFUSE.

NOTE: The more words you practice for each sound spelling the better! Additional words are in ( ). a. Play Quick Draw with the target spelling words. Start with SUE and GLUE (BLUE, CUE, CLUE, TRUE, VALUE, STATUE, and ARGUE also follow this sound spelling). b. Next, practice the U-E words: REFUSE, FLUTE, JUNE, SUPER, USE (TUNE, TUBE, RULE, RUDE, MULE, CUTE, CUBE, and HUGE also follow this sound spelling). c. Finally, practice the UI words: CRUISE, BRUISE, FRUIT (SUIT and JUICE also follow this sound spelling).

SIGHT WORDS: for this story are MAN, WAS, and HAD. All three are simple three-letter words, all with an A in the middle.

SOUND OUT: these words: LOT, DAY, FELL, OW, CRIED. DAY has a familiar long A spelling.



Sue likes to play her flute. She plays it a lot. She plays in the city; she plays on the island. She plays after she eats. She plays when it is cold and when it is hot.


One day, a little man was by the river when Sue played her flute. He had to ask, “Sue, will you bring your flute on my ocean cruise? The cruise is in June, and we will bring a lot of good fruit.”


“That is super,” said Sue. “I can’t refuse to bring my flute and play on your cruise.”