Lesson Plan for Student Study Trip Alma Vaca Ramirez Grade 4/Science Teacher Grade/Subject/Course Title Name of Administrator Administrator’s Signature Monterey Bay Aquarium Thursday, March 19 Name of Trip Date of Trip After exploring all the species at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the students will select a species of their choice and write a Comparing/Contrasting Research Paper on the natural habitant versus the artificial habitant of their species OR Poster comparing/contrasting habitants Power Point comparing/contrasting habitants A Model comparing/contrasting habitants I. Core Curriculum Content Standards Indicator/s: 5. 1 Scientific Processes All students will develop problem- solving, decision-making and inquiry skills, reflected by formulating usable questions and hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results. Standards Grade 4

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Lesson Plan for Student Study Trip

Alma Vaca Ramirez Grade 4/ScienceTeacher Grade/Subject/Course Title

Name of Administrator Administrator’s Signature

Monterey Bay Aquarium Thursday, March 19Name of Trip Date of Trip

After exploring all the species at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the students will select a species of their choice and write a Comparing/Contrasting Research Paper on the natural habitant versus the artificial habitant of their speciesORPoster comparing/contrasting habitantsPower Point comparing/contrasting habitantsA Model comparing/contrasting habitants

I. Core Curriculum Content Standards Indicator/s:


Scientific Processes All students will develop problem-solving, decision-making and inquiry skills, reflected by formulating usable

questions and hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and analyzing data, drawing

conclusions, and communicating results.Standards Grade 4Strands and Cumulative Progress IndicatorsBy the end of Grade 4, students will:

A. Places and regions , The world in spatial terms, Habits of Mind


Raise questions about the world around them and be willing to seek answers through making careful observations and experimentation. Language Arts 3.2, 3.4A 1, 2 & B1 Technology 8.1A1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 & 8.1B1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

II Objectives: (what will students know and/or be able to do as a result of trip)Develop strategies and skills for information-gathering and problem-solving, using appropriate tools and technologies.

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1)The students will participate a field trip to the aquarium and the pre-visit and post-visit classroom activities.2)Students will be recording information and taking photos2)Students will create a comparison/contrast oral, written, group presentation based on visit and internet research

III. What academic preparation will precede the trip? (course content, topics and units of study).

1. Using Kidspiration Construct a KWL chart using the focus question "What is an Aquarium?".

Tell the students they will soon be going on a field trip to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. What is an aquarium? Why do people build aquariums? Who has been to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium? What do you think you will see at there?

2. Students will log on to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Website and read about the aquarium www.monterreybayaquarium.gov 3.Students will complete and on-line study guide for their grade level from the Aquarium Website

4. Use a variety of Search Engines to find info on species that will observe at the Aquarium and record habitant difference and similarities between the Species natural habitat and the Aquarium/artificial habitat

IV. Essential Questions: (to engage students in the study and create a bridge between performance-based activities and deeper, conceptual understandings)

Students will consider the ways that people attempt to create aquariums that provide realistic habitats for marine animals

Students will explore the habitats of the animals observed at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium and record and compare the artificial and natural habitats using www.montereybayaquarium.gov

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V. Student Performances During and After the Trip: (describe reports, note-taking, interviews, sketching, photography or the like students should accomplish on the trip and follow-up/debriefing activities)

1) Record Observations on of the Aquarium Habitants of their species on a Chart2) Take Pictures3) Record their own impressions and reflections on exhibits

VI. Teacher Performances During and After: (describe instructional and supervisory activities of teachers)

Teachers will go over the Worksheet for the Aquarium Visitor Experience with the studentsTeachers will have the requested name tags on each student

VII. Lesson Assignments: (describe assignment of background materials and research to enhance the value of the trip).

1) Students will visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium website and take notes on the exhibits they will explore2)Students will be assigned a variety of websites to explore the habitats and characteristics of the animals and sites they will be observing3) Students will use their informational writing skills to create a research paper on a species of their choice comparing the species natural habitant with an artificial habitant

VIII. Lesson Evaluation: (how will the success of the trip be measured in relationship to stated objectives)

Students will present their research findings to the class using posters, multimedia, or oral presentation

VIII. Code of Conduct: (list safety procedures and expected behaviors, both at the trip destination and in transit to and from the destination)Teachers will discuss proper behavior and safety aboard the trainWe may be able to get a speaker in to discuss train safety before the TripTeachers will discuss proper behavior in the Monterey Bay and review the Aquarium Rules

A time line will be discussed so all students no where to be a what time

Attendance will be taken on the bus at departure from the school Attendance will be taken on the bus at departure from the aquarium

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Pictures of Monterey Bay Aquarium

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