Unit 5 Lesson Plans Unit 5 Lesson 1 & 2 : Careers SESSION OBJECTIVES ALLOTED TIME Students will be able to identify the costs and benefits associated with different careers and will be able to categorize them in terms of salary, education, skill level, etc. 40-80 min TIME STAGE INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE MATERIALS 5-10 min I. Warm-up Pictionary: Break class up into two groups and play Pictionary with occupations. To answer correctly and receive a point, teams must answer in complete sentences. For example, if a student is drawing a picture of a firefighter, the team must shout out, “that is a firefighter”, to get the point. The team with the most points win. Pictures of occupations (Unit: 5 Material 1)

Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

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Page 1: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

Unit 5 Lesson PlansUnit 5 Lesson 1 & 2 : Careers


Students will be able to identify the costs and benefits associated with different careers and will be able to categorize them in terms of salary, education, skill level, etc.



5-10 min


Pictionary: Break class up into two groups and play Pictionary with occupations. To answer correctly and receive a point, teams must answer in complete sentences. For example, if a student is drawing a picture of a firefighter, the team must shout out, “that is a firefighter”, to get the point. The team with the most points win.

• Pictures of occupations (Unit: 5 Material 1)

Page 2: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

10-20 min

II. Presentati


Group Work: What kinds of jobs need what kind of training? Students will be broken up into four different groups and each group will be given a list of careers that have similar pay, structure, and profile of workers.

For example, one group could be professionals with PhDs: doctors, professors, scientists, etc.

What do all of these categories have in common? How are they all different? What level of education or training is needed for each category? Does one category pay better than another? Is one category easier than another? Have each group present the findings on their category and go over important vocabulary.

• Jobs based on skills chart (Unit 5 Material 2)

20-40 min


Discuss their futures: Break the students into smaller groups and have them discuss their futures. What do they want to do when they grow up? What do they need to achieve, or do, to attain their goals?

• Open Space• Chairs

Page 3: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

5-10 min



Writing Exercise about Careers in their Family. Have students write about their families. What careers do people in their families have? How did they begin working in their respective fields? Did they receive formal training in a university or vocational program, or did a family member or a boss train them? Does the student want to have a similar life when they grow up? Writing will be collected for grammatical revision.

Unit 5 Lesson 3 & 4: Careers Around the WorldSESSION OBJECTIVES ALLOTED


Students will be able to identify careers and jobs around the world and be able to compare them to the types and availability of careers in Costa Rica.



Page 4: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

5-10 min

I.Warm-up Watch Video: Play a Youtube

video or audio clip about careers in English-speaking countries. How are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they the same? Give students the opportunity to participate with their observations and reflections.

• Computer• Projector• Speakers• Video (Unit 5 Material


10-20 min

II. Presentati


Read Article: Using the projector, have the class read an article (or two) that highlights jobs around the world, or careers in English-Speaking countries. Go over important vocabulary and have each student read a sentence. Ask for questions to ensure comprehension. How are these careers or lifestyles to those of Costa Rica? How are they different? How are they similar?

• Projector• Popular Jobs Text

(Unit 5 Material 4)

20-40 min


Creative writing activity. Have students imagine themselves in one of the careers in an English-speaking country. What would their days look like? What would their work environment be like? What would they eat? What kind of music would they listen to, or what would they do for relaxation? Have each student write a paragraph about their day using descriptive details.

5-10 IV. As an exit ticket, each student must

Page 5: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

min Production give the teacher one career they think is interesting or different and explain why.

Unit 3 Lesson 5 & 6: Interviewing for a JobSESSION OBJECTIVES ALLOTED


Students will be able to analyze interviews and discuss the importance and the value they hold in today’s world. 40-80





5-10 min



Flyswatter: Break students into two teams and play flyswatter with vocabulary from the “Careers” unit. The team with the most points wins.

• Flyswatters• Videos (Unit 5

Material 5)

10-20 min

II. Presentat


Play audio or video clips of interviews for certain careers. After each one, students will comment on dress, qualifications, the questions asked, the applicant’s resume, and lastly, student will decide whether or not the candidate should be hired? Review important vocabulary to ensure comprehension.

• Projector• Speakers• Videos (Unit 5

Material 5)

Page 6: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

20-40 min


Create a Role-Play Interview. Break students into pairs. Each pair will draw a career out of a hat and create a role-play interview based off of the career chosen.

• Career Cards (Unit 5 Material 6)

5-10 min



Writing Activity: Students will write 3 things you should do in an interview and 3 things you should not do in an interview.

Suggested HomeworkStudents will go home and ask family or community members about interviews they have had, and what kind of questions were asked. Students can also ask if they have any interview or career advice Students will share their findings the next class.

Additional Activities 1. Memory with careers. Cut out pieces of careers and place them on pieces of colored paper with

numbers attached to the back. Tape the numbers to the board so that the careers pictures cannot be seen. Break the students into teams, and to guess a square, students must call out the number and the color, i.e. “I think it is green three, and blue four!”. If they are right and the careers match, they must say the career in English to get a point for their team. The team with the most points wins.

2. Bring in a local businessman, farmer, lawyer, doctor, police officer, laborer, store clerk, a MEP employee, or someone from the municipality who can speak English to discuss careers, job training/education, and interviews with the students/

3. Play career bingo with pictures of careers on the bingo boards while the teacher calls out the vocabulary words.

4. Bring a ball to class and have students stand in a circle. Have students say, “I like to student (subject) because (reason) .” The student who gave their statement will then throw the ball to another students who will then repeat the first student’s statement and give their own. For example, if Maria Luisa said, “I like to study math because I want to study engineering,” and then threw the ball to Deyber, Deyber would say, “Maria Luisa likes to study math because she wants to study engineering. I like to study tourism because I want to open a restaurant someday.” Continue until everyone has had a turn.

5. Have students reach from the moon and discuss their dream futures. Where would they be living, what would they be doing, how much money would they make, what would they eat, what would they wear, where would they go on vacation, what would they do for fun, etc. This can be done as a speaking exercise in partners or as a writing activity. Teacher will evaluate based on effort and unit vocabulary usage, though correcting grammar, syntax, or spelling when needed. Encourage creativity!

Page 7: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

Unit 5 MaterialsUnit 3 Material 1: Pictures of Occupations

Page 8: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they
Page 9: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

Unit 5 Material 2: Jobs based on skills chart

Page 10: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

Professionals with PHDsDoctorsProfessorsScientistsDentistsLawyers

Professionals with a BA or mastersTeachersAccountantsNGO/non-profit workNutritionistsNurse

Skilled laborersPlumbersElectriciansWeldersCooksBakers

Unskilled laborersConstruction workersBathroom attendantsJanitorsGas station workers

Unit 5 Material 3: Video (See Materials Folder)

Unit 5 Material 4: Pictures of careers and vocabulary

Lawyer Firefighter

Interview Salary

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Baker Hair Stylist

Pay Contract

Waitress Waiter

Unit 5 Material 4: Popular Jobs TextThe Most Popular Jobs In The World

Where there are people, there are jobs.

Labor Day Around the World

Essentially every country except for the US and Canada celebrates Labor Day or Worker’s Day on May 1st, and people tend to have similar traditions of taking the day off work and perhaps partaking in a protest or two. Thus, in honor of Labor Day, instead of exploring Labor Day in different countries, here are some facts about jobs in various countries around the world.

• In the United States, the most common job is retail salesperson.• In South Korea, a fifth of young people dream of becoming a K-pop star; it is

common for individuals and their families to devote a great amount of time and

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resources to get a shot at becoming one.• One of the most common jobs that people apply for and prepare for in the UK is

software developer.• One of the most common jobs in South Africa is a plumber! As for white collar jobs,

accounting is also very popular.• The least in-demand jobs in Chile are journalists, psychologists, and architects.• In Australia, the most common part-time job is retail salesperson, and the most

common full-time job is technician and tradesperson in the construction industry.• According to analysis from Google’s keyword tool, the most searched for job in

Kenya is United Nations worker. However, most people don’t seem to care whether that job is a UN peacekeeper, a development expert, or secretary.

• The most common job sector in China is the manufacturing industry; the service industry is almost as popular.

• In India, IT is the most popular job sector, as businesses increasingly outsource their needs to the country. In addition, some of the fastest growing jobs are in the field of research.

Source: http://www.languageconnections.com/blog/jobs-jobs-jobs-everywhere/

Unit 5 Material 5: Videos (See Materials Folder)

Unit 5 Material 6: Career Cards

Doctor Baker Chef

Plumber Dentist Secretary

Hair Stylist Nurse School Principal

Page 13: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they

Farmer Librarian Truck Driver

Construction Worker Writer Police


Page 14: Students will go home and ask family or ... - drea.co.cr …  · Web viewHow are the opportunities in English-speaking countries different than they are in Costa Rica? How are they