Stress Managment Project

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  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    The word stress is derived from the Latin word "stringi", which means, "to be drawn


    In medical terms stress is described as, "a physical or psychological stimulus that can

     produce mental tension or physiological reactions that may lead to illness." 

    According to Richard S Lazarus, stress is a feeling exerienced when a erson thin!s that

    "the demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to


    our bod# tries to ad$ust to different circumstances or continuall# changing environment

    around #ou. In this rocess, the bod# is ut to extra wor! resulting in "wear and tear". In

    other words, #our bod# is stressed. Stress disturbs the bod#%s normal wa# of functioning.

    &ost of us exerience stress at one time or another. 'ithout stress, there would be no

    life. (owever, excessive or rolonged stress can be harmful. Stress is uni)ue and

     ersonal. A situation ma# be stressful for someone but the same situation ma# be

    challenging for others. *or examle, arranging a world level s#mosium ma# be

    challenging for one erson but stressful to another. Some ersons have habit of worr#ing


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    *ollowing are the features of stress +

    . Stress ma# result into an# !ind of deviation - h#sical, s#chological, or 

     behavioral in the erson. This deviation is from the usual state of affairs.

    . Stress ma# be result of individual/s interaction with environmental stimuli. Such

    stimuli ma# be in an# form, interersonal interaction, event, and so on. The

    imact of the stimuli roduces deviation in the individual.

    0. It is not necessar# that stress is alwa#s d#sfunctional. There ma# be some stresses,

    called eustresses, li!e stress for creative wor!, !een cometition, entrereneurial

    activities, etc., which stimulate better roductivit#. It is onl# the d#sfunctional

    stress, called distress, which is bad and must be overcome.

    1. Stress can be temorar# or long2term, mild or severe, deending mostl# on how

    long its causes continue, how owerful the# are, and how strong the individual/s

     owers are. If stress is temorar# and mild, most eole can handle it or at least

    recover from its effects rather )uic!l#. Similarl#, ersons who have strong ower 

    for tolerating stress can coe with stress more )uic!l#.

    3. At one oint or the other ever#bod# suffers from stress. Relationshi demands,

     h#sical as well as mental health roblems, ressure at wor!laces, traffic snarls,

    meeting deadlines, growing2u tensions4all of these conditions and situations are

    valid causes of stress. 5eole have their own methods of stress management. In

    some eole, stress2induced adverse feelings and anxieties tend to ersist and

    intensif#. Learning to understand and master stress management techni)ues can

    hel revent the counter effects of this urban malaise.

    Who s !ost s"s#e$t%&e to stress'

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    Stress comes in all forms and affects eole of all ages and all wal!s of life. 6o external

    standards can be alied to redict stress levels in individuals 22 one need not have a

    traditionall# stressful $ob to exerience wor!lace stress, $ust as a arent of one child ma#

    exerience more stress related to arenting than a arent of several children.

    The degree of stress in our lives is highl# deendent uon individual factors such as our 

     h#sical health, the )ualit# of our interersonal relationshis, the number of 

    commitments and resonsibilities we carr#, the degree of others% deendence uon and

    exectations on us, the amount of suort we receive from others, and the number of 

    changes or traumatic events that have recentl# occurred in our lives.

    Some generalizations, however, can be made. 5eole with strong social suort networ!s

    7consisting of famil#, friends, religious organizations, or other social grous8 reort less

    stress and overall imroved mental health in comarison to those without these social

    contacts. 5eole who are oorl# nourished, who get inade)uate slee, or who are

     h#sicall# unwell also have reduced caabilities to handle the ressures and stresses of 

    ever#da# life and ma# reort higher stress levels. Some stressors are articularl#

    associated with certain age grous or life stages. 9hildren, teens, wor!ing arents, and

    seniors are examles of the grous who often face common stressors related to life


    5eole who are roviding care for elderl# or infirm loved ones ma# also exerience a

    great deal of stress as caregivers. (aving a loved one or famil# member who is under a

    great deal of stress often increases our own stress levels as well.

    Different Types of Stress

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    Stress is highl# individualistic in nature. :enerall# stress is viewed as something bad,

    having negative conse)uences. Stress is not alwa#s bad. It is onl# the degree or level

    of the stress which roduces ositive or negative conse)uences. 6othing can be far 

    from truth; A little stress is absolutel# necessar# for our survival in this highl#

    cometitive world;

    Thus, we can classif# stress into two grous the good stress or %eustress% or the

     bad stress or %distress%.

    E"stress: The Goo( Stress

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      Some stress is normal and even useful. It can hel if #ou need to wor! hard or 

    react )uic!l#. *or examle, it can hel #ou win a race or finish an imortant $ob

    on time.

    ?ut if stress haens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. It canlead to headaches, an uset stomach, bac! ain, or trouble sleeing. It can wea!en

    #our immune s#stem, ma!ing it harder to fight off disease. If #ou alread# have a

    health roblem, stress ma# ma!e it worse. It can ma!e #ou mood#, tense, or 

    deressed. our relationshis ma# suffer, and #ou ma# not do well at wor!.


    There are several wa#s b# which an organization can diagnose the levels of stress

    affecting its emlo#ees. Surve#ing emlo#ees, either b# using a )uestionnaire or 

     b# directl# )uestioning them, can reveal a lot about the wor! lace. Similarl#,

    conducting focus grous can be $ust as effective, not onl# in diagnosing but also

    in roviding wa#s to manage or minimize the imact of stress.

      Some emlo#ees ma# be comfortable with interviews, others ma# not. In such

    cases, consultants or stress management exerts can siml# observe the wor!ing

    st#les of emlo#ees over a eriod of time, either at an individual level or at an

    organizational level and ma!e recommendations to revent stress. There are also

    several stress measurement scales that can be used to measure emlo#ees stress.

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    Some of well2!nown and fre)uentl# used scales b# (uman Resource consultants


    The &ichigan Stress assessment7*rench @ han,BC8

    >ccuational stress indicator 79ooer, Sloan @


    0 Eob stress surve#

    1 Life even scale

      The usage of stress indicator scales has roven to be a good measure to assess

    stress. These scales rovide organizations a Foint in timeG score card that can be used as

    a bench mar! indicator for future measurement and growth.



      Sometimes it is clear where stress is coming from. ou can count on stress

    during a ma$or change in life such as the death of a loved one, getting married, or having

    a bab#. ?ut other times it ma# not be so clear wh# #ou feel stressed.

    It ma# hel to !ee a stress $ournal. :et a note boo! and write down when something

    ma!es #ou feel stressed. Then write how #ou reacted and what #ou did to deal with the

    stress. eeing a stress $ournal can hel #ou find out what is causing #our stress and how

    much stress #ou feel. Then #ou can ta!e stes to reduce the stress or handle it better.



    "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool

    and unruffled under all circumstances."


    In a challenging situation the brain reares the bod# for defensive action4the

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    fight or flight resonse b# releasing stress hormones, namel#, cortisone and adrenaline.

    These hormones raise the blood ressure and the bod# reares to react to the situation.

    'ith a concrete defensive action 7fight resonse8 the stress hormones in the blood get

    used u, entailing reduced stress effects and s#mtoms of anxiet#.

    'hen we fail to counter a stress situation 7flight resonse8 the hormones and chemicals

    remain unreleased in the blood stream for a long eriod of time. It results in stress related

     h#sical s#mtoms such as tense muscles, unfocused anxiet#, dizziness and raid

    heartbeats. 'e all encounter various stressors 7causes of stress8 in ever#da# life, which

    can accumulate, if not released. Subse)uentl#, it comels the mind and bod# to be in an

    almost constant alarm2state in rearation to fight or flee. This state of accumulated stress

    can increase the ris! of both acute and chronic s#chosomatic illnesses and wea!en the

    immune s#stem of the human bod#.

    Stress can cause headaches, irritable bowel s#ndrome, eating disorder, allergies,

    insomnia, bac!aches, fre)uent cold and fatigue to diseases such as h#ertension, asthma,

    diabetes, heart ailments and even cancer. In fact, San$a# 9hugh, a leading Indian

     s#chologist, sa#s that H er cent to B er cent of adults visit rimar# care h#sicians

    for stress2related roblems.

    Eust about ever#bod#4men, women, children and even fetuses4suffer from stress.

    Relationshi demands, chronic health roblems, ressure at wor!laces, traffic snarls,

    meeting deadlines, growing2u tensions can trigger stress conditions. 5eole react to it in

    their own wa#s. In some eole, stress2induced adverse feelings and anxieties tend to

     ersist and intensif#. Learning to understand and manage stress can revent the counter

    effects of stress.

    &ethods of coing with stress are lent#. The most significant or sensible wa# out is a

    change in lifest#le. Relaxation techni)ues such as meditation, h#sical exercises,

    listening to soothing music, dee breathing, various natural and alternative methods,

     ersonal growth techni)ues, visualization and massage are some of the most effective of

    the !nown non2invasive stress busters.

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    'henever our bod# feels something not favorable, then it tries to defend itself. If this

    situation continues for a long time, then our bod# is wor!ing overtime.

    There are several causes of stress. *or examle, #ou are under stress when #ou are

    worried about something, worried about #our children, worried about the illness of #our 

    father, worried about #our $ob securit#, or worried about #our loans or similar things.

    ou ma# be under stress due to several causes. Loo! at the following causes of stress.

    C*"ses o2 Stress *t Ho!e+

    =eath of souse, famil#, near relative or friend.

    In$ur# or illness of an# famil# member.0 &arriage of self or son or daughter or brother or sister.

    1 Searation or divorce from artner.

    3 5regnanc# or birth of a new bab#.

    C 9hildren%s behavior or disobedience.

    H 9hildren%s educational erformance.

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    D Argument or heated conversations with souse, famil# members or 

    friends or neighbors.

    B  6ot sufficient mone# to meet out dail# exenses or unexected


    Loss of mone# in burglar#, ic!2oc!eted or share mar!et.

    9hange of lace or change of cit# or change of countr#.

    C*"ses o2 Stress *t Wor4  

    To meet out the demands of the $ob.

    our relationshi with colleagues.

    0 To control staff under #ou.

    1 To train #our staff and ta!e wor! from them.

    3 Suort #ou receive from #our boss, colleagues and $uniors.


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    Symptoms of stress

    'hile mild stress can actuall# be beneficial 4 it can sur #ou into action, motivate and

    energize #ou 4 it%s often the buildu of the little things that can reall# "stress #ou out."

    5ersistent stress can lead to man# adverse health roblems, including+

    1 Physical symptoms5 such as headache and fatigue

    2 Met*& s6!$to!s5 such as oor concentration

    3 E!oto*& s6!$to!s5 such as irritabilit# and deression

    4 So#*& s6!$to!s5 such as isolation and resentment


     There are three stages of stress+




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    with stress are develoed under resistance. It is essential to !now the causes of stress and

    avoid them at the beginning stage,

    St*.e3+ E8h*"sto

      Resistance or resistant stress creates

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    Loo! at the curve. >ur abilit# to erform increases u to a certain level of stress arousal.

    This is the health# tension or eustress. ?ut if this stress continues uncontrolled and a

    fatigue oint is reached, an# further stress arousal will ta!e the erformance level down,ultimatel# leading to exhaustion, ill2health and, finall# brea!down.

    The good news is this+ If stress management is alied dail# and regularl# before the

    fatigue oint is reached, the stress erformance curve can be straightened u dramaticall#.

    &eaning, #ou can imrove #our erformance level even u to 3J $ust b# learning to

    relax. Ta!e a rintout of this grah and !ee it with #ou. If #our boss is ushing #ou too

    hard without roviding a brea!, show himKher the grah.

    Loo! at the stress erformance curve again and mar! out where #our osition is now. If it

    is above the danger level, ta!e immediate stes to bring it to normal.

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     9O) STRESS:

    Stress at wor! is a relativel# new henomenon of modern lifest#les. The nature of wor! 

    has gone through drastic changes over the last centur# and it is still changing at

    whirlwind seed. The# have touched almost all rofessions, starting from an artist to a

    surgeon, or a commercial ilot to a sales executive. 'ith change comes stress, inevitabl#.

    5rofessional stress or $ob stress oses a threat to h#sical health.  'or! related stress in

    the life of organized wor!ers, conse)uentl#, affects the health  of organizations.

    Eob stress is a chronic disease caused b# conditions in the wor!lace that negativel#

    affect an individual/s erformance andKor overall well2being of his bod# and mind. >ne

    or more of a host of h#sical and mental illnesses manifests $ob stress. In some cases, $ob

    stress can be disabling. In chronic cases a s#chiatric consultation is usuall# re)uired to

    validate the reason and degree of wor! related stress.

    'or!ing on a ro$ect on stress at wor!, And# xford, , has

    shown in a chart how stress can adversel# affect an emlo#eeMs erformance. In the earl#

    stages $ob stress can Mrev uM the bod# and enhance erformance in the wor!lace, thus

    the term MI erform better under ressureM. (owever, if this condition is allowed to go

    unchec!ed and the bod# is revved u further, the erformance ultimatel# declines and the

     ersonMs health degenerates.


    The signs of $ob stress var# from erson to erson, deending on the articular situation,

    how long the individual has been sub$ected to the stressors, and the intensit# of the stress

    itself. T#ical s#mtoms of $ob stress can be+


    Loss of mental concentration,

    0 Anxiet#, stress

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    1 Absenteeism

    3 =eression,

    C Substance abuse,

    H rganized wor!laces are going through metamorhic changes under intense economic

    transformations and conse)uent ressures.

    Reorganizations, ta!eovers, mergers, downsizing and other changes have become ma$or 

    stressors for emlo#ees, as comanies tr# to live u to the cometition to survive. These

    reformations have ut demand on ever#one, from a 9 to a mere executive.

    H.h De!*( 2or Per2or!*#e

    nrealistic exectations, eseciall# in the time of cororate reorganizations, which,

    sometimes, uts unhealth# and unreasonable ressures on the emlo#ee, can be a

    tremendous source of stress and suffering. Increased wor!load, extremel# long wor! 

    hours and intense ressure to erform at ea! levels all the time for the same a#, can

    actuall# leave an emlo#ee h#sicall# and emotionall# drained.

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    The exansion of technolog#4comuters, agers, cell hones, fax machines and the

    Internet4has resulted in heightened exectations for roductivit#, seed and efficienc#,

    increasing ressure on the individual wor!er to constantl# oerate at ea! erformance

    levels. 'or!ers wor!ing with heav# machiner# are under constant stress to remain alert.

    In this case both the wor!er and their famil# members live under constant mental stress.

    There is also the constant ressure to !ee u with technological brea!throughs and

    imrovisations, forcing emlo#ees to learn new softwares all the times.

    Wor4$&*#e C"&t"re 

    Ad$usting to the wor!lace culture, whether in a new coman# or not, can be intensel#

    stressful. &a!ing one adat to the various asects of wor!lace culture such as

    communication atterns, hierarch#, dress code if an#, wor!sace and most imortantl#

    wor!ing and behavioral atterns of the boss as well as the co2wor!ers, can be a lesson of 

    life. &alad$ustment to wor!lace cultures ma# lead to subtle conflicts with colleagues or 

    even with sueriors. In man# cases office olitics or gossis can be ma$or stress inducers.

    Perso*& or F*!&6 Pro%&e!s

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    women, since long. 'omen ma# suffer from tremendous stress such as Mhostile wor! 

    environment harassmentM, which is defined in legal terms as Moffensive or intimidating

     behavior in the wor!laceM. This can consist of unwelcome verbal or h#sical conduct.

    These can be a constant source of tension for women in $ob sectors. Also, subtle

    discriminations at wor!laces, famil# ressure and societal demands add to these stress


    Fo&&o. *re so!e o2 the &o.-ter! t$s to s"r00e stress:

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    Str* 2or M**.. 9o% Stress 

    'hile man# of the methods of reventing $ob stress need to be develoed and suorted

     b# the organization, there are things that wor!ers can do to hel #ou better manage $ob


    (ere are tis for dealing with the stress from #our $ob+

    . 5ut it in ersective. Eobs are disosable. our friends, families, and health are

    not. If #our emlo#er exects too much of #ou, and it%s starting to ta!e its toll

    on #ou, start loo!ing for a new $obKnew emlo#er.

    . &odif# #our $ob situation. If #ou reall# li!e #our emlo#er, but the $ob has

     become too stressful 7or too boring8, as! about tailoring #our $ob to #our

    s!ills. And if #ou got romoted into a more stressful osition that #ou are $ust

    not able to handle, as! about a lateral transfer 22 or even a transfer bac! to

    #our old $ob 7if that%s what #ou want8.

    0. :et time awa#. If #ou feel the stress building, ta!e a brea!. 'al! awa# from

    the situation, erhas wal!ing around the bloc!, sitting on a ar! bench,

    ta!ing in a little meditative time.

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    C. 9ultivate allies at wor!. Eust !nowing #ou have one or more co2wor!ers who

    are willing to assist #ou in times of stress will reduce #our stress level. Eust

    remember to recirocate and hel them when the# are in need.

    H. *ind humor in the situation. 'hen #ou -2 or the eole around #ou 22 start

    ta!ing things too seriousl#, find a wa# to brea! through with laughter. Share a

     $o!e or funn# stor#.

    D. (ave realistic exectations. 'hile Americans are wor!ing longer hours, we

    can still onl# fit so much wor! into one da#. (aving unrealistic exectations

    for what #ou can accomlish sets #ou u for failure 22 and increased stress.

    B. 6obod# is erfect. If #ou are one of those t#es that obsess over ever# detailand manage to ma!e sure "ever#thing is erfect," #ou need to sto. 9hange

    #our motto to erforming #our best, and leave erfection to the gods.

    . &aintain a ositive attitude 7and avoid those without one8. 6egativism suc!s

    the energ# and motivation out of an# situation, so avoid it whenever ossible.

    Instead, develo a ositive attitude 22 and learn to reward #ourself for little

    accomlishments 7even if no one else does8.

    E22e#t0e Stress M**.e!et

    It haens to all of us and sometimes, we feel there is no wa# out. I%m tal!ing about stress

    which is one of the leading challenges that the human !ind is constantl# graling with,

    and tr#ing to understand and deal with it effectivel#. There might be simle words to

    describe stress and sometimes it does not need an# definition because we all go through


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    Mo(e&s o2 Stress M**.e!et:

    1 Tr*s*#to*& Mo(e&: - 

    The first model in effective stress management is the transactional model. The

    first thing it see!s to do is to exlain what stress is. This model was designed b#

    Richard Lazarus and Susan *ol! man who defined stress in the following wa#.

    According to them, stress is siml# an imbalance between the resources that are in

     ossession of a erson and the demands that the# have to meet ever# da#. suall#,

    when one has to offer more than the# have, the next logical thing that will haen

    is that the# will be drained out. Therefore, the imbalance can be viewed from this

     ersective. Their exlanation of stress, further see!s to suggest that one will not

    have stress when the# have enough resources to coe with the demand.

    Their ercetion on stress also imlies that stress is not a direct result of a

    stressor. The traditional view of stress is rett# different because there is a belief

    that a secific cause or stressor has to be resent for stress to be conceived.

    Therefore, the transactional model has been designed to identif# the factors that

    will redisose a erson to shortcomings in regard to their resources. The methods

    of effective stress management in this model root from the external factors that

    are uni)ue to each individual and hence the solution to their stress roblem will be

    formulated to act effectivel# for their case.

    *inall#, in this model, there is a ver# interesting suggestion which is that if eole

    felt confident enough or resourceful enough to deal and coe with the demand,

    then the severe stress asect might be non existent. Therefore, eole who

    constantl# choose to feel under ressure will find themselves more stressed.

    5ressure can therefore act as a stressor although the model creators do not base

    their model on stressors. The second effective stress management model is the

    health realization model which is also called innate health model. This model

    highl# ban!s on the source of a thought and its abilit# to shae #our actions and


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    According to this model, stress is onl# a b# roduct of what an individual chooses

    to erceive about themselves and others. The thought rocess when affected b#

    negativit#, insecurit# and other factors will obviousl# roduce stress. Therefore,

    this model will see! to hel individuals e)ui themselves with initial ositivit#

    which will also be the outcome, escaing stress. After anal#zing the above

    models, it is clear that there are causes of stress or secific sources whether

    external or internal and one thing that will hel #ou manage #our stress roblem is

    realizing what the roblem is and wor!ing towards the betterment of #our general

    well being.

    I*te He*&th Mo(e& :-

      The health realization K innate health model of stress is also founded on the idea

    that stress does not necessaril# follow the resence of a otential stressor. Instead offocusing on the individual%s araisal of so2called stressors in relation to his own coing

    s!ills 7as the transactional model does8, the health realization model focuses on the nature

    of thought, stating that it is ultimatel# a erson%s thought rocess that determine the

    resonse to otentiall# stressful external circumstances. In this model, stress results from

    araising oneself and one%s circumstances through a mental filter of insecurit# and

    negativit#, whereas a feeling of well being result from aroaching the world with a

    ")uite mind", "inner wisdom" and "common sense".

    This model rooses that heling stressed individuals understand the nature of thought

    eseciall# roviding them with the abilit# to recognize when the# are in the gri of

    insecure thin!ing, disengage from it, and access natural ositive feelings will reduce this


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      6ot all organizations are deficient in their management of stress, and not all

    individuals need to suffer the extremel# detrimental conse)uences of stress. It is believed

    that organizations which ta!e on initiative to assess their ast actions are in fact

     racticing adative coing in resonse to their environment. ?oth the organization and

    the emlo#ees have a $oint resonsibilit# for effectivel# managing stress. Some of the

    organizational strategies are discussed below+

    1, E!$&o6ee Assst*#e Pro.r*!s EAP;s

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    3  F&e8%&e or4. ho"rs :

      Some firms are flexible on the hours, da#s and amount of time emlo#ees

    send wor!ing. *or examle, (5 India/s wor!2life rogram gives emlo#ees the

    freedom to rearrange their wor! schedule to accommodate famil# events.

    = 9o% Sh*r.:

    Eob sharing slits a career osition between two eole so that the# will

    exerience less time based stress between wor! and famil#. The# t#icall# wor!

    in different da#s of the wee! with some overlaing wor! time in the wee!l#schedule to coordinate activities.

    > Te&e#o!!"t.:

    Telecommuting reduces the time and stress of commuting to wor! and ma!es it

    easier to fulfill famil# obligations, such as temoraril# leaving the office to ic!

    u the !ids from school. Research suggests that man# telecommuters exerience a

    healthier wor!2life balance.

    ? Ch&( #*re s"$$ort:

     6earl# one2)uarter of American emlo#ees have on2site or subsidized child care

    facilities. The 6izam/s Institute of &edical Sciences, (#derabad, has one such

    facilit#. 9hild care suort reduces stress because emlo#ees are less rushed to

    dro off children and less worried during the da# about how well the# are doing.

    7 We&&ess $ro.r*!s:

    9oing with wor! stress also involves controlling its conse)uences. *or this

    reason man# comanies have fitness centers where emlo#ees can !ee in shae.

    Research indicates that h#sical exercise reduces the s#chological conse)uences

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    of stress b# heling emlo#ees lower their muscle tension, heart rate and stomach


    @ So#*& S"$$ort :

    Social suort in an organization can be in the form of emotional suort among

    colleagues, through the exchange of !nowledge or information, or in the form of

    actual hel on the $ob. The most essential function of social suort is to rovide

    an individual a networ! of relationshis for himKher to rel# on.

    P*rt#$*t0e M**.e!et:

    5articiative management allows individuals to ta!e art in decision ma!ing so

    that there is a greater sense of control over their $obs. It is strongl# recommended

    as a stress management intervention strateg# so that emlo#ees are able to reduce

    the level of strain the# ma# face. The organization has to ma!e emlo#ees feel

    valued and worth#. 'omen eseciall# can consider benefiting from this st#le of

    management in order to balance wor! and famil# roles more effectivel#.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



     Individuals can use the following techni)ues to overcome stress+

    1 Re&*8*to:

    9oing with stress re)uires adatation. 5roer relaxation is an effective wa# to

    adat. Relaxation can ta!e man# forms. >ne wa# to relax is to ta!e regular

    vacations. 5eole can also, relax while on the $ob. *or examle, it has been

    recommended that eole ta!e regular rest brea!s during their normal wor! da#. A

     oular wa# of resting is to sit )uietl# with closed e#es for about ten minutes

    ever# afternoon.


    ?# meditating and observing one/s thoughts which ma# be either good or bad, one

    can be free of stress. &an# comanies allow emlo#ees to ractice meditation

    during office hours. It rovides a win2win situation for both the emlo#ees and

    the emlo#ers.

    3 T!e M**.e!et:

    Time management is often recommended for managing stress. The idea is that

    man# dail# ressures can be eased if a erson does a better $ob of managing time.

    >ne oular aroach to time management is to ma!e a list ever# morning of the

    things to be done that da#.

    = o.*:

    It hels in uniting bod#, breathe and mind. 5racticing some asana/s can ma!e

    stress2free. oga can aid in reventing heart diseases to some extent. Also the

    emlo#ees are re)uired to be aware of the t#es of food and the effect the# have

    on health. =ue to bus# schedule, eole hardl# get time at home to erform some

    exercises or #oga to lead a health# life

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


      1, NEED OF THE STUD:

      Increased global cometition and technological changes caused b# liberalization

    have laced greater demand on organizations. And organizations emhasis on attracting

    and retaining talents and gain cometitive advantage, is causing an increase in stress at

    wor! lace. The main aim of the stud# is to !now the wor! stress at the organization and

    diagnosis the root cause of the stress, to !now its effect on the emlo#ees and to !now

    human resource strategies to overcome stress.

    Stress management hels the management to !now mental health of the emlo#ees in the

    organization and how it affects emlo#ee/s health .To !now level of stress and

     erformance. To !now what is macro level organizational stress.

      *rom the stud# we can come to !now level of conflict caused due to stress in

    organization and how to maintain inter2ersonnel relations. Also !now emotional and

     h#sical health and the degree to which the# feel comfortable about themselves. It willhel the organization to ta!e effective stes to avoid emlo#ee stress and maintain their 

    mental health.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    .0. To identif# the causes for stress

    .0. To anal#ze external environmental factors that cause stress.0.0 To suggest methods how to reduce the stress.

    .0.1 To advice how to maintain wor! life balance.


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    This ro$ect mainl# focuses on stress management of emlo#ees and wor!ers. This hels

    the researchers to find the factors causing stress and how to over come those factors. The

    scoe of research is mainl# on stress management with reference to 9=  METHODO+OG AND SAMP+ING



  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    The data has been collected from two sources with oen end and close end )uestionnaires

    and also from $ournals, magazines and web sites.

    .3. PRIMAR DATA:

    The rimar# data is collected through+2

    .3.. Ouestionnaires.

    .3.. 5ersonal interview.


    The secondar# data is collected from+2

    .3.0. The text boo!s

    .3.0. 'ebsites

    .3.0.0 &agazines

    .3.0.1 Articles


    The samle method adoted is Simle random samling.

    Simle random samling is suitable for this stud# because it gives a fair and unbiased

    samle for the stud# and also gives e)ual oortunit# to all !inds of emlo#ees.

    .3.3 SAMP+E SIBE:

    The samle size is limited to C1 emlo#ees from a total of 3 emlo#ees of I6S.

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  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


     ,1 Str* 2or re("#. stress *!o. e!$&o6ees:

    A te.r*te( $h6s#*& *( s$rt"*& *$$ro*#h

    S"4h"!$o. #h*"o.

    St. Theresa International 9ollege, Thailand

    In the wor! lace of toda# is characterized b# large amounts of stress on the art of

    emlo#ees. It is argued that much of this is due to raid changes in the business world

    that have led to man# economic, social, olitical and famil# roblems. Stress can result in

     oor wor! )ualit#, oor roductivit# , morale roblems , health roblems, emlo#ee

     absenteeism and turn over and accidents , each of which can coast organizations a lot of 

     mone# . This aer resents an integrated aroach to dealing with emlo#ee stress,

    namel# h#sical and siritual thera# that in man# resects is an outgrowth of the wa#

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    e8e#"t0e;s o% stress: A 2r*!e Wor4 

    T(< I6=IA6 E>R6AL >* I6=STRIAL R6S

    P>L.13 6>.

    San$a# umar Singh

    Stress is an inevitable outcome of modern da# comlex life in organizations and needs to

     be exerienced at an otimal level, which deends uon erson/s characteristics, for

    ma!ing life meaning2ful and roductive. This does not haen most of the times in

    organization lives as demands and exectations from inside and outside the organization

     !ee on constantl# changing. Researches across the globe have found the relevance of

    emotional intelligence of the emlo#ees which act as a moderator vis2Q2vis ercetion of

     $ob stress. This aer is an attemt to &eta2anal#ze available research findings and

    develo a framewor! to be used b# the industr# ractitioners. The concetual model

     based on research literature is assumed to fill2in the ga and also address the

    organizational concerns.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    ,3 Pre(#tors o2 o##"$*to*& stress: A e8$&or*tor6


    A&o4 Ch*(r* )*&(e0 R,Sh*r!*

    The I(* o"r*& o2 ("str*& re&*tos

    0o&, =? o, O#to%er 1

    ?ased on an exlorator# stud# using a urosive samle of 30 managerial emlo#ees of a

     ublic sector organization, this aer has tried to assess the level of occuational stress

    exerienced b# the resondents. A sub2se)uent search for redictors of stress revealed

    that, out of eight otential redicators used for the stud#, onl# two emerged as the critical

     determinants of stress. ?oth of these redictors turned out to be asects of the

     >rganization climate, suggesting thereb# the greater role la#ed b# the situational

    factors 7as against the attributes of the erson8 in creating occuational stress .If

    Subse)uent research studies come u with similar findings, the outcomes of this

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    2.4 Work Stress and Employee Health

    E>R6AL >* &A6A:

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    2.5 Fight stress through tribal meditation

    IA6S Ean B, 0,

    Stress is increasing in ever#da# life due to multile social and economic factors but an

    exert assures a remed# through e6L5 2 the science of creating structured change in

     behaviour using simle "tribal meditation" techni)ues li!e claing or chanting.

    Internationall# acclaimed e6L5 trainer &urli &enon, a stress management guru,

     believes economic stress is increasing due to rice rise while eole also suffer from

     h#sical, mental and siritual stress.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    2.6 Bosses should be emotionally supportive

    A6I =ec C, ,

    If an individual%s suervisor offers emotional and instrumental suort in case of stress 

    from intense wor!da#s, the emlo#ee is more li!el# to recover without needing to ta!e an

    extra afternoon or da# off, a new stud# has revealed.

    In earlier studies, scholars have shown that wor!ers who exerience stress at the

    wor!lace, due to, for examle, high $ob demands and low control develo

     s#chological strain that translates into h#siological s#mtoms, such as headaches,

    stomach aches and fatigue.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    also heled us earn nearl# J clients referrals.

    O"r Stre.ths

    I6S secializes in heling clients )uic!l# within defined turn2around time to cost2

    effectivel# meet their hiring needs for various levels across all management discilines

    and across industries with )ualit# rofessionals on a ermanent as well as contract basis.

    I6S suorts clients with round -the2cloc! solutions in talent management solutions

    covering all the core management discilines across a multitude of industr# domains.


    INS has been established with rimar# ob$ective in IT training services to suort in

    various 9ore business organizations.Eob develoment and training rofessionals t#icall#

     ossess coman# !nowledge, instructional design and curriculum develoment exertise

    as well as effective resentation and facilitation s!ills. >ur Team demonstrates strong

    s!ills in ro$ect management, team building, and roblem solving and communications

    s!ills. =etermines the training needs of slot and s#stems customers and emlo#ees and

    oversees the develoment of courses to meet those needs.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    O"r Te*!

    I6S, the leader rovider of talent management solutions, rided itself in building a teamof recruitment rofessionals who have established a global reutation for excellence.

    >ur recruitment secialists have been successfull# roviding )ualit# lacements in

    multile mar!ets and industries for over a decade. >ur team of recruitment rofessionals,

    over the #ears, as built strong and time2tested relationshis with the best in class talent

    across verticals so that we can rovide the best )ualit# talent solutions on time and on


    As * &e*(. T*&et M**.e!et So&"to 2r!5 e *t INS Cos"&t.:

    Recognize that each organization has uni)ue challenges and create Talent &anagement

    solutions that are best suited for them. 5rovide an outside ersective to comlement

    #our internal human resources 7(R8 efforts. =eliver innovative human resources and

    change management solutions that rovide measurable and cost2efficient results. =esign

    solutions that recognize cultural diversit# inherent in global clients.

    At INS Cos"&t.5 e $ro0(e the 2o&&o. *(0*t*.es to e*#h o2 o"r #&ets

    e0er6 *ss.!et e "(ert*4e,

    >ur exertise, combined with our reutation for excetional customer service has one

    clear benefit+ we are the eole #ou can trust for desired results.

    We or4 P*rtersh$ th o"r #&ets

    'e wor! closel# with client comanies, identif#ing needs, culture, economic,factors, and

    mar!et trends, and then shouldering the resonsibilit# in roviding a Talent &anagement

    solution that will add value to the client. 'e understand our customers need fast,

    efficient and cost effective eole solutions. And we deliver constantl# and consistentl#.


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    We $ro0(e M*$oer Ser0#es 2or 2o&&o. Se#tors: 

    • ITES )PO PO







    O"r Metho(o&o.6

    I6S team wor!s with clients to understand their needs and uses various strategic wa#s to

    source @ select candidates b# s#nchronizing technolog# in each search. >ur Recruiters

    use rorietar# database with customized recruitment technolog# solutions to air the

    deserving candidates with matching client re)uirements. 'e ma!e sure that our 

    Recruiters sea! with candidates before sending their short2listed rofiles to resective

    clients. (ence, our clients benefit from dealing with consultants who have detailed

    !nowledge of the rofession and the mar!et lace.

    O"r Te*!

    I6S, the leader rovider of talent management solutions, rided itself in building a team

    of recruitment rofessionals who have established a global reutation for excellence.

    >ur recruitment secialists have been successfull# roviding )ualit# lacements in

    multile mar!ets and industries for over a decade. >ur team of recruitment rofessionals,

    over the #ears, as built strong and time2tested relationshis with the best in class talent

    across verticals so that w


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    Interpretation:From the above graph we can observe that 87.5%% of employees

    responded that they under go stress at their work, .!5% don"t feel

    stress at work and there are .!5% employees who are under stress


    I2 6es5 h#h t6$e o2 stress'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Post0e > @?,??

    Ne.*t0e ? 1

    Do;t 4o 3,33

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe that DC.CCJ of the resondents are exeriencing

     ositive stress and J resondents are exeriencing negative stress and the rest of the

    resondents did not !now what !ind of stress the# are undergoing. *rom the above

    anal#sis it can be interreted that most of the emlo#ees are under ositive stress

    , Wh*t *re the *6s 6o" "se to o0er#o!e the stress'

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    Interpretation:*rom the above grah we can observe that H0.00J of resondents overcome stress b#

     h#sical exercise or relaxation, J get awa# from wor!, 0.00J b# sending time with

    famil# and the remaining J overcome stress through recreation. *rom the above

    anal#sis it can be interreted that most of the emlo#ees overcome stress b# h#sical

    exercise or relaxation.

    3, Wh*t 2*#tors (o 6o" th4 *re res$os%&e 2or stress'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Ph6s#*& e8er#se or


    == 73,33

    Gett. **6 2ro!


    ? 1

    S$e(. "*&t6

    t!e th 2*!&6

    @ 13,33


    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Pro2esso*& 2*#tors >? 3,33

    Perso*& 2*#tors 3,33

    So#*& 2*#tors 3,33

    C"&t"r*& 2*#tors

    Re&.o"s 2*#tors


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




    *rom the above grah we can observe that out of C resondents, 3C resondents agreed

    that rofessional factors are the cause for stress, resondents agreed ersonal factors

    sa# social factors are resonsible for causing stress. *rom the above anal#sis it can be

    interreted that stress is caused mostl# from rofessional factors.

    =, Whe (o 6o" 2ee& !ore stresse('

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe, DJ of resondents feel stressed when there are

    an# changes, C.CCJ feel stressed due to changes in ersonal life, and 0.00J feel

    stressed due to imbalance between the target and the achievements. *rom the above

    anal#sis it can be interreted that stress is caused due to changes in the organization.

    >, Ho (o 6o" 2ee& 6o"r or4'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Ch*.es the


    =@ @

    Ch*.es $erso*&


    = ?,??

    Press"re( 2ro! the


    No #oo$er*to o2 


    I!%*&*#e %etee

    the t* *(


    @ 13,33

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe, J of resondents feel their wor! as assuming,

    DC.CCJ feel wor! as engaging and 0.00J emlo#ees feel their wor! as articiative.

    *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted most of the resondents feel wor! as


    ?, Do 6o" 2ee& &*#4 o2 r*$$ort th 6o"r s"$eror'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Ass"!. ? 1

    E.*.. > @?,??


    P*rt#$*t0e 3,33

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




    *rom the above grah we can observe, C.CCJ of resondents alwa#s felt lac! of raort

    with their suerior, DC.CCJ sometimes felt lac! of raort with their suerior and there

    are C.CCJ resondents who never feel that there is lac! of raort from their suerior.

    *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted most of the resondents some times felt

    lac! of raort with their suerior.

    7, Are 6o" #o!2ort*%&e th 6o"r or4 e0ro!et'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    A&*6s = ?,??

    So!et!es > @?,??

    Ne0er = ?,??

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe, C resondents sa#, the# are comfortable with

    their wor! environment, 11 are artiall# comfortable in their wor! environment and there

    are resondents who feel uncomfortable with their wor! environment. *rom the above

    anal#sis it can be interreted most of the resondents are artiall# comfortable with their 

    wor! environment.

    @, Ho s 6o"r re&*tosh$ th other e!$&o6ees'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Tot*&&6 1? ?,??

    P*rt*&&6 == 73,33

    Not *t *&&

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe, 0.00J resondents have excellent relationshi

    with other emlo#ees, BC.CCJ have good relationshi and there are no resondents with

    fair, oor and ver# oor relation. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted most of 

    the resondents have good relationshi with other emlo#ees.

    , I2 e!$&o6er .0es 6o" o0er t!e && 6o" *##e$t

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    E8#e&&et 3,33

    Goo( >@ ?,??



    Ver6 $oor

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    es >? 3,33

    No = ?,??


    *rom the above grah we can observe, 3C resondents acceted to do overtime wor! and

    C.CCJ of resondents have said no resondents *rom the above anal#sis it can be

    interreted most of the resondents are read# to do overtime wor! 

    1, I2 6es5 he 2or#e( to or4 o0ert!e5 ho (o 6o" (e*& th t'

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



      >ut of 3C resondents 03.HJ resondents sa# that the# start wor!ing on the things

    that need to be done when forced to wor! overtime, C1.DJ resondents will thin! first

    and then do the wor! and there are no resondents who get anno#ed and bored with

    wor!. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted that most of resondents thin! first

    and then do the wor! when forced to wor! overtime.

    11, Ho (o 6o" or4'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Wor4. o the th.s th*t ee( to %e



    Th4 2rst *( the (o the or4 3? ?=,@

    Get *o6e( *( %ore( th or4

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




    *rom the above grah we can observe that 0.00J of the resondents wor! in a hurr#,

    BJ resondents wor! with fun, and remaining C.CCJ wor! in a relaxed manner. *rom

    the above anal#sis it can be interreted that most of resondents wor! with fun 

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    I * h"rr6 3,33

    Wth 2" >=

    I * re&*8e( !*er = ?,??

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    1, Ho (o 6o" !**.e 6o"r t!e'


      *rom the above grah we can observe that J of the resondents manage their time

    with lan and non of them manage their time without lan,. *rom the above anal#sis it

    can be interreted that all the resondents manage their time with roer lan.

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Wth $&* ? 1

    Wtho"t $&*

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    13, Who! (o 6o" see4 2or !**.. stress'


      *rom the above grah we can observe that DC.CCJ of the resondents manage the stress

    themselves, 0.00J are consulting organization. *rom the above anal#sis it can be

    interreted that most of the resondents manage stress themselves.

    1=, KStress-2ree st*te o2 * (0("*& s &4e (e*thL

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Se&2 > @?,??

    Or.*J*to @ 13,33


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




      *rom the above grah we can observe that 0.00J of the resondents strongl# agree that

    stress2free state is death, HC.CCJ agree that stress2free state is death, 0.00J of the

    resondents are uncertain about the statement, J of the resondents disagree with the

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Stro.&6 *.ree 3,33

    A.ree =? 7?,??

    U#ert* 3,33

    Ds*.ree ? 1

    Stro.&6 (s*.ree = ?,??

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    statement and C.CCJ strongl# disagree with the statement .*rom the above anal#sis it can

     be interreted that most of resondents agree that stress2free state is death.

    1>, Ho o2te *re 6o" &*te to the o22#e' I * !oth8



    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    To t!es ? 1

    More th* to 1= 3,33

    A&*6s o t!e = ??,??

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    *rom the above grah we can observe that 0C.CJ of the resondents are never late to the

    office, C.CJ are late to the office more than two times in a month, and remaining 1C.CJ

    are late to the office two times in a month. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted

    that most of resondents are late to the office two times in a mont

    1?, Does stress 6o"r $erso*& &2e e22e#t 6o"r o% $er2or!*#e'


    *rom the above grah we can observe that, non of the resondents ersonal stress effect

    their $ob erformance , B0.00J resondents sa# that there is effect of ersonal stress to

    some extent and C.CCJ sa# the# are uncertain about ersonal stress on $ob erformance.

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Stro.&6 *.ree

    A.ree >? 3,33

    U#ert* = ?,??


    Stro.&6 (s*.ree

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted most of the resondents sa# that there is an

    effect of ersonal stress on $ob erformance.

    17, The 2*#*& $osto o2 * (0("*& s * !*or #*"se 2or stress'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Stro.&6 *.ree 3,33

    A.ree > @3,33

    U#ert* = ?,??

    Ds*.ree = ?,??

    Stro.&6 (s*.ree

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



      >ut of C resondents 0.00J of the resondents strongl# agreed that financial osition

    of an individual is a ma$or cause for stress, whereas D0.00J of the resondents agreed ,

    C.CCJ are uncertain whether there is an effect of financial osition on stress or not and

    C.CCJ disagree that financial osition of an individual is a ma$or cause for stress. *rom

    the above anal#sis it can be interreted that most of resondents agree that financial

     osition of an individual is a ma$or cause for stress.

    1, I2 6o" ere *s4e( to (es#r%e 6o"r &2e oe or( t o"&( %e,

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    Pro.ress0e =@ @

    Re.ress0e 3,33

    St*%&e ? 1

    D22#"&t to *ssess = ?,??

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




    *rom the above grah we can observe, 1D resondents describe their life as rogressive,

    resondents describe as regressive, C describe as stable and 1 resondents describe their 

    life as difficult to assess. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted most of the

    resondents life is rogressive.

    , Does the or.*J*to h*0e *6 2or!*& $ro#ess 2or h*(&.

    .re0*#es re&*t. to stress'

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    es >=

    No ? 1

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




      *rom the above grah we can observe that BJ of the resondents sa# that the

    organization has the formal rocess for handling grievances relating to stress and J of 

    the resondents sa# that the organization doesn/t have an# formal rocess for handling

    grievances relating to stress. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted that most of 

    resondents sa# that their organization as a formal rocess for handling grievances

    related to stress.

    1, Wh*t *re the str* t*4e %6 the !**.e!et to o0er#o!e


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    *rom the above grah we can observe, 3 resondents sa# that counseling is the

    management strateg# in overcoming the stress, C resondents overcome b# wellness

     rograms and remaining b# meditation. *rom the above anal#sis it can be interreted

    that management use counseling as the strateg# to overcome the stress.

    Res$oses No o2 Res$o(ets Per#et*.e

    We&&ess $ro.r*!s ? 1

    Me(t*to 3,33

    #o"se&. > >


  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............




      >,1 FINDINGS

    3.. *rom the anal#sis it can be observed that above DHJ of the resondents

    exerience stress

    3.. Above J of the resondents are not aware of which t#e of stress

    the# are exeriencing.

    3..0 *rom the various observations it was found that B0.00J of

    resondents are getting stress mainl# due to rofessional factors.

    3..1 &ost of the resondents are feeling more stressed when there are

    changes in organization.

    3..3 &ost of the resondents agree that financial osition of an individual

    is a ma$or cause for stress.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    3.. It can be suggested that management should ta!e effective measures to reduce

    stress of the emlo#ees.

    3.. To reduce stress the management should set strategies li!e flexible wor! time,

     articiative management, etc

    3..0 &anagement should hel the emlo#ee in assessing level of stress and alsohel in !nowing which t#e of stress the# are exeriencing.

    3..1 It is suggested that management should ma!e the emlo#ees to !now about

    the changes in advance, so that the# can be reared well in advance.

    3..3 &anagement should conduct h#sical and s#chological rograms to reduce

    stress, so that the# can imrove erformance at wor! lace.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    A stud# of this nature of course, focuses on limitations and entitles constraints

    &a$or limitations of this stud# are as follows

    3.0. The number of resondents restricted to C1 onl#.

    3.0. Resondent resonse is sub$ect to biasness.

    3.0.0 ?us# schedule of emlo#ees is also one of the time constraints for collecting

    the information.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    3.1 CONC+USION

    This stud# measures individual/s ercetion towards wor! related stress. The ob$ective

    is to identif# how li!el# an individual ma# suffer with stress, what factors ma# cause


    i. 3.1. Resondents sa# that the# feel more stressed when there are

    changes in organization

    ii. 3.1. &an# of the resondents manage their time with lan, sinceeffective time management is one of the wa#s to reduce stress.

    iii. 3.1.0Resondents are well aware that the organization has formal

     rocess for handling grievances relating to stress.

    iv. 3.1.1 Resondent aren/t comfortable with the environment the# are

    wor!ing in.

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



    TET )OOS:

    *red Luthons 718, Organizational Behavior , &9 :raw2(ill international

    edition, th edition.

    eith =avis78, Organizational Behavior , Tata &9 :raw2(ill, th 





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    • (R= &agazines

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  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............



     6ame+ &rK&rsK&iss  


    :ender a8 &ale b8 *emale


    i8 D20

    ii8 0213

    iii8 13233

    iv8 Above 33

    . =o #ou feel stress in #our wor! lifeU

    a8 es b8 6o c8 *re)uentl#

    . If #es, which t#e of stressUa8 5ositive b8 6egative c8 =on/t !now

    0. 'hat are the wa#s #ou use to overcome the stressU

    a8 5h#sical exercise or relaxation b8 :etting awa# from wor! 

    c8 Sending )ualit# time with famil# d8 Recreation

    e8 >thers

    1. 'hat factors do #ou thin! are resonsible for stressU

    a8 5ersonal factors b8 5rofessional factors c8 Social factors

    d8 9ultural factors e8 Religious factors f8 >thers

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    3. 'hen do #ou feel more stressedU

    a8 9hanges in the organizations b8 9hanges in ersonal life

    c8 5ressured from the sueriors d8 6on cooeration of colleague

    e8 Imbalance between the target and achievements

    C. (ow do #ou feel #our wor!U

    a8 Assuming b8

  • 8/17/2019 Stress Managment Project............


    a8 'ith a lan b8 'ith out lan

    1. 'hom do #ou see! for managing stressU

    a8 Self b8 >rganization c8 *amil#

    3. FStress2free state of an individual is li!e deathG

    a8 Strongl# agree b8 Agree c8 ncertain d8 =isagree e8 Strongl# disagree

    C. (ow often are #ou late to the officeU 7In a month8

    a8 Two times b8 &ore than two times c8 Alwa#s on time

    H. =oes the stress in #our ersonal life effect #our $ob erformanceU

    a8 Strongl# agree b8 Agree c8 ncertain d8 =isagree e8 Strongl# disagree

    D. The financial osition of an individual is a ma$or cause for stressU

    a8 Strongl# agree b8 Agree c8 ncertain d8 =isagree e8 Strongl# disagree

    B. If #ou were as!ed to describe #our life in one word it would be.

    a8 5rogressive b8 Regressive c8 Stable c8 =ifficult to asses


    . =oes the organization have an# formal rocess for handling grievances relating to


    a8 es b8 6o

    . 'hat are the strategies ta!en b# the management to overcome stressU

    a8 'ellness rogram b8 &editation c8 9ounseling d8 >thers