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At the government’s invitation, the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the Technology

Foundation STW (STW) and NanoNed, the national nanotechnology network, compiled the present Strategic

Research Agenda for Nanotechnology in the context of the Netherlands Nano Initiative.

The research terrain covered by nanotechnology is extensive and constantly expanding. For the Netherlands, it is

important to make some choices in narrowing down the terrain.

Choices, based on our existing strengths and associated opportunities. Generic themes in which the Netherlands

excel are set out in the strategic paper of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): Towards

a multidisciplinary national nanoscience programme1. In addition, application areas were put forward in the

government memorandum: Van klein naar groots2 (From small to great). These generic themes and application

areas are further developed in this Strategic Research Agenda.

Four generic themes have been defined on the basis of the central theme impact on society and risk analysis,

i.e.: bionanotechnology, beyond Moore, nanomaterials, and nano production (including instrumentation

and characterisation). In addition, four application areas were singled out: clean water, energy, food and

‘nanomedicine’ (the application of nanotechnology in medicine).

The research agenda currently in front of you is asking for research initiatives in the terrain of nanotechnology as

well as for attention to be paid to training, valorisation, transfer of knowledge and a capacity for innovation from

knowledge institutes, the business world, social organisations as well as the authorities.

Compiling the Strategic Research Agenda for Nanotechnology has taken over one year and was performed

under the leadership of Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank. A great many researchers from academic circles, research

labs, technological institutes, public sector organisations and the business world have contributed, both during

workshops held between September and November 2007 and in the form of bilateral discussions and suggestions

for actual texts.

Dr. K.H. Chang Dr. E.E.W. Bruins Prof. dr. ir. D.N. Reinhoudt

Director of FOM Director of STW Chairman of NanoNed

1 NWO strategic memorandum: Towards a multidisciplinary national nanoscience programme, 2006

2 Cabinet vision: Van klein naar groots, November 2006

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Summary ................................................................................................................................................................................................................4

Chapter 1 The opportunities of nano for the Netherlands ......................................................................................................7 1.1 What is nanotechnology? .................................................................................................................................................7

1.2 The significance of nanotechnology ...........................................................................................................................9

1.3 The international situation ...........................................................................................................................................12

1.4 Position and opportunities for the Netherlands .................................................................................................14

1.5 The need for rapid action ..............................................................................................................................................16

1.6 Required investment ........................................................................................................................................................18

Chapter 2 The basis: the national playing field ............................................................................................................................21

2.1 Industrial landscape .........................................................................................................................................................21

2.2 Research landscape ..........................................................................................................................................................22

2.3 Ongoing initiatives ............................................................................................................................................................27

2.4 Link to microtechnology .................................................................................................................................................29

2.5 Society & Community ......................................................................................................................................................30

2.6 Training courses/’Human Capital’ .............................................................................................................................30

2.7 Infrastructure and open innovation .........................................................................................................................31

Chapter 3 The plan: to create added value ......................................................................................................................................33

3.1 Generic themes ...................................................................................................................................................................35

3.1.1 Beyond Moore ........................................................................................................................................................35

3.1.2 Nanomaterials .......................................................................................................................................................41

3.1.3 BioNanotechnologie ...........................................................................................................................................44

3.1.4 Nanofabrication ....................................................................................................................................................45

3.2 Application areas ...............................................................................................................................................................47

3.2.1 Nanomedicine ........................................................................................................................................................47

3.2.2 Nutrition ....................................................................................................................................................................51

3.2.3 Energy ........................................................................................................................................................................54

3.2.4 Clean water ..............................................................................................................................................................59

3.3 Impact on society and risk analysis ..........................................................................................................................63

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Chapter 4 The toolbox: how and where to invest .........................................................................................................................69

4.1 Investing in excellent research and human capital ..........................................................................................69

4.2 Investing in and alongside companies ...................................................................................................................70

4.3 Investing in infrastructure .............................................................................................................................................71

4.4 Investing in public-private partnerships .................................................................................................................72

4.5 Investing in society ...........................................................................................................................................................72

Chapter 5 The result: the position of the Netherlands in 2020 ...........................................................................................75

5.1 Description of the new landscape and accountability principles ...............................................................75

5.2 The Netherlands Nano Initiative - Governance structure ..............................................................................77

5.3 The follow-up .......................................................................................................................................................................78

Annexes 1: Planned investments in the USA for 2009 ................................................................................................................81

2: Overview of countries in terms of articles published and average number of references ................82

3: The nano industrial landscape ........................................................................................................................................83

4: International initiatives in the field of nanotechnology ....................................................................................84

5: Workshops held by the Netherlands Nederlands Nano Initiative .................................................................87

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Nanotechnology presents the Netherlands with new opportunitiesThe Netherlands have invested heavily in nanotechnology over the last few years. Already at an early stage,

the Netherlands has taken a pro-active stance in relation to nanotechnology by initiating various national

programmes. As a result, our country has acquired a high level of knowledge and an excellent position in the

field of science. Of all the programmes, NanoNed was the most conspicuous one. This consortium ensured that

several disciplines from the areas of physics, chemistry and electrical engineering started to work together,

building on their own expertise. It created real added value in terms of knowledge and valorisation.

The Netherlands currently holds a position in the global field of force that offers opportunities to the business

community, the research institutes, the authorities and society in general. However, when the NanoNed

programme comes to an end in 2010, important public support for the development of nanotechnology will

disappear, precisely at a time when many new application areas are coming into view

More than ever, nanotechnology presents the Netherlands with many opportunities. This research agenda for

Nanotechnology is conceived from that viewpoint. It contains an analysis of the current ‘nano landscape’, at

national and global level, and of new developments and opportunities. From that perspective, we will give the

outlines of a new, wide-ranging research programme, i.e. the Netherlands Nano Initiative (NNI)..

Analysis, trendThe next decade will see the advent of a new phase in nanotechnological research, encompassing

not only ‘traditional’ applications (for example, in nanoelectronics) but also many new applications

of nanotechnology. The latter are situated in the area of humans and their environment, making a

major contribution to the resolution of important social issues. Examples of relevant applications

of nanotechnology are: technologies for clean water, food and health, energy supplies and

energy savings, and nanomedicine (innovations in the field of medicine). In anticipation, the

current multidisciplinary cooperation between researchers in the field of nanotechnology must

be extended to include contributions from the medical profession and biologists.

In addition, since nano is set to exert a growing impact on our society, researchers in behavioural

sciences, social sciences, nutritional and health sciences will also participate in the NNI. These

developments offer growing opportunities to the business world, which has therefore already

been involved in the development of the research agenda from an early stage, and which will

play an active role in the programme. The NNI must stimulate open innovation, encouraging

start-up activities and achieving economic growth. We now face the challenge of realising this

next phase.



, tre


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ObjectiveThe NNI must bring about a visible consortium, which sets the scene for some excellent research

and which involves businesses and research facilities, promoting valorisation. The consortium

must simultaneously remain alert to social developments and respond to them. The NNI

endeavours to embed nanotechnology in the Netherlands through education and research,

leading to the creation of new, high-quality jobs. In addition, a careful analysis must be made of

the opportunities and risks associated with nanotechnology.

MeansThis strategic research agenda, written at the request of the Dutch Government, identifies the

generic research themes and application areas that are crucially important to the Netherlands as

a knowledge economy and for its global position. The agenda describes the Dutch research scene

in the area of nanotechnology, sets out the research programmes which can give the Netherlands

the edge and outlines options for attaining valorisation by setting up channels of communication

between knowledge institutes and companies. The proposed research programmes can be

translated into actual research proposals in close consultation between the knowledge institutes,

the industry concerned, the government and social institutions.

RealisationIn order to achieve the objectives of this strategic research agenda for the NNI, we are asking the

parties involved, the government, knowledge institutes, industry and social institutions to make

a joint effort in order to achieve an annual structural investment of 100 million Euro until 2020.

The following distribution has been suggested: government: 50%, businesses: 20%, knowledge

institutes: 15% and NWO & EU nano initiatives: 15%, to be distributed over risk & impact: 15%,

infrastructure & open innovation: 20%, generic research: 20%, application-oriented research:

25%, public-private partnership programmes: 10% and human capital:10%.

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Artwork: WeCre8 creatieve communicatie [www.wecre8.nu].

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11.1 What is nanotechnology?

The opportunities of nano for the Netherlands

This chapter provides an introduction to nanotechnology. It describes the development of nanotechnology at

global level, including the level of financial contributions made by different countries. Further on, we will describe

the position of the Netherlands and the consequences of subsidies received from the Netherlands government

through the Bsik arrangement. Lastly, we will argue the need for rapid action.

The subject area of nanotechnology was first demarcated by the physician and Nobel prize winner Richard

Feynman. In 1959, he delivered a lecture3 under the title There is plenty of room at the bottom during the

annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology. He predicted that

manipulating material at the level of individual molecules and atoms would present mankind with countless

new possibilities. As an additional peculiarity of the new area, he mentioned the fact that materials may

have entirely different characteristics at atomic level than on a larger scale. Furthermore, as material becomes

smaller, its surface increases in comparison to its volume. Lastly, Feynman indicated that in this area, new

phenomena would start to play a role, which could only be understood with the laws of quantum mechanics.

In his lecture, he did not mention the word ‘nanotechnology’ itself; the term was actually first used in 1974 by

the Japanese engineer Norio Taniguchi4.

One of the main findings in nanotechnology, in the early eighties, is the scanning tunnel microscope (STM),

which can make nanostructures visible. In 1986, the device earned the two inventors, Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd

Binnig5 of IBM-Zürich, the Nobel Prize. This microscope feels its way across the surface to be explored with an

extremely fine needle, achieving such a high resolution that the individual atoms become visible. In 1990 using

the same device, Don Eigler (IBM-Almaden) managed to write6 the letters ‘IBM’ in just a few nanometers high

with 35 xenon atoms on a nickel surface, which has now become a trademark for the nanotechnology. Since

then, several devices have been developed to examine and manipulate individual atoms or molecules, such as

the atomic force microscope (AFM) and optical tweezers. They have helped us to gain insight into the building

blocks of biology, chemistry, electronics and physics. Nanotechnology has brought those disciplines together.

For that reason, we are talking about a multidisciplinary research domain.

3 Feynman RP. There’s plenty of room at the bottom; an invitation to enter a new field of physics. Engineering & Science 23


4 Taniguchi N. On the basic concept of ‘nanotechnology’. In: Proceedings of the international conference on production

engineering. Tokyo, Part II. Tokyo: Japan Society of Precion Engineering (1974) 18-23.

5 Binnig G, Rohrer H, Gerber Ch, Weibel E. Surface studies by scanning tunneling microscopy. Phys Rev Lett 49 (1982) 57-61.

6 Eigler DM, Schweizer EK. Positioning single atoms with a scanning tunneling microscope. Nature 344 (1990) 524-526.

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As a new subject area, nanotechnology requires a more specific definition. Several descriptions are in circulation.

The most common one is the description used by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering:

accordingly, nanotechnology engages in the rigorously controlled production and study of objects with one, two

or three dimensions of the size within reach of the manometer. The size concerned is usually defined as the range

between 0.1 and 100 nm. It is important to note that the size in manometers really is considered crucial. Not all

thin layers of material will be called nanomaterials. The term only applies if special characteristics, associated

with the manometer size, are present. The same applies to nanoparticles, for example. Crucially, particles gain

functionality due to their size ranging within a manometer scale.

Colour subject to element and particle size

IBM in 35 xenon atoms, Eigler (IBM-Almaden)

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1.2 The significance of nanotechnologyNanotechnology is considered to be the main technology of the 21st century. This insight is based on the as yet

unknown opportunities created by nanotechnology, but mainly because it is anticipated that nanotechnology

will provide a major contribution to the resolution of several global problems, such as the energy issue and global

public health.

In the early years, the semiconductor sector has been the main driving force behind nanotechnology.

Microelectronics is experiencing a progressive process of miniaturisation. For the production of computer chips it

has become possible via lithographic techniques to create ever smaller structures. Over the last thirty years, the

density of transistors on a chip has doubled every eighteen months. This is known as Moore’s law. The law will

soon come to an end, increasing the need for new ideas and technologies. This new era in electronics is what we

call ‘beyond Moore’. Nanoelectronics will use energy much more efficiently by applying light as an information

carrier or by using plastic electronics. This is a pivotal development in consumer electronics and consequently an

area the Netherlands definitely needs to be involved in.

In the previous decade, nanotechnology and biology have increasingly become closer bed partners. Living cells

are full of ‘machines’ constructed of protein molecules and other nanometer-sized structures. Physicians,

biologists and technicians are hence increasingly seeking inspiration in biotic systems for their research and for

designing applications. On the other hand, nanotechnological developments can utilise new research methods,

techniques and instrumentation to provide impetus to biomedical and medical research7. For example, through

a ‘lab-on-a-chip’ which can easily analyse the composition of minute quantities of bodily tissue in a fraction of

time: the basis for molecular medicine. Further possibilities include the development of new medicines, the early

detection of viruses, the control and administration of medication, and intelligent surgical equipment. For that

reason, the NNI will include both public and private sector participants from the medical and health care


7 Rocco MC. Nanotechnology: convergence with modern biology and medicine. Curr Opin Biotechnol 14 (2003) 337-346.

Lab-on-a-chip for clinical use,

Maggie Barlett, NHGRI

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Measurements on one atom layer of graphene, Kavli, TUDelft

Nano-sized materials acquire their special characteristics thanks to two

factors: their comparatively large surface in relation to their content and

the incidence of quantum phenomena. Since chemical reactions always

occur on the surface, materials become more reactive to the extent they

are more finely structured. When their dimensions approximate several

manometers, the quantum phenomena start to dominate the material’s

characteristics. The latter do not follow the laws of traditional mechanics, but those of quantum mechanics. It is

a collection of natural laws describing the behaviour of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons and

neutrons. The term ‘quantum’ also indicates that these particles can only exchange energy in small quantities. It

has a major effect on the optical, electric and magnetic characteristics of the material.

Nanofiltration, ECN, UVA. MESA+

Recently, mankind has been more able to manufacture materials

with absolutely minute proportions. It is hence becoming possible

to exploit the special properties of nanomaterials. Materials that

have been modified with the help of nanotechnology lead to

more efficient solar cells, fuel cells and batteries. There are also

environmental applications (catalytic convertors, membranes),

applications in data storage (quantum dots, multiferroics) and data transport (photonic crystals). The use of low-

energy nanomaterials will help to resolve the major global problem of energy consumption. Examples are low-

energy data processing (computers, mobile phones, the Internet). The Netherlands has already established an

international reputation in this area and many Dutch companies (multinationals, SME) are focusing on these new

materials. Calls have been made at global level, such as within the Materials Research Society, to give greater

urgency to the development of improved materials, for the sake of energy economy.

A great deal of research is currently taking place in the area of nanomaterials. Numerous applications are in the

testing stage. Commercial products incorporating or based on nanomaterials may still be few and far between,

but their number is expected to surge. This is one of the reasons why research into nanomaterials must also be

included in this NNI.

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At the moment, nanotechnology is making an entrance in various application areas, ranging from food, health

and energy provision to water purification, for example. The application of nanotechnology will assist with the

resolution of various social problems, the creation of high-quality employment and the performance of

innovative scientific research.

Figure 1 reflects the application areas of nanotechnology companies in the European market. It clearly shows

that public health and life sciences form an important economic driving force for nanotechnology. The figure

also demonstrates the multidisciplinarity of the application areas within nanotechnology. In Part 3, the

research programmes which the NNI considers to offer most opportunities to the Netherlands are elaborated

on in greater detail, by generic theme and by application area.

Defence and Security7% Environment




Automotive and Transport


Household items5%

Aerospace1% Personal

grooming3% Food

3% Textile4%

Health and lifesciences


Consumer goods10%



Figure 1: Application areas of nanotechnology companies for the European market, 2007. The diagram only relates to

companies that have nanotechnology products or platforms as their primary line of business. Not included in the figures

are companies specialised in tools and/or instrumentation designed for nanotechnology.

(Source: Technology Transfer Centre, 2007)

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Nanoscience and nanotechnology have rapidly gained momentum over the last few years. That much is appar-

ent from an exponential increase in the number of scientific publications on the subject. The research terrain has

expanded considerably and now also includes various areas of expertise under a separate label, such as nano-

electronics, bionanotechnology, molecular nanotechnology and nanotechnology in medicine (nanomedicine).

Common denominator is the scale of the objects studied.

Parallel to this growth is the surge in financial resources that governments all over the world are making available

for nanoscience and nanotechnology. In 1997, a total of USD 432 million was invested7. In 2003, the amount

almost reached USD 3 billion. The frontrunners are the USA, Japan, Switzerland and a number of EU countries, of

which Germany, France and the United Kingdom are most active (in absolute figures) in the field of nanotechnol-

ogy. The Netherlands occupies a much more modest position, partially because of its smaller size. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: Nanotechnology activities (in absolute numbers) versus strength in technical development (on a relative scale).

Activities taken into account are nano-initiatives, nanotech centres, publications, patents, government grants, risk capital,

corporate R&D, companies with an active participation. Factors considered to gauge the strength of development are R&D

investments, high-tech products, number of employees, number of PhDs, education and infrastructure. LUX Research Inc.


8 Data sourced from LUX Research Inc., commissioned by NanoNed concerning the valorisation of the various Flagships

within NanoNed (2008).

1.3 The international situation

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The national expenditure of the EU countries is supplemented by funding made available by the European

Commission. For ‘level 3 priority’, ‘Nanotechnology and nanosciences, materials and new production processes’

(NMP), a total of 1.3 billion Euros was made available in the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006).

Approximately 500 million Euros of this sum was spent on nanotechnology. The amount has more than doubled

in the Seventh Framework Programme. All this money comes from the public purse. It is estimated that the

private sector is investing approximately $ 9 billion

When it comes to investments in nanotechnology, the USA occupies the top spot. America considers

nanotechnology as one of the main pillars for economic and scientific developments. When analysing

investments in nanotechnology research and the resulting markets in the USA, we can conclude as follows:

• Nano-electronics: USD 1,827 million in 2005. Anticipated total in 2010: USD 4,219 million.

• Nanofood: the market will grow by 31% between 2006 and 2010, to attain a market value of USD

2,040 million in 2010.

• The market for textile using nanotechnology in 2007 exceeded the threshold of USD 13,6. It is

expected that this figure will reach the threshold of USD 115 billion in 2012.

• In the US alone, the market share for nanotech instruments rose on average by 30% per year, up to

USD 900 million in 2008, before tripling to USD 2,7 trillion in 2013.

• With 28%, the USA accounts for the largest share in global investments in nanotechnology (2005),

followed by the Japanese market with 24%. The total share represented by the countries of Western

Europe is approximately 25%, with Germany, England and France weighing in with the biggest

contributions. China, South Korea, Canada and Australia provide the main contributions to the

remaining 23%.

Annex 1 contains an overview of the investments planned in the USA for 2009: a total of USD 1,500 million9.

The table shows that nanotechnology in the US is supported by the various government departments, in

analogy with policy in the Netherlands, reflected by the signatures underneath the Cabinet Memorandum on

Nano technologies Van klein naar groots (From small to great) (2006-2007) coming from the ministers of eight

different ministries.

9 Data sourced from the US-NNI Strategic Plan: www.nano.gov

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Already at an early stage, various Dutch university groups and companies have realised the significance of

nanotechnology. Companies like Philips, NXP, ASML and FEI play an important role in the continuous

miniaturisation of semiconductor components. These developments are supported by academic institutes

such as DIMES (TUD) and MESA+ (UT). Furthermore, research is underway into the special phenomena

occurring in nanostructures. The TUD (Kavli institute) has made several contributions to the area of quantum

effects (Mooij, Kouwenhoven) and (carbon) nanotubes as well as bionanotechnology (Dekker). In Leiden, the

experiments with self-assembled nanowires (van Ruitenbeek, RUL) have caught the world’s attention. The

Netherlands plays an important role particularly in the field of supramolecular chemistry, so far culminating in

the research performed by the groups of Meijer (TU/e), Nolte, Rowan (RUN), Reinhoudt (UT) and Feringa (RUG).

The main research into nanoparticles is based in Utrecht (Van Blaaderen, Meijerink, Vanmaekelbergh - quantum

dots). The latter theme is also studied closely at Philips. The applications of nanostructured materials include

solar cells (Schoonman, TUD), nanocomposites (De Hosson, RUG) and artificial materials (Blank, Hilgenkamp,

UT). Highly successful are also the research and applications of MEMS devices (Elwinspoek, UT) and the

potential applications in lab-on-a-chip designs (Van den Berg, UT, Philips). Nanophotonics in the Netherlands

is also ranked among the best in the world. (Kuipers, Polman, Lagendijk, Vos, AMOLF and UT).

Artificial materials: from design to realisation, Jeroen Huijben

This is only a handful among the many research groups that have explored

the nano domain. By way of illustration, it is worth noting that Dutch

researchers have published over 30 articles in Science and Nature in the

field of nanotechnology. In Part 3, we will elaborate on the strengths of the

Netherlands. The opportunities for the Netherlands are mainly situated in

the area of linking scientific results to practical use and open innovation.

Thanks to the Investments in Knowledge Infrastructure (Subsidies) Decree

of the Dutch Government (Bsik), research and valorisation have acquired

valuable support. A sum of 130 million Euros was used to fund three large research programmes in the area of

‘Microsystems and nanotechnology’: BioMaDe, NanoNed and MicroNed. Before, 23 million Euros had already

been allocated to the NanoImpuls research programme, the precursor to NanoNed. Since it frequently involves

research that is funded to a level of 50%, total investments actually amounted to approximately 300 million

Euros over a period of six years. BioMaDe is mainly oriented towards diagnostics and medical therapy. NanoNed

is of a rather fundamentally scientific nature. It forms the greatest research programme and is subdivided into

eleven flagship programmes. It involves seven universities, TNO Science & Industry and Philips as


1.4 Position and opportunities for the Netherlands

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Apart from Philips, it also cooperates with various other industrial partners. MicroNed is geared towards

microtechnologies and top-down nanotechnology and it is more application-oriented.

At the moment, approximately 135 institutes are active in the area of nanotechnology, including twelve

universities and twelve research schools. Approximately 600 researchers are involved in the research. The Minister

of Education, Culture and Science named nanotechnology as a national priority in her Science budget for 2004,10

next to ICT and genomics1. In 2007, this view was confirmed by the current Minister11.

The success of NanoNed is most conspicuous by the output in scientific articles, the references made to them

and by the valorisation (including the growth in spin-off companies and patents in the area of nanotechnology).

In the eleven fields of research (‘flagship areas’) within NanoNed, the Netherlands plays an important role and

in some instances even the leading role in the research world. Various analyses of references support this (see

Part 2). The Netherlands belongs to the top 3 countries with the most quotations per publication (approximately

10). Only Switzerland and the USA score better with 12 and 11 respectively (source: Science Watch).

Part of the Bsik funds is invested in infrastructure. The decision to only set up a limited number of specialised

research labs (Nanolab NL) and to make it accessible to all researchers and companies in the Netherlands proved

extremely effective. In combination with the various open innovation initiatives, the Netherlands boasts a unique

infrastructure. Care must nevertheless be taken to maintain it to that standard.

The Netherlands has good reason to be satisfied with the aforementioned figures, although we must remain

watchful not to fall behind in terms of technological developments, in comparison with neighbouring countries.

The investments largely went to the academics, resulting in a leading position at global level. Converting

the results to applications (both in the MKB and by multinationals) is now in full swing and it is considered

a priority by NanoNed, as well as by the Point-One programme. This conversion has also been described as

extremely important by the Commission of Sages, who recently compiled an advisory brief. In it, the Commission

emphasised the major importance of nanotechnology for the Netherlands, and the need for continued funding

in the Netherlands for research and infrastructure. These investments must carry on in order to maintain the

pace of the process. Herein lies an opportunity for the Netherlands to break through with new productivity in the

field of nanotechnology.

In addition to the different areas within NanoNed, the domain is absolutely enormous, particularly in view of the

development in ‘bio-nano’ and ‘nanomedicine’. The field of ‘nanoparticles’ fell outside the scope of NanoNed,

whereas it occupies an important place in this NNI as a research field and an application area, as well as a

potential risk factor. Figure 3 indicates the relationships of various flagships within NanoNed with the core areas

defined for the Netherlands. The same has been shown for a number of important companies. Within the NNI,

there will be a clear shift in emphasis from nanoelectronics to the other application areas.

10 Lower House. 2004 Science Budget. Meeting year 2003-2004, 29338 1. The Hague: Sdu Publishers, 26-11-2003.

11 Strategische agenda voor het hoger onderwijs-, onderzoek– en wetenschapsbeleid, November 2007.

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Figure 3: The relationship of the flagships within NanoNed with the different application areas (core areas). The same analy-

sis was made for a large number of Dutch companies. (Source: LUX Research Inc. “Identifying NL Economy Accelerators in

Emerging Nanomaterials Technologies” (2008))

Nanotechnology is considered as the main technology for the 21st century. This insight is based on the as yet

unexplored possibilities of nanotechnology, but importantly also on the expectation that nanotechnology will

make a major contribution to several problems on a global scale. Examples are the issue of energy and global

public health.

Materials modified with the help of nanotechnology serve to make solar cells, fuel cells and batteries more

efficient. The use of low-energy materials, also for the production of materials, will help to resolve one of the

worst global problems, i.e. energy consumption. Examples are low-energy data processing (computers, mobile

phones, the Internet). The Netherlands is internationally renowned in that respect and many Dutch companies

(multinationals, SME) are focusing on these new materials. Also on a global level, including within the American

Materials Research Society, calls are made for greater emphasis on the search for improved materials that will

contribute to our energy management. In addition, nanoelectronics, as defined within the subject ‘beyond Moore’,

will manage to use energy more efficiently by applying light as a data carrier or by using plastic electronics. Both

developments are mutually reinforcing.

1.5 The need for rapid action




materials & manufacture


Akzo Nobel


Royal Dutch Shell

SBM Offshore


Friesland Foods





Ten Cate









Single Molecule Chemistry,Physics And Biology

Nano Electronic Materials

Advanced Nanoprobing




Bottom -up Nanoelectronics

Quantum Computing


flagships application areas companies

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The detection of viruses through functional surfaces of cantilevers, Seyet, LLc

World public health will definitely benefit from the continued development

of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology will foster new medical applications in

the areas of diagnosis, the administration of medication, imaging techniques

and new medicines. The extremely fast diagnostics techniques, for example

for the detection of the HIV or SARS virus, constitute a specifically important

research area in which Dutch researchers and businesses are playing a pro-

active role. Expectations abound about the accelerated (and cheaper) development of new, safe medicines. This

is done by using labs-on-a-chip, whereby only minute quantities are needed, while hundreds of experiments can

be carried out simultaneously. In addition, the dosing of medication based on nanotechnology is much more

effective and efficient. In both application areas, the Netherlands occupies a prime position at global level; a

position it must seek to maintain.

The Netherlands plays a leading role in the study of the present and future impact of nanotechnology on society.

This is true for subjects ranging from toxicity levels to procedures recommended for handling personal data,

such as DNA recognition. In fact, it is precisely the excellent research into the challenges and applications of

nanotechnology in combination with the research into the consequences in the broadest sense that makes us

unique in the Netherlands, guaranteeing us a leading position, particularly in European perspective.

In the field of nanosciences and nanotechnology, the Netherlands occupies a global top spot, also due to large-

scale initiatives like NanoNed. It means that the first few steps have already been taken to embed nanotechnology

in education, research and business life.

Furthermore, in view of the focused investment into Nanolab NL, choices have been made in terms of the

Netherlands infrastructure. The organisational structure of NanoNed has ensured a levelled organisation in

which research is organised into Flagships, led by a ‘captain’ with top-quality scientific expertise in the field


NanoNed is scheduled to run until 2010. As demonstrated in Figure 4, government support for research in the

area of nanotechnology in the Netherlands will rapidly decrease if current policy is maintained. In the figure,

other investments by the government in relation to nanotechnology were also taken into account (see Chapter

2.3 Ongoing Initiatives).

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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Einde NanoNed

Einde NanoImpulsStart NanoImpuls

Start NanoNed

USA, Ierland, Duitsland

Japan, Korea










2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Einde NanoNed

Einde NanoImpulsStart NanoImpuls

Start NanoNed

USA, Ierland, Duitsland

Japan, Korea










2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Einde NanoNed

Einde NanoImpusStart NanoImpuls

Start NanoNed

USA, Ierland, Duitsland

Japan, Korea










2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Japan, Korea

USA, Ireland, Germany

End NanoImpuls

End NanoNed

Start NanoNed

Start NanoImpuls





Figure 4: Government support in

the area of nanotechnology in the

Netherlands (Euro/capita). By way

of comparison: USA (5), Japan (7),

Korea (7), Germany (5), Singapore

(20), Finland (10), Switzerland (3),

Ireland (5) Euro/capita (source:

Technology Transfer 2007).

The growth in the sphere of activity and the changes within nanotechnology outlined in the previous para-

graphs, for example due to the expansion into bionano (nanomedicine) and new materials, including for energy

creation and energy storage, call for new investments. Furthermore, we must maintain the investments in the

infrastructure of nanotechnology in the Netherlands up to the standard required. The need for rapid action

can be clearly concluded from Figure 4. The evaluation carried out by NanoNed indicates that the objectives

(achieving a strong position and infrastructure in the Netherlands, attracting researchers and ensuring an

output of properly trained academics) are attainable. NanoNed manages to attract many researchers from

abroad, some of whom will continue to live and work in the Netherlands. The evaluation commission considers

NanoLab NL an essential component of NanoNed and points out the importance of preserving it after the Bsik

funding comes to an end. These facilities are also essential to several small companies. It is worth pointing out

that there is some scope for improving the accessibility and visibility of the facilities to the potential users.

Structural finance is needed to maintain the position of the Netherlands and to extend it to application areas

that are likely to present significant new opportunities in the course of the next decade. The funding will need

to be spent on research, infrastructure, open innovation (to the benefit of the SME) and analysis of the social

impact of nanotechnology (security, risks, privacy, information, embedding in education). The budget required

would be in the region of an annual investment in nanotechnology in the Netherlands of 100 million Euros per


This boost for nanotechnology is exclusive of any investments made by companies in the context of their stra-

tegic research programmes, which tend to have an international focus, particularly in the case of multinationals.

Figure 5 indicates how the research would be funded and how the research budget is to be apportioned. The

funding will partly come from the business world and the knowledge institutes themselves, but it is particularly

important that new developments and viewpoints are backed by the government. For example, studies into risk

1.6 Required investment

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analysis, the possible social impact and fundamental studies into new characteristics emerging in view of the

manometer sizes. In Part 3, these developments are described in greater detail.

With the proposed public investments, the downward trend in the Netherlands will be turned round to a level

slightly above the level in 2008. This takes into account other investments made by the government in the area

of nanotechnology (see Chapter 2.3 Ongoing Initiatives).

In order to achieve the objectives of this NNI strategic research agenda, we are asking the parties involved, the

government, knowledge institutes, the industrial sector concerned and social organisations to make a combined

effort that will generate a structural investment of 100 million Euros per year until 2020 (see Figure 5a). We

propose the following distribution: government 50%, private sector 20%, knowledge institutes 15% and nano

initiatives NWO & EU 15%, to be assigned to risk & impact 15%, infrastructure & open innovation 20%, generic

research 20%, application-oriented research 25%, public-private partnership programmes 10% and human

capital 10% (see Figure 5b). This is further elaborated in Part 4.

EU, NWO15%

Universities and research institutes


Private sector20%


Risk analysis / social impact15%

Infrastructure and open innovation


Generic research (PhD, Postgraduates)


Application research (PhD, Postgraduates)


Human capital10%

Public-private partnerships10%

Figure 5a: funding distributed between

the public sector, matched by research

institutes, the private sector, EU and

additional NWO initiatives.

Figure 5b: Distribution of resources for research (PhD, Postgraduate) into nanotechnology over the coming years (2010-

2020), distributed over generic and application areas, infrastructure and open innovation projects, risk analysis and social

impact, public-private partnerships and human capital.

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The basis: the national playing field

In this chapter an overview of nanotechnology in the Netherlands is presented. The industrial and research

landscape are sketched, as well as existing nanotechnology initiatives. Furthermore the relation towards

microtechnology is pointed out. Finally, the impact on society, the possibilities for education and ongoing

nanotechnology initiatives and the needed infrastructure for nanotechnology is discussed.

Nanotechnology is important to Dutch industry. At least 13 of the top 20 companies intensely involved in R&D

perform research in the field of nanotechnology. Furthermore, the number of companies actively engaged in

the nanotechnology sector is growing. According to a SenterNovem report 1212 ‘Zicht op nanotechnologie in

Nederland’, over 270 companies were operating in the nanotechnology sector in the period 2005-2006. In

the period 2002-2004, the number of companies conducting nanoprojects was still 200, whereas as few as 80

companies were actively involved in nanoprojects in 2002. In Table 1, the projects during the period 2005-2006

have been classified according to their scale.

R&D-labour costs number of companies

> 10 mln. 1

5-10 mln. 1

2-5 mln. 2

1-2 mln. 6

500,000-1 mln. 13

200,000-500,000 26

100,000-200,000 24

50,000-100,000 27

0-50,000 173

Total 273

According to the report, Philips, NXP, ASML and FEI (High Tech Systems sector) are the biggest industrial

players. The NWO strategic memorandum named the same four companies as the main industrial users of

nanotechnology. Application areas for Philips and NXP are nanoelectronics, health care, welfare, medical

technology, monitors and lighting systems. ASML produces lithographic systems and develops new technologies

to make ever smaller structures (‘Extreme Ultraviolet’, ‘Liquid Immersion’ and ‘Nano-Imprint Lithography’). FEI

is one of the main producers of imaging systems. In addition, DSM and Akzo Nobel are active on the market

of nanomaterials and coatings. In addition to these companies, the role of the Holst Centre also deserves a


12 2005 nanotechnology report, plus addition for 2006, SenterNovem

2.1. Industrial landscape


Table 1: number of companies involved in nano

projects during the period 2005-2006, classified by

the scale of the project 13

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The number of nanostarters is growing fast, by approximately 11 per year13. Since 1998, MESA+ (Twente)

alone has had over 40 spin-offs in the domain of nanotechnology. Examples of starters (including spin-offs of

knowledge institutes) are: Mapper Lithography (semi-conductor equipment), Micronit Microfluidics (‘lab-on-a-

chip devices’) and Aquamarijn and Fluxxion (nanosieves for foodprocessing), Medimate (lithium detection in

blood), LioniX (devices based on MEMs).

The SenterNovem report pinpointed the following five strengths as having the ability to bolster the economic

competitiveness of the Netherlands: (1) precision production; (2) instrumentation; (3) nanomaterials; (4)

devices & system integration, and (5) bionanotechnology. Annex B contains a brief description of these sectors

and a few of the companies involved.

The important application areas listed in the SenterNovem studies are: (1) life sciences/medical sector; (2)

electronic equipment; (3) assembly; (4) transport, aviation and space travel; (5) energy; (6) separation technology

(including catalysis and nanofiltration); (7) surface treatment & coatings; (8) environment & safety.

The food sector is also interested in nanotechnology. The Roadmap ‘Microsystem- & Nanotechnology in Food &

Nutrition’14 mapped out the research questions prevailing among Dutch food producers, as well as the current

availability of micro(system) technology and nanotechnology. The report identified four potentially successful

areas: filtration and fractionation; sensor/detection systems & processing; emulsions, texture & delivery

systems; and packaging & logistics.

Lastly, the general interest of the industry can also be deduced from the industrial involvement in NanoNed

(see also chapter 3). Companies such as Philips, ASML, FEI, DSM, Akzo Nobel and Unilever are active in ‘user

committees’ (Philips is also a consortium partner). About half of the approximately 30 Dutch industrial users

are start-ups and SMEs (including LioniX, Pepscan, C2V and Micronit MicroFluidics).

Several initiatives exist in the Netherlands in order to boost the participation of SMEs and the creation of spin-

offs. Examples are: High Tech Campus Eindhoven (Holst Centre, MiPlaza and Life Sciences Facilities), High Tech

Facilities Twente, Bio Science Park Leiden, Kennisexploitatie Radboud Nijmegen and Wageningen Business


This paragraph contains a short review of the research focus per university, institute and industry. Although

almost all universities have basic research on nanotechnology and nanoscience, there are differences and

choices have been made in research theme’s. These are mostly complementary to each other, making the total

area of nanotechnology one of the most complete one in this research field.

13 2005 nanotechnology report, plus addition for 2006, SenterNovem

14 Prisma & Partners, MinacNed, July 2006

2.2 Research landscape

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Universities of technology Twente (MESA+) - Institute for nanotechnology with a focus on BioNanotechnology, nanofluidics, Nano-

electronics, Nano production, Nano materials and molecular photonics. In addition, the institute focuses

on microsystem technology. Given the major role of nano production, the institute has large infrastructural

facilities for prototyping and for small-scale production. There is one central research lab, containing the

cleanroom and labs for material analysis and chemical characterisation.

Delft (Kavli) - Fundamental research into nanoelectronics. Specific subjects are quantum computation and

quantum information science, molecular electronics and its applications, molecular biophysics, nano-

electronics for space research, photonics and photon detection, and high-resolution electron microscopy.

The Institute has unique facilities for the production and characterisation of nanostructures by using vari-

ous techniques and probes. Quantum model systems and ‘traditional’ Si-technology are being extended to

encompass biological materials and photonic building blocks.

Eindhoven (center of Nano Materials, COBRA) - Strong emphasis on designing and making functional

materials and devices, with specific expertise in the domain of molecular/polymer-, III-V semiconductor and

magnetic/spintronic nanosystems, bionanotechnology and medical applications.

3TU.Federation - The technical universities concentrate within the ‘3TU.Federation’ on applications of na-

notechnology and bionanotechnology. The main areas of specialisation are nanoelectronics, photonics,

spintronics and research into the fundamental processes occurring within a few molecules and cells, as well

as the biomedical application of the latter.

General universities Utrecht (Debye Institute, UIPS-institute) - Catalysis (as well as applications and materials for sustainable

energy storage), colloids (including the development of spectroscopy), nanophotonics (including solar cells),

nanomaterials, biophysics (e.g. the administration of medicinal products), biomaterials and nanomedicine

(Meditrans initiative of the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences [UIPS]).

Nijmegen (Institute for Molecules and Materials) - Specialised in the ‘bottom-up’ approach to nanote-

chnology: molecular assemblage, materials research, characterisation, nanoprobing. Has the use of the

Nijmegen Centre for Advanced Spectroscopy (NCAS), containing a Laser Lab, a Centre for Nuclear Magnetic

Resonance, a high magnetic field facility, a vibrating arm nanolab and soon also a THz free electron laser.

Groningen (Zernike Institute, Biomade) - Within the Zernike Institute, the entire knowledge chain involved

in synthesis, analysis, production and theoretical conceptualisation of nanomaterials into systems works

in close cooperation. Specialised in working with soft (bio)materials on hard surfaces. For example: design

and production of molecular (bio)organic materials and devices, functional quantum-ordered materials,

photonics. Facilities are present for the production of nanoelectronics and for performing biological/organic


Leiden - Its strengths lie in relation to the theory of nanotransport, nanophotonics, quantum information

and hydrogen storage materials, cooperates closely with experimental groups in the field of atomic and

molecular nanophysics, quantum optics, and research into friction, catalysis, electrochemistry and atomic

scale thin film deposition.

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Number of publications (2000-2007) by Dutch top groups in relation to nanotechnology. Blue bars represent the number of

nano-related publications. Only the group leader is included for each group in the list. Source Web of Science.

Number of publications 2000-2007

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Vrije Universiteit - Biophysics, laser centre, hydrogen storage materials.

University of Amsterdam - (Van ’t Hoff Research Institute) – supramolecular (complex) catalysis and bio-

catalysis, nanophotonics (applications in the medical sector and in durability), nanofluidics.

Wageningen - Particular strength in relation to materials, self-assembly, surfaces and the functioning of

bio(macro)molecules. This expertise is strongly targeted at the development of technologies and products

in the realm of food and health.

Institutes for Higher Vocational EducationResearch and training is also carried out in several institutes for higher vocational education, i.e. in Hogeschool

Zuyd (in cooperation with DSM and RWTH-Aachen) and in Fontys (Centre for Polymers).

Institutes and industryFOM Institute AMOLF - Strong expertise in the area of photonic nanomaterials in the Centre for Nano-

photonics and in the area of biophysics. AMOLF runs the nanoCentre, a cleanroom facility for nanoproduction

and characterisation. The Institute has a close partnership with MESA+ and with Philips via the AMOLF

group ‘Nanophotonic light sources’, which is based on the Philips campus in Eindhoven.

TNO Quality of Life - Specialised in the area of human exposure, particularly in the workplace. This research

is mostly carried out in the context of global networks. In addition, TNO is active in toxicity research.

Philips Research (including MiPlaza / Life Sciences Facilities), Holst Centre - Research into a broad range of

nanotechnological subjects, aimed at applications in the health care sector, i.e. nanomedicine, in lighting

and in life style, with specific attention to the field of energy and water purification. Activities in the

subjects ‘Beyond Moore’, nanoelectronics, bionanotechnology and nanoparticles. In the current NanoNed-

programme, Philips Research is an important executive party. Central facilities are present for the production

and characterisation of nanostructures, with specific infrastructure for applications in life sciences.

Shell Research Rijswijk (exploration and production) - Lab specialised in nanosensors for the extraction of


ASML - New lithographic techniques.

FEI - Development labs for instrumentation.

TNO Delft - The development of equipment for nanotechnology. Central facilities are present.

TNO Eindhoven/Zeist - Strong focus on the development of nanostructured materials for the functionalisation

of surfaces and composite materials for sensor and administration systems in biomedical applications.

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Dutch nanolandscape

The Dutch nanolandscape including the most important initiatives for nanotechnology in the Netherlands.

Vertical the type of research: from fundamentals toward application, at the horizontal axis the different disciplines within








elektronics physics materials energy health food water







Point-1Holst Center

Top instituteFood &



Top institutePharma


High Tech Systems & Materials

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2.3 Ongoing initiativesHere is an overview of the main national initiatives. These activities and initiatives vary greatly in terms of width,

theme (basic development or application-oriented) and scope. In addition, the nano-related content varies for

each initiative. The NNI aims to link up to ongoing initiatives without being redundant. This is followed by an

overview of the international landscape.

National initiativesInitiatives within NWO - NWO and its various monodisciplinary areas underline the importance of nano-

technology. In the NWO Strategic memorandum for 2007-2010, nanoscience and nanotechnology are named

as one of the spearheads of scientific research in the Netherlands. In 2005, the FOM foundation spent 10 to

11 million Euros on nanoresearch through 20% of programmes and 40% of projects in the open competition

(‘Projectruimte’). This is twice as much as in 2002. The technology foundation STW spends over 10% of its

regular Open Technology Programme on nanotechnology. In addition, STW is in the process of setting up a

nanotechnology programme. ALW, ZonMW and CW are also funding nanotechnological research.

Roughly speaking, FOM/STW research mainly concerns fundamental basic research and technological

development, whereas the other NWO areas tend to focus on research using acquired knowledge and

technology. Furthermore, Dutch scientists participate in EU programmes which NWO also provides funding for,

such as ‘Frontiers’, ERA-NET Nanoscience, EUROCORES and ‘BIOMACH’.

NanoNed - By combining forces in the area of nanotechnology within the NanoNed consortium, a strong basis

has been laid for nanotechnological research in the Netherlands, with a view to applications. NanoNed came

about in 2002 at the initiative of MESA+ (Twente), the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience (Delft) and BioMaDe

(Groningen). It is a consortium of seven universities, TNO and Philips. The programme involves investments in

experimental facilities, scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge. The total budget of NanoNed

until the end of 2010 amounts to over 235 million Euros (which includes finance received from the Ministry of

Economic Affairs for the NanoImpuls programme, the precursor of NanoNed). NanoNed is organised in the

form of eleven flagship programmes. Each programme, which involves the cooperation of several partners, is

headed by an independent scientist. In addition, there is a ‘Technology Assessment’ programme and with

NanoLab NL, a high-quality nanotechnology infrastructure is being set up. This virtual nanolab has a budget

of over 80 million Euros. In total, approximately 200 research projects have been commissioned, amounting to

over 1200 man-years of research.

Public-private initiativesIn addition to the aforementioned ‘research-inspired’ initiatives, the government is also setting up projects

with a nano-related content in partnership with the private sector. These initiatives are listed below, showing

the contribution made by the government and the (estimated) nanocontent expressed as a percentage.

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Holst Centre 112 million Euros 15%

The research areas focused on by the Holst Centre, a partnership between TNO and the Belgian IMEC, are ‘Wireless Autonomous Transducer Systems’ and ‘Systems-on-Foil’. The Holst Centre has as its mission to create a research institute based on the open innovation model, focused on generic technologies for the aforementioned research areas. Special at-tention is paid to a rapid time-to-market of techniques and products. Two years after the operational start, 150 FTEs are involved in the programmes. The Centre hopes to reach a critical mass of 225 researchers by the year 2010.

Point-One 343 million Euros 25%

Point-One is a national strategic innovation programme in the area of nanoelectronics and ‘Embedded Systems’. The ambition of Point-One, a consortium consisting of Philips, NXP Semiconductors, ASML and many other SMEs, as well as knowledge institutes, is to build up the leading global ‘hotspot’ for nanoelectronics and embedded systems.

Center for Translational Molecular Medicine 150-200 million Euros 10%

The CTMM, which includes Philips, Schering-Plough, DSM, Numico, FEI, TNO, scores of SMEs, all University Medical Cen-tres, numerous (technical) universities and a number of charities among its participants, is a public-private partnership able to perform innovative and groundbreaking work in the area of Molecular Medicine by joining forces and expertise. The focus lies on oncology, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative conditions as well as infectious diseases.

BioMedical Materials Program 45 million Euros 15%

A consortium of Dutch companies, knowledge institutes and social organisations (DSM, Philips, Schering-Plough, TNO and several universities). BMM has as its mission to make the Netherlands a global market leader in the area of biomedical materials, through successful medical applications, intellectual property rights and academic publications.

Top Institute Pharma 130 million Euros 10%

TI Pharma is a collaboration of twelve academic institutes and 22 (bio)pharmaceutical companies. TI Pharma revolves around five types of diseases: cardiovascular diseases, auto-immune diseases, oncology, infectious diseases and nervous system diseases. Research into different aspects of the subject and development of medicines for these conditions.

Top Institute Food & Nutrition 63.5 million Euros 15%

TI Food & Nutrition is an institute with a large-scale programme (Nutrigenomics) with the purpose of defining early warning signals of food-related disorders and applying the results for the development of healthy food. In addition, TI Food & Nutrition is involved in the development of high-throughput microdetection systems and new generations of food structures.

Nano4Vitality 11 million Euros 100%

Nano4Vitality is a research programme aiming for a freer flow of the results of nanotechnological research to appli-cations in nutrition and health. The objective is to start projects as a result of which actual products can be brought on the market within a three-year period. There are four themes: sensors and analytical systems, active packaging, process technology, encapsulation and delivery. The universities of Twente, Nijmegen and Wageningen are important suppliers of knowledge to the project.

In addition to the aforementioned initiatives, the material-oriented programmes M2i and DPI also deserve a


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International initiatives Globally, the focus lies on the acquisition of knowledge as the motor of the economy in the 21st century. This

increases the significance of scientific and technological activities. Science and technology are becoming a

political focal point, since policymakers are becoming fully aware of the fact that knowledge, and hence the

underlying research producing the knowledge, is the motor behind prosperity (economic growth) and (social)

welfare. This explains why the European Union, Germany, France, the United States, Canada, Japan and China

are all adopting a coordinated nanotechnology policy with wide-ranging programmes. Notably, four important

choices are made: (1) the programmes are aimed at the long term (more than five years); (2) the emphasis lies

on improving and reinforcing the knowledge value chain; (3) a decision is made to focus on specific subjects,

building on national strengths; and (4) research is also carried out into (controlling) possible risks and the social

impact of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is still too much in its infancy to be able to decide with absolute certainty which subjects will

be successful. For that reason, great efforts are made to conduct wide-ranging basic research, which makes it

harder to differentiate globally in terms of programme choices. However, there is a clear difference in emphasis,

from the perspective of the aforementioned ‘national strengths’ - between materials research (Asia) and high-

tech research (United States, Europe). In addition to comprehensive basic research, it is important to conduct

responsible nanotechnological research with a common denominator. Just like with any new technology, it is

important to keep sight of the potential risks associated with nanotechnology. It is the only way to guarantee

the safe development, production and application of the products.

Annex 4 lists the initiatives that are currently ongoing in several European countries, the USA, Canada, Japan

and China.

Microtechnology is indispensable for the further development of nanotechnology. In many instances, microtech-

nology forms a bridge between nanotechnology and the outside world. Within a concept of a new measuring

instrument, nanotechnology may well be indispensable, but it is only a small part of the overall picture. It is

important that developments within microtechnology and embedded systems keep pace with developments in

nanotechnology. Since the Netherlands is already a global leader in microtechnology and embedded systems,

the continued collaboration between the various research groups, institutes and companies involved will rein-

force the overall outcome in terms of innovation. Initiatives such as Point-One and MicroNed are particularly

important for ensuring that the (scientific) knowledge acquired in the area of nanotechnology can be properly

integrated into new or existing products. Spin-offs in particular are making use of both technologies. The ap-

plication of nanotechnology often forms the difference in comparison with existing products, yet it also often

remains only an element of an overall concept. Many applications will use both worlds; for that reason, resources

will be freed up within the NNI for that purpose.

2.4 Link to microtechnology

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The social debate about the opportunities and risks of nanotechnology is an important element within the NNI.

In addition to any resources to be made available for research into toxicity, environmental effects or influence

on our day-to-day life, it is important that society can form a balanced opinion of nanotechnology. As many

social organisations as possible must become involved in the public debate. An open dialogue between social

organisations, the government, academics and the business world should ensure that safety will always be a

consideration in the applications of nanotechnology. Unfortunately, not enough distinction is made yet between

nanotechnology and small particles. Despite the fact that small particles form a minute proportion of nanote-

chnology, they are determining the social agenda in relation to nanotechnology. Without falling short of the

need to establish guidelines on how to deal with small particles, we will have to work on the general acceptance

of nanotechnology. Emphasising the opportunities and solutions created for major social problems will be an

important element within NNI.

NanoNed, the nation-wide initiative, is training 150 graduates with Masters degrees, including many foreign

researchers (graduates, post-doctoral students, scientific researchers) extending their stay in the Netherlands.

A number of Master degrees have been set up in the Netherlands: nanotechnology at the UTwente and nano-

science at the TUDelft in collaboration with RULeiden and RUGroningen. The intake in these Master degree

courses is clearly increasing. Various Colleges are integrating nanotechnology in their curricula (Fontys, Saxion,


The number of new lecturers in nanotechnology is also rising. This is the result of several initiatives, such as the

3TU.Federation, which made 4 positions available in the area of bionano. In addition, a shift has taken place

within various universities towards nanoresearch, accompanied by approximately 20 appointments in nano-

related areas over the last five years (tenure tracks and professors).

2.6 Training courses/’Human Capital’

2.5 Society & Community

Magnetic biosensor, Philips

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By combining forces in the area of nanotechnology within the NanoNed consortium, a strong basis has been

laid for nanotechnological research in the Netherlands, with a view to practical applications. The programme

involves investments in experimental facilities, scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge.

NanoLab NL, part of NanoNed, is a high-quality nanotechnology infrastructure, combined in three centres:

the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience and TNO Science & Industry, both situated in Delft, the MESA+ Institute

for Nanotechnology in Twente and the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials in Groningen. In addition,

there are research facilities in the WENA group: Wageningen University, TU Eindhoven, Radboud University

of Nijmegen and the University of Amsterdam. All facilities within NanoNed are accessible to all NanoNed

partners. Philips Research is an associate partner.

The partners in Nanolab NL have a well-equipped cleanroom, surrounded by excellent facilities in terms of

specialist measuring equipment and production techniques. Thanks to NanoNed (including NanoImpuls), it

has been possible to invest 40 million Euros in new expertise, infrastructure and support. The decision to only

set up a limited number of specialised research labs and to make the labs accessible to all researchers and

companies in NL proved to be extremely effective. In combination with the various open innovation initiatives,

the Netherlands has a unique infrastructure at its disposal that must nevertheless be kept up-to-date. The

Nanolab NL facilities are also accessible to parties other than participants in NanoNed.

It is essential to continue and reinforce the Nanolab NL initiative, in order to maintain our leading position; for

this to happen, it will be necessary to invest in existing and forthcoming new areas of expertise. The application

of Nanolab NL is currently made in the context of ‘Roadmap Large Scale Research Facilities’ from the Van

Velzen committee.

Due to the frequently large investments made by companies, nanotechnology lends itself very well to open

innovation initiatives. Examples include MiPlaza in Eindhoven, High Tech Factory and Kennispark in Twente,

BioScience Park Leiden.


2.7 Infrastructure and open innovation

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3The plan: to create added value

The research field of nanotechnology is broad and it continues to expand. For the Netherlands, it is important to

make some choices. Choices based on existing strengths, combined with new opportunities that will be created

as a result. The generic themes in which the Netherlands excels have already been established in the strategic

paper of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): Towards a multidisciplinary national

nanoscience programme15. Other application areas were introduced in the cabinet memorandum: Van klein

naar groots16 (From Small to Great). In this chapter, we are elaborating on these generic themes and application


The following four generic themes were defined by people in the field: bionanotechnology, beyond Moore,

nanomaterials, and nanofabrication (including instrumentation and characterisation), as well as the following

four application areas: clean water, energy, nutrition and nanomedicine (the application of nanotechnology

in the area of medicine). At each intersection of these themes, social impact and risk analysis occupy an

important position. Figure 6 depicts the cross linking of the subjects are. This chapter will first examine the

generic themes, followed by the application areas. Further on, we will look at the possible consequences in

terms of risks and social impact.

Each theme is illustrated by examples, demonstrating why nanotechnology can make such an important

contribution to the future development of the area concerned. In addition, we will list the main Dutch research

groups and industries making their mark on that particular research area.

15 NWO strategic paper: Towards a multidisciplinary national nanoscience programme, 2006

16 Cabinet memorandum: Van klein naar groots (From Small to Great), November 2006



beyond Moore














n w


Figure 6: Schematic presentation of generic themes and

application areas intersected by the theme ‘social impact and

risk analysis’

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Next, the challenges are spelled out along the route to success. These challenges were identified with the help

of scientists and people from the business world. Workshops were organised for the main themes, each led by

someone from the private sector and from academic circles. These workshops, involving 20 to 35 people at

a time, form the basis for fleshing out the research areas. The results were then double-checked with various

other experts in the field. A comprehensive description of the workshops including lists of participants can be

found in Annex 5.

The generic themes and application areas are not completely isolated from each other but are quite coherent.

For example, the research on nanoparticles is strongly related to the research on applications in the field of

health, energy, water purification, etc. Any existing connections will be pointed out.

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This section will address the four generic themes. They form the basis for scientific research in the field of Nan-

otechnology in the Netherlands. In addition, we will look at opportunities for the Netherlands, both in the area

of science and valorisation.

IntroductionMoore’s Law has dominated developments within information and communication technology (ICT) for

several decades. Technological road maps anticipate that the number of transistors that can be fitted onto a

silicon chip surface will double every two years. This development has changed our society in an unprecedented

fashion. Our life is now inconceivable without mobile communication, intelligent consumer electronics and the

Internet. It is anticipated that the exponential growth of the semiconductor technology will grind to a halt

within a decade. The reason is that the production technologies are confronted with fundamental boundaries

and circuits will be so small within the foreseeable future that the current principles will no longer apply.

The advancing miniaturisation in the ICT industry requires new functions as well as the integration of various

functions on the surface of a single chip. New concepts within nanotechnology lend themselves extremely well

to contribute to this future development. By implementing new optical, electrical and magnetic phenomena at

manometer scale, as well as the engineering of structures on an atomic and molecular scale, new applications

will become available of great social and economic significance. This revolutionary development is coined with

the phrase ‘Beyond Moore’. This will serve to re-define not only the possibilities of the hardware itself, but also

the interaction between man and technology and the social implications. To achieve future breakthroughs, it is

essential to provide evenly balanced support for groundbreaking scientific research, as well as for application-

oriented activities; the two can work closely together and remain in tune with the social and economic

context. A great challenge of the era “Beyond Moore” is the manufacture of complex new structures using

cheap methods, for example, such as replication through stamping techniques, using the self-assembly of


3.1.1 Beyond Moore

3.1 Generic Themes

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ore In the future, the groundbreaking nanotechnology from ‘Beyond Moore’ will find broad appli-

cations in our society. Optical and magnetic principles based on nanowires and colloidal nano-

particles will contribute to molecular sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and specificity, such

as those that are of interest to build compact and reliable sensors for medical diagnostics, oil

extraction and water purification. Plastic electronics, solar cells and light-emitting devices open

up entirely new application areas thanks to their efficient production methods; in the ultimate

form of such ‘organic electronics’, a single molecule performs the role of an elementary connec-

tion. In the future, principles of quantum mechanics may be used for an entirely new manner of

data processing (‘quantum computing’) and data transport, with a revolutionary impact in the

domain of safety.

Plastic electronics, Holst Centre

Manipulation of light in nanostructure, Princeton

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Research environmentMany research institutes in the Netherlands have built up expertise in this area:

Research institute expertise

MESA+ Institute for nanotechnology (UTwente)photonics, spintronics, plastic electronics, superconductivity, theory, supramolecular chemistry

Kavli Institute for Nanoscience & DelftChemTech (TUDelft)

Quantum computing, Superconductivity, graphene

Centre for Nanomaterials & COBRA (TU/e) Spintronics, supramolecular chemistry, theory

Debye Institute (UUtrecht) Quantum dots

Institute for Molecules and Materials (RUN) Spintronics, graphene, quantum-effects

Zernike Institute and BioMaDe (RuG) Organic materials, supra-molecular chemistry

Van der Waals and Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecu-lar Sciences (UvA)

Theory, calculations, quantum phenomena

Leiden UniversitySuperconductivity, spintronics, nanostructures, quantum effects, graphene

FOM-institute AMOLF Nanophotonics

Philips ResearchNanophotonic materials and devices, system-in-Package, sensors and sensor systems

Holst Centre Plastic electronics, sensors and actuators

NXP Solid State Lightning, automotive, smart cards

For the research, each consortium needs production facilities, which may be present on a large scale (MESA+

in Twente, DIMES and Kavli in Delft and Philips MiPlaza in Eindhoven), or on a smaller scale and more


Dutch industries involved in ‘beyond Moore’ developments are: Philips research, NXP, Holst Centre, HP, ASML,

FEI, and SME companies, including many spin-offs.

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The ‘Beyond Moore’ strategic research agenda is in line with the research agendas of ongoing initiatives in

the Netherlands and in Europe. With ENIAC17, the European Technology platform, CMOS scaling is given cen-

tre stage, but attention is growing for developments building on CMOS and going further, such as ‘More than

Moore’18 and ‘Beyond CMOS’. These activities are aimed at the development of nanodevices and components

emerging from the convergence of different disciplines, e.g. nanobio. The ‘More than Moore’ activities are also

given prime billing on the Point-One research agenda19. The European platform on ‘Smart Systems’ (EPoSS)20

targets ‘More than Moore’, which is the integration of various complementary technologies for the realisation

of ‘Systems in Package’. The ‘Beyond Moore’ research programme within NNI generates fundamental building

blocks for the aforementioned agendas. It is therefore a guarantee to make a connection to industrial initiatives

in the region and with any project opportunities at European level.

What do we want to achieve and why? The Netherlands is renowned for its great expertise in the areas of fundamental and strategic technologically

relevant research into device-oriented phenomena at nanometre scale. Leading academic centres in the field

are participating in NanoNed. Besides that, the Netherlands has a history of advanced high-tech research and

industrial activities (e.g. Philips, NXP, ASML), which are now also being implemented in innovation programmes

like Point-One. The NNI programme ‘Beyond Moore’ takes up the challenge to realise medium to long-term

innovation within nanoelectronics. Here are the guidelines that apply:

Groundbreaking research into specifically chosen enabling technologies will ensure the creation of generic

knowledge, guaranteeing a continuous stream of ideas for achieving innovative applications.

Programme lines conceived on the basis of specific application areas ensure the development of new applications,

motivated by social and economic boundary conditions, confronting fundamental research activities with new

long-term challenges.

17 ENIAC SRA: http://www.eniac.eu/web/downloads/SRA2007.pdf

18 More than Moore: new functionalities based on or derived from Si-technology. ‘Beyond CMOS’: disruptive technology

complementing or replacing Si, with ample attention to the nanoscale.

19 EPoSS: http://www.smart-systems-integration.org/public/documents/070306_EPoSS_SRA_v1.02.pdf/view

20 Point-One: http://www.point-one.nl/Press_news/Archive/First_version_SRA_document

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The theme ‘Beyond Moore’ will lead to a continuous stream of forward-looking nanotechnology for the themes

‘NanoMedicine’, ‘Energy’, ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Clean Water’ within the NNI. More specifically, four application-ori-

ented research lines are proposed as follows:

NanoSensors - Measuring environmental conditions at the nanoscale will be essential for a plethora

of revolutionary techniques, varying from healthcare to new lithographic principles, and from energy

conservation to applications within the domain of mobility and safety. The private sector in The Netherlands

(multinationals as well as SMEs) considers applications as extremely relevant to the future. ‘Smart sensors’,

i.e. sensors with extremely high sensitivity and specificity, through the smart combination of optical, electrical

and magnetic principles and biocompatibility are important issues in this respect.

The transport, processing and storage of information - This theme has created the technological basis for

the present-day information society. Unique concepts from nanotechnology will multiply the scope of

possibilities in decades to come. New data carriers (electronics based on the ‘spin’ of electrons or photonic

circuits of single-molecule building blocks) may lead to more compact circuits, a greater bandwidth, lower

energy consumption and possibly cheaper electronic components. New strategies using quantum information

may contribute to the efficient resolution of complex issues and to secure data encryption. In the context of

the Netherlands, the application of embedded systems will be of particular interest to the industry.

NanoPower, Lighting & Actuators - Efficient energy provision plays a crucial role for many mobile and

biomedical applications of nanotechnology; for example, the vision of ‘ambient intelligence’ is entirely

dependent on the availability of mobile power sources. Similarly, a great number of innovated applications

within the field depend on nano-sized light sources and actuation on a nanometre scale. Another ambitious

objective is to keep improving the efficiency of LEDs and solid-state lasers. Research is currently particularly

based in industrial and semi-industrial research centres, but it is anticipated that the programme will contain

a long-term academic component.

BioInterfacing - Perhaps the most challenging application of nanoelectronics and photonics is the

communication with biological systems. Dream scenarios within biomedical applications will nevertheless

depend on breakthroughs in the area of hardware, particularly for the control and manipulation of processes

on the boundary between the electronic circuit and biomolecules. Encouragement in this field is essential,

since the Netherlands wishes to remain at the forefront of ‘molecular medicine’. Coordinated action around

the theme ‘NanoMedicine’ seems a distinct requirement.

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IntroductionRecent developments in the field of the fabrication and characterisation of objects at the nano-scale make

it possible to design and realise new materials with special functional properties. For example, materials can

be strengthened or, conversely, made more flexible, or materials can be given greater electrical resistance and

lower thermal resistance. The possibilities are virtually endless, particularly in relation to the coupling between

living cells with specific functional nanoparticles, nanosurfaces or nanostructures. Artificially inserted (in)

organic particles or surfaces can influence a cell to the extent that it takes on an entirely new functionality,

such as fluorescence, magnetism or it may even result in the production of new biomaterials. Conversely,

proteins, viruses or cells can be processed into nanosystems. These couplings open up many new scientific and

commercial avenues.

It will be obvious from the above that ‘nanomaterials’ are an extremely broad terrain and that they are set

to reoccur in all other subjects, particularly as part of integrated activities aimed at the realisation of specific

applications, for example, in devices. Yet, it is still important to pinpoint nanomaterials as a separate subject.

It is precisely this concentration of research into materials on the one hand and the multidisciplinary approach

on the other hand that has resulted in new applications in which nanomaterials play an essential role. Building

new materials at the atomic scale and structuring or combining existing materials (metamaterials), resulting

in entirely new characteristics, make the number of application areas virtually limitless. The scientific/

technological challenge ensuing from the frequently large number of requirements which devices are expected

to meet, demonstrates that this type of material research occupies an important position within NNI.

In addition to nanoparticles, also nanostructured surfaces play an increasingly important role in nanotechnology.

Treated surfaces can adopt various properties, such as becoming hydrophilic or precisely hydrophobic. The

interaction with (living) cells and viruses also has applications, for example in lab-on-a-chip.

Apart from DNA, which is in itself a nanomaterial, an increasing amount of research is being performed on

peptides and protein-based nanomaterials. Proteins are natural molecules with unique functionalities and

potential applications, both in biological as well as in material areas. Nanomaterials derived from proteins,

often protein nanoparticles, are biodegradable, metabolical and they therefore also lend themselves to surface

modification and the covalent adhesion of drugs or ligands.

3.1.2. Nanomaterials

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iAls Examples of nanomaterials include magnetic particles for biosensors and imaging, for new cata-

lysts, solar cells or energy storage, ordered nanoparticles for the optical transport or data storage,

quantum dots as light sources, porous nanoparticles for medicine administration, capsules for vari-

ous applications, such as medicines, vitamins, etc.

Nanostructured glass can be made water-repellent, while treated surfaces can repel bacteria or

cause viruses and cells to follow a specific pattern. The latter is particularly applied in labs at the


Lotus effect through surface treatment, UTwente

Nanocontainer for administering medication, UTwente

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Research environmentThe Netherlands has a particularly solid research basis when it comes to nanoparticles and their applications,

especially in relation to colloids and supramolecular chemistry. Research is performed into the subject and into

the associated part subjects, in virtually all universities. Individual locations may nevertheless like to emphasise

specific themes, for example:

Research institutes expertise

UtrechtColloids, supramolecular chemistry, photonic crystals, catalysis, energy storage, quantum effects

Wageningen colloids and supramolecular chemistry

FOM Institute AMOLFphotonic crystals, catalysis, energy storage, nanophotonics, mechanics of biological nanoparticles, living cell interaction

MESA+ (UTwente)

catalysis, energy storage, nanophotonics, quantum effects, nanoparticles for hydrogen storage, fuel cells and solar cells, advanced nanoprobing, functional self-assembly on a nanoscale, artificial materials, soft lithography and imprint lithography

TU/Eindhovencatalysis, energy storage, nanophotonics, functional self-assembly at the nanoscale, magnetic nanoparticles for biosensing

Kavli, Dimes, DelftChemTech (TUDelft)quantum effects, nanoparticles for hydrogen storage, fuel cells, medicine administration, diagnostics, photonic crystals, advanced nanoprobing

Groningen (Zernike Institute)supramolecular chemistry, organic chemistry, spectroscopy of nanoparticles, solar cells

Nijmegenmagnetic data storage, biomedical applications, advanced nano-probing, functional self-assembly at the nanoscale, bio-inspired materials (B-sheets and virus capsides)

UvA (van ‘t Hoff)Catalysis of nano-objects, mechanics of biological nano-particles, living cell interactions

VU nanostructured materials for hydrogen storage

Leiden advanced nanoprobing, quantum effects, (bio)molecular coupling of metal

Philips nanostructured materials for imaging and diagnostics, also for sensors

TNO functionalisation for delivery and sensor systems, nanostructured surfaces

Dutch companies active in this field are:

Philips, Shell, BASF, DOW chemicals, Akzo Nobel, Océ-Techologies, Unilever, DSM and numerous SMEs like LioniX,

E-ink, Drost coatings, Sigma, Stahl, Neoresins.

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What do we want to achieve and why?The application areas for this field in the Netherlands are in health, high tech, the environment, energy, nutrition,

mobility, the cosmetic industry and ‘Beyond Moore’. It is anticipated that nanomaterials will be present in all

aspects of daily life. The following main themes will need to be investigated; how can these particles be positioned

and addressed in a controlled manner; how can nanoparticles and the associated architecture be designed and

constructed so as to acquire or retain the desired characteristics or functionality; development of methods for

large-scale production; what are the characteristics of the individual particles and the consequences for the

environment; controlled deposition of coatings and characterisation of the properties; how nanostructures can

be constructed from molecules for the desired functionality.

The following lines of research are proposed.

Supramolecular chemistry - New developments in synthesis and supramolecular chemistry are required

before any progression can be made: developments in nano-assembly, the development of hybrid materials,

the functionalisation of nanostructures, the functional interfacing of nanostructures with surfaces, control

over position, specificity, orientation and the function of nanostructures on surfaces, the development of

bottom-up methods for functionalising surfaces, the assemblage of nanostructures, etc. In addition, in

relation to nanoparticles, a significant step forward needs to be made in the equipment to study properties at

a nanoscale (scanning probe, nano-optics, molecular MRI), as well as theoretical knowledge, such as quantum

chemistry and quantum physics.

Construction of nano-architecture - Despite significant efforts in the past, more research is needed in relation

to the controlled growth of particles and/or surfaces with the required characteristics. For example, into

materials that are biologically or biocompatible, such as proteins, DNA/RNA and virus capsules as components

in nanosystems and as nanoreactors, an area with significant potential that has been underexposed so far.

It covers self-assembled and self-organised systems for functional colloids, materials and surfaces to make

materials with a particular molecular order and a hierarchic self-organisation, and eventually the assemblage


Research into the properties of nanomaterials - A great effort is required for the study of mechanical,

electronic and optical properties of individual nanoparticles (including molecule studies of quantum dots

and enzymes). In addition to the study of individual nanoparticles, the properties of molecular materials

assembled from nanoparticles also need to be investigated.

Artificial (in)organic materials - New deposition techniques make it possible to design and construct new

materials. Many of these new materials will find their applications in ‘Beyond Moore’.

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The multidisciplinary character of nanotechnology may be most prominent in the area of bionanotechnology.

Within this generic theme, physicians, chemists, biologists and physicians will meet up. Visualisation of biological

processes at the nanoscale will facilitate a much more rigorous study of disease patterns, viruses, the operation

of cells, etc.

IntroductionLiving cells can be considered as complicated chemical micro-factories. They are full of ‘little machines’

measuring only a few manometers. The most renowned example is DNA. A stretched-out DNA molecule has a

diameter of only 2.5 nm. It acts as an important component in the creation of all biological building blocks in

the cell. Various techniques, such as NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) and AFM (atomic force

microscopy), are making it possible to make molecules visible and to study behaviour or deviations.

Mechanical movement plays an important role in many biological processes, for example in cell division and in

the operation of the muscles. The walls of cells and mitochondria contain large numbers of special protein

molecules that are involved in regulating the transport of atoms and molecules through the wall and with the

energy household of the cells.

Using the chemical and physical properties of molecules such as proteins and lipids, nature has devised ways to

create nanostructures. Imitating nature provides nanomachines that can be deployed for uses ranging from

energy storage or energy transfer to steering (transporting) DNA structures.

Bionanotechnology also encompasses the application of devices, such as lab-on-a-chip. These have, for

example, the purpose of diagnosing illnesses and deviations at an early stage. Bionanotechnology is of major

importance in the food industry and the environment. Possible uses are examined and partially already applied

in order to make food safer, healthier, tastier and cheaper.

In all the aforementioned application areas, safety, perception and risk play an important role. To what extent

should we use nanotechnology for the early detection of illnesses or to develop healthier food? What are the

consequences for our eco-system?

Since bionanotechnology has such a huge impact on all application areas, we will look at the research

environment and research lines for the relevant application areas.

3.1.3. BioNanotechnology

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AFM image of fibril , UTwente

Despite the fact that nanofabrication (including instrumentation and characterisation) are not referred to

separately in the NWO strategic memorandum and the cabinet’s vision paper, the theme is extremely important

to the Netherlands. This theme must be included for the sake of completeness before added value can be created.

In this paragraph, we will pay attention to the challenges presented by the instrumentation.

IntroductionInstrumentation has always been an important component within the Netherlands. It is precisely the progress

in the area of instrumentation, which ensures that we can continue to develop the technology. Whereas the

atomic force microscope, developed by IBM in the eighties was the great breakthrough to make nanostructures

visible, nowadays we can make nanostructures visible and proceed to manipulate them with equipment like the

transmission electrons microscope, co-developed in the Netherlands (FEI Company). The manipulation takes

place in a dual-FIB, an electron microscope for making structures visible combined with a focused ion bundle

in order to manipulate the structures. FEI endeavours to make not only static but also moving images visible in

order to follow any changes at the nanoscale.

With the help of ASML equipment, chips can be developed and fabricated with nanoscale dimensions. The

main challenge for ASML is to apply ever-smaller detail on the chips, which will assign it greater capacity

for less energy consumption. So far, the total number of components per surface unit followed the so-called

Moore’s Law. This ‘Law’ shows a doubling in numbers after fixed time intervals. The lithography systems are

the determining factor determining whether the details on a chip can be made smaller: after all, the images

must become steadily smaller, which requires light with a steadily shorter wave length, or the use of techniques

that can make extreme use of light of a certain wavelength. In 2007, ASML developed a system capable of

making images on silicon wafers of 37 nm. The technique used to this effect is developed at ASML. Once again,

the question beckons: is it possible to go any smaller?

3.1.4 Nanofabrication

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With our knowledge in the area of macromolecules, we can use stamping techniques to manufacture nanos-

tructures efficiently and cheaply.

For applying lab-on-a-chip, instruments are also needed capable of working with either minute volumes or ex-

tremely small signals. In other words, the instrumentation allows us to apply the nanotechnology. The themes

for the future are strongly linked to the generic themes as well as to the application themes. The challenges in

relation to instrumentation are also developed in that respect. In paragraph 4.3, further detail is given on the

role played by TNO in open innovation with regard to instrumentation.

Diffraction grating produced with a Focused Ion Beam, Fei Company

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In this paragraph, we will list the application areas in which Nanotechnology can and will play an important role.

The application areas are a pre-eminent domain of new activity, such as spin-offs or institutes. Also within the

application areas, a strong link exists with research groups and institutes. It is expected that new developments

will follow each other in quick succession, particularly in the application areas. Application areas are susceptible

to conjecture and their importance will vary in the course of the project period, or be extended to new areas.

IntroductionIllnesses start on the biomolecular and cellular level, which is at the length scale of 1-100 nm. What matters

in medicine is an early diagnosis, followed by an appropriate treatment of the patient, which requires process

knowledge and intervention on that scale. With the rapid progress in molecular biology and medicine, combined

with progression in experimental technology, the molecular scale is now becoming accessible. Nanomedicine

is about applying nanotechnology in molecular biology and medicine. The scientific and (experimental)

technological developments are such that the detection and treatment of diseases and genetic conditions

at cell level are starting to become attainable. For example, biomolecular and (in)organic systems with new

properties can be used for imaging in a cell, or for the rigorously topical administration of medicines. One

step further is the deployment of more complex structures for diagnosis and treatment. With nanodevices,

molecular diagnostics and imaging can be combined with therapy. Implants can be given active and passive

functional components that may perform a local analysis or medicine administration specifically to the right

place and/or at the right time, or that may provide a wireless report of progress or problems with the treatment.

Biosensors lend themselves much better to wide-ranging use within nanotechnology since they are easier to

use, cheaper, and potentially quicker than traditional equipment, while they only need a minute quantity of

samples. It opens the door to diagnostics where they are needed, as well as diagnostics performed at home.

Biosensors that can detect very small changes in molecular composition, for example in blood, such as the

increased presence of proteins or antibodies, help to arrive at early diagnoses. The determination of nucleic

acids in the body tissue of patients enables physicians to offer bespoke treatments for individual patients. In

the medium term molecular machines and smart, miniaturised tools based on nano will make their entry in the

medical toolkit, giving physicians potential action points to improve the treatment of diseases and to combat

symptoms of illness more efficiently, providing (chronic) patients with a better quality of life.

3.2.1 Nanomedicine

3.2 Application areas

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Some examples of ‘nanomedicine’ are:

• The early detection of biomarkers indicating the incidence of breast cancer, enabling doctors to

give the patient accurate, patient-specific treatment.

• Research into the early detection of Alzheimer by studying protein aggregates and tissue at the

atomic scale.

• The development of functional, radioactive nanoconstructs for making symptoms of illness vis-

ible in a non-invasive way and for therapy support with the help of PET imaging.

• The continuous measurement of a biological activity, linked to the administration of an active

substance, for example measuring the blood sugar level, coupled with the active administration

of insulin.

• Topical and time-controlled study and administration of medicines, for example proteins and

other biologicals, with the help of a ‘pill-on-a-chip’.

• The production of artificial tissue from stem cells by stimulating the cell growth with the help of

nanostructured surfaces.

AFM image showing fibril of a Parkinson patient, UTwente

Sensor for measuring lithium content in the blood, Medimate

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Research environmentResearch groups contributing to the development of this research theme mainly engage in biology and

biophysics on the molecular and cellular scale, nanofluidics, the physics and (bio)chemistry of functional

nanoparticles, pharmaceutics and cell biology. The research takes place at virtually every university in the

Netherlands, both at the three universities of technology (Delft, Eindhoven, Twente) and at the general

universities (Leiden, Vrije Universiteit and the Universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen, Nijmegen, and

to a lesser extent also in Rotterdam, Maastricht and Wageningen). In addition, the FOM Institute AMOLF

also contributes significantly to the development of this research area. For the translation of this research to

applications with clinical significance, it is crucially important that academic medical research groups, with a

sound knowledge of the origin of processes of illness, participate in the research. Clinicians will play an important

role in nanomedicine, both for coining relevant research questions in the basic research, and for testing out

the applications in the clinical practice. Much self-organisation already exists in this field, for example in the

CTMM and BMM programmes, in which public and private research groups are cooperating on innovations in

the domain of nanomedicine, aimed at diagnostics and devices respectively, or in joint partnerships between

(bio)physical and medical groups at the university and in the academic hospitals (Amsterdam, Rotterdam,

Maastricht, Nijmegen, Groningen and Utrecht). The NNI will primarily focus on the intersection between

biology, medicines and chemistry, and physics.

The Netherlands has many companies, large and small, involved in nanomedicine. Philips is universally

acknowledged as important in the field. Furthermore, many SMEs and start-up companies are operating in the

same sector. It is an area with many opportunities, which the companies are willing to take on. A complete list

of Dutch companies active in this field falls outside the scope of this overview, but here are a few examples:

In the area of diagnostics: Philips, Medtronic and many smaller companies, such as Eurodiagnostica, Future

Diagnostics, HBT, EVL, Medimate, Pamgene, Checkpoints, BLGG, GroenAgro, RelabDenHahn, Sanguin, Zebra

Bioscience, River Diagnostics, BioDetectionSystems, Prionics, CCL, Sillikers, iBIS, Lionix, Nanosens, Ecochem,

Skyline Diagnostics, Agendia, FlexGen, Diagnoptics, Hycult, Immunicon.

In the area of molecular imaging: Philips, Mallinckrodt, Cyclotron, with potential for spin-offs among biotech

companies such as Crucell, Genmab, Schering-Plough, Solvay.

For the targeted and topical administration of medication: Schering-Plough, DSM, Philips, Medtronic, Pharming,

Octoplus, and smaller companies like Medspray, Syntarga, to-BBB.

In the area of reconstructive medicine: Medtronic, DSM, Schering-Plough, Philips, and smaller companies like

HepArt, Pharmacell.

What do we want to achieve and why?The success in this subject will primarily depend on three factors. Firstly, the extent to which biophysicians,

biochemists and biologists succeed in gaining a fundamental understanding of the way a cell functions, and

the associated fundamental building blocks and chemical processes, in relation to the role they play in the

functioning of life processes and the incidence of disease. Secondly, the extent to which physicians and chemists

will be successful in making new nanostructures with the help of top-down and bottom-up methods, that can

engage into interactions with relevant biological components. The challenge in this respect lies in the combination

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of observations of living nature and the translation of those observations to functional, synthetic constructs,

nanoelectronic components and artificial molecular machines. Thirdly, the translation of the observations and

nanotechnological innovations into medical applications with added clinical value. Within nanomedicine, it is

proposed that the following research lines would be considered as very important for the Netherlands.

Unravelling the cause and development of diseases - Understanding fundamental processes and causes

behind certain diseases. Research into receptors and action points for therapeutics. The identification of

molecules, the so-called biomarkers, which are characteristic for a particular disease or the origin of the

disease. The development of nanosensors for research within a cell (development of nanoneedles, fluorescent

probes). Implantable sensors and regulating devices.

Nanotechnology for diagnostics - Lab-on-a-chip and other miniaturised biosensing systems that are capable

of accurately detecting various (bio)markers. Furthermore, the development of nanoparticles and biological/

chemical nanoconstructs that can make the diagnostics even more specific and accurate. Integrated

chemosensors and biosensors in order to determine several types of analytes.

Molecular imaging - an important field that requires the development of contrast agents with an increased

specificity and with the potential to be space saving, enabling functional characterisation with or without

medication. Furthermore, research is required into tissue-specific contrast agents that will improve the

detection of certain types of tissue and any abnormalities in them, providing a better contrast. The same

applies to agents that may deliver information specific to the illness. Expectations are high for real-time

imaging capable of visualising occurrences like pH changes, protein interaction, or ion channels in cells,

because these agents will make it possible to study the effects of medication on the environment at cell level.

Molecular imaging enables non-invasive diagnostics and the study of disease processes, making it possible

for the right therapy to be selected and to establish the effect of the therapy.

Nanotechnology for targeted medication administration - the development of materials and devices that

will provide the topical and targeted administration of medication. Injectable administration systems such

as deposits and colloidal drug carriers, as well as minimally invasive transdermal and implantable devices.

These systems make it possible to deliver pharmaceutical and biotechnological drugs (proteins, vaccines,

nucleotides) at a controlled time, to a specific location. Probes that can monitor processes such as the release

of drugs and therapeutic activity. The application may focus on the administration of biotechnological

medicines and vaccines with limited stability and solubility, or with significant side effects.

Nanotechnology for reconstructive medicine - the area in which intelligent biomaterials can be used for in-

vitro and in-vivo control of the recovery process. Intelligent implants can be equipped with nanoelectronics for

wireless communication. The application of biomaterials for the recovery and repair of malfunctioning body

functions, for example by adjusting the functions of cells or muscles, by making structures for the filtration of

bodily fluids or for the production of hormones.





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IntroductionSound nutrition and health often go hand in hand. The steadily ageing population, health, health care costs,

etc., provide a pressing need for innovations to prevent health problems arising (preventive health care) and

to contribute to the quality of life. In the years to come, ageing and the problems associated with obesity will

have an enormous impact on society, visible in the cost of health care and the loss of productive labour. The

food industry therefore faces a challenge to produce products corresponding to the latest insights in the area of

healthy eating, but that are nevertheless commercial. It means that these foods must also comply with the strict

requirements imposed by the consumer in terms of taste, convenience and food safety. In summary, it presents

an enormous technological challenge. Nanotechnology can help to address this challenge on several levels.

The encapsulation of nutrients is an application whereby nanotechnology is used to create a wall of a capsule

while providing new possibilities for releasing the content. It therefore becomes possible to encapsulate certain

ingredients into microcapsules or nanocapsules. These capsules ensure that the content does not interact with

the environment or with other substances in the product, possible resulting in an unpleasant taste. Resulting

that the substances are released in the area where they have the largest effect, or that they are better absorbed

by the stomach or bowels. There is a clear link with areas of nanomedicine focusing on the accurate and rapid

administration of medication, for example not via the metabolism or by injection but via the lungs or the skin.

The latter is already applied in new textile applications.

The quality and safety of food in industrialised countries have never been as good as they are now. However,

there is still scope for improvement, according to data about the numbers of doctors’ visits and hospital

admissions following intake of wrong or contaminated food. Nanotechnology enables us to use quicker, more

sensitive and more specific measurements and to determine whether certain food products have a quality issue.

In health care, the value of nano-biochips mainly lies in an early diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, imaging

techniques, materials for bone and tissue replacement, measured drug administration, self-healing materials,

and self-diagnostics for home use. These topics are addressed in greater detail in nanomedicine.

Nanotechnology will definitely play a role in the packaging industry. The objectives in this respect are longer

storage times of food products and more information about the quality of the packaged food. The application

of RFID tags (Radio Frequency IDentification labels) will be extended with direct information about the product

or outlining the route from the production site to the consumer. Nano-structured membranes can be used for

the measured administration of liquids, gases and medicines, among other things, or for filtering bacteria or

enzymes from liquids.

Research environmentAn important research environment for this theme is provided by the Top Institute ‘Food and Nutrition’,

the former ‘Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences’, the research school VLAG and the research programme


Organisations active in the area of nanotechnology are TNO, Kwaliteit van Leven, Zeist en materiaal tech-

3.2.2 Nutrition

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nologie, Eindhoven, Unilever Food Research Centre, Vlaardingen, University of Amsterdam, Department of

Molecular Biology & Microbial Food Safety, Swammerdam Institute of Life Science, Amsterdam, Groningen,

Wageningen, MESA+ (UTwente), Friesland Foods, Campina, Universiteit van Maastricht, NIZO Food research,

Ede, Debye Research Institute, Vant Hoff Lab, University of Utrecht, Dutch Separation Technology Institute,

Numico research.

Applications of nanotechnology in foodstuffs and health are the encapsulation of biomaterials

or nutrients into nanocapsules. These are invisible and tasteless. Furthermore, the capsules can

be opened at any time, subject to preference, for example by reacting to the pH level in the


New packaging materials extend the shelf life of food products in the supply chain for fresh food,

while indicators and sensors based on nanotechnology inform the consumer of the product’s


Nanotechnology brings an innovation wave in the processes required to produce foodstuffs, far

beyond incremental improvements. One example is the use of sieves for removing bacteria from

products and to pasteurise them in a chilled condition. In the long term, nanotechnology may

even be able to make a contribution to better meat-substitutes based on vegetable proteins.

Crease including water, for light products, Nanomi




RFID-label for food monitoring, IMEC

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In the area of food safety: RIKILT Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands, TNO

Kwaliteit van Leven, Hogeschool Zuyd, Rathenau Institute, RU (NCMLS), Wageningen, UvAmsterdam.

Many large concerns and SMEs are involved in this field. Here are just a few: DSM, Numico, Holst Centre / TNO,

Friesland Food, Stork Food & Dairy Systems, Qanbridge, Cargill, Lionix, Innofood, Aquamarijn, Nanomi

What do we want to achieve and why?The roadmap ‘Microsystem- & Nanotechnology in Food & Nutrition’21 pinpointed four favourable areas for the

Dutch food industry, for which nano and microtechnology play an important role and which are also of interest

to public health. The proposed research lines are as follows.

Filteren en fractioneren - The development of process technology components in the form of sieves and

filters. Potential applications take on the form of sieves and filters. The possibilities include the purification

and filtration of raw materials and semi-manufactured products, fractional separation and cold sterilisation.

Another possibility is equipment that replaces unhealthy components (such as saturated fats) by healthier

components (unsaturated fats or fat substitutes).

Sensor/detection systems and processing - The development of sensors and diagnostic kits able to meas-

ure the quality of food quicker and cheaper than existing methods, to monitor the production process and

to detect microbial and other types of contamination in time. Furthermore, the field engages into the down-

scaling of the production and preparation of food. This can be done in the form of devices that are oper-

ating locally, on the farm or at the consumer’s home (filtering, mixing, emulsifying, individualised food).

Installing those units in parallel allows upscaling, creating flexible central production units.

Emulsions, texture and delivery systems - The manufacture of foodstuffs with a different texture and/or

composition. It may be done through double emulsions (water-in-fat-in-water). It thus becomes possible to

prepare ingredients with a very low fat content. Delivery systems are applied for which functional ingredi-

ents such as vitamins are released in carefully controlled doses, under control of a programme, for example

during eating (aromatic substances) or in the body (delicate nutrients). In addition, improving the solubility

of nutrients or medicines through nano-encapsulation can boost their effectiveness.

Packaging & Logistics - This topic is approached in two different ways. The first approach focuses on ingre-

dients for the improved wrapping of food, for example to protect it against oxidation or light. The second

one couples the packaging to sensors and/or RFIDs. Sensors can point out the status of the product in the

packaging and, where possible, even correct it in combination with actuators. RFIDs can carry data about

the composition, origin and/or actual status of the food (such as vitamin content or hardness of fruit).

21 Prisma & Partners, MinacNed, July 2006





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From the above themes, it emerges that process and product innovations with nanotechnology cannot only lead

to cost savings, but that the technology currently under development can also make it possible for ingredients to

be combined that cannot yet be processed together. The application of nanotechnology in food and health can

clearly benefit the individual consumer. The cold sterilisation of food with delicate ingredients, the programmed

and gradual release of flavouring and aromatic substances, the advanced local preparation of food, these are only

a few examples of the possibilities that must be studied and developed in the future.

An important action point in the application of nanotechnology in food and health is consumer acceptance. Wage-

ningen University (Marketing and Consumer Behaviour) carries out research into the factors and mechanisms influ-

encing consumer acceptance, and into how the pitfalls still hampering applications of biotechnology in this sector

can be avoided.

IntroductionAn application in which nanotechnology’s role is steadily growing is energy provision. The essay ‘Duurzame

energie dichterbij met nanotechnologie’ (Sustainable energy brought within closer reach, commissioned by the

Rathenau Institute) explores the possibilities of nanotechnology for energy provision. The essay is based on

interviews with ten Dutch researchers and advisers whose area of expertise ranges from catalysis to networks

and from coal to solar energy. It transpires that nanotechnology can be of clear benefit to energy provision.

Both through the development and improvement of conversions, such as natural gas converted to diesel and

sunlight converted to electricity or hydrogen, as through the miniaturisation of electronic control systems for an

intelligent Energy Internet.

By the same token, the storage of electricity in batteries or in hydrogen has a lot to gain from developments in

nanotechnology (particularly catalysis, ion conduction and hydrides). In addition, nanotechnology can contribute

to a more economical use of energy, for example, by developing lighter materials and LEDs (light emitting

diodes). The main economic growth market of nanotechnology in this field lies in energy-saving technologies

by using more advanced materials, added to the more obvious points of new materials for energy storage via

battery technology, hydrogen storage and fuel cells.

Great things are expected from solar energy in the longer run, for example by quantum dot structures that

can greatly improve the yield. Research is taking place in the area of the Grätzel solar cell, a cell based on

nanoparticles, and into organic solar cells. New colorants, such as biodyes, will need to be found in order to

increase the yield.

Nanostructured materials, such as membranes, find their application in the separation of gases (for example,

CO2 and pervaporation) or the influencing of bacteria in biomass processes.

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Research environmentIn the field of energy provision, no additional research initiative in the Netherlands is currently explicitly fo-

cused on nano technology. However, nanotechnology has been integrated as a component in other projects,

for example projects on hydrogen storage within ACTS. ECN is a research institute actively researching energy

and energy provision in the Netherlands.

Groups active in the area of solar energy are:

Research institute expertise

AMOLF nanophotonics

Leiden Photosynthesis , conversion of sunlight to fuel

Nijmegen high yield III-V solar cells, organic solar cells

TUDelft opto-electric characterisation, conversion of sunlight into fuel, wind energy, membranes, fuel cells, electricity storage

TU/e photovoltaic quantum dots, organic and amorphous silicon solar cells, membranes, hydrogen storage, organic LEDs, electricity storage

RUGroningen organic solar cells, conversion of sunlight into fuel, organic LEDs

Utrecht interfaces, light trapping, conversion of sunlight into fuel

UTwente new materials, membranes, biomass, fuel cells, electricity storage

UvA nano-photonics, Photosynthesis

VU Photosynthesis, conversion of sunlight into fuel, hydrogen storage

Wageningenbiometics of chlorophyll, organic solar cells, conversion of sunlight into fuel, chlorophyll, organic solar cells, conversion of sunlight into fuel, wind energy, biomass, membranes

ECN Solar energy, wind energy, membranes

Philips Research Anorganic and organic LEDs, batteries, alternative methods for local energy scavenging

Shell Rijswijk Sensors for the extraction of oil

Companies active in the realm of solar energy are: Helianthos/Nuon Solland Solar, Scheuten Solar, AST, Shell,

Holst Centre, and SynCom.

Companies active in the field of biomass energy are: Shell, BTG, Biofuel, BIOeCON. Membranes are the subject

of a great deal of activity in the Netherlands. Apart from Shell, the following organisations are engaged in

it: Pervatech, Ecoceramics, Norit-X-flow, Parker, Ceparation, TNO. In relation to fuel cells, material research

is primarily being carried out with Nedstack as industrial partner. The research into hydrogen storage is the

subject of a national research programme, with Hygear and Shell hydrogen as industrial partners. In the field

of energy savings by using LEDs, research is partnered by Philips, Holst Centre and NXP. Philips and Holst are

involved in the area of integrated batteries (electricity storage).

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gy Applications of nanotechnology in the realm of energy provision often involve material sciences.

One example is the research into intelligent (or energy-generating) windows, for which applications

are envisaged in solar energy. Other examples are: the development of materials that can absorb

hydrogen for storage or the development of materials with oxygen permeability for fuel cells. Rein-

forced and/or lighter-weight materials can be applied in turbines and vanes used for wind energy.

Wear-resistant materials will contribute to the durability and hence also be accommodated within

the energy-saving theme..

Nanopattern for better uptake of sunlight

Surface studies for fuel cells

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What do we want to achieve and why?The transition to sustainable energy management is a particularly long-term process, requiring the application

and improvement of existing technologies for energy generation (more precisely: energy conversion), distribu-

tion, storage and use, as well as the development and implementation of new technologies. Nanotechnology

will play an important role in both categories by improving the performance or reducing the costs of existing

technologies. Furthermore, it will also form the basis of entirely new systems, with the promise of excellent

performance and/or very low costs. In addition, nanotechnology can create new application possibilities and

improve durability.

The following research lines are proposed:

The efficient generation of sustainable energy - Improved and entirely new types of solar cells will need

to be developed for the efficient generation of electricity through photovoltaic conversion. Possible avenues

for nanotechnology are quantum dot structures providing an improvement of the conversion yield by

shaping the solar spectrum, the improved use of high-tech light, optimised absorption properties, etc.

Besides, nanostructured (hybrid) materials will make it possible to use very cheap (and in some cases, low-

quality) materials by minimising the transport distances in the cell and through improved light household,


Solar energy for generating heat - Solar collectors can be improved by applying spectral selective layers

(extremely high light absorption in combination with low heat emission) or heat transferring layers (excellent

transfer of heat between different media).

Solar energy production of fuels - Hydrogen is a good case in point. Nanotechnology plays a role by

applying catalytically active, nanostructured materials. These materials will suppress the degradation of

catalysts and improve the yield. Naturally, the trend is increasingly in favour of applying microreactors.

An important new development is the conversion of sunlight to fuel by means of integrated nanosystems

based on efficient multi-electron catalysis processes, derived from the photosynthesis processes in nature.

The fundamental challenge is to find the scales for energy, time and length in which the catalysis works

efficiently, and which can be applied for making photo anodes for separating water and photo cathodes for

the synthesis of hydrogen and methanol from CO2. This is dubbed ‘The Artificial Leaf’. The low efficiency of

biomass conversion can be improved by the direct conversion of sunlight to fuel in vivo. To that effect, it will

be necessary to achieve an engineering platform for quantitative system biology, as a foundation for the

continuous improvement with synthetic biology, bioblocks and hybrid systems, based on life as well as on

artificial systems. This is about fundamental breakthroughs, which are extremely important to the provision

of food and the reduction of water consumption in the future.





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Wind energy - With this form of energy, we can expect developments in ‘self-healing’ and self-cleaning

materials (M2i, IOP Self Healing Materials) ensuring a longer economic life and improved behaviour. For

example, corrosion sensors will become important in sea-based wind parks.

Efficient energy consumption through the secondary conversion of energy and the separation of sub-stances - An essential component within this topic is the study and application of nanostructured materials for

separation applications, including carbon dioxide recovery and pervaporation (separation of mixtures). Nanos-

tructured materials also form the basis for new catalysts for fuel extraction from biomass. Nanomaterials will

be applied for the upgrading of cellulose (biomass from woody plants) and for bio-catalysis, for the prepara-

tion of products from biomass and the influencing of bacteria for improvement of ethanol synthesis.

Nanotechnology for energy storage - Nanostructures that can absorb and yield large quantities of heat

quickly and efficiently. Nanostructures for lithium-ion batteries: extension of economic life and increase of

storage capacity. Nanostructured materials for hydrogen storage as well as catalytically active materials for

hydrogen production.

Inorganic and organic LEDS with extremely high efficiency - LEDS are nanostructures within which elec-

tronic power is converted into light. Nanotechnology offers opportunities to further increase the efficiency of

LEDs, using economically attractive production methods.





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IntroductionNanotechnology can be used to convert (dirty) surface water to water of the desired quality. Membranes filter

dust particles, micro-organisms and organic material from the water. With nanotechnology, it is possible to

produce the pores in the ultra-fine membranes with even greater precision, making it possible to remove almost

100 per cent of all micro-organisms. There is an option of controlling the pore size in order to select which

particles will be allowed to pass through and which are left behind. The same applies to particles that are

neutral or loaded. In order to filter salt ions another big step is needed. Not only the filtration is important, but

also the quantity of water that needs to be purified, in case it is applied in regions with insufficient access to

safe drinking water. Besides, it is worth pointing out that developing countries will only be able to make use of

these applications if the technology is made available in an affordable way.

Another form of water purification is binding unwanted components to nanoparticles. The particles then need

to be separated by means of the aforementioned membranes, but it can also be done by magnetic separation

in the event we use magnetic particles.

Nanotechnology is playing a growing role for the monitoring of water quality. The control of ammonia occurs

through tiny measuring instruments, based on lab-on-a-chip measuring instruments using nanochannels. This

makes it possible to work with absolutely minute quantities, which helps to make a quick diagnosis.

Research environmentThe research carried out in the Netherlands into clean water is internationally renowned and referred to at

a rate that exceeds the average score. Important knowledge institutes in the Netherlands focusing on the

water sector, are: GeoDelft, TUDelft, UTwente (MESA+, Impact), Wageningen, TNO, Kiwa, Unesco-IHE, WL/

Delft Hydraulics, Radboud University Nijmegen (IWWR).

The research is partially clustered in Wetsus, a centre for sustainable water technology and a research

institute combining the efforts of the private sector and prominent research institutes. Wetsus focuses on the

development of new technologies in the area of sustainable water. The added value of the institute lies in its

multidisciplinary approach of biotechnology and separation technology. The companies that have joined up

to Wetsus as participants determine the research programme of Wetsus. The research is organised by Wetsus

under the scientific responsibility of the universities in Wageningen, Delft, Twente, Eindhoven and Groningen.

Since June 2007, Wetsus has been operating as a Technological Top Institute.

3.2.4 Clean water

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n w

Ater Applications of nanotechnology in water purification are primarily performed by filtering the water

through sieves with pores of only a few manometers in size. Pores of 200 to 300 manometers are

used to sterilise or remove micro-organisms. For desalination, the pores required measure 1 nm. A

problem that may arise is the flux, which is sharply reduced for such tiny pores.

Pollutants are coupled to magnetic nanoparticles before the particles are diverted away by

means of a strong magnetic field. The particles concerned nevertheless need to be rinsed clean

afterwards. Nanoparticles can also be used in situ in order to achieve certain chemical or biological

conversions in the soil, whereby the polluting components are decomposed.

The detection of pollutants is quite widespread. The drinking water in Paris is checked for ammonium

concentration by making use of minute and fast measuring tools based on nanochannels.

Filtration of water, Norit

Ammonia sensor,

BIOS UTwente

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Research into water is also clustered in the Institute for Water and Wetland Research in Nijmegen, a research

institute in which the social sectors, private sector and prominent research institute has joined forces. IWWR

focuses on the development of new biological technologies in the area of sustainable water management. The

research is performed under the responsibility of the Radboud University in collaboration with the University

of Duisburg-Essen in Germany.

Companies active in this field are:

Shell Global Solutions, Unilever, Philips, Friesland Foods, KIWA Water Research, Norit/X-flow, Nuon, Magneto

Special Anodes, Lionix, Schlumberger Water Services, Paques, Nederlandse Waterleidingbedrijven, Triqua,

Bioclear, Landustrie, Esco Salt, Hi-light Opto Electronics, Global Membrains, Aquacare Europe, Heineken, DSM,

DOW, BrightSpark, STOWA, RIZA, DELTARES, Paques BV, Grontmij, Witteveen & Bos.

What do we want to achieve and why?The sensing (measuring and monitoring) of water quality is considered an extremely important line of research.

This follows from the fact that safeguarding the water quality by the rapid detection of pathogens as well as

toxic substances in drinking water, sewage and surface water is particularly socially relevant, and that such

detection methods are currently still inadequate or simply unavailable. Since nanotechnology is eminently

suitable for the quick and very selective detection of small quantities of pollutants and pathogens (genomics,

selective adsorption of nanoparticles with an extremely large specific surface, optofluidics, lab-on-a-chip

systems), great expectations exist in this area.

An important action point for the development of nanotechnology with a view to improving water purification

processes, is that the production of drinking water, the processing of sewage and the purification of surface

water are bulk processes and that low investment costs and low variable costs are therefore marginal conditions

for the applicability of new (nano)technology.

Given these marginal conditions, nanotechnology is particularly considered a useful option for the very selective

removal of traces (in the ppb to ppm area) of organic and inorganic pollutants and of pathogens.

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Another promising line of research for clean water, in which nanotechnology plays an important role, is the

development of membranes with improved filtration and/or purification properties. For example, it is possible by

the chemical modification of the membrane surface or by incorporating enzyme functions into membranes.

In addition, new separation technologies must be examined as an alternative for membranes, for example for

desalination, in order to reduce operational costs as well as energy consumption.

In the Netherlands, a number of research areas have been defined in relation to clean water, which tie in with

the developments in the realm of nanotechnology. Within the NNI, the following research lines have been put


Detection during process water and drinking water, and during the purification of wastewater - This

requires remote sensing, the development of efficient and cheap detection equipment for the re-use of

lightly soiled household water. New sensor concepts for contaminants.

Re-use of saline waste water - This includes the development of bio-conversions with high salt concentrations,

allowing the clean saline water to be reused or to be discharged safely. Nanotechnology can play a role in the

development of non-corrosive materials for these processes.

Desalination - The development of selective membranes for the separation of specific components. Alter-

natives for membrane processes such as the development of adsorption processes with (nano)particles with

functionalised surfaces.

Membrane-bioreactors - Reduction of the energy flux, increase of the flux by preventing pollution, the

development of new applications. Nanofluidics for studying transport phenomena.

Clogging of membranes for the preparation of drinking water and process water - Development of

methods for the in-situ measurement of the accumulation of particles at the membrane surface (biofilms,

caking and pollution). The development of chemical and physical methods for cleaning the soiled membranes.

New membrane functionalities for self-recycling and the prevention of pollution by using design coatings.

Energy generation from water - Recycling the waste recovered from water for the generation of energy,

electricity or hydrogen. Development of biocompatible electrodes. Selective membranes and activated

electrodes are components for which nanotechnology can provide significant contributions.





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3.3 Impact society and risk analysis In this section, we will look at the impact nanotechnology will have on our society. Additionally, measures will

need to be taken to study and avoid any risks associated with the production and use of nanoparticles.

IntroductionNanotechnology is already having a major impact on our society, and this is set to increase further still.

Frequently, the only risks being considered are the potential risks posed by small particles, but nanotechnology

will have broader consequences. To name but a few examples: it will affect privacy, security, market influences,

conceptualisation, etc. Personal details will become more easily known and accessible as a result of significantly

faster data processing (faster computers, new media) and new techniques (for the unravelling of DNA structures,

quicker diagnostics). Society needs to anticipate these developments. Sensitivity to security plays an important

role in this respect. The market will pick up on it and it will become a driving force behind our economy, similar

to the far-reaching position occupied by the semiconductor industry over the last few decades.

For that reason, it is important that society is made more aware of nanotechnology. There is a need for good-

quality information to be made available in the public domain. There is a risk that ignorance of nanotechnology

may become an obstacle to further developments. Within the Netherlands, a great deal of research is

being carried out in this field and it can consequently be considered as a legitimate generic theme within

nanotechnology in the Netherlands.

Nanotechnology products can only be developed responsibly and subsequently admitted to the market if the

potential risks they pose to people and the environment have been sufficiently researched. On the one hand,

the potential risks relate to effects of exposure to nanoparticles and on the other hand, to the effects of

using nanotechnology products. A comprehensive system of national and international laws and regulations

is in force, both for chemical substances and for their applications in products. Furthermore, producers are

individually responsible for bringing safe products onto the market. The approach to chemical substances in

nanoform will not be any different from the prevailing approach to chemical substances.

However, performing this risk analysis is still marred by a serious problem, when the risks to people and the

environment are evaluated against existing norms and the derivation of substance-specific norms. The

research questions are partly of a methodological nature, and they partly relate to the executive research.

On the methodological side, sound analytical detection methods and insight still need to be developed into

which properties of particles determine the creation of toxic effects. For existing chemical substances, such

insight has already been acquired through years of experience, and this very insight is crucially important to

extrapolate any risks found on the basis of data from experimental research to the level of public health and

the environment.

Such insight is also essential to derive norms and to interpret the consequences of any boundaries being


The more executive research, for example for determining the relationship between dosage and effect, forms

part of product development and it will therefore in the first instance need to be carried out by the private


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ct Developments such as lab-on-a-chip open up possibilities like testing your blood at home instead

of in a hospital lab. The advantage is a much quicker diagnosis, useful to adjust medication levels

or to involve the GP at an early stage. The responsibility therefore shifts from the doctor (hospital)

to the patient or the manufacturer of the measuring devices. This shift in responsibility will have

legal, insurance-related and human consequences.

Establishing a person’s DNA profile facilitates recognition through individuality, but it also makes

people more vulnerable when intimate details are disclosed. Examples of risks associated with

nanotechnology are the effects of nanoparticles during the inhalation or application of cosmet-

ics. Furthermore, an increasing number of nanoparticles in food and medication are ingested

through the mouth.

‘Size matters’. The properties of nanoparticles often differ from the same substance in bulk. For

example, large particles of gold are not reactive, contrary to nanoparticles of gold..

DNA structure

Virus covered with nano-particles for

virusdetection, Ellen Goldbaum, Buffalo

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For the time being, research into the risks of nanoparticles has remained under the public radar. In accordance

with the dynamics of new technologies, all eyes were on the development of the technology itself, both at

national and international level. Since scores of products are already under development and on the market

nowadays, it is vital that we now gain insight into the risks they may pose to workers, to public health and to

the environment. Money needs to be allocated to this type of research with great urgency.

Overall, numerous research questions arise, that are not specific to the situation in the Netherlands, nor are

they always specific to a particular application area. Since nanotechnology is still very much in the infancy

stage, it is too early to make any final decisions on what we consider to be the most beneficial areas of research.

We are strongly devoted to wide-ranging basic research, which makes a global differentiation in programme

choices quite problematic. It is therefore not surprising that the OESO has compiled a special work programme

in order to resolve the research questions. The programme concerned is considered authoritative at global level

by political leaders and in scientific circles alike. The Netherlands is actively represented in the various compo-

nents of the work programme. The Dutch input into the programme partly depends on existing and attainable

knowledge and partly on the financial means available to perform research.

The selection of research questions to be tackled in the Netherlands should be made on the basis of several

lines of reasoning. The starting point for research into the public domain would need to be that the results

must be able to support regulating and supervisory frameworks and also whether they can underpin the devel-

opment and application of nanotechnology. The latter will help the private sector to plot a positive course of

action for mapping out the potential risks of their products. To that effect, more funding must be secured for

purposeful as well as explorative research, which means that they can both be part of the agenda.

As a guiding principle, any areas of expertise that already have a good or excellent basis in the Netherlands

must be given the means to extend those facilities for research into the risks associated with nanoparticles.

Research environmentIn April 2006, the Health Council published an important report, entitled ‘Betekenis van nanotechnologieën

voor de gezondheid’ (The relevance of nanotechnologies to our health, April 2006)22. The report concluded

that there are still many uncertainties about the risks to people and the environment. It is recommended to

adopt a precautionary principle for as long as the uncertainties persist.

In November 2006, the Cabinet’s vision document Nanotechnology stated that an Observation Point will be set

up to draw the attention to any risks associated with exposure to nanoparticles and nanotechnology products

to people and to the environment. In order to alert to those risks, it is import that the Observation Point and

NNI establish good channels of communication.

A number of research groups are currently active in the Netherlands in relation to risks associated with exposure

to nanoparticles and nanotechnology products. Some of those groups enjoy an excellent international

reputation in this comparatively new area of research.

22 ‘Betekenis van nanotechnologieën voor de gezondheid’, Gezondheidsraad, april 2006

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Marginal conditions for belonging to the prominent research groups in this respect are a sound scientific

reputation in the same terrain for existing chemical substances and/or strong interdisciplinary collaboration.

In the Netherlands, the following institutes and universities are currently contributing to high-quality research

into the risks associated with exposure to nanoparticles and nanotechnology products for people and the


Academic institute expertise

AMC/Coronel Instituut work and health

Zuyd University side effects of nanoparticles

IVAM/UvAenvironmental and health effects of nanotechnological developments in construction

KIWA/RIZA water research

RIKILT food safety

WageningenUR toxicology, marketing and consumer behaviour

RIVM health risks

TNO environmental aspects

TopInstitute Pharma drug applications, biomarkers

UTwente 'Science, Technology, Health and Policy Studies', Technology Assessment

UUtrecht Technology Assessment

TUDelft Technology Assessment

Rathenau Institute Technology Assessment

TILT (Tilburg University) socio-ethical implications

NMi Law & Nanotechnology

What do we want to achieve and why?It would be hard to predict the impact nanotechnology is set to have on society. This field will unfold on the

intersections of the generic themes and the application areas. All groups engaged with nanotechnology must

be aware of the effects nanotechnology may hold. Questions in how and why must form an integral part of

research programmes in the field of nanotechnology. Assessment studies are essential, with good cooperation

between the triad of researchers, entrepreneurs and sociologists.

It may be a complex issue, yet it is not impossible to evaluate the risks associated with exposure to nanoparti-

cles and nanotechnological products to people and the environment. Firstly, we need to identify the relevant

research questions, and then answer them. The subject calls for far-reaching international and effective co-

operation. The OESO’s work programme and the Framework Programme of the EU are eminently suitable in

this respect. Generally speaking, the main research questions have already been identified, with the help of

input from the Netherlands. The Netherlands nevertheless needs to remain involved during the process that

will see the research questions becoming more specific.

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Measuring methods and equipment - Uncertainty still abounds about exposing people (in the workplace

and as consumers) and the environment to nanoparticles. Equipment needs to be developed for measuring

emissions and exposure, for example at personal level. Furthermore, measuring methods must be compiled

to determine the properties of particles, relevant for describing the relationship between dosage and (eco)

toxic effects. Standards and certification procedures are needed for measuring devices used to measure the

exposure to nanoparticles.

Dosimetry - As yet, it is impossible to establish the best units for describing the dose. Further research is

needed into which particle properties best describe the dose. A strong multidisciplinary approach between

chemists, mathematicians and (eco)toxicologists is essential on this point.

Toxicokinetics/behaviour of substances - To what extent are particles absorbed, where do they end up in

the body, for how long do they stay there? Comparable research is needed for the behaviour of nanoparticles

in the environment. The Netherlands has high-quality knowledge on pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics at

its disposal, both in the area of pharmaceutical research and in the area of material research. This knowledge

forms a strong starting point for further specialisation in the direction of nanoparticles. The research pro-

gramme must focus on gaining insight into how the properties of particles influence the behaviour of those

particles in people and in the environment. Only when that has been achieved will it be possible to achieve a

proper evaluation of the risks..

Relationship between dose and effect for people and the environment - Clarity is particularly needed

around the question of whether the toxicological end points, which are now used as standard for the various

contexts, are also applicable to the potential effects resulting from nanoparticles. Furthermore, checks are

needed to examine whether the methods used for testing are valid. Close interaction between (eco)toxicolo-

gists and risk assessors are essential in this area.

Risk assessment and legal implementation - Are the available methods and evaluation strategies also appli-

cable to nanoparticles? It is as yet impossible to extrapolate data for particles measuring 50 nm on average

to particles of greater sizes. This means that in practice, each particle size of a substance must be considered

as a new substance with an associated toxicological file by the regulatory instances. Furthermore, it implies

that a separate standard must be compiled for every particle size. All the aforementioned research themes

will eventually need to contribute to resolve the practical limitations in risk assessment. From the context of

risk assessment, close cooperation is not only required with academic circles but also a high level of mutual

consultation with regulatory instances. Given its close involvement with various activities under REACH, the

Netherlands already has a good basis to deal with this.

Risk-benefit analysis - Transparent methods for weighing off the risks against the benefits will be crucial to

getting nanotechnology products accepted by the consumer in the longer term.





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As previously mentioned, it is still necessary to aim for wide-ranging basic research. The research programme

nevertheless needs to provide openings for extending the programme into specific application areas, based on

advancing developments. The following research lines have been prioritised based on the importance and pres-

ence of prominent expertise in the Netherlands.

With the results of the risk survey associated with the research agenda, the NNI wants to ensure that research

into (eco)toxicology and risk assessment is given sufficient priority or will continue to be given sufficient atten-

tion on international level.

This position will help to ensure that the private sector will do its utmost to ensure that the products brought on

the market are safe. In addition, it will make a significant contribution to getting nanotechnology products ac-

cepted by society, also on a social level. Lastly, thorough risk assessment is needed to arrive at a well-considered

risk-benefit analysis.

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The toolbox: how and where to invest

Before the Netherlands Nano Initiative can be implemented and made into a success, investment is needed

in five areas: (1) investment in research and human capital; (2) investment in and alongside companies; (3)

investment in broadly accessible infrastructure; (4) public-private partnerships, and (5) investment in society.

The realisation requires a structural budget (with a run-up process) of at least 100 million Euros per year for a

ten-year period. The estimate is based on temporary regular budgets of NWO and NanoNed/NanoImpuls for


The objective is to increase fundamental knowledge, taking into account potential applications of that

knowledge; to safeguard the Netherlands’ prime position in nanotechnology; to create highly-educated

knowledge workers; to give talent an opportunity to flourish.

Excellent researchAs apparent from the above, the Netherlands occupies a prominent position in nanosciences and

nanotechnology. It obtained this position by investing in the best Dutch research groups and labs. NNI is an

initiative from universities and companies. It proposes to carry on with this successful strategy. With this in

mind, research groups and institutes will be given an opportunity to submit research proposals, provided they

fall within the generic themes and application areas listed in Chapter 3.

Part of the budget will be dedicated to the creation of new chairs and research groups. Preferably in larger

research units, resulting in the creation of a network of excellent multidisciplinary groups. One example is the

FOM model for ‘concentration groups’, involving work carried out in one location, on one theme. Building up a new

research group costs approximately 3 million Euros, including temporary staff (doctoral students, post-doctoral

students), senior positions (assistant professors, associated professors), technicians and the maintenance of

the basic infrastructure. It may also involve removal costs in order to reach focus and mass. It is all about

keeping research groups engaged with fundamental basic questions strong about underpinning them, and

to establish a link with applications and innovation. We can use the application area of Nanomedicine as an

example. Research units must endeavour to bolster the relationship between physics/academic partners and

clinical partners, also through the participation of industrial research groups. NanoNed has been an important

programme to reinforce the relationship between chemists, material scientists, electro engineers and biologists.

NNI’s task is to extend those relationships to application areas such as medicine, clinical analysis, care, energy,

water and nutrition. For that reason, new chairs will be set up in the area of promising, long term, untraditional

research lines. A multidisciplinary clustering of top-research groups is needed, gathering the areas of expertise

from different subjects.

44.1 Investing in excellent research and human capital

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Human capitalOne of the objectives of the NNI is drawing in or training knowledge workers to carry out these ambitious

plans. For example, doctoral students who will end up in various posts throughout society after obtaining their

degree, or people with a specific technical expertise. The Netherlands has those at its disposal; approximately

1,000 researchers and technicians are currently working in nanotechnology at universities in the Netherlands.

A large proportion of those researchers are attached to short-term initiatives by STW, FOM and NanoNed.

Structural finance is needed to retain and substantially expand this knowledge capital. At this time, we need

to invest to offer young talent sufficient prospects for a career as a researcher in a knowledge institute or in

business. A module within NNI promoting short-term exchanges of researchers between knowledge institutes

and business can make an important contribution to this career perspective, as well as to the transfer of knowl-

edge and public-private cooperation. At the same time, it must be made appealing in the law and regulations

to come and work - or stay- as a non-Dutch knowledge worker in the Netherlands. Another perspective is the

‘brain gain’. The NNI endeavours to retrieve a few Dutch celebrities from abroad. When we compare the situa-

tion with ETH Zurich, for example, it may cost approximately 5 million Euros to retrieve a high-flying emigrant

to the Netherlands.

In addition to the aforementioned highly-qualified people (higher education, PhD, Postgraduates), it is ex-

tremely important to also involve people with (V)MBO ((lower) professional secondary education) and HBO

(higher vocational education) diplomas in this growth subject. Given its multidisciplinarity, nanotechnology

can fulfil that role to enthuse the youth about technology. This can be achieved by creating placements and by

setting up new study courses in the area of nanotechnology and embedded systems.

The objective is to achieve active participation in NNI from the private sector, through participation in research

programmes and by establishing a valorisation paragraph.

Dutch industry, which includes the multinationals as well as the SMEs, is very active in the area of nanotechnol-

ogy. However, there is still scope for considerable improvement in the cooperation between the academic world

and industry. One of the solutions is to get the industry involved as early as possible. Apart from a valorisation

component, research proposals within NNI also need to be jointly initiated by the industry. It will obviously

depend on the type and size of the company. Companies like Philips, ASML, NXP, Shell and DSM are important

partners in the generic and application-oriented research programmes, whereas SMEs tend to be more in-

volved with results in application areas. The role of the NNI alongside Point-One, the high-tech innovation pro-

gramme in the area of nanoelectronics and embedded systems, is clearly complementary. Both programmes

reinforce each other.

4.2 Investing in and alongside companies

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Nanotechnology offers opportunities for new business. Knowledge institutes seem to spawn clusters of spin-

off companies in their vicinity. A dynamic entrepreneurial climate will only serve to reinforce this effect. In-

vestments are needed, not just to initiate new companies, but also to ensure they flourish and thrive. These

economic developments may be extremely important for the Dutch knowledge economy and the regional

economy. For that reason, the SMEs will play an increasingly important role, both in terms of creating jobs that

will achieve the development of nanotechnology as the development of spin-off companies themselves.

The objective is to achieve an excellent infrastructure in the Netherlands, using existing investments and ex-

panding them where possible. The decisions made in previous programmes, such as NanoNed, on the locations

of infrastructure, must be developed further. Duplication must be avoided.

Progressive nanotechnology research requires investments in equipment and facilities, for example for charac-

terisation and fabrication. For that reason, the NNI will use part of its budget to try and find intelligent ways to

fund the infrastructure and to facilitate top-quality research. The efficient use of investments is key; this may

mean that facilities need to be shared, and that use may need to be made of available research infrastructure

in businesses, for example MiPlaza. The investments may include the financing of locally-needed basic equip-

ment, and - if the sum total of the current facilities turn out to be inadequate - the construction of research

facilities. Open innovation models seem a good working method because they can provide an incentive to

interdisciplinary cooperation.

Since the nanotechnology field is expanding into sectors like food, health, clean water and risk analysis, new

investments will need to be made in support of those areas. Once again, those investments may not result in

a fragmentation of the facilities.

A comprehensive roadmap has been compiled for Nanolab NL in the context of the ‘Large Scale Research

Facilities’ of the Van Velzen committee. For a more detailed description of Nanolab NL, we refer to that docu-


23 NanoLab NL: Continuation and Strengthening of NanoLab NL, ‘Roadmap Large Scale Research Facilities’ for the Van

Velzen Committee by Ir. Miriam Luizink, MESA+, Enschede, NL.

4.3 Investing in infrastructure

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The objective is the encouragement and set-up of public-private partnerships, specifically aimed at the re-

search into and application of nanotechnology, the encouragement of proper involvement from the SME in

public-private partnerships and improved access for SMEs to newly developed nanotechnology, and the initia-

tion of new business.

In order to encourage the application of nanotechnology, it is important to foster good collaboration between

knowledge institutes and industry. SenterNovem can play an important role in this respect, in combination with

NWO. The previously launched IPPs (industrial partnership programmes) of FOM and STW make a good exam-

ple. Any knowledge developed in the knowledge institutes and business must be absorbed by the industry. It

is obviously relevant in this respect that the knowledge developed actually ties in with the needs experienced

by the companies. Active participation by industrial researchers creates the necessary marginal conditions

for the adsorption. Special attention must be paid to the involvement and role of SMEs in this context. One

of the ways in which it can be done is by making available ‘knowledge vouchers’ to SMEs. Ways must also be

found to stimulate new business. Making ‘valorisation grants’ available to (university) researchers in order to

convert developed knowledge into commercial projects - through a start-up company – will be encouraged.

Nanohouse has already been active for a year and a half (www.nanohouse.eu), and it has implemented this

idea in the region of Leuven, Eindhoven, Maastricht and Aachen for SMEs. The finance comes from TTR-ZON

money. However, there is scope for several organisations doing the same within the Netherlands, like in the

Syntens model.

The objective is to map out the impact that nanotechnology will have in society, and to initiate and stimulate

public debate on the subject by providing publicly available information on nanotechnology. Furthermore,

by procuring the responsible development of nanotechnology by increasing the available knowledge on the

potential risks associated with nanoproducts to people and the environment to such a high level that only safe

products are ever launched on the market.

Public communication on nanotechnology is crucially important. It forms part of NNI’s responsibility to be

active in the media and to create publicly accessible information. The budget will include a provision to cover


Communication must be targeted at a broader target audience than the general public. It is also necessary to

ensure the proper dissemination of research data, which are often more essential to universities than to busi-


4.4 Investing in public-private partnerships

4.5 Investing in society

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Interest groups also need to be actively informed, for example: employee groups, consumer organisations and

environmental groups, employers and employer organisations, inspectorates and the care sector, etc.

Nanotechnology has already proven that it is an extremely useful technique capable of providing various social

solutions, such as in the field of diagnostics, improved materials, fast data traffic. Furthermore, NNI acknowl-

edges and emphasises the importance of good research into the risks to people and the environment of expo-

sure to nanoparticles and nanotechnology products to people and the environment. A broad range of research

questions exist, and it is necessary to select the questions that will provide the most relevant contributions to a

sound risk assessment. Answering those questions will in any case need to touch on the development of norms

and standards, acquiring insight into the relationship of particle properties and the behaviour of nanoparticles

in people and the environment. This knowledge is required in order to make a sound risk assessment but it is

also essential in order to advise regulatory bodies about how to deal with nanoparticles and nanotechnology

products in terms of law, also given the recent recommendation from the European Commission in relation to

a code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnology research.

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The result: the position of the Netherlands in 2020

This section outlines the principles of governance within which the NNI will operate. It also contains the procedure

for writing a business plan, including the role the various parties will play in that respect.

What will be the global position of the Netherlands in 2020 if the strategic research agenda is implemented in

full? In a recent report20, Lux Research mapped out where the Netherlands is currently positioned among leading

OECD and BRIC countries. As the arrows in Figures 7a and 7b indicate, the new resources to be deployed will not

only bring the Netherlands nanotechnology activities to a higher level in absolute as well as comparative terms,

but they will also reinforce the technological development force of the Netherlands in a general sense. As a result,

our country will occupy a more prominent position, both in terms of quantity as well as quality.

Figure 7: Nanotechnology activities (on an absolute scale) versus technical development strength (on a comparative scale).

The activities considered were nano-initiatives, nanotech centres, publications, patents, government support, venture capital,

corporate R&D, companies actively participating. For development strength, the factors measured included R&D expendi-

ture, high-tech productions, number of employees, numbers of campaigns, training and infrastructure. (Source: LUX Research

Inc. ©2008124)

24 Data sourced from LUX Research Inc. commissioned by NanoNed concerning the valorisation of the various Flagships

within NanoNed (2008).

55.1 Description of the new landscape and key perfomance indicators

Nanotech activities Normalised Nanotech activities

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Through this Netherlands Nano Initiative, the public knowledge infrastructure in relation to nanosciences and

nanotechnology will be considerably stronger in 2020. The extensive additional resources becoming available

on a long-term basis intrinsically generate substantially higher activity levels, trigger deflection in existing

money flows and provide steering for universities, (technological) institutes, NWO, and similar bodies. The

range of activities has increased significantly. Effective overall management brings the organisation onto a

higher plane: better task distribution and concentration provide the desired focus and volume. In substantive

terms, the activities are carefully adjusted to the needs of commercial companies as those needs arise, but

there is still sufficient scope for groundbreaking research, for promising new developments anticipated for the

late twenties.

In 2020, the ‘nano content’ of physics, chemistry and biology will lie approximately 50% above the levels in

2008. Furthermore, a strong integration has taken place in this field of contributions from the basic disciplines.

This manifests itself through the nature and volume of chairs, staff, facilities, etc. The number of scientific

publications at nanolevel has risen accordingly, and given the quality of those publications, they are having a

greater impact.

The ‘nano profile’ is clearly discernible in the entire education chain of VMBO - VWO - MBO/HBO - WO - MSc.

In 2020, the industrial landscape looks very different, indeed. Here, too, the range has broadened in substance.

Whereas in 2008, the nano industry was still strongly dominated by the semiconductor and electronics sector,

the food and health sectors have surged in importance in 2020. The major stake of multinationals in nano-

activities has been reduced in favour of fast-growing research-intensive small to medium-sized companies. This

sort of companies, which are fairly new for the Netherlands, partly came about by parts of large companies

becoming independent, new branches of (components of) foreign companies in the Netherlands and due to

start-ups. Employment opportunities in the nano industry have burgeoned and the jobs are particularly highly-

skilled. The number of patents applied for in 2020 by Dutch companies in comparison with 2008 has doubled.

Society has now embraced nanotechnology, thanks to education and information. The population is aware

of the opportunities as well as the threats. Society has a good grasp of the risks and therefore knows how

to deal with them. The business innovation generates a sustainable and persistent economic growth of 2 to

3%. The new consumer goods produced by the nano-industry are very popular and are making a significant

contribution to improve the quality of life. Breakthroughs exist in the areas of water quality, sustainable energy

and health care.

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The Governance structure of the Netherlands Nano Initiative is based on the successful approach of the

NanoNed consortium. Key to the Governance is the management, the supporting - independent - project office,

the advisory board of supervisors and the Project Directors. See also Figure 8.

In addition to the direct NNI Governance, any parties that participate in the programme are expected to

nominate some readily available and accountable authorised representatives for the programme.

ManagementThe Management is responsible for managing the NNI and has the authority to make binding decisions for

the NNI. Management meets every two months, and it consists of seven members. The members come from

knowledge institutes, the industry and social organisations, respectively delegated as 3-3-1 members. The

number of members from the knowledge institutes is at least equal to the number of the members from the

industry. If preferred, the management board can appoint ad-hoc advisory councils to obtain specific advice.

Project OfficeThe management of the NNI is supported by an independent Project Office with sufficient competent

manpower to fulfil the tasks associated with the proper implementation of the NNI. The Project Office supports

the management and is responsible for the programme management. The Office conducts the secretariat of

the committees accompanying the implementation of the programme, guides the research projects, takes

care of the financial administration and payments, and arranges the communication and assistance with

data protection and knowledge trade. The Office is responsible for all administrative matters and the point of

contact for all parties taking part in the programme.

The Office can install Platforms for specific programme-related tasks.

Supervisory Board/Advisory CouncilThe Advisory Council consists of representatives from science, industry, social organisations and the government.

The Management needs to have the confidence of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council monitors

the Management and gives advice, which may or may not have been requested. Its main task is to advise

Management about the direction of the NNI programme in relation to the main international developments

regarding nanotechnology, with specific attention to scientific quality, and economic and social relevance. NNI

policy is established in consultation with the Advisory Council. Important decisions are taken in consultation

with the Advisory Council. The Management and Supervisory Board hold two joint meetings a year.

5.2 The Netherlands Nano Initiative - Governance structure

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Project Directors (flagship captains, project leaders)The Management of the NNI assigns the substantive control over parts of the programme to the Project

Directors. The latter are responsible for controlling the content, surveillance and coordination of the programme

and surveillance of the programme’s valorisation. The Project Directors can be supported in their role by cluster

leaders and project leaders. The latter are also responsible for the implementation and the results of the

projects that have been assigned to them.

Advisory Council

Advisory councils Platforms


Project directors

Project office

Figure 8: Diagram of the NNI’s Governance


The NNI consortium invites the participating parties to nominate Project Directors to develop one of the

research lines as described in Chapter 3. Based on the list of nominations, a number of Project Directors, who

are experts in their field, will be appointed by the consortium, and invited to compile a vision document. The

consortium will endeavour to achieve a balanced distribution across all themes. The vision document is the

first step towards defining a research proposal. After the vision document is approved, the Project Director

concerned will be asked to develop the research programme in finer detail, in consultation and conversation

with all parties concerned (knowledge institutes, industry, social groups) within the research programme. The

research programme must contain a brief plan of action and a project budget, in conformity with the Bsik

regulations. The research programmes submitted will be assessed by an international forum, based on scientific

content, input from the private sector, valorisation and social impact. The granting of resources will depend on

the evaluation, while the consortium will take care to ensure that all themes are adequately covered.

5.3 The follow-up

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This strategic research agenda for the Netherlands Nano Initiative has materialised with the help of many people active

in the Dutch nanofield. Special thanks go to Leon Gielgens (STW, NanoNed), Hendrik van Vuren (FOM), Mijke Zachariasse

(FOM), Reinder Coehoorn (Philips), Hans Hofstraat (Philips), and Menno van Duuren (UTwente) for their input, which has

been extremely valuable.

© Dave H.A. Blank

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Annex 1: Planned investments in the USA for 2009 (in million dollars)

Data sourced from US-NNI Strategic Plan: www.nano.gov


















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DOD 227,8 55,2 107,7 3,6 12,8 22,1 1,8 431

NSF 141,7 2,5 51,6 16 26,9 32,1 30,6 35,5 396,9

DOE 96,9 63,5 8,1 32 6,0 101,2 3,0 0,5 311,2

DHHS 55,5 25,4 125,8 5,9 0,8 7,7 4,6 225,7

NIST 24,5 8,5 22,7 20,9 15,3 5,7 12,8 110,4

NASA 1,2 9,8 7,7 0,2 0,1 19

EPA 0,2 0,2 0,2 14,3 14,9

DHHS 6 6

USDA 2,1 2,1 2,2 1,1 0,3 0,1 0,1 8

DOJ 2,0 2

DHS 1,0 1

DOT 0,9 0,9

Total 481 227,2 327 81,5 62,1 161,3 76,4 40,7 1.527

DOD: Department of Defence

NSF: National Science Foundation

DOE: Energy, include Offices of Science, Fossil Energy, and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

NIH, DHHS: National Institute of Health, Health and Human Services

NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

USDA: Agriculture

DHS: Homeland Security

DOJ: Justice

DOT: Transportation

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Annex 2: Respective position of the Netherlands in terms of articles published and average number of references

Number of publications

Average number

of references

1 Switzerland 792 10.4

2 Netherlands 514 9.27

3 USA 9993 9.22

4 Canada 754 7.57

5 Belgium 382 7.52

6 Ireland 131 7.07

7 England 1415 6.69

8 Scotland 130 6.61

9 Denmark 217 6.46

10 France 2673 6.42

11 Japan 4251 6.18

12 Spain 874 5.87

13 Germany 3579 5.78

14 Israel 371 5.56

15 Brazil 245 5.11

16 Austria 220 5.01

17 Italy 958 4.79

18 Sweden 381 4.54

(Source: Science Watch 2000).

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Annex 3: The nano industrial landscape

Based on SenterNovem studies, the industrial landscape in the Netherlands can be subdivided according to the

technological sectors in which the investments in nanotechnology will find an application:

Precision fabricationapprox. 10 organisations, such as ASML, Philips, NXP, Mapper, Océ-Technologies, OTB, HemTech

on the knowledge side: TNO, TUD

programmes: NanoNed, IOP ‘Precision technology’

characteristic: world leaders with great in-house expertise

Instrumentationapprox. 40 organisations, including FEI, Mecal, OTB, Dutch Space

on the knowledge side: TNO, UT, TUD, Nederlands Meetinstituut

programmes: NanoNed, IOP ‘Precision technology’, Smartmix programmes

characteristic: world leaders with great in-house expertise

Nanomaterialsapprox. 75 organisations, including Akzo Nobel, DSM, SKF, DOW Chemical, Krya Materials

on the knowledge side: TU/e, M2i, DPI, TNO-Eindhoven/Zeist, RU, UT

programmes: NanoNed, IOP ‘Surface technology’, IOP ‘Self Healing Materials’, IOP ‘Photonic Devices’

characteristic: strong position, wide-ranging, with great opportunities for SMEs

Devices & system integrationapprox. 25 organisations, including Philips (partly assisted by MiPlaza), NXP, C2V, Bronkhorst HighTech, Caven-

dish, Lionix, Nyquist

on the knowledge side: UT, TU/e

programmes: NanoNed, MicroNed, IOP ‘Photonic Devices’, Point-One

characteristic: miniaturisation with great opportunities for SMEs

Bionanotechnologyapprox. 20 organisations, including IsoTis, OctoPlus, Pamgene, Kreatech, Synvolux, PharmaTarget, ENCAPSON,

Chiralix, Syntharga, MagnaMedics

on the knowledge side: WUR, RUG, UT, RU, UU, Leiden (BioScience Park)

programmes: NanoNed, BioMaDe, IOP ‘Industrial proteins’, IOP ‘Genomics’. The activities link up with strong

PPPs, such as CTMM, BMM, TI Pharma in Healthcare.

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Annex 4: international initiatives in the field of nanotechnology

EU: Seventh Framework Programme 3.48 billion Euros 2007 - 2013

In FP7, Europe reserved a budget of 3.48 billion Euros for nanotechnology, for the period 2007 - 2013. In the first few years, the budget will be comparable to that of KP6, before increasing to approximately one and a half times the budget of KP6. Nanotechnology subjects can be mainly found under the FP7 headings ‘Nanosciences, Nanotechnolo-gies, Materials and New Production Technologies’, ‘Health’ and ‘ICT’. The description of these subjects places a strong emphasis on application-oriented, social and/or economy-driven research performed by consortiums of companies and knowledge institutes, leaving some scope for basic research. In addition, basic research - regardless of the subject mat-ter - can be funded by the European Research Council (ERC) within FP7. The integration of technologies for industrial applications is explicitly listed as a subject area. The involvement of SMEs and dissemination of R&D results to the SMEs remains an important focal point of the Framework Programme. Relevant for Nanomedicine is the ETP Nanomedicine, in which European companies and academic institutes have joined forces under the leadership of Philips and Siemens. Other ETPs relevant for nanotechnology are ENIAC, Photo-nics 21 and Artemis. In the meanwhile, ENIAC (nanoelectronics) and ARTEMIS (embedded computing systems) have transformed into Joint Technology Initiatives, with Dutch co-financing via Point-One.

Germany 700 million Euros 2006-2009

Germany is dedicating a great deal of attention to fundamental research via the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This research is mainly driven by curiosity and is unconnected to any politically or economic choices. Demand-driven research is supported by the German National Nano Initiative (published in the autumn of 2006). A healthy balance is therefore struck between fundamental research and research aimed at national strengths. The objective of the German National Nano Initiative, which is supported by six federal ministers, is to keep Germany innovative and prosperous in the long-term. Nanotechnology is considered as an eminent method to foster economic growth. Based on a mix of economic and social factors, six subject areas have been chosen. These subjects form strategic partner-ships, which will allow them to pick up quickly on any new developments in the future. The six subject areas are: elec-tronics, the automotive sector, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, lighting engineering and energy. The environment, health care, mechanical engineering and equipment are considered as subject areas in the future.

France 150 million Euros Per year

Following in the footsteps of the USA and Japan, France set up a committee in 2002 for the improved coordination of research into nanotechnology. In the context of the National Science programme, the Programme National en Nan-osciences et Nanotechnologies (PNANO) was instigated in 2005, accompanied by the set-up of five Centres engaged in nanotechnology. It is estimated that 2,000 researchers are working in 180 labs in the field of nanotechnology. The annual budget exceeds 150 million Euros.


In England, some strong groups are active in the areas of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and molecular nanotech-nology. Financial incentives are channelled through the various Research Councils. This has resulted in three ‘Interdis-ciplinary Research Collaborations’ in the domain of nanotechnology: bionanotechnology addressed by the combina-tion Oxford-Glasgow-York together with the National Institute for Medical Research, materials by the combination Cambridge - Bristol - University College London, and tissue engineering tackled by the combination of Liverpool and Manchester. In addition, there are also other large-scale initiatives aimed at the industry and the collaboration bet-ween academics and industry, resulting in dozens of ‘Nanotechnology Centres’ and the ‘Institute of Nanotechnology’.

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Switzerland was one of the first countries to invest in nanotechnology; it did so through federal funding. Particular emphasis lies on investments in excellent research. Among other achievements, the investment has led to three ‘National Centres of Competence in Research’, with material sciences in Geneva, general nanosciences in Basel and nano-optics in Lausanne. Other initiatives exist in the areas of electronics, information and communication, and supramolecular functional materials. The discussion surrounding safety and risks posed by nanoparticles has attracted special attention via various action programmes.

Russia >3.7 billion Euros

At the end of 2007, the government announced the above investment in nanotechnology. The fund will be used for various activities: from fundamental research to start-ups. A substantial part of the fund was used to modernise the infrastructure in Russia. The amount comes on top of the usual funds made available for research.

United States

In 2001, the USA set up the National Nano Initiative. Its objectives are: performing excellent research, using knowledge for prosperity and well-being, creating a highly-educated potential workforce and the responsible development of nano-technology. The underlying premise is that any opportunities presented by nanotechnology can be maximised provided academics, the industry and the government collaborate in a large-scale national programme. The American National Nano Initiative is dedicated to the following seven subjects: (1) fundamental nanoscale phenomena and processes; (2) nanomaterials; (3) nanoscale devices and systems; (4) instrumentation, metrology and standardisation; (5) nanofabrica-tion and nanoproduction; (6) big research facilities and infrastructure; (7) the social impact of nanotechnology. See also annex 1.


Canada launched the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) in 2001. The Institute, situated in Alberta, focuses on integration and on combining nanodevices and nanomaterials in complex nanosystems connected to the outside world. The research centres on: (1) the synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystals and nanowires; (2) the synthesis of materials based on supramolecules; (3) the production of devices and nanosensors on a molecular scale; (4) the development of nanomaterials suitable for catalysis and specific modifications to the surfaces of semiconductors; (5) the development of interfaces for nanoelectronics and nanofluidics devices; (6) theory, modelling and simulation of nanosystems, and (7) the development of quantitative imaging and characterisation techniques supporting research into nanotechnology.

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In the context of the Second Science and Technology Basic Plan, Japan implemented three national policy program-mes. The first policy programme served to intensify the fundamental research being carried out. Specific subjects were selected within the research, based on social and economic needs. The theme ‘nanotechnology for materials’ played a crucial role. In order to facilitate and make best use of high-quality research, the second policy programme focused on the finance for science and technology, as well as on the human resources. Lastly, the third policy programme addres-sed the globalisation of science and technology, through global collaboration projects and by improving the distribu-tion of information. A choice was made to implement these policy programmes by means of top-down coordination, which involves a selective allocation of resources based on excellence and national priorities. Furthermore, a differenti-ation was made in the focus of universities in education and research.


In China, too, a steadily growing amount of resources is spent on research and development of nanotechnology, as a result of which over 50 universities, 20 institutes of the China Academy of Science and 300 companies are active in the field. A centre for nanotechnology is currently being set up at the University of Beijing and Tsinghua University, in which the go-vernment is investing a total of 500 million USD. Other centres are located in Shenyang, Xian, Hong Kong and the Zhejiang province. The Shanghai Nanotech Promotion Centre (SNPC) has an annual budget of 100 million USD.

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Annex 5: Workshops held by the Netherlands Nano Initiative

In 2006, the ‘Balkenende III’ government issued a vision document on nanotechnologies under the title ‘Van

klein naar groots’ (From Little to Grand). The vision is supported by nine government departments (Economic

Affairs; Education, Culture and Science; Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment; Public Health, Welfare

and Sports; Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations; Justice; Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment;

Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality; Finance).

The vision document contains the following on research: ‘In order to compile a national research agenda for

nanotechnologies, the Cabinet needs to receive balanced and reasoned visions and proposals from authoritative

organisations and companies and from researchers with an impeccable international reputation. In this context,

the initiative of STW, FOM and the Bsik project NanoNed to develop a National [now Netherlands] Nano Initiative

is of interest. The purpose of the initiative is to compile a strategic, wide-ranging research agenda. The Cabinet

will ask the planners of the initiative to also consider the crucial prerequisites for executing proper research, such

as educational courses, infrastructure, and to include risk analysis.’

The Cabinet’s vision document also contains the following passage: ‘The initiators of the National [now

Netherlands] Nano Initiative indicated that they wish to bring together the insights of relevant knowledge

institutes, industry and social organisations.’

As a first step, a Netherlands Nano Initiative (NNI) discussion paper was drawn up. It set out the themes the

NNI wants to focus on, incidentally the same themes featured in the Cabinet’s vision document: 1) ‘beyond

Moore’; 2) ‘nanomedicine’; 3) ‘functional nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces’; 4) ‘water purification

and energy provision’; 5) ‘nutrition and health’; 6) ‘risks and toxicology of nanotechnology’.

Furthermore, seven themed workshops were held in September 2007 under the leadership of two expert

workshop leaders. In consultation with the workshop leaders and the directors of STW, FOM and the chairman

of NanoNed, participants were invited from academic circles as well as from the private sector. Social

organisations were involved where relevant. The NWO regional divisions of CW, ALW and ZonMW were asked to

nominate delegates who could represent them in the workshops. The same regions were also invited to suggest

substantive experts (from academic circles and the private sector). The objective of the workshops was to

provide the foundation for a substantive build-up of the NNI Strategic Research Agenda for Nanotechnology.

Here is an overview of the NNI SRA Nanotechnology workshops (a full list of participants is attached):

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Workshop Workshop leadersNumber of experts

beyond Moore (nano-electronics)Prof. Koopmans (TU/e)Prof. DeBoeck (Holst Centre)


Functional nano-particles and nano-structured surfacesDr. Visser (DSM) Prof. Blank (UT)


NanoMedicineProf. Subramaniam (UT)Prof. Hofstraat (Philips)


Nanotechnology for energy provisionProf. Sinke (ECN)Dr. Geerlings (Shell)


Nanotechnology for water purificationDr. Euverink (Wetsus)Dr. Caro (TUD)


Nanotechnology for food and healthProf. Kampers (WUR)Dr. Gorter (Qanbridge)


Risks and toxicology of nanotechnologyDr. Sips (RIVM)Dr. Van de Sandt (TNO)


Based on the workshops, it was possible to proceed to the next step by formulating the NNI Strategic Research

Agenda for Nanotechnology. At the beginning of January 2008, the NNI workshop leaders and workshop

participants were able to provide input for a draft NNI research agenda (which also attracted suggestions from

several others with an interest in nanotechnology). A separate follow-up session with the NNI workshop leader,

also attended by the directors of STW and FOM and the chairman of NanoNed, was held in April 2008.

In early March, a consultation about the research agenda was held between the directors of STW and FOM and

the chairman of NanoNed on behalf of the NNI parties and several company representatives (including from

Phillips, Shell, Unilever, DSM, NXP, FEI Company, Bronkhorst High-Tech, C2V). In addition, separate discussions

were held with Philips, ASML (also representing Point-One), TNO Industry and Technique, DSM and NXP.

Further to the publication of the vision document on nanotechnology ‘Van Klein naar Groots’ (From Little to

Grand) in November 2006, the Cabinet forwarded a Nanotechnology Action Plan to the Lower House in July

2008. The Cabinet’s Action plan included potential finance options for a follow-up to the Bsik programme

NanoNed, which had been rated highly successful by the Committee of Sages, i.e. for the Netherlands Nano

Initiative being compiled by STW, FOM and NanoNed at the government’s request. This follow-up proposal

of NanoNed/NNI, which will be drawn up along the lines of a business plan, is based on this document: the

Strategic Research Agenda for Nanotechnology from the Netherlands Nano Initiative.

STW, FOM and NanoNed have maintained regular and close contact with the interdepartmental workgroup on

Nanotechnologies, particularly with Dr. Jacqueline Mout (OCW), Dr. Fred Couzy (EZ), Dr. Tom van Teunenbroek

(VROM) and Dr. Lianne van Doeswijk (SenterNovem).

Consultation with EZ (Economic Affairs) and OCW (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science): In the course of

the consultation, the parties informed each other of developments within the NNI, regarding the compilation

of the research agendas), the developments on the Cabinet’s side in terms of the compilation of a second

action plan on Nanotechonologies, and they discussed points of interest in relation to further activities.

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Overview of participants in the NNI workshops

Beyond Moore

Name Company / University

1 Dr. A.G.T.M. Bastein TNO Science & Industry

2 Prof.dr.ir. P.W.M. Blom University of Groningen

3 S.H. Brongersma IMEC

4 Dr. L.H. Gielgens Technology Foundation STW

5 Dr. R.A. Hartman ASML Netherlands B.V

6 Dr. A.F. de Jong FEI Company

7 Prof.dr. B. Koopmans Eindhoven University of Technology

8 Prof.dr.ir. L.P. Kouwenhoven Delft University of Technology

9 Drs. J.N. Mout Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

10 Dr. B. Noheda University of Groningen

11 Drs. W. Pelt Ministry of Defence

12 Prof.dr. Th.H.M. Rasing Radboud University Nijmegen

13 Dr.ir. D. Reefman Philips Research Laboratories

14 Prof.dr. J.M. van Ruitenbeek University of Leiden

15 Dr. K. Simon ASML

16 Prof.dr. W.L. Vos University of Twente

17 Prof.dr.ir. B.J. van Wees University of Groningen

18 Dr.ir. W.G. van der Wiel University of Twente

19 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM

20 Prof.dr.ir. H.S.J. van de Zant Delft University of Technology

Functional nanomaterials and nanostructured surfaces

Name Company / University

1 Prof.dr. A. van Blaaderen University of Utrecht

2 Prof.dr. D.H.A. Blank University of Twente

3 Prof.dr. M.A. Cohen-Stuart Wageningen University

4 Prof.dr. R. Coehoorn Philips Research

5 Dr. M. Crego-Calama Holst Centre

6 Dr. E.P.K. Currie Kriya Materials B.V.

7 Dr.ir. L.J.M.G. Dortmans TNO

8 Prof.dr. J.W.M. Frenken University of Leiden

9 Prof.dr. K.J. Hellingwerf University of Amsterdam

10 Dr A.J. de Jong Akzo Nobel

11 De heer Gert Jan Jongerden Nuon Helianthos

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12 Dr. P.E. de Jongh University of Utrecht

13 Prof.dr. H.N.W. Lekkerkerker University of Utrecht

14 Prof.dr. A. Meijerink University of Utrecht

15 Dr.ir. E.E. Neuteboom NWO

16 Dr E.G. Pelan Unilever R&D

17 Dr. Andreas Schmidt-Ott Delft University of Technology

18 Prof.dr. J. Schoonman Delft University of Technology

19 Dr. V.A. Soloukhin Océ-Technologies B.V.

20 Prof.dr. V. Subramaniam University of Twente

21 Prof.dr. D.A.M. Vanmaekelberg University of Utrecht

22 Dr. G.W. Visser DSM Research

23 Dr. R. Wagemans Shell

24 Prof.dr.ir. B.M. Weckhuysen University of Utrecht

25 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM

26 Dr. L.H. Gielgens Technology Foundation STW


Name Company / University

1 Prof.dr.ir. F.P.T. Baaijens Eindhoven University of Technology

2 Dr. E.P. Beem ZonMw

3 Prof.dr. C.A. van Blitterswijk Isotis NV

4 Prof.dr.ir. P.W.M. Blom University of Groningen

5 Prof.dr. J.A. Bouwstra University of Leiden

6 Prof.dr. D.J. Broer Philips Research Laboratories

7 Dr. M. van Bruggen Philips Research Laboratories

8 Dr. E.T. Carlen University of Twente

9 Prof.dr. D.J.A. Crommelin University of Utrecht

10 Peter Cuypers DSM Research

11 Prof.dr. C. Dekker Delft University of Technology

12 Prof.dr. G.A.M.S. van Dongen Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum

13 Dr. P.H. Elsinga Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

14 Prof.dr. C.G. Figdor Universitair Medisch Centrum St. Radboud Nijmegen

15 Dr. L.H. Gielgens Technology Foundation STW

16 Dr. B. Henry Organon Research Scotland

17 Dr. J.D.M. Herscheid Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

18 Prof.dr. J.W. Hofstraat Philips Research Laboratories

19 Drs. N. Honingh ZonMw

20 Dr.ir. C.I.A. Hooijer FOM bureau

21 Dr. L.G.J. de Leede OctoPlus

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22 Prof.dr. J.P.T.M. Leeuwen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

23 Prof.dr. P.R. Luijten University of Utrecht, UMC

24 Dr.ir. E.E. Neuteboom NWO

25 Prof.dr. R.J.M. Nolte Radboud University Nijmegen

26 Prof.dr.ir. M.W.J. Prins Philips Research Laboratories

27 Prof.dr. R.S. Reneman University of Maastricht

28 Dr. I.S. de Ridder NWO

29 Prof.dr. A. Rip University of Twente

30 Prof.dr. G. Storm University of Utrecht

31 Prof.dr. V. Subramaniam University of Twente

32 Dr. T.E. Swierstra University of Twente

33 Prof.dr. E.M.J. Verpoorte University of Groningen

34 Drs. J.B. van den Wijngaard VWS

35 Ir. J.M. Wissink Medspray XMEMS B.V.

36 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM bureau

Nanotechnology for energy provision

Name Company / University

1 Dr. G.J. Bauhaus Radboud University

2 Prof.dr. Blom RuG

3 Dr. B. Dam VU University

4 Dr. J.J.C. Geerlings Shell Global Solutions

5 Dr. L.H. Gielgens STW

6 Dr. A.P.L.M. Goossens Delft University of Technology

7 Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot LIC/Biofysische organische chemie

8 Dr. W.G. Haije ECN

9 Prof.dr. K.P. de Jong University of Utrecht

10 Dr. G.J. Jongerden Helianthos

11 Dr.ir. W.M.M. Kessels Eindhoven University of Technology

12 Dr. M. Koetse Holst Centre / TNO

13 Dr. J.M. Kroon ECN

14 Prof.dr.ir. L. Lefferts University of Twente

15 Drs. J.N. Mout Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

16 Dr. F.M. Mulder Delft University of Technology

17 Dr.ir. E.E. Neuteboom NWO

18 Prof.dr.ir. A. Nijmeijer University of Twente

19 Prof dr P.H.L. Notten Eindhoven University of Technology

20 Prof.dr. A. Polman AMOLF

21 Prof.dr. C. van Rijn WUR Organische Chemie

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22 Prof.dr. R.E.I. Schropp University of Utrecht

23 Prof.dr. L.D.A. Siebbeles Delft University of Technology

24 Prof.dr. W. Sinke ECN

25 Dr.ing. P.J. Sonneveld WUR Glastuinbouw

26 Prof.dr. D.A.M. Vanmaekelberg University of Utrecht

27 Prof.dr. H.J. Veringa ECN

28 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM

Nanotechnology for clean water

Name Company / University

1 Dr. A. van Amerongen WUR

2 Dr. J. Caro Delft University of Technology

3 Dr. G.J.W. Euverink Wetsus

4 Dr.ir. H. Futselaar Xflow

5 De heer B. van der Gaag BSc Kiwa Water Research

6 Dr. L.H. Gielgens STW

7 Dr. B. Gottenbos Philips Research

8 Prof.dr.ir. J. Huskens University of Twente

9 Drs. A.E. Jansen TNO

10 Prof.dr.ir. F.A.M. Leermakers WUR

11 Ir. H. Leeuwis Lionix B.V.

12 Dr. S.G. Lemay Delft University of Technology

13 Drs. J.W. LenstraMinistry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment

14 Prof.dr.ir. M.C.M. van Loosdrecht Delft University of Technology

15 Dr.ir. M.J.J. Mayer Wetsus

16 Dr. R. Mulder Paques b.V.

17 Dr.ir. W. Olthuis University of Twente

18 Dr. C.J.M. van Rijn Aquamarijn Microfiltration BV

19 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM

20 Prof.dr. H. Zuilhof WUR

Nanotechnology for water purification, food & health

Name Company / University

1 Prof.dr. W. G. van Aken ZonMw

2 Dr.ir. J.O. de Boer ZonMw

3 Dr. R. Bos Friesland Foods

4 Dr.ir. H. Boumans TNO-Quality of Life

5 Dr.ir. J. Castenmiller Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (VWA)

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6 Prof.dr. D. Crommelin Top Institute Pharma

7 Dr. J.C.T. Eijkel University of Twente

8 Dr. L.H. Gielgens Technology Foundation STW

9 Prof. dr. R.J. Hamer Wageningen University and Research Centre

10 Dr.ir. P. van Hee DSM Food Specialties

11 Prof.dr.ir. J.C.M. van Hest Radboud University Nijmegen

12 Dr. P. de Jong NIZO Food Research

13 Ir. H. Leeuwis LioniX

14 Prof.dr. J. Maat Unilever

15 Dhr. P.R. Pekelharing Spencer Food

16 Dr.ir. C.J.M. van Rijn Wageningen University and Research Centre

17 Prof.dr. G. Th. Robillard BioMade Technology

18 Ir. F. Simonis TNO Eindhoven

19 Dr.ir. T.H.M. Snoeren Numico Research B.V.

20 Dr. J.M. Steijns Campina

21 Dr. J.W. Tas Ministry of Health, WelFare and Sport

22 Prof.dr.ir. J. Westerweel Delft University of Technology

23 Dr. M. Wösten University of Utrecht, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

24 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM

Risks and toxicology of nanotechnology

Name Company / University

1 Ir. D. van Aken Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit

2 Dr. G. Alink Wageningen UR

3 Drs. J.A. van den Bandt-Stel VNO-NCW

4 Dr. E.P. Beem ZonMW

5 Dr. P.J.A. Borm Hogeschool Zuyd

6 Dr.ir. H. Bouwmeester RIKILT - Instituut voor Voedselveiligheid

7 Drs. P. van Broekhuizen IVAM

8 Dr.ing. D.H. Brouwer TNO Zeist

9 Dr. C. Herberts RIVM

10 Dr.ir. R.F.M. van Gorcom RIKILT - Instituut voor Voedselveiligheid

11 Mr. H. van Heiningen Océ N.V.

12 Mevr. M. Jacobs Vereniging Leefmilieu

13 Dr. J. Arts TNO Quality of Life

14 Dr. J. Marra Philips Research Laboratories

15 Prof.dr.ir. D. van de Meent Radboud University Nijmegen

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16 Drs. S.J.G. Rientjes Stichting Natuur en Milieu

17 Dr. J.J.M. van de Sandt TNO Zeist

18 Dr. A.J.A.M. Sips Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu

19 Prof.dr. V. Subramaniam University of Twente

20 Drs. T. van Teunenbroek Min-VROM

21 Ir. P.H.M. Timmermans FNV Bondgenoten

22 Dr.ir. G.W. Visser DSM Research B.V.

23 Drs. J.B. van den Wijngaard VWS

24 Dr. M. Zachariasse FOM-Bureau

25 Dr. M. van Zijverden Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu

26 Dr. M.E.Butter Coordinator Platform Gezondheid en Milieu

27 Dr. E. Mastrobattista Universiteit Utrecht

28 Dr. H. Lichtenbeld Nanotox

29 Dr. C. Mombers Technologiestichting STW

30 Dr. LH. Gielgens Technologiestichting STW / NanoNed