Leveraging Social Media To Recruit Tomorrow’s Talent Today August 29, 2013 Presented By: Brian Rhonemus

Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

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Page 1: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

Leveraging Social Media

To Recruit Tomorrow’s Talent Today

August 29, 2013

Presented By:Brian


Page 2: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Statistics & overview of the social media landscape

• Benefits of a social recruitment market

• How to leverage social media to find candidates

• Tips for being a company brand ambassador on

LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter profiles

• Social media compliance

• Q & A


Page 3: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• What do you believe the percentage is of job seekers & candidates that are using social media today?

• In the SHRM survey from April 2013, 77% of respondents currently say they use social networking for that purpose.

Statistics of the social media recruitment market

Page 4: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Online tools creating real-time, relevant and targeted two-

way communication utilized by individuals & organizations:

• Facebook

• LinkedIn

• MySpace

• Twitter

• You Tube

• Digg

• Stumble Upon

• Blogs

Social media landscape

Page 5: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

Members Worldwide

+2 newMembers Per Second

100M+Monthly Unique Visitors


Example LinkedIn: A global pool of talent

North America: 80M+

Latin America and Caribbean:


Europe, Middle East and Africa:

50M+Asia Pacific:


Monthly uniques source:Comscore

Page 6: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

According to Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey:

• Over 90% of employers will use social recruiting in 2012

• 66% of companies now recruit via Facebook; over half use Twitter and almost all use LinkedIn

• 43% of respondents felt that the quality of applicants has improved thanks to social media

• 20% said it takes less time to hire when using social recruiting

Statistics of the social media recruitment market

Page 7: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

Agencies turn to social media to reach more candidates, whether active or passive







Note: Active-passive figures come from 2011 third-party study conducted by Lou Adler and the Adler Group©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 7

Job Boards

Page 8: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Over 80% of the candidate pool is passive

• Attracts a younger, tech savvy candidate pool to your


• Nurturing relationships, keeping employees engaged,

creating a great work culture and showcasing your

company brand is becoming increasingly more important

• Social Media allows you to do just that

Get ready for the 2020 workplace

Page 9: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Find hard-to-reach candidates

• Reach higher quality candidates

• Increase ROI

• Be the employer of choice

• Diversified talent pool

Social media recruitment benefits

Page 10: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• CareerBuilder & Monster vs. LinkedIn

• LinkedIn Recruiter

• Job Slots

Where did ASG start?

Page 11: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

Answer some of these questions to help you

• What are your organization’s overall corporate goals?

• What does our workforce plan look like in

relation to those corporate goals?

• Where do we have talent gaps based on our

workforce plan?

Where to start

Page 12: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• What kind of technology is attractive to the

types of candidates we need?

• What level of resource commitment are we

willing to make?

• How will we keep our content fresh?

• When do we start?

Where to start

Page 13: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Establish a plan

• Check your brand image

• Intertwine social media pages

• Engage with potential candidates

Launch social recruiting

Page 14: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Brand your profile

• Develop your network

• Position yourself as a leader

• Leverage LinkedIn as a part of your unified brand strategy

How to leverage & build your brand on LinkedIn

Page 15: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Flawless profile

• Humanize your profile

• Custom URL• Headline – position yourself for the highest visibility for

your specific candidate pool

• Summary – brief, spice up about your company

• What is it about your job that you love?

Brand your profile

Page 16: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Flood profile with keywords including your headline

• Display samples of your work – presentations & videos

• List websites you own, example blog

• Do a book review, show nonprofit involvement

• Get recommendations / skill endorsements

Brand your profile

Page 17: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Import your contacts

• Be open & available – accept contact requests

• Leave your email address

• Promote your URL – email signature, resume

• Update your status

Develop your network

Page 18: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Start a group

• Join groups & start discussions

• Follow companies & influencers

• Start an event such as a networking event

• Create survey to promote dialogue

• Attend a networking event

• Ask & answer questions

Position yourself as a leader

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• Based on two important elements of your employer brand:

Talent Brand Engagement

Talent Brand Index = __________________

Talent Brand Reach

Utilize the Talent Brand Index

Page 20: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Talent Brand Reach: Talent that is familiar with you as an employer

• Includes # views of employees profiles & # of connects with employees

• Talent Brand Engagement: Talent that is interested in you as an employer

• Researching your company & career pages• Following your company• Viewing jobs & applying

Utilize the Talent Brand Index

Page 21: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Supplement with Facebook & Twitter in addition to blogs, etc.

• Keep your online presence consistent same avatar, full company name, branding statement

• Make sure information is up-to-date

Leverage LinkedIn as part of your brand strategy

Page 23: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Know your audience• Decide on your branding strategy• Set your privacy settings• Fill out your profile completely• Import contacts and grow your network• Update your status• Start a group or a page• Join or start an event in your area• Link out to your Facebook profile• Feed your social networks

Key steps to build your brand on Facebook

Page 24: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Share appropriate information• Decide what audience you want to connect

with• Be mindful of what you share as it could

impact people’s perception of you

Know your audience

Page 25: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Based not only on your target audience, but also your organization’s goals

• Showcase your company’s expertise

• Use your brand to shape perceptions online in a positive light and secure a good reputation

• Choose appropriate links & media in your newstream

Decide on your branding strategy

Page 26: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Depending on your company’s goals, you may set certain restrictions or permissions for sections of your company’s profile

• If you are looking to become more visible in your industry – make your company profile public

Set your privacy settings

Page 27: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Facebook is a great platform to paint a picture of who your organization is

• Reconnect with fellow alumni or past colleagues

• In contact information field, list any websites your company owns & links to other social media sites

Fill out your profile completely

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• Monthly, go through the process of

importing from your email accounts

• Use Facebook Connect on your blog

Import contacts & grow your network

Page 29: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Use a group to bring people together in your industry, become valuable contributor to your community & market your company’s product

• Share links, videos, photos and start discussions

Start a group

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• Use pages for brands

• Pages resemble your FB profile

• Customize Facebook URL to company name

for example www.facebook.com/asgteam

• Pages help your brand go viral

• Pages rank in Google and you can use it for your professional career, keeping your personal private

Start a page

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• By opening up an event to everyone, you can meet and discover new people who have a shared interest and can support your career

• Events are cataloged

• By starting an event, you’re positioning yourself as a leader and an expert – great for your personal brand

Join or start an event in your area

Page 32: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Share your Facebook link to other sites

• Build your friend list so you have people to market to in the future

• Think profile as a digital asset & grow that asset over time

Link out to your Facebook profile

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• Link social media profiles together so you only have to update one time

• Use RSS feeds to import blog titles

Feed your social networks

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• Start following people and institutions

• Relevant people in your field & become their follower

Twitter: “It’s about who you know”

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Twitter: “It’s about who you know”

Page 36: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Tweet about relevant topics such as specific niche, professions, industry advice, specific companies, etc.

• Start re-tweeting (forwarding)

• Write notes to followers using the “@” symbol and their Twitter handle

• Tweet about articles relevant to your industry or links you find intriguing

• Example – Energy Recruiter posts an article on natural gas extraction

Create Twitter content

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• Use hash tags - #Tweetmyjobs

• Search in the Twitter home page to see what is happening now

• Job search accounts that are dedicated to company, field, job type or region

• @simplyhired, @chicagowebjobs

Job search tools & resources

Page 38: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Social Media Policy – more than rules, a strategy

• Companies not evolving into this approach to social media have even more to lose

• Overly restricting social media use is counter-productive

• Broad policies often lose the chance to help guide employees into respectful social network habits & even act as “brand ambassadors” for the company

Social media compliance

Page 39: Statistics & overview of the social media landscape Benefits of a social recruitment market How to leverage social media to find candidates Tips for being

• Good starting point for establishing guidelines – The 5 R’s

• Reason

• Represent Yourself

• Responsibility

• Respect

• Restraint

Social media policy guidelines

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