THIS SAINT" WIL UAILiT GLOBE: FEIDAY^MORNING. . : fcjisii'TKMßEß 22. 1893. 7 A>i fii: uAiio^iirrrit. A*k tlie boy vrbo tells ih" nsi»*r» \u25a0 i:ci lie 111 tell you more about limitation than all the affidavits \u25a0hat ran be published. Jot ir> it Mud you ivill be tourinced lltattlits (.lobe leads ail. WANTS CAN BE LEFT Ac (be i ollovrine Location* for Insertion in Daily and Sunday Globe. M.P. Merrill. 442 Broadway. S. n. Beeves, drujgist. Moore block. Seven C. T. Eeller. druEzisL. fi2S St. Peter street. Straight Bros., druggists, corner of Hondo rotto. William K. Collier* druggist, I* 1 East :-ev- uth street. A. T. Guernsey, druireist. 171 Dale street. V. A. Ilirscher. _- t.23 Rondo street. Parker &Wes-lty, druggists, £3S» Bast Third HreeL .E. McCrucden, confectionery. 198 Rice W. A. Frost <t Co.. crr.pcists. corner Shelby *nd Western avenues. B. « . Wine, druggist. SIX) Market, corner SITUATION'S OFFERED Males. A PCSIIIXf! MAN with about $:;V> can i*- gel ft permanent sceney paying $jO a wee*. T. Blßire. rm i-t. A GKSTS « ANTKIJ-Lsdies or Kentie- S\. men. to introduce ami coniroi the sale of ihe pattmed .New Moou Embroidery and DarniDK R;:ic. A t^cw invention for doing nil kiiiris cf iarcy worK and mendine. by Land or injicbiue. Co\>\ righted book of in- Plrcctioris for use en ibe sewing machine Tree \u25a0wiili order. Liberal coiamiKgiOKs end a clear ccid. Sniopie ring by mail and full jsniculars !uri r > cents. The Ohio Novelty <- onipguy. D t^ CiiieiniiatL U. A GiXTs -wanted! both ladies and eemle- jtV nio!:: nnicie telia on sisht: no capital reunircd ; can male 55 a day easy. IST West BAItKKK for >aturday; Si per day and Uisrd. C^r East Third -:. ' akber iraated. .75HaIl*F. " B.\ XI : ;; ; iiranted at 6i2 for Satur- tiny; >4. W. M. I'irarn. BAKUKfi WH-iied far Satcrday al^94 East •• \u25a0 .\u25a0 si. T»LA(K>MIIII -warned for geueixl wort L* Riia horseihoing for North Dakota: good •i. - to me right man. Apply to ICicolsA Dean. DOOKKKEI'ER—Wanted, young man *-* who wriies well to leara 'bookteepin? and general office work: 315 per month at "rsL AUdrc-F*. \u25a0 .\u25a0-...•\u25a0 :\u25a0 43. Globe. MI'LOVMEMFOR 3,(x»0 I'tOPLK- We want ar-tive representatives in ail (•arts of the l":iued S-.iies to sell an article ta»t is used by every one: e-oods warranted: profits enormous; business permanent and legitimate: nclusive territory Riven; ex- perience not iievft-sary. Address Manu- facturing Company. IT* "and ISO Commercial M . Lynn, Miss. |ft> TdTIIE I'lßLlC'Minrcom- v^ t ,!eie iaJeßroom at - -411 tibley «t. Frudetj Stove fompaay. ALJi>.MKN to fell Bakine Powder. We O put our soode in Glass liollin* Pius. $tii ' month and expenses, orcommission Chicago Baking Powder Co. Tt;7 Van Buren a -i.- --i-aeo. wAIALYOK IOMJII.SMON to~ateiit O to handle the Patent Chemical Ink-Eras- intr Penri): iLt most uteful aiid novelJnven- tioa of the ate: erases ink thorocchly in two leeofcds; irorks like masric: COO to£oo percent profit; acentE making 550 per week; we also want a peceral Bgent to take charge of tern- tory. and appoint EUb acents; I rare chance to make moncv; write for terms and spec!- icen of erssanc Uocroe Eraser 31fe.Co.Xt! 4. LaCro&se. Wit,. <^OL.ICITOKS-W«niPd. uien of enercy ° end me: to mliclt for Uie Bankers' Life Asiotiation cf M. FeuL...L \u25a0\u25a0... : .. hberai con- trscifindtpituJid territory can be secured by addrew-irp clarence E.Secor. St. Panl. Minn. > lit. KAI'HKKi> ComDeteni stenoc- »J ranhers and ;ypc writer operators om of c-mploymem are mrjicd to reKister LCeir nmtfßM quaiirications with our employ- ment depanment: no chanre to either em- pioyer or emplovcd. WyckolT, Seamans <5c eaedifL 9* KaM Fuunfa st. \\7 ANTED-For the Cnited States Arm- y* * Able bodjea unmarried men between the aces of twenty one and thirty years: (rood pay, rations, clothine and medical attend- ance: applicants must be prepared to fnr- rusn satisfactory evidence as to nee. charac- U-r ana habits. Apply at R00m" 207, Xo 31 Ka»; Seventh si. m. Para, Minn. WEOods sales- »» maa to oiiVr Prvss Goods. Skirtiaes. Dorcets. C^^irncrs, Cottonadcs. etc., to reiail dry soodf trade and ceueraJ stores in St Paul ana vicinity. No objection io another side line. We par a rood ecramiss-ion on sales and duplicaie*. Address Manufacturer, box iriy-2. Phiiaaelj.hia Postoffice. V\7AXTtI> .Ss]esmen or aseuts; easy > » work: good pay pants to order . SI suits $in. Huuttr Tiulorin? Compaav t-ineiunati. «;hia \\ /ANTED— Yr. unp people to i earn teieg- * * rsrhy. fhorthand. bookkeepine. etc : f-indents rnn mate board. Globe' Business < al'.cse. Knuicou Bnildina. i .WTKL CXIO.AS. iy\s«iN«. scbooi East bey- -is euiu si.: < la^b Thursday and Saturday evenincs trom s In10; daacfns sociable Tne*- day evening: E}«cta] r&ies to pupils ioinine fa or teiore <>< i. ;\u25a0;. ,y. E . Curran. xkcher. S^l A«ATUA> ACADEMY OF MUSIC LJ sud Art. 26 Eiuit Ex«ban?t Si St. Paul— i*iar:a violiu. {.-aitar and mandolin taupfax Lfctsoiifc pivtn 17: drawing and paiaonff. Call or send for Droepectaac TBi I>. Ht»I>KACIICALf>HOKT- X hand School willojteiiiis »innn«d even- -Imse«2JOM Monday. Oct. .; faciiitirs unex- celled: iuMjTiciion the best: lenc»-cason- fcble. No. fifr j'icT'.eer Pre«« Building. BO.4Ki> WAITED. Ooa:. snft rocn:? for gciuiemaa ami two \u25a0*-' ctuldrca Is urictiy pr:vi-.'x laaoi'v; boy thirteen, girl ',lv: iladison sthool district prewired: w;li;rig :o pay fair price for cood itcottmodiiiUjns. Call or address \u25a0•-TH-eC. Foucd. Z'JC- gjtley -: BOAIJD-First-eliiss Loar-i and roon™ in -rriTfite German family; scr>a cooking '\u25a0Mini craifcrls. Addrc?s C 30VGlobe. i>inal^. \ PPKEXI it'KS— '.Vanted.tiro apprentice t\ iiirls to learn-millinery.trade.- Applyat 11. :*.r«iidL 520 Kice sl . .::\u25a0\u25a0•: COOK . sod pastry ar;d meat cook where three regular rneais are served: 6 o'clock dinner. Joy. Hotel lianean. H<»IiSKWORK (iirl for general house- work. 655 Martin st. HIHTSJ WORK—Wanted, eirl for peneral h<insework m ;; -i Pleasant ay. HOi;sKWOKK— Wautea. Jv-irl for cener- a! housework. Apply a;*.> Iloily ay. Hul<r\VOliK Wanied. a competent cirl for general housework. HT" Good- rich ay. «lUSEWORK-Touiig sir; to assist in general hi Be wort and lake care of baby. ~>f>* r«eiby ay. H' : l-.--WORK— A neat eir] for general h'»;:sework in family of four. Applyat 3SS Isleiiart k. "_ H(H-mvi>rk_ Wanted, a eood cirl for eeneral housework at MS Holly ay. Nl Rsii competent nurse girl at 14$ I Nina ay. fc»r kf!-> n»iHKHBI.I( -M,rcom- I yJ plete salesroom at jOd-411 sibley st. i Prndfi stj>re i omnanvl ' liort>i:s aVJEB CARRIAGES * HAVE YOU A ! % HORSE. 5 | CARRIAGE. «5T t t f PHAETON. is! <? i9 -VICTORIA, d 1 HARNESS, 5 SLEi'iH. ? ?~Z POX Tor f ! f tsa JAUNTING # I 4 ART d ! w To Sell, or do you want to Bay one)- # ; 0 Try the columns of \ \ | THE WANT PAGE. | \ V^^-V%^V^'V'fl^%^^,>%( %^av^ FOR SALE-oae fine brouafaam and T cart cheap. Address X-K Globe. fOS It's ttie thing. I have a very handsome T cart tliat 1 wislj to dispose j of; price is no oojecL Address - &M. G:obe. , OK > VLt OR fcXlil \ >..-»- -My larse carriage horse (weiefca •. •• | for funii- ; lure or groceries: at a fair price. CE. X^ ! Glol«r. t-oi: SAL*.— Three sen liuht and one A heavy set siugle harness cheap. 074 ' Holiyav. FOR SALK- Two-seat open surrey, with j pole and shafts; in first-class condition. J. rossen Jr.. 341 Robert. WO i,o,!ii OP lH'Giii K>«: aiM) si "trie » h«rnfcss, very cheap. hyau Livery. 44". ; Robert «. \l/^ILL TRAUK a lanre sorrel horse, a i [ »» beauty, weigrtis l.lrJO. and tome money > ;for a eood iieht drivinghorse: relist lie kind I and OK. for a lady to drive. Address 6."4 11.->!lv ay. LOST AM* I \ii. DOST I the4adies wno drove up Summit ay. Tuesday afternoon. Una. | , about l ::;\u25a0'. inform resident at Si .-6 Summit bt. j the whereabouts- tf a black and whiu* Eng- , lish sent- r a:>g thai followed their carriase; DO>» LOST— aril white EnclisJi | setter doc named "Bob:" 1 plaie ou cellar I marked "Wilkiu."' Heturn to (iJ6 Summit I nv. and receive reward. F'IVK OOL1.A1:- . ..""... willLe pa:u for the return of laiee. si>oitfd red and [ white cow: had halter on and rope around ; horns, li. *". Toppinz. I'JU.J summit ay. RING I.OsT Near Hastings, on moruiug of SepL li by. dropping from the Bar- I liiiinon train, a gentleman's diamond ring:. Fall value of the ring will be paid to any one j reiv.rnine to W. £. Magraw, Glube counting . j ro.-m i •*( \l't->> TO TDK I'LBl.lC:"—Onreom- i * ' plele salesroom at (".Mil ~i!>.ey at, I Prnden Move Comnanv. tw.TUOOK L«*>T— At noon. .-sept. :u, 011 Mnith ay. near !-ixth m. Liberal ! reward if returned to Wiilinxu jdiller,osl Wabasria -: Tl f KAI KKAI>. I" YOECM SCHOOL OK AC TIXC- { JLj Koouj ai Colltim Block, .T >ouih Fourth tL. :'.-flpoj:s Pupils trained for the ! stasre: plays written, ri-vised and rel.earsed. \u25a0 ~~ J" > roiM»«.!il> lor Buildings. US. INDIAN M.KYK.E, Clio* i HEEK and Lower Brule Atreucy. a. i).. crow *. 'eet. Buffalo Louttv. S. i).. September l th lM)i. SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed I "Proposals for Build;nts."" and addressed to 1 the undersigned at Crow Creek. Buffalo I County, S. 1).. will be reeeired at mis Agency ! until one o'clock !'. M. of Monday, Ocuiwr 2nd, leSJu. for furnishing all n?i-e>»H.v ma- I tonals and lauor and erecting and complet- j ingon the site selected therefor on the Lower Brule Indian naiimi. S. 1»_ oue (1) j frame office or aamini^tmnun buiidiu^: one {}) frame grain house; one d1 frame carpen- ter ana paint shop; one i] > frame wheel- I wrigtit tied b^ackfesuth shop: oue Ii i frame I hoti>e for physician's quaneis. sud one <1) 1 frame guard house and police barracks, ali in ; accordance with the plans an i specifications j which may be examined at the offices of the l Builders' Exchange, st. Paul, Minn.; the Builders 1 Escnai.ce. Omaha. Neb.: the "Tribune.' \u25a0 of Sioux City. la: the "Dakota 2>emocraL" of Chamberlain, S. i).. and at this Bsreucy. A form ot proposal is attached to tLe specifications: The ..:; is reserved \u25a0 to reject any or all bids or any part of any j bid. il deemed for the best interest of me I service. All bidders will be heid to con- ! form to the provisions of ihe Act oicocrress ! approved Ana 1, lrirj. relating to the limi- -1 tation of the hours of daily service of mc- i chanics and laborers employed upon he public works of trie United* states and be ' District of Columbia. Proposals xau»t sii.ie separately the proposed price of ench build- ing, and the period !of time proposed to be consumed in the erection. CEETirUID CHECKS. Each oid must be accompanied by a certi- fied cneck or draft upon some limed states Depository or solvent National Ban* in the vicinityof the residence ol the bidder, made | payable to the order oi the Commissioner of ! Indian Affairs, for at least fite per. cent of ' the amount of the proposal, whicb check or j draft willbe forfeited to the United states in ; case any bidder or bidders receiving an : award shall fail to promptly execute a con- ! tract witheood and sufficient sureties, other- ! wise to be returned to the bidder. Bids ac- I companied, by cash in heu of a certified jcheck will not be considered. For further , information as to location of the building j sites, means of transportation, eta. etc ap- ply to *"KiiDERICK TREON. j U. s. ludiau AgenL STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF O Kamsey ss. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of John Moriartr deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of John Moriany, dec-eased, late of LbeCoumv of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, being granted to Julia Moriarry: It is ordered. Thai six months be. and the j same is hereby allows d from and after the ! date of this order, in which all persons nav- jin«r claims or demands acainst the said de- -1 ceased are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said County fox examina- tion and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordeied. That the first Mon- day in ApriLA. D. 1*94. at I'jo" clock a. m., at a general term of said Probate Court, to be i held at the Court House in the C:tv of Saint PauL in &aid county, be. and the same hereby | is appointed «s the liiaeaud place when and I where the said Probate court willexamine ! and adjust said claims acd demands. And it is further ordered. That notice of ' :cr: hearing be friven to all creditors and persons interested in said estate by forth with publishing this order once ineach week for three successive weeks in the St. Paul Daxx.tGx.-9BX. a daily newspaper printed and ; published in said county. DRted s: Saint Pad. ttis" listh da? 01 Sep- tember. 1533, By ice Courts JOB}? B. OLIVIER. 1*- f-i Judge of I'roba». . > I YOU WANT WORK. * # Find It by usinsr the Glow: d 0 Want Columns, and you c«.u be £ 1 employed as \ }. AGENT. CLERK, . > 0 BOOKKEEPER. X 5 STENOGRAPHER. ? i SECRETARY, f A Hostler. Gardener or M&n-of-All-? 5 Work. * # .. DON'T BE IDLE.. % $ While the Globe is at your service. m tittle. \ Buy wants wort el any kind. Lull at A 321 Martin. ATHOKUK.HI.V HOXEST and in- dustrious young man wants employ- ment of any kind; good references given. Address V49. Globe. BAJEXKSfDKH willine to -wort wants job in or out of city. Address E 31V Globe. BOYS FOIC n.ACE>, places lor ooys: employment bureau for poor boyp, free. Newsboyß' Club Koom.:;i.> Wabasta : open from 11 to It a. m.. and from « to 9 p. m. noOKRKUEIt Wanted Can any \u25a0D merchant or business man employ a Rood, reliable bookkeeper for tbe winter at a small compensation :- Address \V lux Globe. CAKPhT CL.KAMNG—Man warns posi- tion cleaning and laying carpets. all at .. Boudo. pLEKK-A good clerk would like work >— evenings: wiil work cheap, or for board. Address V 101. Globe. COOK Situation as cook in lumber or ' mining camp by man and wife of ex- perience. Address X 103. Globe. COOK— A nrst-ciass all-round cook wants situation: town or country. Address D. A. \u25a0:.. 33] University East. M. Paul, Minn. COOK— Wanted, situation; can do meal and pastry: city or country: references. Addres? G iff-. Globe. COOK— Want a situation as a first-ciass camp cook in i be woods. Address .Mat Hehnar. 444 St. Peter si.. SL Paul. COLLECTOR— A successful and reliable collector and salesman wants work o:i commission: city experience and reiereiK-e*. Address U 101. GU.be. D;t.\FT<*MAN_— A cood draftsman r;ie mechanic wants position: ciiy rrf- erenees. Address He;... 1050 East' Sev- enth st. MPLOY.ai.fc.NX— Wanted, situation by good man at »ipkii>- worn.. Address i=L >zyp. postoitcf. cur. HOSTLEK— Situation ; v a No. 1 hosuer. 637Mls«igsit»i*i!=i. OHICKWOKK by doable-entry book- keeper ol experience: three years with last i plovers in this city; referent-.- Atl- dress to. Globe. Fi'lCK '.VCiiK A youn? man of eichl een wants position in an office: uiider- siauds shorthand and typewriting and is a ;;ood penman. Address J Jiis. Globe. OFFICE WORK- Wanted, position in office of sometn;il: have hud eighteen years' experience in freitrht and passsencer bur-mesa; thoroughly pc&ied in wood anu coal Dullness, collecting or bookkeeping. Answer X 10;;, «, lobe. OFFICE w OKK—Young sun would lite position in oftiee where he con id maKe himself generally useful. Address V I<<3. t.lobe. OrFtCE Wiikk- Young man of general experience de>irc<- oflice position: belli banking and menmiuile experience: satis- | factory reierpm-e. Address <J liß. Globe. OFFICE WOKK Man of thirty-three withgood office experience nui posi- | tion: best t.f references. Address b >/.!:. i Globe. PuitTKK- o experienced porter would like a as roner or jan- itor: can pivt- goou city references. j Grove st. i pOKTJtK— Wanted, by ityoung man, situ- C alion as i>ortr-. •; work in private fam- ily; icood driver and milker: best of refer- : ences. Address v W& Globe. ; POSITION by competent man and wife i A in Hotel, nimi as bartender and wife at I cbamber work; no ciii dren. J. F. Word, 131 i Starkey si. SALOPIAN— Wauled, position in com- mission house as ciiy salesman: a hus- tler. .-. dare*? V I'XL GSobe. | CAI.!>MA.\-r,i-;i wanted either in ;k - city or on rosa ; cxjierienee aud best of ; reference* given. Adore ss r ua. Globe. j SITUATION Youdk man wants position O in *omewholesale or ret»il house: can ; tiiraiEh good recemmeudatiuus. Address J | HC, Globe STtXOi.KAI'HER-i - rtenos;- raphtr of five years" experience is in I need of a position: wiii work cheap at pres- ent. Address C 1.. Globe. Si i.Mit.KAFHhK-Male rive year* «- perience. open for eneement; refer- ence». Address K. («.. •. 4 Jessamine. f T"EAMSTtK-'iUi:;c(i. position as team- I X >ier or driver of delivery wagon by j yr.uns single man. Add revs B Tfi Globe. HpvPK%\ V.-unsinau. weilrecom- | X. mended, desire* position in the city: can handle Remington machine. Address F 100. Glooe. : TYP<K.KArH-Y,.i;!i; man (lypoeraph I i wants work in pnnnn? office: English < or ScandinaTian. Address 153 bherborne air. roi:KFOKK<iAltu— situation wanted by a young man a^ed eighteen to do chores for board ana go to school: very best ;of cityreference, lmc Birch st. * U" ILL FAI liberal amount to anyone \u25a0 V instrumental in s-ecurins; business 1 position: capable, weli-recommended. ex- perienced person: counaential if desired i Address O lflt Globe. \rou can ret stove repairs for all kinds of . woves at American Move Kepair Works, . In* V\ est >eventh. "• iI itMMAIA. ~"~ —IMPORTANT TO LADIES- xl.» Ma«i-aEe ire-atment Riven to ladies 1 for neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, muscu- ! lar cramps, nervous headaches and all other i nervous diseases: all treated by an experi- enced lady familiar with the * celebrated twedisn massatre treatment: speaks Swed- ish, German. French and Enclisa. Vassace Institute. 71East Eleventh Eireet. Hours, a i to 11 a. m. ! \ lit. YOU IN ThOtBLK- Consult , A Jladime Ina Walker, "life reader." for \ faithful resume of your past, present and future. .Diseases of" women diagnoseu and succfissfully treated: correspondence confi- i dential; ladies. 60c: centiemen. $1, 515 Wa- j ba&ha -: opposite the capital. ALWAYS RELIABLE— Madame Teits- worth, clairvoyant: business lest medi- um: thirty years' experience. SB Wabasha 6L, city. FOR SALE Do you want « nice brough- am I want money— and I want it bad; you can have the above vobicie at an ex- tremeiy low ngnre. Aaaress » 31<». Globe. i\]ISS HKI.KN DKVEAKE— Ladies" and Ii- gents" manicarinc ally done; sa.t- isfaction assured. Pnrior 9, Sa L' 7 East &eT- enth st. ;VIES. DE i.AiTTi;:. experienced mas- ; j-'X sadist i" East Seventh st Parlor L nrst floor. Hours. 10 to '\u25a0>daily. 1.1 US. KATE H((«iKI\« PSYCHO- i'-L metric reader and trance medium. 225 Vi ' West Seventh su m. Paul. RS. At.lCt-J F. BA«;> ELL—Massage and vapor Laths. 159 We« beventn el SL Paul. Minn. - - KS. M. a. TL'^fcV-fij Wnba*h»St.— Magnetic aud mastiace treatment for paralytic rheumatism and nervous diseases. Clairvovani reader. t'a!l 9a . in.to »p. in. »piiK r\TlllA> l'L>. at 51 a year, \u25a0L should be -id by every K. of P. in the Xonhwest; subscribe forit ana keep posted Addrebs 63 .East fifth st:, -:. Paul, Mian. ~ - Female*. [ A— I.A KPEN TIECn has r. leuty of girl* Sl West Exchange: telephone tSO7. j A rot n«. «.IKL would like a situation at 1 1 working in a store or to do light nouser work Address X3ltt, Globe. \u25a0*.'.'- | BOOKKfcEPISU— Situation wanted its young lady as bookkeeper: tmdei>tf.t«ls both single a.nd double entry; can furnish good references. C. M.. Cf >t. Autnouy sv. BOY Aboy of seventeen wou.i like a po- sition: in an oflice; can furnish best of reference. Address I'M. Globe. DOOKKKEPtR Yoime lady wishes U 9 -^rion; has had six years' exoeneuce in bookkeeping and general office work; i.-> a gootl UplbiubU; references famished. Ad- dress Z 365. Oit'be. \ 1 t_l Ol WO UK-Young isdv wants-place j n to Hl-1-.1 in housework: will work cheap j for eof>d borne. A:>t,ly 170 £>i£i:t& uv., coiner : West Ttiirc. thirl floor. If OI'SKRF.H! or nurse and seam- t-L stress in private family by a resi>eciabie j wobui;. Andrew 1: 50. Globe.' H'T-TTTTTTrsTaT n youm; widow wisnes powttoa rs housekeeper, where the «w.ld ao borne nirnts: r»r wwiid lake WM^h- iitg «u<i ron:;r<;. Hi We«t Mli_lai at. OlSKktfcl-EK-'. middle-aewi lady v»nt« position as uousekeei>er b) small family. Addrass 103. Globe. HOIT.sfcKEEPKR Po^Uon as hon<«- keetier: can eive U.*tof retc-jeuce. Aa- I dress f.. General Delivery. Sti;l water, Mum. 1 . . HOl'NEKliEl'Elt— A lady that under- stauag houaeceetilag, &iso is -. rive cock, wishes a sllcatlbu in h u-idow«-r*s borne, in ormit of city. Address C . :i.G <£>!*. \"tii«-i >s . ..-. -j. position r»y a girl ot -i-^ *isi«:ii as uurse; c«n sew neattr; rtT- { cre:ice-s. Addres; ii .?>i Ulotte, A"1 Rse to take c.ire of cUiUron or mate l^i uersell us.itnl; eignte»n years oltL «.d- --dre<s :-:ir.. Gloi>e. "JV'^BSl!;— Wauled, by a ti experienced per- ! -" sotj with gnort references, * place as . child's nnrse. \Jjra.:M X.. laGroito »-t. 'V' I X\u25a0» X - a Swe3ibh yoiiac sriri ot scwKX *- ' ':::.\u25a0 and education \u25a0wiKbe?asil\iation I totak=?<-are of ch;.iren snJ make herself generally u—fm. AadrcM (j.Un. Ulol*. ! SKASISTItesS wants t>ialn sewing in f&iuii««.-s. C&ll or address 177 Selbymr. CEAM3 rßKss— Good Reanistress « -hi vi O position in private faxniir doina light second work and sewing. Address 7, v% j Globe. ;\u25a0 SEWINC— A dressmaker wfcuU- sewing- by the day m ffiiuiiies: -sevea yews experi- ence. Call or address »15 Boodo. ! YI'KWBITIsT - A young Uavlype- ; •- wntut would like a position; wiil work: ] fur c::; cjoctu f ree. if permanent; t-esi of city rt-fere nets. AiJdre&sZ 102. Giol>e. ,- | '. T OKK IOC BOAKI>-Girt of fiO«tt . •• w&tildlike to work hr her b<i«rd mid go to school. «"ai! »*iT! tsust seventh, sLi 1 Miss !j»b« ; . 1_ I \\' VNTKO » tMucaleJ GenuMn utdf »* Jrri:^! lo excheust: nor services for a temporary home in quie: family; 1- -i *»:.»l I -.«(- Address V .:!-!, Globp. ITUCASHIStCtSA woman wants mshihi »» or icouiiiisor ktbUHIK: can go Kits reference. Miss Mary toil,41i fcwst Pifth *ii Ul A>MI!SG jr«;:{ed u'4sߣB3K Sixth xC: ronxthdded ctotUps •£> cents {•<?*\u25a0 doseu; called lor sud dellrtred. i II" A!«UI>G (Viiin.HD gr>P!i out . -i-nuHf, » » f- isoiiius autl :!.ui!".-ii'.Hii!;ii:. . Caii or write to 4*>"J Cedar st.. UooaiS..-. - . - , I UTA!SHLM« or general housewortc* >d K«si Ninthsi." \u25a0 iI*A!»HIM» Woman want* wn«tiitieand »\u2666 ironing: to mite home. Mrs. Larson. o*3l 33:ssisMpi>i st. -'.\SHIMi-l like *,o wkf family w&sh- iußaibonie. 500 Booert st. ; j \l ' ASHING—A sin wauts to jru oat oy »» the d.iy ".Tt!«!;i:i_- and uoufecieaniiu^ Call 45 West Ninth st; \l " A-sIIfcUWOMAJs— Lady will do wash- »» i:ifr and iromnir at Scents a dozen: iirst-cJass work: -a 1 for aad deliver. No. 6»73lissi£Sipiii st.. iv ba>*ment. -•* :~" nrOSKFOB I'.WAKD- Young !ndy at- »V lendiiis hisrh schot'l dew rvn place to »oik for boat Call or ndctrrss *K> Vnuri.it- tan bio**. I ===r^-— »»ESS3IAIiI><;. L Ail I its' *nrt chiidren':. tmiletwear nod Biased* aud children's ciiuiunir made to order. Mrs. Kowl?n.iioom 3C, New Manu- li»-iiat'r buiidiug.- STORES IHTIKES \u25a0 I jfesaMßfiß £ui>u>»ar so v. ln* ImßL ~j-»,S V^^S^TS ii''..J.-i..i[;i,.. 1Bjga^glßi Br a |ii(acil[ODpy i BILLJAKD AV POO!. TABLES AM><BII. i LIAHu SUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 aud«7; Office and Factory 4H -id -a.. Fifth avenue south. .Vinn. TATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Kamsey— District CotirL second Judi- cial District. la the matter of the assignment or The Georee H. Lams Fumii-nine Company, an insolvent corporation, to Jotua W. Lane. Notice is nereby given, that the under- sisned, John «". Lane, alienee in the above- entiiied matter, pursuant to an order of court, will receive, up to and including the I jjthday of October. A D. ÜBS, bids in writ- j ing for the sale in bulk in ca?h of ail his right, title and interest as such assignee in and to all stock in trade and merchandise belonging to said insolvent estate, which snail then remain unsold, and inand to the store fixtures at the store st Nob. 4'6i and 436 Wartasha streeL in the City 01 st. Paul, and that at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Tib day of October. A.D. it-93. he wiilreport Wid bius to the conrt above named, at a special term thereof, to be held at the court house in >L Paul. Miunesota. -i.d ask the direction of the conn inthe premises: and if a sale of said properly to the hictien bidder is approved I by the court, at will sell and convey the feaine I to such bidder. Each tld must "be tic-corn panied by cash or a certified check on some solvent bank for ten per cent of tLe amount of such bid. and the same wiil be returned 10 the bidaer in case the bid is no) accepied. Said nock ana fixtures and an inventory of the same can be examined at said store- on each week day prior to the 7th day of Oefio- ber. a. D. ]\u25a0>»«. The. assignee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SS . *ni '- Dated Sl, Paul. Minn., Sept. vOth. Ifi9!.ir ; JOHN \Y. LANE. Assignee. , . •\u25a0\u25a0?'! and -;. Globe Building. I OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY. OF O Ramsey— District Court. Intbe matter of the assignment of Nicholas Keimnnger. insolvent. Notice of Sale of Uncollected Ac- counts. Notice is hereby given that on the 30th d«T of September. 1593. at two (2) clock in the afternoon of that day. and at the Wabasha street entrance to the court house in the City of St Paul :n said county, the undersigned willoffer for sale and sell to the highest bid- der for cash the nacollecied accounts of the above-named. insolvent. Nicholas Eeiin- rinEer. Mr.Heimrixuer was formerlyin the grocery business at the corner of Rice street and College avenue in said city, and the uacol- leeted accounts are subject to inspection at my place of business at . :>J P.:ce street in said I City. Dated September 21. 1533 L ! ; PETER PEES. Assignee. !l£lSy^tfs^"ES Leaves liiion Depot for !R«B c' sso and down-river =i m. At- Jtklltl >' rives from smne noints \u25a0\u25a0KB U Daily. Leaves git\u25a0WWW If Dcpoifort^iCMro il lUIUjMH: ' '- oT:ii :- ' \u25a0-•\u25a0 "i- --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0BiSBI ' 'sfronsssme pbinla k 1 "*w lq* Duly. FOB BEST. FABKEB Ac WINNE, Beatttui Agency. : AeentH for Carp of Property, Estates Jianasretl, 145 East totirlh Mro(«c ; J. W. Shrpard. 94 East. 4tb s»t~. RBKCR HOMsKS, STOIiES, OKI B^, Xv Kb as owners' scent : collect? rents. House**. AISPIST CI.KAMKU, refittiia; «nU lny- tutr. "Electric Umxptt C'lM Works, 158 West Third: telephone ! r ;»>. HttliSC My hc»u«i. furnished, ana oarn. fcS IloUy si.. for rent «7.a.Hart Globe btiiidml:. HOUSE 63 Summit ay.. tw<-ire-room brick house: all modern conveniences: inquire on premises. HW Bat—Ml U;lebart Si.— A first-class house, leu rooms, -.(iieudid location, will rt-nt cheap. Hoi BBS—far mot, house No. 419 Grove I * s!.. f.pr>o«tt«- «i*- l-Krt .No. 457 Case M.. itr.dNo. "Sl Uolly-iv. 1». smith, 723 Maa- liatUui Hlock. HlilTSfc—K^r rcuL \u0084tetmiuu furnished hoiirf; cilywaUr; terms returnable !i uuire at tv: *rut st. HUOBK— I rent, M Grove sl. comer Pine, beat bMaaa aad erounds m the city for j-;:. \u25a0.. monUi ; look «t taesa. >icols .ft Itean. ! HOUSK For rent, si boose of nine rooms. I *\u25a0 i- U" Ninaav. HOI !*K— A new modern len-room dwell- ing. r>.il Cacaaa at _^ 8C!lKOfcOEIl A OICKINBON,18 Kas.l v^ Sixth, for crt; c{£>auiue, fe&ther and I •,jKii:vr.i rt \n'.i: - a.:jd upboisterinc. I r TAVLOU 1 4 KI.NTIN.. .1 «i KNt \ : J. GLOBE BUILDING —WE RENT HOUSES. STOEES, : OFFICES. TAKE UABGB Of RENTED PUOPEETV AND »AKK UOLUECTIOKS. Flat-s. Ar»KtmmßtTS-- r-urrtJ!Tied or unfor- Bjshed The Colonnade, .in and »l Peter g-ts.; firyt-class rerdaura-ut. F'tATS Modern Bats; with strain li«iL J-' hot aud cotd water. $:.-». $23. sri. SSR.SS; these fiats ire 19 to 515 meaner than any otiniiar tlsiL«. iv the city. Beife!d Block.'cor- sser 6outh i.'obert st. and Fairfield ay. K. \u25a0Jt>hiiso:». - neat LM.ATB— For rent, tvto rials on ncouta st. IA- Applyat £21 Kast veutb bl .. THE VlUGlNlA_Facin?r Central Park aud East Summit Ay.— Twenty house- keeping apartment* (four for rent) ;" location -.tits bniidinc finest i.i tUecity: stnetiv »ir»l- ciaas; •.-.•••••Hi.-.r. .-u-xia heat, electric light, all hardwood lloor&, t.hr-j tv-.-c.rl nnish, gas range. gs_» crate, screens, shades, eta Apply at eievntor for circular, ti.,, or to V. S. Hrvant. STOKE— Inquire &07 West Seventh St.: good iiK-mir»u for groceries, <irv goods hardware or creamery and bakery business; rent \u25a0 : \u25a0Silt. tOlt Mi.F, a .].M'l AM* HIK« II rI,UIIHI>(. at I ill JacKson and luh sis. Tnomi.son &Co. -s, AMl'liU*iovt-t nnd all oddii2esat wholesale cost. Prudcn Stove Company, j 4iK^4li sitley .-t. ! EWING MAtiii.-NKS cond - hand I O sewing macnines. all kinds. $5 and up- ;wards: warranted. Domestic Office, Ot East ; .•Seventh. \u25a0 -..- \u25a0 . - - \u25a0 . | ovis-iyoincft. KAULEKT & - MINTKi. Minnesota ; XV .-:*-hui Dye Works. -*4 East heveutb. : 17 .1 KOCIIJKN— N. W. Steam Dye Works \u25a0X office. 4:e Kobert Kyau Block Work. sf> mid ."' luJiaua ay. •th»c:ki.i.a^f.ous. E^<»K SALE/ a person about to leave the city bas a very neat rockaway that must I be converted into some cash, Write ms: it ! will be your gain and my loss. Address X j 30S, Globe. ~ ACCOIiSTAHTS. ~~ ! Jj M. Tt.aftri.l-; -JS i.eruiauia Life insur 11. t r«e Buildins. expert Mid ttuditwork Notice of unease Sale. \yHEREAfc. DEFAULT HAS BEEN * < made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, bearing date the twenty-tilth day ot May. A. D. ls)L executed and delivered j by William H. Gardner and LulnM. Gardner j his wife and Oscar L Lienau (unmarried), I mortßaiors. to the New York Life Insurance I Company, a corporation existing under and I by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, mortgagee, whereby the said mort- gagors did eniut, bargain, sell and convey to ' the said mortgagee, its successors and as- signs, :orevei. all that tract or parcel of j iana lyingand being in the County of Ram- i sey and state of Minnesota, described as I follows, to wit: Lot numbered lea .Km of block numbered sixteen (16) of Bell's ad- dition to We*i St. Paul, according to the plat thereof on hie and of record in the of- j fice of the Kegister of Deeds in and for the i said County of Ramsey, except the north- j erly six 18) ' feet thereof, quitclaimed to the I City 01 St. Paul for alley purposes, to secure the paymert of the sum ot five thousand j dollars (SiWX) Go) and interest thereon at I the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, 1 payable semi-aunually, according to the j conditions of a certain promissory -note ! made by the said William H. Gardner, one j of the mortgagors, to said company for j that sum. payable on the first day of I July, A. D. l8i»G. wita interest coupons ; attached for each installment of said interest i to the time of maturity of said principal note, each of said coupons bearing interest after maturity at the aforesaid rate of six ifi)per centum Tier annum; said note and coupons »11 bearing even date with said morurage and there: n relerreu to: and by the terms of said I mortgage itis provided that in case of default ! in the payment of «>y installment ot interest j due upon the principal sum by said mortgase j secured, aua such default should continue j for thirtydays, said principal sum should j become and be at once due and payable: and which said mortgage contains the usual ; power of sale in case" of default in the con- ditions thereof ; also an agreement to pay , said mortgagee, its successors and assigns, in case of the foreclosure of such" mortgage, the ' sum of seventy-nve collars ($7511i0) as attor- ! neys' fees for such loreclosure: ana said J mortgage authorizes the said mortgagee, its successors ami assigns, in cas2 of a sale j under the said power, to retain from the 1 proceeds of such sale the principal and In- terest which shall then be due on said note \u25a0 and coupons, tosether \u25a0with the sum of sev- enty-five (§75) dollars as attorneys" lees, and the costs and charsts of such sale: and said mortgage whs duly acknowledged by said :mortgagors, and thereafter and on the fourth day of June. A. D. I>*l. at three o'clock ana 50 minutes p. m., anly recorded in the o-thce of the Register ot Deeds of said County of Ramsey, in Book 2&» of Mortgages, on pages 79, £0, £ and 82. __-»-\u25a0 Ana wnereas. The said mortgagor* failed and neglected to pay the installment of in- terest which became due on said cote on the j hrstdarof July, a. D. 1893. ana nave ever j since failed and neglected to par the same : j and thai thereby the said principal . sum ot !said note become and is now due and pay- able : : Aud whereas. There is now claimed to be j due on said mortgage at the date of this notice, exclusive of said seventy-five dollars (5.a.00», for said attorneys' fees, the sum of five thousand two hundred one and 50-100 dollars -$\-oi SC-1D0). ana no action or pro- ceed:n* has been instituted at law id recover the debt remaining securea by said mort- cage, or any part thereof: Now. theref ore.no Lice is hereby given max. by virtue of the said power of sale, and pur- suant to the statute in such case made and :provided, the said mortgage - will be fore- closed by a sale of the mortzaged premises herein above described,- at public vendoe, to : the hichest bidder, at me front door of the Court House on Fourth \ street, inthe City of M. PanL in said County_of I'amsev and slate of Minnesota, on Saturday, the 14th day of October. A.D. IS.r. at ten clock in' the forenoon of that day, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said note and mortgage lor principal and interest, together with the costs and charges of such sale, and including the said seventy-five (s.7a.o:<) dol- lars, attorneys' fees as aforesaid. . Dated Aoeusrsi. A. D. ISD3. - SEWYOEK LIFE IXsUKa>>CE COM- PANY, Morteaeee. - FZ.A.XDBAC So.nnr.« & Cctcheok. Aitorueys lorMortgagee, Paul. Minn. FOR BEST. Rooms. -HOTEL >>WICK. for gentle- men only: fifty: modern steam-heated rooms by day, week or month. p|\BKUU. ST» as*—For rent, four nice V-r rooms. luquire nt377 Igiehart st. pXCIUVXiK ST.. 421 >«>KTll— Oi>e J-i n-.ceiv. famished front room, suitable fur tw<»gentlemen; also board, if desired. \u25a0 17 1 Kilt, H3 WEST—Elegantly furnished L rooms for ««-»\u25a0 select persons; everytning first-class : modern conveniences. " (VINT!! ST.. . AST— Near Broadway— 1 * Lar°e room ; private family; gentlemen only: convenient location: low rent. U'KN TO TUH IT BMC."—Our com- yJ pl*te salesroom at 4i9-411 t-itiley st. Pi%den Stove Company. PIJSAsiANT AY, I7»— Xk-elr furnished rooms: modem convenience*; with or tyUiout board. \u25a0 - ; .—--.\u25a0 00.11 Furnished or unfurnished. The ' olonnade. Tenth and m. Peter »is; first-class restaurant. ROOM— Furnished room, with steam beat, bath, etc. ; rent, $15. Address B 103, Globe. QHEKMLAJi ST.. 341 Three, tour or six O .-..in-; cellar; private nous*; central. ST. l-ETHK st, 775-Ryan Block—For O rent, two nicely furnished front rooms suitable for two gentlemen, with steam heat. »-i- and but h. 11/ UNIT.sT., 3U5—Well furnished front ••' room ana alcove : also smaller room iv private family: all conveniences. VI 7AISASMA, 52St4— Corner Tenth St.— »» \u25a0 '^hed rooms for rent :place ocit-t. 151L41. ESTATE FOR SAI.K. iluiiv-^l'or >»!«•, BOt*SK ABargain—Fine house for sale: Hiiii.ilcash payment, balance mouthlr; rent w.ii pay ii. inquire 'Hi :>herburne ay.. rtmr Farrineton. bitwise:*!* t iiasik*. v ;i»cellanron» A<ioou <iicoCKKV STOKE, withplenty of business and . centrally located, for *.-;!-.• cheap on account of .death. Address X 103. Globe. B\K»KK shop forsale: one of the best locations in the city, worth $1,500. bath business worm $i») per nianth, will sell for y<pn. Address B. S.. Globe. Minneapolis. Fiil.NT-t I.ASJ* HOKSKsHOKlNtishop. tools. eood will ana giving lease. Ad- dress 3.T Sixteenth ay. southeast. Minneap- olis. .:. '• \u25a0_,-.• - .'\u25a0_ - FOB Half-interest in well-paying A wholesale and retail business; good'rea- *ous for selling; small capital required. X ! 304. Globe. poll *Al.K— Good paying restaurant of A longstanding: best location : will show our boots and the amount of business we are :tow doing: $500 or Sti'JU will handle. Address a *9. Globe.' Minneapolis. I^OXttSAl^Ecbeap. a small grocery store: -L stoct and fixtures almost new: can give good ieri--T3u fur selling. Address j<j&. Globe. pUKNITUBIi of eleven-room house to sell i- cheap; parties leaving city; house full of good roomers, and low rent: central lota- tiou. Address >V 314. Globe. TO EXCIIAAGK. " ~ 'PWil GOOD HORShS, 1,100: ran or all i- fuel. feed, some potatoes. Inquire SS Twenty-seventh ay. southeast. Minneapolis; ; near li::ch;t!'«u. ' THE ST. PAUL TBIST COJJIPAATT —Office*, Knaiiou Block. Fourth street— Acta as executor, admin- istrator, guardian, trustee, as- »i^iiee. receiver, etc. [\/IORTGAG£ SALE—DKFACLT HAVING iT± been made in the payment of the sum of three thousand one hundred and fifty-nine dollars and thirty-four cents (53.159.34). which is Claimed to be due at the date of this notice upon i a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Hani K. Uelbost&d i then un- : married >. to The St. Paul Trust Company, a : corporation under the laws ot Minnesota, [ bearing date the tenth day of May. a. I). j ISSfI, and duly recorded in the office" of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, on the twenty-ninth day of May. A. V. 18?9, at 5 o'clock p. m.. in Book **205" of Mortgagee, on page luS, of the records of said Ramsey county. Which said mortgage was given to se- cure the principal sum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars, with interest thereon at 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annualiy. according to the principal note, and ten coupon interest notes thereto attached, and which said promissory notes are particularly described in said mortgage as so.recorded. And Whereas. The said mortgage and the debt thereby secured, was assigned by said The St. Paul Trust Company, to W. W. Braden, as the State Auditor of the State of Minnesota, by ail assignment dated October 17. A.D. ISSa. recorded December 16. IS9O, at eleven o'clock and twenty minutes. A. M.in Book "V"of Assignments, on page 436. &a, of the records of said Ramsey County. And Whereas. The said mortga.ee, "and the debt thereby secured, wts afterwards re- assigned by A. Biermaua. tne then State Auditor for" the State of Minnesota, to said The St. Paul Trust Company, by an assign- ment dated October 29. l*»l*. recorded Octo- ber 30. mOi at 11:55 o'clock A. M.in Book 36 of Assignments, onpage 7. of the Records of said Ramsey County. And which said mortgage, as weli as the said principal note thereby secured, con- tained an agreement and covenant, thai if any or either of said coupon interest notes shall remain unpaid for ten 10) days alter the maturity thereof, the holdei of aid prin- cipal note may. at its option, and without notice to the maker thereof, declare the said principal sum. as well as any or either of said past due coupon notes, as fullydue and payable, as fully as if said principal note was payable on demand, and may proceed and collect the same by foreclosure of said mortgage, either under the power of sale therein contained, or otherwise, as it may elect. - And Whereas. The coupon interest note described and secured by said mortgage, and which became due on May la i*93. for the Him of One Hundred and rive (S105) dollars. was duly presented for payment, at the place of payment therein named, and the payment thereof was duly demanded, and the same was not paid, nor Bay part thereof, and by reason of such default in the payment ot said coupon, and more than ten days after said May 10. 1*93. and before the date hereof, the holder of said principal aote. and of said unpaid coupon note, duly; declared the whole of said" principal sum. as i well c! said unpaid coupon note, as fully due ! and payable, and the payment thereof was ! then and mere dnlydemanded and refused, and no action or proceeding at law or other- > trite having been instituted to recover the ; debt secured by said mortgage, or any Dart j thereof : Now. therefore, notice is hereby given.that i by virtue of a power of sale contained in , said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute j in such case made and provided, the said ' m nga«e will be foreclosed, and the prem- : ises described in and covered by said mon- ; gace,viz: Allthat tract and parcel of land ; situated m kaid Ramsey County, and de- ! scribed as ail of lot numbered twenty-four I (24). block numbered twelve (12), of Mack- j übir. &Marshall's addition to St. Paul, ac- cording to the recorded pint thereof ounle and ofrecord In the office of the Recister of Deeds for said Ramsey County, with the ! hereditaments and appurtenances, will be : said at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said .debt and interest, and the taxes (if any) ou said prem- ises, and seventy-five \u25a057" < dollars at- . torney fee, as* stipulated in and by | said mortgage in case ot foreclosure, and the i disbursements allowed Dy law; which sale i will be made by the sheriff of said Ramsey Cocntv, at the Fourth street front door of the Court House, in tfaa City of St Paul, in : said Couaty and ttate. on Monday, the twen- tv-flfth day of September. A. D. 1533. at ten I o'clock a. m. of thai day, subject to redemp- tion at any: time within one year -from iae- dav of sale* as provided bylaw. J Dated Augnst 10. A. D. 1&3. THE>T- .'"I. 1 RTST COMPANY, 1 1 A*si2jiee of Mortgase- "-\u25a0'•'\u25a0 By J. W. Bishop. Fresiuent. Haevey \u25a0 Gfticee, Attorney for Assignee. : I Eudlcott Block, Fourth street. St. Paul, Miiia. AUCTION SALES. * Going Away i 4 Ana don't want to store yoar far- 4 \. niture for the summer because you X T expect to have new furnishings in W # the fail? ' Good sales and princely \u25a0 4 prices can be obtained by adver- 4 \ asm* your X A Household Furniture. Stores. A Kitchen Furniture, Ranges, j 5 Par Furniture, Dishes i x Dining Room Furniture, and * 2 Bed Room Furniture, Chairs. \ X Or anything else you want to sell, by x ; # lettinglac public mow it through the 0 1 f Auction Columns of the Globx. A A. 11. > i<«l*r.Auctioneers AUCTION SALK— Comer 100 feet or .n. summit ay. and 250 feet front on Ox- ford st. to -Id-f oot alley. Thursday afternoon Sept. 2s. 1533. at 4 o'clock, on the ground at above, rain or shine. This valuable cornei is on the best residence avenue, elegant iocs tion, in- the vicinity of costly comes, and will be sold to the highest bidder: now is your rime to obtain a Dig bargain for half iv present value at your own price, on easj terms of payment. For full particulars ap- ply only to A. H. Nicolay. Auctioneer. Of- fice 141 East Fifth st. My Real Estate Sale No. 12.905. - KuvanHgh tt Johnson, Auction- eers. OHEKirrS STOCK. OF BOOTS ASH O Shoes at Auction— willsell at publi: auction, on the mart north of the marcel house, on Saturday, Sept. 2& at 10 a. m.. ores two thousand dollars" worth of Men's, Wom- en's ana children's Shoes and Rubbers: all first-class roods and latest styles: attend this sale if you want footwear. Kavauagh <1 Johnson, Auctioneers, ISS. M and 190 East I >ixth st. BOARD OFFERED. B(»AKD-Mnu F. W. Premer has rented -U and newly furnished the corner house of Lytle Terrace, 520 Cedar st.. corner ol Tenth.. in connection with Cedar: as all < the rooms are sou acme, they will be \u25a0 found very pleasant during the winter months; room? will be' rented single or en Mine, wilh board. BOAKD— For strictly first-class board, room with steam heat and accommoda- tion at moderate prices inquire at So. " ! Lyons Court, on i-ibley St.. between Ninth 1 and Tenth. BOAKl>— Laree furnished room, wiui board, suitable for man and wife. 55i ; Robert. j BOARD Nicely fnnrished rooms wiib , U board, all modern conveniences, with- in ten minutes' wale of business center ol city. 135 Smith ay. BOAKD East Tenth M.— Cosy rooms, with board: cood home eookine; besl jof surroundings: references. . \u25a0;..-. \u25a0" *..- --' BOAKD— Furnished rooms, with board, in •U large modern house : steam heated rooms. 210 East Ninth st. ' LJOAKD—Lady offers front parlor with i •*-* two sleeping rooms to four persons: j separate table feerviee: ten minutes walk I from city hall: price $125 uer month: refer- ences required. Address h. 310, Globe. VTLJfc TKBKACE. i£B t'KDAK— Foi rent, one suite of rooms, first floor, witl board: also one uncle room. , r - - •kfjl'tN TOTHK PI Mircom- V-J plete salesroom at 409-tt] Mbiey st. I Pruden Stove Company. "THE MINER"— rooms and J. board can be secured for the winter: excellent location for business people, ltij College, corner Sixth. OREAT n&mm bak^aiy. ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros- Piano. style iti. at about cue-half its value: it has only been used a few months; must be sold soon. R. C. Hunter. 10." hast Third st- . WASTED TO KENT. j_ . . ROOMS— Wanted to Rent—Gentleman and J-i wife want two or three rooms; fur- nished preferred. Address, statin* price, E ::i4. Globe. >'otlce of Jlortznse Sale. WHEREAS. DEFAULT HAS BEEN made in the conditions of a certain j mortgage, bearing date the first Jay of No- vember. A. D. 16'jii. executed and delivered 1 by William H. Gardner (unmarried), mort- gagor, to the .New York Life insurance Com- pany, a corporation, existing- under ami by virtue of 'he laws of the Slate of New York. mortgagee, whereby the said mortgagor did grant, bargain, sell and convey to ihe said mortgagee, its successors and aisiea.x. forever, J all that tract or parcel of laud lying and being in the County of Rainier and' State of 1 Minnesota, described ac follows, to wit: Lot inumbered nine v.*> of Block numbered six- | teen of Bell's'Addiuou Id West -: PauL i according to the plat thereof on tie uud of I record in the office of the Kecister of Deeds ' in and for said County of ltiun&ey. except the northerly six (G) feet of said lot, hereto- fore quitclaimed to the City 01 M. Paul lor alley purposes, to secure the paymeut of the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,011) i*>) and interest thereon at the rate of six (61 per centum per annum, payable senii-aunualiy. according to the condition* at a. certain promissory note made by tbesaidmoriKagorto \u25a0 s>aia company for that sum. payable on the Ist ! day ofNovember. A. D. into. with isnore&t cou- Ij.uii? attached for each installment of said in- ! terest to me time of maturity or said principal note, each of said coupon* oeiiriiiii interest I after maturity at the aforesaid rale of six (6) , . per ccu turn per nnuum: said sale and cou- I pons all bearing even daie with said mort- i gage and therein referred to; and by the terms of said mortsaee it is provided that iv ' case of default in the payment of any iustall- i meut of interest due upon the principal bum i by said mortzace secured, and such default, 1 should continue for sixty days,said principal sum should become and be at once idue and payable; and which said mortgage contains the usual power of sale in case of default la the conditions thereof: also an airrtement to pay to said mortgagee, its successors and assigns, i in case of the foreclosure of such mortgage, the sum of seventy-live dollxrt ij.ji.isai- torneys' fees for such foreclosure: aud said jnortprase authorizes the said mortgagee, us successor* and assigns, in ease of v.sale un- der the said power, to retain from the pro- ceeds of such saje the princi&al and interest which snail then be due on said note and coupons, tceeirjer with the sum of seventy- five (S7.T.OU) dollarsas attorneys" fees.and the costs and charees of such sale: and .«aid mortgage was duly acknowledged by said mortgagor, and thereafter and on the I7ih day ofNovember, A. 1). l^x. at 11:43 o'clock a. m.. dulyrecorded in the orht-e 01 the Keg- ;>ter of Deeds of said Conmy of Ramsey, in Book 241 of Mortgage*, on pages 33b u>339: And \VhereaK. The said liiontasor failed i and neglected to pay the installment of in- i terest which became due on said note on me i first day of titiiy. A. D. l*nj, and has ever since failed and neglected to pay the same: and that theieby the said principal sum of said note became and is now due ana Dara- ble; . ' And Whereas, There is now claimed to De due on said mortca^e at the due of this notice, exclusive of said attorneys" fees, the sum of four thousand one hundred and sixty-one : -JOj dollars ($4.18L2j), and no action or proceeoinc has been instituted si law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by viitue of the said power of sale, and pur- suant 10 the statute in stieh case macie and provided, the said mortgage will be fore- closed by a sale of '.he mortgaged premises hereiiiabove described, at public venaoe. to the highest bidder, at ihe front coor of the Court Bonse. onFourth street, in -.be City of j St. Paul, in s*ud Coauty ofHamsey and State \u25a0 ofMinnesota, on - -. .araay. the ifih «say of i October. A. D iso 3, at ten o'clock in "the ' foreuoo'i of that day. to satisfy the amount which shall then be doe on said utite aud moncEffe for principal and interest, lo^wacr \u25a0wiih lie costs a?id charges ot suca sak-. aud iuc-ludins the said seventy-rive dollars attor- ! neys 1 fees as aioresaid. ." " ' Dated Auguitol^L A. D. 1593. ' i NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COM- I PANT. .. .. Mortgagee I FI.ASI»RAU. SQUIRES 4 CTTTCHEnX. - i Attorneys for Mortgages, si. ?s.u\, Minn, j FUAJVCIAI. I HONEY I , i H*j be tietit and hard to ret. bat ( v you o&n get ail you want by asking - I f ? r . l^ Jbroiirt th« Globb Finan- t I # cial Columns, to eith«r bay or ten *. » f STOCKS, BONDS, I \u25ba 0 MORTGAGES. * \u25ba £ BANK STOCKS. \u2666* , X GOVERNMENT BONDS. * I SvKBSSs 11 ; i Sn^n 7 - V nd e ha "ct.r that ma f A A —THESTANDARD LOA.VCO. f±»-£Xm sis Robert corner Fourta. room ', loans money on pianos, furniture, diamonds 1 watches, goods in storage. OAMK. STOCKS aspecialty: bonds, j J_» mercial paper mortgages, seeuriue t bought and sold. George W. Jenks. Invest ineiit Banker. Minnesota Loan and Trus Building. .Minneapahs. LOANS on Furniture. Pianos, Diamonds. J ±J \u25a0gtc. 13-U First National Bankßuildin- -1 ] o>kv i.i»A>».U on life insurano* p . . :cies: or bought . L. P. Van Norman ii Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis OSET ON HA.ND to loan on city pro- erty and farms; lowest rates; bo dela« W. F. Moritz. IQia Pioneer Press : -P-H-I-V-A t Money loaned on diamonds, watches, piano** . furnitnre or goods in storage at lowest rate- ' and small monthly return payments: note I and mortgages bought; most private ioai. . rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com- . pany. 132 Globe Building; take elevator. \u25a0 "VTTAXTKD— Small sum of money, no 1 »» above $150. on good security' for "six t- nine months: willingto pay 10" per cent in- terest. Address w 312. Globe. . \u25a0 C^i l)(\Cl IN SMAU AMOUNTS to i '~ tJ^\J\J\J loan on improved city prop erty : good first mortgages bonght at a dis- ; connt. Lambert. Mi «'edar st. I GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Ti»»hotC S"0 BHe ;iMaT < Mii.neapolis. 95 E. M \u25a0 \u25a0 I lUf.CIa St., St. >-a::1. rnionrtppui« boih cities ; leave | ?i. Paul Union Depot, I ajiiiive. Willmar. Morris. Brown's . bßSaam Valley &Breckinridge. ! bs:43pii : Fergus Falls. Fargo and , bs:3Jami Grand Forks b«Kl6an. . Os?eo. Clear water and at. bs:3aaroi cloud , b6:05 pn Anoka. St. Clond and 1 b4--30pm Willmar bll:ssani b4:3opanExcelsior i Hntchinson.jbll:ss am I Willmar. tsioux City, tFargo. Winnipeg. Pa-, a6:33.pm cine Coast. j a~:4oan tOssea St. Cloud. Fergusj 1 ; Falls, Croofeßton, G. Forks, KalispelL Spo- ; , cane. Great Falls, Hel- ena. Buna and Pacific aT:4spmi Coast ; al:00 pa? EAiTEEX MIKKESOTA. | 1 Duluth, West Superior.: : ; Elk River. Mllaca. : llinckley. Princeton. 1 - bl.-OSpmj gAuoka. bß:s"pv a. daily:b. except Sunday; §Buffet parlo r cars on trains to Duluth and W. Superior , tßuffet sleepers. ; Dinine cars, palao sleep era and free colonist sleeping cars. NORTHERN PACIFIC! The Dining car Line to Fargo. Winnipeg Helena. Bntie and me Pacific Northwest. M. Paul Dining Cars on Winnipeg and Pacific Coast Trains. Lv. Ar. j Pacinc Mail (daily) ior r.irno.! Jamestown. Livingston.llelena, 1 Buue. Missouia, Spokane, Ta- 4:15 12:1 coma, Seattle and Portland. ... p. m. p.m. I Dakota and Manitoba Kxores- (Gaily)for I r er»fus Falls; Wahue-i : ton. Crootston, Grand Forks. i Grafton. Winnipeg, iloorhead, 8:00: 7iT Fargo and .tkmestowu p. m, a m Fargo local (daily except Stin- day,.for St.Cloud, Brainerd and 9H>>| 6:1. Fargo a. m. p. m f)atota Express d.*-* 1101 ma west •>! Kargosu:, I dars. l*ullinu:i >l«;t>ers daily between M. Pan. »nd Grand Forks,Granon. Winaipcs. Fergus Fall? Wabfietoa itud Farco. Pullman First-Class an-. Tourist sleet*rs are run on thronsh Pacific Con? Trains. C.K.KTONI CityTicket Agent, ltiZ Ea»; Third Street m I'aul. 6^^^ bt. PauL "AI.WAYS O^T TI.TIK." I The Only Line BAGGAGE CHECKED .%&£&£* ?l£" U fc.' \u25a0 ;Kx«-|* Sawtay. Lait j Arrtvp t Ex. Mnnd.i.r. x 1.%. »«tc.-J»v. I s^i. •\u25a0 v! ;- '' I'anl f-U .|o«Ft and K»nv.iF Ciiy._ r : :\u25a0.-, »m + 7 4»iua -'• Joseph »nd K'»r..3Miiv... t ::i, ;11 , - "*i am Sioraqty Loc«i ti,.r«» - - -it '. .-. Sll , , 6io*m City.Oniaha <t iJlk Hill* t :6Spm - Titian Pipestone and t-ioox Fulls -- U : :: am : t,iupm jucebEsro »nd Elmon- J 756 am : b lopm >ew dm. 1 hict B nd .''ierre -- iTU i.m i 740 am Ijulujlu A.b1....i niiuSuperior S » Ou k,,, ; !i oo pm Dnhllbi nd superior Tit «i j.Ui I \u25a0 .\u25a0oka, ilar*lit«-ld snd Waasaa - - -- \u2666 cuu kui ;l«30 pui /CHICAGO TEAIN3- --1 \ rajs g«H % Ticket Offices »2Lt street, corner Fifth, and tcion Depot. St. Paul. •Daily. +Ex. Sunday lEx. Monday.+Ex. Saturday . " -"\u25a0-"\u25a0 Le.~St. Pact.— at. Cbtmso !>*>•r^t.i-rs, ?AS3*a. uu:+*pm (.Licaro .MlaiiUc'express *i6spm «12:IO p m Chicago Fast .Mall" : igfl p m I •-45 p m flilcngo -Vetribule" Llm_ *t>-u p M I •fa) I m Chicago via Austin and Da- \ bnque :4:10 pm ?l{h23aia Dabuqne via La Croase . ; 1 8 a, am 'vtiGpm n. L-.UJV »nd Kansas Uty.. , ««:15ani 1 t,:JO p !a fet. Louis and Kf.sits Citr.. . 7.13 p in; «7 45 a m almar and I>ateuport f9:ii a m t,^ m .MiljßnfcaiidAb«.rc(t«n -aM am \u25a0* P m MUbunkaad A'^rrifPi ... •fcr.p m -- « £ :n Mifj])eni"il]» u-.ini- leave *7: -> a. m •J2:i.% «:j, »Biß and -HO^Op. m.. " ' ' for detail iiiformauon call at ticket orEces. ; WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES, \u25a0— ArT }y*~~ \u25a0 l>-ri,art-— d:4(-pm|»f>iam; St. PauL j 1 :i"ipm|< :lspm 4~"Jpm|-;4iamiAlinneap'lisjl-.':.}'i pm|ot'jspm liirecl i,lue to Eau « taire, bkiiuotb and •lihraukee. VESTIBULED SLEEPERS AND DINING CARS. All Trnin* Ken Daily. ' - Minneapolis. St. Faui &Sau it Ste" Marießy Frr>m rnion I)*-t«« 4 Uaa:it \u25a0/^^^B»% Limited 3br Montreal. i.-., -ro.i and M^^VZV New Vorc lr.ave (>:1; {1. m., ar- Ii>ltl»l " Tea \u25a0 c ' 5 *. m - daily. Froa Eroiul- fe TU=ffiJ^3 war I'epot, loot o. *ih «t. W:» nfill, I X "*>'• *«•\u25a0\u25a0•! leaves 3;SJ a. a.., arrive &!^lbJbl o^,>,<.ui. ''>" ex. Sutniar. St. R? a^ ' -roll "a'.'.t onumaxfiiiiioa ;«4T«s BP'^^ s»'-u).. arrives 1 :10a.in daily ex. -unday. Minii. dlv. I.kt»lfor Mi- nd, Oakes aad intermediate points l^ares *.8» » m. .arrives 5 5-» p. m.dally ex. San<tay._ 1 . a woo : local leaves Minneapolis '5.35 p. m.. nrrirps »x c n:..i:iijycx.su2iduy. Cilyticket office. lt \u25a0•!> piilCAliU GKIiAT Wtsl'li£3ri{All.\V A> V-< Co. Trains . leave Uuioa - Depot." C'lt-. i Office. to* Itobert Street, corner Fifth. *Dally. tDallyex. Mmd. , Leave .j Arrtvg ! \u25a0fChicaso Fast Express.. ...h:s>ans II \u2666lowa, Mo. Kansas Ex. :.f7:£s amill:-j6Bm £ *Dod?e -Center Local :3:a; smilQ^Sss- ; *ChScaßO Limited....- lT:3opm : 55^ai t -Dei Jloiaes, Ht. J. *K. C. T3Opsa ! 7:Kaa" mti iimn oriTRED. XITT'ATIOIIS WA\Ti:e>. MTT.4TIOSS ITAJiTEO. "*" ~ ' ' A"-^. -Z^ \u25a0r :: 75r*~^"

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-09-22 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-09-22/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · ICicolsA Dean. DOOKKKEI'ER ... celled: iuMjTiciion

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1893-09-22 [p 7]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-09-22/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · ICicolsA Dean. DOOKKKEI'ER ... celled: iuMjTiciion



A*ktlie boy vrbo tells ih" nsi»*r»

\u25a0 i:ci lie 111 tell you more aboutlimitation than all the affidavits\u25a0hat ran be published. Jot ir> it

Mud you ivillbe tourinced lltattlits(.lobe leads ail.


Ac (be iollovrine Location* forInsertion in Daily and SundayGlobe.M.P. Merrill. 442 Broadway.S.n. Beeves, drujgist. Moore block. Seven

C. T.Eeller. druEzisL. fi2S St. Peter street.Straight Bros., druggists, corner of Hondo

rotto.William K. Collier* druggist, I*1 East :-ev-

uth street.A. T. Guernsey, druireist. 171 Dale street.

V. A. Ilirscher. _- t.23 Rondo street.

Parker &Wes-lty, druggists, £3S» Bast ThirdHreeL

.E. McCrucden, confectionery. 198 Rice

W. A. Frost <t Co.. crr.pcists. corner Shelby*nd Western avenues.

B. «. Wine, druggist. SIX) Market, corner


A PCSIIIXf! MAN with about $:;V> cani*- gel ft permanent sceney paying $jO awee*. T.Blßire. rm i-t.

A GKSTS « ANTKIJ-Lsdies or Kentie-S\. men. to introduce ami coniroi the saleof ihepattmed .New Moou Embroidery andDarniDK R;:ic. A t^cw invention for doingnil kiiiris cf iarcy worK and mendine. byLand or injicbiue. Co\>\ righted book of in-Plrcctioris for use en ibe sewing machineTree \u25a0wiili order. Liberal coiamiKgiOKs end aclear ccid. Sniopie ring by mail and fulljsniculars !urir>cents. The Ohio Novelty<- onipguy. D t^CiiieiniiatL U.

AGiXTs-wanted! both ladies and eemle-jtV nio!:: nnicie telia onsisht: no capitalreunircd ;can male 55 a day easy. IST West

BAItKKKfor >aturday; Si per day andUisrd. C^rEast Third -:.


r»akber iraated. .75HaIl*F."

B.\ XI:;;;iiranted at 6i2 for Satur-tiny;>4. W. M. I'irarn.

BAKUKfiWH-iied far Satcrday al^94 East•• \u25a0 .\u25a0 si.

T»LA(K>MIIII -warned for geueixl wortL* Riia horseihoing for North Dakota:

good •i.-

to me right man. Apply toICicolsA Dean.DOOKKKEI'ER—Wanted, young man*-* who wriies well to leara 'bookteepin?and general office work: 315 per month at"rsL AUdrc-F*. \u25a0 .\u25a0-...•\u25a0 :\u25a0 43. Globe.

MI'LOVMEMFOR 3,(x»0 I'tOPLK-We want ar-tive representatives in ail

(•arts of the l":iued S-.iies to sell an articleta»t is used by every one: e-oods warranted:profits enormous; business permanent andlegitimate:nclusive territory Riven; ex-perience not iievft-sary. Address Manu-facturing Company. IT*"and ISO CommercialM. Lynn,Miss.

|ft>TdTIIE I'lßLlC'Minrcom-v^ t,!eie iaJeßroom at-

-411 tibley «t.Frudetj Stove fompaay.

ALJi>.MKN to fell Bakine Powder. WeO put our soode in Glass liollin*Pius. $tii'month and expenses, orcommission ChicagoBaking Powder Co. Tt;7 Van Buren a -i.---i-aeo.

wAIALYOK IOMJII.SMON to~ateiitO tohandle the Patent Chemical Ink-Eras-intrPenri): iLtmost uteful aiid novelJnven-tioa of the ate: erases ink thorocchly in twoleeofcds; irorkslike masric: COO to£oo percentprofit;acentE making 550 per week; we alsowant a peceral Bgent to take charge of tern-tory. and appoint EUb acents; Irare chanceto make moncv; write for terms and spec!-icen oferssanc Uocroe Eraser 31fe.Co.Xt!4. LaCro&se. Wit,.

<^OL.ICITOKS-W«niPd. uien of enercy°end me: to mliclt for UieBankers' Life

Asiotiation cf M. FeuL...L \u25a0\u25a0... :. . hberai con-trscifindtpituJid territory can be secured byaddrew-irp clarence E.Secor. St. Panl. Minn.

> lit.KAI'HKKi>—

ComDeteni stenoc-»J ranhers and ;ypc writer operators omofc-mploymem are mrjicd to reKister LCeirnmtfßM quaiirications with our employ-ment depanment: no chanre to either em-pioyer or emplovcd. WyckolT, Seamans <5c

eaedifL 9* KaM Fuunfa st.

\\7 ANTED-For the Cnited States Arm-y** Able bodjea unmarried men betweenthe aces of twenty one and thirtyyears: (roodpay, rations, clothine and medical attend-ance: applicants must be prepared to fnr-rusn satisfactory evidence as to nee. charac-U-r ana habits. Apply at R00m" 207, Xo 31Ka»; Seventh si. m. Para, Minn.

WEOods sales-» » maa to oiiVr Prvss Goods. Skirtiaes.Dorcets. C^^irncrs, Cottonadcs. etc., to reiaildry soodf trade and ceueraJ stores inSt Paulana vicinity. No objection io another sideline. We par a rood ecramiss-ion on salesand duplicaie*. Address Manufacturer, boxiriy-2. Phiiaaelj.hia Postoffice.V\7AXTtI>

—.Ss]esmen or aseuts; easy> » work: good pay pants to order. SI suits $in. Huuttr Tiulorin? Compaav

t-ineiunati. «;hia

\\/ANTED—Yr.unp people to iearn teieg-* *rsrhy. fhorthand. bookkeepine. etc:f-indents rnn mate board. Globe' Business< al'.cse. Knuicou Bnildina.


iy\s«iN«. scbooi East bey--is euiu si.: < la^b Thursday and Saturdayevenincs trom s In10; daacfns sociable Tne*-day evening: E}«cta] r&ies to pupils ioininefa or teiore <>< i. ;\u25a0;. ,y. E.Curran. xkcher.S^l A«ATUA>ACADEMYOFMUSICLJ sud Art. 26 Eiuit Ex«ban?t Si St. Paul—i*iar:a violiu. {.-aitar and mandolin taupfaxLfctsoiifc pivtn 17: drawing and paiaonff. Callor send for Droepectaac

TBi I>.Ht»I>KACIICALf>HOKT-X hand School willojteiiiis »innn«d even-

-Imse«2JOM Monday. Oct. .;faciiitirs unex-celled: iuMjTiciion the best: lenc»-cason-fcble. No. fifr j'icT'.eer Pre«« Building.

BO.4Ki> WAITED.Ooa:. snft rocn:? for gciuiemaa ami two\u25a0*-' ctuldrca Is urictiy pr:vi-.'x laaoi'v; boythirteen, girl ',lv: iladison sthool districtprewired: w;li;rig:o pay fairprice for cooditcottmodiiiUjns. Call or address \u25a0•-TH-eC.Foucd. Z'JC- gjtley -:

BOAIJD-First-eliiss Loar-i and roon™ in-rriTfiteGerman family; scr>a cooking

'\u25a0Mini craifcrls. Addrc?s C 30VGlobe.


\ PPKEXI it'KS— '.Vanted.tiro apprenticet\ iiirls to learn-millinery.trade.- Applyat11. :*.r«iidL 520 Kice sl . .::\u25a0\u25a0•:

COOK—. sod pastry ar;d meat cook where

three regular rneais are served: 6o'clockdinner. Joy. Hotel lianean.


(iirlfor general house-work. 655 Martin st.

HIHTSJ WORK—Wanted, eirl for peneralh<insework m ;; -iPleasant ay.

HOi;sKWOKK— Wautea. Jv-irl for cener-a! housework. Applya;*.>Iloilyay.


Wanied. a competentcirl for general housework. HT" Good-

rich ay.

«lUSEWORK-Touiig sir; to assist ingeneral hiBe wort and lake care of

baby. ~>f>* r«eiby ay.

H':l-.--WORK— A neat eir] for generalh'»;:sework in familyof four. Applyat

3SS Isleiiart k. "_H(H-mvi>rk_ Wanted, a eood cirl for

eeneral housework at MS Hollyay.


competent nurse girl at 14$I Nina ay.

fc»r kf!-> n»iHKHBI.I( -M,rcom- IyJ plete salesroom at jOd-411 sibley st. iPrndfi stj>reiomnanvl




SLEi'iH.? ?~Z POX Tor f!f tsa JAUNTING #

I4 ART d!w To Sell, or do you want to Bay one)- #;0 Try the columns of \

\|THE WANT PAGE. |\ V^^-V%^V^'V'fl^%^^,>%(%^av^FOR SALE-oae fine brouafaam and T

cart cheap. Address X-K Globe.


It's ttie thing. Ihave a veryhandsome Tcart tliat1 wislj to dispose

j of;price isno oojecL Address-

&M.G:obe. ,OK >VLt OR fcXlil\ >..-»- -My larse

carriage horse (weiefca •.••

| for funii-;lureor groceries: at a fair price. CE. X^!Glol«r.

t-oi: SAL*.—Three sen liuht and oneA heavy set siugle harness cheap. 074


FOR SALK-Two-seat open surrey, with jpole and shafts; in first-class condition.

J. rossen Jr.. 341 Robert.WO i,o,!ii OP lH'GiiiK>«: aiM)si"trie

» h«rnfcss, very cheap. hyau Livery. 44".;Robert «.\l/^ILL TRAUK a lanre sorrel horse, a i

[ » » beauty, weigrtis l.lrJO. and tome money >

;for a eood iieht drivinghorse: relist lie kind Iand OK. for a lady to drive. Address 6."411.->!lv ay.

LOST AM*I \ii.


I the4adies wno drove upSummit ay. Tuesday afternoon. Una. |,about l::;\u25a0'. inform resident at Si.-6 Summit bt. j

the whereabouts- tf ablack and whiu* Eng-,lishsent- ra:>g thai followed their carriase;

DO>» LOST— aril white EnclisJi |setter doc named "Bob:"1 plaie ou cellar

Imarked "Wilkiu."' Heturn to (iJ6 Summit

Inv. and receive reward.

F'IVK OOL1.A1:- . ..""...willLe pa:ufor the return of laiee. si>oitfd red and [

white cow: had halter on and rope around ;horns, li.*".Toppinz. I'JU.J summit ay.


Near Hastings, on moruiugof SepL liby. dropping from the Bar- I

liiiinon train, a gentleman's diamond ring:.Fall value of the ringwillbe paid to any one

j reiv.rnine to W. £.Magraw, Glube counting .jro.-mi•*( \l't->> TO TDK I'LBl.lC:"—Onreom-i

* 'plele salesroom at (".Mil~i!>.ey at,

IPrnden Move Comnanv.O« tw.TUOOK L«*>T—At noon. .-sept.

:u, 011 Mnith ay. near !-ixth m. Liberal!reward if returned to Wiilinxu jdiller,osl

Wabasria -:


{ JLj Kooujai Colltim Block, .T >ouih FourthtL. :'.-flpoj:s

—Pupils trained for the

!stasre: plays written, ri-vised and rel.earsed.\u25a0



US. INDIANM.KYK.E,Clio* iHEEK• and Lower Brule Atreucy. a. i).. crow*.'eet. Buffalo Louttv. S. i).. September lthlM)i.


I "Proposals for Build;nts."" and addressed to1 the undersigned at Crow Creek. BuffaloI County, S. 1).. willbe reeeired at mis Agency! untilone o'clock !'. M. of Monday, Ocuiwr

2nd, leSJu. for furnishing all n?i-e>»H.v ma-I tonals and lauor and erecting and complet-j ingon the site selected therefor on the Lower

Brule Indian naiimi. S. 1»_ oue (1)j frame office or aamini^tmnun buiidiu^: one{})frame grain house; one d1 frame carpen-

ter ana paint shop; one i]> frame wheel-Iwrigtit tied b^ackfesuth shop: oue IiiframeI hoti>e for physician's quaneis. sud one <1)1 frame guard house and police barracks, ali in;accordance with the plans anispecificationsj which may be examined at the offices of thelBuilders' Exchange, st. Paul, Minn.; the

Builders 1 Escnai.ce. Omaha. Neb.: the"Tribune.' \u25a0 of Sioux City. la: the "Dakota2>emocraL" of Chamberlain, S. i)..and atthis Bsreucy. A form ot proposal is attachedto tLe specifications: The ..:; is reserved

\u25a0 to reject any or all bids or any part of anyj bid.ildeemed for the best interest of meIservice. All bidders will be heid to con-! form to the provisions of ihe Act oicocrress! approved Ana 1, lrirj.relating to the limi--1 tation of the hours of daily service of mc-i chanics and laborers employed upon he

publicworks of trie United* states and be'District of Columbia. Proposals xau»t sii.ieseparately the proposed price of ench build-ing,and the period !of time proposed to beconsumed in the erection.

CEETirUID CHECKS.Each oid must be accompanied by a certi-

fiedcneck or draft upon some limed statesDepository or solvent National Ban* in thevicinityof the residence ol the bidder, made| payable to the order oi the Commissioner of! Indian Affairs, for at least fite per. cent of'

the amount of the proposal, whicb check orj draft willbe forfeited to the United states in; case any bidder or bidders receiving an: award shall fail to promptly execute a con-! tract witheood and sufficient sureties, other-! wise to be returned to the bidder. Bids ac-I companied, by cash in heu of a certifiedjcheck will not be considered. For further, information as to location of the buildingj sites, means of transportation, eta. etc ap-

ply to *"KiiDERICKTREON.j U. s. ludiau AgenL


—ss. Probate Court.

Inthe matter of the estate of John Moriartrdeceased.Letters of administration on the estate of

John Moriany, dec-eased, late of LbeCoumvof Ramsey and State of Minnesota, beinggranted to Julia Moriarry:

Itis ordered. Thai six months be. and thej same ishereby allows d from and after the! date of this order, in which all persons nav-jin«r claims or demands acainst the said de--1 ceased are required to file the same in the

Probate Court of said County fox examina-tion and allowance, orbe forever barred.

Itis further ordeied. That the first Mon-day inApriLA.D.1*94.at I'jo"clock a. m., ata general term of said Probate Court, to beiheld at the Court House in the C:tv of Saint

PauL in &aid county, be. and the same hereby| is appointed «s the liiaeaud place when andIwhere the said Probate court willexamine!and adjust said claims acd demands.

And it is further ordered. That notice of':cr: hearing be friven to all creditors andpersons interested in said estate by forthwith publishing this order once ineach weekfor three successive weeks in the St. PaulDaxx.tGx.-9BX. a daily newspaper printed and ;

published in said county.

DRted s: Saint Pad. ttis" listh da? 01 Sep-tember. 1533,

By ice Courts JOB}? B. OLIVIER.1*-f-i Judge of I'roba». .



# Find It by usinsr the Glow: d0 Want Columns, and you c«.u be £1employed as \


0 BOOKKEEPER. X5 STENOGRAPHER. ?i„ SECRETARY, fA Hostler. Gardener or M&n-of-All-?5 Work.

*# .. DON'T BE IDLE.. %$ While the Globe is at your service. m


\ Buy wants wort el any kind. Lull atA 321 Martin.

ATHOKUK.HI.V HOXEST and in-dustrious young man wants employ-

ment of any kind; good references given.Address V49. Globe.

BAJEXKSfDKH willine to -wort wants jobin or out of city. Address E 31V Globe.

BOYS FOIC n.ACE>, places lor ooys:employment bureau forpoor boyp, free.

Newsboyß' Club Koom.:;i.> Wabasta :openfrom 11 to Ita. m.. and from « to 9 p.m.noOKRKUEIt


—Can any

\u25a0D merchant or business man employ aRood, reliable bookkeeper for tbe winterat a small compensation :- Address \V luxGlobe.

CAKPhT CL.KAMNG—Man warns posi-

tion cleaning and laying carpets. allat .. Boudo.

pLEKK-A good clerk would like work>— evenings: wiilwork cheap, or forboard.Address V 101. Globe.


Situation as cook in lumber or'mining camp by man and wife of ex-

perience. Address X 103. Globe.

COOK— A nrst-ciass all-round cook wantssituation: town or country. Address D.

A. \u25a0:.. 33] University East. M. Paul, Minn.

COOK— Wanted, situation; can do mealand pastry: cityor country: references.

Addres? G iff-.Globe.

COOK— Want a situation as a first-ciasscamp cook inibe woods. Address .Mat

Hehnar. 444 St. Peter si.. SL Paul.

COLLECTOR— A successful and reliablecollector and salesman wants work o:i

commission: city experience and reiereiK-e*.Address U 101. GU.be.

D;t.\FT<*MAN_—A cood draftsmanr;iemechanic wants position: ciiy rrf-

erenees. Address He;... 1050 East' Sev-enth st.

MPLOY.ai.fc.NX—Wanted, situation bygood man at »ipkii>- worn.. Address

i=L >zyp. postoitcf. cur.

HOSTLEK—Situation ;v a No. 1 hosuer.637Mls«igsit»i*i!=i.

OHICKWOKK by doable-entry book-keeper ol experience: three years with

last iplovers in this city;referent-.- Atl-dress to.Globe.

Fi'lCK '.VCiiK—

A youn? man ofeichleen wants position inan office: uiider-

siauds shorthand and typewriting and is a;;ood penman. Address J Jiis. Globe.

OFFICE WORK- Wanted, position inoffice of sometn;il: have hud eighteen

years' experience in freitrht and passsencerbur-mesa; thoroughly pc&ied in wood anucoal Dullness, collecting or bookkeeping.Answer X 10;;, «,lobe.

OFFICE w OKK—Young sun would liteposition inoftiee where he conid maKe

himself generally useful. Address V I<<3.t.lobe.

OrFtCE Wiikk-Young man of generalexperience de>irc<- oflice position: belli

banking and menmiuile experience: satis-| factory reierpm-e. Address <J liß. Globe.


Man of thirty-threewithgood office experience nuiposi-

| tion: best t.f references. Address b >/.!:.iGlobe.

PuitTKK- o experienced porterwould likea as roner or jan-

itor: can pivt- goou city references. ~£j Grove st.

i pOKTJtK—Wanted, by ityoung man, situ-C alion as i>ortr-. •; work inprivate fam-ily;icood driver and milker: best of refer-:ences. Address v W& Globe.

;POSITION by competent man and wifeiA in Hotel,nimi as bartender and wifeatIcbamber work;no ciii dren. J. F. Word, 131iStarkey si.

SALOPIAN—Wauled, position in com-mission house as ciiy salesman: a hus-

tler. .-. dare*? V I'XL GSobe.

|CAI.!>MA.\-r,i-;i wanted either in;k- cityor on rosa ; cxjierienee aud best of;reference* given. Adoress r ua. Globe.jSITUATION

—Youdk man wants position• O in *omewholesale or ret»il house: can

; tiiraiEh good recemmeudatiuus. Address J|HC, Globe


rtenos;-raphtr of five years" experience is in

Ineed ofa position: wiiiworkcheap at pres-ent. Address C 1.. Globe.

Si i.Mit.KAFHhK-Male rive year* «-perience. open for eneement; refer-ence». Address K. («.. •. 4 Jessamine.fT"EAMSTtK-'iUi:;c(i.position as team-

I X >ier or driver of delivery wagon byj yr.uns single man. Addrevs B Tfi Globe.HpvPK%\

—V.-unsinau. weilrecom-

| X. mended, desire* position in the city:• can handle Remington machine. AddressF 100. Glooe.

: TYP<K.KArH-Y,.i;!i;man (lypoeraph Iiwants work in pnnnn? office: English< or ScandinaTian. Address 153 bherborne air.

roi:KFOKK<iAltu—situation wantedby a young man a^ed eighteen to dochores for board ana go to school: very best

;ofcityreference, lmc Birch st.*

U"ILLFAI liberal amount to anyone\u25a0 V instrumental in s-ecurins; business

1 position: capable, weli-recommended. ex-perienced person: counaential if desirediAddress O lflt Globe.

\rou can ret stove repairs forall kinds of. woves at American Move Kepair Works,. In* V\ est >eventh. "•


A» —IMPORTANT TO LADIES-•xl.» Ma«i-aEe ire-atment Riven to ladies1 forneuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, muscu-! lar cramps, nervous headaches and all otherinervous diseases: all treated byan experi-

enced lady familiar with the*

celebratedtwedisn massatre treatment: speaks Swed-ish, German. French and Enclisa. VassaceInstitute. 71East Eleventh Eireet. Hours, a

ito 11 a. m.

! \ lit. YOU IN ThOtBLK-Consult, A Jladime Ina Walker, "life reader." for\ faithful resume of your past, present and

future. .Diseases of"women diagnoseu andsuccfissfully treated: correspondence confi-

idential; ladies. 60c: centiemen. $1, 515 Wa-jba&ha -: opposite the capital.

ALWAYS RELIABLE—Madame Teits-worth,clairvoyant: business lest medi-um: thirty years' experience. SB Wabasha6L,city.


Do you want « nice brough-am Iwant money— and Iwant it bad;

you can have the above vobicie at an ex-tremeiy low ngnre. Aaaress » 31<». Globe.

i\]ISS HKI.KNDKVEAKE—Ladies" andIi- gents" manicarinc allydone; sa.t-isfaction assured. Pnrior 9, Sa L'7East &eT-enth st.

;VIES. DE i.AiTTi;:.experienced mas-; j-'X sadist i" East Seventh st Parlor Lnrst floor. Hours. 10 to '\u25a0>daily.1.1 US. KATE H((«iKI\« PSYCHO-i'-L metric reader and trance medium. 225Vi'West Seventh su m. Paul.

RS. At.lCt-J F. BA«;>ELL—Massageand vapor Laths. 159 We« beventn el

SL Paul. Minn. - -KS. M.a. TL'^fcV-fijWnba*h»St.—

Magnetic aud mastiace treatment forparalytic rheumatism and nervous diseases.Clairvovani reader. t'a!l 9a . in.to »p. in.

»piiK r\TlllA> l'L>. at 51 a year,\u25a0L should be -id byevery K. of P. in theXonhwest; subscribe foritana keep posted

Addrebs 63 .East fifthst:, -:. Paul, Mian.~ -—

Female*. [A—I.AKPENTIECn has r.leuty of girl*

Sl West Exchange: telephone tSO7. j

Arot n«. «.IKL would likea situation at1 1 workingina store or to do lightnouser

work Address X3ltt,Globe. \u25a0*.'.'- |

BOOKKfcEPISU— Situation wanted itsyoung ladyas bookkeeper: tmdei>tf.t«ls

both single a.nd double entry; can furnishgood references. C. M..Cf >t. Autnouy sv.


Aboy of seventeen wou.i likea po-sition: inan oflice; can furnish best of

reference. Address I'M.Globe.DOOKKKEPtR

—Yoime lady wishes

U 9 -^rion; has had six years' exoeneucein bookkeeping and general office work; i.-> agootl UplbiubU; references famished. Ad-dress Z 365. Oit'be. \

1 t_lOl WO UK-Young isdv wants-placej n to Hl-1-.1in housework: willwork cheapj for eof>d borne. A:>t,ly170 £>i£i:t& uv., coiner: West Ttiirc.thirl floor.IfOI'SKRF.H! or nurse and seam-t-L stress inprivate family by aresi>eciabie

jwobui;. Andrew 1: 50. Globe.'

H'T-TTTTTTrsTaT n youm; widow wisnespowttoa rs housekeeper, where the

«w.ld ao borne nirnts: r»r wwiid lake WM^h-iitg«u<i ron:;r<;. HiWe«t Mli_laiat.OlSKktfcl-EK-'. middle-aewi lady

v»nt« position as uousekeei>er b) smallfamily. Addrass 103. Globe.


Po^Uon as hon<«-keetier: can eive U.*tof retc-jeuce. Aa-

Idress f..General Delivery. Sti;lwater, Mum.1 . .

HOl'NEKliEl'Elt—A lady that under-stauag houaeceetilag, &iso is -. rive

cock, wishes a sllcatlbu in h u-idow«-r*s• borne, inormitof city. Address C.:i.G <£>!*.\"tii«-i >s...-.-j. position r»y a girl ot-i-^ *isi«:iias uurse; c«n sew neattr; rtT-

{ cre:ice-s. Addres; ii.?>i Ulotte,• A"1Rse to take c.ire of cUiUron or mate

l^i uersell us.itnl;eignte»n years oltL «.d---dre<s l»:-:ir.. Gloi>e.

"JV'^BSl!;— Wauled, by atiexperienced per-! -" sotj with gnort references, * place as. child's nnrse. \Jjra.:M X.. laGroito »-t.

'V'IX\u25a0» X - a Swe3ibh yoiiac sririot scwKX*-'

':::.\u25a0 and education \u25a0wiKbe?asil\iationI totak=?<-are of ch;.iren snJ make herself

generally u—fm. AadrcM (j.Un. Ulol*.

! SKASISTItesS wants t>ialn sewing inf&iuii««.-s. C&llor address 177 Selbymr.

CEAM3rßKss— Good Reanistress «-hi viO position in private faxniirdoina lightsecond work and sewing. Address 7, v%

j Globe. ;\u25a0

SEWINC—Adressmaker wfcuU- sewing- bythe day m ffiiuiiies: -sevea yews experi-

ence. Call or address »15 Boodo.! YI'KWBITIsT- A young Uavlype-; •-

wntut wouldlikea position; wiilwork:] furc::; cjoctu free. if permanent; t-esi of

city rt-ferenets. AiJdre&sZ 102. Giol>e. ,- |'. TOKK IOC BOAKI>-Girt of fiO«tt. ••

w&tildlike to work hr her b<i«rd midgo to school. «"ai! »*iT! tsust seventh, sLi1 Miss !j»b« ; .——


I \\' VNTKO » tMucaleJ GenuMn utdf»* Jrri:^! loexcheust: nor services for atemporary home in quie: family; 1- -i *»:.»l

I-.«(- Address V .:!-!, Globp.

ITUCASHIStCtSA woman wants mshihi»» oricouiiiisor ktbUHIK: can go Kitsreference. Miss Mary toil,41i fcwst Pifth *ii

UlA>MI!SG jr«;:{edu'4sߣB3K Sixth xC:ronxthdded ctotUps •£> cents {•<?*\u25a0 doseu;

called lor sud dellrtred.i II"A!«UI>G

—(Viiin.HD gr>P!i out •. -i-nuHf,

» » f-isoiiius autl :!.ui!".-ii'.Hii!;ii:..Caii orwriteto 4*>"JCedar st.. UooaiS..-. - . - ,

I UTA!SHLM« or general housewortc* >dK«si Ninthsi."

\u25a0 iI*A!»HIM»—

Woman want*wn«tiitieand»\u2666 ironing: to mite home. Mrs. Larson.

o*3l 33:ssisMpi>i st.

-'.\SHIMi-l like *,o wkf family w&sh-iußaibonie. 500 Booert st. ;

j \l'ASHING—A sin wauts to jru oat oy

»» the d.iy ".Tt!«!;i:i_- and uoufecieaniiu^Call 45 West Ninth st;


A-sIIfcUWOMAJs— Lady willdo wash-»» i:ifr and iromnir at Scents a dozen:

iirst-cJass work: -a 1 for aad deliver. No.6»73lissi£Sipiii st.. iv ba>*ment. -•* :~"

nrOSKFOB I'.WAKD-Young !ndy at-»V lendiiis hisrh schot'l dew rvn place to

»oik forboat Call or ndctrrss *K>Vnuri.it-tan bio**.



LAilIits' *nrt chiidren':. tmiletwear nodBiased* aud children's ciiuiunir made to

order. Mrs. Kowl?n.iioom 3C, New Manu-li»-iiat'r buiidiug.-


IjfesaMßfiß £ui>u>»ar so v. ln* ImßL~j-»,SV^^S^TS ii''..J.-i..i[;i,..

1Bjga^glßiBr a

|ii(acil[ODpyi BILLJAKDA V POO!. TABLES AM><BII.i LIAHuSUPPLIES; Wareroom 405 aud«7;

Office and Factory 4H -id -a.. Fifth avenuesouth. .Vinn.

TATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OFKamsey— District CotirL second Judi-cial District.la the matter of the assignment or The

Georee H. Lams Fumii-nine Company, aninsolvent corporation, to Jotua W. Lane.Notice is nereby given, that the under-sisned, John «". Lane, alienee in the above-

entiiied matter, pursuant to an order ofcourt, willreceive, up to and including the

Ijjthday of October. A D.ÜBS, bids in writ-jing for the sale in bulk in ca?h of ailhisright, title and interest as such assignee inand to all stock in trade and merchandisebelonging to said insolvent estate, whichsnail then remain unsold, and inand to thestore fixtures at the store st Nob. 4'6iand 436Wartasha streeL in the City01 st. Paul, andthat at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Tibday of October. A.D.it-93. he wiilreportWidbius to the conrt above named, at a specialterm thereof, to be held at the court housein >L Paul. Miunesota. -i.d ask the directionof the conn inthe premises: and ifa sale ofsaid properly to thehictien bidder is approved

Iby the court, at willsell and convey the feaineIto such bidder. Each tld must "be tic-cornpanied by cash or a certified check on some

solvent bank for ten per cent of tLe amountofsuch bid. and the same wiilbe returned 10the bidaer in case the bidis no) accepied.Said nock ana fixtures and an inventory ofthe same can be examined at said store- oneach week day prior to the 7th day of Oefio-ber. a. D. ]\u25a0>»«. The. assignee reserves theright to reject any and all bids. SS . *ni '-

Dated Sl, Paul. Minn., Sept. vOth. Ifi9!.ir;JOHN \Y.LANE. Assignee. ,. •\u25a0\u25a0?'! and -;. Globe Building.

I OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY.OFO Ramsey— District Court.Intbe matter of the assignment of NicholasKeimnnger. insolvent.Notice of Sale of Uncollected Ac-

counts.Notice is hereby given that on the 30th d«Tof September. 1593. at two (2) clock in theafternoon of that day. and at the Wabashastreet entrance to the court house in the City

of St Paul :n said county, the undersignedwilloffer for sale and sell to the highest bid-der forcash the nacollecied accounts of theabove-named. insolvent. Nicholas Eeiin-rinEer.

Mr.Heimrixuer was formerlyin the grocerybusiness at the corner of•Rice street andCollege avenue in said city,and the uacol-leeted accounts are subject to inspection atmyplace of business at . :>JP.:ce street in saidICity.

Dated September 21. 1533 L! ; PETER PEES. Assignee.

!l£lSy^tfs^"ES Leaves liiion Depot for!R«B c' sso and down-river

=i m. At-Jtklltl >' rives from smne noints

\u25a0\u25a0KB U Daily. Leavesgit\u25a0WWW If • Dcpoifort^iCMro

illUIUjMH:' '-oT:ii :-' \u25a0-•\u25a0 "i-

--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0BiSBI''sfronsssme pbinla

k1 "*w lq*Duly.



Beatttui Agency. :AeentH for Carp ofProperty,

Estates Jianasretl,

145 East totirlh Mro(«c ;

J. W. Shrpard. 94 East. 4tb s»t~.

RBKCR HOMsKS, STOIiES, OKI B^,Xv Kb as owners' scent :collect? rents.

House**.AISPIST CI.KAMKU,refittiia;«nU lny-

tutr. "Electric Umxptt C'lM Works,158 West Third: telephone !r;»>.


My hc»u«i. furnished, ana oarn.fcS IloUy si.. for rent «7.a.Hart

Globe btiiidml:.

HOUSE 63 Summit ay.. tw<-ire-roombrick house: all modern conveniences:inquire on premises.

HW Bat—Ml U;lebart Si.—A first-classhouse, leu rooms, -.(iieudid location, will


HoiBBS—far mot, house No. 419 GroveI* s!.. f.pr>o«tt«- «i*-l-Krt.No. 457 Case M..

itr.dNo. "Sl Uolly-iv. 1». i» smith, 723 Maa-liatUui Hlock.

HlilTSfc—K^r rcuL \u0084tetmiuu furnishedhoiirf; cilywaUr; terms returnable

!iuuire at tv: *rut st.

HUOBK—I rent, MGrove sl. comerPine, beat bMaaa aad erounds m the

cityfor j-;:. \u25a0.. monUi;look «t taesa. >icols.ft Itean.


For rent, si boose of nine rooms.I *\u25a0i- U"Ninaav.

HOI!*K—A new modern len-room dwell-ing. r>.ilCacaaa at


8C!lKOfcOEIl A OICKINBON,18 Kas.lv^ Sixth, for crt; c{£>auiue, fe&ther andI •,jKii:vr.irt \n'.i: - a.:jd upboisterinc.

IrTAVLOU14 KI.NTIN.. .1«iKNt \—




Ar»KtmmßtTS-- r-urrtJ!Tied or unfor-Bjshed The Colonnade, .inand »l

Peter g-ts.; firyt-class rerdaura-ut.


Modern Bats; with strain li«iLJ-' hot aud cotd water. $:.-». $23. sri. SSR.SS;these fiats ire 19 to 515 meaner than anyotiniiar tlsiL«. iv the city. Beife!d Block.'cor-sser 6outh i.'obert st. and Fairfield ay. K.\u25a0Jt>hiiso:». -

neatLM.ATB—For rent, tvto rials on V»ncouta st.

IA- Applyat £21 Kast veutb bl ..THE VlUGlNlA_Facin?r Central Park

aud East Summit Ay.—Twenty house-keeping apartment* (four for rent);" location-.titsbniidinc finest i.i tUecity: stnetiv »ir»l-ciaas; •.-.•••••Hi.-.r. .-u-xia heat, electric light,allhardwood lloor&, t.hr-j tv-.-c.rl nnish, gas range.gs_» crate, screens, shades, eta Apply ateievntor forcircular, ti.,,or to V.S. Hrvant.

STOKE— Inquire &07 West Seventh St.:good iiK-mir»u for groceries, <irv goods

hardware or creamery and bakery business;rent \u25a0 :\u25a0Silt.

tOlt Mi.F,a.].M'l AM*HIK«II rI,UIIHI>(.at

I ill JacKson and luhsis. Tnomi.son &Co.-s,AMl'liU*iovt-t nnd all oddii2esat

wholesale cost. Prudcn Stove Company,j 4iK^4li sitley.-t.

! EWING MAtiii.-NKS—

cond - handI O sewing macnines. allkinds. $5 and up-;wards: warranted. Domestic Office, Ot East;.•Seventh. \u25a0 -..- \u25a0 . - -

\u25a0 .| ovis-iyoincft.



Minnesota; XV .-:*-huiDye Works. -*4East heveutb.: 17 .1 KOCIIJKN—N.W. Steam Dye Works\u25a0X • office. 4:e Kobert Kyau Block Work.

sf>mid ."' luJiaua ay.


E^<»K SALE/—

a person about to leave thecity bas a veryneat rockaway that must

I be converted into some cash, Write ms: it! will be your gain and my loss. Address Xj 30S, Globe.~


! Jj M.Tt.aftri.l-; -JS i.eruiauia Life insur11. tr«e Buildins. expert Mid ttuditwork

Notice of unease Sale.\yHEREAfc. DEFAULT HAS BEEN*< made in the conditions of a certainmortgage, bearing date the twenty-tilth dayot May. A.D. ls)L executed and delivered

j by William H.Gardner and LulnM. Gardnerj his wife and Oscar L Lienau (unmarried),I mortßaiors. to the New York Life InsuranceI Company, a corporation existing under andI by virtue of the laws of the State of New

York, mortgagee, whereby the said mort-• gagors did eniut, bargain, sell and convey to'the said mortgagee, its successors and as-signs, :orevei. all that tract or parcel of

j iana lyingand being in the County of Ram-i sey and state of Minnesota, described asIfollows, to wit: Lot numbered lea .Km of

block numbered sixteen (16) of Bell's ad-dition to We*i St. Paul, according to theplat thereof on hie and ofrecord in the of-

j fice of the Kegister of Deeds inand for thei said County of Ramsey, except the north-j erly six 18)

'feet thereof, quitclaimed to the

ICity 01 St. Paul for alley purposes, to securethe paymert of the sum ot five thousand

j dollars (SiWX) Go) and interest thereon at

I the rate ofsix (6) per centum per annum,1 payable semi-aunually, according to thej conditions of a certain promissory -note! made by the said William H. Gardner, onej of the mortgagors, to said company forj that sum. payable on the first day ofI July, A. D. l8i»G. wita interest coupons; attached foreach installment of said interesti to the time ofmaturity of said principal note,

each of said coupons bearing interest aftermaturity at the aforesaid rate of six ifi)percentum Tier annum; said note and coupons»11 bearing even date withsaid morurage andthere: n relerreu to: and by the terms of said

Imortgage itisprovided that in case of default!in the payment of «>y installment ot interestj due upon the principal sum by said mortgasej secured, aua such default should continuej for thirtydays, said principal sum shouldj become and be at once due and payable:

and which said mortgage contains the usual; power of sale in case" of default in the con-ditions thereof ;also an agreement to pay, said mortgagee, itssuccessors and assigns, incase of the foreclosure of such" mortgage, the'sum of seventy-nve collars ($7511i0) as attor-

!neys' fees for such loreclosure: ana said

J mortgage authorizes the said mortgagee, itssuccessors ami assigns, in cas2 of a salej under the said power, to retain from the

1 proceeds of such sale the principal and In-terest which shall then be due on said note

\u25a0 and coupons, tosether \u25a0with the sum of sev-enty-five (§75) dollars as attorneys" lees, andthe costs and charsts of such sale: and saidmortgage whs duly acknowledged by said

:mortgagors, and thereafter and on the fourthday of June. A. D.I>*l.at three o'clock ana50 minutes p. m., anlyrecorded in the o-thceof the Register ot Deeds of said County ofRamsey, inBook 2&» of Mortgages, on pages79, £0, £ and 82. __-»-\u25a0

Ana wnereas. The said mortgagor* failedand neglected to pay the installment of in-terest which became due onsaid cote on the

j hrstdarof July, a. D. 1893. ana nave everj since failed and neglected to par the same :j and thai thereby the said principal .sum ot!said note become and is now due and pay-

able:: Aud whereas. There is now claimed to bej due on said mortgage at the date of thisnotice, exclusive of said seventy-five dollars(5.a.00», for said attorneys' fees, the sum offive thousand two hundred one and 50-100dollars -$\-oi SC-1D0). ana no action or pro-ceed:n* has been instituted at law id recoverthe debt remaining securea by said mort-cage, or any part thereof:

Now. theref ore.no Liceishereby givenmax.byvirtue of the said power ofsale, and pur-suant to the statute in such case made and:provided, the said mortgage

-will be fore-

closed by a sale of the mortzaged premisesherein above described,- at publicvendoe, to:the hichest bidder, at me front door of the

Court House on Fourth \street, inthe City ofM. PanL insaid County_of I'amsev and slateofMinnesota, on Saturday, the 14th day ofOctober. A.D. IS.r. at ten clock in' theforenoon of that day, to satisfy the amountwhich shall then be due onsaid note andmortgage lorprincipal and interest, togetherwith the costs and charges ofsuch sale, andincluding the said seventy-five (s.7a.o:<) dol-lars, attorneys' fees as aforesaid. .

Dated Aoeusrsi. A.D. ISD3. -SEWYOEK LIFEIXsUKa>>CE COM-PANY, Morteaeee.- FZ.A.XDBAC So.nnr.« & Cctcheok.Aitorueys lorMortgagee, Paul. Minn.


-HOTEL >>WICK. for gentle-• men only: fifty:modern steam-heatedrooms by day, week or month.p|\BKUU. ST» as*—For rent, four niceV-r rooms. luquirent377 Igiehart st.

pXCIUVXiK ST.. 421 >«>KTll—Oi>eJ-i n-.ceiv. famished front room, suitablefur tw<»gentlemen; also board, ifdesired. \u25a0

17 1Kilt,H3 WEST—Elegantly furnishedL rooms for ««-»\u25a0 select persons; everytningfirst-class :modern conveniences."(VINT!!ST.. . AST—Near Broadway—1* Lar°e room;private family;gentlemenonly:convenient location: low rent.

U'KNTO TUH ITBMC."—Our com-yJ pl*te salesroom at 4i9-411 t-itiley st.Pi%den Stove Company.

PIJSAsiANT AY, I7»—Xk-elr furnishedrooms: modem convenience*; withor

tyUiout board. \u25a0

- •;.—--.\u25a0


Furnished orunfurnished. The' olonnade. Tenth and m. Peter »is;first-class restaurant.

ROOM—Furnished room, with steam beat,bath, etc. ; rent, $15. Address B 103,



Three, tour or sixO .-..in-; cellar; private nous*; central.

ST. l-ETHK st, 775-Ryan Block—ForO rent, two nicely furnished front roomssuitable for two gentlemen, with steam heat.»-i-and but h.

11/ UNIT.sT., 3U5—Well furnished front••' room ana alcove:also smaller roomivprivate family: all conveniences.VI7AISASMA, 52St4—Corner Tenth St.—» » —

\u25a0 '^hed rooms forrent :place ocit-t.


iluiiv-^l'or >»!«•,


ABargain— Fine house for sale:Hiiii.ilcash payment, balance mouthlr;

rent w.iipay ii. inquire 'Hi :>herburne ay..rtmr Farrineton.

bitwise:*!* tiiasik*.v;i»cellanron»

A<ioou <iicoCKKV STOKE, withplentyof business and .centrally located, for

*.-;!-.•cheap onaccount of .death. Address X103. Globe.

B\K»KK shop forsale: one of the bestlocations inthe city, worth $1,500. bath

business worm $i») per nianth, will sell fory<pn. Address B.S.. Globe. Minneapolis.

Fiil.NT-t I.ASJ* HOKSKsHOKlNtishop.tools. eood will ana giving lease. Ad-

dress 3.T Sixteenth ay. southeast. Minneap-olis. .:.'•\u25a0_,-.•




Half-interest in well-payingA wholesale and retail business; good'rea-*ous for selling; small capital required. X

!304. Globe.poll*Al.K—Good paying restaurant ofA longstanding: best location :willshowour boots and the amount of business weare :tow doing: $500 or Sti'JU will handle.Address a *9. Globe.' Minneapolis.

I^OXttSAl^Ecbeap. a small grocery store:-L stoct and fixtures almost new: can givegood ieri--T3u fur selling. Address i£ j<j&.Globe.

pUKNITUBIiofeleven-room house to selli- cheap; parties leaving city; house fullofgood roomers, and low rent: central lota-tiou. Address >V 314. Globe.


'PWil GOOD HORShS, 1,100: ran oralli- fuel. feed, some potatoes. Inquire SSTwenty-seventh ay. southeast. Minneapolis;;near li::ch;t!'«u.


THE ST.PAUL TBIST COJJIPAATT—Office*, Knaiiou Block. Fourthstreet— Acta as executor, admin-istrator, guardian, trustee, as-»i^iiee. receiver, etc.

[\/IORTGAG£ SALE—DKFACLTHAVINGiT± been made in the payment of thesum of three thousand one hundredand fifty-nine dollars and thirty-fourcents (53.159.34). which is Claimed tobe due at the date of this notice uponia certain mortgage, duly executed anddelivered by Hani K.Uelbost&d ithen un-:married >. to The St. Paul Trust Company, a:corporation under the laws ot Minnesota,[ bearing date the tenth day of May. a. I).jISSfI, and dulyrecorded in the office" of theRegister of Deeds in and for the County ofRamsey and State of Minnesota, on thetwenty-ninth day of May. A. V. 18?9, at 5o'clock p.m.. in Book **205" of Mortgagee,on page luS,of the records of said Ramseycounty.

Which said mortgage was given to se-cure the principal sum of three thousand($3,000) dollars, with interest thereon at 7per cent per annum, payable semi-annualiy.according to the principal note, and tencoupon interest notes thereto attached, andwhich said promissory notes are particularlydescribed in said mortgage as so.recorded.

And Whereas. The said mortgage and thedebt thereby secured, was assigned by saidThe St. Paul Trust Company, to W. W.Braden, as the State Auditor of the State ofMinnesota, by ailassignment dated October17. A.D.ISSa. recorded December 16. IS9O, ateleven o'clock and twenty minutes. A. M.inBook "V"ofAssignments, on page 436. &a,of the records of said Ramsey County.

And Whereas. The said mortga.ee, "and thedebt thereby secured, wts afterwards re-assigned by A. Biermaua. tne then StateAuditor for"the State of Minnesota, to saidThe St. Paul Trust Company, by an assign-ment dated October 29. l*»l*.recorded Octo-ber 30.mOi at 11:55 o'clock A. M.inBook 36of Assignments, onpage 7. of the Records ofsaid Ramsey County.

And which said mortgage, as weli as thesaid principal note thereby secured, con-tained an agreement and covenant, thai ifany or either of said coupon interest notesshall remain unpaid for ten 10) days alterthe maturity thereof, the holdei of aid prin-cipal note may. at its option, and withoutnotice to the maker thereof, declare the saidprincipal sum. as well as any or either ofsaid past due coupon notes, as fullydue andpayable, as fullyas if said principal notewas payable on demand, and may proceedand collect the same by foreclosure of saidmortgage, either under the power of saletherein contained, or otherwise, as it mayelect. -

And Whereas. The coupon interest notedescribed and secured by said mortgage, andwhich became due on May la i*93. for theHim of One Hundred and rive (S105) dollars.was duly presented for payment, at theplace of payment therein named, and thepayment thereof was duly demanded, andthe same was not paid, nor Bay partthereof, and by reason ofsuch default in thepayment ot said coupon, and more than tendays after said May 10. 1*93. and before thedate hereof, the holder of said principalaote. and of said unpaid coupon note, duly;declared the whole of said" principal sum. as iwell c! said unpaid coupon note, as fullydue !and payable, and the payment thereof was !then and mere dnlydemanded and refused,and no action or proceeding at law or other- >

trite having been instituted to recover the ;debt secured by said mortgage, or any Dart jthereof :

Now. therefore, notice is hereby given.that iby virtue of a power of sale contained in ,said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute jin such case made and provided, the said

'm nga«e will be foreclosed, and the prem- :ises described in and covered by said mon- ;

gace,viz: Allthat tract and parcel of land ;situated m kaid Ramsey County, and de- !scribed as ail of lot numbered twenty-four I(24).block numbered twelve (12), of Mack- jübir.&Marshall's addition to St. Paul, ac-cording to the recorded pint thereof ounleand ofrecord In the office of the Recister ofDeeds for said Ramsey County, with the !hereditaments and appurtenances, will be :said at public auction, to the highest bidderfor cash, to pay said .debt and interest,and the taxes (if any) ou said prem-ises, and seventy-five \u25a057" < dollars at- .torney fee, as* stipulated in and by |said mortgage incase ot foreclosure, and the idisbursements allowed Dy law; which sale iwillbe made by the sheriff of said RamseyCocntv, at the Fourth street front door ofthe Court House, in tfaa City ofSt Paul, in :said Couaty and ttate. on Monday, the twen-tv-flfthday ofSeptember. A.D. 1533. at ten Io'clock a. m.of thai day, subject to redemp-tion at any: time within one year -from iae-dav of sale* as provided bylaw. J

Dated Augnst 10. A. D. 1&3.THE>T- .'"I.1RTST COMPANY,11A*si2jiee of Mortgase-

"-\u25a0'•'\u25a0 By J. W. Bishop. Fresiuent.Haevey \u25a0 Gfticee, Attorney for Assignee. :I

Eudlcott Block, Fourth street. St. Paul,Miiia.


* Going Away i4 Ana don't want to store yoar far- 4\. niture for the summer because you XT expect to have new furnishings in W# the fail?

'Good sales and princely \u25a0

4 prices can be obtained by adver- 4\ asm* your XA Household Furniture. Stores. A

Kitchen Furniture, Ranges, j

5 Par Furniture, Dishes ix Dining Room Furniture, and

*2 Bed Room Furniture, Chairs. \X Oranything else you want to sell, by x; # lettinglac public mow it through the 0

1 f Auction Columns of the Globx. A

A.11. >i<«l*r.AuctioneersAUCTION SALK—Comer 100 feet or.n. summit ay. and 250 feet front on Ox-fordst. to -Id-foot alley. Thursday afternoonSept. 2s. 1533. at 4 o'clock, on the ground atabove, rain or shine. This valuable corneiis on the best residence avenue, elegant iocstion, in- the vicinity of costly comes, andwill be sold to the highest bidder: now isyour rime to obtain a Dig bargain for half ivpresent value at your own price, on easjterms of payment. For full particulars ap-plyonly to A. H. Nicolay. Auctioneer. Of-fice 141 East Fifth st. MyReal Estate SaleNo. 12.905.

-KuvanHgh tt Johnson, Auction-

eers.OHEKirrS STOCK. OF BOOTS ASHO Shoes at Auction— willsell at publi:auction, on the mart north of the marcelhouse, onSaturday, Sept. 2& at 10 a. m.. orestwo thousand dollars" worth of Men's, Wom-en's ana children's Shoes and Rubbers: allfirst-class roods and latest styles: attend thissale if you want footwear. Kavauagh <1Johnson, Auctioneers, ISS. M and 190 East

I >ixth st.


B(»AKD-MnuF. W. Premer has rented-U and newly furnished the corner houseof Lytle Terrace, 520 Cedar st.. corner olTenth.. inconnection with &£ Cedar: as all< the rooms are sou acme, they will be

\u25a0 found very pleasant during the wintermonths; room? will be' rented single or enMine, wilhboard.

BOAKD—For strictly first-class board,room with steam heat and accommoda-

• tion at moderate prices inquire at So."

! Lyons Court, on i-ibley St.. between Ninth1and Tenth.

BOAKl>—Laree furnished room, wiuiboard, suitable for man and wife. 55i

; Robert.j BOARD

—Nicely fnnrished rooms wiib, U board, all modern conveniences, with-

in ten minutes' wale of business center olcity. 135 Smith ay.


East Tenth M.—Cosy rooms,with board: cood home eookine; besl

jofsurroundings: references. . \u25a0;..-. \u25a0" *..---'BOAKD—Furnished rooms, with board, in•U large modern house :steam heated rooms.210 East Ninth st.

' LJOAKD—Lady offers front parlor withi•*-* two sleeping rooms to four persons:j separate table feerviee: ten minutes walkIfrom city hall:price $125 uer month: refer-ences required. Address h. 310, Globe.

VTLJfc TKBKACE. i£B t'KDAK—Foirent, one suite ofrooms, first floor,witl

board: also one uncle room. ,r - -•kfjl'tNTOTHKPI


V-J plete salesroom at 409-tt] Mbiey st.IPruden Stove Company.

"THE MINER"— rooms andJ. board can be secured for the winter:

excellent location for business people, ltijCollege, corner Sixth.

OREAT n&mm bak^aiy.

ONE ELEGANT upright Decker Bros-Piano. style iti. at about cue-half its

value: ithas only been used a few months;must be sold soon. R. C. Hunter. 10." hastThird st- .

WASTED TO KENT.j_ ..ROOMS— Wanted toRent—Gentleman andJ-i wife want two or three rooms; fur-nished preferred. Address, statin* price, E::i4. Globe.

>'otlce of Jlortznse Sale.

WHEREAS. DEFAULT HAS BEENmade in the conditions of a certain

j mortgage, bearing date the first Jay of No-vember. A.D.16'jii. executed and delivered

1 by William H. Gardner (unmarried), mort-gagor, to the .New York Lifeinsurance Com-pany, a corporation, existing- under ami byvirtueof 'he laws of the Slate of New York.mortgagee, whereby the said mortgagor didgrant, bargain, sell and convey to ihe saidmortgagee, its successors and aisiea.x. forever,

J all that tract or parcel of laud lying and• being inthe County of Rainier and' State of1 Minnesota, described ac follows, to wit: Lotinumbered nine v.*> of Block numbered six-| teen of Bell's'Addiuou Id West -: PauLiaccording to the plat thereof on tie uud ofIrecord in the office of the Kecister of Deeds'in and for said County of ltiun&ey. exceptthe northerly six (G) feet of said lot, hereto-fore quitclaimed to the City 01 M. Paul loralleypurposes, to secure the paymeut of thesum of four thousand dollars ($4,011) i*>) andinterest thereon at the rate of six (61 percentum per annum, payable senii-aunualiy.according to the condition* at a. certainpromissory note made by tbesaidmoriKagorto

\u25a0 s>aia company for that sum. payable on the Ist!dayofNovember. A.D. into. with isnore&t cou-Ij.uii?attached for each installment ofsaid in-!terest tome time of maturityor said principal

note, each of said coupon* oeiiriiiiiinterestIafter maturityat the aforesaid rale of six (6),.per ccuturn per nnuum: said sale and cou-Ipons all bearing even daie with said mort-igage and therein referred to; and by the

terms ofsaid mortsaee it is provided that iv'case of default in the payment of any iustall-

imeut ofinterest due upon the principalbumi by said mortzace secured, and such default,1 should continue forsixtydays,said principalsum should become and be at once

idue and payable; and which saidmortgage contains the usual powerof sale in case of default la theconditions thereof: also an airrtement to payto said mortgagee, itssuccessors and assigns,iincase of the foreclosure of such mortgage,the sum ofseventy-live dollxrt ij.ji.isai-torneys' fees for such foreclosure: aud saidjnortprase authorizes the said mortgagee, ussuccessor* and assigns, in ease ofv.sale un-der the said power, to retain from the pro-ceeds of such saje the princi&al and interestwhich snail then be due on said note andcoupons, tceeirjer with the sum of seventy-five (S7.T.OU) dollarsas attorneys" fees.and thecosts and charees of such sale: and .«aidmortgage was duly acknowledged by saidmortgagor, and thereafter and on the I7ihday ofNovember, A.1). l^x.at 11:43 o'clocka. m.. dulyrecorded in the orht-e 01 the Keg-;>ter of Deeds of said Conmy of Ramsey, inBook 241 of Mortgage*, on pages 33b u>339:

And \VhereaK. The said liiontasor failed iand neglected to pay the installment of in-iterest which became due on said note on me ifirst day of titiiy.A.D. l*nj,and has eversince failed and neglected to pay the same:and that theieby the said principalsum ofsaid note became and is now due ana Dara-ble; .

'And Whereas, There is now claimed to De

due on said mortca^e at the due of thisnotice, exclusive of said attorneys" fees, thesum of four thousand one hundred andsixty-one :-JOj dollars ($4.18L2j),and noaction or proceeoinc has been instituted silaw torecover the debt remaining secured bysaid mortgage, or any part thereof;

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given thatby viitueof thesaid power of sale, and pur-suant 10 the statute instieh case macie andprovided, the said mortgage will be fore-closed by a sale of '.he mortgaged premiseshereiiiabove described, at public venaoe. tothe highest bidder, at ihe front coor of theCourt Bonse. onFourth street, in -.be City of jSt. Paul, in s*ud Coauty ofHamsey and State \u25a0

ofMinnesota, on-

-..araay. the ifih «say of iOctober. A.D iso3, at ten o'clock in "the

'foreuoo'i of that day. to satisfy the amountwhich shall then be doe on said utite audmoncEffe forprincipal and interest, lo^wacr\u25a0wiih liecosts a?id charges ot suca sak-. audiuc-ludins the said seventy-rive dollars attor- !neys 1fees as aioresaid. ."

" 'Dated Auguitol^LA. D.1593.


PANT. .. .. Mortgagee IFI.ASI»RAU. SQUIRES 4 CTTTCHEnX. - i

Attorneys for Mortgages, si. ?s.u\, Minn, j


IHONEY I, iH*jbe tietit and hard to ret. bat (v you o&n get ail you want byasking

-If?r.l^ Jbroiirt th« Globb Finan- tI # cial Columns, to eith«r bay or ten *.» f STOCKS, BONDS, I

\u25ba 0 MORTGAGES.*


I SvKBSSs 11™;iSn^n 7- Vnd eha"ct.r that ma f

A A —THESTANDARD LOA.VCO.f±»-£Xm sis Robert corner Fourta. room ',loans money on pianos, furniture, diamonds

1 watches, goods in storage.

OAMK.STOCKS aspecialty: bonds,j J_» mercial paper mortgages, seeuriuet

bought and sold. George W. Jenks. Investineiit Banker. Minnesota Loan and TrusBuilding..Minneapahs.

LOANS on Furniture. Pianos, Diamonds.J ±J \u25a0gtc. 13-U First National Bankßuildin-

-1]o>kv i.i»A>».Uon life insurano* p.. :cies: or bought. L. P. Van NormaniiGuaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis

OSET ONHA.ND to loan on city pro-erty and farms; lowest rates; bo dela«

W.F.Moritz. IQia Pioneer Press

: -P-H-I-V-A -£t

Money loaned on diamonds, watches, piano**. furnitnre or goods in storage at lowest rate-'and small monthly return payments: note

I and mortgages bought; most private ioai.. rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com-. pany. 132 Globe Building; take elevator.\u25a0 "VTTAXTKD—Small sum of money, no1

» » above $150. ongood security' for "six t-nine months: willingto pay 10"per cent in-terest. Address w 312. Globe. . \u25a0


'~ tJ^\J\J\J loan on improved city property:good first mortgages bonght at a dis-; connt. Lambert. Mi«'edar st.

I GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYTi»»hotC S"0 BHe ;iMaT < Mii.neapolis. 95 E.M

\u25a0\u25a0 IlUf.CIa St., St. >-a::1. rnionrtppui« boih cities

; leave | ?i. Paul UnionDepot, I ajiiiive.

Willmar. Morris. Brown's .bßSaam Valley &Breckinridge. !bs:43pii

:Fergus Falls. Fargo and, bs:3Jami Grand Forks b«Kl6an.. Os?eo. Clear water and at.bs:3aaroi cloud , b6:05 pn

Anoka. St. Clond and1 b4--30pm Willmar bll:ssani

b4:3opanExcelsior iHntchinson.jbll:ss amI Willmar. tsioux City,

tFargo. Winnipeg. Pa-,a6:33.pm cine Coast. j a~:4oan•

tOssea St. Cloud. Fergusj1 ; Falls, Croofeßton, G.Forks, KalispelL Spo- ;, cane. Great Falls, Hel-ena. Buna and Pacific

aT:4spmi Coast ;al:00 pa?EAiTEEX MIKKESOTA. |

1 Duluth, West Superior.:: ; Elk River. Mllaca.: llinckley. Princeton. 1- bl.-OSpmj gAuoka. bß:s"pv

a.daily:b. except Sunday; §Buffet parlor cars on trains to Duluth and W. Superior, tßuffet sleepers. ;Dinine cars, palao sleep

era and free colonist sleeping cars.

NORTHERN PACIFIC!The Dining car Line to Fargo. Winnipeg

Helena. Bntie and me Pacific Northwest.M. PaulDining Cars on Winnipeg and

Pacific Coast Trains. Lv. Ar.j Pacinc Mail (daily) ior r.irno.!

Jamestown. Livingston.llelena,

1 Buue. Missouia, Spokane, Ta- 4:15 12:1coma, Seattle and Portland. ... p.m. p.m.

I Dakota and Manitoba Kxores-(Gaily)forIrer»fus Falls; Wahue-i

: ton. Crootston, Grand Forks.iGrafton. Winnipeg, iloorhead, 8:00: 7iTFargo and .tkmestowu p. m, a m

Fargo local (daily except Stin-day,.for St.Cloud,Brainerd and 9H>>| 6:1.Fargo a. m. p. mf)atota Express d.*-*1101 ma west •>! Kargosu:,

Idars. l*ullinu:i>l«;t>ers daily between M. Pan.»nd Grand Forks,Granon. Winaipcs. Fergus Fall?Wabfietoa itud Farco. Pullman First-Class an-.Tourist sleet*rs are run on thronsh Pacific Con?Trains. C.K.KTONI CityTicket Agent, ltiZ Ea»;Third Street m I'aul.

6^^^ bt. PauL


IThe Only LineBAGGAGE CHECKED.%&£&£*?l£"U

fc.'\u25a0 ;Kx«-|*Sawtay. • Lait j Arrtvp

tEx. Mnnd.i.r. x1.%. »«tc.-J»v. Is^i. •\u25a0 v!;-''

I'anlf-U .|o«Ft and K»nv.iF Ciiy._ r ::\u25a0.-, »m + 7 4»iua-'•Joseph »nd K'»r..3Miiv... t ::i,;11


Sioraqty Loc«i ti,.r«»- -

-it '. .-. Sll,, 6io*mCity.Oniaha <t iJlk Hill*t :6Spm

-TitianPipestone and t-iooxFulls

--U ::: am : t,iupmjucebEsro »nd Elmon- J 756 am :b lopm>ew dm.1hict Bnd .''ierre --iTUi.mi740 amIjulujluA.b1....i niiuSuperior S » Ouk,,, ;!ioo pm

Dnhllbi nd superior Tit «ij.Ui I \u25a0 .\u25a0oka,ilar*lit«-ldsnd Waasaa

- - - -\u2666 cuu kui;l«30 pui


--1 \ rajs g«H

%Ticket Offices »2Ltstreet, corner Fifth, andtcion Depot. St. Paul.•Daily. +Ex. SundaylEx.Monday.+Ex. Saturday

. " -"\u25a0-"\u25a0 Le.~St. Pact.— at.Cbtmso !>*>•r^t.i-rs, ?AS3*a. uu:+*pm(.Licaro .MlaiiUc'express *i6spm «12:IO pmChicago

•Fast .Mall" :igflp m I•-45 p m

flilcngo -Vetribule" Llm_ *t>-up MI•fa)ImChicago via Austin and Da- \bnque— —

:4:10 pm ?l{h23aiaDabuqne viaLa Croase . ; 18a, am 'vtiGpmn.L-.UJV »nd Kansas Uty.. ,««:15ani 1 t,:JO p !afet. Louis and Kf.sits Citr.. . 7.13 p in;«7 45 a malmarand I>ateuport f9:iia m t,^„m.MiljßnfcaiidAb«.rc(t«n -aM am \u25a0*:«P m

MUbunkaad A'^rrifPi... •fcr.p m--

«£:nMifj])eni"il]»u-.ini- leave *7: -> a. m

•J2:i.% «:j,»Biß and -HO^Op. m.." ' '

fordetail iiiformauon call at ticket orEces.

;WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES,\u25a0— ArT}y*~~ \u25a0 l>-ri,art-—d:4(-pm|»f>iam; St. PauL j 1:i"ipm|<:lspm4~"Jpm|-;4iamiAlinneap'lisjl-.':.}'i pm|ot'jspmliirecli,lue to Eau « taire, bkiiuotb


AND DINING CARS.AllTrnin*Ken Daily. '-

Minneapolis. St. Faui &SauitSte" MarießyFrr>m rnion I)*-t««

—4 Uaa:it\u25a0/^^^B»% Limited3br Montreal. i.-.,-ro.i and

M^^VZV New Vorc lr.ave (>:1; {1. m.,ar-Ii>ltl»l"Tea \u25a0 c'5 *.m-daily. Froa Eroiul-fe TU=ffiJ^3 war I'epot, loot o. *ih «t. W:»nfill,IX "*>'•*«•\u25a0\u25a0•! leaves 3;SJ a. a.., arrive&!^lbJbl o^,>,<.ui. ''>" ex. Sutniar. St.R? a^

'-roll"a'.'.t onumaxfiiiiioa ;«4T«s

BP'^^ s»'-u).. arrives 1 :10a.in daily ex.-unday. Minii.dlv. I.kt»lfor Mi-nd, Oakes aad intermediate points l^ares *.8» »m..arrives 5 5-» p. m.dallyex. San<tay._ 1.:» a woo :local leaves Minneapolis '5.35 p. m..nrrirps »xcn:..i:iijycx.su2iduy. Cilyticket office. lt \u25a0•!> • •

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*Dally. tDallyex. Mmd. ,Leave .jArrtvg! \u25a0fChicaso Fast Express.. ...h:s>ans II\u2666lowa, Mo. <£ Kansas Ex. :.f7:£s amill:-j6Bm £*Dod?e -Center Local :3:a; smilQ^Sss-;*ChScaßO Limited....- lT:3opm :55^ait -Dei Jloiaes, Ht. J. *K.C. T3Opsa!7:Kaa"


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