Tm»J. f . PA"CI B ]DAILr<3IiOBK SATURDAY MOBZ^ESTG. JANUABY 22, 1887.- TWELVE PAGES! 6 FROM FOREIGN FIELDS. Stanley Starts on £is Journey to Egypt To Effect the Belief of Emir Bey. The Adventurous Traveler Given a Hearty Farewell by His Friends in England. Yurtlier Evictions in Treland--Wliat a Priest Thinks of the Situation. Affairs in Germany A French Cab- inet Crisis .1 acobini's Suc- cessor Appointed. London, Jan. 21.— Henry M. Stanley started to-day for Egypt. He goes first to Briudisi and thence to Suez. A large num- ber of reporters and distinguished persons gathered at the railway station to witness Stanley's departure. Among those present were United States Consul General t Wall. Charles T. Russell, United States consul at Liverpool, and Sir Lewis Peily. On behalf of the reporters of London Mr. Williams, ex-president 'of the Press club, presented Stanley with a night compass, carried by the former in the Soudan cam- paigns while serving as special correspond- ent. Stanley's last words, in reply to an inquiry by a reporter, were: "I will re- turn as soon as I can. Give my kindest re- gards to my friends in America, Belgium and England." As the train moved out of the station Stanley was lustily cheered. IKISIi AFFAIItS. AProtest I sains t tlie Management of tiic National League—Evictions Continued., Dublin, Jan. 21. board of poor law guardians of Westport, County Mayo, | have unanimously adopted a resolution con- demning the executive of the national league at Dublin as unlawfully constituted because not elected by the people composing the league and asking Mr. Parnell to ar- range to have substituted a new exective which shall be elected by the suffrages of the whole league. The resolution declares that this change is necessary for the safety of the Irish cause. Copies of the resolution have been forwarded to Mr. Fitz- gerald, president of the Irish league in America, and to prominent members of the order in that country. The evictions at Glenbeigh were resumed to- day, Conybeare Dillon, acting for the tenants, having failed to make terms with Agent Roe. Roe now proclaims that he I will raze to the ground the habita- j tions of all tenants refusing to meet / his terms. The police aud bailiffs en- gaged in evicting tenants on the Winn estate at Glenleigh, County Kerry, started this morning for a distant part of the estate to make further evictions. The Irish mem- bers of parliament, who are representing the tenants, followed the officers. The amount of reduction of rents accepted by the tenants on the estate of Lord London- derry, the lord lieutenant, was 10 per cent. The tenants had demanded a3O per cent, reduction. LORI) MAYOR SXI.T-IVAX has gone to Glenbeiirh. Severel evictions were effected there to-day. All those evicted, however, were re-admitted as caretakers at a nominal salary of 1 penny a week. A great throng of people followed the evicting party from place to place, but although the crowd was boisterous, there was no rioting. Father Quilter, in an in- terview to-day at Glenbeigh, said: I have been in Glenbeig-n for three years and may say that 1 have clone more than any agent toward inducing the people to pay their rent. [at first thought their failure to pay \u25a0was due to dishonesty. Therefore I pressed them every Sunday, aud I am surprised that they bore my importunities. Experience proves that (jlenbeijrh is in a chronic state of poverty. The people migrate in harvest time as laborers, but depend largely upon the donations of sons aud daughters Living in ether districts. In times of depression the wages fall, when it is impossible for many to pay at all Donations from America have almost ceased to come, and in addition to this the cattle trade failed last year. The people did little else than take their cattle to fairs, and return with their stock unsold. In my opinion, the people cannot live here in such numbers. Father Quilter declined to say how many he considered able to pay. THE SAL.ES OF CATTLE by the tenants at Michelstown yesterday amaunted to £10.000. The service of writs ot ejectment continues. At an eviction near Bantry the ejected tenant's wife was so affected that she attempted to commit suicide. A bailiff was pelted with mud and stones on Lord Dillon's estate yester- day. THE BE ItI. IN jiL'DGCT. Prussia's Finances in a Flattering Mate of Prosperity. Berlin, Jan. 21. Ilerr yon Seholz, Prussian minister of finance, to-day pre- sented the budget to the lower house of the Prussian diet. This states that the trade of Prussia has improved, decreasing the deficiency in the revenues. The giants for the provincial district authorities of the kingdom call for 13,000,000 marks instead of 19,000,000, as in the pie- | vious year. The railway receipts for the fiscal year will exceed the expenses by 20,000.000 marks. The receipts from in- come tax will be larger than heretofore, proving that the prosperity of the urban population has much increased. The statis- tics show that the population in the rural districts has lessened. In conclusion the budget states that the reichstag's rejection of the army bill lias placed all other questions in the background. On this account the finance minister has abstained from refer- ring to development in direct taxation. In consequence of the large transportation of horses from Mecklenburg aud Westphalia a proposal to forbid these exports will be submitted to the bundesrath forthwith. Fronds Cabinet Crisis. Paris, Jan. 21—The budget committee of the chamber of deputies has by a vote of IS to (i rejected the amended budget pre- sented by M. Dauphin, minister of finance, providing for an issue of bonds to the amount of 375,000.000 francs, redeemable in sixty-six years, to meet the temporary needs of the government. M. Dauphin is consequently expected to resign and a cabi- net crisis is imminent The present minis- try was formed on the llth tilt. At a council of ministers to-day it was decided that Premier Goblet and M. Dau- phin, minister of finance, should jointly present the latter's budget bill in the cham- ber of deputies, and that the rejection of the measure would involve the resignation of the cabinet. Bulgaria. London, Jan. 21.—1t is stated that England will not object to enter a congress of powers to settle the Bulgarian question. The other powers have been sounded on the subject, and with the exception of Russia, whose position is re- garded as tentative, they have been found willing to take part in the proposed conference. The question arises whether the conference should be held before or j after a Bulgarian ruler is choson. In j diplomatic circles it is doubted whether the | regents will resign before the sobranje has accepted a candidate for the throne. Madagascar. Paris. Jan. 21.— The French agent in Madagascar telegraphs that his relations I with the Ilovas are excellent, and that a i settlement of the disputes between France and Madagascar will shortly De effected. Traveling: Incognito. j London, Jan. Prince Alexander of Battenberg, formerly ruler of Bulgaria, has started by way of Italy on a tour through Egypt. lie will travel incognito. Jacnbiiii's successor. Rome. Jan. Monsignor Rampolla del Tindaro. papal nuncio at Madrid, has been designated to succeed Cardinal Jaco- bini as papal secretary of state. a New Comet. Melbourne. Jan. 21.—The tail of a comet of the first magnitude was visible 1 from here last ,•-..- n'mg. Fooled With the Gas. Special to the Globe. Duluth, Minn., Jan. 21.—Henry Eric- son, a gas repairer, held an uncorked can I of naphtha too near a gas jet in the Sunday I Sun job room. He was severely burned by j the explosion. The damage to the building and Sun stock is 3300. ' HE WANTS kits CHILD. A Wealthy ICaucliui. in Sues to Re- cover Him Infant Daughter. Dexver, C 01.,' Jan. 21.—James M. Patrick, a wealthy ranchman, near Denver, has brought suit in the courts of St. Louis to recover his infant child who is the heir to an estate worth $1,000,000. and is supposed to have been ab- ducted by his wife's people in order to secure the property. Patrick in 1879 married a daughter of McManus, a very wealthy family in St. Louis, on which oc- casion his present to the bride was 550.000. The couple settled iv Bradley county. Ten- nessee, where a daughter was born. In 1884 his wife's health failed and the fam- ily moved to Colorado. where he purchased a cattle ranch. According to Patrick's story, in the meantime dissentious rose in the McManus family, in which the child figured, it being the inten- tion of McManus to get possessidb of the child, divorce the mother on a plea of de- sertion and keep the property in the fam- ily. While Patrick was fixing up his ranch he sent his wife and child to Canon City, where a sister of Mrs. Patrick, from St. Louis, visited them. Soon after that the husband could receive no answer from letters or telegrams to his wifeso he went to Canon City, only to discover that his wife, child and sister-in-law had suddenly departed, leaving no word behind as to their whereabouts. The wife at this time j was ill and could not leave her bed. He immediately went to St. Louis, where he learned his wife was at her father's house but he was not permitted to Visit her. On Oct. 9 last his wife died, leaving an estate of over $100,000, including the bridal present of §50.000, which fell into the hands of the McManus family. Not only did they se- cure this, but so influenced the wife that she disinherited the child and left the for- tune to her brother, Ward McManus. The i child has been spirited away and can- j not be found. Patrick thinks she is confined in some asylum in Canada and has brought suit for her recovery and also the 550.000 dowery. Since Patrick's residence in Colorado he has been constantly annoyed by requisitions upon Gov. Eaton, of Colorado, from the governor of Tennes- see for his arrest, which Gov. Eaton, after investigating, has refused to honor. This. Patrick claims, is the work of Ward Mc- Manus to have him confined in prison on a trumped up charge: 1 CHARGED WITH FORGERY. A Former Resident of St. Paul Charged With i rye i ratine: For* geries at Milwaukee. Special to the Globe. Milwaukee. Wis., Jan. 21. Ten days ago Daniel B. Vermiltye, a lawyer, arrived here from St. Paul and introduced himself at the general solicitor's office of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway by letters of recommendation from ex-Gov. Hubbard, of Minnesota, and from prominent railway officials and business of St Paul. He said he had a good practice at St. Paul, but that his wife, whom he had recently married, insisted on leaving there because of a scandal of four years ago, when his first wife eloped with an army officer. There being no vacancy in the solicitor's office he was recommended to the well- known law firm of Jenkins, Winkler & Smith. To Mr. Jenkins he clamed to be a relative of a prominent New York family of the same name, with whom Mr. Jenkins is intimately acquainted. He was promised a position with the linn. Yester- day the police were notified by a restaurant proprietor that the First National bank had refused payment on a check signed by Daniel Ver- miltye pronouncing it worthless. Detectives made an investigation and learned at the bank that Vermiltye had early in the week deposited with them a draft for $500 on a N e\v York bank and a cheek on a St. Paul bank, they advancing him $70. Both were leturned, as Vermiltye had no money in either bank. When the officer visited his boarding house to-day it was learned that Vermiltye, with his wife, had taken an early morning train for Chicago, leaving their trunks behind. It was also discovered that he had passed several other bogus cheeks amount- ing to $200. The detectives found that Vermiltye had disposed of his gold watch, considerable ladies' jewelry and a quantity of household silverware at a pawn shop. \u25a0 . Ztliirdeiecl. New Westminster, B. C, Jan. 21. A man named J. A. Davis, who lived near the mouth of the Frazer river, was found murdered in his house to-day. Everything of value had been stolen from the house. _ «, Steamship Arrivals. Queenstown— The Vancouver, from New York. New York Zaandam, from Amster- dam. DAKOTA. Fargo. Miss Maratta and Miss Shattuck gave a "progressive bean baj?" party at the resi- dence of Commodore Maratta Thursday even- ing-. Charley Connelly, of Fargo, was married in this city this week to Miss Carrie Steele, of Albert Lea, Minn. Mrs. \V. D. Douglass gave a whist party at her residence, in Douglass Terrace, Thursday evening last. Ex-Aid. G. A. Putnam and his wife have pone to visit friends East and will then no to Honduras. A large number of society people have been at St. Paul this week taking in the carnival. The Misses Stella and Dora Searles, Davis and Keade, of Brain'erd, are in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Daily gave a progressive eu- chre party last Monday evening-. M. 1). Fleming- was married Thursday even- ing- to MissCleora Chapman. Miss Annie Scanton, from Sparta, Wis., is a guest in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bartholomew are visiting- | in Painesville,' O. Mr." and Mrs. N. K. Hubbard left for the East this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith left last night for Indianapolis. - . Sioux Falls. One of the most ;enjoyable and pleasant parties ever held in this city was the social hop given by the XX club at Germania hall Tuesday evening. The following are among the list of guests: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Clover, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bailey, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sibley. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Erskine, Mrs. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Collier, Miss Moore, Mr. and Mrs.' Will H. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. John Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Glid- den, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vincent. Mrs. Cald- well, Miss Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs.W. K. Parks, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Marcy,Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Blackmail, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Irvine. Mr. aud Mrs. E. W. Coughran, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coughran, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Peek, Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. Renfro. Mr. and Mrs. Cloudas, Mrs. W. H. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Currey, C. M. Day and Miss Houser, J. W. Boyce and Miss McMillan, K. W. Cooley and Miss Morris, R. E. Woociwortu and Miss Dean. P. - 11. Goddard and Miss Stone, Paul Knowles and Miss Poole. W. W. Goddard and "Miss Pillips, Roy Williams and Miss Willey, Men- tt Hill and Miss Davis, Fred Carr and Miss Fay, Edgar Knowles and Miss Ray- I mond. Grant! Forks. Miss Emma Huggins has returned from a visit at Park River. Mrs. Burt - Wells returned from a visit in Crookston. .'. Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Arvilla, were the guests of Mrs. R. E. Noyes. Miss L. M. Herriman accompanied Misses Smith and Rhodes to Larimore. l ilrndnlc. Mrs. A. Croakhitc returned yesterday from a visit with Mrs. Turner, near Roscoe. The Ladies' Aid society met at Mrs. W. S. Vent's Wednesday afternoon. : Mrs. Cronkhite entertained a large party of friends last Monday evening. Graftoh. Mrs. Owen O'Reilley and son, of Buxton, are the guests of Airs. C. L. Prince. E. S. Johnson and wife left on Saturday for Crescoe, a. . Jersey Funnels Reduced from Go and 75 cents to 50 cents, at McLain's, 384 Wabasha street. HE WILL NOT GO TO KOME. Father McGlynn Refuses to Undergo Clerical Discipline. ArclibisuopCorrijjan Makes a State- ment Regarding the Affair. New Yokk, Jan. 21.— Rev. Father Mc- Glynn's old parishioners intend to hold a meeting in the basement of the churcli to- morrow morning, in spite of Father Don- nelly's orders. It is believed that Father Donnelly will call in the police to prevent it, if necessary. At the palace of the arch- bishop, on Fifth avenue, a reporter was this morning informed that Archbishop Corrlgan was too busy to see any one. His secretary. Dr. McDonnell, when asked if the archbishop intended to make any reply to Henry George's challenge in to-day's Standard, said: Tli-j archbishop will make a statement this afternoon and will reply to Henry George's challenge. It is known that the archbishop called his counsol!er3 together this morning' and held a lengthy meetinjr, at. which the whole situation wasrdisenssed. together with Henry George's challenge relating to an order which, it is claimed, was sent out by the archbishop to the priests against the consti- tutional convention. The challenge created quite a stir among the priests of the diocese and they are very ANXIOUS TO KXOW what the archbishop's reply will be. It was stated to-day by a friend of George that the labor leader had in his possession, or could get possession of, several orders which the archbishop had sent out and that the statement he made he could prove. A priest, who is well known among the parishioners of St. Stephen's church, said that he had seen no orders from the arch- bishop relating to the constitutional con- | vention. He said that all the priests in the diocese had received another cau- tion not to talk about the McGlynn case among themselves nor to outsiders. Archbishop Corriean to-night makes public a long written statement in regard to the McGlynn case. It dates back to 1882. when Dr. McGlynn is declared to have disobeyed i the mandate of Home against the making ! of political speeches by priests, and when under correction he promised to refrain from farther offending, but had to j be called to account again in ISS3. UK MADE PCIIJCA STATEMENT then and profession of obedience; but it be- came necessary, he having resumed politi- cal speaking, to remind him again on Aug. 21, last. This was beiore Henry George's name was mentioned for mayor. To this note of warning Dr. McGlynn did not re- ply. Then follows an account of the archbishop's interview with Henry George. Then, under date of Sept. 39, the arch- bishop gives the text of a note sent by him to Dr. McGlynn, reminding him of his promise, and forbidding him in positive terms to attend a Henry George meeting in Chickering hall on the following Fri- day. To this Dr. McGlynn replied that he would address the meeting notwithstanding the prohibition. On this the cardinal wrote that it was not a matter of this or that po- litical party, but a violation of teachings of the propaganda, and that he was sorry to be compelled to suspend him from all sacer- dotal functions for two weeks. The cardinal then follows with reference to his pastoral on the ownership of land. Dr. McGlynn remaining obdurate, he was again suspended for the remainder of the year. On Dec. 4 came from the propaganda the summons: "Let Dr. Mc- Glynn proceed to Koine immediately." THE CARDINAL PKOCEEDS: The cablegram was as great a surprise to me as to the doctor. T never asked nor even hinted in any way that he should go to Home. When the telegram was delivered, Dr. McGlynn simply replied: '-There is no answer," and as far as known, paid uo fur- ther heed to the matter. To this date no answer seems to have been sent to Koine ask- ing an extension of time or professing any willingness to comply when able with the order of Dec. 4. I wrote to Dr. McGlynn, requesting some reply, when after waiting four days longer he wrote, oa Dec. 20, 18S0, that he could not go to Koine, and at the same time aflinned his doctrine and position as follows: "My doctrine about land has been made clear in speeches, in re- ported interviews, and in published articles, and 1 repeat it here. 1 have taught and I shall continue to teach in speeches and in writingas long as r live that land is right- fully the property of the people in common and that private ownership is against na- tional justice, no matter by what civil or ec- clesiasticßl laws it may be sanctioned, and I would bring about instantly, if I could, such a change of laws all the world over as would confiscate private property in land without one penny of compensation to the miscalled owners." Under date of Dec. 29 the cardinal writes in reply, reciting the above \u25a1 declarations by Dr. McGlynn, and continuing his suspension until further in- structions should bo received from Home. The statement then proceeds as follows: Early in January, a most KIXD AND CONCILIATORY T/ETTEII came to me from Cardinal Simoni for Dr. Mc- Glynn. He was invited to call and receive it, but refused. I will not come to see you. It was forwarded by mail, and a few days later a note came in vaply from the doctor as follows: "1 have received Cardinal Simoni's letter with your request that Iwould inform you or my plans. I will not go to Home. The grave reasons which 1 gave you in the letter of Dec. 20 still hold good and will continue to do so for a long time." In reply to this, under date of Jan. 14, the archbishop writes, saying that an exact copy of the last two letters of Dr. McGlynn, set- ting out his belief on the land question and his reasons for declining to go to Borne, had been forwarded to the propaganda for its action, and that ponding this. the writer had decided to remove him (Mc- Glynn) from the pastorate of St. Stephen's and place Father 1.0 melly in that position, and asking if lie had any objection to offer The cardinal proceeds: 'To this letter NO ANSWER WAS EETURKED. On Jan. 10 lie received the following cable from Cardinal Simoni: Give orders to have Dr. McGlynn again invited to proceed to Kome.'and also to condemn in writing the doctrine to which be has given utterance in public meetings, or which have been attributed to him in the press. Should he disobey use your own authority in dealing with him. The original of this third summons was sent by mail on Jan. 16 to Dr. McGlynn at St. Stephen's and a copy to his address In Harlem. No answer. Jan. Its another telegram came, like its predecessor, quite unexpect- edly. In it the sovereign pontiff orders the doctor to Home instantly. This, also, was forwarded by messenger, with a request for an answer, but none has been received." Then follows the cardinal's letter to the committee of Dr. McGlynn's parishioners, the substance of which has already been given in these dispatches. The statement closes as follows: The latest phase of the unhappy conflict oc- curred this morning, when Archbishop Jaco- bini, secretary of the propaganda, cabled as follows: "For prudential r.-asons the propa- ganda has hitherto been slow to act in the case of Dr. McGlynn. The sovereign pontiff has now taken the matter into his own hands." The c:ise now rests between Dr. McGlynn and the holy see. Wisconsin Legislature. Madison, Wis.. Jan. 21. In the senate to-day a bill was introduced to amend the revised statutes relating to the assessable valuation of real and personal property, providing that a person may deduct from the assessed valuation of property his total indebtedness. A bill was presented providing that each county and city superintendent of schools and each clerk of school districts in the state, each state officer, member of the legislature and regular employe thereof, and each legislative newspaper re- porter be supplied with a copy of the territorial history of Wisconsin, written by Moses M. Strong. All the appointments made by Gov. Bask during the recess of the legislature weie eon- grmed. In the house the following bills j were introduced: To authorize various ! persons to construct a dam across -the Tomahawk river, in Lincoln county. This is in the interest of the Min- neapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic railway. which desires to over- flow some land for logging purposes. Providing that a man who lias formed an opinion in regard to a case shall not be dis- qualified from serving as a juror in the case, provided he shall swear that he be lieves himself able to render an impartial verdict on the evidence. Speaker Mills appointed new standing committees as follows: Lumber and Mmms Messers. McDonald, Brimi, Miller, Kenealy, Dewhurst. Labor and Manufacturing Avery, Sim- meiland, Frost, Hatfleld, Chase, " Garside. Egery. Among the cities that will be in the new circuit are St. Louis, Chicago, St. Paul, Detroit aud Buffalo. \u25a0ja.tJtT«F.snv a. Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Philip Kui.n and Miss Susun Feldt And to I Peter May and Miss Elizabeth Kuhn, all of I New Trier. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lehmann, Miss Emma i Lenmann and Adolph Cucdel were here this ! week from Chicago, the guests of J. B. Lam- bert. Thursday was a gala day with the Hastings people hi St. Paul, some 500 beiug present to witness the storming of the ice palace. About twenty of the pupils of the Irving school had a pleasant candy pull at Mrs. Ellen DunkerJy's on Tuesday evening . . The concert given by the Swedish quartette at the Presbyterian church Monday night was well attended. The Woman's Christian Temperance union met yesterday afternoon at Mrs. N. M. Tal- madge's. H?flS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinsey, of Milwaukee, have been visiting with Mrs. J. F. Newton. Ernest and Florence Clough, of Minneapo- lis, have been visiting Miss Emma L. Ball. Mrs. K. F. Collmau and son, of Point Doug- las, are visiting relatives in Cannon Falls. Mrs. D. H. Meeks departed Wednesday j night to visit l'nends in Brooklyn, N. Y. Capt. E. E. Ht-erman and daughter, Minnie, left Saturday upon a visit in Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. George Stetzer, of St. Peter, were visiting friends here this week. Miss Madge Brewster. of Chicago, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. S. P. Gardner. Misses Louise G. Follet and Mary L. West- fall are visiting friends in St. Paul. Lue Krech and Miss Lucetty Trost, of lnver Grove, have been licensed to wed. . Miss Edith L. Moody has returned from her visit 10 Horieon, Wis. Mrs. C. W. Speakes returned yesterday from her sojourn in Austin. The Vocal club met at Mrs. A. B. Chapin's on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Hillman are here from Sanborn, Dak. .. Miss Belle Fahey, of Pepin.Wis., is visiting Mrs. F. G. Whlpp. The Atlantic club met Wednesday with Mrs. E. A. Whitford. Mrs. J. C. Sanborn is visiting friends in i Minneapolis. Mrs. Alice Johnson is here from Bird Island.: : Mrs. Mary Allen is down from St. Paul on a visit. Miss Minnie Dean is back from her Galena visit. Lake City. . Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richardson gave a New England supper to their married friends Thursday and Friday evenings, and a recep- tion to the youug people on Saturday even- ing. M. A. Baldwin, who has been the guest of his mother. Mrs. W. F. Holmes, returned to Casselton, Dak., on Monday. Miss Kate Schmauss is home again, after a sojourn of several months in western Minne- sota and Dakota. Mrs. George C. Stout left for St. Paul Thursday, to be the guest of Mrs. J ; C. Stout, Grand avenue. Mrs. Wiokizer, who has been the guest of , Mrs. C. Neal, left for her home in Florida on Monday last. Miss Ella McKey left on Saturday last for St. Paul. She will be absent during the car- nival season. Miss Ulinnie Neal will be the guest of Mrs. J. B. Hawley, Hondo street, St. Paul, during the carnival. . ; Miss Fila Fletcher leaves this week to be the jruest of St. Paul and Minneapolis friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Benson and daughter, Floy, are sojourning at the Windsor. St. Paul. Mrs. Richard Carroll and Miss Maggie Ra- hilly have returned from their eastern trip. Mrs. F. W. Greeley spent Sunday in St. Paul with her husband, Adjt. Gen. Greeley. Miss Lottie Collins leaves this week for a visit to Mrs. H. C. Ramsdell, Minneapolis. W. E. Perkins and wife are taking in the ice carnival at St. Paul this week. Miss Gertrude Doolittle is at her home in Warsaw, N. Y. Mrs. A. Wells is the guest of Mrs. E. M. Card. j" Mrs. D. G. lrwin spent last week in Waba- sha. Mrs. C. R. Kenney left for Chicago Thurs- day. ' Austin. The young ladies gave a . sheet and pillow 1 case party at tne rooms of Mrs. C. H. David- son, at the Davidson House. Mrs. Addie Fife, accompanied by her daughter, Winnie,left for her home at Spring Valley, Tuesday. The Good Templars held their lodge sociable at the residence of Miss Jennie Allen on Fri- day evening. The sociable of the Episcopal church was held with Mrs. S. C. Clark Wednesday evening. Mrs.Frank Custer.of St. Paul.is in thecity,a guest of Street Commissioner Geraghty. Mrs. Mary Purccll-Madden, of Rochester, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Purcell. Mrs. Oscar Ayers gave her lady friends a "straw" ride, Wednesday afternoon. ! Miss Maggie Hoban, Oakland, leaves this 1 week for Sinsinawa Mound,'. Wis. ' The next M. E. sociable will be held at the residence of Mrs. Hilker. Miss Zula M. Triggs will be married at her home, in Taopi, Jan. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sehwan, Jr., spent i Sunday in the city. Anna Dunklemann returned last evening to Sinsinawa Mound. i Judge Allen and wile left for Los Angeles, Wednesday. i A. H. Hill and wife are visiting friends in 1 lowa. Mrs. A. LI. Tyng was in the city Monday. Miss Etta Barnes is visiting at Wells. St. Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cramb celebrated the I fifteenth anniversary of their marriage by j entertaining their friends near the lake. The J entertainment was also given in honor of their I friend. Miss Newman, of Chicago. ; The following are umong the Indies who are \u25a0 ! enjoying the carnival sport in St. Paul this ' j week: Mrs. A. C. L. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Fandel, Mrs Thomas Foley, Mrs. C. H. i Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ransom, who have been entertained by Prof, and Mrs. C. W. G. Hyde for the lust few weeks leave, for their home : at Big Stone lake this week. : Mrs. D. H. Freeman is going down to St. : Paul this week to spend a few days with her ! husband. Representative Freeman, also to at- tend the carnival. The "Cyclone club, numbering between thirty and forty members, went down to St. Paul Thursday to attend the carnival. The young ladies of Mrs. C. A. Cninmings' ; Sunday school class of the Episcopal church have organized a Ladies' society. Miss Florence Col?man and Mr. William H. French were married on Wednesday, Rev. E. V. Campbell olliciating. On Friday Mrs. J. G. Smith gave a reception in honor of her friend Mrs. J. P. Wilson, of Minneapolis. The Ladies' society, of the Presbyterian j church met with Mrs. A. Raymond on Friday afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Gilman on Friday entertained the Ladies' society of the Episcopal church. Mrs. J. E. Wing will entertain the Reading Room society on Thursday next. St. Peter. Mrs. Peter Cash ion has gone to St. Paul to visit her daughters, Miss Coulter and Miss Anna Cashion. iZ&nsJ&Qg&JB&M&US&P Miss Mary E. Woods is home from St. Paul ; spending a few days with .Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Woods. :'\u25a0' l\ .. '-$-. John Goodman '• and wife,"of Jamestown, ; Dak., are sojourning in town and vicinity, i Mrs. J. M. McConnell ,- is spending the car- j nival season in St. Paul with Mrs. Welch. Miss B. Billingsl . from Rochester, is visit- ' ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rounseville. ;" Miss Annie Stephens started Thursday for \u25a0 , her home in Dodgeville, Wis. ' Miss Pauline E. Hosch returned from a visit to Winona on Monday. Mrs. Carney, of Mankato, was the guest of . Miss Maggie Fa' last iree*. ; . Among the number of St. Peter folks who went to St. Paul to enjoy the carnival were Mrs. McConnell, Miss Bauchy, Miss Galles. Miss Lillian Cox returned on Sunday from a short visit in St. Paul. Miss Dora Brown has returned to her school at Courtland. ~ Miss Emma Ludcke Is on a visit to the Twin Cities. Miss Emma Burg is visiting in Mankato for a few days. s Miss Jennie Hanscome left on Tuesday for Mrs. G. A. Deyer is spending the week in •st. Paul. BttiSMsKdßS Paul" and MrS# A ' S " Scbob are vi6itin£ in Stl Pa^uP 8 Jennie Hanscome is visiting in St. Albert Lea. Mr. and Mrs. CM. Wilkinson, and Miss Glennie and Master Charlie went to Minne- apolis on aaturda, to visit with Mrs. Clap, and from there went to St. Paul the first of tue week to see the carnival opened. ri™ ? 3 Li ? ie Tiake " of Eau Claire, Wis., ar- med on Friday to spend the remainder of the winter with Mrs. W. c. Merril n/t I h r ; and M S- J - P - For est will start the first vine, la ° ir neW home in Esther- and Mr f.- J ac °° Larson entertained a evening. *' thc ' ir f rlends on last Thursday Mrs. W. W. Powell went to St. Paul on friends y tOview the carnival and. visit ..^•"v l- rs - M - H - Truesdel, and Mr. and day; i. \ . Knatvold, went to Chicago on Mon- hp!?*^lll^ Palmer has returned from Wyo! S- Spra * Ue at Fort Larimer, in M a M d Mrs - J - M - B » r nett were sight see- ing in Minneapolis and S.. Paul this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Day, of Jackson, Minn., are visiting with H. G. Day and family. nor hiT" f*J Sei >' cant and Mrs. R. B. Skin- ner had a ladies' lunch party on Friday. this r week. MrS J ' P " Hovlaad visited St. Paul Fere us Falls. f rSn,£ nd t Mr3 ' James *• Brown entertained J n d t , a tea mrty on Friday evening. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Humes, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lowrv Dr - R D MI H- iV T " Duncan ' *>**** Mrs. W. C. Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Warfleld, Mr. and Mr s m v\ . L. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Weatherston, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jewell! Misses Olia Wright, Fannie K. Cowles. Trnrlh^t;^^ Weatherst on returned from Jmrlbault Wednesday, whither she went to attend the wedding of her sister. Miss Hattie Sibbald, to A. H. Cole. Mrs. Weatherston was accompanied on her return by Mrs. Cole, who will sojourn here for the present. Miss Annie Watkins, of St. Paul, who has been a guest of B. S. Hall and family at the Grand hotel, returned to her home on Tues- day. Hjfl Andrew Erwin, E. A. Jewett and Sheriff Brandenburg, accompanied by their wives are seeing the carnival sights. . Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bedford are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Goodrich at Minneapo- Miss Jessie Tyler and Miss Mabel Adams spent most of the week in St. Paul. Mrs. S. T. Moles is at Minneapolis, the guest of Mrs. Robert Ferguson. Mrs. C. H. Godsell is at Nortnfleld, Minn. Dullish. i Ji' "t* Marvin and wife and Mrs. L. Marvin in iT the Omaha Tuesday, the former bound to Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. L Mar- vin for the East. The ladies of the Home and Foreign Mission society met at the residence of Mrs. A. Ring- land Thursday afternoou. ;;-. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bywater 09 West First street, gave a reception We sday evening to seventy-five friends. 6 A Cinderella party was given by Mr. and .Mrs. A. R. McFarlane Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. McCormick and son Willie left on Monday for Chicago and the east. Mrs. W. D. Thompson has returned from a protracted visit to the Twin Cities. Miss Anna M. Wilson, of this city, will leave in a few days for Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Welles, of Brook- lyn, N. V.. are at the St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes left on Monday for Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Scott left on Monday for Michigan. Miss B. Reade lcavos foi St. Paul to-mor- row. Miss Ida Relchert returned to St. Paul. Miss Anna Hartman is in St. Paul. White Bear Lake. White Bear has a nice reading room at Mrs. Burns' cottage, "open every day and even- ing." Friday evenings all our people meet at the reading room to enjoy the time play- ing games, having charades and tableaux, after which a nice repast is served by Mrs. Burns and Brewster. Dancing is also en- joyed. Last Friday evening about fifteen couple of White Bear's young folks drove to the resi- dence of Peter SkiUman, Mahtomedi. and Surprised Miss Neliie and Clara. Music and dancing were enjoyed until early in the morning. Bob Getty's toboggan suit is the finest in White Bear. Bob will not tell who worked the pretty letters on his scarf. Miss Helen Fairfleld, of Minneapolis, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. B. Murray last week. Miss Lillie Greene will spend a few days in Minneapolis the coming week. Mrs. John Buckley visited Stillwater and St. Paul during the week. Miss Hope Johnson went to Minneapolis the first of the week. Mrs. James Root visited Stillwater a few days ago. Northfleld. Col. and Mrs. J. A. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs S. Finkelsou, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gress, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sibbison and Mr. and Mrs. Foster attended the fourth annual re- ception and ball of St. Paul Temple No. 2, Patriarchal Circle, at the Hotel Ryan on Thursday evening. Miss Carrie Mnrray went to White Bear Lake Tuesday morning to visit with friends She will also visit in St. Paul before she re- turns. Miss Annabel Norton has gone to Lehigh academy, near Salt Lake City. Utah. Miss Lenah E. . Tramm and Mrs. S. B. Ra- maley left for California Wednesday. Mrs. W. T. Black and daughter have re- turned from St. Paul. Miss Edith Wheat on returned to St. Paul Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hoyt left for Fairmont Thursday evening. Miss Abby Williams has gone to Burlington, la., to visit. Miss E. F. Hunt returned to Carleton Mon- day. Miss Grace P. Duriee returned to Carleton Tuesday. HEH Koclie«ter. The sociable of the Congregational church held Friday evening, Jan. 21, at the residence of W. .1. Eaton, were entertained by Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. Edwin Coon. Mr. aud Mrs. P. L. Dansingburg started South Wednesday. They go to New Orleans, and from there wiil make a tour of the gulf states. Miss Anderson, who has been visiting Miss Nora Nelson, returned to her home in Winona Tuesday. Miss Jennie Gilman entertained a largo company of people last Saturday evening. . Misses Libbie and Edith Jones have gone to Washington territory. . Miss Lizzie Cam mack, of Chicago, is visit- ing friends in thi3 city. Miss Meilie Clark, of St. Paul, is the guest of Miss Nora Nelson. Mrs. J. D. Blake, of Minneapolis, is visiting friends in this city. Miss Mary Macomber has gone to Southern California. E-'sribault. Monday evening last Prof, and Mrs. H. E. Whitney and Miss Bacon received and enter- trined a large number of their friends in Manney Armory Hall. Shattuck School. Misses Katie and Lizzie Leo gave a pro- gressive euchre party last evening. Miss Ro'jhelle Desmarais carried off the first prize. James S. Tileston and Miss Tileston went South last week and will spend the win- ter at Thomasville. Ga. Prof, and Mrs. E.S.Wilson and Miss Wil- son entertained a party of friends at tea, Tuesday evening. Hon. George W. Batchelder and daughter. Miss Georgia, left Tuesday for California. Miss Canie Holbrook, of St. Paul, was the guest of Mrs. E. B. Smith Friday last. ! Mrs. Grosvenor. of Dubuque, la., is visit- ing Mrs. George Tileston. Miss May Hopkins left on Monday after- noon for LeSueur. Keel Wins'. The event of the coming week in social cir- cles is the wedding of Miss Kmma Simmons to W. C. Krise, of Minneapolis, which takes place at Christ church on Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Myers were surprised by a number of their friends on Tuesday evening, the occasion of . their tin wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John Hack gave a progressive euchre party to a number of their friends last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin entertainad their friends with a progressive euchre party Mon- day evening. The Racquet club met with Miss Bertha Quayle on Sixth street Tuesday eveuing. Still water. Four young ladie3 from Calais, Me., are vis- iting at the residence of W. M. May, two of ! whom are the Misses Lane and two the Misses King. Miss Mattie A. Dodge, of Brookville. Wis., was a guest at the Sawyer house this week. Mrs. Dr. T. C. Clark and son returned Wednesday from New York city. Miss Abbie Goodman entertained her friends on Thursday evening. Mrs. J. H. Cameron is entertaining Miss Susie Murphy, of Dulutli. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Staples will leave for California, Jan. 25. Mrs. L. E. Torinus leaves for Washington t he coming week. Redwood Falls. C. C. Peck returned Wednesday from a visit to his wife, who is spending the winter with friends in Minneapolis. Mrs. Dwight Bissell entertained the Indies of the Presbyterian church Thursday after- noon. Mrs. H. N. Bell entertained the Chautauqua circle last evening-. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Francois are traveling on the coutineat. Mr. and Mrs. Park Warden are wintering at Hot Springs, Ark. Miss Alvena Gordon is visiting friends in Minneapolis. I. vveme. Mrs. Hayden and her two daughters, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, in Beaver Creek, have returned to their eastern home. A progressive euchre party was Riven last Friday evening at the home of Miss Mabel LaDue. The Chautauqua class rnetWednesday even- ing at the home ot Miss Maud Helm. Mrs. Heddinjr, of Doou, visited friends in Luvcrne Monday. Miss Emma Wakefield is visiting in Wauke- sha, Wis. Cnatfield. Miss Lulu Onstine and Courtney Henick were married at the residence of the bride's parents Tuesday evening of this week. Mrs. Wells and daughter, cf Preston, were in town Thursday. Miss Virgie Waters re- turned to Preston with them. Mrs. A. H. O'Ferrell and Misses Maud and Fannie Dickson are paying tribute to the Ice King at St. Paul. Miss Nellie Bandle, of Chicago, 111., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred \Vilsou. Mrs. Anna Singleton visited friends in Rochester this week. Miss Julia Cole spent the Sabbath in Rochester. Preston. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. Gal- braith were assisted in celebrating their forty-sixth wedding anniversary by the ar- rival of a large surprise party. A select party was entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nelson last Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Matthews, of Grand Meadow, is being entertained at the homo of Hon. J. P. Tib- bctts. Miss Annie Lowcnburg is milking a visit with friends iv St. Paul. Miss Dovenberg returned Saturday from a visit at Cresco, la. At water. Miss Nellie Campbell, of Litchfield, came up Monday on a visit to her sister, Miss Kate Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly entertained a party of friends Wednesday in oommemora- ion of Mrs. Kelly's birthday. Miss Katie Spellacy and Miss Welch, came up from Litchfield last Friday ou a \isit to Mrs. James H. Strong. Miss Alice Petersoa and Mrs. Jay, of San Francisco, returned to St.. Paul Monday. Mrs. Kelly, of Litchfield, has been visiting Mrs. George Raine this week. Owatonnn. Mrs. I. W. Birch entertained a small com- pany to tea Thursday In honor of Miss Lillian S. Cathcart, a missionary from Kusaio, Mi- cronesia. Friday evening the home of Mrs. W. H. Kelly was the scene of a very pleasant card party. Mrs. D. H. Stevenson entertained quite a party of her friends Saturday evening with cards. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tryon will entertain a party at the Arnold house Saturday night. Croulisiou Mrs. Frank Ives entertained her young lady friends at tea Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Reiley. of Philadelphia, who is visit- ing her, after which the young people took a sleigbride to Fisher's. A party of ladies and gentlemen enjoyed drive whist Thursday evening, entertained by Mrs. Hugh Robertson. Mrs. John Knuppe invited a few friends for an "honest game of whist" Monday even- ing. Mrs. R. D. Chase entertained a few friends at luncheon Saturday. Anoka. Mrs. R. M. Taylor entertained a dinner party on Tuesday afternoon last, consisting of the following 1 ladies: Mrs. A. L. Peters, Miss Josephine Rhodes. Mrs. Warner, Mrs. C. C. Crane, Mrs. G. W. Morril. A "pink tea social " will be given by the ladies of the Congregational society at the residence of Mrs. R. M. Taylor this evening. Mrs. 0. L- Cutter is in attendance at the ice carnival festivities to-day. Miss Alico Larson, of Winthrop, Minn., has entered the business college. Waneca. Mr. and Mrs. William Everett and Mrs.Kee- ncy started on their California trip last Wednesday. J. R. Davidson is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hitchcock, at Redwood Falls. Mrs. Ilartlev spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Winters. Mrs. Thomas Hayes was in the city last Wednesday. Miss Mary Watkins is visiting at Redfleld, Dak. Brainerd. The B. D. L. O. met with Mrs. G.S. Fernald on Wednesday. The next meeting will be in two weeks with Mrs. A. V. Snyder. Mrs. A. E. Pennell returned on Friday from Sauk Centre, where she has been visiting. Miss Aggie Mulrlne left on Friday tor St. Paul, where she expects to spend the winter. Mrs. E. O. Parks returned to her home at Hamline on Monday. Mrs. William H. Cummings left on Thurs- day for St. Paul. Montevideo. Mrs. W. J. Spear, of Wilmot, Dak., visited with Attorney Knappen's family Tuesday and Wednesday, while en route from Dawson to her home. Mrs. J. B. French, of Ortonville, came on Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gaskill, this place. Mrs. Metcalf and family, of Appleton, joined Rev. Mr. Metcalf here ou Tuesday last. Mrs. Joy returned to her home in St. Paul last Saturday. St. Charles. Mrs. Dorothy Moulton, who has been visit- ing her brother, Fred LiuJstaedt, in this city, left on Wednesday for her home at Ab- erdeen, Dak. Mrs. George Tate left on Sunday night's train, for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Dickinson, at Balaton, Minn. Mrs. C. C. Bacheldcr and children, accom- panied by Miss Xettie Howe, started on Mon- day for Orange Heights. Fla. Hancock* Tom Ness and Miss L. Swanson, who have been visiting- relatives aiid friends, of Mur- dock. returned last Tuesday afternoon. Miss Hegelson was visiting- with her j brother, He.iry Hegelson, of Lake Emily, last ! Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kepner, of Fairfleld, are vis- ! iting Mrs. Havener, of this place. Miss Knapp, of De Graff, is visiting with I Mrs. Hamlin^of this place. Kilkenny. Miss Anna Knapp, who has been living in ! St. I'iuil for some time past, came home to '\u25a0 spend the holidays. Miss Murry, from Montgomery, paid Kil- ! kenny a friendly visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Meier spent holiday i week in Kilkenny. Miss Nora Murphy is away visiting. Blue Earth City. Miss A. E. Hill, of Winnehago, was the guest of Mr. and Mrt. L. H. Mitchell from ! Friday till Sunday. She is interested in in- I troducing drawing into the schools. The fol- | i lowine teachers met her at the residence of '• i Rev. L. H Mitchell Friday evening: Prof. ; ! J. E. Manchester and wife, Misses Smith, i Quail, Dean and Pfeffer. Miss Julia Pfeffer gave a dramatic enter- tainment at her home Saturday evening. The following invited guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Sly, Capt. and Mrs .Anderson, Dr. Couper and wife.Rev. and Mrs. L.H. Mitch«ll» Mrs. Smith Barns, Mrs. Camp, Misses A. E. Hill and Clara Merrill, Mrs. Sandy McDon- ald and Mrs. Sheriff Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Cole. IVillniar. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. McKinnoy, of Bathgate, Dak., are visiting Willmar friends. From hero they go to Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Andrew Larson and Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Wold returned Tuesday from a visit with friends in Wisconsin. . Leslie Matthews and sister were treated to a surprise party Tuesday evening-. The Presbyterian sociable met at Mrs. E, G. Handy's Thursday night. New I Int. Miss Minna Fischer, who has been teaching in La Porte, Ind., for several years, has re- turned home and will probably stay for sev- eral months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durbahn were in West Newton last week visiting with John New- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fritsche were in St. Peter on business last week. 9lankato. Mrs. Goodier arrived In Mankato Friday night, and will spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaubut and C. A, Payne and son Henry left for California Tues- day. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brett are visiting George E. Brett, of this city. Mr. and Mi T. Miller left Friday afternoon. for San Francisco. Mantorvillu. Mrs. Lucy E. Mostenbrooks, of Kassoa, Minn., is visiting Mrs. Millie J. Slingland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christe, of Buffalo, N. V., are stopping with Mrs. Peter Mantcr. James Cnpmtin, of Dcs Moines, la., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. George Sperback have gone to spend the winter at Oshkosh, Wis. Breckenridg-e. Wednesday evening the Episcopalians held a social at the residence of Dr. Falley. Tho genial host and hostess were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mrs Charles B. Falley. Matt Sterritt and daughters, Sarah and Mamie, returned fio.n a few days' visit to St. Paul, last week. Mrs. Howard is organist for the ne* Episcopal church. Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimbell, of Chicago, will spend a lew days with the family of E. H. Smalley, on their way to the St. Paul Ice Carnival. ;':."\u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. T. W. PUilbrick, of Redwood Falls, re- turned home to-day. Mrs. Sarah niair, of La Cro3se, spent a few days here this week. Miss Louise McGinnis has returned from St. Paul. Vcrndalf. Misses Cutler and Gutzler visited the Wa» dena schools last Friday. C. W. Elston and wile are visiting friends in lowa. Mrs. Jessie Austin, of Owatonna, and Mrs. C. O. Lovejoy, of Thomson, were in the cits Monday.- . J I'ipostone. Andrew M. Berglund, of Fnlda, and Mist Anna Anderson of Woodstock, were mar- ried in this city ou the 18th inst. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ely are taking in the ice; palace this week. Miss Nettie Roderick, of Sibley, la., is in the city visitiug. Knsota. Mrs. Royal Thompson has moved to tha county seat, with her family. Mrs. J. P. Burch and her daughter Jeannio are tarrying in Mankato. Miss Carrie Pettis is attending the normal school at Mankato. Miss Mary Moore, of Slayton, has received a legacy. \u25a0 Si. James. Miss Annie Mather, of Cederville. paid a short visit to friends in the village, while on her way to the Ice carnival. Some of the young people, of the village, gave Will Meriirold a surprise party, last night, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Charles Parker. Mrs. J. N. Scager gave an entertainment ast Friday night. 1-irclificltl. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Branham and C. A. Grcenlcaf started on Monday for a trip at several weeks in the East. Mrs. Charles Pullman, of Herman, visited this week with Dr. and Mrs. Bowers. Mrs. Kelley visited Mrs. R&me in Atwater the lirst of the week. Miss Nellie Campbell visited in Atwater this week. ;" morris. A reception for Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Fair- bunk was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. DeKay, on Friday evening. Miss Ida Borrill. from Herman, is In the city. Mrs. Frank Favrow arrived in Morris Mon- day. . Alexandria. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Morse tendered them a surprise Tues« day evening. Ms. H. Rcinbold, nee Miss Mamie Hill, is visiting home friends iv Alexandria. Mrs. Col. H. Jenkins entertained a company of friends at tea Wednesday. Pine Island. Guy and Nellie Evans, of Milbanlc, Dak., arc visiting Mr. Newton's family for a wee*. Miss Amy Stone returned this week to tho normal school at St. Cloud. The Mite society met with Mrs. Catlin Wed- nesday eveni ug. Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Utter, of Emmetsburg, arrived Frid: y and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Elliot. Mrs. E. Leuthold and Miss Dora Ruhberg of Kasson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leutn* old. Etrowii'ti Valley. Miss Rosa Barnett departed Monday morn* ing for a visit with friends in Wisconsin. From there she will go to Wasioja. Minn. Miss Nannie Hilstrom left this morning for Chicago for a visit with friends, Fairmont. Mr. and Mrs. Cad well started for Florid* Monday night to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Day, of Jackson, are visiting in the city. Miss Lena Winship, of Duluth, visited her* this week. Wadena. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, of Bluffton, were la the city Tuesday. Mrs. C. M. Maltby, of Bluffton, was in th« city Monday. Mrs. C. J. Stuart starts next week for Al- bany, Ore. Montgomery. Miss May Canfleld. of Waseca, is visiting with Mrs. Oun at the Minneapolis house. Mrs. John Krai, of Jordan, spent Sunday in town with her son, J. W. Krai. Miss Dolly Taylor, ot Minneapolis, is visit- ing with Mrs. Millor. . «' Heron Lake. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Eda Amsler to Joseph J. Jones. "Jan. 27. Miss Eva, daughter of Rev. M. J. Godfrey is attending school at Rice Lake, Wis. Sleepy, Ere. Miss Jennie MeGough was in Sleepy Eye on Sunday, the guest of Miss Mamie Mcßain. N^^JnTthi^ek! 116 iS Vißiting friend M'inne'ineoCity. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dieudonne are sojourn- ing in Jacksonville, Fia. J re Dj Mr^Hewitt nd family are located at Saa Mainline. Miss Ida Halum, of Manchester, la \u25a0 « visiting Misses Belle and Florence Roach. th^Se^Srl^Sch^ DUbUqU6 ' «i Hinckley. f ro^he^t»Ta^ rned We *W week*' B ' C -, Bartlett . weat to Duluth thli New Rich land. ha^^n^sSfViSnete 818^ ***** wel'lT Tilda Kittlesou returned home iait Cedar Valley. flm of th^e'eK^^ 6 Wasln to *• visit 8 A ' Bemet \u25a0 liaS ° ne to Plainflfc on . '•_. \u25a0?;. ,' ;j Benson. \u25a0 . - Mrs. D. S. Hall came up from Stewart last week,' and is the guest of her sisters iir»! Hudson and Mrs. Harter. 18« Mr*.

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-01-22 [p 6]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1887-01-22/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · Tm»J.f. PA"CI 6 B]DAILr

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-01-22 [p 6]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1887-01-22/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · Tm»J.f. PA"CI 6 B]DAILr



Stanley Starts on £is Journey to EgyptTo Effect the Belief of

Emir Bey.

The Adventurous Traveler Given a HeartyFarewell by His Friends in


Yurtlier Evictions in Treland--Wliata Priest Thinks of the


Affairs in Germany —A French Cab-inet Crisis — .1 acobini's Suc-

cessor Appointed.

London, Jan. 21.—Henry M. Stanleystarted to-day for Egypt. He goes first toBriudisi and thence to Suez. A large num-ber of reporters and distinguished personsgathered at the railway station to witnessStanley's departure. Among those presentwere United States Consul General t Wall.Charles T. Russell, United States consulat Liverpool, and Sir Lewis Peily.On behalf of the reporters of London Mr.Williams, ex-president 'of the Press club,presented Stanley with a night compass,carried by the former in the Soudan cam-paigns while serving as special correspond-ent. Stanley's last words, in reply to aninquiry by a reporter, were: "Iwillre-turn as soon as Ican. Give my kindest re-gards to my friends in America, Belgiumand England." As the train moved out ofthe station Stanley was lustily cheered.


AProtest Isains t tlie Managementof tiic National League—Evictions

Continued.,Dublin, Jan. 21.— board of poor

law guardians of Westport, County Mayo, |have unanimously adopted a resolution con-demning the executive of the nationalleague at Dublin as unlawfully constitutedbecause not elected by the people composingthe league and asking Mr. Parnell to ar-range to have substituted a new exectivewhich shall be elected by the suffrages ofthe whole league. The resolution declaresthat this change is necessary for the safetyof the Irish cause. Copies of the resolutionhave been forwarded to Mr. Fitz-gerald, president of the Irishleague in America, and to prominentmembers of the order in that country. Theevictions at Glenbeigh were resumed to-day, Conybeare Dillon, acting for thetenants, having failed to make terms withAgent Roe. Roe now proclaims that he Iwill raze to the ground the habita- jtions of all tenants refusing to meet /

his terms. The police aud bailiffs en-gaged in evicting tenants on the Winnestate at Glenleigh, County Kerry, startedthis morning for a distant part of the estateto make further evictions. The Irish mem-bers of parliament, who are representingthe tenants, followed the officers. Theamount of reduction of rents accepted bythe tenants on the estate of Lord London-derry, the lord lieutenant, was 10per cent.The tenants had demanded a3O per cent,reduction.

LORI) MAYOR SXI.T-IVAXhas gone to Glenbeiirh. Severel evictionswere effected there to-day. All thoseevicted, however, were re-admitted ascaretakers at a nominal salary of 1 penny aweek. A great throng of people followedthe evicting party from place to place, butalthough the crowd was boisterous, therewas no rioting. Father Quilter, in an in-terview to-day at Glenbeigh, said:I have been in Glenbeig-n for three years

and may say that 1 have clone more than anyagent toward inducing the people to pay theirrent. [at first thought their failure to pay\u25a0was due to dishonesty. Therefore I pressedthem every Sunday, aud I am surprised thatthey bore my importunities. Experienceproves that (jlenbeijrh is in a chronic state ofpoverty. The people migrate in harvest timeas laborers, but depend largely upon thedonations of sons aud daughters Living inether districts. In times of depressionthe wages fall, when it is impossible for manyto pay at all Donations from America havealmost ceased to come, and in addition to thisthe cattle trade failed last year. The peopledid little else than take their cattle to fairs,and return with their stock unsold. In myopinion, the people cannot live here in suchnumbers.

Father Quilter declined to say how manyhe considered able to pay.

THE SAL.ES OF CATTLEby the tenants at Michelstown yesterdayamaunted to £10.000. The service of writsot ejectment continues. At an evictionnear Bantry the ejected tenant's wife wasso affected that she attempted to commitsuicide. A bailiff was pelted with mudand stones on Lord Dillon's estate yester-day.


Prussia's Finances in a Flattering

Mate of Prosperity.

Berlin, Jan. 21. —Ilerr yon Seholz,Prussian minister of finance, to-day pre-sented the budget to the lower house of thePrussian diet. This states that the tradeof Prussia has improved, decreasing thedeficiency in the revenues. The giantsfor the provincial district authoritiesof the kingdom call for 13,000,000marks instead of 19,000,000, as in the pie- |vious year. The railway receipts for thefiscal year will exceed the expenses by20,000.000 marks. The receipts from in-come tax will be larger than heretofore,proving that the prosperity of the urbanpopulation has much increased. The statis-tics show that the population in the ruraldistricts has lessened. In conclusion thebudget states that the reichstag's rejectionofthe army bill lias placed all other questionsin the background. On this account thefinance minister has abstained from refer-ring to development in direct taxation. Inconsequence of the large transportation ofhorses from Mecklenburg aud Westphalia aproposal to forbid these exports will besubmitted to the bundesrath forthwith.

Fronds Cabinet Crisis.Paris, Jan. 21—The budget committee

of the chamber of deputies has by a vote ofIS to (i rejected the amended budget pre-sented by M. Dauphin, minister of finance,providing for an issue of bonds to theamount of 375,000.000 francs, redeemablein sixty-six years, to meet the temporaryneeds of the government. M. Dauphin isconsequently expected to resign and a cabi-net crisis is imminent The present minis-try was formed on the llth tilt.

At a council ofministers to-day it wasdecided that Premier Goblet and M. Dau-phin, minister of finance, should jointlypresent the latter's budget bill in the cham-ber of deputies, and that the rejection ofthe measure would involve the resignationof the cabinet.


London, Jan. 21.—1t is stated thatEngland willnot object to enter a congressof powers to settle the Bulgarian question.The other powers have been sounded onthe subject, and with the exceptionof Russia, whose position is re-garded as tentative, they have beenfound willingto take part in the proposedconference. The question arises whetherthe conference should be held before or jafter a Bulgarian ruler is choson. In jdiplomatic circles it is doubted whether the |regents will resign before the sobranje hasaccepted a candidate for the throne.


Paris. Jan. 21.— The French agent inMadagascar telegraphs that his relations Iwith the Ilovas are excellent, and that a isettlement of the disputes between Franceand Madagascar will shortly De effected.

Traveling: Incognito. jLondon, Jan. Prince Alexander of

Battenberg, formerly ruler of Bulgaria, hasstarted by way of Italy on a tour throughEgypt. lie will travel incognito.

Jacnbiiii's successor.Rome. Jan. Monsignor Rampolla

del Tindaro. papal nuncio at Madrid, hasbeen designated to succeed Cardinal Jaco-bini as papal secretary of state.

a New Comet.Melbourne. Jan. 21.—The tail of a

comet of the first magnitude was visible 1from here last ,•-..- n'mg.

Fooled With the Gas.Special to the Globe.

Duluth, Minn., Jan. 21.—Henry Eric-

son, a gas repairer, held an uncorked can Iof naphtha too near a gas jet in the Sunday ISun job room. He was severely burned by jthe explosion. The damage to the buildingand Sun stock is 3300. '

HE WANTS kits CHILD.A Wealthy ICaucliui. in Sues to Re-

cover Him Infant Daughter.Dexver, C01.,' Jan. 21.—James M.

Patrick, a wealthy ranchman, near Denver,has brought suit in the courts of St. Louisto recover his infant child who isthe heir to an estate worth $1,000,000.and is supposed to have been ab-ducted by his wife's people in orderto secure the property. Patrick in 1879married a daughter of McManus, a verywealthy family in St. Louis, on which oc-casion his present to the bride was 550.000.The couple settled iv Bradley county. Ten-nessee, where a daughter was born. In1884 his wife's health failed and the fam-ily moved to Colorado. where hepurchased a cattle ranch. Accordingto Patrick's story, in the meantimedissentious rose in the McManus family, inwhich the child figured, it being the inten-tion of McManus to get possessidb of thechild, divorce the mother on a plea of de-sertion and keep the property in the fam-ily. While Patrick was fixingup his ranchhe sent his wife and child to Canon City,where a sister of Mrs. Patrick, from St.Louis, visited them. Soon after that thehusband could receive no answer fromletters or telegrams to his wifeso he wentto Canon City, only to discover that hiswife, child and sister-in-law had suddenlydeparted, leaving no word behind as totheir whereabouts. The wife at this time jwas ill and could not leave her bed. Heimmediately went to St. Louis, where helearned his wifewas at her father's house buthe was not permitted to Visit her. On Oct.9 last his wife died, leaving an estate ofover $100,000, including the bridal presentof §50.000, which fell into the hands of theMcManus family. Not only did they se-cure this, but so influenced the wife thatshe disinherited the child and left the for-tune to her brother, Ward McManus. The i

child has been spirited away and can- jnot be found. Patrick thinks sheis confined in some asylum in Canadaand has brought suit for her recovery andalso the 550.000 dowery. Since Patrick'sresidence in Colorado he has been constantlyannoyed by requisitions upon Gov. Eaton,of Colorado, from the governor of Tennes-see for his arrest, which Gov. Eaton, afterinvestigating, has refused to honor. This.Patrick claims, is the work of Ward Mc-Manus to have him confined in prison on atrumped up charge: 1

CHARGED WITH FORGERY.A Former Resident of St. Paul

Charged With i rye iratine: For*geries at Milwaukee.

Special to the Globe.Milwaukee. Wis., Jan. 21.—Ten days

ago Daniel B. Vermiltye, a lawyer, arrivedhere from St. Paul and introduced himselfat the general solicitor's officeof the Chicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul railway by letters ofrecommendation from ex-Gov. Hubbard, ofMinnesota, and from prominent railwayofficials and business of St Paul. He saidhe had a good practice at St. Paul, but thathis wife, whom he had recently married,insisted on leaving there because ofa scandal of four years ago, whenhis first wife eloped with an army officer.There being no vacancy in the solicitor'soffice he was recommended to the well-known law firm of Jenkins, Winkler &Smith. To Mr. Jenkins he clamed tobe a relative of a prominent New Yorkfamily of the same name, with whom Mr.Jenkins is intimately acquainted. He waspromised a position with the linn. Yester-day the police were notified bya restaurant proprietor that theFirst National bank had refusedpayment on a check signed by Daniel Ver-miltye pronouncing it worthless. Detectivesmade an investigation and learned at thebank that Vermiltye had early in the weekdeposited with them a draft for $500 on aN e\v York bank and a cheek on aSt. Paul bank, they advancing him$70. Both were leturned, as Vermiltyehad no money in either bank. When theofficer visited his boarding house to-day itwas learned that Vermiltye, with hiswife, had taken an early morningtrain for Chicago, leaving their trunksbehind. Itwas also discovered that he hadpassed several other bogus cheeks amount-ing to $200. The detectives found thatVermiltye had disposed ofhis gold watch,considerable ladies' jewelry and a quantityof household silverware at a pawn shop.

\u25a0 . Ztliirdeiecl.New Westminster, B. C, Jan. 21.—

A man named J. A. Davis, who lived nearthe mouth of the Frazer river, was foundmurdered in his house to-day. Everythingof value had been stolen from the house._

«,Steamship Arrivals.

Queenstown— The Vancouver, from NewYork.

New York— Zaandam, from Amster-dam.


Miss Maratta and Miss Shattuck gave a"progressive bean baj?" party at the resi-dence of Commodore Maratta Thursday even-ing-.

Charley Connelly, of Fargo, was married inthis city this week to Miss Carrie Steele, ofAlbert Lea, Minn.

Mrs. \V. D. Douglass gave a whist party ather residence, in Douglass Terrace, Thursdayevening last.

Ex-Aid. G. A. Putnam and his wife havepone to visit friends East and will then no toHonduras.

A large number of society people have beenat St. Paul this week taking in the carnival.

The Misses Stella and Dora Searles, Davisand Keade, of Brain'erd, are in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Daily gave a progressive eu-chre party last Monday evening-.

M. 1). Fleming- was married Thursday even-ing- to MissCleora Chapman.

Miss Annie Scanton, from Sparta, Wis., is aguest in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bartholomew are visiting- |in Painesville,' O.

Mr." and Mrs. N. K. Hubbard left for theEast this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith left last night forIndianapolis.

- . Sioux Falls.One of the most ;enjoyable and pleasant

parties ever held in this city was the socialhop given by the XX club at Germania hallTuesday evening. The following are amongthe list of guests: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bear,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Phillips, Mr. andMrs. S. T. Clover, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bailey,Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sibley. Mr. and Mrs.S. F. Erskine, Mrs. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. A,D. Collier, Miss Moore, Mr. andMrs.' Will H. Booth, Mr. andMrs. John Bippus, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Glid-den, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vincent. Mrs. Cald-well, Miss Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs.W. K. Parks,Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Marcy,Mr. and Mrs. F. L.Blackmail, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Irvine. Mr.aud Mrs. E. W. Coughran, Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Coughran, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Peek, Mr.and Mrs. Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. Renfro. Mr.and Mrs. Cloudas, Mrs. W. H. Holt, Mr. andMrs. Currey, C. M. Day and Miss Houser, J.W. Boyce and Miss McMillan, K. W. Cooleyand Miss Morris, R. E. Woociwortu and MissDean. P. - 11. Goddard and Miss Stone, PaulKnowles and Miss Poole. W. W. Goddard and"Miss Pillips, Roy Williams and Miss Willey,Men- tt Hill and Miss Davis, Fred Carr andMiss Fay, Edgar Knowles and Miss Ray- Imond.

Grant! Forks.Miss Emma Huggins has returned from a

visit at Park River.Mrs. Burt - Wells returned from a visit in

Crookston. .'.Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Arvilla, were the

guests of Mrs. R. E. Noyes.Miss L. M. Herriman accompanied Misses

Smith and Rhodes to Larimore.

l ilrndnlc.Mrs. A. Croakhitc returned yesterday froma visit with Mrs. Turner, near Roscoe.The Ladies' Aid society met at Mrs. W. S.

Vent's Wednesday afternoon.: Mrs. Cronkhite entertained a large party offriends last Monday evening.

Graftoh.Mrs. Owen O'Reilley and son, of Buxton,

are the guests of Airs. C. L. Prince.E. S. Johnson and wife left on Saturday

forCrescoe, a.

. Jersey FunnelsReduced from Go and 75 cents to 50 cents,at McLain's, 384 Wabasha street.


Father McGlynn Refuses to UndergoClerical Discipline.

ArclibisuopCorrijjan Makes a State-ment Regarding the Affair.

New Yokk, Jan. 21.— Rev. Father Mc-Glynn's old parishioners intend to hold ameeting in the basement of the churcli to-morrow morning, in spite of Father Don-nelly's orders. Itis believed that FatherDonnelly will call in the police to preventit, if necessary. At the palace ofthe arch-bishop, on Fifth avenue, a reporter wasthis morning informed that ArchbishopCorrlgan was too busy to see any one. Hissecretary. Dr. McDonnell, when asked ifthe archbishop intended to make any replyto Henry George's challenge in to-day'sStandard, said:

Tli-j archbishop will make a statement thisafternoon and will reply to Henry George'schallenge. It is known that the archbishopcalled his counsol!er3 together this morning'and held a lengthy meetinjr, at. which thewhole situation wasrdisenssed. together withHenry George's challenge relating to an orderwhich, it is claimed, was sent out by thearchbishop to the priests against the consti-tutional convention.

The challenge created quite a stir amongthe priests of the diocese and they are very

ANXIOUS TO KXOWwhat the archbishop's reply will be. Itwas stated to-day by a friend of Georgethat the labor leader had in his possession,or could get possession of, several orderswhich the archbishop had sent out and thatthe statement he made he could prove.A priest, who is well known among theparishioners of St. Stephen's church, saidthat he had seen no orders from the arch-bishop relating to the constitutional con- |vention. He said that all the priests in thediocese had received another cau-tion not to talk about the McGlynncase among themselves nor to outsiders.Archbishop Corriean to-night makes publica long written statement in regard to theMcGlynn case. Itdates back to 1882. whenDr. McGlynn is declared to have disobeyed ithe mandate of Home against the making !of political speeches by priests, and whenunder correction he promised to refrainfrom farther offending, but had to jbe called to account again in ISS3.

UK MADE PCIIJCA STATEMENTthen and profession of obedience; but it be-came necessary, he having resumed politi-cal speaking, to remind him again on Aug.21, last. This was beiore Henry George'sname was mentioned for mayor. To thisnote of warning Dr. McGlynn did not re-ply. Then follows an account of thearchbishop's interview with Henry George.Then, under date of Sept. 39, the arch-bishop gives the text of a note sent by himto Dr. McGlynn, reminding him of hispromise, and forbidding him in positiveterms to attend a Henry George meeting inChickering hall on the following Fri-day. To this Dr. McGlynn replied that hewould address the meeting notwithstandingthe prohibition. On this the cardinal wrotethat it was not a matter of this or that po-litical party, but a violation of teachings ofthe propaganda, and that he was sorry to becompelled to suspend him from all sacer-dotal functions for two weeks.The cardinal then follows withreference to his pastoral on the ownershipof land. Dr. McGlynn remaining obdurate,he was again suspended for the remainderof the year. On Dec. 4 came from thepropaganda the summons: "Let Dr. Mc-Glynn proceed to Koine immediately."

THE CARDINAL PKOCEEDS:The cablegram was as great a surprise to

me as to the doctor. T never asked nor evenhinted in any way that he should go toHome. When the telegram was delivered, Dr.McGlynn simply replied: '-There is noanswer," and as far as known, paid uo fur-ther heed to the matter. To this date noanswer seems to have been sent to Koine ask-ing an extension of time or professing anywillingness to comply when able withthe order of Dec. 4. I wrote toDr. McGlynn, requesting some reply, whenafter waiting four days longer he wrote, oaDec. 20, 18S0, that he could not go to Koine,and at the same time aflinned his doctrineand position as follows: "My doctrine aboutland has been made clear in speeches, in re-ported interviews, and in published articles,and 1 repeat it here. 1 have taughtand Ishall continue to teach in speeches andin writingas long as r live that land is right-fullythe property of the people in commonand that private ownership is against na-tional justice, no matter by what civil or ec-clesiasticßl laws it may be sanctioned,and I would bring about instantly, ifI could,such a change of laws all the world over aswould confiscate private property in landwithout one penny of compensation to themiscalled owners." Under date of Dec. 29the cardinal writes in reply, reciting theabove \u25a1 declarations by Dr. McGlynn, andcontinuing his suspension until further in-structions should bo received from Home.The statement then proceeds as follows:Early in January, a most

KIXD AND CONCILIATORY T/ETTEIIcame to me from Cardinal Simoni for Dr. Mc-Glynn. He was invited to call and receive it,but refused. I will not come to see you.It was forwarded by mail, and a fewdays later a note came in vaply from thedoctor as follows: "1 have received CardinalSimoni's letter with your request that Iwouldinform you or my plans. I will not go toHome. The grave reasons which 1 gave youin the letter of Dec. 20 still hold good and willcontinue to do so for a long time."In reply to this, under date of Jan. 14, thearchbishop writes, saying that an exact copyof the last two letters of Dr. McGlynn, set-ting out his belief on the land question andhis reasons for declining to go to Borne, hadbeen forwarded to the propagandafor its action, and that ponding this.the writer had decided to remove him (Mc-Glynn) from the pastorate of St. Stephen'sand place Father 1.0 melly in that position,and asking if lie had any objection to offerThe cardinal proceeds: 'To this letter

NO ANSWER WAS EETURKED.On Jan. 10 lie received the following cable

from Cardinal Simoni: Give orders to haveDr. McGlynn again invited to proceed toKome.'and also to condemn in writing thedoctrine to which be has given utterance inpublic meetings, or which have beenattributed to him in the press. Shouldhe disobey use your own authority indealing with him. The original of this thirdsummons was sent by mail on Jan. 16 toDr. McGlynn at St. Stephen's anda copy to his address In Harlem.No answer. Jan. Its another telegramcame, like its predecessor, quite unexpect-edly. In it the sovereign pontiff orders thedoctor to Home instantly. This, also, wasforwarded by messenger, with a request foran answer, but none has been received."

Then follows the cardinal's letter to thecommittee of Dr. McGlynn's parishioners,the substance of which has already beengiven in these dispatches.

The statement closes as follows:The latest phase of the unhappy conflict oc-

curred this morning, when Archbishop Jaco-bini, secretary of the propaganda, cabled asfollows: "For prudential r.-asons the propa-ganda has hitherto been slow to act in thecase of Dr. McGlynn. The sovereign pontiffhas now taken the matter into his own hands."The c:ise now rests between Dr. McGlynn andthe holy see.

Wisconsin Legislature.Madison, Wis.. Jan. 21.—In the senate

to-day a bill was introduced to amend therevised statutes relating to the assessablevaluation of real and personal property,providing that a person may deduct fromthe assessed valuation of property his totalindebtedness. A bill was presented providingthat each county and city superintendent ofschools and each clerk of school districts inthe state, each state officer, member of thelegislature and regular employe thereof,and each legislative newspaper re-porter be supplied with a copy ofthe territorial history of Wisconsin,written by Moses M. Strong. All theappointments made by Gov. Bask duringthe recess of the legislature weie eon-grmed. In the house the following bills jwere introduced: To authorize various !persons to construct a dam across -theTomahawk river, in Lincoln county.This is in the interest of the Min-neapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlanticrailway. which desires to over-flow some land for logging purposes.Providing that a man who lias formed anopinion in regard to a case shall not be dis-qualified from serving as a juror in thecase, provided he shall swear that he believes himself able to render an impartialverdict on the evidence. Speaker Millsappointed new standing committees asfollows:

Lumber and Mmms —Messers. McDonald,Brimi, Miller, Kenealy, Dewhurst.

Labor and Manufacturing —Avery, Sim-meiland, Frost, Hatfleld, Chase, " Garside.Egery.

Among the cities that willbe in the newcircuit are St. Louis, Chicago, St. Paul,Detroit aud Buffalo.

\u25a0ja.tJtT«F.snv a.

Marriage licenses were issued yesterday toPhilip Kui.n and Miss Susun Feldt And to

I Peter May and Miss Elizabeth Kuhn, all of

I New Trier.Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lehmann, Miss Emma

i Lenmann and Adolph Cucdel were here this! week from Chicago, the guests of J. B. Lam-bert.

Thursday was a gala day with the Hastingspeople hi St. Paul, some 500 beiug present towitness the storming of the ice palace.

About twenty of the pupils of the Irvingschool had a pleasant candy pull at Mrs.Ellen DunkerJy's on Tuesday evening .

. The concert given by the Swedish quartetteat the Presbyterian church Monday night waswell attended.

The Woman's Christian Temperance unionmet yesterday afternoon at Mrs. N. M. Tal-madge's. H?flS

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinsey, of Milwaukee,have been visiting with Mrs. J. F. Newton.

Ernest and Florence Clough, of Minneapo-lis, have been visiting Miss Emma L. Ball.

Mrs. K. F. Collmau and son, of Point Doug-las, are visiting relatives in Cannon Falls.

Mrs. D. H. Meeks departed Wednesdayj night to visit l'nends in Brooklyn, N. Y.

Capt. E. E. Ht-erman and daughter, Minnie,left Saturday upon a visit in Vermont.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stetzer, of St. Peter,were visiting friends here this week.

Miss Madge Brewster. of Chicago, is in thecity, the guest of Mrs. S. P. Gardner.

Misses Louise G. Follet and Mary L. West-fall are visiting friends in St. Paul.

Lue Krech and Miss Lucetty Trost, of lnverGrove, have been licensed to wed. .

Miss Edith L. Moody has returned from hervisit 10 Horieon, Wis.

Mrs. C. W. Speakes returned yesterday fromher sojourn in Austin.

The Vocal club met at Mrs. A. B. Chapin'son Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Hillman are herefrom Sanborn, Dak. ..

Miss Belle Fahey, of Pepin.Wis., is visitingMrs. F. G. Whlpp.

The Atlantic club met Wednesday with Mrs.E. A. Whitford.

Mrs. J. C. Sanborn is visiting friends ini Minneapolis.

Mrs. Alice Johnson is here from BirdIsland.:

: Mrs. Mary Allen is down from St. Paul on avisit.

Miss Minnie Dean is back from her Galenavisit.

Lake City. .Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richardson gave a New

England supper to their married friendsThursday and Friday evenings, and a recep-tion to the youug people on Saturday even-ing.

M. A. Baldwin, who has been the guest ofhis mother. Mrs. W. F. Holmes, returned toCasselton, Dak., on Monday.

Miss Kate Schmauss is home again, after asojourn of several months in western Minne-sota and Dakota.

Mrs. George C. Stout left for St. PaulThursday, to be the guest of Mrs. J ; C. Stout,Grand avenue.

Mrs. Wiokizer, who has been the guest of, Mrs. C. Neal, left for her home in Florida on

Monday last.Miss Ella McKey left on Saturday last for

St. Paul. She will be absent during the car-nival season.

Miss Ulinnie Neal will be the guest of Mrs.J. B. Hawley, Hondo street, St. Paul, duringthe carnival. . ;

Miss Fila Fletcher leaves this week to bethe jruest of St. Paul and Minneapolisfriends.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Benson and daughter,Floy, are sojourning at the Windsor. St. Paul.

Mrs. Richard Carroll and Miss Maggie Ra-hillyhave returned from their eastern trip.

Mrs. F. W. Greeley spent Sunday in St.Paul with her husband, Adjt. Gen. Greeley.

Miss Lottie Collins leaves this week for avisit to Mrs. H. C. Ramsdell, Minneapolis.

W. E. Perkins and wife are taking in theice carnival at St. Paul this week.

Miss Gertrude Doolittle is at her homein Warsaw, N. Y.

Mrs. A. Wells is the guest of Mrs. E. M.Card. j"

Mrs. D. G. lrwin spent last week in Waba-sha.

Mrs. C. R. Kenney left for Chicago Thurs-day.

' Austin.The young ladies gave a . sheet and pillow

1 case party at tne rooms of Mrs. C. H. David-son, at the Davidson House.

Mrs. Addie Fife, accompanied by herdaughter, Winnie,left for her home at SpringValley, Tuesday.

The Good Templars held their lodge sociableat the residence of Miss Jennie Allen on Fri-day evening.

The sociable of the Episcopal church washeld with Mrs. S. C. Clark Wednesdayevening.

Mrs.Frank Custer.of St. Paul.is in thecity,aguest of Street Commissioner Geraghty.

Mrs. Mary Purccll-Madden, of Rochester, isvisiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Purcell.

Mrs. Oscar Ayers gave her lady friends a• "straw" ride, Wednesday afternoon.! Miss Maggie Hoban, Oakland, leaves this1

week for Sinsinawa Mound,'. Wis.' The next M. E. sociable will be held at the

residence of Mrs. Hilker.• Miss Zula M. Triggs will be married at her

home, in Taopi, Jan. 26.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sehwan, Jr., spent

i Sunday in the city.Anna Dunklemann returned last evening to

Sinsinawa Mound.i Judge Allen and wile left for Los Angeles,• Wednesday.i A. H. Hill and wife are visiting friends in1 lowa.

Mrs. A. LI. Tyng was in the city Monday.Miss Etta Barnes is visiting at Wells.

St. Cloud.Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cramb celebrated the

I fifteenth anniversary of their marriage byj entertaining their friends near the lake. The

• J entertainment was also given in honor of theirI friend. Miss Newman, of Chicago. •

; The following are umong the Indies who are\u25a0 ! enjoying the carnival sport in St. Paul this' j week: Mrs. A. C. L. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs.

I Frank Fandel, Mrs Thomas Foley, Mrs. C. H.i Mitchell.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ransom, who have beenentertained by Prof, and Mrs. C. W. G. Hydefor the lust few weeks leave, for their home :at Big Stone lake this week.

: Mrs. D. H. Freeman is going down to St.: Paul this week to spend a few days with her! husband. Representative Freeman, also to at-

tend the carnival.The "Cyclone club, numbering between

thirty and forty members, went down to St.Paul Thursday to attend the carnival.

The young ladies of Mrs. C. A. Cninmings'; Sunday school class of the Episcopal church

have organized a Ladies' society.Miss Florence Col?man and Mr. William H.

French were married on Wednesday, Rev. E.V. Campbell olliciating.

On Friday Mrs. J. G. Smith gave a receptionin honor of her friend Mrs. J. P. Wilson, ofMinneapolis.

The Ladies' society, of the Presbyterian jchurch met with Mrs. A. Raymond on Fridayafternoon.

Mrs. C. A. Gilman on Friday entertainedthe Ladies' society of the Episcopal church.

Mrs. J. E. Wing will entertain the ReadingRoom society on Thursday next.

St. Peter.Mrs. Peter Cash ion has gone to St. Paul to

visit her daughters, Miss Coulter and MissAnna Cashion. iZ&nsJ&Qg&JB&M&US&P

Miss Mary E. Woods is home from St. Paul; spending a few days with .Mr. and Mrs. C. R.

Woods. :'\u25a0' l\ .. '-$-.

John Goodman '• and wife,"of Jamestown,; Dak., are sojourning in town and vicinity,

i Mrs. J. M. McConnell ,- is spending the car-j nival season in St. Paul with Mrs. Welch.

Miss B. Billingsl . from Rochester, is visit-' ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rounseville.• ;" Miss Annie Stephens started Thursday for \u25a0

, her home in Dodgeville, Wis.' Miss Pauline E. Hosch returned from avisit to Winona on Monday.

Mrs. Carney, of Mankato, was the guest of. Miss Maggie Fa' last iree*.; . Among the number of St. Peter folks who

went to St. Paul to enjoy the carnival wereMrs. McConnell, Miss Bauchy, Miss Galles.

Miss Lillian Coxreturned on Sunday froma short visit in St. Paul.Miss Dora Brown has returned to her school

at Courtland.~ Miss Emma Ludcke Is on a visit to theTwin Cities.

Miss Emma Burg is visiting in Mankato fora few days.

s Miss Jennie Hanscome left on Tuesday for

Mrs. G. A.Deyer is spending the week in•st. Paul. BttiSMsKdßSPaul" and MrS# A' S

" Scbob are vi6itin£ in Stl

Pa^uP 8 Jennie Hanscome is visiting in St.

Albert Lea.Mr. and Mrs. CM. Wilkinson, and MissGlennie and Master Charlie went to Minne-apolis on aaturda, to visit with Mrs. Clap,

and from there went to St. Paul the first oftue week to see the carnival opened.

ri™ ?3 Li? ie Tiake "of Eau Claire, Wis., ar-

med on Friday to spend the remainder ofthe winter with Mrs. W. c. Merriln/tIhr;and M S- J - P - For est will start the firstvine, la °ir neW home in Esther-

w» and Mrf.- J ac °° Larson entertained aevening. *' thc'ir frlends on last Thursday

Mrs. W. W. Powell went to St. Paul onfriends

y tOview the carnival and. visit

..^•"v l-rs - M- H- Truesdel, and Mr. andday;

i. \ . Knatvold, went to Chicago on Mon-

hp!?*^lll^ Palmer has returned fromWyo! S- Spra *Ue at Fort Larimer,

inM a

Md Mrs- J - M- B»rnett were sight see-ing in Minneapolis and S.. Paul this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Day, of Jackson, Minn.,are visiting with H. G. Day and family.nor hiT" f*JSei

>'cant and Mrs. R. B. Skin-ner had a ladies' lunch party on Friday.


MrS J ' P" Hovlaad visited St. Paul

Fere us Falls.frSn,£ nd

tMr3' James *•Brown entertainedJ n

d ,»t, a tea mrty on Friday evening.The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. B.Humes, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lowrv Dr-R

D MIH- iVT" Duncan ' *>****Mrs. W. C.Bedford, Mr.and Mrs. C. C. Warfleld, Mr.andMrs

mv\ . L. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.Weatherston, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jewell!Misses Olia Wright, Fannie K. Cowles.

Trnrlh^t;^^ Weatherst on returned fromJmrlbault Wednesday, whither she went toattend the wedding ofher sister. Miss HattieSibbald, to A. H. Cole. Mrs. Weatherstonwas accompanied on her return by Mrs. Cole,who will sojourn here for the present.Miss Annie Watkins, of St. Paul, who hasbeen a guest of B. S. Hall and family at theGrand hotel, returned to her home on Tues-day. HjflAndrew Erwin, E. A. Jewett and SheriffBrandenburg, accompanied by their wivesare seeing the carnival sights. .Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bedford are the guests

of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Goodrich at Minneapo-

Miss Jessie Tyler and Miss Mabel Adamsspent most of the week in St. Paul.Mrs. S. T. Moles is at Minneapolis, theguest of Mrs. Robert Ferguson.Mrs. C. H. Godsell is at Nortnfleld, Minn.

Dullish.iJi' "t*Marvin and wifeand Mrs. L. Marvinin iT the Omaha Tuesday, the formerbound to Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. L Mar-vin for the East.

The ladies of the Home and Foreign Missionsociety met at the residence of Mrs. A. Ring-land Thursday afternoou. ;;-.Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bywater 09 West Firststreet, gave a reception We sday evening

to seventy-five friends.6

A Cinderella party was given by Mr. and.Mrs. A. R. McFarlane Monday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. McCormick and son Willie lefton Monday for Chicago and the east.Mrs. W. D. Thompson has returned from aprotracted visit to the Twin Cities.Miss Anna M. Wilson, of this city, willleave in a fewdays for Minneapolis.Mr. and Mrs. William B. Welles, of Brook-lyn, N. V.. are at the St. Louis.Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Forbes left on Monday

for Boston.Mr. and Mrs. Scott left on Monday forMichigan.

Miss B. Reade lcavos foi St. Paul to-mor-row.Miss Ida Relchert returned to St. Paul.Miss Anna Hartman is in St. Paul.

White Bear Lake.White Bear has a nice reading room at Mrs.Burns' cottage, "open every day and even-ing." Friday evenings all our people meetat the reading room to enjoy the time play-

ing games, having charades and tableaux,after which a nice repast is served by Mrs.Burns and Brewster. Dancing is also en-joyed.

Last Friday evening about fifteen couple ofWhite Bear's young folks drove to the resi-dence of Peter SkiUman, Mahtomedi. andSurprised Miss Neliieand Clara. Music anddancing were enjoyed until early in themorning.

Bob Getty's toboggan suit is the finest inWhite Bear. Bob will not tell who workedthe pretty letters on his scarf.

Miss Helen Fairfleld, of Minneapolis, wasthe guest ofher sister, Mrs. T. B. Murraylast week.

Miss Lillie Greene will spend a few days inMinneapolis the coming week.Mrs. John Buckley visited Stillwater and St.Paul during the week.Miss Hope Johnson went to Minneapolis

the first of the week.Mrs. James Root visited Stillwater a fewdays ago.

Northfleld.Col. and Mrs. J. A. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs

S. Finkelsou, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Miller, Mr.and Mrs. D. J. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.Gress, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sibbison and Mr. andMrs. Foster attended the fourth annual re-ception and ball of St. Paul Temple No. 2,Patriarchal Circle, at the Hotel Ryan onThursday evening.

Miss Carrie Mnrray went to White BearLake Tuesday morning to visit with friendsShe will also visit in St. Paul before she re-turns.

Miss Annabel Norton has gone to Lehighacademy, near Salt Lake City. Utah. •

Miss Lenah E. . Tramm and Mrs. S. B. Ra-maley left for California Wednesday.Mrs. W. T. Black and daughter have re-

turned from St. Paul.Miss Edith Wheat on returned to St. Paul

Saturday morning.Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hoyt left for FairmontThursday evening.Miss Abby Williams has gone to Burlington,

la., to visit.Miss E. F. Hunt returned to Carleton Mon-

day.Miss Grace P. Duriee returned to Carleton

Tuesday. HEHKoclie«ter.

The sociable of the Congregational churchheld Friday evening, Jan. 21, at the residenceof W. .1. Eaton, were entertained by Mrs.Eaton and Mrs. Edwin Coon.

Mr. aud Mrs. P. L. Dansingburg startedSouth Wednesday. They go to New Orleans,and from there wiil make a tour of the gulfstates.

Miss Anderson, who has been visitingMiss Nora Nelson, returned to her home inWinona Tuesday.

Miss Jennie Gilman entertained a largocompany of people last Saturday evening.. Misses Libbie and Edith Jones have gone toWashington territory.. Miss Lizzie Cam mack, of Chicago, is visit-ing friends in thi3 city.

Miss Meilie Clark, of St. Paul, is the guestof Miss Nora Nelson.

Mrs. J. D. Blake, of Minneapolis, is visitingfriends in this city.

Miss Mary Macomber has gone to SouthernCalifornia.

E-'sribault.Monday evening last Prof, and Mrs. H. E.

Whitney and Miss Bacon received and enter-trined a large number of their friends inManney Armory Hall. Shattuck School.

Misses Katie and Lizzie Leo gave a pro-gressive euchre party last evening. MissRo'jhelle Desmarais carried off the firstprize. •

James S. Tileston and Miss Tilestonwent South last week and will spend the win-ter at Thomasville. Ga.

Prof, and Mrs. E.S.Wilson and Miss Wil-son entertained a party of friends at tea,Tuesday evening.

Hon. George W. Batchelder and daughter.Miss Georgia, left Tuesday for California.

Miss Canie Holbrook, of St. Paul, was theguest of Mrs. E. B. Smith Friday last. !

Mrs. Grosvenor. of Dubuque, la., is visit-ing Mrs. George Tileston.

Miss May Hopkins left on Monday after-noon for LeSueur.

Keel Wins'.The event of the coming week in social cir-

cles is the wedding of Miss Kmma Simmonsto W. C. Krise, of Minneapolis, which takesplace at Christ church on Tuesday evening at5 o'clock.

• Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Myers were surprisedby a number of their friends on Tuesdayevening, the occasion of .their tin wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hack gave a progressive

euchre party to a number oftheir friends lastFriday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin entertainad theirfriends with a progressive euchre party Mon-day evening.

The Racquet club met with Miss BerthaQuayle on Sixth street Tuesday eveuing.


Four young ladie3 from Calais, Me., are vis-itingat the residence of W. M. May, two of !whom are the Misses Lane and two the MissesKing.

Miss Mattie A. Dodge, of Brookville. Wis.,was a guest at the Sawyer house this week.

Mrs. Dr. T. C. Clark and son returnedWednesday from New York city.

Miss Abbie Goodman entertained herfriends on Thursday evening.

Mrs. J. H. Cameron is entertaining MissSusie Murphy, of Dulutli.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Staples will leave forCalifornia, Jan. 25.

Mrs. L. E. Torinus leaves for Washingtonthe coming week.

Redwood Falls.C. C. Peck returned Wednesday from a visit

to his wife, who is spending the winter withfriends in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Dwight Bissell entertained the Indiesof the Presbyterian church Thursday after-noon.

Mrs. H. N. Bell entertained the Chautauquacircle last evening-.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Francois are travelingon the coutineat.

Mr. and Mrs. Park Warden are wintering atHot Springs, Ark.

Miss Alvena Gordon is visiting friends inMinneapolis.

I.vveme.Mrs. Hayden and her two daughters, who

have been visiting at the home of Mr. andMrs. James Marshall, in Beaver Creek, havereturned to their eastern home.

A progressive euchre party was Riven lastFriday evening at the home of Miss MabelLaDue.

The Chautauqua class rnetWednesday even-ing at the home ot Miss Maud Helm.

Mrs. Heddinjr, of Doou, visited friends inLuvcrne Monday.

Miss Emma Wakefield is visiting in Wauke-sha, Wis.

Cnatfield.Miss Lulu Onstine and Courtney Henick

were married at the residence of the bride'sparents Tuesday evening of this week.

Mrs. Wells and daughter, cf Preston, werein town Thursday. Miss Virgie Waters re-turned to Preston with them.

Mrs. A. H. O'Ferrell and Misses Maud andFannie Dickson are paying tribute to the IceKing at St. Paul.

Miss Nellie Bandle, of Chicago, 111., is theguest of her sister, Mrs. Fred \Vilsou.

Mrs. Anna Singleton visited friends inRochester this week.

Miss Julia Cole spent the Sabbath inRochester.

Preston.Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. Gal-

braith were assisted in celebrating theirforty-sixth wedding anniversary by the ar-rival of a large surprise party.

A select party was entertained at thohome of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nelson last Sat-urday evening.

Mrs. Matthews, of Grand Meadow, is beingentertained at the homo of Hon. J. P. Tib-bctts.

Miss Annie Lowcnburg is milking a visitwith friends iv St. Paul.

Miss Dovenberg returned Saturday from avisitat Cresco, la.

At water.

Miss Nellie Campbell, of Litchfield, came upMonday on a visit to her sister, Miss KateCampbell.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly entertained aparty of friends Wednesday in oommemora-ion of Mrs. Kelly's birthday.

Miss Katie Spellacy and Miss Welch, cameup from Litchfield last Friday ou a \isit toMrs. James H. Strong.

Miss Alice Petersoa and Mrs. Jay, of SanFrancisco, returned to St.. Paul Monday.

Mrs. Kelly, of Litchfield, has been visitingMrs. George Raine this week.

Owatonnn.Mrs. I. W. Birch entertained a small com-

pany to tea Thursday In honor of Miss LillianS. Cathcart, a missionary from Kusaio, Mi-cronesia.

Friday evening the home of Mrs. W. H.Kelly was the scene of a very pleasant cardparty.

Mrs. D. H. Stevenson entertained quite aparty of her friends Saturday evening withcards.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Tryon will entertain a partyat the Arnold house Saturday night.


Mrs. Frank Ives entertained her younglady friends at tea Friday afternoon in honorof Miss Reiley. of Philadelphia, who is visit-ing her, after which the young people took asleigbride to Fisher's.

A party of ladies and gentlemen enjoyeddrive whist Thursday evening, entertained byMrs. Hugh Robertson.

Mrs. John Knuppe invited a few friendsfor an "honest game of whist" Monday even-ing.

Mrs. R. D. Chase entertained a few friendsat luncheon Saturday.


Mrs. R. M. Taylor entertained a dinnerparty on Tuesday afternoon last, consistingof the following1 ladies: Mrs. A. L. Peters,Miss Josephine Rhodes. Mrs. Warner, Mrs. C.C. Crane, Mrs. G. W. Morril.

A "pink tea social " will be given by theladies of the Congregational society at theresidence of Mrs. R. M. Taylor this evening.

Mrs. 0. L- Cutter is in attendance at theice carnival festivities to-day.

Miss Alico Larson, of Winthrop, Minn., hasentered the business college.


Mr. and Mrs. William Everett and Mrs.Kee-ncy started on their California trip lastWednesday.

J. R. Davidson is visiting his daughter,Mrs. Hitchcock, at Redwood Falls.

Mrs. Ilartlev spent a few days with Mr.and Mrs. H. V. Winters.

Mrs. Thomas Hayes was in the city lastWednesday.

Miss Mary Watkins is visiting at Redfleld,Dak.


The B. D. L. O. met with Mrs. G.S. Fernaldon Wednesday. The next meeting will be intwo weeks with Mrs. A. V. Snyder.

Mrs. A. E. Pennell returned on Friday fromSauk Centre, where she has been visiting.

Miss Aggie Mulrlne left on Friday tor St.Paul, where she expects to spend the winter.

Mrs. E. O. Parks returned to her home atHamline on Monday.

Mrs. William H. Cummings left on Thurs-day for St. Paul.

Montevideo.Mrs. W. J. Spear, of Wilmot, Dak., visited

with Attorney Knappen's family Tuesdayand Wednesday, while en route from Dawsonto her home.

Mrs. J. B. French, of Ortonville, came onMonday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gaskill, thisplace.

Mrs. Metcalf and family, of Appleton,joined Rev. Mr. Metcalf here ou Tuesday last.

Mrs. Joy returned to her home in St. Paullast Saturday.

St. Charles.Mrs. Dorothy Moulton, who has been visit-

ing her brother, Fred LiuJstaedt, in thiscity, left on Wednesday for her home at Ab-erdeen, Dak.

Mrs. George Tate left on Sunday night'strain, for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. JeremiahDickinson, at Balaton, Minn.

Mrs. C. C. Bacheldcr and children, accom-panied by Miss Xettie Howe, started on Mon-day for Orange Heights. Fla.

Hancock*Tom Ness and Miss L. Swanson, who have

been visiting- relatives aiid friends, of Mur-dock. returned last Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Hegelson was visiting- with her jbrother, He.iry Hegelson, of Lake Emily, last !Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kepner, of Fairfleld, are vis- !itingMrs. Havener, of this place.

Miss Knapp, of De Graff, is visiting with IMrs. Hamlin^of this place.


Miss Anna Knapp, who has been living in !St. I'iuil for some time past, came home to '\u25a0spend the holidays.

Miss Murry, from Montgomery, paid Kil- !kenny a friendly visit.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Meier spent holiday iweek in Kilkenny.

Miss Nora Murphy is away visiting.

Blue Earth City.

Miss A. E. Hill, of Winnehago, was theguest of Mr. and Mrt. L. H. Mitchell from !Friday tillSunday. She is interested in in- Itroducing drawing into the schools. The fol- |

i lowine teachers met her at the residence of '•i Rev. L. H Mitchell Friday evening: Prof. ;

! J. E. Manchester and wife, Misses Smith, iQuail, Dean and Pfeffer.

Miss Julia Pfeffer gave a dramatic enter-tainment at her home Saturday evening. Thefollowing invited guests were present: Mr.and Mrs. Sly, Capt. and Mrs .Anderson, Dr.

Couper and wife.Rev. and Mrs. L.H. Mitch«ll»Mrs. Smith Barns, Mrs. Camp, Misses A. E.Hill and Clara Merrill, Mrs. Sandy McDon-ald and Mrs. Sheriff Cummings and Mr. andMrs. Cole.

IVillniar.Mr. and Mrs. G. F. McKinnoy,of Bathgate,

Dak., are visiting Willmar friends. Fromhero they go to Hot Springs, Ark.

Mrs. Andrew Larson and Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Wold returned Tuesday from a visit withfriends in Wisconsin. .

Leslie Matthews and sister were treated toa surprise party Tuesday evening-.The Presbyterian sociable met at Mrs. E,

G. Handy's Thursday night.

New I Int.

Miss Minna Fischer, who has been teachingin La Porte, Ind., for several years, has re-turned home and willprobably stay for sev-eral months.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durbahn were in WestNewton last week visiting with John New-ton.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritsche were in St. Peter onbusiness last week.

9lankato.Mrs. Goodier arrived In Mankato Friday

night, and will spend several weeks with Mr.and Mrs. J. H. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaubut and C. A,Payne and son Henry left for California Tues-day. !

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brett are visitingGeorge E. Brett, of this city.

Mr. and Mi T. Millerleft Friday afternoon.for San Francisco.

Mantorvillu.Mrs. Lucy E. Mostenbrooks, of Kassoa,

Minn., is visitingMrs. Millie J. Slingland.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christe, of Buffalo, N.V., are stopping with Mrs. Peter Mantcr.James Cnpmtin, of Dcs Moines, la., is the

guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gardner.Mr. and Mrs. George Sperback have gone

to spend the winter at Oshkosh, Wis.

Breckenridg-e.Wednesday evening the Episcopalians helda social at the residence of Dr. Falley. Thogenial host and hostess were assisted by Mr.

and Mrs. Howard and Mrs Charles B. Falley.Matt Sterritt and daughters, Sarah and

Mamie, returned fio.n a few days' visit toSt. Paul, last week.Mrs. Howard is organist for the ne*

Episcopal church.

Caledonia.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimbell, of Chicago,

will spend a lew days with the family of E.H. Smalley, on their way to the St. Paul IceCarnival. ;':."\u25a0\u25a0Mrs. T. W. PUilbrick, of Redwood Falls, re-

turned home to-day.Mrs. Sarah niair, of La Cro3se, spent a fewdays here thisweek.Miss Louise McGinnis has returned fromSt. Paul.

Vcrndalf.Misses Cutler and Gutzler visited the Wa»dena schools last Friday.C. W. Elston and wile are visiting friendsin lowa.Mrs. Jessie Austin, of Owatonna, and Mrs.C. O. Lovejoy, of Thomson, were in the citsMonday.- . J

I'ipostone.Andrew M. Berglund, of Fnlda, and Mist

Anna Anderson of Woodstock, were mar-ried in this cityou the 18th inst.Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ely are taking in theice; palace this week.Miss Nettie Roderick, of Sibley, la., is inthe city visitiug.

Knsota.Mrs. Royal Thompson has moved to thacounty seat, with her family.Mrs. J. P. Burch and her daughter Jeannioare tarrying in Mankato.Miss Carrie Pettis is attending the normal

school at Mankato.Miss Mary Moore, of Slayton, has receiveda legacy.

\u25a0 Si. James.Miss Annie Mather, of Cederville. paid a

short visit to friends in the village, while onher way to the Ice carnival.

Some of the young people, of the village,gave Will Meriirold a surprise party, lastnight, at the residence of his sister, Mrs.Charles Parker.

Mrs. J. N. Scager gave an entertainmentast Friday night.

1-irclificltl.Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Branham and C. A.

Grcenlcaf started on Monday fora trip atseveral weeks in the East.

Mrs. Charles Pullman, of Herman, visitedthis week with Dr. and Mrs. Bowers.

Mrs. Kelley visited Mrs. R&me in Atwaterthe lirst of the week.Miss Nellie Campbell visited in Atwaterthis week.

;" morris.A reception for Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Fair-

bunk was given at the residence of Mr. andMrs. A. DeKay, on Friday evening.

Miss Ida Borrill. from Herman, is In thecity.Mrs. Frank Favrow arrived in Morris Mon-

day. . •

Alexandria.A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs,

Fred Morse tendered them a surprise Tues«day evening.Ms. H. Rcinbold, nee Miss Mamie Hill,

is visiting home friends ivAlexandria.Mrs. Col. H. Jenkins entertained a company

of friends at tea Wednesday.

Pine Island.Guy and Nellie Evans, of Milbanlc, Dak.,

arc visiting Mr. Newton's family for a wee*.Miss Amy Stone returned this week to tho

normal school at St. Cloud.The Mite society met with Mrs. Catlin Wed-

nesday eveni ug.

Spring Valley.Mr. and Mrs. Utter, of Emmetsburg, arrived

Frid: y and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.Nate Elliot.

Mrs. E. Leuthold and Miss Dora Ruhbergof Kasson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leutn*old.

Etrowii'ti Valley.

Miss Rosa Barnett departed Monday morn*ing for a visit with friends in Wisconsin.From there she will go to Wasioja. Minn.

Miss Nannie Hilstrom left this morning forChicago for a visit with friends, •Fairmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Cad well started for Florid*Monday night to spend the winter.Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Day, of Jackson, are

visiting in the city.Miss Lena Winship, of Duluth, visited her*this week.

Wadena.Mr.and Mrs. Bishop, of Bluffton, were lathe city Tuesday.Mrs. C. M. Maltby, of Bluffton, was in th«city Monday.Mrs. C. J. Stuart starts next week for Al-bany, Ore.

Montgomery.Miss May Canfleld. of Waseca, is visiting

with Mrs. Oun at the Minneapolis house.Mrs. John Krai, of Jordan, spent Sunday intown with her son, J. W. Krai.Miss DollyTaylor, ot Minneapolis, is visit-ing with Mrs. Millor. . «'

Heron Lake.Cards are out announcing the marriage ofMiss Eda Amsler to Joseph J. Jones. "Jan. 27.Miss Eva, daughter of Rev. M. J. Godfrey

is attending school at Rice Lake, Wis.Sleepy, Ere.

Miss Jennie MeGough was in Sleepy Eye onSunday, the guest of Miss Mamie Mcßain.

N^^JnTthi^ek! 116 iS Vißiting friend'»

M'inne'ineoCity.Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dieudonne are sojourn-

ing in Jacksonville, Fia. J re

DjMr^Hewitt nd family are located at Saa

Mainline.Miss Ida Halum, of Manchester, la \u25a0 «visiting Misses Belle and Florence Roach.

th^Se^Srl^Sch^ DUbUqU6' «i


fro^he^t»Ta^ rned We*W

week*' B' C-,Bartlett . weat to Duluth thli

New Rich land.

ha^^n^sSfViSnete 818^ *****wel'lT Tilda Kittlesou returned home iait

Cedar Valley.

flm of th^e'eK^^ 6 Wasln to™ *•visit

8 A' Bemet\u25a0

liaS °ne to Plainflfc on •. '•_. \u25a0?;. ,' ;j Benson. \u25a0 .- Mrs. D. S. Hall came up from Stewart lastweek,' and is the guest of her sisters iir»!Hudson and Mrs. Harter. •18« Mr*.