1 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1892.— SIXTEEN PAGES. Not? Is come the time when the man or won:an who willdo something—any- thing,it real y doesn't matter what— will confer a favor on his neighbors, for society is dead and there's nothing goingon. Perhaps if society were really dead it wouldn't be so bad, for then anarchists and men who don't dance would attend the funeral and make it a spectacle to be remembered. Society is not dead, but sleeping, and during the midsummer nap her devotees may amuse themselves as best suits their pleasure. For the most part they go to the lakes. The hotel hops have never been so suc- cessful as tiiis year, and the season, though frowned on at its opening by the clerk of the weather bureau, bids lair to end in a whirl of gaiety. Every- body is tanned, everybody's hands are- calloused, and beauty's eyes that had begun to look dull and heavy at Lent, nre bright and clear again. There is plenty to do out of town, and in town it is eminently correct to appear at the races. Itis too hot for town functions, and till cooler days and loncer evenings come, society may be expected to sleep en in peace. IN TOWN AXI) OUT. Mrs. 0. 11. Sproulc, accompanied by Miss Essie and Master Frank, of Denisou", Tex., are visiting nt the residence of her sister.Mrs. J. 11. Ballard, ;i'>l Kast \\ inifred street. Mrs. O. 11. Sprcnle, accompanied by her children. Miss Essij ana Master Frank, of Tienison, Tex , i> visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 11. Ballard, of Bast Winifred street. A reunion and musicale will be given Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday evenings this week ;it St. Patrick's hall, corner of Case and Mississippi streets. H. J. Hanson, creditman of Mannheimex Bros., and Mrs. E. Hanson are Home, after an absence of six weeks in Yellowstone Park and the Western states. Chauning Suabury nnd son John will start tonight fora two weeks 1 vacation, which they intend spending around the northern fchore of Lake Superior. Maj. and Mrs. \\\ A. Jones and daughter Mattie, accompanied by Miss Millard, nave Rene to Yellowstone Park, where they will spend several weeks. Hiss Susie Manny, of Ramsey street, has uone to visit friends in Faribault, and willre- turn vrith her sisier Nellie, who has been there for some ti;nc. Prut. Ventura's play -'Nobility'has been presented by the students of Philips Exeter. l'rui. Ventura wili return to St. Paul about the mill of October. "jMrs. B.Stout and sister. Miss Clara Mid- olet' of Chicago, returned home this week nfu a liree weeks' visit with irleuds at 144 liati.. ..venue. Miss Sara Bartron. of Lake City, who has been visiting frienps in St. Paul and Minne- apolis, left on the- steamer Pitoburg for her liome Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., who have been visiting in St. Paul and Minneapolis for the past week, have left for their home. The Laundry Employes' Social club has completed arrangements for au excursion on tue styMiner Georgia Hays and barge this afternoon. Misses Marie Kicffer nnd Nellie Prisch,who have been spending several weeks at the lakes, have returned to tneir homes In the «ily. Miss Maud linilard, of East Winifred street. returned home Wednesday from a visit, with friends and relatives in Wisconsin and Illi- nois. Misses Minnie and Gracic Hol'.oway have returned home from Maukato, where they tave been spending their summer vacation. Mrs. George F. Wells and children, of Elm- wood place. Cincinnati, are visiting her brother, C. H. Jordan, of Bast Fourth street. Mr. and Miss O. L. Taylor have returned home from Illinois, where they went to at- tend the wedding of Mr. Taylor's sister. Miss Kate Gardner, of 1 "tica. 111., and Miss Jessie Dalton. of Toronto. Out., are visiting Mrs. H. L. Gray, of 1008 Hudson avenue. Mi>s Maud Ballard, of East Winifred street, returned Wednesday from a visit with friends and relatives in Wisconsin and Illinois. Mrs. John Frederick and two sons, of Oak- land, Cal., are visiting Mrs. Frederick's sister, Jln». 11. B. well, fe2l Selby avenue. Misses Xe:iie Pu>-ch and Mnrie Kieffer.who have been spcnaing several weeks at the lakes, have returned to their homes. Maurice Auerbach, of Summit avenue, has returned from a trip to Kurope which has occupied uUout three months' time. Misses Genois, of East Summit avenue, entertained last week to tea Miss S. Dubay and A. Mortineon. of Minneapolis. T. Damair. of Diiluth. and J. Beaudro, of Two Harbors, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Genois, of East summit avenue. Miss Paulino Ferguson left on Thursday for the Hill farm, whore she will spend some time as the guest of Miss TJmli Hill. Miss Hettie Proctor, of SelDy avenue, is at Dreseut the guest of friends at Stillwater, \u25a0where she willspend about a week. Miss Hagotlin. who has been the guest of lier aunt. .Mrs. Mogoffin, on siimniit avenue, lms returued to her home in Texas. Miss Jennie Barrett, of Gaultier street, left for Brooklyn,N. V., where she \u25a0will be the guest of Mrs. A.A. Maya Saturday. Senator C. K. Davis has returned from Washington, and is at present stopping at Hotel Aberdeen, Dayton avenne. Misses Gertrude Murphy and Loranelle Murphy, of CarroUton, Ind., nieces of Mrs. L. N. Scott, have returned home. Hisses Dick McDonougn nud Jesse Mc- Crath. of Kan Claire, Wis.. are visiting Miss Lizzie Cullen, of West St. i'uul. Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Newel, Miss Xeilson and Miss Lainborii have returned from iheir visit to the Yellowstone Part. Mrs. E. A.Ferguson, the well-known banjo arist of Rochester, X. V.,is visiting tier sister. Mrs. C. L. Lewis, of this city. B. Ije'.f, of Park place, has gone to live in Washington. His family will remuiu here until fall and tlicn joinhim. Frank Farwell and Lou Sidney left last Dight for V«'est Superior, where they will spend ten days or two weeks. Mr. and Mrs Paris Fletcher, of Lafayeste avenue, left Wednesday evening for Su- perior, Duluth and Ashland. Mrs. J. P. Allen, of Summit avenue, with her daughter Lillian, left Thursday fora short visit at Cannon Falls. Miss Glcntward Adams, formerly of Quin- cy. 111., is visiting her cousiu, Mrs. W. F. Carroll, ofDayton a venue. T. A.Matthews Jr. leaves next week for a trip through the Yellowstone i'aik and points Df interest in the West. Hiss Ida May Kit-is, of Duboque, 10., is VisitingMiss Anna £. Beck, of iii'i Bidwell Street, West side. Mrs. Haughton. of Hew York, is in town. (he guest ofher fattier, Francis B. Smith of Summit avenue. The engagement of Harry W. Burroughs Df St. Paul, to Miss Ida Bonuell, of Chicago.' Is announced. Mrs. W. B. Tindel!. of Louisville, Ky , is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Van Meter at Hotel Barteau. Miss Celia Mulvehill. of St. Peter, is the tnest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mulvehill, of W est St. Paul Charles B. Gilbert, of Dayton avenue, is in Yellowstone Park, where be will be for about three weeks. Sir. and Mrs. J. M. Russell expect to leave next week on a trip to Niagara Falls by way Of the lakes. Hiss Garnet Butcher left (he early part of Hie week for Brooklyn to visit her sister.Mrs. Jjoubleday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Williams. 150 West Sixth »treet, are entertaining Miss Blonberg, of Evansvilie. Mrs. Dcnnison, of the Farrington Hats, is gntertninmg tho Misses Dunind, of Lam; forest, 111. Miss Anna Garvc-y, (ifRochester, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. John McNarticc, at 266 East JHnifred. Airs. Eunice St. Clair Masterrnan. of chl- cngo, and Miss Geneve Caidwefl tire vishiusr friends in the city. Mrs. Mastermau is one of Chicago's leading sopranos. E. W. Peet arrived home Monday from a visit to I'olaud Springs, Me., Boston and New York. MiS3 Alice McGuire. of Douglass street, is visiting with friends in North Branch and Pine City. T. A. Andersin left Monday night for Su pcrior, where he expecl3 to reside for the future. Miss Maggie Leisrh. of Shakopea, is spend- ing a few weeks with friends on Geranium street. John liHlly.of Blmira, X. V.,is visiting his sister, Mrs. William Winsiow. at the Aber- deen. ('apt. and Mrs. Teage. 2?2 Nelson avenue, nre entertaining their daugher, Mr. J. E. Hull. Miss Lucia McKenzie is the guest of Mr. nd Mrs. W 11:1 \u25a0/ \V.i 11, of St. Albans street. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Glessner. ofHudson ave- nue, go to Lindstrom tonight for a few days. Miss Laura Fogg is at White Bear, where she willremain for some time with friends. E. Carter spent Tuesday and Wednesday in town visiting friends and view ing the city. Mrs. Dr. Codding, of Duluth, is the guest ofher sister. Mrs. Russeil, of Dayton avenue. Mrs. C. C. Glessner, of Hudson avenue, has returned from a short visit at Lindstrom. Miss Lucy Brown, of Wheeling, W. Va., is he guest of her sister, Mr 3. F. P. Nuzum. Mr. Wood, of New York city, arrived here this morning to spend about two weeks. Miss Fogg, of Cedar Rapids, nus been the guest of Mi.-s Proctor, of Selby avenue. Miss Howard, of Richmond, Va., is the guest of Miss Day, of Dayton avenue. Mrs. P. A. Gough sailed from New York Wednesday on the sieamer \\ nesland. Miss Clara Kuse, of Pine street, has re- turned home from Springfield, 111. Miss Nellie Qenols has returned from her two months 1 visit in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hyndman are going to the Baplism river for a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holm mi have returned from an extended trip in the East. Miss Bailey, of Duluth, is the guost of Miss Mabel Ford, of Ashland avenue. Mrs. Gooilrich and daughter, of the Aber- deen, bare gone to the country. Ira Ballard is visiting relatives in St. Paul after a trip through the South. Albert Qallen has gone to Duluth, where he will visit among friends. r rank A. Jacobs has gono to Bayfield for a few days, lie left Tuesday. Jared How has returnea home from a two weeks' visit to the seashore. Miss Cora Ujjline, of Watertown, S. D., is a guest of Twin City friends. W:i!laen Wemott and his sister, Miss We- roolt. are at Galena, Mont. Miss Belle Jaynes, of East Tenth street, is visiting in Cobourg. Can. Mrs. B. G. Rogers and daughter have gone to Prior Lake for a visit. MissGussie Pope is visiting Miss Mabel Merriain at Forest Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Justus liice are at Farrington place, Pli'sibaut avenue. Miss Annie Duvis.of Peru, InJ., is the guest of Carroll street friends. Ray Durham has returned borne af ter au extended Eastern trip. Mr. Holland, of Detroit, Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carr. Harold Bend, of Summit avenue, is going away for a vacation. Miss Bennett, of Louisville, is expected to visit Miss L)a> soon. Miss Gordon spent a few days at White Boar lake this weeK. Miss Minnie Merrill is visiting Miss Mara- bei Otis at tlie lake. Mrs. W. V. Dieter and daughter Lydia are visiting in Denver. Mrs. Henry Signs has retarded home from her Mnnkato visit. Frank Hanson, of West Superior, was in the city this week. Mrs. W. B. Joyce is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Morton, in Fargo. Miss Aunis Howard, of Richmond, Va., is visiting Miss Day. T. H. Lord spent a few days in town tho first of the week. Miss Hewitt, of Red Wins, is the guest of St. Paul friends. Gov. Ramsey is enjoying a pleasant trip to Saratoga, N.Y. Miss Newport and Luther Newport are hotnc again. T. Y>". Ingersoll is In Helena, Mont., for a short time. Cornelius Gardner, of Chicago, is visiting in St. Paul. l>r. and Mrs. Charles Greene are in Port- land. Me. Lucius Root has gone to the Yellowstone partt. Miss Mary Bass is entertaining Miss Adams. Mr.McKay has come home from the East. C. W. Gordon lias gone East ou a visit. O. C. Weatherby is in New York. J. J. Egau is in Xew York city. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. The People's Church society gave an open air festival Thursday in the grounds cf Mrs. Hodgson's house on Dayton avenue. In the atternoon there was a ladies' luncheon, and from 5 to W refreshments were served at a genera] social. There was a great headlight to illuminate the luwu. aiid ull evening a mandolin orchestra played the most delight- ful of popular airs. The ladies who had the utlair m change wore Mrs. E. J. Hodgson, Mrs. Bassctt, Mrs. Straight, Miss Emery, Miss Sharp. Miss Sohlker and Miss Binghain, with a score of pietty helpers. The entertainment was eminently successful, financially as well as socially. Apleasant dancing partj was given at Mr. and Airs Kd Hyland's Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Agnes Feeney, of Rochester, who is spending her vacation with Miss Annie Byiand. The Farmingtou orchestra furnished the music. There were about seventy couples present. Among those from other places were Mrs. M. Teeney, St. Louis; Messrs. Walter Hay, Bert Glew, "chicaeo: B. Murphy, Still water; Mrs. Conner?, Misses Brown and TueUer. St. Paul: Dr. J. A. Cou- way and wife-, C. Whittier, Lew Martin. D. Martin and Gay Martin, Farmingtou; Misses Josieaud Klsie O'Leao-and J. O'Leary, of Lakevilie. C A very jolly crowd of younc folks sur- prised Miss Rye Lynch at her home, i?Z Hall avenue. FnJ.iy evening. Those present were: The Misses Margaret Gorman, Freda Sullwoid, Annie Slater, Emma Sullwold. Ella Strickland. Agues Clarke, B<?e Fooley, Ellen Lynch, Emma Gronwold, Sallie Lyncu and Misses Anna and Marcella McGuare from Winona: .Messrs. if. Gorman, Fred Kodgers, Fred Woldon, J Gorman, D. A. Clarke, J F. Gorman, Vv. Gorman, Patterson, Harry Wagner, V. Fulmer,H. Dreb.er.Dnve Weldou, Tom Lynch. Dancing and games were en- joyed tilltlio wee hours of the morning. The Catholic Total Abstinence society held a well attended rally Wednesday evening in it. Vincent's hall, corner Virginia avenue aud Dale street. A programme of songs, speeches and other forms of entertainment was rendered, and at the close of the even- ing it was voted as having been the most en- joyable event of the kind ever attended. It is expected that other entertainments of a similar nature willbe given by the organiza- tion. Miss Marion Lnnpher. of Portland Rvenue, had a nurufcer of young friends at her home Wednesday afternoon. Among those who were there were Misses Mamie Livingtoue, Elsie Pope, Bonnie Ransom, May Bend, Katharine Vt'anzer, Edith DriscolJ, Abbey Livingstone, Constance Goodrich, and Messrs. Bend, Armstrong, Durham, Finch, Kansom and Albert Armstrong. Master Clarence Matthews celebrated his lifihbirthday Tuesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Matthews, on Hollyavenue. The party was a very pretty affair, with music and dancing for the little folks who came, Ttiere were thirty of them in all, and they eujoyed themselves far more than children of a larger growth commonly do. OTbe Flower club, of St. Paul, made a visit to Fort Suelling last Sunday. The members present were Misses Daisy, Hose Bud, Biue Bell. Cow Bell, Lilac, Apple Blossom and Messrs. Pansy, Orauge Blossom, livaciutfc and Gold Lock. The leaders were Miss Snn- rise and Miss Starlight, The members of the club on their way to St. Peter. Miss Bass, of Summit avenue, entertained a number of friends at her home Inhonor ot her guest. Miss Adams. .Among the number present were the Misses Pooe, Win slow, Bowen. Simpson, Odicer. Guthrie, Wanzer, Borup, Day, Virginia Borup, LillieDay, War- ner, Waun, Baker. Adams, Delaur. The ladies of St' James A.M:E. church, under the direction of Mesdames T.E. Lyles. A. G. Russell and J. H. Hickman, will Mon day give a harvest home festival in the store- room, 41 Third street, corner of Cedar. Gen. Ord Woman's Relief Corps No. 91 gave a very enjoyable musical and literary entertainment in the post hall, on Wabasha street, last evening. Dancing was one ot the features of the evening. The lodges of Independent Order of G ood Templars of St. Anthony Park gave an ice cream social on the lawn. near the residence of George R. Whiicomb, on Bayless avenue, Thursday evening. Master Willie Eldridge, of the Barteau, en- tertained a large number of young people yesterday afternoon in honor ot Master George and Miss Nellie Pond. A moonlight excursion wijl be given next Thursday evening under the auspices of tne Northern Light Dancing club on the steamer George Hayes and barge. A moonlight excursion, under the auspices of the Goodrich Avenue Presbytern C. K. so- ciety, wrs given on tne steamer George Hays Thursday evening. Miss Bessie Durham entertained quite a number of her young friends Thursday even- ing at her home in lower towu. The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Mary's Parish gave a delightful picnic Wednesday at Mahtomedi. Tne regular Saturday evening hops at the Lafayette are popular and seem fairly well managed. The St. Paul letter carriers gare their first annual picnic at Wildwood, White Bear, Tuesday. Mrs. John Cosran. of Chicago, is the guest ot Mamie Farnham, of the Hotel Barteau. AUGUST WKDDIXGS. St. Paul's churcli was gay with flowers Monday afternoon and crowded to the doors \u25a0with men and women in holiday atlire, come to witness something all the worki loves to see—a wedding. At 5 o'clock the boys" choir began "The Voice That Breathed O"er Eden."' and the bridal party entered. After the English fashion, the bride. Miss Jennie Will- iams, catue lirst on the urm of her father, William Griffith Williams. Her gown was a White surah silk en traine. the petticoat bor- dered with a silk puffing. The slightly V-shaped corsage and elbow sleeves Were edged withchiffonruffles. The bride wore no ornaments, and carried a bouquet of bride rose?. The maid of honor. Miss Emma Will- iams. i;i a cream-colored Bilk gown, followed the bride and carried a basket of flowers, which she strewed before the bride and groom as they left the nltor. The two bridesmaids. Misses Fannie and Mamie Will- iams, wore pink crepe and carried la France roses. The two ushers were Joseph F. Knight and Trevor Arnett. The bride was met ai the altar by the bridegroom, Joseph HaU Bamforth, and the best man, Harry L. Santez. Key. John Wright, rector of St. Paul's, read the service. After the cere- mony the bridal party and a few intimate frieuas went to the bride's home on Lafay- ette avenue, where a small and informal re- ception was held. Mr. and Mrs. Bamforth are spending a few days at the lakes and will be at 430 Lafayette avenue after the inst. The wedding ofHoward Cameron, of Den- ver, Col., and Miss Cora Schoemaker oc- curred Wednesday afternoon at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oarrctt Schoemaker, 760 De Soto street. Rev. Dr. Pope, of the Church of the Good Shepherd, officiated. The bride was beautifully attired In white moire, with a eorsago bouquet of white roses. The groomsman and bridesmaid were Ira and Pearl Schoemaker, the brother and sister of the bride. A reception and ban- quet was given, and the happy pair after- wards took their departure for Tacoma, Wash., where they will make their home. Among the guests noted were Miss Rachel Ells and Ira Shoemaker, of K.iu Claire, Wis. ; Mrs. Thorn and Miss Uora Bueil, ot Hudson; Mr. and .Mrs. C. L. Belden. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pennock. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Douty, Mr. and Mrs. IS. O. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heller, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. 15. J. Joslia, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schlenker; Mesdaoies 11. A. Starkweather, G. Lippy, 8. S. Evans, J. Brash, M. A. Gordon. C. M. Le Sock, P. S. Le Sock. S. Slifer, 8. Croeksr, Misses Lell Kitchell, Maggie Shikly,Maggie Brice. Maude Dautz. Alice Slifer. Mary and Jennie Walstrom, Jen- nie and Ar.abel Brasb, Marie Sbadegsr, Beatrice Yorg. Jennie Begg. Marion An- drews, Vina and Nina Strutzell, Minnie Hicks, Lout Heed, Georgie Taft, Maude Leonard, Annie and Rosie Garrigau and many others. At St Patrick's church, Tuesday morning, Miss Katie Naughton and James Keating were united In the holy bonds of matrimony, tUp ceremony being performed by Key. 0. M: Naughton, of St. John's cathedrnl. Milwau- kee. Miss Anna Keating was bridesmaid and \X. C. Lane was best mau. ' The happy couple will be at home at 216 Tennessee street after Sept. 1. Miss Mollie Palmer and Frank E. Tucker were married Monday by Dr. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Tuckerleft for a wedding journey through the East Friday. The marriage of Prank E. Tucker to Miss Moi'.ie Palmer, both of St. Paul, occurred Wednesday at the House of Hope church, Dr. Christie omciating. HAMLiINE. The W. C. T. U. met Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Chamberlain and elected oflicers for the ensuing year. They are: President, Mrs. H. W. Butts; vice presidents, Mrs. K. Shannon, Mrs. G. F. Wells, Mrs. K. E. Web- ster; recording secretary, Mrs. M BotKin; corresponding secretary. Mrs. G. 11. Hazzard; treasurer. Mrs. F. A. Watson. Mrs. A.A. Clark was elected delegate to th 3 state con- vention which meets iv Stiilwater Sept. 10. Miss Delia M.Palmer, of Duluth, visited Miss Clark Friday on her way to Wiuthrop, where she will visit with Miss Anna Camp- bell until the opening of the school in Fari- bault. Miss Hattie Barnard, of Jamestown, S. D., visited her Drother, C. L. Moody, Thursday on her way home to Malone, X. V., where sbu wa3 summoned by the death of her brother. The Epworth league cabinet met Thursday evening with Mrs. W. 11. Carothers, and a business session of tne league was held at the home ofMiss Rose Johnsou Friday even- ing. Ilev. F. A. Cone, of Winnebago City, del- egate from the Mankato district to the Ep- worth League convention, was the guest of I.F. Johnson. Miss (icrtrude Albertson, of Kellogg,is the guest of her cousin. Misg Minnie Stowman. She is accompanied by Miss Gertie Cleve- land. Miss Mattie Johnson has gone to VTiune- bago City, where she will spend her fall months with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Cone. Mrs. G. F. Bradley, who has been visiting Mrs. G. S. lunis. of Hewii avenue, returned to her home in Mankato Monday. Mrs. Fuller, ot St. Paul, and Mrs. Deming of Michigan, have been visiting Mrs. A., Adams, of Capitol avenue. Mrs. Campbell picnicked Monday at Lake Ilarriet with her Sunday school class of the Knox Presbyterian church. The Little Branches of the Vine gave an ice cream festival on the lawn at Masonic hall Thursday evening. liev. Mr. Cole, of the West Wisconsin con- ference, has been the guest of Mrs. 11. M. Butts during the week. The camping party at Lake MiunetonKa which was chaperoned by Mrs. E. F. Lind- say, returned Monday. I*. R. Stowcrs returned to Erie, N. D., Fri- day, after a two weeks' visit with his father. Dr. C. N. Stowers. Mrs. Noble Morris, of Warsaw, N. V., is visiting her son, Hon. C. li. Benedict, of Capiiol avenue. A. H. Tasker went to Dakota this week, where he willremain until the opening of the university. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Bridgman have gone to Bayfield, Wis., where they will spend three weeks. Aid. T. Montgomery spent the week in Denver as delegate to the Knights of Pythias convention. A. C. Brown and Miss Maude Brown, of Minneapolis, have been the guests of Mrs. E. F. Brown. Miss Sadie Higjrins will leave Tuesday for Heron Lake to visit her sister, Mrs. W. E. Spalding. Frank A. Stone, who has been traveling for the Northwestern Aid association, is in Hamiine. Rev. George F. Wells SDent part of the week in Lake City inthe interest of prohibi- tion work. Harry Stowman. of Glendale, Mich., is visitinghis aunt, Mrs. G.Stowman.on Thomas street. Mrs. Fred Krieger. ofMinneapolis, was the guest of Mrs. c. L. Webber duriug the wee*. Mrs. L. .T. Van Fossen and children, of Minneapolis, are visiting Mrs. G. S. Innis. Mrs. K.E. Webster spent several days of the week with friends at Cottage Grove. Miss LouHyde, of St. Cloud, is the guest of Mrs. IS, F. Brown, on Simpson avenue. Miss Laura Crane, of Mount Pleasant, Io is the guest ofMiss May Webb. Miss Sybil Wilbur, of Minneapolis, was a campus visitor Wednesday. A. Adams returned yesterday from a trip to Milwaukee and Chicago. Senator D. W. ilixson. or Herman, visited friends during tho week. Mrs. Lyons, of Rod Wing, was a campus visitor this week. Fred Butts, of St. Paul, has become a campus resident. Miss Sabelle' Withrow returned Thursday to her home inSalem, lo* after a visit of sev- eral weeks with Miss Mary Webb, of Pascal avenue. C. L. Webber made a short visit in Grove Lake this week. O. S. Whited is visitiug his parents in Rochester. Miss Claca Ellis returned from Milwaukee Thursday. Mrs. T. Hodgson has returned from a visit in Hermon. C. E. Ellis returned from Olmstcad Mon- day. NOKTHWEBTEBNER9, Where Some of Them Are Located in the East. Special to tbc GloDe. New York, Aug. 12.— Mr. and Mrs. X. : Clark ana Mrs. Gilchrist all of St. Paul, are pleasautlv located for a few weeks at the Grand Union, Saratoga. V. C. Gilman, of St. Paul; C J. Kershaw Jr., of Duluth, Mr. end Mrs. S. L. Sherwin, of Windsor, and 11. G. Simmons, of Fargo. N. D.. were among the late arrivals ibis week at the Tremout, Boston. Charles T. Reed. S. M. Owen, of "Minne-; sotoa;" M. Germ. of Sfoux Falls. S. D. ; I. J. Geriu, of Chamberlin. S. D., and W. C. Copp. of St. Paul, spent ihe week at the Rossin, Toronto. Charles Dielman, of Madison, S. D., and I. L.Benhold, of Perham. Minn., were amon? the late arrivals this week at the Metropol- itan, Washington. 11. C. Dickens, of Grand Forks; H. P. Er- hart, of Duluth, were among the late arri- vals at the American. Washington. Mrs. W. R. steele. of South Dakota, is spending the summer at Hotel Caseleton, Brighton Heights, Staten Island. State Treasurer W. W. Taylor, of South Da- kota, spent a few days of the week at the Holland, New York. Senator Kyle, of Dakota, is among the re- cent arrivals at the Princess Anne, Virginia Beach, W. Va. Rev. Wayland Hoyt, of Minneapolis, spent the early part of the week at the Clarendon, New York. R. M. and James C. Scott, of Minneapolis, paid the Ebbitt, Washington, a visit during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nichols. B. G. Gilmnn, of St. Paul.spent part of the week .it Ycuugs, Boston. IL Horn, of Minneapolis, registered the early part of the week at Hotel de 1' Athenee, Paris. Rev.J. E. McConuell. of Xorthfield, Minn., ! is spending a few weeks at New Haven, Conn. Miss M.L. Spink. of Minneapolis, is spend- ing 11 few weeks at the Grand Union. Sara- toga. Mrs. Rose Pope, of Minneapolis, resistered at Hotel Normauie, Paris, during the week. S. D. Robinson, of St. Paul, paid the Queen's, Toronto, a visit during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. White, of Fargo, paid Fliigler, Saratoga, a visit during the week. Mrs. J. L. Spink. of Minneapolis, spent the week at the Grand Union, Saratoga. E. W. Peet. of St. Paul, spent a few days of the week at the Vendonie, Boston. Floyd Egan, of St. Paul, resistered at the Qaincjvßcston, durum the week. C. B. Rice, of Minneapolis, spent part of the week at the Q'.iiiicy, Boston. D. Murphy, of St. Paul, registered at Hotel Grande, Paris, during the week. James Mayali, ot St. Paul, spent tho week at Yarmouth, Ale. ST, ANTHONY PARK. The Free Discussion club enjoyed a debate Tuesday eveuing last uj>ou the "Taxation of Mortgages." Attorney Clark, of Minneapo- lis, in the affirmative, was dearly beaten by W. W. Chirk, of the Park. The "club will de- bate upon "Resolved. That a Nationnl Con- stitutional Prohibition Amendment Is the Best Way to Handle the Liquor Traffic." Messrs. Whiteoruo and Irwin have the debate ivcharge. The I. O. C. T. of the Park gave a delight- ful Ihwii social Thursday evening on the grounds of Mrs. Whitcomb. corner of Bayless avenue and Pryor street. Refreshments were served, a::d several speeches were made, and a general good time wax the result. The Saturday Night club will soon an- nounce its programme lor the coming fall and winter. 11. O. Hail, its president, will soon issue to the members a printed pro- Rtamme snowing the titles of the papers to be read and the dates of each. Mr. and Mrs. Kenuartl and family areen- joying camp life near Forest lake. Mr. Ken- nard is an expert sportsman, and always en- joys his annual outings greatly. Mrs. J. H Chandler did not accompany Mr. (handler to the Mille Lacs region, owing to the illness of their little daughter. Miss Florence Moore left last evening for a three weeks' visit to relatives and triends in St, Peter and ManKato. Miss Helen Polk, who has been East for over a year, is expected home before the end of this month. Prot. and Mrs. Green have returned from a protracted visit to relatives in Wellesley Hille, Mass. .Mr.-:. H.N. Stephensou.who has beeu spend- ing the summer iv Ohio, is expected home in a few days. Charles Cheney and Ben Ribble left yester- day for a short trip to Ellsworth, »Vis. Miss Oudworth. of Longford Park place, is expected home from lowa this week. Mrs. .j. A.Baruuni and grandson are back from their trip in Illinois aid lowa. Miss Lou Bentley, who has been visiting in Michigan, has returned home. W. W. Hillspent several days last week at Waconia. DAYTON'S IJLUFP. Mrs. J. W. Dwyer and family, of Chicago, are visitingMrs. Viuton, of Francis street. The Ladies' Guild of St. Peter's Church gave an enjoyable lawn festival Tuesday eveuing at W2 North street. The grounds were prettily illuminated, and vocal and in- strumental music added to the pleasure of the evening. It is proposed to give another lestivul in the near future. Rev. Stuart B. Purves. of St. Peter's church, willexchange pulpits today with Rev. Kd- win Johnson, of St. Mam's church. Lake City, Miun. Miss Flossie Anderbie and Miss Mamie Curzon, of Margaret street, left Tuesday for a week's visit among friends at Duluth. Frank Button, of Couway street, ieft last evening for a trip to the Pacific coast, com- biningbusiness with pleasure. Mrs. F. C. Coutes, of Dubuque, 10., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Gregory, of Maple street. Mrs. Swanson, of Burns avenue, is spend- ing the summer with relatives at Buf- falo, N. Y. Archie Wilson and Foster Smith.of Rcaney street, are spending the summer at Lind- strom. Miss Stella Riordan, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. S. V. Kennedy, 41:2 Bates ave- nue. Miss Annie Winston, of East Sixth street, left Friday for a short visit in the East. Rev. T. McClary. of Bates Avenue M. E , spent the past week at Mahtomedi. Miss Phillips, of Ravine street, is visiting in Cedar Rapids, 10. Mr. and Mrs. Falton, of Minnehaha street, are in st Louis. Miss Corninick, of Ravine street, is visiting in Stillwater. Frank Williams, ot Cypress street, is in Chicago. D. M.Dawson, of East Fifth street, is In Denver. A Counter Irritant. Life. "Yes, dear wife," and he closed his eyes, "the end is near. The world grows dark about me. There is a mist around me gathering thicker and thicker, and there, as through a cloud, I hear the music of angels swee*; and sad." "No. no, John dear; that's the brass band on the corner." "What!" said the dying man, junip- ing from his bed and dinging the boot- jack at the leader, "have those scoun- drels dared to come round here when I am dying!" And he recovered. V DELICIOUS V Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. i&nilla Of perfect purity. AlnuSd*-f Economylntholrus « Rose etC.-J Flavor as delicately and dellclously as the fresh fruifc WHITE BEAR AT NIGHT The Danger Attending Sail- ing Parties When Dark on the Lake. Great Need for Boats to Dis- play Some Kind of a Signal. Society Becoming Gayer With the Waning of the Summer. Personal Pointers Garnered for the Edification of the Curious. Did it ever occur to any one of the many parties of young people who are enjoying the pleasure of sailing about White Bear lake these summer even- ings that there are other persons out on the lake, and that other sail boats are cruising aDout in the dark fullyas heed- lessly and thoughtlessly as their own? How often «is the boat sent rushing alone through the night under full saiK each one of the merry party on board, except perhaps the one man at the til- ler, whose attention is oftentimes too much given to some matter foreign to the management of the boat; heedlessly ignoring the fact that there is any ne- cessity for keeping a sharp lookout for the slow and silent-moving row boats, whose rights are superior to those of the sail boats. When one stops to consider that every evening when the breezes are propitious for sailing there are, on on average, fiftysail boats cruis- ing about the lake, each one covering at least ten miles and each, with one ex- ception, sailing along without the slightest regard for any one or anything outside of its own careless party, one can gain some insight into the reasons many persons have for refusing to sail in tiie night. What do you think would become of the master of a snip who should sail, e-ven in midocean, without a lookout stationed in the fore- top? Then think of these fiftyboats sailing about within a circle, the diameter of which is less than four miles. The matter of saiiing without a lookout is further aggravated by the fact that very few of the boats display any lights, making it almost impossible to discover the presence of a boat until she is almost upon one. The state of Minnesota has no statute reirulating the displaying of lights by sailing vessels upon waters solely within the state's jurisdiction, but the United States law- makers have considered the matter of sufficient importance to provide for a fine of fcJOO in case of any vessel with- out lights, lookout or with false lights. It is not necessary that t lie same min- uteness of detail in regard to lights bo observed on our little lake craft that are exacted from vessels upon national waters, but let us be a little, nay, a great deal more careful in this respect in the future than we have been hereto- fore. It will require a very little ex- penditure of money, and almost as little of labor to display some sort of a light on every sail boat on White Bear, and when this is done a fearful anxiety will be lifted from the minds of many whose capacity for pleasure is at present over- burdened with dread lest some fearful catastrophe happen during these dark nights. It is but a question of time until a collision occurs, and then it will be too late. We all know the truthful- ness of the old adage, M Astich in time saves nine, 7 ' and let us act accordingly. Social Brevities. One of the most delightful social events of the season at Mahtomedi was the party given last Wednesday evening by Misses Stella and Lou Dufrene. The party, consisting of most of the young people at Mahtomedi, pro- ceeded first to the Wildwood Casino and en- joyed a dunce prosramme ot eight numbers, with music by Seibert's orchestra. Lunch was served on the return to Mahtomedi. Among thoses present were Misses Eastman, Teeple, Raynsford, Cook, Bishop. Murray, banders. Swan. St. Aubins, Whitman, Wal- thers, Lou and Genevieve Gervais, aud Lou and Stella Dufrene. Messrs. Ruene, Swan, Heiu. Sanders, Smiley, Cowing, Sellick. Baker, Kohler, Kranz, Gervais. Ralph and Porter Eastman, Albert Forsell, Clause For- sell, Frank and Will Murray. Nearly every day last week the grounds at Wildwood were given up to pickuickers. Tuesday there was the Letter carriers' first anuuai outing, Wednesday the annual pic- nic of Calvary Mission Sunday school, and Friday the Ninth Presbyterian church treated the children of its Hock to a very enjoyable day. On the other days of the week there were numerous small picnic parties on the grounds. Saturday evening Miss May Murray and Miss Grace Sanders entertained the members of the Mahiomedi Social club with a straw ride. Tne evening was pleasantly passed in riding through the country, alter which the party partook of refreshments. The remain- der of the evening was spent in saiiiug in the Albatross. Thirty members of the club were present. Mrs. A. B. Ovilt, Miss Doran and Miss Griffin, of New York, aud Messrs. Ovitt, Oz- muu and Hewitt were one of the many parties that spent last Tuesday eveuiug out on the lake endeavoring to establish com- munication with our friends on Mars. Quite inciaeutally they enjoyed a sail in thcZeteka. The electric storm of last Sunday night did considerable damage about the lake. Some of the machinery at the electric light power house was.seriously affected, and the cottage of J. M. Trelease, at Lake Shore, was struck by lightniug. The shade trees along the lake shore were also greatly damaged, i J. B. Hewitt, notwithstanding his having spent the week at Lake Miunetouka in lua society of the charming summer girls, for which that place is fully as uoied as for its fast yachts, has returned tirm iv his allegi- ance to White Bear, his first love. St. Paul's church choir will render the music at the church of St. John's, White Bear, this afternoon, ''feimplar Magnificat" and 'iNunc Dimittis" and the anthem "O Lord, How Manifold," by Barnbv, will be rendered. Mr. Emery and the Misses Emery, still- well. Newcombeaud Bacon, of Quincy. 111., have been the guests of Mrs. Hewitt at Dell- wood during the week. Charles Xeely. of Chicago, is at the Oaks, and willdepart for his home today, accom- panied by the rest of bis family, who hire beeu spending the summer at White Bear. Alexander Speel and C. A. Hawkes in- dulged in the luxury of a toboggan slide Wednesday evening at Wild wood, orMorton- ville, as it has been christened lately. The members of Mr. O'Brien's family re- turned from the Brule on Tuesday. Mr. O'Brien, however, will continue to lure the wary trout from his hiding place. There willbe an ice cream festival at Get- ty's hall on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday. Aug. 17, in aid of St. Mary's, of the Lake church. Mrs. Winslow's brother, Mr. Howard, who was severely injured by falling a few days aero, is rapidly recovering and will soon be about. The Misses Reed, of St. Louis, wlio have been visiting Mrs. George Thomas during the summer, will return to their home this wees. mr&St Jared How and Robert Rantoul allowed the light of their countenances to illuminate the island at different times during the week. The Misses Kellar, of Leavenworth, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. B. H. Evans, have returned home. Robert Bliss, who has been visiting friends in Detroit, returned to the lake Friday, and is the guest ofMrs. Winslow. Mrs. H. T. Black, Mrs. Frank Nuznm and Misses Brown and Irvin, of West Virginia, spent Friday at the lake. Miss Griffin, who Tias .been the gue6t of Miss Doran for the past three weeks, leaves for Saratoga tomorrow. Mr.and Mrs. George Hill, of Minneapolis, spent Thursday at the lake as the guests of Louis Hastings. Mrs. Emil Gueist had the misfortune to lose a valuable diamond at Kamaley's Tues- day evening. Miss Kate Davies, of Denver, and Mrs. William Woodhead, of Highwood, are at Lakeside. Thursday evening Paul Gorman Wood gave a highly enjoyable sailing party on the Shadow. The choir boys of St. Paul's church are now spending their anuuai outing at Baid Eagle. kts. W. C. Dewey and children and Mi*. Pitts, all of Kansas City, are at Mrs. Buck- ley's. Miss Esau, daughter of President Egan, of the Kansas City road, is visiting Miss Bow- Mrs. Frank Nuzum and Miss Irwin willbe at the Oaks after Wednesday of this week. Miss Allison and Ralph Allison are at Mrs. Kamaley's, at Lake Shore, for a few weeks. Miss Adele Perkins has been entertaining Miss Josephine Carr during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Monroe and son are at ihe lake for the rest of the summer. Miss Alice Pabodie is visitingat Mantome- di, the guest ofMiss Grace Sanders. Dr. Marshall, of Worcester, Mass., is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Capt. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meier and children are at Mrs. Drake's at Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McLaren and MriTclara M.iiightner are at Lakeside. Mrs J c. Shaudrew was the guest of Mrs. fc. J. Meier during the week. Fred Shove will spend the rest of the sea- son at the Mahtomedi hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Schriber visited Mr. and Mrs. lhomas during the week. Ambrose Tighe was the guest of Mrs. A.K. Barnum during the week. Mrs. J. w. Jaggar returned from a tour of the lakes on Wednesday. J. E. Morehouse and family are occupying he McVeigh cottage. Mrs. W. S. Monroe entertained Mrs. Smead Friday and Saturday. Miss St. Aubin is visiting Mis 3 Staila Dv frene at Mahtomedi. Ned Jewett, ot Leavenworth, is the guest of Richard Neeley. Arthur Wickwire is at Lake Shore for the rest of the seasou. Odin G. Clay visited frienas on the island during the week. Judge Flandrau visited Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ton last week. Miss Lytle visited Miss Holmes Thursday and Friday. Messrs. Clements and Van Vleck are at Lake Shore. Oaks* L9Ua Springle ' or Chicago, j S at the Hay wood Wright spent the week at Dell wood. Mr. and Mrs. Da Wolf are at Mrs. Rama- ley s. Ray Armstrong is visiting at Mahtomedi. Tom Fulton is in Denver. Lakelets. One of the most enjoyable launch parties of the season was given last Tuesday evening on the occasion ot the birthday of Miss Mar- garet Franklin. The ground's were beauti- fully illuminated with Japanese lanterns, transforming the picturesque spot into a veritable fairyland. Three hours were spent in most delightful sailing in the moonlight, ana on returning the party was pleasantly- surprised by a lireek lire display. Lunch was served at 11:30. An interesting ceremony was the cuttins: by the charming little nostess of the birth- day cake, which contained a friendship ring, won later in the evening by Miss Jarvais. Arnonsj those present were Misses Emily Le- febvre, Edna Zeuzius,Louisa Dufrene. Julian Donnelly, May O'Gornian. Bertha Breidert, Mable Barron, Emily Franklin, Prendergast and Mamie Prendergast; Messrs Ed. Swan, 1). Haniou, B. Raoul, Georsre Shcppard, It R. I.ovell. A.L. Roth, Claude Pettingill, Gus Zeimus.inTo Burk, Alfred Jarvais and Pren- dergast Miss Carrie Beckwith. the famous lady natatorial expert, who is spending a few weeks in St. Paul, is an almost daily visitor at \\ ildwood, and is often observed "disport- ing herself in the waters ot the lake. Miss BeCKWilfl was the leader of a troop of lady swimmers organized by Frank J. Pilling two years ago, and made a tour of the Eastern watering places, and has just returned from a trip abroad- to confer with Mr. Pilling in regard to organizing another band of 'lady swimmer?, she comes ot a famous family, ami has been the means of saving many lives. She is the fastest long-distance swim- mer in the world, and this week several times has had the courage to swim from Wildwooa to Manitou inland and return without rest- ing. Mie will shorUy attempt a ten-mile swim in the lake. She refuses to allow any boat to accompany her as she is utterly fear- less in water. Thursday evening Miss Sibber entertained a party of friends at the lake. A moonlight sail in the Mnnitou was the loading feature of the evening, and was greaily enjoyed by the party, Which consisted of "Mr. and Mrs. Kibber. Misses Hicks. Wright, Kibbcr and Helmer, of Chicago, and Messrs. Farnham, Charles Karnham. Deacou, Reid and Wright. Wednesday evening James Howard Ra- maley entertained about fifty of his friends with a very enjoyable moonlight launch party. Mrs. and Mrs. A. W. Mortensen. of 65 East George street, have taken quarters at Lakeside cottage for the balance of the season. Larpeutcur and his daughter. Miss Emma Larpenteur, ofMmaeapolis.are guests at the Zenzins cottage. MesdamesGoodkind. Gniterman and Stern- berg are guests at ibe Mauuueiinur cottage at Cottage Park. Misses May Ford. Kate Steppy and Emma Fryer are visiting Miss Kimberley at Cottage Park. TheM.ssesTimberlake and Miss Stevenson are visiting Mrs. A. K. Barnum. Miss Hodges, of St. Louis, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Thygeson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gregg spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mrs. and Miss Robertson are visiting Charles Robertson. Last evening Leavitt Corning gave a sailing party in the Mary. Miss Bessie Wood, of Chicago, is visiting at John W. Taylor's. Miss Cecile Payen i 3 visiting Mr 3. Dr. Welch. Gathered from the Registers. Last evening the ladies at Leip's hotel gave a progressive euchre party. which was highly enjoyable and will undoubtedly be followed by other events of a similar nature. Among those present were Mrs. Lavalle. Leip, Hum- mert Rogers. Foley. McClure. Kahn. Roden Reeve?, Kent. Clifford. Wiley,Foley, Footoye; Missea Pierce.Garrity.Quingley.Burke.Grace, Kennedy, McArdle, Meyer and Dowlan. and Messrs, Foley, Rogers, Leip. McCarthy. Stew- art, Craudall. Butcher, •Kersbaw, Kahu Clif- ford, Reeves, Raraaley, Rooden. Foctoye, Lavalle. Gray, Kranz, Kent. Vankewen. Webster, Dowlau, Foley and McClure. One evening last weak the guests at the Mahtomedi hotel indulged in .the worldly pleasure of a progressive euchre party, and creatly to their surprise found that a very de- lightful form of entertainment. There were six tables made up from Mrs. Thygeson aud Mrs. Hodges, Misses Sanford, Hodges, Bu- chanan, Burns, Thompson, Stella Hallowell, Fosbursr, Cook, ana Messrs. Thygeson, Hine, Hood. SeilicK, Houghton, Forsell, Cowine, Smiley. Bunker. West and Shepard. The prizes fell to the lot of Messrs. Thygeson aud Sellicb ana Miss Burr.s. George W. Freeman was showing the beau- ties of White Bear lake Tuesday to G. M. Hunt and R. M. Mears, two of America's leading shoe manufacturers'. Dr.A. T. BJgelow and wife, Mr. and Mr s. Hodges, of St. Louis, and Rev. S. G. Kenne- dy and wife, of Le- Sueur, are at the Mahto- medi hotel for the summer. Henry Bockstruck, D. Aberle and family, J. J. Brennau, W. U.Kelly. M. Conchaim and J. C.Miller are registered at the Chateau- gay. W. F. Peters, of Kansas City: Katherine Falk and D. Anderson are at the Cnateaugay for the summer. T. J. Folev, F. E. Whitney. A. R. Moore aud J. E. Moore registered at Leips last week. James E. Moore and family have taken quarters at Leip"s for the rest of the season. Mrs. Langdon aud sou and Miss Kelly, of Lincoln. Neb., are at the Chateaugay. Misses Buchanan aud Otis are at Mabto- medi for the rest of the season. E. A. Jaggard was the guest of J. H. Greg- ory at Leip's last week. C. Tyson Butcher is summering at the col onels'. Judge Cory is registered at tho Williams. Judge Wilkin is at Leip's. Solely for Sailors. Alas, a lack a day! The Marguerite is dis- abled, and the Oaks is now a house of mourn- ing. One evening last week the Marguerite was laying at her dock, sail up, and not hav- ing covered more than twenty miles during that day, she began to "feel her oats," and decided to gain a few laps, while the sailors were regaling themselves at dinner. She sailed away Across the bay. With ne'er a hand to baik her; She brought up whach. With a broken back, Aud now they'llhave to caulk her. Dingle launched a new racing slood in the lake last week, and she is now being put through her paces byEugene Bamaley. She has been christened "Whale," with a view to her future rivalry with Luther Newport's shark. Dr. Welch has decided to part with the lit- tle Fortuna and has offered her for sale. Fortuna is one of the very best boats on the lake, and the doctor win have to go a long distance a be^tterone. jSome disreputable vandal took it upon himself to destroy Gus Zenzius' shell one night last week. The shell was completely ruined. Harry Drake has become the proud pos- sessor of the swift little cat "Mischief," aud is out every evening looking for trouble. Paul Gotzian is coLsldering the advisabil- ity of taking his yacht Hornet to Minnetonka fora weeks cruise. Do You Want to Bay A good first mortgage upon St. Paul real estate? I have a number to sell in various sums, at 6, 7 and 8 per Icent in- terest, payable semi-annually; title guaranteed. Address W. K. Wiltnot, P. O. Box 2499, St. Paul, Minn. Extraordinary Values in We place on sale tomorrow three cases of Wool Suitings, in Au- tumn colorings, allnew and suitable for immediate wear, at 25 Cents Per Yard. These are regular 50-cent goods, and it is probable that many fabrics of less intrinsic values will be sold at that price, and even higher, when the season opens. We also offer a large assorted lot of Fins Suitings bought to sell at $1.25 and $1.50, good value at these prices, which we will sell now at 75 Cents Per Yard, It may seem a little incongruous to have a sale of FURS in Mid- summer, but it is good business nevertheless. Those who buy will certainly save money. We will make special prices on Sealskin Cloaks, Electric Seal Cloaks, Astrakhan Fur Cloaks, Fur-Trimmed Cloth Cloaks, We will sell Fur Capes, made of the best skins, in the latest shapes, including the extra length "Military Cape," for very much less than you can possibly buy them in October and November. SPECIAL PRICES Will also be made on all kinds of Fur Muffs and the Fashionable Far Necklets Known as "Marguerites." These are allnew goods, made for us by the BEST FURRIERS INAMERICA, on special orders placed in early spring when prices were lowest. Of course we get them much cheaper than if we waited, as most merchants do, to place our orders in August and September. You will share in the benefits of our foresight if you buy now. We will sell stylish shapes in BLACK ASTRAKHAN FUR JACKETS AS LOW AS $29.00 AND $39.00. These nobby styles could not be bought at all for any money, ex- cepting as special orders, during the principal part of last winter. It takes time to make these garmsnts in quantities, and those made up to open the season were all sold out early. At tha close of last winter we could not buy Astrakhan Fur Cloaks to sell for less than SSO to $60, and they will probably be higher next winter. . Good Fur Capes as Low as $4.50. Astrakhan Fur Muffs as Low as $2.25. French Sea/ Muffs, $150: v- Monkey Muffs, $3.00. We cannot lay too much stress on the fact that these ' Furs ara made by reputable men, manufacturing furriers of the highest standing, whose goods can be depended upon. We also introduce this week our special importation of Hand-Mado Embroideries in designs of extreme beauty and quite new. Also 2,000 pieces of New Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries in beautiful designs and very fine qualities. Edgings and Insertings to match from 5 cents to 25 cents per yard. As good as anything of like quality offered in the city at double these prices. Our Department for Linens and Housekeeping Goods Is full of Bargains of the most attractive character. There will be no dull season here. You can absolutely depend on our Linens as reliable in every sense. We have the best that can be found, but we do not confine ourselves to the old manufacturers who, trusting to their estab- lished reputation, exact high prices for their wares. We give the rising men a chance. Amid a multiplicity of attractive values, we select a few for special mention: Damask Towels, with colored border, size 19x38, at 17 cents. Bleached Damask Napkins, 24 inches square, at $2.75 per dozen. Marseilles Bed Spreads, sixe 11-4, for $1.85. A finer quality in Marseilles Counterpanes for $3.00. AH Very Cheap. 50 Down Quilts, Finest French Satine Covers, regular value $8.00. '. Special price, $5.00. The first lot was sold out in one day. This lot will not last any longer. We advise an early inspection. We intend making a new departure in our department for MEN'S FURNISHINGS ! With an entirely new stock of the best and most stylish goods in the market. New goods for Autumn and Winter are already arriving, and all the goods atpresent in stock will be closed out without regard to cost or value. Great Bargains in Summer Half Hose, Summer Under- wear and Summer Neckwear this week. It will pay you to give a little time to their inspection, for they will be very cheap. You can buy an ELEGANT IMPORTED CLOTH WRAP For the Autumn very cheap if you buy now. It will surprise you to see how low you can buy garments of genuine merit and hgh style. The reductions affect every ready-made Cloak in the department. _ \u25a0 ;' THE PANTELLA New Dress Reform Stockings, for which so many have been waiting, are now here. There is no certainty that they will be here long. Th sup- ply is limited and they sell fast. " / : Mail Orders are aivays we/come and receive our best attention. ~ : Send in names for our Illustrated Catalogue for Fall and Winter, which will be issued next month. . , . ' . .. Third and Minnesota Streets, St: Paul, Minn. '* f I/ / I lllfTi I 'J'&'f/X r.'—fl* *«*l~' '"*^ .UJJl^'IM* \^

St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1892-08-14 [p 13]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-08-14/ed-1/seq-13.pdf · THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST

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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1892-08-14 [p 13]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-08-14/ed-1/seq-13.pdf · THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST


Not? Is come the time when the manor won:an who willdo something—any-thing,it real y doesn't matter what— willconfer a favor on his neighbors, forsociety is dead and there's nothinggoingon. Perhaps ifsociety were reallydead it wouldn't be so bad, for thenanarchists and men who don't dancewould attend the funeral and make it aspectacle to be remembered. Society isnot dead, but sleeping, and during themidsummer nap her devotees may amusethemselves as best suits their pleasure.For the most part they go to the lakes.The hotel hops have never been so suc-cessful as tiiis year, and the season,though frowned on at its opening bythe clerk of the weather bureau, bidslair to end in a whirl of gaiety. Every-body is tanned, everybody's hands are-calloused, and beauty's eyes that hadbegun to look dull and heavy at Lent,nre bright and clear again. There isplenty to do out of town, and in town itis eminently correct to appear at theraces. Itis too hot for town functions,and tillcooler days and loncer eveningscome, society may be expected to sleepen in peace.


Mrs. 0. 11. Sproulc, accompanied by MissEssie and Master Frank, of Denisou", Tex.,are visiting nt the residence of her sister.Mrs.J. 11. Ballard, ;i'>l Kast \\ inifredstreet.

Mrs. O. 11. Sprcnle, accompanied by herchildren. Miss Essij ana Master Frank, ofTienison, Tex ,i> visiting her sister, Mrs. J.11. Ballard, of Bast Winifred street.

A reunion and musicale will be givenTuesday. Wednesday and Thursday eveningsthis week ;it St. Patrick's hall, corner ofCase and Mississippi streets.

H.J. Hanson, creditman of MannheimexBros., and Mrs. E. Hanson are Home, afteran absence of six weeks in Yellowstone Parkand the Western states.

Chauning Suabury nnd son John will starttonight fora two weeks 1 vacation, whichthey intend spending around the northernfchore of Lake Superior.

Maj. and Mrs. \\\ A.Jones and daughterMattie, accompanied by Miss Millard,naveRene to Yellowstone Park, where they willspend several weeks.

Hiss Susie Manny, of Ramsey street, hasuone to visit friends in Faribault, and willre-turn vrith her sisier Nellie, who has beenthere for some ti;nc.

Prut. Ventura's play -'Nobility'has beenpresented by the students of PhilipsExeter.l'rui.Ventura wili return to St. Paul aboutthe mill of October."jMrs.B.Stout and sister. Miss Clara Mid-olet' of Chicago, returned home this weeknfu a liree weeks' visit withirleuds at 144liati.. ..venue.

Miss Sara Bartron. of Lake City, who hasbeen visiting frienps in St. Paul and Minne-apolis, left on the- steamer Pitoburg for herliome Suuday.

Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Miller,of Mauch Chunk,Pa., who have been visiting in St. Paul andMinneapolis for the past week, have left fortheir home.

The Laundry Employes' Social club hascompleted arrangements for au excursion ontue styMiner Georgia Hays and barge thisafternoon.

Misses Marie Kicffer nnd Nellie Prisch,whohave been spending several weeks at thelakes, have returned to tneir homes Inthe«ily.

Miss Maud linilard, of East Winifred street.returned home Wednesday from a visit, withfriends and relatives in Wisconsin and Illi-nois.

Misses Minnie and Gracic Hol'.oway havereturned home from Maukato, where theytave been spending their summer vacation.

Mrs. George F. Wells and children, of Elm-wood place. Cincinnati, are visiting herbrother, C. H.Jordan, ofBast Fourth street.

Mr. and Miss O.L.Taylor have returnedhome from Illinois, where they went to at-tend the wedding of Mr.Taylor's sister.

Miss Kate Gardner, of 1"tica. 111., and MissJessie Dalton. of Toronto. Out., are visitingMrs. H.L. Gray, of 1008 Hudson avenue.

Mi>s Maud Ballard, of East Winifred street,returned Wednesday from a visit withfriendsand relatives in Wisconsin and Illinois.

Mrs. John Frederick and two sons, of Oak-land, Cal., are visitingMrs. Frederick's sister,Jln». 11. B. well, fe2l Selby avenue.

Misses Xe:iie Pu>-ch and Mnrie Kieffer.whohave been spcnaing several weeks at thelakes, have returned to their homes.

Maurice Auerbach, of Summit avenue, hasreturned from a trip to Kurope which hasoccupied uUout three months' time.

Misses Genois, of East Summit avenue,entertained last week to tea Miss S. Dubayand A. Mortineon. of Minneapolis.

T. Damair. of Diiluth. and J. Beaudro, ofTwo Harbors, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.Genois, of East summit avenue.

Miss Paulino Ferguson left onThursday forthe Hill farm, whore she will spend sometime as the guest of Miss TJmli Hill.

Miss Hettie Proctor, of SelDy avenue, is atDreseut the guest of friends at Stillwater,\u25a0where she willspend about a week.

Miss Hagotlin. who has been the guest oflier aunt. .Mrs. Mogoffin, on siimniit avenue,lms returued to herhome in Texas.

Miss Jennie Barrett, of Gaultier street, leftfor Brooklyn,N.V., where she \u25a0will be theguest ofMrs. A.A. Maya Saturday.

Senator C. K. Davis has returned fromWashington, and is at present stopping atHotel Aberdeen, Dayton avenne.

Misses Gertrude Murphy and LoranelleMurphy, of CarroUton, Ind., nieces of Mrs.L.N. Scott, have returned home.

Hisses Dick McDonougn nud Jesse Mc-Crath. of Kan Claire, Wis.. are visiting MissLizzie Cullen, of West St. i'uul.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Newel, Miss Xeilsonand Miss Lainborii have returned from iheirvisit to the Yellowstone Part.

Mrs. E. A.Ferguson, the well-known banjoarist of Rochester, X. V.,is visitingtier sister.Mrs. C. L.Lewis, of this city.

B. Ije'.f,of Park place, has gone to liveinWashington. His family will remuiu hereuntil falland tlicn joinhim.

Frank Farwell and Lou Sidney left lastDight for V«'est Superior, where they willspend ten days or two weeks.

Mr.and Mrs Paris Fletcher, of Lafayesteavenue, left Wednesday evening for Su-perior, Duluth and Ashland.

Mrs. J. P. Allen, of Summit avenue, withher daughter Lillian, left Thursday forashort visitat Cannon Falls.

Miss Glcntward Adams, formerly of Quin-cy. 111., is visiting her cousiu, Mrs. W. F.Carroll, ofDayton avenue.

T. A.Matthews Jr. leaves next week for atrip through the Yellowstone i'aik and pointsDf interest in the West.

Hiss Ida May Kit-is, of Duboque, 10., isVisitingMiss Anna £. Beck, of iii'i BidwellStreet, West side.

Mrs. Haughton. of Hew York, is in town.(he guest ofher fattier, Francis B. Smith ofSummit avenue.

The engagement of Harry W. BurroughsDf St. Paul, to Miss IdaBonuell, of Chicago.'Isannounced.

Mrs. W. B. Tindel!. of Louisville, Ky, isvisiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Van Meter atHotel Barteau.

Miss Celia Mulvehill.of St. Peter, is thetnest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mulvehill, ofW est St. Paul

Charles B.Gilbert, of Dayton avenue, is inYellowstone Park, where be willbe for aboutthree weeks.

Sir. and Mrs. J. M. Russell expect to leavenext week on a trip to Niagara Falls by wayOf the lakes.

Hiss Garnet Butcher left(he early part ofHie week forBrooklyn to visit her sister.Mrs.Jjoubleday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Williams. 150 West Sixth»treet, are entertaining Miss Blonberg, ofEvansvilie.

Mrs. Dcnnison, of the Farrington Hats, isgntertninmg tho Misses Dunind, of Lam;forest, 111.

Miss Anna Garvc-y, (ifRochester, is visitingber sister, Mrs. John McNarticc, at 266 EastJHnifred.

Airs. Eunice St. Clair Masterrnan. of chl-

cngo, and Miss Geneve Caidwefl tire vishiusrfriends in the city. Mrs. Mastermau is oneof Chicago's leading sopranos.

E. W. Peet arrived home Monday from avisit to I'olaud Springs, Me., Boston andNew York.

MiS3 Alice McGuire. of Douglass street, isvisiting with friends in North Branch andPine City.

T. A.Andersin left Monday night for Supcrior, where he expecl3 to reside for thefuture.

Miss Maggie Leisrh. of Shakopea, is spend-ing a few weeks with friends on Geraniumstreet.

John liHlly.of Blmira, X.V.,is visitinghis sister, Mrs. William Winsiow. at the Aber-deen.

('apt. and Mrs. Teage. 2?2 Nelson avenue,nre entertaining their daugher, Mr. J. E.Hull.

Miss Lucia McKenzie is the guest of Mr.nd Mrs. W 11:1 \u25a0/ \V.i 11, of St. Albans street.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Glessner. ofHudson ave-nue, go to Lindstrom tonight fora few days.

Miss Laura Fogg isat White Bear, whereshe willremain forsome time with friends.

E. Carter spent Tuesday and Wednesday intown visiting friends and view ing the city.

Mrs. Dr.Codding, of Duluth, is the guestofher sister. Mrs. Russeil, of Dayton avenue.

Mrs. C. C. Glessner, of Hudson avenue, hasreturned from a short visit at Lindstrom.

Miss Lucy Brown, of Wheeling, W. Va., ishe guest of her sister, Mr3. F. P. Nuzum.Mr.Wood, of New York city,arrived here

this morning to spend about two weeks.Miss Fogg, of Cedar Rapids, nus been the

guest of Mi.-s Proctor, of Selby avenue.Miss Howard, of Richmond, Va., is the

guest of Miss Day, of Dayton avenue.Mrs. P. A. Gough sailed from New York

Wednesday on the sieamer \\ nesland.Miss Clara Kuse, of Pine street, has re-

turned home from Springfield, 111.Miss Nellie Qenols has returned from her

two months 1 visitin North Dakota.Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hyndman are going to

the Baplism river for a fishing trip.Mr.and Mrs. Oscar Holm mihave returned

from an extended tripin the East.Miss Bailey, of Duluth, is the guost of Miss

Mabel Ford, of Ashland avenue.Mrs. Gooilrich and daughter, of the Aber-

deen, bare gone to the country.Ira Ballard is visiting relatives in St. Paul

after a trip through the South.Albert Qallen has gone to Duluth, where

he willvisit among friends.r rank A.Jacobs has gono to Bayfield for

a few days, lie left Tuesday.Jared How has returnea home from a two

weeks' visit to the seashore.Miss Cora Ujjline,of Watertown, S. D., is a

guest of Twin City friends.W:i!laen Wemott and his sister, Miss We-

roolt. are at Galena, Mont.Miss Belle Jaynes, ofEast Tenth street, is

visiting in Cobourg. Can.Mrs. B. G. Rogers and daughter have gone

to Prior Lake fora visit.MissGussie Pope is visiting Miss Mabel

Merriain at Forest Lake.Mr.and Mrs. Justus liice are at Farrington

place, Pli'sibaut avenue.Miss Annie Duvis.of Peru, InJ., is the guest

ofCarroll street friends.Ray Durham has returned borne after au

extended Eastern trip.Mr.Holland, of Detroit, Mich.,is the guest

of Mr. and Mrs. Carr.Harold Bend, of Summit avenue, is going

away for a vacation.Miss Bennett, of Louisville, is expected to

visit Miss L)a> soon.Miss Gordon spent a few days at White

Boar lake this weeK.Miss Minnie Merrillis visiting Miss Mara-

bei Otis at tlie lake.Mrs. W. V. Dieter and daughter Lydia are

visitingin Denver.Mrs. Henry Signs has retarded home from

her Mnnkato visit.Frank Hanson, of West Superior, was in

the city this week.Mrs. W. B. Joyce is visitingher aunt, Mrs.

Morton, inFargo.Miss Aunis Howard, of Richmond, Va., is

visitingMiss Day.T.H. Lord spent a few days in town tho

firstof the week.Miss Hewitt, of Red Wins, is the guest of

St. Paul friends.Gov. Ramsey is enjoying a pleasant trip to

Saratoga, N.Y.Miss Newport and Luther Newport are

hotnc again.T. Y>". Ingersoll is In Helena, Mont., for a

short time.Cornelius Gardner, of Chicago, is visiting

in St. Paul.l>r. and Mrs. Charles Greene are in Port-

land. Me.Lucius Root has gone to the Yellowstone

partt.Miss Mary Bass is entertaining Miss Adams.Mr.McKay has come home from the East.C. W. Gordon lias gone East ou a visit.O. C. Weatherby is in New York.J. J. Egau is in Xew Yorkcity.


The People's Church society gave an openair festival Thursday in the grounds cf Mrs.Hodgson's house on Dayton avenue. In theatternoon there was a ladies' luncheon, andfrom 5 to W refreshments were served at agenera] social. There was a great headlightto illuminate the luwu. aiid ullevening amandolin orchestra played the most delight-fulof popular airs. The ladies who had theutlair m change wore Mrs. E. J. Hodgson,Mrs. Bassctt, Mrs. Straight, Miss Emery, MissSharp. Miss Sohlker and Miss Binghain, witha score of pietty helpers. The entertainmentwas eminently successful, financially as wellas socially.

Apleasant dancing partj was given at Mr.and Airs KdHyland's Saturday evening, inhonor of Miss Agnes Feeney, of Rochester,who is spending her vacation with MissAnnie Byiand. The Farmingtou orchestrafurnished the music. There were aboutseventy couples present. Among those fromother places were Mrs. M. Teeney, St. Louis;Messrs. Walter Hay, Bert Glew,"chicaeo: B.Murphy, Stillwater; Mrs. Conner?, MissesBrown and TueUer. St. Paul: Dr.J. A. Cou-way and wife-, C. Whittier, Lew Martin. D.Martin and Gay Martin, Farmingtou; MissesJosieaud Klsie O'Leao-and J. O'Leary, ofLakevilie.

CA very jolly crowd of younc folks sur-prised Miss Rye Lynch at her home, i?Z Hallavenue. FnJ.iy evening. Those presentwere: The Misses Margaret Gorman, FredaSullwoid, Annie Slater, Emma Sullwold. EllaStrickland. Agues Clarke, B<?e Fooley, EllenLynch, Emma Gronwold, Sallie Lyncu andMisses Anna and Marcella McGuare fromWinona: .Messrs. if. Gorman, Fred Kodgers,Fred Woldon, J Gorman, D.A. Clarke, J F.Gorman, Vv. Gorman, Patterson, HarryWagner, V. Fulmer,H. Dreb.er.Dnve Weldou,Tom Lynch. Dancing and games were en-joyed tilltlio wee hours of the morning.

The Catholic TotalAbstinence society helda well attended rally Wednesday evening init.Vincent's hall, corner Virginia avenueaud Dale street. A programme of songs,speeches and other forms of entertainmentwas rendered, and at the close of the even-ingit was voted as havingbeen the most en-joyable event of the kind ever attended. Itis expected that other entertainments of asimilar nature willbe given by the organiza-tion.

Miss Marion Lnnpher. of Portland Rvenue,had a nurufcer of young friends at her homeWednesday afternoon. Among those whowere there were Misses Mamie Livingtoue,Elsie Pope, Bonnie Ransom, May Bend,Katharine Vt'anzer, Edith DriscolJ, AbbeyLivingstone, Constance Goodrich, andMessrs. Bend, Armstrong, Durham, Finch,Kansom and Albert Armstrong.

Master Clarence Matthews celebrated hislifihbirthday Tuesday at the home of hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Matthews, onHollyavenue. The party was a very prettyaffair, with music and dancing for the littlefolks who came, Ttiere were thirtyof themin all, and they eujoyed themselves farmorethan children ofa larger growth commonlydo.OTbe Flower club, ofSt. Paul, made a visitto Fort Suelling last Sunday. The memberspresent were Misses Daisy, Hose Bud, BiueBell. Cow Bell, Lilac, Apple Blossom andMessrs. Pansy, Orauge Blossom, livaciutfc

and Gold Lock. The leaders were Miss Snn-rise and Miss Starlight, The members of theclub on their way to St. Peter.Miss Bass, of Summit avenue, entertained

anumber of friends at her home Inhonor other guest. Miss Adams. .Among the numberpresent were the Misses Pooe, Win slow,

Bowen. Simpson, Odicer. Guthrie, Wanzer,Borup, Day, VirginiaBorup, LillieDay, War-ner, Waun, Baker. Adams, Delaur.

The ladies of St' James A.M:E. church,under the direction of Mesdames T.E. Lyles.A. G.Russell and J. H. Hickman, will Monday give a harvest home festival in the store-room, 41 Third street, corner of Cedar.

Gen. Ord Woman's Relief Corps No. 91gave a veryenjoyable musical and literaryentertainment in the post hall, on Wabashastreet, last evening. Dancing was one ot thefeatures of the evening.

The lodges of Independent Order of GoodTemplars of St. Anthony Park gave an icecream social on the lawn.near the residenceof George R. Whiicomb, on Bayless avenue,Thursday evening.

Master Willie Eldridge, of the Barteau, en-tertained a large number of young peopleyesterday afternoon in honor ot MasterGeorge and Miss Nellie Pond.

Amoonlight excursion wijl be given nextThursday evening under the auspices of tneNorthern LightDancing club on the steamerGeorge Hayes and barge.

Amoonlight excursion, under the auspicesof the Goodrich Avenue Presbytern C. K. so-ciety, wrs given on tne steamer George HaysThursday evening.

Miss Bessie Durham entertained quite anumber of her young friends Thursday even-ing at her home inlower towu.

The Young Ladies' Sodality of St. Mary'sParish gave a delightful picnic Wednesday atMahtomedi.

Tne regular Saturday evening hops at theLafayette are popular and seem fairly wellmanaged.

The St. Paul letter carriers gare their firstannual picnic at Wildwood, White Bear,Tuesday.

Mrs. John Cosran. of Chicago, is the guestot Mamie Farnham, of the Hotel Barteau.


St. Paul's churcli was gay with flowersMonday afternoon and crowded to the doors\u25a0with men and women inholiday atlire, cometo witness something all the worki loves tosee—a wedding. At5 o'clock the boys" choirbegan "The Voice That Breathed O"er Eden."'and the bridal party entered. After theEnglish fashion, the bride. Miss Jennie Will-iams, catue lirst on the urm of her father,William GriffithWilliams. Her gown was aWhite surah silk en traine. the petticoat bor-dered with a silk puffing. The slightlyV-shaped corsage and elbow sleeves Wereedged withchiffonruffles. The bride woreno ornaments, and carried a bouquet of briderose?. The maid of honor. Miss Emma Will-iams. i;i a cream-colored Bilk gown, followedthe bride and carried a basket of flowers,which she strewed before the bride andgroom as they left the nltor. The twobridesmaids. Misses Fannie and Mamie Will-iams, wore pink crepe and carried la Franceroses. The two ushers were Joseph F.Knightand Trevor Arnett. The bride wasmet ai the altar by the bridegroom, JosephHaU Bamforth, and the best man, Harry L.Santez. Key. John Wright, rector of St.Paul's, read the service. After the cere-mony the bridal party and a few intimatefrieuas went to the bride's home on Lafay-ette avenue, where a small and informal re-ception was held. Mr.and Mrs. Bamforthare spending a few days at the lakes and willbe at 430 Lafayette avenue after theinst.

The wedding ofHoward Cameron, of Den-ver, Col., and Miss Cora Schoemaker oc-curred Wednesday afternoon at the home ofthe brides parents, Mr.and Mrs. OarrcttSchoemaker, 760 De Soto street. Rev. Dr.Pope, of the Church of the Good Shepherd,officiated. The bride was beautifully attiredIn white moire, with a eorsago bouquet ofwhite roses. The groomsman and bridesmaidwere Ira and Pearl Schoemaker, the brotherand sister of the bride. Areception and ban-quet was given, and the happy pair after-wards took their departure for Tacoma,Wash., where they will make their home.Among the guests noted were Miss RachelElls and Ira Shoemaker, of K.iu Claire, Wis. ;Mrs.Thorn and Miss Uora Bueil, ot Hudson;Mr. and .Mrs. C. L.Belden. Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Pennock. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Leonard,Mr.and Mrs. J. C Douty, Mr. and Mrs. IS.O. Rhodes, Mr.and Mrs. W. C. Heller,Mr.and Mrs. C. 11. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. 15. J.Joslia, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schlenker;Mesdaoies 11. A. Starkweather, G.Lippy, 8. S. Evans, J. Brash,M. A. Gordon. C. M. Le Sock, P. S. Le Sock.S. Slifer, 8. Croeksr, Misses Lell Kitchell,Maggie Shikly,Maggie Brice. Maude Dautz.AliceSlifer. Mary and Jennie Walstrom, Jen-nie and Ar.abel Brasb, Marie Sbadegsr,Beatrice Yorg. Jennie Begg. Marion An-drews, Vina and Nina Strutzell, MinnieHicks, Lout Heed, Georgie Taft, MaudeLeonard, Annie and Rosie Garrigau andmany others.

At St Patrick's church, Tuesday morning,Miss Katie Naughton and James Keatingwere united In the holy bonds of matrimony,tUp ceremony being performed by Key. 0. M:Naughton, of St. John's cathedrnl. Milwau-kee. Miss Anna Keating was bridesmaidand \X.C. Lane was best mau.

'The happy

couple will be at home at 216 Tennesseestreet after Sept. 1.

Miss Mollie Palmer and Frank E. Tuckerwere married Monday by Dr.Christie. Mr.and Mrs. Tuckerleft for a wedding journeythrough the East Friday.

The marriage of Prank E. Tucker to MissMoi'.ie Palmer, both of St. Paul, occurredWednesday at the House of Hope church,Dr.Christie omciating.


The W. C. T.U.met Thursday at the homeof Mrs. J. H.Chamberlain and elected oflicersfor the ensuing year. They are: President,Mrs. H. W. Butts; vice presidents, Mrs. K.Shannon, Mrs. G. F. Wells, Mrs. K. E. Web-ster; recording secretary, Mrs. M BotKin;corresponding secretary. Mrs. G.11. Hazzard;treasurer. Mrs. F. A. Watson. Mrs. A.A.Clark was elected delegate to th 3state con-vention which meets ivStiilwater Sept. 10.

Miss Delia M.Palmer, of Duluth, visitedMiss Clark Friday on her way to Wiuthrop,where she willvisit with Miss Anna Camp-belluntil the opening of the school inFari-bault.

Miss Hattie Barnard, of Jamestown, S. D.,visited her Drother, C.L.Moody, Thursdayon her way home to Malone, X. V., wheresbu wa3 summoned by the death of herbrother.

The Epworth league cabinet met Thursdayevening with Mrs. W. 11. Carothers, and abusiness session of tne league was held atthe home ofMiss Rose Johnsou Friday even-ing.

Ilev.F. A.Cone, of Winnebago City, del-egate from the Mankato district to the Ep-worth League convention, was the guest ofI.F. Johnson.

Miss (icrtrude Albertson, of Kellogg,is theguest of her cousin. Misg Minnie Stowman.She is accompanied by Miss Gertie Cleve-land.

Miss Mattie Johnson has gone to VTiune-bago City, where she will spend her fallmonths with her sister, Mrs. F. A.Cone.

Mrs. G. F. Bradley, who has been visitingMrs. G. S. lunis. of Hewii avenue, returnedto her home in Mankato Monday.

Mrs. Fuller, ot St. Paul, and Mrs. Demingof Michigan, have been visiting Mrs. A.,Adams, of Capitol avenue.

Mrs. Campbell picnicked Monday at LakeIlarriet with her Sunday school class of theKnox Presbyterian church.

The LittleBranches of the Vine gave anice cream festival on the lawn at Masonichall Thursday evening.

liev. Mr. Cole, of the West Wisconsin con-ference, has been the guest of Mrs. 11. M.Butts during the week.

The camping party at Lake MiunetonKawhich was chaperoned by Mrs. E.F. Lind-say, returned Monday.

I*.R. Stowcrs returned to Erie, N. D.,Fri-day, after a two weeks' visit with his father.Dr.C. N. Stowers.

Mrs. Noble Morris, of Warsaw, N. V., isvisiting her son, Hon. C. li.Benedict, ofCapiiol avenue.

A.H.Tasker went to Dakota this week,where he willremain until the opening ofthe university.Dr. and Mrs. George H. Bridgman have

gone to Bayfield, Wis., where they will spendthree weeks.

Aid. T. Montgomery spent the week inDenver as delegate to the Knights of Pythiasconvention.

A.C. Brown and Miss Maude Brown, ofMinneapolis, have been the guests of Mrs. E.F. Brown.

Miss Sadie Higjrins will leave Tuesday forHeron Lake to visit her sister, Mrs. W. E.Spalding.

Frank A.Stone, who has been travelingfor the Northwestern Aid association, is inHamiine.

Rev. George F. Wells SDent part of theweek in Lake City inthe interest of prohibi-tion work.

Harry Stowman. of Glendale, Mich., isvisitinghis aunt, Mrs.G.Stowman.on Thomasstreet.

Mrs. Fred Krieger. ofMinneapolis, was theguest of Mrs. c. L.Webber duriug the wee*.Mrs. L..T. Van Fossen and children, ofMinneapolis, are visitingMrs. G. S. Innis.Mrs. K.E. Webster spent several days of

the week with friends at Cottage Grove.Miss LouHyde, ofSt. Cloud, is the guest of

Mrs. IS,F. Brown, on Simpson avenue.• Miss Laura Crane, of Mount Pleasant, Iois the guest ofMiss May Webb.

Miss Sybil Wilbur,of Minneapolis, was acampus visitor Wednesday.

A.Adams returned yesterday from a trip toMilwaukee and Chicago. •

Senator D. W. ilixson. or Herman, visitedfriends duringtho week.

Mrs. Lyons, of Rod Wing, was a campusvisitor this week.

Fred Butts, of St. Paul, has become acampus resident.Miss Sabelle' Withrow returned Thursday

to her home inSalem, lo*after a visit ofsev-

eral weeks with Miss Mary Webb, of Pascalavenue.

C. L. Webber made a short visit in GroveLake this week.

O. S. Whited is visitiug his parents inRochester.

Miss Claca Ellis returned from MilwaukeeThursday.

Mrs. T. Hodgson has returned froma visitin Hermon.

C. E. Ellis returned from Olmstcad Mon-day.


Where Some ofThem Are Locatedin the East.

Special to tbc GloDe.New York, Aug. 12.— Mr. and Mrs. X.:

Clark ana Mrs. Gilchrist all of St. Paul, arepleasautlv located for a few weeks at theGrand Union, Saratoga.

V. C. Gilman, of St. Paul; C J. KershawJr., of Duluth, Mr. end Mrs. S. L.Sherwin,of Windsor, and 11. G. Simmons, of Fargo. N.D.. were among the late arrivals ibis week atthe Tremout, Boston.

Charles T. Reed. S. M.Owen, of "Minne-;sotoa;" M.Germ. of Sfoux Falls. S. D.;I.J.Geriu, ofChamberlin. S. D., and W. C. Copp.ofSt. Paul, spent ihe week at the Rossin,Toronto.

Charles Dielman, of Madison, S. D., and I.L.Benhold, of Perham. Minn., were amon?the late arrivals this week at the Metropol-itan, Washington.

11. C. Dickens, of Grand Forks; H. P. Er-hart, of Duluth, were among the late arri-vals at the American. Washington.

Mrs. W. R. steele. of South Dakota, isspending the summer at Hotel Caseleton,Brighton Heights, Staten Island.

State Treasurer W. W.Taylor, of South Da-kota, spent a few days of the week at theHolland, New York.

Senator Kyle,of Dakota, is among the re-cent arrivals at the Princess Anne, VirginiaBeach, W. Va.

Rev. Wayland Hoyt, of Minneapolis, spentthe early part of the week at the Clarendon,New York.

R. M. and James C. Scott, of Minneapolis,paid the Ebbitt, Washington, a visit duringthe week.Mr. and Mrs. J. R.Nichols. B. G. Gilmnn,

ofSt. Paul.spent part of the week .itYcuugs,Boston.IL Horn, of Minneapolis, registered the

early part of the week at Hotel de 1' Athenee,Paris.

Rev.J. E. McConuell. ofXorthfield, Minn., !is spending a few weeks at New Haven,Conn.

Miss M.L. Spink. of Minneapolis, is spend-ing 11 few weeks at the Grand Union. Sara-toga.

Mrs. Rose Pope, of Minneapolis, resisteredat Hotel Normauie, Paris, during the week.

S. D. Robinson, of St. Paul, paid theQueen's, Toronto, a visit duringthe week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. White, of Fargo, paidFliigler,Saratoga, a visit duringthe week.

Mrs. J. L.Spink. of Minneapolis, spent theweek at the Grand Union, Saratoga.

E. W. Peet. of St. Paul, spent a few days ofthe week at the Vendonie, Boston.

Floyd Egan, of St. Paul, resistered at theQaincjvßcston, durum the week.

C. B. Rice, of Minneapolis, spent part ofthe week at the Q'.iiiicy, Boston.D.Murphy, of St. Paul, registered at Hotel

Grande, Paris, during the week.James Mayali, ot St. Paul, spent tho week

at Yarmouth, Ale.


The Free Discussion club enjoyed a debateTuesday eveuing last uj>ou the "Taxation ofMortgages." Attorney Clark, of Minneapo-lis, in the affirmative, was dearly beaten byW. W. Chirk, of the Park. The "club willde-bate upon "Resolved. That a Nationnl Con-stitutional Prohibition Amendment Is theBest Way to Handle the Liquor Traffic."Messrs. Whiteoruo and Irwinhave the debateivcharge.

The I.O. C. T.of the Park gave a delight-ful Ihwii social Thursday evening on thegrounds of Mrs.Whitcomb. corner of Baylessavenue and Pryor street. Refreshments wereserved, a::d several speeches were made, anda general good time wax the result.

The Saturday Night club will soon an-nounce its programme lor the coming falland winter. 11. O. Hail, its president, willsoon issue to the members a printed pro-Rtamme snowing the titles of the papers tobe read and the dates of each.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenuartl and family areen-joying camp lifenear Forest lake. Mr. Ken-nard is an expert sportsman, and always en-joys his annual outings greatly.

Mrs. J. H Chandler did not accompanyMr. (handler to the MilleLacs region, owingto the illness of their little daughter.

Miss Florence Moore left last evening forathree weeks' visit to relatives and triends inSt, Peter and ManKato.

Miss Helen Polk, who has been East forover a year, is expected home before the endof this month.

Prot. and Mrs. Green have returned froma protracted visit to relatives in WellesleyHille,Mass.

.Mr.-:. H.N. Stephensou.who has beeu spend-ing the summer iv Ohio, is expected home ina few days.

Charles Cheney and Ben Ribble left yester-day fora short trip to Ellsworth, »Vis.

Miss Oudworth. of Longford Park place, isexpected home from lowa this week.

Mrs..j.A.Baruuni and grandson are backfrom their tripin Illinoisaid lowa.

Miss Lou Bentley, who has been visitinginMichigan, has returned home.

W. W. Hillspent several days last week atWaconia.


Mrs. J. W. Dwyer and family,of Chicago,are visitingMrs. Viuton, of Francis street.

The Ladies' Guild of St. Peter's Churchgave an enjoyable lawn festival Tuesdayeveuing at W2 North street. The groundswere prettily illuminated, and vocal and in-strumental music added to the pleasure ofthe evening. It is proposed to give anotherlestivul in the near future.

Rev. Stuart B. Purves. of St.Peter's church,willexchange pulpits today with Rev. Kd-win Johnson, of St. Mam's church. LakeCity, Miun.

Miss Flossie Anderbie and Miss MamieCurzon, of Margaret street, left Tuesday fora week's visit among friends at Duluth.

Frank Button, of Couway street, ieft lastevening for a trip to the Pacific coast, com-biningbusiness with pleasure.

Mrs. F. C. Coutes, of Dubuque, 10., is theguest of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Gregory, ofMaple street.

Mrs. Swanson, of Burns avenue, is spend-ing the summer with relatives at Buf-falo, N. Y.

Archie Wilson and Foster Smith.of Rcaneystreet, are spending the summer at Lind-strom.

Miss Stella Riordan, of Chicago, is theguest of Mrs. S. V. Kennedy, 41:2 Bates ave-nue.

Miss Annie Winston, of East Sixth street,leftFriday fora short visit in the East.

Rev. T. McClary. of Bates Avenue M.E,spent the past week at Mahtomedi.

Miss Phillips, of Ravine street, is visitingin Cedar Rapids, 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Falton, of Minnehaha street,are in st Louis.

Miss Corninick, of Ravine street, is visitingin Stillwater.

Frank Williams, ot Cypress street, is inChicago.D.M.Dawson, of East Fifth street, is InDenver.

A Counter Irritant.Life.

"Yes, dear wife," and he closed hiseyes, "the end is near. The world growsdark about me. There is a mist aroundme gathering thicker and thicker, andthere, as through a cloud, Ihear themusic of angels —swee*; and sad."

"No. no, John dear; that's the brassband on the corner."

"What!" said the dying man, junip-ing from his bed and dinging the boot-jack at the leader, "have those scoun-drels dared to come round here when Iam dying!" Andhe recovered.



NATURALFRUIT FLAVORS.i&nilla Of perfect purity.

AlnuSd*-f Economylntholrus «Rose etC.-J Flavor as delicatelyand dellclously as the fresh fruifc

WHITE BEAR ATNIGHTThe Danger Attending Sail-

ing Parties When Darkon the Lake.

Great Need for Boats to Dis-play Some Kind of a


Society Becoming Gayer With•the Waning of the


Personal Pointers Garneredfor the Edification of

the Curious.

Did it ever occur to any one of themany parties of young people who areenjoying the pleasure of sailing aboutWhite Bear lake these summer even-ings that there are other persons out onthe lake, and that other sail boats arecruising aDout in the dark fullyas heed-lessly and thoughtlessly as their own?How often «is the boat sent rushingalone through the night under full saiKeach one of the merry party on board,except perhaps the one man at the til-ler, whose attention is oftentimes toomuch given to some matter foreign tothe management of the boat; heedlesslyignoring the fact that there is any ne-cessity for keeping a sharp lookout forthe slow and silent-moving row boats,whose rights are superior to those ofthe sail boats. When one stops toconsider that every evening when thebreezes are propitious for sailing thereare, on on average, fiftysail boats cruis-ing about the lake, each one covering atleast ten miles and each, with one ex-ception, sailing along without theslightest regard for any one or anythingoutside of its own careless party, onecan gain some insight into the reasonsmany persons have for refusing to sailin tiie night. What do you think wouldbecome of the master of a snipwho should sail, e-ven in midocean,without a lookout stationed in the fore-top? Then think of these fiftyboatssailing about within a circle, thediameter of which is less than fourmiles. The matter of saiiing without alookout is further aggravated by thefact that very few of the boats displayany lights, making it almost impossibleto discover the presence of a boat untilshe is almost upon one. The state ofMinnesota has no statute reirulating thedisplaying of lights by sailing vesselsupon waters solely within the state'sjurisdiction, but the United States law-makers have considered the matter ofsufficient importance to provide for afine of fcJOO in case of any vessel with-out lights, lookout or with false lights.Itis not necessary that tlie same min-uteness of detail in regard to lights boobserved on our little lake craft thatare exacted from vessels upon nationalwaters, but let us be a little, nay, agreat deal more careful in this respectin the future than we have been hereto-fore. It will require a very little ex-penditure of money, and almost as littleof labor to display some sort of a lighton every sail boat on White Bear, andwhen this is done a fearful anxiety willbe lifted from the minds of many whosecapacity for pleasure is at present over-burdened with dread lest some fearfulcatastrophe happen during these darknights. It is but a question of timeuntil a collision occurs, and then it willbe too late. We all know the truthful-ness of the old adage, M Astich in timesaves nine, 7

'and let us act accordingly.

Social Brevities.One of the most delightfulsocial events of

the season at Mahtomedi was the party givenlast Wednesday evening by Misses Stella andLou Dufrene. The party, consisting ofmost of the young people at Mahtomedi, pro-ceeded first to the Wildwood Casino and en-joyeda dunce prosramme ot eight numbers,with music by Seibert's orchestra. Lunchwas served on the return to Mahtomedi.Among thoses present were Misses Eastman,Teeple, Raynsford, Cook, Bishop. Murray,banders. Swan. St. Aubins, Whitman, Wal-thers, Lou and Genevieve Gervais, aud Louand Stella Dufrene. Messrs. Ruene, Swan,Heiu. Sanders, Smiley, Cowing, Sellick.Baker, Kohler, Kranz, Gervais. Ralph andPorter Eastman, Albert Forsell, Clause For-sell, Frank and WillMurray.

Nearly every day last week the grounds atWildwood were given up to pickuickers.Tuesday there was the Letter carriers' firstanuuai outing, Wednesday the annual pic-nic ofCalvary Mission Sunday school, andFriday the Ninth Presbyterian church treatedthe children of its Hock to a very enjoyableday. On the other days of the week therewere numerous small picnicparties on thegrounds.

Saturday evening Miss May Murray andMiss Grace Sanders entertained the membersof the Mahiomedi Social club with a strawride. Tne evening was pleasantly passed inriding through the country, alter which theparty partook of refreshments. The remain-der of the evening was spent in saiiiug inthe Albatross. Thirty members of the clubwere present.

Mrs. A.B. Ovilt, Miss Doran and MissGriffin,of New York, aud Messrs. Ovitt, Oz-muu and Hewitt were one of the manyparties that spent last Tuesday eveuiug outon the lake endeavoring to establish com-munication with our friends on Mars. Quiteinciaeutally they enjoyed a sail inthcZeteka.

The electric storm of last Sunday nightdidconsiderable damage about the lake. Someof the machinery at the electric lightpowerhouse was.seriously affected, and the cottageofJ. M.Trelease, at Lake Shore, was struckbylightniug. The shade trees along the lakeshore were also greatly damaged, i

J. B.Hewitt, notwithstanding his havingspent the week at Lake Miunetouka in luasociety of the charming summer girls, forwhich that place is fullyas uoied as for itsfast yachts, has returned tirm iv his allegi-ance to White Bear, his first love.

St. Paul's church choir will render themusic at the church of St. John's, WhiteBear, this afternoon, ''feimplar Magnificat"and 'iNunc Dimittis" and the anthem "OLord, How Manifold," by Barnbv, will berendered.

Mr.Emery and the Misses Emery, still-well. Newcombeaud Bacon, of Quincy. 111.,have been the guests of Mrs. Hewitt at Dell-wood duringthe week.

Charles Xeely. of Chicago, is at the Oaks,and willdepart for his home today, accom-panied by the rest of bis family, who hirebeeu spending the summer at White Bear.

Alexander Speel and C. A. Hawkes in-dulged in the luxuryof a toboggan slideWednesday evening at Wild wood, orMorton-ville,as ithas been christened lately.

The members of Mr. O'Brien's family re-turned from the Brule on Tuesday. Mr.O'Brien, however, will continue to lure thewary trout from his hidingplace.

There willbe an ice cream festival at Get-ty's hall on the afternoon and evening ofWednesday. Aug.17, inaid of St. Mary's, ofthe Lake church.

Mrs. Winslow's brother, Mr.Howard, whowas severely injured by fallinga few daysaero, is rapidly recovering and will soon beabout.• The Misses Reed, of St. Louis, wlio havebeen visiting Mrs. George Thomas duringthe summer, willreturn to their home thiswees. mr&St

Jared How and Robert Rantoul allowedthe lightoftheir countenances to illuminatethe island at different times duringthe week.

The Misses Kellar, of Leavenworth, whohave been spending the summer withMrs. B.H. Evans, have returned home.

Robert Bliss, who has been visiting friendsinDetroit, returned to the lake Friday, andis the guest ofMrs. Winslow.

Mrs. H. T. Black, Mrs. Frank Nuznm andMisses Brown and Irvin,of West Virginia,spent Friday at the lake.

Miss Griffin,who Tias .been the gue6t ofMiss Doran for the past three weeks, leavesfor Saratoga tomorrow.

Mr.and Mrs. George Hill,of Minneapolis,spent Thursday at the lake as the guests ofLouis Hastings.

Mrs. Emil Gueist had the misfortune tolose a valuable diamond at Kamaley's Tues-day evening.

Miss Kate Davies, of Denver, and Mrs.William Woodhead, of Highwood, are atLakeside.

Thursday evening Paul Gorman Woodgave ahighly enjoyable sailing party on theShadow.

The choir boys of St. Paul's church arenow spending their anuuai outing at BaidEagle.

kts. W. C. Dewey and children and Mi*.

Pitts, all of Kansas City, are at Mrs. Buck-ley's.

Miss Esau, daughter of President Egan, ofthe Kansas City road, is visiting Miss Bow-

Mrs.Frank Nuzum and Miss Irwinwillbeat the Oaks after Wednesday of this week.Miss Allison and Ralph Allison are at Mrs.Kamaley's, at Lake Shore, for a few weeks.Miss Adele Perkins has been entertaining

Miss Josephine Carr during the week.Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Monroe and son are at

ihe lake for the rest of the summer.Miss Alice Pabodie is visitingat Mantome-di, the guest ofMiss Grace Sanders.Dr. Marshall, of Worcester, Mass., is visit-ing his daughter, Mrs. Capt. Cox.Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Meier and children are

at Mrs. Drake's at Lakeside.Mr. and Mrs. C. D.McLaren and MriTclara

M.iiightnerare at Lakeside.Mrs J c. Shaudrew was the guest of Mrs.fc. J. Meier during the week.Fred Shove willspend the rest of the sea-son at the Mahtomedi hotel.Mr. and Mrs. Schriber visited Mr. and Mrs.lhomas during the week.Ambrose Tighe was the guest of Mrs. A.K.

Barnum during the week.Mrs. J. w. Jaggar returned from a tour ofthe lakes on Wednesday.J. E. Morehouse and familyare occupyinghe McVeigh cottage.Mrs. W. S. Monroe entertained Mrs. SmeadFriday and Saturday.Miss St. Aubin is visiting Mis 3 Staila Dv

frene at Mahtomedi.Ned Jewett, ot Leavenworth, is the guestof Richard Neeley.Arthur Wickwire is at Lake Shore for therest of the seasou.Odin G. Clay visited frienas on the islandduring the week.Judge Flandrau visited Mr. and Mrs. Mor-

ton last week.Miss Lytle visited Miss Holmes Thursday

and Friday.Messrs. Clements and Van Vleck are atLake Shore.

Oaks* L9Ua Springle'or Chicago, jS at theHay wood Wright spent the week at Dell

wood.Mr. and Mrs. Da Wolf are at Mrs. Rama-

ley s.Ray Armstrong is visitingat Mahtomedi.Tom Fulton is in Denver.

Lakelets.One of the most enjoyable launch parties

of the season was given last Tuesday eveningon the occasion ot the birthday of Miss Mar-garet Franklin. The ground's were beauti-fully illuminated with Japanese lanterns,transforming the picturesque spot into averitable fairyland. Three hours were spentin most delightfulsailingin the moonlight,ana on returning the party was pleasantly-surprised by a lireek lire display. Lunchwas served at 11:30. An interestingceremony was the cuttins: by thecharming little nostess of the birth-day cake, which contained a friendship ring,won later in the evening by Miss Jarvais.Arnonsj those present were Misses Emily Le-febvre, Edna Zeuzius,Louisa Dufrene. JulianDonnelly, May O'Gornian. Bertha Breidert,Mable Barron, Emily Franklin, Prendergastand Mamie Prendergast; Messrs Ed. Swan,1). Haniou, B. Raoul, Georsre Shcppard, ItR. I.ovell. A.L.Roth, Claude Pettingill, GusZeimus.inTo Burk, AlfredJarvais and Pren-dergast

Miss Carrie Beckwith. the famous ladynatatorial expert, who is spending a fewweeks in St. Paul, is an almost daily visitorat \\ildwood, and is often observed "disport-ing herself in the waters ot the lake. MissBeCKWilfl was the leader of a troop of ladyswimmers organized by Frank J. Pilling twoyears ago, and made a tour of the Easternwatering places, and has justreturned froma tripabroad- to confer with Mr.Pilling inregard toorganizing another band of 'ladyswimmer?, she comes ot a famous family,ami has been the means of saving manylives. She is the fastest long-distance swim-mer in the world, and this week several timeshas had the courage to swim from Wildwooato Manitou inland and return without rest-ing. Mie will shorUy attempt a ten-mileswim in the lake. She refuses to allow anyboat to accompany her as she is utterly fear-less in water.

Thursday evening Miss Sibber entertaineda party of friends at the lake. A moonlightsail in the Mnnitou was the loading featureof the evening, and was greaily enjoyed bythe party, Which consisted of "Mr.and Mrs.Kibber. Misses Hicks. Wright, Kibbcr andHelmer, of Chicago, and Messrs. Farnham,Charles Karnham. Deacou, Reid and Wright.

Wednesday evening James Howard Ra-maley entertained about fiftyof his friendswith a very enjoyable moonlight launchparty.

Mrs. and Mrs. A.W. Mortensen. of 65 EastGeorge street, have taken quarters at Lakesidecottage for the balance of the season.

Larpeutcur and his daughter. MissEmma Larpenteur, ofMmaeapolis.are guestsat the Zenzins cottage.

MesdamesGoodkind. Gniterman and Stern-berg are guests at ibe Mauuueiinur cottage atCottage Park.

Misses May Ford. Kate Steppy and EmmaFryer are visitingMiss Kimberley at CottagePark.

TheM.ssesTimberlake and Miss Stevensonare visiting Mrs. A.K.Barnum.

Miss Hodges, of St. Louis, is the guest ofMr. and Mrs. N. M. Thygeson.

Mr.and Mrs. Will Gregg spent Friday withMr.and Mrs. J. W. Taylor.

Mrs. and Miss Robertson are visitingCharles Robertson.

Last evening Leavitt Corning gave a sailingparty in the Mary.

Miss Bessie Wood, of Chicago, is visiting atJohn W. Taylor's.

Miss Cecile Payen i3visiting Mr3. Dr.Welch.Gathered from the Registers.

Last evening the ladies at Leip's hotel gavea progressive euchre party.which was highlyenjoyable and will undoubtedly be followedby other events of a similar nature. Amongthose present were Mrs. Lavalle. Leip, Hum-mert Rogers. Foley. McClure. Kahn. RodenReeve?, Kent. Clifford.Wiley,Foley, Footoye;Missea Pierce.Garrity.Quingley.Burke.Grace,Kennedy, McArdle, Meyer and Dowlan. andMessrs, Foley, Rogers, Leip. McCarthy. Stew-art, Craudall. Butcher, •Kersbaw, Kahu Clif-ford, Reeves, Raraaley, Rooden. Foctoye,Lavalle. Gray, Kranz, Kent. Vankewen.Webster, Dowlau, Foley and McClure.

One evening last weak the guests at theMahtomedi hotel indulged in .the worldlypleasure of a progressive euchre party, andcreatly to their surprise found that a very de-lightfulform of entertainment. There weresix tables made up from Mrs. Thygeson audMrs. Hodges, Misses Sanford, Hodges, Bu-chanan, Burns, Thompson, Stella Hallowell,Fosbursr, Cook, ana Messrs. Thygeson, Hine,Hood. SeilicK, Houghton, Forsell, Cowine,Smiley. Bunker. West and Shepard. Theprizes fell to the lot ofMessrs. Thygeson audSellicb ana Miss Burr.s.

George W. Freeman was showing the beau-ties of White Bear lake Tuesday to G. M.Hunt and R. M. Mears, two of America'sleading shoe manufacturers'.

Dr.A.T.BJgelow and wife,Mr. and Mrs.Hodges, ofSt. Louis, and Rev. S. G.Kenne-dy and wife,of Le- Sueur, are at the Mahto-medi hotel for the summer.

Henry Bockstruck, D.Aberle and family,J. J. Brennau, W. U.Kelly. M. Conchaimand J. C.Miller are registered at the Chateau-gay.

W. F. Peters, of Kansas City: KatherineFalk and D. Anderson are at the Cnateaugayfor the summer.

T. J. Folev, F. E. Whitney. A. R. Mooreaud J. E. Moore registered at Leips lastweek.

James E. Moore and family have takenquarters at Leip"s for the rest of the season.

Mrs. Langdon aud sou and Miss Kelly,ofLincoln. Neb., are at the Chateaugay.

Misses Buchanan aud Otis are at Mabto-medi for the rest of the season.

E. A.Jaggard was the guest of J. H. Greg-ory at Leip's last week.

C. Tyson Butcher is summering at the colonels'.

Judge Cory is registered at tho Williams.Judge Wilkin is at Leip's.

Solely for Sailors.Alas, a lack a day! The Marguerite is dis-

abled, and the Oaks is now ahouse of mourn-ing. One evening last week the Margueritewas layingat her dock, sail up, and not hav-ing covered more than twenty miles duringthat day, she began to "feel her oats," anddecided to gain a few laps, while the sailorswere regaling themselves at dinner.

She sailed awayAcross the bay.With ne'er ahand to baik her;She brought up whach.With a broken back,Aud now they'llhave to caulk her.

Dingle launched anew racing slood in thelake last week, and she is now being putthrough her paces byEugene Bamaley. Shehas been christened "Whale," with a view toher future rivalry with Luther Newport'sshark.

Dr. Welch has decided to part with the lit-tle Fortuna and has offered her for sale.Fortuna is one of the very best boats on thelake, and the doctor win have to go a longdistance a be^tterone.jSome disreputable vandal took it uponhimself to destroy Gus Zenzius' shell onenight last week. The shell was completelyruined.

Harry Drake has become the proud pos-sessor of the swift little cat "Mischief," audis out every evening looking for trouble.

Paul Gotzian is coLsldering the advisabil-ity of taking his yacht Hornet to Minnetonkafora weeks cruise.

DoYou Want to BayA good first mortgage upon St. Paulreal estate? Ihave a number tosell invarious sums, at 6, 7 and 8 per Icent in-terest, payable semi-annually; titleguaranteed. Address W. K. Wiltnot, P.O. Box 2499, St. Paul, Minn.

Extraordinary Values in

We place on sale tomorrow three cases of Wool Suitings, in Au-tumn colorings, allnew and suitable for immediate wear, at

25 Cents Per Yard.These are regular 50-cent goods, and it is probable that many

fabrics ofless intrinsic values willbe sold at that price, and evenhigher, when the season opens.We also offer a large assorted lot of Fins Suitings bought to sell at$1.25 and $1.50, good value at these prices, which we willsell now at

75 Cents Per Yard,Itmay seem a little incongruous to have a sale of FURS in Mid-

summer, but itis good business nevertheless. Those who buy willcertainly save money. We willmake special prices on

Sealskin Cloaks, Electric Seal Cloaks,Astrakhan Fur Cloaks, Fur-Trimmed Cloth Cloaks,

We willsell Fur Capes, made of the best skins, in the latest shapes,including the extra length "MilitaryCape," for very much less thanyou can possibly buy them in October and November.

SPECIAL PRICESWillalso be made on allkinds of

Fur Muffs and the Fashionable Far NeckletsKnown as "Marguerites." These are allnew goods, made for us bythe BEST FURRIERS INAMERICA, on special orders placed in earlyspring when prices were lowest. Ofcourse we get them much cheaperthan ifwe waited, as most merchants do, toplace our orders in Augustand September. You willshare in the benefits of our foresight ifyoubuy now. We willsell stylish shapes in


These nobby styles could not be bought at all for any money, ex-cepting as special orders, during the principal part of last winter. Ittakes time to make these garmsnts in quantities, and those made up toopen the season were allsold out early. At tha close of last winterwe could not buy Astrakhan Fur Cloaks to sell for less than SSO to$60, and they willprobably be higher next winter. .

Good Fur Capes as Low as $4.50.Astrakhan Fur Muffs as Lowas $2.25.

French Sea/ Muffs, $150: v-

Monkey Muffs, $3.00.We cannot lay too much stress on the fact that these

'Furs ara

made by reputable men, manufacturing furriers of the highest standing,whose goods can be depended upon.

We also introduce this week our special importation of Hand-MadoEmbroideries in designs ofextreme beauty and quite new.

Also 2,000 pieces ofNew Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries inbeautiful designs and very fine qualities. Edgings and Insertings tomatch from 5 cents to 25 cents per yard. As good as anything of likequality offered inthe city at double these prices.

Our Department for

Linens and Housekeeping GoodsIs fullof Bargains of the most attractive character. There willbe nodullseason here. You can absolutely depend on our Linens as reliablein every sense. We have the best that can be found, but we do notconfine ourselves to the oldmanufacturers who, trusting to their estab-lished reputation, exact high prices fortheir wares. We give the risingmen a chance. Amid a multiplicity ofattractive values, we select afew for special mention:

Damask Towels, with colored border, size 19x38, at 17 cents.Bleached Damask Napkins, 24 inches square, at $2.75 per dozen.Marseilles Bed Spreads, sixe 11-4, for $1.85.A finer quality inMarseilles Counterpanes for $3.00.

AH Very Cheap.50 Down Quilts, Finest French Satine Covers, regular value $8.00. '.

Special price, $5.00. The first lot was sold out in one day. Thislot willnot last any longer. We advise an early inspection.

We intend making a new departure in our department for

MEN'S FURNISHINGS !With an entirely new stock of the best and most stylish goods in themarket. New goods for Autumn and Winter are already arriving, andallthe goods atpresent in stock willbe closed out without regard tocost or value. Great Bargains in Summer Half Hose, Summer Under-wear and Summer Neckwear this week. It willpay you to give a littletime to their inspection, for they willbe very cheap.

You can buy an ELEGANT

IMPORTED CLOTH WRAPFor the Autumn very cheap ifyoubuy now. Itwill surprise you to seehowlow you can buy garments of genuine merit and hgh style. Thereductions affect every ready-made Cloak in the department. _

\u25a0 ;'

THE PANTELLANew Dress Reform Stockings, for which so many have been waiting, arenow here. There is no certainty that they willbe here long. Th sup-ply is limitedand they sell fast. "

/ :

MailOrders are aivays we/come and receive our best attention.~:

Send innames for our Illustrated Catalogue for Fall and Winter, whichwillbe issued next month. . , . ' . ..

Third and Minnesota Streets, St: Paul, Minn.

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