St. Michael Catholic Church 1512 Pine Ave., Snohomish, WA 98290 (360)-568-0821 / Fax 360-568-6426 www.stmichaelsnohomish.org Pastor: Rev. Milhton Scarpea (110) / [email protected] Deacon: Gene Vanderzanden / [email protected] Deacon: Pierce Murphy / [email protected] Administrator: Michelle Green (101) / [email protected] Office Asst. Spanish: Lecia Alexander (107) / [email protected] Bookkeeper/Accounng: Janice George—[email protected] Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formaon & Evangelizaon: Muriel Sanchez Parra (111)/ [email protected] Music: Bernadino Leyva, Raul Chacon, Melissa Landowski, & Iris Inghram— [email protected] School Principal: Dr. Karen Mahews (104) / [email protected] Preschool 3-4 yrs. and K – 8 th grades Annulment: Lisa Tucke—[email protected]425-941-4778 Carmen Flores—[email protected] Ministry to Homebound —Dianne White—[email protected]360-863-2991 Adoraon: Lorraine Smith - [email protected] -206 963-2895 - St. Michael Staff & Contacts New Parishioners—Welcome to St. Michael and our parish community. Please fill out a registraon form found in the church en- tryway or find it on our website at www.stmichaelsnohomish.org. Aſter compleng, please drop it in the collecon basket. (We ask that you be registered and parcipang with St. Michael for a minimum of 6 months prior to receiving a sacrament.) Come and be a part of the St. Michael Community together in Christ. The Baptism of the Lord– January 13, 2019

St. Michael Catholic Church · 2019-09-18 · —Dianne White [email protected] 360-863-2991 Adoration: Lorraine Smith - [email protected] -206 963-2895 - New Parishioners—Welcome

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Page 1: St. Michael Catholic Church · 2019-09-18 · —Dianne White whitesred@comcast.net 360-863-2991 Adoration: Lorraine Smith - msvalentine@comcast.net -206 963-2895 - New Parishioners—Welcome

St. Michael Catholic Church

1512 Pine Ave., Snohomish, WA 98290

(360)-568-0821 / Fax 360-568-6426 www.stmichaelsnohomish.org

Pastor: Rev. Milhton Scarpetta (110) / [email protected]

Deacon: Gene Vanderzanden / [email protected]

Deacon: Pierce Murphy / [email protected]

Administrator: Michelle Green (101) / [email protected]

Office Asst. Spanish: Leticia Alexander (107) / [email protected]

Bookkeeper/Accounting: Janice George—[email protected]

Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation & Evangelization: Muriel Sanchez Parra (111)/ [email protected]

Music: Bernadino Leyva, Raul Chacon, Melissa Landowski, & Iris Inghram— [email protected]

School Principal: Dr. Karen Matthews (104) / [email protected] Preschool 3-4 yrs. and K – 8th grades

Annulment: Lisa Tuckett—[email protected]—425-941-4778 Carmen Flores—[email protected] Ministry to Homebound —Dianne White—[email protected]— 360-863-2991 Adoration: Lorraine Smith - [email protected] -206 963-2895 -

St. Michael Staff & Contacts

New Parishioners—Welcome to St. Michael and our parish community. Please fill out a registration form found in the church en-

tryway or find it on our website at www.stmichaelsnohomish.org. After completing, please drop it in the collection basket. (We

ask that you be registered and participating with St. Michael for a minimum of 6 months prior to receiving a sacrament.) Come

and be a part of the St. Michael Community together in Christ.

The Baptism of the Lord– January 13, 2019

Page 2: St. Michael Catholic Church · 2019-09-18 · —Dianne White whitesred@comcast.net 360-863-2991 Adoration: Lorraine Smith - msvalentine@comcast.net -206 963-2895 - New Parishioners—Welcome

Thank you for helping us support the needs of our Parish community!

Reaching Out—Changing Lives (Capital Campaign Building Project)

Donations + Interest earned: $1,178,255

Total updated projected project costs: $2,659,000

Thank you for your continued support & prayers! There are “green” Capital Campaign envelopes available in the


Weekly Calendar

Monday– 1/14

Religious Education 6:30pm

Confirmation 6:30pm—8:00pm

Growing in Faith 7:00pm

Tuesday– 1/15

NO confessions Liturgy of the Word 6:00pm

Religious Education (Spanish) 7:00pm

Bible Study (Spanish) 7:00pm (D1)

Wednesday– 1/16 Liturgy of the Word 9:00am


Rosary Prayer Group (7:00pm)

Bible Study (Spanish) 7:00pm

Knights of Columbus 7:30pm

Thursday— 1/17 Liturgy of the Word 9:00am Building Committee Mtg 7:00pm Rosary Prayer Group (Juquila) 7:00pm

Friday –1/18

Mass 9:00am Adoration Bible Study 10:00am Security Team Meeting 1:00pm Grupo De Oracion 7:00pm Saturday– 1/19

Confessions 3:30pm

Vigil Mass 5:00pm

Sunday— 1/20

Mass 8:00am RCIA 9:00am RCIC 9:15am Mass10:30am Mass 5:00pm

No Tuesday evening Confessions through the month of January. Daily Masses will be replaced with Liturgy of the Word services. Daily Mass will be offered on Friday mornings at 9:00am with the school children.

K of C Breakfast—Sunday January 13th—The Knights of Colum-bus will be holding a pancake breakfast after the 8:00 and 10:30 masses on January 13th. Come enjoy a great breakfast with great company, all are welcome!

Funeral—Brice Wagner—Friday January 25th—11:00am

School Open House—Wednesday January 30th—the school staff will be available in the school to offer tours and answer questions about St. Michael School. (Catholic School Week January 28th —February 1st)

Family Movie Night, Prayer for vocations, pizza, beer, wine & milk—Join us on Saturday February 2nd in the large hall. The Knights of Columbus will be hosting family movie night showing McFarland USA. After offering a prayer for vocations, the movie will be started.

Upcoming Events at St. Michael

Building Project Update

School Auction News

Grandparent's/Special Person's Day We are excited to announce our first annual Grandparent's/Special Person's Day will be held on February 8th! Student's special persons are welcomed to join us for Mass beginning at 9 am, followed by activities and refreshments in the class-rooms.

Save the Date! March 9th is our 13th annual auction! Join us for A Night in Oz. Registration opens soon! Tickets available via our web-site or the front office. https://smpschool.ejoinme.org/oz

Update 1/9/19—Our building project continues to move forward. A lot of steps are involved as we move forward.

The lower level walls have been poured and are stand-ing! Now we weatherproof them before backfilling the area.

We are waiting for Pre-construction approval regard-ing our fire suppression for the new building space. Once that is approved, it will be installed and then the lower floor slab can be poured.

An accessible ramp has been installed at the back door in the upper lot for full access to the church when the front doors are no longer available in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this project. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work around the construction project and modify our routines to accommodate everyone.

Page 3: St. Michael Catholic Church · 2019-09-18 · —Dianne White whitesred@comcast.net 360-863-2991 Adoration: Lorraine Smith - msvalentine@comcast.net -206 963-2895 - New Parishioners—Welcome

Knights of Columbus—St. Michael Council #9664, Grand Knight: Jim Sekulich—[email protected]

Society of St. Vincent DePaul Pres.—Deborah Beland - [email protected]—For assistance call: 425-355-3504

Volunteer Appreciation

Come enjoy an evening out with your sweetheart! The Knights of Columbus would like to invite you to the 15th annual Sweetheart Dinner & Dance to be held in the large hall Saturday, February 9th at 6:30 PM. Dinner will include your choice of steak, chicken or vegetarian option with music provided by The Fun Factory. Res-ervation forms are available in the narthex.

The Knights of Columbus will be selling raffle tickets in the nar-thex. Prizes are a Microsoft Xbox one X, $150 in cash and $50 in cash. All proceeds support the Steve Soraparu Scholarship and St. Michael’s school. Tickets are $5 each. The drawing will be held at the Sweetheart dinner dance on February 9th.

Upcoming Knights of Columbus Events

We will have a number of visiting priests sharing Masses with us each weekend in January. Let’s welcome them and show them our appreciation.

If you are available and willing to help us out with either inviting them for a meal or for transportation to and from the airport, please call the office so we can schedule ap-propriately.

Thank you for helping us to show our appreciation. What a great way to get to know our priests.

Thank you!

Hospitality for Visiting Priests

Free Desks/office chairs/table

Rachel’s Corner

“When you are in a difficult situation and everything seems to be against you, to the point where you feel like you can’t handle one more minute, don’t give up, because that is the precise place and time in which the tide will change. “ - Harriet Beecher Stowe

The beginning of a year is a wonderful time for a tide to change. Are you ready to lay that burden down? The one that you have carried inside since the day of the abortion decision? Make the decision to start this New Year by handing God that burden and letting Him set you free.

Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation. Registering now for our next healing retreats: March 8-10 & April 5-7, both in English.

English: (206) 920-6413 / Español: (206)-450-7814 www.ccsww.org/projectrachel

We give our heartfelt grateful thanks to Bill & Pat Jack who have spent hours here at the church this week helping with Christmas Decorations and Liturgy of the Word ser-vice.

We also give our heartfelt, grateful thanks to Steve Warn-er, Ron Vitalich, Tom Fuchs & Charlie Green for their help and endless hours working on the bell tower which should be replaced very soon.

We are grateful for Joaquin Sierra & Alejandro Sierra for their help in removing some rhododendrons that needed to be moved for our construction project.

Thank you -Thank you -Thank you!!!!

St. Michael Parish & School has been blessed with donations of office furniture. This means we have some items to pass along to others. If you could use a sturdy desk, please see what is availa-ble in the Large Hall. Only the desks and tables that are marked are available. First come, first serve. We need the desks moved as soon as possible. Please let the office know if you need help moving them.

Today we celebrate the baptism of Christ in the Jordan. This is the second epiphany, or manifestation, of the Lord. The past, the present, and the future are made manifest in this epiphany. The most holy one placed Himself among us, the unclean and sinners. The Son of God freely hum-bled Himself at the hand of the Baptist. By His baptism in the Jordan, Christ man-ifests His humility and dedicates Himself to the redemption of man. He takes up-on Himself the sins of the whole world and buries them in the waters of the Jor-dan. — The Light of the World by Benedict Baur, O.S.B.

Feast of the Baptism of Christ