Sponges and Cnidaria

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  • 8/3/2019 Sponges and Cnidaria


    Sponges and Cnidaria

    Of the many phyla of multicellular animals, one is most often

    separated by biologists out into its own Kingdom: the sponges'

    group,Porifera. There are reasons to think that the protozoa

    that led to their multicelled existence were different than those

    that led to the rest of the animals, and that alone should put

    them in a different Kingdom. Of course, as is always true in

    these discussions, none of this matters to the sponges.

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    Poriferans are commonly referred to as sponges. An early

    branching event in the history of animals separated the sponges

    from othermetazoans. As one would expect based on theirphylogenetic position, fossil sponges are among the oldest

    known animal fossils, dating from the Late Precambrian. Since

    then, sponges have been conspicuous members of many fossil

    communities; the number of described fossil genera exceeds

    900. The approximately 5,000 living sponge species are

    classified in the phylum Porifera, which is composed of three

    distinct groups, the Hexactinellida (glass sponges),

    the Demospongia, and the Calcarea (calcareous sponges).

    Sponges are characterized by the possession of a feeding system

    unique among animals. Poriferans don't have mouths; instead,

    they have tiny pores in their outer walls through which water is

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    drawn. Cells in the sponge walls filter goodies from the water as

    the water is pumped through the body and out other larger

    openings. The flow of water through the sponge is

    unidirectional, driven by the beating of flagella which line thesurface of chambers connected by a series of canals. Sponge

    cells perform a variety of bodily functions and appear to be

    more independent of each other than are the cells of other


    Sponges are multicellular, but just barely. There are several

    species that can withstand being completely pulled apart until

    all of the cells are separate, which can re-form a sponge. Unlike

    true colonials, the cells can't live indefinitely on their own, but

    this re-formation ability is still just a small step above

    colonialism. Once formed, sponges cannot move around. They

    are sessile, meaning that they generally stay in one place.

    About the only ability they have to move comes in their

    swimming sperm and in an early, flagellated embryo form.

    Sponges do not spread very quickly.

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    Sponges are made up of two layers of cells, and ectoderm /

    epidermis and an endoderm, with a jellyish but non-cellular

    layer between. The ectoderm is a protective outer covering

    which is full of pores and channels leading to an inner chamber

    of set of channels lined with a type of feeding cell called

    achoanocyteor collar cell. A flagellum is surrounded by a ring

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    like a comb; the flagellum draws water through the comb,

    where tiny particles are caught and carried down to the cell

    itself. Food particles are taken in and digested inside the

    sponge's cells and the nutrients shared.

    Animals that draw water through structures and strain food out

    are calledfilter feeders. Sponges are filter feeders, but there

    are many other filter feeders in many other phyla. Since they

    pass large amounts of water and tend to take in lots of

    particles, filter feeders are often used as environmental

    monitors - if something in the water goes bad, often the filter

    feeders are the first to show the effects.

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    Wandering about the jelly layer and positioned between the

    collar cells are cells called amebocytes; these do the actual

    digesting of food, but they can also crawl to where a cell is

    dying or has been lost and change to replace it - they can

    become a tough epidermis cell or a collar cell, or a sperm / egg

    making cell when necessary. It's just a matter of expressing

    different genes to take on the different forms and functions.

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    The jellyish layer is reinforced with stiff needles of various

    materials. These are called spicules, and the type of material

    used in the spicules is the main determinant of which sponge

    subgroup a species belongs to: sponges that lack stiff spicules

    (and were once used as bath sponges) and are reinforced

    mostly with protein fibers; sponges that use glassy and very

    pointy silicate spicules, the glass sponges; sponges that use

    calcium carbonate (the same material our bones are made out




    In many ways, animals from the PhylumCnidariaseem very

    similar to sponges: these animals also have an outside

    (ectoderm or epidermis) and inside(endoderm or gastrodermis) cellular layer with a jellyish layer

    with roaming replacement amebocytes in between, and many

    Cnidarians are sessile, with swimming sperm and sometimes

    swimming larvae. However, that's about as far as the

    resemblance goes.

    Cnidarians are almost exclusivelypredators, catching and

    eating other animals. The characteristic feature of the groups,

    their cnida, are devices through which they capture prey: they

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    might deliver a paralyzing sting, a capturing harpoon and cable,

    or a tangling net. The poisonous sting, callednematocysts, is

    the most common type of cnida. The old name for the phylum

    was Coelenterata, a name based upon their internal space, but

    there was nothing especially unique about that structure, while

    cnidae, the basis for the new name, are not found in any other


    Although Cnidarians are often not considered complex enough

    to have tissues, they do have strands of cells that act as muscles

    and a nervous system, although there are no processors or

    "brains." They almost always have a ring oftentacles around

    the mouth, which opens to allow food to be pushed into an

    inner space called thegastrovascular cavity. The "gastro" part

    of the name is from the fact that digestion occurs there

    ("gastro" = "stomach"), and the "vascular" part is from the

    extension of the hollows to all parts of the body for distribution

    of nutrients and oxygen, like a vascular (tube distribution)

    system. The body around the gastrovascular cavity can be

    varied in shape, but it always has a pattern calledradial

    symmetry: a circular pattern where the features in any "pizza

    slice" will more-or-less duplicate those in another slice the

    same size. Some animals, including several types of Cnidarians,

    have radial symmetry that follows a specific numeric

    pattern; sea anemones, for instance, areoctoradially

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    symmetrical, with any one-eighth slice equivalent to any other

    one-eighth slice.

    Two main body plans can be found in the

    Cnidarians: polyps,with the tentacles and mouth on top, and

    usually a column-shaped sessile body, andmedusae,with the

    tentacles and mouth underneath, and usually a bell-shaped

    body that can pulse and swim - a jellyfish. There are some

    groups with just one or the other, and some with both, and no

    one knows for sure which shape came first - the oldest fossils

    include both.

    In the Cnidarian groups that have both forms, a type

    ofalternation of generationsis followed that allows a sessile

    animal to spread great distances. The polyp forms are

    the asexual stage, able to make lots and lots of polyps and

    spread locally, and to asexually produce the genetically-

    identical-but-physically-different medusae. The medusae are

    the sexual stage, able to swim away from the parent (and drift

    long distances asplankton), find other medusae to mate with,

    and drop larvae where they might be able to colonize an

    entirely new area, such as near islands newly-risen from the sea



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    Most Cnidarians are marine, or living in ocean / sea

    environments; these include many varieties ofcorals, which

    commonly secrete a hard, even rocky, material around

    themselves, as well as groups that are jellyfish but never polyps

    (all of the jellyfish more than about 5 centimeters in diameter

    are in this group) and groups that are large polyps but never

    medusae (such as the sea anemones). Of the few fresh-water

    types of Cnidarians, the hydrais probably the best-known.

    Hydras, which can migrate up streams to move into new lakes,

    do not have a medusa form, which makes sense in a stream

    environment. A few Cnidarians found in large, old lake systems

    may still have medusa stages.

    Perhaps the oddest Cnidarians are thePortuguese Man-o-

    War, a colony of varies polyps that produces a gas-

    filled float from which the feeding tentacle hang down. These

    drift in the wind, paralyzing and drawing in fish (and occasional

    swimmers) down to as much as 30 meters below.

    Some Cnidarians produce venom that can kill a human - a

    relatively small Australian jellyfish kills more people every year

    there than sharks. People also may develop allergies to stings

    that can be as severe as bee-sting allergies. When you also

    consider that just being stung can panic and disorient someone

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    enough to cause them to drown, it's obvious that in many ways

    these can be dangerous beasties.